12020 July 02

I lay on the bed, which as on the eastern wall of the room. It seemed to be in the morning, and i was still partly asleep. $A645 was sleeping to the north of me, and she had her arm around me. My head was to the east, and i was facing south, but my feet seemed to be slightly to the northwest. I rolled over, feeling that i should hold $A645. I rolled on to my right side and put my left arm over her torso. I was looking up at the ceiling, but i could see the blankets that covered her to the north of me. The person then spoke to me, and i realized that it was a man’s voice. $A645 must have left the room early in the morning, and someone else must have come into bed with me. I lifted my arm, thinking that i probably should not be hugging someone i did not know. I wondered who he was. He then spoke again, and i realized that he was $F10. I wondered why he was here. I then felt that it was very good to have him here. He rolled over on his back and stretched his arms over his head, to the southeast of him. He seemed very slender. I put my left arm back over him and hugged him tightly. It felt very good to be with him. I then moved my legs to the north so that i was lying on the eastern side of him. I thought that we could lie here fro a while, but i started to feel a little uncomfortable. I would have to find a slightly different position so that we could sleep a little longer in each other’s arms.

12020 July 03

I ran to the southeast, heading away from some of the other people in $G4. I could see some white marks on the ground to the southeast of me, so i thought that the trail might run across this part of campus. The others had started searching for trail to the west. I hoped that i was coming in the correct direction. We had come from the north. We seemed to be on the northern side of a college campus. The area to the southwest seemed to be a garden of some kind. The grass was to the north of a rounded bed of low shrubs and ground cover. The dark pine-like shrubs grew low to the ground in the curved bed, and the grass curved between the eastern end of the bed and another set of plants. The white marks seemed to follow the grass around the eastern side of the small garden area. I ran to the south instead, along the western side of the area, hoping that the trail curved around the eastern side and then headed back to the southwest. I thought that it could not go anywhere else because a building was to the south of the garden, and a cluster of vegetation was to the east. Someone then called from the west, and i wondered if the trail actually went in this direction. As i came to the south, i noticed a large mound of white flour on the ground just to the south of the low shrubs. A second pile was to the southeast of the first. I called to the others to let them know that i was on the trail. I stood looking at the pile for a moment. It seemed oddly large. The pile was about two decis wide and a deci tall. The top was uneven, as though rain had fallen on the flour. The center of the pile seemed to have sunk, and the upper edges tipped inward. I jogged to the south, looking for more flower. The gardens extended to the south, along the eastern side of the building. I did not see any more marks, but i was sure that the trail went this way.

12020 July 05

I was with the others in the urban area. The street seemed narrow, and the tall apartment buildings around us seemed dirty and worn. I was moving to the west with a group of people, who seemed like $G4, but i was lagging behind to look at something. I stopped in a doorway to building. We had been talking about the building, and someone was talking about ghosts. I stood in the doorway, looking up a steep long flight of stairs in a narrow stairwell. The stairwell was not well lighted, and the top of the stairs disappeared into the shadows. I felt uneasy, thinking that i should not be pursuing my curiosity here, but i felt something interesting here. An old woman seemed to be up the stairs, but we might have seen her before. I did not see her now. I headed up the stairs as someone stood in the doorway behind me. The woman seemed to be $K6. Something felt very unnatural here, and i was not sure what to do. I turned to the west and headed down the street, thinking that i had to catch up with the other. I was then with the others on the bus as we traveled to the west. I was sitting on the northern side of the bus, holding on to the bottom of a widow sill as the bus turned a corner to the north. I thought about someone outside the bus, and i pulled my hand in the window. I imagined an angry person who might slash the fingers of the hand with a knife. I then thought that the hand might simply be scraped against something outside the window.

I moved to the west, heading across my parents’ farmhouse. I had to get some things from my bedroom, which was on the third floor of the western side of the house. I stopped in the doorway in the northern side of the eastern wall, feeling cautious. The stairs leading up to the bedroom ascended to the west, ending at the doorway that i had entered. I moved to the west. A bed was against the western wall, with its headboard on the northern wall. The rectangular room ran to the south. I was getting some things from my bed, but i heard a noise from the southeast. It came from outside the house, and it sounded like a door closing. I suddenly remembered that i was supposed to let a man in. He was coming to the house for something. My parents had told me about him. I knew nothing about him, but i felt interested in him. I thought that he must have been waiting outside for a while. He must be in the front of the house now. I thought that maybe his car was parked to the southwest of me, and i imagined him walking to the door on the eastern side of the house. I would have to go downstairs to let him in, but i had to do something in the bedroom first. I felt embarrassed that i had forgotten about the man, but i felt that i did not want to rush to let him in. I headed down to get him, but he was inside the house now, and someone else was with him. I said hello to him. He was East Asian, and he had light-tan skin and short black hair. He stood to the southeast of me, smiling widely. He seemed very attractive. He wore a brown loose jacket that was unzipped on the front. He gestured with his left arm as he spoke, and he seemed very interesting. He said that he was going to stay here, and he asked about my bedroom. He seemed very forward. I moved to the west a little to show him my bedroom. He had said that he would be staying with me, and i thought that there was enough room on the floor on the southern side of the room. I thought that he wanted to sleep on a mattress on the floor. He asked if i would mind if he sleeped in my bed with me. This surprised me, but i was interested in having him sleep with me. He kept smiling widely as he spoke, inviting himself into my bed and implying that we could hold each other. I liked the idea, but i thought that i should not let him sleep with me. I said something to him, slapping my right hand onto his left arm as he started to turn back to the east. I grabbed his upper arm, realizing that he had a nice muscle build. It felt very nice, but i did not want to make it seem that i was groping him, so i pushed his arm around to face him to the east as we started to leave the room. He moved to the south of me and started chatting with the other person. I felt cautious of him. I then noticed $A645 sitting on a cubical object against the eastern wall, just to the northeast of me. She stared at me with concern, and she mouthed a warning to me. I could not make out what she was saying, so i moved over to her and leaned down a little. She warned me about the man, saying that he was evil. I leaned toward her and said that he was chaos. I then realized that the man was dangerous, but i was not sure what to do about him. I thought that i should not let him have physical relations with me. It could be part of something bad.

