12016 July 01

The people had already left the came and were headed northeast to the town. I knew that they would have to drive to the east on the road that was to the south of the camp. The land around us seemed to be flaw farming country. It was green with vegetation. I was looking at the camp from above. Sever white buildings, which seemed like old farm houses, stood very close together, with a dirt driveway in the center. The narrow road ran along the southern side of the campground. I moved around the campground. Two dogs were still in the camp with me. The others had left for the town but had left their dogs here. It seemed strange that the dogs would have been left behind. I knew that we were leaving the camp and not coming back. The large tan dog, which seemed like a Labrador retriever, belonged to the red-haired man. He was tall and thin and had a white T-shirt. He had already left. I started flying to the north, across the green fields behind the campground. The smaller black dog was trotting after me. I thought that i could lead the dog across the fields to the main road. I knew that the main road was a way to the north of us, running east to west. The people leaving the camp would have to head south out of the camp, turn to the west on the small road, drive about five hundred meters, and then turn north on another road to get to the intersection with the main road. I could picture the land from high above. I imagined the cars moving to the north on the other road. When they got to the main road, they would have to turn to the west to get to the town. I flew low over the green fields, thinking that i could lead the dog to the intersection of the north-to-south road and the main road. The others who were driving might then run into us before they reached the intersection. I looked to the northwest. I could not see the intersection across the fields. Too many lines of trees separated the smaller squares of farming fields within the road borders. As i flew, i noticed that the rows of plants in the fields seemed striped. At regular intervals, the leafs of the plants were darker than the surrounding vegetation. I turned a little more to the west to avoid a line of tall bushy trees that ran along the northern side of a field. I hoped that i would be heading in the correct direction. The dog was still chasing after me as i flew low over the ground. I then realized that i was approaching the north-to-south road near the southern end of it. I had turned too far to the southwest. I felt disappointed and annoyed. I was then back at the camp. I had not been able to get the dog to its owner before they reached the intersection. I could have met the others in the town where the concert was being held. I talked to the man on my cell phone, telling him that i had his dog. I did not think that he knew that his dog had been left behind. The larger tan dog had wandered away. I paced around between the white buildings of the campground. The buildings seemed more like houses and barns now. People came from the west into the open area where i was. The western side of the area now had a more defined wall. A tall line of shrubs or trellises seemed to run along the western side of the parking lot. The low building was to the east of me as i headed to the southern end of the western side of the lot. The young woman with long reddish-blond hair started talking to me. I did not recognize here, but she seemed very familiar with me. I thought that i had known her from my youth, but i still did not recognize here now. She seemed upset about something. I was not sure what i should do. The others walked to the south of me, heading into the large building to the east. I headed north, floating under the long overhanding trellis. It seemed like a ladder with green vines growing over it. I turned upside down and pretended to walk on the underside of it as i flew. I thought that i would look interesting. The young woman seemed to like it. When i reached the end, i was again in the parking lot, talking to the woman. She was interested in something. I told her about the tattoo that we had seen, saying that they were really symbols that represented special things. I thought that most of the symbols were religious in meaning.

12016 July 04

The back yard of the house was dark and scary. I stood at the northwestern corner of the small house. The one-story house seemed to be made of bricks or simple clay blocks. Some of the rows of blocks were yellow, lighter than the rest of the dark building. I stared out to the west, worried about something in the darkness. The lawn to the west and north of the building seemed to be a school yard. I could see the swing set along the northern side, about five meters to the northwest of me. A woman was standing in front of the swing set as a child swinged on the swings. I crouched down at the corner of the building, trying to remain still. I did not want the danger to notice me moving. I then realized that the woman was curious of me. She probably felt uncomfortable that i was lying on the side of the building. She walked over toward me, stopping a few meters away. I pretended to be asleep, making snoring noises. When i heard the noises, i thought that they sounded realistic. The woman would probably think that i had simply fallen asleep. I stayed still for a moment, trying to protect myself from something to the west. I then was moving again. I seemed to be on the upper floor of an old house. Someone was talking on a radio about the shooting. They described the shooting as it happened. I listened to the narrator as he described the boy who shot his father. I listened uneasily as i headed down the narrow hallway to the south. The wooden banister ran to the west of me, separating me from the steps that led down from the south to the floor below. The voice described the father. The boy shot his father in the bedroom of the house. The narrator described the father as lying on the bed. The voice spoke distinctly and slowly for dramatic effect, saying that the father had asthma, which made it hard enough to breath, but now his lungs were filling up with blood. The father could not shout for help. The man seemed to be standing in the hallway to the south of me. He said in a loud voice “Bobby, please get-”, but he was cut off by his son, who tried to prevent him from calling for help. I thought that Bobby was the other son. The man was calling for him to get help. Bobby was not aware that his brother had shot his father. I had my hand on the top of a thick column in the middle of the banister. The top of the column was covered with a worn wooden pyramidal cap. The cap was loose, and i lifted it to look at it. The wood was worn and porous, and it seemed to be cracked. The lower part of the four-sided pyramid separated from the upper part, forming a square ring around the upper part. I pieced it back together as i listened to the tragedy near me. I then moved down the stairs, coming to the south into the large room of the restaurant. The family was gathered for a meal. The voice of the narrator described how the boy had come into the room. I looked to the south, seeing the young man approaching the doors to the restaurant. The red wooden door had a multipane window in the upper half with white curtains parted from the center of it. The family had been eating at the table, but they had heard about the father, and they rushed to the door to see what had happened. The young man pushed open the door and started shooting into the room. I thought that i was now seeing a live video of the man who had shot his family. It must have been surveillance footage from the restaurant. I then thought that it was strange that the family was simply standing near the door letting the man shoot them. I wondered why they did not tackle the boy to prevent any other shootings. I did not feel safe in this area, and i moved away, wondering where i could hide.

