12011 July 02

I was facing east when i reached over my head to adjust something on the shelf near the ceiling. The shelf ran east to west across the carport that i was standing in. It seemed like the carport to the east of my parents’ garage. The walls were dark brown and the wide room seemed empty. I was aware that my father was to the west of me, inside the garage. I could see him moving through the old windows between the carport and the garage. I grabbed something from the wooden shelf above me, which was on the northern side of a support beam, and then i turned my attention back to the ground, where i had been vacuuming. A rug was on the cement floor of the room i was in, and i was standing on the southern edge of the rug. I moved the vacuum around for a moment. I was facing east when i noticed a car coming up the driveway from the south. I turned around to see the car back quickly into the garage to the west of me. The car seemed like an old american car. It seemed to have been black, but was now a faded dark-gray. My father must be driving the car into the garage. I turned my attention back to the north of me, where my small yellow car sat. The car was facing north, and i looked over the back end of the hatchback car. The back was mottled with old decals, and i thought that the car was dented and worn. I felt sad about the poor shape of the car, but i thought that i would have to use it to get somewhere. I was going on a long trip, and i remembered that i needed to get gas for the car. I headed to the north, into the small room. I then started talking to someone about the job. I seemed to be on the telephone talking to this person, and i was not aware of much of my surroundings. I felt frustrated with the person i was talking to because they were not giving me enough information about the job, so i hung up the cell phone. Another person then started talking to me. More than one person was having a conversation with me. I knew that they were from downtown, though, so they were not in an area that i wanted to get a job in. I felt disinterested in this job, so i hung up on this conversation as well. I felt disheartened and headed to the south, carrying the books that under my left arm.

12011 July 03

I headed to the southeast, across the grassy park in the middle of the small city. I was walking with a group of people, who seemed to be relatives of mine. The ground around us rolled down to the east and southeast, toward what seemed to be a city street. I looked through the large leafy trees to the southwest, looking for the house. My relatives and i had come here to see $K5’s new house. I looked at the large wooden house to the west, but realized that it was probably not the correct house. Several houses seemed to be clustered in this grassy area, but i knew that the larger houses were too big for $K5 to live in. I did not think that she could afford such a large house. I continued to the south until i noticed a smaller house to the southwest, on the southern end of the park. A street curved around the southern end of the grassy area to the south, and the grassy hill sloped down steeply to meet the road. I headed toward the smaller house, noticing that it was designed in the same style as the older houses. It looked very nice, but i could tell that it was not in as good a shape as the others. The house seemed oddly shaped, as though it were two house next to each other with a wide flat porch connecting the two. We headed to the northwest, up onto the wooden porch, and i looked at the balcony on the second floor, above the porch. Three or four wide stairs led up to the wooden porch, and round beveled posts, which were painted white, held up the dark roof. One of the balconies seemed to be above the porch, and other was to the northwest, suspending from the northern side of the house. I liked the way the house looked, though it was run down. I looked up at the radial boards of the ceiling above me. They looked very nice. I wondered how $K5 would afford to maintain the place. As i walked into the large entry hall, i mentioned that the house looked very nice. The rest of my family started moving through the house as i looked around at the rooms. I was in a small room with a rounded eastern wall. The room had no furnishings, but it looked very nice. I passed through several of the rooms of the house, admiring the old architecture. It was part gothic and part gingerbread. I thought that it would be a very nice house. My father was then standing to the northwest of me, and he said something about the garage. I looked to the northeast, into the dark opening of the building. We seemed to be in a room on the first floor of the house, but the large rectangular doorway to the northeast seemed to be a garage for cars. I knew that it led to an underground room, and i wondered how the ground sloped down into the room so that the cars could fit under the house. I started for the northeast as the large garage door opened. My father described the garage as i rolled down the ramp into the cement basement of the house. The ramp seemed to run straight to the north, but the room was tipped to the northeast at the bottom. I seemed to be riding in a car, but was standing in the room as i entered. The room around me was dark, and someone was still talking about the garage. The scene then seemed to change, and i felt that we had just woken up. $F45 and $A556 were still asleep in the room. We were in a basement room, and $F45’s bed was against the northeastern wall, and $A556’s bed was against the northwestern wall. Something felt uneasy here, and i realized that we should have woken up for work by now. It was still dark in the room because we were sleeping in a basement, but i could see the red digits of the alarm clock to the north. They said that it was 9:20. I told the others that they had to get up because we were already late for work. They both had to be to work by 9:00. I worried that they would get in trouble for being late.

12011 July 05

I moved to the northwest, into the southern entrance of the garden area. The plants around me were green, and narrow paths led through them. I was following one of the cement paths to the north. Just to the north of me, the path ended on the southern side of a circular path that ran around a central bush structure. The central structure seemed to be some kind of monument, and i knew that it had something to do with $G3. This place seemed like a memorial. I looked at the central structure as $F11 spoke to me from the west. It seemed strange to be here, but i was working on the garden. $F11 asked me to come to the senior dinner on Sunday. I walked to the north, around the western side of the rounded monument, carrying the small plants in my right hand. The plants were onions, and i bent over just to the northwest of the center of the garden to plant them in the ground. The soil was dark, and i easily dug through it with my hands, putting the small pots of onions just off of the path. A girl was to the east of me, and she did not like the way i was planting the onions. She complained that i was not doing it right. She pointed out that i was using my hands to plant them, which she seemed to think was wrong. I asked her how else i would do it, and she told me that her friends use a tool. I thought that she meant some kind of hand spade for digging the holes. I asked her what the tool was for, but she said that she did not know. I realized that she was just complaining because i was doing it in a way that was different from what she knew. I told her that she should find out what the tool was for. I headed to the north, into what seemed to be a shed. I wanted to put the rest of the stuff in one of the bins on the side of the garden, but i did not think that there was enough room to plant them. In the small shed or garage, a crude wooden counter spanned the northern wall. The room seemed to open up a little to the west, with other counters or tables on the southern wall, to both sides of the southern door. Plants in black plastic trays covered the counters. Other $G3 came into the room near me as i looked for a place to put the plants down. They were gathering for the event, but i felt a little out of place here and did not think that i would stay for the event. $A59 came into the garage from the southern door and stopped to the east of me, looking at something on the northern counter. I said hello to him, and he asked about the flowers. I looked for other flowers around the room, thinking that they should be planted around the memorial before the event started. I then noticed a few small pots of blue lilies on the western end of the northern counter. I started toward them, but realized that they had $A476’s name on them. I could not use them in the garden because they were for $A476’s corsage. It seemed like $A59 might be taking her to the event and giving her the corsage to wear. I felt awkward here and turned to the south to leave. I was now standing in a small parking lot to the south of a small building, on the northern side of the street. A crowd of people stood near me. The building to the north seemed to be a pub, and the people had gathered there for the event. I felt as though i did not belong with them and crossed the street, heading to the southwest, toward the small white building with the larger asphalt parking lot to the north of it. I had been hanging out there with the soccer people. A man in a white soccer shirt and black shorts was in the parking lot, jumping into the air as if celebrating. He had knee-high white socks on, and he did some flips as he jumped. He was a member of the soccer team i had hung out with. I had not been part of the team, but i liked being with them. I also felt that the team was now breaking up. I imagined saying to the people to the north of me that i had the best time “with the Whites”. I then realized that it sounded somewhat strange because it could be interpreted as a racial statement. The soccer team was actually called The Whites. I crossed toward the small white building, which seemed a little like an old bowling alley. Several more team members were coming out of the building. I had played with them for only a short time, and i had never played in a game, so i was not a regular member of their team. They were celebrating their win, and i moved into the center of their group. I did not feel as happy as they did, but i wanted to be near them. I then realized that i did not recognize most of them. I spotted one of the men in the center of the group. He was smiling with the others but was not jumping and cheering as much. He too seemed to be someone who did not play too many games. He was blond, and i felt attracted to him. I then realized how awkward i felt here and decided that i did not really belong. I had not been with them long enough to cheer their win, so i felt as though i was not really part of the group.

12011 July 08

I came into the western side of the small room where the others were gathered. They were sitting on the couches, which were arranged in a small semirectangle that faced south. $F14 was sitting on the eastern side of the couches. As i came in, i realized that she was talking about here relationships, and i thought that she might be talking about me. I moved to the northern side of the couch, where i could see her face as she spoke. She did not notice me, though, because she was facing to the southeast, talking to the person to the south of her. A white fold-up divider was standing just to the east of the couches, and i decided that i should get out of sight just in case she was talking about me. Someone else was coming into the room from the east. I let them pass to the south of me and then i moved to the east, walking behind the white divider to listen to the conversation. I hoped that $F14 did not know that i was in the room. I felt uneasy here, though, knowing that i should not be eavesdropping, so i decided to leave the room, heading to the north. I stopped once in the hallway outside and turned around. The hall seemed gray and dull. As i stood there, $F14 came out of the room to the south of me. She was very upset about something, and i worried that she was upset that i had heard what she had said. She did not seem to be upset with me, so i asked her why she was upset. She told me that the man in the room was bothering her. Just as she moved toward me, a rounded man with ragged hair came out of the room behind her. He noticed me in the hallway and turned to the east, pretending to casually walk away, but he was not really moving that fast. He slowed to a stop and lingered for a moment to the east of us. I felt bad for $F14 and hugged her to comfort her. The man then approached us from the east, moving very close to both of us. He seemed to be trying to hug $F14 as well. She was still upset by this. I grabbed the skin of the man’s chin and pinched him until he started to back away. He resisted me for a while until i pinched harder, turning the skin a little in my fingers. He them headed away to the east. He annoyed me, and i suspected that he would not be gone for long.

