12021 July 01

I was running with $G4, and we were following trails into old buildings. I ran to the west, down an old corridor with cement walls. $Z was running with me, and we were talking as we ran. I followed the marks of the trail to a small crack in the middle of a cement wall to the west of me. The smooth surface of the gray wall had a small section about a meter wide where the surface had been chipped away. The inside of the cement wall seemed to have rounded features, and the crack radiated out from a central point. I moved to the central point, thinking that the trail went through a hole i the wall. I pushed on the broken concrete to see if i could widen the hole enough for us to go through. I tried pushing on the wall a few times, but it did not seem to work. I then backed away from the wall. I realized that the entire central section of the wall was swaying from my push. The central section of the wall seemed to be unattached from the two sections on either side of it and from the ceiling. I stood in the middle of the room, facing west, with $Z to the south of me. The center section of the western wall swayed so that the top edge was moving about a meter back and forth. I turned to $Z and started talking about the trail. I then looked at the opening to the south of us. We seemed to be in a different area now. A rectangular opening was in the cement floor, near the southern wall. We moved to it, knowing that the person setting trail had set down the hole. $Z was unsure where the trail went, but i noticed a small square metal grate on the end of a pipe inside the opening. I thought that the trail might take us through the small tunnels of the basement. I moved toward the hole to look down as the other person talked. The hole in the floor was about a meter deep from the wall and about a meter and a half wide along the wall. A thin wall separated the eastern side from the western side. I could see the square opening with the metal grate over it. The grate had a flared frame that was about a half deci thick. The metal seemed like old cast iron, and it was rusted. I could see some marks down in the hole. The grate was near the floor, which was about a meter below the floor i was on. I thought that someone would have to run down into the basement area of this old building to follow the trail. I then looked to the east in the hole. The eastern section was now deeper than the western section was. It seemed to be a full three meters below me, and i could see the person in the gray T-shirt setting trail. He turned to the south for a moment and then continued to the east. I called to him, but he did not seem to notice. We were not supposed to see where the trail went before we got there. I turned to talk with the other person near me. It seemed that we would be following the trail in a relay fashion. $A592 was to the northwest of me, and he was ready to head down into the hole to follow the trail. I wondered if his section of the trail ended in the basement. If it did, how would the next runner know? People were gathering around us now, ready to head down the stairs into the basement. The stairs were now along the eastern wall, descending to the north through an opening in the floor. Runners in white T-shirts were lined up along the western side of the opening, waiting to descend. $A592 moved to the southeast of me, near the people waiting to go down. I told him that i would not know where the next section of the trail started if it started in the basement, so i would have to follow him down so that i could continue the trail after he finished. I wondered what the basement section was like, and i wondered if we would have to crawl through any narrow tunnels. It seemed like an uncomfortable place to explore.

I was in the hotel room with the other person. The room seemed somewhat square, and the entry door was in the middle of the western wall. I stood in the center of the room, and the man stood to the south of me. I looked down the long corridor in the center of the building to the west as i talked to the man. The corridor had smooth medium-gray walls and a very high ceiling. I could see the door on the western end of the hallway. The door led outside. As i spoke, i noticed a small group of men at the door. They were entering the building. They wore gray robes with hoods pulled up over their heads, and they had symbols on their foreheads. I remembered that they had come after us before, and they were very dangerous men. I warned the man with me that the men had come back. I thought that they were after us again. I moved to the west and closed the door to the room. I was still able to see the men in the corridor through a small square window in the upper part of the door to the room. I moved around quickly, talking to $Z and wondering what we should do. We gathered some things near the southern wall. I then looked out the corridor again, noticing that the men were no longer in the corridor. I realized that they must have come to the building for someone else. I imagined that they had turned to the south and entered another room. $Z and i continued to move around the room, trying to get our things together so that we could leave.

12021 July 02

The woman handed us the pieces of paper as we stood in the room, which seemed to be a lobby on the northeastern corner of a building. We had been waiting here for something, but we were about to leave. The pieces of paper had something to do with the tickets that we could get if we waited in the queue for a while. We did not seem interested in waiting. I thought that i could get the movie tickets at some other time. The others with me started moving away to the northwest, and i started to follow them. I looked at the card in my hand. It was a dark card with white letters on it, and it had a white card behind it. I dropped it on the ground as i moved to the northwest to follow the others. The card had the name of the movie on it and a time. I had taken a few steps away from the card, but i decided that i wanted to save my card to remind me of the movie. I walked back to the southeast to pick it up. I watched myself from the northwest of myself as i held the card in my hands and read the front. I was slowing walking as i read. I then turned to the northwest and continued walking across the grass of the college campus. The cards seemed to be a popular thing. The room to the south of me seemed empty, but i knew that people would fill it to wait in line for the tickets. We did not want to wait around. We would get tickets at a later time. I saw some people moving into a queue that was forming along the southern wall of the pale-gray room. A young man with a rounded face walked to the eats along the western side of the wall, passing behind a square column in the southwestern part of the room. He seemed excited, and he asked the woman who was directing people about the tickets. He would have to wait with the others. I continued walking across the grassy quadrangle of the campus. The others were ahead of me, to the northwest. It was a sunny day, and i felt comfortable, but i felt that i had to do something. A road ran north to south to the west of me. I glanced to the south as i crossed the center of the field. An old low stone building was to the south of me, and people were gathering there for tickets as well. I thought that i would probably wait to see the movie until later. I did not feel like being part of the rush. I crossed the road and started driving to the north. I had to get somewhere. The road seemed to be crowded, though. I turned to the west and started traveling down a narrow road, but the northern lane was blocked with construction vehicles. I was following another car that was moving slowly. I felt annoyed that everything was moving slowly, and i tried to go around the blue car. As i tried to pass it, the foam fell into the road. I stopped my car. I was now facing north on the road to the north. I could drive through the foam, but i realized that i was in the wrong lane, because i was still trying to pass. Cars coming in the other direction might try to drive through the foam as well, and they would not see me. I thought that i should get back into my lane and try to move forward again.

