12019 July 01

I was in the resort area, and $A775 and $A646 were in the room with me. $F71 was standing to the north of me. I stood on the northern end of a small pool, which seemed to be filled with muddy water. I thought that it was a mud bath, but i was not quite sure. I asked the others about it as i bent over to look at the water. The mud was very liquid, and i did not think that it was the kind of mud bath that spas usually used. I then realized that a white towel had fallen in the water and was floating just under the surface. It gave the water a strange color. I grabbed the material, which seemed like a fleece blanket, and pulled it from the water. I was now in the water on the eastern side of the pool. The pool was T-shaped, and i was standing in the eastern arm of the top of the T. $A775 was standing in the water near the edge of the pool to the east of me. I moved to the west, into the main length of the pool and then headed north. I said that the water had “organic volcanic ash”. I remembered this from before. As i said it, i thought that it was a very strange term to use. I scooped up some of the mud in my hands and put it on my chest. This place was supposed to be therapeutic, so i thought that i would put some of the mud on me and try to relax. I did not feel relaxed here.

I finally got into the area, and i headed north, down the long corridor with the dark wood paneling on the walls. My parents were with me. We had to hurry. This place was an airport, and we had to get to our airplane. We came to the end of the corridor, which ended in the eastern end of a wide lounge area. This seemed like a gate area, but i knew that we still had to go up to the ground level. I told my parents that this was not the gate and that we still had to get to the gate. I thought that we would have to go up the stairs that were on the northern side of the large stairwell, which was now on the northern end of the corridor. I thought that the airplanes were on the top floor. The stairs headed up to the east and ended on a landing, which seemed to run along the top of the eastern wall of the room that we were in. I moved toward the bottom of the stairs as my parents followed me. At the bottom of the stairs, i looked up and to the south, thinking that the ground level was still above us. I could see a large window in the eastern wall, just to the west of the corridor that led from the balcony into the eastern end of the southern wall. Through the window, i could see a gray sky and a paved lot. A large white airplane with a red stripe down the side was facing east outside. I could only see the nose of the airplane. We were on the second floor, and we had to get to the third floor. My parents started climbing up the stairway on the southern side of the room. The stairs on the south ascended to the east along the southern wall, paralleling the set of stairs on the northern wall. My parents were carrying the large suitcases with them. I suddenly realized that i did not have any suitcases with me, and i thought that i should have carried some of the bags. I was then in the center of the room on the second floor, facing east. I could see both sets of stairs running up to the balcony on the eastern wall. I had to get up to the third floor, so i started toward the stairs. The room was now full of small platforms that i had to climb over to get to the stairs. I stepped over a few of the low blocks, but the footing was complicated. The small square platforms that i stepped on were free to swing from side to side. I tried to figure out how to climb on them to get to the stairs. I stepped on one wooden platform, and i felt off balance. I crouched low to the ground to keep my balance. I focused on the raised surfaces ahead of me so that i could plan where i needed to step. I then realized that my father was just to the north of me. Something felt very strange about this situation. I moved quickly, trying to get to the stairs faster. I was then on the floor of the living room. I felt confused, and i was not quite sure how i had changed position so suddenly. I stood up quickly, looking to the east. I was still in the room, and the stairs were still to the east of me. The room now seemed to be decorated with living-room furnishings. A couch was against the southern wall just to the south of me. An end table was to the east of it. My mother was to the southeast of me, near the eastern set of stairs. I thought that they must have had difficulty climbing the stairs as well. I reached for my mother and took two of the small bags that she was carrying, saying that i would carry them. A small child made a noise to the north of us. The child had been playing no the floor. The child had straight blond hair and was wearing shorts and a white shirt. He stood up and walked to the northeast, saying something that i could not quite understand. I started moving to the southeast, toward the stairs on the southern side of the room. My parents walked ahead of me. I started up the stairs, but my father walked to the south of the stairs and started walking down another set of stairs. I realized that a wide set of stairs led down a few steps between the two sets of ascending stairs. I looked over the thick wall on the northern side of the stairs to see that my father was heading for the elevators, which were in the eastern wall of the room. The lower section of the room seemed to be the corridor that we had come up from. My mother followed my father into one of the elevators. I realized that this would be a better way to get up to the third floor than trying to figure out the platforms that were on the stairs. I turned around and headed down the set of stairs. As i started to the east, however, i realized that the elevator doors were closing. They closed before i could get down the second set of stairs. Annoyed, i turned around and ran up the few steps on the lower level. Rather than running around the end of the short wall that ran up the stairs, i climbed over the wall and headed to the east. I headed up the stairs toward the corridor so that i could head to the south.

12019 July 02

I walked to the northwest, up the step slope of the gravel mound, which was in the middle of an open area. The mound seemed to be part of a large cement structure, like a cement support of a highway overpass. As i climbed, i could hear the animal to the east of us. I felt wary of the animal, thinking that it was a dinosaur. I told the others of the sound, thinking that it was very strange. I imagined the dinosaur coming across the open ground toward us. I thought that we could hide in the green metal girders on the underside of the overpass. I was looking slowly over the girders on the southern side of the bridge. My vision was moving as if i were looking through a camera, like this was a scene from a movie. I then thought that we could hide on the mound near the bridge. The woman to the east of me climbed into the large wheel, which was attached to the southern side of the bridge to the north of us. The wheel looked like a large empty tire. The small dinosaur was then near her. It must have seen her moved toward the tire, but it had not seen where she went. The dinosaur did not understand what the wheel was, and i thought that it might start the wheel rolling. I then realized that a large black feather was on the top of the wheel. It would attract the dinosaur’s attention. I wondered if the animal would think that the wheel was some other animal. The dinosaur stood to the south of the wheel, tipping its head as if puzzled.

I was in the rectangular plain room with the others. $A15 was to the east of us, and he was directing us in a play. I moved around as we practiced, but the rehearsal seemed to end suddenly. This was a play that we had done, so i realized that it made sense that we would not have to have a long rehearsal, but it still felt strange not to have a longer rehearsal. $A15 dismissed us. I stood for a moment, not quite sure what to do. The ending of the play seemed unexpected, and i wondered if we had not actually finished the play. I moved to the east to collect my things from the floor. I felt uncomfortable leaving at the moment. I headed to the east, through a doorway in the northern half of the eastern wall. I entered the antique store. The others were walking with me as we headed toward the exit of the building. We had to pass through the store to leave. The store seemed very open, like a flea market. I then realized that i was still carrying the old phonographs in my right arm. I was holding them against the right side of my torso as i walked. I wondered if the people from the store would wonder where i got the phonographs. They were old, and i thought that the owners of the store might think that i had taken them from the store. I did not want them to think that i had taken things from the store. I continued to the east, looking down at the phonographs as i pushed open the glass door to the outside. I was on a sidewalk in the middle of a city, and i headed south on the sidewalk on the western side of the street. I stopped suddenly to see something. The buildings to the west of me seemed to be apartment buildings. The one just to the south of me had a large cement or stone stoop that descended to the sidewalk in front of me. I was looking to the southeast, at the large tree on the opposite side of the road. $F71 was to the south of me, standing on the sidewalk. He was facing me and was standing slightly hunched. I then noticed the white string handing down from the tree. It seemed to run upward from the tree and then run at an angle down to the west. It had something to do with the lightning. Someone then showed me the trajectory notes. A white line was drawn from the sky to the tree. It was offset a little to the east of the uneven string, which represented the actual lightning. I then saw the lightning slowly coming down the string toward the tree. It hit the tree with a loud crack. $F71 jumped suddenly to the northwest, to get out of the way of the lightning. I then saw a thin branch of lightning flicker to the west across the ground from the tree. I felt suddenly worried that we would get hit with the lightning. We had to get out of the way. I leaned back to the northwest, thinking i could not run that fast, but i could maneuver out of the way in a short period of time. I was standing on only my right foot, which i thought was good. It would prevent the voltage from spanning from one leg to the other. I then realized that i was leaning against the stoop to the west of me. This was not good, because the lightning could still come up the building to create a circuit. I tried to move, but i suddenly realized that i was frozen in time. Something seemed wrong. I started to worry that i was being affected by the lightning. I then felt a vibration in my buttocks and legs. I had my left arm extended in front of me from my movement backward. I looked at the palm of my left hand, noticing a white bolt across my palm. This seemed dangerous and special at the same time.