12011 July 10

I was helping the others clean up after the large event that took place. There were large white tents erected, and the person stood to the south of me as i tried to take the white plastic tarp off the top of a tent. I was standing on something to reach the top of the arched tent. Several tents seemed to be lined up east to west next to each other. The tents were long north to south and very narrow east to west, forming long parallel corridors. I was in the middle of one of the tents, facing north, trying to reach something over my head. The tents to the east of us seemed to have been taken down, and there were only a few more tents to the west to take down, but we were having trouble with something. The woman to the south of me offered a suggestion, but i was feeling uncomfortable climbing up on the roof of the tent. One of the arched aluminium beams was just to the south of me, and i tried pulling myself up to the roof of the test. I felt unsteady, though, and i realized that the yellowing tents to the east of me were already on the ground. I thought that if i slipped backward on the sloped roof of the tent that i would fall to the ground to the east. I lowered myself a little back into the tent and turned to the east, thinking that if i fell backward facing this way i would only slide down to the tent to the west and would not hit the ground. I told the woman what i was doing as i adjusted my position. I then tried to lift myself up again. We were trying to pull out the pins at the tops of the tents to get them to collapse. I tried to lift myself, but was having difficulty pulling myself up. I tried for a moment, but could make no progress. I then realized that the tent that i was in was empty. I said something to the woman about it as i moved around on the ground. I was hoping to take home some of the flower boxes that had been sitting on the floor. I remembered them as having dark-green leaves and red flowers. I felt a little disappointed that they were no longer around. The woman commented on them, and i turned to the south. I was standing to the south of the tents, on the northern side of the narrow street. To the south of me was a road that ran to the south, and on the southeastern corner was an apartment building. A woman came out of the northern door of the apartment building and walked down the sidewalk to the west, until she reached the corner. She seemed to be waiting for someone. She had some things with her and she stacked them on the curb. She seemed a little ragged, but i knew that she was a rich woman. She had several brown round plastic pots of purple flowers that she sat on the ground near her feet. She seemed to be dressed in a dark skirt with a matching jacket. I looked at the flower pots, thinking that they were not the same ones that had been in the tent. $A560 approached me from the east, walking down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. She noticed the things that the woman had placed on the sidewalk and glanced back and forth between them and the woman for a moment. She then stopped just to the north of the woman and asked her to keep her things separate from the things that were being collected from the festival. As $A560 moved to the south to talk to the woman, i noticed that $K5 was standing to the east of me, on the southern side of the small pale-yellow room. I was surprised to see her here and said hello to her. She had the children with her, and she smiled as she chatted with me. I then started thinking about the flower pots that were in the tent again. I had wanted to take some of the leftover things with me, but they were already gone, and i felt disappointed. $A560 then started talking about the roof of the tent again. She said that they were having trouble getting the wedges out of the tent. The wedges were stuck into the aluminium frame to hold the pieces of the tent together. $A560 complained that the wedges from the top of the tent had been glued to the roof of the tent, and that they could not get them out. I suddenly wondered if i had used glue when i put the wedges in. I remembered helping set the tents up, but i could not remember using glue. I felt concerned and told $A560 that i had helped put the tents up, but that i did not remember using glue. I felt bad about it and hoped that i was not the one who had used the glue.

12011 July 11

I looked out the window on the northern side of the house. A large asphalt parking lot stretched across the view. Someone was in the building with me, and i had been doing something in the room, but i was now distracted by the view to the north. Someone was running from the west, about to cross the lot. I imagined that the man jogging was someone famous, and then i said that it was Elton John. He and the other person were jogging to the northeast, across the lot. They crossed the lot rather quickly. We had been waiting for them and wanted them to get back into the building. I then thought about the joggers and realized that the man could not be Elton John. Elton was not in shape to go jogging, so it must have been some other famous person. I thought about John Lennon. I then felt a little anxious, thinking that we were waiting for the person to come.

I crossed the small cafe, heading to the west. I had been here a little while, but i felt uncomfortable here. The room was filled with small round tables, which had black metal chairs around them. The tables seemed to have a mottled surface of tan and brown. A service counter was on the eastern end of the southern wall, and the exit door seemed to be in the southern end of the eastern wall. I was agitated, and i picked up the plastic bag that was on the table i had been sitting at, to the south of me. It had poppy seeds in it, and i poured some of the seeds into my hand. I was leaving the restaurant, but i felt defiant about something, so i was taking the seeds with me. A man was standing to the east of me, watching me as i started to leave. I knew that i should not be taking the seed, but i was angry about the situation. I poured the rest of the seeds into my left hand, letting the rest fall onto the table and floor. I had started to move to the south of the table, heading west. I then threw the mug to the south. It shattered against the floor just to the west of the service counter. A woman in a white apron was standing on the southern end of the counter, and she looked from the mug to me in surprise. I was angry, but i suddenly felt uneasy here. The people would be after me for vandalizing the restaurant. I quickly headed to the south, thinking that the authorities would be after me. I also thought that the man, who had been standing near me, would chase me. I left the restaurant through the back door to the west and started flying up through the alley. I circled around the building to the south and then back to the east. I had to get away before the authorities came for me. The building was very tall: about ten stories, and i flew up to the top of a narrow wall that protruded from the southeastern corner of the building, flush with the pale-tan clay-block eastern wall. I was going to jump down to the street, which was not that far below me now, and walk to my car, but i realized that it would look strange for me to float down to the street where everyone could see me. They would know that i was the one who had tried to flee. I stood up, again at the top of a very tall building, and jumped down to the west, floating to the pavement on the western side of the short wall, out of view of the people on the street. I casually walked around the southern end of the wall and started up the sidewalk to the north, across the front of the building. I had to get to my car so that i could leave. Police had already started surrounding the building. They were wearing dark protective gear, and pointed their rifles toward the front windows of the cafe. They had started blocking off the street. I acted as though i was unaware of what was happening, but i realized that the police presence meant that something very serious was happening here. My car seemed to be parked on the street to the north of the cafe, so i carefully walked up the street to the north, watching the police approached the cafe cautiously. I wondered how i would get to my car with so many police officers on the street.

I moved through the large room of the place, heading to the east and then to the north. The room seemed to be a theater, with a floor that sloped steeply to the south. I headed up the slope to the north, following the aisle on the eastern side of the room. The white wooden chairs seemed thin, and very close together. I floated above the chairs, aware of two people sitting to the northwest, in the center of the room. I felt uneasy here and wanted to leave. As i floated to the north, i looked at the chairs under me. They actually seemed to be narrow dividers in wooden bins, separating old phonograph albums. I flipped through several of the albums, noticing the brown and black covers on them. The designs seemed interesting, but i was not interested in the albums themselves.

12011 July 12

The attractive blond man was standing to the east of me. $F45 was to the south of me, but i was listening to the man to the east. He was wearing shorts and did not have on a shirt. His torso was nicely muscled, and i felt very attracted to him. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed against me. He seemed very intense, and i wanted to kiss him. He then pushed me down and landed on top of me, as though we were trying to wrestle. This situation suddenly seemed strange. The man seemed like $A583, and i wondered why he was interested in me. It did not make sense.

12011 July 13

I watched the two men in white painter’s suits to the southeast or east of me. They moved around in the small area, and i noticed that they were wearing black shoes. I focused on their shoes, thinking that these shoes were important. They were not the same two men i had seen before. The other two had been wearing brown shoes. Both sets of men were wearing white clothes. I tried to figure this out. Two of the men had something to do with my sore throat, and i thought that it was the men with the brown shoes, but i also felt that the men with the brown shoes were preferred to the men with the black shoes because they were the original ones here. I thought about this as i headed to the north, coming into the small stairwell. The stairwell did not actually have any stairs, but seemed to be a rectangular shaft. The walls were dimly lighted and were made of gray blocks. I had come into the shaft from the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall, and i was supposed to head to the next section of stairs, which was out the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. A narrow ledge ran along the eastern wall of the shaft, allowing someone to walk between the two doors. I stood on the southern side of the ledge, but realized that a cement column protruded from the eastern wall, in the middle of the ledge. I would have to straddle the column to get across the ledge. This seemed very dangerous, and i was not sure that i wanted to do it. I was nervous about crossing the ledge like this, and i commented to the man, who was walking into the northern doorway.

