12008 July 01

I watched the people move across the large stage to the north of me. The stage was wood, with a brown floor and a rounded front. There seemed to be pale-yellow drapes pulled back on either side of the stage. The stage had two entrances: one on the east and one on the west. Both entrances had thick light-yellow trim around the doors. I was sitting on the eastern side of the audience, in the large room. Several of the actors were coming out from the framed doorway and introducing themselves. I looked across the audience, feeling as though i had been part of this play. $F38 and $F39 were sitting in the audience, just to the west of me, one row back. The row of seats in the audience curved slightly to match the curve on the front of the stage. The ceiling was high, and seemed to be dull-yellow with dark-brown trim. This building seemed old and a little run down, but there was something special about this place. I was aware of the tech booth in the steep back wall of the theater. I watched the stage again as $A518 came of the western door and walked to the eastern side of the stage. She started talking, greeting the audience, but she said something like “good not to see you”. She then paused awkwardly, and i wondered whether there was more to her statement. I then remembered that she was not able to do the performance this evening. This was her way of telling the audience that she had to leave. Someone behind me, who seemed to be $F39 or $F38, mentioned that she was not doing the show as they realized it themselves. $A518 turned abruptly and walked to the north, out the eastern door of the stage. I felt that there should have been more to her lines and decided that she must have been too nervous to state them. I was then standing near the back of the audience as a few more people came out onto the stage to say things. I felt a little uncomfortable here, even though there seemed to be something special with this event. The audience started to move around because there was a pause in the show. I backed out into the hallway, not feeling so well. I had been sick, and i thought that i would go home to lie down. I was aware that other people knew that i was sick. I walked to the southern end of the entry hall as the others gathered around the long tables in the white room. Then the people seemed to be leaving to the east, and the room seemed to be clearing out. I felt confused and wandered to the west. $F45 had just left with some of $G11. I was unhappy and moved around this area, trying to think of what i should be doing. I noticed the white square metal frame that was standing against the southwestern wall of the hallway. It looked like a goal net, with white nylon netting running down it. It was actually a piece of art. There were several works of art in this gallery. I stared to the northwest, down the corridor of the gallery, when i realized that my left pant leg was caught on the bottom of the net. I looked down, seeing that it was caught on a metal bar on the bottom of the net. I tried to pull my pants free, but it started tearing the net. I could not get it free, and i started to worry that i was damaging the sculpture. I kept trying to pull my leg free, but it would not come free. Soon, i no longer cared if i was breaking the sculpture. I finally managed to pull my foot free, but managed to pull some of the netting off of the metal frame in doing so. I continued to the north, when i realized that there was a man standing on the northern end of the gallery. He asked me whether i liked the sculpture. I told him that it was nice but that it was not a type of art that i really related to. I said that i liked other things. He then referred to the spoons that were sitting on a table to the east. The handles of the spoons were black and shaped like cartoon reindeer. I agreed that i did like the spoons, but then realized how silly it sounded to be interested in something so trite. I explained that i did not adore the spoons as much as i made it sound, but that i simply collected them because i had similar ones already.

12008 July 02

I stood up, letting the young man up. I had been wrestling him, and i was pinning him to the ground. I had won the match. I felt good about it, and was surprised that i had done so well. I patted him on the left shoulder as he faced me. He seemed like $A481. We had been wrestling on red mats on the western side of the large gymnasium. I walked to the northeast, thinking about the wrestling tournament. I had registered for the large tournament, which seemed to be coming up. As i thought about the large show, which i had been at before, and i thought about how good i had felt wrestling the young man. I had to get ready to go to the tournament, but i started to feel a little uneasy. I thought about the large area where the games were being held, and i was not exactly sure where on the grounds i would have to go to register for the matches. I looked at the maps that were in front of me. It showed a detailed picture of the fairgrounds with areas in white where events were to be held. It showed that the wrestling tournament was to be held in the square are on the north side of the fairgrounds, but it did not show enough detail to say where the registration table was inside that area. I started to feel uncertain about going to the tournament. I did not feel that i was good enough to compete in the events there. I then thought that i might not want to show up at the registration. I could simply go watch the matches and forget about participating in the matches. It felt as though i had registered for the tournament the last time it was held, which would have been a year ago. I could claim that i had forgotten about the match. I did not know what to do.

I was sitting on the bench, just to the east of my mother. We were facing south, and i started to arrange the poppy-seed bagel on the white paper plate in front of me when i realized that there was cream cheese on the side of the bagel. It was a little messy, so i thought that i should go find a napkin. We had forgotten to get any. I turned to the east and stood up, telling my mother that i would be right back after i got a napkin. I headed to the north, down the narrow alley between the two large college buildings. I remembered this place from before, as though i had been here many times before. As i came to the northern side of the buildings, i turned to the east. There was a white wooden door in the gray stone wall of the large building to the east of me. I walked in the door and started up the stairwell. The white stairs seemed clean and very modern, as thought they had been newly remodeled. I came to the second floor of the building and found myself in a hallway at the top of the stair. The stairs had started up to the south, and then turned back on themselves in the tight stairwell, so that i exited the stairwell to the north. The door of the stairwell closed behind me, and i looked down the corridor to the east. The carpeting of the new hallway seemed to be bluish-gray, and the walls were clean and white. I had expected to take the stairs to a higher floor, but was surprised to find that they ended at the corridor. I knew that the southern end of the building was at a higher elevation that the northern side, so i should now be at ground level with the front. I knew that i still had to go up one flight of stairs to get back to the kitchen area. I noticed a dark-gray door in the southern wall, just to the east of me. There was a narrow rectangular window in the door, with a thin white frame around it. I realized that this door must lead to another stairwell. I opened the door, aware of the man in the business suit who had followed me up the first set of stairs. I held open the door on the first set of stairs as i opened the door to the next set. The man came out, and i continued up the second set, coming out in a small corridor. The corridor ran a short distance to the east, where it ended in a glass wall. It then seemed to curve back around to the west, rising like a ramp. There was a railing separating the higher elevation of the ramp to the south from the lower part that i was on. I knew that the library was on the other side of the glass wall, and it seemed that i could see shelves of books through the glass. I walked up the ramp, remembering that there was a kitchen area to the south, and that the doorway was at the top of the ramp, on the western side of the southern wall. I passed the door to the library, where someone was watching me pass. I saw the corridor leading to the south and started for it, thinking that i must have left the kitchen and walked out the southern side of the building before. It would have been easier to come back in that way, but i had forgotten about it. I decided that it was not easy to get back into the building from the south because the doors must be locked. I walked into the kitchen and over to the table, which stuck out from the western wall of the small room. There were white square napkins on the eastern edge of the table. I picked a few up and then looked at the trays on the southern edge of the table. I also needed a knife to spread the cream cheese. I picked up one of the black plastic knives from a gray plastic utensil tray.

I walked under the open structure that was in the school yard. The yellow structure seemed to be a set of square columns that supported a wide roof. It ran north to south, parallel to the western side of the large school building. I could not see the school, but it seemed to be an old brick building. I stood in one of the openings, between two of the columns as several of the students ran to the west, toward the playground. They seemed familiar, and one of them seemed to be $A153. I felt that we were all in elementary school. Someone was getting something, and i was supposed to do something with it.

12008 July 03

I felt distraught at what had happened. I was in the small house where the family had gathered. $A141 was standing to the east of me. Something terrible had happened to his brother. $A141 mentioned his brother, and i looked to the bed, beyond $A141. The full-size bed with the yellow spread had its head against the southern wall of the room. $A500 was lying in the bed. Something bad had happened to him. At first, i thought that he was dead, but i realized that he was horribly disfigured. His head seemed bloated and mottled with red sores. He had been in some kind of accident. I moved across the room. I did not feel as thought i knew this family too well, but i felt very upset about what had happened to $A500. This situation felt very important, but i could not figure out what the significance of it was. I then started to notice some of the other people in the room. It now seemed that $A141 had several brothers. I tried to focus on the people here, but i realized that i was unsure whether $A500 was really the one who had died. This was a terrible tragedy, and i felt that i should pay attention to these events. I looked around the room, noticing that there were many other people gathered. I realized that $A141 had a few sisters i had not known about either. I turned to the south, coming to the front door of the small run-down white house. $F42 stood in the doorway. He had something to do with this tragedy. He was very upset, and i knew that someone had died that we had both been very close to. I was still upset, and this felt like something very significant. I headed across the yard, to the west. $F42’s small white house was behind me, to the east, and i knew that he was coming out to go with us somewhere. I headed across the green grass of the small yard. The area around me seemed to be a trailer park or campground. There were dirt roads running between the oddly shaped lawns. There was a thick green set of bushes growing in the southwestern corner of the yard, and i passed to the north of them as i drove onto the dirt road. I was aware that the others would be coming from the other direction and would probably use the driveway that ran along the eastern side of the yard. I turned to the south, surprised to find that i came out on the dirt road that ran along the eastern side of the yard. The roads around the yard did not run in a perfect grid, and i realized that they had twisted in a way that i had not expected, bring me to the front of the house before i thought i would arrive there. I waited for $F42 and the others to come from the house, thinking that i should tell them how i got here from the other roads.

