12017 July 01

I moved down the hall of the apartment building, heading to the south. The rooms of the apartment were to the east of the hallway. I felt nervous, because the children had come into the apartment to visit. I looked at the young boy and girl standing in the bedroom to the east of me now. Both of them had blond hair, and the boy had a mischievous smile on his face. I did not want them to be in the apartment, but i felt uncomfortable asking them to leave. I had to be nice to them and let them visit. I felt tense having them here. There seemed to be many children in the apartment, and i worried that they would get into something that the owner of the apartment would not want them into. I continued down the hall to the south. I realized that the next room on the left was the children’s room. I could not have the visiting children finding things in there. I thought that they might start playing with the toys and possibly take them. I pulled the door to the room shut and locked it. I then headed to the south, pulling another door shut. As i stepped into the kitchen area, i realized that i had pulled shut the door to the hallway. I realized that this door should not be locked, so i turned to unlock it. To my annoyance, i realized that the lock was on the other side of the door. I had locked myself out of the hallway. I wondered what i could do to open the door. My father seemed to be to the southeast of me in the kitchen, so i asked him how i could unlock the door. I then wondered where the children were. I decided that they were in the living room to the north. I sat down on the couch, which was against the western end of the southern wall of the room. $F71 was sitting just to the east of me. He leaned toward me and hugged me. I snuggled against him. $F71 held up a cookie in his right hand. He had gotten it from the event, and he told me that it was only fifty calories. I knew that he meant five hundred calories. I looked at the cookie, which was still wrapped in plastic wrap. I remembered that it had come from the tray of the homemade cookies of the cafe. I told him that it was one of the larger cookies, so it was probably a thousand calories, not five hundred. I was joking with him, and we continued to snuggle.

I stood on the northern end of the small rural park. A steep hill sloped up to the east of us, separating what appeared to be a tennis court from the grassy area that we were on. The tennis court was about a meter and a half above the grassy area. I was siting on the slope of the grassy area, facing west. I had my left arm around $F71, and it felt very good being here. I was a little weary of the people around us, though. This seemed to be a poor area, and i thought that the people would be frightened my two men cuddling on the grass. I noticed a police car parked to the north of us. It was on the northern edge of the park, about twenty meters from us. A chain-link backstop fence seemed to be between the car and us. I glanced at the car suspiciously. I then looked at some of the people on the grass to the west of us. I stood up, looking down at the grassy peak that i had been standing on. The hill was actually peaked, like the roof of a house. It was formed of packed dirt, which had a green color on the surface. The top of the ridge had a flattened area that looked like the roof cap of a house. I stepped on the northern end of the peak as i talked to $F71, who was to the south of me. We had to leave soon. As my right foot stepped on the peak, it started to crumble. It looked like packed peat moss. I then realized that i should not be breaking apart the crest of the hill. I tried to put part of it back together with my foot. I was then standing to the west of the triangular peak, which seemed like a small house made of dirt. I knew that we would be leaving soon, so i told $F71 that we had to get ready. I said that we would have to keep the orange cat in its cubby. The square cubby was perched on top of the peak like a small cupola. It had a small door on the southern side that was open. The dark tabby cat was wandering around near my feet. We had to keep both cats contained so that they did not get lost. All at once, the ground jerked to the southeast. We were moving again. We were on a bus that had started to continue its journey. I felt worried that the cats were not yet contained. We had to get them into the boxes. The black cat ran under me. It seemed to run underneath the peak, which now seemed to be supported by low stands. I had to catch the cats. I headed to the north, into the hallway on the northern end of the bus. The hallway was narrow and turned quickly to the east. I called the cats name, feeling very worried. I called for $X25. I started to the east, but noticed the small compartment to the south. The floor of the sleeping compartment was at my hip level. A bed was suspended across the upper part of the compartment. A man sat in the center of the small area, his left leg out straight to the northwest and his right leg folder under it. I asked him if he had seen a cat. He said that a man and an orange cat were in the compartment a little while ago. I thought that $F71 must have been in the compartment with the orange cat. I had to find him, so i continued to the south down the corridor.

12017 July 03

I had gone shopping, and i was now in the kitchen of my parents’ old house, unpacking groceries. I was standing on the western side of the kitchen, with the yellow refrigerator to the west of me. I was putting food on the dark countertop to the north of me. Someone to the east then said something. I suddenly realized that $X24 was not in the house. I had left her at the grocery store. I remembered that she had been leashed to the bottom rack of the shopping cart that i had been using. I felt very upset that i had forgotten her. I looked to the north, seeing the front of Bryant’s. The store was to the west, and someone was pushing a shopping cart into the carts that were stacked against the darkly stained building. I felt distressed, imagining that $X24 would be caught under the stacking carts. I then thought that someone must have found her by now. I wondered what i should do. I moved around in the kitchen, worried and upset. The house seemed dark now. I turned to the south. My parents were digging in the dirt on the southern side of the room. The room seemed like a garden. My mother and father were working near the southern wall, digging a large trench. $K24 was standing to the north of them, just to the south of me. He was out of place here. I knew that he had been dead for a while. I also thought that something was going to happen to him here. I had to pretend that i did not know about it, however. I had come in earlier in the story, so i had to pretend that it was not strange for $K24 to be here. I then wondered how i would let my parents know that this was not the way the story should have gone. I looked at $K24 again. He was facing west. He seemed to be made of glass. I could see the light refraction and reflection on his facial features. I watched his face as he slowly turned toward me. The scene seemed very dramatic and very strange.