12016 July 07

I was talking to $A14 about classes. He thought that i had been attending them, but i knew that i had not. I did not want him to know that i had not been taking the classes, however. I knew that the classes were about a woman. We had been studying her as she did something. $A14 asked me about her and what we had studied. I sayed that i liked the classes where we leaned about the types of things that the woman did more than the classes about the woman. I hoped that this would change the subject and make it seem like i knew about the classes.

12016 July 08

I sat on the white toilet that was on the eastern wall of the small bathroom. The toilet faced west and was near the southern wall. Looking to the north, i noticed that the door to the bathroom was open. Someone was moving around in the dark apartment to the north, but the person was not in view. I realized that i should not have the door open, so i swinged the tan wooden door closed. I then started wiping myself with the toilet paper. A few moments later, i was still wiping myself. It seemed to take a long time. I looked at the toilet paper in my right hand, noticing that the feces on it was dark and sticky. I must be having trouble trying to wipe it off my anus. I felt annoyed and continued to wipe myself. I finally stood up and headed to the west to wash my hands. A long counter ran across the southern wall of the room. The kitchen sinks were in the middle of the counter. I turned on one of the faucets and started washing my hands, but i noticed that people had left many cooking trays and pots in the sink. When i ran the water, the water ran to the edge of the sink and dripped over the front edge. I quickly tuned off the water. I then thought that i had to wash my hands, so i turned it back on slowly. To my disappointment, the water still spilled over the edge of the sink and onto the floor. I washed my hands anyway. I would have to find a mop. I thought that the mops were on the eastern end of the counter, where the sinks were. I backed up to the east. The place seemed like the kitchen of $P19. Someone had entered the room from the north. I did not really want to clean up the water because i knew that no one else would have done it. The people who lived here were the ones who left the mess in the sink. Several mops and brooms were leaning against the southern wall and the eastern end of the metal sink. I grabbed one of the mops, but it did not have a head on it. I grabbed another. It had a short black cylinder at the bottom of the wooden stick. I was not sure how it worked and tried to move it. As i turned something, four curved arms unfolded from the sides of the black cylinder. I thought that they probably held the white rag head on the mop. $A116 was at the sink to the west of me. He said that i would have to add a head to the mop.

I walked to the east along the shore of the ocean. The sand under me was pale, and the water to the south of me was blue. I watched the water for a moment as i walked. I then stopped on the beach, thinking about my parents and the place that we were staying in here. We were visiting this area. Something seemed strange about this place, though. I looked to the south again. The waves on the ocean were rolling to the west. They seemed very tall, which did not seem right. I kept glancing back at them, noticing that they were rolling from somewhere to the east. They seemed rather large, and i wondered if they were going to wash up on the shore to where i was. They did not seem like normal waves. I could hear some of them washing up on the shore below me. I now seemed to be walking a few hundred meters from the shore. Low dark rounded rocks blocked my view of the shore where the waves were coming in. The waves sounded like regular ocean waves, and i wondered if it was normal for such large waves to be rolling across the ocean. I looked again back across the water to the southeast. The waves were now starting to crest, and they had white foam near the peaks. Something was wrong. I watched the waves for a moment. They were now moving as if solid. Snow and dirty ice blocks were moving in waves across the top of the water. This seemed like a flood, and i started to feel worried that something was wrong. I could no longer see the blue water of the ocean. I wondered if a volcano had erupted to the east. I knew that i was in Hawaii, so something could have erupted and sent a large wave across the ocean. I then wondered where the snow had come from. It was not normal for Hawaii. I watched the water, noticing that wooden structures were now being swept across my view on the ice of the waves. I started to worry that something was very wrong.

I looked to the southwest, watching the scene from television. A man was sitting on a bed that was partially enclosed in a large white tube. The tube looked like medical equipment. A woman was standing in front of the tube on the right side of my view, talking to the man. He had his legs to the north of him, in the tube, and he was leaning on his right arm as he listened. He wore a white lab coat over a dress shirt. His face seemed Eastern Asian, and he had short dark black hair. I thought that this was a remake of an old medical show. It seemed like Quincy. Someone then said his name, and i knew that it was the same show. I thought it humorous that someone was remaking the old show. I started walking to the east as i watched the scene from the show. Something had changed in the show. A man was now moving to the east to the south of me. Someone mentioned the large machine and them man. I took a step to the east so that i could see into the open room. A large metal object hung in the center of the elevator shaft to the south of me. It looked like a mechanical claw. It was made of riveted steel and looked a little rusted. It was attached to a larger steel structure that descended down the shaft. The person seemed to be somewhere to the east of the shaft, and she mentioned the man who was climbing down the machine. I then saw the man climbing on the metal structure. He descended out of view down the shaft. I moved to the east a little farther, trying to get a better view of the man. I could no longer see the man. I turned to the north. I was in a hallway that ran to the north of the rooms. A doorway opened to the north of me, but it had a metal railing across it. It looked down at a set of stairs, which descended from the west. The stairs started from another doorway just to the west of me and descended to the north. They turned to the east and then to the south, descending under me toward the floor below. A bird was sitting on the railing in the stairwell just in front of me. I watched for a moment as i listened to the voices talk to the south of me. I could hear the man’s voice coming from the stairwell. He had climbed to the floor below. The bird then grabbed something from the stairwell and flew off to the northwest. I turned to the southeast. The man was standing in a doorway on the southern side of the red corridor. The walls seemed to be made of smooth brick or stone block, and they were painted dull red. I started talking to the man.