I headed to the north, through the academic building. I remembered that i had signed up for classes again. I felt good about doing this. The classes were extension classes. They were not part of a major, so i did not feel that i had the pressure that i had experienced in the past. The building seemed large, with high ceilings and cement walls. It seemed like an old school building from the fifties or fourties. I then thought about the classes. I realized that i did not know exactly when they were. I felt suddenly upset, thinking that i should have had a class today, and i had missed it. I felt mad with myself for not paying attention. I looked up at the clock above the high rectangular doorway in the northern wall of the room as i started to walk under it. I felt frustrated, and i decided that i would have to find out when my classes were. I felt very bad that i had missed them again. I walked into the small room, which seemed like my bedroom or dorm room. I had entered from the north, and i walked to the western side of the bed, which extended from the southern wall on the eastern side of the room. I started looking through a white cardboard box for my books. I thought that i would find my schedule in the box. I pulled out several large comic books but could not find any course books or schedules. As i searched through the box, i realized that it only had comic books in it. Some of them were duplicates. I felt suddenly disheartened, thinking that all i had purchased were comic books. I felt that i had wasted my time here, and i felt disappointed in myself. A woman was sitting on the bed to the west of me. She reclined as i stood up again in the room. I hoped that she did not think negatively of me for missing my classes again. I was very upset. I headed to the south, opening the door and leaving the house. I thought that i had to let the dog out. As i stepped out of the building, i found myself in a narrow courtyard between the old stone academic dormitories. A large building ran east to west to the south of me. The dog ran out of the house and started to the west. I did not want it to get away, so i started following it. The buildings here seemed very close together. The building to the south ended about five meters to the west of me, but a low stone wall extended from the corner of it and headed to the west. It curved a little to the north as it left the building, making the corridor between the building to the north and the wall narrower. Tall bushes grew over the top of the stone wall. The ground between the building and the wall ran downhill slightly to the west. I watched the small dog bound to the west, and i stated after it. It ran to the end of the wall and turned to the south, disappearing from my sight. I felt annoyed and chased after it. I called the dog’s name, worried that it would get away. The deer then came back into my view from the south. It was a young brown deer, and it turned to the east and headed back down the grassy corridor. I then realized that a Doberman was following it. I worried that the dog would attack the deer. I wondered if the deer would try to fight with the Doberman. I hurried to get to the young deer before the dog attacked it. I could now see over the wall to the lower ground to the south. The deer i had been worried about was now lying on the ground to the west of me, partly curled up, as though unaware of the other deer, which was on the lower level, just below the wall. I thought that i had to get my deer inside before it got hurt. The wild deer then jumped over the wall, also jumping over my deer and landing near the building. I moved to the west, thinking about these events. I had to get my deer inside.

12019 July 03

I drove the car to the north on the highway. $A688 was riding in the passenger’s seat. I was having trouble seeing where i was going. It was dark out, and something was obstructing my vision. I leaned forward, trying to peer through the windshield. I felt nervous and worried that i was not driving safely. I spoke to $A688 as i drove, and he moved around in his seat. The road curved a little to the northwest, and we seemed to be approaching a toll plaza. I leaned close to the windshield, trying to get a clear view of the road in front of me. The view now seemed foggy. I realized that my breath was fogging up the glass. I leaned back and tried to get a better view outside. The scene then changed, and i was driving in a darkened country area. I seemed to be somewhere south of Albany, in a rural area. The road ran to the west, but i turned to the north for a moment. I was having trouble controlling the car. I pushed my foot on the break and stopped the car. I sat on the western side of the road for a moment, facing south. A small trailer home was across a short grassy lawn to the west of me. No lights were on in the house. I wondered if they were aware of the difficulty i was having. I could feel my foot pressing on the break. Something seemed strange about the pedals of the car. I had not been able to control the car. I pressed the gas pedal, and the car accelerated quickly to the south, toward the end of the road. I could see the intersection at the end of the road not far ahead of me. I felt uneasy about speeding toward the intersection, so i put on the break again. I then put the car into reverse and backed up toward the house. Something was wrong with the car, and i felt that i did not have control over it. I pressed on the pedals again. I was now on the eastern shoulder of the road, trying to drive to the south. I pressed my left foot down on the clutch, realizing that this car actually had a clutch. I had my right foot on the brake, but i had to shift it to the gas. I started the car forward again, trying not to go too fast. I then thought that i should get to the house, which did not seem too far away. I had turned down this narrow road from the road to the south. I had been on my way to the other person’s house. The other person had been driving with me. I started the car moving forward again. Just as i did, i heard the sound of a police siren. I saw the blue and red flashing lights over the trees to the south of me. As i neared the intersection, the police car appeared from behind the trees to the west and drove past the road i was driving on. The car was driving on the other road. The police officer seemed to notice me approaching the stop sign, though, and slowed down suddenly. I thought that he might think that i was the car that he was after. I pulled up to the stop sign at the end of the street, glancing to the east to see where the police car was. It had stopped on the northern side of the road, just to the east of the intersection. I was very close to the back bumper of the police car. I ignored him, thinking that i only had a short distance to travel on this other road. I had turned north on the side road only a few meters from the driveway to house that i was staying at. I had been with $F4 when i was driving. I thought that i should come to a full stop at the stop sign, but i rolled forward slightly so that i could get a better view of the road. I turned to the west, noticing the dirt driveway just in front of me. I wondered if the police car would try to follow me. I turned to the north into the driveway. I was again having trouble seeing where i was going. I could make out a row of pine trees on the western side of the one-lane dirt driveway. I drove to the end of the row of trees and followed the driveway as it made a sharp turn to the west. I had been driving with $F4, and i was staying at the house here. As i turned, i noticed the red barn to the southwest of me. I pulled onto a cement slab behind it, where a few other cars were parked. I liked the way the barn looked, and i said to no one that i wanted a house with a large barn behind it. A white rope ran over the white cement slab to the north of the barn. The rope seemed to be a clothes line, but nothing was on it at the moment. I drove the car around some of the other cars that were on the slab, wondering where i should park. Two or three cars were in the middle of the platform, but i drove to the eastern side, thinking that it would be clear of cars. I saw two older cars parked along the southern end of the eastern side of the slab. I also noticed that the slab was now a half meter from the ground to the north of it on this end. I would have to be careful not to drive off of it. I drove toward the two parked cars. They were facing west, and i thought that they were cars that people did not use much. I could park in front of them, to the west of them and not block them in. I turned to the south instead, driving down the western side of the barn. I knew that many other people would be at the house, and i thought about $F4’s brothers. They would probably be at the party. I came to the southern end of the cement platform, which was flush with the southern face of the red barn. I could see the back yard of the house to the south of me. Many people were moving around the picnic tables there. The area was lighted with bulbs on strings over the area. People seemed to be having fun. I turned back to the north, wondering where to put my things. I had the small case with me. I had put it down on the ground to the south of me and grabbed the bicycle handles. I pulled the bicycle from the square case, wondering how it had been folded. $F4 was then approaching from the south. I said hello, thinking that i should not have taken my bicycle out of the box. I would not need it, and i should have left it packed up. I tried to push it back into the black case as i talked to $F4.