12008 July 04

I took off my shoes and continued to the north, across the corridor of the train station. I realized suddenly that i was in New York City, so the cement ground here was probably dirty, but i did not mind. As i walked, i wondered if anyone would tell me that i had to have my shoes on here. The area was poorly lighted with fluorescent lights, and the cement seemed dirty. The northern wall was made of a metal or plexiglas material, and i knew that there was a train platform just beyond it. I seemed to be on the second floor of a transit station, and the area to the north of the wall seemed to have many train platforms in a large open room. The tracks seemed to run east to west. I was on the eastern end of the corridor, and there seemed to be a cement wall to the east of me. I touched the blue panel on the northern wall. The central section of the wall was blue, and there were small triangular plastic windows in it. The wall looked like the side of a train, with the blue forming a sweeping line from the ceiling to the west of me to the thick straight blue band running down the central portion of the wall to the east. I realized that the panel i was touching was not actually a door. I would not be able to go this way to get to the train tracks. I looked to the west, down the long hall, to see if there were any access panels in the northern wall that i could go through. I did not see any. There was a cement enclosure just to the west of me, in the middle of the corridor. It enclosed a set of stairs that descended to the lower level. Beyond it, i could see kiosks along the northern wall of the corridor and shops set into the southern wall. There seemed to be a few people wandering around near the shops. Two young boys came down the corridor toward me. I noticed that neither of them were wearing shoes, and i thought that they seemed to be shoeless because they felt that it was tough. I then wondered if they simply were too poor to own shoes. They asked me if i knew where i could pick up the proper forms. Their mother now seemed to be to the west of them, and i realized that they were visiting this area as well. I told them that i was also visiting here and that i did not know about the forms. The mother touched the shoulders of the boys and leaded them back down the hall to the west. She was wearing a long red flannel coat. I headed to the west and turned into the stairwell, heading down. I came out in the small bedroom of the house. It was dark still, as though it was early morning. There was a bed against the southern wall of the room, and i entered through the door in the center of the western wall. The walls of the room were pale green, and the apartment looked old. The man, who had been sleeping on the bed, woke up as i came in. I immediately noticed the small black burn marks in the dull green carpeting of the room. Something had started a fire there. I thought that it might have been a cigarette and i asked the man if he had been smoking. He said that he had. I informed him that he could not smoke in the building because it would set off the alarms. I also did not want smoking in the apartment. I started to walk around the room, as did the man. The man was $A519. I suddenly felt that i wanted to embrace him and say hello because it was very good to see him, but i felt that i could not because i had to be strict about enforcing the smoking rules. He turned to the east and turned off the faucet, which was to the south of the door, in the center of the eastern wall. I realized that the smoke from the cigarettes must have set off the sprinkler system in the house. I was annoyed and wondered what had gotten damaged. I moved to the doorway in the northern section of the eastern wall. It was a white wooden door with chipping paint and a window in the top half. It looked out onto the porch on the second floor of the building. The wooden floor of the porch was wet, but there was not too much water on it. This was good, because it meant that there had not been too much damage from the sprinklers. I turned to the west and headed up the slope of the cement ramp in the parking garage. I was now watching myself from the south as i ascended the level of the parking garage. I was near the southern side of the garage, and i watched myself walk along the thick metal guardrail that was held up by the square cement pillars. The pillars seemed very tall and thin, and they supported a thin cement ceiling high above the parking spaces. It was dark to the north of me, as though the other sides of the parking garage were enclosed. I reached the southwestern corner of the building as i watched myself walk up the ramp to the end of the building, just to the northeast of me. The western end of the parking garage was open to the outside, and the cement parking area was level with the dry dirt ground outside. I looked out across the lawn of dry thin grass to the west. I then noticed the olive-green car than was parked in a space just to the east of the exit. The exit was on the southern end of the western wall of the garage, where there were no railings. The shiny green car was a jaguar convertible. It looked very nice. A man sat in the driver’s seat of the car, and i felt a little suspicious of him. I then noticed that there were several other very nice cars parked in the spots to the east. I started to move around, heading to the west with the others. They were gathering for something at the western end of the parking garage. I then heard the ringing noise, and i felt tense. I looked around. The man in the car was very annoyed that the alarms in the garage were going off. I hoped that we had not done anything to set them off, and i thought about the sprinkler systems turning on. I hoped that the smoke did not trigger the alarm. I wondered what to do.

12008 July 05

I woke up suddenly and found myself floating in the shallow water of the blue swimming pool. I felt out of place here. Something was wrong. I looked around for my clothes. They were on the tile ground to the northeast. I started getting dressed, trying to hurry so that i could get out of here, but people started coming into the room. I did not want them to see me, so i backed to the west, into the other room. I was not able to grab my pants from the ground before i left. I had to get out of the room before the others came back in and saw me. I then realized that there was a woman in the pool. She seemed threatening, and i realized that she was a fortuneteller. She looked at me and said something. I had to get out, and i knew that she did not have any power over me. The fortuneteller held up the dark-blue pen toward me. It was some kind of threat because she was trying to cast her power over. I focused my abilities and tried to slip between the air before she could affect me. My view became obscured as i slipped between the air.

I was in the basement of my parents’ house, but something seemed strange here. I wondered why i was here. I did not know why i was doing something here. It was rather dark in the room, so i moved over to the northern wall on the western side of the basement and turned on the lights. There were boxes and items all around the basement. There were several switches on the wall, and i looked at them. Several of them did not turn on lights in the basement, and i thought that they must control other parts of the house. I looked around, confused. I then walked back to the western side of the basement, trying to figure out what i was doing here. I remembered that i usually showed up here in dreams when something was wrong. It usually involved someone breaking into the house from the west. I looked at the western side of the basement, but there was no one there. I then looked back to the east. I saw a truck drive past the two small windows in the upper part of the eastern wall of the basement. A second larger delivery truck moved to the north, past the windows. There were people here, and they should not be here. I looked out the window, seeing that there were several trucks in the driveway. There were too many of them, and they should not be here. I stopped to listen. The house seemed empty, but the people were gathering around outside. I knew that they would try to break in, and i started to worry about what i should do. I was in the kitchen now, near the window in the eastern wall. I backed to the west, finding myself in the dining room. There were white walls between the dining room and the kitchen, and the doors in them were closed. I walked to the northern door and checked it, making sure that it was locked. The kitchen was sealed off, so that the men could not get into it. I was worried about the rest of the house, though, and thought that i should get to a secure place. $X5 ran from the kitchen door to the northwest, across the room. She was scared, and i know that it had to do with the men coming into the house. I picked up the telephone to call emergency. I hoped that the people had not cut the telephone lines. I dialed the telephone but then realized that it did not sound correct. There was a tone that sounded like a modem. I walked out the kitchen door and started down the driveway, away from the house. I had to get away from here. I took out my cell phone and looked at it. The display showed that the phone was searching for a network and could not connect to a cell. I walked to the road, scared and wondering what to do. I noticed a large dark van coming down the road from the west. I tried to flag it down, but it did not slow down for me. I did not know what to do. I was still several meters from the road, so i started to the southeast, toward the road and away from the driveway to my parents’ house. I crossed the tall weeds, approaching the road. I then noticed a car moving from the shoulder of the road to the southwest of me. It had been parked in front of my parents’ house, and i realized that it must be with the bad guys. I was worried and turned back to the northeast, running into the thin woods to hide from the car. I had to get away.

12008 July 06

I moved around the small living room with the others. This place was a new house of $F45’s and mine. The room was small and seemed run down. My view then moved around to several of the other rooms in the house. I noticed that many of the places in this house seemed old and worn, but i felt that we could fix them up eventually. I moved to the southwestern corner of the small living room. There was a thick pale-blue rug in the center of the room, leaving less that a metre of the wood floor on all sides. I noticed the new chair that was sitting to the north of me, in front of the doorway that led to the next room, where the others were. $F45 had just bought the new chair, which seemed to be a recliner. I tried to maneuver the chair into place in the southwest corner of the room, facing it east. It was nice to see the new furnishings, and i thought about the chair that it would replace. I looked to the north, noticing an older chair against the northern wall, facing south. It seemed to be a wide low wooden frame with a thick cushion folded over the seat and back. It was not the chair that we were replacing. I thought that this chair was more like the sofa in the room, so we would keep it. I was also aware that the television was in the center of the east wall of the room. I said something about the new furnishings to my mother, who was on the telephone. I was holding the telephone up to my left ear as i arranged some of the furnishings. I then started to feel strange about mentioning the new stuff, knowing that we were supposed to be saving money. I knew that my mother would worry about us spending our savings. I continued to arrange the furnishings as i moved around the apartment. I then turned to the west to talk to the others in the room. There was a large bed with its headboard against the southern wall. A family was sitting around the bed, but they did not seem to be my family. I was just visiting this place. I realized that $F12 and his twin brother were in the room. One of them was reclined against the southern wall, in the bed. His twin’s name was David. I felt confused, unaware that he had a twin brother. I remembered his older brother and his sister. I looked around at the people who were standing around the western side of the bed. They were all siblings of $F12. He really had many brothers. This seemed strange to me that i had never heard about this, and i turned to the south. $F45 was now with me. We were driving down the street from the house, and i thought that we were heading home. We were in the car together, and $F45 seemed to be driving. I looked at the map in my hands. I knew that we would have to get on the highway to head west. I looked at the red line on the map. I knew that we were on the thick black line, which was a street, and i could see where they intersected. I remembered going home this way several times before, but things seemed quite different this time, as though it had been a long time ago. I looked up again and saw that the road passed through some tall apartment buildings and crossed over a bridge. The highway seemed to run under the bridge, but i did not see the access roads for us to get onto the highway. I wondered suddenly if this was not actually the correct way. The road crossed the highway and suddenly ended. There was a large factory complex to the south and west of us. $F45 had turned the car to the west in hopes of getting on the highway, but the road ended in a cul-de-sac in front of the factory gates. We turned the car around and drove to the east, finding ourselves in a housing complex that ran adjacent to the highway. There was no access to the highway, or access to a bridge across the highway. I wondered what we could do. The building to the north of us was tall and thin. It was relatively modern, with a white edifice that had small balconies protruding from it at uneven intervals. The building seemed run down and dirty, and there were some people standing out front, watching us go by. I then noticed a green overpass to the east of us. It was a metal bridge that seemed to pass over a crossing street, and i noticed that there was a ramp leading up to the level of the highway along the side of the bridge. I wondered if it was the right way to get onto the highway. I moved to the east and north, climbing through the thin red metal girders of the closed roadway, which seemed to pass under the highway. Our view was obscured to either side by the wood planking that was nailed up on the walls of the girders, forming a corridor of wood that ran parallel to the highway. We seemed quite high now, and we moved carefully to the east. I thought that this was actually an unfinished highway overpass that we had walked on to. I watched $F45 walk carefully down one of the planks, heading to the east. The wood swayed under him, and i realized that it might actually be dangerous to climb through this unfinished construction project. I looked to the east, down the length of the wooden corridor. I could not see an exit, and i wondered how we could get out of here. We should go back and try to find a better way to the highway. I then looked out over the city to the north. I was several stories up, and the highway seemed to be under me. There was a street below the edge of the structure that i was on. It ran east to west, along the northern side of the highway. I suddenly wondered why i simply did not fly home. My home seemed to be to the northwest, and i felt that i should simply jump up and float over the city. I knew that it would be hard to navigate over a city i was not that familiar with, but i felt that i should do it.

