12014 July 02

I crouched down on the southern side of the bed, which was against the eastern wall of the bedroom. The man with the shotgun had moved to the north, taking the other person into the small room to the north. I stayed kneeling on the side of the bed for a moment, facing east and looking to the north as the two men disappeared through the doorway to the radio studio. The gunman was trying to force the other man to do something on the radio station. I felt scared of the gunman. I wanted to escape while the gunman was occupied. I thought that i could crawl under the bed, but then i thought that he would search there and find me. I then realized that i should just run from the room while i could. I could easily make it to the doorway to the south before the man could get back out of the booth. I ran to the south and down the stairs at the front of the building. I had been on the second floor of the house, and now i was on the front porch of my grandmother’s house. I wanted to run to the east and into the driveway, but i realized that i would be easily seen for a longer distance. Instead, i ran to the north, through the center of the house. I knew that the man would come after me, but he would not be able to get to the bottom of the stairs before i could make it to the back door of the house. I felt tense as i ran out the back door. I wondered where i should go from there. I decided that i should run across the back yard and around the neighbor’s house. I would have to hide among the houses on the northern side of the block. I thought about how i would do this as i stood in the driveway of my grandmother’s house. I could not go in a straight line or i would be seen, and the man would be able to shoot me. I would have to run around my grandmother’s garage to get out of his line of sight. I could then run between the houses to the north and hide somewhere near them. I thought about where i would hide.

I followed the people to the east, along the metal catwalk, which seemed to be part of a fire escape. The catwalk had metal handrails and seemed to run along a small roof between two parts of a large brick building. When i reached the eastern end of the catwalk, i started to climb the old metal ladder, up the side of the building. People were around me, climbing with me and waiting for to get onto the bottom of the ladder. They seemed to be alumni from some organization. We were climbing up the ladder and into a square opening in the building to the east. I stopped just before the opening, looking at the small plastic boxes mounted on the wall near the ladder. Cables ran up parallel to the ladder and through some of the boxes. I remembered that people were trying to steal bandwidth on the computer network cables. They had put the wiretaps on the cables near the ladder. The others had not known about them, but i was pointing them out. The man above me on the ladder pointed to a black box to the north of the ladder. I climbed up as he got off the ladder, and i took a closer look. The small black box did not seem like a normal network intersection. I told the man that it was a wi-fi antenna. I sayed that people were pirating the signal of the network. I pulled a thin power cable from the bottom of the box, which would shut off the wi-fi signal. The man was surprised that anyone would try to steal their signals. I followed the cable out the side of the box to see where it went. I thought that it would lead to more boxes. It was painted gray to match the upper part of the wall to the south of the ladder. It was just under the upper part of the wall, heading south across the wall of the building to the east. I was then aware that the people behind me were protesting the theft of their signals. They were yelling something. I looked down and to the west to see them pulling at the cables against the wall. They were trying to dismantle the network so that the signals could not be stolen. I yelled at them to stop, saying that, if they disconnected the entire network, it would tip off the person stealing the signal that we knew about them. I was at the bottom of the ladder again, and the room was crowded. Several people in the room were wearing police uniforms, but i knew that they were not real police. I moved toward one woman in a dark-blue police uniform and asked her for help. She did not seem to know what i was talking about. She was not a real police officer. I moved away from her, heading to the southwest, looking for other people in uniform. I thought that a real police person might be in the room. I then saw a woman in blue near the northern wall of the room. She was changing the settings on an instrument panel in the northern wall. I thought that she might be real, because she was actually doing something that looked like it might affect the room. I headed for her, but then realized that she might not be real after all. The panel did not seem to have anything to do with the room itself. I turned around and headed back to the south, thinking that the woman was just a distraction. I followed the black cable to the south, along the eastern wall. It ended at a small hole in the brick wall. Several other cables came from below and also disappeared into the wall. I noticed that i was not far from the southern end of the wall, so i walked to the south to see if i could look at the other side of the wall. When i reached the southern end of the wall, i realized that the wall was actually very narrow. The southern end had a triangular corner. I looked back up the wall to the north, seeing two cables coming out of the wall. I walked up to them, noticing that the cables ended in plugs. Someone could just sit in this spot and steal the signals by plugging in to the cables. I thought that i should call the police and tell them what i had discovered. I started walking slowly to the east, looking casually around the area. A man was standing to the west, and he seemed suspicious. He stood awkwardly, as though he were ready to move by trying to act relaxed. I thought that he might actually be the pirate. I was carrying a large painting, so i tried to act naturally. I did not want the man to think that i had seen the cables and knew about the piracy. I glanced to the north, noticing some young men standing behind the large glass window of a store to the north of me. They looked out the window as they spoke on the telephone. I wondered if they were reporting me. I headed back to the west and then up the corridor to the north, along the western side of the wall. The man to the west of me turned and headed back through a doorway, which was in the western wall. I felt nervous. I thought that the man was hovering around me, and i worried that he would try to attack me. I headed back to the east, into the street area. I would have to find a telephone to call the police. I could see people still using the telephone in the store to the south of me. I did not want to tell them to get off the telephone because that would seem suspicious to the man. I had to act casually, as though i was making a non-urgent call. I wondered what i should do.

12014 July 03

The boy to the north of me was looking at his name on the sheet of paper. I looked down at the paper. The large writing was in yellow on the paper, and spelled out something that looked like “DL”. The L seemed to be lowercase, and it curved upward strangely. The boy started crossing out the vertical bar in the center of the letter. I thought that he was trying to correct the writing. His father was then to the east of him, and his father told him to stop. The father said that it was an alternate spelling. The boy’s name was Tu, which is what the boy was trying to spell. I thought that his name was really d’Tu. I thought about this for a moment, trying to understand why the boy was trying to change the writing. I knew that the boy was smart, and i thought that the father was trying to get the boy to focus on something. I started to pace around in the southern side of the area. I should be doing something. I stopped near the southern wall of the area and looked to the west. A man was trying to do something near the northern wall of the corridor that i was in. The corridor ran east to west. I could see bees coming out of the small thing on the northern side of the wall, just to the northeast of me. I tryed to avoid them, moving to the west to get out of their way. The man said that they were flying around the apples. I said that they must have nests in the apples for there to be so many bees in the corridor. I then thought the nests could really be in anything. Another man to the south said something about the bees. I tried to tell him about the families of insects, but, as i started to tell him, he started talking to me. I felt annoyed by his interruption. I mentioned the family Elapidae, but then i realized that this was not quite right. I said that it was not what i had meant. I said that i was trying to think of the class of pollinators. This did not seem right either. I just wanted the insects in the family.

12014 July 05

I lay on the southern side of the large bed in the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. The bed was against the western wall of the room. A cat seemed to be to the south of me. I turned to look. I could not see it, but it seemed to be $X14. I felt annoyed with the cat because it seemed to be making noise. I turned to the south, moving something on the nightstand just to the south of my head. A blue round vase rolled off the southern side of the table. The rest of the table seemed to be cluttered with things, and i thought that i must have pushed something that caused the vase to slide off the edge. I heard it bounce on the floor. It did not sound like it broke, but, as it rolled into view against the southern wall of the room, i could see that the vase had cracked. The upper rim of the vase was in tact, but a curved section across one side was missing. I then noticed other broken things around the room. The cat must have been knocking things over. I thought that the broken vase would just seem like something else that the cat broke. I tried to sleep again. My mother then woke me up. She was standing to the south of me, leaning over to talk to me as i sleeped. She pointed to the broken things on the floor to the south, telling me that the cat could not have broken the vase. She asked if i had broken it, because she did not thin that the cat did. I did not answer. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep again.