I had been working for the man in the restaurant, but something had gone wrong. I stood in the northern section of the restaurant. The man i worked for was to the southeast of me. I tried to talk to him, but something seemed wrong. Other men were in the room to the south of me, and they seemed threatening in some way. They were now in charge of the restaurant and the business. They seemed to be mobsters. I was uneasy, and i wondered if they would let me leave. I would no longer be able to work here, but i wondered how i could leave safely. I turned to the northwest, trying to act casually. I waited for the man that i knew. He was to the east of me now, and he seemed very uncomfortable around the other man. One of the new men was the man in charge of the mob. He stood in the center of the other men, wearing a tan suit. I left the building, heading to the west. I thought that the bag guys would follow me. I told my boss about this as we walked down the southern side of the street. It was night outside. I thought that we would have to hurry so that we could get out of sight of the men who would be following us. We walked into the old wooden house, which seemed to be on the western side of the city. I thought that this was my apartment. I stopped inside the old room of the apartment. The rectangular room was long north to south, and the southern wall was made of brick. The apartment seemed to be made in an old factory building. I knew that the bag guys would find me here. I stood on the southern end of the room for a moment, wondering what to do. The apartment seemed to be on the northeastern side of the apartment building. I turned to the east, watching the large television screen. A skull was pictured in the center of the darkened screen. As i looked more closely at the image, i could see that it really was four faces staring out from the screen. They formed two rows, with the two in the back row in the center of the group, and the two in the front row off to the sides slightly. I knew that the man in the back right was in charge of the group. He was the man in the tan jacket. The man to the left of him in the back row had a gaunt face that looked like a skull. He wore small round glasses. The man in the front on the left looked like an alien or a ghoul. He was bald and had large eyes. The four characters were examining someone who was where the camera was. They stared at the patient for a moment. Then, the ghoul leaned in to the others and suggested something. The four then lifted short white tubes and fired them at the patient that they had been examining. I turned to the southwest, toward the entry door of the apartment, which was in the southern end of the western wall. A man was standing in the doorway. He was one of the mobsters, and he was checking on me. I felt uneasy about this. He looked like the ghoul, and he had blue skin. He turned and ran to the west when he realized that i had seen him. I thought that he would tell the others that i was in the apartment. I had to do something. I picked up the flail with the studded metal ball and held it over my right shoulder. I thought that i would have to defend myself from the others. I also picked up the thick fur blanket, thinking that i would have to escape from here. I waited for a moment, aware of the shadows on the eastern wall from the man moving in the corridor to the west of me. I wondered how i would escape. I then remembered that a set of stairs descended from the kitchen, which seemed to be to the east of me. I imagined that i ran outside and hid in the dark, but i was still standing in the apartment. I would have to get away from the man in the tan suit, but i was not sure if i could do it.

12017 July 05

I headed to the south through the city area, but i stopped in the middle of the narrow street when i saw the modern section of the city to the south of me. I was on a low hill, and i could see the tops of the buildings to the south of me. They looked like gray blocks, with fine linear lines of detail across the surfaces. The buildings around me were old and run-down. I was in China, and the city i had been walking through was poor and decaying. The wooden houses were simple and worn. However, the area to the south of me was filled with new modern building. It seemed out of place here. I knew that there was something special about the area. It seemed almost futuristic. I then realized that visitors from outside the country should not know of the existence of such a place. I started to feel uneasy, realizing that the authorities here would not want me to see the modern city. I started to worry that someone that someone might come after me for what i had seen. I looked at some of the people on the street near me. They were coming and going from the special area. They all wore plain peasant clothing, and they all looked at me with surprise. I had to get out of here. I turned to the north, but i realized that the authorities had already seen me here. They would come after me. I wondered what i should do.

12017 July 06

I ran to the south to get away from the people with the guns. They were shooting into the large stadium. The stadium seemed to be to the east of me, but i also seemed to be in part of its structure. Tall square gray cement pillars stood to the west of me, running in a row from north to south. They supported some kind of surface about two-thirds of the way up. The surface seemed to be formed by thick purple swaths of cloth that stretched over some crossbeams to the north of the main pillars. I wondered if i could get to the top strap. If i could lie down on the surface of the cloth, then i could be out of sight from the gunmen, who seemed to be entering the stadium from the northeast. I then thought that i would really not be safe on the upper surface either. I felt that i had to get away from the shooting. I imagined lying on the straps to stay out of sight, but the gunmen would shoot me anyway. I felt that there was no way for me to escape. I started to feel hopeless and upset.

12017 July 09

I was looking down at the kitten on the wood floor to the east of me. Something seemed to be wrong, and i felt concerned about and frustrated by the small kitten. The kitten was facing south, and something seemed to be wrong with its front left paw. I looked more closely to see what was wrong. The white paw was turned out from the forearm. I thought that the kitten must have broken its paw. I felt annoyed, thinking that the kitten had done something it should not have done. The kitten then turned to the north and trotted away, but the front paw remained on the floor. I did not feel like cleaning up after the cat, and i thought that i would eave the paw on the ground until later. I then thought that $F71 would the paw when he came over. I then thought that this would be good, because he could see what the kitten had done. As i looked more closely at the forearm on the floor, though, i realized that the flesh around the bone seemed old and desiccated. The muscle had decayed, leaving loose furry skin over the bone. This leg was old. It was not from the kitten. This seemed curious, and i wondered where it came from.