12021 July 03

I took a drink of the alcohol and put the bottle back on the table to the west of me. I was standing near the southern end of the long rectangular table, and people were standing on either side of me. Several bottles were on the table. The alcohol seemed rather strong. I had expected something lighter, like beer. The person to the south of me said that the bottle was a very good whiskey. I said that we should keep the whiskey for later, adding that it was too strong for us to drink while we were at work. We headed to the south and rounded the southern end of the table. We headed for the door to the room, which was in the southern end of the western wall. The room seemed like a conference room, and our office seemed to be to the south of it. I felt happy with the others, and we joked as we moved back into the other room. We talked about something. I then headed back to the north, up the narrow hall where the conference room was. The door to the conference room was about two meters into the hallway, on the eastern side. I looked back into the room. The bottle of whiskey now seemed very tall, and it stood far to the east, outside the window. The landscape outside was hazy, and i seemed to be looking out over an ocean. The bottle reached up from the hazy ocean. I considered doing something with it, but i thought that we should leave it there. I wanted to have some of the other drinks, but there did not seem to be any drinks with lower alcohol content at the moment. I walked back to the south and into the office, where i talked with the others. We were having a good time, and we laughed about something. We seemed to be at an event of $G4. I felt good, and i walked back to the north to get the bottle. As i rounded the corner of the doorway to enter the room, though, i had to stop. People were sitting around the conference table, and a man was pacing along the eastern side of the room, talking to them. A meeting was happening. The man wore a light-blue button-up shirt, and he looked up at me as i stopped in the doorway. I did not want to disturb the people at the table. The man looked back down at the others and continued talking. The room seemed dimly lighted, and the people at the table were not well lighted. Most of them seemed to be wearing light-blue dress shirts, though. I started to turn to head back out the door when i looked at the bottle. It still stood in the center of the wide sea out the long window to the east. The bottle was now partially covered in fog, and the entire scene had a green hue to the mist. It seemed eerie. I thought that the scene had become more and more obscure by fog since we had put the bottle here. I wondered if there was any significance to it. I thought about this as i headed back to the east in the room to the south. The others were sitting around the southern end of the table in the office room where we had been eating dinner. I had been sitting on the eastern side of the table, a few spots in from the southern end. I came around the eastern side of the table and headed back toward my spot. As i reached it, i noticed that my dishes had been cleared. I was a little disappointed, because i had not finished eating everything on my plate. I realized that i had been gone for a while, though. The bottle was still standing in the center of the table, and i moved it a little with my left hand as i said something to the others. I sat down on the couch, which was now to the east of the table, and i talked with the others here. We were talking about the camp that we had been at. This seemed like a $G4 event, and we had to get back to the camp. I tried to lean back in the couch, but the cushions were not quite right. I rotated my shoulders to the northeast to fix them. The man to the north of me also commented on the cushions. The couch had three cushions across the back side. They were covered with a rough material that was off white. The man pulled the square center cushion forward. He commented that it was out of place as he tried to adjust it. I told him that i had rotated it upside down, but it did not seem to help. He turned the cushion around so that it faced into the couch. He then leaned back into his seat as though considering it. A zipper seam now ran across the center of the cushion. The seam had pale-green trim along it. I pointed the zipper out to the man, saying that the cushion could not be left this way. It never really adjusted correctly. I thought that it was always smaller than the two cushions on either side of it. I was aware of a large window over the couch, to the east. I adjusted the pillow and sat back into the seat. I was now in a car, which seemed to be traveling to the south, on the eastern side of town. We had to get to the campsite where the $G4 event would be held. It seemed late in the day, though, and i thought that we would not get to the camp until very late. I wondered if we should still travel in the evening. I then thought that we did not want to wait until the next day. It was Friday, and the main parts of the event were happening on Saturday. If we waited until Saturday, then we would miss some of the runs. I had to go tonight. I felt tired, though. I sat in the passenger’s seat on the left side of the car, looking out the eastern window of the car as the person drove to the south. A light snow was coming down over the suburban area. I felt tired, but i wanted to get to the camp area before it was too late. The driver turned the car to the west and continued driving across the brown and tan city. I suddenly realized that the snow seemed out of place. I was suddenly surprised that it was snowing, and i exclaimed to the driver that it was the middle of July and that it should not be snowing in the middle of July. The driver did not reply, but she seemed to smile in agreement with the statement. I continued mentioning how unusual it was for it to be snowing in the middle of July in this place.

