12018 July 02

I turned to the south and headed into the building. I had come here to meet someone. $Z was following me, and i told him that i had come to meet someone. The building seemed like an office building, with a steel and glass structure. I thought about the person that i was here to see. He seemed like a friend of $A682, and i felt a little uninterested in actually meeting him. I was in a city area, and the building i was in now was a large apartment building. I moved to the north to get on to an elevator. The metal door of the elevator slid open to both sides of the doorway. I thought that i had to get up to one of the upper floors. A man was then to the west of me. I called to him, thinking that he was someone i was supposed to meet. He chatted with me for a moment. I thought that he was interesting. He seemed young, and he had short curly black hair. I suddenly realized that he was wearing a gray singlet with off-white details along the sides of the shoulder straps. He was one of the wrestlers from this place. I felt interested in him as he talked to me, but i felt uncomfortable about this because i thought that $F71 would be disappointed by my interest. The wrestler seemed excited about something as he spoke to me. He kneeled down to the south of me as we spoke, putting his hands on him hips. He glanced to the west as he talked. I looked at the detail on the side of his neck as he looked to the west. He had a very thick neck. I thought that this was probably normal for a wrestler. I then thought that i should stop talking to the man so that he could get ready for the tournament. I thought that he would have to go though the doorway in the northern wall, which was behind me, and turn to the northeast to get to where the tournament was.

12018 July 04

I had come from an event where i had been doing something that i had enjoyed. I had been with the others, and i was now talking to a woman. I looked down at the white plastic cylinder that was in the tube. The cross section of the cylinder was a wide oval. It had a rounded end with a rounded pink center. The white plastic curved in to meet the pink material. The object was about a meter and a half tall, and the woman was standing to the east of it as she said something about it. I looked at the rounded end of the white object as it started to move back into the tube in the western wall. I knew that it was one of the two people. I mentioned this person to the woman, saying that it was one of the people who had died. I did not feel sad about this, but there was some significance to the events. I tried to think about it as i walked to the east and then to the northeast. I came into a room where the others were gathered. I was still thinking about the event that we had come from. The people were sitting on the northern and southern sides of a wooden table. $F10 was sitting on the northern side of the table. He seemed to be the second from the western end of the table. I was supposed to meet him about something, and i walked up to him as he stood up with the others. He wore a bright yellow sweater. I told him something, and he seemed surprised. He stared to the south with his mouth open, trying to think of a response. I then realized that he did not really look like $F10. He had a small face with narrow features. His short blond hair was combed back across his head, and it seemed wet or gelled. He did not seem like $F10. I continued to the east, talking to the person with me about something. The person walked to the north of me as we walked the short corridor to the exit of the building. Just as we came outside onto the streets, the other person had mentioned the event before. He said that we would not receive the three thousand dollars like we did before. I felt confused, picturing the number as thirty-six hundred. I asked the man what money he was talking about. He now seemed like $A698. He smiled meekly and bobbed his head, saying that what we had done before earned us royalties. I realized that he had been collecting royalties, but i had not received any. He said something about this, and it seemed that he simply had not thought about making sure i was payed. We continued to the east.

12018 July 06

I walked out of the large grocery store and headed to the north, into the parking lot. The store seemed old, with a white outer all that had window across most of the front surface. The lot seemed old and empty. Several people were outside. I was walking with a few of them as we headed to the northeast. I felt concerned about something. Shopping carts were pushed up against the eastern end of the northern face of the building. The white building had a red sign over the top of it, and the metal shopping carts had red handles. I pushed a few shopping carts out of the way. Something seemed wrong, though. I followed the others to the east. The ground was cement, but the concrete was broken. I then noticed the cars that were parked against the southern wall. They looked old. This place seemed old and abandoned. I realized that some of the cars were on fire, though i could not see the flames. I felt upset. This situation was not correct. The cars were already burned and charred. A boy to the east of me seemed surprised at the site, and he stood still in disbelief, looking to the south. I then realized that something was in the white car on the eastern side of the three or four parked cars. The figure was in the driver’s seat, and it was the charred remains of a human. I pictured the person as a woman. I felt very upset by the sight of the woman. I felt that this situation could not be right. I started at the charred face, feeling distraught.

I walked to the west, into the long space that was on the southern side of the corridor. The space was a waiting area in the train station. The walls, floor, and ceiling were covered with white tile. The corridor ran along the northern side of the area. Several rows of metal chairs were on the eastern side of the room, facing west. A single row ran along the southern wall to the west of the chairs. The bench-like seats against the wall were facing north. I had set my backpack on the northernmost chair in the westernmost row of chairs that was facing west. I was heading to chat with someone who was sitting in the middle of the set of chairs against the wall. I felt happy to see the person. I stopped and said something to them. I then turned around to look at my bag. Someone was standing behind the chair, holding on the top of my bag. He took the bag and started heading to the east. I yelled at him, and he started running away. I felt annoyed with him, and i ran after him. As i ran down the hallway, i realized that i was still wearing my flannel pajama pants. It felt strange to be wearing them in public. I should have changed before i chased the man. Just down the corridor from the waiting room, a large opening was in the northern wall of the corridor. The opening seemed to lead to a main hall of the building. I thought that it led out to some of the platforms. I ran though the door and turned to the east again. I now seemed to be in a different area of the train station. The man was running up a wide set of white stone steps that ascended to the south. Two men were standing to the northeast of me as i ran toward the westernmost end of the stairs. The men wore long brown coats and stared at me. One man had a thick mustache, and he watched me with his mouth slightly open. Both men seemed confused by what i was doing. I could see the man with my bag ahead of me to the east. He was just starting to run up the middle of the stairs. I tried to run faster, but i suddenly seemed to be running in slow motion. The man running up the stairs slowed down as well. This seemed strange. Time was suddenly slowing down, and i was aware of it.

