12013 July 01

I looked at the video screen to the north of me. Someone had e-mailed something, and i thought that it was actually rather dangerous because it contained a virus. i looked at the text at the top of the white screen. It had a link in red. I thought that i should not click on the link because it could download the virus. As i watched the screen, however, i noticed that it started to flicker. A black image appeared and then disappeared. I started to worry that the virus had already been downloaded with the initial e-mail. The screen then changed, and a video started playing on the screen. I was certain that the computer had been invaded, and i wondered what i should do. I thought that i should stop the e-mail from loading, but then i realized that it already had. I tried to shut down the program, but the computer was not responding. I felt concerned and wondered what i should do. I had to stop the computer from doing anything before the invasion took over.

12013 July 02

12013 July 03

I was lying in the bed on the second floor on the western side of the house. It was night, and i started to feel worried that something was wrong. I heard something, and i started to think that someone had come into the house. I sat up and walked to the east, out of the bedroom. I then turned north, heading down the stairs to the first floor. On the first floor, i headed to the east. I crossed a small room, which seemed like a living room. A doorway in the eastern wall of the room led into another long room, which ran to the south, down the eastern side of the house. When i passed through the doorway, i noticed that the kitchen door, which was to the southeast of me, had been opened. I felt suddenly worried. The door had not been locked, and someone must have come into the house. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fireworks i had heard earlier. Someone had set off a string of cracklers. I was anxious as i walked to the south, past the door. I started looking around the house, wondering if the people had actually come into the house or whether they had thrown the firecrackers into the house. I did not see any signs of the fireworks near the door. I started moving around on the southern side of the house. The house seemed very large and nice, and i wandered through the rooms, trying to find out what had happened. I then looked at the large tree to the south of the building. The trunk of the tree was brown and seemed to be polished bare wood. It did not have any bark on it. The trunk was very wide, and it was tall enough that the branches were above my head as i stood on the second floor of the house. I looked down the northern side of the trunk at the bottom. I then moved toward the tree from the west, noticing that the northern side of the base of the tree had windows in it. A light was coming from inside the tree. I looked into the small shed that was inside the tree. Two men were doing something on the workbench along the southern wall of the shed. They were the burglars who had come into the house. I opened the door and shouted at them. They turned to look at me, both wearing drab dark-green coats. The one on the western side extended his left hand toward me, threatening me. I felt very upset and ran back to the north, into the house. I did not know what i should do. I moved through the building, but i was also lying on my bed in the second floor bedroom on the western side of the house. I pictured the house as i lay with my head to the south, across the width of the bed. A thick black staircase seemed to ascend to the south in the center of the southern end of the room. Its features were rounded and bulbous, and it was made of a darkly stained wood. It seemed very nice, and i thought that much of the woodwork in the house was very nice. I pictured the southern side of the house, seeing an inset balcony on the second floor. The house was actually very nice, and it looked like an old victorian structure. I thought about the wooden stairways inside the wide open spaces of the house. There seemed to be one to the east of me, just outside the bedroom, in the main hallway. I was looking at the dull features of the house in the dim light from outside. I then felt worried about the men who had come into the house. Something still felt wrong. I ran to the east, into the large bedroom in the southeastern corner of the house. I had entered the bedroom through the double doors that were in the northern wall of the room. My mother was standing on the eastern side of the large bed, which was against the southern wall of the room. She seemed frightened. I told her that someone had come into the house. I then said that they were coming and that she should call emergency, but she was too panicked to do anything. Annoyed, i walked to the night stand on the western side of the bed. An old black telephone was sitting on the stand. I picked up the receiver and started pressing the buttons for 9-1-1. As i touched the first button, i heard a tone, but the tone did not stop when i pressed the second or third button. I listened for a moment as the tone persisted. Something was wrong with the telephone, and i wondered if the men had sabotaged it. I turned around suddenly, seeing the two men in the doorway on the northern side of the bedroom. The man on the west was extending his hand to the south, threatening us. I moved quickly across the northern wall of the room, heading toward the door. I grabbed the man on the west and hit him violently in the face. I then started attacking the man to the east. I knew that my mother would be surprised that i would do such a thing, and i then started wondering why i had done such a thing. It seemed very strange for me to be attacking them with such force. I was back in my bedroom, thinking about the men coming in. I did not like beating them the way i had, but it seemed a logical thing to do. I thought that at least they were stopped from attacking us.

I walked to the west, along the southern side of the school building. I was heading to my art class. It was the end of the semester, and i thought that i had already taken the last art class at the beginning of the week. I knew that there was one more week of school, but it seemed that my art class should have been over. I thought about the fact that i did not have any exams in the class, but it did not seem that strange. I knew that my other classes would have exams in the last week. I felt uneasy about the other classes, thinking that i had not really payed attention to them. I turned to the north as i thought about these things. I could see the doorway on the eastern side of the hall, just to the northeast of me. As i walked through the doorway, i saw the other students sitting around two tables on the western side of the room. A box of sheet pizza was open in the middle of the table. It looked glossy from melted cheese. I then noticed the female teacher sitting on the northern side of the table to the north, separated a little form the students. She seemed uneasy. I put my things down near the southwestern corner of the northern table and started to sit down. Most of the students were gathered around the second square table, which was to the south of the one i was on. I felt a little awkward here. The teacher was now to the northwest of me, and she asked me what i did for work. I felt a little awkward telling her, thinking that this was an art class, and it would seem strange to tell her that i did graphic design as a job. I told her that i did layout and programming. She nodded in response, and i added that i also did graphics. I then clarified by saying “graphic design”. I started looking around the room. I noticed the small stick of lipstick on the ground to the southwest of me. It seemed tiny: only a centimeter long. I leaned forward to pick it up. It had a tan glass body, and the thin rounded pink wax stick stuck out the western side. I tried to grab it, but had difficulty picking up such a small thing. I did not want to squeeze the pink wax part in my fingers. I picked up the tube finally and turned to place it on the desk to the east of me. I then noticed another stick of lipstick on the ground. This one was maroon. I bent over to grab that one as well. I noticed that it had a thin white string sticking out the tip of the wax. It looked like a small candle, and i wondered if it really was lipstick. I put the second tube on the table, announcing to no one that i had found lipstick on the floor. I asked if it belonged to anyone. A young woman, who had been sitting on the northern side of the table to the south, turned and looked at the lipstick that i had placed on my table. She seemed surprised and said “Noooooooo!” in a long drawn out tone. The lipstick upset her, but she expressed it with an uneasy sense of humor. She then stood up and walked quickly to the south, along the western side of the table. She was still making a noise that seemed to be distress, but she did not seem truly upset about it. I looked to the west, noticing something else on the floor. It seemed to be a small lime-green candle, which looked like the tubes of lipstick. I realized that it was another case of lipstick, but it had been broken on the floor. The tube was curved in to a loop, and part of it seemed to have been crushed into the floor. A thin white wick stuck out the top of the lipstick, making me think that it might actually be a candle, like the others. I thought that it had to be lipstick, though, and i joked that i should not tell the woman about it because it would upset her more. I said nothing.

12013 July 04

I moved through the outskirts of the city, passing through the neighborhoods, heading generally southwest. This area seemed like the northern side of $P3. The area was very familiar, and i watched the roads as i moved along them. I was then in the room of the hospital with some of my relatives. My mother was to the north of me, and the bed in the room was in the center of the northern wall. My mother did not seem to be on the bed. I looked out the windows in the eastern wall of the room, noticing the wide street running to the north or northeast, over the hill that was on the northern side of town. Something seemed special about the road, but i realized that i did not know which road it was. I thought about it, but i knew that i had just come through that area and had not seen the road. It looked like the main road to somewhere. I moved a little to the north, closer to my mother. I told her about the road, referring to it as “highway”. I was very interested in the road and wanted to figure out what it was. I looked out the window again: this time, looking to the east. Through the wide glass window, i could see the road running directly to the east from the hospital room. It ran up a shallow hill, with houses along the northern side. The southern side of the road seemed to slope down a steep hill toward the rest of the town. I looked down from the window, realizing that we were on a northeastern corner of the building. I could see more of the building stretching to the east along the southern side of the road. The road came from the west, running along the northern side of the building where we were. It then curved around the corner of the building to the east of the wing that we were in, passing under the window that i was looking out of. Under the window, it turned back to the east, running along the northern side of the eastern wing of the building. The eastern wing of the building seemed to be the main part of the building. Something seemed poetic about the road extending to the east from the window. I looked up the gray stretch of pavement. I was very interested in the road. I looked at the houses and trees on the northern side. I then realized that i had not seen the road before. I should have passed it as i drove in here. I stared at it, wondering whether it was the road that would lead out of the city. It seemed important in some way.

12013 July 05

I got onto the bus, feeling a little distracted and uncomfortable. I looked around, but i could not see much inside the bus. I then glanced to the south, looking back toward the front of the bus. No one else seemed to be on the bus, and no bus driver was sitting in the driver’s seat. Something seemed very strange, but i walked to a seat and looked to the north. The bus then started moving to the north. This did not seem correct. I realized that the bus must be heading to $P51. I wondered if i had been on the wrong bus, but then i decided that i was probably on the correct bus, but that the bus was traveling the opposite direction on its route. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would have to ride the bus all the way around the loop to get to my house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. I looked to the north, seeing that we were traveling down a long road in the middle of an open rural area. I then recognized several cement buildings on the eastern side of the road. The two buildings were wide and flat, and i remembered them as being near $P51. I said that the bus was traveling to $P51 to no one in particular. I then thought about the bus. I wondered why it was not traveling its normal route, and i wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that the bus was empty. I thought that maybe the bus was not fully in service. I wondered if it would actually bring me to my house.