12021 July 04

I was driving to the west, up the hill on the street in the suburban area. $F71 was driving with me. He was in another car, traveling in front of me. The land seemed open here, with thin trees and a few buildings off the sides of the road. $F71 moved to the southern side of the road and stopped. I drive past him, wondering what he was doing. I then thought that i should stop to get him. I started to slow down, but i noticed that a car was behind me. I would not be able to pull over here. I continued up the hill, thinking that i would be able to turn around once the road widened a little. Near the top of the hill, the road curved to the northwest. I spotted a small narrow road to the northwest, and i turned off onto it, thinking that it would take me back to the south and to the main road. After a little while, though, the road curved back to the north. I felt annoyed, thinking that i was wasting time by going in the wrong direction. The road started going downhill and turned into a very narrow lane. The sun was low in the sky to the west of me, just over the houses on the sides of the road. I felt anxious to turn around. The road then ended with a small turn to the north. The road widened into a cul-de-sac, which had a flattened western side. To the south, a pedestrian path ran across a glassy lawn. I knew that the path headed back in the direction of the road that i needed to take, but i would not be able to drive on the pedestrian path. The northern end of the cul-de-sac was open to a street, which ran east to west. A UPS truck was parked across from the intersection. It faced west. I turned to the east on the street and started driving back in the correct direction to get back to $F71. I wondered how i would get back to the same street that he was on.

I was standing in the driveway, to the east of my grandmother’s house. Other relatives of mine were there as well. I started walking to the east, across the driveway. I then turned a little to the northeast and started flying up. I thought that my relatives might notice me flying and think it surprising. I realized that i was wearing a pair of black gym shorts and nothing else. I looked up from my shorts, now walking to the west on the sidewalk, which was to the south of the house. I started floating again, gliding slowly up as i moved to the west. I then noticed my reflection in the windows of the house. I could see that i was really flying. I was not just hovering over the ground between steps. I knew that i was awake, so i knew that it must be real. It was not just another dream where i was able to fly. I started flying back and forth in front of the house, watching my reflection to see how i was doing it. The reflection seemed so real, and i was convinced that i was really flying this time rather than dreaming. I flew to the north, over the gray low-peaked roof of the house. I crossed to the northeast, floating down along the eastern side of the house. A door was in the center of the eastern side of the building, and i hovered just to the southeast of it. I wondered if it would seem interesting that i was flying over the house in shorts. I thought that it might seem like i was doing something athletic. A woman then opened the door and stepped out. She was wearing a black muumuu, and she seemed like $K7. I wondered if she would notice me flying and think that it was interesting. I felt a little proud that i was able to fly again. I then realized that my other relatives were gathered in the driveway near me. They were talking in a small group around a round table. I moved to the north to join them, aware that we were now in a street. A car was then coming from the east, and i realized that my relatives were in the way. The car would not be able to drive around them. I realized that the table had actually been set up in the middle of the corridor. My relatives stood up and moved the table to the south to get out of he way of the car. Someone then grabbed the circular ring that had been on the ground under the chairs and moved it to the south, around the table. I realized that my relatives had been in the first location because that was where the old fire pit was. I could see the indentation in the ground where they had been sitting. They had slided the ring to the center of the main corridor, which was to the south of me. I looked up to the northwest, noticing the tall jagged hills around us now. The brown rock seemed steep, and i thought that it was the northern side of town. The town seemed to run along the base of the hills and partway up the southern face. Water was now to the east and southeast of me. I looked out over the wide body of water, which stretched to the horizon. I could see a large island and several smaller ones to the southeast of us. The mountains stuck up from the water at a steep angle, as though the peaks of a taller hill that had been submerged. I then realized that the near side of the islands seemed like cliffs, and the cliffs seemed like the discontinuous surface of a larger cliff, which curved from the southeast to the south of us. I thought that the curve extended all the way back to the large island, which now seemed to be to the north of me. I told the other person that this place was a caldera. He was to the west of me, and he made a vocal noise in disagreement. I pointed to the cliffs to the north of us, pointing out the curved surface. I pointed out how the tan and brown surfaces from the islands curved from the northeast to the southeast of us. I thought that i should fly off of the boat to see the islands more closely. We seemed to be standing on the bow of a large boat, which was about three hundred meters from the shore to the north. I flew up and headed south, jumping off the edge of the boat. I thought that the man might be surprised when he saw me jumping. He would not have known that i would be able to fly. I flew to the western end of the larger island, which was directly to the south of me. The stones on the island looked oddly unnatural. As i approached them, i realized that the rocks were actually stacked neatly on top of one another. The cliff wall was formed of cut blocks that were fitted together. This surprised me. I had not expected to find a man-made wall here. I then realized that the wall must be very old. It seemed like it was part of an ancient structure. I had never heard of any ancient structures in this area, and i wondered if others from the boat knew about it. Someone must have realized that it was here, and i wondered why i had never heard of it. I thought that the ancient Americans must have built it. I knew that we were in northeastern North America, and i tried to imagine who could have built the wall. I flew to the western end of the island, looking east down the length of the wall. The wall ran along the surface of the jagged tan rocks of the hills. Through an archway in the rocks, i could see the southern end of the wall, to the east of me.