12019 July 05

I walked to the east, through the suburban neighborhood. It seemed like a nice day, and the sun was low in the sky. Someone had told me to go to the building, which i thought was somewhere to the southeast of me. I walked along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. A large lawn opened to the south of me, and i could see an old red brick school building. I thought that the place that i was supposed to go to was near the school building. I could not cross the school yard because of the tall chain-link fence to the south of me, so i walked to the eastern end of the block and turned to the south. I looked around at the buildings on the western side of the street. I knew that one of them must have been the building that i was looking for, but i was not sure which. I headed to the west, entering an old tan brick building. I came into a large lobby, which tall ceilings. Windows filled the upper halfs of the walls, making the room seem very open. I was not sure what i should do here. A few people were to the west of me, so i asked no one in particular where i should go. I said that someone had told me to come to this building for a reason. I mentioned the name of the school that i was supposed to be at. The man asked about the school, mentioning it by name. The name he mentioned seemed to start with a P or an A. I looked down at the white card that i had been carrying in my right hand. It seemed like a business card for a lawyer, and it had the same name that the man had mentioned. I told the man that this was what i was looking for. He told me that it was downstairs. People were walking around me now, and the room seemed very full. I walked to the north. A large square opening in the northern wall allowed me to look down over the atrium below. The room below seemed to be a large entryway, with gray terrazzo or marble floors. People moved across the floor from east and west. A black metal railing ran across the bottom of the opening. IT had a thick fake-leather pad along the top of it. Stairs ran down to the north on both the eastern and western sides of the large atrium. I would have to take the stairs down, but i did not want to take the time to get to the stairs, so i jumped over the railing. I knew that i would be able to fly down. I concentrated on slowing my descent as i fell to the floor. To my surprise, i descended much slower that i had thought i would. I landed very lightly on the floor and looked around. The area around me was a cafe area, and people were eating or drinking at small round tables. They were mostly to the south of me, near the western wall. This place seemed old and worn, but it still seemed nicely kept up. I started to do something here. I was then aware of a group of people coming into the room from the west. I turned to see them. People in the room were watching them as they came in. They were the cast of a Star Trek series. They were all dressed in their costume uniforms. I recognized one of them as Captain Janeway, even thought i thought that the rest of the crew was from The Next Generation. They walked around me, and i chatted with a few of them, talking about filming. I felt good here and seemed to be part of the group. The crew talked about problems with filming. The conversation sounded funny, but it felt good to chat with these people.

12019 July 10

I was cleaning up things in the kitchen on the eastern side of the house, which seemed like $P19. The kitchen was very large, and i moved between the large metal appliances. $A59 was in the room with me, to the northwest of me, and i talked to him as i cleaned. As i moved around, i started to move a glass bottle from the counter to the north of me, but i dropped it on the floor. I felt annoyed, and i stopped to lean up the broken glass on the floor. I moved to the north to get something to help me clean up the glass. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to finish so that i could do something. I had to get to the show. I would be performing in a show, which seemed to be somewhere to the northeast. I thought about the show, and i felt unsure and nervous about it. I wondered if i had rehearsed enough for it. I would have to play music, but i thought tat i could only play one song. I thought that i could focus on that song and not worry about the others. I then wondered if the song was all instrumental. If it were, there would be more focus on me. I was unsure of the performance, and i felt uncomfortable.

12019 July 11

I was in the house, which seemed like my parents’ farmhouse, and i had taken a shower. The shower was somewhere to the northeast of me, so i walked in that direction. I was walking toward the garage from the back room of the house. A car was parked in the driveway of my parents’ house, facing north. It was parked on the western side of the driveway. It was a small gray hatchback car, and it had square lines, like a car fro the eighties. As i approached the car, i noticed a clipboard and a set of keys on a ring on the floor of the car’s trunk. The hatchback had been left open. I knew that the maintenance man had been doing something in the garage, so i thought that he must have left the trunk of the car open. I took the clipboard and the keys, thinking that they should not be left out. I then thought that i should also take the small meter than was next to the clipboard. The meter looked like a square black plastic voltage meter. I then thought that i should not hold on to the meter. The other things belonged to my father, but the meter belonged to the maintenance man. I should give it back to him. I was then back in the house, facing northeast in the southwestern section of the back room. I told someone about the keys, feeling annoyed that they were left out where someone could have taken them. When i finished telling the person about the keys, i suddenly wondered what i had been doing before i had seen the keys. I could not remember why i was headed to the garage. I had wanted to shower, but the shower was not in the garage. I felt confused. I then headed to the north again. I was again outside the house, walking up the western edge of the driveway. The gray car was to the north of me, and i could see a small table with a round glass top just to the west of the car. The set of keys was on the top of the glass table. I felt annoyed, and i told my father that the keys were there. I stopped to the south of the table. I wanted the maintenance man to come and pick up the keys. I felt that he should correct his problems. I was then back in the house, moving around .I headed to the east, down a corridor of an apartment building. I was then in an apartment to the south of the corridor. The door to the corridor was to the northwest of me. I was in a long rectangular part of a room on the southern side of the apartment. The kitchen was on the eastern half of the room, and the exit doorway was in the eastern end of the northern wall. The kitchen area was currently dark, but a light from the windows on the western side of the room lighted the area. The western end of the room seemed to be a dining room. The western end of the room was open to another room to the north, with no dividing wall on the western side. A two or three meter length of wall separated the two rooms on the eastern side. I rounded the western end of the wall and stopped in the middle of the two rooms. The living room was on the northern side of the western end of the apartment. Windows were in the northern wall and the northern end of the western wall. I felt suddenly out of place here. This apartment belonged to $A460. She did not know that i had entered, though. I felt uncomfortable, and i wondered why i was here. I had just entered the apartment, but i was not sure why. I did not want $A460 to know that i was here. I looked to the east-northeast, at the bedroom door in the middle of the eastern wall of the northern half of the room. I thought that she must be in the bedroom; it still seemed to be early in the morning. I did not want her to catch me in her apartment, so i hurriedly left. As i walked out the door and turned to the west in the corridor outside, i remembered coming from the north and heading to the south on the city street to get here. I had turned to the east as i ascended the stairs in the narrow stairwell of the apartment building. I had then headed south into the apartment. I thought about this, and i again found myself standing in the middle of the apartment. Things seemed different this time, but i was still not sure what i was doing here. I then noticed the dresser against the northern wall of the southern half of the room, to the east of me. I had been standing between the northern and southern sections of the western end of the large room. As i headed back toward the exit door, i noticed the dresser. It was an old wooden dresser, made of a light wood. It had a light-colored stain finish. It came up to my chest level, and the second drawer down was broken. The front of the drawer was cracked and falling off. I stopped to look more closely at it. Something seemed strange. $K1 was then in the apartment. I was surprised to see her. She had come out of the bedroom on the eastern side of the northern room. I thought that she must have broken the dresser. Other members of my family were not in the room.

12019 July 12

I was with the group of people in the wide corridor of the hotel. We headed to the west, into the hotel room. Inside, people were talking about the noise. I had headed to the harsh whistling noise earlier. It came in long tones with breaks between. I thought that it must be someone outside the room calling for an animal. It sounded like a distorted whistle. The tone stopped just as i was headed for the window in the western wall. I could see birds sitting in various places outside the window. None of them looked large enough to produce the south that i had heard. The lawn outside seemed to be surrounded by trees and thick vegetation. I then noticed the small fluffy animals that were standing on the lawn. They were pear shaped, with dark-gray fur all over their bodies and a thin bill near the top. They had bright yellow patterns on their sides that looked like butterflies. I stared at the animals, and i was aware that everyone in the room with me was also watching the animals move across the ground. They had come from the southwest and were moving to the northeast. The grassy area to the west of us now seemed to be inside the room that we were in, and the forest scene seemed brighter and less realistic. A man to the south of me crouched down and pet one of the animals on the ground. I felt fascinated by them. $Z then walked to the northwest. He had been standing to the north of me. I then realized that a small brown or black animal was running toward me. It had come from near the large tree that was now to the west of us. To my surprise, i realized that the animal was a bear cub. I felt suddenly uneasy, thinking that the mother bear could be somewhere near us. It would be unsafe to be near the cub. The cub ran next to me and started rubbing its head against my right leg. I told the others that the mother bear might be mad that we were near her cub. I warned them that we could be in danger. I backed away from the animals and started heading to the southwest. I thought that we had to get out of this place before the angry bears came. A metal elevator door was in the southern wall of the room. I got into the elevator with $Z. As we walked through the door, $Z started talking to me. As we stopped inside, i heard the sound of a large bear. I felt nervous. The door was already closing, so i let it close. The metal wall to the east of the door had a black leaver on it. I moved the leaver so that the elevator would descend. We had to get out of this place. We were then moving around the large open field. We were heading to the west, along the northern side of the field. Many people were camped out in the field to the south of us. This seemed like a large international $G4 event. As i moved through the people, i realized that many of them were dressed like hippies. They wore simple shirts with cut-off sleeves and had long hair and bushy mustaches. I noticed some of the women in loose skirts. Several of the women that we passed were not wearing shirts. I then realized that the man i was with must have noticed me looking at the people. I thought that me must think that i was sexually interested in the women. I approached the western end of the small room, which was the field. I was still sitting as i came to a stop. A woman to the north of me came close to me. She seemed sexually interested in me, and she sat in my lap. I was still facing west, and she sat in my lap so that she was facing north. She put her right arm over my left shoulder, and she talked to me. I felt a little uncomfortable, and i told her that i already had someone. She said something about the person, and i said “he” to get the point across. She seemed disappointed that i was homosexual, and she stood up. A second woman then approached me, and she tried to seduce me. I then realized that the first woman was crying to the southwest of me. This seemed strange, and i was not sure what i should do. I turned to the east and headed away from them. I was in an underground passageway now. The cement walls were square, and the passageway was not well lighted. People were camped on both sides of the tunnel. I realized that these people lived here. They were moving around now, doing things. Some ragged cloths hung from various places.