12008 July 08

I stepped to the east, up onto the wooden porch on the western side of the dull green house. We were visiting this place. The porch was wooden, and seemed to be supported by thin square wooden poles on each corner. The porch seemed to be cheaply built and was painted the same pale green as the rest of the house. It had short walls around the south and west sides and seemed to be open to the house to the east and north. I said something to $F45, but then my attention was drawn by some noise to the south. I looked down the hill that was to the north of the porch. The house to the southwest had a porch directly to the south of us, and there was a party going on there. The cement path to the porch led past the west of the porch i was on, descended a set of steps, and curved to the east a little. I was interested in the party that was happening, but i ignored it. $F45 then noticed the folded up rug sitting on the grass just below the porch, to the southwest. It was lying next to the walkway and seemed to be discarded. I then pointed out the cushioned chair that had also been thrown out. It was maroon and seemed old and run down. As i moved off of the porch to look at it, it was red. $F45 left the porch and went down to get the rug. He was going to bring it home, since it seemed like a good rug. I watched him for a moment as he walked below the porch and grabbed the rug. He was nervous about the people at the party seeing him grab the old rug, since it was intended as trash. I turned around and noticed the green guitar that was hanging on the porch. It was also intended for trash, but i thought that it looked like a pretty good guitar. It was hanging by the head from a U-shaped hook on the ceiling. I lifted the guitar off of the hook and looked it over as i faced to the east. It had a sleek bright green polished body. It seemed to be very light and thin. I thought that it probably did not play well, especially since it had been left out in the rain. I wondered if it would be good for parts. I looked at the pickups in the center of the guitar, noticing that the strings were held up in the center by a tall bowed bridge. There was a black square pickup in the center of the guitar, but the face of the guitar was bowed up under the strings, forcing the strings to curve over the center of the guitar. The pickups and the bridge seemed very nice, and i wondered if i should take the guitar. I then though that it might have been left on the porch for a reason and was not really trash. I was nervous about taking it, so i walked to the north, into the front room of the apartment. The man who owned the guitar was here, and i wanted to ask him if the guitar was trash. I showed the man the guitar, telling him that it was getting wet outside. I could not tell if he cared or not. I stressed that the guitar would have to be dried before it was used, but that it should still be good. I was trying to convince him that it was a good guitar still, but i never got to ask him if i could have it or if it was trash. He seemed a little disinterested.

12008 July 09

I was working in this new office, which was a large open room with a high ceiling. The room was separated into cubicles, which had plastic orange and white walls. I could see the dark exterior wall of the room to the west of me. It seemed to be made of polished stone, or some substance that resembled stone. There was a doorway or other recess in the lower part of the wall, but i could only see the top of it over the cubicles. $A420 was standing to the northwest of me, in the open area between the cubicles. I was in the middle of the cubicles, but seemed to be in one of the corridors. There was a xerograph machine to the northwest of me, against the wall. I said something to $A420 as he walked to the south of me. I turned to the east and walked across the modern looking office. I was now out of the cubicles. There was a wide corridor down the eastern side of the room that ran north to south. I had to use the lavatory, so i walked through the northern doorway of the two doorways in the eastern wall. It seemed that the exit to the room was to the south of me. I came into the large open bathroom, which was made of the same polished stone-like substance. The ceiling was white, and there seemed to be chrome fixtures on the sinks along the eastern half wall. I moved to the southeastern corner of the room, where the toilets seemed to be. There was a large potted plant with broad tall leafs standing in front of the toilets. I pushed past the plant to use the toilet, but i realized that there was something sticky on the seats. The toilet looked dirty, and i did not really want to use it. As i stepped backward from the toilet, i realized that i had gotten the sticky stuff on my feet as well. I thought that someone must have urinated all over the toilet and floor. I was disgusted with the place. I wondered how i would urinate in the toilet without getting close to it. I did not want to get any more sticky stuff on my feet. I paced around the room, looking for options on what i could do. I then realized that i could see over the half wall behind the sinks into the other bathrooms to the east. There was a short piece of opaque glass on top of the wall, but i could easily see over it, noticing a line of toilets along the eastern wall of the other room. The other room seemed to be the women’s room, and i thought that it was strange that i would be able to see from one bathroom to the other. I did not understand what i was supposed to do here. I could see a glass door on the southern end of the eastern wall that led into a small outside porch. There were two small toilet stalls on either side of the porch, and both seemed to be exposed to the outside. I turned back to the west, finding myself in the large storage room with tall shelves around me. The man was showing me how to do the job with the boxes on the shelves. The boxes looked like books, with a hinged lid that opened toward the back of the box. Documents and books were stored within the boxes, and i was supposed to process them and mark things down on the paper that was attached to the clipboard. The man talked about the job as he opened several of the boxes to check the contents. There seemed to be strange things in the boxes that did not really seem to have anything to do with my job. The man closed one of the boxes on the shelf to the west of us and we walked down the hall to the south. I then heard the announcement over the speakers. They were saying something about the office. I was back in the large room with the cubicles. I felt confused and did not know what i should be doing at this new job. I had come back to work here, but i felt as though i did not really know what to do yet. I wondered if i should ask people what work i should be doing, but then i realized that i did not know whom to ask. I sat down in the blue office, which was a small cubicle. This was my office, and i was working at the desk on the western wall. I was writing entries into the logs for the books from several of the boxes from the shelves. I had gone through some of the boxes to make sure the contents were correct. I then noticed that it was somewhat dark here, and i was having trouble reading under the light from my desk. I looked up, noticing that there were large domed lights hanging from the high ceiling over the cubicles at regular intervals. The light directly over my cubicle had gone out, which made it darker in my cube. I felt uncomfortable here and did not want to be here. I continued my work, aware that there was probably a camera watching what i was doing. I then heard the announcement over the speakers about the meeting. It seemed to refer to the meeting as a tirade, but i knew that it was the afternoon get-together. I felt as though i had been working on this job for a while. The meeting was actually an individual meeting with the manager. The announcement then said that the meeting was an individual interview for “Snuggler’s Resort”. I thought that management was actually offering rooms in Smuggler’s Notch in Vermont as an incentive prize. I was amused by the attempt to placate the workers. I was then back in the room where all of the cases of books were stacked on the shelfs. There were many rows of shelves, and i seemed to be in front of the shelfs on the western wall. One of the boxes to the left of me, about head level, said “orgasm” on the front of it. I pulled the box from the shelf, thinking that this was not a box that was supposed to be here. I opened the lid to the box and noticed a red board game inside. The game had large words on the top that said it got caught. I remembered this game from before, and i thought that i already had the other folder that went with it. The other folder had more details of the case that this box related to. I went back to my desk, taking the box with me. I had the other files open on the desk on the western wall of the cubicle. Something seemed different here. The office was very open now, as though it was wider and things had been removed. I realized that they were moving my office and had already taken some of the equipment out of it. I tried to find my desk, but it did not seem to be in the office anymore. I remembered that i had placed the folder on the right side of the cubical wall, to the south of me. This was where the counter of my desk had been. I looked along the western wall for the folder, but i could not find the correct surface. Someone had taken the stuff that i was working on. I was annoyed and worried, thinking that i should have been writing in the book rather than looking through the other cases. I did not log things right when i found them, so now things would be out of order. I was upset and wondered what to do. I then realized that it was getting late, and i had a meeting after work now. I did not want to leave things like this in my office, but i did not know what to do. I felt very awkward in this place, but i felt as though i had to work here.

12008 July 10

There was a noise to the east of me, and i looked at the bright night sky. There seemed to be a large planet crescent in the northeastern sky, and there was something moving directly to the east of me as i heard the voices speaking. They were asking questions about what it was like to be a single mind. I did not understand at first, but realized that these people were extraterrestrials. The large object suddenly seemed to be a ship. It was forming from the metallic pieces that i had been looking at before. Now it seemed to be a single ship, with a long rounded conical piece in the center and a semicircular ring around the sides. The conical piece was pointing slightly down and to the southwest. Its white surface seemed to have small windows on it. The disk seemed to be attached by a long thin axel that passed through the wide end of the cone. It was almost flat with the ground, and had some yellow metal near the edges. The cone started to stretch, and i noticed that there was a seam where the lower end could separate from the rest of the cone. It seemed fascinating. The voices said that they did not understand the concept of “i”. They said that they were all part of the same mind and did not understand what i meant when i was talking about myself. I now seemed to be floating near the space stations as i thought about this idea. The object was represented the people i was talking to. I was interested in the concept of many minds working as one. Somehow, the interconnection was a fascinating idea. $F45 then said something to the west of me. I told him about what i was seeing. I then focused on the large dark square object in front of me. It looked like the upper torso of a transformer character, with a tiny head in the center. The object in the center was not quite a head, though, and i realized that there were two pink heads on either side of the main head. They both had pink frames around their silver faces. The heads spoke, asking me what i meant by saying “i”. The heads seemed to transform, becoming silver women reclined in pink chairs. The dark face in the center started to change into other objects as well. I was fascinated by the idea of a communal personality and tried to understand how it worked. It seemed that each part of the mind was necessary for the whole to function. This seemed like a special thing, but i could not quite see how it worked when i was still a single mind.