12018 July 08

I was sitting in the large rectangular room, which seemed like the entryway of a building. It seemed to have archways in the western wall, and the room was long north to south. The walls were very pale yellow. I was sitting on a bench under one of the archways in the western wall with several other people. More people were pacing around the room to the east of me. Everyone was dressed in costumes that looked like they came from fifteen- or sixteen-hundreds England. The room seemed to be on the northern side of a larger area, which extended to the west and south of us. I was doing a play with the other actors, and we were waiting around for something. This was the final rehearsal of the play. I then turned to the west and walked into the water. The pond was large and square, and we were on the northern end of the eastern side. The woman to the south of me was still sitting on the wooden bench, which was part of a short wooden deck that hung over the water. I stepped into the water to the north of the dock and waded up to my waist. The ground in the water dropped off deeply, so i was only a meter or so from the shore. I was then floating in the water near the edge of the dock. I turned back to the east to look at the others on the shore. They were still talking about the play. I turned to the west again, thinking that i should swim a little way out into the water. I then realized that my foot was caught on a weed. I looked to the north of me. Tall green reeds stuck out of the water, but some of them seemed to be growing under the water. I had gotten one stuck to my foot. It felt like it had tiny prickers on the stem, and it was sticking to itself as it wrapped around my ankle. I felt annoyed with the weed, trying to shake my leg to get it off. The weed would not come loose easily. Annoyed, i moved to the southwest and yanked my foot after me. I noticed a man to the north of me jerk toward me. I realized that his foot had been stuck in the weed as well, and, when i pulled the weed, i had pulled him with me. He sank under water for a moment. I stopped and watched him. He was wearing blue jeans and no shirt. He held his arms up as he sank under water, but he made no effort to rise back to the surface. I wondered suddenly if i should rescue him, but then i thought that he was purposely staying under water. There was no reason for him not to try to swim back up. He moved slowly, pulling his arms down and slowly coming to the surface. I apologized for pulling him under, and we chatted for a moment. I then swam to the west to get something. I ended up in the middle of the western side of the lake. Someone then said that we had to stay on the eastern side of the lake. I looked up the slight incline of the pond water toward the slope on the eastern shore. The lake was square, and it seemed to have a white lifeguard stand in the middle of the western edge. I moved back to the eastern side of the lake. I was now on the southern side of the lake along the eastern shore. The land seemed sandy here and did not drop off as steeply. I could tell that the southern end of the lake was much shallower than the northern end. I moved to the wall, which seemed to be the wall with the archways in it. The wall was just to the east of me. The entire lake was now inside a very large room. I tossed something to the north as i got out of the water. A man was waiting on the shore for me. We were on our break from the rehearsal, and i talked with the others around me. I was now standing on the western side of a tent or pavilion. Long tables seemed to be set up under the roof, and people were gathered around the outsides. This seemed to be part of a festival. I moved into the darkness under the pavilion to a table where the others were seated. I talked with some people, but i seemed distracted by something to the southeast. A woman was sitting across the table from me, to the east. She said something as she put on a wet white T-shirt. She had just come out of the water. I moved suddenly to the southeast, flying over the tables. I knew that the man i had been talking to was watching me go with surprise. I flew through the pavilions, trying to avoid the poles and people. I thought that i should get away from this area. I then realized that a group of people was gathered to the east of the large tent that i had just flown out from. I had come out of the southern end of the eastern side of the tent and turned more to the south. The small crowd of people filled most of the space between the tent and the old stone building to the east. They were listening to the mayor talk. The mayor seemed to be standing on a small stage to the east of the people. I had to get out of this area. People would think that i was not supposed to be here. I flew to the east, heading between two tents. I then turned to the north and flew along the building, looking up at the thin space between the tent and the building. I had to find a place to get to free air so that i could fly away. I thought that the police who were here to protect the mayor would not want me flying around the area. I had to get away. I turned up suddenly, squeezing through a tight space between the stone building and the white pavilion roof. I felt tense, hoping that i could escape.