12017 July 10

I was in the bathroom on the northern side of the house where i lived. I had been doing laundry. I felt anxious about something as i bent over to the east to pick up a pile of clothing. The washing machine was against the northern wall. I felt rushed, thinking that i had a lot of things that i had to get done. The basket of folded clothes was on the floor to the east of me. My mother was to the west of me now, and she asked me a question. I was more focused on the clothes, though, and i did not answer her. I had to get some clothes together so that i could pack. I moved to the southeast, leaving the room and entering the bedroom. This was my bedroom. I had recently moved in here, and i was still trying to decide where things should go. I thought that there was enough space in the bedroom for me to keep a laundry hamper in the room. I looked along the eastern wall. A padded fake-leather armchair was against the center of the eastern wall. I thought that there should be enough room for laundry to the south of the chair. I thought some more on how to arrange the things in the room. I looked around the room, panning west across the northern side of the room. A set of bookshelfs was on the northern wall. I then focused on the bed to the west of me. Something about it stood out. I had to fix the sheets and covers on it, but something else seemed to draw my attention to it. My mother was then to the west of me. She approached from the sound, and the asked me about the bed. I was unsure how to answer her, but i told her that the bed was okay. I leaned a little to the south to look past her at the bed. The wide bed had a white cover over it. The backboard was lightly stained and looked like old wood. It was smooth and curved back at the sides. A wooden bar ran across the top of the mattress. It was about a meter thick, and it crossed the bed just below the level of the pillows. It had a raised carved crest with flourished leaf details adorning it, and it was in the center of the wooden bar.

12017 July 11

I was heading to the north, across Cornell’s campus. Something was happening here that was not good. I passed between the buildings, but i also seemed to be passing under part of the buildings. The people around me had mutated, and they were dangerous. They seemed to be attaching one another. I ran to get away from them, worried that they would get me. I started to feel that there as no way for me to get away from them. I was then heading back through the buildings on the college campus. Time had moved on, and it was much later. The people seemed to be back to normal. I knew that the authorities had covered up the mutations and the violence that resulted from it. They had not wanted anyone to know what had happened. I walked to the north again between the buildings of the university. I looked at the people around me. Some of them were starting to show signs of the mutations. The university had done something to cause this, and they had not changed their practices after they cleaned up the last incident. I thought that the second incident was good, believing that the authorities would not be able to cover it up this time.

Someone was talking about the murder as i moved to the south, down the center of the road. The car accident had happened at the intersection. The area around me was covered with thick green leafy plants and trees. To the west of me was an old store. The building was close to the road and looked like an old storefront with large windows on the sides. The road to the south seemed somehow like a road in England. The large building to the south of the three-way intersection seemed like an old English college stone dormitory. I moved to the south into the intersection. I thought that the car must have come from the north and must have come around the corner too fast to make the turn to the east. It had skidded off the southern side of the road and flipped. I then thought that the accident was not really an accident. The person in the car was forced off the road and killed, but the murder was made to look like an accident. I knew that the woman from the large stone building to the south had seen the accident. She would know that the man did not die in the crash. She had to stay safe, or the bad guys would kill her. I floated over the grassy area on the southern side of the road. I could not quite see the window because of the leafs of the trees. I then felt uncomfortable suddenly, thinking that i could not let the bag guys see me here. I moved so that the leafs blocked me from the window. I had to pretend that i did not know about the murder at the accident scene.

I was doing something to the northwest of the house. I felt rushed as i finished what i was doing and headed back to the northeast. I had to pick up my things, which i had left on the lawn. I reached the western edge of the lawn and looked to the north. I seemed to be in an apartment complex. The long two-story buildings ran north to south. One was to the north-northwest of me, and the other just to the east of me. Another building seemed to be to the northwest of me on the western side of a trench and mound that ran north to south just to the west of me. I realized that the cooler that i had left on the lawn had been moved. I felt annoyed when i saw the blank spot of green grass where the cooler had been left. I thought that an animal must have taken the cooler. I saw the cooler a little to the north. I grabbed the small blue and white cooler and brought it back to the south, dropping it on the ground near my other cooler. I had then done something, and i headed back to the northeast to get my cooler. The cooler was not where i had left it. I felt frustrated. I moved to the spot where i had left the cooler on the lawn. I noticed a small white box to the north of me. I walked to it. A skunk was in the box. It must have been after my food, but it was not large enough to have moved my cooler. I then saw the cooler to the north of me. It was about fifty meters away on the narrow strip of grassy lawn between the dull-red apartment building and the ditch to the west. The ditch had tall water weeds growing in it. A large brown bear was walking to the south near the white and blue cooler. I felt surprised to see the bear, and i made a loud squealing screech that sounded like a small animal. I then ran to the east, thinking that i had to get out of view of the bear. I knew that it would hear me, and i worried that it would come after me. I ran into the building, but the bear was following me. I entered the eastern end of the buildings through a door in the northern side. I entered into the stairwell and ascended quickly. The stairs ascended counter-clockwise up the square stairwell. I stopped on the second or third floor, looking over the railing to the north of me. The bear was following me. I could hear the large man as he entered the building below me. He was looking for me, and i had to hide. I could not see the man, but he seemed to have shaggy brown hair and a fuzzy beard. I could hear him talking to another man on the lower floor of the building. I would have to hide so that he did not find me. I moved to the west, down the hall and stopped outside the other stairwell. A doorway to the north of me led into the stairwell. I thought i could run down the stairs while the man searched the second floor. I then though that the man might expect me to do that. I stood in the stairway for a moment, wondering what i should do. The man was then standing outside the stairwell. He had come down the second-floor hall from the east. I felt annoyed that he would happen to walk by where i was hiding. It seemed very improbable. I wondered how i could hide.