12019 July 13

I moved back to the west a little. I was in the room with many other people. I stood on the western end of the northern side of the room with $G4. The center of the room seemed to be filled with chairs. Most of them seemed empty, but some had people in them. They were all facing south. Just to the south of me was a long wooden rectangular table. I was near the western end of it. I felt very close to some of the people around me, and i had been chatting with them. I then noticed that $A750 was in the room. She had come from the east and was walking down the aisle between the table and the chairs. I felt uncomfortable, but i wondered if she would notice me. She had her head down as she walked. I stood still and watched her for a moment. She crossed in front of me, heading west, but she seemed uncertain as to where should was going. I wanted to say something to her, but i felt uncomfortable. I then noticed $F76 standing to the southwest of me, near the western wall of the room. She was facing north, and the moved toward $A750 and asked her if she would pose for a quick photo. $A750 nodded without saying anything. $F76 moved toward her and put her hands on $A750’s shoulders. $F76 then positioned $A750 just to the west of me, pushing her back so that she was near me. I realized that $F76 had probably convinced $A750 to come here. She was trying to get us back together. $F76 backed up a little as if to take a photograph. $A750 then noticed that i was here. She said hello, and then she said that she had not intended to abandon me forever. I felt as though i missed her. She said something else about not intending to ignore me forever. I felt sad that we had not been together in a long time. I stood close to $A750 for a moment.

I was talking with the person about something. $Z, who was to the west of me, referred to the man to the southeast. He seemed familiar, but i could only see a silhouette of him as he stood there. $Z talked about him, describing some feature. The man seemed to have a thin outline inside the silhouette that traced the edges of his body. I then thought that he was wearing a helmet mask that made him look like Darth Vader. Something about the man was familiar, and it seemed as though we worked for him. We were then standing on the southern side of the room. I felt awkward here, but i moved with the other people as we headed to the east, along the southern side of the office area. We had come from the stairs to the southwest. I had been talking to the other person as we ascended the stairs. I had not been to this office in a while, and it seemed like $G6. The room was rectangular and narrow. I stopped about half way across the room, where a change in design of the walls and floor delineated the two sides of the room. To the east of me were offices. $A313 was standing just inside a doorway in the southern wall, to the southeast of me. She had started heading to the east, into the main part of the room, when someone had stopped her. She turned around. She seemed sad. I knew that someone she knew had died, and i felt sad for her. I wanted to comfort her, but i turned to the north and looked at the others in the office. The people were moving around. I spoke to several of them.

12019 July 14

I entered the bedroom from the door in the center of the northern wall. My bed was in the center of the western wall of the room, and i walked to the northern side of it. I was arranging something on the surface of the bed. The other man followed me into the room, and he started to ask me something. He seemed very uncertain about the question. I thought that he might be asking me if i was interested in dating him. He stumbled with his words as he moved to a small table on the western wall, just to the north of the bed. He seemed young. He wore a suit coat with a narrow tie. His face seemed familiar, and i thought that he was from $G3. He had wavy black hair and a rectangular face. I could see that he was trying to ask a question without really asking a question. He was looking for words to say something related to the question. I told him that he should just ask the question. He seemed surprised, and he asked me if i really wanted him to do that. I asked him if he was interested in dating me. He seemed nervous and upset about asking the question, but he nodded. He moved toward me. I hugged him, telling him that i was very flattered that he thought that i was sexually interesting. I then said “I’m currently with Pepe.”, and i told him that i would not be able to date him. I was leaning against the bed to the south of me. I was hugging the man, with my head to the west of his. He seemed very nervous and upset, and i held him for a while.

12019 July 15

I headed to the west, toward the train tracks, which ran east to west across the suburban neighborhood. We seemed to be in West Endicott near the old factories, at the end of Dickson Street. It was dark out, and i thought that the area of the tracks was now closed. The tracks had not been used in a very long time, but they were now blocked. I could see the orange construction fencing along the southern side of the track. It had tall weeds growing up through it. I felt disappointed that we would not be able to walk down the tracks. We used to be able to walk here in the past. I looked to the east, down the tracks. Poles now stuck up between the two sets of tracks. The area was wide now and very empty. A hill rose to the north and curved to the northwest of us. This place seemed abandoned. An old factory seemed to be to the south of us somewhere. I thought that we should probably not be here. I wanted to return to this place, though. I felt sad that i could not do it. I remembered walking on the tracks to the west before. They left the dirty factory area and headed into the narrow valley between the two tall hills on the north and south. The railbed seemed very wide here, as though it were made for four or five sets of tracks. Several people seemed to be with me, but they had wandered in various directions. I then noticed $K3 to the north of me. She headed across the tracks, toward the road that ran along the base of the northern hill. Small old houses sat on the northern side of the road, in the hillside. $K3 was wearing a trench coat as she slowly walked. I thought that she should not be there. She would get in trouble for walking across the tracks this time. My mother was with me now, and it was getting dark out. The sky was gray, with only a little light from the west. The area around us was illuminated with the lights from the buildings and cement structures near us. A group of bicycle riders was then coming down the tracks from the west. The railbed now seemed to be a wide walkway. My mother and i moved to the south to get out of their way. I felt tense as i watched the bicyclers pass, thinking that they could be dangerous. I could tell that my mother was scared of their presence, and i told her that we should just ignore them and try to relax. I was aware that the bikers were circling around to the east of us now. I thought that there were actually two different groups of bicycle riders. They stopped on the tracks to the northeast of us and faced each other. I turned to the east, heading across the large room in the building. The room seemed like a gymnasium. The room was crowded with people in white T-shirts. They were all doing something together. I then saw the man to the southeast of me. He was smiling widely as he talked to the other people. He seemed very happy, and he was telling them things that seemed to have to do with fitness. He then mimed a shoveling motion, putting a shovel into the ground in front of him and tossing the dirt over his right shoulder, to the east. He was facing northwest. I thought that the people here were getting ready to do manual labor as their exercise. I moved to the southern side of the room, trying to get around the people. My parents had left to the west, but i had to get $K3 from the north. I wanted to tell her that we were leaving the area. I had trouble pushing through the crowd of people in the room, though. I headed to the east, exiting the old brick building and coming out into a paved yard outside. I would have to head north to find $K3.

I was riding on a train that was heading to the west. The car we were in seemed very open, with only a roof above us and no apparent walls. I stood on the northern side of the car, talking to the others. The woman to the north of me was explaining something, and i was looking at the window to the north, only partially listening. The window to the north curved outward, making it hard to see things clearly out the window. I tried to focus on the figure outside. I then realized that i should be paying attention to the woman, so i tried to listen intently to her. My focus instead turned back to the window. I decided that the window must be foggy, which was why i could not see clearly though it. I felt confused, thinking that i had understood why i could not see things clearly out the window before, but i could not understand the view now. I then realized that everything was moving quickly past the window to the north of me. I should have looked out the front window of the car to see a clear view of the land. I turned to the west. The front window of the train was very large. I could see a hill rising to the north. It had been nice to watch where we went the last time i was on this train, and i wanted to see the scenery again. The conductor then moved quickly past the window, inside the train. This seemed strange. He had come from the south, and i looked to the south to see where he had come from. I realized that the front of the train was now to the south of me. This surprised me. A short set of stairs descended from the end of the central aisle of the train, ending on a small landing between the front door of the train car and the driver’s seat, which was on the eastern side of the train. The dark-gray leather conductor’s seat was now empty, and i knew that the train was still moving very quickly. I looked out the window, realizing that we were at the end of the line. I felt panicked, thinking that the train would crash into the platform at the end of the rails. I could not see the platform in front of us, though. I thought that the train must have gone up the stairs above the platform, and it must have been in the air now. I felt worried, and i wondered what i should do. I thought that we would fall over the end of the station. Someone was then talking about the crash. The voice seemed to be coming from a radio or television report. The others and i walked to the south, out of the train. The large white tractor-trailer was to the north of us, and it was tipped over on the side of the road. I looked down at the small blue bag that was on the ground to the south of the truck. The bag was actually our train car. I had been in the train wreck, but i was okay now. I crouched down to look through the wreckage of the train. I had a blue bag that i wanted to get out. I thought that my keys were in the bag, so i had to find them. I looked to the west, seeing the rest of the train cars tipped over and partially crumpled on the tracks. The train had two decks. The windows and sides of the metallic train cars were scratched and damage. It looked like the cars had scraped along something rough. $F71 seemed to be with me at the moment as i looked through the junk on the ground. I thought that i had to find my bag. It was not on the ground near me, so i walked to the north, into the white bus. The bus was tipped, and the luggage rack that would normally have been on the roof was near the ground. I checked under the rack for my bag, but it was hard to see. The inside of the train car was dark, and my eyes felt strained to see. I felt annoyed.