12011 July 14

We headed south, into the office, which seemed to be my mother’s office. She was getting stuff from the desk on the western side of the room. There were two large desks in the room, one to the south and one to the west. Both faced the center of the room. A large bookcase stood behind the desk to the west, which seemed to be $A561’s desk. $A561 was not in the office, but i could see here sitting at the desk to the west. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that we really should not be in here at the moment. I moved toward the desk to the west, where $A561 was sitting, and said hello to her. My mother was reclined on one of the shelfs on the western wall. This seemed strange. I mentioned my mother to $A561 and then walked closer to the shelf. I thought that there were actually explosives on the shelf, and i started to worry about what was happening here. Something did not seem right. I turned to the east and headed back to the classroom. The room was still set up like an office, but there were small square counters in the center of the room. I was standing on the western side of the classroom while the others did things to the east. The western wall of there room was covered with windows that looked out over the other wings of the school building. The school seemed to be a low flat building. To the north, a woman was doing something in a short corridor that ran along the western wall, to the north. A small room, which seemed to be a toilet closet, stood at the eastern end of the northern wall. The door to the closet was on a slanted wall that ran from the eastern end of the northern corridor to the southern wall of the small room. I walked to the east of the small room, where there was a space between the gray stone counter that ran along the northern wall of the room and a counter that extended to the south from the northern wall. The space under the counters was filled with brown wooden drawers. I then noticed the two cats playing in the small area to the north of me. One was dark gray and the other was mostly white with small patches of black on his head. I wondered if the cats should be allowed out. $F45 seemed to be to the east of me, so i told him that the black cat looked like $X14. I then heard a loud sound, and i knew that it was an explosion. The explosion had happened somewhere to the south, within the large school complex. I was in a hallway now on the western side of the large classroom, looking out the large glass windows to the west. I thought that another explosion was going to happen to the west of us. I pretended that it actually happened and told the others that we would have to get out of the building in case there was a third explosion. I paced to the north, thinking about the situation again. I imagined running around in the open area near the school, telling others that they had to get away because the bombs would go off. I then headed to the south, into the large classroom where i had been before. The counter where the cats were was now on the western side of the room, but i did not see any cats there at the moment. My mother was in the room, and i was standing to the east of the counter. Two large avocados were on the counter. They were mostly pale green, with patches of yellow and dark green. My mother had bought the fruit, but they were getting bad. I picked both of them up to look them over. I had bought smaller avocados, which were probably still ripe. These seemed too big to stay ripe long. I was now standing to the east of a counter that extended from the southern wall of the room. I was between the counter and the western wall of the room. I faced southwest as i looked over the small fruit. The fruit was opening up like an artichoke, and i was able to see the avocado pits inside. The pits seemed soft, thought, and i thought that they should be hard. The fruit must not be ripe yet. I folded the leaves back over the pits so that they could ripen normally. I put the fruit back on the peninsula counter, which was now to the west of me, and started to the north. I was waiting for something. I sat in the driver’s seat of the car, which was parked in the garage just to the west of the house that i had been checking out the avocados in. I was waiting for the others to come so that we could leave. I then noticed a small bright flash in the side mirror of the car. The flash was to the west of me, and i thought that it must have been one of the explosives that were in the bag. They had been lighted, and i started to worry that the cherry bombs in the car were not lighted and that they did not roll under the car. I worried that this might cause the car to explode. I got out of the car and looked around for the fireworks. The cherry bomb had been rather large, and i worried about it igniting the gas tank of the car. I was now back in the darkened room of the house, to the south of the garage. The fireworks had been in the trunk of the car, and i worried that someone had lighted one. My mother had picked up the cherry bomb, though, and walked from the south to put it in a metal bowl to the west of me. The bowl was near my eye level, but it was on the floor. The small bomb sparked as the fuse burned. $X14 then walked over to the bowl from the east, fascinated by the sparkles from the fuse. I suddenly became concerned that the bomb would go off while $X14 was watching it. It would hurt him, and i had to get him away from the bomb, but i did not seem to move. After a while, i wondered why the bomb had not gone off. I was afraid to go near it, but i still wanted to get $X14 away from it. I wondered what i should do. I reached out and quickly grabbed $X14, and i took him to the east, where there was a dining room table in the center of the room.

12011 July 15

My mother brought me into the room to the south. The building seemed to be on the north side of $P16. I was coming here to take some kind of class, which seemed to be part of a seminar. I felt a little strange having my mother bring me here. I was anxious to have my mother leave, and she departed to the north as i entered the building through the glass doors. The lobby to the south of me opened up to the east, and it was not well lighted. I headed to the south, where a small group of people was gathering around a set of couches that were arranged in a circle. I did not want my mother around while i was at the class. It felt awkward. I then started to feel awkward in the group. I had not been to this class in quite a while. I remembered coming when the classes had first started, which seemed like a while ago, but then i had not come to the classes for a while. I was back now, and i wondered if the others would find it strange. I shuffled through the notebooks that i was carrying in my hand. A woman was sitting on a cushioned chair to the east of me, and she asked me if i had finished the homework. I told her that i did not know what it was, and she seemed surprised and disappointed. I started to feel uncomfortable, and i put my things down on the coffee table to the east of me to organize them. The pencils i had brought were brightly colored in pink and light-blue, looking like highlighters. The people here seemed surprised that i had shown up since i had not been here since the beginning of the seminar, which seemed like several months ago. I felt strange as i moved the pens around on the table, trying to find the correct one. I wondered if the people thought it was strange that i had returned. I started moving around as the class got going. I could not find the things i needed for the class in my notebooks, and i started to feel confused. I headed to the south, coming into a white corridor. The class was being held in the corridor between the two buildings. The building i had been in before now seemed to be to the east. I had headed out of the white corridor through a doorway in the southern wall. I felt confused and was not quite sure what i should do. It seemed cold outside now, and everything seemed gray. The class was still going on in the white domed corridor that ran across the area tot he north of me. $A163 seemed to be teaching the class. I felt that i was not part of this place, and i wondered what i should do. I started to head to the northwest, carrying the small pile of split firewood in my arms. The corridor was now open, with only a white dome covering the top and thin white metal poles holding the arching ceiling up. A paved path ran under the covering, and the class was still gathered in an area to the northeast of me. Clear plastic had been put up on the walls of the corridor to enclose the class. I carried the wood to the northwest, toward a large shed that seemed to be on the northern side of the corridor, or some other structure that ran east to west. I quickly realized that i would not be able to head to the area directly because the structure was in the way. I would have to head to the east a little to get around the large mounds of snow. It was dark now, but the bright artificial lights illuminated the area. I felt upset and did not know what to do. I started to feel tired as i carried the wood to the gap in the snow bank, which was to the east of me. I did not seem to know what i was doing here, and i felt bad.

12011 July 17

I was in the small bedroom on the eastern side of the building. $A564 was with me in the large bed. I felt awkward because i had been sleeping with here. She seemed interested in me sexually, and i wanted to let her be with me, but i knew that it would be awkward. She said that i should sleep on the reclining chair, which was on the eastern side of the room, but i did not think that this was a good idea. $F45 and $F12 were also sleeping in the room, and i did not want them to know that i had been sleeping with her. $F10 would be upset because i was sleeping with her and they seemed to be dating. $F12 walked to the southeast with $A564, into the next room. The doorway to the bedroom was in the southern wall of a small alcove off the eastern side of the room, just to the south of where the chair was. The wooden door was ajar after they had walked in, and i could see the bed from the chair. This made me feel uncomfortable, because i knew that $F12 would be able to see me sleeping from the chair. I felt upset about being with $A564, but i also felt that i enjoyed it a little. Something seemed confusing to me, and is started to wander around the room. $F12 was then to the south of me. I focused on his face, noticing that he had a large scar across his chin. I felt very concerned for him, wondering what had happened. I thought about this as i moved to the north. I was now in a very narrow corridor, and i felt that i was trying to get away from something. The corridor was outside, consisting of a peaked roof and walls that were covered with screening. I knew that the corridor ran between the rooms of the apartment building, but the corridor was more like a road that ran between different buildings. The large white building to the west seemed like an old hospital, with brown trimming on the windows. I stopped the car in the middle of the driveway, which was the corridor. I had been driving north, but i was now entering the large parking lot. The lot expanded to the west of the drive, but there also seemed to be an expanse of asphalt to the east. I felt that i had to get out of here so that someone did not see me. I backed up the car to the south, trying to go someplace where i would not be seen. I then turned it to the west, backing into the open parking lot. A few other people seemed to be to the north of me as i stopped the car on the western side of the lot. Something was happening, and i felt concerned about it. I looked to the west, where there was a narrow gravel road running from the parking lot. Some kind of structure was to the north of the road, and a street seemed to be to the south of the road, running parallel to the gravel road. This was part of the campground, but it seemed like an encampment as well. The people that lived here were part of a closed organization, and i felt a little uncomfortable being near them. The authorities, however, were moving in from the east and north, trying to take over the camp. Men in dark armament with automatic guns pointed ahead of them moved carefully toward me from the east. I knew that i would not be harmed here, since i was not part of the camp. The troops then started shooting weapons. Bright rounds streamed across the sky from the northwest. I was aware of the man to the southwest of me. He seemed to be a leader in the encampment that the government was invading. I felt that he might be the leader of the religious fanatics. I started to feel unsafe with all of the ammunition flying over my head. I moved my car a little to the east on the gravel road, and then backed it to the west again, sliding myself into the mouth of the culvert. The gravel road led directly into the wide cement tunnel, which seemed to be buried under a dirt mound. I looked to the east, down the gravel road, noticing that it ended only a few meters away on a city street. The street ran parallel to the road to the south of me, but the street curved a little to the north, lining up with the culvert. There were small urban buildings on the southern side of the street, and a tall chain-link fence standing up through the tall green weeds on the northern side. The large brick building to the southeast of me seemed to be an old firehouse, with garage doors on the northern side. I crouched in the culvert, wondering if it was safe to come out. I then realized that something had changed. The troops were no longer firing, and it seemed that the siege was over. I crawled out of the mouth of the culvert and stood up, looking around. The grass over the top of the mound was mostly try, with tall tan wisps of seed stalks. I realized that the troops were still here, but they were no longer trying to invade the came. Something had happened. I looked back at the young man in the blue denims to the southwest of me. He was standing just to the south of the dirt road that stretched to the west. The road was oven the top of the culvert. He stood with his weight on his left leg and his right leg bent and ahead of him. His hands were on his hips. He seemed to have chin-length black hair, and he smiled as he stared directly at me. He was a religious fanatic, and i realized that he had some kind of mind control ability. He was taking control of my mind. I felt scared and wondered what to do. The man seemed to be a boy, and there was something sinister about him. I looked back at the troops to the east of me. They had all been taken over already. I was helpless.