12017 July 12

I was in the small room of the place, which seemed like a public meeting place. I had been speaking to someone, and then i turned to the north. $F43 was standing in front of the exit door to the room. The door was in the eastern end of the northern wall. It seemed to have a glass window, which let in the bright sunlight. $F43 stood uneasily, staring at me. She seemed uncertain. She wore a tan jacket and matching skirt. I felt suddenly uneasy, not sure what to do. She had a confused look on her face, and i decided that she had not expected to run into me here. I started to say something to her, but i was not sure she wanted to talk to me. I was also not sure what to say. I felt das that i could not chat with her the way i used to do. I loved her, but i was uneasy, thinking that she had not intended to come here while i was here. I also felt bitter that she had stopped talking to me. I moved awkwardly near her, not sure what to do.

12017 July 13

I drove to the southeast, passing the college campus. The large sports facility was to the southwest of me. I seemed to be in Park City, in the upper parts of the town. I parked my car on the eastern end of a street and walked to the west. I had to get ready for something. I was then distracted by the people on the old wagon to the west of me. The wagon seemed to be a wooden-bed trailer that was behind a truck or tractor. The towing vehicle seemed to be to the north of the wagon. The people on the wagon pointed at a man to the south of them, accusing the man of something. I walked to the western side of the wagon, watching the people. The man accused stood behind the trailer with his hands tied together in front of him. The wagon started to drive to the north, but the man did not move. I was afraid that the people were going to drag him to his death. The rope between the trailer and the man pulled taught and stretched like a bungee cable. The man lurched forward and started walking after the wagon. I felt nervous here. One of the men from the wagon then tied the cable to my backpack. He wanted me to participate in dragging the man. I was supposed to hold on to the rope, but i did not want to. The wagon pulled out of the building through the large square opening in the northern wall. I stood in the building, which now seemed to be a large garage. I did not want to stay here. I pulled at the knot on my backpack and found that it untied very easily. I moved to the eastern side of the garage, where the wooden-bottom trailer was. I sat on the trailer, wondering what i should do. My parents had left to the south. I looked at the smooth cement floor of the garage. I wanted to leave this place. A man then came into the garage from the north. He would see me with the backpack that i had untied from the rope. The man would think that i was stealing the backpack because i had untied i from where the people had wanted it to stay. I moved to the south, into the next room. The floor of the room was packed dirt, and the dirt felt wet under my bare feet. I reached to the east, looking for the light switch on the wall just to the east of the door. I could not find the right one, but i eventually turned the light on. I had to get my things together so that i could leave this place. I had just showered, and i needed to get dressed. I started to put on some underwear, but i realized that the pair i started putting on were the pair i had taken off after i my run. They felt damp. I wondered why i was putting them back on. I had also put on the dirty running socks that i had worn. I felt annoyed that i had done this, but then i realized that i had pun on a clean pair. I felt frustrated that i could not keep track of what i was doing. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to get all of my things together so that i could get on the airplane. I moved to the west, pushing the large duffel bag on the floor. I then thought that i would have to pack my guitars in my car. I was not packing for an airplane. I was actually packing for my car.

12017 July 14

I walked down the main corridor of the mall, heading to the southwest. I suddenly noticed $F43 coming out of a store to the west of me. I wanted to say hello to her, but i knew that she did not want to talk to me. She was wearing a red and black plaid flannel jacket. She turned to the west and headed into a store. I felt upset that i did not get to talk to her. I missed her company. I continued to the south, coming into a store. I had to get a pair of shoes for something. I looked at the pair of shoes as i put them on. My grandmother was near me, waiting for me. I felt rushed, but i continued trying on shoes.