12021 July 05

Someone was explaining how things would be returned when the delivery was not correct. I listened to the explanation, and i tried to think about how it would work. I felt tired, though, and was not concentrating well. I had a computer tablet in my left hand as i sat in the chair, facing west. I was in a large lecture room, and the floor sloped down to the west, toward the front of the room. I seemed to be on the southern side of the audience, though i was not aware of others in the room. I was taking notes on the tablet, writing something with a stylus. I thought that i had to write something about the deliveries, but i was not sure what. I tried to think. I worried that i was not paying enough attention in the lecture, and i tried to focus, but i was feeling sleepy. I forced myself to pay attention. Someone was talking about the deliveries. I was now standing near the lecture area, which was inside a fence to the west of me. I was standing next to the fence, just outside of the area. $A771 was to the north of me. He was delivering something to this area, and he held a clipboard in his left hand. I leaned on the wood-rail fence to the west of me as i watched $A771. He was with a woman, who stood to the east of him. He had delivered an animal to the woman. I looked to the east to see a small pen. A small collie was in the pen, facing me as it sat. It seemed happy. I pointed out the animal to the others, thinking that it was rather small. I said that the woman had had a larger collie before. Something seemed strange. I then noticed a black cat to the east of the dog. It was standing with its legs apart and its tail straight up. This seemed like a strange stance, and i asked the others if the cat was spraying. I moved a little and noticed a puddle under the cat on the floor. The cat must have been angry that the dog was here, and it was spraying to mark its territory.

12021 July 06

I had been running with the other people through the trees in the urban area. I turned to the north and came into a small open area in the middle of the trees. A house seemed to be to the north of us, about twenty meters away. Thin tree trunks and vines filled the area around us, and we were looking for the trail marks to find out which way to go. $F71 had stopped just in front of me, to the northwest of me, and a woman stopped to the southeast of me. I looked around through the thin trunks of the trees and vines to the north and east of me. The tree canopy was thick enough that no leafs grew on the lower parts of the trees, so the area around us was dimly lighted and murky brown. I turned to the southeast, noticing yellow marks on the trees. I called out, letting the others know that i had found the trail. I started following it. I then realized that $F71 was not behind me anymore. I stopped and turned to look for him. I had taken only a few steps through the tangle of thin branches and vines, but i could not see $F71 behind me. I wondered where he had gone. I asked the woman and the others about it. It seemed strange that he had suddenly disappeared. I turned back to the southeast. The other person was commenting on how the marks had disappeared. I had followed a narrow trail to the southeast from where we had stopped. The pale ground was worn as it descended the shallow slope to the southeast, passing through the crossing branches. I remembered that i had stopped at the edge of the water because i could not see any other marks to the east or southeast of me. I did not want to step into the water right away, though i knew that the trail probably went in that direction. I could see a tangle of branches just to the southeast of me, under the water. A second pile was just beyond it. A woman talked up and stopped on the edge of the water to the north of me. She said that the person setting trail had probably gone across the water. She reminded us that he had set across water before and had kept his marks vague. I looked at the second mound of sticks to the southeast of me. The top of it protruded from the water. The woman said that the marks were probably on the other side of the second mound. She had that the person who set trail, who seemed like $A808, had done something like that before. I leaned a little to the south, looking along the trees to the east of the water. My vision did not seem to be clear, but i thought that i could see yellow marks on the trees. I realized that there were two marks i could see, one only a few trees farther than the first. I called to the others, letting them know that the trail ran ahead of us. A man to the northeast of me asked where the marks were. He seemed like $A56. I told him that they were on the trees to the east. I knew that the marks had been blocked by trees when i had been standing on the shore at the bottom of the trail, so i told the man that i had seen them when i leaned to the south. I leaned to the south a little more, trying to get a clear view of the fuzzy yellow spots to the east of me. I then noticed a yellow square closer to me. A wooden wall stuck up from the water, just to the east of the bottom of the trail. It was dull from age and made of thin vertical boards. It had a board running across the top, and the top was curved to the east, making it look like the leading edge of a sled. It was about five meters off the shore. A few meters beyond it was a second wall, which seemed brighter. The second wall had a square sign in the center of it, and a clear yellow rectangle had been placed on the lower right side of the sign. It was definitely a trail mark, but it could not be seen from the trail because it was blocked from view by the first wall. I told the man that a mark was on the sign, and i moved farther to the south to get a better view of the mark. I had only seen it just around the edge of the first wall, but i could not see the entire sign. I realized that i had walked to the south, over the pile of branches and over the water. The woman who had been to the north of me was now making her way to the east, out into the water. She passed to the north of the sign and was starting through the deeper water. The water was up to her waist as she walked. I headed to the east, moving along the southern side of the large tunnel that we were now in. The tunnel had a high domed ceiling. I walked quickly through the water, trying to catch up with the woman. We seemed to be crossing from one side of an intersection in the tunnel to another. The tunnel to the east ran only about twenty-five meters before stopping. I started swimming in the water, watching the woman ahead of me. She had almost reached the eastern end of the tunnel. I lifted my right arm and started swimming with an overhead stroke, but i realized that i could simply continue with a breast stoke. I did no think that the water was deep enough or the distance long enough to do an overhead stroke. I then thought that the woman had done a doggy-paddle stroke, so i tried doing that. I wanted to move quickly through the water, but i was not sure how to do that with a doggy-paddle stroke. I reached the eastern quickly anyway. Double doors were in the eastern wall, atop a ledge at the end of the tunnel. I reached the ledge and started to pull myself up. I was then aware of the people who were sitting along the southern side of the tunnel on a higher ledge. They had said something about me being naked. I realized that i was wearing shorts and no shirt, so it looked like i might be naked. I remembered the people on the ledge from before. I pictured them wearing warm-up suits that were mostly red. Most of them were sitting on the bench, but one man, who seemed to be a coach, stood to the west of them. They had been sitting on the cement bench along the ledge when we had started our run, so this must be the same room that we had started in. I was surprised that we had come back to this area already. I held on to the cement ledge to the east of me and swinged my feet to the east, throwing them up onto the ledge to pull me out of the water. I called out that i was not naked but that i was Joy Division. The people on the ledge laughed suddenly at the play on words. I was happy that i could amuse them. I pulled open the wide double doors to the east of me and was about to head out. I knew that we were now in a building in the middle of the city. I remembered starting here. A street was just outside, and we had turned to the south before and headed up the slight hill.

