12010 July 01

I walked to the east, into the room on the top floor of the house. I was in $P19, and i was moving back into this room again. I looked around at some of the items in the room. The people, who had been here before, left some things behind. On the southern side of the room, i noticed the cello standing against the southern wall. I was excited to see that someone had left an instrument in the room, and i walked over to pick it up. At first, it seemed to be in a black case, but then i realize that it was not. To my disappointment, the instrument was broken. The body of the instrument was large and rounded, and the neck was very short. The neck had been broken off just above the tan wooden body of the instrument. I picked up the cello and moved it to the east of me, tipping the head back into position. I could hear the notes of the strings as i plucked them. The instrument sounded good, but i would have to hold the head in place to use it. It was not worth playing anymore. I lifted the body and carried it into the room to the north. It seemed that this cello had been in the room for a long time. It was shaped more like a gourd, with a relatively flat front and a rounded back. I could see the individual boards that arched across the back because they were of slightly different colors. I also noticed that there was a lot of graffiti on the back of the instrument. The neck was off now, and the palace where it broke was hollow. I could see down the rounded hole into the dusty body of the instrument. I rolled the instrument over again and looked at the writing on the back. It had been used to take notes, and i decided that $G3 had been using it for meetings. It was more a symbol of the meetings than an instrument now. I thought that the president would carry it at the meetings and sign it in tradition. I rolled it in my hands a few times as i walked into the center of the room. I then turned back to the south and noticed the two large rounded objects sticking up from behind the black object. The black object looked like the top of an upright piano, but it seemed more like a dresser or some other wooden object. The rounded objects were mottled brown, and appeared to be wrapped with something horizontally. They were tubular, with wider bases than tops, and they reminded me of something organic, like gourds. Metal rods arced over my head from the top ends of the tubes, where the tubes tapered to a point. I had something like a stick in my hand, and i struck the top of the object on the right. It made a dull resonant sound. This was like a nice instrument. I started tapping the instrument, trying to get it to make different sounds. I knew that the sound could be more clear and higher in pitch. I looked up at the metal arcs and tapped one. It made a clear ringing sound. I liked this. I then turned around and headed north, into the center of the room. $A59 was there. I said hello to him and spoke to him for a moment.

I crossed the room on the second floor of the house, heading to the top of the stairs. The stairs descended to the south, along the eastern wall of the room. As i started down the stairs, i looked back into the room, noticing that there was a haze of smoke in the air. This seemed strange, and i wondered why the room was cloudy. I took a few steps down the stairs and watched the smoke curl down behind me. Something was smoking in the house, and i wondered what it was. I came to the down stairs and headed north, into the kitchen, where my parents were. I wondered if we had left the cast-iron kettle on the stove to clean.

12010 July 02

I ran to the northeast, following the shoreline that was to the northwest of me. Someone was to the east or southeast of me, and they were saying something. Something concerned me, and i looked to the north, across the water. There was a building or some other structure just to the north of me, so i had to look to the northeast to see the water of the wide lake. There seemed to be people on the shore to the northeast, but i was not focused on them. I focused on the water in the lake, which was strangely shaped. It was dull red and seemed to be solid. It looked a little like molten rock, but i thought that it looked like the water that had a solid dry covering of red algae. This was wrong, and i wondered what had happened. The water must have been polluted, and i wondered if it had to do with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I turned to the northwest, looking at the water on the other side of the building. The water there seemed normal. It was dark, though, as though i was looking at a high-contrast photograph of the ocean. Someone to the east mentioned Jesus, and i felt like that had something to do with the events. I then turned to the southeast again. There was a framed painting standing on an easel. The landscape behind the picture was dark, and i could not see many features. I looked at the picture, which was created with several bright colors on black velvet. It seemed to have a waterfall in the center, with a rainbow on the right. There was a picture of a man on the lower right, looking down. I realized that the man was John Denver. $A344 stood to the west of the painting, and he started commenting on it. I pointed out that the picture was of John Denver, something that i did not expect. $A344 seemed very moved by the picture and started telling me about it. He said that John Denver was an amazing man, and continued extolling him as i moved around the picture.

I moved through the basement of the old building, heading generally to the east. I passed through long rooms that seemed well decorated with antique furnishings. This building had something to do with the sorcerer, and i felt a little weary of what tricks he might play on us. I knew that i could do a little magic, but i worried that he was watching me as i moved.

12010 July 03

I started traveling to the southeast, across the city, which seemed to be somewhere near $P7. I was standing to the west of a small model of the cement plaza that i was actually traveling across. The other person was standing to the east of me. We had left someplace, and were trying to get to $P7, but it seemed that $P7 was on the western side of the map, and we were heading to the southeast. I moved the figures across the map. The figures represented the other person and me moving across the city. I then realized that i was moving the red figures quickly, demonstrating a type of teleportation. I could transport myself and the other person quickly across the area. I was then in the city moving to the southeast with $F6. He was following me to the southeast. He then commented that we would have to take the shuttle to $P7. I realized that we were closer to $P7 when we had parked our car than we were now. I did not understand why we had been traveling in the wrong direction, though i felt that there had been some purpose to it. I stopped for a moment, trying to think. There were people standing at the bus stop to the east of me. The bust stop had a gray cement and metal structure covering it. It looked very modern, and i could see people crowded under it through the tinted window that was the western wall. The bus stop seemed to be facing to the north-northeast. The busses must come down that side of the street to pick up people. The cement sidewalk that we were on ran to the south of the bus shelter. I realized that we did not have a good way of getting back to $P7, and i felt disappointed that we had come all this way in the wrong direction. It seemed as though we were parking our cars here, but i then thought that it would be better to park our cars in the area to the southeast of us because it did not have meters on the streets. It seemed more residential, and i pictured it as a hill that sloped up to the east, behind the medical center that was on the main street. I asked $F6 how much the bus fare was, realizing that i did not have any change with me. I was annoyed that we had not walked to $P7 from where we had parked the car. It would have been much closer. I then looked at $F6, who was standing to the east of me. I wondered if i should simply teleport him back to $P7. I wondered if it was possible, but then i realized that i did not have that ability in real life.

12010 July 04

I had been moving around on the western side of the room with $F45. There was a small white animal with us, which seemed to be a large rat. It was a pet. We were then more near the center of the long room. I was lying on the bed that was on the southern wall of the room, and $F45 was lying to the west of me. The large white rat was resting between us. I felt a little weary of the rat now, feeling that it was becoming hostile and grumpy. I pet its head, trying to comfort it, but i still felt that it might attack us. As i pet its head, i realized that the right side of its face looked a little swollen. I mentioned this to $F45, who lifted his head from the pillow to look at the animal. The wide head of the animal had four eyes across it. The second eye from the animal’s right was closed, and i thought that this was where the swelling was. I looked at the orangish-yellow eyes, suddenly wondering why the animal had four. I was afraid that the animal would attack us, and i started wandering around the room, thinking about it. It was strange that the rodent would be our pet, and i wondered why it was ever nice to us. I headed to the east, down the forested trail, which seemed to be in the eastern part of the room. I was cautious of other animals around us, picturing the giant white rat sleeping on the bed to the west. I then realized that there were snakes in the forest here. I remembered passing them before. I knew that some of them were poisonous, and i worried that i would be caught near them. I watched the branches and roots of the overgrown tropical plants and i turned back to the southwest and started following the dirt trail back to the western side of the area. There were then snakes everywhere. I moved quickly through the trees, but the snakes started moving near me. I then imagined that i had a baseball bat and could hit the heads of the snakes as they tried to strike me. This would make an interesting movie. I wondered if a sword would be a better weapon, but i decided that a bat would be more interesting. That way i could end by driving the bat down on the head of a snake near my feet.

I was standing with $G4 near the top of the short hill. The wide hill sloped down steeply to the west and seemed to be near the college campus. We had stopped for a drink here and were chatting. The sky was bright blue, and the grass on the hill was green and nicely cut. There seemed to be a wide paved path running across the hill where we were standing. It could also have been a narrow parking lot. $F58 was with the group, and she mentioned that she would be graduating from the college this coming spring. She said that there were several other people who would be leaving town as well. I realized that most of the young people who regularly came to $G4 would be leaving town, and this seemed disappointing. $G4 started to move to the southeast, up the slope of the hill. I mentioned to $F58 that $F47 would be the only one of the regular runners who remained in this town. She asked what i meant, and i told her that everyone was graduating, and then added that i would be graduating as well and that $F45 and i were planning on moving somewhere new. As i jogged with $F58 to the southeast and then to the east, climbing up the steep slope near the top of the hill, i clarified that i had actually already graduated. I told her that i had graduated in the December class, but that i had not officially received the degree. I said that the December graduations were a little tricky, and told her that i would probably not get my degree until the spring, when everyone else got theirs. She hummed in understanding.

12010 July 05

I moved through the office, walking through the empty rooms to the west. This place seemed like the offices of $G6, and i had come back here. I did not understand why i was working here again, but i had been working on something. $A313 seemed to be to the west of me, and i felt that i had been doing something that really did not produce any results. I remembered working on the project before, and i remembered not getting paid for it. There had been some trouble in the communication, and i was unable to do it in time, so i was not paid. I thought about this as i turned to the north and walked up the corridor. I felt that i should be doing something, but i was not quite sure what i should be doing. I turned to the east and headed into the room. The offices here were empty, as though all of the furnishings had been taken out. I started shuffling through the papers that were on the table. There was a large folder on the round white plastic table to the southwest. A man stood to the west of me as i started going through the papers. I wanted to start working on the drawing, but i realized that it was not an actual project that we had been working on, so i really should not be doing it. I looked through the papers anyway, as if trying to find something better to do. I wondered if $A412 would be angry that i was not doing the work that i was supposed to be doing. I then noticed that one of the large sheets of paper had nice illustrations on it. They were pictures of a woman with a troll, or some other mythical creature. Someone else had drawn this, and i thought that the detail was quite nice. I then focused on the paper, noticing that it was almost transparent, with faint white lines running horizontally across it. The sheet was a little more than a meter wide and almost a meter tall. I was aware of the man standing to the west of me, so i started shuffling through the rest of the papers. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that i really did not have any work to do, and i felt bad for doing stuff that interested me. I had to pretend to be doing actual work when the people came in from the west.

12010 July 06

I was moved through the classroom with the other students. $A87 was sitting at the teacher?s desk on the eastern side of the room. He was describing a homework assignment that we were to do, and i looked at the desk casually as i walked along the northern side of one of the black rectangular tables in the room. $A87 was describing how we were to draw a picture with crayons. I looked down at the table to the south of me, noticing that the children here had already started drawing. Their crayon-drawn pictures were simple, like something a kindergartner would draw. One of the boys below me was drawing what looked like a row of faces with spiked brown hair. I started walking to the east, listening to $A87 tell us that he wanted us to draw what we thought was the most important thing in life. I realized that i was older than these children, and i knew that i would be able to draw a much better image with the crayons. I thought about the assignment, and suddenly thought that i could draw a flower with great detail. This seemed to fit the assignment because i could say that the most important thing about life was the fine details. I then pictured an orange and yellow leaf in my head and thought that i should draw that. As i thought about the leaf, imagining that the lower corner was crumbling into black ash, as though it was decaying or rotting. It would have some symbolism that the younger children were not capable of accomplishing. I then imagined drawing a self-portrait. I knew that i could not draw as well as i used to, so i wondered if i could refer to a self-portrait that i had drawn when i was in drawing classes in college. I would basically be copying the image rather than drawing myself anew. I realized that i would have to change my hairstyle because my hair was already falling out. I was then heading back to the east, toward the teacher’s desk, thinking about what i could draw. I noticed that several of the other students were standing near the teacher’s desk, and $A87 told them that it would be five dollars. I realized that he was selling sheets of paper for the drawings. The children did not have paper with them, so they had to buy sheets from the teacher. I did not want to spend the money for the paper, so i thought that i would simply use the paper i had at home. I looked at some of the sheets that the students had and thought that it was simply small pages of newsprint. I had several books of such paper at home, so it would be easy for me to get paper for the assignment. I thought about having to do the assignment at home. I realized that i would have to keep up with my homework here, and again thought about painting a leaf. I then thought about the self-portrait and wondered what it actually had to do with the assignment. The assignment was to draw what you thought was the most important thing in life, and the idea of a self-portrait suddenly seemed funny. It would be rather egotistic. I tried to thing of what would represent the most important thing in life. The idea of drawing the leaf still seemed appealing, but it did not seem to fit the theme. I then thought that i should draw a bunch of people, thinking that friends and other people are really the most important thing. I wondered if that was what the boy at the table was drawing when he drew all of the faces. I imagined drawing people standing in different positions, knowing that i could create a better drawing than the children -- after all, i was much older than they were. I then worried that i would not be able to draw people with any great detail. I decided that i should draw the roughly, and watched myself mentally draw the leg of a person on the paper to the south of me. I drew the shoe, thinking that the toe should be bent because of the way the person was standing. I would fill up the paper with line drawings of people in various positions. I could even have some of them walking off the side of the paper. I remembered that i had done things more complicated than others when i was in drawing class the first time. I started talking about the assignment with the others, mentioning what could be done. $A586 was to the south of me, and she corrected me, telling me that the assignment was a certain way. I had not been listening to the entire description of what we should do, and i realized that i was not sure of the full assignment. I thought of all of the different ways that the artwork could be completed, and i told the others that it did not have to be an obviously recognizable piece. I said that it could be abstract, and that it could be a collage. One of the others who stood to the east of me said that i was wrong; the work had to be done in crayon on paper. I started to feel annoyed and frustrated, realizing that i had not payed attention to what was said. I wondered if i could ask for more specifics on the assignment. I could say that i had not written it down before. I knew that $A87 would give me a bad grade for not paying attention, though.