12017 July 16

I ran to the south with the other people. We were heading for the party that was in the large house on the southern side of the suburban street. The house was an old wooden house, with thick round columns on either side of the porch steps. It seemed to be brown, but it was dark out at the moment. Something was happening in the house, and i stopped in the large room where everyone else was. I felt unsure about this place suddenly. Some people had come here, and they were to the southeast of us. They seemed like dangerous people, and i was afraid that they would do something here. I left the house. I ran to the west, across the front yard of the house. I must have exited the house from somewhere along the eastern side of the house. I pictured the house as having a garage on the eastern side of it. I would have to get out of view of the people before they came after me. I thought that i could run across the yard of the house to the west and then turn south to go between the houses. I would have to keep turning to be out of sight. I thought about how i should run, and i was now somewhere in the neighborhood. I no longer felt that i should run from the men. Instead, i was thinking about how the plot should proceed. I thought that i could simply run around the back of one of the houses and hide on a porch. I would then let the men search the neighborhood, hoping that they did not happen to run across me. I could simply wait until they had given up. I continued to think about this. I was then floating. I pictured myself floating to the north of the house where the party had been. I thought that floating was a way to escape from the men, but the men did not seem to be a threat anymore. I was actually wearing a costume that kept me aloft. This would be a good way to escape, but i was hovering near the house, watching the others to the south of the. They seemed to be on the porch of the house. I thought about the purplish-red inflatable cushion that i was sitting on. It seemed like an inflatable chair for a swimming pool, but i was holding it across my back. It was somehow strapped over my arms. I reclined a little, pulling the seat toward my knees so that i was sitting more firmly on the padding. The seat floated. The others were standing now at the southern end of the long cement corridor to the south of me. I had used the floats to escape from somewhere, and now my friends to the south were talking about it. I thought that they would be happy to see me. It then seemed that i had been here a while. I thought about the helium in the raft, and i wondered if it would be leaking out by now. I would have to use the raft to escape the bad men at the party. $F42 was to the south of me with the others. He said something about the raft. This was now part of a play that he was doing. I felt good being here. The others were talking about the raft. I floated for a moment in the middle of the water channel. The channel seemed very new, with cement walls on both sides. The walls had gotten shorter near the southern end, and the channel seemed to have opened up in a small pool area where the people were gathered. I allowed myself to fall backward into the water as i watched the others talk among themselves. I then felt something on my right leg. I thought that there might be a tick on me, and i looked down at my leg to see a small black spot. The water was shallow enough here that i stood up and still had my knees out of the water. I pulled at the small black spot, feeling a little off balance. I fell back down to the raft, falling backward to the east and landing on the raft, which was floating near the tall cement wall on the eastern side of the channel. I started floating to the north. Another person was just to the north of me. I glanced to the south, talking about this place. It seemed very nice. I was interested in the people here, and i wanted to hang around with them more. I then noticed that the balloons under my arms seemed to be soft. They had started to deflate. I must have scraped them on the rounded rocks at the bottom of the stream and poked holes in them. I stood up, thinking that i would no longer be able to float down the stream. I was not upset about it. It felt very good to be with these people, and i was having a lot of fun here.

I was in the large bedroom with the other people. The large bed seemed to be the only piece of furniture, and it was against the western wall. The room seemed to be L shaped, with the long part on the southern side of the room, extending to the east. The bed was in the smaller square part on the northern side of the room. I stood near the northeastern corner of the foot of the bed. Something scampered quickly along the southern wall of the room, heading east. It was furry and moved very quickly across the wooden floor. I made a noise in surprise. The others around the room turned to look at me. My mother was laying in the bed, and several of my relatives were standing around the bed or sitting on the edges, looking at her. They all turned to me, asking about the noise. I told them not to mind me. $K3 sat on the southern side of the bed, near my mother’s head, and $K1 and $K2 were standing to the south of me at the foot of the bed. I moved to the south to see where the creature had gone. I looked to the east, around the corner of the room. In the next room, i could see a large black and white tarantula crouched against the eastern wall. It stared back at me. When it saw that i was looking at it, it raised its front feat into the air, rearing in defense. I moved back to the northern side of the bed so that it would not be afraid of me. The others seemed suspicious of what i was doing, but i felt hesitant to tell them what i had seen. I told $K3 to look to the east at the animal. She looked into the other room, and she nodded to me, letting me know that she had seen it. She did not seem happy that it was there. I thought that the spider was not native to this area, so it must have escaped from a pet store. It should be friendly, but it was scared, so it was acting aggressive. I wondered what we should do.

12017 July 17

I had returned to this place after being gone for a long time. This office seemed to be part of $G6. I walked to the south, through the office space. I was on the western side of a large room that was divided into smaller areas with cubical walls. I felt very uneasy being back here, but i had come back for some reason. $A412 was to the south of me, in the center of the large room to the south. I stopped in the doorway to the room. The doorway was in the western end of the wall between the rooms. I reached to the east to turn on the lights. A short wall faced west, just to the east of the doorway, forming a short corridor into the room. A panel of three or four switches was in the center of the wall. I flipped several of the switches up, trying to get the lights in the room to turn on. The room was already well lighted from the outdoor light to the east, but i wanted to turn the overhead fluorescent lights on. After trying all of the switches, i decided that they did not do anything, so i walked into the room a little farther. I then realized that another switch was farther down the wall to the south. When i flipped it up, the lights came on. I felt a little foolish for playing with the switches before trying the other one to the south. I then wondered what the first set of switches was for. I stepped to the south into the large office. The walls of the room were white, and no furnishings were in the center of the room. I then noticed that rack-mounted computers covered the eastern wall of the room. Red and green lights flickered on the machines, signaling that they were just starting up. I told the person to the south of me that the network was down. I thought that i must have shut off the systems when i turned off the firsts set of switches. I felt that i should be doing work here, but i felt that there was really nothing to do. $A739 was a student at this place, and i had to set up his computer. I thought that i could just stay in the office and stay busy doing general things, but i did not feel comfortable. $A412 was watching me from the south, and i felt pressured to make it look like i was doing something important. I looked at the rack of computers on the eastern wall. I had already set up a computer for $A739, but i could not find it on the wall. I wondered if i had ruined the setup by turning the power off on the computers. I worried that i would have to set up his computer again. I felt very uneasy, thinking that it would not seem that i had not done the work before. I knew that i had set up the system, but it must have gone away when i reset the power. I felt like i wanted to do something, but i was not sure what i should be doing. I felt suck here somehow.