12021 July 07

I was talking to the others as we moved to the southeast, through the large building, which seemed like a mansion. I knew that an old man owned this place, and we were visiting. The halls seemed well kept and polished. To the northeast, i could see a large house with decorative trimming. It looked like a gingerbread design, with many thin spires pointing down from the peaked roofs. The house seemed very long. I continued moving through the long corridor of the house, passing through the people that had been gathered for the event. I felt as though i did not quit belong here, but the people around did not seem to notice that i was out of place. I then noticed that some of the other people were wearing uniforms, which seemed to be the tan uniforms of soldiers. I started to feel uneasy, as i passed through the crowd. I thought that the soldiers might notice that i did not belong here. I then noticed the patches on some of the uniforms, and i realized that the soldiers were Nazis. I realized that i was in danger here, and i had to get out. I tried to act calm as i stopped to look around the crowd. I turned to the northwest and headed back the way i had come. I was on the second level of the building, walking along the side of the building. I tried not to hurry, because i knew that it would look suspicious if i were walking fast. I had to get away from the bad guys before they realized that i was here.

12021 July 08

I headed to the northeast, toward the house on the northern side of the area. A large building was to the west of the house. I looked at the two buildings here, not quite sure where to go. As i reached the house, i headed to the north along the western side of the house. I was looking for something, but i was not quite sure what. I had to get into the house to the east, but i was not sure how to do so. I had been here before, but i did not see the entry doors near me. I looked in the windows as i walked past them, noticing that the house was dark now. I was hoping to see the rooms inside so i could get an idea of where in the house i had been before. I wondered where $F71 was. As i passed the northern end of the western side of the house, i noticed a keypad on the outside of the house. The building now had a more sophisticated entry system that it used to have. I thought that it would be harder to get in. I noticed a building to the north of me. It was tan with large pink letters on it. I thought that it was part of a tourist area. It had several ticket gates at the front of the building, but everything was closed at the moment. I thought that this area would let people into the other buildings around me. I stared at the building for a moment, thinking that i should try to remember the details. There were three arched doorways in the wall, and they seemed to have a green arched lintels that tapered at the ends. The letters were above and to the west of the doors. They were very large and seemed to be painted on the plaster walls. I thought that i would have to write these details down to remember the dream. I then turned my attention back to the house to the east. I had to figure out how to get into the building. I walked back to the south along the pinkish-tan stucco wall, which was to the west of me. The wall surrounded the large building to the west, and it was about five meters from the building. As i walked to the south, i kept looking at the large building to the west. It was modern and plain and did not seem to fit in with the other buildings. It was part of the tourist area, and i thought that it was an attraction. A sign of arched letters over a doorway that i could not fully see was now to the west of me. I thought that attraction was closed. The building seemed empty now. I turned to east and walked into the building. I was in a hallway on the southwestern side of the building. The hall ran to the south from where i was. I was deciding where to go when i heard others talking to the northeast of me. One of the voices sounded like $F71. I started gathering some things from the surface around. I had been sleeping on one of the couches in the hallway here. I thought that i had to find $F71. I headed to the east, into the hall that ran to north to south. The hall was very wide and looked like the corridor of a mall. $F71 was to the northeast of me, facing east as he talked to the other person. I walked to the east of $F71 and said hello. He looked at me for a moment, and i realized that he did not know who i was. I realized that he looked quite different than he should have. The other man was standing to the north of $F71, and he looked at me in question. The man must have wondered why i would have walked up and said hello to $F71. He was not a personality, so strangers would not know him. I felt a little uncomfortable, but i realized this $F71 was not the same one that i knew. I told the other man this this $F71 was not my $F71. I thought that this must be an alternate reality. I then added that my $F71 was more nerdy than the one here. I was standing very close to $F71 now, and his face seemed only a deci or so away from mine. His face was very oval, with a wide chin. I turned away and headed to the southwest, feeling a little awkward. I was then heading to the south along the eastern side of the building. This area seemed to be part of a college campus. The area seemed nice, but i felt out of place here. I thought that i was too old to fit in with the