I drove the car up the steep road on the western side of the southern face of the mountain. The mountain was covered with yellowish-tan soil and scattered with green scrubby plants. The surface i was driving up seemed to be almost a shear cliff. I followed the winding road around to the western side of the bluff. I remembered traveling this road before. The rain had worn parts of the road away. I looked at the curves in the road and i rounded them, noticing that some of them had chunks taken out of their outer rims. I then started to notice small piles of rounded rocks gathered near the curbs. They must have been from the water erosion. As i rounded several corners, i noticed more signs of water damage and small collections of river stones. I seemed to be rounding the corners, turning from north back to east. I remembered stepping off of the road the last time i ascended the hill, and i remembered willing myself back onto the road. I turned a corner and lifted into the air, flying over the damaged road, heading east. I was riding my bicycle, but was now floating over the gravel road, which had a hole eroded through it where a gully had washed down the side of the steep mountain. I knew that i could accidentally float away if i was not careful, so i willed my bicycle back down to the ground on the other side of the opening. I was tense and nervous and worried that i might crash. I landed my bicycle on the flat gravel road that now seemed to be on the top of the hill. I had finally reached the top. The mountain ridge seemed to run flat to the east, with a thin trail running down the center of it. The ridge seemed about fifty meters wide and rounded. There was grass growing over most of it, with thick bushes growing here and there. I remembered driving down this path before. I knew that there was a good view into the valley below to the south, but there was a row of thick dark-green shrubs growing to the south of the path, so i could no see them now. I wondered if there would be a break in the shrubs a little to the east. There seemed to be a small town at the bottom of the mountain to the south. I rode my bicycle down the shallow slope, over the yellowish-tan soil of the worn path. The path went back up a little ahead, rising to the point where the mountain became a wide flat area. There seemed to be something ahead, like a small housing development or antennae houses. There was a man about twenty meters to the east of me, walking just to the south of the path with his dog. The dog seemed to be a brown labrador retriever. I stopped and thought about the dog for a moment. There was something very familiar about this situation, but i could not remember what it was like the last time i was here. The man approached and passed to the west of me, and i watched the dog for a moment. I was now in a long room. The walls were yellowish white.

12008 July 11

I headed to the south, descending the wooden staircase in $P19. I seemed to come from the attic room of the house and was heading into the hallway of the second floor. There was a wall to the east of the stairs, but the stairs were open to the rest of the hallway to the west. I stopped on the steps and walked back up to grab the glass bottles at the top of the stairs. I thought that i should take them down to the recycle bin while i was going down. I wanted to help clean the room. It seemed as though i was lining here again. I took the two glass bottles and walked down the stairs. I then realized that the spherical bottle had a dead mouse in it. It was white and fluffy, but its fur was decorated with colorful stripes. I was disgusted with the mold and rodents in the bottles and dropped them both onto the wooden floor to the west of the stairs. I looked at the mouse again, noticing that it was colored with purple red and black ink around its head, making it look as though it had a mohawk. I did not want to carry them downstairs any more, so i pushed them under the tall bookcase, which was standing against the western wall of the hallway, just to the north of a doorway to one of the rooms. There also seemed to be a doorway to the north of the bookcase, in the northern wall, at the end of the corridor. Someone was working at a desk to the west, but he did not seem to notice what i had done with the glass jars. I headed to the south, down the hall. At the southern end of the hall, there was a set of stair descending to the west. I started down these stairs, going down to the first floor. It seemed that these stairs came out just to the north of the living room. I thought that the stairs were not used much any more. Most people used the stairs on the eastern side of the house. I thought that these stairs were blocked off when i was living here. They seemed to run between old unfinished walls where the thin wooden plaster slats had been exposed. We had found the stairs when i lived here and had opened them up, but no one really used them now. I headed to the east, across the parking lot outside the house. $F45 was talking to his father to the east of me, but i was getting something on the eastern side of the lot. My car was parked on the northern side of the western side of the lot, in front of the building. I looked at the metal car parts on the ground in the middle of the lot. $F45 had let them sit there and get bent. I was annoyed that he had done that, and i thought that we should get the parts back in to the car before anyone found out about them. I carried the body over my left shoulder and headed back to the car. We should not let people see the body. It seemed to be wrapped in something, like a blanket or rug. I shifted the weight on my left shoulder, but the foot slipped out from under the covering and stuck in front of my face. I then realized how light the body actually was to carry. I tossed it into the trunk, hoping that $F45’s father did not notice the foot on the side of the covering. I looked back to the south, noticing that $F45 and his father were walking toward me. I felt nervous and glanced back into the trunk. The foot was already hided by the sheet, so i did not have to scurry through the trunk to cover it up before they got too close. That would have looked suspicious. I had to get rid of the body, and i thought that i could burry it in the woods off of the road to $P22. The road was very long and ran through the deep forest, so the body could decay quite a bit before anyone found it. I then remembered killing someone a while ago and burying the body. I felt guilty about it, but then remembered that i had only thought about these things in dreams. I wondered if i really had killed someone and blocked it from my memory. I felt very guilty about it, but could not remember what had actually happened. I was just sure that i had killed someone and buried the body somewhere. I remembered telling people that i had no idea where the person was, but i could not remember anything else.

12008 July 14

I walked to the north, down the western edge of the large flat park. There were cement paths running in straight lines diagonally across the short cut grass of the lawn to the east. The park was surrounded by short stone buildings that seemed very modern and were of federal design. People were walking all around the park. The building on the western end of the northern side was made of a white stone, and had a round tower rising from the western side of it. Just beyond the buildings, to the north, i knew that there was a river. I was here with my grandmother, but she had stayed in the building on the southwestern corner of the park as i wandered out. I was heading back to the north to get some snacks. As i walked down the western side of the yard, i watched the small company of uniformed men marching in the center of the grass. The uniforms were different than what i had expected. They were not the dress uniforms that i as used to, so i thought that the men must be out here practicing for the marching drill. I headed to the end of the sidewalk on the westerns side of the lawn and turned to the east, heading across the northern side. As i reached the edge of the building where the tower was, two guards in green dress uniforms stopped me. They said that i would not be able to go into the white building now. I asked if the tower was open, and they said that it was not. It seemed suddenly that the tower was not just closed for the day. I asked “At all?”, hoping that the tower would be open at some point in the day. The men said that there were hours of operation for the tower when tourists could come in. I turned around and started diagonally back across the quad, remembering that i was here looking for snacks from the vending machines. I was disappointed that i could not use the vending machines in the building that had the tower. I knew that there were quite a few in the lobby of that building. As i started back toward the gray building on the southwest corner of the quad, i saw the red digital numbers on the side of the building that said 4:42. I was suddenly worried that i was late for the bus. My grandmother and i were waiting here for a bus to take us to her house. I hurried back into the eastern side of the building. The eastern door was at a slightly higher elevation than the main floor of the building, so i came into the building on a ramp that ran up to the south and down to the north. To the south, the ramp ran to a balcony that curved over the southern end of the wide open room. I headed to the north, down the stairs to the main lobby of the bus station. The orange room was filled with cushioned chairs and white plastic tables. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking across the room for my grandmother. I could not see here waiting in the crowd. I then looked up at the balcony, where the cafeteria was. I realized that she was probably eating again. I hurried up the stairs to the south and turned to the east, crossing through the small tables of the eating area. There was a counter running along the western wall, and i saw my grandmother standing on the northern side of the counter. She had ordered some food and was eating. I looked at the clock on the wall, noticing that it was 4:24. The bus must be close by now. I told my grandmother that we had to hurry, but she told me that she did not have her tickets yet. I felt stressed, and i said that we had to go to the counter on the western side of the building to pick them up. We had to hurry or we would miss the bus.

I was talking to the people from $G3. One of the men was tall and thin, with light hair. The other two were medium height with darker hair. The three of them stood to the west of me, the tall one in the middle. We were talking about some thing interesting as we headed to the west, into $P19. The short man then turned to me and hugged me. I was surprised, thinking that this was some kind of joke, but i could not tell for certain what the joke was. I hugged him back for a moment, wondering what was happening here. When i felt that we had been together for a while, i relaxed a little and pulled the man’s head up so that i could see his face. He was crying, and i felt suddenly concerned for him. We were kneeling on the ground near each other as we hugged. I knew that i lived only a few doors down from this house, and i wondered if the man wanted to go someplace more private to talk about what was bothering him. I felt sad for him and wanted to comfort him. The others described the man’s face, saying that the features were from his mother. I looked at the man’s eyes. They seemed sad but very attractive. His face was round and looked very young and smooth. I wondered what was wrong with him.

12008 July 15

I moved to the edge of the corridor, which was in the northern side of the large stadium. The main playing field seemed to be to the southeast of where i was, and there was a tall cement wall to the east of me where the stands rose above my head. I felt tense here and looked around at all the people moving through the crowd. There was a sudden flash of light coming from the center of the field. It illuminated the wall to the west of me, and i worried suddenly that there was a bomb in the stadium. I felt that something was going to happen, and i worried that someone had bombed the stadium. I heard the crowd starting to make noise, but it did not seem to be in terror. I walked a little to the north, so that i could see into the center of the field. There was a second bright flash, but it was from overhead. I looked up to the east to see a brilliant white burst of fireworks spreading low in the sky over the stadium. I backed out, still feeling tense about the explosions. I knew that something could happen here, and i had to be cautious. I then noticed the small tan puppy running through the crowd behind the stands. There was some significance to the lost puppy, but i did not know what it was. The man was now giving a speech in the center of the stadium, and it seemed to be related to the lost puppy. Something was wrong here, and i felt nervous.

I flew to the east, away from $P19. I had been there for a party and was now moving away. I passed over the gravel parking lot to the east of the house when i noticed the can in the center of the lot. It was oddly parked, and i realized that it was wrapped with bandages around the center. It seemed to be a mid seventies light-brown american car, with slight fins over the wheels. The car was backing out of the parking lot. I knew that there was something special about the car, and i watched it leave the driveway, flying past it as it pulled to the north, onto the road. I then remembered that $F9 had run away from the house. I was concerned about him. Something bad had happened, and i felt that the car was involved. I felt that i should look for $F9. I did not want him to be alone in the area.

12008 July 16

I showed $A14 the papers as i asked him the questions. The authors had given me two statements, and i had to find out which was correct. $A14 turned to the west as he looked at the paper. There were two paragraphs printed on the paper, separated by some space. $A14 circled the left side of the top paragraph and stated that it was obviously wrong. He said that the verb “were” did not match the singular noun in the sentence. I commented, saying that i knew that and implying that the author is always making such mistakes. $A14 looked down at the second paragraph, trying to figure out which statement was correct. He said that some authors simply did not know proper grammar and said that we should obviously use the paragraph were the verb matched the sentence.