12018 July 10

I was with the others as we headed to the southeast across the grassy lawn. We had left the other place and were heading somewhere. We had been walking fast and jogging as we went. I felt that we needed to be somewhere. A tall line of bushes ran across the eastern side of the lawn, and we stopped just before passing through them. Several gaps were between the tall leafy bushes. The bushes seemed tall and narrow, with long thin branches and rounded dark-green leafs. I stood just to the west of the bushes, looking up at the sky to the west. The sky was dark gray, and it seemed ominous. I thought that a storm might be coming in. The man to the north of me then commented on the sky, saying that it was not good. The sky had seemed to have several shades of gray in the clouds, and i thought that the pattern seemed interesting. The sky seemed somehow like the inside of a box, with a flat wall to the west and shorter walls to the north and south. I then looked at the man and then back at the sky. To my surprise, a thick chord ran down from the flat surface of the sky above to the ground to the west. I could not see the bottom of the chord because it was behind the green trees of the suburban neighborhood. At first, i thought that the chord was a tornado. It seemed to be spinning around, but, as i looked more closely at it, it really seemed to be a thick cable made up of smaller chords. The top of the dark-brown chord seemed to be fixed, but the bottom seemed to me moving to the north. This made it seem like a tornado. I tried to watch it to see how fast it was moving. As i focused on it, the bottom again seemed to be to the south, behind the taller green tree. It now did not seem to be moving, but it still seemed to be spinning, event though i could see that the individual chords were not changing position. The center of the thick cable had a thinner dark-brown chord wrapped around it, keeping the individual chords together. I felt confused by this scene. The object rolled across the sky to the north, but it did not seem to be moving. It seemed to be frozen in place. The object fascinated me, but i also felt wary of it. It seemed a warning of something. I felt that the sky was not right. Something was very wrong here, but i did not feel in danger at the moment. I knew that i would have to stay alert, though. I turned to the east and moved through a gap in the bushes as the others stood around for a moment. I thought that i could try to get away from the tornado-like thing. Someone then said something, and i looked up into the sky again. The sky above me was pale blue, but something dark was moving over the top of the bushes from the west. A dark cloud seemed to be rolling slowly over the sky far above the bushes. I could see the leading edge as it creeped into view over the bushes. Small gray shapes moved under the cloud. They had yellow auras around them, and they seemed dangerous. They were angular shapes, and they looked two-dimensional. They seemed to have a pentagram center and long thin arms that arced toward the front of them. They looked like crabs or spiders from an old video game. The sky glowed red and white behind them. I felt scared of them. They were dangerous. I quickly ran back to the west, through the gap in the bushes. I had to get away. Another person was saying something as i ran to the northwest across the grass. Red lasers then came from the sky, slicing across the ground. A beam hit my left side, and i could feel it burning down the outside of my arm and across my lower torso. I dropped to my knees as the stinging pain ran down my side.

12018 July 11

I sat in the backseat of the car as we drove to the south, down the long straight road in the rural area. The road seemed to be North Road, and we seemed to be approaching Lambs Corners. Others were in the back seat of the car with me, and i was talking to the man to the west of me. Another man was sitting to the east of me. The man to the east seemed very familiar. As i spoke to the man to the west, the man to the east leaned in to me and hugged me. Something about him seemed like $Z. I liked that he was hugging me, but i did not feel comfortable that he was doing it now. I wondered if he was after me. I moved to the east, walking across the wide room in the middle of the house. I had been doing something here with a group of people, who seemed like $G3, but the event had ended. I had just left the others in the room to the northwest. They were off to do something else, and i was heading for the stairs on the eastern side of the building. I was thinking about the man that i had been talking to. I felt interested in him and wanted to talk to him some more. As i walked to the east, i was aware that the man was in the room to the south. The door to the room was in the southeastern corner of the hallway that i was walking down, but the room seemed to be to the south of me. As i approached the door, i saw the man to the south of me; the wall between the hallway and the room did not seem to be there. The man was moving to the east across the room. He had seen me and was heading to the door to meet me. I walked into the room as the man moved around on the southern side of the room, doing something. I was on the eastern end of the room, looking to the west. A large red oriental rug was in the middle of the polished wood floor. The room seemed very open now, with an open space leading off to another room to the northwest. Another person seemed to be in the other room. I started to feel uncomfortable of the person to the northwest, thinking that he would be watching us. I sat on the couch that was against the southern wall of the room. The man whom i knew sat to the east of me. He seemed very familiar. I thought that he was very attractive, and i thought that he might be interested in me. He seemed like $Z. We chatted for a moment on the couch, and i was aware of the man to the northwest. $Z then put his arm under mine, hugging my right arm. He started to caress my upper arm. I put my right hand on his left thigh, feeling erotic. I felt excited by him, and i wanted to wrestle him. He then pushed me to the west. My shoulder stopped at the western wall of the room, and he held me there for a moment as he shifted position. He was not wearing a shirt, and he seemed thin yet nicely muscled. His skin was smooth and hairless. I could not see his face, but i knew that he had short back hair and a square face with distinct cheekbones. I knew him from somewhere before. He took off his socks and pulled something out of his pants pockets. I thought that he had pulled a condom out of his pocket. I felt uncomfortable. I had no interest in anal sex with him. I was then aware of the other young man, who was sitting on the floor to the north of us. He had been playing a video game on the large television that was mounted on the northern wall, but he now turned to look over his left shoulder at us. The scene then changed suddenly. I was in the southeastern room, but i was walking to the northwest. I crossed the wide hallway and entered the bathroom through a doorway in the northern wall of the corridor. The bathroom was a wide rectangular room. The ceiling along the northern wall seemed to slant down to meet the short northern wall. The room seemed to be under construction, with exposed beams. I turned to the east, looking for a toilet. I had to defecate. I remembered that the toilets were not in stalls in this room. They were set against the southern wall of the room. They were not there now, however. The room was being remodeled, and most of the fixtures had been removed. I remembered the man i had been talking to in the room to the south, and i hoped that he did not think that i simply left him without saying anything. I then noticed a toilet sitting on a short platform in the middle of the eastern half of the room. The platform was made of plywood and was less than a meter tall. The toilet was set low into the wood and had a metal seat with a short metal tank to the east of it. As i reached it, i could see that the metal basin to the south of the toilet was a urinal. I tried to open the pink seat of the toilet, but it did not quite work as i had expected. I sat on the toilet seat, but i could not quite fit in it. I looked down at the seat, realizing that it had plastic arms on either side. The white arm on the southern side had pink trim along the inside of it. I pulled the arm. Water started flowing over the seat of the chair. The arm must have acted as a flush mechanism. I felt annoyed trying to use the toilet. A woman was then standing to the south of me. I tried to sit on the toilet again to figure out how to use it.

