12012 July 01

I was on the bus on the eastern side of the area with the others, who seemed to be from my high school. They were middle-school age, and i was a student as well. We were going on a field trip to a camp. Everything felt strange, and i was not quite sure that i belonged here. I spoke to several people as some of them wandered to the north and northeast. One of the young boys talked to me as he moved to the west of me. I wandered to the northwest, across the grassy area. This camp was familiar, but i did not want to be here. I spoke to someone as i hesitated it this area. The students seemed to have wandered to the northeast to go swimming. An older man stood to the south of me. He was the leader of the camp, and i seemed to recognize him from a long time ago. He was tall and slender, with a rounded belly and short white hair on the sides of his balding head. His round face was wrinkled with weathering. I told him that i wanted to leave this place. He did not seem to respond. I then wandered to the east, finding myself in the large room of the house. This was the camp-counselor’s house, but the man did not seem to be with me anymore. I kept thinking about the people here at the camp. Everything here seemed bright and sunny, and i imagined the children to the north with their towels. They would be wading in the gorges. The southern wall of the room that i was in had a large window filling it. The window stretched all the way from the western side of the room and ended very close to the eastern side. Through it, i could see the rolling green countryside to the south and southeast. Most of it seemed to be covered with farm fields. I also noticed a roughly square patch of farm field to the southeast. An older woman came from the western side of the room and started talking to me. I was not quite sure what i should be doing in this house, but i felt as though i needed permission to do something. The woman seemed to be the wife of the camp counselor. He had gone to the north to do something. I felt more comfortable with the man gone. I still wanted to leave this place, and i hoped that the people here would let me go. As i moved to the eastern end of the room, the woman asked me if i could change the radio station. I realized that i could hear music playing. It sounded like old big-band music, with oboes playing the melody. I turned to the north and walked into the smaller room. The room to the north was darker, and seemed crowded with furnishing. A desk seemed to be in the center of the room, and it had something tall on top of it. The structure seemed to reach almost to the ceiling. An old radio sat on the southern side of the desk, and i walked up to it to look at the tan round dial. I tried to turn the dial to a different station. I could hear the humming tones of stations, and i thought that this was an old medium-band radio. I could not really find another radio station, thought, and i told the woman this. I said that the radio might be a short-band radio because of the types of sounds it was making between the stations.

I was in the small bedroom with $F10. The bedroom was on the northern side of the house, and it was rectangular. I stood just to the south of the low twin mattress, which seemed to be on a metal rack. $F10 was saying something to me, and i felt very upset. I was hugging him in comfort as we spoke.

$F45 and i moved to the west, walking along the northern side of the railroad tracks, which seemed to be in $P127. We had just reached where the north-to-south road crossed the tracks. The road seemed like $P23. $K29, $K28, and their children were with us. We had come to the train station and were waiting for the next train, which seemed to be a metro line. I turned to the east and looked down the tracks. I noticed two trains approaching us from the east. The one on the southern track seemed to be running very slow, or stopped. I thought that it was picking up people at the other station on the southern side of the tracks. The larger train, which looked to be a dark-green metal diesel engine, was moving much faster and was running on the northernmost track. I turned back to the west, yelling out “train” for the people ahead of me. This would let them know that a train was coming and would help them get off of the tracks. The children with us moved away from the tracks as we entered the area under the large brown wood structure, which crossed over the tracks. This was the station where the train would be stopping. Metal posts created lanes around the sides of the tracks, and between the different tracks. I continued walking along the northern side of the track, but i realized that $K28 was still walking on the northernmost track. He was walking between the metal railings where the train would be heading. We called to him to get out of the way, but he did not seem to understand. He turned to look at us, but then moved farther between the metal railings. I started to feel tense, realizing that he did not understand what we were trying to tell him. $K29 yelled at him to get out of the way. He looked around again, but still thought that he was supposed to be between the metal railings. He moved a little to the south, but we knew that he was just moving farther onto the tracks. He did not understand what he was supposed to do. I finally told him to get off the tracks, and he backed to the north, moving to the north of the wooden railing on the northern side of the building. He was finally out of the way. I then wondered what had happened to the train. I turned to the east to see where the train was, surprised to see that it was right behind me. It had just entered the intersection. To my surprise, it turned sharply to the southwest and crossed the pavement. It then turned into one of the aisles on the southern side of the tracks. It was not supposed to head into the area where $K28 had been. I suddenly remembered that i had seen the train do this before. I then thought that it was a very sharp turn for a train to make. Trains usually did not make such sharp turns. I looked down at the metal wheels of the train, realizing that they were actually rolling over the asphalt pavement of the road. This did not see right.

12012 July 02

I stood in the line with the other people. We seemed to be part of a military group, and we were lined up in a row, facing west. A man to the west was lecturing us on something. He then said that the object looked like the letter K. I looked down at the creamy-orange piece of pie that was on the plate near my feet. It looked somewhat like pumpkin pie, but it was only about three centimeters long. The outer edge of the piece of pie was thicker than the rest. I was crouching now, looking at the pie, looking at it from the side. It still did not look like the letter, though i imagined that it could look like the letter C if the crust end was curled enough over the pointed end of the pie. What the man said was not correct. The man seemed upset with me for questioning him, and he stared angrily at me as he stood with his hands behind his back. He seemed to be wearing a dark-green military uniform. I told him that the cross section of the pie did not actually look like the letter K. He was angered by the fact that i seemed to be challenging his authority. He sternly told me that the cross section of the letter K looked like a C. I thought about this for a moment, but then said that it looked more like the letter I. He snapped back at me, telling me that it definitely looked like a letter C. I felt uneasy and did not want to seem to question his authority. I then thought about the letters as the man paced back to the south, barking orders to the other students in the line with me. All of the letters actually were flat, so all of them had cross sections that looked like the letter I. I tried to think of a letter that did not look like I. I thought about the letter C, which had a curved top and bottom, but realized that it would still reach to the top of the line, so the cross section would still be a vertical line. I was still bending over to look at something as i thought about the letters. I felt very confused, but i knew that i was correct. I also felt very worried that i had contradicted the authority. I started picking up some of the things from the ground. Other students were now crouching around me, helping me pick up the plastic bottles. Something seemed wrong, and i felt that we could not stay here. The other students all seemed to be dressed in blue uniforms with white shirts underneath. I grabbed several of the bottles, aware of the thick gray clouds that were billowing in the western sky. The storm was getting closer, and i felt very concerned about it. I heard a rumble from the clouds, and i knew that we had to hurry to get all of the items picked up. The others hurried to the east as i stood up. The storm was overhead, and i could feel the wind starting to blow. I backed across the street to the east. A large building was to the east of me now, but it was not $P7, where i wanted to go. I had to head back into the school with the other students. I looked around the area near me. $P7 seemed to be to the southeast, on the southern side of the narrow street, which ran to the east from the intersection where i was standing. The building seemed to be much larger now, with dark-gray stone and arched towers. It was already starting to rain, so i would not be able to make it to the main building, but i realized that $P7 had grown quite a bit since i was here. The building to the east of me, to the north of the side street, also seemed to be part of $P7. It was connected to the main building in some way, so i would only have to hide in this building. The area now seemed to be English, with old architecture. A school boy in uniform ran to the east, into the building. I thought that i should follow him.

12012 July 03

As $F10 and i walked down the hallway to the east, he mentioned that he wanted to add a bunk bed in the room. I had been staying with him here at $P19, and i felt suddenly hurt that he would want a bunk bed in the room. I had been sleeping in the room, but then i thought that maybe i was the only one in the room who slept there. $F10 might have slept in the dormitory. I looked out the window to the south, noticing a bunk bed against the southern wall of the tiny room. This was our room. The wooden bunk bed was built into the wall of the room, and the room was small enough that the length of the bed filled the width of the room. A wooden ladder descended down the eastern side of the beds. The top bed had white sheets, and messy paperwork seemed to be on the small desk that was against the eastern wall. I told $F10 that there was actually a bunk bed in the room already. I then moved up a little to see over the top bunk. I realized that the room did not actually have a ceiling. The room was really a small atrium in the center of the building. I could see the gradually sloping pale-red tile roofs on the eastern and southern wings of the white house about a meter or so above the upper bunk. The beds now seemed to be oriented north to south, pushed up against the western wall. Wooden planks formed the upper bunk. I told $F10 that the room was actually outside, adding that we would not be able to stay there in the winter because it would be too cold. I then thought that we must have only been staying there for the summer. I wondered how we stayed dry when it rained. The wooden planks on the upper bunk must have protected the lower part of the room from the rain. $F10 as standing to the east of me as i pointed out that the room was not really a room.

I felt concerned about something that was happening here. I seemed to be on a street in the middle of an urban area. The street ran from the west-northwest to east-southeast. A festival was happening here, but only a few people were on the streets. We had to get something or do something here. I was with some other people, and they were moving to the northeast to do something. I told them that i would have to find out the information for them. I turned back to the west and headed down the street. I called out for Rosemary, who i thought would be in the white tent ahead of me, on the southern side of the street. The tent was an administrative tent, and i worked for the festival. I called the woman’s name a few times as i approached the tent. I felt a little strange entering the tent, as though i was not fully part of the administration of this place. It seemed late, and i felt that the festival was actually ending. Only a few people were in the white plastic-canvas tent. I asked them if Rosemary was here, saying that i needed her to get something for me. She had the registration information for the festival, and i wanted her to do something for me. A young man with fluffy dark hair was in the tent. He told me that she was not here right now. I felt awkward, not knowing whether i should tell them what i wanted or not. I did not think that it was appropriate for me to ask them, so i said that i would look elsewhere for her. I headed back to the east. Just as i was outside of the tent, i jumped into the air and started to fly away. At the same time, i heard the young man calling me from inside the tent. I stopped in mid air, hovering just above the eastern edge of the tent. I looked down at the ground to see the man’s feet coming toward me from under the tent. I dropped back to the ground on the northern side of the tent as the man approached me from the west. He was with someone else, and he said that he would find Rosemary. I felt good about this and stayed where i was. The other person ran to the west, down the street. A house a little way down the street had something to do with the festival, and i thought that the young man was going to look for her there. The young man was still standing near me, though, even though he seemed to be the other man who had run to the west. He looked at me with concerned awe and asked “Can you really fly?”. I smiled back at him, finding his interest comforting. I said that i could, and he asked me what it was like. I told him that it was actually very nice up there. I said that it was nice to be floating high up with no ground under you. I told him that it was a wonderful experience. He seemed nervous about the idea, and this endeared him to me. I then added that it was great, even though it hurt. He did not understand, and he asked if flying really hurt. I nodded and said that it did. The other man was still leaving to head to the house to the west, and he asked about the pain, saying that it was damaging to my body. I called after him, saying that it was not really that damaging because i did not do it a lot. I added that it was like smoking a cigarette once a year. The young man stayed near me, and he did not understand, so i explained, “It’s a lot of manipulation of high intensity electromagnetic fields.” I then added that it pains the skin. I thought about this as i chatted with the young man. The others started to move to the southeast again, heading for the building here. It had something to do with the festival. I had to hurry to get back to them. I started to drive to the west in the small white car. I would have to take the car back to the old white house on the southern side of the street, to the west. We had to get the cars back so that they were where they were supposed to be for the festival staff. I would join the others in the venue to the east as quick as i could. I turned the small car into the garage on the eastern side of the house. As i closed the garage door, i realized that the car did not fit all the way into the garage because another car was already there. I looked up to see the white rubber edging on the bottom of the garage door hitting the arched back of the car, just above the hatch on the back. I pushed the garage door back open and backed the small car out. The car seemed more like a cart, and i was surprised how short it actually was. It did not seem to be longer that the width of an average car. I stopped it just in front of the closed garage door, facing to the southwest. I could park it at such a strange angle because it was so short that it easily fit in the space. I would have to leave the car here. I then though that i should not alter the microwave that was part of the car. This scene was running very well, and i knew that, if i changed the microwave in the car, i would alter the passage of time. I did not want to do this because everything was going so well.

12012 July 04

I was driving down the busy road, heading to the east. It seemed that i had just left the others at some kind of gathering. I felt somewhat upset as i drove, and i was eating the long thin sticks that i was picking up from the seat to the right of me. Traffic was heavy on the road that i was driving. Two lanes ran in either direction, and traffic seemed to be heading both ways. I would have to head to the north by getting onto the highway. I suddenly realized that i had just missed the turn for the highway. The highway seemed to pass over the road that i was on, even though no bridge was over the road. I had just driven past the entry ramp for the highway, and i was annoyed with myself for not paying attention. I chewed on the end of one of the sticks, which seemed to be a rolled wafer that was stuffed with chocolate. The ends were dipped in chocolate, making them slightly bulbous. I had to turn around, but could not easily make a U-turn on this road, so i turned to the north, onto a side street. I felt strange, and i thought that my body did not feel quite well. I pulled another of the wafer sticks from a wrapper and ate it, thinking that it was probably not a good idea to keep eating them. I turned the truck around and got back onto the main road, heading to the west. I felt unfocused, but i tried to think about how i should drive. I was not paying attention, though, and i realized that i had gone too far to the west, missing the same turn for the highway. I was not focused and my mind kept straying to other things. I felt very annoyed now. I came to the western side of the intersection with the highway. I would have to turn around again, so i turned my car to the south. To my surprise, a car came through the intersection from the north. I had not seen it, and it veered to the west and skidded to a stop to avoid running into me. It looked like a sedan from the sixties, with a long back like a station wagon. I felt nervous, thinking that i was just not paying attention to what i was doing. I headed to the south, down the street, looking for a place to turn around. I turned to the east again, into a short street that was surrounded by old buildings and green leafy trees. I thought that i might simply be tired, and i wondered if i should rest here for a while before i tried to get back onto the highway. I pulled over to the southwest, into an empty parking space. The space had a cement block under it, and an old stone wall rising to the southwest of it. It ran to the southeast, parallel with the side of the road that i was on. It seemed strange that the parking spot was open, since i was in an urban area. I then realized that the parking spot might be reserved. The old small stone building on the short hill atop the stone wall seemed to be a church, and i thought that the parking area might belong to the church. I looked at the pale-red sign on the stone wall, and it said something about a reserved parking space for the church. I was a little disappointed as i backed my truck out of the parking space. As i backed out, though, i noticed three parking spaces on the side of the street near me. White lines marked the spots, which seemed to be just in front of the cement pull off that i had parked in. I wondered if these three spaces would be open. I could easily park in one of them. I then looked at the pale red signs on the side of the road. The old signs, which seemed to be metal plaques, said that the parking was for the bishops. I looked to the east, seeing the wide cul-de-sac at the end of the road. A short black chain-link fence ran northeast to southwest along the side of the cul-de-sac, defining the edge of a large park to the east. A tall building stood on the northern side of the road and cul-de-sac, and the church was to the south. I turned the truck around, wondering what i should do. I looked out over the green grass of the park to the southeast. It looked very beautiful. I knew that it had something to do with the church, and i noticed the tall square red tower of an old building to the southeast. The building looked like a bell tower, and i knew that it had something to do with the important building. I felt uneasy, not quite sure what i should do. I wanted to get on the highway and head north, but i felt exhausted and worried that i would fall asleep. I then tried to reassure myself, saying that i would feel fine once i got on the highway. I had been eating the chocolate sticks, and my stomach did not feel well. I was almost done, though, and i thought that i had only two sticks left when i had taken one. I remembered pulling the sticks from the plastic wrappers as i ate them, so i must have discarded the wrappers on the floor of the truck. I looked down to the floor to the west of me to see several long clear-plastic wrappers on the floor. I knew that i had one stick left, though, so i though that i should simply eat it and be rid of them. I had been sitting on the orange couch in the center of the living room. I stood up and faced northwest, looking at the remaining stick in the plastic bag. Only two long fragments of a stick actually remained. I picked up the bag and reached in for the long slender piece of wafer. I realized that it was actually a long thin strip of bark from the tree that the wafer was made. I pulled it out and started eating it, thinking that it was vanilla bark. It still tasted the same as the wafer. I held the plastic bag in my left had, facing north now. Many small broken pieces of bark were in the bottom of the bag, so i would just have to eat the crumbs to finish the bag. A woman was now standing to the north of me, holding a cat in her arms. Another cat seemed to be near her feet. I was in the house with her. I ate more of the bark chips, and i wondered suddenly why i was always so hungry. The woman headed to the northwest, saying something to me. I looked to the east, noticing the man sitting behind the piano. He seemed to be a wealthy man, and he was dressed in a dinner jacket, with a high collar shirt and an ascot. He was upset about something, but he was playing the songs that the others had written. His was some kind of show. The man had been writing his own music, but he was playing the classical music that the other men had composed. Three of the other men were sitting on chairs along the northern wall of the room. The were wearing dark clothing and watched the man as he played the piano. I turned to the west, ready to leave the room. Suddenly, the music changed from the regular up-beat sound to something more intimate. The main instrument now seemed to be a piano. I looked back to the east to see the man playing. I was looking across the small grand piano at him as he sat to the east of it, playing. He had started playing his own music. I moved to the south of the piano as the man was standing on the piano bench. He started hitting the top of the piano, smashing pieces of the wood. This was part of the show, but i knew that he was showing his frustration. I was farther to the south of the piano now, looking at the man as she smashed the wooden instrument. I then focused my attention to the northwest, where the three men were sitting against the northern wall. The large picture that had been on the wall above them came crashing to the floor. The picture was a few meters tall, and ran the entire width of the room. It seemed to have small metal I-beams around the edges. The front of the painting had patches of color across it. The picture landed in front of the three men, surprising them, but it was all part of the show. It had to land in front of them so that it did not hurt them. This was a funny scene somehow. I thought about the scene as i turned to the west and started walking down the hall. $F45 was with me now. I was following him down the northern wall of the corridor. As he turned to the north, through a doorway, i mentioned how i had liked the scene from the movie where the picture had fallen. It was humorous in some way. He did not reply, and i started to feel that i might be spoiling the movie for him. I stopped talking. I felt distant and uneasy.