I turned around and started back to the west, down the length of the train car, to the back of the train. The train had stopped, and it seemed that something was wrong. I could see the car behind us through the windows. The people moved around in the car, looking at the second train car to the south. I was then to the south of my train car, and i could see that the dark-green and black car had run into our train. There was a dent in the side of the silver train car, which was attached to the train that i was in. It seemed as though the other train had come off of its tracks and run into the side of ours. I walked into the silver train car to the west, noticing the people standing up from the black seats. I spotted the seat where the indent in the car had been. There was a balding man with a round face standing near the seats. A younger woman was with him, wearing a light fluffy blouse. It was a good thing that the train did not hit too hard or their seats would have been crushed. I heard the signal, and the train i was on started moving again. Several people, who had gotten off, quickly jumped back into the open doors of the train car. I stepped into the center of the car as several of them jumped in. I then realized that i was not in the correct car. My car was to the east. I turned to cross into the next car, but i was afraid of crossing between the cars when the train was in motion. I looked out the front window of the bus, which was the train car. I could see the car ahead of us. It was attached to us by a long black metal platform. The platform was about a metre wide and was shaped like a square tough with wide flat plates on the top that reached out to each side. There were several rounded square holes in the platform, making it look like a structural brace. I mentioned that i really should be traveling in the car ahead of us and that i could not cross now that we were moving. There was a driver in the seat just to the north of me, in front of the front window. The man standing to the south of me asked why i could not cross the beam while the train of busses was in motion. I motioned to the beam as the bus ahead of us started to turn the corner to the south. The beam was long and did not look safe to balance on. I then noticed several people walking from the bus ahead of us. They had stepped out of the busses and had not been able to jump back on. The bus ahead turned to the right and continued south. We seemed to be on a road that ran just to the north of a freeway overpass. The steep hill led up to the south, but changed to an open cement area under the overpass as we approached the light. I noticed $A103 waiting on the side of the road. He and the other man were trying to flag down the bus that had just taken off. They turned toward our bus, hoping to hop on before we headed around the corner.

12008 July 17

I followed the others to the east. The car or boat we had been riding in was now being taken apart. A man guided us into the large structure as he spoke with the young woman who was with me. I felt nervous here, thinking that something was not quite right with this place. The land around me was now dark and covered with tall mounds of shredded materials. I felt that the vehicle we had used was now being shredded, and i worried about the people that were running this place. The tall hills all around had shreds of black and white materials, and there were large construction vehicles lifting the debris and moving it from place to place. There seemed to be a river running north to south to the east of us. As we walked to the southeast, i realized that we were in a large building. There were shreds of stuff over our heads now on conveyor belts and in the jaws of large machines. The sides of the building still seemed to be open to the outside to the north and east of us so that we could see the mounds still. The man who was talking to the woman glanced back at me, smiling. I knew that he did not trust me, but tolerated me as he convinced the others that this place was good. We moved farther into the cavernous building, and there now seemed to be trash piled up along the walls to the east now. I felt very uncomfortable here and thought that these things should not be happening.

I said something to my mother as i turned to the east and walked across the small rustic kitchen of the cottage. We were out in the forest somewhere, and it seemed somewhat dark now. I knew that i would be able to see good enough in the dark, so i told my mother that i would me fine. I walked down the dirt road to the east to look for the cats. They were still in the car, i thought. My mother then worried that i would be attacked by the bear, and she warned me to be careful. I did not think that there would be anything wrong as i walked down the road. I then heard something moving in the woods to the south of me. I stopped and looked into the dense green trees. I could not see beyond the front coverage of leaves, but i could hear something large moving. I then noticed that the thin branches of a small bush just to the south of me shifted to the west. There was something large just beyond the bush that was pushing itself through. I felt scared and hurried back to the cabin, to the west. As i walked through the door and closed it, i saw a large brown bear sitting on the porch behind me, to the north. I felt scared and ran to the west, across the living room and up the stairs in the western wall. I pulled the old wooden door over the stairs closed as i went up the stairs. On the second floor, i ran to the east, down the narrow hall of the old building and into the small bedroom where my family was. I quickly closed the door behind me, thinking that i should close as many doors between the bear and us so that it might not make it all the way here. My grandmother started to say something, but i told her to be quiet. I said that there was a bear in the cottage. My mother was in the room with my father. She was worried about the bear. I thought that it would have stopped to eat the food that she had just prepared in the kitchen. I knew that the food would be sitting on the stove, which was on the south wall, directly across from the door. The door had a four-pane glass window on the top, and i pictured the bear staring through it. It should have broken through the door by now, and we could hear the sound of it doing so. It must be in the house. I said something to one of my relatives. I could not hear anything, and we wondered if the bear had eaten the food and left. I carefully opened the door to look out. The hall outside ran north to south. It was dimly lighted, as though it were dusk or dawn. The thin boards of the wooden floor and the plaster of the walls seemed gray in the light. The hall was narrow, and the house seemed to be cheaply constructed. This was an older part of the cottage. I could not see the bear in the hallway, so the man and i slowly moved out. I looked around the corner at the southern end of the hallway and could not see the bear in the large bedroom to the west of us. As i moved forward, i thought that i would have to be careful to check all of the rooms that i was passing to make sure that the bear was not there. We did not want to walk past the bear and leave it behind us. We then came to the western side of the cottage, which seemed to be more modern in design. I thought that the cottage had been built in different stages, and i was surprised that i had not really come to this side in a while. I carefully moved to the top of the stairway in the western wall, looking down. I could not see anything from the floor below without starting to descend the stairs. The man behind asked me something, and i replied. He seemed to be $K15. I told him that we should make sure that we did not pass the bear and block its exit from the house. I carefully descended the top part of the stairs, which descended to the west. I looked over the wooden half wall to the south, peering at the wooden floor of the large room at the bottom of the stairs, to the east. I could only see a little bit of the room below, but i could not see the bear. As i rounded the half wall, i stopped at the second flight of stairs and crouched down to look across the large living room below. It was dimly lighted from the windows on the northern wall, and i could see the clean furnishings. There was no bear there. It must have stopped at the kitchen to eat and went no further. I could not see it at the stove in the kitchen, which was to the east of the large living room. I wondered if it had eaten already and left the house. I was now in the living room, but seemed to be to the north of the living room, outside the building. There seemed to be a large white apartment complex to the northeast, across a small field. This place seemed familiar. I wondered where the bear was.

12008 July 19

I turned to the east and entered the building. There were people gathered in the square entrance hall of the building. The walls of the entrance hall were pale yellow, and this building seemed to be $P96. There was some kind of construction going on outside the door, to the west of me. I turned around and looked back to the south, up the hill that ran down the side of the building. I could see several runners coming over the crest of the hill and running past the door. A man in a reflective construction vest then stepped in front of one of the runners and told the man to stop. He was directing traffic around the construction project, so something must be about to happen in the runners’ path. I thought it strange that the runners would be told to stop in the middle of the race. The man at the front of the stopped runners was familiar, and he was wearing a light-gray T-shirt. He was from $G1. I told the person to the west of me what was happening outside. It seemed all right for a moment, because the stopped runners would still be in order, so the first one starting would be the first one that got there, but then i realized that it was still very strange to stop runners in the middle of a race.

12008 July 20

I tried to explain the job that i was working at to the people across the table from me. I was sitting on the western end of the southern side of the large wooden table. The people here seemed to be interviewing me for a job, and i had to explain the jobs that i already had. I tried not to say too much about the job i was describing, but realized that i really did not know too much about it. I had not yet started the job that i was trying to describe, so i could only give the people around the table rough details. I told the people that i was working about thirty-five hours, but i felt as though i was being vague. I thought about the job that i was working for, realizing that it seemed like a full-time job, but i realized that this could not be true, because i was still working for $G14. I thought that i must have started working for $G14 less frequently because of this new job. It seemed strange that i would do so, but i started to tell the others that i was working at the main job for only thirty-five hours a week, which meant that i could still do what these people were interviewing me for. A man at the end of the table to the west of me then pointed to the southeast, saying that i was still working in the offices there. We seemed to be on a bus moving down $P33, to the east. I turned around to see $P40 to the southwest of us. I could see the dark window on the second floor, the second window in from the northern side of the building. I pointed it out to the people at the table and told them that it was my office. The man had pointed it out as a question, and i confirmed that i was still working there, and went on to say that i did editing for that job. The bus we were on continued down the road, which ran through the center of the campus. There was an open quadrangle to the north of us. I continued to explain my jobs to the others.

I was sitting on the southern side of the small table, listening to the others discuss something. We seemed to be outside, and i was aware that there was a large white office building to the north of us. I was distracted by something, and i looked to the west. There was water rolling in from the west. We were actually on a small artificial peninsula that ran from the mainland on the north. The sides of the peninsula seemed very straight, as though they were formed with wood or cement beams. The grass around us was only a metre wide around the sides of the table, and i watched the waves to the east. I then turned back to the west, noticing that there was a high rolling wave moving toward us over the water. The waves were very low, about a deci tall, but this one seemed two or three decis tall. I wondered if it would be enough to get our feet wet. As it rolled over the ground under us, i lifted my feet, looking down to watch the water wash across the green grass. I then stood up, realizing that the grass was still damp around us. The man to the east of me wanted to know what was wrong, and i told him that the water seemed to be rising around the island. Everyone stood up from the table as i looked around. It was obvious that there was less of the island than there had been before. The water was rising, and i suggested that the tide must have been coming in. I then realized that we were on the eastern coast of one of the Great Lakes, and the freshwater lakes should not be tide water. I asked the man about the lake, and he tried to remember the name. I thought that it should be Lake Erie, but i tried to picture the land around us, seeing only a thin strip of land running between the wide round lakes. They did not seem like the Great Lakes, but i knew that they were.

