12009 July 02

I was walking to the east when i looked at the illuminated screen of my cell phone. Someone had just left me a text message. I was surprised to see $A144’s name on the cell phone. It displayed his first name in large letters with his last name underneath it. I then realized that a number of people had been calling me and leaving messages. I did not see the names, but i knew that they were all people from $G3. I wondered why they had been calling me. It seemed very strange that they would be doing so. I walked into the small bedroom on the western end of the corridor. I had to get my things together. I felt that i had just retuned to this place after being sick for a while. Something felt out of place here. This seemed to be a room in $P19, and i was staying here with others. I had done something with the silver case, and i was upset that i had done it out of anger. I looked at the large glass window to the south of me as i stood near the beds. The two twin beds were on either side of the window: one to the east and one to the west. The window had been broken by the metal case that i had thrown, and the glass formed sharp jagged patterns on the left edge of the pane. The glass of the window did not seem to be broken all the way through, however. I was worried about what i had done, because i did not want the room to be permanently damaged because of my actions. I looked closely at the glass, trying to figure out what had happened. I noticed that there was a thin layer of plastic hanging in front of the windows. It now seemed to be decorated with red shapes and black lines, as if it were a stained-glass window. I had only broken the thin piece of plastic that was hanging in front of the window and not damaged the large plate-glass window. I felt better. I knew that i lived in this room with $F10, and i started to move around. I was now standing near the bed that was against the northern wall of the room. I had been asleep. I sat up in the bed, trying to figure out what was going on. The people had been calling me on my cell phone, and i had not been able to answer. $A55 was standing to the south of the bed as i sat up with my legs to the west of me. I still had the covers over the lower half of my body. The bed was tall enough that it came up to $A55’s chest as i talked to him. He asked about the tickets. I realized that i had been sick and was not able to pick up the tickets that some of $G3 had gotten for me. I realized that the people who had left messages on my cell phone must have been calling to see if i still wanted the ticket. I would have to tell them that i could not give them the ticket because i was going to use it. I moved around the room again, thinking about the window that i had broken. It was dark now in the room. There were three beds with their headboards against the southern wall. The two in front of the large window were mine and $F10’s, and the tall bunk bed against the western wall was $A311’s. There was a thick dull medium-blue drape covering the window. It had ribbed weaving running vertically down it. The two beds were covered with spreads made out of the same material. The broken part of the window was now covered by the blue drapes, which made me feel better. My roommates did not have to know that the window was broken right now. I thought that $A311 was still sleeping in the top of the bunk bed, so i move quietly to the east, out of the room. I walked down the stairs at the eastern end of the hall, turning to the west as they doubled back on the northern side of themselves. I walked into the kitchen from the north, stopping at the island counter on the western side of the room. $A279 was doing something just to the south of the counter, and there was a woman to the east of me, leaning her elbows onto the wooden chopping counter as she spoke to $A279. I felt strange being here, realizing that i had come back to an earlier time, when i used to live in $P19. $A279 had been talking about going somewhere, and it seemed like he would be leaving the next day. He kept turning around to the south to do something on the stove as he spoke to the woman. I wondered if this was when he was making his trip to Africa. As they continued to talk, i started to feel strange and out of place. I finally asked if $A279 was about to go to Africa. He said yes, casually. I started to say something, but was worried that i should not tell them about what was going to happen in the future. I started to say “But you died in Africa.”, but i could only say the first word. I said it over and over again, realizing that i was stuttering. I wanted to let them know that something was wrong, but i did not know how to state it. I finally told $A279 that he had died in Africa. He did not seem surprised, and he and the woman continued to chat as though i had not said anything. I told him that he had died in Africa of malaria. I then started moving to the east, feeling slightly confused. I could not focus. $Z was to the left of me, and he was leading me out of the room. He seemed to be leading me away as if i was too sick to be here. I then rephrased the statement, saying that it was really “malaria like symptoms”. I thought that it really had something to do with his brain. No one seemed to be paying attention to me. I continued walking to the east, out of the room. I was not sure what to do.

12009 July 03

I walked back through the long building, heading to the west. I had been doing something with other people and now i was just waking up from bed. I had been lying in the large bed that was against the western wall of the room. $F57 was standing to the south of me, and he started talking to me about the running event. I joked with him about what we were doing. He then made a comment about the event as he turned to the south and sat on the western side of the southern edge of the bed. $A510, who was standing to the southeast of me, laughed at the joke. I was humored, but i pretended to be angry and grabbed the back of his neck, pinching the muscles on the sides of his neck, pretending to choke him. He bent forward, giggling. I then leaned back and got out of bed. It was time that we headed out to do something.

12009 July 04

I walked to the east, up onto the wide wood porch of the house. I knew that i was early getting here, but i did not think that it would matter. This was the house of $F47, and i was here to meet with him about something. As i reached the door of the house $A510 opened the thick wooden door, which had glass panes in the upper half. I stopped as he saw me, holding the wooden screen door open with my right hand. He seemed surprised to see me, and i realized that it was somewhat early for me to be here. I thought that it was at least ten o’clock, though, but i realized that they had probably just woken up. I asked $A510 whether he had just gotten out of bed. He said that he had and suggested that $F47 was still in bed.

12009 July 05

I carefully made my way through the office space in the large rectangular room. The room ran to the north, down the center of the building. It seemed to be late at night, or early in the morning, when few people were around. The walls of the room where white, and there seemed to be many rows of shelving running east to west across the center of the room. The gray metal shelves looked like storage shelves, but they contained white equipment with black covers and instrument panels. The equipment seemed to be racks of old computers, with rounded casings. I was looking around as i moved, trying to stay out of sight of the other few people who were still in the office. The people here seemed to be from the seventies. There was a man on the western side of the shelves who was wearing a pair of dark-brown polyester slacks and a white short-sleeve dress shirt. He seemed to have straight ear-length hair. His head was hunched forward as he read something from the papers in his hand. He did not notice me passing up the eastern side of the room. I came to the northern wall, where there was a desk or counter. A printer was printing out papers on the western side of the surface. There was a tall gray bookcase to the west, about a meter from the counter. It was mostly empty, but it enclosed the area around the desk so that i could hide here more easily. There was also a shelf of computer equipment to the south of the desk and something else to the east. I had been printing out the data on the nuclear reactor. This place was part of a nuclear power plant, and i knew that they were hiding important details of the plant’s operations. I was printing off fifty-eight pages from the computer system to sneak out of the plant, and i hoped that no one was noticing what i was doing. I watched the paper come out of the printer for a moment, wondering how many more sheets there were to print. The sheets had large areas of pale-blue on them. I then noticed that the black numbers on the digital liquid-crystal counter on the top of the printer showed that all of the pages were printed. I grabbed the stack of papers, but felt suddenly disappointed because i knew that i would have to print out the same amount of pages for the more important statistics of the bad reactor. I ducked behind the shelf to the south of me as the man in the room moved along the western wall. I had to stay out of his sight. I took the stack of paper from the printer and placed them on the eastern edge of the upper shelf of the bookcase that was just to the south of me. It was a short bookcase, only about two meters tall. I thought that i could leave the papers here and they would not be noticed. I did not know how i would get them out of the building, and i wondered if someone else could come to take them away. I ducked as a woman in a dark-brown knee-length skirt walked past the eastern end of the shelves. She was talking to someone else, but i could not hear her. I turned back to the printer to start printing out the other part. I then heard people coming from the south, so i quickly ran to the west. I slipped on something and stumbled out into the hallway to the west of the shelves. The man to the south did not pay much attention to me, but i knew that he could see me. I moved slowly, acting as though i had tripped on something and was just catching my balance. I did not turn to look at him. Instead, i walked slowly back into the small office space on the northern end of the room and looked at the large monitor on the northern wall. It showed the blue areas that i had been printing before, but i changed something on the keyboard and it changed to display a picture of dials and pressure gauges. They were computer-generated images, but i knew that they represented the workings of the power plant. There was a dull-red rectangular gauge on the left side of the screen with a black circular pressure gauge above it. A red gauge was on the upper part of the right side of the screen, with several other dials and gauges below it. All of the dials appeared to be within a tan wooden box that was covered with a clean pane of glass. This was a general screen showing what was happening right now. It was not the screen that i wanted to see. I must have pressed the wrong button. I tried to change the screen to the one showing the statistics that i wanted over the last few months. The screen changed to orange, with pictures of a fashion model in the center of the page. There was a block of block text down the right side of the page and some text and figures to the left. The model in the picture was wearing a black dress with thin fuzzy white horizontal stitching, forming a ribbed look across the dress. The picture seemed to be in black and white. I had somehow opened up an advertisement on the page. I was annoyed and moved to another screen, looking for the statistics on the radioactive readouts from the reactors. The screen changed to something that looked hopeful, but the became blocky and was covered over with the same advertisement again. I felt frustrated that i could not find what i was looking for. I was then aware of the people in the office around me. There were more of them now. People had started coming into the office, and i thought that it must be getting late in the morning. I would have to get out of here. I hoped that someone could pick up the data that i had already printed out. I started to walk to the south, along the western side of the room, trying not to act suspicious. I was worried that people might be watching me, so i did not make any sudden movements that might let people know that i was trying to escape. I sensed the man to the north of me looking my way. I came to a doorway in the western wall and i turned to the west. Realizing that it was an office by seeing the black modern desk and chairs inside, i turned back to the east and headed of the eastern wall. I worried that the man would call to me to try to get me to stop. I stepped through a wide doorway and came out into the large lobby to the east. This was a public lobby, and i had been here before. The long lobby ran to the north and seemed to have wooden walls. The floor also seemed to be wood, but it was more solid, like stone of some kind of cement. There seemed to be skylights in the room because it was rather well lighted. I knew that i could leave the building by heading out through the doors to the east. I glanced to the north, down the length of the lobby, noticing the many people who were wandering around or sitting at the round cafe tables along the western wall. I headed to the northeast, where there was a square doorway in the wall. Beyond it, i could see the blue of the outside sky through a large glass window. I remembered that there was a patio outside the building there, but i also remembered that the doorway led into a corridor that only overlooked the patio. It would not allow me to leave the building. I headed more to the north, where there was another doorway in the eastern wall. It seemed to lead down a long ramp that ran to the northeast. I knew that this was the way out. The ram seemed to be enclosed in glass and ran along the northwestern side of the outside patio. I headed for the door, noticing that there was a security guard in a light-blue shirt and dark-blue slacks sitting on a stool on the southern side of the doorway. She was greeting the visitors who were coming into the public part of the building. I had to make it past here without getting recognized by someone from the office. I was still carrying the small blue cushioned chair from the office as i approached the guard. I told her that i was not sure where to leave it as i left. I looked at it curiously and asked where i had gotten it. I realized that it did not match any of the other furnishings in the hallway, but she did not recognize it as something from the office to the west. I motioned with the chair to the northwest, telling her than i had found the chair near the western wall farther up the corridor. She shrugged and i put the chair back near the western wall. I then walked out the door, past the guard. There was a young couple now walking in front of me. The young man laughed with the woman as they walked ahead of me, and then the man turned around to comment to me. I joked back with them. I felt suddenly happy that i had left the building, and i walked down the stone steps on the northern side of the building to the sidewalk below. The couple smiled at me as they moved to the sides of their car, which was parked on the street at the bottom of the stairs. I felt very happy now, and spread out my arms hoping to fly up. I knew that it would surprise the couple, who were not next to their car, to the south of me. I looked up, but realized that i was not lifting into the air as i thought that i would. The couple watched me, but i was not flying. I lifted my arms again and concentrated on flying, imagining that i could lift suddenly high into the air. I was not flying, though. Instead, i seemed to be lifting only a few decis from the ground. I would rise slowly, but i tilted my head back, to the north, and closed my eyes, picturing the reddening fading scene around as i started to lift from the ground.