students. They would know that i was not part of this place. I turned to the southeast and entered the lounge from the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. The western end of the northern wall faced a little to the southeast. I was not sure were to go. I sat down in a cushioned chair on the western side of the room. An opening seemed to be in the floor on the northern side of the room, and it seemed to look down onto another level of the building. The wall to the south of me was glass and looked outdoors. A stucco wall was just outside the western end of the glass window, forming an entryway between the two windows. The southern end of the eastern wall was made of windows, and i could see the buildings to the east of us through them. As i sat, i realized that i had not yet dressed. I was still naked from sleeping on the couch. A man then came from the south, entering the building through the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. I felt suddenly nervous, thinking that the others here would think that i had sleeped with someone in the building. I sat up in the chair and covered my legs with a grey shirt. I would have to put my pants on and get dressed. I hoped that others did not think that i was sleeping with the students here. I looked to the west. The western side of the room was now a cafe, and students were coming in from the north on the western side of the room. I hurried to the west to try to leave the area. I would have to cross the campus to leave this area. I felt uncomfortable. I stopped in a doorway, though, wondering where to go. I seemed to be dressed now, but i still felt that i had to hurry out of this area. I then realized that a woman had been walking behind me. As i paused in the doorway, she paused as well. I glanced at her. She was wearing a thick blue sweater, and she seemed to be about my height. I thought that she had been following me. I continued walking to the west, but i paused at the next corridor as well. The woman paused with me, confirming that she was following me. I felt annoyed. She had long frizzy red hair. I knew that i would have to cross the campus and head up the slope to the northwest to get where i needed to go. I would not be able to lose the woman on the large quadrangle. I paused again in the corridor that ran between the two buildings. I thought that i could head to the north or south to get around the building to the west. A stairwell was to the west of me. I thought that i could take it and walk along the southern side of the building to the west of me. I descended the stairs on the southern side of the stairwell. At the bottom, i turned to the north, but as soon as i was out of view of the woman, i headed for the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. The door was a modern door, and it had a wooden slab over its handle. I headed to the south, and the woman followed me in the stairs. I passed around the stairs and was out of her view, so i quickly turned and headed into the door. I started up the stairs in the stairwell. The wall to the west of me was glass, and i could see the woman outside. She spotted me through the glass, and she stopped and turned around. She had to head back for the door. I thought that i could easily run to the east, into the building, and lose her in one of the corridors. I had enough time, but i felt annoyed with her. I hurried back down the stairs to the south and stopped near the closed door. I waited a moment. She did not seem to come right in. As she opened the door, i yelled “boo” at her, mocking her. I then turned to the north and walked away. I was then moving to the southwest. I seemed to be on North Campus, and Thurston seemed to be to the southeast of me. It had dry autumn leafs on the side of it. This seemed strange. It was not the correct season for dry leafs. I thought that something must have changed. I was still moving to the southwest, but i was in the passenger’s seat of the car as the man drove. I felt confused by this area, and i asked the man where i was. He said that he had rescued me. Something had happened, which would explain the change in time. The man said that the others had tortured me. I felt confused. I did not remember this, and i thought that the man could not be correct. I then thought that this must have been an earlier time that i had been in before. We turned to the west and started driving down the main road. I recognized the restaurants here, but i thought that they did not belong in this place. I noticed the sign for Sa’s Place on the northern side of the street. I realized that the sign was actually graffiti and that the places here were closed. Everything seemed worn and old, so i thought that this might be a later time than i should have been in. I asked the man driving what year it was. He said that he did not know. This seemed strange. I looked around at the scenery. Everything seemed in disarray. Something was not right about this situation. I thought that this must be the future. I started to feel frustrated. The man turned the van to the south and drove into an opening in a building on the southern side of the street. The opening led to a wide staircase, and the man started driving up it. I felt annoyed with him, and i angrily said “How can you not know what year it is?” I felt angry with the man, and i was annoyed with the lack of information he was telling me. I was also concerned about this situation. I did not feel safe here.