I drove with the man to the east. This area seemed familiar, and i knew that he was driving me to my apartment. I was not quite sure where the apartment was, thought. I felt a little uncomfortable looking for it. I knew that the building was somewhere on the southern side of the road, to the east of us. We were traveling to the north, but the man turned to the east. I pointed out some large brown structures. I then started walking toward one of them, heading away from the road. The man had driven me here, and he was now waiting near his car, to the northwest of me. I felt uneasy, not quite sure i was at the correct place. I walked through a small patch of tall dry grass, which reached up to my knees. The man wandered to the south a little, but stayed near the northwestern corner of the small square patch, which was about three meters square. I came to the southern side of the grassy patch, noticing the flat patio to the south of me. The patio was formed out of yellowish tiles. The tiles looked translucent, and i remembered that they were suspended on metal cross beams. The space below the tiles was hollow. I looked at the tiles to the southeast of me, seeing through the translucent orangish-yellow glass to see one of the thin aluminium beams supporting the tiles. I then started to wonder how deep the cement pit was under the tiles. I thought that it should only be a few decis, but i imagined that it was much deeper. As i stepped onto the northern edge of the tiles, i felt water under my foot. Water had collected on top of the tiles from the recent rain. I thought that the water should have drained back down between the tiles. I saw a seam between the tiles to the southeast and east of me. It was an obvious space between the tiles that was at least two millimeters thick. I then noticed that the space between the tiles in front of me seemed fake. The seam was actually just a groove carved into the large flat surface to simulate tiles. I brushed the puddle of water to the east with my left foot, and i could hear it draining into the crack and dripping on the surface below. I then started walking to the south, across the tiles. The tiles ahead of me were not quite flat, though. The center of the tiles were raised up, creating a raised area that ran east to west across the tiles. I leaned forward, pressing down on the raised tiles. I could tell that they were bowing because of tension on the plates. They did not settle down easily, but i managed to push them into place. I moved carefully across it to the south, feeling uneasy that it might collapse. I felt worried about how deep the hole was underneath, and i hoped that the tiles did not collapse into the gaps between the metal beams that supported them. I moved to the southern edge of the tiled area, pulling at the southern part of the tiles as i stepped onto the ground to the south of them. I was still aware of the man watching me from the northwest. He was still waiting for me by his car. I moved to the western end of the southern edge of the area, pulling the edge of the tiles to the south. The tiles now seemed like a heavy canvas cloth. It was more like a tent that had collapsed on the ground. I lifted the end a little to pull it. The end fluttered a little as the wind came from the west, inflating the tiles a little. I stood up and headed to the south, noticing that another white canvas tent was on the lawn to the south of me. The tent was lifting as the wind filled it. It was staked to the ground just to the west of the building. I felt a little uneasy, thinking that the man would think that i was fooling around with the tents. I decided that i should finally get to my apartment to do something. I walked to the east, across the northern side of the long dark apartment building. The building seemed to be surfaced with darkly stained wood. I pulled a set of keys out of my pocket with my left hand and held them up in front of me. A then looked at the building, looking for the correct apartment. Something seemed foreign about the building. I could not recognize the features that i was seeing. I stated to think that this was not actually my apartment building. I looked at the keys again and then back at the building. I could not actually see the building now, but i knew that it did not look the way that it was supposed to look. I felt frustrated, turning back to the west. I called to the man, telling him that these were not the correct apartment buildings. I was annoyed as i reached him, and i said that maybe my apartment was in the next complex to the west. I felt very unsure, though. I did not want to frustrate the man, but i did not know what to tell him. I knew that my apartment was in the area, but i did not know exactly where it was.

12013 July 06

The woman was the hero of the story, and she was fighting the bad guys. She seemed to be athletic, and she seemed to be wearing a tightly fitting dull-red leather suit. She was moving somewhere to the east of me, fighting the bad guys. We were in a special building, where people with special powers lived. I was not part of this place, but i thought that i could pretend that i had special powers as well. I knew that this was part of a game of movie scene. I then remembered that i was a character who could adapt to the roles of the game. I knew that i could learn to use my special powers, even if those powers were not part of my character. A man was doing something to the northwest of me now. He was one of the heroes of the story. He was a warrior, and he did not have any of the special abilities. He said something about the woman as he started to the east. We were supposed to find her. I had to pretend that i did not know anything about his place, and i asked him questions about what was going on. We headed to the south, down a long hallway. The walls seemed pale green, with several doors in them that led to offices. The offices on the eastern side of the hallway seemed to have windows that looked out to the corridor. A set of stairs also seemed to ascend to the south along the eastern wall of the corridor. The woman seemed to be somewhere to the southeast of us, and i knew that she was fighting with the bad guys. At the southern end of the hallway, we came to a set of stairs. The stairs ascended about seven to ten steps before hitting a small landing. The stairs then continued to the east, up a longer flight. I could not see most of the eastern flight as i headed up the first part of the steps because the longer flight was behind a wall. The man whom i was following was already starting up the second flight when i reached the landing. He had topped halfway up the flight to let two people pass. He pointed them out to me, saying that they worked in this place. I recognized the short balding man who was hurrying down the stairs. He was the actor who was playing the principle of this school. The man then referred to him as a doctor, and i remembered that this institution had several people in charge of teaching the special people. As the bald man and another man hurried past me on the landing and started down the second flight of stairs, i pretended that i sensed something from the bald man. I watched him as he headed down the stairs, and i told the man to the east of me that i felt something uneasy from him. I looked at the back of the bald man’s head. It now had a red and purple hue to it, as though it was swelling with blood. I pointed the man out, and the hero to the east of me said that it was normal for this place. I was just pretending that i had the same powers as the others in this place. It was part of my character. I then turned to the east and followed the hero down the hallway. I thought that the bad people were somewhere her in the building, so we would have to be careful. We then came to the roof of the building. The man had crossed the peak of the room to the west of me. I was still on the taller section of building, looking to the west along the crest of the red roof. The roof ran to the west, connecting the two large sections of the building. I would have to make my way along the peak of the roof. I pretended that crossing the roof made me feel very uneasy. I was supposed to be afraid of the height, and i slowly crawled across the peak of the roof. This was a good moment in the movie. I thought that i would get shot as i reached the western end of the peak. I would then fall to the south, off of the roof. I knew that it would come as a surprised to the audience, because they would have expected me to make it all the way to the other side. I then imagined that i had been nervously crossing the roof and had become very happy when i finally reached the other side. I thought that this would not be a good story. I knew that directory would tell stories like this, thought, to heighten the emotions. I imagined that i would be come so excited and happy that i had reached the others side, which would make it all the more tragic when i get shot. I knew that this would spoil the movie, though, because the audience would realized that the shot was coming before it did. By building up the drama at the final moment, the movie would seem cheap and overly dramatic when the shot came. I thought that this was really just a bad plot; i should just be shot unexpectedly. It would have a greater impact on the audience. I would have to fall down the roof to the south. I did not feel comfortable doing this at the moment, though. I looked down the roof, trying to figure out how i would get to the ground below. I knew that i could not simply fall to the ground below. It seemed too far down. I slided down the metal roof to the edge, looking at the black truck parked in one of the parking spaces just to the south of the building. Other cars were there as well. They were too far away for me to jump to. A man and a woman were on the ground no the southeast of me. They looked up at me, but then headed to the north, into the building. I wondered where i could fall. I did not want to simply jump down to the grassy ground between the house and the parking spaces. The ground seemed to firm to land on. As the two people disappeared under the eves of the roof, i noticed a long large portable radio on the ground. It was two meters long and about half a meter tall and a half meter wide. It had heavy black speakers on the end, and it seemed to be covered with a dull-yellow padded cushion. I thought that the radio could double for a chair. I would be able to jump off of the roof and steep on the cushion before i reached the ground. I stepped down to the ground and then wondered what i should do. I should be lying on the grass for the others to find me. I was not sure how the plot would go from here.

12013 July 07

I was with some $G4, and we were in the small bedroom of the house. Several of them were talking about $F47’s bed. I remembered the large bed in the small room to the east. We had done something to it. Someone else mentioned the other beds, though, saying that the queen-size bed should be taken as well. It was supposed to be a joke. I thought about the two beds, thinking that we should do something to the second one like we did to the first. Someone then said something about $F47. The person was joking about $F47, and made a comment about the bed. The jest implied that $F47 was somehow more effeminate that normal. I thought that the joke was referring to homosexual stereotypes, and it seemed strange. I looked at $F47, who was now standing just to the west of me. He seemed very hurt by the joke. I felt very bad for him now, thinking that the others should not tease him so much. I was now upset that he felt hurt by the joke.

I was doing something near the computer in the office. The computer was on the southern wall of the office, and i was standing to the north of it. $A14 was in the office with me. He was talking about something with some other people. One of the people to the northeast of me said that $A14 did not get something from the other college. I realized that this was disappointing news. He had been waiting for some kind of contract with another college, but it was rejected. The contract seemed to be a grant or some kind of funding. I looked at the piece of paper on the table to the east of me. It had the name of the college across the top. The name was in three words, with an ampersand between the first two words. The last word was “College”. I knew that this was very bad news, and i could tell that $A14 was upset about it. I moved around a little, now in a hallway of the building. The hall ran to the east, and several other professors were standing near us. They looked disapprovingly at us. I knew that $A14 had lost his reputation because of the letter, and i started to feel bad for him. He would be disgraced because of the rejection, and the others in the department would now shun him.

I had to take a shower, but i felt unsure what i should do. I was standing in the small room of the house. I felt awkward here, as though i did not belong here. I had a towel around my waist, and i moved to the east a little, trying to figure out what i should do. I did not feel as though i belonged here, and i thought that i should leave this place.

12013 July 08

I was hovering in the air over the small cafe area. People were gathered at the tables below. I started swinging back and forth, like a pendulum. My lower body was swinging, pivoting around my chest. This seemed strange, but i as amused by the activity. A woman in a dark coat looked up at me as i swinged my feet near her. The movement seemed to be something special, but i felt a little cautious about doing it because others might be suspicious of my ability. A man stood to the southeast of me, watching me for a moment. I was talking to him as i swinged. I tried not to hit the person below me, but i knew that i as clearing an area as i swinged. I moved my body to the north, making way to the northern end of the room. A large wooden dresser stood just to the east of a doorway, which was in the northern wall. The man now seemed like a priest, and he was talking to me. I moved my weight onto the dresser as i reached the northern wall, telling the priest to watch out. I felt suspicious of him and did not want him taking advantage of my ability. I was still swinging a little, and i pushed my way into the next room, thinking that i had to get away from the priest. I still had my feet on the dresser, so i pushed to the north with them, as if diving into the air and swimming to the north. The room to the north had several old things in it, and it seemed to be part of a second-hand store. Something then grabbed me from the east. I looked at the plastic hand and arm that extended from the closet in the eastern wall. It was the hand and arm of a mannequin. My leg had hit the palm of the hand, making it seem that the arm had grabbed me. I pushed the arm off of my right leg and swimmed back to the center of the room. A large dull-red stuffed monkey was lying on the floor in the middle of the room. I was aware of a man standing in the doorway to the south of me, and i commented on the monkey to him. The monkey was about two meters tall, but it was lying on its right side with its head to the west. I then noticed some other toys in the room. A small plastic model on the shelf near me seemed to be a model Viper from the original Battlestar Galactica series. I felt interested in it and went over to look at it. It was on the eastern end of a metal shelf of the store. As i got close, though, i noticed that the toy was actually a small dark-gray space ship with a Marvin the Martian doll. It did not seem as interesting to me. I looked at the toy as is stood to the north of the shelf. The other man was now to the east of me. He seemed younger now, like a boy in his late teens. I looked at the small models on the shelf to the southwest of me. The model space ships were sitting on top of their cardboard boxes. All of the models seemed very small, only a few centimeters in size. They were the fifty-cent models. I thought that they were really too tiny to be interesting. I then noticed that many of the boxes that filled the shelfs to the southeast of me were of the same type of model. The models came in many different types of designs, but they all seemed very small. The man to the east of me commented on the models. I replied, saying that a friend of mine had a small dot one. I thought about the small round spaceship model, thinking that $F43 was the person whom i knew who had one.