12019 July 16

The dog ran to the east, down the dimly lighted hallway of the building. A window or door to the east let light into the hallway. The dag was a small tan dog, which looked like some kind of terrier. $K4 was to the north of me as i walked to the south, into the center of the western end of the corridor. I knew that an exit was at the eastern end of the corridor, and i worried that the dog would get out. The dog ran to the south at the eastern end of the corridor, heading into the kitchen. I told $K4 that the dog light get outside, and i hurried down the hall east. I stopped at the eastern end of the hallway. $K4 was following me. I felt confused. I could see a steep set of white wooden steps going up to the north. I knew that the stairs went outside, but i thought that i id not see the dog run up the stairs. I still felt that the dog would get out, but it did not make sense to me. I remembered seeing the dog run to the southeast, into the kitchen. I could not understand why i felt afraid that the dog had gone outside. I headed into the kitchen to the south to look for the dog. The outside light, which filtered in through the windows over the sink that was on the eastern, lighted the small room. I had entered through a doorway that was in the western side of the southern wall. A refrigerator was just to the east of the door. I could not seethe dog in the rom, and i wondered if the dog had left the house through some door in the kitchen. I could not see any door, and the kitchen seemed to be mostly underground, so there would have to be a stairwell leading up to the sidewalk outside. I thought that the dog must have backtracked; it must have come back out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs in the hallway. It seemed to be the only way that the dog could get outside, and i was sure that the dog had gotten out o the house. I told the woman in the hallway that i would look for the dog. I turned to the north. I now seemed to be on the roof of the building. The area around me was mostly open, and a stone pavilion or gazebo was to the north of me. The sunlight here was golden, making everything seem warm and nice. The buildings around me were much taller than the one i was on, so the sunlight illuminated the rood indirectly. Low stacks of items seemed to be on the roof around me. They seemed like plants or crates of fruits and vegetables. I headed toward the railing that ran along the northern side of the roof. The woman was to the southeast of me as i started moving. I passed into the pavilion, which was in the center of the roof. Four pillars that seemed to be made of stone supported it, and it had a rounded dome roof that seemed to be two tomes on top of each other. As i ran through the center of the domed structure, i noticed more piles of objects to the east of me. I then focused on the railing to the north of me. As i approached, i felt nervous about going over the edge. I knew that i could fly, but i was hesitant. I floated over the railing and looked down at the street below. The street seemed far below, but it only looked like four or five stories below me. The sidewalks had stacks of food on them. It seemed like the crates of food were for sale in a market. I could see people moving around. I then noticed the rats to the west of directly below me. Fiver or so rats were walking to the west, between a stack of crates and the stone wall of the building i had been on. I watched them move for a moment as i descended toward the street. I thought that i had a view of the street that most people did not have. Something about the place reminded me of a foreign country, i though that this street was somewhere in England. I swooped to the west at street level and then turned to the south, passing through a square opening in the stone wall of the building. I entered into a cubical room of a small shop. Tables of items were on the three interior walls of the room, and cloth curtains draped from the ceiling, making the place look like a stereotyped Middle Eastern setting. The room seemed crowded with items, but no people seemed to be in the room. I then noticed the Great Dane sleeping under the table on the western side of the shop. It was lying on its side with its head facing south. I thought that i should tell $K4 about the dog. I stood in the middle of the rom, looking at the counter to the west. This place was a pub. I liked the way it looked, and i thought that i should come here to have a drink sometime. I started to move to the south again, and i knew that the pub was now on the eastern side of the building. This place still seemed to be in a foreign land, and i was a foreigner here. I felt good here, though. I wanted to buy something, but i knew that i did not have any of the local currency. A man to the east of me stepped toward me from one of the tables. This room was now crowded with people. The man extended his right hand and gave me two coins. He told me to make a bet. I was not sure that i should be spending the coins gambling, but i put one of the coins down on the small square table to the northeast of me. Something happened, and i realized that i had lost the bet. I thought that i was silly to try, but i know that the man had given me the coins so that i would bet, and i felt obliged to bet both coins. I put the second one down, thinking that this must be some kind of scheme. I felt disinterested in the game, so i started to turn to the south. The man then said that i had won. I thought that he was trying to draw me in to something, so i tried to ignore him. I continued to the south. I felt cautious, thinking that the people here might be upset with me for not playing the game. I looked over my right shoulder at the bar along the western wall. No one was watching me. I continued to the south, feeling that i had to leave. The area around me still felt nice, though. I liked this town, which seemed to be in a foreign land.

12019 July 18

I was talking to $F71 on the southern side of the large field of tall dry grass. We had been out walking, and we had come from the college area, which seemed to be just to the south of us. I looked to the northwest, at the green rolling hills in the distance. I wanted to go hiking on the trails to the west or northwest. I started running to the northwest, leaving $F71 behind. I moved over the rough terrain until i got to the short cliff of exposed sedimentary rock, which looked like shale. To the west of me was a wide shallow body of water. It seemed like a stream, but it formed a pool to the west of me. The short cliff overlooked the stream. The stream flowed down some small falls from the north. It then flowed to the east from the pool. I would have to cross to the south of me, where rocks stuck up from the water. I was now holding my running shoes in my left hand. I did not want to get them wet, so i was carrying them. I hesitated on the northern shore of the creek, trying to figure out how to cross without getting wet. The rocks under me were wide and flat, and several smaller rounded rocks stuck up fro the water in the middle of the stream. I thought that i should throw my shoes across the stream to the south so that i did not have to carry them. A man was then on the southern shore of the creek. I told the man to catch my shoes, and i then tossed the shoes toward him. I watched the grey sneakers cross the stream. The man tried to catch them, but he knocked the right shoe into the water. He did not seem to try too hard to catch them. I felt annoyed with the man. He stood for a moment before he reached down to pick up the shoe. I thought that he did not really care that the shoe was getting wet. The shoe had sunk under the water before the man grabbed it and pulled it out. I crossed the stream and started climbing up the rocks on the southern side. The southern shore seemed to be a short cliff of loose small boulders. The rocks seemed unstable, and i felt that i had to be very careful. The way seemed treacherous. People were now around me, and i was moving on a flat surface. I still felt upset and annoyed with the man who would not catch my sneakers. I hurried to the north and walked along the area where the people were. They seemed to be standing in the walkway of an old college building. The walls seemed to be made out of stone, and they seemed to arc overhead. The square room where the people were seemed to be a central hub of the building. I was walking down one of the wings now, heading east. I passed through a doorway and came into a long room with a high peaked ceiling. The walls and ceiling seemed to be covered with wood boards, which were lightly stained and polished. This room seemed like an old library, but it did not have any obvious books in it. The side walls of the room were less that three meters tall, and they had narrow tall arced windows in them. As i walked down the eastern side of the room, to the east of a long wooden table, i looked at the small wooden seats and desks that were built into the walls around the windows. Something about the imagery seemed very familiar. I imagined that people used to study here when this was a library. The woodwork seemed very nice, and i felt comfortable here. This place felt special, and i liked it.