I was with the others in the urban area. We seemed to be in a store, and we were walking to the north, toward the door. I looked at a magazine that was open on the wall just to the south of the counter, which ran flush with the eastern wall. The black line drawings of the comic book were familiar, and i thought that it was a book that i used to read. It seemed like _Cerebus_. I had not read it in a while, and i thought this was a new issue. $Z said something to the north of me, and i glanced to the northwest, and a man who as standing behind the counter. We were supposed to leave. I felt as though we were rushing to get somewhere. I turned around and looked at the western wall of the store for a moment. A comic book was handing in a rack to the southwest of me. It had a line-drawn cover that had been colored in. The figures on the cover looked like owls or hawks, but they had very wide heads. There were two figures, one right in front of the other. The one in front was facing away, but the owl head was looking to the right as the eyes looked out of the cover. The other person was standing behind the first and slightly to the left. Only his head appeared above the first person. This was the comic book that i had seen opened earlier. I had not been able to purchase the latest issue because the stores had been closed for the quarantine. I thought that i should come back and buy the comic book the next time i was in the city. I then thought that i did not get to the city often. I lived to the southwest somewhere, and it seemed to be an hour drive to get back in. I thought that i could make a trip back to this store to get the book, though. The regular store would still be closed, but this store was selling the book, so i could come back here. I knew that i could not buy it now. I thought about where this store was, trying to determine how i could come back here in a few days. The store was on the northwestern corner of a block. We exited the store through the door, which faced northwest. It was set into a rounded corner of the building, which was made of tan bricks. A narrow street ran east to west just north of us, and it seemed to be on the northern side of the area. We headed to the west, across the main street. This place seemed to be the intersection of Forest Home Drive and East Avenue. Shops were on all sides of the street, and a gorge seemed to be to the north of us. I crossed the main street and entered a darkened pub. The others were already there. All of the buildings seemed dingy and run down. The main room of the pub was empty, and the bar was on the southern side of the pub. I tried to think of how i could get back here. I then noticed the cat running from the south. It seemed like $X5 or $X24. It ran to the east of me, heading toward the door in the northern end of the eastern wall. I suddenly realized that the cat should not be here. It should be back at my house, which was quite a way to the southwest. I asked $Z, who was still to the south of me, how the cat was always coming here. My mother seemed to be to the southwest of me, and i pointed out to her that the cat had been let out of the house and had somehow always found its way to the city and back. It could follow us. This did not seem right, though. The cat was not allowed outside, so i wondered how it could have left the house to travel all this distance.

12020 July 07

I headed to the south, entering the large square room where the others were. The room seemed like a classroom. The floor sloped slightly upward to the south. I was talking with the other person, who was walking along the east eastern side of me as we walked south along the western wall. I was talking about something that i had to do. I walked around the southern side of a table, which was in the center of the southern side of the room. A man was standing to the south of me as $Z moved off to the east. I looked at the man, who seemed like $A615. He seemed to be a professor here. I had to do something, but i also had to use a toilet. I knew that lavatories were in the building to the east of the room. It seemed to be connected to the room, and this room did not seem to be part of the building. I pictured the building as an old school building. It seemed to be a block building of red stone. It was very simple in shape, with two floors, tall narrow windows, and a flat roof. I thought about the building. I had something important to do.

12020 July 08

I was in my apartment, which was a small run-down apartment on the second floor of a building. I was heading to the northeast, toward the screen door that was in the northern end of the eastern wall. It led into another apartment, which was to the east of the one that i was in. My apartment seemed furnished with simple things. Someone was standing on the other side of the screen door, and i said hello to the person. A dog was to the north of the man, and the dog stood up and put his front paws on the screen. He seemed excited to see me. The dog was a fluffy German shepherd, and the woman quickly pushed it down so that its paws did not rip the screen. I chatted with the woman for a moment. She had some other animals around her as well. I noticed two small cats to the north of her now. The cats were very large, and i realized that they were cubs of large cats. One seemed to be a panther and the other seemed to be a tiger. They were in the air to the north of the woman, but they were lying on their backs. I scratched their bellies, and they wiggled with playfulness. I had been reaching through a narrow space on the southern side of the screen door, where the door was ajar. The tiger then fell suddenly and landed on the floor. It tried to crawl toward me, so i pushed the screen door closed. I did not want it to come into my apartment, because it might attack my cats. The tiger cub pushed angrily at the wooden frame of the door. I realized that it was angry that it fell. It must have felt hurt, and now it was angry with me. I worried that it might try to attack me.

12020 July 09

I was standing in the small gravel parking area with some other people. We were in the middle of a remote forested valley, with tall rounded hills all around us. The parking lot was roughly square, and i was standing near the center, facing north. We had parked our car on the southern side of the lot. My mother was with me, but she started wandering to the northeast, up the road. The road seemed to run to the south of the parking lot, where it headed west. I thought that a second road ran to the south from somewhere near us. I headed down a wide path that ran to the north. The area around the path had been mowed close to the ground. This was different. I remembered being here before, when the path led through a forested area. The area had been cut, and only the cut stems of grasses and weeds grew from the ground. I was surprised at how different this area looked. A tall rounded mountain seemed to be directly to the north of me, but i could no longer see the base of it through the trees that bordered the northern side of the grassy area. I moved down the path until i was in the forest. The area around the path was mowed, stretching about three meters around the dirt path. I thought that people must have cut this area so that more tourists would visit the woods here. It did not seem as interesting as it did when it was more rustic. Looking to the west, i noticed that part of the path had been paved with asphalt. I remembered that this was the swampy area that led to the edge of the small lake or pond. I could not see the water to the west, but i thought that it was just beyond the dense green vegetation that grew along the western edge of the mowed area, near the pavement. I turned to the east, noticing that a path was now mowed to the east-northeast. I remembered it as a narrow dirt path, not as big as the one that i had come in on. People must have cleared it so that this place was more accessible to the road that traveled to the northeast. The area to the east looked very unfamiliar now, but i knew that it was the same path that i had seen in the past. I looked down the path to the northeast, now seeing down the road to the northeast. I could see my mother still walking along the eastern side of the road. She seemed quite a way away. I felt concerned for her, and i headed to the northeast to get her. I was in my car now as i moved to the northeast on the road. The road curved to the north and ran over low rolling rises. Now that i was on the road, i could no longer see my mother. I wondered how far she had gone. I drove up the road, feeling awkward that i was looking for her. I then spotted someone walking on the eastern side of the road ahead. As i approached, though, i realized that it was not my mother. It was a woman with a pink and white jacket. I then noticed a few people walking on the western side of the road, heading south. I had to pull into the middle of the road so that i was not driving too close to the people on either side of the road. I felt uneasy as i drove slowly, looking for my mother. I worried more now that i saw all the people on the road, but i still did not see my mother. Something seemed wrong. She could not have come this far. I turned around and drove back to the south. I seemed to have passed the gravel parking area where i had stopped before, and i was heading back to the area where we had been before. As i drove through the forested area, i looked to the west, noticing the large white stone building on the low hill in the center of the valley. The building was old, with square corners. It looked like a European castle from the fifteen- or sixteen-hundreds. We had parked near that building before, and i knew that the event was happening near that building. I glanced an the white plain stone as i headed south on the driveway, which i thought curved around the southern side of the building to ascend the hill. I headed into the building from the south, passing down the central corridor to the north. The others were gathered in a large room on the northern side of the building. The room had plain white walls and a high ceiling. The building seemed old but well maintained. The room seemed to be divided into two sections. The part to the west of me seemed square, with furniture around the walls. A thick wooden beam crossed the room just to the east of where i was, separating the western side from a longer eastern side. The eastern side stretched farther to south, and had less furniture. People seemed to be gathered in clusters around the room, chatting. Both sections of the room were dimly lighted, as though for an effect of the party. I had to find my mother. I was worried about her. I asked some of the others if they had seen her, but no one had seen her here. I floated to the east, turning to the south to head into the large ballroom. As i floated over the people, chatting with a few, i realized that i felt rather dazed. I could not focus my senses, and i wondered if i had been intoxicated with a psychedelic drug. People would think that i as stoned. I rolled over in the air as i drifted south. I felt very strange, and i did not think this was how i should feel. I tried to focus, thinking that i had to find out where the other person went. I asked a few people that i knew if they had seen where the other went. I then realized that $A645 had left her car here. I looked to the south to see if i could see it parked on the lawn between the large stone buildings. The buildings looked like old college buildings. The dark-gray stone building on the western side of the yard was tipped a little so that the long face was facing east-northeast. A second building was to the north of it, facing directly east. The cars were parked on the western side of the grassy lawn, mostly facing east. $A645 had parked her car there, but i could not see it at the moment. I tried to decide if it was not there or if it was hidden by one of the other cars on the grass. I worried about her. I thought that $A755 had already left the event, heading to the northeast on the long road. $A645’s car should have been here still, but i could not see it. I decided that i should probably head to the south and check the lot. I told the others i should probably head to the south to check the lot for a car. I still seemed to be in the room on the northern side of the building, but i could see the lot outside to the south. I was still floating, and i started slowly drifting to the south. I was not moving as well as i should have. A man to the east of me then told someone that i could teleport, and he said that i would teleport to the south. I felt awkward. I could teleport, but i thought that i should not waste the energy and do it now. I also thought that i should not be showing off what i could do. I rolled over in the air, trying to move more efficiently to the south. My feet were dropping under me now. I decided to try to teleport out to the lot. I though about teleporting to the southern side of the grassy area, where the cars were parked. That would allow me to see the cars parked to the south of the large dark trucks that were now parked on the grass. I tried to change positions, but found myself outside, to the south of the building but still to the north of the vehicles. I had not teleported as far as i had expected. I felt a little embarrassed. I ran the rest of the way south, along the eastern side of the cars. Once i was to the south of the cars, i turned to the west and noticed the small bright blue hatchback car. It looked like $A645’s car. I was not sure it was hers, but it looked like hers. I felt worried, thinking that she should still be in this area; she had not left yet. I wondered if she was still up the road to the northeast. I felt very worried, thinking that i should find her. I wondered what i should do.