It was time to go, so i hurried to the east to collect some of my things. $F42 had moved to the room to the west as $F46 was cleaning up something from the long table that was against the southern wall. There was a short wall to the north of the western entrance of the room. The entrance was on the southern end of the western wall, but the northern part of the western wall was farther to the east than the section where the door was. The short northern wall connecting the two sections had a black double oven in it. I opened the top over to get my shoes. There were two pairs of shoes in the oven, but i noticed that the white pair of soft walking shoes were tipped up a little because their heels were in the hole in the metal rack at the back of the oven. This meant that they were close to the flames on the level below. I pulled the blue pair of shoes out, which had been on the right side of the oven. $F42 asked me if i was ready to go from the south of me as he walked to the east. I felt that i should hurry, because everyone was ready to leave the part. I looked into the oven, worrying that the shoes were burning over the pilot light. I could hear a sizzling sound and thought that it might be the rubber on the shoes boiling. I should get the shoes out of the oven, but it seemed to take a while for this to happen. I finally reached in and pulled out the white shoes, noticing that their heels were slightly deformed. I took them to the east, heading out of the house and coming out into a small patio. The outside wall of the house was brick, and it seemed to have been painted in the past, but the white paint was mostly worn off. There was a small round table on the brick patio, and i placed my things on the table to start packing them in my bag. I felt a little rushed and knew that i had to get read to go with the others. The party was over, and i felt that i had to get out of this place. $F42 then called to me from the east, asking if i was ready to go yet. I felt frustrated and had to leave.

12008 July 21

I walked to the west, through the crowd of students who had been on the bus trip with me. I seemed to be walking down the aisle of the bus at the moment, but the space around me was open, as though i was in a large room. $A153 stood by one of the tables to the south of me and asked me what the boy had said to get him in trouble. I knew that he had insulted the president, and i suddenly remembered what had happened. I told $A153 that, when the bus had stopped at the toll booth on the far side of the bridge, heading west, the person in the toll booth had welcomed the bus driver to the D.C. area, saying that it was the home of George Bush. The boy had retorted, insulting George Bush and Dick Cheney. The teachers felt that he had made a bad impression for the school, so they punished him. I felt that the joke was funny.

I woke up from the bed and headed to the west, across the back yard of the house. There seemed to be buildings all around us, and i just passed the bunk beds on the south. The narrow strip of grass ran east to west between the old dark brick buildings. There was a strip that ran to the south as well, heading between the two old houses to the south of us. The others moved around to the west of me, doing something with the yard. I was still a little groggy from waking up. I then noticed the tall man to the south of me, walking from the house on the west. He was wearing shorts and a brown shirt. He was $A520, and i still thought that he looked attractive. I noticed the muscles on his legs as he strode toward me, and i thought that they were nice. I stopped where the two lawns met, knowing that he would have to walk past me. I wanted to say hello to him. As he approached, i closed my eyes because i was tired. I then i opened them as $A520 approached. I smiled at him and nodded hello. He nodded back, but did not seem pleased to see me. I felt a little disappointed as he continued to the east. I turned to the west and started talking to some of the other people. The wall to the west of us was covered with small rectangular pale-blue and pale-green tiles. We were in a room where there were swimming pools. The room seemed somewhat worn, and there was a large pool to the north of me and a smaller one to the south. I spoke to the man, who seemed to be in charge of the swimming program. I then noticed a spray of water coming from a dark copper pipe to the southwest. The pipe seemed to run parallel to the western wall, about a metre from the wall. It was just above my head level, and the fixture at the northern end of it was spraying water down to the tile floor. I looked down the length of the pipe, noticing several more round nozzles, which looked simply like open ends of pipe. None of them were spraying water, but i knew that they soon would start doing so once the system turned on fully. The man and i looked at the pipe. I asked him how we could turn off the sprinkler system before water started coming out of all of the nozzles. As i put my hand under the spray of water, the man said that it was not water coming out of that nozzle. I looked at the liquid, noticing that it was dark, and i thought that it must be an oil that was used to fill the pipes. The man said that it was metal, though. I pulled my hand from the stream, feeling slightly strange in my palm. I looked at the water, noticing that it was silvery. The man walked off to the southeast to get the system shut off before water started flowing out all of the sprinklers. I looked at the water spraying from the pipes, wondering how the sprinkler head had been activated. The water spraying out looked silvery, as though it was mercury, but it was clear as it splashed onto the ground and flowed to the south. I commented on this to the person to the east of me as i watched the water flowing to the south. I then headed to the southeast, leaving the large pool room. I came into the small hallway outside. There seemed to be a set of stairs heading down to the east on the southern side of the hallway, and there was a small open room to the north. I could still smell the metallic water on my hand, which was a musty smell. I looked around, thinking that the man in charge had already walked off to the east to shut off the sprinkler system. I wonder what i should do.

12008 July 22

The pale-green car was sitting on the eastern side of the driveway, facing south. I said something else to my father and then started walking to the car, heading east. This was the car i was supposed to take to work, but there was something wrong with it. I got in the car and tried to start it. It had a hard time starting because my father had been working on it. It started up, and i watched the dashboard as i listened to it run. The car seemed old in design, with a solid wood dashboard that looked like it was from the fifties or sixties. The car seemed very spacious and plain, but i did not seem interested in driving it. I could hear that it was running evenly, and i thought that my father must have just repaired it. I looked to the north to see my father working in the garage. He was leaning into the engine compartment of a large car. He was younger, and i remembered that he used to insist on fixing his own cars to save money. My mother never trusted the repairs. I did not want to drive the large car to school. It seemed out of place. I turned to the west and followed the others down the long white corridor of the building. We had to get back to the office. The others spoke to me, and i thought about the new job that i was at. I was in charge of something in this office. The older man in the business suit said something to me about where we would be in the offices. I felt a little annoyed that he was making decisions about me. He asked me about taking lunch at noon. I told him that i would be ready to head out to lunch at noon, mentioning that i could plan my day so that i would get back from the gym at about that time. As we continued to the west, through a set of double doors, i realized that i probably should not take the extra time out of the day to go to the gym. This seemed like a real job, and i should not take two hours off for the gym and then take another to go to lunch. We entered a stair well to the north. The stairs headed up the western wall of the well, heading to the south. I started toward them, but several older people were walking in front of me. They were quite slow, and i felt impatient. One of the older women stumbled and bumped into the wall that enclosed the eastern side of the stairs. She then turned a little to the east and walked along the outside of the wall, toward the silver elevator door on the southern wall. I was relieved that she was out of the way and started climbing the stairs to the second floor. I came out into the hall and turned west again. The people around me started to disperse, and someone mentioned Istanbul. There was some confusion about the word, and i was reminded of the song about Istanbul and Constantinople. I tried to explain it to someone, thinking that it was a song about a man who was trying to meet a woman, but she told him to meet at Constantinople and he went to Istanbul. They were the same place, but the confusion of the names made him think that she was somewhere else: maybe in the past. I came to the eastern end of the corridor and started up the stairs. I was in $P7, coming to the stairs at the southern end of the building. I followed the stairs up to the south and then turned east and walked along the balcony to the next set of stairs. I could hear the music coming from the classroom to the east. As i reached the northeastern corner of the wide stairwell, i spotted the woman i was supposed to meet standing at the center of the northern side of the well. I then noticed that there was a set of green wooden stairs running up the center of the stair well. These had been added on. The stairs i had just come up were white and black terrazzo and matched the floors of the halls and balconies. I said something to the woman, but kept looking at the narrow wooden stairs that started up to the third floor in the middle of the wide stairwell. We were supposed to go into the woman’s office, which i knew was up the next set of stairs, but i felt uncomfortable ascending the new stairs, thinking that they might collapse and fall down the stairwell. The woman started to the west, across the green catwalk over the center of the stairwell. I mentioned how different the building was since i was last here. I then looked up and noticed that there was a wood floor covering the skylight that used to be in the roof. It must have been the new upper floor of the building. I told the woman how nice the skylight used to be, and i thought about the decorative leaded glass window that used to be in it. I remembered that the glass was mostly white with dark-blue or purple glass in the center. I could hear the sound of a trumpet practicing in the room to the east. I walked quickly across the catwalk, thinking that the structure would be most unstable in the center. I stopped on the southern side, noticing that there were desks and cabinets on the new wooden balcony that ran around the upper level of the stairwell. I still felt uncomfortable here, thinking that the wood might collapse, so i stayed near the outer walls of the floor. To my disappointment, i noticed that the woman had turned back to the north. There was an office in the middle of the stairwell, just to the east of the catwalk that i had walked across. The woman sat down at the desk, and i reluctantly followed her into the middle of the platform to sit by her desk.

12008 July 23

Something dangerous was happening. I looked to the north to watch the group of people talking. They were unaware of the danger around them. The Joker was here, and i knew that he was a Cylon. He was holding several people hostage. I moved quickly through the crowd, hoping that no one could tell that i knew about the Cylon presence here. I had to get out of this area, but i was afraid that someone would spot me and try to stop me. I had to act casually so that the Cylons did not become suspicious of me. I then looked to the east to see two tall thin women fighting with a third woman. All three of them were Cylons, and the two tall women were killing the third woman. I was frightened here, and i had to get out. I moved through the crowd of the ballpark. The red-headed man was in front of me now, standing in the stands of the stadium. I recognized him, and i had thought that he was rather attractive before. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt and i could tell that he was nicely built. He was unaware of the danger, and he started talking to me about the game. I told him that i did not like baseball.