12019 July 20

I was talking to someone at the place, but i had to head back to where we had come from. I left the person and some other people and headed to the south. I was driving down a street on the outskirts of the small city. The center of town seemed to be to the west or southwest of me somewhere. The buildings around me were close to the road, but they did not seem more than two or three stories tall. I remembered being on this road as we drove to get to where we were, and i was looking around at the building to see if i recognized them. They seemed familiar, but i was not absolutely sure that i was on the correct street. As i drove, i noticed the wide street that crossed the one i was on. The street ran to the west-southwest, and i thought that it was one of the main roads toward the center of town. We had come from the southeast before, but we had taken a highway to somewhere south of us. I remembered crossing the east-to-west highway before entering the city streets to the north of the highway. I remembered crossing other main streets of the city. I thought that i would have to find a street that ran due east and west and turn to the west. After a few blocks, i would then turn to the south to head across the highway. I came to an intersection with a main road, but it did not seem to be the correct one. I told the others that we would go through the intersection and take the next main intersection. We wanted to stay on the main route through town. I thought that this was Route 38 or Route 36, the road that i would have to take a right on to head west. At the next intersection, i turned to the west and headed down the main street of the city. Shops and brick buildings were now on both sides of the street. The place looked familiar, and i thought that i recognized it. I knew that this city was to the northwest of where i had come from. I then recognized the tall modern building to the west of me, on the southern side of the street. It was rusty brown, with alternating rows of brown stone and glass. It looked like a building designed in the 1970s. I knew that it was near where i had to turn, so i turned to the left, just in front of the building. As i started down the street, i was passing under part of the building, which spanned the road. A wide sidewalk was on the western side of the street, and few people seemed to be around. I was riding my bicycle now. Cars seemed to be moving around the eastern side of me as i slowly pedaled down the open area. I then noticed a large square opening in the cement wall to the west of me. As i passed it, i spotted four people to the southwest, walking abreast with their arms over one another’s shoulders. They were coming out of a small alcove in the southern end of the western wall of the square cement room that was through the opening near me. They were singing in harmonies, and it sounded nice. I realized that they were gathering for a song. They were wearing light-colored clothing that had bright patches of small shapes. The clothes looked like fashions from the early 1980s. The man on the left of the group had brown bushy hair and denim overalls. They seemed ragged, and i thought that they were street people as they passed out of sight behind the cement wall to the west of me. I felt wary of them, but i was interested in the music that they might be doing. I wanted to hear the song. I thought that it was very creative. I had already passed the opening, but i stopped and turned my bicycle around. The street that i had been on was now a flat wide walkway of cement paving stones. I rolled back slowly, looking into the opening to the west of me. I was aware that the street around me now seemed empty and abandoned. I felt uncomfortable in this area, but i wanted to see the music. I then wondered if this was a dangerous place for me to stop, and i started to feel unsafe near these people. I passed the opening in the wall and turned back to the south so that i could move past it slowly. As i approached the opening, i heard people arguing. I thought that someone must have been fighting in the alcove. I wondered if it was something that happens regularly here. I did not want to get in the middle of it, but i looked into the alcove as i passed the opening again. A man was standing near the opening, facing west. He was wearing a tight red T-shirt, and he had his arms up, flexing his biceps. His back seemed very wide and muscular. I was not sure if he was trying to intimidate the others to the west of him or if he was showing off to them, but i did not want to stop to interrupt. I continued to the south, unsure of what to do. I then heard the man yell at me as i passed. I thought that they were trying to bring me into their fight. I pretended that i did not hear him and continued to the south. The man yelled after me. He was trying to argue with me, but i thought that i should not engage him and continue riding. He wanted to fight me, but i was not interested. I thought that i could move away more quickly than he could run because i was on a bicycle. I would have to turn to the east on the other main street, which was only a block away, so i thought that i would be out of the man’s sight soon, and he would forget about me.

I was in the water of the large lake with others from $G4. $F57 was standing to the west of me. I seemed to be up to my chest in the water, but i was not swimming. I was standing on a log, which was under the water. I spoke to $F57 about something. Others were in the water around us, and we all seemed to be floating to the south. I stepped back to the north a little as the log under me tipped. I leaned back against the wooden structure that was sticking out of the water behind me. $F57 walked along the log a little, heading farther to the south. Others were still on the log to the east of me. The people then started moving to the south, out into the lake. We were on a structure that was floating, but still under water. The raft under us was moving slowly to the south. The shore was very close to us, to the east of us, and it seemed to have a very narrow sandy beach and a steep slope of weeds or trees. The large wooden structure to the north of me was attached to our raft, and we were towing it to the south. I was now reclined on the inflatable raft, and i was drifting to the south with the others. They were paddling faster than i was moving. I glanced back at the wooden structure behind me, which seemed to be part of a house made of logs that were strapped together. I thought that we should not be towing the structure behind us. It should have been left where it was. I pointed this out to the others, feeling worried that we were moving it. The land to the east of us ended in a narrow point, and we started floating to the east. I thought that this land was a peninsula and that it had a long bay on the eastern side of it. I could see the mainland to the east of us. We turned around the point of the cape and started heading toward it. I thought that it was very strange that we were towing the square thing, and i hoped that no one got upset with us. As we rounded the point and started heading more to the northeast, i noticed a large house to the west of us. It was right at the edge of the water, near the tip of the peninsula, and it faced east, over the water. The bottom floor of the building seemed to be a boathouse, and it had a wide wooden deck extending out over the boathouse from the main part of the house. The large brown wooden house seemed rather fancy. It was surrounded by trees, which towered over the house itself. The deck had a group of men on it. They were all shirtless, and they seemed to be having a party. I focused on one man who was standing near the southern side of the deck. He was facing northwest, toward his friends, and he wore a white baseball cap on his head. He was skinny, but he had a nice muscle build, with nice detail. He was doing some kind of exercise with rubber tension bands as his friends watched. I felt interested in the exercise, and i wanted to watch him do it, but he stopped before i could turn to see fully. I then realized the other men had turned their attention to us and the structure that we were pulling. I knew that they would think that we should not be pulling the structure. I could hear some of them comment on the structure, and i thought that they would probably call the police and report us. We started heading to the north, around the point. I saw some other men come out onto the deck. I then noticed a man in a tight red T-shirt. The men were making comments at us, and the man in red lifted his arms and flexed for us. He had a nice muscle build. I then realized that he was not the man who had been working out with the tension bands; he was bigger and more muscular. The muscled man then looked over the edge of the deck to the south at the others who were floating with me. I lost sight of him, but he seemed concerned about the structure that we were towing. I looked back to the north as we started to float north, into the bay. I worried that we should not be towing the thing. The town was on the northern end of the eastern shore of the bay, and i thought that the people there would not want the large structure towed into the bay.

12019 July 24

I entered the room from the west and stopped in the center, just to the north of the square pedestal. This place seemed like a bathroom, and i had to urinate. I turned to the south and urinated into the metal bowl that was recessed into the top of the white pedestal. I then realized that i was in the middle of an open room, and i was aware of someone outside to the west of me. I heard the sound of a person, and i wondered if i should cover myself up. I remembered that people were interested in penis size. I thought that mine would be short because i was urinating. I would have to be partly erect to be larger. I wondered why the person to the west would be interested in my penis. I was still urinating over the basin when i realized that my penis was actually rather long. I looked down. I had been holding it in my left hand over the basin, but it seemed too long, so i had to tip the end downward so that i could still urinate in the metal sink. It seemed to be around two decis long and about four centimeters thick. This seemed strange. I was holding up the middle of it, and it sagged between my waist and my left hand. It looked like a thick hose, and it reminded me of an elephant trunk. This seemed very strange. I hoped that the person did not see me like this. It seemed strange. I then turned to the west and headed toward the door in the western end of the room. As i reached the western end, i was in the Ag Quad. I stopped in front of the square opening between Kennedy Hall and Roberts Hall. $F72 had come from the southwest with the other person. As i approached her, the other person continued to the northeast. I started chatting with $F72. She was wearing a tan robe with a hood over her head. I thought that it was some kind of burka, and i mentioned this to her. She turned her face to me, and i could see that her face was entirely covered. The hood was shaped like a bonnet, and the front of it was a flat surface that i could not see through. The entire dress was various shades of tan with patches that blurred into off-white. The pattern seemed floral, with large patches of color. The flat surface over her face was mostly tan. I joked with her about something, and then i mentioned the burka. I got closer to the face mask, which now had two slots for the eyes. I knew that she had to be able to see. As we walked to the northeast, i noticed that the face mask actually had a picture of a face on it. I moved to the north of her as we walked, and i asked her if she could put makeup on the eyes of the mask. I said that she could be very decorative. I then asked if this would be considered blasphemy. We said that it should not be, because the makeup was on the mask and not on her eyes, but i wondered if it would be offensive to others to have it on the garment.