12020 July 10

I stood between the buildings of the suburban neighborhood. I had been with $G4, but i felt out of place here. They were still running, but i had reached this place ahead of them. I knew that they were approaching from the west, though, and i thought that i should leave so that i could be gone by the time they got here. The small building to the north of me seemed to be a garage, and the building to the south was either a house or garage. I walked to the east, carrying a bowl of food. I was careful not to let the food spill out of the bowl as i walked quickly. To the east of me, i could see down a street with storefronts on the northern side. I then heard someone calling from the northwest. It was $G4 on their run. I wanted to get out of sight before they got here so that they did not see me leave. I did not want to make a scene by having them see me go. I turned to the south and walked along the eastern side of the small white wooden building. I would be out of sight from people coming from the west, but i would still have to get far enough away that they would not see me when they reached the resting paint, which was directly to the north of me. I walked quickly to the back of the lawn, which belonged to the large house to the south of me. I could hear $F57 and $F72 calling as they ran toward where i was. I felt bad for leaving, but i knew that i should not be here. I tired to get out of sight. An the southern side of the white building, which seemed like a garage, i turned to the west, thinking that i would be out of sight. Once to the south of the building, i headed south again, toward the back of the lawn. I had to get to the southeast. A small building was at the back side of the lawn, to the southeast of me. I thought that i could quickly cross to it and be out of sight behind it before they noticed me. As i ran east, i wondered why i was avoiding the others.

I was on the western end of the large room, which seemed like my office. A counter ran from the southern end of the western wall to the east, separating most of the room from a corridor along the southern wall. I had left a plate of cookies on the counter. A short wall, about a deci tall, ran along the top of the counter on the southern side. I headed to the north and then turned east, walking into the other part of the room. As i reached the eastern side of the room, i realized that i had set out the wrong plate of cookies. The cookies i had set out were for $G4, and i should not have set them out here. I felt worried that people would eat them. I was supposed to take those cookies with me as i left for the holiday. I headed back to get them, wondering if anyone had eaten them. I thought that i would just collect them. As i reached the plate, though, i realized that the cookies were mostly gone. One large cookie was left in the center of the plate. I picked up the plate with my left hand and turned to walk back to the north. I looked at the large cookie, realizing that it was actually two cookies stuck together. I took the plate back to the east, upset that the people here had eaten the cookies. I would have to tell them that the cookies were for $G4. I thought that i should collect all of the cookies, but i knew that they were mostly gone. I was upset about this. I thought that i should tell $F67 about the problem as i headed to the west, back into the northern side of the main room. I turned to the south to get the plate of cookies, which i had left on the counter. Three people were standing in front of the counter, though. They were washing dishes in the sink in the counter. I could not push past them to take the plate of cookies. I wondered what i should do.

12020 July 11

I was visiting this house, which seemed to be related to $F10’s parents. They seemed to be to the southwest of me somewhere. I was in the small bathroom on the eastern side of the house, changing my clothes. $F10 was outside, to the southeast. Others were at the house as well. I had to change my clothes for my trip. I would be traveling to Russia soon. I thought that i would be taking a class in Russian. I had studied the language before, so i knew some of it. I headed to the east, into the bedroom of the house. I closed the door in the middle of the western wall. A closet was inset into the room, just to the north of the door, with the closet door just to the north of me. A bed was in the center of the room, to the east of me. I put my bag on the bed, thinking that i would have to change my pants. I was wearing a dark pair of shorts. I wanted to put on a better pair of pants for when i joined $F10 and the others outside. I took off the pants that i was wearing and looked through my bag for another pair. I pulled a pair of tan shorts out of the bag, but i realized that they were not better than the shorts i had on. They were more for work. I looked down at the dark denims i had been wearing, wondering if i could keep wearing them. They looked nice, but i knew that they must be dirty, because i had been wearing them for the last day. I felt annoyed as i looked through the suitcase. The other pair of pants in the suitcase was a long pair of drop-bleached denims. They were more stylish that i should wear around here. I felt rushed and frustrated, wondering what i should wear. My mother was then to the southeast of me. I talked to her about the trip tomorrow. I felt confused. It seemed that we had already gone to Russia and were now back. I was aware that the airport was to the northeast of us, and i felt that i had something to do.