12010 July 08

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as we traveled to the east, down the dark road. It was night, and it seemed to be cold outside. There were some structures with lights to the north of us. $F45 was driving the car, and the man in the back seat mentioned the book. I knew that he had written the book. $F16 was the man sitting in the back seat, and i told him that i had read the book. He seemed surprised by this, and i felt awkward, wondering if he thought i only read the book because he was my friend. I told him that i had liked several of the songs on the album. He asked which ones, but i could not remember the song titles. I told him that they were near the middle of the book. He handed me the small paperback book and i looked at the songs that were listed on the back cover. The cover was dark blue on the upper part and faded to a slightly lighter blue to the bottom right. The center of the cover had a mottled appearance but was light enough that the black text could be read. The text was in two columns, and the right-hand column seemed to be on the inside of the back cover. I tried to recognize the titles of the songs, but was worried that i would not be able to recognize them. The song at the top of the right column seemed familiar. I told $F16 that i liked the music, but then i admitted that i was not quite sure how the book was related to the text. I told him that i had read the book. I knew that i had read all of it, but i implied that i had only gotten part way through it. I was unsure why i was fibbing in this way to make him feel better. I did not think that it would matter whether i had read the entire book or not. I turned to my left and showed him the book, saying i did not understand why it was related to the songs. I thought about telling him that the story was actually very bland and did not go well with the music. I hoped that he was not upset.

The other person said something, and i headed across the room, to the northeast. I was in the library, and it was near closing time. There were people standing around the low large wooden rectangular table to the north of me, and i was heading to the eastern side of the table. I thought that i should get something from the shelf on the northern wall, but i realized that the library would be closing soon. For some reason, i knew that i would be able to stay here even if the library closed. I rounded the eastern end of the table, picking up one of the small wooden chairs. The female librarian was standing in the center of the room, telling people what they needed to do for closing. I carried one of the small wooden chairs to the west, following some of the others. They would need to be brought to the next room. As i walked, i swung the chair up near my head, as if trying to carry it over my head. I then remembered that the librarian had told us to carry the chairs in front of us, and had specifically said not to swing the chairs up over our heads. I held the chair in front of me as i joined the back of the queue of people walking slowly to the south. I felt a little agitated about closing, and wondered what i should do. I headed to the west, coming to the eastern side of the pool. I was already in the water, and there was a man and a woman in the water to the southwest of me. They seemed like $A607 and $A609. They swam back to the eastern edge to the south of me. I wanted to do laps in the pool, since i had not been swimming in quite a while. My view of the pool switched and i was looking down on the water, as though i had stood up and become very tall. I could see that the western edge of the pool was not square with the other three sides. I remembered this from before. We simply had to do laps from the side that we were on and turn around at the appropriate place on the western side. I wanted to swim laps, but i was not sure that i had my goggles with me. I was in my swimsuit and i unrolled the bundle of clothing that was on the eastern side of the pool. I was standing on the tiled floor outside the pool now, between the pool and the building to the east. There was only about a meter of pool deck here. As i unrolled my clothing, i realized that i had a pair of swim goggles with me. They had small eyepieces and were held together with thin straps. I realized that they were not my good goggles. They must have been a cheap pair that i keep as spares. I looked at the strap, thinking that it was usually made out of a cheap enough rubber that it would break easily, and i hoped that it did not break while i was in the water. I turned to the west and was in the water again. The man started to head to the east, to the south of me. I looked at the two white circles of the eyepieces in the palm of my left hand. They had four short spokes sticking out around them to keep them on. I placed them over my eyes and realized that the glass was covered with a cloudy residue. They were getting old. I knew that i could at least see the bottom when i needed to, and i started swimming to the west. The strokes felt very awkward, thought, and i felt as though i was simply flailing in the water. I tried to correct my form, but could not seem to swim properly. I could also see nothing but white through the goggles. I stood up and found myself near the eastern wall of the pool again. The man got out of the pool on the east and headed north, but the woman started swimming to the west. She was moving slowly, but she started crossing the pool to the northwest, straight into the western wall. I did not think that this was the correct way to swim in the lanes. The lanes seemed to be perpendicular to the eastern wall of the pool, not the western wall. She should have been traveling straight west. I looked down into the water with my goggles on and started moving through the water to the west. I noticed that the lanes of the pool were actually diagonal, parallel to the western wall. The lanes were marked with thick dull dark-blue lines on the pale aqua-blue bottom of the pool. I should be swimming at the same angle as the woman. I stopped by the western wall and looked up. I was now hanging on to the western wall as i floated in the water, thinking about my glasses. I noticed that there were tall metal towers to the northwest that held power lines. The lines ran east to west to the north of us, and the area to the north suddenly seemed dominated by factories. The sky was filled with gray smog. The power-line tower seemed wide and was made of thin steel girders. I then looked to the north, noticing the wide round green tower. It was made of metal that had been painted pale green, and it was leaning to the north-northwest. It seemed to be open on the top, and there were four or five thick black power lines attached along the middle of the southern side. The pole seemed rather distant, so it must have been four or five meters thick and a few hundred tall. There was a narrower metal tube sliding up the western side of the pole at the moment. It had emerged from the ground and was rising along the thicker pole. It also seemed to have power lines attached to it, and, as the two sets of power lines passed each other, i noticed small sparks dropping from the insulators that held the lines to the thick pole. This must be a normal procedure. The thin pole was simply being raised into place. They must have been working on it underground. There was a thin pole stretching out to the west from the smaller pole, and it rose with the pole as well. I thought that the pole would stop when the tops of the two poles were even, but the moving pole continued to rise until its top was as far above the thicker pole as its bottom was from the ground. It seemed to snap into place there. The woman was standing behind me as i watched this, and i told her that it was a strange sight. To my surprise, the bottom pole then started moving down. I realized that it was actually a green shell covering a dark rusty pole in the center. The pale-green casing slid down into the ground until it was out of sight. Just after it disappeared from sight, i heard a loud clanging, as though a piece of metal casing had been dropped onto a cement floor. The casing must have gone too far and knocked something over in the workshop. I looked down at the small wooden workhouses with the tin roofs. They were dingy and old. I then heard a workman cursing over the sound. I told the woman that something must have been knocked over in the warehouse. I stood up a little to get a better view of the buildings, which seemed at the bottom of the hill from where we were. The deck around the northern side of the pool was only a meter wide, and there seemed to be a short chain-link fence on the outside that separated the deck from a steep drop off. The drop off seemed like a narrow gorge, but it seemed to be filled with small shacks. The hill to the north was covered with factories and workhouses. Looking to the northeast, i could see several workers in tan overalls coming out of the southern door of a garage. The man in charge was wearing a top had, and was still cursing in surprise over the loud clatter. I told the woman behind me, who seemed to be $F43, that something had broken. I then realized that the man yelling seemed to be surprised and fearful. He was directing the workers out of the building. They ran to the south, and i watched them as they passed down the trail to the east of the pool. Something was wrong, and they were evacuating the area. I stood on the eastern deck of the pool now, looking down the steep gravel slope to the east at the dirt path that ran up from the north. The path ran from the low valley to the north and up the moderate slope to the south, passing through a carved channel in the ground at the edge of the valley. I saw the men run from the valley, disappear behind the black rocks of the cut cliff, and then reappear on the gravel path to the east of me. I started to feel tense, thinking that we should evacuate the area as well. We seemed to be on the north side of campus now, and i was standing just on the eastern edge of the path. I looked to the north. I could now see along the base of the cut cliff. The pool was at the top of the cliff, and i could now see that there was a small building nestled into the cliff to the north of the pool. My attention was suddenly focused on the green object that was resting at the base of the cliff, just below the northeastern corner of the pool deck. It was a round green disk with a semicircular dome in the center. It looked like the top to a trash barrel, but i knew that it was the piece of metal that had been thrown from the warehouse. I realized that it was probably radioactive, which is why the workmen were running from the area. I wondered if the radiation would have affected us already. I started running to the southeast, following some of the workers. $F43 was running with me, and she started to run ahead. We passed to the north of some structures, which seemed to be a retaining wall for the higher ground. We seemed to be on the northern side of a college campus, which seemed like $P52. The path curved around to the southeast. There seemed to be only a few small building to the north. Beyond them, there seemed to be a drop off. $F43 suddenly turned to the south and jumped up onto one of the trimmed hedges at the base of the retaining wall. There upper part of the wall ended and there was a grassy terrace to the east of the upper wall. $F43 had climbed onto the terrace and was looking back, telling me to climb up as well. I tried to get my foot onto the first shrub, but complained that i could not do it. I thought that the shrub should not be solid enough to stand on, even though the top of it was trimmed perfectly flat. $F43 frowned at me in dismissal, and i realized that i was more athletic than she was, so i should be able to climb anything that she had climbed. I hopped up onto the grass and looked around for a moment. I suddenly realized that we were back near the gravel road that had crossed the bridge to the north. I looked back to the west and could see the gray cliff at the northeastern corner of the pool only fifty meters from me. I was annoyed that we had come up this way, saying that we should have stayed on the lower path. I thought about climbing back down to the lower path, but decided that it would be too much work. We simply had to get away to the east. The workers had known where they were going when they ran along the lower part of the land. I looked to the east. There were fenced in areas to the east of us that seemed to be part of a factory yard. I suddenly realized that we might not be able to get through this way. I started jogging to the east, looking at the fence that ran along the drop off to the north. The drop off ran southeast along the northeastern side of the area, and there were small white sheds and storage buildings along the edge, between the fences. The southern side of the area was blocked by a tall fence, which seemed to separate us from a large yard of transformers. I jogged to the east, hoping that there was a way to make it between the two sets of fences. As i reached the eastern end of the dry ground, i noticed that there was a black chain-link gate between the southern fence and a small fenced in area to the north. The area to the north had nothing on the ground, but there were wooden beams crisscrossing the area, supporting small boxy transformers. The transformers were shaped like power meters on the side of a house, but they were mounted to the undersides of the poles and had thick C-shaped clamps on either side. Bare wires hung from both sides of the transformers. I realized that the wires could be plugged into the clamps as necessary. The area was probably fenced in because the transformers were probably carrying a lot of voltage. I ran toward the tall gate in the fence. The door was not closed all the way, but it was secured with a chair on the northern side. As i approached, i thought that there would be enough room to squeeze between the gate and the fence. I knew that this would be dangerous and i could get arrested for trespassing, but i thought that they would understand that this was an emergency. The area was being evacuated, and people had to simply get away. I then stopped short of the gate and looked at the fences, thinking that i could also climb them. I was not sure what was to the east, though. There seemed to be more areas of dangerous transformers and electrical equipment, and i worried that i could get stuck in them and not find a way out. We could climb fences, but it would not be easy. Frustrated, i turned back to the west and started jogging back out of the area. I then realized that i was already under the wooden beams that i had seen before. The transformers were to the north of me. I had to be careful not to bump them as i ran, and i ducked a little. I was annoyed that we had not stayed on the lower path. We could have gotten to the eastern part of campus easily.

12010 July 09

I was moving through the urban area, heading to the northeast when i heard the announcement. A voice started talking about a terrorist threat, and said that a threat was imminent along the East Coast cities. I realized that i had been traveling in this city, which seemed like Boston. I was here on a trip. I felt concerned and turned back to the west. There was then a message on my cell phone. I was the warning of the attack, and it suggested that everyone evacuate the city. I suddenly wondered if it was a warning for the city that i was in, which was Boston, or whether it was a warning for the city where i was living. I wondered how they would know that i was traveling and wondered if they simply called my number because of where i lived. I turned to the south and headed into the front room of the hotel. I felt agitated and concerned. Everyone around me seemed to have gotten a message, but i was not really sure. As i stepped past the glass door, i looked to the east. The room looked like a dining room of an old restaurant, with wooden partitioning walls here and there. Round tables were set up along the eastern side of the room. The front section of the room was a step higher than the main section to the south, and i noticed two people standing up from a table just to the east of me, in an area separated from the main floor by wooden columns. I quickly asked the woman putting on her long tan jacket whether she had just received a text message on her telephone. She looked at her cell phone, trying to figure out what was happening. Neither she nor her friend seemed concerned, but i felt tense and anxious. I mentioned the message i had received to her, and i wanted to know if she had received a similar one. I then fumbled with my cell phone and dropped it on the floor. I quickly picked it up as the woman told me about her message. I looked at my phone, noticing that the power button on the right had been pushed into the main section of the phone. The screen was cracked and the telephone was broken. Part of the keypad was falling out. I would not be able to use my telephone anymore. The woman sympathized as she told me about her message. I headed to the south, through the lobby. I would not be able to call my relatives and i knew that they would be upset that they were not able to contact me. I felt bad and was not heading to the east, down the length of the lobby. I passed the long reception desk, which was on the southern side of the room. My room was in the southern wall. I was in this city for a conference and i had been given a double room. I wondered what the desk clerk would think if i checked out early. I would only be leaving one night early. There was a man doing something in the hallway ahead of me, and i looked just past him at the receded area of the southern wall, where the door to my room would be. For a moment, i wondered if i had the right area because i did not see the door immediately. As i came closer, though, i recognized the door. I entered the room, heading north from a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. There were windows on the eastern and western walls, and i had a sense that the eastern windows were at the same level as the ground outside. I had to pack my things and hurry out of the city. I was still upset about my telephone breaking, and knew that my relatives would be upset because they would be unable to call me. They probably heard about the evacuation and wanted to contact me, but i would not be able to respond. As i passed one of the windows in the eastern wall, walking to the east of the large bed that was in the center of the northern wall, i noticed something dark outside. I looked out the window to see a squirrel standing on hit hind legs, leaning on the southern edge of the window. It seemed to be grabbing something on the rotting wood trim outside. There seemed to be snow on the ground outside, and i noticed that the squirrel’s long gray fur was matted and wet. I turned back into the room, remembering that i had just seen another wet squirrel. I wondered if it had something to do with the snow.

