12015 July 05

We left the area, and we were riding on the bus, heading to the west. The structure was to the south of us, and i looked at it out the window. I was sitting near the front of the bus on the left side of the bus with the other people. The person with me was sitting just to the left of me, but he was leaning on me so that his head was in front of mine. I hugged him from behind. The people around us started talking about what we could do. Someone said something about singing. I talked to the person with me. He seemed like $A626, but he looked like $A577. I rubbed my chin in his black bushy hair. The others talked about singing. I wanted to sing with the others, but i felt unsure about doing it. The people around me were crowded near me. I felt good with all the people.

I drove my car along the northern side of the building, heading to the east. I had returned to this place, which seemed to be a very large apartment building. The building was white and modern. I felt uneasy coming back here, but i had to get my things from my room. I parked my car, turning it to the north into the parking space. Someone was watching from the south. I thought that i could leave the rear of the car facing south, which would allow me to pack my things more easily. I was near the eastern end of the building, though, which was not that close to my apartment. I should have parked to the west, closer to my apartment, but something prevented me from doing that. I got out of the car. My grandmother seemed to be somewhere near me. I thought that i could carry my things from the apartment and through the building. I wondered if the people from the building would mind me carrying the things down the hallway of the building. I headed to the south, into the building. The other person was with me. I did not know him well, thought. I walked around the small room in the hallway, heading south and then north again until i was on the western side of the room. I stopped to look at something on the eastern wall of the corridor. The young man followed me, and also stopped to look at the thing on the wall, which seemed like a painting. I glanced at the man. He seemed to be following me. He was tall and thin and he wore a tan T-shirt. I tried not to stare at him, unsure that he was really trying to meet me. I looked back at the picture, but noticed that the man was now staring at me. I looked back at him, looking into his eyes. He was watching me again. I realized that he was interested in meeting me but that he was shy. I said hello and told him my name. He started to tell me his, but i knew that he was Evan.

12015 July 06

I came from the east and stopped in the small picnic area, which was to the north of the driveway and on the southern side of the large rectangular field. A woman was sitting on the southern side of the table there. I told her that i had to order food, but then i said that i would have to go to the west to the other restaurant to get the rest of the food. Others had come with me, but they were wandering around in different places. The woman was confused by what i was saying. I told her that i had to get some food from Burger King. As i said it, it did not seem like a good idea. The woman told me that she was not allowed to server partial meals, and she told me that i should get all of my food here. I wondered why i would eat food at Burger King for part of this race anyway. I stood on the north of the small table, telling the woman something about the grease in the food. I then thought that i would get more french fries here than i would at Burger King. I looked to the west, thinking that i would have to cross the large field around me to get to the western side. We were part of a race, and we were trying to get somewhere. I was then riding a bicycle with several other people. The other people had something to do with the presidential race of the United States. I tried to ride faster, but i was second to last in the pack. I focused on going faster, but i had trouble passing the person in front of me. I was then aware of the person behind me. He was riding a recumbent bicycle, which seemed to have three wheels. He was Bobby Jindal. It seemed as though the others in the race considered him a joke. He was the only one with a different bicycle, and he could not keep up with everyone else. I pedaled fast to stay ahead of him, but i could not quite pass the person in front of me to get ahead in the race. As we turned to the north and headed toward the door of a building, i thought that i might be behind them because i simply was not aggressive enough. The door closed in front of me, and it took me a minute to get it open. I thought about this as i pulled it open and started racing down the corridors inside. The corridors were flat and featureless, and i was moving swiftly through the dull-red walls. I turned the corners sharply, thinking that the halls were designed with the idea that the corners would be taken at only thirty miles per hour. I thought this again as i made a second turn to the right. I then hurried down a hallway, heading to the west. I could still catch up to the bicycle in front of me. This time, i had trouble making the corner. I slipped past it a little and had to back up to turn to the right again. When i glanced behind me, i could see that the man in the recumbent bicycle was quite a way behind me. I turned the corner and started racing again. I came to the southern end of the large filed. The other racers were not here yet. I must have cut off part of the race. I walked around, looking at the people who were starting to gather here. I was not sure how i had gotten here ahead of everyone else. I would have to get my things together here. As the crowd started to form, someone said that my mother had been looking for me. I had not shown up with the other racers. It seemed that she had been here a while and had left to look for me.