12020 July 13

I was swimming to the east, down the northern side of the wide water channel. Buildings and stone embankments formed the sides of the channel, and several small boats seemed to be docked along the sores in small slips. $A682 was in the water to the north of me. I thought that we had a long way to swim. I then noticed the three or four large sperm whales in the middle of the channel. One was directly ahead of us. I felt cautious for a moment, wondering how we would swim around them. I wondered if it was safe to swim around them. I thought that we should just swim along the northern side and let the whales pass to the south of us. A man standing in a small boat was to the north of us now, looking to the northeast at the whales. I was then swimming in the water of the channel. I realized that i had moved quite a distance from where i had been. I was surprised at how far i had traveled. It seemed to take such a short time. I had remembered seeing this place as i was swimming what seemed only moments before. The northern shore seemed to have a part that was farther to the north that the rest of the channel. The inset was about fifty- to one-hundred-meters long. I had been about five meters to the west of the western end of the inset with $A682, but i now seemed to be just past the eastern end. I was then in the water near the western end of the small bay again. This seemed strange. I wondered how i had gotten back here. I felt annoyed that i had moved back to this place. I then realized that we should have simply gotten out of the water and gotten the boat. We had left it to the west of us. It seemed quite a distance away. I was on the northern shore of the water now, running to the west. I was going to retrieve the boat and bring it back so that we could move faster in the water. I suddenly remembered that i had left $A682 swimming in the water. I realized that he might be upset that i had left him there. I should have told him that i went to get the boat. I felt bad for not saying anything. I turned to the south and headed toward the doorway. I pushed open the double doors and came outside. The stairs outside ran down to the east and the west, and i large gray stone monument was to the south of me, bordering the stairs. I stopped to look at this place. It was familiar. The stone had shallow carvings of people on it, with many names carved into the stone. I realized that this place was the front door of $P7. I was surprised to be here. I mentioned the name of the place in awe as i started down the stairs on the eastern side of the entry. I walked slowly, passing my hand over the gray stone to the south of me. It felt nice to be back here. I had to get something here. I was then aware of a woman to the north of me. She was standing in the doorway to the building. She must have seen me come down the main stairs inside the building, and i thought that she was concerned that i was there. I remembered coming from a corridor to the east. She followed me as i walked to the east, coming to the top of a flight of stairs. I was now back inside the building. I felt very good here, and i did not care that the woman was upset that i was here. I walked with a slight hop, starting down the stairs. I hopped onto the metal railing that ran along the wall and slided down. As i rounded the corner on the eastern end of the stairway, i noticed the metal flaps that protruded from the wall. They were triangular, with one corner pointing up the wall and the other pointing out. They seemed rounded, so that none of the edges were sharp. I was outside, and the wall was part of a wide retaining wall between the upper level of the lawn to the south and the lower level that i was now on. I remembered this park from a long time ago. I headed to the east, thinking that i had to get my bicycle so that i could leave. I was concerned that the woman would call the police because she thought that i was trespassing. Wide stone steps descend to the north, and i walked along the upper part of them. A cubical stone block was in the center of the steps. I stopped to the south of it on the upper step. People were gathering in the park for some kind of event. A woman was then to the north of the block. She grabbed a red pair of sneakers that had been on the top of the block in front of me. I nodded to her but did not say anything. Something about the sneakers seemed familiar and interesting. I thought that i had to get my bicycle and leave, though.

12020 July 14

I moved around in the room in the basement of the house. This seemed like my parents’ farmhouse. My mother and father were in the room to the north of me, just to the west of a set of wooden stairs that descended to the north and ended near the northern wall of the room. I felt good about something, and i moved around in the southeastern corner of the room. The floor was covered with square tiles, which had yellow eye-shaped spots on an olive-green background. The dull-yellow dots were raised, and i ran the fingers of my right hand over the dots, feeling the texture. I said that i liked the little bumps in the tile. I then stood back up and headed to the north, into the next room, where the event was taking place. People were gathered along the walls of the room, and they seemed to be dressed in dark suit jackets. Several people were in the center of the room. Most of them were in white dress shirts. The people in the center of the room were singing for other members of the fraternity. I stared to head to the south, through the center of the large room, listening to the young men singing from the north of me. They had nice voices. They stopped, and a young man on the western side of the singers started talking to the other members in the room. He had short blond hair and a square face. Two men in white shirts were then in the center of the room, facing each other. They started singing. The man on the western side of pair had a nice clear voice, and he seemed somewhat attractive. A man to the west of me then started talking to me about something. I then realized that the people in the room were using bigoted terms as they spoke and sang. I felt annoyed with them and dislike in their attitudes. I thought that this fraternity was Sigma Chi. I felt uncomfortable here, and i walked to the north, leaving the room and crossing the house. I did not like these people. I came into the room of the house where the family was. I told them of the event as we stood in the southwestern corner of the intersection. It seemed very late, and i had been out at the event. I talked with my relatives for a little while. I then headed to the north with my father. The road to the north of the intersection ran only five meters or so before turning east, but we headed toward the tall cement building to the north of the curve. The building was very plain in shape, with vertical details running up the southern face. A short queue of people was standing in front of the metal elevator doors at the base of the building. I knew that we had to remain at a distance from the people because of the quarantine, but we had to wait for the elevators so that we could get into the building. I thought that it might take a while with so many people in the queue and so few allowed on the elevators. I thought that we should have gone around to the entrance on the eastern side of the building, which was one floor higher than we were here. Then we would not need to wait for the elevator to arrive. I pictured the eastern entrance of the building just to the north of a short wall that extended to the east from the building.

12020 July 17

I continued to the west, heading down the steep hill of the road. A thin layer of water was running over the surface of the road. This had to do with the flooding from the rains. I walked down to the west pavement. I was with several people from $G4. Wide grassy lawns were to the west of the road. As we reached an intersection, i said something about the water. It seemed strange that there was so much water. The others continued to the west, across the intersection. The road to the north was flat, and ran through a somewhat forested community. I held up my cellphone, taking a video of the area. As i crossed the street, i noticed the gray house on the corner to the southwest of the intersection. The road to the west sloped steeply down, and the others started jogging down the hill. I walked slowly from the intersection, filming the gray house. I recognized it as a building i used to live in. It seemed like the house on Nanticoke, but it was in a wide yard and seemed somewhat like a place in Etna. A gravel or dirt driveway ran from the road to the west, widening into a patch of packed dirt behind the house, to the west of the house. I told someone jogging near me that the building was an apartment. I added that i did not live there anymore. A small extension, like a root cellar, ran to the west from the northern side of the house, and a small pale structure was to the west of the southern side of the parking area. The small structure looked like a shed, and it had a door on the southern side with trim that matched the house, but it was only about a meter and a half tall and a meter square in width. I continued down he hill, following the others. The surface of the asphalt road still seemed to be covered with water. I thought that there had been a lot of flooding in the area. I looked down the hill to the west to see that the valley at the bottom was actually flooded. The valley was only about twenty or thirty meters wide, with a steep forested hill to the west. The water did not appear to be flowing, and $F4 was already wading into the water. I came to the edge of the water and stood on a fallen log, which was mostly submerged. $G4 was swimming in the deeper water to the southwest of me. I felt a little nervous about the water, and i walked to the west-northwest a little, along the top of a submerged tree trunk. $F58 and $F57 were in the water to the southwest of me. I looked down at $F58 and said something. She was standing in the water with the water at the middle of her torso. I decided that i should swim in the water with the others. I jumped off of the log to the west of where i was standing. As i hit the water, i started sinking, but i did not sink as quickly as i thought i would. I seemed to be sinking slowly into the water, as though the water were very viscous. I did not submerge after my jump, and i started swimming to the west. It seemed very easy to swim in the water.