12016 July 11

We had a large machine in the room to the northwest of me. We had constructed it, and i felt enthusiastic to turn it on. The machine filled most of the stone-walled room that i was looking at. It was constructed of something that looked like old riveted metal, and two large metal plates stood on either side of the room. They were painted red. I knew that they would generate a strong magnetic field, so i told the other person that we would have to take care to get some things out of the lab. I walked to the east, looking at the counter to the south of me. I noticed the black metal clips on the desk, and i told the other person that we would have to remove them from the room. The other person was walking to the west, passing to the north of me. When i looked back to the machine, it now seemed to have a second set of walls between the two outside plates. They would all be used to change the fields. I then noticed a fuzziness to the air inside the machine. To my surprise, the machine was already running. White lines, which looked like audio waves, were moving from the eastern plate to the western plate, but they slowed to almost a standstill. I knew that i should not have been able to see the waves in the air, but i could because they had been slowed down by the time distortion caused by the machine. The waves seemed to come to a stop. Five or six lines of waves were stacked on top of each other, and i noticed that the eastern end of the waves all converged into a single point. The wave forms should converge. I watched the eastern end. The thin white lines seemed to vibrate slightly, but the waveforms were standing still. Something about the convergence point near the eastern plate interested me.

I moved to the back door of my parents’ house. $X4 was walking toward the door, following just to the southeast of me as i headed north. I thought that he wanted to go out. I then thought that i should not let the cats go outside. Something made me uncertain about this, so i thought i should ask my mother whether $X4 could go outside. When i reached the door, i looked out the glass to see $X4 sitting on the porch. This seemed confusing. I did not know how he had gotten outside when he was just inside near me. I opened the door to let him in. As i watched him come in, however, something seemed strange about him. I could see him walking toward the door through the window, but he did not look quite like $X4. He was rounder and had a coat that glistened. As he came though the door, he no longer looked like a cat. The body of the animal was very thin, though the head and legs still looked like a cat. The body was a thin pole running between the front and hind legs. It was no more than a centimeter in diameter. Fanning out from the pole at regular intervals were petal-shaped rings. Four or five rings filled in the illusion of the body. The entire body was now a swirl or glossy colors: reds, purples, yellows, and blues. The animal was just imitating a cat. I tried to catch it, but it ran to the south, into the house. I ran after it. I stopped in the kitchen door, facing east. My mother was in the northeastern side of the room, doing something at the sink, which was in the counter to the south of her. The cat was walking into the kitchen, but i could tell that it was changing into the form of a cat. I asked my mother about the cat, but she did not seem to pay attention. I told her to look at the animal, but she continued to take dishes out of the dishwasher. I knew that the animal could change its shape again to look like a cat, and i wanted my mother to see it before it changed. I called to her again, but she did not look up. I finally felt frustrated with her, and i scolder her for not looking at the cat.

12016 July 12

I was on Paden Street, near Burns Avenue. I seemed to have been riding a bicycle, but i was now standing at the eastern end of the block, doing something. Someone was near me, and the dog was trotting around near me. I had to get back to the west, where my grandmother’s house was. I thought of $F1, who seemed to be near where i was. I headed back to the west on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I thought that i should get the bicycle back. It was not my bicycle. I had been using $F1’s bicycle. As i approached $F1’s house, i was walking on the northern sidewalk of the street, pushing the bicycle along the northern side of me. My right hand was holding the main upper bar of the bicycle as i walked. I could see $A425 and $F1, sitting on the porch. I said something to them, feeling a little nervous that i had been late. I moved into the large room with $F1, talking as i started to gather things. This place seemed like the garage of my parents’ house. We had to get ready to leave, and i was collecting my things together. We chatted as i picked up bags from the center of the floor. A large object, like a mattress with sheets on it, was in the center of the floor. I moved to the northwest in the room as we spoke. I then heard the sound of a car move from the south of us to the west of us. I looked to the west, noticing a small yellow sports car driving past the garage. This was not right. The car should not have been driving on the lawn. I moved to the window to see the car cross the field to the north of the garage, heading to the north-northeast. I remembered that people had been living behind my parents’ house in the field, and this did not seem right. They should not have been there. I looked out the window to the west, noticing a gap in the bushes along the northern side of the yard, flush with the north of the garage. Multiple white posted signs with red letters were placed on both sides of the opening. The passageway was someone’s official driveway. I felt confused, wondering how long the person had been living in the field. There should not have been anyone there. I could now see the worn path across the grass where the cars had been driven from the road to the southwest across the dry grassy lawn. I backed away from the wall, realizing that someone outside would be able to see me looking out the window. As i backed away, i could see that the wall was nothing more than wooden slats. This part of the garage seemed to be a crude addition to the main building. I looked to the north to see another car passing the garage. I had to stay low so that the people could not see me over the top of the slats. The other person with me was also staying low. I said something about the people to the north.