12015 July 07

I walked to the east across the small room of the house. The room was dimly lighted. This place seemed to be $F4’s apartment. I had come here to look for the woman. I thought that she was hiding here. I had to find her because she knew about something. I felt it was important that i get to her before the others did. I looked at the torn-up papers on the floor. They were scattered in the center of the room, to the north of the old couch that was against the southern wall. I wondered suddenly if the woman i was looking for was my mother. I wanted to know why i had three twins. I could not figure out the torn up papers, though. I thought that they might say something about the twins. I arranged the papers on the floor, but i could not find anything that i wanted to see. I rearranged the papers on the floor, trying to piece them back together. I found a few that fit together. They formed pictures of events. I realized that the papers were event programs. I was disappointed that they did not have any useful information in them. I picked them up off of the floor and cleared up the room. I then noticed the room to the east. I wondered if it was another part of the living room. I moved toward it, but i realized that it was just a bedroom. I left the apartment, wondering if anyone would be mad that i had been there. I then wondered where $F4 was.

12015 July 11

I was lying on the sofa bed on the northern side of the room. Some people seemed to be to the southwest of me, in the doorway to the room. Someone was lying on the bed with me. He seemed to be asleep, but then he put his arm over me and kissed me. He was $F12. He pulled me closely, and i realized that he was interested in erotica. I was interested in him, and i hugged him back. I went to kiss him, but i realized that he had his tongue sticking out. It seemed strange, but i rubbed my tongue on the tip of his tongue. I was lying on top of him now. I felt very aroused by him, and i was surprised that he wanted to make out with me. I started to pet his right side with my left hand. He lifted his right leg onto my hip, and i rubbed his leg muscles. I then kissed him again. Again, he had his tongue pointing out. I was not sure what to do with this, so i licked his tongue as we held each other.

I moved to the south, into the small kitchen of the house. The kitchen ran along the eastern side of the house, in the northeastern corner of the house. I had entered the kitchen through the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I stood at the counter along the eastern wall, looking for something. I had come into the house while the owners were away. I knew that they might be upset that i was here, but i had come to get something from the house. I thought that the owners would understand once they realized why i was here. I pulled open the drawer and stated taking things out. I then saw a family walking up the driveway from the south. The driveway ran along the eastern side of the house. There seemed to be a husband and wife and two teenage children. They were all tall and thin. The family stopped to the east of me, and the daughter pointed out that someone was in the house. I took some of the things out of the drawer and put them on the tray on the counter. I wanted the family to come in so that i could explain what i was doing here, but they stayed outside. I realized that they might have called the police. I felt impatient, wanting the father to come inside before the police showed up. I would have to be gone before the police arrived. I tried to fold the green cloth napkin over the items that i had put on the tray, but i had too many items. I opened the cloth and looked at the utensils. I had several brown plastic tea-bag pressers and two or three green things. I also had a long metal two-prong service spoon. I picked up the spoon and put it back in the drawer, noticing the ladybug on the handle just under the spoon end. I did not really need to take the utensils. The father had walked around to the north side of the house, where the door was. He would be here soon. I folded the green napkin over the tray and picked it up. I heard the husband enter the house behind me. I adjusted the bandanna over my face so that he would not be able to recognize me. I felt it pull over my beard. I turned and headed for the door, ready to explain to the husband what was happening, but he had entered the office to the west and closed the slatted door behind him. I moved to the door, which seemed like a metal door to a gym locker. It was dark in the room, so i could not see him. I moved to the exit door and opened it, feeling rushed. I called the man’s name, but i was not really sure of his last name. He did not respond. I told him that i had taken the tea cozies, adding that he would understand why the items had been taken. I said that they were from the house before. I then left, thinking that i had to get out before the police came.

12015 July 12

The man stood to the south of me, and i was trying to explain something strange to him. I knew that reality was dynamic here, but i could not explain the overlapping realities well. I turned to the brick wall to the north of me and touched with my index finger and thumb, as if trying to pick something small off of the wall. I pulled my hand back, removing the tea cup from the wall. I remembered this scene from a story i had written long ago, and it somewhat explained what i was talking about. I showed the tea cup to the man, but i was not really holding a tea cup. I knew that he could see the tea cup and lack of tea cup in my fingers. It was hard to explain, and the man seemed more confused by it.