12012 July 05

I had been mowing my grandmother’s lawn, and i was now standing to the west of her garage. I felt tired, but i had still not finish the job that i was supposed to do. It seemed that i had already mowed my grandmother’s back lawn, but i had not finished her front lawn, or the large back yard to the east, which seemed to be $A425’s yard. I felt exhausted and did not really want to continue, but i knew that i would have to. $A425 wandered to the north, into her back yard. If i stopped now, she would think that i had purposely stopped without doing her yard. She would think that i was favoring my grandmother. I then thought that it was strange that she would be upset, because i remembered that she had died a little while ago. I headed to the east, walking through the garage. I thought about $F1, who had lived in the house next door. I explained to the person with me that $F1 had been one of my best friends. I did not want it to sound like he was no longer a friend, though, so i rephrased the statement. I headed to the east, down the narrow stairway. The stairs turned to the south and ended in a wide corridor. A large living room opened up on the southern side of the eastern end of the corridor. My grandmother was doing something in the living room. This place was the house on $P2. I headed to the west, down the wide corridor. We were cleaning out this place, and i was interested in the things that were still here. Cupboards and cabinets lined the southern wall of the corridor. My grandmother had been in the corridor and was now walking to the south, into the living room. I looked at the things in the dark wood cupboards near the floor. It was dark in the corridor, but i could see cups and white plates on the bottom shelf. I looked through the items, interested in what they were. One of the items that i pulled out seemed to be a small metal sugar cup with two handles. It seemed to have something engraved on the front of it, and i wondered if it was pewter. It seemed nice, and i wanted to keep it, but i put it back, nervous about taking the things that had been left in the house. I wanted to explore this place. My grandmother was to the east, talking to someone else as she paced to the south, into the living room. I turned to the west to see the entrance to the corridor. The window to the west seemed to be letting in light from outside. I then noticed the shelfs of food to the north. I stared through the glass door of a short refrigerator. The glass door was framed with black metal trim. Through the door i could see brightly colored fruit in bowls and bags. Some of the fruit seemed to be watermelon and cantaloupe. Looking around the things on the northern wall, i could see many brightly colored food bags on shelfs and in refrigerators. The kitchen storage area seemed to run the entire length of the northern wall. I was surprised at how modern and clean everything looked here. My grandmother or mother was standing to the east of me, at the end of the kitchen, where the corridor started. I was fascinated with the things that had been left here, and i looked over the row of food. I then realized that the food was not actually against the northern wall. I food storage formed a line that was a little more than a meter from the northern wall, leaving a corridor along the wall. I stepped to the north of the food area and started following the corridor to the east. The northern wall now looked more like i had expected it to look. It was run down and the paint was chipping. Something sat on the floor to the northwest. I headed down the corridor to the east, talking to my mother as i walked. I realized that the corridor ran to the east-northeast, heading behind the main corridor that i had been in before. It seemed like an area of the house that i had never seen before. It must have been hidden from me when we were living here. I told my mother that this corridor had been closed off when we lived here, and i was excited to see it now. Several other hallways led to the north, into the northern section of the house. Light from outside illuminated the corridors. I looked at the woodwork around the doorways here. The ribbed molding was dull red, and the paint was faded, but the wood seemed nice. I remembered that we had only rented the upper floor of this house. The house was divided into apartments, and i wondered what it would be like to buy the entire house. I felt very interested in this house, and i looked around at the details. I felt a little unsure about it though, and i asked my mother whether this was really a nice house. She shrugged and faintly agreed that it was, but i could tell that she was not really interested in the house. I felt that i had always been interested in this house, and i thought that i was always dreaming about it. I headed to the north, coming to an open area that seemed to be outdoors. I guessed that it was on the roof of the building. The outside walls of the room seemed to be open at first, with archways holding up the roof above us. I walked into the space in the center, realizing that all of the walls were covered with shelfs, which were filled with books. Several people wandered through the area as i stepped to the northeast. Rows of shelfs also seemed to be set up within the room, and i decided that this place was a used-book store. A man had been looking at something on one of the shelfs to the northeast of me, and he looked over his left shoulder at me. He was wearing a blue lightweight coat with a white scarf around his neck. I then turned my attention to the large windows in the outer walls. The walls were not actually archways. They were actually large glass windows. I was standing on the southern side of a large room with a high domed ceiling. The western and northern walls of the room were made of glass, and the black metal frames that held them in and supported the roof was finely decorated in an art-nouveau style. The room was beautiful, and i was glad that i could see it. It must have been part of a common area of the roof, though, because many people were wandering here. It disappointed me a little that this was not exclusively part of the apartment. I looked up toward the huge domed ceiling. The dome was square in shape but arched high. It seemed opaque, but i still thought that it was made out of glass. My mother cautioned me, saying that the outside wall of the room was actually rather fragile. I did not understand why the wall would be fragile. I thought that the old glass would not crack that easily. I then looked back to the western wall of the room. The glass now seemed to be fuzzy. I realized suddenly that the outside wall was actually fake. The windows were painted on to a screened canvas. She must have meant that the material on the side of the tent would tear easily. I backed out of the library and turned to the east, heading down a corridor between the library and the main building. I was still on the rooftop of the structure, which now seemed immense. I still wanted to live in this place, but i did not think that i could afford such a building. I looked up at the steep walls around me. The building was now made of red stone. The tall walls to the north and south of me were covered with windows, which were inset into the thick stone frames. Each of the frames had a triangular top to make it seemed like an old temple. I thought that these were probably for the individual apartments that were in this building. I headed down the narrow alley to the east, noticing that a part of the building rose to the east of me as well. I liked the design of this place, and decided that i would have to remember the details of it, in case i every built my own place. I looked at the red brick walls with the many windows, thinking that this place must have been built as a hotel. I followed the corridors between the buildings, following someone as i went. We turned to the north and came out into a more open area. I now seemed to be wandering on the ground between large buildings. The area to the north of me was an open courtyard, though. The building to the north seemed smoky gray, with a rough fibrous texture to the stones. As i looked at it, i realized that it was built from many wooden branches that had been twisted together. There was something special about this hall. It seemed out of place here, yet seemed to have some sort of classical significance. I felt a little weary of the structure, though, relating it to a great Viking hall, even though it was much more massive than anything the Vikings could have constructed. I looked up at the arching windows that ran along the southern face of the bland structure. The lower part of the eastern half of the building was open. Columns supported the upper floors of the eastern side, leaving the space below open for passage. I said something to the other person, who seemed like $F10. $F10 wandered to the south as i walked into the building. The eastern side of the building was open. I could see all the way up to the ceiling, which was the top of the building, three or four stories up. The outside walls were formed of colonnades with arches over the tops. The arches and columns got smaller as the structure went up, looking somewhat Arabic. I turned to look at the western wall of the open hall. The western side of the building seemed to be enclosed, with several floors of halls and rooms. I could see openings to the upper floors in the western wall of the great hall on the eastern side of the building. Two openings led to the second floor. High above them was a pentagonal opening near the peak of the wall. I thought that there was some danger in this building, but i was interested in it. I looked to the east to see a similar pentagonal opening at the top of the eastern wall. I imagined that the hole in the western wall led into a special room at the top of the building. It seemed like a dangerous place to be, but i decided that i would fly up to see it. I then wondered whether i could really fly. I had imagined that i would simply lift into the air and rise up to the opening, but then i remembered that i used to have trouble flying. I remembered rising from the ground, but then struggling to move through the air. I floated just above the ground for a moment, wondering whether i could really rise up easily. I felt nervous about what could be in the large opening, but i flew suddenly up and hovered over the opening. I could not see into it, but i imagined that a dragon was waiting in its den. It would be annoyed that i disturbed it. I thought about this as i wandered to the east, through the large hall of the building. The walls around me now seemed to be made of stone, and the building seemed more modern. People moved through the corridor around me. I came into a smaller room to the northeast, where the people were giving away the tickets. Three women were positioned around the room. Too of them were on the eastern side of the room, looking down at their packets of tickets. Most of the people seemed to be standing around these woman. A third woman in white was standing to the southeast of me, in the middle of the southern part of the room. She held a white envelope in her right hand as she stood, looking at the other two women. A queue of people was waiting for the two women to the east, and i thought that they must be covering the middle of the alphabet. The woman to the southeast must have the uncommon letters of the alphabet. I would have to wait my turn to get the tickets for the festival. The woman near me had dark curly hair, and was wearing a white long-sleeve shirt. She had a pudgy body with thin arms and legs. She turned to the crowd of people to the west of me and called out a name that started with “Pa”. I realized that she must have the other names that start with P as well, so i told her my last name. I then wondered whether the tickets would be under $F45’s last name. Both names started with P, but his seemed to be before the name she called, and mine was after. The woman looked at the envelope skeptically and then looked back to me. She said that the names on the envelope did not match mine. She seemed concerned that the tickets were ours, but that the names were misspelled on the envelope. She looked back to the other two women, wondering what they should do about the misspelling. I did not understand why they thought that the tickets were ours when they had the wrong names on them. I told her that i would have to check with my friend to find out which name the tickets were under. I paced to the north as i put my cell phone to my right ear. $F45 answered, and i asked him about the tickets. He says that the tickets were for the movies at this movie festival. He then mentioned movie passes. I realized that he might have bought a pass to the festival rather than individual tickets. This seemed more complicated that i had expected, and i was confused. I did not know what i should do. I turned to the south and exited the building, coming out of the wooden building on the northern side of a courtyard. I could see $F45 standing on the wide stone steps across the courtyard, to the south of me. He had not yet noticed that i was there. A horse was standing to the west of him. The horse nudged him with its head as he spoke on the phone. He tried to push the horse back, but the horse seemed rather aggressive. I started to feel worried, thinking that the horse was dangerous. The horse had a harness and saddle on. It suddenly pushed $F45 with its head again. $F45 tried to get the horse to stop bothering him, but the horse reared up and hit him with its feet. I felt suddenly worried for $F45 and ran to the south to help. Another person grabbed the horse and pulled it to the south, away from $F45. I thought that this other person might be the trainer. $F45 seemed shocked as he turned back around to face north. He felt his lip with right hand. I could see a bruise on the right side of his face, just above his lip, where the horse had kicked him. He seemed dazed and said in a surprised voice that the horse had kicked him. As i got closer, i noticed a white foam over the side of his face. I felt very concerned. I knew that the horse was not rabid, which one might think seeing foam, but it was becoming hysterical and was foaming at the mouth. I could then see the horse plodding back toward $F45. It must have left the trainer. I felt protective of $F45, thinking that i had to keep him safe from the horse.

12012 July 06

I felt very upset that the party was happening in the house and i was not part of it. I walked to the west, across the small room. The bed was against the eastern wall, and $F45 was already lying down on the northern side of the bed. The room seemed cluttered with items. $F45 was talking excitedly about some of the people who had been at the party. I was not interested in listening. I pushed past what looked to be an ironing board just to the south of the bed. It had several items stacked on top of it. A taller structure stood just to the south of the ironing board, almost on top of it. The other structure had thin metal legs like the ironing board, but it was much taller, reaching almost to the ceiling. I felt annoyed as i pushed past them, and i pushed the ironing board and the other structure over, to the south. The stacked things on the board fell to the floor, and the board and the taller rack fell with a clatter. I did not care that i made a mess. $F45 seemed confused and asked me what was going on. $A606 seemed to be standing in the doorway to the room, in the center of the western wall. I did not say anything to $F45 as i moved closer to the bed. $F45 continued talking about the party, and he told me that there had been some nice muscled men there. I noticed movement to the southwest. A bunk bed was pushed against the eastern wall of the room, in the southeast corner. Two men had been sleeping on the lower bunk. One of them lifted his head and looked at me. He seemed surprised, and i thought that the falling furniture disturbed him. He seemed rather bulky, with heavy chest and arm muscles. I realized that he was one of the people $F45 had been talking about. To my disappointment, he started getting dressed to leave. I had disturbed the two men, and both of them were leaving the room. As the first man stood up, i noticed that he was not that nicely detailed on his abdomen, so i thought that, while he had nice muscle, he was not really in great shape. I was still interested in them, though, and i was disappointed that they were leaving the room because of me. Both of them walked to the northwest, leaving the room. I started to feel upset, not sure what i should do. I turned back to the east and started walking across the room. I was now to the north of the bedroom, in another room of the house. People from the party were still wandering through the room. Several of them seemed quite attractive. I noticed the man standing in the center of the room, to the east of me. He had dark skin and was slender, but he had a nice muscular build. He wore very short cut-off denim pants and i tight T-shirt. Several other attractive men were around him. I thought that many of the people here were plain, but some of them were really attractive. I was disappointed that i had not been part of the party, and that i did not know any of them. A dark-skinned woman danced casually to the south of the man. She had a short skirt and wore a denim vest. Her short stiff coiled hair was colored yellow. I walked past them, heading to the east. I wanted to be a part of this party and to meet the interesting people, but i felt that i had missed it. I stopped in the middle of the room, noticing that a smaller room opened up to the south. People were sitting on a couch, which filled the southern wall of the small room. Several people were crowded in the room as i looked around. I noticed a stack of CDs on the western side of the room. They seemed to be karaoke CDs, and i wondered where $F45 had gotten the DJ for this party. I asked him, even though i was not aware of him in this room. I felt bitter, and asked how much he spent on the CDs or the DJ. He seemed to be somewhere to the northeast of me as he told me that he had gotten the CDs from the man. I noticed an older man sitting on the western side of the couch to the south of me. I suddenly realized that a younger man had been sitting on his lap. The younger man stood up. The older man kept staring out into the room, as if watching television. He was thin, and he was wearing a sleeveless shirt. He had gray hair and a thick gray mustache. The skin on his arms sagged from age. I wondered if he was the DJ. I turned back to the east and wandered back through a crowd, interested in many of the attractive people here, but upset that i had missed the party and did not really know any of them. I came to the eastern side of the house and turned to the south, heading down the corridor. I stopped to look through a doorway to the west of me, into a small bedroom. A small bed was against the northern wall of the room, and several people were lying on it. The attractive dark-skinned man in the denim shorts was dancing slowly in the center of the room, and a few of the other dark-skinned people that i had seen in the room to the north were on the bed. I also noticed $A605 lying on the center of the bed. He seemed to be naked, and a few of the other people were lying across his midsection. He had chin-length black hair and was reclined to the northeast. He tipped his head back as if enjoying erotic sensation. The scene seemed very erotic, and i was interested in it, but i did not want people to think that i was staring, so i continued down the hall to the south. The hall turned to the west just south of the doorway to the room. I turned to the south and noticed another doorway on the southern side of the room. I could see a second bed against the western wall of the room. The shorter dark-skinned woman with the yellow hair was sitting on the bed. She had a brown bottle of beer in her left hand. I tried to see the others to the north, but could not see them because the wooden door to the room was partly closed. I turned around and started back around the corner. I wanted to be a part of something from this party. As i approached the eastern door of the room, a young man came out. He stopped in startle to see me just outside the room. He had short black hair and a long face. I thought that he was the man that had been on the bed to the north. He was not $A605, as i thought he was. The young man was still shirtless, and he continued past me and headed to the east. I was not sure what i should do. I then realized that the person i had seen before on the bed must have been $A605 because he had longer hair than the boy. He must still be in the room.