12013 July 09

I had gone back to the fifties, and i was doing something with a movie. The audience was sitting on the eastern side of the old theater, and i was looking at the images on the large screen on the western wall. I had made a film, which seemed to be from my era, and i wanted the people of this era to see it. A small square on the upper left part of the screen was showing a picture of the marque outside the theater. I now seemed to be standing just to the north of the large theater building, looking to the west at the marque. The thick marque was very plain, with a dark flat featureless surface. The images that i had seen were showing up in the upper left corner of the eastern side of the marque. At first, the images were of characters from old movies. I thought that these were the original characters that used to show up on the theater. The images had something to do with old movie promotions that had been on the billboard. I then saw the images of some faces. The images were sepia toned, and i recognized the first few faces on the left. They were of the Marx Brothers. As i watched, the fourth and last image faded in on the right. It was the image of Zeppo. I thought that these were the correct images for what i was doing in the theater. As i watched the marque, however, the images continued to change into something else. I felt annoyed by this, and i wondered how to go back to the pictures i had just been looking at. I tried to back the view up by pressing the buttons on the keyboard in front of me, but the presentation continued to change. I became frustrated with the images. Nothing was happening correctly. I looked up, noticing that some other more modern pictures were showing up. I tried to get the images back to the Marx Brothers, thinking that they were, at least, in the era that i was trying to work in. The four images then started fading in from the left again. This time, the first image was a picture of Judy Garland in the blue dress that she wore in Wizard of Oz. The image was taken from slightly above her so that she was looking up and off to the left of the camera. Her arms were away from her sides. The other images then started filling in to the right of the first. They were also of Judy Garland, but they also seemed to be of other characters from Wizard of Oz. I thought that these must be images from a later time of the cinema’s history. I imagined these images from the fifties. I wanted earlier images, though. I continued to try to get the older images back, but the images kept changing. I then got the four pictures of the Marx Brothers to appear on the marque again. I commented about this to the man to the south of me. To my disappointment, the screen changed again. I was not able to keep the correct images of the correct time period on the screen. I watched the screen. This time, a brown background filled the screen. The tones in the background changed, indicating that i was watching a video rather than a series of still pictures. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that a video had been added to the end of the file i was working with. The file should have stopped at the end, but, instead, it continued into the video. This was not the way it was supposed to work, and i wondered if the file had been hacked. I wondered if a virus had been attached to the end. Annoyed, i started to flip through the images again. I then came upon a large display of the movie company’s logo. The wide rectangular screen was filled with a silvery scene of crystal-like rays. The rays pointed in from the edges of the screen, focusing the attention on the oval area in the center of the screen. The style seemed to be something from the twenties. Large red sans-serif letters filled the center of the screen, saying “American Movie Corporation”. The last would could have been “Company” as well. Three or four people in white or silvery clothes stood behind the letters at various positions. The portly man standing on the right side of the screen, facing to the left, looked like Thomas Edison. A woman in a white flapper dress and head garland sat on the end of a table just to the left of him. She was facing toward the left as well. This was an old splash screen for the movie company. I realized that the movie company no longer existed. It was an old name that was no longer in use. I then saw the dark screen with the bright blue letters in the center. The letters had square serifs. The three letters spelled out “MGM”. I thought that MGM had taken over the older movie company. This was part of the history that i was looking at. I then thought about the initials, thinking that MGM must stand for American Movie Corporation in some way. I quickly realized that the letters did not match, and i tried to figure out how the name changed. It seemed that the two companies had merged, and that MGM had somehow taken over part of the older name of the company. I then thought that this was not correct. I remembered that MGM stood for Metro Goldwyn Mayer. The name had nothing to do with the older name. I then focused my attention on the video again, trying to correct it. I had to fix the file so that it worked correctly.

12013 July 10

I was packing my things in the closet on the eastern side of the room. I felt upset and hurried. I was at $P19, in my new room, but i felt out of place here. I moved around the room, collecting things. This room seemed nice, and i thought that it was better than the apartment that i had been living in. The apartment seemed to be off to the east somewhere. I looked at the pile of dirty clothes on the floor of the closet to the east of me. I started to gather some, thinking that i could wash them in the basement of this house. My old house did not have a working dryer. I then realized that i no longer had to go back to my other house. I could simply stay in this one. I felt good about his idea. It seemed that i no longer had a reason to back to my old apartment, so i thought that i would just stay here and forget about my old place.

12013 July 11

I was packing things into the car before i left the area. I drove the car to the north, thinking that i had to get back to somewhere. I headed toward the intersection with the main road, where i would turn to the west. A storm was coming in, and i felt a little concerned about it. Strong winds then started to blow from the west. The brown wind was blowing across the intersection ahead of me. It looked dangerous, and i thought that i would have to get back soon. I turned to the west, onto the main road. I could see the storm ahead of me. It had not yet hit fully, but i knew that it was coming this way. I drove into the wind, but a strong gust stopped the cars on the street. A tall palm tree swayed in front of me and tipped in my direction. I worried that it might fall on my car, so i tried to back up a little. Some other trees had fallen over in the street head, some falling on cars. I felt nervous about the strong winds. I backed the car to the northern side of the road. People on the street ahead of me were running through the heavy rain, which had not yet started where i was. I knew that the storm was coming toward me, though, and i worried that it would blow things toward me, down the center of the open street. I backed my car to the south, down one of the side streets. The building on the side streets would block some of the wind. I watched the strong winds drive the rain across the intersection to the north of me. The rain was falling at a fourty-five degree angle, to the east. I felt nervous, and i hoped that i was safer on this street. Someone else now seemed to be in the car with me. The storm was then over, and we headed to the west. I drove the car into the garage. I would have to change cars here. I turned the large brown vehicle to the east, driving it over the top of my blue car. I then realized that this was not a good idea. I should not have parked the flat brown vehicle over the top of my car. I was annoyed that i did, and i worried about damaging my car. The flat vehicle did not seem to have any effect on my car at the moment, but i worried that it would. I had to get it off. I pulled on the western end of the flat trailer, but i could not maneuver it off of my car. A tall wooden structure, which seemed like shelfs, stood on the western side of the garage, and the metal end of the trailer kept hitting it. I could not rotate the trailer enough to pull it off of my car because it kept bumping into the wooden thing. I finally had to move the wooden thing out of the way, pushing it to the southwest. Now that it was out of the way, i turned the hitch of the trailer to the south, turning the trailer to the north. I heard the trailer scrape the northern side of my car as it slided off. This annoyed me. I had to be careful, but i had to get it off my car. I tried to position the brown thing in the garage so that it was free of my car.

I was in the building with some of the others, and i was looking at the pictures on the wall to the south of me. The wall seemed dark, and the pictures were old photographs with white borders. I thought that the people in the photographs were from the newspapers. I remembered some of the images from famous articles of the past. I focused on one of the pictures. It was of a man. He was young, with an attractive face and a nice smile. His black hair was combed to one side over his forehead. I felt attracted to him and wondered who he was. I then noticed the scenes of him with another man. This was a famous man from newspaper stories, and i started to wondered if he was homosexual. The readers of the paper would not know that he was homosexual when the story was published, but they would recognize the man’s face. I then saw another picture of the man kissing another man. I felt glad to see the image. I was happy that the man was homosexual because it would show people that someone famous from the old photographs was not like they expected. The man seemed to have something to do with the war in the fifties. I felt interested in the man, but then realized that the image was actually rather old. The man must be very old now. I spotted another picture of him. This time, he had white hair. I then saw pictures of the older men together. They had stayed together over the years, and i thought that it was very nice that they had.

12013 July 12

I had been staying in this house, which seemed to be somewhere in Europe. I felt concerned, though. It had been raining heavily outside, and the land around us seemed to be flooded. I looked out the windows to the south, noticing water over the cement patio outside. A man approached me from the west. He was the father of this house that i had been staying in. I complained about the flood waters. I was standing on a wooden floor, just to the north of the large glass doors that looked out over the patio. I turned around to look to the north. A room, which seemed like a living room, was a few steeps below the hallway where i was standing. A kitchen area was to the east of me, and the hall that i was in seemed to be separated from the kitchen by a change in decorative styles. The red oriental pattern of the carpet in the room to the north was obscured a little by the muddy water on the floor. I would not be able to get into the living room. I felt upset about the flooding, and i said something. The man to the west of me, who seemed to be the father of the house, suggested that we play games in the rooms to the west, which did not seem to be flooded. I was upset, and i did not want to play the games. I turned to the east and walked a few steps toward the kitchen. I felt distracted and wanted to do something. I wondered if i would be able to send text messages with my cell phone. I knew that we were in Europe, so i was not sure whether my cell phone would work here. I also was not sure whether i would be able to send text messages from here. The father person returned to the west, into the other room, stepping up to a higher level of the house. I listened to him as he talked with the others. I paced for a moment in the hallway between the kitchen and the upper levels of the house. I had to do something in the lower part of the house to the north, but i was unsure about it. I would need a screwdriver to do it. I headed toward the room, but did not get in the water. I felt upset, and i then thought that my mother had talked to the others about me. I was not happy about this.

12013 July 14

I stood on the southwestern side of the group and they stood in a rough circle in the large asphalt parking lot. Someone was talking on the eastern side of the circle, and everyone was listening. The group seemed like $G4, and they were trying to pay attention to what the person was saying. It seemed that the people were trying to figure something out, and the man was making suggestions. Others started to offer suggestions as well. A man on the northern side of the circle then started talking. As everyone became quiet, he continued to talk. His comments were out of place, and it seemed strange that he was interrupting the discussion. His voice was very strange. It was high pitched, with a resonant sound like feedback from a small speaker. He was a little pudgy, with a round oriental face and short black hair. He wore plain clothes. He continued to talk, and i started to feel agitated because he would not stop talking. The man then started to wander around on the northern side of the circle, still talking. Other others were now starting to fidget, showing their annoyance with the man. The man then started singing to the crowd. This was actually a plot from Glee. This man was the new diva in the group, and was showing off his skills, whether the others liked it or not. I felt annoyed with him as well, and i started to wander to the north, along the outside of the group. The others started collecting in smaller groups and chatting among themselves. I knew that they were thinking up ways to get rid of the man. Mr. Schuester was then to the north of the group, which was now standing in the wide hallway of a building. The walls to the east of the group were dark gray. Mr. Schuester told the man that he was needed somewhere and started to lead him to the north. I moved with the two as they walked through a glass double door in the northern wall of the hallway. They turned to the east and headed through another doorway. I remembered that the finals of the singing competition were tonight, and the others had wanted to get rid of the man because he was too self-centered. As Mr. Schuester opened a door on the eastern end of the short white hallway, he turned to look back at the oriental man, saying that the man was needed for injured children. Mr. Schuester made it sound important, but i knew that he was just trying to make the man feel needed so that he could be led somewhere from the rest of the chorus, who was about to start the singing competition. Mr. Schuester was hurrying the man so that the man would not have time to realize that he was being led into a trap. The view changed, and i was in a small room with young children. Mr. Schuester and the other man came into the room from the doorway in the eastern wall. The young children in the room were all dressed the same, in dark pants or skirts. They all wore gray and black striped shirts, which looked like private-school uniforms. They quickly turned their attention toward the man that Mr. Schuester was leading though the room. The children started repeating the noised that the man had been making. They sounded chime-like. This was humorous in some way. The children had been seen in a previous scene of the show. They were special children, and they would keep the man occupied. The man would also not like being around the children, which is what made the trap funny to audiences. I focused on a young boy to the west of the man. He had straight black hair curving over his rounded head, and he wore a crescent band over the top of this head. Two green plastic hands stuck up from the sides of the band. Other children were wearing similar bands. It had something to do with the special function that the children performed. The boy made a pinging noise to the man. The man was obviously uncomfortable in this room. I then focused on Mr. Schuester, who was sneaking out the doorway in the western wall of the room. He was leaving the man in the room with the children while the others performed in the singing competition. I was then outside the room, watching Mr. Schuester close and lock the door from the outside. Now the others could do the show the way that they had planned without having the man interfere with them. Mr. Schuester walked to the west down the hall, back toward the others. He asked one of the students near him to get his notes from his room. I remembered that the notes would tell the others how the show was supposed to run.