12014 July 06

I walked into the classroom and headed to the west, along the northern wall. I was in the community college where i had studied before. The walls of the lecture hall were white, and long tables ran north to south across the room. It felt strange to be back here again, but i thought that i was taking extra courses. Few students were sitting in the room as i made my way to the west, along the northern wall of the room. I had hoped to walk between the tables, but i could not seem to make my way to the center of the room, where the main aisle was. I headed to the west, but realized that one of the tables extended all the way to the wall. I would have to walk to the south between the tables to the main aisle. I had, at least, made my way around the people who were sitting between the tables to the east, blocking me from crossing between the tables before. I headed to the west and sat down in one of the chairs of the classroom. The room now seemed to be filled with rows of chairs with no tables. It sloped down to the west a little. Someone sat behind me, to the northeast. She asked why i was here, pointing out that i had graduated at the end of the last semester. I told her that i was here to take courses to prepare for a graduate degree. I thought that this was not quite true. I was not really sure why i was here, but i knew that i wanted to take more courses in college. I turned back to the west and looked at my books.

12014 July 07

I was in the darkened rectangular area, which seemed to be the top of a very tall building. I could not see much around me. The floor under me was light blue and had a powdery color. I crouched down, facing east. I felt very uneasy here, thinking that i was trapped in this area. Someone had put me here, and i could not get out. I pictured the entire roof of the building, which seemed very small. I was now to the north of myself, watching myself bend over to the east, putting my left hand down on the ground for support. The roof seemed to be only four or five meters wide and seven or ten meters long. My view panned up and over myself. I realized that the roof sloped down near the edges. As i moved over the top of myself, the roof seemed to be more of a dome with a very narrow part in the center where i was kneeling. The room felt very confining now. I headed to the northeast. I could not get out of this area, and i felt tense. I had to find a way to let others know that i was here. I could hear someone on the floors below where i was. Thin red and green copper wires ran up the darkened northern wall. The wooden wall seemed worn and old. The wires ended half way up the wall, as if someone had cut them or removed equipment. The wires were near the eastern wall. I touched the two copper ends together, thinking that it would make an alarm sound somewhere else in the building. I could not hear anything as i touched the wires, but i hoped that something happened. I wondered if anyone would come. I waited for a little while, and then i tried again. A turned the red wire in my right hand to touch the green wire, but the end of the wire broke off. I felt annoyed. I would have to strip the green wire more to get some bare copper wire to touch to the green wire. I backed into the room to look for some tools. I thought that there might be something in the room that i could use. I turned to the west, noticing a box of art supplies. The box seemed to be a plastic fishing box, and it was packed with art supplies. I started looking through them when i noticed a port for a standard telephone on the floor. I bent over to look at the small tan box that the port was connected in. It had wires coming out the back, but i could not use those to do anything with the alarm wires. I felt frustrated and anxious. I noticed a small square door in the bottom of the western wall. I realized that i could escape from the room. I ran through the door and headed downstairs, descending to the south. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, in the darkened hallway. I listened for a moment. Someone was in the kitchen to the south of me. I moved toward the door of the lighted room, but i could not see anyone. I did not want to get too close or the person would see me. I then noticed the large orange telephone handing on the eastern wall just beyond the doorway. I carefully picked up the receiver of the telephone and dialed emergency. I listened for a moment. I could hear someone on the telephone, but it was not the 911 operator. Someone was already on the line, so i could not make a call. The person in the house might know that i was out of the room and trying to make a telephone call. I moved to the northeast, heading into the small corner room. I moved out of the doorway so that the person could not see me. I tried dialing the telephone again. This time, i heard the telephone ring on the other end. I thought that the other person might still be on the line, though. I thought that the other person might talk to 911 when they answered. A woman then came out of the kitchen and stopped in the middle of the hallway. She could see that i was holding the telephone in the small room, so she knew that i was here. I dialed emergency again, and pretended that i was supposed to be here. I told the woman that i was trying to make a telephone call, and i told her not to answer the telephone. This did not seem right, thought. I wondered how i could do this. I started to feel uneasy here. I thought that the people in the house might attack me. I felt scared, and i ran to the west, leaving the house. I was in an urban area, and a large hospital was to the west of me. I had to find a place to hide before the others could come out of the building.

12014 July 08

I was in the small cement building, looking around. Something about the building seemed interesting, and i looked at the old cement walls around me. I knew that we could not have doors in the center of the walls. It had something to do with the structural support of the cement walls. The other person had told me this. I liked this building. It was open on the eastern end, and i could see the metal I-beams where the new cement walls would be placed. On the southern side of the room, cement beams ran in line with the southern wall near me, stretching to the east. I then noticed that the cement beams were on the outside of the building. They were not structural supports within the building. The cement beams were very thick, and i thought that they would be very structurally safe. The center of the southern wall had a crude cubical room off of it. This room seemed to be the entrance to the place. It looked like an old shed, and it surrounded an arch in the middle of the southern wall.

I was in the small old wooden house, but i left, heading northeast. The land around the building seemed very flat, and another larger building seemed to be to the northeast. $A16 was with me as i left the house, descending the stairs to the east. $A16 wanted to take a picture of $F45 and i as we reached the bottom of the stairs. The stairs ended on the dirt driveway, which ran north and south along the eastern side of the house. I stood near $F45, feeling very uncomfortable. This situation seemed strange. It should not be happening.

12014 July 09

I drove roughly to the west across the rolling countryside. The road was paved and narrow, and it curved around corners. I passed around a corner, turning more to the southwest. It had been raining, and i was crossing over a narrow stream valley. I did not see any water, but i could see the cracks of erosion near the culvert on the northern side of the road. I thought that i should call someone to tell them about the problem. I wondered how i would know where i was. I looked at the road signs, looking for a road tag. As i followed the road around the corner, turning to the south, i spotted a small green road sign that said that this was the fourth place. This seemed strange, and i wondered if this was a real road or if it was someone’s private driveway. I continued walking down the road, following it as it started to curve back to the west. I had my cell phone in my right hand, and i was calling someone. As i rounded the corner, i could see the end of the road ahead of me. It seemed to stop in a small cul-de-sac near a large white house. I remembered that i had parked to the west of the house. I then realized that someone was talking to me on the telephone. I wondered whom i was calling. Had i dialed 911? I felt confused. I hung up the cell phone and looked at the man to the north of me, who was talking to me. He was someone familiar to me, and i felt that i had not seen him in a while. I then realized that i was no longer with $X3. I wondered where he had gone. It seemed as though i had been walking with him. I felt confused, and i tried to figure out what was happening. I walked to the end of the street, which now seemed to be in a less rural area. The white wooden house was on the northern side of the road, and i walked past it, looking down the western side of it. I did not see my car. It should have been parked there. I looked to the west, noticing the cones that marked the end of the street. This place was familiar, but my car was not here. The area now seemed less forested, and the house sat on the eastern end of a large grassy lawn. A large tree stood to the south of the southwestern corner of the house. The southeastern corner of the yard seemed to be higher than the suburban street, and it was held back by a retaining wall of flat stacked stones. I felt worried, not sure where my car was. I walked back to the eastern end of the house, where the main street ran north to south. I started wandering the area in the small city, thinking that i might have been on the wrong street. After a little while, i decided that i was getting too far away from where i had been. My car should have been closer to the other road. I felt confused again, not sure i could remember where i was. I could not keep track of where i was. I felt upset and hopeless. I then answered my cell phone. The man had called. He said that he was here, but i did not know where he was. I asked him where he was. I was now standing in a bar, talking on the telephone. The bar was dimly lighted, and it seemed to be a pizza bar. A counter ran along the northern wall. The man told me that he was at the house on the hill to the southeast of me. I looked out the window, seeing the large white house that i had been trying to get to. I felt annoyed, and i headed out of the house. This was the house where my car was parked. I then realized that i was carrying a large plastic bag in my left hand. Someone pointed out that the symbol on the outside of the bag looked like a beard. I looked down at the black U-shaped object on the outside of the white bag.