12015 July 16

I moved from the room and headed to the west. The room was part of a small cottage, and the woman standing to the north of me seemed to be my mother. As i moved to the west, i heard the person on the radio talking about the man who had come into the building. The person said something about the gun and then added some facts about taxes and a political issue. As i listened, the person said something about President Bush Jr. I followed the city street as it curved to the north, passing through the commercial district on the western side of the city. I thought about the news report. I was surprised that something had happened. A person was then to the north of me, and he was talking to someone else. He mentioned President Carter. I realized that the news story i had heard was about a man breaking into Jimmy Carter’s house and shooting because of a government regulation. I wondered how George Bush Jr. had gotten into the story. The news story seemed old, and i realized that i had not been paying attention to the news lately. I walked to the north. The woman was standing to the north of me in the small room. I sat down on the eastern side of the table and told her that i had not heard about the story until just now. She seemed surprised, and we started talking about the story. She said that the man coming into his house had shot Jimmy Carter. I had thought that it was George Bush Jr. that had died, but it was Jimmy Carter.

12015 July 20

I stood on the northern side of the room, facing west. The other man, who seemed to be $A713, was standing to the southwest of me. I spoke to him. I was then talking to the woman who was to the south of me as i lay on the floor, pulling my knees to my chest in a stretch. I was talking about my relationship with $A713. I said something about how he would be leaving, so i would not see him for a while. I then said that i had to leave this place. I turned to the east and started driving down the road back to town. The long road ran down the hill. I could see the lake to the south of me. A steep hill rose to the north of the lake, and the road ran diagonally across its slope. The down was on the eastern end of the lake. I noticed a large white car behind me in the mirror. It seemed to be traveling rather close. I turned my attention ahead, though. I seemed to be moving very fast. A car was parked on the side of the road ahead of me. I was not approaching it very quickly, but i still seemed to be moving fast. I reached above the steering wheel with my left hand and turned a small dial. The car shifted to the left as i turned, driving around the parked car. I turned the car back into my lane and let it roll down the hill. I seemed to be going quite fast, but the scenery around me was now moving past quickly. I could see the town in the distance now. I applied the brakes to keep the car from going too fast. An SUV was now parked on the side of the road ahead of me. I started turning the dial again, but decided to use the steering wheel to turn the car instead. The steering wheel seemed to have a wider range of action, but it did not have the fine control of the small dial. I moved around the car and then back into my lane, applying the brakes to prevent myself from going too quickly. A white SUV was coming up the hill toward me, so i had to stay in my lane. I pressed the brakes a few times to slow the car. I then felt something happen to the brakes. They stopped working. I felt worried and wondered what to do. A white car backed out of a driveway on the northern side of the road ahead of me. I was too close to stop, but i also could not slow my car down because the breaks were not working. I move very quickly to the white car, heading toward the driver’s door. I could see an older man with a colored coat inside. Someone also seemed to be in the back seat. I hit his car near the rear of the driver’s door. It would not be a good place to hit the car because the man would be thrown into the side window. He looked suddenly at me just before i hit. I could no longer see anything, but i thought about the accident. I thought that i should have put on the emergency brake, even though i knew i would not have had time to move my foot from the brake to the emergency brake.

12015 July 21

I flew to the north, into the eastern end of the grassy quadrangle of the college campus. The rectangular quadrangle was had old gray stone buildings on the northern side and more modern brick building on the southern side. It seemed like $P39. I was flying to my lecture, and i felt hurried. I turned to the east, swooping low to the ground. I flew in front of the buildings on the southern side of the field. I then landed near the eastern end of the area and started jogging down the long flight of stone steps to the east. The stairs descended from the higher area of the quadrangle to another part of the campus. A stone wall ran along the southern side of the stairs. The top of the wall was flat, but it dropped in elevation every so often to keep up with the stairs. Dark green pine bushes seemed to be to the north of the steps. I jogged down the steps, passing a few people. As i reached the bottom and turned to the south, i realized that the door to the building was crowded with people trying to get in. I would have to wait in the queue to enter the lecture. I was annoyed that it was so popular. A man in the line then started talking to me. I talked to him about the woman’s class. It felt good to be here, and i thought that the people here were very friendly. I enjoyed being back in the college area, and i liked the people here.