12013 July 15

I woke up in the small room of the house, feeling suddenly alert. The room seemed old and worn. Another person was in the room with me, standing to the north of me. My single bed was against the eastern wall, and it was covered with white sheets. I had left the room and was moving to the east down the hallway that was to the north of the room. I stopped after a step or two and looked down the other corridor to the south. The corridor was actually another narrow room of the house, and people were working on the room. The room seemed to be a mess, but the people were putting up new white boards on the western wall of the room. The sound of the work must have waked me from my sleep. I then thought that this construction work must be part of the work project for $P19. I asked the people about the work. They glared up at me for a moment but did not respond. I felt that they were angry with me for some reason. I felt uneasy about this, and i turned to head back into the small room where i had been sleeping. I looked at the eastern wall as i entered the room, noticing the brown horizontal stains on the wall where the slats held up the plaster. New wood could be seen through some of the horizontal spaces on the southern end of the wall. The construction in the next room was affecting this room, replacing bad wood on the wall from the opposite side. I left the room again, heading to the north and then to the east, coming out into a grass yard. The yard seemed small, confined by a tall fence to the north and something to the east. The others were gathered around the yard, standing and chatting with each other. I looked at the tall wooden fence on the northern side of the yard. I was aware that the others were still working on the house project to the west. I felt upset as i stood on the southern side of the yard, which now seemed to be a small gravel parking lot. The people around me were chatting about the work project, but i was not sure how to interact with them. I then noticed the small seal sitting on top of the wooden fence to the northwest of me. A group of people were standing under it, talking to each other. The brown seal bobbed its head, looking around the yard. I wondered if the owners had been looking for the seal. A woman was standing just under the seal, and i thought that she might have been one of the people who had been looking for it. For a moment, i thought that they must have just found it, but then i realized that the people in front of the fence did not seem to be aware that the seal was above them. The woman was facing the fence, but she was looking down at something as she spoke to a man leaning against the fence, so she did not notice the seal. I then suddenly turned my attention to the sky to the north of us. Something had drawn my attention. A few other people were also looking up at the sky near me as well. I was not sure what had attracted my attention to the gray clouds over the horizon. A small flicker of light in the clouds looked like lightning at a great distance, obscured by the gray clouds. I thought that i had heard about a large storm coming, and i wondered if these clouds were part of the storm. I felt nervous looking at the clouds, and i said something to the others, telling them that lightning might have turned our attention to the sky. I looked at the dark gray clouds. They had a reddish or orangish hue to them. Something about them felt wrong, and i was very weary of them. The others continued working in the small yard around me. They had been doing something with the cement pots, one of which was just to the north of me. I looked down at the square wide vase in front of me. It was made of cement, and seemed to be a decorative urn on the top of a grave site. The top opening of the wide urn was about a meter square. A group of other people was tipping the urn to the east of me, trying to move it over the stone pedestal that it was on. I moved to the east of the urn near me, looking down at it. Only one other person was near me, standing to the south of the urn. I noticed carved letters along the inside lip of the vase. I said something about them. The man to the west of me shook his head. I was interested in the writing, thinking that it might be something important. The man was shaking his head because he thought that the other people did not understand what the urns were for. I moved around the urn, crossing the northern side and ending up to the west of it. Other people were still moving the other urn to the east of us. I looked at the writing on the southern side of the run, noticing that a black plastic plate ran across the southern side of the bowl. The plate was about three centimeters thick, and ran about three or four centimeters below the upper edge of the urn. It looked like a handle, and i tried to put my fingers under the lower edge of it. I could not quite figure out what i was, though, and i felt a little confused by it. It seemed out of place. The plate also had writing on it, and i told the man to the west of me something about it. I thought that the plate was only for the relatives of the person buried here. The man moved closer to me to look at the black plate as i tried to lift it up a little. The carved letters formed three or four lines along the length of the plate. Lines of text were also carved in the cement stone of the urn above the plastic strip. I then looked back up at the clouds. Something seemed wrong with them, and i could not ignore them. I was now looking up into the southwestern sky at the dull-red and gray clouds. They still seemed threatening, and i wondered about them.

I said something to the woman in the small room to the south of me. The room was on the southern side of a hallway, which i seemed to be standing in. The walls were pale green, and this place seemed like a hospital. The woman seemed to be $A19. She had arrived here for work late, and she was rushing to do something, but someone had stolen her shoes. The shoes should have been in the room here, but they were not. I felt upset for her. She followed me to the north, leaving the room, but she turned to the west and headed southwest into another room. She had to do something before she could start work, and she still needed her shoes. I had backed to the north, out of the room, and i turned to the east to head down the hallway. I came into a small office to the east of where i was. The office as on the southeastern side of the hallway, which had turned to the northeast just before the office door. The service window for the office was just to the east of the doorway to the office. Something seemed wrong here, and i thought that we should report that the shoes had been taken from this office. As i reached the office door, a telephone rang inside the office. The telephone was on a shelf, which ran under the service window, to the east of the door. The white plastic telephone was on the shelf, between the doorway and the window. $A19 was still in the room to the southwest, searching for her shoes. I answered the telephone. The person talking to me said that they were $A19, and then they said that they were taking the day off. I realized that something was suspicious about the call. I knew that the person was not $A19, and they must not have expected $A19 to show up in the office. They were trying to do something malicious by saying that she would not be into work that day. I suspected that something had gone wrong with their plans. They were unaware that $A19 was actually in the office. I knew that they must have tried to do something to here earlier, but they were unaware that their plans did not work. I asked the person who he or she was, but they did not respond. I started to feel uneasy. The bad people must know that we suspect them. I put the telephone down and headed back down the hallway to the west. I had to find some of the other people who worked in the office here. If i could tell them that $A19 was actually here, then they would realize that something was wrong. I turned to the north and then to the west, walking into a small office where two doctors in white lab coats were talking. I felt that they could help me. I told them about $A19 and about the telephone call. They did not seem to understand. I then turned back to the east, thinking about the situation. I wondered why i had actually answered the telephone in the office. I did not actually work here, so it seemed suspicious of me to have done so. I told no one in particular that i had answered it to take a message. I then thought that the answering machine could have done that. I did not have a good reason for answering the telephone, and that made me anxious.

12013 July 17

My mother said goodbye to me as she started heading back to the west. I had just gotten out of the car or bus, and was about to head to the south. I had to get to school. As soon as i started walking to the east a little, i realized that i was wearing blue jeans. I realized that blue jeans were not good for school. The school required a better dress that blue jeans, so i would have to wear nice pants or slacks. I felt annoyed that i had not realized this earlier. I tried to think of what i should do, but i was unsure. I started to wander to the southeast, toward the school. I then thought that i could get a bus home to change my pants. I would have to wait for the next bus, though, which would take a long time. I felt upset, not sure what i should do. I then thought that, if i took a bus, i would also have to wait for the next bus back to the school, which would take more than an hour. The school administration would definitely complain if i was that late coming to school. I headed to the south, across the store, which seemed to be part of the school. I suddenly realized that i could simply buy a new pair of pants at the store. I did have money of my own, and there was no reason that i could not buy something. I looked at the shirts on the rack that was against the southern end of the eastern wall. As i flipped through the shirts, though, i realized that none of the shirts on the rack were dress shirts. They all seemed to be casual shirts with patterns in them. I felt annoyed, thinking that the store did not sell any dress shirts. I started to head to the south again, putting two of the shirts on handers, which i had taken off of the rack, down on the shorter rack to the southeast of me. My mother was somewhere to the west of me, and she told me to take off my shorts. She wanted me to try on a nice pair of dress shorts. I then remembered that i had been looking for nicer pants, and i wondered why i had been looking at the shirt. I told my mother that i could not simply take off my shorts, claiming that i did not have any underwear on. I knew that i did have underwear on, but i did not want to have to change in the store. I looked around at some of the racks on the southern wall, trying to find a good shirt.

12013 July 19

I had been with the students of the elementary school class. I seemed to be one of their peers, and i was carrying a tree to the southwest. We had just cut down the tree with the class, but i wanted to make sure that the tree was saved. I told the teacher that i was bringing the tree inside. I thought that i was saving it. It seemed awkward to carry, but i carried it to the south, into the classroom. I thought that the branches of the small tree formed a rounded crown. I would have to keep the crown together so that it would easily fit into the doorway. I thought about lifting the lower branches up so that it would fit through the doorway. As i brought the tree through the doorway, i let go of the branches and let it spread out on the inside of the room. I remembered that we had brought the other tree into the classroom already, and i knew that this tree was to the southeast of me. It seemed to be standing on the eastern side of the classroom. I dragged the second tree over to it. I thought that i would now have to find a large plastic bag to put the roots of the tree in. I stood the tree up next to the other one. Someone else seemed to be in the room near me, and i told them that i had to find a bag. I then thought that we could pour a little bit of water into the bag to keep the roots wet. I walked to the west. A gray metal desk was near the western wall, and i saw a large cardboard box no the desk. I pulled a tan plastic garbage bag from the roll, which seemed like a roll of cellophane.