I stood just to the east of the intersection where the water had run over the street in a thin sheet. The water was still about a centimeter deep over the black asphalt road, which sloped down to the west. I had a wide scraper on a long handle, and i started to scrape the water off of the surface of the road, pushing it to the west. I pulled back the scraper and pushed again under the layer of water on the road. The water lifted as though it were a thick piece of fabric. I then continued to drive my car to the south. The car in front of me was moving slowly, and i felt impatient. I pulled off onto the shoulder of the road for a moment. The blue SUV in front of me pulled off the road as well. We had to wait for something. I decided that i did not have to wait. I could simply pass the SUV and continue driving. Just as i pulled back into traffic, i noticed a police car behind me. It had its lights on, and i thought that it was going to have me stop because i had stopped on the side of the road. I pulled back onto the shoulder of the road, feeling annoyed that i was being stopped. My car was now facing east on the road, facing away from the road. I got out of the car, and the police car was parked to the west of me. A female police officer was now standing to the west of my car, which was now facing north on the wide macadam shoulder. A man then came from the east. He said something about me in a loud condescending voice. He was trying to cause trouble. What he said about me was false, but it would make the police officer suspicious of me. I felt annoyed, and i said in an irritated voice that it was not true. I felt angry with the man. He was just trying to make the situation worse.

12020 July 19

The others had headed to the east, and i could hear them talking as they followed the trail. I was doing something in the area, looking to the west. A man made a sudden shout, and the others responded. I thought that the man had slipped into the water, and the others were making cheers of jest and helping him. I turned to the east and started moving toward the water. A wall seemed to run along the northern edge of the water, and i could see square rock blocks in the water. I started running along the tops of the blocks. At first, the blocks were only covered with a shallow amount of water, but, as i ran farther to the east, the blocks seemed to get deeper in the water. I thought that my friend, who seemed like $F77, must have fallen off of one of the rocks. The cut rock blocks now seemed to be farther from the northern edge of the water. The calm water was all around me now. I jumped to the southeast, onto a large rock, thinking that this was the unstable one. I stopped and focused on my balance. I could feel the rock tipping under me. The others must have continued to the southwest, across the water. I started across the large area of submerged rocks, but i noticed something on the board to the east of me. A slate board was hanging from a wall that was not there. It had something on it, and i thought that someone must have taken the pin off of the board. I moved to the east a little, closer to where the wall would have been, balancing carefully on the tipping rock. The trick was to stay on this rock. I knew that the others would have continued on, but i thought that someone should put the metal thing back on the board to the east. I looked down along the eastern side of the rock that i was standing on, which was now about a deci out of the water. I did not see the metal pin, but i knew that it had a triangular loop on one end that i could hang it by. The pin was not here, but i thought that it should be. I moved my right hand along the edge of the rocks, thinking that the pin was not what it should be. I was crouched down, facing northwest as i looked down at the pin that was not there. I realized that others would not have taken the time to hang the pin back up. I then turned to the southwest. I saw the floating gray rubber mat that was on the surface of the water. I then looked to the southeast, noticing several blocks and land stretching to the southeast. The square blocks had white marks on it, and i thought that trail must have gone that way. I looked back over the gray mat. I must have assumed that the trail followed the water, and i wondered if the others had gone that way. I called out that i was on trail, and i started hopping to the squares to the southeast. I was then running on ground again, heading south.

12020 July 20

I moved to the northeast, into the southern end of the back room of my parents’ farmhouse. I spoke with the people who were walking with me. The other man was following me at the moment. We were talking about the document that we had to create. I looked back to the west at the man as he walked up the short set of steps between the dining room and the living room. He held a piece of parchment in his hand. It looked almost square, but was a little wider that it was tall. He said that we would take it to the east to trace the words that we needed to write on it. I pictured the black letters that we would be placing across the center of the page. They would form arced lines of text in the center of the page. I wondered why we would trace something older to produce something new. The two different documents would have entirely different text. I then realized that this was an older way of doing the job. We would not be tracing the letters of the old document exactly; we would be using them as templates for the shapes of the new letters, and we would use the spacing and height to position the new type on the curved line. I pictured the lines curving up in the center near the top of the page. I turned back to the east, seeing a close-up of a piece of parchment. Fine lines in pencil were drawn to define text lines. I could see the black outline of the letter O in close-up on the page. The O was shaped oddly; it was wider than tall. It had straight lines on all sides. The top and bottom lines were thick, and they had right-angle insets at the corners. Thin lines ran vertically between the top and bottom sections. The image was drawn so that the black ink lines outlined the shape, but i was drawing between the lines on the left side of the letter. The letter seemed to be two centimeters or so tall and three or four wide. As i filled in the left vertical line, i said something to the man to the west of me. I was now facing northwest. The black line, once filled in, looked natural. I thought that it would look like a single stroke of a black pen connecting the top and bottom sections. I started to say something to the man as i finished filling in the lines, but i heard the door bell ring. This was strange. I stopped drawing and looked up. I was sitting in the bed that was against the eastern wall in the southern end of my parents’ back room. “Are you fucking kidding me.”, i said. I knew that it was in the middle of the night, and i did not think that anyone should be at the door. My mother seemed to be sitting on the bed to the north of me, and my father was just to the north of her. I was annoyed that someone was at the door at this time of night.