12012 July 07

I felt frustrated and agitated. I was sitting on the grassy ground of the northeastern part of the room. A desk was to the south of me, and i was facing it as i hurried to put my shoes on. I had to get dressed for school, but i could not seem to get it right. I fumbled with my socks as i pulled the tube sock onto my left foot. The sock had a thick red stripe near the top. I then looked at the sock, noticing that it had a huge hole in the heel. For a moment, i contemplated wearing it as it was, but then decided that the hole was too large. Annoyed, i started to take the sock off, thinking that i would throw out the one with the hole, but save the other one because i probably had another set that matched it. I then noticed the sneaker that was on the ground to the west of me. My legs were to the southwest of me as i leaned forward and picked up the white running sneaker. The sole of the shoe was torn on the front, and it was hanging down in a flap. I was annoyed that the shoe was torn as well. I picked up the shoe and pulled the front toe down. It was torn from the toe all the way down to the mid sole. I felt annoyed. I decided that i would have to throw my shoes away here. That would save me from having to bring them all the way home. I remembered that i did this at the gym with old articles of clothing that no longer fit me. Frustrated my the worn clothing, i turned to the south to grab the new pair of socks that i had brought. The socks had blue and yellow stripes near the top, and, to my disappointment, the middle of the socks were covered with mud. I had washed them, but i realized that the mud had not come off in the wash. This annoyed me. I was then aware that $A62 was standing somewhere to the southwest of me. Agitated, i reached for my right leg and started to unwrap the shoe that i was wearing. My feet were to the north of me now as i looked at the red and yellow shoe. It looked like a wrestling shoe, and the dull-yellow wrap above it looked like an ankle brace. I could not wear it to class or people would think that i had broken my ankle. I started to unwrap the ankle wrap. It seemed to be a long strip of metallic or plastic tape. The tape was actually very long now, and my feet were facing east as i unwrapped it from my right leg. I was sitting on a grassy slope, which descended to the east. I pulled the tape from my leg, noticing that the bottom metallic-yellow part could be separated from the clear plastic tape on the top. I thought that i should save the metallic part and throw out the tape. I was again aware of $A62 to the northwest of me. As i finished unraveling the wrap from my leg, i spread out the metallic section and pulled the tape from it. The tape was on the southern end. I then picked up the large metallic sheet and started folding it like a blanket. I decided that i would wrap it up and store it for later. I then started collecting several of my things from the ground. I was nervous about getting into the proper clothing. I was not in my school uniform. I then realized that i did not actually have the correct uniform. I had brought a clean uniform, but remembered that the socks came out of the wash with thick layers of mud on them. I was standing now to the north of the small school desk. Other students were moving around the room to the south and southeast of me. I tried to get my things together, but felt hurried and anxious. One of the students, who had curly blond hair, came to the eastern side of the desk and pointed out that i was not wearing my school uniform. I could see that the other boys were not in uniform either, but i told this boy that i had forgotten my uniform. I was wearing blue running shorts and a pale T-shirt. I felt upset that i was not ready, but thought that i would have to go through the remainder of the day not properly dressed. I spoke to some of the other boys as i turned to the north and headed back to the northern part of the room.

12012 July 08

I stopped the cart in front of the large doorway to the warehouse. I seemed to be working for this store. The doorway into the warehouse was to the west of me. I felt as though i was a manual laborer, and someone had told me to get something. I was uncertain about what i was doing, but i was supposed to moved the forklift into the building to pick up the boxes. Someone had showed me the small tan boxes, which i knew were stored in the southwestern corner of the warehouse. It seemed to have taken too much time for me to get the forklift here, and i worried that people would be mad that i was not doing my job fast enough. I wondered suddenly whether other workers were moving the boxes by hand while i was trying to get the forklift to them. They could have most of the job done before i got there. The forklift was facing north, in the crowded area just outside the warehouse. I seemed to be under a roof, which was a small extension to the east of the building. People were moving around me, though. They seemed to be customers, and i had to be careful so that i did not run into them with the forklift. I then noticed that the two main forks of the forklift were turned to the side. They were facing north, and i had turned the cart to face northwest. I decided that this was actually a good thing. This meant that the forks were not swinging across the front of the lift, which meant that i would not run the risk of hitting someone with the forks as i spun around. I backed up slowly, careful not to run into the people around me, thinking that the forks would turn in the right direction as i headed west, into the building. Something still seemed wrong, though. I was unsure what i was really doing here. As i came to the southwestern side of the busy warehouse, i noticed the set of forks that were on the front of the forklift. I was standing by the forks now, which were arranged north to south. One of the blades seemed rather wide. Several other long tools were also on the forks. They seemed to be alternate tools, and i wondered if i would need to put some of them on the fork lift. I looked at the wide blade. It was fan shaped, with a rounded end that connected to the forklift and a long flat fin that was about two decis at the far end. The shiny metal fin had two or three ridges running the length of it. I decided that the flat blade might be good to use because it would better hold the flat square boxes.

12012 July 09

I had just woken up in the bed that was against the eastern end of the northern wall. $F45 had woken up in a bed near me, in the same room. We were staying in this place. Someone was in the entrance, which was in a small area that was set into the center of the northern wall. The person said that people had needed help setting up for breakfast. We were at $P19, and some event was occurring. It seemed that alumni were coming back to visit, which was why i was here. I realized that someone would have been downstairs cooking breakfast for all of the visitors. I looked at the clock and thought that it was after ten o’clock. The others must have been up early to make breakfast for the alumni. I should have helped, but i did not feel like it.

12012 July 10

I woke up, but felt too groggy to stay awake. I seemed to be sitting in a pub, leaning against the eastern end of the northern wall. Something seemed wrong, and i did not know how i had gotten here. I glanced to the northwest, out the large window behind me. I was on the second floor of a building, and i could see the darkened city street outside. The street seemed to be a pedestrian street, with shops on both sides and small round tables in the center. I started to feel worried. I tried to move, but felt too weak. I then woke up again, thinking that it was now a little later. I noticed a man standing behind a counter to the south of me. The counter extended from the eastern wall, separating the northern part of the room from a southern part. The southern part seemed to be a step higher than the northern part. The lights in the room were mostly turned off, and the man was standing in shadow. He seemed to have black curly hair on his head, though. I stood up, but felt unsteady. Someone must have drugged me to get me here. I moved toward the man, who seemed to be the bartender. He was waiting for me to wake up so that he could close the bar. I told him that i did not remember how i had gotten here, but then realized that he would simply assume that i had been drunk. I walked uneasily to the western end of the bar, which was in the center of the room, trying to explain that something must have happened to me because i did not remember drinking. He grabbed a paper bill from the counter on the eastern wall, to the southeast of himself, and placed it in front of me, on the southern side of the bar that extended from the eastern wall. I realized that i still had an open bar tab that i would have to pay. I felt annoyed, thinking that the people who brought me here must have used my credit card to pay for their drinks. I said again that i had no idea how i had gotten here as i took a pen and moved to sign the receipt. I asked the man how much they had charged to my credit card, and he told me that the bill was fourty-two dollars. I felt annoyed and complained, but then realized that it was really not that much money. I was not sure what i should do, so i stumbled to the door, which was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I was outside, looking to the east. The land was countryside, and a path ran through a hazy area of tall field glass. I was not sure where i should go from here, and i felt a little anxious. Something had happened to me, and i wanted to find out what. I started moving down the trail, but i eventually was moving to the west. Others were to the northwest of me as i followed the narrow water channel. I was moving along just to the south of the channel, and the others seemed to be on a boat in the middle of the channel. The land around me was swamp, and it seemed like the Mississippi Bayou. I looked down at the metal structure, which seemed to be the boat now. I seemed to be floating about ten meters over the ground. I felt angry with the others, and landed on top of the peaked metal structure that was the top of the boat. I imagined stomping on the metal roof.

12012 July 11

I followed the woman to the east, across the northern side of the office. I had just started working here. This place seemed to be my mother’s office, though i felt that she had not worked here in a little while. I remembered working here for a woman who had been out on sick leave, but i knew now that the woman had died, so i had taken over her position. I felt a little uncomfortable about this. The desks were lined up along the northern wall of the room, and the woman showed me a metal box that was on one of the desks on the eastern side of the room. The eastern wall of the room seemed to have smaller offices, which were separated from the main office by a wall and large glass panes. Someone walked into the office that was a little to the southeast of where i was. I smiled at the man who was at the desk to the north of me. I remembered him from before, and i had thought that he was rather attractive, but i tried not to pay too much attention. I looked at the metal box that the woman had showed me. It was a computer. She said that it had belonged to the woman who had worked here, and she said that they could not get it to work. She wanted me to look at it. I tipped the box down in my hands and looked at the edge near me. It had several switches on it. I thought that i could easily get it working again. The woman walked into one of the side offices to the east, and i turned to the south. The computer now seemed to be attached to a metal cabinet. The cabinet was made of tall thin black metal legs that supported the upper part, and the computer was attached to two metal brackets, which were curved pieces of metal plate, that reached down from the bottom of the upper part. They connected to the near end of the computer. I rotated the back of the computer down so that i was looking at the end of the computer again. Instructions were printed on the machine in white. They said that i would have do something to activate the computer. I was not quite sure what i should be doing, though. The man to the north of me said something, and i smiled and replied to him, aware of him to the north-northwest of me. I noticed a black switch on the right-hand side of the back panel. It had writing on it, and i focused on it to see if the writing to the right of the switch matched the words from the instruction. I had already done something to clear the computer, so i just had to get it to unlock so it would turn on. The butterfly switch was to the left, and the writing was on the right, so i pushed the right side of the switch down. The green lights on the front of the computer came on. It should be working now. I felt good about accomplishing something, and i moved backward to the desk to the north of me. I could now use the computer to do work. I realized, though, that i would need a monitor for the computer. I looked at the desk, noticing that nothing was there, but then i turned back to the south, noticing that a large television CRT monitor was sitting on top of black metal cabinet, just above the computer. I reached to turn it on, noticing that a small black remote was set into the lower right front of the monitor. I took the remote and turned the television on. As the sound came on, i realized that the monitor could be used for a television as well as a computer. I could hear the television, and i decided that the volume was too loud, so i tuned it down with the remote. I then turned my attention to the north, where i would have to do some work. I greeted the young man again as i moved to the west of him. He looked partly East Asian, and i thought that he was very attractive. I had felt attractive to him the last time i worked here, but i did not say anything about it. I did not think that he would be attracted to me. As i moved to the side of the desk, though, he became very close to me. He was shirtless, and he started to press up against me, letting me know that he was interested. I was excited that he had such an interest. I then found myself lying on my back, with my feet to the east of me. The man was kneeling to the south of my hips, with his arms leaning on the white sheets of the bed to the north of my left shoulder. He was warm where he touched me, and i felt very excited to be with him, but i worried that it might be inappropriate in the office environment. I suddenly realized that the man was naked, and i noticed the nice detail of his upper body and arm. He rubbed his knee into my groin, and i felt erotic, but i told him that we should not do this in the office. I did not want the others to think that i was just here to meet this man. We were standing then, and the desks along the northern wall were now parked cars on the northern end of the parking lot. The two-story building ran to the north and east of the lot. The man pulled the white cardboard boxes out of the car and handed them to me. A woman came from the northeast and gave me a few more boxes. I realized that they were leftover desserts from the office. The large cardboard box seemed to have a cake in it, and several of the other boxes had smaller cakes or doughnuts. I felt awkward accepting the cakes, and i worried that some of the people to the east would be upset that i had received the extra desserts from the office. I put the boxes on the trunk hood of the car to the north of me and tried to sort them. I opened one of the boxes and looked at the round cake inside. The cake had brown and dark-brown frosting on it. Another cake seemed to be a large sponge cake. I realized that the larger box had a lot of room in it, so i moved the sponge cake to one side and put the other cake in the same box with it. I would put the rest of the desserts in the same box so that it did not seem that i was carrying that much. I pushed the sponge cake to the northwest corner of the box and started putting the smaller desserts along the southern edge of the box. I then realized that i had put the chocolate cake on top of the sponge cake. I lifted it off and put it in the northeastern corner of the box. I then lifted the sponge cake, noticing that i had gotten some of the chocolate frosting on the bottom of it. I tried to scrape it off. Some people moving to the east then caught my attention. I turned to see a few people coming down the stairs along the eastern wall. The stairs descended to the south, and tall green plants seemed to be growing in front of it, obscuring the view of the people. One of the people seemed to be an overweight man in a business suit. I turned my attention back to the desserts.

12012 July 12

I walked to the north, leaving my relatives in the apartment to the north. I was in the bathroom. Something seemed to be happening in the apartment, and i was trying to do something about it. I moved toward the eastern wall of the small bathroom, thinking that i would use the toilet. I knew that $K1 was in the room to the south, but she seemed to be a young child. I looked at long narrow toilet to the east of me, realizing that the seat was facing the wall to the south. It used to face north, so someone must have turned it around to face the other direction. The toilet seemed to be off white, and the seat seemed dark tan. I wondered how the toilet could be turned so easily. I thought that the pipe at the bottom would still have to be aligned. I looked down, thinking that the toilet must be designed so that the tank had a hole in a central location, allowing the toilet to be turned without changing the area that it took up. I looked to the west, back in the main room of the apartment. It was dark outside, and i could see the darkness through the windows in the western wall of the long rectangular room. The room was longer east to west. I was aware of something outside the building, to the north or northeast. We seemed to be on an upper floor of the apartment building, and the thing was down on the street. I had to do something relating to the thing.