12019 July 26

I was in the small room on the northwestern side of the building. The rectangular room was longer east to west, and it had a table along the northern side. Some people were sitting around the table. We had been visiting this place. I moved to the western side of the room and then carried something back to the east. A large black bison was standing in the room to the east of me. It was someone’s pet. I felt wary of it and tried to stay away from it as i walked toward the door of the room. As i left the room, i would have to turn to the south and head down the wide corridor of the building. I knew that the bison was not dangerous, but i felt cautious around it. I headed to the south, into the large room. The others were also visiting the house. We had all been there for a while. The large dark-colored dog was now on the floor in the center of the room. A man was getting ready to go, but he was chatting with some of the people to the northeast of him. He stood on the southwestern side of the group. I could see the toddler curled up with the large dog. The dog seemed like a mastiff. The dog was facing north, and a few people were standing to the north and northeast of it. I started to walk along the western side of the dog when i noticed the pale face of the young boy stick his head out from between the dog’s back legs. He had a pale-blue shirt on and he looked like a baby. His blond hair was thin and mostly in the center of his head. He started to stick his head out when, suddenly, the man slapped the top of the boy’s head. He yelled at the boy for misbehaving. He then slapped the dog. I made an audible sound of objection to the man’s actions. I scowled at the man. I was aware of $F71 standing to the northwest of me, and i suddenly felt uneasy for criticizing the man. I knew that it was inappropriate for me to tell him how he should treat his child. I felt bad for the child, though, and i was upset that the child had been treated so harshly. I continued to the southwest, feeling bad. I thought about the child and how he might become mean when he gets older. He would be more difficult to raise. I entered the room to the southwest, which was a rectangular room. I started doing things in the room. I then headed to the west, entering the room on the northwestern side of the building again. I felt upset, thinking that something needed to get done. I walked to the western side of the room. People were sitting on the northern side of the table that was along the northern wall. I did something on the counter that extended from the northern wall on the western end of the room. A man was standing behind the counter. I could not stop thinking about the boy. Someone here asked about when something was supposed to get done. I felt angry. I looked at the three people at the table. A woman was sitting on the eastern end of the northern side. She had short blond hair and an oval face. She sat with a slight hunch. I said that we could leave if something had been done. I implied that i was waiting for someone to do something. I felt upset, and my words stressed that we had to wait, implying that the person was not doing what they should have been doing. The woman at the end of the table knew that i was talking about her. I grabbed a metal bowl from the table and threw it to the east to stress my anger. I wanted things to get done, but i could not do them by myself. I turned to head back to the west. The large bison was again standing just to the south of the table. It was really the large dog. I left the room, thinking that the bison would follow me down the hall. I did not want it to follow me, so i crossed the hallway and walked into the open closet. The door had been opened to the north, so i pulled the door shut. I thought that the bison would walk past me and head down the hall to the south. I waited for a moment, looking out through the space between the door and the door frame. The dog had stopped just outside the door. It seemed indecisive. Frustrated, i opened the door. I had been carrying something for the dog. I remembered that this dog had been with the boy, and i still felt upset about the boy. I hoped that he did not become angry and bitter as he grew up. The dog might become the same way. The dog lied down on the floor in the center of the hallway. As i walked over its back end, i dropped the snack that i had been carrying in my hand. The snack seemed to be part of a granola bar. The dog saw it fall and quickly sniffed around under its paws for it. The dog seemed very nice, and i was glad that it was not angry about being abused. I was aware of the people to the northwest of me as i bent over to pet the dog. I felt upset about the dog and the boy.

12019 July 27

I had been running through the city with the other people. The city seemed very old, with short pale buildings. It was a sunny day, with a bright blue sky, and it seemed to be near evening. We had finished our run on a wide boulevard, with a grassy median in the center. The street ran to the south-southwest from where we were, but curved to the southwest as it descended the long shallow hill into the lower part of the city. I felt good here, and i talked with the others as we walked down the hill on the southeastern sidewalk. The tan adobe buildings around us seemed to be shops, and cars were parked along the street. I thought that i would have to walk a little ways to get back to my car, which was parked somewhere else in the city. We had not stopped running where we had started. I remembered that we had started at the top of a hill, and we had run down from the hill, which now seemed to be to the northeast of us. I remembered parking my car on the boulevard, picturing the street and the buildings in my mind. I thought about the first part of our run. We had left the high part of the city and run down a long series of steps that descended a hillside. The steps descended roughly to the southwest. I could see the steep hill in my memory. It had many old buildings on it, and it looked very nice. An old gray building was in the center of the hill, and the steps ran around it, descending on both the southeast and northwest sides. I looked around the city as i walked down the hill i was now on. I could not see any structures that looked like what i remembered. I was not really sure where that building was, but i would have to retrace my steps in order to get back to my car. I thought that i should ask the others were the start of the run was. I looked up the street to the northeast, noting that no traffic was coming. I had seen that the street was empty to the southwest, so i ran across the lanes, crossing the median in the middle. I thought that the others were in one of the buildings on the side of the street. They were stopping for food after the run. I went into the buildings and started talking with the others. The others were talking about the celebration. I looked to the west, across the lawn near us. It was dark now, but i could see the curve of the land. We were on a grassy lawn that was on top of a rounded hill. Tall pine trees ran along the western edge of the lawn. The others were talking about shooting off fireworks. They said that they should have set them off already. I moved to the west a little, moving out into the open grassy area. Many of the others were to the south of me, in the large house that was up a long gradual hill from where i was. The house seemed to be two stories tall, but it seemed very large. It had a wide deck that ran along the northwestern side. Some of the people seemed to be on the deck of the house. The land sloped down steeply to the north and west, and i could see the lake below to the north and northwest. A bay seemed to be to the west. The lake seemed to be about fifty meters below us. Rounded mountains rose along the northern and northwestern sides of the lake. This place reminded me of the Adirondacks. I told the others that we should shoot the fireworks off over the lake. It would keep them out of the way of the buildings and pine trees. As i looked down at the light reflecting off of the lake water to the north, though, i noticed the silhouette of pine trees in front of me. I could not see the trees, but they were blocking part of my vision. I thought that they would be in the way of the fireworks, so i suggested that we move to the west a little. I glanced back to the south, catching a red streak rising up from the house and arcing to the west. The others must be impatient, and they must be shooting some of the firework rockets up from the house. I felt annoyed with them, thinking that they were going to hit something. I looked back to the north, over the lake as i moved to the west. I was looking for an opening in the trees that would allow us clearance for the rockets. The western end of the northern side of the lawn and the very northern end of the western side seemed to be clear of trees. This would be a good spot to launch fireworks from. A few of the others had been following me, and i pointed out the clearing to them. I looked down the hill to the west, watching the narrow distinct waves on the water. A small gray boat was moving quickly to the north on the water. It looked like a small cruise ship, and i thought that it must be a tourist boat. It seemed to be moving abnormally fast over the waves, so i mentioned this to the others. The other person to the northeast of me agreed. It was dark out, but the lake water seemed to have glare shining off of the waves, even though the glare was not bright. It looked like a picture that had been taken in bright sunlight but then darkened with overexposure to make it look like night. I then noticed a larger ship out in the bay to the west. Something about the large boat did not seem right. It was moving, but it seemed to be moving sideways faster than it was moving forward. I started to feel uneasy, thinking that something was wrong. I backed away to the east. I started to feel worried about what i had seen. The others left the room through the door that was in the center of the eastern wall. I had walked along the northern wall of the room until i reached the tan eastern wall. The center of the room was filled with a long rectangular pool of water. The tiled floor was only about two meters wide on all sides of the pool. I looked at the waves on the surface of the water in the pool. The water was moving to the east, as though the pool was tipping. I suddenly realized that the boats were not actually moving that fast. The water of the lake was moving to the east or northeast. Something seemed very wrong. I thought that an earthquake must have caused water to move. I leaned against the northern wall of the room as i watched the water in the pool. The water seemed to be tipping to the east. As i leaned against the wall, i could feel the slow oscillation of the quake. The others hurried to the east to get out of the room. I told them that we should get out of the room, but they were slow to leave. I told them that it would be better if we were not underground. The room that we were in seemed to be under the large open field that i had been in. I thought that it would be unsafe to be in an underground chamber when a quake hit. I ran to the east and stopped in the doorway. I remembered that doorways were usually safe places to stay. I then noticed that my mother was sitting in the red fake-leather couch that was against the east wall of the corridor to the east of me. I wanted to tell her that the quake was happening, but i stood in the doorway. I could feel the walls shake, and i was waiting for them to stop.