12018 July 12

I woke up suddenly on the small low bed that was on the western side of the room. The head of the bed was against the western wall. I sat up on the northern side of the bed, realizing that i had to call $A756. I realized that i did not have my cell phone with me. I had left it on the charger downstairs. I would not have heard it ringing. I felt tense and annoyed with myself for not doing what i was supposed to be doing. I stood up, looking down at the cell phone in my left hand as i turned to the south to face the bed. I had not been charging my cell phone like i should have been. I wondered if it would still work. I thought that it might be dead. I pressed a button on the side of the phone and looked down at the screen. The phone had cross-shaped pattern of short lines on it. The center of the cross was a gray LED dot, and four thick dashes were around it: one above, below, and to either side. Below the lower vertical dash was a second dash. Several more seemed to stretch down the gray LED screen of the phone. This was not a normal image of the phone, so i thought that it indicated that the charge of the phone was low. I walked to the east, thinking that i would have to charge the telephone so that i could make my calls. I felt that i had to rush. I turned to the north and walked across the darkened back room of my parents’ old house. A couch was against the northern wall of the room. I thought that the phone charger was in the northeastern corner of the room, somewhere near the cabinet that was on the northern wall, to the north of the television on the eastern wall. As i crossed the center of the room, i could see the lights of the car driving up the driveway to the east. My parents had arrived home. They drove to the northeast of the house and stopped the car near the barn. I did not want them to see me awake. It seemed to be very late at night or very early in the morning, and i did not want them to know that i was trying to charge the cell phone now. I moved quickly to the northeast to grab something, and then i ran back to the south. I had to charge my phone. I passed into the next room and was then in a car. The car was facing east, but i was driving to the southwest down the road from the house. I had put the car in reverse, but i realized that i was now traveling too fast in reverse. I did not feel comfortable driving this fast. I grabbed the stick shift of the car and tried to put it into another gear. The shift was just to the south of me in the center console of the car. I could hear the engine making a strange sound as i tried to shift. I thought that the gears must be broken. The car should not have been moving this quickly in reverse. Something must have broken in the gearbox to allow the car to move so quickly in reverse. I thought that i had probably broken the gear when i shifted it. I moved the stick shift, feeling the looseness in it. This did not seem right. The central console of the car seemed metallic pale green. I put in the clutch and moved the stick shift forward, thinking that i would be putting it in first gear. The car continued to move to the west. I had to be careful of traffic. I looked behind me on the road, worried that i would not be able to control the car in this direction. I could see a turn behind me, so i tried to control the car around the turn. I felt very uncomfortable doing so. I decided to stop the car before it hit something. I pressed the brake. The car made a turn to the north and came to a stop. I could see another car sitting on the side of the road to the west of me. I realized that the other car had been in an accident. It was a large red car, and a tow truck was already to the south of it. For a moment, i worried that i had caused the accident, but then i realized that the car had been quite damaged. The front side was crumbled up. Someone was standing to the east of the car. I then realized that a police officer was already at the scene. He wore a dark blue short-sleeved uniform and stood to the north of the wrecked car, which was now on the southwestern corner of an intersection. I walked up to the officer to tell him about my car. I had to get it out of the road so that the other accident could be taken care of. I then realized that the police officer was holding a tuxedo cat in his arms. The cat was a stray, and the police officer had rescued it. I felt concerned about the cat, and i wanted to help it. I watched the police officer struggle to hold the cat in his arms. The cat kept squirming and trying to run to the north. I talked to the officer about the cat for a moment. We then turned to the north and started walking across the room. We were in a large open barn. The old barn had thick wooden beams, and several boards on the outside seemed to be missing, allowing light from outside to come in through the open spaces. The officer tried to hold the cat, but it managed to jump out of his arms and run toward the northern wall. The interior wall was nothing more than beams. We followed it, stopping at the wall. A small square opening was built into the lower section of the wall, and the cat seemed to have jumped through it, though we could still reach the cat. I reached into the hole and picked up the baby bird. It had been in the barn, and it had been abandoned. I thought of $F71 and wondered what i should do with the animals. I thought that i could call him to let him know that they needed help. I picked up the baby pigeon. It was small and pink and had not yet grown its feathers. I felt protective of it. I thought that the cat had gone after the baby birds, so it was good that we had gotten to them before the cat did. The bird then squirmed and fell into the hay on the floor. I quickly picked it up, but it was covered with dirt. I moved a little to the south and washed off the bird under the water. When i moved my hands to the south to look at the bird, it had fallen over in my hands from the flow of the water. It now looked like a miniature adult chicken without feathers. I could see the bumps on its skin where the feathers should be. The small animal still had feathers on its head, and it stood up in my hand. It was now more like an anthropomorphic cartoon character. To my surprise, it started complaining about the water, shaking its head to get the water off its feathers. It had a high voice, and it cursed as it started pacing across the palms of my hands.