12012 July 13

I stood up taller and looked up and down the street. We had just come out onto the street, and i was not quite sure that i was in the exact location. I was with $F45 and a few other people. I started walking to the west, down the northern side of the street. I had to get back to the city, which seemed to be to the west. The city seemed to be New York City. I looked at the bright lights of the buildings on either side of the street, trying to see if i recognized anything. The road curved slightly to the west-southwest, and the bright lights and storefronts seemed very dense. I felt unsure of the direction that i was heading, so i started walking back to the northeast, looking at the signs on the northern side of the road. Everything was very familiar, but i could not remember which direction was the correct one. I knew that i had to get to a train station to get to the city center, but i had to head toward the city to get it. I remembered being on this road before. After walking ten or twenty meters to the northeast, i realized that i was heading in the incorrect direction. I had been heading the correct way the first time. I turned around, telling the others that i should be traveling to the west. $F45 and $F63 were still moving to the east. I knew that i would be leaving them, but i did not seem concerned about it. I talked to the tall man to the south of me, saying that i was heading back to the west, because it was the way that i had to go. The man was standing at the end of a sharp corner in the wall, which jutted out from the northern wall of the very narrow alley or corridor. I stepped to the north, into the nook formed by the sharp point of the wall. I seemed to be in a kitchen area. I could see the buildings to the west through a square opening in the small section of wall to the west of me. The opening had polished wood shelfs. I started stepped over the counter on the eastern side of the wall, and started to crawl through the opening, under the lowest shelf. The space between the shelfs was tight, and i suddenly wondered why i was trying to squeeze through the window when i could easily have walked around the southern side of the wall. As i came across the counter on the other side, i realized that i was in a kitchen. The counter ran down the length of the northern wall, and it was filled with small appliances and containers. I was hungry and wanted to cook something for breakfast. I was aware of $F45 and $F63 to the west of me. We had come to this house to stay here for a while. The owners were away, and they did not know that we were here. It seemed that we had been here before, and that we had just returned. I had made waffles here before, and i thought that i could make some more. I remembered cleaning the waffle iron before. I wondered what the owners would think when they arrived home and found that their waffle iron was clean. I did something on the counter to the north, and then walked to the western side of the room. The kitchen now seemed to be a room on the western side of the house. The corridor i had come down ran down the northern side of the house and then opened up into the kitchen. Another corridor also seemed to be run from the southern end of the kitchen. The walls of the kitchen seemed to be black, and the paneling below the counters was black as well. I opened up the waffle iron, which was in the center of the western counter. Residue from part of a waffle was still in the iron. I remembered cleaning it, but thought that i must have left the mess anyway. I took part of the iron to the southwest. The sink was in the counter at the corner of the southern side of the eastern wall of the room. I started cleaning out part of it, looking at the small bottle of soap that i had in my right hand. I tried to get soap out of the bottle, but nothing was coming from the pointed rubber tip. I focused on the rubber tip for a moment, trying to get the soap out. I then realized that someone was moving to the east of me, down the southern corridor of the room. The corridor ran to the east-southeast and opened up into what appeared to be a garage. The man in the red jacket was doing something in the garage. I felt nervous that he might see me there, and i thought that he might be a neighbor to the people whose house we were staying in. I was nervous that he might realize that we were not supposed to be here and call the police. The man walked to the northeast, out of sight. I looked back at the bottle of soap, trying to focus on the tip to get soap out. I glanced up to the southeast to see the man walking back to the southwest. I was sure that he would see me standing at the counter, but he continued to the southwest without looking in my direction. I moved to the north, walking around the corner in the counter and getting out of sight of the man. I continued to try to wash the thing out in the sink. I kept thinking about the man, not sure that he would actually call the authorities or not. I felt uncomfortable, not sure what to do. I then walked back to the sink, not caring if the man actually turned us in or not. As i reached the sink, though, i started to worry that the man might realized that we should not be staying in this house, and i felt nervous again. I looked to the east to see the man heading back to the southwest again from the northeastern side of the garage. This time, a woman was with him. They turned to the west and saw me together. I felt suddenly uneasy, and i pretended to be washing something in the sink again. The man and woman approached me. I grabbed the sprayer with my right hand, and a long thin stream of water sprayed out to the south. I turned to see the water spray the woman across her pants. She was wearing a pair of tight-fitting blue jeans, which seemed to have some kind of flowery pattern painted near the upper outer thighs. I felt suddenly upset, and i started apologizing to the woman. I walked toward her, telling her how sorry i was. I had to act overly upset so that they did not suspect that we were staying here without the owners’ permission. I walked in an arch to the northeast, ending up heading west. I stopped and sat down on the ground, holding my hands forward to face the man and woman, who were to the west of me. I crouched down to the ground, pretending to act very upset. The people seemed concerned about me, and i hoped that they did not realized that we were staying here without permission.

I got into the car with the other people and we started to drive to the east, along the northern side of the street. We were in a small town. The building to the southeast of us seemed to be a public building, with a wide grass lawn in front of it. I sat in the back seat of the car, behind the driver, who was on the left-hand side of the car. $A616 sat in the front passenger’s seat. These people all seemed to go to school with me, and i commented about it. At first i said that everyone in the car had been in same school, though not all at the same time. I then realized that we had actually all been in the same school at the same time. I asked the others in the car when they had gone to school in this area, saying that we had actually all been in elementary school together. I said that i was in the school from third to sixth grade. I knew that this overlapped with the woman who was driving the car. $A616 then said that he had gone to the school from two years old to fifth grade. The woman in the back seat with me also said that she had gone to the school. This seemed very interesting, and we continued to drive to the southeast. I was now sitting on the right-hand side of the back seat, and the woman was sitting to the left of me. She commented on the clouds near the mountains, surprised that they were evaporating so quickly. She mentioned the frost melting. I looked at the tall rocky ridge to the north of us as we drove east. The clouds looked like old layers of snow hovering over the southern face of the gray rocky peaks. They were evaporating quickly, but i could still see the small puffy clouds, which looked like dirty snow banks. I thought about the frost evaporating as we seemed to turn to the south. I was not sitting in the front seat of the car, and i realized that the woman driving had turned the car suddenly to the southeast, across a browning field of grass. I felt a little confused about this, looking out the front window at want appeared to be rows of harvested corn stalks among a snowy mud field. I asked her if she was really driving the car across a field. She nodded, saying that she was. I was not sure how the car could so easily run across the dirt, and i glanced around, looking at the field as we passed over it. I then commented that it was a good thing to have a good off-road vehicle. I thought about the black truck that we were riding in. I then noticed that the ground ahead of us, to the southwest of us, had tired indents in it already. Others had crossed this field. We were ascending a shallow hill to the southwest, and i could see the tracks going over the crest of the hill. We continued to follow the tracks, and the woman told me that we were taking the shortcut to get to the area. I remembered that the roads ran to the southeast of us, heading to the south and then to the west. This must be why we were taking a more direct route. We followed the indents in the ground to the west a little, coming into an area where trees stood at the edges of the narrow fields. A narrow corridor of grass ran to the west, but we turned to the south, onto another narrow tract. Green trees rose on both sides of us. I was impressed that we were able to keep moving at such a speed over the dirt ground. As i thought this, though, i realized that we had come to a sudden stop. A large broken piece of rotting tree had fallen across the path in front of us. I was humored, thinking that this was the only thing that could stop this kind of car. I moved the log to the east of my seat and turned back to the west. The woman was sitting to the south of me, and we were both seated in gray seats in the middle of the audience of the small chapel. Other members of the congregation were sitting in front and behind us. I knew that we had come into the church from the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. We had moved along the northern wall of the church until our seats slided easily into the center of the pews, along with all of the other gray seats in the church. The seats had rounded backs, with gray cushions. It felt uncomfortable to be here, and i thought that we should continue driving. A man was standing on the western side of the room. He had been preaching to the congregation, but he had stopped, distracted by us. I remembered that the shortcut had led us to the church, and i now thought that we would probably be driving on roads from the church to the west. The woman started driving again. Our seats slided to the south, along with the entire row of chairs that were around us. The people who had been in the rear seat of the truck were still sitting in the audience, unmoved. The chairs turned along the southern wall of the room and moved to the west. As we reached the western wall, the chairs turned to the north and came to a stop. The woman and i were near the southern end of the eastern wall, facing east. I wondered how we were going to get the people who had been sitting behind us out of the aisles. The chairs around us now seemed to be part of the truck, but the others were in the original arrangement of chairs, and were not in the row that had moved sideways and around the walls. I was nervous about leaving them here and wondered what we should do.

12012 July 14

I turned to the north, walking between the tan modern cement buildings of the campus. These seemed to be part of the science area of the campus, on the northern side of the campus. Other people were walking around the area. I followed the group through the twisting corridors of the building, finding myself in a small gorge. The gorge ran between the buildings and came to a small waterfall. I followed the gorge to the west and the back to the north. The corners turned at ninety-degree angles, and tall walls rose to the south and west. I had been walking with the others, but they continued to the south down the gorge. I stopped to look at the waterfall. I was standing on a rock ledge on the southern side of a corner in the water channel. The water seemed to be flowing from the north, but the water under me flowed from the east and spilled over the rock ledge to the north, falling into the small pool to the north of me. A young man jumped into the pool as his friend stood to the west of me, watching. The others i had come with did not want to jump into the pool, so they returned to the south, but i felt that i would have to go on to the north. I had to get back to the place. I was nervous about jumping into the pool, though. I looked around at the rocks near me as the second young man jumped to the north. I wanted to head to the north, but i did not want to get totally wet doing it. I wondered if i would be able to climb along the rocks along the western side of the pool. I moved around the small area on top of the rock ledge for a moment, wondering what i should do. The tan rocks of the gorge were very flat. I noticed a stone wall just to the west of me, running along the edge of the ledge. I had considered climbing to the west where lower levels of rocks seemed to descend to the north, toward the rocks on the western side of the pond, but i noticed that thick ropes were strung from the southern end of the short stone wall. The college had designed this path, and they did not want people venturing too far to the west. I considered hopping over the rope and climbing down the rocks, but i decided that i had better not. I wondered if people from the college would be watching the gorge. I looked up to the west, noticing the tall glass wall to the west. A tall tan building stood on the southern side of the short gorge: its base just above my head. Another tan building ran along the western side of the gorge, to the northwest of me. Its southeastern corner poked out into the gorge a little, forming a square area to the west of me. The western side of this square area was closed in with a tall glass wall, which extended six or seven floors to the tops of both buildings. Thick black metal frames held the rectangles of glass in place. The glass itself seemed dirty and covered with green algae or white mildew. As i looked at it, i noticed a student walking behind the windows, several stories up. He was wearing a dark long-sleeve shirt and glanced down as he passed from the northern building to the southern building. At the top of the wall, a glass panel extended to the east, forming a ceiling over the area that i was in. This gorge had been builded into the buildings. I looked down at the rounded rocks to the west of me, below the level that i was standing on. I wanted to get to them, but i did not want to cross over the rope fence. I turned back to the north, thinking that i should just leave this area. I remembered that the gorge ran through the bottom floor of the building to the northwest of me. This was how i had come here. I pictured the black corridor through the building. I would have to climb down the rocks to the north, and i hoped that i did not get wet. I then started to feel that something was wrong. It started to become very dark. I wondered if clouds had moved in to cover the sun, but then i realized that it was actually too dark for clouds. Something was wrong. There was something physically blocking the sun overhead. I hurried to the northwest, now moving across the paved paths of the campus. I glanced up to the southwest, over the center of campus. I could see a dark shadow moving through the gray clouds. A tall stone clock tower stood to the south of me, and the shadow passed very close over the top of it. I imagined that it was a space ship. I pictured a large round object floating over the buildings. The space ship was trying to block the light of the sun for some reason. I imagined the ship starting far off in space. It must have been very large to block enough sun. As it got closer, the sun would have grown dark. I then noticed a convex cone descending through the clouds to the southwest of me. It poked down through the gray clouds, over the buildings of the campus. It had vertical designs on the sides of the metallic cone. I was worried and thought that we would have to get away from this area very quickly. It would not be safe here. I headed to the northwest, thinking that everyone should escape the campus.

I followed my parents to the west, into the small brightly colored room of the restaurant. I was uneasy here. The room was oddly shaped, with a square section to the northwest and another to the southeast. The areas overlapped in the center of the room. The southeast section seemed to be empty, but two black rectangular tables were set up in the other area. The tables ran east to west. A group of young people was sitting at the southern table, so my family started to sit at the northern one. I felt that we were interrupting something here. I turned back to the east, looking at something, thinking that the young woman at the southern table wanted to do something religious. As i turned back to the west, i noticed my father seating himself on the western side of the table. The young people were standing now around their table, and one of the men said something about saying grace before meals. My relatives stood up to say grace with them. I had been reading a white piece of paper and was holding it in my hands to the west of me. I decided that i should put it down, and i turned to the east. A closet with shelfs stood to the east of me. I placed the large stiff piece of paper on the top shelf. A narrow clear-plastic tube was standing on the shelf, and i bumped it with the card. It wobbled to the south a little, but did not tip over. The tube had dark-greenish-blue beads in the bottom fifth of it. The rest of the container was filled with a sand of the same dark color. I hoped that it did not tip as i turned my attention back to the west, though i was worried about it slowly losing balance and falling forward. One of the young men near me was watching it now. I hoped that it did not spill. The man was wearing a dark suit and a black hat. He watched the shelf for a moment before turning his attention back to the table to the west. I looked up at the table to the west of me, noticing that the woman was now standing to the west of the table. A small round tray was on the table in front of her, and people were tossing what appeared to be coins into it. The coins were large and gold in color, and they had intricate engravings on the faces. Someone tossed half of a large coin into the bin. I realized that these coins were ceremonial; they had something to do with the church. I wondered what i should be doing. I was not Christian, so i did not have any of the tokens from the church. The priest was wearing dark robes as he walked from the northwest to the eastern side of the table to the north of me. He stopped just to the north of me, moving in a pseudo dance that mimicked something burlesque. He held out his right hand, and there was a small tray with a white coin on it. He shifted his hips to the side suddenly, and the coin slided from the tray into the round basket in front of the woman. Before the coin left the tray in the priest’s hand, i noticed that it was white with gold-colored trim around the sides. A large number six was printed in the center of the coin in roman numerals. As the coin fell into the round metal basket, i noticed that several of the other coins had roman numerals on them as well. They all had some kind of significant meaning in this religion. This situation seemed strange to me, and i did not want to have any part in their ceremonies.

12012 July 15

I sat on the southern side of the street with a few of the other people. We were all part of a group that was visiting this place. I chatted with the man standing to the north of me, and we talked about this area. A man was then sitting to the west of me. I remembered him from before. He had been sitting in a chair to the north of me in the other place, and he had seemed a little drunk. I had focused in on his face as he tried to talk to me. He had not been wearing a shirt, and i could see that he had a nice build to his upper body. I felt interested in him, but was not sure that i wanted to interact with him when he was drunk. I looked at him to the west of me, focusing in on his face. He was sitting with his knees up and his arms resting on them. He smiled at me as we chatted for a moment. I then started talking about the group that we were with, mentioning that we had come to this area. We were on the southern side of a road. I could not see the buildings on the sides of the road, but they seemed like resorts. I turned to the east, looking down the stretch of land that we were on. I told the people that i wanted to go to the beach. I could see the long thin island that we were on. This place was familiar, and it seemed that i had been here before. The land ran to the east-northeast, with a jagged hook at the eastern end that turned back to the northwest. Just to the northeast of us was a rounded hump on the northern side of the island. The land was covered with yellow sand and green trees, and i could see white buildings scattered across it. I seemed to be looking down from very far up. I then turned my attention back to the shirtless man, who was now sitting on the ground to the east of me. We had to go do something as part of our trip. The man to the north of me mentioned breakfast. I realized that i had not eaten, and i said something about breakfast. It felt awkward discussing breakfast with the man, for some reason. I thought that the group that we were traveling with was going to supply breakfast for us. I felt a little unsure of what i should do as i stood up.