12021 July 12

I finally reached the place to the east. I had been traveling from the west. As i stopped, i started to take out my wallet, but i suddenly remembered that i had taken all of the money out of my wallet at home. I remembered leaving it on my dresser. I felt annoyed and upset. It was a long way back to my house, which seemed to be to the northwest. I did not want to have to go all the way back. I wondered what i should to, and i felt indecisive. I did not want to have to travel all the way back, but i could not do what i had come here to do without money. I then realized that this was a dream and that the circumstances were not fixed. I thought that i could simply change the dream so that i did have the money in my wallet. I just thought about the money always being there. I would have to change the story line of the dream. I was now holding my wallet to the east of me, and i could see that i had money in it now. I had changed the time line of the story. I felt a little relieved that i had solved the problem.

12021 July 13

I left the others and headed to the west on the street in the suburban area. I was driving parallel to a set of train tracks, just to the north of the tracks. This place seemed like somewhere in West Endicott. I thought that i should turn to the south to get to where i needed to go. I came to an intersection, which seemed like the intersection of Page and the street by the tracks. I was going to turn to the south, but a line of traffic was stopped at the tracks to the south of be, blocking the road. Tall buildings seemed to be on either side of the street, so i could not see that far to the south. I continued to the west, thinking that i would go to the next intersection. The road was now a dirt road, and construction vehicles were along the sides. The land to the south of me seemed to be under construction. I wondered if the road was actually closed off. I continued on it, though, thinking that i could drive to Page Avenue and cross the tracks to the south. The dirt road became very wide, and i thought that the road was blending in with the dirt land around it. I thought that i probably should not be on this street, because everything seemed to be under construction. I then wondered if the tracks would be closed because of the construction. The large lot to the south of me seemed to have had a building on it, but the building was gone, leaving only the dirt lot. I thought that i remembered that the tracks had been closed, and i wondered how i would get across them. I turned to the south, onto Page Avenue and started driving south to the bridge across the tracks. I still thought that the bridge might be closed for construction. A dirty white van was on the western side of the road, just after i turned to head south. It started moving just after i passed it, but it slowed down a little to let me get ahead of it in the driving lane of the road. I thought that it must be one of the workers leaving the site, and i wondered if he thought that it was strange that i was driving here. I wondered if the bridge to the south was still there. I then noticed the large factory building on the western side of the street, to the southwest of me. It had thick read beams running horizontally across it, and it did not seem to have any walls. I thought that it used to have walls, but now it was open. I looked at the red I-beams as i drove, thinking that they were probably the old floors of the building. The beams looked damaged, though. The remnants of the walls did not seem nicely broken. It looked at though the beams and exterior walls had been bombed or damaged inadvertently. I was surprised that the construction workers would intentionally do this, and i wondered what had happened. I wondered if the were doing this intentionally to hide the building and make it look destroyed. I thought that they might be trying to keep spectators out by making it look more dangerous than it actually was. It was a way to prevent people from putting themselves in unsafe places. The road dipped down a little to the east of the building, and i could see a large structure ahead of me. The structure seemed to be part of the bridge, and i thought that i could drive to the east of it to get to the bridge. I wondered if the road would be clear of construction after i crossed the tracks. An i started over the edge of the dip in the road, i could see that large piles of debris blocked the lower part of the road. The rubble piles were about five meters tall and had a dull-red color. I thought that i would not be able to drive around them, and i felt disappointed and annoyed. I stopped the car and started to back up, thinking that i would have to find another way around. I then saw several men in black armored suits coming out of the structure to the south. They seemed to be headed toward me. I felt nervous, and i tried to pretend that i did not notice them and continued to back up. The men had long cannons on their heads. I hoped that they did not try to stop me. I backed into the intersection, backing the car to the west. I then drove east again. It was now hard to see out the front of the car. The air was dusty from blowing dirt from the ground. I worried that flashing lights would be following me, but i did not see any. I headed to the east down the narrow road, which seemed to run along the northern side of the park. I thought that i could not drive through the park, so i had to follow the narrow lane around it. I wondered if the road went to the next bridge to the east. I still felt nervous, and i hoped that the others were not following me. The narrow dirt path seemed to be in the park, a few meters from the tall chain-link fence on the northern side of the park. I looked down at the two dirt tracks on the ground. The road then became two narrow tracks on an elevated surface. I was about a meter from the grass now. I followed the road over the white surface to the east. After a moment, i seemed to be three or four meters off the ground, and the road dipped suddenly down. I felt very tense as i drove down the incline on the narrow ramp. The ramp seemed to be only a little wider than the car. The ramp then turned to the southwest in a tight turn. I hoped that the card did not fall off. As i finished the turn, i saw that the ramp ended suddenly in front of me. I stopped suddenly, looking out over the end of the cement ramp. I was still four or five meters off the ground, and a paved court, like a basketball or tennis court, was to the west of me. The ramp had ended on the eastern end of it. Two large circles seemed to be drawn in the two halfs of the court, one on the eastern side and one on the western side. I felt frustrated, thinking that i would have to back up to get off of the ramp. I then realized that i would not be able to back around the tight corners without falling off. I was annoyed and wondered what to do. I decided to change the situation. I walked along the northern side of the small ramp as i moved the toy car over it with my left hand. I backed the car over the section that looked like a square figure eight in the center of the court. I wondered how i could drive it all the way back to the beginning of the ramp without driving off. I was aware of tall trees to the north of me and green grass around the court. I was now in a large room, which seemed like a gymnasium. I looked around at the high ceilings. I noticed the basketball backstop high on the plain gray eastern wall. Another person was with me, standing to the east of me as i looked around. I wanted to ask about this place, but i had to think of the right question.