12018 July 18

My mother said something about the house, and i opened the door and walked to the north. This had been my grandfather’s place, but my parents now owned it. I felt excited to look through the things, thinking that i would find something here of interest. I then remembered that most of my grandfather’s things were still packed up at my parents’ house. I wondered if my parents had unpacked all of the stored things when they moved. I walked down the eastern side of a long room, noticing the things scattered along the western wall. I thought that most of this was junk, but i thought that i might be able to find something. I was not sure what i was looking for, but i thought that i could find it. I turned to the east in the northern room and then headed back to the south. I stopped in a doorway to a room. I wondered where things would be. I noticed a round box on top of a dresser against the western wall, just to the west of me. It was a wire-frame squat cylinder with mesh walls. The container was about a half meter wide and had scattered pieces of jewelry in it. I wondered if would be able to find my great grandfather’s high-school pin in the basket. I reached in with my right hand and moved some of the things around, looking for a pin. I found a gold pin near the top, but it was not what i was looking for. I moved more things around, but could not find what i was looking for. I then noticed a square earring. It was about three centimeters on a side, and it had a raised image of a woman on the front with flowers around her face. It seemed religious, and i thought that it was my grandfather’s wife’s jewelry. It seemed oddly large for an earring. I looked at some of the other things in the basket, noticing that several pieces of jewelry seemed to have religious themes. I felt anxious, wondering where i could find something interesting. I walked a little farther to the south. I was in a kitchen. I thought that what i was looking fro was in one of the drawers here. The western wall was filled with counters, drawers, and kitchen appliances. I looked at the metal drawers, wondering where something could be stored. I decided that the drawers near me were actually part of a sink, so they would not hold anything. As i walked to the south along the wall, i passed the large industrial stove. It had drawers on the front of it, but i knew that they would be for cooking. I continued to the south. I saw several more drawers under the metal counter. The drawers were metal as well. They seemed small. I pulled a few open, looking for something interesting. I did not find anything that was interesting.

12018 July 21

I was in a resort area, and i had been running with $G4, but i was not floating in a narrow channel of water on an inflatable raft. I thought that i would have to get back to the rest of the group, but the man to the south of me kept talking to me. I wanted to head to the north, where the others had been. The stream that we were in seemed to run north to south. I was now standing in the shallow water to the west of an old white building. I wanted to end the conversation and run north. The man was sitting on a small orange raft, and he asked if i wanted to raft. He added that he had not paddled. I thought that he had floated down the river and had not paddled upstream at all. I glanced to the west as he continued talking, noticing the man paddling the bright-orange kayak to the north down the side of the stream. I felt frustrated and thought that i had to find $G4. I headed to the south down the western side of the white building. The man was still moving with me, talking to me. I turned to the south, entering the modern metal building. The room i entered seemed like an entrance lobby of an airport. Gray metal beams slanted to the north, holding up the glass of the northern wall. A metal machine with a conveyor belt ran along the eastern wall of the building. It seemed to be some kind of security machine. I was wearing a wrap around my waist from the water, and i felt that i had to take it off to put it through the scanner. I put my wrap in the northern side of the metal detector and let in roll to the south. I moved to the south side of the conveyor belt, realizing that it was really unnecessary for me to put my wrap on the belt. I felt suddenly uneasy, thinking that was now naked because i did not have anything on under the wrap. I watched the black cloth of the wrap come toward me, but it got stuck on one of the rollers of the belt. I felt impatient, and i reached for the wrap and tryed to pull it free. I tugged at the cloth, but the machine kept pulling it into the rollers. I thought that we should stop the machine before the machine became jammed. I felt annoyed as i pulled the large piece of material out of the rollers. The material was much larger than a wrap. It had been torn in the machine, and i felt disappointed. I would have to throw the wrap out. I was aware that people were talking about the torn wrap to the south of me, and i started to feel embarrassed. I tossed the cloth into the trashcan to the northwest of me, but the container seemed too small, and i had trouble fitting the large amount of cloth into the small can. I then noticed the man coming from the east. He was dressed in a janitor’s suit, and i realized that he was coming to empty the trashcan. I felt a little uneasy, but i said hello to him. We started talking. The woman, who had been standing near me, suddenly moved to the south as i continued talking with man. I walked to the west as i spoke to the man, who was carrying the rag. It now seemed to be a thick woven material, and i thought that it looked like part of a rug. I thought that i would replace the rug with a blue material. I then wondered why i had purchased a red rug. I headed to the north across the green grass of the lawn. The conveyor belt was a large thing running east to west to the north of me. It seemed to be enclosed within a heavy wooden structure that looked like it was made of logs. I stopped on the platform that overlooked the conveyor belt. The belt ran from the west. To the east of the small square platform, the belt looped to the south and then headed back east, where it ended just near platform. A woman was near me now as i crouched down at the edge of the platform. I felt uncomfortable, because i thought that i had stopped the conveyor belt. I thought that i would have to get it moving again before the others found out. I bent down to try to push it to the east. A complex wooden frame surrounded the platform. I started to feel nervous, thinking that i did not want others to find me here. I thought that i should not be in this area. I was alone now. The woman had left to the south. I ran down the stairs to the south of the wooden platform. I was on the northern end of a small campground. Old darkly stained cabins were to the south of me. One was about fifty meters to the south of me, and seemed to be the northernmost cabin in a row of similar cabins. Another cabin was to the southwest, and it was longer than the others. I ran toward the cabin to the south of me and then turned to the southwest, running across the grassy lawn. I passed the northwestern corner of a building and headed for the small gravel parking lot that was to the north of a larger wooden cabin. A man seemed to be sitting on the single step that ran from the porch, which was inset into the northern side of the log building. A short row of bushes ran along the eastern side of the lot, and it seemed aligned with the eastern wall of the building. I would have to pass between the building and the bushes and run across the lawn. I was aware that the man had seen me running, but i did not think that it mattered. I then realized that i was not wearing anything on my feet. It felt good to run barefoot on the grass.