12020 July 22

I looked to the northeast as i rode in the passenger’s seat of the car. $A682 was driving the car. He said something about the storefronts to the northeast of us. The large off-white building seemed to be part of the airport, and i remembered coming to the stores that were in front of it before. $A682 had come here in the past to pick up wine. I remembered that he was excited about the place because he thought the wine here was a good deal. $A682 then told me that this place had some nice alcohols as he pulled close to the building. I did not respond. I watched the building as we drove past. The building was now facing the southwest, and we passed it and turned to the east, heading down a corridor between two tall cement structures. $A682 stopped the car, on the southern side of the street. He excitedly told me about the store here. I felt confused, thinking that he should already know about the store. I told him that we had purchased wine here in the past. He seemed annoyed by this statement. I said that he had come here to buy a case of wine and that he had come here many times before. He did not seem to remember. He also seemed upset that i was pointing out something that he should have known about. He walked hurriedly to the east with his head down. I thought that he was angry with me, and i felt bad. I jumped up on the cement ledge to the south. A narrow opening was in the tall cement structure, which seemed like a stadium. I jumped through the opening and landed no the cement ground beyond. The space inside the building was open, with no interior walls. A ceiling seemed to cover part of the area to the southwest, but light came in from the east and above me. I headed to the southeast, toward a large opening in the eastern wall of the structure. I knew that it would be a shortcut to the entrance to the store, which was just to the south of the entrance to the cement structure. I walked diagonally across the floor toward the entrance. As i reached the door, i hoped that $A682 was not too upset. It felt awkward to upset him again. It seemed that i was always doing this, but i still wondered how he could not have remembered being here.

12020 July 23

I had been talking to some people, but i felt that i had to leave this place. We seemed to be at a campground or some other small campus. I was in a building, but i felt that it was important for me to leave, even though the others were not quite done with their event. I felt concerned about something as i headed to the north. I came through the doorway of the building and stopped outside. I could see the campground below me. Small wood buildings were around a large open yard. A gravel drive and parking area ran from the east into the center of the yard. I thought that the main building was on the southern side of the yard, to the west of the building that i was in. I seemed to be about five meters above the ground, and i would have to descend a long wooden staircase to get to the lot. My car was parked just to the east of the bottom of the stairway, facing southeast, on the eastern side of the southern edge of the gravel. As i started down the stairs, others came running into the yard from the east. They had still been out on the run. These people were $G4. I felt bad about leaving early, but i had to get back to somewhere. I started driving to the north. Someone to the west of me said that it was snowing in Albany. I was heading back to New York State, and i thought that the weather was bad there. I remembered that $F4 had driven back to Albany. He had driven me down to this place, but he would have to drive back himself. I hoped that he was all right. I thought about the ice that was supposed to be raining down on the roads. I felt concern for $F4. I drove north on the highway, across a flat land. Leafy trees grew along the eastern side of the road. It was gray out, and i felt nervous about getting back to where i had to go. I was then driving to the west, over a shallow hill. It was dark out, and i realized that i could not see the road right in front of my car. I could see the road farther ahead of me, but it was dark near me. My high beams were working, but it seemed that my low beams were not. I worried and wondered what i should do. I would be able to drive if i could use my high beams, but i would not be able to see the road near me. I felt upset.

I had to get my things together to leave this place. I had been talking with the others, but i was now on the telephone, talking to $A337. He had asked about me being in this place. I knew that he as asking about this college, and i told him that i had left. I then told him that i had decided not to come back to school here. I hoped that he was not too surprised or upset by this. I felt nervous telling him. I then realized that i had already left in the middle of the semester. I would still have to return to finish my degree here, but i had not planned to come back. I told $A337 that i was finished with school, and that i would not be coming back after the semester had ended. I felt unhappy here, and i had to make a decision to leave. I looked at my foot, which was to the south of me, as i spoke. I felt nervous about what $A337 might thing of my quitting college. My foot was around my shoulder level to the south of me, and i was holding a thin stick, which had a Y shape to it. The stick was less than a centimeter in diameter at the bottom, and the stem was less than a deci tall. It was made of smooth wood, which seemed to be lightly stained or polished. The two forks curved upward, with a wide space between them. As i rested the heel of my foot in the Y, i noticed a round knob on end of the near side of the Y. Something about the stick seemed interesting. Others were then talking to the west of me. They were $G3, and they were talking about returning to $P19. I was supposed to move in here, but i felt uncertain. I would not be returning here, so i would have to take my things out of the room. The others talked about their room. They were wondering in which room they could put their things. Someone mentioned room ten. I moved to the western end of the room as they started ascending the stairs that ran up to the south on the western wall. A long shelf ran along the southern wall, starting on the west from where one of the steps met the wall. It had several things on it, and i seemed to think that some of the things on it were important. I noticed something dark blue, which looked like a rolled up nylon sleeping bag. I followed the others up the stairs to room ten as they talked about the room. At the top of the stairs, i turned to the east and walked down the southern wall of the room. I had stayed in this room before. It seemed rather large now. One of the men said that he was staying in this room. I asked him if he was going to sleep in the “cranny”. The others were quiet for a moment, and then the man said something about the “cranny”. He seemed uncomfortable with the idea, but the others continued to the east, toward the small room at the end. I looked at several of the desks along the northern wall, thinking that i would have to gather my things to leave this place. I followed the others into the next room. $F16 was in the room to the east of me. He had entered with the others. A large bunk bed was against the northern wall. It had dark-blue sheets hanging from the top, forming a canopy over the bottom bed. Someone was sitting on the bottom bed, and $F16 stood to the east of me, leaning against the top bunk with his right hand. His arm was extended. He said something to me, motioning to his bed. I looked to the south, seeing the bed in the southwestern corner of the room. The bed had bunched up white sheets, and the blue spread was pulled down and to the west. I said something back to $F16, feeling that there was something i had to do. I liked talking with him, though.