12013 July 20

I walked up the narrow stairwell at my parents’ house and came into the bedroom at the top of the stairs. I had been working on the computer here a little while ago, and i was now returning. I was surprised to see that my mother had rearranged the room. The desk with the computer had been against the northern wall of the small room, but it was no longer there. The room now had two beds: one on the western end of the southern wall, near me, and one on the eastern end of the northern wall. The bed closest to me had a dark-blue spread over it. My mother was still standing on the northern side of the room, cleaning something up. I felt annoyed that my mother had rearranged the rooms. I still had to do work on my computer, but i no longer knew where the computer was. I wondered where i would do my work now. The table i had been using was gone, so i did not have a place in this bedroom to set up my computer. I continued to the south, into the small bedroom. I thought that my mother might have moved the table into the small bedroom, but only a bed was in the bedroom. The bed was against the northern wall, just to the east of the doorway. Beyond the bed, i could see a mattress and pillow on the floor. The mattress was covered with a dark-brown comforter. I wondered how i would get my work done. I just needed to plug in my computer for typing. I pictured the old computer that used to be in the small room to the north. It seemed like a very old computer, but i was only using it to type with. The small old monitor was good enough for text. Confused and disappointed, i headed back to the small room. I had to get my work done, and i was not sure how i would do it. I then thought that i would have to get my clothes ready for school. I moved around a little. Others were now near me, and i seemed to be on the bus. The bus was traveling to the west, and i was sitting on the southern side of it. My mother was on the bus to the east of me. I felt stressed, thinking that i had to get something done. A man to the east of me then started talking about the event. I looked to the south, out the window of the bus. I was now sitting on the northern side of the bus, and the bus was traveling down the street of a small city. The man mentioned the event to someone else, and i thought that $F45 had planned the event. The others on the bus were not really certain what the event was about. I knew that my mother would be upset if she knew about the event. The man stood up and walked to the west, to the front of the bus to get off. The young man talked of the Halloween parade, which would be in this area. I knew that the others were planning on dressing up. I looked out the window to the south of me, looking at the people on the streets. They walked east and west on the southern sidewalk, chatting with each other. I started to feel uncomfortable, not quite sure how this event would work. The event seemed vague to me, and i was not really sure what the point of it was. A man wandered to the east on the street in front of me. He had gotten off the bus and were starting to walk to the south, down a side street. I noticed a large orange sign on a store to the southwest that advertised Halloween items. I felt uncertain and uncomfortable, and i did not know what i should do.

I was lying in my bed, which was on the western wall of the bedroom. I had been asleep, but i had woken up at the sound of someone entering the house. I heard the door downstairs open and close. I thought that $A556 must have come home from work. I listened to the sounds for a moment. The person came up the stairs outside the bedroom. I then heard the person come into the bedroom. I still had my eyes closed as i lay on my back. My feet were to the east. I though that $A556 had come to talk to me. He approached the bed, and i heard him start to crawl onto it. I wondered if he know that i was upset. He layed down to the south of me, putting his right arm across my abdomen. This seemed very strange. $A556 did not usually do anything like this, and i wondered if he was trying to comfort me. I then thought that he probably did not know that i was unhappy. As the arm started to rest on my midsection, i realized that it was heavier than $A556’s arm should be. I put my left hand on the upper arm. I recognized the size and shape as $F45’s arm. I felt suddenly happy to see him. I had not expected him to come back to the house. I then started to think that this situation did not seem correct. I knew that $F45 was not in town. Something felt wrong, and i thought that someone else must be here. I could tell that it was $F45, but this scene must somehow be fake. I thought that maybe it was a dream.

12013 July 22

I was a special person, and i had the ability to exist in this place without affecting it. I had come here to watch the events that were going on. I wore a gray shirt, which seemed like a hooded robe. I walked around, noticing that people were sitting against the plain gray walls of the small room. The people along the southern wall seemed to be chained to the wall. They sat with their heads hunched forward a little and their hands at their sides. They seemed to be wearing black shirts, and i could not see the features of their faces. I moved to the west, thinking about the prisoners here. I then stared talking to some of the people in the room. I had come here for a reason, and i wanted to relate to these people. I moved to the western side of the room. The men sitting against the wall there seemed Arab. I thought that they might have been accused of terrorism, or that they might actually be Muslim extremists. I crouched down and started talking to one of them. I spoke in Arabic, knowing that i could speak their language only because i was close to them. I reached out my right had and grasped the man’s forearm as i spoke. This touch allowed me to access the man’s language skills, which allowed me to speak his language. The others around him seemed upset that i was speaking Arabic, though. They exhaled in distaste and stood up to leave. I did not understand why they were upset. I moved to the east a little, across the northern wall. A man stood up just to the northeast of me. He had been sitting in the group of Arab men, but his skin seemed too dark to be Arab. He started angrily speaking to me. I realized that he must be Hindu. He had short curly black hair, and he jerked as he stressed his words. The others were moving away from me now, heading to the southwest, but the Indian man stood to the northeast of me, speaking in a firm tone. I spoke back to him, but the words did no seem correct. I uttered a short sentence, but started to giggle near the end. I had not quite memorized the lines correctly, and i admitted to the man that i did not say it correctly. He did not respond. I knew that i would still have time to memorize the lines correctly before we did this scene the final time. I would have to read the Hindi off of the card. For now, i was just babbling in something that sounded Hindi. I turned to the west and started walking across the small room. The others moved around the room with me. I was a special person here. I was some kind of observer of humans, and i was not quite human myself. The people with me seemed to be questioning me, trying to figure out who i was. I was then reclined near the western wall of the room. Someone was trying to see if i was all right. They seemed confused. $A539 had taken my pulse. She said that my heart rate was not right. I knew that it was because i had a different heart that she had expected. She said that the rhythm was off, and referred to it by a long three-word term that started with a word like “tachycardia”. I thought that the term was usually referred to as three letters, but it was interesting that she had pronounced the full term. I was a special person, though, so i knew what the terms meant. I thought that i would have to repeat these terms later in the plot. I moved to the west a little. I would have to pretend that this was my home. I could manipulate this small room to be anything. It was like a chamber of illusion, where any scene could be represented. I then thought that it should probably not have the ability to simulate open spaces because that would seem too convenient. The scene in the room would have to feel confided and sad, so it would not be good if the room could simulate an infinite space. I felt good playing this character, and i started walking around the room, pretending to make the people feel at home. A table was not in the center of the room, to the east of me. The others had been fixing a meal, and i was cleaning things up. I thought about he door in and out of the room. I decided that there should not be any because the room had to be enclosed. The others would have to feel sympathy for my character. I picked up two dull-red parkas and tossed them into the air, saying that i would put them into the next room. The coats disappeared into the ceiling, and someone to the east of me gasped in amazement. I walked across the northern side of the table, trying to get things ready. The people had prepared a dinner with the supplies i had. A countertop ran along the northern and eastern walls, forming the kitchen area. The dinner seemed to be a Thanksgiving dinner. I glanced to the south to see a doorway to another room. I knew that it was enclosed within the larger room, thought. It felt nice to be here with the others as i cleaned up some of the items in the room to prepare for the dinner. The other people moved to the west, and i looked around at the table to the west of me. The chicken seemed to be cooked and on the eastern end of the table. As i looked at the chicken, it seemed to be cooking and turning brown. I hoped that it would not burn in the oven on the eastern wall, where i was not looking at it. I then looked at the extra pieces of chicken that were on the counter, near the toaster oven. I had supplied the people with the chicken, but i thought that the dinner really should have been a turkey. I then noticed the head of the chicken in the sink in the northern counter. I must have had a full chicken in the package that i gave to the other people. They cleaned it fully before cooking it. The head still had white feathers around the neck. The neck and head had been put into the garbage disposal in the sink. I wandered to the west, following the others into the outside area. It was dark out now, and the sky seemed starless and glossy. A small building was to the west of us, and the others were moving toward it. Some of them seemed to be my relatives. The lights of the building were dim and yellowish, illuminating the small parking lot around me. My grandmother seemed to be walking ahead of me toward the southern end of the building. The lot around me seemed to be confined in some way. I was aware of some people to the south of us, near the cars that were on the southern side of the building. They seemed threatening, and i felt weary of them. I felt confident that i could defend myself against them, however. I imagined how i would do this as i continued to walk to the west. I was then heading to the north. The sky was brighter, and i could see the tall tan building to the northeast of me. It was the restaurant, but it was designed more like a hotel. I was not really sure what the building was, but then i noticed the red signs over the doorways on the bottom level. I said something to my grandmother, who was with me in the car as i drove along the eastern side of the building. My relatives were actually safe in the building, which did not seem to be what i expected it to be. It was not really a restaurant. I had expected it to be more like a hotel, but the red signs indicated that it was a mall with many small shops. I passed the building, turning to the northeast. I thought that i would drive around this area. The sky was light again, and i had to head to the east again. I was still in the special room, and this was part of the plot of this story. I thought about the plot, and decided that it was actually a good story. I was the special man in the box, and the others would come to visit me. I imagined myself as the main character, who was somehow detached from the others. This seemed like a fun story, and i tried to think of how it ran as i walked.

12013 July 23

I stopped for a moment and said something to the woman, who was climbing the mountain to the west of me. She had hiked up the steep trail from the western side of the southern face of the mountain. I had been climbing down the steep white cliffs from above. The cliff was to the north of me, but i could see a vertical silhouette just to the west of me as i spoke to the woman, who had paused to the northwest of me on the path. The silhouette seemed to be rotating, and i told the woman that the scene was tipping strangely. I knew that this would affect gravity, and it would make it easier for me to climb down the face of the cliff. I then thought that it could also make it difficult if the vertical alignment tipped the wrong way. I talked to the woman about it for a moment, joking about the tipping of the scene. I then turned and started speaking to some of the men to the northeast of me. They were familiar, and i thought that they were part of $G3. I was now in a room, and some kind of alumni event was happening. I felt distracted, but i was talking to the men and joking about something. I felt a little uncomfortable talking to them. I started to fidget, and i wandered to the west. I felt that i had something to do. I crossed the room and came into a smaller square room on the western side of the building. The room was empty of furnishings, and the white walls seemed dingy and dull. Several tall leaded-glass windows were in the western wall. I moved toward the western wall, focusing on the metal steam radiator below the windows. The radiator had something to do with the party. I opened up metal door at the front of the radiator and looked at the cylindrical metal canister inside. The canister had a rounded top and bottom, and i thought that it was a tank for the beer. It was painted white, and i tipped it forward slightly, noticing that it was empty. Others walked up behind me from the east and stood near me as i examined the tank. I said something to them about the tank, pushing it back into place in the small cabinet. It would have to be fixed.