Someone was talking about the orbits, and i was looking at the sun, which was floating in the blackness to the northwest of me. It was about the size of a basketball, and i could see the flames rolling from its surface. White lines circled the sun. They represented the orbits of things traveling around it. There was something i should know, but i was not sure what. Something then made a cracking pop, and i felt as if someone had hit me in the center of the chest.

12016 July 13

I looked at the map, which showed the tall vertical area, which seemed to be a state. I was trying to figure out a route across the land to get to somewhere. I focused on the town at the top-left of the region. It was a city called Falstaff. The yellow line ran down from the city and turned to the right near the bottom of the state. The small town near the turn was called Interlaken. I was trying to get to somewhere near the bottom-right of the map. I could not quite figure out how to get there. The yellow lines seemed confusing.

I was talking to the others, but then i turned to the south and flew over the grassy area. I seemed to be moving along the western side of a small courtyard, which seemed to be at $P19. A few of $G3 were to the northeast of me, and i knew that they could see me flying. I wondered if they would think that it was something special. I flapped my arms, trying to move higher, but it seemed hard to fly. I remembered that flying in dreams had always seemed like swimming through the air. I turned to the east at the southern side of the courtyard, thinking that i should try to fly higher. I had not done that in a dream in a very long time. I wanted to the people here to be impressed with what i could do.

12016 July 14

I looked at the long grassy lawn to the west of my house. Normally it was grassy, but now large round dark spots crossed the lawn. Three dark spots seemed to run in a line from north to south across the yard, running parallel to the line of trees. I felt concerned, noticing that the darkness was from water on the ground. The ground was grassless in the spots, but dry brown grass grew around the edges. The ground must have been flooded recently, and the water must have taken the topsoil away with it. I looked at the three trees standing in a row on the western side of the lawn. They were tall and thin and looked dead. I realized that the dirt had been washed away around their roots, so they now looked like dry trunks on mounds. Something had killed them recently. I told someone to the east of me about this. I then looked back at the trees. The lawn had more trees in it now. Some were short stumps and some were taller. They had been buried by dirt, but they were now exposed because the water had washed the dirt away. I walked to the east, now walking on the driveway. I noticed a dirt road heading to the northwest from the back of the lawn. I walked down it, noticing that the muddy ground seemed to have been disturbed by deep tire tracks recently. I thought that the water from the back yard could have flowed out the road, carving it into the ground. I stopped only a little way down the road, hearing a truck coming from the south. The area around me was forested, and i started to worry that the people who had dug the road might be coming back to do something in my yard. I hurried back to the east to get out of the view of the truck. I rushed back toward the house, thinking that i would have to tell my parents about the road that had been dug. The road now seemed to be a corridor, and it turned to the south as it reached the back yard. I would have to climb the stairs to the south of me to get to the yard.

12016 July 15

I looked to the south of me to see the muddy flood water dipping as it went under a bridge. I could not see the bridge, but i knew that the water must have been flowing just over the top of the flat cement structure. The dip was to the north of me, and i move to the north, over the top of it, looking at the brown water around me. I was now floating in the water, and i thought that i should float down the river to the west. The river flowed to the south of me here, but i knew that it would turn to the west and flow along the southern side of the town. I got farther into the water and started to float back to the south. I had to be careful when floating over the recessed part of the river, where the water was being sucked under the bridge. I watched the edges of the square recessed area as i floated quickly over it, trying to hurry past so that i did not get stuck. I then looked up to see the narrow river to the south of me. The river turned to the west a few hundred meters ahead of me. I floated toward the bend. I then noticed debris from a broken tree floating into the river from a tributary to the east. The debris was from the flood. I would have to be careful not to get tangled with the debris. I then wondered if it would be dangerous to be floating in the flood waters. I floated around the bend in the river, and i could see to the west. The river seemed wider now, and the water rose in a crest to the west of me. I realized that the water filled the space between the trees to the north. The water now seemed to be moving very fast, and i suddenly felt frightened. I would not be safe floating in the river when it was this fast. The water and current would too easily pull me into places that were dangerous. I started swimming to the north, toward the trees. I would have to find something to grab on to and get me out of the water. I could not remain in the flooded river.