I moved to the north a little. I had been talking with the others in this area, but i had to leave. I was on the northern end of the driveway of my grandmother’s house. A square pool of water was in the middle of the driveway, and i seemed to be standing in the southeastern section of it. I was talking to someone to the south of me as i moved through the water. I had to get my things together to leave. I told the other person that i had to find my pants. I was not quite sure where they were. I seemed to be wearing shorts in the water, but they seemed more like a beach wrap. I could feel the cloth moving over my groin as i moved to the southern edge of the water area. The pool did not seem to have any sides, and i stepped from the water onto the pavement. I headed to the southwest, entering the house through the door in the eastern wall. I headed to the north, into the kitchen. I was not sure where my clothes were. I was still wearing a wrap around my waist. As i passed the round dining-room table at the northern end of the room, i said something about finding my pants. A set of stairs ascended the northern wall, heading up to the west. It had a small landing in the northeastern corner of the room. I picked up something from the landing and headed back to the south. I mentioned my pants, and the man sitting on the northeastern side of the table put his right hand over his eyes, turning his face to the west. He had been sitting at the table, hunched so that he could rest his right elbow on the table. I realized that he was trying not to stair at my penis, which was visible under the wrap. I apologized and pulled the wrap back across the front of my pelvis. I turned to the south and headed back across the room. Someone in the room seemed to be talking about a penis, and i knew that it had something to do with the large tortoise that was in the middle of the kitchen, on the southern side of the room. I stopped suddenly, realizing that the tortoise’s long neck was stretched on the floor in front of me. I had almost stepped on it. The neck was brown, with a mottled surface that had small bumps. I stepped over it as i glanced to the west, at the tall shell of the tortoise. The animal stood about a meter tall, and its shell was about three-quarters of a meter wide. The brown and tan shell had many facets. Two people were bent over, looking down at the tortoise. One stood to northwest of the animal, and the other was directly to the south. The person to the south seemed to be female, and her long hair seemed to hang over her face as she inspected the animal. They said something about its sex organs. They seemed to be examining the animal. I wondered if something was wrong with the animal. The long tubular appendage that i had stepped over stretched from the animal toward the eastern wall. It seemed just as long as the animal’s body. The end was rounded, and i could not quite make out the animal’s face. The end had a lighter color. I then looked back at the animal, seeing something moving on a thin rope to the east of the animal. I remembered that tortoises had very large penes for their size, and i wondered if what i had stepped over was really the animal’s penis. I looked at the thin white rope as it writhed back and forth. Some people were in the way, so i could not quite see what it was, but i eventually noticed the tortoise’s narrow beaked head moving side to side at the end of the rope. I was now standing to the southeast of the animal, and i was far enough away to get a good view of it. I could now see that the animal’s head and neck were rather short. The long tubular structure had come from under the animal, and it was actually over two meters long, about twice the length of the animal. It was about a deci thick, and the skin on the surface was loose and uneven. It was the animal’s penis. I turned to leave the room. My relatives said something to me as i started to head out. I had to get to someplace, and they were telling me about something. I started down the stairs that led out of the building, which seemed like a restaurant. The cement stairs descended from the eastern end of the northern wall of the building to the large asphalt parking lot. A car was parked just to the northwest of the bottom of the stairs. I would have to walk to the north to get somewhere, though. I heard $K4 mention a man’s name. He jokingly said that i should contact the man. He stopped in the doorway behind me as i descended the stairs with my mother. He then said that i could ask my mother’s ex. I thought about $A312, but that was not the name that $K4 had said. I wondered if he was talking about someone that my mother had dated in high school. I felt confused. The first name seemed to be an uncommon name, and the last name seemed Eastern European. It seemed an odd joke. I turned back to the north and headed into the large room. I had to get my pants so that i could leave. I would not be staying for the ceremony, which seemed to be part of school. The others were dressed up in uniforms and were wearing dark pants with black stripes down the sides. I had a pair of pants like this, but i had left them in the ceremony room. I thought that my parents had left some things at the table where we had been sitting in the restaurant. I wanted to get my things so that i could leave before the ceremony started. As i entered the western end of the large room from the south, i could already see some of the cadets sitting in chairs, facing northeast. They were dressed in uniform, ready for the ceremony. I felt a little awkward, and i told someone that i was just here to get my things. The person seemed surprised. I headed to the north, into the area where the dining booths were. My parents had left our things on a bench at the booth where we were eating. I stopped at one of the first booths in the eastern side of the room. The room ran at an angle from the room to the south, and a service counter, like that of a diner, ran along the northeastern wall. The northeastern wall was filled with objects that had chrome trimming. A short wall ran parallel to the northeast wall, leaving about a two meter space between the counter and the wall. The booth was next to the wall, and the table of the booth extended from the wall. The tall benches were covered with black fake-leather padded cushions. The northwestern bench had clothes piled on it. I lifted up the long black jacket that was on the bench, looking for my pants. Others were now standing to the north of the bench, and i chatted with them as i looked for my clothes. I noticed my olive-green trench coat in the pile of clothing. I must have brought it because i thought that it looked good with the uniform pants. I thought that my parents should get their things from this bench. I wanted to leave before the ceremony. As i pulled up some of the clothes, i noticed a large cooler under the jackets. Looking through some things, i could see two coolers on the bench under the clothes. The others said something about the coolers, and i thought that they wanted some of the beer that was in the cooler. I thought that they should not take it. As i pulled an article of clothing from the bench, i realized that the two coolers were now exposed. The clothing had mostly hid them. I wondered if it was okay for people to see them. I worried that people might think that the things in the coolers were free and take them.

Something was wrong, and i was trying to point it out to $K1 on the monitor of the computer to the east of us. We were behind a counter that was in the western corner of the room. The wooden counter ran to the east and north of us. The room was rather large an open, with no furnishings. I felt concerned about the thing that was wrong, and i pointed to the darkened monitor. I said something to the screen, and i heard someone reply. I knew that the computer was connected to my office. The woman answering seemed to be $A643. I could not quite see here, because something was obscuring the monitor. I then heard the sound of $F67’s voice. She had entered the office from the south and crossed into the right side of the screen. I told $K1 that i was connected to my office, and $K1 nodded that she already knew. I said something to the computer. I wanted to see $F67 on the screen. I moved toward the screen, but still could not see it clearly. Something from the north was moved over the screen. I pushed it away. It pivoted as though attached to the northern edge of the monitor. I said something to the computer, and $F67 replied. She had moved to the left side of the screen, but she returned to the center to talk to me. I had pictured her with green hair, but she was wearing a black sweatshirt and had a dark-green knit cap on her head. She sat in the center of the screen. I chatted with her. I wanted $K1 to see her.

12020 July 25

I was with my mother as we walked to the west, just to the north of a building. The building was to the west of us as well. We had come from the large building to the southeast of us, and we were heading somewhere, but we followed the sidewalk that ran into the corner of the L-shaped building to the west. I thought that we would head through the doors in the eastern wing of the building, which was to the south of us. The wing seemed narrow, with glass walls on both sides. It seemed as though the section just to the south of us was only an entryway at the lower level. A man and two children came out of the entryway to the south of us. I said “Good Day.” to them, and the man replied with a heavy Australian accent. I realized that i had greeted them with a similar accent. The children seemed curious and seemed to think that i as Australian as well. One of the children asked me where i was staying. I felt uncomfortable with the question, and the father, who was to the southwest of me, stiffened in response. I told the children that we were staying in the large hotel, and i motioned to the building to the southeast of me. I knew that they would not know what room number, so i was not giving away any specific information. My mother seemed nervous that i had told them our general location, though. I knew that i would not give them any further details, though. The young girl then told us that they were from Dundee. I told the children that i remembered the city. I had been there when i was in Australia. I could not quite remember where it was, though. At first i thought that it was on the western end of the bay, near Melbourne, but that did not seem correct. I told the children that i had traveled to Australia before. The children asked where i was, and i told them that i had gone from Sydney to Brisbane to Canberra. I tried to remember how i had gone to the other cities, but i was having trouble remembering. I then remembered that what i had said was not correct, so i told the children that i had actually gone to Melbourne and Adelaide first and then when to Sydney to fly home. I thought about this, saying that i had traveled back west, but then i thought that the direction was not right, so i said that it was really east. “Always confuse that there.”, i added, saying that i confuse my left and right in the southern hemisphere. The conversation ended, and the man and the children walked back to the south, through the building. I followed them, using a door to the west of the one that they used so that it did not seem that i was following them. I came into a store, which was very narrow and crowded with merchandise. A short wall ran in a gentle S-curve across the center of the store from the western wall. I suddenly realized that this was not a simple way though the building. I knew that i could walk through the store to get to the other side, but i was not sure that i should be doing so. I started to turn around, but i noticed a glass door in the eastern end of the southern wall of the store. It led outside, so i would be able to walk through the store to get out to the south, but then i noticed that black straps crossed in front of the door from two posts on the floor. I thought that the door might be blocked off. I started to turn around again, but a man came in the other door from the outside, so i realized that the store could be opened. I headed to the east, around the end of the central wall, which seemed to be formed of stacked shoe boxes. This seemed like a sports store. I noticed all of the athletic shoes and clothing in the store. This store seemed to have many shoes, so that must have been their main merchandise. I wondered if they had any Xero shoes. I rounded the wall and started heading to the west, across the southern side of the store. I suddenly realized that a man sitting on the southern side of the wall facing east was staring at my shoes. I realized that i was wearing an old pair of blue leather loafers. They were worn and falling apart. I also did not have them entirely on my feet. My heal was landing on the back of the shoes, which were folded inward. I felt a little embarrassed about the shoes, but i did not need to get any more running shoes. I had enough. I told the man that i did not need any shoes at the moment. I realized several of the other men in the store were staring at my feet. I headed to the door, which was now in the western end of the southern wall. I pushed it open and stepped out into the large parking lot. The land to the south seemed very flat.