I moved through the rooms, heading to the east. I was in a foreign land now, and i was traveling with a group of people. The others were about to head to Russia, but i was not sure that i would be traveling with them. It seemed as though i had been traveling with them through two other large countries, and i had enjoyed the countries, but i would have to return now. I felt as though i was packing to get back on the plane to leave. I moved around the room, aware that my grandmother was to the east of me. The two women moved off to the east, reminding me that they were going to take a detour to Russia or China. I wanted to go with them, but knew that i could not make my flight. It would be interesting to take pictures of that country because i had never been there before. I then realized that i had not taken any pictures with my camera yet. I had my good camera with me, but i had not taken pictures in either Bavaria or the first country we visited. I felt disappointed that i had missed the opportunity. I should have taken pictures there to remember the place. I remembered Bavaria. It had a strong wooded sense to it, and i had feelings of forested cabins and tall green-treed mountains. There was a specific feeling to the area that i would probably not forget, but i still wanted pictures. I also remembered something about the first place we went, and it, too, had a strong feeling to it. I thought that it might have been Italy. I moved to the north, into the small bedroom to start packing things. The room was mostly empty, but there was a single bed with its head against the northern wall. The room seemed dull and tan, and the bed was covered with dull black sheets. I thought about the women who were sneaking on the boat that would take them to Shanghai. It was a detour to our trip, and i wondered if i should go with them. I tried to figure out the time, wondering if i would have enough time to travel out with them and then return before my flight. I then realized that the boat trip should take several days, even though i felt that they would be there within the next day or two. I wondered if i could be back before my airplane left. I tried to figure this out as i continued to pack. I was then aware that people were coming into the room around me. They seemed hostile, and i knew that they were here to threaten me. They seemed to be dressed in black leather and punk or goth attire. I stuttered as i talked to them. I seemed to be a character by Woody Allen in the center of the room, trying to convince the people that i really meant no harm. They wanted me to pack something, and i felt bad about doing it. A thin woman in a leather jacket was standing to the east of me. She had chin-length black hair and seemed to be chewing gum apathetically. She leaned on the dresser that was to the east of the bed with her right arm as she slouched against the wall to the east of the dresser. I felt bad that these people were pressuring me to do something. They wanted me to pack something in my bags. I decided that i should attack them. I imagined picking up the telephone from the dresser and smashing it into the face of the person to the east of me. I then decided that i should hit one of the men first with the surprise attack. I could deal with the women better later. I started pacing to the south as i imagined how i would hit them. The man would be standing to the east of me as i faced slightly to the west. I would have the black rotary telephone in my left hand and the receiver in my right. I would have to swing toward the man with the phone and strike him in the face. He would see the swing coming, so i pretended to complain to him dramatically, swinging the phone around my body as i spoke. I would then simply swing it and hit him. He would not expect it as much because i had been swinging it as i complained to him. I would then have to hit him several more times in case the first hit did not knock him out. This seemed like a good scenario, and i thought about it as i continued out of the room to the south. I walked into the small empty room, where i turned to the southwest, where a black cat sat on the worn dull wooden floorboards. Its black fur was graying, and it seemed friendly but hesitant of me. I pet it, feeling friendly with it. It seemed to be $X1. I remembered that $X1 was rather mean because i had been rough with him as a child. I then realized that $X1 had died a long time ago. This black cat was actually $X14. It was thin like $X1, but it was $X14. I suddenly felt bad for the pet, remembering what $X1 was like. The two cats had merged in time, and i was somehow petting $X1 from the past. It was upsetting to see the past as if it were the present, and i stood up and turned to the east. I walked into the next room, where my mother was still packing her suitcases for the flight back. We would have to take the cats on the airplane with us, and i started to worry about them. $X12 jogged past me to the south, stopping near my mother, who was still kneeling at the foot of the bed to the east of me, packing her suitcase. I told her that i was worried about $X12 because he would have to ride in the baggage compartment in the bottom of the airplane. $X14 would be stuffed in a suitcase, but at least he would be just below our chairs as we traveled. I told my mother that it was bad that $X12 would have to ride under the airplane where it was cold and low pressure while $X14 was in the baggage compartment under our floor. I worried that the cats might not survive. I felt as though one of them was going to die in the trip, and that made me sad.

12009 July 06

There were several of us in the small room of the house, but it was time for us to get going. My mother was sitting on the edge of the bed to the east of me. The bed was against the eastern wall with its headboard on the northern wall. I turned my attention to the man to the southeast of me. He was saying something to me and standing very close. He seemed familiar, though i did not recognize his face. His face was rather plain but somewhat nice. He had short blond hair and long sideburns. He seemed older, and looked as though he might have come from the seventies. We had to change our clothes to head out. He took off his shirt and started to change. He was rather furry on his chest and shoulders, and i noticed that there was a strange pattern of hair in the center of his chest. He had three swirls of hair arranged in a downward pointing triangle. It looked like a crest on his chest, and i thought that it seemed rather strange. He was not that well built and seemed somewhat unattractive. He then bent forward to get something and i noticed the muscle detail on his left arm as he bent it at the elbow. I could see the veins over his muscles across his elbow, and he seemed to be nicely shaped. It was strange, because he did not really seem to have a muscular body. I also noticed that his skin was very oily on his arm. I remembered that, when he was talking to me closely, there were pale oily patches under his eyes. He had been putting some kind of cream on his skin, so the oil on his arm must have been one of the creams. I glanced at my mother, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed. She had looked at me after seeing the oil on the man’s arm. I wondered if she was upset because she thought that i was checking the man out. I turned back to the north to start changing my clothing. I was wearing a blue wrap around my waist, but i had to put on pants. I did not want to take the warp off and simply be in my underwear in a public place like this, which seemed to be a library. I looked to the south, where my mother was sitting at the table, waiting for us. Some other people were with her. I turned to the north. There was a bathroom to the north of us, but $F57 was standing in front of the door there. I thought that he was going to change too and hoped that he closed the bathroom door before he did. I turned to the west, thinking that i could pull on my pants under the wrap and then take the wrap off. I then noticed that $F57 had taken off his pants and underwear as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom. This probably upset my mother. I was hesitant to put my own pants on, but i knew that i should do it where people would not be watching me.

12009 July 07

I was in the bedroom area at $P19, and it was dark. There were bunk beds around all of the walls. The bunk bed against the eastern wall, to the south of the entrance door, seemed to have dark blue sheets on the top bed. I moved to the west, passing the bunk beds that extended from the southern wall. There were several beds against the northern wall, and it seemed that the eastern-most bed on the northern wall was mine. I looked at the mattresses on the beds as i walked, and i spoke to the person to the west of me about them. I was looking for a mattress for the bed. I noticed that several of the mattresses here seemed to be dull green, with large floral patterns on them. I commented that these did not seem to be the original mattresses. I told the person that these mattresses were fairly new. I remembered how the old ones seemed worn and faded. I then turned back to the east. There was a bunk bed to the southeast of me, and i noticed that there was an old faded-green mattress pressed between the two layers of the bed. The mattress seemed to be made of decaying yellow foam, and the fabric over the foam was wearing thin. I pointed it out as one of the original mattresses in this dormer. I then noticed the thin mattresses on the other bed. They looked as though they had been taken off of lawn chairs. $G3 must have started taking mattresses off of other furnishings around the house to replace the old worn-out mattresses on the beds. It seemed very strange. I started moving through the room, trying to get my bed ready. There was a man standing to the west of me. He was trying to reassemble on of the bunk beds. I watched him moved the gray metal poles into a parallel position, but he was unsure how to connect them together. I told him how the poles fit together and helped him connect the crossbeams of the lower part of the bed. I then pointed out that there was a second level to the bed. He seemed unaware of this and was surprised that the bed actually was a double bunk bed. There now seemed to be tall boxes around us now, as if we were working in a warehouse. The bed was just one frame of many that could be assembled here. I helped the man hook the top part of the bed to the bottom part, and then i started wandering to the west. Many $G3 were around the room now, trying to set up the beds. We were all trying to work on the project to clean up and fix the house. I stepped out of the building to the west, coming onto the roof. The western part of the house was lower than the eastern part, and i started walking across the wide cement roof to the west. The roof seemed like a parking garage. I was aware of the people to the north of me. One of them seemed to be $A299. She was running the clean-up project. I did not feel confident in her, and i thought that there was something strange going on here. I wandered away from the others, across the roof, feeling a little out of place. I wondered why $A299 was running the house project. Something did not seem quite right.