12018 July 23

I had left the others so that i could head back to somewhere. I was driving the back roads to the east, through the forested area with rolling hills. I hoped that the others didn’t mind that i had left them. The roads curved through the steep valley, with low hills rising on both sides. I wondered if i was traveling in the right direction to get to where i wanted to go. I had just passed through an intersection, and i thought that i should go back to the intersection and contemplate taking the other way. I did not turn around, though, thinking that the intersection now seemed to be a long way back. I did not want to go that far out of my way, but i was not quite sure that this road came out where i thought it came out. I then noticed tan cement bridge that crossed over the road ahead of me. I had turned to the northeast and seemed to be traveling north under the bridge. I could see a sign on the top of the bridge that said that the highway above was Route 666. I was not familiar with that route, but i thought it strange that the highway would use that number for the road. I followed the road around a curve, which turned to the east. I thought that the town must be only a short distance ahead of me now. I could make a decision there as to which way i should go.

I drove down the rural road to the west. Trees were growing on the northern side of the road, and low thicket plants were to the south. I seemed to be somewhere to the west of Endicott. I knew that i would have to turn to the south just after one of the corners in the road, so i was watching for turns with roads leading off of them. The road ahead of me seemed long and straight at the moment, and i noticed that i was not actually driving on pavement here. The wide path for the cars was actually covered with green grass. Stone cliffs seemed to be on the northern and southern sides of the road now. I was somehow driving in the left lane, thought, and i realized that i was heading for oncoming traffic. I had to pass a car to the north of me that was traveling slowly, but i swerved back into the northern lanes to avoid a car that was coming from the west. The lanes in the road were marked with white on the grass, but something about this area made it seem hard to determine where i was supposed to drive. The road dropped elevation to the west, but rose again up a shallow hill beyond. As i came to the top of a hill, the land to the south of the road opened up into a flat field. The road started to curve to the southwest. A gas station was on the southern side of the road, on the southwestern corner of a large paved lot. I turned to the south just before the station, turning onto a road that descended the hill to the south. I wondered if this was the correct road. I felt unsure, but i drove down it to find out. I noticed that a second gas station seemed to be down the hill from the first, to the west of the road that i was traveling on. The road crossed a long grassy field, heading toward a large flat gray building that was just off the eastern side of the road. Several other small plazas seemed to be off to the west. I was unaware that these stores had been here. I thought that there were some nice things in this area. I entered the large building through a door in the northern wall. I came into a small square room with white walls. It seemed to be a waiting area for a mechanic garage. A corridor headed off to the east, flush with the northern wall of the room. The entry door was near the entrance to the corridor, and the rest of the northern wall was glass windows with aluminium supports. People were standing around in the room. A service counter seemed to be along the southern wall. I was not sure where i should go. I looked down the corridor to the east, noticing that several young men were walking toward me from the other area. I noticed that they were all East Asian. I then realized that most of the people here were East Asian, and i wondered if i was supposed to be here. I decided that i should walk to the east down the corridor. I knew that it headed into the main part of the mall. Instead, i came into the large theater. It felt good to be in this place. I stopped in a rectangular room that had many doors open to the theater to the east. I could see the stage on the northern side of the theater. I liked this place, and i was happy that i had found it. I told the man with me that i liked this place, and i mentioned that i missed doing theater.

12018 July 25

I was in the basement area of the building, fixing something on the large furnace that was against the south wall of the cement room. I had fixed the furnace before, but i was back again with someone else. The other person stood to the east of me as i faced the large metal box, which was part of the furnace. The metal box stretched from the floor to the ceiling. I told the person how i had fixed it before, because i thought that we were having trouble fixing it now. I said that the machine was inside the furnace box. The large box had a square opening in the northern side, and i leaned in hesitantly to look at the green electrical box that was mounted on the eastern wall on the inside of the large metal structure. I felt uneasy leaning into the furnace, thinking that it might turn on while we were working on it. It was safer to work on it when the furnace was not in use. The woman stood to the east of me now as i explained what i had done. She seemed to be $A261. I told her that the machine had to be close to the control panel on the northern wall because the signal from the handheld device could not easily transmit through the metal walls of the box. I started to describe how to do the work. $K1 seemed to be near me now as i talked. I moved to the south on the eastern side of the furnace box, heading into another room. This eastern room of the basement seemed like part of the basement of $P19.