I moved to the north on the main street of the small town, which seemed like Trumansburg. The shops on the streets were old but nicely kept up. I headed to the west down the street at the northern end of town, but then i turned back to the east. I had been wandering around the town with some other people, and now i was headed back to the restaurant where i had met the two women. The women seemed like $F68 and $F69. I walked on the southern sidewalk of the street as i headed east. I said something to the person to the west of me as i hurried back to the main street. I came to the intersection on the northern end of main street and crossed the street diagonally to the southeast. The restaurant was in an old shop on the eastern side of the road. The glass door was inset into the front of the building. I stopped in front of the door, looking in. One of the women headed toward me, but i felt uncomfortable, not wanting to disturb them while they were working at the restaurant. I stood for a moment in the doorway of the restaurant, which now seemed like a house. The others were with me, but they were leaving to the north. I stood at the southern end of the darkened large room of the building. This place seemed like a shop, but it was currently empty, and i thought that people were actually living here. The wooden walls of the room were painted white. Only a few pieces of furnishings seemed to be in the room. I hurriedly grabbed my things from the floor to the south of me so that i could follow the others out of the house. I started to feel anxious, feeling that i was taking too much time to get my things together. I started to feel agitated as i tried to get my things, but could not seem to gather my things more quickly. My cell phone was plugged into the wall to the east of me. I pulled the plug from the wall and stuffed the phone in my bag. I then tried to close the wooden door of the cabinet to the east. The stained wooden doors closed most of the way, but would not close entirely. I opened the right-hand door and tried to close it again, but it did not seem to fit in the frame correctly. I then noticed that the center panel in the door was cracked. A diagonal crack ran across the panel. I asked the others in the room if we had broken the door. I then asked them if it was okay that the door was not locked. I turned and headed to the north. $F68, $F69, and $A691 were waiting outside the building form me. I was annoyed that i was holding them up, but i still felt as though there was something i had to do.

12016 July 16

$A682 was living in my house again. I was in the kitchen on the southern side of the house, getting things together. I opened the refrigerator to the west of me to take something out, but i realized that there was no milk left. I felt annoyed. $A682 had used up the last of the milk, even thought it was not his. I was upset with $A682, and i headed to the north, out of the kitchen. The house around us seemed very large, and i was not familiar with the room to the north of us. This part of the house seemed unexplored. I passed through the small interconnecting rooms. As i headed to the north up a hallway, i noticed a small kitchen to the west. The kitchen seemed to be U shaped, with counters around the outside walls. I had already passed the southern entrance and was now looking into the northern entrance. A large plate of food was on the black marble counter on the northern side of the room. The plate seemed to be covered with shrimp, which was arrayed in a fan-shaped display. The center of the plate had a fin-shaped wedge sticking up from it, which looked like pink salmon. The shrimp had been arrayed around it and along the sides of it. The shrimp on the left side of the display was missing, but the rest seemed to be in place. This food must have been left over from a fancy dinner at this place. It seemed that very little of it had been eaten. I looked around at the other platters on the counters, noticing that many of them were still very full of food. I wanted to save some of the food so that it would not be thrown out. I thought that i could pack it up in bags and save it for lunch later. I stepped into the room, looking at another plate of food on the northern counter. It was also arrayed in a fan-shaped pattern, with the center of the fan at the front center of the plate. At first, i thought that this plate also had fish on it, but i realized that the long white things were really fried potato slices. I wanted to take some of this too. I would have to go back to the kitchen were we were staying to get some bags or containers to put the food in. I hurried back to the south down the hallway, feeling a little excited. I thought that i could tell $A682 about the food. I knew that he would be excited to get free food, but then i remembered that he would not eat anything that was near meat. I would have to tell him that there was food in the other part of the house and let him discover what he wanted to save. He did not seem excited, which annoyed me. I decided to ignore him and i headed back to the north to get the food. As i walked down the hallway to the north, i noticed a man walking ahead of me. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt. He seemed to be a waiter for the catering company. I thought that he was here to clean up the food. I walked quickly after him. I turned a corner and could no longer see the man. I wondered where he had gone. I walked after him, worried that he would throw out the food before i had a chance to save some. I crossed a large dining room, not exactly sure where i was in the building. I realized that the house was much larger than i had expected. I turned to the west, coming into the northern end of a large white dining room with many rectangular tables. The room was filled with catering people who were cleaning up the room. I felt disappointed, but i entered the room and headed to the south. I came into a hallway. A set of stairs ascended a few steps along the western wall, rising to the dark doorway in the upper part of the southern wall. A woman in black pants and a white shirt was ascending the steps toward the doorway. Most of the people were very young. I thought that they were college students who worked for the catering company to make money. I was not sure what i should do.

I looked to the east, across the front lawn of my house. I focused on the small furry animal on the side of the road. It was brown and seemed like a thick weasel or wolverine. It started as it lifted its head. I felt weary of the creature. It was facing north, and it was standing on the eastern side of the road. I realized that the animal was on a leash. I could see the woman in the long dress standing just to the south of the animal. She seemed well dressed and looked like a housewife from the fifties. She was frozen in a pose with her right hand up, holding the red leash. The animal started biting at the bones that it had in front of it. This made me uncomfortable. The bones looked like a rib cage. The ribs were very thick, so i thought that they must be from a large animal. I then started to wonder if the ribs were from a carcass that had been on the side of the road or if something had been killed for the animal to eat. The bones seemed as though they could be human bones, though the rib cage seemed very small in diameter. The animal jerked the bones, breaking the top set of ribs and the spine from the remainder of the rib cage. I felt uncomfortable near the animal. I did not feel that it would attack me, but something about it made me uneasy. I then hope that the animal did not leave the rest of the bones on my lawn. I did not want to have to clean them up. I then thought that i would probably forget about them and run into them with my lawn mower. I wanted to do something about the animal, but i was not sure what.