12009 July 08

I walked to the south, into the apartment where my parents were living. They had juts moved into this apartment building, which seemed like the place i lived at $P2. I came into a room that opened up into a living room to the west. I was near the northern wall of the room, just to the north of a set of stairs that ascended to the south. The walls of the living room to the west of me seemed to be blue, but the room to the east was mostly black. I moved around the blue room for a moment, but i knew that i had to change my clothing, so i headed downstairs. There was a bedroom there. I descended to the north and then turned to the east. I came into the large basement room from the northern end of the western wall. This room seemed like the basement of $P19, but i knew that i was in the apartment at $P2. I had seen this apartment before, but i had not been here much since my parents had moved in. The stairs i had come down seemed to be on the northwestern side of the house. I walked into the large basement bedroom to the east, thinking that i should unpack my things from the cardboard boxes. My things had been moved into this house as well. I walked past a door in the western wall of the larger room. I knew that the door to the west led to the smaller bedroom where i would be staying. I was heading back to this bedroom to get my things. I walked into the bedroom to do something, but then i seemed to be out in the main room again. There was something very familiar about this larger space. I walked around the large room, looking at the cardboard moving boxes that were still staked on the floor. I should find my things in the boxes, but i really did not know where to look for certain items. I wanted to find something, but i was not actually looking through the boxes for it. There was something distracting in the room that kept making me feel uncomfortable about this place. I remembered living in this apartment before, but so many things about it had changed, and i was not quite comfortable being here. There was something about the place that seemed unsettling. I then heard a clicking sound, coming from the south. I looked at the dark cement wall to the south. It was bark, but i noticed that there was a space between the cement foundation wall and the ceiling above. It was a gap of about a half meter where the house rested on the foundation. I moved toward the wall, noticing a small white light in the wall. It blinked out as i heard the clicking sound. As i got closer, i noticed that there was a dark blue box attached to the wall. The light was coming through a keyhole in the center of the box. It was a camera, and the lens was disguised as an old fashioned keyhole. I felt very uncomfortable about this, knowing that someone was watching us. I pulled the box out of the space in the wall and looked at it. I then looked at the wall where the box had been. There was a small keyhole in the outside wall. Looking out it, i could see the grass of the lawn outside. Someone had been outside watching us through the camera. This made me feel nervous. I looked around in the keyhole, trying to see the ground outside. I could see a wall of the house to the west. As i looked down, i noticed a set of old keys. They must have been used to open up the hole and turn on the camera. I thought that the landlord must have dropped them when he turned the camera on. I was annoyed and looked back at the camera. The lens on the front was telescopic, and was on a round pivot. It did not seem to have an automatic aiming mechanism, so i turned the lens downward so that the lens was almost tucked inside the camera. This would prevent it from working. This would also make the landlord upset, but i did not care about him. I walked back into the room as $K3 came into the room from the northwest. I told her about the camera, but she did not seem too concerned. I then remembered that the camera had been here since we had lived here the first time. It was in the heating ducts, and $K3 used to tease us, telling us that it was a monster watching us. This was $P2. I looked back at the shelf near the top of the southern wall, where the camera was. There were small rolls of film to the west of the camera on the shelf. I wondered if they were from the camera. I picked up the filmstrips, looking at the old pictures on them. The negatives were actually of pictures that i had taken. I wondered if they were from the camera. I put them on the floor and started looking through them. I was excited to see the new pictures, which seemed like positives. I realized that they might have been taken by the automatic camera, but they were old pictures of my family and myself, so i was glad to see them. Many of these pictures were taken by me, and i was happy to have found them after all this time. I looked through them, realizing that they were all dusty and grimy from sitting on the shelf all of these years. They must have been here since the first time that we had lived in this apartment. I was annoyed that they were in such poor condition, and i was annoyed that i would have to sort through them to get them back into order. I shuffled through both the negatives and the black-and-white photographs that were in the pile. I tried to match the photographs with the correct sets of negatives. I was annoyed that i had to sort through these things. I thought that they should have been left in order. I looked at the images in the pictures. One of them seemed to be of a tree in the back yard of my house. I was looking to the south now, at the branches of the tall pine tree that was to the southwest of me. The branches extended to the east, and there was something on the branch. I tried to focus on it, but could not quite make it out. It seemed to be a small statue. I grabbed the end of the branch and pushed it to the floor, hoping to see the upper parts of the branch. A small gray monkey, which had been standing on the branch of the tree, fell suddenly to the ground. It fell very quickly, as though under heavy gravity. I hoped that it did not get broken from the fall. Someone then complained about the scratched pictures. My view did seem a little grainy and scratched. I looked to the south, at the brick wall on the southern side of the basement. The person was referring to the small stack of items on the shelf, which was really the space between the top of the foundation wall and the bottom of the house. I tried focusing on the items, but they still seemed fuzzy. There was a dusty clock on the shelf, covered with cobwebs. It was sitting to the west of the camera, where i had found the filmstrips. I tried to look more closely, trying to focus, as i pushed something out of my way. As i started to push, the person said that the old clock had scratched the record. The clock had been sitting on a small phonograph. This was not good. I turned back to the north and walked back into the bedroom in the western wall. I could hear my mother coming down the stairs to the east. I thought that i should unpack the boxes in my room. As i entered the bedroom, i realized that there were several new things on the small bed, which was against the northern wall of the room, pressed into the northeastern corner. These were presents that my parents had purchased for me. There were many guitars on the bed, and all of them seemed shiny and new. One of the guitars was red and shaped like a Y at the head. They were very fancy guitars, and i wondered where my parents had gotten them. I then looked at the short guitar on the western side of the bed. It too had a Y-shaped neck, with two heads and tuning pins at the top. These were special guitars, and i was very interested in them. I looked to the east to see a long narrow brown guitar leaning up against the eastern wall. I thought that my parents had picked up these gifts when they went to the United Kingdom. I was amazed at the variety of guitars in the room. There was a tall dresser to the east of me, between the bed and the door to the room. The red guitar on top of the dresser had gold writing scrawled across the face of it. I wondered if it was an actual autograph. I was surprised at all of the guitars, and i felt very good about seeing them here. They made me happy.

12009 July 09

I walked across the large room of the library, heading to the north. I was trying to leave the building, but i was not quite sure where i was going. The room was very wall, with white walls that had pale wooden bookcases along the bottom halfs. I thought that i would have to go up to the next level of the library to get out. This building seemed very modern, with clean lines and metal beams exposed. The room had many long study tables in it, and it was crowded with people. The eastern wall of the room was glass, with white metal beams surrounding the separate panes. Through the glass i could see another part of the library, which seemed to be about a meter higher than the floor that i was on. The floor was covered with gray carpeting, and i could see many people coming into the building from somewhere farther to the east. The room on the other side of the glass was narrow, like a corridor, and people were entering it through another glass wall to the southeast. This seemed to be an entrance to the building, but i did not think that i would be able to leave the building this way. I watched the students walk in through the sets of double doors in the tall blond wooden wall to the southeast. The wall had thick trimming running in vertical stripes down the wall every few decis. I was not sure that i could go out through those doors, though. They seemed to be only an entrance to the building. I also did not want to head to the southeast, knowing that it would lead out to the street on the eastern side of the library. I wanted to head to the north, into the central part of campus. I would have to head up to the next level to find the stairs. I remembered that i had come up a set of stairs to get here. They were in a narrow cement stairwell, and they had taken me to the higher level from where i had been, but i would not be able to go back down the stairs anyway. They only worked in one direction. I was now on an escalator now, heading up to the east. I was a little confused as to where i was going, but i knew that i should get off at the next level. When the escalator started to pass the next level, though, there was a woman trying to step on to the escalator. She was blocking the space in the low white walls surrounding the escalator so that i could not squeeze off. I was frustrated with her because she had taken such a long time to get on to the stairs. I stood on the northern side of the stairs as it headed up to the next level. I had been below ground in the library, so the last exit to the escalator would have been level with the ground on the northern side of the building. If i got off at the next level, i would be one floor above the ground and would have to come back down a level to leave the building. The stairs seemed to be moving awkwardly, as though they were sticking. I pushed my way though the crowd to get to the next exit, but it was hard getting off. I headed to the south, thinking that i had to find a way back down to the lower floor to get out of the building. I started across the large open room of the library. There were many round tables in the center of the room with people around. I entered the room from the eastern end of the northeastern wall. There was a large round table in the eastern corner of the room where several people were working on a large jigsaw puzzle. I tried to squeeze past them, but the tables in the room were so close together that i was having trouble getting past. There also seemed to be something over my head so that i could not fully stand up. I was having difficulty moving, and i stumbled past some of the people on the table. I hit someone’s foot as i tried to squeeze past. He was $A192, and he complained that i had stepped on his foot as i passed. I apologized, but then defensively explained that there was nowhere else to walk. The room was too crowded. I was having trouble standing because of the tight space, and i was very uncomfortable here. I finally left the people at the table and headed to the southeast, where the other exit to the room was.

12009 July 10

I walked up the side of the building to the north. I seemed to be inside a large structure, but i could see the boathouse to the north of me, on the side of the water. There was a dock extending to the north, into the water of the river. There was a long brown wooden boat and a green flat-water kayak sitting on the wooden dock. I walked across the large living room of the cottage to the boats. I had been near the boats before, and i remembered trying to get them ready for use. Something was wrong now, though. I turned the green boat over, rolling it off of the western side of the dock and into the water. As i grabbed some things from the ground at the base of the dock, the boat started to float away to the north. I called to the other person, who was on a boat floating on the western side of the dock. The other person was coiling up ropes on the deck of the small canoe. I told him that the boat was floating away, but he could not grab it from where he was. I was disappointed and did not know what to do. The boat floated out past the dock and started floating to the northeast. I could see the large lake to the northeast. The river flowed to the east, into the southwestern end of the lake. There was an island at the mouth of the river. It was very small, but it was covered with pine trees and seemed to have a small white rundown cottage on it. The shoreline around the island was rather rocky, and the island was six or seven meters from the northern shore of the river. The boat floated to the north, passing between the island and the forested mainland. It floated out into the lake. I would have to get the other boat and go after it. I was upset that this had happened and i was not quite sure what i should do. I was then standing back from the shore, and the dock was to the northwest of me again. There seemed to be another building to the west of me now. I had come along the eastern side of the building, which seemed to be a cottage. The green plastic boat had fallen in the water and was floating away again, but i looked back to the dock and realized that the brown wooden canoe was no longer there. Something had happened to it before. I had been getting the green boat ready to leave because i thought that the brown boat had floated away. I was going to use the green boat to go look for it. I felt upset about losing the brown boat and worried that i had not tied it down properly. I turned back to the south and walked along the eastern wall of the large rustic room. There seemed to be exposed wooden beams overhead. My father was in the room with me, and i was disappointed in myself as i told him about the boats. I could not figure out exactly what happened, and i felt very confused. I knew that we had to do something, but i could not figure out what we should do. We would have to go after the boats, but i kept wandering around the area, upset about what had happened.