12012 July 16

It was night in the city as i drove up the shallow slope of the street, heading east. I was looking for a place to park on the southern side of the road. The buildings around me were covered with bright lights. I pulled up close to the curb at an open spot. It did not seem quite right, but i wanted to see if i could stop there. As i stopped, i was aware of a car driving around me and stopping to the east. It seemed to be a police car, and i felt that the person in it was watching me. I looked to the west. I could see the large screen that was projected onto the side of the building to the northwest. I would have to park in view of it. I did not feel good in the parking spot, though, so i turned the car to the north and crossed the street, heading into the large parking lot. A strip mall ran along the northwestern side of the lot, with a second line of storefronts to the east. Everything was brightly lighted, and the parking lot seemed to be full of cars. I turned my car around in the parking lot and stopped on the northern side of the lot. This seemed like a better parking space. As i looked to the west, though, i realized that i could not see the television screen to the west. The large buildings of the plaza were now blocking it from view. Annoyed, i turned back to the south and drove to the road. No parking spots were on the northern side of the road, so i thought that i would have to turn around and park in the spot that i had stopped in before. I felt anxious, hoping that the spot would still be open when i got back. I did not know where to turn around, though. The street seemed very crowded, and i could not easily make a U-turn. I headed to the west, until i reached the end of the plaza and line of stores. A narrow street ran to the south, behind the stores. I decided that the street probably met up with other streets and would allow me to drive around the block and come out on the eastern side of the plaza, near where the parking spot was. I turned up the narrow road, suddenly feeling unsure about the road as the area around me became dark. This was a back street, and no lights were on it. The road ran up hill slightly and seemed very narrow. I started to worry that people could easily ambush me here. I hoped that the road ran quickly around the block. As i reached the top of the hill, though, i realized that the road ended suddenly. Tall banks of snow were on either side of the street, and the road seemed to have been cut out from the deep snow. A short road ran to the east, just before the path in the snow ended. The roads must have continued farther, but the snow had simply not been cleared away. I started to back up, but realized that a car was coming up the road behind me, its lights bright in my mirror. Annoyed, i backed to the west, into another short plowed area of the road. These areas must have been designed as turn-arounds. As i backed to the west, i thought that the other car would now be able to drive past me so that i could drive forward down the hill and back to the main street. I looked to the southwest as i stopped to the west to wait for the other driver. I was actually standing inside a small store. The walls were covered with wood, and wooden beams held up the second floor and balconies. All around me, merchandise hung from the wooden beams and posts. This place seemed to sell leather goods and other items associated with the western United States. A man was standing on the worn wooden planks of the floor to the southwest. He asked me a question as i waited for the woman on the road behind me. The man was dressed in dark pants and wore a leather vest. I told him that i was not sure what i was interested in, saying that i was just looking. I was not sure what to do in the store, so i glanced around at some of the things here. Leather purses hung from the rack to the north of me. I looked at some of the thick leather straps, some of which seemed to be made from snake skin. I looked over one of the bags with my left hand, but let it go and watched it swing back into place on the rack. I hoped that the woman who had come up the road behind me was ready to get out of the way so that i could drive back down the road.

I looked at the piece of paper that was in my hand. Someone else then had the piece of paper as we started discussing it. I thought about the design on the paper, thinking that it had some kind of significance. A large rectangle filled the center of the paper, and the rectangle was crossed by several large Xs. These lines were significant in some way, and i was very interested in them. I imagined how i should draw them. Four Xs seemed to be in the center of the rectangle. I looked closely at the lines of the rectangle. They had been drawn with a gray ink, and seemed to have been traced with a wide round stylus. The disk shape on the corners where the stylus paused was more than a centimeter wide. I focused for a moment on the lower left corner, looking at the darker spot in the center of the stylus where the lines had overlapped. I described how to trace the lines, saying that the X at the bottom of the rectangle was larger than the others above it. The X pattern ran all the way across the rectangle. The bottom one seemed to cover almost half of the rectangle, but the two above it were squatter, and covered only a quarter to a third. I then focused on the places where the top X met the corners of the rectangle. I remembered that the X could not end with at an angle in the center of the rectangle; the feet had to reach the upper corners. I traced over the image with my finger, thinking again that the lines could not come together at the top of the rectangle, but had to end up separated in the corners. The others moved around the room, but we were all focused on the paper. It had some ceremonial significance. I rubbed the left side of the figure with the index finger of my left hand. I seemed to be rubbing some kind of oil on the design. It had some thing to do with spiritual essence. I felt very interested in the design, concentrating on how it was drawn. I could not decide how many crossed lines there were in the center of the design, but i decided that the two squat ones in the middle were important.

I grabbed some of my things from the floor near the western wall of the back room of my parents’ house. I had to put my things in the car to leave. I said something to my mother, who was standing with my father to the southwest of me as i gathered an armful of clothes. I started picking up several more things from the floor. I only thought that i had a small amount of stuff here, but realized that more clothes were on the floor than i had thought. I grabbed a pair of white tube socks with blue rings around the top and put them on top of the clothes in my arms. I felt stressed, feeling that i had too much to take with me. I was surprised at how much i had left here. I turned to the north and started walking up the driveway toward the garage, where my car seemed to be. I stopped just short of the garage, noticing the stacks of boxes in the driveway. I felt suddenly confused by them, and i wanted to know why they were there. The stacks were neat, with all of the sides of the boxes forming a smooth column. I looked more closely at the stack on the east, noticing that many of the cardboard boxes contained T-shirts. My mother was putting these into storage. The box on top had an open face, and i could see the spines of several DVD boxes. I felt upset that she was putting all of this stuff in storage. It did not seem like something she should be doing. I then noticed the smaller clear-plastic boxes in the middle of the stack. They were cubical and about five or six centimeters across. The word “STATE” was written on several of them in black ink. I knew that they were the T-shirts from $P9, where my mother had worked. She was saving all of these souvenirs. Something seemed very wrong about having them out in the garage, though. I was not quite sure what i should do. I decided that i would have to finish getting all of my things together. I turned to the southwest and started moving across the back yard of the house. I noticed the guitar resting on the large box in the middle of the back yard. I started running toward it, thinking that i had to get it to put in my car. As i approached, i noticed that it was only the body of a tan and red-flair guitar body with black edging. The body was lying face down on the box, and i hurried toward it.

12012 July 17

I stood looking to the east, glancing down at the object in front of me, which looked like two wooden crutches or stilts. The rattle snakes had attacked someone, and the person to the east of me was saying something about it. I described the attack, saying that one of the snakes bit the man on the inside of his left leg, and then bit him again on the inside of his right leg. I considered for a moment whether a single snake could have made both bites. I felt very upset about the attack, and i worried about the man who was bit.

I paced around the small room, thinking about the chain reaction. It seemed important, and i wanted to know what was going to happen. I turned to the east, looking at the metal doors in the wall. I was actually in a large elevator car, and i realized that the doors of the car had not opened in a very long time. It seemed that i had reached the floor that i was supposed to be on, but the doors had not opened. I wondered if they were simply stuck. The elevator jerked suddenly, and i realized that we were descending again. I had been in the elevator too long, and it must have started back to the bottom floor. I was supposed to be on the fourteenth floor. I felt annoyed and walked over to the panel of buttons, which was to the north of the exit door. I wondered whether the top floor was actually a restricted floor, thinking that i might need a special key to get the door to open on that floor. The metal panel had a button at the top, and two or three dark spaces below it where buttons should have been. The lower buttons were missing. The elevator stopped, and i thought that it must have reached the lower floor, but the doors still did not open. The elevator’s logic must not know that someone was inside. I pressed the button for the fourteenth floor again, and the elevator ascended. I looked over my right shoulder at the pillows on the southern side of the elevator. They were sitting on top of a small table, which was pushed against the southern wall. The pillows seemed like couch cushions because they seemed to have flat surfaces and sharp edges. The top pillow was tipped to the north as it rested on top of the lower pillow. The eastern edge of the top pillow was black, and bluish-white letters scrolled across the edge, showing the status of the elevator. The elevator had gone all the way to the top again, but the door still did not open. The top floor must have been restricted. I glanced at the pillow a few times to check on the elevator’s status. I then decided to try pressing one of the floors in between the lower floor and the fourteenth floor. I pressed the button for floor five. The door to the elevator opened, and, as i exited, i looked at the control panel to the north of the door. I wondered if the dark area above the upper button was for a key. I thought that maybe a key was necessary for the door to open on the fourteenth floor. Instead, i noticed that the dark area over the numbers was a small camera lens. I stepped out of the elevator and into the white hall. Looking south, the hallway was featureless, with smooth walls. The seams in the walls seemed to be doors, but i could see no hinges or handles. The hall seemed to widen a ways to the south, which now seemed to be the east, and i could see some people moving around. One of them seemed to be a nurse. She was wearing a white uniform, and she moved from the western side of the hall, which now seemed to be the southern side of the hall, to the northern side. A patient in pale-green clothing sat in a wheelchair near the northern wall, facing west, toward me. I then heard $A14’s voice to the west of me. I was surprised to hear it, and i realized that i must have chosen the correct floor, which seemed amazing. Out of all the floors of the building, i happened to choose the one that $A14 was on. I looked down the hallway to the west, noticing $A14 walking to the east, down the northern side of the hall. He was wearing tan shorts and had on a dull shirt. He carried a metal cafeteria tray in front of him, and he was talking to someone that i could not see. The northern wall of the corridor receded to the north on the western end, and $A14 was walking down the section of wider corridor. I watched him until he passed out of view behind the corner in the northern wall. I felt anxious, suddenly, thinking that i did not want $A14 to see me here. I turned back to the east, but noticed that the elevator door had closed. Because all of the doors on the hallway were smooth to the wall, i had no way of opening the elevator from the corridor. I was annoyed, and turned instead to the south, where a corridor ran from the east-to-west corridor, just to the west of the elevator. I would have to look for stairs. The southern corridor was white as well, and it too had featureless walls. I thought that the stairs were on the eastern side of the hallway, just past the corner where the eastern wall was set back to the east, widening the southern end of the corridor. I hurried to the south, trying to get out of sight of $A14 before he came around the corner. As i came around the corner in the eastern wall, i noticed that the doors to the east of me were flush against the wall. They did not seem to lead to stairwells, though, and i felt disappointed. I looked to the south, where the corridor opened up into a larger room. I was not sure what i should do. There was no place for me to go here. I turned back to the north, rounding the corner in the eastern wall again. As i did, i saw $A14 walking down the corridor toward me. He was heading directly toward me, so i had to say hello. I greeted him, pretending that it was a coincidence that he was in the exact same building as i was. I asked him what he was doing in this hospital. I then suddenly realized that i did not know where this hospital was. I tried to picture it, imagining the city around it, but i could not remember how i had gotten here. The hospital seemed to be a white area on the eastern side of town, but i did not know exactly which hospital it was. I looked down at the ground as i walked toward $A14. I was now walking along a ledge on the eastern wall of the room. The floor of the ledge was smooth and modern, and the rough edge looked like chipped stone. It was painted blue where the chips were missing from the flat surface around the side of the edge. This was some artistic detail of the room, which now seemed to be more of a gallery. The ledge ran along the northeastern wall of the room. The eastern wall was broken into several parts, with the southern parts recessed farther to the east than the northern part, which blended into the hallway that $A14 was still walking down. I came to the northernmost corner of the eastern wall and started down the long flight of stairs that descended from the balcony to the ground level. The stairs seemed rather long and the ledge was higher now that i was descending the stairs. The room was an art gallery, and i spoke to $A14 as i descended the stairs. I started walking past him, to the north. He had stopped to look at something to the southeast. He seemed fascinated by the art here. I told him that i liked art and turned to look into the large room. The ceiling was now a few tall stories up, and the ledge formed a platform in the southeastern corner of the room. The wall under the ledge was flush with the corridor, and i was aware of a large blue painting on the southern end of the eastern wall on the upper level. I turned to see what $A14 was looking at. Most of the floor in the southwestern side of the room was covered with a low flat sculpture, which seemed to be composed of thick rounded bars of bluish white. The sculpture was taller on the western side and tapered down to the floor on the eastern side. Glancing at $A14, though, i realized that he was looking upward. I looked up to the top of the wall. The balcony seemed to extend along the southern wall, forming a shelf in the southwestern corner. A large statue seemed to be on the upper level. It was composed of thin pointy sticks. There were many of them stacked together, and they seemed to form the red and yellow figure of a reclined woman. Her blond hair was to the west, and her red shirt to the east. She seemed to be sleeping. My view shifted a little, and the pile of sticks became very sharp. The figure of the woman was obscured, and i could only see the pile of sticks. It had something to do with looking at the sculpture at the right angle. I remained looking at the figure, and the sticks blurred together, forming the shape of the woman again. $A14 talked about the sculpture, mentioning the name of a mythical character. I could not remember the story that he was referring to. I liked the artwork, but wanted to get back to something. We turned to the north and headed back down the hall together.

12012 July 18

I had been heading down the long flight of stairs at the hotel, following my parents and grandparents to the west. The stairs ran along the southern wall, but a northern wall also seemed to be present. As we reached the bottom of the stairs and came into a fancy hallway, with a red and gold carpet, i remembered that i had forgotten something in the room. My father’s parents were with my parents, and they continued to the west a little before turning to the south to head into the dining room. I ran back to the east, up the stairs and into the small bedroom on the upper floor. The stairwell ended on the western side of the bedroom. The room was rectangular, but had four extensions: two to the north and two to the south. The extensions seemed like dormers, and the ceiling seemed to be sloped on the northern and southern sides as well. I moved to the bed on the eastern side of the room. To my surprise, the plastic bag from earlier in the day was still sitting on the northeastern corner of the bed. I had bought groceries before, but had forgotten to put them away. The refrigerator was to the north of me, and i put something into it. I then noticed that the gallon jug of milk was sitting just in front of the pillow on the red bed spread. I was annoyed that i had forgotten to put it into the refrigerator, and i was worried that it might have spoiled a little. I picked it up from the bed, noticing that the jug had been leaking. A wet spot was left on the bed. I felt disappointed as i lifted the jug. I then noticed that the jug seemed to be sagging. It must have deflated in the heat, which as causing it to leak. Annoyed, i put the jug away and headed back to the west. I came down the stairs again and started down the hallway at the bottom. I was back in the corridors of the fancy restaurant. A doorway was in the southern wall, just at the bottom of the stairs. I could see a dining room there, with a large fancy wooden table in the center, but it was not the room in which my relatives were eating. I started to feel anxious, thinking that they were waiting on me to have dinner. I wondered if my father’s father would really wait for me, or whether he would start dinner. I knew that my father’s mother would not be happy if i was late for the scheduled dinner, and i felt upset that i would be disappointing them. I hurried to the west, but stopped just short of the doorway in the southern wall that led to the correct dining room. I realized that i did not have my cell phone with me. I had gone upstairs to get it, but had forgotten to bring it down. I felt very annoyed again and hesitated, wondering what i should do. I knew that i would need it. Frustrated, i headed back to the east to go upstairs. I stopped on the eastern end of the hall, where the bottom of the stairs started. This time, the stairs ascended to the south for a few steps before ending on a landing in a red hallway. The red wallpaper seemed to be gilded with a floral diamond pattern above the main set of stairs, which ascended to the north, along the eastern wall. An elderly group of people was just starting up the bottom flight of stairs as i reached them. The woman helped the older man start up the stairs, but he was having difficulty climbing. I suddenly felt very annoyed with them, realizing that i would have to wait for them to head up the stairs before i could get up.