I said something to the other person, who seemed to be a friend of mine. I had been talking to him in this small room for a while. I then moved through the doorway in the western wall and stopped, noticing the two young children playing on the front porch of the house across the hallway to the west. $K7 was standing on the porch, watching them play, and i realized that the young girl was $K5. The young boy was another relative of mine. I wanted to go talk to them, since it seemed like a long time since i had seen them. I started walking across the hall, but then i was aware that i was leaving $F1 behind in the room to the east. I felt bad for simply ending our conversation, but i had to spend time with my relatives. This made me feel uncertain.

I looked at the date, which seemed to be in the late 11880s. It was the date that the United States military had started attacking the Japanese ships in the Pacific. I remembered that the older man had been telling me about World War Two, and how it had started earlier than most people had thought. He had mentioned the attacks on the boats in the Pacific, which were really part of the same war. I asked the man about it. He was sitting in the front seat of the car, to the northwest of me, in the front seat of the car as we traveled north on the road. He did not seem to be driving the car as he leaned over the seat to talk to me, telling me the stories about the war. He smiled when he spoke, eager to share his stories of the hidden battles that led up to World War Two. I pictured the United States gun ship with its large cannons pointing at fourty-five degrees into the air, to the right of the black-and-white picture. There was a low arching skyline in the background of a forested island. This was one of the ships that were bombing the East Asian countries before the actual war had started. I looked to the north. I was now in the front seat of the car as we headed down the wide city street, and the man was talking from behind me. There were thick trees shading the street as we approached the intersection to the north. He asked if i had heard the story about Richard Nixon and Khrushchev. Without waiting for a reply, he told me of the time when the two had been in a store in a dominated country. I pictured the scene as a black-and-white photograph, with a young Richard Nixon and someone who looked like a young Fidel Castro standing next to each other, smiling from the left side of the frame. There was a small tall box or stand in front of them with something on it. Behind them and across the rest of the photograph crouched several people in loose clothing that reminded me of egyptian expeditions or of the indian military of the early 11900s. Several of them seemed to be wearing loosely wrapped turbans. The car turned the corner going rather fast, turning to the east. The driver seemed to be to the right of me now. The older went on with his story, saying that the dictator had taken the gold object from the store; “He just picked it up.” He referred to the object by name, calling it something like “Fyedor”. I knew that it was an expensive type of pen, but the man seemed to be referring to a cigar. The man said that Nixon asked him what he thought that he was doing. The story made Nixon out to be a good guy, but i knew that the man’s point was that Nixon was just as corrupt as everyone else. I was then i the back seat of the cab again as we continued down the wide street to the east. This was a main street, with four lanes of traffic. There were three other people in the car with me, but they seemed to be getting out. The driver was still on the right-hand side of the car, and i seemed to be sitting behind him now. The businessmen in dark suits stepped out of the car. They were from the conference that i had been attending. They were heading back to their cars to leave. I had to leave this conference early as well, but i felt that there was really no rush. I knew that everyone would be trying to leave the city, and i wondered if the traffic would be terrible. I would get out of the cab a few blocks ahead, where my hotel was. I thought that i would collect my things and check out a day early. It was still daylight, and i knew that i had to walk to my car. I looked out the front wind of the cab, seeing the long steep hill ahead of us, which led up to $P30. I had parked my car somewhere to the east-northeast on the hill. My hotel was on the southwestern corner of the intersection near the bottom of the hill, and we were approaching it. The female cab driver, who was on the left-hand side of the car, pulled over to the curb to let me out. I realized that this cab was really a conference shuttle and that none of the other passengers had payed. I wondered if i was supposed to pay the driver, and i started to feel uncertain about what i should do. The driver turned around and handed me the red folder. She was wearing a leather bomber jacket over a white shirt. She had brown curly hair under her brown cabbie hat. I thanked her with a gentle voice, showing her that i was very grateful for her services. I did not get out immediately, though, because i was uncertain about whether i should tip her or not. I finally decided that no one else had, so i simply took the folder and got out of the car. I would have to go into my room and pack my things to leave the city. I could tell the desk clerk that i would be leaving a day early because of the emergency.

12010 July 10

I stood on the western side of the crowd in the large room. They were standing around a large white table listening to each other speak. This had something to do with a theater group. I had been asked to be in a play here, and they were reading the script around the white platform. I paced to the north, around the northern side of the people, listening to them read the lines. I had done this play before, and i knew that i was a to play a king in a later part. As they read, though, i realized that i had also done the part of another character earlier in the play. Since they were reusing the previous cast for this play, i wondered if they had actually gotten someone else to play the other character. I wanted to do the other character as well. I listened as they reached the part for the character, and there was sudden silence. They did not have anyone playing the part. I walked to the eastern side of the platform, pretending that i could not remember the lines. I told them that i would need my script from the pile that was sitting in the center of the large white table. I moved to grab it, but someone started discussing something about the play, and everyone started to move. I asked some of the people where my script had gone, but no one seemed to know. I had seen it on the table with the other scripts, but could no longer see it there. I searched through some of the papers on the table, but i could not find the script. I started to feel tense, and looked around the area for the script. I had done the part before, but i could not remember all of my lines. I would have to study the script before the performance. I then wondered whether i would have to memorize the lines for the show or whether we would be reading from a script. I had wandered to the north a little and now turned around to look back down the corridor. The table was at the southern end of the corridor, where the corridor intersected the passage to the west. There also seemed to be a room to the east of the table. All of the walls here were painted black. I then noticed three women walking toward me from the table. They were dressed in long dresses with hoop skirts that looked like the styles of the late 11800s. I realized that $F43 was the woman in the center of the group. The ground spread out as they approached me, one woman passing to the west of me and the other two passing on the east. I watched $F43 as she walked past. She smiled at me. She was wearing a long creamy-tan dress with large brown and yellowish-tan flowers. She also had on a matching bonnet. I smiled back, but still felt frustrated, walking to the south again and into the room on the east. There were people in small groups around the room, getting ready for the show. I started to feel stressed, and i spoke suddenly in a loud voice, asking if anyone had seen my script. No one really answered anything other than a mutter. I was annoyed and walked back out into the hallway to the west. I noticed a stack of papers on the ground near the corner of the two hallways, just to the south of the corner. There was a metal and wood armchair just to the west of the stack. I noticed my first name on one of the folder brochures near the top of the stack. There were two types of papers in the stack: booklets on top with brown and tan covers, and white stapled sheets on the bottom. I knew that the booklets were programs for the play, and these were named so that they could be given to the cast. I wondered if i should take mine now before it got lost as well. I lifted the tan programs off of the stack and looked at the white papers, hoping that they were the programs. They were actually hand-outs for the audience, and they were also saved for us. I put the stack back down, again thinking that i should take mine before they disappeared. Someone then called my name from the east. I looked up to see $A364 standing to the east of me. She had her hands on her knees and was bending over to look at me. She wanted me to come with her to look at something. I stood up and followed her to the east, back into the large waiting room, where the cast was still putting things together. She turned to the south and rounded a short white object that was standing on the southern side of the room. The object was about a meter wide and two meters tall. It looked like a white laminated board with a piece of glass pressed onto the surface. $A364 referred to the object, asking me what i thought. She stood behind it and held up a round piece of paper. The paper represented the setting sun. She slid the paper between the glass and the white board to simulate the sunset. This was a prop from the show, and i was not interested in it. I was stressed that i did not have my script, and the show time seemed to be approaching. I did not comment about the object, but simply smiled and then turned to the north, walking along the eastern wall of the wide hallway. There seemed to be cables and ropes coiled and hanging on the eastern wall. I then turned back to the south, realizing that i had left my costumes at home. I only had the clothing that i was wearing, and i suddenly felt very upset. I stepped down the two steps at the northern end of the hallway, looking down at the clothes that i was wearing. I had on blue jeans and a long-sleeve button-down pale-blue shirt. I would need a costume for the brother and another for the king. I thought that this would be okay for the brother. As i reached the doorway to the room again, i then thought that i could wear this for the king and just take off the shirt and wear only my white T-shirt for the brother. It would be informal, but it might work. I was then in the room again. I felt uncertain and did not know what to do. I then noticed $A338 moving the leaver to he south. The large wooden plate moved into place behind the white board that i had been looking at before. The plate seemed to be part of a giant printing press, and it had a glass plate on the front of it. $A338 moved the leaver again and the plate swinged back. They were taking apart the white board with the white glass object on the front of it. A woman was standing to the east, holding up flat round pieces of paper that would be used for different phases of the sun. One was large and orange. I suddenly felt bad that i did not pay attention when $A364 had showed me the object. I wondered if they were abandoning it because of me, and i felt upset. I then turned my attention back to my costume, telling no one in particular that i would need to find one. I remembered that there were costumes stored on the third floor of this building. I wanted to go up and look at them. I looked to the north, seeing the hallway leading to the north of me, with a doorway open to a stairwell on the west. I could see the old metal and cement stairs, which were painted black, heading up to the north. I talked about the room, saying that i would need a key to get in. I then remembered that $A364 would have a key to the room. I asked people about the room, but no one seemed to respond. The doorway at the bottom of the stairs was open, so i could head upstairs, but i was not sure that the room upstairs was open. I decided that it would be and walked to the north. I told the woman to the west of me that i just needed a costume for the king, and i imagined a fancy red vest with white stitching in diamond patterns across the front. It would be fancy and would work for the king, and i could simply use my regular clothing for the brother. I follow a man to the north. The woman told me to be careful of the artwork. I watched the man carefully step up onto the shelf on the western wall. The shelf was covered with shiny glass vases and bowls. They were colorful and looked new. I realized that they were pieces of glass art, and i worried that the man would break one. He stepped onto a vase to reach the top shelf of the two-shelf display. He then turned to the north and stepped into the doorway in the northern wall. The shelfs were the stairway up to the next floor. I would have to follow him, but i was weary of stepping on the glass. There was a very tall narrow vase on the southern end of the lower shelf. I mentioned the artwork to the woman, who was now standing to the south of me.

I had been sleeping in the bed, which was against the northern wall of the room. I was at $P19, and i had stayed the night. I looked across the bedroom, seeing the blue spread of the bed to the southeast of me. The room looked like a bedroom, with a dresser against the eastern wall. I then realized that the door in the eastern end of the southern wall had been left open a crack. A man had been looking into the room, and i suddenly realized that i might have been sleeping on someone’s bed. I left the room through the door, hoping that he did not mind. I had thought that i would just pick a bed to sleep it, thinking that some would be empty, but i should have realized that, since this one had a cover over it, it was probably someone’s. I headed north through the rooms of the house. As i reached the middle of a small room, i stopped and put my hands on the shoulders of the short young man who was sitting against the eastern wall. I was familiar with him, and i knew that he was very interested in me. I smiled and said something to him. I did not want to be too friendly with him, because i was worried that he’d become attached to me. He was attractive, but i knew that i should not encourage him, so i turned and continued to the north.

12010 July 12

I was watching the scene as if it were from a movie. There was a group of teenagers walking down the street, toward me. They were dressed in neopunk clothing: gray T-shirts and sweatshirts with the sleeves ripped off, metal studs here and there. They were the bad guys, and they were going to do something bad. The man in the center of the crowd had a shaved head and was wearing a gray sleeveless T-shirt, which hung loosely over his thin body. He had black pants and a metal-studded belt. I started to worry about what he would do, but then i noticed the knife blade slash across his throat. A had had come around him from behind and cut his throat. There was a thin line of blood, and the man opened his mouth in surprise. I looked past him to see another young man in a gray T-shirt and a black denim jacket holding the knife. He seemed younger, with a friendlier face. He wore a black knit hat over his short curly hair. He was one of the good guys, who had infiltrated the punk group, and they were killing the bad guys before they could do anything bad. I remembered this plot form before. This was a remake of an old vigilante film. A young girl at the front right of the scene was still walking toward the camera, holding a knife up in her right hand. A hand came from behind her, grabbing her wrist and stabbing the knife into the chest of the tall man to her right. The knife pierced the man’s black leather vest and went toward his heart. The girl’s eyes opened wide in surprise as she realized what was happening. Behind her, i could se another girl in a grey and dark-gray pleated skirt. She smiled widely as she let go of the punk girl’s hand and jumped forward in the frame. They were killing the punks one by one before they could realize what was happening.