I had the second cat in my arms, and i thought that we were supposed to give it a sedative. I remembered that i had given a tranquilizer to the first cat, and the cat was now dead. I wondered if i gave it too much tranquilizer, or whether it had simply died. I could not remember what had happened. I did not want to do anything to the second cat, because i did not want it to die. I was then very upset about the first cat. I could see it lying on its side to the northwest of me, at about the level of my waist. It was mostly brown. Its white stomach was to the north, and its front paws were extended to the northwest. There was some white around the insides of the front legs and around the paws. I turned to the east and held the second cat. I did not want the second cat to be injured. I hoped that i did not actually kill the first cat by accident.

I moved to the south, looking at the white window frame in the wall. The multi-pane window was small and round, and the panes were tilted at a fourty-five degree angle. The white paint on the frame seemed worn and chipping, and i realized that there was something moving on the frame. I looked closely to see that there was a carpenter ant crawling across the wood of the frame. This was bad because the ants would burrow into the wood of the window and cause it to rot. I tried to flick the ant off, but then i realized that there were other insects in the wood. The faded wood at the top of the window was starting to rot. As i passed my finger over it, i noticed a colony of small white bugs crawling through the wood. I was upset that the window was being destroyed and i wondered what i should do about it.

12009 July 12

I left the others and headed to the north, out of the main hall of the building. There were still people gathering things together in the main hall. They seemed to be doing some kind of renovation to the hall, which seemed like the hall of the field house to $P7. I passed through the double metal doors at the entrance to the hallway and noticed the cardboard boxes stacked on the floor along the eastern side of the hallway. There was someone to the north of me who was bending over to pick up one of the boxes. I decided to help and bent over to grab one of the small boxes. The woman to the north seemed to be wearing a waiter’s uniform and pushing a gray plastic cart. I followed her to the north, which was the direction i was heading anyway. We rounded the corner and headed east.

I got into my car and started driving. I seemed to be driving forward, but i knew that i was backing out of the parking space, moving to the west. The car turned north, into the intersection. I was facing north in the car, but i realized that the car was actually facing south. I would have to turn it around so that i could drive properly. I had come from the eastern side of the road just to the south of the intersection. It seemed as though i had come from an on ramp. I was stopped at the light, but started to back to the south so that i could face the car in the proper direction. I backed up a little, but realized that there was another car behind me. I hit the car lightly. I was worried and did not want to deal with the accident at the moment, so i started driving to the north again, trying to pull forward. I was rolling back to the south, however. I put on the emergency brake so that i would not roll, but my car kept bouncing into the black van behind me. I looked back at the van and could see that i was hitting it on the bumper. The van did not appear to be in good shape, and it already seemed to have a large dent in the driver’s side of the front bumper. I was annoyed at the situation, and i looked back to the north again, across the wide intersection in the semi-urban area. I started to drive forward, wondering if the people in the black van would take down my license place as i left. I hoped that it was not readable, and i continued to the north, across the intersection and up the hill into the treed section of the city.

12009 July 14

I was standing on the western side of the large parking lot when the people to the east of me started moving to the north to get onto the bus. I would have to get onto the bus as well, and i turned to the west to put some things back into my car. My black car was parked facing west, and i stood to the south of it as i opened the driver’s door. I removed my jacket and hung it on the back of the car seat. I could hear the people talking to the east of me, saying that i did not really want to come with them. I felt upset here, but wanted to get onto the bus with the others. I hoped that they did not leave without me. A car pulled up to the east of me, coming from the north. $A313 was driving the SUV. They stopped to say something to me. I turned to the west and closed the two orangish-tan doors on the back of my car, which now seemed to be shaped more like a hatchback with a back end like a rounded delivery van. I turned to the east and started walking toward the black pick-up truck that the others were in, but they drove away to the south, not noticing that i was coming. I was annoyed with them and turned to the north to head for the bus. I was walking to the east, down the center of the long corridor of the bus. The chairs were all facing east, and this place seemed more like a lounge that a vehicle, but i knew that we were moving as i walked. We were heading to a special camp. I started to float as i made my way down he hallway, through the rows of chairs. There seemed to be one or two chairs on the southern side of the aisle, and four or five to the north. I pretended to walk, but was aware that my feet were not quite touching the ground anymore. I though that this would look surprising to the others on the bus, and i wondered if i could make it seem that i was actually walking on the air a deci or so above the ground. I knew that i could fly, but i wanted to control the flight so that i still appeared to be walking. I was aware that others were watching me as i walked. I made my way down the corridor. Once i reached the front of the bus, i turned to the north and sat in one of the cushioned metal chairs of the front row. There was a young girl sitting in the second chair of the row from the south, and i sat just to the north of her. She seemed to be mentally abnormal, and she was very happy to see me. She smiled widely and hugged me around the waist. It was good to see here, but i wanted her to stop clinging to me for a moment. I tried to push her away for a moment so that i could do something for her, but she kept trying to hug me.

12009 July 17

I had been talking to the others and felt excited about being here. We were going through old things and i was interested to see what was here. I then noticed the pattern on the southern wall. Someone pointed it out as well. It looked like a clock, but i was simply a dark gray flat image of a clock face painted on the tan stone of the wall. It seemed very strange, as though it was hovering off the surface of the wall. I looked at it more closely, noticing that it appeared to be two clock faces superimposed on top of one another. One was slightly to the left of the other so that they formed two overlapping circles. Instead of numbers, there seemed to be tiny rectangular symbols on the clock. It was very intricate. The man to the southeast of me looked at the image and then turned to me, smiling and saying something about the design. He pointed out the small things that we had been finding in the cave. I turned to the north and looked at the stone wall. It seemed to be carved into small cubby holes where scrolls were kept, but it was still a solid stone wall. It also seemed to be a set of shelves with many small dust-covered boxes on it. The man had pointed out the small gold things in the items in the wall, and i saw the small statuette of an animal set into the dusty and cobwebbed carving on the wall. I pulled the small animal out. I was excited about finding it, and i realized that every cubbyhole in the carving actually had a small animal hidden in it. I caught a glimpse of many small animals in each of the carvings, and i started to pull out the small things in the carvings to remove the small carved gold chips from each of them. I turned to the south with one of the small gold animals. It turned into a powder as i held it, and i rainbow of sparkling dust drifted from it. These small chips had some special magical power, and we were trying to collect them. I was then disappointed after the sparkles started to fade. The dust did not actually do anything more. I then realized that we were supposed to put the dust in the special place, so i lowered my left hand to the table, which was to the south of me. I had been pinching the object, which was now turning to dust, between my thumb and forefinger. I held it over the small round hole in the stone object, which seemed to be an envelope. The dust sparkled again, but again faded out as too soon. We were not doing this correctly. We had to assemble all of the small gold artifacts into position at the same time. I realized that each carved gold trinket matched a symbol from the clock face that i had seen earlier on the southern wall. I thought that we would have to put the icons into place on the clock face and then the magic would work. I turned to the table to the north of me and started pulling the small boxes off of the shelves. There was a gold piece attached to each of the boxes. It seemed difficult to collect them all, but i was excited to do it. I then reached to the northeast and started to lift some of the computer equipment that had been sitting on the table. The items seemed to be old external hard drives or CD drives. I did not think that the ancient chips would be associated with these modern devices, but, as i turned over one of the gray metal cases, wrapping the chords over the top, i noticed a small gold chip on the side of the styrofoam packing around the side of the equipment. I was surprised to see it there and pulled it off. I started pulling many boxes from the shelves and piling them on the table. We would have to remove the carved gold chips from all of them.

12009 July 18

We walked to the west, through the small town. It seemed as though it had rained recently, and it seemed as though it was early evening. We had to get back to our car and head someplace to the east. I felt that we had to be somewhere, and i felt concerned about getting there, as though we might be too late. I was walking with two other people: a man and a woman. The woman seemed to be $K29, and the man seemed to be several people i knew. The city was small, with buildings around us, but, as we turned to the north and i looked to the west, i noticed an open body of water. A river flowed from the north and turned sharply into the wider body of water, to the west. I then noticed orange rafts moving down the river rather quickly. The current of the water was strong enough that the water on the narrow river was bowed up into the air. The rafts flowed over it, and it occurred to me that this was some kind of waterslide ride. I followed the others to the north, looking at the rapids as we passed. We seemed to be climbing some old stone stairs to the northeast of the curve in the stone or cement water flume. This city seemed run down. I watched the boats float over the rapids. They seemed more like tube rafts now, with people sitting atop them. The water flume was no longer filled with a lot of water. It seemed old and worn and nothing more that an old aqueduct. The rafters came around a corner, and i noticed that the water had been running down an old set of stone steps. The flume was not well maintained, however, and there was very little water at the bottom of the stairs. The ride seemed disappointing, but the people were still tolerating the disrepair as if they did not know any better. We followed the water to the southwest, near the top of the slide. I was then on one of the orange rafts and i was floating back to the northeast. The water seemed heavy at first, but then i remembered the leaking part of the flume, and i found myself standing near the top of the stairs, just to the north of the water. The flume had turned to the east, but i had stayed in the main flow of water that went north and drained away through the ground. I looked back at the stairs. The water there seemed very shallow, but, as i got into it, it was moving rather rapidly to the east and seemed deep. I realized that there was a sudden drop off to the east, and the water was increasing in speed as it approached. I felt nervous about going over the falls, but i thought that this flume must be made so that people do not get hurt. The falls could not be a sudden drop off. I was more nervous as i approached them, but i stayed in the raft. The raft went over the edge and turned to the northeast suddenly. I was standing on the ground near the flume. It was not an interesting ride. $K29 and $A541 were standing next to me. I was disappointed with the ride and we started to walk away. We had to be somewhere. I talked to $A541 as we walked back to the west. He was to the south of me.