12008 July 24

I was going to the other country for a special reason. We were spies, and we had to sneak into this place. I moved across the large room on the northern side of the house with the other person. We could not let the others know that we were here. $Z moved around to the southeast of me as i did something on the table near the northern wall. I wrote something down on the small square yellow sheet of paper. I looked at the writing, which was in green ink. The ink around the letters had seeped into the paper, causing fuzzy edges on the words. I felt uncomfortable here, afraid that we would be caught looking for the thing. We were in the house of the man who was very important and powerful. Someone was coming, and i realized that we would be caught in this place. We were in the room on the southern side of the second floor, and the man had come into the room to the north, where we had been before. There were artifacts in the room around us that seemed to be egyptian. Several were carved from stone. I knew that we would be discovered, so i swallowed the piece of paper that i had written the notes on. I could not let the man get it or see what was on it. The man came into the room, and i realized that we would have to pretend to be his relatives. I greeted the man, saying that i was one of his relatives. He seemed to think this was reasonable, but i wondered if he was suspicious. I had to act carefully and not say anything. We spoke to the man, and i thought that we were posing as the children that he had never seen. This did not seem logical. Something was unclear to me, but i played along. I wondered if they were suspicious of us. It had something to do with a man dying. We were his children and the people here now were greeting us into his house. They were suspicious of me. I was worried that i had done something to give our identity away. I then noticed the electronic stuff in the back room of the house, to the north. I chatted with the others, but tried to make my way to the back room. I was very uncomfortable here. I had been in this room previously to search it. I was worried i had left stuff here and that the people leading me here would find it. I did not want them coming in here before i could clean up, but i did not have any choice. They walked in, and i acted surprised at the stuff in the room. I then realized that the man had not noticed anything out of place. He started showing me the inventions in the room. There was a large television against the northern wall. It covered most of the wall with a large flat screen. I then realized that there were multiple screens on the wall, and they seemed to be hanging in layers in front of each other. I looked at the picture, noticing that there were several images of the human figure on the grass. The picture was uneven, but i remembered that this was not a regular television. It was some kind of hologram. There was a woman dancing in front of the multiple screens. She was tall and thin and doing some kind of veil dance. I could see multiple images of her blurring her movements, as though there were several images on top of each other. As i moved closer to the screen, however, the optic doubling disappeared and the woman looked real. The others did not see the image correctly because they were standing too far from the screen. It only worked at a very close distance. I pulled the other man forward, closer to the screen. He saw the image suddenly and seemed surprised. He passed his face through the woman’s leg. He had his mouth open in surprise, saying that the image was great. I suddenly realized that he did not know about the hologram technology either. This was new to him as well, which did not seem right. I told him that there were many uses for this new type of technology: hologram technology. I then explained to him that there were double images in the projection if the screen was viewed from mid range. I said that you had to be either very close or farther away. He seemed distracted by the new technology. I had to take the plans for this technology before i was discovered here. I was worried that someone would realize that i was not really the lost child of the man who had died. I turned to the east and headed up the dark street in the middle of the small clay and brick buildings. I was flying over the ground and lifted just high enough so that people on the street would not notice me. I thought that i could stay above the street lights so that no one would see me. I knew that i was able to fly because i was wearing the golden cloak. The people from the house did not know that i had taken it. I landed in the storeroom because i could not maintain the flight for long. There were agents nearby, and i had to be careful of them. I hid in the shadows of the building. The agents moved around in the storeroom area, and one of them spotted me. I tried to act casually, as though it was normal for me to be here. The man talked about the microphone on the device. I wondered if the cloak i was carrying had been bugged with a tracking device. I was worried that i could not get past these people. I pretended to carry the blanket outside, hoping that the men did not realize that i had the cloak hidden in the blanket. I had the gray wool blanket bundled up in my arms. The men stopped me to ask me some questions and inspect me. I hoped that they did not search the blanket, but one of the men started speaking into his radio, and the voice was coming out of the blanket. The thing i was smuggling had a radio bug on it, and they were talking through it. They knew what i had and who i was. I wondered what to do.

I moved quickly through the area. I felt worried about something. I knew that it had to do with the atomic bomb at Lama Fallen.

12008 July 26

I was running through the forested area on the dirt trail. It seemed as though i was running with $G4, and there were a few people running with me. It seemed that i was with a man, and the others had run ahead of us. I spoke to the man, joking with him about something. I felt as though we were having fun. Then, he grabbed my head in an overhead headlock. He tightened his arms around my neck as though he was trying to choke me. I pushed back on him, pulling out of the hold. We were roughhousing, and it was fun. We tried several other wrestling holds on each other. I had not known this man well before, but i liked him and wanted to spend more time with him.

12008 July 28

I carried the two hamburger patties to the east, through the food court of the mall-like area. They seemed to be processed patties, and i had them in my hands. I had gotten them from someplace else and was bringing them into this restaurant. They were hot, but i moved them around in my hands so that they did not burn me. I walked into the large Burger King restaurant, which had yellow tiles inside. I wanted to put some toppings on the hamburger, and i decided that i should take advantage of the restaurant here. I hoped that no one noticed that i brought the patties from another store. There was a raised section in the center of the restaurant, which was oddly shaped, with straight sides. The service counter was along the southern wall of the room, and the opening to the mall was to the west. I walked along the northern side of the room, walking around to the southeastern side of the raised area, where there was a yellow formica counter against the southern side of the raised area. The counter was covered with a small salad bar that had condiments and toppings for the burgers purchased here. I felt a little nervous bringing my burgers into this place, but i thought that, while i was here, i could steal a bun to go with my burgers too. I looked around the counter for a plate. There were some stacked on the western side of the counter. I lifted the one on the top, but realized that the plates were dirty. I then noticed a white plate sitting under the salad bowl in the middle of the counter. I pulled it out from under the bowl of lettuce. It had a blob of blue-cheese salad dressing on it, but i thought that i could use it for my burgers anyway. The restaurant was rather crowded, and people moved around me. A young child was standing to the east of me at the salad bar, and he asked me what i was doing. I was nervous that people would know that i had brought food from outside into the restaurant. I put the burgers on the small silver platter that i had pulled from under the salad bowl, and then started to grab some lettuce with the metal tongs. I thought that the lettuce would taste good with the burgers. I then looked around for some other things to eat with my burger. I walked to the west a little, adjusting the tortilla chips on my plate so that they would not fall off. I was carrying the plate with my right hand, and the chips were sliding over the top of my thumb. I walked to the north again, where there seemed to be fewer people in the restaurant. I hoped that there was an open table against the northern wall so that i could sit down to eat. I also hoped that the people who worked at the restaurant did not throw me out for bringing outside food into the restaurant. I thought about what else i could put on my burger before i ate it. I realized that i had not put ketchup on it, but then though that i really did not need it because i had put blue-cheese dressing on the burger as a topping. I moved around, looking for a table. I was nervous about being here and just wanted to eat my food quickly and get out. I then wondered if i was being watched on camera.

I was on a ladder that was leaning against the western wall of the large room. The ceiling was a few stories tall, and the walls of the room were finished in tan wood. The western wall was covered with thick wood designs, and i was designing the pattern of curved wood on the wall. I carved the large intricate wooden frame, which seemed to be over the top of a flat white plaster wall. The wood curved into organic shapes. I made two curves on the left side of the latter, making sure to make them mostly symmetrical. I leaned back to look at them, thinking that they were heart shaped in the center. It looked very nice, and i considered doing circles on the sides of the shape as well. I was aware that there were people in the center of the room to the east of me. They were watching me as i worked, and i knew that they would be impressed by the designs that i was making. I liked knowing that they were watching me create the work. I worked on the small curves on the right side of the wall for a moment. I then looked at the rest of the room. The northern and southern walls were surfaced with tan thin vertical boards that were covered with a shiny varnish. The room was actually very plain in style, but it seemed unusually bright. There were tall windows in the northern and southern walls that let in the sunlight. This room was part of a church. The eastern end of the room was decorated with christian designs. There was a large wooden cross hung in the center of the eastern wall, and there were a few other designs around it. The western side of the room, which i had been working on, represented the duality of the culture. The curves on it represented a different kind of belief that the culture followed. The symbols in this culture varied from time to time, which is why the symbols on the western wall were connected with large looking curves. I then looked at the picture of the blond man on the southern wall. It was a small picture in a simple metal frame. He represented some other system of belief, but i knew that he was probably christian. The portrait was just used because the symbols on the southern wall needed to be photographs. It was the photograph itself that was a symbol. Someone then mentioned the stakes in the ground on the old buildings, pondering whether this building was old enough to have stakes in the ground around it. I looked to the west. I was standing on the ground in the room, near the western wall. There were several pictures on the western wall. As i looked them over, i thought that this building was not old enough, and i did not think that there were any stakes in this building. The person then asked about the subway. I said that the subway was not put in until the eighteen hundreds. This building should have been constructed before that. I then looked at the computer screen to the south. The computer was sitting on a table just in front of the southern wall, and there was a web browser covering the entire screen. I had been doing a search for information on this building, but it did not seem to be finding anything. I jokingly told the computer to go faster. There was another computer to the east a little, where the other person was working. It buzzed suddenly. As i turned to look at it, the screen turned red, and a small box of text appeared in the middle, showing an error. I thought that the main system that this computer was connected to must have gone down. I wondered if it did. That would explain why my search was not working properly. My computer then started beeping, and a red error bar appeared across my screen. I was annoyed and told the others that it was no use. The main system would need to be fixed so there was nothing that we could do with the connected computers. I looked at the other computer, noticing that there was a woman’s name printed on a label on the lower right side of the front of the computer. It was the same name that was on the bottom of my computer screen. She must be the coordinator of the room that we were working on. I looked at the error screen again, knowing that there was nothing we could do about the main system and thinking that we would not be able to log back on for a while. I wondered what we should do until then.