12015 July 22

I ran down the steep grassy hill, heading east. I was moving very fast over the ground, which seemed to be part of a park. I had come from the western side of the hill and run on a path that ran around the northern side of the steep slope. I was now headed east, and i could see the wide suburban area sprawling out below me. It was sunny out, and the small houses and apartments seemed comforting. I now seemed to be running parallel to a road. The road was to the north of me, and it had old apartment buildings on the northern side of the street. The street also seemed to be lined with large old trees, which were now full of leafs. I stopped running, and i was now on a bus, which was heading down the street to the east. I would have to take the bus the rest of the way to where i was going. I sat down in the small stool that was near the front of the bus, on the northern side of the bus. I started talking to the man to the south of me, across the aisle. We spoke about the city around us. Something seemed very familiar here.

12015 July 24

It was late at night, and i was in a house that seemed to be $F57’s. I was in the rectangular living room of the house, but $F57 was asleep to the west of me. I was trying to leave the room, but i had to gather my things. I was very careful as i moved, trying not to make too much noise. I spent some time moving around the room to get some things. I then focused on the large cello that was leaning against the northern wall to the northeast of me. $F57 had taken it apart. The main body was still standing on the eastern side of the room, but the long black neck was leaning against the northern wall, and several other pieces seemed to be on the floor. The cello was actually a frame. The front and back panels had also been removed. $F57 was still taking it apart now. I then heard the low bass reverb as he hit one of the strings. I could see the thick metal string vibrating. It hummed with a heavy sound that i could feel. For a moment, i worried that the sound would wake $F57 up. The hum started again, and it felt as though the entire room was vibrating. Everything around me was now humming with the same low note. I moved around the room, fascinated by the sound. Others were now with me in the room, and they all seemed to be standing and staring in different directions, listening to the noise.

12015 July 25

I stood on the northern side of the lawn. The house, which seemed like my house, was to the south of me. My mother, grandmother, and a few of my relatives were standing to the southeast of me, in the front yard of the house. I was looking at something to the north. The side street ran in front of me along the northern side of the yard. To the east of the yard, the main road ran north to south. I heard a cracking noise, and i turned suddenly to the east to see where a tree branch had broken. The tall willow tree in the front yard had cracked, and i could see a bushy crown falling to the south of the tree. The willow was heavy with leafs, though the leafs seemed pale tan. The crowd fell for a short distance before part of it caught on the power lines that ran to the south of the tree, passing to the north of the house. My relatives cautioned me, saying that it would be dangerous. I watched the lines for a moment. They held the weight of the branch as the main part of the branch swinged to the north of the line. The long leafy stems were holding up the branch. The line started to say, and i knew that it would fall on the ground. I was still standing under it. I called to my parents, telling them to get back. I ran to the north as the power line started to fall. I ran up the street to the north a little way. I could hear the line hitting the ground behind me. I looked back, noticing that i was about fifty meters from the line. I looked back to the north, seeing a white truck heading toward me. I waved my arms over my head, trying to get the car to stop, but it speeded up, trying to get past me. I watched it pass to the west of me. The power line was across the road to the south, and i could see a few yellow tangled branches on the line. The truck stopped suddenly, realizing that the road was blocked. I looked back to the north to see a short line of cars approaching. I waved at them as well. The small car in front skidded to a sudden halt. As it stopped, i realized that it was box shaped. Two men in black motorcycle gear and helmets were sitting on top of the wide box. The other boxes skidded to a halt behind the first one. They seemed like snowmobiles, but they moved on wheels. The man in front lifted his arms to take off his helmet. I then felt a strange vibrating feeling across my shoulders. I turned back to the south but could no longer see anything. The feeling moved down my spine. I realized that it felt like electricity. I wondered if i was feeling the current through the ground at this distance. This did not make sense. I would have felt the vibration through my feet, not my shoulders. My mother then said something. I realized that she was close to me, and i realized that i might not have made it far from the power lines. I asked my mother if the lines had hit me. She said that i had.