I looked down at the papers in my lap as i sat on the bench on the eastern side of the area. The bench seemed to be set into a wall, even though there was no wall to the east of me. We seemed to be under a structure that had no outside walls and was supported by thin round poles. The ground under the structure was paved, and there were dull-orange metal poles that seemed to form gates. Some of them seemed to have bare-metal chain-link fencing between them. The man, who had been sitting to the south of me got up from the bench, commenting on something that i was doing. He then walked to the west, rounding some of the low barricades as he went. A woman then approached from the southwest. She was the boss, and she was wearing a brown business suit with a matching skirt. She asked how the job was going, and i knew she was referring to the man who had left. She did not feel that he was doing a good job and wanted to know whether anything was wrong. I looked at the white stack of papers that i held on my left forearm. There was thick black writing on it, and i knew that the computer code had four main variables in it. I had been renaming the variables. I realized that this was something that i did not have to do, but i had to make it seem that it was part of my job so that the woman did not think that i was wasting my time. I told her about the four variables and how i was just checking them again. She then glanced across the area under the building and said that i should come with her. She motioned to the chain-link gate just behind her, in the eastern end of the southern wall. I wondered what she wanted to see me for and i turned to the north to put my papers down on the bunch. She said that her house was near here, and she wanted me to go there with her. She seemed stern and glanced around again. I stood up, wondering why she wanted to talk to me.

12010 July 13

The woman to the north of me said something about the airplanes, and then started driving one of them to the south, down the paved path in the middle of the park. I was standing just to the west of the path. I had come here in the airplane with the woman, and now we needed to park the small red airplanes. The woman moved the plane quickly to the south of me, turning it to the east and driving it onto the grass. It seemed strange to me that the airplane would be in the park with us. I then thought that, if we were actually parking airplanes, then the plane should be facing to the west so that the tail section was not sticking out onto the path. I moved toward the small plane, which seemed to be mostly white with a dull-red stripe over the canopy and down the sides. I moved to the east, where the airplanes had been, and i picked up a small object from the ground. It looked like a toy plastic dinosaur: a theropod. I attached the white cloth thing that i had been holding in my right hand to the back of the dinosaur, just above the base of the tail. It looked like some kind of clothing, and there seemed to be a smaller dinosaur inside. The smaller creature seemed to hang from the back of the other. I put the toy down and turned to the west, saying something to the woman. She then showed me something that had been on the ground. It had something to do with the sock that i had put over the dinosaur. I turned around and adjusted the white tube sock, which had red stripes near the top. The sock seemed to be cut open so that it could act as clothing for the dinosaur. It looked like a bathrobe, with the red part hanging over the dinosaur’s head like a hood. The feet of the theropod were left uncovered, which seemed right.

I woke up suddenly in the hotel room, aware that someone had come into the door on the eastern end of the northern wall. A woman with long blond hair was standing just inside the door, looking around the room as though a little confused. She was wearing a white shirt under a loose orangish-brown vest, looking like someone from the seventies. I felt suddenly angry with her and told her sternly to leave. She seemed suddenly defiant, so i grabbed her roughly by the back of the neck and pushed her out the door. I imagined what i would do to get her out, because it seemed suddenly dangerous to have her there. I felt very violent toward her, and imagined pushing her backward though the door in rage. I closed the door and turned back to the south, into the room, realizing that i had somehow thrown the woman out of the room. I felt stressed as i moved back to the bed, which was in the southwestern corner of the southern side of the L-shaped room. The other part of the L ran to the west, on the northern side of the room. As i reached the orange bed, i heard the telephone ringing. It had something to do with the woman, and i wondered if she had complained to the front desk that i had thrown her out of the room. I was back in the center of the room as i picked up the black receiver of the plastic telephone from the dresser on the eastern wall. A woman was talking in a stern voice to me about the woman that had come into the room. The woman on the telephone seemed to be the desk clerk. The woman in the vest had told the desk clerk that i had thrown her out of the room, and the desk clerk was scolding me, saying that i would have to let the woman into the room. I suddenly remembered that there were other people in the hotel room with me. I felt that i had been misled when i rented the room, thinking that the room was only for me. There were other people that were allowed to stay here, and i felt very uneasy about this. The clerk kept talking to me on the telephone, but i was not really interested in listening to her, so i kept asking her to repeat herself, pretending that i was tired and had just been woken up. I felt upset that the others could come into the room, and i saw a man come in through the door and walk to the couch on the western side of the room. This event had taken place earlier, and he was now sleeping on the couch. I wondered what i could do. I knew that the woman would be back in the room.

12010 July 14

I turned to the west and followed the others into the entryway of the large dark house. The house seemed very modern in design, with cubical sections that rose two or three floors. The entryway had a large glass wall on the eastern side of the building, and a matching glass window on the western side. Light from the setting sun seemed to be shining through the house, casting an orangish-purple glow. The young man who lived in the house paused in the middle of the entryway to turn around and see whether we were following him. $F4 was in front of me, and i followed him up the short flight of white stairs, into the front room of the house. I was impressed with the design of the house. The man who lived here was wealthy, and it felt good to be invited into his house. We crossed into another room, heading to the north now. It felt good to be here, and i looked around at the minimal details of the room. The walls of the house seemed to be black, and the floor was white. The man stopped on the northern side of the room, talking to the man who had come in with me. I paused just inside the doorway, noticing that there was a shower to the east. The room had two levels to the floor. The lower side of the room, which was on the south, just inside the door, formed a small entryway, with a doorway to the bathroom to the east. There seemed to be only a few steps leading up to the upper part of the room, but the upper part seemed to be more than a meter above the lever where i stood. I looked at the shower stall in the bathroom, which was separated from the bedroom by a glass wall. The glass of the wall seemed very thick, and i realized that there was a large tank of water on the other side of the wall. It was actually below the shower stall. The man said something to us, and i glanced to the north at him before turning my attention back to the shower stall. There was something very interesting in the fact that it was an aquarium as well.

12010 July 16

I had left the family and headed to the west, down the road that ran to the north of the cottages. After only a short distance, i turned around and headed back to the east. There was something that i had to finish here. I looked at the cottages as i passed by them. There was one where people were tearing out parts of the walls. I could see the bare rafters on some of the inside walls. The wood was dark where it had been covered by tarpaper. A man pulled out a rectangular section from the front wall of the building. He turned and nodded at me as i passed. I then noticed that the northeastern side of the cottage had fresh wood on it. There was a new square deck set into the corner of the building, and i noticed that the western wall of the house above the deck had thin vertical boards, making it look like a railing. A counter ran along the wall, and i realized that they had made the outside of the house look like a tiki bar. There even seemed to be some colored lights hanging across the eves. I then looked to the east, noticing the house that i had been at before. I remembered talking to the boy when i was there. He was leaning on a windowsill, looking out the northern side of the house, and he waved at me as i passed. He had short straight brown hair and seemed skinny. His parents flanked him and smiled at me as i went by.

I stood on the eastern side of the room, trying to put something into place near the eastern wall. This place seemed to be a new office for $G6. There was a man and a woman standing near me. The woman commented on the object, not sure that it would fit where we were trying to place it. I told her that it would be supported by the crossbeam. I stood to the south of the object now, reaching down between the object and the wall with my right hand, looking for the solid metal beam. I could see through the space in the wall to the east. The wall seemed to be a cubical wall, and there were more offices to the east. A white beam rose up from the floor on the other side of the wall, sloping upward at a fourty-five degree angle. The beam seemed to be a steel square tube, with an open lower end. The sides of the tube extended farther than the top, so that the tube could be hooked to the thick bolt that ran into the floor, in the center of the wall. I told the woman that the crossbeam ran directly under the wall, so it would be easy to put the printer here. The woman seemed uncertain, and asked about the beams. I pointed out that the beam crossed right under the dull-orange wall, and then motioned over my head, where a white crossbeam emerged from the wall and ran upward to the west, into the ceiling. I told her that the beam was the same on the other side of the wall and that it was part of the design of the building. It would support the floors. I told her that the entire building was built with similar crossbeams. It was a decorative feature of the architecture. She was surprised and wandered toward the windows that formed the northern wall. We were on one of the upper floors of the large building. The building seemed to be four or five stories tall, with glass walls on the outside. I pointed out the thin white poles that crossed over the window, saying that the architect intended them to be design details on the outside of the building, but they had been covered up by the builders. She touched the white crossing poles that were in front of the window and then turned to the west. I headed out of the office and into the large open room to the west. This part of the building looked as though it was not quite finished. The room was open, and the roof over us did not seem complete. I looked to the south, noticing the line of satellite dishes on the western end of the southern edge of the roof. I could only see them through the open sections of the roof, and, as we crossed the empty space over the cement floor, heading to the south, i lost direct sight of them, but i still knew that they were there. I could see the large white athletic building to the south. We were on the college campus. I commented on the burlap that was wrapped around the outside of the building, saying that we could have a nice view if the builders had not hid the building in the material. I complained about the construction of the building, saying that it would have been very nice had it not been altered by the builders. The woman and the man looked out over the athletic fields at the white stadium to the south. I started walking to the west, down the road, still looking south. There were thick green trees and weeds growing to the south of the road that we were traveling on, and i was talking to my parents about the campus. They were in the front seat of the car. The area to the south seemed forested, but i knew that it was just to the east of campus, so it would be the next area to be developed. My mother asked why we would not simply buy some of the land to the south, and i told her that it would not be a good idea. I said that this land was part of campus, and that the university at $P52 would only sell the rights to the land. They would keep the ownership of the land for themselves. We then came to the end of the trees, and i realized that campus had expanded farther to the east that i had thought. I looked out to the south, noticing also that the wooded area of green trees was actually very thin. There was a chain-link fence about fifty meters to the south, and it ran along the top of a short cliff that overlooked one of the main campus quadrangles. I could see the second floor of the old brick building and told my mother that it was $P39. The wooded area was too thin to building a house on, and i commented that there was not much land left around here that was not owned by the university.

12010 July 17

I sat down on the northern side of the room, facing south. I was at the northern side of the table, which seemed to be in a small library. The eastern and western walls were covered with wooden bookshelfs. I had just had a conversation with $A14 about the political controversy dealing with China. He had been telling me about it. I looked at the paper in front of me, reading the article about the politician. To my surprise, the article mentioned the diplomatic controversy with China. I snickered, but then realized that $A14, who was sitting at a table to the south of me, might be annoyed with me making sounds. I wanted to tell him about the article that i was reading, but i continued reading. There seemed to be a woman standing on the eastern side of the room, to the southeast of me. The article talked about how the American ambassador to China had been involved in the same kind of scandal as the Chinese ambassador to America. This seemed to have happened a while ago. I noticed the old newspaper advertisement on the lower right of the page now. Someone said that the way to avoid the controversy was to follow the advertisement. The advertisement announced that American tourists should come to Nicaragua and Guatemala to explore the newly discovered countries. The narrator said that this would help with the scandal, and i realized that it was a tactic for diverting the country’s attention away from the scandal of the oil companies and the ambassadors. I laughed again, realizing the humor in the ploy. The people would blindly show interest in the two unexplored countries, forget about Chinese scandal, and not even realize that the oil interests were being served by now exploration in Nicaragua and Guatemala. It was also funny because the American ambassador had come to the conference not realizing that a tourist ad would be presented to him. He had been duped into thinking that the solution to the conference that would be presented to him would be a political one, not one that made tourism money. I looked up, aware that $A14 was still reading at a table on the southern side of the room. I got his attention and started telling him about the story. He was surprised to hear that the article was about the scandal between the Chinese ambassador and the American ambassador, since he had just been telling me the story. He said that he could not believe the coincidence. I continued relating the story to him. He stood up and started walking to the northern side of the room, and i was standing on the southern side now. The woman in the room then said something to $A14, and i had to stop telling the story because she had interrupted me. I felt awkward, but waited to continue. $A14 responded to her and then looked back at me. He was now to the northwest of me. I finished the story by telling him of the advertisement for the two countries, and, to my surprise, he reacted negatively. I felt suddenly upset, thinking that he was angry with me, and i decided that he must have misunderstood the story. He turned to the south and started talking to the people in the room. We had walked into the large classroom, which seemed to be part of the library. There were volumes on the walls, and wooden chairs and tables around the room. $A14 asked his students a few questions, relating the story that i had just told him. As he reached the end, though, he seemed to mention that the ambassador had created the advertisement to fool the public. He must have misunderstood the story, and i wanted to correct him, but he did not quite state what i expected. I waited for him to clarify that the ambassador had purposely created the ad, but he never did. This must have been how he misunderstood the story. I sat down in the wooden chair on the eastern side of the room, anxious to interrupt $A14 and let him know that the ambassador was fooled into coming to the conference for nothing more than an advertisement. $A14 paced to the south, still talking to his students. This seemed to be a legal class, and i started to feel out of place here. I then realized that there was a student standing to the north of me, facing me. He muttered something about getting another chair and, in a shy manner, wandered to the north. I realized that i might be in his chair, and i asked the young woman with the frizzy blond hair to the south of me whether the seats were assigned in this class. She said that they were, and i stood up from the chair that i was in. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable here, knowing that i did not belong in this class. I headed to the north, leaving the room and starting across the grassy area between buildings. I was carrying the large flat bowl with me. It was something that i would have to pack in my luggage. I looked down at the bowl in my hands. It was only a few decis deep, but it was more than a meter in width, with two small round handles on the sides. I thought that i could stick my fingers into the small round handles and hold on while i was falling out of the airplane. The shape of the bowl might help me slow down enough to survive the fall. I followed the paved path as it ran to the west of a long gray stone building on the college campus. I wondered how i would fit the bowl into my bag, and was surprised knowing that i had. I then thought that it would probably be in my green suitcase, which meant that i would have to find the suitcase while falling and take the bowl out. I wondered if that could really happen. I then realized that i would also have to land in the water. I seemed to be flying now, and i looked down at the hazy coastline far below me. It seemed to be the western coasts of North America and South America. I knew that i was not flying from the Pacific, though. I would be coming into Newark airport, so i would be somewhere closer. I looked at the maps below me as they changed location. I watched Mexico pass under me, and then i saw Florida. These places all had large bodies of water near them, but i was still coming in near Newark, which seemed to be inland. I would have to position myself in the air so that i landed in the water.