12016 July 17

I was in the small room of the house with some other people. We had been talking about something. I turned and headed to the south, thinking that i had to do something in the house. I had a thin wooden dowel in my right hand. As i walked to the east, passing to the south of a row of potted plants, i passed the stick over the tops of the plants. I thought that the plants would have dry sticks growing out the tops of them. I thought that the sticks could be used as some kind of wand or sword. I then started to feel nervous, thinking that people were coming. I did not want them to see me, so i moved back to the north. I stopped in the next room as the workmen came into the room that i had been in. They talked about something, and i listened to them for a moment. I then moved into the room, feeling excited. To my surprise, the room was now filled with people. They all had swords, and it seemed as though they had been practicing martial arts. Several people to the north of me were wearing kendo padding. I then realized that i was still holding onto the stick. I thought that they would think it was like a sword, and i felt a little nervous. Someone then asked about the stick. I knew that it was special, and i thought that i could describe it as a wand or staff. I did not ant them to feel threatened by me and attack, so i headed to the east, into the next room. A man was there. I told him that i had an old expensive sword, but that i did not have it with me. I wanted to take attention away from the wooden staff i had.

12016 July 18

I was with the man in the area, which seemed to be outside, though walls seemed to be to the west and south of us. The other man was a bad man, and he was holding me captive. I felt nervous about the situation. I stood facing east, with my hands bound behind my back. This situation had happened before. I remembered how i had gotten out of it, and this was a replay of the same scene. The man paced to the west, around the western side of the small blue house, which was to the south of me. I looked in the darkened windows of the house, hoping that the person in side could not see us. I slipped out of my bonds, as i had done before. It was easy to pull my legs through my arms, which were tied at the wrists. I thought that we had to find the person in the house. I was a bad person as well, and the other man and i had to find the man who was hiding in the house. I moved a little to the east, looking in the large window. The house was covered with blue ceramic tiles. We could not let the person in the house see us. I ducked as i passed the window, running to the east. I could not see into the house, so i did not know if anyone was in the rooms near us. I stopped at the eastern side of the house and then ran back to the west. I told the other man that the man we are looking for is not on this side of the house. He must be on the eastern or southern sides of the L-shaped building. I wondered how we would find the man in the house. The scene then changed. I was in a room of the house, and the bad man had the other man tied up to the southeast of me. The captive was kneeling on the floor, facing west, and the bad man was standing to the southwest of him, facing north. The bad man pushed the other man over. He was trying to get information out of him, and he was torturing him. I felt uncomfortable with this situation, but something about it seemed somewhat odd. The bad man pushed a paper plate into the captive man’s face. The white paper plate stuck to the man’s face. The man struggled for a moment, unable to breath. I wondered how the plate was staying on the man’s face. I thought that the bad man must have his hands under the plate. The two men were then struggling. This seemed very strange. The bad man was pulling the other man’s head toward his abdomen as they struggled. As the bad man backed away for a moment, letting the captive breath, i noticed that the bad man was wearing a pair of spandex running shorts. They were knee length, with red on the inside of the thighs and a white design on the outside. The design seemed to have something to do with wrestling. He had thick muscular thighs, and i watched his legs as the two men struggled again. The bad man pushed the other man to the ground and sat on him. The other man struggled. He was also wearing shorts. He arched his back, and i watched his legs tense as he tried to push out from under the bad man. I then realized that the captive man’s ankles were tied together so that he could not easily use his legs. This entire situation now seemed very awkward. The captive was then on his knees again, and the bad man started shaking the captive’s head. He grabbed the man by the sides of the head and shook vigorously. It seemed strange. Once the bad man stopped, he backed away, saying that the shaking was called “the washing machine”. I knew that it was supposed to be a torture, but it seemed more like a television-wresting act. I started to feel very uncomfortable here. The mood of the scene then changed. The men no longer seemed to be adversaries. The captive had been let go, but the bad man was still torturing him in a playful way. I thought that the captive mad was just being threatened now. The man on his knees seemed young, with blond hair. He put his head between the bad man’s legs as if daring the bad man to do something. They were joking around now. The bad man grabbed the young man’s head and shook it violently again. The young man was his apprentice, and the older man was showing him some moves. He called the shaking “the washing machine”. I felt confused by the scene, so i turned and walked to the southwest.

12016 July 21

I moved back to the west with the others. We were in a small room, which seemed to be moving. I felt a little unsteady, thinking that we were on an airplane that was taking off. I was standing to the west of the small table, and the other four or five people were sitting around the rectangular table. I steadied myself as the room tipped a little. I could feel the acceleration of the room, and i felt uneasy about it. The room was small, and it seemed like a bus with no seats. The room was rectangular, and the walls seemed to be yellow. I looked to the east to see out the front window of the airplane. I could see the land passing under us as we flew low to the ground. I then noticed the other airplane passing us to the south. I could see it out the square window in the side wall. It passed low over the jungle trees outside. We were in some kind of military airplane, and we were being threatened by the smaller airplane that was following us. I felt nervous. The other airplane looked like a convertible jeep. I looked ahead again to watch where we were flying. An open path separated the trees ahead of us, and we flew down the opening. We were trying to get away from something. The other airplane flew ahead of us. The images of the landscape in front of us seemed to be from a movie. I knew that the landscape was from Vietnam. I felt that i should not be in this place, and i wondered how i could get out. I watched the land move under us on the screen as subtitles described what was happening. A large metal structure was ahead of us. It was the shell of an old aircraft. It seemed very large. I tensed as we flew through the structure and came out the other side. The maneuver had forced the smaller airplane to fall behind. They were trying to capture us, and i was afraid that they might. The other airplane swerved to the southeast and disappeared among the trees. I hoped that we could get away before they maneuver back to us. The aisle among the trees turned suddenly to the south, and we followed it around the tight corner. I talked to the other man with me about capture. We could not let the bad guys capture us.