12011 July 20

A man moved around to the north of me, but my attention was focused on the strange column that stood to the north-northwest of me. The column was broken off for a moment, allowing me to see a cross section of the white pillar. The cross section was divided into sections with dotted black lines, and each section was labeled with a letter. At first, the entire cross section seemed to be one area with a single label, but then i noticed smaller sections around the disk that were marked. There was something special about the labels, and i thought that it had to do with the cough that i had. I tried to relate the letters to the cough, but could not quite figure it out. I looked at the entire column again. The ground rose to meet the column, which blended in with the white surface of the ground. The column also seemed to be arching over to the east now, getting narrower as it reached back toward the ground. This had something to do with physics, and i looked again at the base of the column, where i again could see the cross section. The main letter seemed to be B, but there were also the letters Q and D. I knew that they represented something important, but i did not know what it was. I then thought that it might have to do with the queen and other characters. Q could be for “queen”. I tried to piece together the ideas, but i could not concentrate enough. The letters seemed to change or disappear, and i could not remember the characters that they related to.

12011 July 21

The new city was being built to the south of where i was. I stood in the small paved lot, which could have been a parking lot, but seemed more like a factory lot. Red and black structures rose from behind a white fence to the south. The towers had the appearance of being towering city skyscrapers, but did not actually seem that tall. The man was building this new city for people to live in, but he had absolute control over it. I felt a little hesitant about this, thinking that he had too much control. The man approached me from the south, and we started walking to the north. I asked him about the city. He was a very rich man, and he was building his own community. He seemed like $A570’s father. He told me that the city would be separated from reality, and i realized that he was creating a closed society. I asked him if he would allow travel outside of the city, but he did not seem to answer. I felt nervous and intimidated by the rules of the city. We walked to the north, coming to the street on the northern side of the factory lot. The street ran east to west and a thin layer of melting snow was piled on the sidewalks. We turned to the west. The man had said something about banning religion within the city. This did not make sense to me, so i asked him directly whether he would allow religion. He seemed grumpy now, agitated by the question, which he did not seem to want to answer. He said that there was really no need for religion, so he did not see why it should be in the city. I told him that someone might want it as some point and i said that he could really not deny religion to that kind of person. He begrudgingly agreed with me, agreeing that some people just needed religion. A car approached us from the west, coming down the street. I turned to the north to say something to the man, but i noticed that he was now on the ground in the middle of the road. He seemed to be in a hole with only his head above the street level. His clothes suddenly seemed bright tan or dull yellow. The car approached and passed over his head. I was surprised by this and looked at him more closely. The car than was still approaching from the west was actually a police car. I started to feel anxious, thinking something was going on. The person to the north of me was now a woman, and she had her long black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. The police car came to an abrupt stop over the top of her, and i could see her head turning up to look at the car. She was Angelina Jolie. Her body contorted, twisting her torso so that it was flat on the ground to the west of the hole, under the car. She held her face up to a small panel on the bottom of the police car, where a blue optical scanner illuminated her face. A hatch opened on the bottom of the car and she looked into it. She actually owned the police because she was in charge of the new city. She spread her body out now on the ground, and i knew that she was being merged into the car. I stood up as the car drove off to the east, down the road. I felt nervous, but i started wandering to the west, across the large room of the library. I thought that i should pretend to be powerful. I imagined having power that could prevent others from having power over me. I could pretend that i was powerful and could mess up wealthy organizations. I acted as though others could not affect me, but i was still aware that it was pretend. I knew that others could hurt me, but i started acting as though they could not. I came to the wooden chair that was sitting in front of a small cubby table. I had been sitting on the eastern side of the table, and i had left my jacket there. I picked up my jacket and gathered some of my other things. A librarian had come from the south with a woman, and they talked about the cubicles on the table. The young woman said that she was moving in. The librarian said that the woman should shower. I was a little annoyed that they were moving into the cubicles before i had moved all of my books out. I turned to the north and headed out of the room, coming into the gravel parking lot outside. My car was parked in the lot. My car was parked on the western side of the lot, facing west. The lot seemed to be to the north of a crude country pub. It was an old beat-up faded gray car. A short gravel road ran along the western side of the parking lot, and i thought that i could simply drive my car to the west, over the narrow strip of dry grass to get to the dirt road. It would be easier than backing out of the parking space and turning north. I then noticed the picture sitting on the surface to the north of me. It was a picture of the rich man who had created the city. The man stood in a suit in the center of the rectangular photograph. He was shot from the upper thighs up, and there were fancy green letters behind his head. The word spelled out “BUCKY”. I realized that the man must be $A385. He was somewhat rich. I realized that he was wealthy because he was part of the record industry. I looked closely at the man’s face in the picture, realizing that it was $A385.

12011 July 22

A man stood to the north of me. He was near the stump of the large tree. First he was to the south of the tree, but then he moved to the east of it. The tree seemed special, and i looked at the trunk. The wide pale stump had brown fins sticking up around the circumference, where the outer rings were. I moved toward the stump, very interested in it. There was something special about the stump, and someone said that it was the origin of the elf kingdom. The cross section of the stump had markings over it, and it had to do with the artificial city. I stared at the stump, trying to figure it out, backing away to the south and then approaching it again. I thought about The Beatles. Their music had something to do with some of the markings on the stump. This seemed very special, but i could not figure it out, so i started walking to the north.

12011 July 23

I was in the house with other people, but some of them were leaving. I was on the eastern side of the room, and i was carrying my guitar with me. The guitar was in a black case. I headed to the south, into the next room, entering through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. The room seemed scattered with random furnishings, and there was a man and a woman reclining on a couch in the middle of the room. I walked down the eastern wall to the south, stopping behind the other couch, which faced west, toward the couch that the man and woman were on. The man and woman seemed to have been intimate with each other, and i suddenly thought that i was interrupting them. They sat up when they realized that i was there, and i noticed that they had instruments as well. They had been practicing on the couch. The man had a tan acoustic guitar, and the woman had a small white instrument, which looked like a narrow lute. The white instrument was new and shiny. I wanted to play my guitar with them, but i felt uncomfortable for interrupting them. I headed back to the north, crossing through the area. I then seemed to be outside. I was in a grassy area, and there was a deep recess to the northwest of me. I had been following a trail, and i knew that it had come this way. It descended into the deep pit to the north of me, along the eastern side of the pit. I moved to the edge of the pit, looking down the dirt cliff. The bottom of the pit had a small pond in it and was about three meters below the green grassy ground that i was standing on. I had been down in the pit before, and i thought that i should climb down into it again. I was running with $G4, and the trail ran down the edge of the pit. I looked down at the rounded mud ledge just under me. I had used it as a step before to get down into the pit. The bottom of the pit was wet, and i remembered getting my feet wet before. As i climbed down, i wondered if the others had already been here. When i had come before, i was the first one here, so the rest of $G4 had not yet caught up to me. There were silvery cans of beer to the north on the ground. I would have to wait for the others. I was then on the top of the cliff, climbing down again. I felt tired of descending the cliff wall, and i felt that $G4 had already come here and left by now. It seemed much later than the last time i was here. I noticed that the ground to the north was empty, so there was no more beer left. The others must have taken it. I wondered if i should simply head back to the beginning of the run, which seemed to be somewhere to the northwest. I would have to go around the pit to get there. I then heard the sound of others runners calling out to the northwest. They seemed to be running to the east along a road on the northern side of the pit. They were still on their way. I realized that there were a few other people in the pit to the north and northwest of me. They had been here. They turned to the northwest to hear the voices as well. $G4 had still not arrived at this place. As i hopped to the bottom of the wide pit, i asked the others if the beer was gone. $A560TLIPS said that there was still a lot left, and he motioned to the north. I noticed that there was an artificial tunnel carved into the mud wall of the eastern end of the cliff on the northern side of the pit. The small pond seemed to extend toward the opening a little. I approached it, noticing that the walls were lined with horizontal wood slats, as was the peaked roof. The tunnel was five or six meters tall and only about three meters wide. I thought that it was an old pirate tunnel for hiding a ship. I cautiously walked into the tunnel, looking down to the far end. The tunnel was more that ten meter long, and i wondered what it was actually used for. I noticed that the far end actually had openings on the sides and back. They seemed to be observation windows, and i thought that they connected to the tunnels under the cliff. As i walked down the tunnel with some of the others, i noticed the cubical recess in the western wall, which had screens around the back ends. They seemed to be screened areas that protruded into the rooms beyond. They seemed like fish traps, and i imagined the villagers from the tunnels reaching into the water of the tunnel to pull fish out. It would be an easy way to access the animals. One of the others asked why the rooms were there, and i said that it was probably or the villagers to catch fish or lobster. The area seemed strange, and there seemed to be an old wooden village to the north, beyond the end of the tunnel. I continued to the north, now on the deck of a very large ship. I turned to the west and headed toward the railing. A family was sitting in chairs near the railing, and i passed just to the south of them. I had a bottle of wine in my hand, and i felt nervous about it around the family, so i pretended that i was drinking it. The clear glass flask was spherical at the bottom, with a long neck at the top. The bulb was mostly filled with a dark red wine. I stopped at the railing, aware that the family was watching me. Slurring my words as i spoke, i told the family that i had been in transit for four hours. I felt that i had to give them a reason why i was drunk. I could not let them think that i had just arrived here like they had and was already drunk. I knew that i had not been here that long, though. I turned back to the west, and the family continued eating at the table. I then purposely dropped the wine flask on the ground, where it shattered.