I had been sleeping in the large bed that was against the northern wall in the upstairs room of my grandmother’s house. It seemed to be morning, and i was packing my things to leave. I grabbed some of the pillows from the bed and put them back into their proper place near the head of the bed. They seemed to be covered in pink and brown floral-patterned pillowcases. I then heard my grandmother say something. I held the receiver of the telephone up to my right ear, trying to understand what she was saying. She made several utterances, which seemed to be nothing more than distressed groans. Something was wrong, and i worried about her. I asked her what was wrong, but she only made the sounds again. I started to feel upset, thinking that my grandmother might have had a stroke. She then said “Ella” in a faint voice. This seemed to be her mother’s name, and i thought that it was bad that she was calling out the names of dead relatives. I thought that she was dying, and i felt very concerned. I had to do something for her.

I headed to the south, down the narrow alley, thinking about what my grandmother had said. I remembered he calling out the name “Ella” in the dream, but this did not seem to be her mother’s name. I looked down at the long tubular pink flowers that were growing on the vine on the western side of the alley. They seemed to be growing up the southeastern corner of the old stone building to the west of me, but the vine had tipped from the wall and was flowering just over the ground. The pink flowers opened up near the ends into a wide flower with distinct petals. I wondered if my grandmother had actually said “Emma”. This seemed to be her mother’s name. It was short for Emelia. I rounded the corner of the building and turned to the west, down the alley. There was a chain link fence to the south of me. I wondered if she could have said “Emma”. I then thought about the sound she had made, and decided that it really sounded like “Ella”. The consonants were distinct in my recollection.

12010 July 18

The large airplane passed to the south of me, and i turned to the north to watch it disappear into the haze of the dark-gray western sky. I could no longer see the large jet plane, which seemed to be a passenger plane. I then noticed a swirl of smoke on the northern side of the western horizon, and i though that it was from the jet liner passing through the haze as it took off. I watched the gray haze move on the western horizon for a moment, and then i turned to look back to the east. I suddenly realized that i was standing on the western end of the runway, and there was a small jet aircraft standing to the east. The aircraft was mostly a gray shape in the dim light, but it was facing me and seemed to be a military fighter. I had accidentally wandered to the south, onto the runway, and i was now blocking the airplane from taking off. I quickly scurried to the north, off of the runway, thinking that i really should not be on the airport grounds like his. I hoped that i did not get into trouble. I turned to watch the airplane move down the runway behind me. Its wings were very narrow now, and they tipped forward so that the small round engines on the ends were facing down. The airplane lifted vertically from the runway as it moved slowly to the west. It could hover, but still had to follow the runway to get into the air. It passed to the south of me and rose to the west. I started moving to the east, along the northern edge of the runway area, which seemed to be a large rectangular field surrounded by low gray buildings. As i ran, i hoped that people did not mind that i was on the runway grounds. I wondered why the airplane that just took off would actually need a runway, and then i remembered that it was just maintaining airspace. I was then heading to the west, along the southern side of the large hall near the entrance to the building. The polished stone walls seemed light-brown, and there was a glass entryway to the east. A doorman in a red uniform stood at the door, checking the airplanes as they tried to leave the building, headed for the runway. A man on a scooter rolled toward the door. I thought about a plane that had downward jets on the four corners and wondered if it would have to take off on the runway as well. Someone mentioned a hovering craft, and i noticed a man in a business suit to the west. He was approaching the doorman on a small craft. The doorman was busy talking to the first person. As the man in the dark business suit passed me, i noticed the large black propeller on his head. It was spinning slowly, and i though that this craft, which seemed like a U-shaped motorcycle, was actually a hovering aircraft. The man glanced at me as he passed, smiling slightly as though he knew that it knew that he was up to something. He seemed tall and thin, and there was something familiar about his face. I watched him reach the doorman, and knew that the doorman would not let him through. Someone said something about hovering crafts not being permitted onto the runway. I then saw another man approaching from the west, who seemed to be the same man. He was riding a scooter, but it was floating over the ground. The doorman, who was now to the north of me, stopped the man, telling him that the craft was illegal. I thought that it was because the craft was home-made. The man on the small hovercraft seemed to be a young Martin Landau. He shifted the hovercraft from side to side, as though trying to get past the doorman. I moved suddenly to the western end of the long hall and then turned around suddenly. I was moving quickly toward the doorman on the eastern end of the hall. I was riding the hovering aircraft that i had though of. I then realized that it could not be an actual hovercraft, like they had in Star Wars, because the technology for magnetic-resonance levitation did not yet exist. I thought that i was really in the aircraft with jets on the four corners that allowed it to hover. It was like a helicopter with four engines on the sides. Each engine seemed to be attached to the aircraft in the middle of a large metal flap, and the flaps could pivot from the top of the fuselage. I thought that the flaps could be raised vertically for storage and pictured several on the ground in a row. I was in the craft as it sped down the hall, swaying from side to side as it approached the doorman, who seemed suddenly worried about being run over, but did not move out of the way.

12010 July 19

I was in the basement room of the house with the workers. They were wearing white coveralls and were working in the small empty room to the east of me. The walls of the room seemed to be made of stacked stones, but the stone ended about three-quarters of a meter below the ceiling. There was a flat ledge on top of the stone, and then a pinkish-white wall ran the rest of the way to the ceiling. There was a single square stone column in the center of the room. I did not seem to be helping the workmen much, but i felt that this was my house, so i should do something. I grabbed a long piece of pink trim, which was a long thin wooden plank that had been resting in the center of the room. I wanted to move it out of the way, so i started carrying it to the northern wall. The workers were moving back and forth in the center of the room, so i held the plank up toward the ceiling, allowing them to pass under as they headed back across the center of the room, to the south. I noticed two dark nails on the eastern end of the board as it passed over the heads of the workers. I had to be careful with the boards, and i moved them to the northern wall, where i placed them down on the ledge that was on top of the stone part of the wall. This should keep them out of the way. I then walked back to the center of the room, staying on the western side of the room, and moved some more boards. These were the pieces of trimming from near the ceiling. The second piece i moved had a turn in the wood near the eastern end, where the trimming had been fitted around a support column. I then moved back to the south. The workers had headed to the southwest, into the open area of the large building. The southern end of the western wall now seemed open, and i could see into the large factory building. There was a large spool of something on a white metal rock to the southwest, and the two workers were standing near it. I mentioned something about the insulation. I then realized that i could use some of the fiberglass insulation for my house. I needed to put some of it in my attic over the bathroom. The men discussed the insulation before moving to the south. I then realized that this was my house that the men were redoing, and i wondered suddenly why someone else was paying for all of the work being done on my house. It seemed as though this was part of a larger project that someone else was paying for. I knew that i would buy the insulation for the bathroom, though. I moved around the area for a moment, but realized that i had to leave to the south. Before i did, i turned to the north and headed back across the room, which was now a bookstore, to get something. There were rows of shelfs around the open space, which seemed to be in the basement room of a large building. Several other people were moving through the store, but most of them seemed to work here. I stopped to pick up something near one of the shelfs. I turned to the south, noticing the red and dark-colored books on the shelf to the southwest of me. I then headed to the southern end of the room. I had the key in my hand for the store, but i knew that i really should not have it. I seemed to be living in this building, and i knew that i would have to come back into this room later, so i wanted to make sure that the key worked. It seemed strange that i would be living in a store, and i felt that i really should not have the key to this store. There was a man to the east of me as i approached the white door, which was on a western wall in the center of the store. There was a small cubical protrusion extending from the southern wall, and the metal door with the frosted glass window was on the eastern side of it. The lock seemed well used because the paint had been chipped off and the brass around the keyhole seemed shiny from wear. I put the key into the lock and tested it to see if it would work. I still felt strange for having a key to this place. I felt that i really should not have one since i did not work here, but i knew that i would have to get back in here. I then wondered if the door could be opened from the other side. I would be coming in from outside the store. It then seemed that the door did not have a handle on this side, so i wondered how to open it once it was unlocked.

12010 July 20

I walked to the east, across the outdoor area of cut grass. I seemed to be on the southern edge of the lawn, though i could not see what was to the south. There seemed to be several small structures around me, including a small shed to the east. I was working construction here, and i was worried that i might be late. There was another man waiting for me in front of the small shed to the east. He seemed to be younger than i, and he was somewhat muscular. I seemed to know him. We walked into the shed to get things ready for work. It seemed as though we would be working to the north. A third man was then in the shed with us. He was also muscular, and he did not seem to have his shirt on. He had a long plastic syringe in his hands with a thick metal needle on the end. He said that he had to inject himself before he started work, and he turned to the north, showing us the back of his thigh. I thought that he was a weight lifter, and that he was trying to inject steroids into his buttocks. He said that he needed someone to do it. The other man with me did not say anything, so the muscular man referred to me, saying that i could do it. He handed me a long plastic tube with a clear liquid in it. I was supposed to pour the liquid into the syringe and inject the man in the back of the thigh. I knew that the injection would have to go into the muscle tissue, but i felt hesitant about doing anything. Another man, who was the person running the construction project, leaned onto the window frame of the northern wall from outside. He wanted to know what we were doing and wanted us to get to work. The muscular man was leaning against the wall near the window, and i looked at the plastic tube again. I did not want to inject the man with any steroids because i did not think that they were a good idea. The muscular man seemed a little confused, and tried to figure out how the syringe and tube worked. I turned to the west and headed back across the room. There was a window in the southern wall. I felt that we should be getting to work here and not fooling around with the artificial drugs. I looked out the window to the south to see a group of people standing around just outside the building. They seemed old, and i knew that they were European. A old wrinkled woman was wearing a black lace dress in the center of the crowd. These people were Russian, and they were watching something just to the west of me. I turned away from the window and back into the small bedroom. I was in Russia, and i felt that i had to pack my things to leave here. I was uncomfortable here, even though i had been here for a little while. It seemed as though i had come here before, and i was back for work. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that people would be watching me to make sure i did not do anything they deemed illegal. I turned to the east and moved some things around in my bags. I then turned back to the north, thinking that there was someone observing me. I was directly to the south of the door to the room, which was in the eastern side of the northern wall. Just to the west of the door was a tall dresser. The top of the dresser was about my chest height, and there was a cardboard box on top with a lid. I knew that the wires were in the box, and i thought that i should get some of them. I then worried that the Russians would be suspicious of me if i had wires in the room. They might suspect that i was building something to spy with. I moved to the dresser and lifted the black lid of the gray box and started moving my left hand through the stuff inside. There were no actual wires in the box. Instead, the box seemed to be filled with gray straps and clips. I thought that these were garters, cufflinks, and other items to help someone dress. There were loops of gray cloth that i thought might be suspenders. None of these objects were interesting, but i looked through the box anyway to see if there was anything i could use.