12016 July 22

I was lying on the bed, facing north. The head of the bed was to the west of me. I seemed to be lying in the middle of the bed, but i also seemed to be lying on the northern edge of the bed, looking at the other part of the bed, which was just to the north of me. I noticed something dark moving near the headboard of the bed to the north of me, which also seemed like the southern end of the northern section of the headboard of the bed. I focused on the dark object, noticing that it was a small spider. It had a thin tan body with long thin legs. It was a common type of spider, but it seemed larger than usual. I watched it pulling part of its web together. I thought that it must have been trying to spin a new section of web. The old section was bunched up just behind the northern section of headboard. The spider then spread its legs and started to descend a thin fiber. It disappeared from sight below the edge of the bed. I then saw smaller spiders moving near the top of the web. I wondered if more than one spider was in the web. The web suddenly jerked to the south. Black things were caught in it, and the bottom part of the dangling web was being pulled across the gap between the two sections of the bed. I thought that the large spider was trying to spin the web across the gap. I did not want this to happen. I sat up, thinking that i would have to break up the web. I was then lying down again on the bed looking at the spider web. Several small black spiders were near the ball of webbing near the top of the other section of bed. They seemed to be fighting with each other. I thought that this was interesting, and i wanted to watch the spiders.

12016 July 25

I was working at the small store in the mall area, and i felt unhappy being here. I did not want to stay in this place. I knew that my boss was always angry with people, and it made me want to leave. I did not want to deal with the people who ran the store. I moved to the south a little, talking to the woman in the store as she stood to the east of me. The displays in the store seemed to be white with metal trimming. The woman seemed to be a customer here, and it felt comforting to speak with her. A man then walked up to us from the south, wanting to talk to us. I felt uneasy around him, and did not want to have a conversation with him as well. I ended my conversation with the woman and walked to the east, leaving the store and heading across the mall to another store. I thought that we would be having a meeting in the other store. The meeting seemed clandestine, and i thought that it had to do with the poor management of the store that i had been in. I looked to the north as i walked, noticing the large shadowy figure standing in the distance. It looked like a sasquatch, but it was enormous. It towered over the horizon. I realized that it could not actually be a sasquatch, so i thought that it must be some kind of tower. It seemed furry, but it was far enough away that it must be a structure and not a creature. I turned my attention to the south, heading south into the room. A man was waiting there. I did not quite trust him, and i wondered if this was a trap to get me to reveal that i did not like working in this place. I pretended that i did not know why i had come here. I would have to say that i was told to come here. I made vague comments about this place, asking what we were going to do. The man talked to me, but i was not really sure what to say. I looked to the north again, realizing that the tower was now gone. It seemed strange that the large object had disappeared from the horizon. I told the man that it must be walking around. The man asked if the evil wizard was free. He seemed concerned and did not know what the tower was. I told him that it was really a wookiee. I stepped back into the hallway to the north to get a better view of the horizon. I looked around, noticing something to the west. The large wookiee was now to the west of us, towering above the other objects on the horizon. It then seemed to be in the corridor with me. I tried to talk to it, but it walked to the south, back into the room that it had come out of. I was nervous about following it, but i wanted to know what it was doing here.

12016 July 26

I was designing a web site for something. Someone mentioned “Kansas City Reds”, and i knew that it had to do with the site. I sat at a desk facing west in the large open room. Someone was to the southwest of me.