12018 July 26

I was on the bus, traveling to the east across the campus area. I seemed to be heading home after work, but i was not sure what time it was. It seemed late in the afternoon or evening. Others were on the bus with me. Something seemed to be strange about the bus, though. I suddenly realized that no one was driving the bus as it moved to the east on the road. I felt suddenly worried. The bus was driving automatically, but i thought that it was not stopping to let people off. I sat in the driver’s seat and looked at the controls. I pushed on the brake pedal to see if i could slow the bus as we approached an intersection. A large tree shaded to the southern side of the street near the intersection. The bus did not slow down. The pedals were not working correctly. I thought that the bus would not stop at the bus stops on campus. I felt annoyed, thinking that we would have to travel all the way out of town before the bus would stop to let people off. I told the others in the bus about this. They seemed to be concerned. We were in a room now, and an event was happening around us. I still felt agitated and walked to the north, into the next room through the wide opening in the northern wall. I was not sure what i should be doing. The others were still in the room to the south, and i thought that i should be with them, but i felt that i had something to do. I then realized that i had been chewing a red crayon. I pulled part of the crayon from my mouth. I wondered if the crayon worked like lipstick, making my lips red. I then realized that i was wearing a red dress. I thought that this event was a red-dress run for $G4. I paced around the small area on the southern end of the room to the north for a moment, wondering what i should do. I felt uneasy by myself here. Others were in the room to the north and northeast of me, and i did not think that they knew about $G4. The room seemed mostly rectangular, but a smaller rectangular area was off the western end of the southern side of the room, connecting the larger room to the one that i had come from, to the south. I felt uneasy about being here in a red dress. The group to the north would not know what a red-dress run was and would not know why i was wearing a red dress. I then noticed a row of items running north to south on the eastern side of the small group of people, who seemed to be sitting in a circle on the floor. I realized that the row of objects formed a square on the floor to the east of the people. They were arranged in some kind of display for people to look at. I then noticed a small stack of pamphlets near the objects. The pamphlets were white, and they promoted radical Christian themes, some of them saying horrible things about homosexuals. I uncomfortable here, but i decided that i would not be concerned with what these people were doing. I thought that i should ignore their hatred and fear and just act casually. I looked at the row of items on the eastern side of the square. One of the items looked like a severed head with gray skin and withered hair. I walked to the east of the square to get a better look at the items. They seemed to be a display of things that the group thought people should hate. The heads were just models. I found the display distasteful, and i walked back to the south, away from the group of people. I came back to the group of people i had been with before. I then remembered that i would have to meet the band that would be playing music fro us. We were supposed to be playing old songs again, and i was supposed to play as part of the band. I thought that the members of $G20 were getting back together. I felt uncomfortable about this. I was not ready to play songs again. I was now late in the evening, and we were in a bar or club. The building looked cheap and dingy. The other members of the band had not shown up, and i felt a little relieved. I did not want to have to play our old songs. I could not remember any of them, and i had not been practicing music at all. I walked to the southeast, toward the door that was in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. The glass door opened to the outside, and i short white wall extended from the building to the east of it. I then noticed the man in a separate room of the building to the north, just to the east of the wall. The other part of the building was set back from the southern face of the main bar. It had a glass front wall, and i could see the man entering the building to the north of me. I remembered seeing him come into the club a while ago. Three men were now sitting around a table in the room to the north. I realized that the man with the long hair was $A757. This was his band. The band had shown up, but i had not recognized them before. I felt disappointed, but i wanted to say hello to them. I walked into the room to the north and greeted them. $A757 was sitting on the northern side of the small table. $A149 was sitting on the western side, and $A459 was to the east. They were talking about the music, and i realized that they expected me to play music for the show tonight. $A459 had his lyric book open and was looking at the music. I felt bad. I did not remember any of our lyrics. I thought that i had changed the lyrics of the songs i had written over the years anyway. $A757 said that he had memorized over five hundred chords over the last day. I felt terrible, and i told them that i was not prepared for this show. I felt bad and nervous, unsure whether i would be able to do the show. I had not been playing, and i did not think that i could even play well enough to pretend to be part of the band anymore.