12013 July 24

I moved to the desk to the east of me, looking down at the paper on the small wooden surface. I was in a classroom with some other people, and i was taking a test at the table. $F4 was sitting at another table to the east of me. He seemed to be facing west, toward me. A third student was sitting at another table, to the north of $F4. The third student seemed a little like $F6. I felt a little nervous about finishing the test, but i had been trying to do something else. $A623 was sitting in the southeastern corner of the room, and she seemed to be giving the tests to us. I continued doing something, which did not seem related to the test. I knew that i would have to get back to the test, but i felt that i had to finish something first. I arranged several things on the western end of the table, not paying much attention to the test. I thought that i had been working quickly enough on the test when i was answering the first part, so i should have enough time to finish the second part, once i was done with what i had to do. I sat down at the desk and looked at the test again. I would need a pencil, so i started looking around the items near me for a pencil. I remembered that i would have to have a number-two pencil. I picked up two large blue pencils from the desk in front of me. I recognized them as pencils from an art kit. They would probably not be of the right darkness. I looked at the black markings near the ends of the maroon pencils to see what darkness they were, but i could not quite see it. I then noticed that they simply said “hard” on them. They would not be good. Frustrated, i turned to the south, looking at the things on the cluttered desk near me. Several short pencils were on the desk, but i thought that they would be too short to use on the test. I then noticed the large pink angled eraser that was on the desk. I picked it up with my right hand, noticing the tip of a pencil sticking out of the bottom of the eraser. The pencil was too short to use. I started looking around the counter, but i did not put the eraser down. Instead, i started pulling the pencil out of the end of it with my left hand. As the pencil came free, i realized that it was actually not that short. It even had a pink angled eraser on the end of it. The large pink eraser was large enough that the small pencil had fit entirely with it. I could use the short pencil. I turned my attention back to the test. $F4 said something about the test, and i thought that the individual sections of the test were individually timed. I realized that i could not simply catch up on the test as easily because i would be limited to doing only one section. I carried the test with me to the east, moving to a table in the center of the small room. As i sat down to look at the test, i was aware of a woman standing in the center of the room. She wore a long dark coat. She had come into the room from the north, and she was talking to someone to the west of her. She stood very close to the table where i was working, and i started to feel annoyed with her. I looked around the room, which now seemed like a cafe. Several people were eating at some of the other tables. I stood up, thinking that i would have to go to another room in the house. I looked at the others. They too seemed annoyed with the crowd and were starting to stand up. I thought that i would go to my bedroom, where it was quiet. I told the others that they could find desks in the house to work at. I then thought that only one desk was really in the house, and i thought about the desk in my parents’ den, which seemed to be to the west of me. I told $F4 and the other that a desk was on the western side of the house. I headed upstairs to my bedroom, which was on the third floor of the house. As i approached the desk, which was on the southern end of the western wall, i thought that i would need a calculator anyway for the math part of the exam. I looked around the desk as i approached, pulling open the central drawer. I was facing east, now, and the desk was on the southern end of the eastern wall. I could not find a calculator in the desk, and i felt annoyed about it. The exam frustrated me.

12013 July 25

I stood on the western side of the platform, near the southern end. The small airplane was on the northern side of the platform. It looked like a small private jet, but it was only a few meters long. it was broken into pieces and piled on the end of the platform. The others had been in the airplane with me, but the airplane had been destroyed. This scene was fake, and i knew that we had created it to deceive someone. We could not let the people outside know what had happened here. The platform started to rotate. Something on the northern end of the table was burning. I looked down at the black charred objects on the platform, and i noticed that a large section of the fuselage was tipped onto the large burning object on the northern end of the platform. The others were facing east, posing for the presentation. I reached to the north east and pulled the metal object from the fire, but it had already started to burn. I wondered if the jet fuel would catch fire and burn the rest of the airplane. The table turned clockwise, and then stopped turning once it was square north to south. I stood to the south of the platform now, still aware of something to the east of the group. Someone was standing near me, and i started talking to him. I felt anxious, talking about the danger that would be coming. We had set the scene to fake an incident, but we knew that the federal agents would be coming. They seemed to be somewhere to the northeast of us. I spoke to the other, and then i turned to the west. The scene changed suddenly, and i was looking down the pale-green hallway. The corridor seemed new. An agent was standing in a doorway on the southern side of the hallway, speaking to another person. The agent seemed to be in change, and he sternly told the other that the hallway must be clear. I looked at the northern wall of the hallway. A short wall had extended from the northern wall. It looked like part of a door frame. The agent commanded that the small piece of the door must be removed so that the northern wall was smooth. They had to remove all traces of the wall so that no one would know a doorway was there. They were trying to cover up all traces of something. I looked at the pale-green hallways, thinking that something was very disturbing about them. The agent had left with the worker, and i turned to the east. A worker was moving down the hallway toward me. He was taking pictures of the hallway, and i realized that the picture he was now getting ready to take would be of the hallway near me. It would include the short wall that the agent wanted removed. This was a plot gimmick. The man now had evidence that the short wall had existed. This would be used later to uncover the conspiracy. The man moved the camera away from his face. He seemed obviously nervous, realizing that he was in part of the hallway that he was not supposed to be in. The man retreated back to the east, turning south around the corner that was just behind him. I followed the man, watching him head down the corridor to the south, to where the other construction worker had been waiting for him. The second man was standing on a clear plastic drop cloth in the middle of the hall, and it seemed that they were painting or spackling the walls. I said something to the person to the southeast of me. We were standing in the field again, and the table of wreckage seemed to be to the north of us. A sound of sirens then came from the northeast. I looked across the field to the east. Police cars were coming from the north, driving down the road on the eastern side of the campground. I felt suddenly panicked. The agents had come to arrest everyone in this area. I felt worried because i knew that they would have to arrest us and kill us so that their secrets did not get out. We were witnesses to something. I said something to the woman with me. She was standing to the southwest of me now. We had to get back to the others, who had been planning a way of escaping. I looked at the group of others to the east of me. They had heard the sirens, and were now starting to run to the southwest. I realized that we had left our personal items with the group. We had to run to get our things so that the agents did not get them. I worried that we did not have time, thought. I told the woman to run to the southwest. She could catch up with the small group of others who were escaping. I told her that i would get our papers and try to catch up. I ran to the east, toward the small pile of objects that the group of people had left behind. I took only a few steps, though, before i realized that i would not be able to get to the pile before the agents got to it. I felt trapped, and i was not sure what i should do. I started to the southwest, but realized that the agents had already started to surround the area. I had no place to run to escape. I started running to the west, back across the camp ground. Large white tents were set up on the southern side of the grounds, and i was running to the north of them. I was not sure where to go, and i started to feel upset. I had been surrounded. The others on the campground did not seem concerned about the agents, but i knew that i would have to escape with the others. I felt confused, wondering what i should do. The situation felt hopeless. I ran to the west anyway. I was then heading down a hallway. I remembered this hallway as the green hallway from before. The agents were after me. As i approached the corner in the hallway, where the hallway turned to the north, i remembered that the secret people had planned to seal up the hallway to hide something. I could see that the hallway continued around the corner ahead of me, and i wondered whether it would just end where the workers had put up a wall. I rounded the corner and saw a wall ahead of me. I felt worried, knowing that the agents would be following me from the east. I continued toward the wall, realizing that it had a tall oval shape in the center of it. I knew that it was a fake wall, and i wondered if it had a way to get through it. I pressed on the center of the round area, feeling somewhat relieved that i would be able to pass through the wall. I came into the enclosed area of the hallway. This was the area that the other people had sealed off. The agents would not know that i had come here. I felt a little relieved as i turned the corner on the northern end of the short hallway and started to the west again. This was the hallway i had seen before, where the agent had requested that the short wall be removed. Looking at the northern wall, i could see that it was now smooth. I was then aware of someone in the room to the south. The figure had a large head, and it was taking a shower behind the translucent glass panel on the southern side of the room. The figure had a large head, and i knew that it was an extraterrestrial. He stepped out of the shower and talked to me. He was Roger from American Dad. He was friendly, and he welcomed me to the area. He spoke about something on the northern wall of the room. I looked down to the south, realizing that my things were here in the room. The others who were escaping must have brought my things with them. I felt happy for this, and i started to feel relieved because i could be safe here.

I was tense as i crossed the room, heading to the south. I was with a family, but he had to hide from the troops that had taken over this place. The Nazis had come here, and they were looking for us. I could not let them know that we were here, so i tried to act inconspicuous as i walked across the wooden floor on the western side of the room. We had to escape this place. I then noticed the rest of the family to the southeast of me, on the southern end of the room. They were standing near the stairs, and a Nazi officer was questioning them. The officer did not recognize them as the family that they were looking for. We were not together, so the officer must not have realized that the young woman and the girl and boy were part of the family that the troops were searching for. The female officer dismissed the young woman, and the young woman led the children down the stairs. The stairs descended to the north, no the eastern side of the room. I thought that i should walk to the south, into the next room. If i remained away from the children, the officers might not relate me to the children and figure out that we were the family that they were looking for. I pulled the dark hood of my sweatshirt over my head to try to hide my face. I started into the room to the south, but stopped in the doorway. The officer was questioning a young man with the family now. The boy was $K25. He was dismissed and he continued down the stairs with the others. I started to pace in the doorway, but i knew that i would eventually have to head down the stairs to escape this place. I would have to wait for a bit so that it did not seem that i was following the others. In a moment, i started back to the east, heading for the stairs. A woman was standing to the south of the top of the stairs. I thought that she would recognize us. She was oriental, and she asked me about my sister’s boyfriend. I realized that she was referring to the young woman who had just gone down the stairs. My sister did not have a boyfriend, so i knew that my sister had made up a story to tell to the female officer. Fortunately, i knew that my sister had made up the name of the boyfriend previously. She had told me about it, so i asked the woman if she was referring to Michael, acting confused. The woman nodded at me, seeming somewhat satisfied with my answer. I continued down the stairs, but i knew that the woman was now suspicious. I hurried to the northern end of the room to the north, where the family was gathered. I quietly told them that the woman was suspicious of us and that we would have to escape from this place. I told them that the woman was probably planning on getting us here. I then noticed a young woman outside the house. I could see her through the window in the southern wall. I was with the family on the western side of an empty rectangular room. The stairs descended into the southeastern corner of the room, and a wide doorway was in the western end of the southern wall. The doorway led into a second empty room, which expanded to the west of the doorway. The entire southern wall of the room was filled with a multipane window. The young woman walked carefully down a steep dirt slope toward the window, stabilizing herself against a tree, which was to the east of her. She was oriental, with straight black hair that was cut with bangs over her eyes. She wore a long tweed coat, which was long enough to hide the skirt that she was wearing underneath. I knew that the girl was the girlfriend of one of the boys in the family. I pointed her out to the family, and we rushed into the southern room. The girl was trying to rescue us. She opened one of the windows on the upper part of the wall. I felt rushed and anxious as the family tried to get one of the lower windows open. The windows started about half a meter from the floor, and several people were trying to help the girl open the lower window. I felt rushed, and i told the family that they should stop fooling around with the lower window and just jump out the top window. The upper window was about two meters from the floor. The situation felt urgent, and i stressed to the family that they should get out of this building. The family grabbed the youngest girl and tossed her toward the window. I was surprised by this, and thought that it was a very clumsy thing to do. The girl hit the lower part of the window and then tumbled onto the ground outside. She started screaming in complaint as she lay on the ground in her white dress. I urgently tried to quiet her, fearing that the troops upstairs would hear. The family then grabbed another child and tossed him toward the window as well. This seemed inefficient. They should have just help the children climb through the window. It would have been easier.