12011 July 24

I was at the airport, waiting to get on the airplane. I seemed to be ready for the travel, but i imagined that the ticket that i had did not have the appropriate name on it. I knew that all of the other information on the ticket was correct, but the name was not. This was what i was thinking, but it then was reality. The woman to the north of me looked at my ticket. The waiting area was crowded with people standing, and i could not see much of the area around me. The woman looked at my ticket. I explained to her that all of the numbers on the ticket were correct, including my driver’s-license number and my birth date. It was just the name that was incorrect. The woman said that she would have to have the manager figure out the ticket, and she called to someone to the east. Another person came and they looked over my ticket. I felt frustrated and anxious, trying to tell them that it was not my fault. Someone then said that i would have to get a new ticket, and i was referred to the east. The corridor on the eastern side of the small lobby curved to the east on the southern end. I followed it up a slight slope. A metal railing extended from the northern wall at the end of the room. Several carts seemed to be pushed against the western side of the railing. A metal box sat on the floor on the eastern side of the railing, and i walked to the south of it. It was a ticked machine, and it was printing out new tickets. I waited for a moment, and then a long white ticket started sliding out from a slot in the top of the machine. I grabbed the ticket, which had a fold in the middle of it, and looked it over. There was black printing on the lower side. It seemed that i was heading to the southeast, and i pictured Africa as the place to which i was going, but the new ticket seemed to be for someplace in Europe. It was not correct, and i realized that it was actually not my ticket. I felt impatient, noticing that there was a queue to the west of me. People were queuing up against the western wall of the corridor, following the corridor to the south and then a little way to the east. A doorway seemed to be in the southern wall just at the end of the curve. This was the door to the airplane that i was supposed to get on, but i did not have the correct ticket yet. The ticket i had was for someone else. I would have to wait for my ticket to be printed. I felt upset, thinking that the ticket printer had been jammed before and was only now starting to work, so there was a backlog of tickets to print. Another ticket came out, but it had a map of someplace else on it. The map showed black land to the northwest, with a coastline running northeast to southwest. A round crater-shaped bay was cut into the coastline, with jagged peninsulas at the edges and a cluster of jagged islands forming a rough circle in the center. This seemed like some place in Asia, and the ticket said Kuala Lumpur. This frustrated me, and i put the ticket back on the counter. I then noticed the folded map of the large city in the bay, which i thought was Kuala Lumpur. The map fell to the ground to the south of the ticket dispenser, opening slightly. It had a brown cover, and a larger, more detailed map of the rounded city in the bay. I knew that it was a busy industrial city, and it seemed to be on the southeastern coast of Asia. I wondered if i should forget about the new ticket and just get on the flight with the old one. I did not know what to do. A calm tone then beeped three times. It had something to do with my flight. I decided that i should get on quickly, but the man to the southeast of me said that the flight was now closed. I felt very upset. I decided to head back to the west and grab my suitcases anyway and try to get on the flight. I felt distraught, but had to do something. I then thought about staying here. I could not afford to get another ticket to go where i was headed, so i would have to stay in this city. $F45 was waiting for me in the other city, and i knew that he would be disappointed if i did not join him. I knew that my flight came back through this city, though, so i thought that i could stay in the airport here for a week until my returning fight. This thought made me upset, and i continued to collect my things. I did not want to stay in Taiwan. I wanted to head to the southeast, to the other city.

12011 July 25

I moved back and forth in the small rooms at the top of the stone bell tower. I had seen the face of the clock tower, which looked like the tower from $P52. It was tall and made of a tan stone. As i moved through the rooms, i kept looking down at the bare wood floor boards, noticing that they were tipping to the west. The bell tower was wobbling from side to side. This seemed like something normal, but it made me uneasy. I moved to the west, from the small room to the other small room. The walls here were made of stone as well, and the rooms were small enough to be cramped. Metal grates seemed to be over the windows in the northern and western walls. The floor seemed to tip again, and i was uneasy as i headed toward the dull-red metal filing cabinet in the northwestern corner of the room. I pulled open the drawer to sort some of the files, but the cabinet was tipping away from the wall as the tower leaned eastward. This was not the normal swaying of the tower, and i felt concerned that there was something wrong. I backed to the east, into the small room. I was then at the base of the tower, and i looked at the stone northeastern base of the tower to the south of me. It was lifting slightly from the ground, thumping back into place and repeating the motion in a regular beat. Something was very wrong. The tower was not stable, and i knew that it was going to collapse. I moved to the western side of it, looking at the western face of the southwestern corner of the building. The stone cracked and the corner of the building started to crumble. I yelled to the others that the tower was collapsing. I then realized that the tall piece that had broken off was falling toward me. I backed away quickly, not sure how i could get out of the way quick enough. I warned the others that the tower was falling, and realized that we would have to run away from it so that it did not fall on us.

I headed to the west, down the northern side of the room, which seemed a little like my grandfather’s house at $P12. The house was different, though. It seemed more crowded with furnishings, and everything looked old-fashioned. My mother seemed to be sitting to the west, in the small television room, which was at a slightly lower level that the living room that i was in. My father’s mother seemed to be standing to the southwest of me, wearing a dull-yellow sweater. I looked down at the red cushioned chair in front of me. The chair was cubical, with wooden legs and red leather cushioning. The sides and back seem vertical, with rounded tops, and the seat was thick and cushioned. To my surprise, the seat of the chair had filled with water. I felt upset by this, thinking that it caused by something that i had done. I had to get a pan and empty the chair. I worried that my father’s mother would be upset. I got a small sauce pan and dipped it into the chair to get some of the water out. I hoped that the water did not leak through the chair and onto the floor. I headed to the south with the water, but realized that i should not pour it onto the floor of the television room either. I felt was flustered and did not know what i should do. I turned to the northeast, where a small pale-yellow porcelain sink hung on the wall just to the north of the doorway. I realized that i could simply pour the water out in the sink and not have to worry about it running over the floor. When i looked in the sink, though, it had the same cloudy water that i had seen in the chair. For a moment, i was again upset, thinking that i would have to take the water out of the sink with the pan. I then realized that the drain on the sink was closed, and pulled the chrome knob up to let it drain. As is started to go down, i felt better knowing that i would be able to dump out the pan in the sink. My father’s mother was then to the south of me, asking how things were going. I tried to reassure her that everything was okay.

I was in the small room of my grandfather’s house, packing my thing. We were getting ready to leave, and i felt that i had to hurry. $F4 was to the west of me, in the small room. I had to say goodbye to the people here so that i could head out. I felt tense about this, not sure that i had everything together that i needed. Something seemed wrong. I then realized that i had not yet packed my pants with my clothes. I felt stressed about this, trying to get everything i would need. My relatives were leaving the area to the south, but i was still trying to get my things together. I looked to the west, noticing that the large pair of dark-gray shorts was still on the ground. I picked them up and looked at them, wondering if i should pack them. I put them on the wooden drying rack to the west of me. A stone structure, like a large boulder or part of a stone wall, was to the west of me, and i was collecting my things on it. I had to leave, whether i had my things together or not. I then turned back to the east and started walking. I crossed the street in the old city area. The buildings around me were made of stone, and everything seemed gray. It reminded me of a film in London. A small convenience store stood on the northwestern corner of the block, to the southeast of me. It had a narrow door just to the east of the corner on the northern side of the building, and i stopped in the door as i approached. I felt vaguely unaware of what i was doing, as though i was watching myself walk. I seemed cheerful to be here, chatting about the man who had left. I chatted for a moment with the people in the store, and then continued down the sidewalk to the east. I suddenly realized that i was barefoot. I had forgotten to put my shoes on. I should have my shoes on, but it was too late and i was not going back to get them. I would have to walk to the subway without my shoes. I imagined getting onto the train and pretending that i had had not noticed my lack of shoes. I would exclaim “bloody hell” as i looked at my feet, pretending i did not know i was barefoot until someone pointed them out. I was upset that i had forgotten things, but cheerfully accepted the circumstance, even though i felt very tense.