12009 July 19

I moved to the north with the others, on the eastern sidewalk of the street. There were apartment buildings and shops on the eastern side of the road, and this place seemed like somewhere in $P14. I joked with the others as we walked. Then i was sitting in front of some of them. There were a couple of us being pushed by the others on carts. I could not see where we were going because there was something covering me. I started to feel unsafe, realizing that i might hit something else on the sidewalk. I hoped that the others were carefully paying attention to where we were going. I could still hear them talking as i moved to the north. I then stopped abruptly, and i thought that we had run into something. I was sitting on the ground. I took off the blindfold to see what had happened. It looked as though we had gone over a curb from one block to the next. We were on the northern side of a cross street, and the contents of the cart that we were in seemed to have been spilled over the sidewalk. I started to pick some of the stuff up. $A119 was standing to the southwest of me as i cleaned up the mess from the tipped cart. He had been one of the people pushing. The others chatted only momentarily before turning to leave. They had to head off to do something else. $A119 said something to me about the job. I remembered that he was going to talk to someone where he worked to try to get me a job. I stood up and followed him to the north a short distance. We then turned to the east and walked into the back room of a restaurant. $A119 worked here in the dining hall. I felt nervous about being here, wondering why i was coming to work. I realized that i would need the money. The room was small, and there were three people sitting on the green cushions of a dining booth against the northern wall. Several items were stacked on the floor to the south. They seemed to be supplies and boxes of food. $A119 walked to the east, into the next room of the building. He was going to find his boss and let him know that i was here. I bent over and started picking up the white things on the ground. It seemed that they had been dumped over by accident, and i thought that i should clean them up. As i crouched down to grab several of them, a man walked up from the southwest and came to a stop to the east of me. He was wearing white sneakers. I looked up at him. He was an older man with white hair on his balding head. His face was slightly wrinkled, and he seemed very stern. I realized that he was probably the boss here. I nodded to him and picked up the last of the white things from the floor. He turned to walk into the next room, and i stood up to follow him. We came into a larger dining area, which extended to the north and south. There were several booths running along the eastern wall to the northeast, and the northern part of the room was filled with round tables. To the east of me was a wooden counter against the eastern wall. The room was dimly lighted, and it seemed old and used. The dull-yellow walls seemed darkened with years of dust. The man headed to the south, and i followed him into the next room. There was a large table in the center of the small room, and i knew that this was part of the staff area for the dining hall. It seemed strange that i would be working in a university dining hall again, and i wondered if i really wanted to do a job like this. I knew that it did not make a lot of money. I then decided that it might be good because i would be on the university payroll again. Even if i was part time, i would be able to be part of the university community. The man walked to the southeastern corner of the table, where another man was sitting. He stood behind the sitting man and spoke to him for a moment. I realized that i would be interviewing the older man at the table, so i reached for the chair that was on the eastern end of the northern side of the table. The older man would be sitting across the table from me on the south. I was still a little nervous about this job.

12009 July 20

I glanced to the south as i started walking to the west. The ocean was rolling into the shore just to the south of me, and i could see several birds standing on the shore. I had just stepped out of a section of tall dull-green grass, which was growing up through the sand. I heard a hissing noise from the beach just as i started to enter the gray cement structure to the west of me. I looked again at the beach to see several different kinds of birds on the shore. There were three large birds, which were mostly white, surrounding a tiny black bird. The black bird had a very long curving beak and very long tail feathers for its body size. I thought that it was a humming bird because of the shape of its beak and its small body size. The birds disappeared behind the cement wall to the south of me as i entered the structure, still thinking about the hissing sound. I wondered if it had come from the small bird. I then thought that it might have come from a crocodile, even though i did not remember seeing a crocodile on the beach. I did remember seeing something large on the western side of the group, and i wondered if it could have been a crocodile or an alligator. I stopped and turned back to the east. I wanted to get another look at the birds on the beach. As i turned around, i noticed the small black bird watching me from the corner of the building. I had walked into a corridor of the cement building. The corridor entered the building from the east, but the doorway into the corridor was facing north. The southern wall of the corridor stopped before the northern wall, and the northern wall extended to the east, meeting a short cinderblock wall that blocked the eastern end of the corridor. I stopped when i saw the black bird standing on the side of the southern cinderblock wall on the western end of the doorway. It was peering around the corner at me, and i wondered if it had been watching me. There could be something special about the bird that made it watch over me. I stood for a moment in the corridor, not quite sure what to do. I then decided to wander back to the doorway and look out to see if the hissing had come from a crocodile. The black bird flew away from the doorway, and i looked around the corner of the building to see the group of birds on the beach. The first one i saw was a large white bird with a gray head. It had a heavy beak, like a dodo bird, but had a body more like a large seagull. It saw me at the doorway and backed a little to the southwest. I looked around at the other birds on the beach. There seemed to be many more now. They were gathered in a circle, and i noticed that the long thin white bird in the center was shaking its head at the birds on the eastern side of the circle. The bird had its body and head very low to the ground, and it had a long black bill that it opened and closed very quickly, making a strange susurrus. I thought that it might be the same hissing sound that i had heard before, but i could not quite figure it out. I looked around at the many strange birds here. I then realized that many of the larger birds on the beach had bright orange coats with black heads. I had not seen birds quite like them before. I wondered if they were something special. There was someone standing to the east of me now, peering around the corner at the birds. She seemed to be $K20, and i asked her what kind of birds the large orange creatures were. I knew that they were not native to this area, and they seemed slightly out of place on a beach. I then noticed that several of them were actually shaped like large penguins. Their bodies were orange with black heads and arms. I knew that they could not be penguins, however, since they were more like birds that could fly. $K20 told me the name of the birds. I then turned to the east and headed back to the stairwell. This building seemed mostly like a tower for stairs. The walls were made of cinderblock that was covered wit a layer of cement. I started heading down the stairs. Between flights, i glanced to the south, out the open terraces. I noticed the waves rolling into shore near me, and i though that they might be very tall. Every seventh wave was supposed to be taller than the others, and this might just be a tall wave coming in. When i was on the upper floor, where i had seen the birds on the beach, the waves had been relatively small, but, as i left, i remembered a larger wave coming in. I wondered if it would be tall enough to wash over the side of the railing and come into the stairwell. I heard the wave crash as i came down the second flight of stairs to one of the balconies. No water came into the building, but i looked out of the balcony, noticing that the muddy water was rising behind the first wave. The next wave would be just as big or larger than the first. I quickly turned to the north and headed down the flight of stairs along the western wall of the stairwell. As i reached the northern end and turned to head down the next flight, i heard the crashing of the wave. I looked at the doorway to the south, below me, waiting to see if any water would splash in from the wave. Nothing came over the balcony, but i thought that water probably splashed in one of the lower levels of the stairwell. I waited for the sound of the waves to stop before i hurried down the stairs and exited the building through the lower level. The stairs at the bottom of the tower were probably filled with water by now.

I looked at the comic strip to the north of me. It was a picture of a young female mouse sitting in the middle of a living room, facing away. The boy mouse, who was off the lower left side of the frame, sayed that the girl had a special nothing. I remembered that the strip i had before had mentioned the diet, depicting an empty package next to the girl. The joke was that the diet was actually not eating anything. This was a later strip, and the boy told the girl that he had gotten her a special nothing. There was a large package sitting to the right of the girl as she faced away, toward a television. The line drawing of the package was square, but it had a circular spot in the center. It seemed to represent a package of formed plastic around an object, but there was nothing in the center. The girl was not amused with the joke and ignored her brother. He was making fun of her. I then looked to the right, at the next panel of the strip. It was a separate frame of the comic. This time, the boy was standing in front of a large gadget with many buttons and leavers. The object seemed to be moving with spinning parts and vibrating pistons. The girl was sitting on the floor on the right side of the panel, ignoring her brother as he stood on the left, in front of the gadget. The joke was that the gadget had many lights and a lot of motion, but it actually did nothing. Again, the girl sat with an expression that sayed that she was not interested in the joke.

12009 July 21

I walked around the eastern end of the clothesline and walked to the west, along the south of the long structure. The clothesline appeared to run for quite a way over the cut green grass of the lawn. It seemed to be suspended by wooden poles at regular intervals, and there was a bluish-white cloth hanging over it, running from the line to the ground. I stopped in the middle of the cloth and lifted the bucket that i was carrying so that the black braid, which was hanging from the clothes line, just to the west of one of the supports, was in the bucket. I had taken the lower part of the braided rope earlier. I was about to take the rest of it when i realized that i would be using up the last of the braiding. I lowered the bucket, looking at the black braid. I did not want to use it all up. There should be some of it left hanging with the sheets. The braids had some spiritual significance, and i wanted enough of them to be hanging on the line. $Z seemed to be to the south of me as i made this decision. I then turned back to the east and walked to the end of the clothesline. Near the end, of the structure, i turned to the south, heading into a small room. Something changed here, and i seemed to be in a different scene.

12009 July 22

I walked to the west-southwest, across the room, which seemed like part of a school. I was a little uncomfortable here. To the north, $A101 walked past me. He smiled widely at me as he headed to the west. I had things that i needed to do, and i felt tense here. This place was an office, and it seemed that i had come back to work for $G6. I was out of place here, and i did not know what to do. $A313 seemed to be to the north of me as i shuffled through some things on my desk. I was not sure why i was here or why i had come back to work here. Everything seemed out of place. I then turned to the south and walked around the small interior room of the building. I entered through the southern door. The room was very small. $A313 had said something to me as i entered, and i realized that she was talking about the other person, whom i was supposed to take care of. I walked to the north, into the bathroom. I had to take a shower. The shower stall seemed to be in the northwestern corner of the small room, but i moved to the eastern side of the room where i could undress. There was a toilet to the north of me, hidden in a small alcove in the western wall. I did not feel uncomfortable having the other person in the room with me, but it seemed a little strange that a woman would be near me. I then realized that there was something strange about the woman. She did not seem to have any legs, or her legs were not working. She was walking on her hands, pulling the lower part of her body behind her. I was not uncomfortable with this, but the situation seemed very strange.