I hurried to the southeast, across the large open room of the station. I had to catch a bus or airplane to leave this place. People were moving around in the large room. As i neared the eastern wall of the room, i noticed someone coming out of a doorway to the southwest of me. He was from $G3, and he seemed to be $A714. He was walking with another person. I wanted to say hello to him, but i felt anxious about getting onto my transport. As he was walking, he dropped a book that he had been carrying under his right arm. I watched him as he bent over to pick it up. I wanted to smile and nod to him as i passed, but he did not see me as he picked up the book. I passed a few meters to the north of him, but i kept watching him as he picked up the book. He seemed distracted, and i thought that something was bothering him. I turned around and walked toward him as he fumbled with the book. I stopped near him as he was just standing up, and i said hello, referring to him as “mister”. He looked at me, and i realized that he seemed very upset. I then noticed small green marks on his face near his eyes. Something seemed wrong. I asked him if he was okay. Before he could answer, another person came from the northwest and greeted him. The second person seemed to be $A178. I greeted him as well, and the three of us stood for a moment, talking to each other.

12014 July 12

I stood on the southern side of my kitchen, looking at $A283, who was leaning over the sink, which was in the counter along the northern wall. He had his most of his arm in the garbage disposal in the sink, trying to do something. This seemed strange, and i thought that he would have to be careful. His elbow was just out of sight within the opening in the bottom of the sink. I watched his triceps flex as he grabbed for something. He seemed to have very nice musculature, and i watched it with interest. He then said that we should turn on the light so that he could see what he was doing. He reached for the switch on the wall, and i stopped him, knowing that he might turn on the garbage disposal. I told him which switch was the correct switch.

$A419 had gone somewhere, and we were supposed to meet him. I was in the large auditorium with $F45, waiting for the show to start. The dark seating sloped down to the south, where curved stage was. I looked around over the audience, wondering where $A419 was. I then looked down at my cell phone, which was in my right hand. It was a long narrow black phone. I pressed the button, but it did not seem to be responding. I had to get it working in case $A419 tried to call us. I then saw the video on the phone. It showed $A419 doing something. I wondered if it was some kind of game app. I pressed several things on the phone, but could not get it to show what i wanted. I started to wander around on the street. I was outside the theater now, still trying to get my phone to work properly. I felt frustrated. I pressed the button several times, but i could not get it to respond correctly. I started to pace along the alley as i fooled with the phone. The walls of the alley were modern brick. A man came from the east suddenly, asking me what i was doing. He must have been from the theater and was wondering why i was pacing in the alley. I told him that i was trying to find someone on my cell phone. I then saw the video again. I could see that $A419 was sitting in a small apartment. I thought that it must be somewhere in the city. I wanted to meet him, but i could not get the phone to make contact with him. He was sitting on a pillow near a white wall. The decoration of the apartment seemed to be Indian. I moved around, noticing that the video was moving with me. The view turned to the left, and i could now see the side of the theater. The apartment must be somewhere in this area. I realized that the video was panning around the apartment. I told the others that i could see the video from $A419’s apartment. I looked up at the front of the theater, which was no the northeast of me. I could not quite see the front, but i could make out the outline of the facade from the back. I moved, finding myself in the large lobby at the front of the theater. I looked up at the building across the street, looking through the large glass door at the front of the theater. I looked back at the camera, which i had been watching. I had been looking at the video on the rear screen of the camera. I could see the front of the theater from $A419’s apartment. I knew that he was in an apartment across the street from the theater. I walked out the door of the theater and started across the street to the north. I wondered where i could find him. I was then on the bus, looking at the city buildings to the north of me. The bus was moving to the east on what seemed to be an elevated road. A green metal guardrail ran along the northern side of the bridge, and i could see it to the north of the bus. The rail moved suddenly, and i was aware than something was wrong. The truck to the east of us must have hit something on the overpass. I watched the rail lift and fall back down. The truck was to the north of us on another bridge, and we were moving to the east of it as it started to roll to the north, off of the bridge. I pointed it out to the others with me. The tow truck rolled off of the overpass and fell onto the street below, which seemed to be a very long fall. However, the driver quickly got out of the truck and started stopping traffic from approaching. The railing from the bridge then started to peel off from the east. It fell across the road just to the south of the truck. The driver had been warning cars that it would fall so that they did not get hit. A train had been coming from the east toward the truck, but it swerved to another track and passed to the north of the fallen truck. It continued to the west. The train that we were on was already moving past the truck at a higher level. I looked to the east, noticing that the train we were on was turning to the south, veering from the tracks. It was trying to avoid the area, but it was crossing grassy ground. I looked out the window to the south to see that the grassy ground had no tracks in it. I wondered how the train could cross the ground without tracks. It should sink into the dirt. This did not make sense.

12014 July 14

I was in the small bedroom of my parents’ house, which also seemed to be a bedroom in my house. It was dark, and i was lying in the bed on the eastern side of the room. I heard a noise downstairs, and i paused to listen. Someone was moving around on the lower floor. I felt nervous, thinking that no one should be in the house now. I then heard them moving toward the stairs. I thought that they were coming up to the second floor. I was in the southern bedroom of my house, and i could hear someone walking on the steps. I stood up suddenly, wondering what i should do. I knew that $F45 was in the main bedroom of the house, which was to the north. That room was closer to the top of the stairs, so i wondered if the person would go into that bedroom first. I stayed very still, listening.