12010 July 23

I looked up from the table on the southern side of the room. The room was long and seemed to be on the eastern side of large factory building. The walls seemed to be made of old uneven plaster and were painted white. There was something strange here, and i was looking up from what i had been doing to figure it out. I was standing on the eastern end of the long rectangular table, and $Z seemed to be seated on the southern side of the table to the west of me. I smelled something strange, and did not think that the odor was normal. It was pungent, and i knew that it was something dangerous. I started moving to the north, and told the person at the table to the west of me to follow me. The woman, who seemed to be running the class, was standing near one of the windows in the eastern wall. The wall was covered with large multipane windows in metal frames. In an authoritative voice, she told everyone to get out of the room and head outside. The room was filled with long wooden table that ran east to west to the north of me. I started up the slight slope of the hill, thinking that the smell was actually intentional. Someone was trying to gas the factory. People started getting up from the tables and moving toward the windows on the east of the room. The woman told everyone that they should head outside. There was a door near the northern side of the room, which seemed to be up a slight hill from where i was, and people started moving toward it. I told the person with me that going outside was a bad idea. I felt that someone was purposely gassing the area and that they would be waiting for people outside. I worried that the chemical gas would be stronger outside. The person did not quite believe me, but he followed me as i turned to the west, heading up a short flight of stairs that ran into the wall and running down the narrow corridor into the building. The man with me seemed to be $A374. I knew that the front of the building was to the north of me, but i decided to head south, thinking that the bad guys would be waiting for us out the front. I ran down the long narrow corridor of the building, heading slightly downhill as i went. The corridor ended in a tall cross-corridor, which seemed to be nothing more than a rectangular room. The walls were smooth cement, and there was a short set of stairs leading down from the corridor. There was a brown metal door on the other side of the room, and i hurried through it. We seemed to pass through some more corridors before we came out into a small grassy area at the southern end of the long factory building. The southern end of the single-floor building was small, with wide glass widows along the brick face. The building seemed like a school. There was a sidewalk that ran along the front of the building, like a small patio, but the rest of the area was short-cut grass. A short hill dropped off to the south, and we ran down to the lower level, thinking that if we stayed low, we could stay out of sight of the windows. There seemed to be a small playground structure to the southeast of us, at the bottom of the hill, and a sandbox to the northeast, at the top of the hill. I thought that the offices in the building would be empty, but the bad guys would eventually come to make sure everyone in the building was taken care of. I wanted to stay out of sight. $A374 moved to the east, toward the playground, and i stood near the bottom of the hill, wondering what to do next. To the south i could see the wooded area at the opposite side of the small lawn. The brown trees were leafless, and the colors seemed dull. The tan ground was cut by a thin creek that seemed to run from the east, and there was a hill to the south. I wanted to run into the forest to get away, but i worried that this was the wrong thing to do. We should run up the hill to the south to get above the gas. It would stay low to the ground if the people were gassing the building. I moved around on the lawn, wandering generally to the west, wondering what i should do. I wondered why i did not run up the hill across the creek now. I then looked back to the playground to the northeast of me. I wondered if we could play there unnoticed. There was a tire swing on a long rope, and i wanted to swing in it for a long time. I wondered if the men with the gas would notice someone in the swing. It seemed to be down hill far enough. I then looked up, noticing that the swing, which was oscillating east to west, was tied to a tall palm tree. The tree swayed with the weight of the tire, and i knew that the top of the tree could be seen from the windows of the building. The men would know that someone was in the swing by watching the palm tree sway. I felt that i had to hide from view of the building and wondered what i should do. The bad men might be watching, even though i knew that the southern offices were empty now. I wondered again why i did not run into the forest, and i felt indecisive and panicked. I moved a little to the west, to the southern side of the large square stone pillar. There was a tall stone wall extending from the western end of the southern side of the building. It extended to the south and ended with a large stone pillar. The square column was wider at the base than it was at the top and seemed to have a flat stone on top that extended about a deci over the sides of the column. I stood to the south of the column, trying to stay out of sight of the people in the building. I glanced down at my shadow to the south of me. It was dark now, and the light from the corner of the building cast a very dark shadow on the ground to the south of me. I tried to stand in the shadow, but i noticed that part of my shadow was sticking out on the western side of the pillar’s shadow. I tried to center myself in the pillar so that the bad guys in the building would not know that i was hiding behind the pillar. I still wanted to run into the forest to the south, but i was not really sure what i should do now. I felt tense and uncertain, but i headed to the north, back through the corridors of the building. We seemed to be moving up the western side of the building. I knew that the gas was to the east of us, and i wanted to make it to the exit at the northern end of the building. I ran down the narrow cement corridors, noticing that there were red exit signs over the doorways in the corridor. I turned to the east around a sharp corner and came into a long rectangular hallway room. There was a door to the east of me, but i noticed that the exit sign was over the doorway on the northern end of the corridor. The signs had been leading me through different doors toward the closest exit, but i knew that i had to get out of the exit at the northern side of the building. I ran to the north and exited the building, onto the gravel parking lot. The small parking lot was just off of the building. The northern end of the building was brick and looked very similar to the southern end. There was a section to the east that extended a little farther north. The northern extension was mostly brick, with a wooden overhang on the western side. It did not seem to have any windows. The rest of the building had large black windows covering the center portion of the wall. I wondered if there was anyone in the offices who could see me in the lot. It seemed that the bad men had been in the building for a while, so the offices should have been cleared. There was a small tree with a wide canopy on the western side of the grass, hanging out over the parking lot, which was to the north of it. The tree was to the west of the sidewalk, which ran from the doorway in the building to the lot. My black car was parked just to the east of where the sidewalk met the parking area. I could simply get into my car and drive away, but this plan seemed too simple. I worried that someone was watching me. I still had to get into my car and leave. The other man who had come with me was in the parking lot to the east. I felt indecisive.

12010 July 25

I stood in the forest with the others. There was something out in the trees around us, and it seemed dangerous. We seemed to be standing in a clearing, but it was more like a small town in the middle of the woods. The tall thin trees around us seemed leafless and damp. I then noticed something dark moving through the woods to the east of us. I pointed it out, but the others did not seem to see it. It crossed the trail to the east of us, walking like a large cat with something riding on its back, and it disappeared into the trees to the north. I pointed at it with my left arm, telling the others where it was. They did not see it. I could not see where it went, but i could tell that it was still out there. I could sense it moving. I rotated my body, moving my arm from the east to the north, following the creature’s path as it circled us. The others could still not see it, but i knew that it was there. I saw glimpses of it pass between trees as it ran. It came around to the west of us, and it seemed like a cougar, but i knew that it was some kind of spiritual creature. I could see it clearly as it passed into view, but the others were unable to see it. I described it to them as a panther. There were two buildings to the south of us now, one to the southeast and the other to the southwest. They seemed to be on the southern end of the town that we were in, but they seemed very small and very close to us. The animal disappeared behind the tan southwestern building. I kept pointing to it with my arm until it appeared directly to the south of us, between the two buildings. It stopped and looked at me. The others could not see it, and i thought that i had a special gift for seeing these things. I tried to warn the others about the animal, and i started to feel afraid of it. Its features were dark, but they also seemed to be deformed, like they had melted in the heat. I turned to the east suddenly. One of the men with me was running toward me with his arms waving over his head. He had been possessed by the creature and was trying to scare us. I grabbed him as he ran into me, and i threw him down onto the bed that i had been kneeling on. The others were standing around the edges of the bed in the small bedroom. The creature now seemed to be to the east, and seemed to be a deformed tan and black shape. The man who was attacking me also seemed to be deforming, turning into a rotting corpse with deformed rounded features. I threw him down onto the bed and started slamming his head and shoulders onto the mattress in an attempt to wake him up. He continued to change and i became frightened of the deformed creature that i was pushing on. I felt frightened, but was unsure why i felt so scared. I decided that the creature must be creating a form that would scare me because it needed me to be scared. I pushed the man away and stood up from the bed, not knowing what to do.

The other person stood to the west of me as we faced north, across the darkened field. A road ran east to west on the northern end of the grassy area, about thirty meters to the north of us. A few bushes stood on the sides of the road, but my attention was drawn to the twisting leafless branches of the large tree that twisted over the road. The main trunk of the tree seemed to be to the west, but i could not see it. The knotted branches twisted to the east, extending across the dark-purple gradient of the darkening sky. I could hear the sound of a man’s voice in the trees, but i could not quite make out where it was coming from. The voice was cursing, and had an Irish accent. This was the voice of a spirit, and i felt nervous about it. The other person said something to me about the spirit, and i felt that we had to be very cautious. I knew that it was a dangerous spirit. I then caught a glimpse of something moving between the branches of the tree, passing from a lower branch to a higher one. It was very small and moved like a bird, but i knew that it was an Irish spirit. It swore and cursed as it moved, making me wary of it. It must be a very small man, someone who was less than a half-meter tall. I pictured it as a red-haired leprechaun wearing a brown vest and matching pants. It fluttered from branch to branch, never coming into full view. I said something to the person to the west of me, fearful of the spirit. I then noticed something just off the tip of the branches, in the dark silhouette of the bush that was on the side of the road. There was a flash of red. I knew that it could not be from the small spirit, but i pointed it out to the other person. The small sprite seemed to be moving back to the west, through the branches, but the red thing was moving to the east. A man then appeared from behind the bushes. He was walking down the road to the east. As he emerged from the bushes, he glanced in our direction, a playful smirk on his face. He was wearing a bright yellow T-shirt over his pudgy torso. He had a round balding head and a protruding belly, and he was carrying a bright red hard-shell suitcase. He wandered slowly to the east down the road, and i told the other person that he was not the mean spirit. The man reached the eastern edge of our vision and disappeared behind a silhouetted obstacle. There seemed to be a house to the east, but the man had only reached the gate at the front of the yard before we lost sight of him. The road seemed to turn sharply to the north on the eastern side of the scene. Heading between some houses that we could not see. The man then appeared from behind a bush to the west of where he had disappeared and walked down the same road again. I told the other person that he was repeating the scene, and i realized that he was an important spirit too. The man disappeared behind the object near the gate of the house again, and then reappeared farther up the road to the north. He walked from the western side of the road to the eastern side. He was then heading north on the road. All of these actions were disjointed, showing us that he was not really human. This was special.

I spoke to the other person about the spirits that we had seen in the trees to the north. She mentioned that the Irish one was called “Bobby”. I remembered the name “Bobby” being used, but it did not seem right for the Irish spirit. I tried to remember the dream, picturing that i was talking to someone to the west of me, and this person mentioned the name of the Irish spirit as we watched it. I thought that “Bobby” was the name of the man in the yellow shirt with the red suitcase. The other man might have been called “Fred”, but i was unsure. I moved to the north, through the rooms of the old house, which seemed to be an apartment inside of a larger building. The stone building seemed to be an old city apartment building or factory. My relatives were in the house, and i felt uncomfortable with them. I was on the large bed in the center of the room, and my relatives seemed to be to the northeast, in the next room. The rooms were connected by a wide opening in the northern end of the eastern wall of the room that i was in. I stood up from the bed, pushing the yellowish-tan comforter to the west. $K3 was still lying on the western side of the bed with one of her children or my mother. She pointed her finger at me as i stood up and giggled, making a comment. I realized that i was wearing tan boxer shorts and probably had an erection. I looked down, but did not see an erection. I was annoyed with her and pulled the covers back over my midsection. I turned and walked through the rooms, looking at various things. There seemed to be a grape vine growing over a garden to the north, with rounded green olive-like fruit hanging from it. I headed to the southwest, across the rooms, wondering what i should do. The house now seemed to have ashen-pink adobe walls. The walls were crumbling in spots, and the house seemed empty of furnishings. I then headed southeast, across one of the open rooms when i saw some of my relatives approaching from the southeast. They had just come into the house through the southern door. $K33 was wearing denim shorts and a dark-blue T-shirt as he walked wide-legged toward me, carrying a six-pack of bottled beer in each hand. He smiled, but i felt nervous with these people. Some of my other relatives followed him past me, to the north. I continued to the south until i reached the door. The old wooden door was made out of vertical planks of wood and seemed well worn with age. It had been newly painted with a thick coat of dark green. The door had been left open, pushed into the room on the western side of the doorway. I looked out onto the old street, which seemed Italian. It seemed to have yellowish-tan paving stones on the ground, and the other houses seemed to be covered with pale tan plaster. The street outside seemed to be urban, with apartment buildings on the southern side. The buildings could have had storefronts on the bottom level, but, instead, they seemed to be blank there. I had not come in thought this door, and i suddenly realized how strange it looked when seeing it for the first time. I had walked up the driveway on the eastern side of the building and entered through the garden door on the northern end of the eastern side of the building. The garden door had been surrounded by a tan wooden trellis and had looked out over the Italian fields to the north and northeast. I looked down, noticing the crudely formed cement curb outside the door. The curb was about a meter from the building, and was painted dark green, matching the door. It was nothing more than a deci-tall rounded cement block that ran two or three meters, separating the doorway and the dusty walkway from the dusty road. There was something charming about this doorway, and i felt comforted by seeing it.