12011 July 26

I had been visiting the man in the house that he owned. I seemed to be with several other people, some of who seemed like my relatives. The house was very fancy and modern. We were standing in a room that stretched along the northern side of the house. The room had a high ceiling, and i could see the terrace to the south, which was the hallway for the second floor of the house. The northern wall of the building seemed to be made mostly of glass, and was curved. It arched up toward the roof from the ground, and curved to the north slightly. I looked to the west, along the smooth curve in the terrace, which matched the curve of the outer wall. The sun seemed to have set, but a dull red light was shining through the western wall of the house and shining along the curved glass of the northern wall. The railing along the terrace and southern wall of the first floor were smoothly curved, and had the appearance of being made of metal. I moved to the west, feeling good about something. The man had gone somewhere, and i was preoccupied with my thoughts. A stairwell descended to the west from the third floor to the western end of the terrace on the second floor. It seemed to descend at a shallow angel, and i could see the red sky thought the spaces between the thin steps. Several keyboard synthesizers were set up on the western end of the first floor. They were large and light-gray or dusty metallic, matching the tones of the house. The keyboards all faced south, and there were two sets standing next to each other, one on the east and the other on the west. The eastern set had several synthesizers stacked on top of each other. I ran toward the synthesizers and jumped up onto the keyboard of the easternmost synthesizer. I wondered if i should be standing on the keyboard of the instrument. I wanted to do something, though, so i stayed here for a moment, crouched on the edge of the synthesizer. The man who owned the house was then on the western side of the house. I stepped down from the keyboard as the others approached from the east. The man spoke to them for a moment, but i was distracted by something to the southwest.

I had been looking at the stuff in the library before, but i had returned for some reason. The stuff i was looking at was not what i had needed, and i felt annoyed that i had returned here. I moved through the rooms and then headed south, leaving the library. I was now on a bus that was heading south down the street. I had just gotten on the bus, and we seemed to be heading south, down a street that was just to the east of the shopping district in $P3. I would have to come back to the library, and i suddenly realized that i could have stayed at the library and not gotten on the bus. I felt a little tense and annoyed. The bus headed down the street, which had large trees on both sides that shaded the main road. As the bus continued to the south, i suddenly realized that it was passing the main roads to the east and west. I had to get to the west, but the bus kept heading south, and i thought that it might get on he highway and cross the river. I was on the wrong bus. I moved toward the front of the bus, asking someone if this was the bus that crossed the river. The people said that it was not the bus that crossed the river, but it still seemed like the wrong bus to me. The bus slowed down at one of the intersections to let some people off, so i got off to, exiting to the west. I felt annoyed, thinking that i had wasted the money for the bus and would now have to walk all the way back to the north, to the library. As i started to turn to the north, i noticed the man who had gotten off of the bus with me. He looked very familiar, and he was watching me for a moment. He said that his name was Evan, and he told me his last name too. The name was very familiar. I new a younger man with the exact same name, so i asked him if he had children named Dylan and Evan. He seemed surprised by the question, but smiled and said that he did. He was curious about how i knew this, so i said that i had met the two brothers at the festival. We chatted for a moment, and then he mentioned that Evan was smart. It was not what i had thought, but i considered that it was probably true. I simply did not get that impression from Evan. I continued walking to the west as i chatted with the man for a moment. I would eventually have to say goodbye and head to the north.

12011 July 27

The man to the west of us told us that we should start out on the trail, but that we should check out the false trails down the road to the east. He seemed like $A5, and he was the person who had set the trail for $G4. I was on my bicycle, which seemed more like a tan tricycle, and there was one other person with me. We were the faster people on the run, so we would be riding out in front of the others. I pictured the land to the east. It seemed flat and grassy with rolling hills. The road ran to the east of us, toward $P3. It seemed like a long distance to $P3, but the trail must have gone all the way there. From what the man had said, i guessed that the real trail actually turned north on the road about halfway to $P3, but he had wanted us to go the full distance so that the others would not know the true trail as we did. It seemed like a long way to go for a false trail, but $F57 and i started riding to the east. We did not get that far, though before i realized that we would be ending at the campground to the north of us. We would just be taking the roads to the north and then taking another road back to the west. We would not be coming back this way, and i realized that most of the people from $G4 still had their tents and camping equipment here. If we took the long false, then they would not be able to carry their stuff with them. I headed back to the northwest, toward the house. I told the other person that we would have to figure out how we were getting our camping stuff to the ending point. I pointed out that we needed to move our tents and things to the camp before we started on the bicycle run because we would not be back this way. I started moving to the west, through the rooms of the house, which seemed like $P19, looking for some of my things.

I was in the small room of a house, near the northern side of the house. Several other people were in the room with me, and some of them were playing guitar. I wanted to play guitar with them. $F4 was to the northwest of me. I turned to the north and grabbed one of my guitars from the rack, which was sitting near the northern wall, facing west. I grabbed the electric guitar that was leaning against the southern end of the rack. It had a pink body that faded to near white near the edges. I did not recognize the guitar, but i knew that it was mine. I strummed the strings, realizing that the guitar needed to be tuned. I looked at the head of the guitar, realizing that there were twelve tuners on the head. This was a twelve-string guitar. I imagined that it would be like a Rickenbacker, with a chiming sound as i played. I plucked a chord on the guitar, and i liked the way it sounded. I could also hear the chords that the man to the southwest was playing. It also sounded high pitched and nice. I grabbed the small black electric tuner from the northeast of me and put it in front of me. I plucked one of the strings, careful to pluck only one of the double pairs of the twelve-string. I tried to focus on the dial on the tuner, but i could not see it. Something was obscuring my vision. I tried to focus again, but something was wrong. I started to feel tense as i tried to look at the tuner. I wondered if the guitar was loud enough to register on the tuner. I then thought that the other guitar sound might be interfering with the sound. I moved to the north, into the next room to try to get a better sound. As i looked at the head of the guitar again to play another note, i noticed that the entire neck of the guitar was loose. I pulled on it, seeing that it wiggled around the body. I turned the guitar over to see that the four screws holding the neck in place were loose. I would need a screwdriver to tighten them. I was frustrated because i would have to go back into the room to the north to get the screwdriver. I never had the right tool with me.

12011 July 28

I was in the dimly lighted room of the small house. We seemed to be on the western side of the house. The room was small, with a low ceiling, but it seemed to be the living room of the house. It seemed to be crowded with furnishings. My mother was to the west of me as i moved around the room. Everything in the room seemed to be brown and tan, but the dark shadows made it look more like brown and black. I had been sleeping because i was sick, with congestion in my chest, but i had just woken up. I felt groggy, but moved to the west to get going. My mother and i had to get somewhere, and i had to do something because i was sick. We were then to the west of the house, in the small dirt parking space on the eastern side of the suburban road. The western side of the road was full of leafs from bushes and trees, and the road itself seemed to run only a few more meters to the north before it ended. This house seemed to be on a hill, and i felt that the house did not belong to us. A man owned it, though he was not there at the moment. We would have to back up our car to the west to get it out of the parking space, where it seemed to be parked next to some other cars. I looked to the west to noticed that a blue SUV was backing into the street from somewhere to the north. We had to be careful of it when we backed up. I then looked down the street to the west, which now seemed to be the south. The land seemed damp and dull, like it were early spring. Another car was driving to the south down the road, and i noticed that it had a sticker on the back that said mentioned $P185. I told my mother that the cars had a $P185 logo. She said that it was some other place, but i told her that i had actually seen a car with the $P185 logo. She did not seem to understand and told me again that the cars were from someplace else in the area. I looked to the north as someone started speaking about the area. The image to the north of me was dark tan, with white and black lines tracing out rectangular shapes. The voice described the area, and i knew that it was the layout of a luxury apartment. The overall area seemed to be mostly square, with a chunk missing from the upper left corner. The line drawing did not much look like the room diagram of an apartment at the moment, but i knew that it was, and i waited for the voice to say what we were actually looking at. The drawing then changed as the voice talked about the penthouse view. The total area of the apartment was now covered with a white area that had fine diagonally lines across it. I could no longer see the lines marking out the individual walls of the apartment, and i knew that i was now looking at the surface area of the roof over the apartment. I then realized that i was looking at a person sitting in a chair in the center of the street. The roof was now below the chair, drawn so that it looked like a long pier with the chair at the end. The woman in the chair was facing away from the camera, and she seemed to be looking out over a swimming area in the bay. White line drawings of tall city buildings ran across the horizon in the distance, at the level of the woman’s waist. The commercial was suggesting that the viewer from the penthouse had a great view of the female lifeguards from the rooftop terrace. I looked at the woman in the chair, trying to determine what was sexually attractive about her. Most of her torso seemed to be obscured by the back of the chair. I then noticed that the seat of the chair was bright white and blinking on and off. It formed a wide thin line that curved slightly downward in the middle. The glow of the blinking seat was meant to be a sexual suggestion about the woman’s panties, and i looked at the glowing bar to figure out why it was significant. I also wondered how you would be able to see the panties from the penthouse. My mother was i the room to the west of me as i watched the television screen to the north. She asked about the picture of the woman in the chair, and i said that it was a beach view from the penthouse. The scene now seemed to include more of the harbor and bay to the north, with the city skyline spanning across the northern shore of the water. The announcer kept talking about the place as the scene panned off the screen to the left, leaving the view of the water. The announcer then mentioned the country, saying “Netherlands”. The view dissolved from a line drawing to a photographic video of the water of the bay as the scene panned to the right, out from the long narrow pier that stretched to the north and out over the blue water to the east. I was surprised that we were looking at the Netherlands, and i mentioned this to my mother, saying the name of the country a few times. I then stared to move to the north, along the eastern side of the rocky jetty that stretched into the small bay to the north. The jetty had large gray boulders on the sides of it. I started to see ships moored off shore along the northern shore. As we reached the northern end of the jetty, my view turned to the west, looking into the bay. A large metal fishing boat was anchored in the center of the water to the southwest of me. To the south of it was a large white iceberg. I moved to the southeast, passing to the north of the ship. A large wooden structure was now on the southern shore, and a very large brass-colored bell stood to the northwest of it. The bell was taller than the ship, seeming to be more than ten meters tall. There was something wrong in this movie, and i thought that they were ringing the bell to call the people together for a meeting. I moved to the southwest, coming onto the shore.