12008 July 29

I was in the dark bedroom of the small house, trying to get comfortable on the bed. There seemed to be several beds in the room, as though this was a dormitory. I rolled around a bit, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. $A37 was in the small bed to the west of me. I was in a bed that stuck out from the northern wall. I sat up, looking at the blue blanket that i was sitting on. I thought that i had been sleeping on someone else’s blankets, and i shifter position, walking along the western side of the lower bed on the bunk bed. I looked around the room, noticing that there were several other people sleeping. I would have to choose another bed in the room because the one i had sleeped in had some else’s blankets in it. I stood up and looked around the room. The lights were now on and i could see the other people sleeping there. There were some bare mattresses on the top bunks of the beds against the eastern wall. There were still other people in the room who where trying to sleep. They pulled the covers over their heads. I talked with $Z about where i should put my stuff as i paced to the east. I had not lived here in a long time, and i was now moving back in. I moved my blankets and clothes around the room. $F45 was with me. We had both moved to this small apartment, which seemed to be in Australia. It was related to the school that i seemed to be attending. I remembered how different things were in Australia, but i thought that we would adapt. I then noticed the hole in the cement floor, just to the west of the eastern wall. There was a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall, and the hole was just to the north of it. I looked down the round half-deci-wide hole in the floor to see the dirt ground below. The hole was to allow water to drain out of the living room. I was annoyed, thinking that this was really a cheap apartment. I also wondered about what animals could come into the house from the hole. I walked through the doorway and then headed south, coming out the front door of the small house, which seemed like a trailer home. There was short fake grass covering the surface of the cement porch. The porch was about three meters wide and ran across the front of the house. It bowed down in the center so that the water could drain to holes in the cement platform. Rocks stuck up from the ground on both the western and northern sides of the porch. This would prevent water from draining in those directions, so the water would have to go down the holes. I was disappointed in the design, thinking that snakes could easily crawl up through the holes and get into the house. There seemed to be a space under the cement platform into which the hole drained. I then thought that the snakes might not be able come up through the hole in the center, but they could definitely come up around the edges of the porch. I looked down through the wide crack between the platform and the bottom of the house. I was able to see the reddish dirt and rocks under the southwestern corner of the trailer home. I was annoyed with this design and walked back up the two metal stairs and into the house. I closed the door behind me, thinking that it would be able to keep the snakes out. I was now on the patio in front of the small building. The patio ended in short brown rocks to the north and west. There were also holes in the floor of the patio that led to a narrow crawlspace under the cement ground of the patio. I continued to the north, heading up the metal stairs of the trailer as i complained about the holes in the ground. I lived in this trailer with $F45. I looked around the area. We seemed to be in a dry flat area that was covered with tall yellow grass and a few scattered scrub trees. There were a few houses to the east of us, in a row along the northern side of the property. There seemed to be a dirt road to the south of us. The house to the east of us was still under construction. It was a large round house, and there were people working on it from the south. The house seemed to be on several small wooden pillars. The house then tipped to the southwest and rolled over. Someone sayed that the house was actually made from a tree trunk, and i realized that the round house was very sturdy and thick. The outside walls of the house fell off, but the house still maintained its round structure. It did not collapse. I could see the concentric rings of rooms in the house, and i though that it was a very nice. This is what houses were like in Australia. I then remembered that i had moved to Australia with $F45. I wondered why i had done this. It seemed strange to have moved to this country so soon. I felt uncertain about the move suddenly. It did not seem right that i was here already. I wondered why we had moved. I thought that my grandmother and my parents were still alive back in the United States. They would be so far away, and i would not be able to see them easily. I did not want to move until after my family ties here were gone. This did not seem right.

I was in front of my parents’ house, and there was a large rectangular pit in the middle of the road to the south of me. It was a construction zone, and there were several people there working in the hole. There was a large yellow construction truck moving toward the hole from the east. It had an arm and bucket on the top of the truck. The truck seemed to be backing up along the southern side of the pit, and i was aware of the black power lines that passed over the pit. I felt suddenly uncertain about the truck, thinking that it was too close to the edge of the pit. It had its stabilizer arms extended over the pit, but the feet were not down. The truck then tipped suddenly and fell into the pit. It caught on the edge of the pit, not falling fully in. I became anxious suddenly, thinking that there was another accident in the construction zone. I stood up to get a better look down the hole from my position in the second-floor window of the building. Another truck then came from the west. It was a smaller red pick-up truck. It drove toward the pit to try to help the first truck, but it hit the western end of the first truck. Both trucks then fell into the center of the large pit and disappeared from my view. The pit was much deeper than i had thought. I leaned forward to look down into the hole. I could see the workers on one of the ledges on the southern wall of the pit moving around. They were wearing orange and yellow hard hats and became suddenly panicked by the falling equipment. They dodged the falling debris from the edge of the pit. This was a bad situation, and i felt that i should call someone, but i knew that the accident would already be taken care of. The workers in the pit would already have called for help. I remembered that the house i was in was very near the pit, and i could see down quite a way now. As i looked down into the pit, i was aware that several pieces of loose debris fell into the pit. There was a view window in the southern wall of the steep pit, and i could see several workers in white jackets and hard hats moving around urgently as they looked down into the pit. The walls of the pit seemed to be shale, and i remembered that there was a danger at the bottom of the pit. They had been keeping a dinosaur trapped there. The dinosaur was a pet of the woman. She was standing in the southeast corner of the wide pit, which now seemed like an open shale mine. The woman was walking toward the center of the pit, toward the large theropod, which seemed like a tyrannosaur. She fed it something, and it seemed pleased with her. I knew that it liked her, but it was not a tame pet. The man who had been on the construction equipment was now stuck at the bottom of the pit. He was on the ground to the north of me, in the center of the pit. I worried that the tyrannosaur would not be kind to him. It loomed over the man, sniffing the air. The woman had her hand out on the southeastern side of the pit, but she had no food at the moment. It was the food that kept the dinosaur tame. It was too hungry now to be tame, and it opened its mouth and closed its jaws around my head.

12008 July 30

I sat up and looked out the northern window of my grandmother’s house. I seemed to be in a bedroom on the lower floor. It had been raining outside, and i could see water standing in the back lawn. I then realized that the street on the other side of the block was flooded. I knew that the river was just beyond the street, on the other side of the long low white factory buildings. I wondered if the dirt levee on the riverbank was holding. I knew that the river must be flooding, and i wondered whether it had already flowed over the wall or not. I watched the water flowing down the street to the north. It flowed to the east, and it seemed very deep. The water was deep enough that it seemed to be flowing into the back yards of the houses on that side of the block. I felt concerned, but i could still not tell whether the river had overrun it banks or whether the water pouring down the street was simply runoff from the west. I mentioned the water to my mother, who was in the room with me. I asked her whether she thought the water was from the river or not. I stressed that the water level was already up to the top of the short hill in the back of the house to the north, on the opposite side of the block as us. I looked again at the standing water in the back yard. I wondered if i could do anything about it. I thought about moving it with special powers. I knew that water could be moved with a set of moves that seemed like martial-arts forms. I then noticed the fireman on the roof of the white factory building to the north. There was a shower of sparks arching over him, and he sprayed them as they came near him. He was trying to put out the large sparks so that they did not catch the roof on fire. The sparks were coming from the small tubular chimney of the factory, and i felt that the flood had somehow caused them. I watched several more large sparks jump out of the chimney, and the fireman sprayed them with his fire extinguisher before they could land on the roof. I then focused on the source of the sparks. It did not seem to be a chimney at all. There was a utility pole in front of the building that was very close to the building. It seemed to be giving off sparks. As i looked more closely at it, i noticed that there was a thick covering over a junction in the wires on the utility pole. The black casing was burning. I though that there must be a transformer on the pole that the flood waters had shorted out. The fireman walked up to the burning pole and tried to pat it out as he sprayed several more sparks. I was in the back yard of my grandmother’s house now. I thought that i should start moving the water myself to help prevent the flooding. I stepped into the shallow water of the back yard and bent over, placing my hands in the water. I had to relax and extent my senses into the water. I would have to do some movements that would seem like martial arts, and i suddenly wondered whether the fireman would think i was strange for doing this. There would be no obvious effect on the water for some time, until i started to feel the movement of the water. I felt uncomfortable with the idea, so i stood with my hands in the water, wondering if i could have become more familiar with this method of telekinesis. I wanted to move the water. If i could just get it to flow around me then people would see that i was able to do something here. I then thought that moving the water might not help too much. I could divert some to the fire, but it would not prevent the river water from flooding the houses. I then wondered if i could simply freeze the water. I thought that it would be easier to remove the energy from the water and form a large ice dam than to change the flow of the water.

I was getting ready to go to my construction job. It seemed as though it was early in the morning, and i seemed to be in my parents’ house. There were several T-shirts on the tan counter to the south of me. They were mine. I had left them here a while ago. I looked over the purple shirt and plaid shorts that were stacked on the surface. They were work clothes that i should wear to work. I took them to the north, into the next room, thinking that i would have to change before i went to work. I had a large canvas bag with me in my left hand. I headed up the flight of stairs. I knew that there was a card reader on the door to the north that would allow me to open the door to the waiting room. It seemed like it had been a while since i had worked construction here, and i wondered if my card would still work. I had not done this in a very long time. I walked up the stairs to the north. At the top, i walked down the hall of the old house, heading to the west, into the small storage room. The door to the storage room was an old wooden door, and there was a matching door to the north, right at the top of the stairs, which ascended from the west. There were shelves on the walls of the small storage room, which seemed more like a broom closet, and i hung up the large red bag against the northern wall, where there was a set of metal hooks. This was where we were supposed to store our regular clothing while we were on the job. I then remembered that i would need my keys before i left, so i dug through the pockets of the large red suit bag to find them. I was leaning over something on the floor of the closet to get to the pockets, so i grabbed hold of the ironing board that was standing against the western wall for support. I found the keys and turned to leave the closet. I would have to head town to the waiting room to catch the shuttle to the job site. I then noticed the boxes of food bars on the table against the eastern wall of the hall. I grabbed several food bars to take with me for snacks. I then noticed the plates of cookies in the center of the table to the north. I took one of them as well, thinking that i could eat the cookie now and save the bars for later. I headed down the stairs, hoping that i was not too late for the shuttle.

12008 July 31

Something had changed about the cat. I knew that it was $X5, and that it was a tortoise-shell tabby, but was mostly white with orange and black patches of fur, like a calico. I pet the cat, which was trying to move away from me. I was facing east, and i seemed to be in the western part of my parents’ house. I felt worried about the cat, because something felt wrong here. I pet the cat, which now seemed very skinny and frail in my arms. The fur was coming off of it, and i started to feel panicked that something was very wrong. I started to carry the cat out of the room and into the main part of the house to get help. It seemed to be falling apart. I looked at its face, and something was not right. Its head was shaking as though it was too weak to hold it up, and its eyes were bulging out. It looked scary, and it worried me.