I headed to the east, into the office. I was in the middle of doing something, and i felt rushed. I stopped in the middle of the large room, gathering some things from my desk. I was aware of a woman sitting at a desk to the east of me. She had a new metal desk that looked very clean. She sat, watching me as i gathered things from my desk. She had shoulder-length black hair, and her features were East Asian. I said something about leaving. She suddenly seemed insulted at what i had said. She implied that i thought she was less important, but i did not mean to say anything like that. I felt frustrated, but i had to get my things together. I moved around, getting things ready to go. I still had the grenade with my things. I had taken it from the other place. I remembered that i was going to set it off in the laundry room, but i had not yet done so. I thought that i still could throw it into the laundry room. I picked it up in my right hand and gathered my other things. I walked down the hotel corridor to the east. A little way down, i turned to the south, passing through a doorway and coming into a small room. I knew that i did not really want to set off the grenade. It would be very destructive, and i really did not want to cause any trouble, but i wondered what i should do with it. It was in my right pocket at the moment, but i did not want anyone to find out that i had had it. I thought that i could throw it off the side of the building. I then thought that i would have to wipe it down and wear gloves so that it did not have my fingerprints on it. I turned back to the west to get things from my hotel room. I realized that it was getting late, and i should already have checked out, but i still had to get my things before i could leave. I entered the room, hearing sounds outside the door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall of the room, set back down a narrow corridor that passed the bathroom. I thought that the maid must have been coming to the room. I quickly pulled my suitcase out from under the bed, feeling rushed. I had to get my things out of here before the room was cleaned. I did not want anyone to know that i was here. I felt tense, wondering if i could get everything that i had to take with me. I left the room and headed down the hall to the east. A woman was walking with me now. I turned to the south again, heading into another hotel room. I thought that we could hide here until we had properly put our things together. This room was larger than the one i had. It had two beds, which were against the northern wall, to the west of the entryway. I thought that i could leave my things here for a moment. I started to put my things down on the bed on the eastern side of the room, but i realized that the bed had been slept in. Someone must have been in this room. I felt uneasy, and i told the woman not to put my things on the bed. I set my case on the floor, leaning it against the bed. The woman seemed surprised at what i had said, and i realized that she had thought i was saying something negative about the person who was in the bed. I then realized that a woman was standing on the western side of the room. She seemed surprised that we had come into her room, and she stood with her mouth agape, staring at us. She had dark skin and a round face. She seemed to be wearing a bathrobe. I felt annoyed with the woman who was with me. I had not meant anything bad about the bed. I hoped that the woman to the west was not insulted by what the woman i was with thought i had said.

12014 July 16

I rode my bicycle to the southeast, leaving the northern rectangular grassy area between the buildings and stopping at the road, which curved from the west to the south. I headed south, thinking about what i had just done in the area i had left. Someone was talking to me, and it had something to do with the things. I spoke to the man, but my attention was caught by the snake to the southwest of me. It seemed that i had been talking to the snake, but i realized that the snake could be dangerous and backed away suddenly. The snake came after me. It was a long thin snake with a white belly and a dull gray back. It had an elongated spade-shaped head. It tried to bite my right leg. I became angry with the snake and stomped on its head as it got near me. I thought that i would have to kill it to prevent it from attacking me. It lay still for a moment, but then jerked back to life and came at me again. I stomped on it again, feeling very angry now.

I was in the small room as i talked to the others. I felt that i had to leave this area, and i wondered how i would get back home. I was then uncertain about where we were. We seemed to have come to this tropical place from somewhere to the north. I thought that we were on the northern coast of a long narrow island to the south of the United States. I picture the long thin island running east to west along the larger coast to the south. I looked at the map to the north of me, but could not quite make out where we were. Most of the land on the map was gray, but a small pale-yellow area on the northern coast of the land seemed to mark the spot where we were. I asked the man if we were on United States soil. This place seemed to be a military base, so i thought that it was not really in a foreign country. The man sayed that it was U.S. soil. I thought about this base as i stood to the south of the small square white table. My grandmother was sitting just to the east of me. She said that Morgan works here. I knew that she actually meant $K37. I was surprised to hear this. I looked down at my grandmother, who seemed to be wearing a yellow windbreaker. She nodded and told me that $K37 worked here and cleaned the tables. She motioned with her right hand across the surface of the table that we were sitting at. The white surface had a bumpy fake-wood texture. I was surprised to hear that $K37 was working. I only knew her as a young girl. I said that she was getting so old now. My grandmother then said something about her getting home after work. I wondered if she swam across the ocean to Florida. This seemed like a long way to go, but i thought that she was probably an athletic young woman. I then thought that it was probably too far to swim. I thought that she probably rowed on a small boat. I told my grandmother that i was impressed that $K37 made the trip everyday. We headed to the south as i thought about this place. I knew that we must be on the northern coast of Africa. I said this to the others, pondering our location. The man on the northern side of the table then pulled out a large map, which had been under some of the things that now filled the surface of the table. The map showed a larger area than the map that i had been looking at. I looked at it as he held it up for a moment while he adjusted something on the table. The land was gray, and i could see a small wide area along the coast in dull yellow. The area curved slightly with the coast, bowing to the north. It formed a long thin slice, which curved to a point on the southern side, just to the west of the center. I tried to read the map as the man held it. I wanted to know which country we were in. I looked at the border just below the yellow area, trying to read the thin sans-serif type. The country started with a K, but seemed to say Chaden. I said that we were in this country, but then seemed confused. I looked at the word in a different area of the map, and it said a different country. I tried to focus on the name, but it kept changing. I thought that this was strange. The man put the map down on the table to show us the base. He mentioned that the people in the base were packing up the base to leave. I thought that the base was being abandoned, so everyone in it would have to disassemble the equipment there and get it out of the camp. I still tried to read the writing, but could not get it to make sense. The man then said that we were in Puerto Rico. I realized that it would have to be an island in the Caribbean if it was to the south of the United States and if $K37 was able to row to it. Africa would have been too far away. I thought that the African coast would have to be farther to the south that Puerto Rico, and i pictured the northern coast of South America. I considered this as i turned to the south again and started to clean things up. I had grabbed something from the bar and was taking it outside. I stopped just outside. It seemed hot and humid out, and the area seemed tropical. I threw one of the clumps of dirt on the ground to the south of me. It landed in the grass median to the north of the parking lot. I tossed another to the west. I then started to feel uneasy about leaving the clumps on the grass. They were rather obvious, and i worried that someone would know that i was dumping them outside. I stepped to the south and tried to break apart the clump of dirt near me. I started to feel guilty, thinking that i should not have taken the clumps from inside. I then moved to the west, looking at the clump that i had tossed there. I realized that the grass of the median was covered with old newspaper. People had littered here, and the paper had gotten wet and stuck to the ground. The grass grew around the sheets of paper. The clump of dirt i had tossed to the west rolled into a low spot on the lawn, which in now realized was a drainage grate. The grate was covered with paper. I wondered if i should clean the paper off of the grate to allow water to drain. I decided that i should not. I felt anxious, thinking that i had to hurry up. I tried to break up the clumps so that they soaked back into the ground quickly and were not so obvious to others. I headed to the east again, but came back into the restaurant. My grandfather said something. I told him about the clumps of dirt. He talked about the raspberries from the bowl. I felt annoyed, asking why the clumps of dirt and the raspberries were in the bowl. I remembered cleaning them out. The raspberries had been dried and were nothing more than hard seeds now. My grandfather was to the west of me now, and he smiled, saying that i would have to read the paper to understand why the raspberries and dirt were special. He held a long pen-shaped object in his right hand, holding it up for me to see. I realized that the object was a long piece of aged tan paper that had curled into a long spiral. Something white seemed to be running down the length of the paper on the outside of the spiral. I realized suddenly that i had cleaned out the paper, and i had probably thrown it away. I felt upset, wondering if i could get the clumps of dirt back. My grandfather said that the dirt and the raspberries were from Napoleon. I remembered that he had traveled to some area and had probably collected the dirt and excavated berries from there. I felt bad about getting rid of them. I had not known their significance. I thought that i should dig the paper out of the trash, but then i realized that i had actually burned the papers. I might have thrown out the dirt too. I wondered what i should do. I headed to the east, upset at what i had done. I came into the small room. My grandfather was walking to the north, and he called back to me without turning around, telling me to get him yogurt. I thought that he had just bought me a large lunch at the restaurant, and now he was ready for dessert. I felt full, but i would get him some yogurt. I headed to the west, into the kitchen. I opened a few of the cupboard doors to the south of me, but could not see a bowl. My grandfather had recently moved here, so not everything was set up. I thought that he had been sick for a long time, but now he was back in his house. The kitchen was long and narrow, running to the west. I turned to the east and opened a cupboard on the eastern wall, just to the east of the entry door. The white bowls were on the top shelf. I grabbed one. I then looked at the metal rack on the counter to the north of me, pulling out a spoon. I had wanted to find a metal spoon, thinking that it would have to be stiff enough to scoop out the yogurt. I had thought that i had grabbed the handle of a thick shiny metal spoon, but, as i pulled it from the rack, i realized that it was a purple plastic spoon. It looked like a spoon from a fast-food restaurant. I bent it, noticing that it was not stiff at all. I started to search the small bin of the rack, where i had taken the spoon from. It was the second bin from the west, and had several more plastic spoons in it. Once i removed the spoons, though, i realized that it contained metal forks. Someone had put the spoons in the wrong place. I noticed that the metal spoons were in the fourth bin, on the easternmost end of the rack. I tried to get one, but noticed that the small short metal butter knifes were stacked along the western side of the bin. I kept trying to grab a spoon, but something was always in the way.