12017 July 18

I was is the small bedroom of the house, which seemed like the small bedroom in my parents’ house. I stood on the western side of the room. The twin bed filled the eastern side of the room. I had a sword in my right hand, and i was facing the wall to the north of me. I moved the sword around in the air. I then turned to the east and ascended the two or three steps that led up to the eastern side of the room. I thought about the sword that i was moving with my hand. I thought that it was Excalibur. A man then came from the northwest of me, across the now-larger room. He attacked me with a sword that was very similar to the one that i had. I easily blocked his swing and disarmed him. I turned to the west, picking up the second sword. I now had both swords: one in each hand. I looked at the man’s sword, which i held in my left hand. It was heavier than Excalibur and did not seem as easy to wield. I turned to the east, swinging both swords in my hands. I imagined that they were light sabers. I walked across the room, which was now a forested area. A small square fire pit had been dug into the ground to the northeast of me. The walls of the room still seemed to be around me, but the ground was soft pine dirt, and trees were all around me. My mother came into the room to the west of me and handed me a small white plate. It had text printed on it, and i stood in the middle of the small bedroom, just to the west of the twin bed, and read the plate. Something about it seemed very important, and i wanted to understand it. I focused on the name in the writing. It was something like Caleb or Carbel. I knew that it was related to the Arthurian stories. The first word started with an M, and i thought that it was Merlin. I read the rest as i turned to the west, again in a forested area. A man was standing to the east of me. Something about this place was important. I thought that it had something to do with a Pagan ritual. I had to remember the ideas here, but i was struggling to remember them. I looked at the fire in the square hole in the ground to the east. Thin strips of flat smooth stone formed the edges of the square. The fire burned from somewhere below the ground, and i thought that the pit and the fire had some significance. Something large was burning underground. I wanted to remember this and figure out what it meant.

I headed to the west, into the kitchen of my parents’ house in $P5. Trays of something were on the dark counter tops to the southeast of me. The food had been on them. One of the trays had been dumped on the floor. I thought that my father had made the food and had accidentally knocked over one of the trays. This seemed strange. Everything in the kitchen seemed messy, but it should not have. I thought that my father was not doing well, and i worried about him. I moved to the east, along the southern side of the island counter. The stove was to the east of me against the wall. Through the oven door, i could see that something had fallen on the glowing red heating elements in the oven. I felt annoyed and upset. Someone had spilled something, and it was now burning in the oven. I turned the oven off. My grandmother was in the room as i started to clean things up. I talked about my father being upset. I was worried about him. My father then came into the room from the west. He was jogging in place on the western part of the room, and he was wearing a pink and brown halter top. He was acting very strangely, and i felt concern. He jogged in place for a moment before turning and jogging back out of the room to the west. He seemed much thinner than he had been. Something must be wrong.

12017 July 19

I entered the large courtroom from the south, through the double wooden doors in the center of the southern wall. The walls of the courtroom were covered with lightly colored wood. A few judges sat behind a low wall along the northern wall, and an audience filled the center of the floor. The audience seemed to be sitting in chairs, which were split into two sections with an aisle down the center. $A682 was sitting at the back of the audience, on the southern side of the room. I felt uneasy being here, partly because $A682 was in the audience. I walked to the eastern side of the audience, watching the judges to the south. Two judges were facing the audience, and they seemed to be addressing issues that people brought to them. I was here to do something, but i felt uneasy. I walked north along the eastern side of the audience. As i approached the two female judges, who were standing near each other in black robes, i asked them quietly about marriage information. I did not want $A682 to know that i was looking for such information. The judge on the eastern side, who was just to the northeast of the of me, told me quietly that pamphlets were at the back of the courtroom. The pamphlets described all of the details for marriage. I felt a little silly for not knowing this. I thanked the judge and walked back to the south, down the central aisle of the audience. As i neared the back of the room, $A682 smiled and started to walk toward me. He passed me and was now going up to see the judges. I thought that he was getting married. He had a lack ring box in his hands. I felt uncomfortable, realizing that he was going to propose to someone at the front of the room. I stopped at the southern end of the room, feeling upset.

12017 July 20

I was in the large old building, and i was doing something with the other people. We wandered down the long hall in the western side of the building, heading south. This building seemed to be an old school or factory building. We had been doing something to the north, but we were now wandering through the corridors of the building while i thought about something. The corridor then emptied into a large rectangular room. We entered the room through a doorway in the western end of the northern wall. The walls of the room seemed to be made of gray stone, and the eastern end of the room also seemed to extend to the north and south into a corridor. The people in the room were singing. They were short and round, and i realized that they were animated characters from South Park. We were seeing an episode. Cartman was on the western end of the room, leading the lyrics. He asked “Is this gay?”, and the others in the room responded. He asked the question several times, referring to different situations. He smiled as he sang, raising his eyebrows as if he was pretending to be innocent in his questions. I remembered that this episode was about stereotypes. A man on the southern end of the room then sang a line, holding a long strong note at the end. I was amused and pleased with the performance. I then realized that Pavarati voiced the man. I told the others this, delighted that i could hear the song. I mentioned that South Park usually got famous people to make cameo performance. I was surprised to see that Pavarati was one of the guests, but it was good to see such a great performance in the show.