12012 July 19

I walked to the north, into the store with the other people. I had a large white plastic bag over my right shoulder. I stopped on the northern side of the store. The store was long east to west, and the others with me headed to the eastern side of the store. A square island counter was on the western side of the stare, and a few people were working behind it. I took the bag off of my shoulder and set it down on the ground. As it settled onto the ground, the mouth opened up, and i could see that it was full of boxes of board games. I felt a little uncomfortable having such a large bag in the store. The others moved around for a moment before they decided to leave to the south. I picked up the bag of games with my right hand, aware that the people who worked for the store were watching me. They were wearing dark clothing, and i thought that they might be suspicious of me because i was carrying such a large bag. They might think that i was trying to steal something from the store. I walked to the southwest, leaving through the large doorway in the western end of the southern wall. I was walking with the others now as we turned to the east, heading along what appeared to be a sidewalk outside. It seemed dark, but the sky still had some light to it. The city around us was illuminated with yellow incandescent lights. The woman who was walking ahead of me mentioned the flickering lights to the southeast. I looked, not seeing them right away. She said that they were down by the harbor. I could tell that a large bay was to the south of us, and i could see a strip of buildings on the southeastern side of it, where the main shoreline was, but i could not see the lights because a large structure was in the way. As we continued to walk to the east, though, i spotted the cluster of blinking lights on what must have been a boardwalk near the shore. Something was happening down at the harbor, and i felt interested in it. I told the woman that i wanted to go see the lights as well. I also thought that the others would be interested. We came to the apartment to the east, and i paced around the room, thinking of what we should do.

12012 July 20

I crossed the floor of the shop, heading to the northeast. My parents were in the shop with me, and someone else was also with us. Several other people meandered around the shop. I moved to the north, where a table was set up near the northern wall. The shop seemed to occupy two rooms, with little or no wall between them. The rooms were not the same length east to west, though, and the northern room did not extend as far west as the southern part. I stood to the east of the table as the person to the north of the table looked at the stone jewelry on its black surface. The jewelry was red with black marks. The person to the north looked over them, and the woman to the south of the table, who was with me, said that the jewelry looked very nice. The stones were a few centimeters long, with smooth corners. I told the woman that the stones were fake rubies. They were actually white stones that had been died red. The woman to the south did not seem to care, and she said something to the man to the north. I turned to the south and wandered back through the middle of the floor. The shop seemed to be filled with jewelry and other trinkets. I remembered this shop from a long time ago, and i somehow related it to the New-Age movement. I glanced to the north, at the woman behind the table on the northern side of the shop. She ran the northern section of the store, which seemed to sell jewelry. I could see the ashen-red rounded baubles on the shelf behind her. The southern part of the shop seemed to sell more trinkets. A round sphere of something that looked like white stone was on a table to the southeast of me. I imagined that it could float. This shop seemed special, and i imagined picking up the sphere and then watching it float in the southeastern corner of the store. I turned to the west, thinking that the sphere was still floating behind me.

12012 July 21

I felt groggy and unfocused as i headed to the west to look out the window of my bedroom. The window was in the northern end of the western wall. I was waiting for something to happen. I looked outside, noticing suddenly how dark it seemed outside. The wide rectangular lawn was cut grass, with no trees in it, and it was surrounded on the south and west by hedges and trees. A road bordered the northern side. I looked up into the sky, noticing how dark it was. The clouds had been gray in the southwestern sky, but when i looked to the northwest, it was dark enough that i could not even see the clouds. I decided that a storm must be coming in. This did not seem right, though. The clouds were much too dark. If it was a storm, it must be a severe storm. I felt a little nervous, wondering what was happening. I tried to see what was to the north, but everything seemed so dark. I turned back to the east and walked into the room, suddenly wondering whether this was real. I then remembered that i had been asleep, and i woke up suddenly to see that i was lying in my bed, facing east. I thought about this for a moment before i started across the room from the window. If there had been a storm outside, i wanted to share it with someone. $F45 was still not home, so i could not talk to him. I reached the southern side of the table, which was in the center of the room, and i thought about talking with people on internet chat. I thought about $A244 and how i used to chat with her and others. I remembered that people no longer used Internet Relay Chat to talk. I had just seen the chat rooms and they were empty. I wanted to share my thought with someone, but no one would be on chat. I turned to the north, looking at the large wooden piece of furniture, which seemed to be a piano. It was turned to the northwest, into the corner of the small living room. I turned to it to do something, but realized that it was not quite in the right place. I looked down at the wood floor at the base of the piano as i pushed the piano back to the northwest. I noticed suddenly that the floor seemed to be sagging under the piano. I could see a line running across the floor from northeast to southwest, just in front of the piano. The floor under the piano seemed to be a few centimeters lower than the floor where i was standing, and i could see the boards bending over the edge. This did not make sense, though. I knew that boards could not bend so easily in such a short distance; the drop off was almost vertical. Something seemed very wrong, and i tried to figure out what. I thought that the house must be sinking, and i started to worry about it. I decided that i would have to go into the basement to see what was happening to the beams under the floor. I turned to the south and crossed the room. Just outside the door to the room, i opened the cellar door, which was to the east. I could see down the cellar stairs. It seemed dark suddenly, and i tried to focus on the stairs, but something was wrong. I was not moving properly. I suddenly realized that i was still asleep and that this was not real. I woke up suddenly in my bedroom, lying on my bed, facing east. I closed my eyes again and thought about the stairs. The room was again gray around me, and i was sitting in the bedroom. The basement stairs had been part of a dream. As i sat there, i realized that i could hear a car door closing. It sounded familiar, and i thought that $F45 had finally arrived home. I moved to the west to see. I came to the bedroom window and looked out over the lawn. $F45’s car was not parked in the driveway, so he had not actually come home. A small paved part of the driveway ran to the west, from the main part of the driveway. It was directly across the driveway from me now. I then noticed the red car parked on the side of the road to the northwest. It was an older car that had been designed like a car on the front with the bed of a truck on the back. The back end of the car was backed on to the side of my lawn, and i thought that someone was dumping things into the ditch on the side of the road. This annoyed me, and i started outside to see what was going on. I moved around something, losing view of the car. I was soon outside and i headed down the driveway to the north. The car was no longer on the side of the road, but i noticed the tire tracks where it had torn up the grass as it pulled in. An egg carton was sitting on the ground to the southeast of the tracks. It was open and something was in it. As i came to the end of the driveway and looked to the west, down the length of the ditch, i realized that someone had been digging in the dirt just to the north of the ditch and to the south of the tire tracks. Several test tubes seemed to be lying on the ground to the south of the hole. I wondered if someone had been testing the soil or water here. The egg carton was open, and i could see something yellow in it. It seemed related to the fried egg that was on the ground to the south. I thought about this as i paced to the southwest, across the grass. I was on my bicycle now, and i turned the south to get it back onto the pavement. The parking pad on the western side of the driveway was just to the south of me now. $F45 normally parked his car there, but he had not come home yet, so the space was empty. I rode up it, noticing that the thick flower stalks growing on the northern side of the pad were tipped to the north. I remembered planting them all along the pad, but only two seemed to be growing at the moment. They had thick rounded stalks and long angular fins that fanned out from the main stalk to the east and west, forming a series of concentric Vs. The fins were green, with a deep purple or red hue across the top edge. The upper fins seemed to be buds. As i passed over them, i thought that the deer must be eating them, which was why they were not doing so well. I turned the bicycle to the east, heading back toward the driveway. I then circled to the north again, wondering what could be happening near the road. Before i turned all the way north, though, my attention was drawn to the garage door in the basement of the house to the east of me. I could see a gap under the door and under the parts of the house framing the door. I then remembered how the floor under the piano had sagged, and i wondered if there was something wrong with the house. I headed toward the door. The bottom edge of the white garage door was about a deci from the ground. I suddenly realized that it had not closed all the way. This meant that the motor of the electric garage-door opener was still running, trying to close the door. The door must have been stuck. I felt worried that the motor would burn out, so i hurried to the door to give it a push. Before i reached it, the door jerked suddenly and then lowered to the ground. This should have solved the problem. When i looked at the part of the house to the north of the door, though, i could see that there was still a gap. The white siding of the house was a few centimeters from the cement foundation. I started to worry that the foundation of the house was sinking. I then remembered what had happened to the floor under the piano, and i worried about the house. I then remembered that the piano had not been real. I had been dreaming. I realized that this was part of a dream. I was still lying in my bed, trying to sleep. I then remembered that, even though i had woken up before, i had slipped back into sleep, as if i was never really awake. This seemed unnatural, and i wondered if i was stuck in a dream. I thought about this as i sat on the gray couch, which was on the eastern wall of the gray room. Someone, who seemed a little like $F45, was sitting to the south of me on the couch, and we were watching something to the west, which seemed like a television. I knew that the man was not $F45, because $F45 had not come home yet. The man stood up suddenly and hurried to the south, turning to the east and walking through a door in the eastern wall. He said that we had to hurry to get to the movie. I quickly stood up to follow him. I hesitated, though, not sure what we were doing. I knew that we were sneaking into the back of the cinema. I came do the dark-gray door, which was covered with a fuzzy material. The door had a round ring on the left side of its front surface. The other person had pulled the ring up and turned it to open the door. This was a special door that was used to cross between the different theaters, but people were not supposed to use it. I felt a little nervous as i grabbed the brass ring on the door and pulled the door open. Someone came from the north and followed me into the narrow corridor beyond. I had expected to enter in to the larger theater, where the movie would be shown, but i decided that the corridor simply ran between the theaters. The other person followed me closely as i headed to the east down the hall. The hall seemed to end at an opening in the floor. The opening was to the southeast of the me as i stood in the hallway. It cut across the floor and walls of the hallway. I realized that we must be above the other theater. This could not be the correct way to go. I looked down into the hole, thinking that it was probably a long way down to the chairs below. I could see some of the rows of seats, and the edge of a balcony seemed to curve just to the northeast of the opening. I felt nervous, thinking that the person behind me might be a staff member of the cinema, and might try to throw me out for sneaking into the theaters. I knew that i had purchased a ticket for this movie, though. I was just following $F45 into the theater using the back way. I would have to find another way to get down into the theater. The woman who was following seemed impatient, though, and wanted to push past me. I stopped in the hallway, thinking that i should make sure that i had my ticket with me. I pulled out my maroon wallet and opened it up. I could see the top of the tan ticket tucked into one of the pockets of the wallets. I then felt nervous about having it out where the woman could see it. I quickly started to fold my wallet back up, but something was wrong. I remembered suddenly that this was really part of a dream. I had to finish what i was doing here before i woke up, but my hands suddenly did not work so well. I started to feel stiff and unable to move the way i desired. My vision then started to darken. The dream was ending, but i still had not done what i was supposed to do.

I was groggy and falling asleep. I kept opening my eyes to see the pillow over me. I then heard $A606 telling me something. I woke up suddenly, looking at the things that i had been doing in the back seat of the car. I had been asleep and unable to wake up. I fooled around with the things in the seat in front of me. The car seemed to be a large American car. I then suddenly realized that the car was traveling down the street to the south, and we were approaching an intersection. I was still in the back seat of the car. I could reach the steering wheel, but could not reach the brakes. A line of cars was stopped in front of us. I felt nervous. We did not seem to be moving that fast, but i knew that i would have to crash into the cars ahead of me. I turned the wheel to the right, steering the car to the side of the road, where a line of parked cars was. Instead of hitting the small tan car in the street, i ran into the back of the larger dark car that was parked on the side. At first, i did not seem to hit it that hard, but then the back end of the dark car rose into the air and crinkled downward. The cars settled back down to the ground. I was very upset. I had not been in an accident before, and this one would be my fault. I thought that i could just drive away, but knew that i should not. I then thought that others around me would probably take down my license number if i tried to run away. I left the car on the side of the street as i tried to get out. I saw $A606 walking toward me from the southeast. I felt annoyed with him because the car somehow had something to do with him. I stepped out the passenger’s door of the car, to the north. The car was now parked on the northern side of a street, facing east. The accident seemed to have happened to the southwest. Children were playing to the north of me, though i could not see them. I still felt very upset and disappointed.

12012 July 22

I moved through the room with the others, preparing something. My parents were in the southwestern part of the room, and everyone was walking about the thing that we had to do. It seemed somewhat complicated, but i was looking at the piece of paper in my lift hand as i faced north. The paper had a list of questions with answers under them. This had something to do with the event that we were planning, and i considered that it might be easy to create the event by simply copying the questions into a time sequence. I then thought that it could not actually be this easy. I turned to the south as my parents walked to the east to leave the room. I was still trying to plan the thing, and felt a little confused by it. An East Asian man stood to the north of me now. He was to play some role in the event, and i knew that he had worked with us to do the pervious version of the show. He seemed confused and nervous about the show that we were preparing for. I said something to my parents, and they replied, commenting on the notes. I remembered that the oriental man had made notes the last time he was here. I turned to him, reminding him that i still had his notes. I now had a notebook and several papers in my hands. I looked at the man to the north of me. He was wearing a dark-blue shirt, and he had short black hair and a rectangular face. I flipped through some of the papers in my right hand before i noticed the folded piece of spiral-notebook paper. I handed the folded paper to the man. He unfolded it and started reading the writing on the inside. The writing was in black ink, and seemed to be in a neat handwriting. It would help him with the event that was about to happen.

12012 July 23

I moved around on the northern side of the room where the others were gathered. This place was someone’s apartment, and we seemed to be visiting here for a social function. I looked down at the small dogs that were running around the floor. $F43 was to the west of me, and she had a very small dog with her. The dog was about a deci long and only about three-quarters of a deci tall. It looked a little like a dachshund. The dog was mostly white with large black spots around its body. It galloped quickly around the floor, between the people standing in the room. I watched some of the people to the south. The man in the red shirt was ready to leave, and he moved to the door, which was in the center of the southern wall. The wooden door was opened inside, turned to the west, but the screen door was still closed. The man was still saying goodbye to the others in the room. $F43 was now to the southeast of me, standing a little to the east of the door. She was talking to someone. I noticed that her dog was standing near the door, though. I worried that the dog would try to escape when the man opened the door, and i said something about it. The man did not really hear me, though. When he finished saying goodbye to the others in the room, he opened the door and stood with it open for a moment. The small dog ran out and started racing to the west. I felt annoyed and knew that this would upset $F43. I ran out of the house to look for the dog. $F43 followed me into the front yard. I looked to the west, in the direction where the dog ran, but i could not see him. We seemed to be in a building that was near the eastern end of a long row of small houses. A large group of people seemed to be in the house just to the east. They were playing music and having a party as well. I then heard the sound of birds to the north of the houses. I was now standing to the southeast of the small brown building that i had been in, and i could see birds flying out of the dark-gray tangle of shapes behind the house. I thought that a coop was behind the house, and i decided that the dog had gone into the coop and scared the birds. I started walking to the back yard, uncertain. I then heard the sound of chickens being stirred up behind the house to the west. I told someone else that the dog had probably run behind the house to the west and gotten into the chicken coop. I told the other person to the southwest of me that the dog was probably running behind the houses where the chicken coops were. I headed to the northwest, walking behind the house where the people were gathered for the other party. The people in this house seemed more rustic than the people i had been staying with. They owned the coop behind the house and would probably be upset if the dog was running behind the pen. I could not see the dog no the north of the houses, but i continued to the west, looking for it. As i wandered along the northern side of the wooden wall of the house, i glanced to the south. I passed some windows where i could see the country people crowded in a room. I continued to the west a little, wondering how i could get back to the southern side of the building. A gap between buildings was to the south of me now, but it was dark and did not seem to run all the way through the building to the southern side. I started to wonder if any of the gaps between the buildings would run all the way to the other side. I did not want to stay behind the buildings too long because i worried that someone would get upset with me. I walked a little way farther to the west when i noticed another gap between the buildings. The roof extended across this gap as well, but i could see a grassy mound on the eastern side of the space. I could not see through to the front of the building, but i felt that this area would allow me to get to the front of the building. I started up the slope of the small hill, which was covered with tan dry grass. Several small chairs were set up on top of the hill, where children had come to play. I noticed that the ground fell off steeply to the west of the mound, so i was careful not to get too close to the edge. The mound was tall enough that it seemed to run very close to the ceiling, which now seemed to be the underside of the floor of the house. There was not enough space for me to walk upright over the hill, but i would be able to crawl under the house to get back to the front of the building. I looked at the chairs as i reached the top of the mound, thinking that the children of the apartments probably played here. I then noticed a metal ladder descending the steep dirt western side of the mound. I looked over the edge of the short dirt cliff, noticing that the western side of the area under the building was lower that the eastern side. I had been nervous about falling over the cliff, which was only about four meters tall, but i now realized that i could walk more easily in that area. I descended the ladder, looking at the wooden wall to the east. I realized suddenly that i was in a room. A mantle and hearth were set into the western wall, and an old broom was resting against the wall to the south of the mantle. A chair seemed to be to the north of the mantle. The house and the furnishings looked rustic and old, but everything seemed very clean. The high mound of dirt against the eastern wall now seemed to be a wooden balcony forming an upper level. The northern wall of the room was missing, leaving the room open to the outside. This seemed to be a simple house, and i wondered how the occupants stayed warm in the winter. I had to get to the front of the building, and i noticed a door in the middle of the southern wall. I opened the door and headed out, coming into a small entryway. The door was wooden, but had a pane of glass in the upper part. As i pulled the door closed behind me, i heard the voice of a woman calling from the north. She must have heard the door open. I felt nervous and wondered what i should do. I did not want her thinking that i had been in her house. I looked around the small entryway, which seemed to be the entryway of a small shop. The entryway protruded from the southern side of the building and had glass on the eastern, western, and southern walls. The exit door seemed to be in the southern end of the eastern wall, but i did not think that i should run out. The woman had heard me move the latch on her door, so i had to make it seem that i had been looking around in the entryway so that she would not know that i was actually in the house. I pretended not to hear her voice, and i moved to the door in the northern end of the eastern wall, which led into a small room to the east. I pressed against latch of the other door, peering through the glass window at the small room beyond. I then turned back to the west to see the woman standing behind the door in the western wall. I could see her dissatisfied expression through the glass in the upper part of the door. She seemed to be wearing an old-fashioned dress with a white apron over the front of it, and her long gray hair was tied back into a loose bun. I said hello to her, telling her that i was looking at the buildings of this apartment complex. She was in the entryway with me now, and she talked about the house. I said that i was impressed with the architecture, and i asked her if these buildings were made form an old barn. She said that they were. I was in the small room to the east now, which seemed to be a library, with shelfs on the northern wall. I looked to the east, out the large window, and i could see the row of buildings running in a slight curve. The buildings ran to the east-northeast from me, but curved back to the east-southeast by the eastern end. I could see the building on the end, where i had come from. The buildings seemed to be built on flat ground at the northern side of the city. The building i had come from seemed far away now, even though it seemed to be no more than a few hundred meters. I felt tired when i thought about walking all the way back to it.