12014 July 17

I ran to the west, pretending that a bear was after us. I had been talking to the woman in the rural area, to the east of the large brown wood building, which seemed like a two-story cabin. I said that we would have to get away from the bear. I ran for the narrow metal fire escape, which ascended steeply up the side of the building. It ran straight to the west, to a window on the second floor of the building. I knew that the bear would not be able to climb the stairs easily. As i reached the top of the gray metal stairway, i had to stop to open the swinging window. The window swinged to the south, and it had a wooden frame. I wondered if the bear would be able to catch me as i slowed to open the window. I knew that i had enough distance between us that i could make it into the room beyond. I then wondered whether the bear would be able to open the window behind me. I thought that i could run to one of the windows to the north. Part of the building bowed out from the rest, forming a tall tower on the side of the wooden structure. I could open one of the windows just to the north of the fire escape and yell at the bear. It would not be able to get me in the window, and i thought that i would be distracting enough that it would stop trying to get in through the window. I thought about this as i walked down the hallway to the north, picturing myself yelling out the window, which had dull-yellow paint on the frame. I was now on the western side of the building. I ran toward the northern end of the building, where a set of metal stairs ascended to the east, up the side of the building. I ran up the stairs until i came to the gray metal ladder. I started climbing the fire escape, thinking that i had to get inside the building.

I chatted with the group of people as we hurried to the west. We were trying to get to someplace, and we were in a large city. I said something to the woman as we hurried toward the street. We passed through the archway at the front of a building as we reached the street. The woman looked across the street to the west and asked if we would have to go up the stairs. I had been reading directions from my phone, and i looked back at the instructions. I told the woman that we would have to go up the stairs. I had thought that we were coming here to wait for a bus, but the instructions seemed to say something about heading into the building. I was disappointed. This was not the building that we were supposed to be in. The directions started giving us tourist information on the building, though. We stopped on the western side of the street and turned around. People were standing on the sidewalk at the bottom of the wide stairs, which ascended into an old stone building. I thought that they were waiting for the bus, and i thought that we would probably have to catch one to get to the concert that we were heading to. The woman lay on the ground to the south of me. She was reclined to the east, and her straight red hair fell around her shoulders. The ground under her was grass. She seemed to be wearing gray denims and a dull jacked over a white shirt. I then realized that i could look her up on the web to find out where she was playing her concert. I looked at her and said that i would look her up. I suddenly could not remember her name. I did not want her to know that i had forgotten her name. I thought that i probably knew her last name, but i was not sure of the first name. I decided that her first name was Mindy, but i was still not sure. The woman watched me as i tried to figure out her name. I did not want her to know that i could not remember her name, so i said that i had forgotten her stage name. I joked about it and pretended that i knew what it was now. I thought that her name was Bush. I told her that i would find the arena where she was playing and use that to get directions. I smiled as i looked down at my phone to type.

12014 July 18

I was sitting in the back seat of the car as we stopped on the side of the country road. The man who was driving was in the seat in front of me. He opened the door and got out. The car started moving to the west again. I felt suddenly tense. I reached forward and grabbed the steering wheel. I could steer the car, but i could not get my feet to the pedals. The car suddenly swerved. I had not turned the wheel, however. I realized that the car was automated. I let go of the wheel and let the car recover. It turned itself back to the center of the road. I looked at the map in the center of the car. We had to get on a highway. The highway was the heavy blue line on the map. I pointed to the highway on the map, saying that we had to go there. I thought that we would be following the highway all the way to the other end. We were heading to the city, which seemed to be in the future. I talked to the man about the city. He then spoke with the other person about the print shop. He mentioned that the main entrance of the print shop was on Van Dover Street. I thought that this was the name of the highway. $F45 was in the car with us. The others were talking. I knew that there was beer out on the porch, and i mentioned this to someone. I headed to the porch, thinking that i wanted to do something at this party, which seemed to be at $F58’s and $F57’s wedding. I was carrying a Yamaha acoustic guitar.

12014 July 19

I was in the car with the other man, who seemed to be a wrestler i recognized. He was driving the car. The car was facing north in the parking space of the lot to the south of the white building. As he backed up, he hit the car to the east of us. I warned him that he was going to hit the car again, but he kept backing up. He purposely drove into the car that was parked on the southern side of the lot. I felt annoyed with the man. Other people were in the car with us, and one of them seemed to own the car that was scratched. The person did not seem to mind, though. I knew that the others had enough money that they considered the cars disposable. The people were going to get new cars, but i wondered what they would do until the new cars came in. One of the people on the bus with us said that the new cars had actually come in. I looked to the east, down the aisle of the bus. The other people on the bus seemed to be from the wrestling team. The coach was standing at the front of the bus, to the east of us, talking to us. I suddenly felt out of place here. I liked the wrestlers, but i was not one of them, and it seemed strange that i was here.