12017 July 21

I walked to the north, crossing the small living room of the house. I was visiting this place, but it seemed as though i would be living here in the future. As i crossed the center of the room, i noticed a man standing in the next room to the west. I could see him through the narrow doorway. He was facing a mirror on the northern end of the western wall, and he was flexing his arm muscles into the mirror. He was wearing a tank top, and i could see that he had a very nice muscle build across his back and shoulders. He seemed very attractive. I watched him as i passed the doorway, but he was walking away from me, so i could only get a quick glimpse of him. On the northern side of the room, i turned to the east to head through a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. The doorway led to a hallway with a set of stairs that ascended to the north. I was going to head up the stairs, but some people were trying to move a mattress up the stairs. They had gotten the mattress stuck near the doorway. I looked up the stairs to see a man to the northeast of me pulling on the mattress. I tired to help him by pushing at the bottom of the mattress. I then noticed my mother in the room to the south of me. I said something to her, but turned my attention to the mattress. She did not answer me. Someone then said that my mother was upset with me. I did not understand why she would be upset. I was now in a small room, and my mother was sitting on a couch, which was against the eastern wall on the northern side of the room, to the northeast of me. She was sitting with the man who had been trying to get the mattress of the stairs. I felt upset that something might be wrong, and i wanted to talk to her. I asked a question, but she did not really answer. My father then came into the room from the north. He jogged through the doorway in the center of the northern wall, wearing a pair of red leisure pants. It seemed strange that he would be wearing the sports pants. He jogged in place for a moment before stopping. He stood looking at my mother, smiling like he was pleased with what he was doing. I told him that i liked the pants. He moved closer to me to show me the sweat suit. I realized that it was actually made of a plastic material. I thought that it would not really be that nice to wear. The plastic would make it hot. My father held up his right sleeve so that i could look at the material. I reached out with my left hand to feel it between my fingers.

12017 July 23

$A547 was showing me photographs of old things. We were facing north in the small area, which seemed to be outdoors. I laughed at some of the pictures. I recognized many of the scenes of people that i used to know. I told $A547 that i would contact these people. I turned to look away for a moment, but then i looked back at the pictures. The picture now to the north of me showed a group of people standing on a gray stone-like pavement, which looked like an outdoor plaza. They were dressed in white and had white makeup covering their skins. They were pretending to be mannequins. I found the picture very interesting, and i turned it to show to the other people with me. It was very artistic, and i wanted to share it. I knew that the scene in the photograph was actually a recreation of an art project that i had seen in a gallery. The gallery seemed to be in Toronto, but i knew that it was in a foreign country. I looked over the scene again, noticing how unnatural the people looked. I thought that it was not as well done as the original, and i told the others that the original was better. I then walked to the west. I had to get some things together. A doorway was to the south of me as i walked across the open area. I remembered that the dog was beyond the door. It would bark at everyone. I did not want to see it, so i continued to the west.

12017 July 29

I was inside the large open area, which seemed to be within a barn. The others were to the east of me, talking about the scary things. The floor of the barn was dry dirt, and it seemed to be pale yellow. I looked to the south, out into the yard. Many small things were in the yard to the south of the barn. Their eyes reflected red in the light from the barn. I felt uneasy of the animals. As i looked more closely, i noticed that they were deer, but they were very small in size. I knew that they were bad, and i worried that they would attack. I tried to think of how we could deal with them. The land all around us seemed to be forested, and i was now standing to the west of the old barn. A small wooden shed was just to the south of the barn, standing next to the barn. The old wood on both the barn and the shed was well worn, and the paint had been worn off, leaving dull brown wood. Suddenly, polar bears ran through the forest from the south. They also had red eyes, but i knew that they were good. I still felt a little uneasy about them, but i knew that they would scare away the evil deer. I moved to the east, to the south of the barn so that i would not get trampled. I was still aware of the others in the barn to the north of me. I wondered if they would be safe from the stampeding animals. I was to the east of the shed now, against the southern wall of the barn. The polar bears trampled over the top of the shed, collapsing the old structure. I worried that they would knock over the barn with the others inside. I thought that the people in the barn should be safe, but then i thought that i did try to warn them. The bears then ran to the west, chasing the deer into the forest. I moved back toward the barn.

I was with the group of people, and we were talking about doing something. We were in a wide room, but the room was actually in an airplane. The airplane had been parked inside the old building, which seemed like a barn, but it was actually a house. The vehicle backed out of the building and turned north. I looked out the front window of the airplane as we turned to the north and started rolling down the steep hill. The land around us was covered with low scrub trees. We seemed to be rolling down a flume that ran between the trees, which were only two to three meters tall. I then noticed that the bushes were very close to the edges of the narrow flume. I wondered how the wings of the airplane could fit down the narrow corridor. Something did not make sense here. I then noticed a street crossing the flume ahead of us. A car passed on the street ahead of us. The airplane came to a stop at the street before continuing. It rolled farther to the north, but i thought that it would have to stop at all of the cross streets. The slope was long, so i thought that we could gain enough momentum to take off, but i did not know how we could build up speed if we kept stopping at the streets. I looked at the others in the small rectangular cabin around me. We seemed to be a team that was heading off on a mission. The pilots sat at the front of the cabin, to the north, and we sat in pivoting chairs along the side walls. We seemed to be a superhero team, and we were launching the airplane from our hidden base. I felt special being a part of this group.