12011 July 29

The police officers approached us from the northeast, stopping in a row in front of us. There were five or six of them, and they formed an arched line as they stared at us. The man to the west of me started reading the statement. I felt confused, looking at the police in their blue uniforms as they stood with their legs apart and their hands on their hips. The flat tan dry land to the north had a few other people scattered about it. Something seemed to have happened. I looked over my left shoulder to see the front door of the building to the southwest of us. A large sign on the door stated something about the FBI, and i realized that it clarified for me what was happening. I now understood why the police had come and why the man was reading the paper. Something had happened here, and the police were coming to help the survivors. The man finished reading and the police looked at us for a moment. The second officer from the east then said that we should get our stuff and join them. This surprised me as the man near me walked toward the building. Another officer said that we should get the things, along with maps of the town. He then stressed that maps with the names of roads would be better. I turned to the southwest and wandered into the room. Papers seemed to be scattered on the floor and surfaces. File boxes sat on the counter of floor near the western wall of the room. I went to the southern end of the wall and pulled a file from the box, which seemed to be alphabetized under C. One of the officers then told me hat i could find the town maps under a specific name. I moved to the north, looking through the files under T or Y until i found what he had mentioned. I pulled the manila folder and turned back to the officers.

The people were moving around to the west and southwest of me, on the narrow street or driveway that was to the south of the small house. I had just moved into the small house with the woman. It was a small yellow building to the north of me. It looked fairly run down, but i felt happy to be here with the woman. Something in the area seemed upsetting though. I felt a little nervous about some of the people to the west. I moved toward the house, noticing that the garage door had not been closed all the way. This concerned me, so i moved to the garage to close the door. As i did this, something seemed wrong in the area around me; something seemed to be happening to the west. I pulled up the garage door, noticing the old painting that were leaning against the eastern wall of the garage. The garage was full of boxes and other things from the move, but i focused on the things against the eastern wall. A stack of what appeared to be green asphalt shingles was set on the floor on the southern end of the eastern wall. They sagged out over the floor a little, and the southern end of the shingles was in the way of the garage door. I gathered the shingles and pushed them back, surprised how easily they had moved. I had expected them to be heavier and harder to relocate. I tried pulling down the door again, hoping that it would close. I felt uneasy with the fact that it had been unlocked, and i was aware of the people to the southwest of me again. I then noticed that the sky above me was turning dark gray. A storm seemed to be coming. I wanted to get the garage door closed before it started raining. I felt weary of the storm. I backed to the west inside the garage, pulling down the garage door and making sure that it was locked. The people outside seemed to be watching us, and i felt that they were waiting for something. I then turned to the northwest and headed into the center of the small house. My wife was still unpacking things near the eastern wall of the center room. Everything seemed disorganized, with items and clothes scattered all around the room. I had to change my pants, but i realized that i did not have any underwear with me. I had not brought all of it from our old place, and i realized that all of the underwear i had with me was now dirty. I walked to the north, around the white mattress, which was on the floor against the eastern wall. The woman was in the room, unpacking things. I looked into the closet, which was in the eastern wall, to the north of the bed. It was full of items, but i knew that i did not have the new package of white underwear there because i had given them to $F45. I was annoyed and walked back to the south, wondering what i would use for my pants. I then realized that i already had pants on, so i thought that i was wearing the cut-off shorts without underwear. I had to get something done, but i did not seem to be able to do so.