12019 July 28

I had been staying in this house with the other people, but it was morning, and i felt that it was time to go. I felt a little awkward staying as long as i had done, but i knew that i should be leaving this place. Something was not quite right, though. Others were supposed to have come. I was in the room on the western side of the narrow house, which seemed like a double-wide trailer home. I had come here for the weekend with $G4, but the people here seemed like a family of a friend of mine. I spoke to someone to the southeast of me, who seemed like the father of the family. Another man was standing to the east of me. I then turned and headed to the west, exiting the building. I came down a set of stairs from a small square deck that was on the eastern side of the building. I stood to the south of the deck. The building seemed to have a basement level that was fully exposed on the western end of the building. The deck was a floor above my head, and the stairs ran diagonally down on the eastern side, descending to the north. I stood just under the southern edge of the deck, watching the shallow hill that rose toward the driveway and road to the northwest of the deck. I was expecting the other person to come. He seemed like a gym teacher or some other school official. I could see the weeds growing on the slope of the ground. I had to urinate, so i started urinating in the weeds under the deck. I then realized that i was standing very close to be the building. I thought that i should have gone into the surrounding woods to urinate. I hoped that the homeowners did not mind. I decided that it might be okay for me to urinate here because i was the only one who had done it and it would not produce too much of a smell. I looked around the dark landscape to see if anyone could see me. I hoped that i was not being rude. I then turned to the east and ended up back inside the house. The family seemed like $F4’s or $F10’s. I had to get going somewhere. I stepped to the south, entering the rectangular room through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. A desk was just to the east of me, and i picked up some of the things from it. These were the things that i had brought here for the weekend. I started packing them. I felt unsure of what i was doing, and i thought that i might be doing something i should not be. Men then entered the eastern side of the room. I greeted them as i gathered my things. The teacher came into the room, wearing a gray polo shirt with a dark blue collar. He stood with his hands on his hips as he spoke. I said that i was surprised to see him here. I had not seen him enter the room.

12019 July 29

We were talking about the stories, which seemed to be part of a television series. The stories were about things that happened in the city. One season dealt with the monster, another dealt with some science-fiction event. I thought that all of the stories centered around the large cube that was in the center of the city. I could see the cube to the east of me as we moved to the south. The dark cube was taller than the high buildings in the center of the city, and it seemed to have been dropped in the middle of the city. The edges of the cube seemed beveled inward, and they seemed to have a metallic sheen to them. The other person with me talked about the stories, and i realized that the cube was actually not part of a story. It was in a real city. It was just the source of the stories for the television show. I looked to the south as we moved between several buildings. We then started talking about the people who were having trouble. I felt concerned for the people. The man who was talking to the east of me moved to the north of me, and he described the people. The people seemed to be suffering from depression. The group of people was to the northwest of me as i turned around to look at them. I turned to the west first and then to the north. A friend of mine had walked from the northwest and stopped just to the west of me. I looked at the group as the man to the northeast described them. He seemed very serious, and i felt that he was separating the people unnecessarily. I looked at the small group of people, who had sat in chairs, facing south. Five or six people were in the front row, and the rows behind them had only two to four people. The people seemed to be sitting behind some kind of stands, as though they were ready to perform in a concert. The stands had roughly square metallic gray plates on the front of them. I realized that this group of people symbolized something. I mentioned this to the others. The man i knew sat down to the west of me as i said that the symbol of the group meant something. I was sitting now too. I pointed at the front row of people with my right hand, saying that they were the gifts that the man had arranged, but they were naked. The man to the east of me, who had been talking about the problems of the group of people, seemed unsure of what i was saying. I knew that he did not like having his ideas challenged. I said that the two on the western end and the second from the east were the gift cards that the man had put up, but they did not have their covers. The other two were some other kind of gift. I paused for a moment to think of what they were, but i eventually said something. They simply did not have the superficial features that they would normally have. The people sat behind the stands as i pointed out their features. They seemed to be waiting for something. I said something to the man to the west of me. He was someone that i had known. I knew that he had come from the group of upset people, so i asked him how he was doing to start a conversation. He said that he was doing well, but then added something that made it seem that he was not all that happy. I felt bad for him, and i asked him about it. He was $A380. I felt concerned for him, and i was aware that the other man, who had been talking about the depressed people, was still standing to the east of me. The man seemed to be a chaperon. $A380 then leaned toward me and kissed me. He seemed very tense and sad. He pulled back for a moment, but then pushed his lips against mine again and held them there. I kissed him back, aware that the man to the east was watching us. I thought that the man might be displeased by what we were doing, but i did not care. As i kissed $A380, i could feel his lips on mine. His lips felt very thin and stiff. They rubbed my lips as he kissed. The vehicle we were traveling on then turned to the west. I put my left arm around $A380, asking him about how he was doing. We said something about the new buildings of the college, which seemed to be to the southwest of us. He said that the college was building a lot of buildings. I noticed the tall white square brick smokestack to the southwest of us as we moved. It seemed to have letters painted on it. It was referred to as a tower, and $A380 said that he wanted to go to the top of the tower to get to his car. I felt upset by this, thinking that he meant that he wanted to jump off of the tower. I tried to comfort him as we moved. I did not care if the man to the east was uncomfortable with us. I talked to $A380 as we curved to the south. It had been a very long time since i had seen him, but i still felt close to him. We were walking through the large department store now, and we had gone in the wrong direction. I looked around, realizing that i had followed $A380 into a section in the center of the store. This area had tall shelfs that blocked the view of the rest of the store. I was unable to see where we were in relation to the rest of the store. I knew that we had to head to the south down the western side of the store. We had been on the northern side, but we had walked to the south, into the crowded block of items. I spoke to $A380 as i led him to one side of the area, trying to get back out. As we came out of the area, i noticed that we were again standing to the north of the section. Two people stood behind a courter to the north of us, and several others moved back and forth down the aisles and around the things in the store. We headed to the west and then to the south, walking around the confusing section of items. I talked with $A380 as we walked, mentioning my car. The area that we were walking through was open now, and it had rolling pink surfaces on the floor. As we passed over them, i said that i should take my car here to be cleaned. These surfaces had something to do with cleaning a car. He walked just ahead of me now as i looked down at a section of the uneven pink surface. The surface had thick black hairs in an ever pattern across it. The hairs were bristles that could scrub something. I thought about a cat, but i knew it was for a car. I noticed that the bristles were worn down, though, and i mentioned this to my friend. I wondered if the surface would still work to clean things. I then realized that a man was sitting in the middle of the corridor. I knew him, and i stopped to say hello. My friend had walked to the south a little before stopping to turn around. He was now to the southwest of me. The man sitting was to the northwest of me and was closer to me. I greeted him, complimenting him. He was John Stewart. He seemed very short as he looked up at me and smiled. I told him that i admired everything that he had done, and i told him that i hoped he felt better.

12019 July 31

I descended the stairs to the north, thinking about the large spider. I had been thinking about the spider for a while. There was a person to the northeast of me, and the spider was to the north of me. The spider had a tan rounded abdomen and long thin tan legs. It looked like a regular house spider, but it was more than a meter tall. I wondered if the spider would attack someone. I imagined that it would bite someone in the leg. It would not be able to defeat a human, but it could inject venom and wait for it to work. I imagined that the man would have a gun and could shoot the spider to keep it away. I thought about this story in a few different ways. The stairs i was descending were in a cement stairwell on the northern side of the building. I turned to the south at the landing and headed into the living room of the house. My grandfather was sitting to the east of a round table to the south of me, in the southeastern corner of the room. My father’s mother was standing to the north of him. She was to the east of me as i stopped in the middle of the room. I had been staying in the house for a few days to recover. I felt anxious, thinking that i would have to eat something. I was not sure what to do. I kept thinking about the situation with the man and the spider. My father’s mother talked to me, trying to get me to decide on something.