I felt nervous here, and i talked to the other person to the east of me. We were in a small room in a large building. The walls around us seemed to be stone, and i thought that they were on the lower floor. I thought about how we could escape this place. I knew that the bad things had come. They were already in the building, and i worried that they would come after us and kill us. I felt scared as i moved around the eastern side of the room, wondering what i could do. I walked to the south. The room now seemed like a living room, with a couch on the western wall. A large brick fireplace took up the center of the eastern wall. The door to the main part of the house was in the northern end of the eastern wall, and another door to a smaller room was in the eastern end of the southern wall. I was heading toward the small room to the south. I thought about hiding there, but i worried that i might get trapped there when the bad things came. I imagined that i could teleport, and i thought that i should simply teleport out of this place when the bag things got close. I then noticed a man squeeze into a tall narrow cubby hole in the eastern wall, just to the south of the fireplace. He was hiding there. This seemed like a good place to hide, and i wanted to hide there. I turned to the south, wondering where i could go. I then turned back to the east. The man was no longer in the hole. I felt slightly released, thinking that i could now hide in the cubby hole when the bad people came from the west. I then thought again about teleporting, but this idea seemed bad. I knew that i id not really have the ability to teleport. I felt disappointed and wondered what i should do. Many people were now in the room with me. They were practicing fighting. I thought that they were getting ready to fight the bad guys. The people were all around me now. A man to the west of me was trapped on the floor by a second man. The first man was in a jujitsu choke hold. The second man had wrapped himself around the back of the first man and pulled him into a choke hold. The second man had his legs around the first man’s hips. To the west, i noticed a man getting choked with a string. It was all part of the practice. The men had to learn to defend against such attacks. In a moment, the man to the west of me was tied up and restrained. He was then let go. I liked watching these exercises. The man who had been tied up stood up and looked in my direction. He still had his hands tied near his sides, but he was trying to attack me. He must have thought that i was here to practice as well. I felt interested in grappling with these people, but i walked to the west, passing the man and letting him fall to the north of me. I looked to the south. A group of people was lined up on the floor along the southern wall. They were in pairs, and one person of each pair had the other in a headlock. It looked like something fun to practice. I remembered doing grappling, but i remembered that the bad things were coming to attack us. I was outside now, and the wooded area was dark. To the east, i could see a small animal on the ground. The man to the southwest of me talked about it. I then saw the skunk coming from the south. It walked into the gap between the rocks, which were to the north and south of the path. The creature was behind the northern rock. The creature grabbed the skunk with a long flexible arm. The skunk tried to escape, but it was pulled into the creature. I felt worried for the skunk. As the skunk was lifted so that its belly faced me, i could see that it had a yellow mask over its face. The extraterrestrial creature had attached the mask to the skunk’s face. It was trying to use the skunk for something. The skunk started to inflate, and i worried that the skunk would die. The man, who was now to the south of me, said that the skunk would fight back. He seemed confident that the skunk would escape. I watched the skunk for a moment, but the skunk did not fight back. It seemed overpowered. I felt upset, thinking that the skunk was just being killed. The dark creature pulled the skunk onto its back. The skunk lay belly up, with its arms out. The situation seemed hopeless. The belly of the skunk was bloated and round. Eventually, the skunk started moving again. It turned over and grabbed the yellow tube that ran from the creature to the mask. It was pulling itself over the side of the creature. It seemed determined to escape, and i hoped that it did.

12017 July 30

I was in the restaurant with the other people. We sat on the northern corner of a table. We were all sitting on the same side of the table, looking out into the small restaurant. The place did not look familiar, but it seemed very familiar. I thought that it was a place in Collegetown. It seemed like a place that i had been to many times with the others. The man to the south of me then ran to the large open window to the west of us and jumped out. The wall of the building was stone, and the window seemed to have one large glass pane, but the pane was currently swinged open to one side. I did not react to this, and i felt as though it did not mater what the man did. The other person with me was upset, though. I was suddenly aware of my lack of concern. I stood up and moved to the window, looking to see what had happened to the man. I wondered why i was not concerned whet he jumped out of the window. I decided that i did not realize what he had done. I looked out the window, but i could only see the stone ledge just below the sill. I leaned a little farther out, but could not see the sidewalk below. We seemed to be in a city. I headed down the stairs inside the building. I could see the parking garage below and to the north. I exited the building to the north and found myself back in the familiar area that i had been in before. The parking garage was to the north of me. The building to the south of me was made of dark stone or brick, and seemed like a dirty urban building. I was aware of a traffic ramp high over my head to the north. This place seemed to be part of the building that i had been in, but i knew that it was actually a street or wide alley outside the building. I looked along the sidewalk, trying to find the man who had jumped out the window. I noticed $A734 sitting in a small booth against the building to the south. He was to the southeast of me. A small stone monument stood just to the west of him. $A734 seemed to be living in the booth. I looked at him as i walked to the east, but he scowled at me. He did not want me near him. I felt annoyed with him. I walked toward him anyway, thinking that i had to find the man who had jumped. I walked away from the building, noticing shapes in the pavement to the north. Stones had been embedded into the cement sidewalk, forming a circular area. Within the circle, four square white blocks formed a cross, leaving an empty square space in the center of the cross. The empty space was recessed a deci or so into the pavement. The symbol seemed interesting, and i wanted to look it over, but i felt nervous, as though i was intruding on something that i should on be a part of.