12009 July 23

I looked out the car window as we drove through the city, heading north. The others were in the car with me. We seemed to be in Deutschland, and i knew that we were trying to leave the country. We had to get back home. We drove generally to the north, heading up the long straight streets. The city seemed empty, as though it was very early in the morning. We turned around several corners, and i remembered that we had left our suitcases back at the hotel. We would have to get them before we headed to the airport. Something seemed to be bothering me, though. We could not seem to get to where we wanted to go. Several of the streets were closed off for some reason. I worried that we would not be able to figure out how to get through the streets and get to the hotel in time. We turned to the east and then started driving down a street to the south. We seemed to be driving along the eastern side of the area, but we were not heading in quite the right direction. The traffic must have been diverted here. I started to feel anxious, thinking that we were not going the way we should be going. The road was curving back to the west, and it seemed like an entrance ramp to a highway. We stopped suddenly as we rounded the corner, realizing that we were in an open area now. The highway was to the west of us, running north to south. It seemed to start just to the northwest of us, where there was a line of toll gates. There was a police officer standing to the south of us, and i felt uneasy with his presence. Something was wrong, and i did not want to be trapped in this country. We then realized that they were charging people to pass through this section of the city. I was upset, realizing that we would still need to head back to the hotel for our suitcases before we came to the airport. We should have brought them with us. We would have to pay the toll twice if we passed through now and then went back for out suitcases. I leaned back on the bench, wondering what to do. The bench was against the northern wall of the large room, which seemed like the waiting lounge of an airport. The setting was dark, with dark colors on the walls. A woman was sitting to the west of me on the bench when a young child with light-blond hair walked up to us from the south. The child pushed its way between us and sat down on the bench. I felt close to these people, and it seemed as though we were stuck here together. I was then caressing the face of the woman as she leaned toward my right side. It seemed as though we had been here a very long time. The woman closed her eyes and enjoyed the petting. I felt warm and comforted here, but i was aware how long we had been here. It seemed to be too long, and i wondered when we would be able to leave. One of the people in the room to the south of us then mentioned that we would be on a boat crossing the ocean. This room seemed like the hold of a ship, but i did not think that we were on the ship yet. I felt depressed about the boat, thinking that it would talk a long time to get to the other country, where we needed to go. Someone had mentioned the journey, and i knew that it would take thirteen days to travel over the ocean. I was annoyed. I did not want to have to spend that much time on a boat just to get back home. I then wondered why it would take so long. I remembered that the Titanic was to cross the Atlantic in only two days. I sat against the northern wall of the large dark room, and i seemed to sleep for a bit. Time was passing, but i could not be sure how much. I tried to focus, but everything seemed obscure. I wanted to get home, but i could not focus on what was happening. I then woke up suddenly, finding myself in a nicely decorated room. The thin vertical wood boards on the wall were lightly stained, and the room was bright from sunlight. I stood up from the double bed with the neat white blanket over it. The bed was against the southern wall. There was a large window in the eastern wall, and i looked out over a small patch of garden, which was under a wide wooden roof with a large skylight in the center. The field was filled with tall thin grass, which had a reddish hue to the blades and stalks. It seemed to be some kind of grain. The wooden beams of the large room seemed ornate, with painted carvings. They seemed deutsch, and i thought that i was still in Deutschland. This disappointed me. I was still in a foreign country. This place did seem very nice, though. It was very bright and open, with lots of sunlight. The sky outside was gray, though, so the light was diffuse and bright. I started walking through the open spaces of the house, and the other man walked with me. I was fascinated with the beauty of this place, but i still felt longing for home. I moved through several small rooms of the house and then went north. I came into the large open room where the grass was growing. I entered the room through the room in the eastern end of the southern wall. The grass was growing in a large square in the centre of the room. It was surrounded by wooden railings and seemed to be on a higher part of the floor than the rest of the room. This room was on the northern side of the house. There were large glass windows in the northern and eastern wall of the room, letting in the bright diffuse outside light. I walked to the east, through a gap in the railing and stepped up onto the wooden platform around the grass. The grass was actually growing in small square patches in the floor, with deci-wide black strips between the rows and columns. This place seemed wonderful. It was so open and clean, yet it seemed to have an aged quality to it. I walked around the southern side of the grass and then turned to the south. There was a counter to the south of me, separating the main part of the room from the kitchenette to the south. The square of grass was centered under the large square skylight in the center of the low wooden roof, and the southern part of the room was wider that the other three sides to accommodate the kitchen. There were wooden cabinets along the southern wall, with red ornaments or food items on them. This place seemed very german in style, with natural wood colors and red detailed carvings. The island counter that separated the kitchen area from the rest of the room was surfaced with gray marbled stone. As i reached the eastern end of the island counter, i noticed that someone had put out a large plate of cheese for us. This was our breakfast. The cheese was sliced into decorative patterns around the plate, and it seemed that no one had eaten from it yet. I then noticed that there was a large spread of food across the counter to the west of the cheese. There seemed to be several loafs of bread in all shapes and sizes. I walked past the food, noticing the delicious looking strawberries and fruit on one of the trays. There was more cheese, and some of it had large holes in it. I thought that this cheese should be labeled as swiss, but i knew that it was actually a deutsch cheese. I then wondered if the food was not actually local to this area. As i continued to the west, i thought that the food could actually be from anywhere. It simply was made to look local so that it fit into the decoration of the room. I felt as though i was being held here, and i was uncomfortable with this place. I did not want to stay here, but i did not know how to leave. I turned to the north, walking along the western side of the grass area. I felt untrusting of the people holding me here and did not want to eat their food.

12009 July 24

I had been driving the dark blue Cadillac in the city. It was night time, and all of the crumbling buildings and structures around me seemed grimy. I was driving west on the dirt street, but i had gotten stuck in the uneven dirt of the small lot. Stone walls surrounded this lot, and there seemed to be a mechanical garage to the southwest. The street ran to the north of me. It ran east to west, but did not seem do go that far in either direction. Several rusty cars were parked in the dirt lot on the southern side of the road around me. I moved the car i was in back and forth a little until it was out of the dirt. I then started wandering around, leaving the car on the eastern end of the lot, just off the northeastern corner of the small stone building, which seemed to be the run down automobile shop. I felt confused by this area, not sure what to do here. My car was not in the lot where i had left it, and i wondered what i should do. I had left it here yesterday, and i thought that it must have been towed to this lot. It was now daylight, and i was upset that i did not have my car with me. I was also a little angry that this situation had happened. I turned to the southwest and wandered through the open garage. There did not seem to be a ceiling to this building. I felt agitated and helpless as i wandered around the building. I then turned back to the north and came back out in the dirt lot where i had been earlier. My black car was now parked on the eastern end of the lot, where i had left it before. It had not been there a moment ago, and i wondered what had happened. Had reality changed or had i just imagined that the car had gone away earlier? I could not tell. This seemed very confusing to me. I spoke to some of the people around me, trying to explain the situation to them as i walked through the crumbling ruins of the old building again. I was to the south of where my car was, and the garage seemed to be to the northwest of me. I was in the back yard of the automobile shop, and this place seemed to be a construction site. There was a large hole in the ground to the north of me, and i had to get back across it to get to my car. I was not sure how i had gotten around it the first time. The edges of the hole were up against the old walls that surrounded this area, so i could not simply walk around the hole. I looked down into the deep hole. It was perfectly cone shaped and seemed to have spiraling rings of spines going around the sides. We then seemed to be in a building. There was a wide ceiling spanning the pit and the dirt lot around us. My attention focused on a man walking around the southwestern side of the pit. He was walking on the narrow ledge between the edge of the pit and the stone wall of the room. I worried that he might fall into the opening and tumble though the hole in the bottom. I was tense as i watched him, but he made it across the northern side of the pit and reached the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. That was the way out of the building, and i knew that it was the quickest way to get back to the dirt lot on the northern side of the wall, where my car was parked. I remembered imagining that i could climb the steep walls of the conical pit. The rock was textured in strange pattern, making it seem like there were spines in the cone. The rock looked like sedimentary rock, with thick chunky layers. I wondered if it would be safe to actually walk around the surface of it, like the other man did. As i thought this, a section of the brick wall to the east fell into the hole. The place was dilapidated and not safe. I walked around the balcony on the western side of the area, wondering what i should do. I was trying to circle around the western side of the pit, but the old stone balcony that was overhanging part of it was collapsing. There was a chain fence supported by thing metal rods along the outside edge of the balcony. The outer part of the stone balcony had been removed, so that people would not sit on the stone wall that had been there. $F4 was with me as i walked carefully around the edge of the pit. I then noticed that the balcony ahead of us was missing. We would not be able to get to the doorway in the northern wall this way. I felt disappointed and talked to the others in the room about it. I was still wandering around through the many rooms of the automotive shop. I wandered across the dirty garage, heading to the west. I then wandered to the north, up the dirt driveway to the east of the building. My mother was with me. This seemed to be the driveway of my parents’ house. The woman to the south of us was worried and said that she had seen eyes watching us. It was dark out, and we could not see that far into the distance. I had a flashlight with me and pointed it to the west, into the trees. I expected to find a raccoon watching us from the trees. Instead, we saw a large cat crouched in the bushes. The cat was then to the east of us, and we were again in the driveway of my parents’ house. The people started to feel scared of the large feline. I told the others to get into the house. My mother and the woman ran around the southern side of the house and into the front door. I ran to the north, into the garage. As i got into the building, i looked out the door to see some of the other people running into the street to the north of the garage. I could not see the cat following them yet. I worried that it would be stalking us soon. Another person came into the garage with me, and i closed the door behind him. We had to hide so that the cat would not know that we were here. We moved away from the door and crouched out of sight. We then started talking about the large feline.