I stood to the west of the large white building, which seemed like a hotel. I was looking to the west. I knew that the event was going to happen, and i was waiting for it. The hotel seemed to have an overhanging along the front, which extended to just to the east of me. I then noticed that a white pick-up truck had pulled into the driveway from the south of me. I focused on the young man in the passenger’s seat. Then i noticed his father, who was driving the truck. The young man was special in some way, and i felt very interested in him. He had something to do with the situation that was about to happen. I knew that he had special abilities, but i also knew that he was unaware of what was really happening here. Men started running to the east of me, toward the entrance door of the house. They were coming from all different directions, and they seemed acrobatic as they passed. The young man stepped out of the truck, looking at some of the men running past. The young man seemed interested. He had short blond hair and wore a T-shirt. Some of the men running past were shirtless, and they seemed like warriors. This was a scene from a low-budget movie. I backed toward the entrance of the building a little, thinking that the young man might get involved in the events here. He moved to the north, toward the front of the truck, asking what was happening. I grabbed him, wrapping my arms around his torso, trapping his arms against his sides. I told him that he should not be involved. My grip seemed more like a friendly hug and less like a restraining grab. I felt that i had to keep the young man from running into the building. He wanted to go, though. His father then stepped out of the truck and started to approach us. I turned my attention to the north. One of the men running toward the building had jumped up to scale the building. He did not do it correctly, though, and he as now hanging on to the edge of the overhang, which now seemed to be part of the building over our heads. The man was wearing a black sleeveless T-shirt and matching black shorts, and he hung on to the edge of the building with his legs apart. He seemed unkempt, and seemed to be wearing black sweatbands on his wrists and on his head. He smiled at us and said something, which seemed goofy. I watched several of the other people run past. They were still shirtless, and i commented on them being nice. I then realized that i was hinting to the young man that i was attracted to them. He would realized that i was homosexual, and i wondered if that would make him uncomfortable, so i let him go. He seemed confused as he watched the warriors run past, into the building, and he asked his father about them. I then started to feel that the young man would come after me. I had let him know that something was happening, so he would be after me. I quickly turned to the east and ran up the side of the building. I had special abilities, and i knew that i could easily ascend the building in much the same way that the warriors had. I started running up the wall to the north of me, which seemed to be on the southern end of the overhanging area. More of the building was to the east of me. The young man would be after me. I knew that i could out run him, but he was special like me, so he would be very good about running up the building as well. I felt that i had to get away, so i quickly started running up the slanted shingled roof to the east. The roof met another slanted roof from the west, and i started up the valley where the two roofs met. I thought about how i could get away. I then jumped into the air, rebounding off of the ashen-orange roof, which arched over the slope of the tiled roof. The plastic-like orange roof looked like part of a dome that arched over the area. I pushed off the roof, thinking that the young man would not have known to do that. I started moving quickly to the west, over the peak of the building. I floated for a while before i put my feet back down onto the rooftop. I knew that he would fall behind because i was moving too fast. I started running to the west, now on the ground. I ran down the southern side of the street, and quickly turned into a row of hedges in front of a house. The young man would not yet be over the top of the roof, so he would not actually see where i ran. I continued heading to the west, across the yard. A cement path seemed to run across the yard, just to the south of the hedges. Red plants were growing in the gardens along the path. As i started down the path, the path seemed to have short platforms that extended to the north of the path at regular intervals. The red plants, which seemed like herbs and vegetable plants, were planted between these short cement extensions of the sidewalk. I hopped over several of them, wondering if anyone would be annoyed that i was in the yard. I started to worry that someone from the house might come out an yell at me, which would let the young man know where i was. i then heard a woman in the house to the south of me as i ran past. I hopped over some tall red plants, following the path over the yard. As i passed the house, the path continued to the west, running past the red plants. I looked closer at the plants as i ran, noticing that they were actually covered with thick red paint. The plants filled the yard to the west of the house. I continued following the path for a moment, but then i headed to the southwest, crossing through some tall grass and coming out on the street to the south. This looked like $P1. I was glad that i was on the correct block of the street. I could see the end of the road to the west, so i must be close to my grandmother’s house. I would have to get to the house. I then looked at the tall grass on the northern side of the street. It had fuzzy seeds lining the top. I was drifting to the south, away from the grass and out into the open. I realized that i should head back into the grass in case the man could see me. I was close to my grandmother’s house, and i knew that, if i could get to the house, i would be able to hide there and be safe.

12013 July 26

My mother said that she wanted some information on $F45, who was in the room with us. My mother was sitting on the western side of the room, and $F45 had just picked up some things from a table on the eastern end of the northern side of the room. I stood in the middle of the room, glancing north at $F45, who seemed uncomfortable with what he had just done. He had just picked up a pen from the table, but my mother had said something, and he now felt guilty for picking up the pen, even though my mother did not know that he had it. He tried to hide the pen as she talked to me. I reached out my right hand behind me as i spoke to my mother, and $F45 put the pen in my hand. My mother had asked me to get something relating to $F45, and i told her that i would. I carried the box to the north, heading into the house to look for the address for my mother. I turned to the west inside, and headed down the hallway. I then turned to the south, stopping in front of the door to the room. The wooden door was closed, but a light seemed to be on inside. I thought that i could hear people inside as well. This seemed strange because the classroom should have been closed. I wondered if the door was open. I balanced the box in my hand and reached for the handle of the door. As i did, i noticed a paper stuck between the door and the doorjamb. Someone had put a paper in the doorway so that they would know when someone came into the room. As i opened the door, i grabbed the three pieces of paper in my left hand. All three had been stuck between the end of the door and the doorjamb. Two of the sheets were dark, and the third was pale yellow. I carried them into the classroom with me. Others were in the classroom, at a table on the eastern side of the room. The doorway had entered the room on the western side of the northern end of the room. A short corridor, which was about two meters long, led from the door to the room. The tables just to the south of me were dark, and the dark wooden chairs were turned upside down on top of them. I carried the box around the eastern end of the tables to the south of me and put it down on the southern side of the room. I then started to look for something. I turned back to the north when i heard someone else coming into the room. A female teacher had entered the room. She was tall and thin, with puffy black shoulder-length hair. She seemed annoyed as she looked around the room, and she asked who unlocked the door. The door had been unlocked when i opened it, so i did not say anything. I thought that one of the young people to the east must have unlocked it. I ignored the teacher and turned my attention back to the south, to the box that i was searching. I then picked up something else from the south of me and turned back to the north. I looked at the object. It was a long narrow wooden box. I noticed that the short ends of the box had thicker wood on them. The wood was rounded at the top and bottom, and i realized that this box was actually a wide drawer. I would have to look through the things in it, but i now knew that it had been pulled out of a cabinet somewhere.

12013 July 27

I stood on the western side of the park, facing to the west. It was getting dark out, but the gray light was enough to see around the area. My mother approached me from the east, telling me that i should get to the hospital for something. I felt impatient. She was trying to hurry me to do something that there really was no need to do. I agreed that i would head to the place she wanted, and i turned to the east to follow her back across the yard. I mentioned that i had parked my car on the northern side of the park. I knew that it was to the north of where i was, but the paved lot seemed to be separated from where i was by a fenced in area, which seemed to be tennis courts. I followed my mother to the northeast, across the grassy area to get around the eastern end of the fenced in area. I was then aware of two boys to the south of us. They wore dark clothing, and i could not make out the details of their faces in the twilight. The boys were in their early teens, and one of them started following us. I turned to look at the boy, and he stopped following us for a moment. My mother had not noticed, and had continued to walk to the north. I turned back to the north to follow here, but i was aware that the boy was still following us. He was walking very close behind me, and i started to feel annoyed with him. It seemed that he was challenging me, but i did not feel threatened by him. He was too young to threaten me physically. As we reached the line of trees at the northern end of the field, my mother walked through a gap in front of me. I started through, but turned around again to look at the boy. Again, he backed away as i turned to him. I started to feel angry with him, but i turned back to the north and walked through the trees and into the field to the north. I then turned to the west and walked to my car. The boys were still following us, and i felt uneasy about them. I got into my car and turned on the lights. The boys were now at the eastern end of the small lot, facing me. A third boy was standing in front of them, wearing a white T-shirt. The third boy was also young, but he had a pistol in his hand. He pointed the pistol at us. My mother was frightened, and she stood to the south of me, panicked. The lot that we were in now seemed to be surrounded by tall brick buildings. The alley to the east had a structure running across it from the second floor of the buildings. The boy was standing under the structure, stepping over a raised area of ground as he slowly approached us. I felt that we had to get out of here quickly, so i started to back my car to the west, pretending that i was unaware that the boy with the gun was standing in front of me. The boy continued to point the gun at us. I wanted my mother to get into the car, but she was too afraid to be aware of what was going on. I then turned the car sharply to the left as i backed away. The front of the car turned to the right. I thought that i could pin the boy between the brick wall and the car. It would be a way to injure the boy enough to allow us to get away. The car did not turn quickly, though. The boy twisted a little as the car moved toward him, but the car never hit him. I wanted my mother to get in the car, but she just stood outside the car, to the south of me. The boy backed away from the car a little. He pointed the gun in the air and started shooting. I realized that i could not hear the bullets, and i wondered if he was actually firing the gun. I hoped that he was because it would mean that he was wasting all of his bullets. I tried to get my mother into the car. I then noticed the boy waving the gun in the air. I could now see small black bullets streaming from the gun as he waved it in the air. He was using up his bullets. I tried to leave the area again.

I walked across the empty park, heading to the south. It was twilight, and the light from the sky seemed gray and hazy. I had just left several other people, and i now had to head home. I felt upset and sad about something as i walked. I was lonely again. I passed through a swing set that ran across the top of the short hill. I then walked down the hill to the south, heading toward the sidewalk on the northern side of the road. Once at the sidewalk, i turned to the east. I wanted to do something, but i was not sure what. I then heard some people to the north of me as i passed along a building. The sidewalk curved to the northeast here, and a small orange building was to the north of me. The building seemed to be an old run-down bar, with a small paved lot to the east of it. The sidewalk curved back to the east and ran across the southern side of the lot. I looked through a doorway in the southern side of the building, and i could see $F58 and $F57 sitting in a small wooden tub of water. $F57 was reclined to the south, with his arms out and resting on the southern rims of the tub. $F58 was lying on top of him. I paused in the doorway to look at them. I wanted them to know that i was here so that they would invite me in. $F58 looked up at me and said something, causing $F57 to tip his head back and over his right shoulder to see me. They greeted me and asked me to join them in the room. It felt good to be with other people now, and i walked into the room.