12020 July 30

My father was driving the car to the east, along the southern side of the long parking lot. It was night, and we had to get back to the school building, which was along the eastern side of the northern edge of the parking lot. We had been at the building earlier, and i remembered waiting in queue at the school. Someone was participating in the ceremony at the school, and we were going to see the person. My father was then driving to the west on the road that ran along the southern side of the lot. The road was separated from the lot by a narrow median of grass with a cement curb around it. I ken that we would have to turn to the north at a break in the median. I mentioned this to my father, but he drove past the opening that i thought we should have turned through. I corrected myself, pointing to another opening a few meters ahead of us. As i mentioned the opening, though, i realized that we were traveling too fast to make the turn. We passed the second opening. I felt annoyed. The road we were on turned sharply to the south, just past the second opening. A small house seemed to be just to the south of the road, just before the corner. The car turned to the south, but it was going to fast on the corner, and i it skidded on the snowy road, sliding off the road to the west. The car skidded down the embankment and into a snow bank. I felt annoyed, thinking that we would be late for the ceremony at the school now. The car was facing southwest, and i did not think that we would be able to drive it or push it back up the embankment. I wondered how we would get the car out. I got out of the car, and i noticed now that cars were around us. a small car was parked on the side of the road, facing south, just to the southeast of us. A second car was parked facing east, and it was just to the north of us, only a few decis from our rear bumper. It seemed lucky that we did not hit them as we slided down the slope. I now wondered how we would get out without hitting the other cars. the car to the north of us was very old. It looked like a design from the early thirties, with a square engine cover and high thin fenders. The black paint was dull and faded. I ten noticed the small house to the north of us. It seemed to have a paved parking area to the south of it, and the told car was just to the south of the parking area. The house seemed dark, and i wondered if we had disturbed the people inside. I wondered if they had heard us skid off the road. The western end of the house was a little wider than the eastern end, and i had a large picture window i the middle of it. Just inside, i could see an elderly couple sitting in cushioned chairs, with their backs to us. The chairs seemed very near the window, and the woman, who was sitting in the eastern chair, had turned around to look at us. she was looking at us over her left shoulder. She then said something to the man. The man sat up a little and turned to look over his right shoulder at us. I felt uncomfortable. We had interrupted them, gotten our car stuck, and would be late to the school.

12020 July 31

I felt upset that the school was on fire. I moved to the east on the road, thinking about the building. I was in a town that seemed to be in a curving valley. A steep hill rose to the north of me and curved to the east of me. The road ran along flat floor of the valley, just to the south of the base of the hill. I seemed to be in a commercial district of the town, but the school was to the southwest of me. Something had happened, and it felt like a very bad event. My father was ten driving the car, and i tried to tell him about the school fire. I then headed to the north, walking with my relatives. We now seemed to be in the school building, on the northern side of the building. I thought that we had to get out of here. The fire was still happening, and we were in danger. A tall wall was to the north of us, on the side of the corridor. It seemed to have a catwalk running along the upper part of it. We had to get out of here, and i walked into a large opening, which seemed to be part of an aluminium duct system. The square ducts were very large, and we headed to the east in them. We came out to the north. We were on the road that curved from south to west along the tall steep hill on the northern side of the valley. The school seemed to be a large low building to the southwest of the wide curve in the road. The forested hill rose steeply to the north of us as we turned to the west. I started driving the car to the west, but i realized that the road in front of us was partly torn up. The surface of the road was made of old wooden beams, which were about a half-meter thick. They looked deteriorated, and many of them were charred and burned away. The work crews had torn up pieces of the wood. The crews were not here at the moment, but a construction vehicle was parked on the northern side of the road, to the west of us. The large wide truck seemed to have a crane on the back of it, which was facing forward. The truck was facing east. I still felt upset about the fire at the school, and i realized that we would not be able to drive on the road to the west. Large trucks were blocking the road farther to the west of us. We must have driven past a barrier to the west of us that blocked the road for the construction. We would have to turn around. I started to turn the car to the north, thinking that i could head back to the east on a narrow side road that ran parallel to the main one. A large blue emergency truck was just to the north of us, though. I had to be careful driving around it. I headed back to the east, but i felt upset again. I realized that the fire was happening again. I wondered if i was simply remembering this from before, or if i had slipped back in time and was reliving the event. I wondered if i should tell the others that the event was happening before it got worse. Something very bad seemed about to happen. I headed to the south, down the hallway of the school building. I turned to the west, into a classroom as i told the others about the emergency. I felt tense, thinking that i could prevent people from getting hurt this time. I was then heading to the north, trying to leave the building. I pushed open the double doors and exited the building. A man came from the northwest as i closed the doors behind me. I wondered if he thought that i did not belong in this place. He stopped near me, and we talked about the school for a moment. I still felt rushed to do something about the emergency, but the others in the area to the east of me did not seem hurried. They were doing a play about the school tragedy. They were acting as if in a Shakespearean play, using complicated language structures. I had thought of something like this before. I wanted to do an entire book of the story as if it were a play. I realized that the actors were doing what i had thought about doing. I felt sad that i could not do my idea anymore. The actors moved to the north, passing both to the east and west of the man and i. They were now very close to us, but they were facing away from us. They were still performing the play. They formed two lines, which ran east to west. They stood in the lines, facing away from each other, and we were between the two lines, near the eastern end of the group. The actors then started singing as they moved in unison, maintaining the lines. The two lines pivoted so that the eastern end moved to the south. We moved to the southeast to get out of their way.