12012 July 24

$F12 and i were looking for an apartment with some other people. We were in a room, and $F12 was sitting in a chair to the north of me, with his left leg up over the eastern arm of the chair. The other person, who was sitting to the southwest of him, mentioned something about an apartment. They then said that it was hard to find a good one. I thought about the large apartment that i had been in. I remembered that it seemed very spacious and modern. The building had slanted ceilings and many large glass windows. I pictured myself standing on the second level the last time i was there. I had looked to the west, out the slanting glass roof. This building was very familiar to me, and i thought that it was part of the same apartment complex that $F12 and i had lived in a long time ago. It was on the eastern side of the complex, and we had lived in a smaller apartment on the northern side of the complex. I asked $F12 about the apartment, mentioning that it was in the same complex that we had lived in before. I told him that it was large and spacious.

I drove to the east with the others. We were passing through a small down, and i had been on these roads many times before, though it seemed like i had not been here in a long time. I came to a stop at an intersection. The intersection was somewhat complicated. We were heading to the east on a road, which crossed a road heading north to south. Just across the intersection was another intersection, about ten or fifteen meters away. A small city building was on the southern side of the block between the two intersections. The road crossing the second intersection was running from the south-southeast to the north-northwest. I told the others that i thought that i knew where i was heading, but i was unsure. I started through the intersection, noticing a sign for Route 39 to the south of me. The sign was white with a black boarder. I remembered this road, but did not think that it was the road that i should be taking. I thought that i had seen a sign for Route 32, which was the road that ran close to my parents’ house. All of these roads seemed to run near where i was heading, but i could not remember which was the correct road. I wondered if i should actually take Route 39 to the south, where it would eventually connect with the road that i was looking for. I then wondered if it went too far south before it ran back in to the correct road. I drove through the second intersection, but realized that i did not recognize this way. I should have turned south at the second road, though i was not sure about this. I told the others that this was not the right way, and i started turning the car around to the north, trying to make a U-turn in the middle of the street. I walked to the north, across the dark room of the pub. I came to the bar on the northern side of the room. A large man in a dark coat was doing something to the east of me. It had something to do with the harmonica. I walked to the west, thinking about the routes and trying to figure out which one i should have taken. I came into the empty western room of the bar, weary of the man in the dark suit. He seemed to be a gangster, and i worried about him coming after me. I paused in the room, which seemed to have a pool table in the center. As i thought about the roads, i noticed a large poster hanging from the western wall. The poster was drawn in cartoon style, with four or five faces arranged around the poster. The background of the poster seemed to be a scene, all inked in dark grays. The faces were members of the gangs. I knew that the poster was stereotyping the different types of gangs into the groups represented in the posters. It made the statement that people fell naturally into different cliques. I felt that the poster was trying to make a statement that people should be separated by their type, but i did not think that this was true. It seemed to be a strange idea to me that people should be so easily categorized and put into gangs. I then focused on the male face on the upper right side of the poster. The man had curly blond or brown hair under a red knit cap. He was smiling, but i noticed that he seemed to have fangs. His features seemed like a wolf, and i thought that this must be a fictional representation of one of the cliques. I turned back to the east, heading back into the darker area of the pub. I stopped just before coming into the main room of the pub. I turned to the north and looked at the bag i had been carrying in my right hand. The other person had thrown it out, but i did not think that it should be thrown out. I pulled the harmonica out of the clear plastic bag, which seemed to be filled with mushy garbage or filth. The harmonica was covered with the brown sludge, and i brushed it off a little with my left hand. As i did, i realized that a man was standing to the west of me. He seemed to be a dark figure, and i thought that he had something to do with the mob. I realized that the other person had thrown out the harmonica. The other person, who now seemed to be somewhere on the eastern side of the bar, had done something bad and had thrown out the harmonica to get rid of it. I did not feel that the harmonica should be destroyed, though, and i wanted to save it. It was in a garbage bag with a sludge that looked like old chili. I now started to feel nervous that the man to the west of me had an interest in the harmonica. I quickly put the harmonica back on top of the plastic bag, which i had left on the counter to the north, and then i stacked the small pile of books on top of the harmonica, hiding it from sight. I hoped that the man to the west of me did not realize what i had, but i worried that he would come after me. I felt very nervous here and decided that i should leave. I picked up the stack of items from the counter and headed to the southwest, across the room. I was aware of the complicated intersection to the southwest of me, and i knew that i would have to figure out which of the roads were correct so that i could continue on my way. I hoped that the bad men did not follow me.

12012 July 25

I was looking to the north as i described the problem to the other person. It had something to do with the pale-green car that was driving past from the east. The car seemed to be missing part of the outer shell, and i could see metal ribs and framework across the driver’s door. This had something to do with the guitar that had been missing. The pieces of the car had somehow disguised the guitar. I felt concerned about the missing guitar, thinking that it belonged to Eric Clapton. I kept thinking about the guitar and how i would describe the problem to others. I turned to the north and walked to the door of the house. The front door was open, and i could see a stairwell ascending along the western side of the entry hall, which ran to the north. A room was to the west, through a doorway that was at the bottom of the stairs, and another rooms seemed to be to the west. A creamy-red guitar was hanging on the western wall, near the stairwell. It hung near the balcony of the stairwell, high enough that i could only see the body hanging on the wall. I knew that this was Eric Clapton’s guitar. This was his house, but i could not let on that i knew this. I said hello to the woman who was somewhere to the northeast of me, near the door. I could not see her, but i knew that she was there. The guitar was the guitar that would be stolen, and i hoped that it did not happen. I pretended that i was delivering a message to the woman, knowing that she was Clapton’s wife.

I headed to the east, along the narrow cement platform, which seemed to be the center of a street. I was visiting this foreign county, and i had to get somewhere now. I had been enjoying the area around me, and i was looking at the small kiosks and tables of merchandise as i walked along the cement walkway. I suddenly realized that i would have to catch the train to get out of here. I started to hurry to the east, thinking that i was going to be late. I hurried down the walkway, but i was not quite sure where i was going. I felt suddenly tense and anxious, feeling that i might be late for the train. I was carrying something in my left hand as i rushed to the east, moving side to side to get around the small stands. I did not know where the train was, though, and i felt upset. I would have to ask someone where the station was. I slowed down near the northern side of a white wooden stand. I was looking at the open map in my left hand, but could not make out the details on it. The white paper had curved blue and green lines forming a bulbous lump in the upper part of the map. It somehow represented the streets and canals of this are, which seemed like Italia. A cluster of dark-red dots marked the area on the map that i was interested in. It was either the place that i was in, or the place that i would be going to, but i did not know where it was on the map. I felt distressed, and i thought about asking someone where i was. I thought about the words, but then realized that i would have to start the sentence with “donde”. I muttered the words as i stood near the northeastern pole of the stand. The man working behind the stand was to the south of me. He had been doing something on the eastern side of the stand, and he turned to look at me for a moment, as if willing to answer my question. I was not sure what to ask, and i started running back to the west. I had to get back to the station and find out when the train was coming. I ran up the ramp that ascended along the northern wall of the corridor, which was on the southern side of the building. The building was dark, lighted only by the outside light coming in through the tall arabic archways to the north. A tourist office seemed to be in the western all of the building, but i could not be sure what it was. I felt desperate to find a way back to the train, but i needed to know here to go. I was not sure. Several other people were lined up in front of a service window in the western wall, and i became frustrated that i would have to wait. I then realized that the people were holding long strings of tickets in their hands. One of them was asking someone at the window about getting something. I realized that they had won the tickets here and were trying to exchange them for a prize. This was not the correct office, and i frantically headed back to the east. As i passed several other people in the queue, i wondered why i did not have any tickets from this area.

I was in the square room in the center of the building. This place seemed to be related to a college. I was with several other people, but i felt suddenly that we had to leave. We had to get to the airport, which seemed to be to the west of us. I headed through the room and came out of the building on the western side, into a small grassy quadrangle. Something seemed to be wrong. This was not the airport as i had thought. I felt very anxious and upset, thinking that i had to get to the airport quickly. I was not sure where i should go. I had thought that we would simply head to the west, though the campus building and come to the airport on the other side. The flat cement building to the west was another academic building, though. It was gray, with wide roofs that formed three layers on each story. The cement levels were wider that the main part of the building, forming overhangs above the glass windows. I headed to the south, pacing around the quadrangle for a moment near the main road. I could not figure out where i should go. I knew that the airport was near the campus, but i could not figure out where i should go. This place seemed very familiar, and i knew that i had been on this campus a long time ago, but i could not quite remember where i had been to the airport before. A road ran along the southern side of the campus, and i waited with some other people near it. This seemed to be a bus stop, and i wondered if one of the buses could take me to the airport. I felt very stressed, thinking that i had to get there quickly, but i was not sure which bus i could take. I looked around at the people standing around to the north of me. They were spread out across the grass lawn, and i thought that they were probably waiting for different buses. I would have to ask one of the bus drivers if they knew which bus would get us to the airport. I was aware of a bus approaching from the west, but it was moving through the crowd slowly. I felt very upset that i could not get to the airport easily, and i moved around, thinking again that i should ask the bus driver how i could get to the airport. A man then started telling us where the airport was. I turned to the west as the man told the person with me that the airport was just to the north of us. I knew that it was close. The man said that we should take the road to the north. The road ran along the eastern side of the building that i had started in, which seemed to be a community center, and which i had stepped out of the western side of to see the other academic building across the quadrangle. The road intersected the road that we were standing on just to the east of us. The man said that we should just follow that road all the way to the north, and we should find the airport. I felt a little relieved, but still stressed about getting to the airport quickly. We started to head to the north, through the suburban neighborhood around the college. The houses around us seemed to be fraternities and college apartments. They seemed old and run down. I started to feel anxious, again, not quite sure that i had understood the directions correctly. The road shifted to the northwest a little in the middle of the housing development, and a tall wall rose along the western side. The stone wall seemed to separate us from the landing fields of the airport, and i thought that i could see the control tower in the distance to the northwest. I was not sure how to get there, though. The road now seemed to head between two stone walls to the north of me, and a set of railroad tracks ran down the center of it. This was not really a road; it was a railway. I was nervous about walking on it, thinking that the trains could come, but then i noticed that the asphalt between the tracks was old and worn. It did not look like the tracks had been used in quite some time. I was not sure that we should walk along this area, but then i saw the small blue car drive around me, passing me to the east, and continue to the north, down the narrow corridor between the walls. It disappeared into the darkness ahead of me. I started following the car through the corridor, hurrying so that i could get to the airport on time. I could see the things that i had been carrying in my arms now. Something light blue or white was being held in my left arm, and a bunch of long brown plant stalks were in my right arm, sticking out over my right forearm as i carried them near my chest. The plants looked like cat-tail heads, but they were about three-quarters of a meter long and only about a centimeter wide. The ends of the brown puffy stalks bounced as i jogged down the corridor. I was then aware of someone behind me. I had just passed to the west of a car, which seemed to be a police car, and i felt suspicious of the car. I thought that the police would see us running down the old tracks and come after us to see what we were doing. I continued down the corridor, approaching the place where the corridor became dark. I realized that the corridor had turned into a tunnel. I remembered this tunnel from before. I had come this way with my parents in the past. I told them that the tunnel was a short-cut to the airport, but that it was not exactly safe. I felt uneasy about heading down the tunnel now, though. I was heading to the northeast when i came to the end of the corridor. It ended at another underground corridor, which ran to the northwest and southeast. I looked to the northwest, knowing that it was the way to the airport. I was hesitant to travel down the corridor, but i remembered how far out of the way we would have to travel by car to get to the airport by surface roads. I realized that i did not want to cover such a distance on foot. I became disappointed: not sure what i should do. I had to get to the airport quickly, but i did not want to spend the time to go all the way around. It would be quicker to take the tunnels, but i was frightened of them. The female police officer then came up behind me. She had followed us into the tunnel. I told her that i was heading to the airport as i looked to the northwest, down the tunnel. I could see a distant light reflecting off the moisture on the walls of the tunnel, but i could not see the end of the tunnel, which seemed to curve to the north ahead. The woman told us how dangerous the underground tunnel was, saying that grindels lived there. I pictured large gray animals that looked somewhat like rats with pointy conical faces. I was surprised that the dangerous animals would be in the tunnels, and i said to her “They still have grindels there?”. I wanted to go down the tunnel to get to the airport, but i was not sure i could.

I stood on the southern side of the small dormitory room. $F13 was sitting on the southern edge of the bed, just to the north of me. The bed was on the eastern wall of the room. Two other people were on the northern side of the bed, and both of them seemed to be oriental. One of them was lying on his left side on the northern side of the bed, and the other was sitting near the eastern wall with his feet to the northwest of himself. The man who was lying down had a rectangular face and short black hair. He seemed familiar. Someone was talking about the bottles that were on the shelf to the east of me. I looked at the thin wooden shelf, which was mounted to the wall. Four or five plastic bottles were on the shelf. I looked at the labels around the bottom part of the bottles, knowing that i had created the labels. $F13 asked about the bottles, and i said that i had made the labels for them. I picked up one of the bottles, looking at the label. The label was long and narrow, with writing across the top in a heavy typeface. A decorative line ran across the top of the label. $F13 was surprised that i had made the labels and asked about them. I turned the bottle around, saying that i did not make the front label. The front label was taller, but still had a clear plastic background with heavy black type. The front label was from the company that had created the bottles. It depicted a smiling jack-o-lantern on the left side with a wooden cabin on the right. The text over said something about the company, which seemed to be related to college students. The oriental man, who had been lying on the gray sheets, said something about the bottles. I turned the bottle back around and put it back on the shelf. I told the others that they were just filled with water, so they would not spoil. I was saving them because i had created the designs. $F13 stood up from the bed and grabbed one of the bottles. He opened it and took a sip from it to prove to himself that it was just water.