My father drove the car down the city street, heading west. The large stone building was on the southern side of the road. It was a bank or library, and i remembered being here before. I had to do something now in the building, and my father was dropping me off to do it. He turned the car to the south, turning down the narrow driveway along the western side of the gray stone building. A tall metal chain-link fence ran along the western side of the drive, separating it from what appeared to be a building that seemed to be under construction. The stone of the building had a greenish hue to it. The car stopped just a few meters down the drive so that my mother could get out to do something. She was delivering something to the bank. I looked to the east, noticing a fancy wooden desk in the empty room of the library. I was looking through a large window into a small fancy room of the building. Wooden bookshelfs lined the walls and the office seemed very nicely polished and decorated. I then noticed the yellow sign on the southern side of the window. It had black letters and said that this was a secure area. We were not supposed to be in the alley. My father had started to drive to the south to turn the car around. We came to an area where the driveway widened to the east and west. The area to the west was paved with asphalt and seemed to border a steep hill down to the foundation of a building that had yet to be constructed. To the east, the drive opened into a square niche in the large stone building. A small car was parked on the northern side of the niche, near a dumpster. Several round ventilation fans seemed to empty over the small area in the side of the building. I had been here before, and i remembered that this area was a high security area. We should not have been here. My father was trying to turn the car around, and i told him that we should not be on this driveway. I said that we would be in trouble. I got out of the car to help him turn around. He drove to the north, up the slope of the driveway. The police were then around us. The car was to the southeast of me as the police came down the hill of the driveway. They pointed their guns at the car and me. I held my hands up, watching the female officer in the dark flack jacket moved to the north. She was to the east of me, pointing her gun to the north. I was worried that they might shoot us, but i did not panic. I thought that the police would have to search the car to make sure that nothing dangerous was in it. I looked to the north, noticing my mother waiting on the main street at the top of the hill, near the northwestern corner of the large stone building. I started to walk up the hill toward her. The police now seemed to be gone. I then noticed the small car heading toward the lower end of the driveway from the south. It had come from the small lot on the western side of the building and was heading to the narrow drive to leave. A man with a round face and short wavy hair was driving. The car was small enough that the man seemed to be riding on top of it. He started to head up the hill, but the car started slipping. It would not make it up the steep slope. I thought that the slope must be icy from the snow. I waited for him to get up the hill before i started walking up the driveway. I stood to the west of the drive, at the southeastern corner of the tall chain-link fence. The man got only part way up the hill before his small green car slipped back down. I finally felt frustrated waiting and thought that i should go help him. I stepped over a hole in the pavement near the bottom of the hill. It had collected some blowing trash, which was now compacted into the hole. I tried to push the man’s car up the hill. The car now seemed like a go-cart, and it seemed to be shaped like a small formula-1 race car. As the man slipped down the hill, he slid off the pack of the cart, and his pants slid off a little as well. I felt annoyed with him. I finally walked up the hill to the main street and started walking to the east. I would have to meet my parents at the pub down the street. I pictured it on the southern side of the street in an old stone building. I glanced down at the sidewalk, noticing the white marks along the buildings to the south of me. I would have to follow the marks to the pub. I entered the building, turning south into the dimly lighted room. Young men were seated around a table to the south of me. I felt interested in them and talked to them for a moment. They seemed very interesting, and i wanted to remember what they were talking about. I started to take notes from what they were saying. I was now standing on the wide set of steps in front of the old building. The men were at a table just inside the open front of the building. They were trying to tell me something, and i wanted to know what they were talking about. I then realized that more young people were gathered around me on the street. I started running with the people, heading south down the eastern side of a street. We were trying to get to another spot in the city. These people seemed like $G4. I spoke with the people around me as we moved at a slow jog down the street. I was with my family now. We came to the end of the street, where an east-to-west street ran. We turned to the east. As i rounded the corner of a stone building, i noticed a crowd of people gathered in front of an old theater on the southern side of the street, just to the southeast of us. They were waiting for some event. I realized that they were dressed rather well, and i thought that they were gathering in the building for a wedding. I told the people near me that we should stay on the northern side of the street so that we do not interrupt the wedding. I felt good being with these people. I seemed to be having fun.

12016 July 28

I was with $G4, setting a trail in the flat area. This place seemed to be in a rural area, but the ground was flat and few trees seemed to be around. I was trying to reset a trail that i had set the day before. Something had washed out the marks that i had made. I carried the large air mattress to the west as i looked for a good place to place my marks. I felt annoyed at something. I carried the mattress across the northern side of the large plain room, which i had entered from a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. $G4 were with me now. They were trying to follow the trail. I had already reset the first part, but i had to finish the rest of the trail. I started to leave the room, heading west. I felt tense. I looked at the spool of string that i had in my hand. I tried to untangle the ends of string, but the bundle of thread seemed very complex. I put the bundle on my head, thinking that it would wear it to keep my head warm. I had forgotten my helmet on the run, and i felt that i needed something to keep my head warm. I could now feel that my head was cold. I pulled at the string, which did not seem to stay on my head well. I then became angry and threw the wad of string to the north. It hit the wall. The act seemed very violent, and i wondered why i had done it. The three other people in the room, who had been following me, seemed very surprised by my anger. One was walking to the northeast of me and the other two were to the east of me. I was not sure why i felt upset. I turned around and jogged back to the eastern side of the room. I dropped off the bag of flour on the table where the group was sitting. $F58 and some others were around the table, still confused and surprised as to why i was upset. I turned abruptly to the west and stormed out of the room. I was not sure why i was upset. It did not seem to make any sense, but i felt that i could not tolerate the situation here anymore.

12016 July 31

I walked down the cement sidewalk on the southeastern side of the street. I was heading to pick up the young child. I had adopted the child and needed to pick the child up. I wondered how i had adopted a young child. It seemed strange that i would adopt a child. I remembered that i had done this twice before, however. I wondered how this would work. I would not be able to actually take care of a child, so i did not understand why i would adopt one. I moved around the city, turning down several streets as i headed generally to the southwest. This plot seemed familiar. I had done it before and was doing it again. I passed through the rooms of the large building. The walls around me were plain. I stopped from time to time to show the child something. I liked teaching her. I knew that something would happen to the child, but it seemed like the regular part of the story. I knew how all of this would work; i knew why i had the child and why i was teaching her certain things. I seemed apathetic to the plot because i knew it would happen again.