I was with a group of people in the crowded area, which seemed like a pub. We had been on the street to the south. It seemed to have been night. I chatted with the woman as we headed to the north, down the western side of the long narrow room inside the pub. The place seemed crowded with furnishings, and i watched ourselves walk past a tall metal shelf that was in the center of the room. Someone then approached us and started talking energetically to the woman. She only said a few words to him before continuing to the north. The conversation seemed strange to me, and there was something special about this place. The woman was a little shorter than i, and we were walking very close to each other as we chatted. She started rubbing the bottom part of her face, as if looking for something. She was checking herself because of the conversation with the man. I noticed a bump on her chin, just below the left side of her lower lip, which i thought might be a pimple. She rubbed it several times, and i knew that it was nothing more serious than a pimple. Then she lifted her chin and started rubbing the underside of her chin. I quickly noticed a pink rounded protrusion under the center of her jaw. She touched it, and it extended into a drop shaped sac, about five millimeters wide. A face of a caucasian man with short curly dark hair then appeared to the north of the woman, very close to her face. To my surprise, it moved toward the pink protrusion and grabbed it with its thin white lips as if kissing it. The face then retreated suddenly to the north, shrinking into an undetailed tannish gray mass in the woman’s hands, which she was holding together in front of her face, palms facing her. I felt uncomfortable with what i had just seen and knew that it was some kind of magic event. I then thought that it could not be real magic and looked at the shrunken head-shaped object in the woman’s hands. It looked like the head of a doll that was resting on its side in her upturned palms. Its skin tone was dark tan, but it had a gray hue, as though the plastic was fading and the dull base color was showing through. This was something special, but i felt cautious about it, not sure what was happening. We continued to the north, to the end of the bar. Several other people were around us now, and the woman lowered her hands so that the head was resting on the small rectangular table to the north of her. A short balding man with bright curly hair and a round smiling face stood to the northwest of the woman. He seemed to be wearing a yellowish-orange suit jacket with matching pants. Others gathered around the table to look at the head as the woman talked. The head was on its right side, facing south, and it seemed elongated east to west. The rounded bottom, where the head would normally attach to the rest of a doll, was facing me. I thought that the head was some kind of special effect where it would expand into a full face when it was squeezed. This was how the woman got it to appear to eat her pustule. A man approached from the northwest, looking down at the head with interest. He seemed to be wearing a loose white shirt and had ragged dark hair. He walked up to the northwestern corner of the table and stood facing south, leaning toward the table and looking down at the head with his head tipped to one side. With a quick move, he grabbed the head and turned to the northwest, taking a few steps form the table. He had run away to the southeast, but i could see him standing to the west of me. The woman did not see that concerned, but the others that had gathered around the table were upset. The man in the orange jacket seemed very upset and started to follow the man. The head expanded several times and shrank again as the man held it in his palms. At first, i was looking at the man to the west of me, holding the head in the palm of his hands as he faced north, but then the man was to the south of me, in the middle of the aisle that ran down the eastern side of the store, holding the head to the southwest of him. Each time the head expanded, it seemed to form a different face. The last time, it had white hair. There was something magical about the head; it was more than just an expandable gimmick. The man in the orange jacket started after the thief. The thief tried to run to the south, but the others were blocking his way. The man in the bright jacket moved to the south of him, preventing him from getting too far. The man was blocked on the west by the white frame of an empty set of shelfs. I started to the south, heading down the eastern side of the store. I spoke to the woman with me. I was actually driving a car, but we were on the sidewalk on the eastern side of the wide city street. The street had buildings on the eastern side, and a long rectangular grassy park on the western side. The park seemed to run north to south between two streets for the length of a block, ending at the tall gray buildings to the north, where both of the streets ended. I drove a little way to the south, trying to get on the other side of the large tractor-trailers that were parked along the eastern side of the street. The tractor-trailers were facing north, and the one i was passing had a long empty trailer bed with red around the edges. I turned to the southwest at the back of the trailer, trying to get back into the road. As i came into the lane, i realized that there was a car coming down the road from the east. It was in the western lane of the road. I did not want to pass the car on the left, so i shifted over to the western lane. The car, which seemed to be a dull-red wide American car from the early fourties, shifted to the east, into the appropriate lane. As i started to pass it, though, the gray car that had been following it seemed impatient. It swerved to the west to get into the lane to pass. I felt tense, trying to get out of the gray car’s way. The gray car swerved back to the east as i turned on the brakes. The car i was in hit the back of the gray car, but continued sliding to the south. After a few moments of sliding, i realized that the car i was in was actually a long truck, so it had too much weight to stop quickly. I was annoyed that we had hit the gray car, and i got out. We would now have to stay here until the police came to sort the accident out. The others, who had been in the car to the west of me, started chatting with me. We were now standing on the street, which seemed to be the street to the south of where i had been. The street ran east to west through the city, and it was a bright sunny day. Everyone on the street seemed happy and cheerful. Many of them seemed like $G4. I felt good here, and i chatted with several of the people as i moved to the west. We were talking about something, and i knew that i had to get something important done. A young man then approached me. He was a member of $G4. He had short dark hair with blond tips that was spiked up. He seemed very interesting, and she smiled as he talked to me. He wore a fancy brightly colored suit. One of the women with me said something about him and the three of us walked with the rest of the crowd to the west. I felt very good here, enjoying the crowd that i was with. The people were gathered here for some reason, but i was not paying attention to them. I started to fly, feeling good about this place. I passed back over the crowd, heading to the east. I looked down at the crowd now. They were sitting in folding chairs on the southern side of the street, facing north to watch the show. The town around us no longer seemed to be a city now. It was more of a small rural town with clean-cut lawns. Everything here seemed to be bright and sunny, and the grass under the chairs was brilliant green. The older women in the chairs were wearing lacy dresses that looked like they were styled for the thirties or fifties. I passed to the southeast, over the crowd, watching them as i passed. They seemed happy to see me here, and they commented happily to me. I said “hi” to some of them, realizing that my voice seemed to have an Irish accent. I corrected it and said hello to some other women. One of the women in the back row, to the east of me then asked about Ireland. I descended to the ground to the south of the row, telling the woman that i had actually been to Ireland and that i thought that it was very nice. The women admitted that they had never been to Ireland. I felt appreciated by the woman for some performance i had done, and it felt good. One of the women to the north of me turned around in her chair and said something to me. She wore a white knitted shawl over her shoulders, and her dress seemed to be dark maroon. She had an old kind face, and her body seemed skinny. She had a brimless sunhat on, and she leaved toward me to compliment me on something. As she spoke, a blue light glowed from her forehead. I looked at the light. It seemed like part of a spectrum, but it was blending only from red to blue, staying mostly on blue. It was something very special, and i realized that she was special too. I reached out to her with my left hand and pet her face gently. I felt comforted and happy with these people. I started flying again, drifting to the west, down the dirt path that ran along the southern side of the seated crowd. This town seemed bright and sunny, with bright green grass. I started moving across the grassy lawn to the northwest, passing through the old widely spaced stone buildings. A large gothic dark-red stone building with thin vertical towers stood on the western side of the large open area, which seemed like a park. Several old gothic wooden houses seemed to run along the northern side of the area to the north of me. I continued to the northwest, watching the people that i was passing. I then noticed a small group of people standing on the lawn to the northwest. They stood to the north of the large red building. The T-shaped building had a wide section on the west, and a long narrow wing extending to the east, toward me. I passed close to the eastern end of the wing as i floated into the lawn behind the building. The people to the north of the building were wearing old-fashioned clothing, most of which was dark or black. They were all facing to the south as if watching something, but they were very solemn, and i thought that they might be meditating or praying. One woman stood to the northeast of the group. She was kneeling on the ground but was just starting to get up. I flew toward her and thought that i would pass over her head. I wondered if she would be startled by me. I passed over her as she adjusted her white lace hat. I then turned my attention to the northeast, at the large houses on the northern side of the road. The old dirt road ran along the northern side of the grassy area, heading east. I flew down the road to the east, admiring the old gothic houses to the north of me. They were all nicely maintained. I was supposed to be heading toward one of these houses, but it seemed farther down the road to the east. I headed toward the house, but was suddenly distracted by the sound of music coming form the south. I glanced to the south to see the large buildings of the university to the south of the road. They seemed very low, as if downhill from where i was. I turned to look at the house again when the sound of music started up again. The sound seemed to be from symphonic horns, and i thought that it was part of the university’s orchestra. I was very interested in the sound and wanted to see where it was coming from. I turned to the south and flew across the road. I could see the tops of the university buildings. They were below me, even though i was not flying that high. They seemed to be down in a valley from where i was, as if the land dropped off steeply to the south of the road. There was a small cluster of buildings just to the south of me. They seemed to be all part of one building. Other buildings were spread out to the south and southeast. As i flew over the large building near me, i looked down in to the narrow courtyards between the towers. The building seemed to be composed of many interconnecting towers that were all very close to each other, separated by thin courtyards. The stone of the building was dark red, but the stone features of the courtyard facets were white, and they were carved into intricate designs. Trees crowded around the buildings on the sides, and this place suddenly reminded me of a beautiful garden. I paused over the building, looking down into a few of the twisting courtyards. I muttered “beautiful” as i looked at the stone carvings. I could not make any of them out, because the courtyards were too narrow to see down. I then realized what i had said, so i clarified by saying “the architecture”. I heard the sound of french horns again, and i flew to the south to see where they were coming from. The building to the south of me seemed to be domed, and i thought that it might be an amphitheater. I headed to the south, looking for the music. I felt very happy and wondered if i could impress the musicians by flying over them as they played. As i reached the center of the quadrangle to the south of where i was, i head the sound of horns coming from the east. I realized that the sound must have echoed off of the college buildings to make it seem as though it was coming from the south. I turned to the east and flew down the length of the quadrangle. I could see people standing to the south of a small white tent. A man seemed to be performing prestidigitation tricks for a few people. As i got close, i realized that the man in the fancy suit had spotted me and seemed impressed by my ability to fly. He seemed like a salesman, and he finished up some of the tricks that he was doing and watched me as i landed on the ground to the west of the others. His tricks seemed like cheap magician tricks. I was looking for the music, but i realized that it was actually coming from a recording. The tape player was on a table to the north of me, just to the west of the entrance to the tent. I walked toward it to see what record the music was from. The man came close to me on my eastern side and said hello. I replied as i looked at the small poster above the tape player. It was mostly purple and black, and said that the tape was from the soundtrack of Willy Wonka. The man started to chat with me, but i knew that he was trying to sell something to me. I was uninterested, but humored him. I turned to the north, walking across the back side of the tent, looking at the objects on the long tables that were covered with white cloths. I felt disinterested here, but the man kept pace with me, continuing to encourage me to do something. He seemed to be leading me to the east, toward the doorway that was covered with the white drapes. I was not impressed with his sale, but, when i looked at his face, i realized that he was rather attractive. He had choppy black hair with blond highlights and a triangular face with sharp cheekbones. I did not want to have anything to do with his sale, so i wandered to the south, trying to leave.

12011 July 30

I was in the room with the other person at the small hotel. We were part of a conference or class that was here. The main group of people seemed to be to the west of the room, and i was moving through the narrow room looking for something. The other person was sleeping in a bed that seemed to be on the floor against the western end of the northern wall. My bed was on the eastern end. I gathered several clothing items from the floor. The other person said something to me. He was $F4. It seemed that he was sick, and i felt worried about him. I curled back up in bed, under the light-blue sheets. $F4 was sleeping near me. He moved close to me and hugged me from behind. I thought that he was trying to stay warm by sleeping close to me. I did not mind, so i stayed in the middle of the bed. He felt warm on my back. I then started to move. We had to get somewhere or do something. We were traveling now, in a car. Someone was driving, and i was sitting on the passenger’s side of the back seat. The person in the seat next to me seemed to be $A556. He was new to this area. I told him that we were entering $P14. He looked to the north as we crossed a wide roadway. To the north, i could see shops and commercial buildings on both sides of the crowded street, and tall buildings stood in the distance. I looked around, noticing that there were large buildings to the northwest. I told him that these buildings were part of $P52, but he was not looking at the time. The buildings were very large and fit into the face of a vegetation-covered cliff to the northwest of us. I turned to the southwest, looking at the building on the lower level of land. The road that we were traveling on seemed to be raised above the rest of the area. Building were scattered through the trees to the south, but i could not see the tall buildings of the city from here. In the distance, i noticed a crevice in the land, and i saw white buildings through it. A cliff was to the south of us as well, and all of the buildings i could see were on the top of it, but i was able to see the buildings of the small city at the bottom of the cliff by looking down the length of the crevice. I pointed out the town to $A556, saying that it was the downtown area. He looked to the south, but did not seem to understand what i was talking about. I explained that the city was in the valley, at the bottom of the hill, and that we were on an upper level of land. I used my hands to simulate the two levels as i spoke.