I headed to the north, through the gray urban area, following the heroes. I was actually one of the villains, but i was following the heroes for some reason. We stopped on the street, with the tall cement building to the north of us. I could see the villain to the northeast of us, but the heroes had not noticed him yet. The villain was dressing up in a disguise so that the heroes would not notice him. The villain seemed to be a cartoon character, with rough lines and little shading. Everything else seemed real, and i thought that the villain was a cartoon so that it was easier for him to blend in with the general population. He wrapped something white over him to hide his villain costume, which seemed to have bright green on it. As the villain started moving to the east, he was wearing a pale trench coat over his costume. I was then a villain again, and i was walking to the north with the heroes. I had disguised my villain costume with the trench coat so that they would not know that i was not really a hero. I was not trying to do anything malicious. I was actually trying to help the heroes to do something good, but i knew that they would not accept me in their group if they knew that i was really a villain. My wife was also with me. I was then watching the villain move with the heroes again. The wife was to the east of him, and she was a large beefy woman, with broad shoulders. She actually seemed like a hero, and i was glad that the other heroes did not recognize me as a villain. I was then heading to the east, and the scene changed. A hero was sitting at a small round table at the cafe. The other heroes were there with him. There was a large blue balloon down the street to the east, on the northern side of the street. I remembered this scene from before. The balloon would hook the hero as it takes off. The hero had abused his power, and was too arrogant. The villain was fighting for what was right by making a mockery of the hero. I looked up to the southwest to see the large zeppelin over the building. A long metal cable ran from the balloon as it started to move over us, to the northwest. The cable would hook the hero and pull him up. I suddenly worried about the power lines that were over us. I hoped that the hero did not get pulled up into the power lines. I did not want to hurt him, just embarrass him. Looking up, i could see the black power lines running to the south from over the peak of the building to the north of us. I watched the cable as it grabbed the hero. The cable pulled tight, but the hero did not move. There would be a momentary pause for the hero to realize what was happening before he got tugged up into the sky. I knew that this would be the end of the scene, and that that the scene would end well this time. I still felt tense about it though, hoping that nothing went wrong. I turned to the east and continued jogging down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, pushing the shopping cart in front of me. I thought that i should get back to the house. I looked at the old stone buildings on the southern side of the street as i moved. This place seemed like an older city. I could see large old buildings to the northeast of where i was. This place seemed like a European city, and i thought that i was in Paris. I had been visiting here. I headed to the east, but realized that there was a traffic jam ahead of me that was blocking the northern part of the street. I crossed the street to the southeast, rounding the back end of a car that was stopped near the sidewalk. I headed to the south, into the old stone house. The place was run down, and i came into the living room, which seemed to be in the center of the building. The living room was run down, with dingy furnishings. I seemed to have passed through the kitchen of the house on my way here. As i crossed the room, i was aware of a smaller room off the western side of the room to the south, which seemed to be a television room. The small room to the south seemed empty, with pale yellow walls. I could hear people watching television to the southwest, and i thought that the hero was here. I continued to the south, crossing the living room. I was stopped when i reached the center of the room, realizing that the blue plastic and metal chair was in my way. The seat and backrest of the chair were plastic, and were suspended by a metal frame. The hero had just come through here and had moved the chair as he passed, moving it out of his way, but leaving it in the way that i would be walking. The room was small, but the few pieces of worn crude furnishings seemed to fill the room. This place seemed depressing, and i wondered if the hero was satisfied living here. Another person crossed the room to the south and headed into the television room. I thought that the hero’s wife must have come in from the north. I headed toward her, realizing that she was sobbing. I left the living room and came into the large empty barn to the west of the house. I looked for the wife, but i could not see where she had gone. The barn seemed empty, but it had many wooden beams running across the center of it, obscuring my view. I then heard her sobbing somewhere to the west. I walked farther into the barn, but could not find her. As i stepped across the worn wood floorboards, i noticed that they were sagging with my weight. They seemed weak, and i had to be careful as i walked over them. I decided not to head this way and headed back to the east, walking down the dirt slope toward the house. I felt very concerned for the wife, and i wondered where she was. She was a bulky woman, and i knew that she was wearing a trench coat. I moved across the rough grassy lawn on the eastern side of the barn now, wondering if there was another way through the building. The house was to the south of me now, and the barn was to the west. The land looked unkempt, and the wooden buildings around the property were dilapidated. Everything here seemed old any unmaintained. I walked to the west, around the northern side of the barn, listening for the wife. I felt a little nervous about letting the hero know that i was trying to comfort his wife. I thought that he would be upset about this. I called the wife’s name, but i was actually unsure what it was. I called “Lisa”. A woman responded from the west, from the back section of the barn. I headed to the western side of the barn, which seemed to be a separate room from the main section of the building. The woman was standing just inside the building. She was dark-skinned and austral, and she wore a puffy brightly-colored orange dress that appeared African in style. Several other austral men came out of the barn and gathered around her. They were all wearing dark suits with white shirts. They were her servants. I felt suddenly awkward here, thinking that i was intruding on her privacy, but i tried to talk to her. She said that she was sorry, and i chatted with her. I noticed the thin hair on her upper lip as she spoke very close to me. She then mentioned the name of the people that she worked for, who seemed to be the hero and his wife. She mentioned these people as “David and Maggie”. She kept chatting to me as i looked around, noticing the people near me. A wood rail fence ran across the northern side of the yard. Other men were now near her, and some were to the southwest of us, standing as if in a daze on the uneven dirt ground. I then noticed a man to the northwest of me, standing just to the south of the fence. He cradled something in his arms, which looked like tan sand. My attention then focused on the small mangy dog that was walking to the east on the southern side of the fence. The tan and white dog hand short choppy fur, and it walked with its hips tipped down, as though it had to defecate. Something seemed important in these images, but i was unsure what. I then noticed the thin woman to the north of me. She was leaning against the rail fence. She was very skinny, and she wore a loose pale-red dress that came down to her knees. I was surprised to see that her head was the head of a cheetah. I then quickly looked back to the man to the northwest of me. He had shifted his arms, and the sand drained through his fingers, exposing the baby that he had been cradling. Something seemed serious about this image, and i thought that it was an African tradition for the baby but be buried in sand and then exposed in this way. A young boy was then to the north of me, standing in front of the fence. He said something to me, but i did not understand the language. There was a small thing floating over my shoulder, and it corrected his pronunciation. I did not understand what the boy said. He said the word again, but i did not recognize it. I focused on the word, trying to figure out what it was. I asked the small thing what the language was as the boy walked past me, heading to the south. I looked to the northeast, at the small furry ball on the white shelf to the north of me. The small furry ball had a face on it that stared intently at me. The ball said “atah”. I felt a little threatened by the creature, but i asked what it had said, not understanding the word. The creature said “atah” again, more forcefully. It sounded like “attack” to me, and i worried that the creature was planning to attack me. I leaned against the plywood that was leaning up against a mound of dirt to the east of me. I then noticed the long black thing on the other side of the plywood, very close to me. I thought that it was a snake, and i backed away suddenly, pushing the plywood over onto the black object. As the plywood fell, i focused on the long black thing and noticed that it was actually an old electric cable. I still felt nervous, though, and i looked around at the African symbols around me again. I did not know what they meant, and i said that i was interested in them but that i did not recognize them. The furry animal to the northeast of me reached out its front paws, putting them on my right shoulder. It seemed like a familiar creature now, with a round fuzzy face and white round eyes. Tufts of black fur stuck up through the gray around the rounded nose. It moved its head close to me as if telling me a secret. Its eyes closed and it asked if i knew what it was going to do to me. I felt worried about this place, thinking that i did not belong here. I nervously asked if it was going to attack me. In a hissing voice, it said “yes”.

12010 July 26

I was doing something for my mother in front of my grandmother’s house. The house was to the north of us, and we seemed to be in a parked car. I moved some things from the back seat of the car. I then noticed $X12 outside, to the east. He ran down the driveway to the south, and ran south across the road. I felt very worried about him, hoping that he did not get run over. A car then came from the west, and i worried more about him. $X12 ran into the driveway across the street, but the car turned in after him. The car speeded up as it passed out of sight along the eastern side of the green house across the street, chasing $X12 up the driveway. I was upset, thinking that the man purposely chased the cat and ran over it. I hurried across the road, thinking that $X12 had been run over. I was becoming very upset. The car backed up slowly until it came to a stop in the middle of the driveway. As i reached it, a woman came out of the passenger’s door. The man, who had been driving, who was $A237, walked to the west, into the house. I was distraught, and i asked the woman if the cat was dead. She seemed upset herself, and she admitted that $A237 had run over the cat. I became very angry, and i went to the front porch of the house to confront the $A237. The porch was on the northern side of the house. I banged on the door and $A237 came out. He was angry with me for banging on the door, but, when he looked at me, he became very surprised. He had not expected it to be someone that he knew. He was wearing a dingy white T-shirt, and he seemed much older and pudgier that i remembered. I had expected him to be more threatening, but he was not. He backed into his house, and i followed him in, trying to confront him about the cat. I told him that i would have to tell my grandmother what he had done. He seemed upset by this, but retorted by saying that my grandmother went to bed at seven. I was upset with him, and told him that my grandmother actually went to bed at five. He seemed to be defensive and said that the cat would have just been sitting around for a few extra hours anyway. He was trying to downplay the significance of killing the cat. I was very upset and wanted to do something, but i was not sure what.

I had to do something in this house, and i moved around the small room. I was trying to get ready for work tomorrow, but there was something that i felt needed to be done today. My mother was in the room somewhere. I did something for a while, then i was on the screened-in porch on the eastern side of the house. I was about to head out the screen door to the south, but i had to finish what i was doing to get ready. I thought that i would have to move my tent and other camping stuff to get ready for tomorrow’s trip. I picked up some things from the floor of the porch. The people to the north of me then asked why my parents had not called. I told them that my parents were buying a house. This did not seem like a complete explanation, but i did not feel like talking to the others at the moment. I felt like they were distracting me from what i was supposed to be doing. They acted surprised at what i said, and i realized that they were inferring something i had not meant. I was annoyed with the interruption and clarified by saying that, if my parents had no other options show up and there were no decisions about buying a house by this evening, then my parents would buy a house tonight. I did not want to tell the people much more, so i grabbed the rest of my things and left the porch, heading to the south, out the screen door.

12010 July 27

I was going to college again, and i was sitting in the middle of the large field, planning what i should do. This field seemed to be part of the college campus. The main part of the campus seemed to be to the northwest of me. I felt good about starting college here again. I started moving my books and papers around on the ground, thinking that i had to do things to get ready. I flipped through the pages of one of the books, getting ready to close it so i could pack it up and leave. The book was a large black and white comic book, with big broad pictures. I stopped on one of the pages in the center of the book and looked at the picture. The image, which was drawn in only black ink, was a picture of two women looking down at several glass jars on the counter in front of them. The woman on the left of the picture had black hair, and the woman on the right was drawn with white hair. The brunet woman was showing the blond woman the jars, and the blond woman had her right hand over her mouth is surprise. All of the jars were drawn as if they were illuminated from underneath. There was a large jar in the center of the jars, and a pixie was coming out of it. The blond woman did not know what the pixie was, which is why she was surprised. There was something very interesting about the plot of this book, and i like the drawings on the page, but i felt unsure about what was going on. I turned back the page of the book to look at the previous page. The jars were represented as a pile of ash on the table, and the women were in the background, looking at something on a shelf on the right side of the frame. They had not yet noticed the jars on the table. I did not really remember this plot, and i felt annoyed that i could not keep track of what was going on. I turned the pages back some more to try to figure out what was going on, but i could not remember the plot. I was frustrated and annoyed that i would have to reread the text again to try to understand the plot.

12010 July 28

I was sitting on the northern side of the long wooden table, taking a test. $A563 was sitting to the east of me. I looked down at the white paper, noticing that i had gotten an answer of “0 salads”. This did not make sense to me, and i started to feel frustrated. $A563 was working on a large sheet of paper, writing out his answers as he figured them out and then copying them to his test booklet in a more concise form. I looked at what he was writing out on the large sheet of paper. He was writing what appeared to be the ingredients of a salad in red ballpoint ink. $A100, who was standing to the north of us, then suggested that the answer to the question was “no salad”. The answer i had written seemed to be correct, but i thought that it should be the inverse of the question. We had found the question to be unsolvable, so the answer should really have been nothing. I did not understand this and tried very hard to figure it out, getting more and more frustrated. $A563 wrote out more notes in a very clean handwriting on the large sheet of paper. I had a small piece of paper, and i had only written three lines on it. I was disappointed in myself as i looked over my work. The bottom line said “6 + 1cent = 0”. I did not understand the problem. This equation was unsolvable, so the conclusion was “salad”. I felt like i was not understanding the problem, so i wandered to the east. I had been on a bus trip, and i started to think that i needed food. At first, i thought that i should get some fast food, like a hamburger. $A563 had already eaten, so he did not have to interrupt his test. I came to the booth, trying to decide what i should order. The people in the booth to the north of me were just getting set up. I did not want to wait for them, so i went to get food. I had several things with me, and i put them on the bench that was on the western side of the table that i had been sitting at, which was now to the southwest of me. The table was in a booth of a restaurant. I then realized that i could not leave my computer here while i went for food. I felt worried and agitated. I noticed a man and a woman sitting on the southern side of the table. The table seemed to span two booths, with a divider separating the booths so that people did not directly interact. They seemed to be trapped in their booth, though, because there was a wall to he south of them. They would have to leave through the booth that i was sitting at by removing the divider. This seemed impractical. When i looked at the table again, i noticed that it had been taken down so that there were only two benches left facing each other across the booth. This would make it easier for the man and woman to leave, though they would still have to squeeze past me. This did not make any sense. I tried to focus on the problem again, but i could not understand the question. I felt very upset and confused.

12010 July 29

I turned to the west and started across the apartment. The other people were in the dimly lighted rooms with me. This place seemed old and run down, but it was warm. We had been staying here for a while. I came to the rectangular room on the southwestern side of the house. The room was open to the north, where it connected with the long corridor that i had come down. I moved into the room and started gathering things together on the floor near the western side of the room. The front of the house seemed to be to the west of me, and my grandfather seemed to be in the room somewhere to the east. I picked up the pale-blue sweater from the ground and put it on the suitcase.