12015 July 27

I had just left my parents to head back to my home. I walked to the east across the dark parking lot. A store was to the south of me, and my car was parked to the east. It seemed very late at night, and the air was a little foggy. The area seemed to be deserted, but i felt as if some of the people i had been with were watching me from the west. I pushed the black shopping cart toward my car. Another cart was in the lot, near the building to the south of me. As i passed it, i noticed that it was rolling slowly to the northeast. I passed it, thinking that i should push it against the wall of the building so that it did not roll away and hit a car. I realized that my car was the only car in the lot, though, so i pushed my cart to my car, thinking that i had enough time to go back for the cart. As i turned around, though, i noticed that the cart was moving very quickly to the northwest. I tried to catch it, but i did not reach it. I stopped running after a few running steps, thinking that i did not want to spend the effort to catch the cart. I should simply get it once it stopped. However, when i looked back toward my black car, which was parked facing the building, i saw that my shopping cart was starting to roll to the southwest. It accelerated quickly, passing to the south of me and arcing to the northwest. I started chasing it, but could not catch it. Annoyed, i stopped after a few paces and watched it roll out of the parking lot and into the driveway of the house to the north. I walked after it, hearing it clatter against something. I crossed the dark parking lot and walked down the driveway of the yellow house. They were taking groceries out of the back of a station wagon and taking them into the house. They had already piled some groceries into the black shopping cart. The person near the door did not realize that the shopping cart was not part of their groceries. This house seemed to be a group home for disabled people, and the people unloading the car seemed like volunteers. I grabbed the handle of my cart, but i could see that the people had already loaded some of their things into the cart. Some of my groceries also seemed to have been taken inside. I followed the people to the north, into the building. They seemed to have realized their mistake, and they were trying to get me my things back. I moved to the western side of the long counter, which ran from the northern wall, down the center of the room. A man was to the east of me, on the other side of the counter. He pointed out the white loaf of Wonder Bread that was on the counter. It had been in my cart. They were trying to get my things back together. A group of people were then to the south of me, standing just off the end of the counter. They were the residents here. I felt awkward trying to get my things back in front of them, because i knew that they might not understand why i would be taking things. A tall man at the front of the group smiled widely at me and started thanking me. He wore a blue Polo shirt. He leaned forward and hugged me. I hugged him back, feeling very comfortable embracing him. He pulled back, still smiling, and continued talking to me as if he was very happy with me. I was not quite sure how to respond. The others stood near him, watching me. I was patient with the man, listening to what he was saying, but i felt uncomfortable, because i did not think he understood why i was here. The man who had said something about my groceries was to the west of me. I was now standing to the east of the island counter. I still had to get my things from here. The man was sorting through a number of receipts that were on the counter. I knew that he was separating out my documents. I moved to the northern side of the counter to look at the documents. They looked like legal documents. Most looked aged, and several had decorative borders around them. I wanted my things sorted out, but i felt uneasy. Something was being confused. I just wanted everything fixed so that i could leave.

I woke up, and i was lying on my bed. I looked at the clock to the east of me. It was time for me to get up for work, but i did not want to get up yet. I was in a bad mood, and i did not want to do anything. I thought about my job. I worked for $G6 again. The job seemed depressing, and i did not want to go there. I moved around in the area. I seemed to be in the office now. People were moving things around. I felt disinterested in the place, but i was also frustrated that the people insisted on doing things now. They were trying to get the things to the airport. I could see their red car moving to the west on the road to the north of me. I sat down in the small red chair that was against the northern wall. The wall behind me was glass, and the other person in the office moved to the west. I said something to him as i glanced over my right shoulder, looking out the window. A group of people was standing on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. They all faced north. I started to look back into the center of the room, but realized that the people were all dancing. I turned to look at them. They stood in an alley, which led to the north, seemingly into a large shopping area. The end of the alley was blocked off with a chain-link fence, and the people danced as a group to the fence, looking through it to the south. When they reached the fence, they froze in place. I realized that someone was filming a music video. I pointed this out to the man in the office. I watched the dancers, seeing a man cross the street from the south, heading toward them. He seemed to be a director. I realized that someone in the office was filming the video for a client. I wished that i could do fun projects like that. I moved around the office, which was now a lot closer to the street. The man to the west of me now seemed like $A236. He was working on the video project.

12015 July 28

I was paying attention to the people to the north, who were leaving. They seemed to be getting into a car. I watched this for a moment, but then the man to the northeast of me said something. He stood near me, facing west. He looked at me as he pet his belly. He said that his abs were not as detailed as they used to be. I looked at the man. I had not noticed him before. He was thin, with a light muscle build. He had very light blond hair and pale skin. He was very nicely detailed, and i thought that he was attractive. He looked at me and then back to his abs. It was strange that he was complaining. I tried to ignore him, thinking that he was being foolish. He was very attractive, though, and he seemed familiar. I started walking to the north, down the corridor. We were in the back part of a building. This place seemed like a cinema. We had left one of the rooms and were now heading into another theater. We probably should not have come directly between the theaters. The person with me was uneasy. We stepped into a small theater with worn cement walls. The place seemed run down. The man stopped to the northeast of me. He was $A709.