12018 July 29

I was packing my things in the large upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I had many things scattered around the room. Some were in boxes. I had to get all of these things into my car so that i could get to my show. I felt anxious looking at all of my things, though. There were too many things to fit in my car. I worried that i would not be able to fit everything, and i felt upset. I moved around on the western side of the room, looking at the items stacked on the large bed, which was against the southern wall of the room. I had to find my uniform. I moved around to the northern end of the bed, looking through the piles of clothing on the bed. I could not find the uniform. I remembered that i had been trying it on with my mother, so i must have it somewhere. I felt anxious as i looked for it. I then thought that i might have left it Albany. I felt upset. I headed downstairs to the east, descending the stairs along the northern wall. Downstairs, i moved to the south across the kitchen. I opened the closet on the western side of the narrow short corridor. The uniform was not there either. I thought that i needed the uniform because i was supposed to attend the formal event, and i had to attend the formal event because i was an officer. I thought that i should call my mother to see where the formal was. I felt stressed. I looked at the cell phone in my right hand and dialed “3311”. I then realized that this number was not correct. I thought that i had to type “6511”, but i ended up dialing “5511”. I felt annoyed and cleared the number. I then thought that the number should have a zero in it. I thought that i should dial “65011”. I tried to dial the number again, but i again missed the correct numbers. I felt frustrated. I stood in the middle of the large room, which again seemed like the upstairs bedroom, facing east. I was then aware of the lights moving along the eastern side of the house, in the driveway. It was dark outside, and someone was driving into the driveway. I looked out the window to the east. The car pulled a little way into the gravel driveway and stopped. I realized that i was actually in $A425’s house. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, wondering if she was home. I thought that i probably should not be here. I looked out the front door of the house, which was in the eastern half of the southern wall. I was now in the living room. The car was parked to the southeast of me, and i could see a young dark-haired boy standing on the western side of the car, which seemed like a minivan. It was daylight again. The boy stopped when he saw me. His mother came around the back end of the car, around the southern end. The woman was East Asian. I then remembered that $A425 had died, and others were now living in her house. I felt uncomfortable as i stepped out the front door of the house. The boy had seen me, so i had to leave the house. I walked down the front steps, apologizing to the people and telling them that i did not remember that $A425 no longer lived here. I told them that i was here watching the house for her. I wan nervous that the people would try to have me arrested, so i walked to the east, down the sidewalk rather than to the west, toward my grandmother’s house. I turned to the north and walked between the houses, a few houses down. I thought that i could walk casually until i was out of sight, then i could run around the backs of the houses and make my way to the west. I did not want to run into my grandmother’s house, though, because i thought that the people would see me. I came out on the street to the west of $A425’s house. I walked casually to the west, hoping that the people did not notice me. I hoped that they were still looking for me to the east. I hurriedly walked down the sidewalk to the west, looking for my car, which i knew was parked near the corner at the end of the block. I could not see my black Cadillac. I then noticed two large black trucks parked on the street ahead of me. I wondered if my car was parked between them, out of my view. As i passed the first truck, walking now on the street side of the cars, to the south of the cars, i noticed that the trucks were touching my car. I walked to the front of my car, which was to the west, and i felt along the flat back of the truck ahead of it. I tried to act inconspicuous so that they did not know that one of the cars was mine. I was annoyed to find that the black truck was touching my front bumper. I would not be able to drive away. I decided to keep walking so that the woman did not catch up with me. She probably felt suspicious of me and was probably following me to see where i would go. I thought i should turn north at the end of the block and cut back through the back yards to my grandmother’s house. I was then aware of a car driving slowly past me from the east. It was the woman. I pretended that i did not notice her and continued walking to the west. The car passed me and turned north, onto Grippen Avenue. I would not be able to go that way. I turned to the south instead and walked across Main Street. I had entered the urban area, with taller gray building on the eastern and western sides of the street. I was not sure where i should go. I then decided that i should call my parents. I dialed as i walked down the sidewalk on the western side of the street. A large brown building was to the southwest, and i could see the domed top of it over the lower buildings near me. I then noticed several cars to the south stopped in the road. The traffic was backed up. A police car was in the street with its flashing lights on. The noise from the traffic seemed rather loud, and i was having trouble hearing my parents, whom i realized were now on the phone with me. I felt uneasy talking to them with the police officer so near. I was driving now, and should not have been on my phone. I told my parents that i would have to put down the phone. I turned to the west, taking a narrow street that passed through the tall buildings. I felt frustrated. As i came out from between the buildings, i found myself in an open area, which a plaza to the west of me. On the western side of the plaza was the large stone cathedral. I turned to the northwest, following the drive that went around the plaza to the north of the cathedral. The plaza was paved with flat stone blocks that were dark gray and reddish gray. I watched the traffic to the south of me. The line of cars was headed to the southern side of the cathedral for the event. This event seemed to be the formal event that i would not be able to attend without my uniform. I felt disappointed. I was now driving onto a small square terrace to the north of the cathedral. The terrace seemed elevated from the rest of the plaza. The driving path onto the terrace was paved with dark reddish stones. The path widened to a circle in the center of the terrace. I would have to turn the car around to get out of the dead-end. I backed up a little, but i realized that several round holes were in the ground on the outside of the driving area, so i would have to be careful. I then backed away from the terrace to get a better look at my car. The paving stones formed curving designs around the holes in the dark driving lane. The designs curved as they came in from the edges. The cathedral was now to the southeast of me. I looked down to the south, across the plaza outside the cathedral. I was about twenty meters above the level of the plaza, and i could see that the rows of cars were forming similar curved patterns as the followed the driving lanes across the plaza. I was impressed by the designs, thinking that it ad been intentionally done as part of the construction of the area. The patterns seemed to have some significance to the beliefs of the order in the cathedral. I drove my car to the east, a little nervous about driving so closely to the edge of the terrace i was on. I had to drive back over several of the terraces to get back to the main gates of the cathedral, which now seemed to be to the south of me. I turned to the south and walked down the narrow stone stairway. The stairway led down to the main plaza of the cathedral. A wooden bannister was on the western wall of the stone stairway. It was made of old wood, and it seemed nicely decorated. The southern end was carved into a bulb shape. I liked the way this place looked. It was very beautiful, and i felt good being here. I actually referred to this building as an “abbey”. There was some significance to using this term, though i knew that it was not like a traditional abbey. It was not religious and did not have a connection to the Catholic Church. I thought about the new order that ran the abbey. It seemed like a good idea to have a new secular religion. I felt interested in the order.

12018 July 30

I was in the small room with $G4. $F57 was sitting on the bench that was against the northern wall of the room. He was talking about setting trail, and i pictured the green grassy area to the east. The area had white buildings around it, and it seemed like a small-village square. $F57 leaned back against the cinder-block wall as he sat on the wooden bench. I had to get ready. I picked up a pair of sandals from the floor and put them on, thinking that i would wear them for a while. They belonged to $F57. $F57 started looking for the sandals so that he could get going. I told him that i would give them back in a moment. I felt selfish and wanted to wear the sandals for a while. I then wondered why i was being selfish and defending myself for being selfish. It seemed strange that i would have put on his shoes to begin with. I wondered why i had done it.