I drove to the north, through the street of the small town. My mother was in the passenger’s seat of the car as i approached the intersection. This town seemed like a small mountain town, with a central section of commercial buildings on a main street. I turned to the east, down the wide main street, which seemed to be four lanes wide. The two- or three-story buildings on either side of the road seemed to contain shops. I realized that i was on the wrong side of the road, and i came to a stop. I had turned into the northern-most lane of the street. I stopped, watching the oncoming traffic go around me. I knew that i should drive to the south to get into the correct lanes, but i could not seem to turn the car in that direction. I started heading in reverse, to the west. I knew that the place to which we were heading was to the southeast of us. I would have to follow the main street for a few blocks until it ended in front of a large building. I would then turn south on the other street, and the place to which we were headed was on the eastern side of the street, not far from the intersection. I could not head in that direction, though. We were traveling in reverse in the wrong direction. I could not understand why i was unable to simply go forward. I stopped the car and realized that i was all the way back at the intersection where i had turned before. Other cars were stopped around me, and i tried to figure out what to do. I decided that i could back into the intersection and then drive forward into the correct lane. Just as our light turned green, i backed into the intersection and started spinning around. The car was turning in a very tight circle, and i did not seem to be controlling it. I tried to get it to stop and finally started driving forward, down the street to the north. I was annoyed that we were traveling in the wrong direction, and i wondered why i could not go the right way. I thought about where we were going and wondered if there was another street that ran parallel to the main street that would take us to the eastern side of town. The town seemed to be in a valley, and there were steep hills to the north and east. We started driving up one of the steep hills as we headed east. I told the woman with me that we would be taking the long way around, but i was not sure that any of these streets actually ran to the east. We started moving faster up the narrow street, which turned east and then north again, ascending the steep hill through narrow alleys between the tall dull-red buildings. The road did not seem to be turning to the east, and i realized that we were heading more to the northwest. I started to recognize the tall outsides of the building, and i remembered seeing it on the outside of town before. I could see the tall plain block-shaped building standing on the top of a steep cliff on the western side of town. The cliff was to the west of the building, with a shallower drop-off to the south. The building seemed to be made of cement and had no obvious windows or doors on the side facing me. There were wide vertical concave curves running up the side of the building, starting shallow near the base and getting deeper near the roof. They met the rounded sides of the building, which curved in a few meters to the flat featureless roof. The road along the south of the building was steep, but i remembered being on a very narrow drive that rose up the western side of the building. It was very narrow and seemed dangerous. This building was the monastery, and it looked like the buildings that we were driving between now. I turned the car to the west, rising up a hill between two steep buildings. I thought that we would come to the very narrow driveway on the western side of the building. It would be scary this time because there were no guardrails along the outside of the road. I then imagined that the steep driveway had crumbled away, and we would come to a sudden drop off. I was no longer in the car, and i was thinking about this situation. I could see down the alley and wondered if the cliff to the west could have simply fallen off. We would be able to see this while driving, and i would be able to stop in time. I then imagined what would happen if the cliff was eroding away. The monastery would start crumbling over the side of the cliff. This could be a dramatic scene.

The bus was traveling to the south, down the hill of the small mountain town, and i was sitting in the middle of the bus, on the western side. The other people in the bus with me seemed to be students. We were on a class trip. I wanted to get to the area to the southwest of us, but the bus now seemed to be moving backward up the hill. We were backing up for some reason. I felt upset by this, thinking that we were supposed to be heading forward. I did not want to get delayed, but it seemed that we had to go back to the place at the top of the hill to the north for some reason. Frustrated, i started walking with a few of the other students to the south, down the eastern side of the street. We were pushing small rolling things along the street of the resort town. I thought that the skateboard-like things would simply roll down the hill in front of us, but i had to keep pushing it forward with my right foot. I followed the other students down the hill. The city around us seemed to be different shades of gray, and the students seemed to be different shades of brown or tan. We turned to the east into one of the buildings, which seemed like a large cathedral. The walls were gray stone, but the floor in the center seemed to be covered with short grass, as though we were in an open park. We walked to the east, down the northern side of the area. I was near the end of the queue of students that were walking down the street, and i pushed the skateboard ahead of me. The things that had been on my skateboard then fell off as i started crossing the room to the southeast, following the other students, who were leaving the building through the archway in the eastern end of the southern wall. I stopped and picked up the block of wood, putting it back onto my skateboard. I then picked up the thin orangish-brown piece of rock that i had been carrying. It was roughly rhomboidal, with rough edges. The surface seemed smooth, with small linear scratches across it. The scratches seemed more yellow that the rest of the rock. I said something to the boy to the east of me as i looked at the rock. The boy had collected a similar piece of rock, and we were both taking our rocks back on the bus with us. I crouched down, about to put my rock back on top of the skateboard when i realized that there were two larger slabs of rock sitting on the ground to the east of me. They were each about a deci across, and they were the pieces that i had collected. I wondered where the smaller piece in my hand had come from. I put the two flat pieces of rock on top of the wood that was on my skateboard and started moving to the southeast. I looked at the small piece of rock again, noticing that the small linear scratches actually looked like Mandarin characters. I looked up to the southeast, following the others, and then back down at the letter. I was now standing on the northern side of a small grassy courtyard. Old sidewalks ran around the perimeter and across the center. The other students had walked around the eastern side of the yard and were now heading to the west, across the southern part of the courtyard. I looked at the rocks again, thinking that the scratches only looked like characters out of coincidence, but, as i looked at the rock, they seemed to from a vertical line down the left-hand side. I focused on one of the characters, which looked like a lowercase lambda with a bar or box across the top stem. It seemed familiar. I was falling behind with the others, and we started to hurry. One of the young boys seemed excited, and he told me that i had to make sure to be in the pictures with him. He invited some of his other friends as well. We paused for a moment and the boy stood next to me as we faced west. I realized that the boy only came up to my mid torso. I was much older then the boys, and it suddenly seemed strange that would be close friends with them. Their parents might be suspicious of me for being friends with them. They ran off to the west to catch up with the others, and i ran after them. As i neared the southwestern corner of the building, i realized that there was a line of skateboards on the floor near the southern wall of the room. I stopped just before leaving the room, realizing that the students were actually queued up along the southern wall. I looked back to the east to see several children in a line, with a few female teachers keeping them together. One of the teachers looked at me in annoyance and surprise. I realized that i was now near the front of the queue, and i looked down at the first tan skateboard on the ground near me. I then moved to the east to get to the end of the line. The students started heading to the south again, and i followed them out of the building. It was dark out now, and they turned to the southeast. The path from the end of the building ran south, and i realized that we had already come around the corner to the southern side of town, near where we were headed. The cement path was bordered by a paved parking lot to the east, with a line of tall fluffy weeds growing between them. The children ran through the weeds and cut diagonally across the lot to the head east on the street. I ran to the end of the sidewalk and turned east instead, thinking that i did not want to cut across the parking lot of the small shop. As i came to the sidewalk on the main street and headed east, though, i realized that there were no other children around. They must have rounded the corner that was about thirty meters to the east of me. This surprised me. I did not think that they would have moved so quickly. I moved to the east and came to the corner of the street that ran north. It was dark, and i was in a neighborhood area, but i could not see any of the children. I walked a few meters down the street to the north, wondering where they could have gone. I should have cut across the lot to follow them. That way, i would not have lost them so easily. I wondered where they could have gone. I looked back to the east, behind the house that was on the corner, and i caught a glimpse of the young boy in the blue and white athletic shell. His jacket and pants were mostly blue, with white spreading out down the sleeves and legs. He ran from south to north, and i could only see him briefly in the space between the small dull-yellow wood house and the shrubs along the northern side of the yard. I then remembered that the bus had parked in the northern end of the cemetery. The gravel driveway to the cemetery was just to the east of the sidewalk that i had taken from the building to the street. The other children had simply turned the corner and headed north. I wondered how i could get back to them. I noticed a tall pointed headstone in the shape of a narrow cross near where the boy had disappeared. I wondered if i could simply walk through the back yards to get there. As i hesitated, the scene started to dissolve. I then noticed a paved road curving along the back of the house to the entrance to the cemetery. I would simply have to follow it.

12010 July 30

I carried the cloths into the small bathroom, which was on the northern side of the short hallway. The hallway ran to the west, from the northern side of the western wall of the large room. There seemed to be a bedroom to the west, but there was a white wooden door closed over the room. I remembered that $K31 was in the bedroom to the west, and i hoped that he did not want to shower. I thought that he was probably still sleeping. I carried my things into the bathroom and turned to the east, into the large square bathtub. I started taking a shower, but i suddenly realized that i had not brought my towel with me. I sat on the southern end of the tub, letting the water run over me. I would have to let myself dry, or i would have to go out to get a towel without my clothes on. I hoped that $K31 did not want to use the bathroom. I looked out the bathroom door at the white bedroom door, hoping that he did not come out. I would feel embarrassed to be it the bathroom without a towel. I wondered what to do, and then i started moving to the west, into the large bedroom of the house. This was $P19, and i had a room here, but i was packing my things to leave. I felt good about moving out of this place, and i thought that i would have to take everything home with me. The room was almost empty, and there seemed to be a single bed against the eastern wall, with only a white fitted-sheet on it. There was a dresser against the northern wall, in the center of the room. $F14 was in the room with me, and she was standing to the southeast of me as i started to the west, across the room to pack more of my things. I passed across the large storage room, which had low white wooden shelfs that ran in rows from north to south. The shelves seemed to be on top of wooden tables, and the shelfs were filled with small boxes and bottles. I wondered why i did not leave any of my things in the storage area here. It seemed easier than moving them. I stepped over some of the shelfs as i reached the western side of the room. I passed through the door and turned to the south, heading down the short hall and into a wider hallway. There seemed to be a set of stairs to the west that descended along the northern wall to the lower floor. The house seemed empty, though i knew that there were other $G3’s around. I then heard the sound of a power tool, and i turned to the east to look. There were then people in the hall around me. I looked at the brown wooden door on the eastern side of the hall, which was closed. The person in that room was running something that sounded like a power drill. The people in the hall around me seemed suddenly annoyed with the noise, and they groaned as they moved through the hall, glancing at the door as the passed. There was a man walking in front of me who was wearing a blue towel around his waist. He seemed like $A438. He stared at the door for a moment and then continued to the south. I followed him through the doorway in the southern wall, trying not to stare at the muscles on his chest. I wondered how i could get the rest of my stuff out of the house. I stood in the room on the eastern end of the house, looking at the stuff that i still had to pack. $F14 was standing in the room to the east of me, and she asked me if i remembered when i had so few things that i could easily pack them into my car. I snickered and said yes, moving to the north. The space to the north of me was open and outdoors now. There was a picnic table to the northwest, and a woman walked from the east and bent over to pick up something on the bench. I realized that she was $A460. I said hello to her. I was a little hesitant, because i did not really want to talk to her, knowing that she would keep talking for a while. I then noticed the man driving the yellow yard tractor across the field from the southeast. He was passing us to the north and was towing a four-wheeled trailer. The others moved close so that they could help move the thing across the yard. As the trailer passed to the west of me, it seemed much larger. It seemed like a large metal frame with tall open wheels on it, like a giant hay tiller. I realized that the wheels of the equipment were rolling over the black wires on the ground, and i hoped that they did not snag them. I was still holding on to the headphones in my left hand, and i held them low to the ground so that i did not raise the black chord up. The tire rolled over the chord, but, as the vehicle turned to the west, i noticed that the black wire was lifted on the southern side of the vehicle. The thin cable had gotten caught on the pointy axel that was sticking out from center of the tall metal wheel. A man was trying to untangle it, but he could not get it unwound while the tractor was slowly moving to the west. I did not want the cable of the headset to break, so i let go of the headset, hoping that it would get pulled along and become untangled by itself. A man to the southwest of me picked up the headset, however. I worried that it would break, so i called to the man and asked him to let it go. Instead, he purposely held onto the headset as the tractor started to pull away, stretching the wire. He yanked it suddenly, and the cable broke. I was upset. He turned to me and tossed the headset to the east, letting it float up into the air. We seemed to be inside a building now, so the small light-blue balloon floated slowly to the ceiling and stopped. I was angry with the man and yelled at him, telling him that he should have let go of the headset. He became offended by what i had said, and he stood up taller, moving toward me with a serious scowl on his face. His friend, who had been leaning against the wall, suddenly moved forward toward me. They both stared had short blond hair that was combed to one side, and they were both ready to attack me if i tried to start a fight. This situation seemed strange, and i realized that i did not want to fight these men, even though i was still very angry with them. I insulted the man and then turned back to the north to walk away.

12010 July 31

I realized that i had dozed off, and i looked back to the south. Beck was still playing guitar in the narrow alley. The other people in the audience were sitting along the brick wall on the western side of the alley, and i was on the northern end of the line of folding metal chairs. Beck looked up at me as he continued playing a song, and i realized that i should not have been asleep for this show. I felt a little embarrassed. I had been facing west, into a small alcove, which seemed to be the entrance to the brick building, which seemed to be a school. I turned around and tried to pay attention to the music. Beck moved to the east of me, looking at the people in the chairs. I realized that we were supposed to be singing along with him during this song. It must have been one of the last songs, and i was disappointed that i had missed most of the show. A dark-skinned woman, who had been sitting on one of the chairs on the southern side of the row, stood up and started singing the song. I started singing a little too, but realized that i did not know enough of the lyrics. I felt a little embarrassed as Beck walked near me. The people in the chairs then started getting up, and i watched the woman in the pale shirt move north, clapping her hands as she tried to get others to sing to the songs. I then noticed that people started coming out of a doorway on the eastern side of the alley. The concert there must have ended. I moved toward them, looking into the small auditorium. The stage was on the southern side of the room, and i could see Annie Lennox sitting on the black stage. Knowing that $F45 really liked her, i wanted to tell him. He had been sitting to the south of me against the eastern wall, and i walked back out to tell him that she was singing.