I was standing with $G4 on the driveway to the east of my parents’ house. Everyone was dressed in costume for the run. I was wearing a blue costume with wings on my back. I felt into the air for a moment as the others gathered below me. Others were flying as well. Someone then asked me if i had a broom. I told the person that we did not need to clean up the driveway area. I thought that we could just let the crumbs wash away naturally. I then realized that the others were already heading to the southwest, across the front yard of the house. I had to catch up with the others. I was familiar with the area, so i thought that i would be able to catch up if i were a little late. I then remembered that snow was on the ground. I started to feel a little bit cold and thought that i should put on warmer clothing. I thought that it would normally be warm this time of year, but i felt cold. I moved to the north, into the garage. I felt rushed, thinking that i would have to catch up with $G4. I hurriedly dug through some things in the northeastern corner of the room, but i could not find my running shell. I was then looking through things in the car. I found the running shell in the pile of clothes, but i worried that it would not be warm enough. I put on the jacket, feeling indecisive. I then realized that something was in the left pocket of the jacket. I put my hand i and pulled out a bandanna. I was now standing in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. I was aware that $G4 was getting farther away, and i felt anxious. I had to find the right clothes for the run, but i was not sure i had them with me.

12014 July 20

The actors performed on stage to the south of us. This was a rehearsal, and i was sitting on the western side of the audience. The lights from the stage seemed very bright. It was a crude stage: just a platform with metal poles on the sides to hold the lights. The lights seemed like simple incandescent light bulbs with wide metal shields around them. The two lights at the back of the stage shined down, and the two in the middle shined forward. I found that the two in the middle of the sides of the stage were too bright to look at. They made watching the play uncomfortable. The actors stopped the rehearsal, and people in the audience around me started moving to the east. The folding chairs of the audience were set up in four or five rows along the northern wall of the small room. The director, who seemed to be $AMC, seemed to have left. I was doing something with the production of the play, and i wanted to move the lights, but i was unsure whether i should just do it. I talked to the woman to the east of me, who was still sitting in her chair. She was $A644, and i told her that i wanted to change the light. I felt uncertain, but she was in charge of the office, so i wanted to make sure that she did not object. I knew that we did not have the director’s permission to make the change, so i tried to convince $A644 that it was a good thing to do. She seemed uncertain at first. I moved to the south, picking up my notes from the floor in front of the front row of chairs. $A644 leaned to the east to pick up her things from the floor and get ready to leave the room. She said that i could change the lights. I told her that i had a few other notes. I looked at my notebook on the ground. Five or six things were listed on it. The middle line seemed to be a short row of dots. It stood for something that i wanted to change, but i could not remember what. I told $A644 that i could not remember what the other changes were. She said that i should move the lights. I would have to get $A678 to help. I headed to the west, where a sliding glass door separated the room from a small entryway. The entryway was a small square area in the northwestern corner of the room. It seemed to be open on the southern side, but i noticed that the sliding glass door had opened, sliding from the south to the north along the eastern wall of the entryway. I remembered getting caught on the end of the door before. I stopped to look at the door, which had a black metal frame. Something about the frame made me think that i should be aware of something, but i dismissed the idea, thinking that the door was all the way to the north and out of the way. I headed out of the building, stopping just to the north of the northwestern corner. The others had headed to the east to do something, but they were now coming back. I asked where $A678 was. Someone said that $A678 was doing something with the fire. I thought that he was training for a firefighter. He must be in the shed to the east. A person with the group was confused, though, and answered that the hose was in the shed. They had thought that the other person was asking about how to put out the fire. The woman in the crowd clarified, but seemed confused herself by what the other man was asking. She then asked if there was a fire in the shed. I headed back into the building, crossing south toward the stage. I started adjusting the lights on the sides of the stage. I thought that i could not move them back or they would be behind the actors and would not illuminate them well. I decided that i should point them downward rather than out toward the audience. It would still light the actors and not shine so brightly at the audience.

12014 July 22

I moved to the west, heading up the river. I felt uneasy here, thinking that i was traveling into territory owned by someone who was not friendly to strangers. I looked to the south, across the valley where the river was. I could see the river below me. The main channel of the river seemed to be to the south, and i seemed to be traveling on a narrower northern channel. Several long islands ran down the center of the river. I could see the western tip of one and the eastern tip of another in my view. I felt that i had to get to the center channel so that i could cook my food. I was aware of ships coming from the west, however. I started to felt nervous, feeling that i had to turn back before someone discovered me here. I started to swim to the southwest, pushing the large flank of fish ahead of me. The flank of meat still had the scales on one side of it. I would have to cook the fish for dinner, and i had to get it back to safety. I then realized that several boats were passing in the water around me, heading up and down the channel. I should not be swimming in the middle of the channel. I started to feel unsafe. I would not be able to easily swim across the river because there were too many boats. I turned back to the north, heading for the shore. A boat came from the west, moving very close to the south of me. I ignored it and continued to the north, hoping that the person on the boat did not notice me. I looked to see the man on the boat staring at me. The boat passed to the south of me, but then turned around. It was approaching me from the east. I worried that the man might capture me. I thought that he was part of the cruel group of people who ruled this area. I tried to swim faster to get away, but i realized that i had let go of the fish i was carrying. I felt upset. I had to keep the fish with me. The man started to come after me, but i swam after the fish and grabbed it by the tail. I hoped that the man stopped following me. I retreated to the northeast, now on the shore. I ran down the dirty street, heading back to the building. I had lost the man in the boat, but i wondered if he was following me. I stopped inside the building. The room to the east of me was messy, with debris and other items on the floor. I thought that someone might have broken and stolen things. I then noticed the two brothers sitting at a small round table. They looked up at me as i stood in the doorway to the room, but then went back to playing cards. I turned to the west and headed into the main room of the house. I worried that the men would know where i lived and come after me. I thought that the rulers would want to punish me for trying to escape.

12014 July 24

I heard the dinosaur moving to the east of me. It was coming this direction, and i knew that i would be eaten. I hurried to place the small black case of cassette tapes under the counter to the west. The white tops of the tapes faced up, and they seemed to be arranged in three rows and three or four columns, with about a centimeter between them. I pushed another tape between the ones that were already in the case. It fit on the upper right side of the case. I could hear the theropod getting closer. I imagined it as an allosaur or a tyrannosaur. I pushed the case under the counter. A small black plastic television was sitting on top of the table. I quickly moved to the east, stepping out of the room and into the hallway. I stopped just outside the door, facing north. I could not see the dinosaur, but it heard me coming. It was behind the bush to the northeast of me. It paused to listen for a moment, and then it lifted its head, rising above the large bush. It had rounded features. I had come out of the room intentionally, knowing that the dinosaur would eat me. I hoped that it would be quick. I then wondered why i had given myself to the creature. I imagined that it would quickly attack me, but that it would only rip open my chest before pausing to see my response. I hoped that i would go unconscious quickly.