12009 July 27

I walked into the office where i had been working. This building seemed complex, with many corridors and cubicles. I came to my cubicle, but my desk was not there. I wondered what had happened. I felt confused and did not know where i would work. Something was wrong here. This place seemed like the offices for $G6. I asked another person in the area where i was supposed to work. I hoped that they did not fire me without a reason. The other person looked around. I thought that the woman who had been in charge of the area must have moved it. I then thought that it was probably a human-resources person instead. I headed to the east, into the other room to look for the desk. There were no desks in the large gray room. The room seemed messy, with office supplies scattered over the short bluish-gray carpet. The man said that i will be working in this room. I looked at the office space near the wall to the north, where the man had motioned. There was nothing in the small cubicle now. Wires seemed to hang from the northern wall where an outlet would be. This room seemed messy, as though it was still being arranged and planned. I felt annoyed so i turned to the southwest, walking out of the building and across the college campus. I thought about this situation and wondered what i should do. This seemed frustrating, and i was not sure why i was coming back here to work. I headed southwest across the quadrangle outside, passing several small groups of people who were standing around on the grass. I was walking with a few other people, but i was preoccupied in thought. As we walked, a group of young men, who had been standing on the grass to the east of us, started threatening me verbally. I was not interested in them and pretended as though i had not heard them. I continued to walk as though they had said nothing. The people i was with yelled back, though, trying to defend me. I continued walking as the others with me lagged behind a little. I was passing through $P63, heading to $P30. I then looked down and noticed that my feet were not touching the ground as i walked. I was starting to float. I stopped moving my feet and just glided down the road. I was on the sidewalk on the eastern side of the road now as i approached the bridge to $P30. The bridge still had snow on the sidewalk, and a bank along the side. I floated over the snow, watching the white ground pass under me.

12009 July 29

I jogged to the north, across the street in the middle of the small city. I was heading back to where the other person was. I had been with a woman. I then realized that i did not have my shoes on. I remembered what it had felt like to walk on pavement for a long time without shoes, and i wondered if the pads of my feet were going to feel sore again from walking on the blacktop. I jogged across the western side of the intersection, heading to the street to the north. I could feel the pads of my feet on the ground. It felt like the skin was moving over the surface of my foot, as if it was loose from walking too much in bare feet. I hoped that they would not hurt too much as i walked across the eastern side of the large room where the CDs were. I had been looking at the CDs or DVDs in the bins on the tables around the room, but the woman that i was with started walking to the north. I had found a CD that i liked, and i was holding it in my right hand. I had taken it out of the free bin to the west. It was not in a case, and the disk seemed larger than normal, about the size of a small phonograph. The woman had stepped through the metal railings on the eastern side of the area, and i was following her out. As i approached the metal railing, which was made of tall thin orangish-yellow metal bars, i realized that the ground on the eastern side of the metal fence was much lower than where i was. The woman had climbed over the fence and descended part of the metal structure to the ground. I thought about hoping over the fence to follow her, but i realized that there were people watching me from the south. I could not climb down the ladder with the CD in my hand, so i thought that i should toss it to the woman before climbing down. I then realized that the people from the store might think that i was trying to steal the CD by leaving through the hole in the fence. The hole was formed by a missing vertical bar. I crouched down near the fence and called down to the woman in the courtyard below. She did not seem to respond, but i was aware that the older woman and a few others to the south of me were getting concerned about where i was. I did not want to climb over the railing with them watching me. I then noticed that the railing had an opening in it to the north, where the terrace i was on ran into the sidewalk of the street. I could easily run around the fence. I jogged to the sidewalk and started running around the edges of the courtyard to the east. The sidewalk did not seem to descend, but i knew that it was level with the terrace where i had left through the fence, and was also level with the street that ran across the eastern side of the lower courtyard. The street was level with the courtyard, so i would be able to enter the courtyard and talk to the woman from the eastern side. I jogged around the perimeter and turned back to the west. Heading down a corridor formed by the reinforcing wall on the southern side of the courtyard and the short wooden railing on the north. This was the main entrance to the building that i had been in. The older woman was walking out of the building toward me, and i could tell that she was angry. I tried to ignore her as i headed back toward the building. It should have been obvious that i was not interested in stealing CDs, and it should also have been obvious that the CD was from the free bin, so i would not have been stealing even if i did take it. The woman confronted he and i handed her the CD, ignoring her and walking back toward the building. I came into the large room in the center of the old two-story building. This place seemed to be a nursery school. I turned to the south and walked into the bathrooms. I had some work to do here, but i was not quite sure what i should be doing. I looked at the complicated set of pipes that ran across the western wall of the room. The urinals or toilets seemed to be on the western wall, but there were rows and columns of black pipes with round metallic and black cylinders at the junctions. They seemed like butterfly valves, but there were no handles on them. I stared at them for a moment, realizing that i was rubbing my groin with my left hand. I was carrying a toolbox in my left hand, and i let it hang across the front of me. I was then aware that a man was coming from the north. He was going to ask me a question about the work. I should stop playing with myself. I turned to the north, passing the man. We seemed to talk about something, but i was now on the northern side of the corridor, facing east. There was a small alcove on the corridor that led to an elevator door. I pushed on the door and it slid down over the opening. I had been attaching an extension chord to the plug in the ceiling of the elevator shaft, and now i had to run the cable. I wondered if i had done it correctly. I opened up the elevator door. The car was just above me now, and i could see the bottom of the shaft. I adjusted the orange extension chord in the shaft and pulled in the slack. The door to the elevator had slid upward, stopping with a meter or so remaining over the top of the opening. I pushed the door a little to the east, remembering that it only took a light tap for it to start moving again. The white plastic door started to slide closed. Something moved up from the bottom of the opening, and i realized that the elevator was moving up. I suddenly worried that i had not done the wiring correctly. I watched the chord that i had put in as it slid upward through the crack between the door and the outside of the elevator shaft. The cable should have stopped moving, but it was still being pulled into the shaft. I worried that it had gotten caught on something in the shaft. I held the extra length of the electric cable in my hand, watching it getting pulled into the crack. When the cable was all gone, the orange plug at the end of the cable rose up to the crack. It was too wide to fit through the crack, so it caught at the edge. I worried about the tension on the cable now. The elevator came to a sudden stop, and i realized that the cable must have shorted. I did not know what to do, but i knew that i had done something wrong. I knew that i should not have been working on this project by myself. I started to pace around the area, looking at the toolboxes and tools that were on the floor around me. I felt that i had not properly known what i was doing when i worked on the electrics. I looked at the long black object on the floor, which seemed to be a flanged light fixture. It was rectangular, with a bottom wider than the top. There seemed to be metal cylinders sticking out the top. They looked like ballasts or fuses. The other man had done work on the light. I placed it on the floor, thinking that i should not have tried to hook it up by myself. The other man was a professional electrician and knew how to work on this object. I felt bad and wondered what i should do. I would have to tell the woman that the elevator was not working. I then realized that the elevator would have to be working for this school. The woman worked with disabled children, and they would be in wheelchairs. They would need the elevator to get into the building. I was upset and paced around, wondering what i should do to fix the problem.

12009 July 30

I turned and headed to the west, through the narrow room. As i turned, my right hand bumped into the hand of a man who was walking to the south of me. I pulled my right hand closer to me and continued to head to the west. The man was walking to the south of me, and he turned around and started staring at me as we walked. I started to feel that he was threatening me, and i wondered if i should apologize for bumping into his wrist. He had dark skin and short-cut hair. He seemed to be wearing a brown jacket over a white shirt. He walked parallel to me and kept staring at me as if to provoke me. I tried to ignore him and hurried to the west. I suddenly realized that i had walked too much to the southwest. The door to the restaurant was to the west of me, and i had walked a little past it, toward the booths in the western wall, just to the south of the door. There was a group of men sitting at the booth just to the south of the door. They looked at us curiously. They also seemed to be dark skinned, and i wondered if the man who was angry with me was from their table. The man sitting on the eastern end of the southern side of the table looked at us, not sure what was going on. He was rather large, though not fat, and wore a light-colored sweatshirt that had darker bands running down the sleeves, ending in dark cuffs. His shoulder-length hair was braided and hung across his face. I hurried out the door, hoping the man would not follow. I headed to the northeast, across the parking lot, but the man continued to follow me. I asked him what he wanted, and he told me that he wanted to know my last name. This seemed strange, but i realized that, if he followed me to my car, he could find out my last name from the registration sticker. He would then know who i was, and i did not want him to have this information. I stopped in the middle of the parking lot. I could see my black car sitting alone to the northeast. I wondered if he would figure out which car was mine. I then realized that there were too many other cars in the lot in the general direction that i was heading, so he would not be able to determine which car was mine. I felt very frustrated and upset with the man, but i did not know what to do. I turned back to the west and headed back toward the mall. As i rounded the northern side of the building, i came into a smaller lot, where an aisle of cars ran to the south of me. Cars were parked on the eastern and western sides of the aisle. A man was walking out of the mall from the south, and i realized that he as $A69. He was wearing a tan button-up sweater. He nodded to me, and i said hello. He then walked to his car, which was parked on the eastern side of the small lot. I realized that we were now in an enclosed lot. There were buildings on all four sides of us, and there was an alley to the north of the eastern building where cars could leave. $A69 started backing the large truck out of the parking space, and i moved to the southwest of it. The man was still following me, and he seemed to be to the west of the truck. The truck seemed to be a camper, with a section of the truck extending over the top of the cab. The top of the truck hit something and the truck came to a sudden stop. I looked up to the north of me and saw that the top of the truck had run into the overhang of the metal building. I was standing on a sidewalk that ran between the building to the east and the parking lot. The wall of the building was covered with tan plaster or cement, but the metal structure of the building extended over my head, across the full width of the sidewalk. The man who was following me was still to the north of the truck, and i thought that i should have run to the south of the truck so that the truck was blocking him from getting to me. The truck pulled away from the wall again, and i realized that there was not enough space between the truck and the car to the south of it to let me pass. $A69 drove the truck out the alley, and i started to feel disappointed again that the man would not leave me alone. I turned to the south and headed into the store in the southern building. This was a clothing store, and it seemed rather familiar. I walked quickly through the brown and tan clothing, heading down the length of the narrow store to the south. As i reached the southern doorway, three people pushed through from the other side. I recognized the woman in the front as $A168. She had long brown frizzy hair, and she smiled when she saw me. I greeted here and wanted to talk to her, hoping that the man would be dissuaded from following me. I wanted to tell them that the man was following me, but i felt hesitant to mention it. The woman who was behind $A168 said hello to me and smiled. She had light skin and chin-length yellow hair. I recognized her, even though she did not look that familiar to me, and i said hello back. I wanted to talk to them, but, instead, i continued to the south, out of the room. I was agitated and wanted the man to stop following me. I should have told people that he was harassing me, but i did not know what to say. I started pushing through the crowd in the store, and i suddenly wondered if i could push past the people quick enough to lose the man in the crowd. I started heading to the west, frustrated and angry at my situation.