12012 July 26

I worked in the office with $A14. The office was in the southeastern corner of the building. I walked to the south, into the office. I had been doing something in another room of the building. I felt rushed as i moved to the southern side of the room. $A606 was sitting in a chair on the eastern side of the room, and he was chatting with $F45, who was sitting on the northern edge of the desk that was against the western wall. I moved to the center of the desk, aware that $A14 had come into the room with me. $A14 looked around at $A606 and $F12 with an anxious expression. I could tell that he was nervous about them being in the office while i was trying to work. I realized that they had been in the office talking for a little while. They should not have been hanging around the office because they could become distracting. I then wondered why they were just hanging around here. I felt a little annoyed with them, thinking that $A606 was keeping $F45 here because he just wanted to sit around and chat. I tried to focus on my work, looking at the computer screen to the west of me. I was aware of other people in the room to the east of me, but i tried to focus on what i was doing. I knew that $A14 would be upset if other people were interrupting my work. The people wandering around the room now seemed to be students, and the room now seemed more like a laboratory, with large black stone tables. I ignored the students for a while as i tried to do something on the western side of the room. I moved to the north a little, trying to take care of a few things. I seemed distracted by the students. I then noticed a woman doing something on the computer that i had been using. This did not seem right, and i felt annoyed by her. She sat in the chair in front of the computer, pulling an optical disk from the side of the wide flat-panel screen. She had long curly hair. I tried to focus on what i was doing, but something seemed wrong. I turned to the east to see what the other students were doing. I realized suddenly that the room was very quiet. The students were sitting in chairs around the two rectangular laboratory tables that ran in front of the eastern wall. They were staring at me. The male teacher stood on the southern side of the desks, also looking at me. I realized that they were waiting to start their class. I would have to stop working in the room so that they the professor could continued with the class. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i should leave as quickly as i could. I no longer needed to stay in the room to complete my job, so i turned to the west to start collecting my things. To my annoyance, i could not find all of my things. I looked through several things near the computer, realizing that i could not find the optical disk that the woman had taken out of the machine. I felt annoyed with her as i looked through several things on the desk. The students continued to watch me, waiting to start their class. The teacher then came over to see what i was doing. I opened the black case that was on the desk to the south of me. My desk seemed to be in a small alcove in the southern end of the western wall. I found two optical disks in the case. As i pulled them out, i realized that the lower disk was actually just a piece of clear plastic. The woman that had taken the disks out of my machine must have put these here, but they were not the disks that i was looking for. I told this to the teacher. He asked me what exactly i was looking for. I turned back to the east, looking for the woman. I wanted to know what she had done with the correct disks. The teacher was again standing on the southern side of the room. I felt frustrated that i could not find what i needed to do my job. I then realized that the woman seemed to be sitting in the front row of armchairs, which were now in the room. She slouched forward slightly and seemed to have a mock exasperated expression on her face. I told the teacher that a woman had taken my disks. I did not point anyone out. The woman then started loudly singing songs from her seat. The songs seemed to be feminist songs. She must have been protesting something by stealing my disks.

12012 July 27

I walked through the building, heading to the north. I had come to this office for a meeting. I felt awkward here, thinking that this was a place where i used to work. This seemed to be $G2, and i was supposed to be in charge of a project here. I had to meet with the others to tell them how the project was going. I walked into the meeting room from the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. A long rectangular table was in the center of the large room, and people were already seated around it. Something seemed out of place, though. A man stood on the northern side of the table, talking to the others. I walked around to the western side of the table, looking at the people who were seated. I did not recognize any of them, and this made me feel uncomfortable. They were talking about something and not paying attention to the fact that i had entered the room. As i sat down at the table, they started to stare at me. I felt uncomfortable. I said something, and i realized that this was not the correct meeting. The man across from me did not seem to know who i was, and i did not recognize him. I felt very uncomfortable and started to wander away. I looked at the paper in my hands, noticing that it sayed that the meeting was nine to ten. The line of black writing across the width of the paper said something about the time, and i wondered whether the time was actually in the evening and not in the morning. This did not seem right. I did not think that a meeting would be so late in the evening. I tired to understand this, but i could not quite get it.

I walked to the south and sat down on the western side of the meeting table. I felt a little confused about what was happening here. I tried to figure something out, but could not decide what i should do. My mother was sitting on the southern end of the western side of the table, and she was telling some of the others around the table how some of the business should be running. I realized that she was running the meeting here. The others seemed surprised by this, but i was humored, thinking that she could probably get them to work more efficiently. I listened to the conversation for a moment, but then realized that i did not know what i was supposed to be doing here. I had come to the room for a reason, but i could not remember what it was.

12012 July 28

The dingy room was crowded with objects. The two men who ran this shop were to the south of me. I had to pay my bill, and i moved to the cash register, which was on the northern wall. The service counter was on the western side of the room, and i seemed to be in the working area of the counter. The other two men who worked here were busy, so i entered my credit-card information into the cash register. I realized that i had three things to pay, so i had to enter it three different times. I thought that i probably could have entered the payments in a single transaction, but i did not know how to do that. I turned to the south while the register processed the payment. I started to feel that i probably should not be doing things with the register because i did not actually work here. I decided to get out of the service area. The room to the east of me seemed to be shades of dull green, and i thought that it was an automotive repair shop. I noticed one of the two men who did work there as i passed. He was wearing an old baggy tank top. He had skinny but detailed arms, and he seemed somewhat dirty. I walked through the doorway to the south of the counter and turned back to the north to head for the front side of the counter. The skinny man, who seemed like a waiter, was standing to the north of me now. He tore a piece of paper from a small printing machine. It was the receipt, which i thought that i would have to sign. I hoped that he was not annoyed by the fact that i would have to sign three of them. I should have done all three charges in one transaction. The other man stood to the south of him now. Both of them were facing east, standing in front of the counter. The skinny man to the north pulled the roll of paper from the back of the small receipt printer. He had pulled at the paper with a jerky motion as the other man watched, but was now fumbling with the roll of paper. I wondered if the paper in the machine had run out and whether i would have do the charges again. I felt a little nervous, but i moved toward the man, telling him that the charges were mine. He looked at the small business card for the first charge as i signed one of the papers. He seemed amused with the business card, smiling in disbelief as he showed me the card. He repeated the name on the card, which said “Bare Naked Bank”. I told him that it was the bank i used to belong to. I realized that the name of the bank was rather suggestive. This made me feel nervous, because i was somewhat attracted to the man and i did not want him thinking negatively of me. He handed me the card, and i tried to explain that the bank name was not what it sounded like. I felt awkward, and i started talking about the bank to $F45, who was lying in the bed to the south of me. The bed was on the western wall of my room. We were in the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. I said that this bank had closed and we had switched to another one. Someone then came up the stairs to the east of us. I looked up to see $A611 at the top of the stairs. She said something about the bank, and i agreed with her. She then turned around and walked out of sight, back down the stairs.

12012 July 29

I moved over the ground quickly to the northeast, approaching the flat rocks at the bottom of the gorge. The land seemed very pale, and a light covering of snow seemed to be present. A small metal storage trailer sat in the center of the gorge, with the near end facing southeast. As i approached the side of the box, the metal on the southwestern side of the trailer opened. I could see the military troops inside. A man stood near the door as i heard the voice narrating. It said that the weather here was very cold, and that the troops would have to stay warm. I remembered that they had been trapped here, and that they were staying in the metal box for shelter. The door on the side slid open to the southeast, but a thin sheet of ice had formed over the opening. I could see one of the soldiers through the hazy ice sheet. The man pounded the ice with his fist, cracking it a little. I realized that they would have to continually break through the ice that would form over the box so that they could get fresh air. It seemed so cold here, and i wondered how they survived. My view of the trailer then zoomed out, as though i was heading back to the southwest. Other people were moving around outside the trailer now. They seemed to be from $G4. They had come running through the gorge, which was now to the southeast of me, running east. Several $G4 stopped on the flat rocks near the gorge. We were looking for a place to stop. We seemed to be near a campground or on the college campus. I backed to the north, watching $G4 look around from their spot in the gorge. The land to the north of the gorge was only a meter or so above the level of the stones that $G4 was standing on, and it sloped down in a wide fan-shaped gully that ran down to where they were standing. We wanted to stop and have some beer, but i felt a little uneasy drinking beer on the college campus. I thought that the officials here would get upset with us. I was moving across a field of cut grass. A dirt path ran to the north form the gorge, and i seemed to be following it. Another branch of the path ran to the east, along the northern side of the gorge. Just to the east of where $G4 was, the path turned to the southeast and headed into a wooded area. A wooden cabin or lean-to seemed to be just inside the trees, and i wondered if this would be a good place for us to hide from the public. I continued backing to the north, finding myself inside the large cabin that was in the middle of the field. I was standing in the southwestern corner of a room, looking out the window of the entry door. The house to the west of me widened to the south, and i could see the other part outside the door. I turned around and moved through the open room. I was aware of the people in the room to the west of me. They seemed like people that i had known from a while ago. One seemed like $A171, but he was really $A47. I turned to the east, noticing the blue electric guitar sitting on a stand near me. It had a rounded body, like a Gibson, and i picked it up and started playing it. The sound seemed strange, and i realized that i could only play the strings through a narrow patch of black on the center of the neck. I listened to the distorted sound for a moment, realizing that it was a poorly digitized reproduction of a guitar sound. I looked at the parallel dark-gray strips that i was plucking, realizing that they were actually sensor pads. This was a digital guitar. This seemed like a good idea, and i looked down at the pickups to see if there were any circuits to translate the audio signal into a digital signal. I noticed the ethernet cable coming out the bottom of the guitar. This seemed like a good way to transmit the sound, but the sound of this guitar still did not south that good. I looked at the gray strips again, realizing that it had a limited range. I was not actually plucking strings, but rather just thumbing thin leavers that ran down the center of the gray strips. I was disappointed in the sound that the guitar was making, so i put back on the floor stand, which was to the southwest of me. I thought about the sound as i turned to the west and walked into the other room. $A47 was in the room, talking to the person to the south of him. I waited at the door for a moment, but $A47 did not say anything to me. He did not seem to notice that i was there. I felt awkward here and wondered why he would not talk to me. I then turned to the south and started back to the exit door. As i reached it, i saw that $F58 and $A588 had come in the cabin. They were still looking for a place where we could drink beer and had thought that i had found a site in the cabin. I told them that the cabin belonged to someone and that we would not be able to stay here. I then referred to the forest to the southwest, calling it a campground. I walked down the hill as the others started to head for the forested area. Halfway there, i noticed the small soda keg on the ground, so i grabbed it with my right hand and carried it to the southeast. I started walking along the dirt trail after the others as i entered the area of tall pine trees.

12012 July 30

I walked close to the stone wall of the building, which rose to the east of me. $A468 was acting out lines to the Shakespeare play to the south of me. It seemed that the audience was somewhere to the south, down the alley from us, but i could not see them. I felt a little uncomfortable here as i said a few quick lines. I then walked in an arch, eventually heading to the southeast into a niche into the building. I was supposed to do this play again, but i felt very uncomfortable about doing it. It seemed as though it had been a long time since i had done this play, and i was not sure that i could remember the lines to it. I turned around and wandered back to the northwest, casually lifting an apple to my mouth with my left hand. This was a comical part of the play, and i was pretending not to understand what was happening to the south of me. I knew that $A468 had turned around to ask me something, but i did not say anything to her. I was relieved that i did not have to speak any lines for this part. I felt very nervous about being here. I wandered to the east, into the cement corridor of the building. The corridor opened up into a small utility room to the north, and seemed to have a very tall ceiling on the southern side. I could still hear $A468 speaking her lines outside. I did not want to do the play anymore, and i thought that i could probably would not come back onto the stage. I continued to the east, thinking that i should just leave. This idea made me nervous because i thought it might ruin the play. I knew that i was not fully aware of my lines because it had been so long since i had done them. I did not know what i should do. I felt that i could not simply abandon the play, but i did not know it well enough to actually do it. I looked back to the west. I now seemed to be on the roof of the building. I could see $A468 acting to the west of me. I was watching her on the street below through a narrow gap in the parts of the building. She was still facing south, wearing an Elizabethan suit that had dull brown and purple vertical stripes. I felt suddenly that they were probably expecting me to come back on the stage. This upset me, but i could not return.

12012 July 31

The other person was driving the car to the north, down the darkened street. I was sitting on the driver’s side of the car, in the front seat, watching the men jogging on the western side of the wide road. They were part of the wrestling team, and they were wearing red and white uniforms. One of the men was dressed in a red body suit and was wearing a white singlet over it. He looked like the mascot of the team. A few of the men started jogging to the northwest, across the road, which seemed a little like $P2. I suddenly realized that a car was heading south toward us. It seemed to have hit one of the men running. I pointed out the car, which looked like a wide SUV, to the other person. The white vehicle ran into the smaller man, who was wearing the red body suit. He fell in front of the SUV, and the vehicle continued to drive over the top of him. I felt suddenly upset, thinking that the man in the red suit was $A358. We were still driving to the north as the white SUV continued past us, heading to the south. I told the other person to stop the car, and i opened the door. We had passed the position of the accident, and i was walking back to the south to get to $A358. I had my cell phone in my left hand, and i started calling emergency. The street to the south of me seemed suddenly very quiet. The cars that had been following us had pulled off along the eastern side of the road, and the other runners from the wrestling team were somewhere on the western side of the dark street. I looked at the gray patterns on the screen of my cell phone. I had not dialed yet, and i thought that i did not need to. Other people around had already called. I hurried to $A358, who was lying in the middle of the street. He was young and short, and he had short blond hair. He moved uneasily on the ground. He seemed dazed. I wondered if i should be the one helping him. I thought that some of the other people on the wrestling team probably knew first aid better than i. I did not want to interfere if they decided to rush to his help. No one was near him, though, so i moved to the west of him and called his name. I thought that i probably remembered enough first aid to help him until others got here. He responded to my voice, but did not seem too aware of what he was doing. The two women who had been with me passed me on the east as $A358 stood up. He moved to the north of me, near the wall of the room. I tried to calm him as he looked around the room. He seemed to have been winded, but did not seem that injured. I heard the sounds of sirens approaching us from the south. As $A358 turned to look to the east, i realized that there was something strange in his blond hair. I pulled him close to me and tried to look at his head. He had a patch of hair that was missing, and a strange red bruise on his scalp. I wiped my fingers across the area, but he seemed distracted by his surroundings and would not stay still. The red area looked like a bee sting, but i said that there might be blood in his hair. $A358 moved to the north of me. A man, whom i could not see, stood to the south of me now. He wore dark clothes, and he seemed to be a police officer or medical worker. He seemed to be an official, and i was a little nervous of him. He seemed skeptical that there was any blood on $A358’s head, and he asked me to show him. I lifted the short lengths of blond hair, exposing the patch. The man did not seem convinced, and i started to feel uncomfortable around him. $A358 walked off to the north, crossing the room that we were in. The dark man stood to the south of me, and i turned to the west, pretending to do something else in the room. I felt out of place here, and it seemed that the others might not actually want me here.