I stepped into the apartment, heading east. The other person had invited me in, and i looked around the large open room. It was the main room of the apartment on $P2. I remembered this place from long ago, but it looked quite different now. The room seemed mostly brown, with pale tan walls. The eastern wall seemed to be plaster. I remembered that it used to be wood paneling. A door in the center of the eastern wall led to a bedroom. It was closed now, but i remembered that it used to be my bedroom. I walked up to the door, which seemed to have horizontal openings across the upper part of it, as though wood slats had been nailed across a window in the door. I peered into the room beyond, noticing a small bed against the southern wall. The room must have been closed off for the gathering. The person had invited others to the house. I was just one of the first people here. I was aware of the person standing behind me, in the center of the room. He must have been wondering why i was staring into the other room. I was now back in the center of the room, looking at the eastern wall. I told the person that i had lived in this apartment with my mother when i was young. The person seemed interested and asked me about it. I motioned to the room to the east, saying it had been my bedroom. I then realized that i was pointing down a wide hallway. My bedroom was actually off to the south of the hallway, to the southeast of me. I backed into the living room, looking around. I noticed that the ceiling was lower that it had seemed when i was a child. The window in the northern wall was flat on the top. This was not right. The window should have been rounded on top. Someone must have lowered the level of the ceiling. I turned to the south, moving into the room that had been my mother’s bedroom. The person commented that this apartment seemed small for a family of three. I told him that my father was not living with us when we lived here. I looked at the windows in the southern wall of the bedroom. They were the same as the windows in the lining room to the north, and they were also chopped off by the ceiling. I wondered if the rest of the window extended above the level of the ceiling. I moved closer to the window, remembering the time when i had seen the tall narrow rounded windows from the outside of $A7 but could not figure out where they were in the building. I eventually realized that they were from the gymnasium on the second floor, but the ceiling on the inside blocked off the top half of the windows so that they could not be seen from the inside. I looked at the peach-tan southern wall, noticing that arches had been cut into the ceiling so that the light from the window could be seen from the room. I looked up, seeing rectangular openings in the ceiling through which i could see the window. The ceiling now seemed very modern. It almost seemed to be made of metal. I looked across the eastern wall of the room, noticing that it looked very clean and new. The floor seemed to be polished cement that had a thick layer of glossy finish on it. The metallic tan walls seemed smooth and unmarred. A balcony seemed to run across the top of the eastern wall, and the ceiling was very tall now. I looked up, realizing that i could see several stories up into the belfry of the tower. I could see the huge brass pendulum swinging above me. A clock face also seemed to be visible somewhere among the large brass gears. I looked across the room to the north, telling someone that my parents’ bed had been against the eastern wall of the room. I started moving north against the western wall, saying how much this place had changed. I then heard the loud resonant knell of the clock overhead. I crouched down and covered my ears. It was much louder now. I remembered the clock bell from before, but it seemed out of place here. $F38 was to the north of me now, near the western wall. He said something about the apartment, which was his apartment. Others then came in from the west. I moved back into the living room, thinking that the bathroom was down a long hallway to the west, just south of the kitchen. Other people started coming into the house. It was dark out now. I thought about the house and how it was structured. I started walking to the southeast, crossing the street outside the apartment. The street ran east to west between tall apartment buildings. I ran toward the side street, which ran to the south from the main one. As i reached the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, i moved the shovel in front of me, pushing the slushy snow out of the way. I felt that i was supposed to be cleaning the walkways, but i had to get somewhere, so i only pushed aside the snow that was in front of me. I rounded the corner and started south. A man was cleaning the walkway in front of his small house just to the south. I pushed the flat blade of the ice scraper in front of me, collecting the clumpy wet snow on it before tossing it to the east. I wondered if the man would mind that i was clearing the walkway. I thought that i would not have to clear the area where he had shoveled, and that pleased me. I was then running back to the north, heading back to the apartment. The building was to the east of me now, and i ran to the northeast across the street to the door. I still had the long white pole in my hands as i entered the door. I came into the large room, which had a kitchen on the northern side. The others were to the west, in the living room. I moved to the kitchen, opening the door of the refrigerator, which was against the northern end of the eastern wall. Something broke from the handle of the door as i pulled on it. I turned to the west to put the object on the round table in the center of the room. The object seemed glass, and i felt bad about breaking it. I had broken something else here, and i felt upset about it. The other glass object seemed to be on the table to the east. I tried not to feel bad about it as i headed to the east, into the living room. I still had the long white object in my hands. I placed it on the floor to the north of me, telling $F38 that i had brought him something. I then looked at the white plastic water gun that i had put down on the red and black oriental rug. I had actually picked it up from the street, so i should not have let $F38 think that i had bought it. He said something about it, and i picked it back up, looking at the scratch on the blue plastic piece in the center of the gun. I turned back to the others, who were sitting on the couch, facing the television on the northern wall. $F38 recoiled a little as i cocked the blue handle of the gun. I told him that i was not going to shoot water at anyone. I looked at the others, and i now seemed to be standing on the western side of the room. The large bed was against the southern wall, and the three other people were sitting along the northern edge. $F42 was on the eastern end of the northern side of the bed. He seemed to be holding a game controller in his hand as he stared intently at the television. I thought that they must have been smoking marijuana while i was gone. I wondered if they would offer me any. I knew that i would not be able to smoke any. I moved to the northwestern corner of the bed as $F42 pulled a large square tray up from the floor. The tray had small fuzzy green cylindrical objects on it. I wondered if it was some kind of marijuana product. $F42 placed it on the bed between himself and $F38. I wanted to be a part of the group here, but i felt that i could not be part of them. I moved a little to the north. I looked at the television, which now seemed to be resting against the bed in the center of the northern side. I could not see the screen from my angle. The back of the television seemed like rough stone. It was long and tall, with a rounded asymmetric top. I thought that the screen on the television would be rather small, and i imagined it as a small square screen with rounded corners and a bluish-green hue.

12014 July 26

I left the others and hurried to the south, entering the large open rectangular area. The area was flat, like a game court, but the surface had some things on it. A metal structure seemed to cover the white area. The roof seemed like simple sheet metal, and the rusted I-beam supports ran along the northern and southern sides of the area. I stopped suddenly in the middle of the area, noticing the large bird sitting just to the south of me. I thought that it was a hawk, and i said so to the people who were behind me, even though i knew that they would not be able to hear me. The hawk stared at me. I backed up a few paces so that i did not scare it. I looked to the southeast, noticing the head of an owl watching me. The face was very distinct, with thick black circles around the wide eyes, and a white and gray cowl. The owl leaned to one side as it started at me. I felt a little nervous, not sure why the birds were watching me. I wondered if the brown bird to the south of me was an eagle and not a hawk. It did seem rather large. I then noticed the large white bird to the southeast of me, about four meters to the west of the owl. It was very large and looked like a man sitting with his legs crossed. It had a pudgy body, and its feathers seemed disheveled. I realized that it must be a bald eagle because it was so large. It watched me skeptically. I bowed slowly, thinking that it would recognize the gesture as a way of showing that i was not being threatening. It seemed to be frowning, but it bowed slowly as well, folding its right wing across its chest as it did so. I felt good that it recognized the gesture, and i was excited that it returned it. I looked back to the west, thinking that i wanted to show $F57 the birds. He was interested in birds. I realized that a bird was perched on a small mound on the northern side of the area as well. It must have been the hawk. I turned back to the southeast, looking at the owl. Its expression looked surprised and curious as it stared at me. I wondered what to do. I wanted someone else to see the birds, thinking that they were special. However, i knew that if i ran back to the west to tell the others, the birds might not be here when i returned.