12013 July 28

I walked into the room from the west. I was working at this office again, though i felt a little out of place here. The others were sitting around a large rectangular table in the center of the room for a meeting. I felt awkward, not quite sure what to do. I wandered to the eastern end of the table, passing the man who was sitting at the western end. The man seemed to be the boss, and he asked me something. He was trying to find out why i was here. He did not seem to expect me in the meeting. I said that i wanted to be in the meeting, even though that was not quite true. I sat in a chair just off the northeastern corner of the table. $A166 and $A395 were sitting at the eastern end of the table. They were the only people in the room that i was familiar with, so i felt a little comfortable near them. I still felt uncomfortable here, though. I was not sitting at the table. I was new here, and i felt very uncomfortable, but i felt as though i should be here for some reason. I then noticed that open chairs were on the western ends of the table. A chair was open on the western end of the southern side and on the western end of the northern side. The chairs had metal frames, and the seats were made of black leather cushions, which were wrapped over sections of the frame. I stood up and moved to the southern side of the table. The man in change, who was sitting at the western end of the table, told me that i really did not have to be at the meeting. Someone then pointed out that i was not a full-time employee here. The person mentioned that i only worked a few hours here. I was annoyed that they were treating me like this. I then told them that i was actually taking notes for a woman who worked here, and i sat down in the chair at the western end of the southern side of the table. The man in charge continued talking to the others at the meeting. A woman stood up from the eastern end of the table and moved toward me, sitting in one of the chairs just to the east of me. She started asking me questions. I knew that she did not want me at the meeting. I tried to ignore her, but she continued talking to me. I told her to be quiet, knowing that it would interrupt the meeting a little, but i did not care. The woman continued talking. I tried to ignore her. I looked at the notebook that i brought, opening up to a blank page. I did not want the woman seeing what i had already written in the notebook, but i had opened it up a few pages before the blank pages. I started to flip forward, hoping that the woman could not read my notes from my previous employment. I then turned the page, showing a page that was mostly filled with a drawing of a person. The drawing was on the right-hand side of the page, and showed the person from the waist up. The person was wearing a striped shirt, with thick horizontal stripes, and the head and face were drawn rather crudely, making them look boxy. I quickly flipped past it, but i knew that the woman had seen it. I turned to a blank page. I felt a little uncomfortable as the woman continued to talk to me. I felt that i had to ignore her so that i could pay attention to the meeting. Something then changed. I tried to focus on the table. The people were now standing up from the table to leave the room. The meeting was over. I felt as though i had just waked up, and i started to feel strange. The woman was no longer sitting next to me. She had moved back to the eastern end of the table. I had somehow missed the meeting. I realize that the woman might have done something to me. I felt upset, and i realized that the woman might have spoken in a specific pattern to get me to fall unconscious.

12013 July 29

I seemed to be in $P6, and i was talking to the others about the race as i faced west. The start of the race was somewhere to the west of us. I was interested in these people, and wanted to do the run with them, but i started to feel a little unsure about the run because it seemed like a long distance. The others talked around me, and i realized that $F58 and $F57 were talking about doing the run. I was interested in spending time with them, so i thought that i would do the run as well. I then wondered whether i was actually signed up for the run. I knew that people would have to sign up ahead of time for such a large run. I felt that i was already signed up for the run. I then started to wonder what the distance of the run was, and i started to feel uncomfortable about doing the run. I stood in the area, looking to the west. I thought that i had just run the Boilermaker a few weeks ago, so it seemed too soon to be running another long race. I looked up at the long white banner above me and to the west, noticing that it said “5k” near the left edge. It also said “15k” near it, so i could have been signed up for either race. I thought that the five-kilometer race was too short and that i would not be able to run as fast. I then noticed another banner to the west, just beyond the first. It hung over a counter, which was now on the western side of the area that i was in. It had a long list of distances listed, and one of them said “21”. I hoped that these were not distances for running. I felt confused and not sure what i should do. I asked the man what distance we were running. Someone was moving to the south of me. I then realized that $A636 was to the south of me. I was surprised to see him, thinking that he must have just come back into town. $A590 and $A630 was with him. All three of them had just come back from somewhere. I thought that they must have come from the airport. I remembered that they had been trapped in Russia, but they had finally managed to come home. I then thought that they were probably doing the run. It was good to see them, but i kept thinking how uncertain i was about doing the run. I looked to the south. $A636 was standing in a parking lot. Cars were parked along the western side of the lot, facing west, and $A636 was standing near the rear of a car. $A590 was standing just to the south of the car, near the rear end. The back door of the hatch-back car was open, and they seemed to be taking luggage out of it. I was wanted to spend some time with them, but i felt a little awkward doing so. I chatted with one of them, but i was now driving $A630 home. We were traveling to the west. I pulled into the parking lot, which was on the southern side of the apartment building. The building seemed old, with worn soft wood and chipping dark-red paint. The parking lot sloped to the south, away from the building. $A630 got out of the car and walked to the north, toward the building. I felt uncertain what i should do, and i started maneuvering the car in the parking lot. The space around me seemed very tight, and i started to imagine that the car was actually now confined within a small room. I had somehow gotten it into the room. I imagined that the car was actually a “light car”, like the ones from Tron. I thought that i could simply jump over the eastern wall of the room and then compile the car in mid air, allowing the completed car to land in the middle of the room. I watched the large man, who was sitting in the northeastern corner of the small shop as i jumped slowly over the wall. The dark-skinned man was sitting on a short stool, looking into the room, to the southwest. The room seemed to be a second-hand store, with old furnishing in it. It was mostly empty. I tried to maneuver the car in the room, turning the front end to the north, where a doorway led to the apartments. I was thinking about how i could deconstruct the light car and jump out of the room. I jumped to the south, floating in an arch over the objects in the room. I passed through a doorway and come into a smaller room at the front of the shop. Several chairs were set up near the doors in the southern and eastern walls of the room. The main part of the shop now seemed to be to the east of me. I thought that the shopkeepers were trying to keep the shoppers out of this small room. I had come in from the back entrance, so i had not encountered the chairs that they were using to block the front and side doorways. I quickly turned around and headed back to the north. I found myself in the hallway of the apartment building. I walked to the west a short distance and stopped where $A630 was. He was talking to $A590, who was in a doorway to the north. $A590 leaned against the western door frame as he spoke. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist because he had just come out of the shower. I wondered how he had gotten here so quickly. I decided that the three of them had come back to their apartment first, and that they would not be doing the run. $A590 smiled at me for a moment, but i tried not to stare at his chest because i knew that it might make him uncomfortable. I started to feel uncomfortable here, not sure that i should stick around and chat with the others here. I wanted to chat with $A636 some more, but i felt out of place here. I turned to the south and headed back into the small room. I was in the shop again. I thought about jumping out of the doorway and then constructing the light car again. I passed through the doorway again, coming into the small room to the west of the shop. The doors were now blocked with wooden chairs. A cushioned wooden chair with rounded arms was propped against the door to the south, with the back of the chair under the door handle. The owners were closing up the store for the day. I jumped through the window of the door to the south, floating slowly to the street and thinking about how i could construct the light car in mid air. The window seemed small, though, so i had to be careful how i passed through. I watched the window as i passed through it. A crude wooden bin, which was made of plywood, sat under the window. I looked down, seeing several dolls of Fozzie Bear in the bottom of the bin. I then realized that they were part of a display. A single doll was in the window, just underneath me. The doll in the window was diving out of the window, and the three in the bin represented different stages of the dive. I thought about this as i floated carefully over.

12013 July 30

I stood on the northwestern side of the office, looking to the southeast. The man was standing on the northern side of the room, to the east of me, and he seemed to be to the north of a desk. I was with the man and the woman. We had come into the office to do something, but the man told us that we would have to go o the fourteenth floor. $A585 was standing in the middle of the room, and the woman was standing to the west of me. I realized that the man was prompting us to take the elevator up to the fourteenth floor from the center of the room. I quickly moved to the east of $A585, standing on the carpet in the center of the room with him. This seemed strange, thought, and i looked up to see what the elevator looked like. I expected a platform to rise into the ceiling, but the hole in the ceiling was rather small. It was not wide enough for more than one person to fit through. I felt a little confused as i backed to the northeast, asking if the elevator was for only one person. The man behind the desk said that the elevator was for one person, and then said that it was a vacuum tube. I felt a little unsure of this. I watched $A585 as he folded his arms across his chest. He was wearing a brown long-sleeve shirt. I heard a suction sound, and $A585 was sucked up into the tube in the ceiling. I felt very uncertain about the tube, and i decided that i did not want to take the vacuum tube up to the fourteenth floor. I quickly started walking to the southwestern corner of the room, saying that i would get to the upper floor. The woman followed me to the circular stairway that started to ascend in a counterclockwise direction. I realized that it would be a long climb, and i commented on this as i started up the stairs. The woman followed me. It seemed suddenly very hard to climb the stairs, and i pushed with difficulty on the yellow rounded railing to the west of me to try to climb. We quickly came to an upper floor. It seemed that we had only climbed four or five floors, though. I looked around the room, realizing that the stairs did not go any higher. I looked up at the ceiling of the room. The windows on the eastern wall ran all the way to the ceiling. It was dark out, and i could see the lights of some other building thought the windows. I looked up to the west, and i could see part of a tower to the west of us. The stairs could not go up to the higher floors because the tower was only on the western side of the building. The vacuum system must have carried $A585 to the west a little when it sucked him up. We were in a large room, and some people were standing to the south of us. The people seemed well dressed, and i thought that they were here for a special event. The woman in an elegant light-blue glittery dress motioned us to the large black doors on the western end of the room. The doors had dull-gold trim and decorations around it, and they were a few steps up from the center of the room. I knew that the doors would lead us into the other part of the building, but i did not think that we should be going through the main room of the building to find another set of stairs. Instead, i started moving to the west, down a corridor on the northern side of the building. The northern wall of the corridor had tall vertical windows that ran from floor to ceiling. It was dark out, but the city lights came into the window. Doors on the southern wall seemed to lead to offices, but all of the doors were closed now. I hurried to the west down the corridor. I hoped that we could find another set of stairs to lead us up to the fourteenth floor on the western side of the building.

12013 July 31

I looked to the south, trying to get the video right. The man was standing to the south of me in the small room. I told him that the video was a show that we had from my time that related to his time. He seemed to be from the fourties, and i thought that the show dealt with people who were from the same time. I thought that i was trying to show him something about his era from our perspective. The video started. I could see several people in fourties coats walking toward the camera. They were already in the foreground, so i could only see their upper bodies. A woman was wearing a tweed hat as she looked down at the ground, her head moving from the top left of the frame to the bottom right. The images were in sepia tone. I felt a little anxious about the film, so i started describing the plot that had happened already to the man. I said that the characters had been brought to a place, and i described the events that caused them to be out of their time. It seemed to be an interesting plot, but i stared to wonder if the man was really interested in it. I started to feel that i was explaining a lot of the plot rather than letting him watch the video. I had wanted him to see the show as an explanation, but i started to wonder why i was telling him about it.