I stepped out of the driver’s door of my car, which was parked to the south of me, facing east. It was parked in a line of cars in the center of the parking lot. I was wearing a black peacoat, and it seemed gray and chilly out. As i closed my car door, i noticed a wallet on the ground between the cars. Someone had dropped it. I turned to look at it, but i dropped my car keys. I bent over to pick the keys up, leaving the wallet on the ground. I thought that someone might come back to pick it up. I turned to the east, finding myself outside the eastern door to my grandmother’s house. I remembered the maroon wallet that i had seen on the ground in the parking lot. I wondered why i had not picked it up and taken it somewhere. It seemed strange. I then saw the maroon wallet on the ground of the driveway outside the house. It was sitting next to another wallet on the eastern side of the driveway. I walked over and looked at it. There was a metal key ring on the ground to the east of the wallet. I bent over to pick up the keys. I then noticed the strange keys just to the northeast of me, near the western side of $A425’s house. They were resting on a bare patch of dirt just outside a basement window. I crouched down to inspect the keys. They seemed strangely shaped. They were long and thin with flat rectangular teeth near the end. I picked them up, thinking that i should keep them with me. I had an old wooden tool box in my right hand, and i started collecting the keys and putting them into the toolbox. I wondered where they had all come from. I hoped that i was not stealing them from $A425. My grandmother was then standing to the northwest of me, just outside of her door. I felt awkward. I did not want her to know that i had been collecting the keys.

12009 July 31

We were driving through the city streets, heading to the west. It was a dreary day, and the windshield was blurred with falling rain. It seemed dark out, and many of the signs around us were illuminated. We turned to the west as the people in the car talked about the show that we would be going to. Several structures passed over our heads as we drove between the tall buildings. We seemed to be passing under an overpass or through a short tunnel. I thought about the show that we were going to. I then saw the red neon sign over the northern side of the road advertising the show. The letters were in a fancy script that slanted upward to the right. I pointed out the sign as we passed it. It seemed that i had been to this show with $F45 before. I was still interested in seeing it again. The woman in the car asked about getting a book of tickets as we stopped along the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. The side of the car opened to the north of me, as though we were in a van. We stepped out onto the sidewalk. The large wooden door of the old theater was to the north of us. It was arched slightly at the top and had thick trimming. It was darkly painted. It looked old, even though it was in a modern cement building. A man walked up to the van and helped us out of the car. I was surprised, thinking that the people here were more formal than the people from where we came. This seemed like a different culture. I turned around and looked at the large dull-yellow camper, which was parked on the side of the road. It was to the west of me. My parents stepped out the door and onto the gravel parking area on the eastern side of the road. After they were out of the door, i stepped back in to get a few things. I was standing in the doorway of my car, reaching in to grab things. We were now in a suburban area, with wide lawns and old trees. I walked around to the western side of the car, to the driver’s side, to get a few things from the back seat. My parents had started to the east, toward the yellow house that we had parked in front of. As i stood up from the car, i glanced to the north, noticing a large dark horse in the street. The horse was stamping its front feet on the ground in anger, and it was looking in our direction, as though it was agitated about something. I had a dog in the car with me, and i wondered if the horse was angered by the presence of the dog. The horse then charged toward me. I ducked into the car, pulling the dog with me. I imagined driving away, but the horse would still be chasing me. I imagined what to do if the horse attacked. I imagined it rearing up and breaking the driver’s window, trying to get to us. I could have it chasing me and then slam on the brakes. It would hit the back window of the car and hopefully be injured enough that it would not follow us again. All of this would take place on the dirt road that we had parked on. It seemed that the car would start closer to the large farm with the wooden rail fences on the northern end of the street, and i would end near the intersection where we had parked the camper. I thought about this as i turned from the car and started walking toward the yellow house. The car was still parked in the gravel pull-off on the eastern side of the road, just to the north of the intersection with the main road. The road sloped up hill slightly as it left the intersection and headed north. We were heading to the large yellow house, which was to the southeast of the cars, on the corner of the two roads. It had a wide lawn around it, with a thick old tree just off the northwestern corner of the house. The tree seemed leafless, as though it was autumn. The ground was dry now, and it was no longer raining. As i reached the front door, which was on the western side of the gothic house, i told my mother that the horse had attacked the car. I told her that it had broken the driver’s window and dented the side of the car as well. She seemed very upset by this. I moved through the old house, looking gout the large window to the south. I was then heading back outside. This was my grandparents’ house, and i had not been here in a long time. The place seemed very familiar, though i did not remember the details well. I headed to the south, down the large gray flight of stairs that ran down the slope of the lawn. The dry grass of the lawn seemed worn in spots. The stairs seemed to have been replaced at some point, and i wondered if they had been replaced at some point. The cement steps seemed more modern than the house, which was now to the west of me. I seemed to be descending along the outside eastern wall of the modern building. I then realized that the stairs were not really stairs, but simply a change in level of the cement balcony on the eastern side of the building. There was simply one big uneven step in the center of the balcony. I had thought this was a stairway. I stepped down the level, wondering why i did not remember this before. I should have remembered this. I came to the south side of the modern building and walked out onto the modern balcony, which overlooked the main street to the south of the house. The street had shops and apartment buildings. They were several stories tall, but most were under four levels. The street seemed busy, and i thought that this was part of a college town. The college seemed to be to the northwest of us. The street ran east to west. My attention then focused on a man who was walking on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, across from me. He was coming from the west, and he was wearing a blue poncho with yellow trimming. Something seemed very strange and out of place about him. His clothing seemed to be more of a costume than something a person would actually wear. I felt concerned about him as i walked him walk. He walked stiffly as he turned into a store on the southern side of the street. I watched the door for a moment, wondering what would happen. I then saw the man on the roof of the three-story building over the shop. He was wearing a red poncho with similar yellow trimming. The man was standing on the edge of the roof, and he jumped off and into the street. I watched him fall, his body rotating so that his head was down as he disappeared from sight behind one of the buildings in front of me. I felt tense and panicked. I looked around at the other people in the street, but no one seemed to have noticed the man falling. Something was wrong here. The man from the roof could not have been the same man i had seen walking into the shop. They were wearing two different colored ponchos, but they seemed related because they were both in similar costumes. I also thought that the man who entered the door would not have had enough time to get to the roof to jump off. Something was very strange here. The two men must have some relation to each other, but i could not understand what they were up to. I looked back to the store, waiting for the other person to come out onto the roof. Nothing happened. Something then started happening on the street. I looked down to see the people turn suddenly and hurry into the stores and shops along the street. They were running inside and pulling the doors closed behind them, preventing others from leaving the buildings. Something very strange was happening here. I thought that they were preventing more suicides by locking the people in the buildings. This all seemed very wrong. I looked down the street to the east. I then started moving to the east, along the northern side of the street. There was a break in the buildings on the northern side of the street, which was now a large parking lot. There was nothing in the lot. I had expected a body to be here from the man who had jumped. I then noticed that there were puddles in the lot. They seemed to be an odd color, and i knew that they should not have been there. There was a police officer to the east, on the northern edge of the lot. I pulled on a tan shirt over my head. I was an officer too, and i was going to investigate this event. It all had something to do with the man who jumped off of the building. The other officer was a state trooper. I walked up to him from the west and read my badge number. I then paced back to the west. I was a city police officer. Something seemed strange here. There seemed to be a steep slope descending from the northern side of the lot. Leafless trees grew across it, and there was a metal guardrail bordering the lot. I headed to the east, looking at the thick puddles near the northern side of the lot. I wondered if they were blood stains from the person who jumped. They seemed to be evidence of some sort that this event had happened. I stood to the west of the puddle as i examined it. There were traces of white mixed in the puddle, and i wondered if they were parts of brain tissue. Something was very strange about the puddles. I then heard something from the east, and i looked up to see a police officer in a blue uniform vomiting over the guard rail on the northern side of the lot, to the east of me. There was a car parked just to the south of him, but then i noticed the skull on the ground just to the west of him. The skull was covered with red gelatinous slime. The skin had been removed from the skull, and we were looking at the muscle tissue and what was left of the face. As i approached, i also noticed a pile of organs around the skull. Something had torn apart a body and left only a few pieces. I then noticed a larger piece of flesh to the east. This did not look like the jumper. Something did not make sense here, but i knew that it was somehow related to the man or men in the ponchos. I looked at the bodies. They were destroyed more than i would expect from someone who had jumped off of a three-story building. I thought that this man had jumped off of the black structure near the river. The river seemed to be to the north of us, at the bottom of the steep slope. There was a narrow asphalt path running to the east from the northern side of the lot. It seemed to run along the river and under a bridge or other cement structure to the east. It seemed fairly secluded. I turned back to the west. Other police officers were around now, and the one was still vomiting near the fence. There was a group of officials with one of the older officers standing to the south of the man vomiting. I walked over to them and said that i would like to know what the man was wearing, referring to the dismembered body we had found in the lot. The older man asked why i wanted to know about the clothing. I told him that i had seen a man in a red poncho jump off of the roof on the southern side of the street. I then pointed out that there was no body from this event, but there was a body here. Something was very strange about this. I headed back to the east. These events would make a good story. I thought that i should write a book about this story rather than the one i had been working on. I thought about this as i walked, wondering how i could work it into a plot. I headed up the long set of stone stairs to the south of the large yellow gothic house. As i reached the door on the southern side of the house, i noticed a tan piece of paper stuck to it. It was a notice to the police about the murder. It said that the murder and jumping was a fraternity prank, claiming that a man had told a fraternity pledge something about the events, and that the pledge had leaked the information to the police. It explained the events, but i did not believe it. It was a lie to stop the investigation of the event. I knew that the main character of the story would discover the real reason for the strange events.