I spoke with the woman in the station as we moved to the east, across the large room. Some of the other people with us were to the south of us. I looked across the room at the display board that was hanging high on the eastern wall. It showed the times of the trains. We had to figure out which train we should be getting on. As we rounded the southern end of a large train car, which was along the eastern wall, the woman hurried to the north, and got into the open door of the car. She told me to hurry. I did not understand what she was doing. The car started moving to the north, and i realized that this might be our train. I had thought that the trains were on platforms in the next room to the east. I hurried after the train and jumped into the opening on the eastern side. The seats of the train were cushioned and thick. The seats seemed to stretch across the entire width of the car. I looked ahead of us, noticing the door in the northern wall of the station. We were heading for it. The train pushed through the door and we came into a wide factory yard. The train must be bringing us to our train, which would be somewhere in the yard. I paused for a moment in the cement yard. The ground was flat and cement, and a wall ran along the western side of the tracks. The wall curved with the tracks as the tracks headed to the northeast. A building was to the east of the tracks, but a low wall separated us from it. This place seemed open and desolate, but it was very clean, with no signs of deterioration. The woman with me said something. Something about this area made me feel lonely and uneasy. The woman then commented on the station, and i realized that we were approaching our next train. I looked behind me, to the south. The train car was again inside a large room with plaster walls. It was on the eastern side of the room. I looked behind us as the train backed up. The woman said something about our destination, and i noticed a closed door in the southern wall. Faint light from the train shined on the door, forming a diagonal grid-shaped pattern. I realized that the light from the train was a way of marking the door. The light focused, and i could see the silhouette of a metal collapsing gate, like you would see in old elevators. The gate was formed of thin vertical metal poles with X-shaped supports between that would fold up when opened. I thought that the gate must be on the back of the train car that we were on. I then realized that the train was approaching the doorway quickly, so i ducked back into the car so that i would not get hit by the doorframe. The train stopped just inside the door. I looked at the eastern wall near me, noticing the fire extinguisher behind the small metal gate of an emergency cabinet. I quickly opened the gate and started to remove the small red canister from the wooden case. I then wondered why i was doing this. The woman joked about it, and i realized that i had misunderstood something. I felt a little embarrassed as i put the container back, joking about the situation. I said that i would not need the extinguisher and is turned to the west and giggled to myself. I felt a little embarrassed.

12014 July 27

We walked up to the bar, which was on the eastern wall of the pub. The other police officers with me ordered beer. I remembered that the captain liked to drink whiskey, thought. When the bartender asked what i wanted, i told him that i would have a shot of whiskey. The captain stood at the bar to the south of me, wearing a tan trench coat. He seemed to be Gene Hunt. The other officer was also wearing a trench coat and stood at the bar to the north of me. Gene was hunched over, taking a sip from a glass of beer. Two glasses of pale beer were still on the bar in front of him. I looked at the other man, seeing two glasses near him as well. I wondered if it was inappropriate for me to be drinking whiskey. The bartender gave me a small shot glass of a dark brown liquid. As i picked it up, someone had said something to the other officers, and they finished their drinks. We were being called out for something. The others started to head to the south to leave. I drank the shot, aware that the bartender was watching me as i did so. He wore a white apron over a white shirt. He had a round smiling face and his brown hair was balding. He seemed a little pudgy. I knew that they were waiting to see my reaction when i drank. They did not expect me to know what whiskey was like and they wanted to see me gasp. I was prepared for the flavor as i downed the liquid. To my surprise, it tasted sweet, with flavors of cinnamon and other tree spices. I put the shot glass on the counter, but noticed that it was not empty. I must not have drunk the entire shot. I said something about it, but noticed that the shot glass was actually filling up. I quickly sipped the glass before it overflowed. I then drank it again. As i put it down a second time, it seemed to be filling up again. I thought about this, wondering if it was a trick glass. I had to catch up with the others. I moved to the south a little along the bar. I would have to pay for the drinks, so i took out my wallet. I waited for a moment, hoping that the bartender would take the money. He stood behind the bar, but did not move toward me. I wondered if the others had already payed for the drinks. I felt a little uneasy, wondering what i should do. I was not sure whether i should be paying or not. I was then standing at the southern end of the bar. It seemed much later, and i thought that i had come back to the bar to pay. I looked at my leather wallet, realizing that most of my money was green. It was U.S. money, which would not be good here. I then remembered that Gene had given me a large bill to pay the tab. I looked in the back compartment of my wallet and pulled out the red money. It must be British money. It seemed to be a hundred-pound note. This seemed like a lot of money. I hoped that the bartender would be able to give me change. I started to feel uncomfortable, staring at the money in my hand.

12014 July 28

Someone mentioned the man. He had done some bad things, and they had to keep him in this place, but he was about to escape. I looked down the cement hallway to the east. The hall actually seemed like a room, and people were sitting in front of metal consoles that had many dials and knobs on them. The panels on the controls seemed dull yellow. I then looked down. I could see the area below the floor though a rectangular opening in the floor. The opening seemed to be covered with a thick plate of glass. It was turned slightly to the north so that it did not quite align with the hallway. I could also see a thick cement beam crossing the opening from northwest to southwest. A car moved quickly to the east-northeast in the hallway below. The man was escaping in the vehicle. The corridor below seemed like a runway, and i knew that the man was taking one of the small airplanes out. We seemed to be in the time of World War Two. The others seemed panicked, trying to prevent the man from escaping. I swinged around to the south, looking out over the ocean. I could see the small propeller aircraft flying unsteadily through the driving gray rain over the ocean water. It was heading out to sea. We had to get the man before he got to far away. I started moving to the east with the other person. We were traveling in an old car with a rounded roof. I looked up through the opening in the roof, looking up into the pouring rain of the sky. The escaped man would be after us. I saw the small airplane approach us from behind. It had spotted us and would try to attack us. As the tan wooden body of the aircraft flew overhead, though, i noticed that flames were flickering out the front sides of the fuselage. Someone had been shooting at the airplane. The man who was driving the car held his gun up to the skylight. He said something about me hitting the airplane, but i had not thought about shooting. I knew that he had shot at the airplane through the roof of the car. The airplane tipped to the north a little and started descending. It dove into the long building on the northern side of the road. The building seemed to be a mall. The man stopped the car near the eastern end of the road that we were on, and we walked to the north, into the center of the long gray cement building. A corridor or alley ran between the two low buildings of the mall area. The buildings were plain and looked like factory buildings. A third person had joined us, asking what was happening. I said that we had to catch the other man, and i started swimming through the air, heading west. I thought that it might look interesting to others that i was swimming in the air. It seemed the quickest way to get to the west, but after a while, i was running down the hallway. We came to an area where people were standing in queue along the northern wall. They seemed to be workers, and i thought that they were waiting for work. The man who had driven the car with me stopped near the line of workers, but i continued to the west, through a doorway. As i reached the small room to the west, i found a pair of brown leather pants and a matching coat hanging flat against the southern wall. I lifted one leg of the pants, showing them to the other man, who stood in the doorway to the west, wearing a trench coat and a fedora. He nodded at me in acknowledgment of what i was saying. The man who had been flying the aircraft took off the leather clothes. He must have been hiding among the workers in the queues. I walked back to the east. I came to the end of the short hallway, spotting a man with a familiar face leaning against the eastern wall. I walked up to him, studying his rectangular features. He wore a white shirt that seemed to be from the fourties. I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. He knew that he had been caught, and he smiled in reply to me. I asked him about what he had done, and he replied. The other men were coming from the west. I had to hold this man, but i felt friendly toward him. He seemed like someone that i was very interested in, and i thought that he was really not a bad man. I hugged him. We were then lying down as if sleeping, both of us still wearing our clothing.