12021 July 15

I was talking to the others in the outdoor area. I had been heading to the north, with the others, but something had stopped us. There seemed to be four or five people with me, and they seemed to be standing to the west and southwest of me. I was still facing north as i spoke. I stared to the north, trying to figure out what had happened. Something was happening here, and i felt alert. I knew that we were unable to head farther to the north because something was blocking our way, though we could not see it. I thought that i could do special things, though, and i thought that it would help me get past the barrier. I joked about this with the others as i continued looking to the north. I then started moving to the east, still looking off to the north. I told the others that i could pass through the barrier. I saw the large waves coming across the flat area from the north-northwest. They looked like waves of water, but they seemed more like illustrations. I thought that i could project through them as they passed over us. I stood still, waiting for the waves to hit us. I had to concentrate. As the swelling waves approached, i noticed that they were taller than i had thought they would be. I concentrated as they approached, thinking about passing through the center of the wave and letting the water wrap around me. The sky had a pinkish hue to its gray cast, and it tinted the rolling waves. I did not feel worried as the waves rolled closer. I did realized that this was a very strange situation, though.

I headed to the west as i talked to the others. I was back on the college campus, and i was heading to my dormitory room. The others walked with my for a little way as we across the northern side of the campus. I turned to the north and headed toward the dormitory building, leaving the others. As i approached the building, i noticed that the front door of the room had been left open. I was surprised to see it open, and i started to worry that someone had come into the room. I then worried that my cat had gotten out. I walked through the doorway and into the living room. A plain couch was against the northern wall, and i saw the gray cat lying on the floor in front of it. I felt upset and i rushed toward the cat. The cat moved weakly as i touched it. It seemed lethargic and sick. I worried that it was sick. It was a gray tiger cat, and i picked it up and comforted it in my arms. The cat did not move much. I thought that someone had poisoned the cat, and i was very upset. I held the cat in my arms, not sure what to do.

12021 July 16

I traveled down the road in the country area, heading west. My car was facing east, and i was driving in the northern lane of the road as i headed to the west. I knew that i was in the correct lane, but it was unusual for me to be driving in reverse. I felt a little uncomfortable doing it as i looked over my right shoulder to see where i was going. I had stopped the car in the road for a moment earlier, but i had just started moving again to the west. Something had happened, and i had stopped because of it. The land around me seemed to be forested, with low rolling rises. It was very open. I looked behind me, trying to keep the car in the northern lane of the road. Two cars were traveling on the road ahead of me, and another was coming from the west. I looked back to the east as the car from the west passed me. I had drifted slightly into the southern lane, and i quickly shifted back into the northern lane before the car passed. I looked to the east at my car. I was driving an old tan car, but my dark-blue car was to the east of me. I had been controlling it from the car that i was in. It seemed a lot to coordinate both cars on the road, and i was concentrating on both of them. I then decided that i should stop and turn around. I looked down the road at my blue car. It was about one hundred meters away. I steered it off to the side of the road, thinking that it would be much easier for me to deal with only one car at a time. I blue car moved to the north and stopped. I was not sure whether it was fully off the road or not. I thought that it might be straddling the white line. I could not see it over a shallow rise in the road. I thought that i could turn around the tan sedan that i was in and try to drive normally. I then saw the yellow bus come over a hill from the east. It started into the recession where my car was, and it suddenly tumbled forward. The rear of the school bus flipped up, and the bus rolled along a surface to the north of the road. I felt worried, wondering if the bus had run into my car. I hoped that my car was far enough off the road that the bus would have missed it. I started to head back to the east. I was upset that my car might have caused the crash. I was then walking to the west, down the wide corridor of the building. The yellow school bus was tipped up against the southern wall of the corridor ahead of me, and many people were now gathered around the area. Emergency vehicles had closed off the road ahead of me. I wondered if i would be able to get through. I could not see my car. I hoped that the bus had not hit it. As i approached, i saw people moving around the bus. I hoped that the students had not been hurt in the collision. I then saw a dark car to the west, farther down the corridor. It looked like my car, but it was damaged along the front. It was in a dark area of the corridor, so i was not actually sure. I felt upset. The bumper seemed to be off the car. I expected the emergency workers to block me from the area, but no one said anything to me. I continued to the west, passing the bus, and trying to see if the dark car was mine. I hoped that my car was not the cause of the crash. As i walked farther to the west, i realized that my car was not near the crash area. I felt better.

I was talking to the others in the center of the room. I had come into the room from the south. It was a large room. Someone was sitting on a couch just to the west of me, but i was talking to the person to the northeast of me. I smiled as i joked about something. It felt good to be here. The couch to the west of me was in the center of the room. To the west of it, a tall object, which seemed like a partitioning wall, blocked off the southwestern part of the room. Several cubical surfaces stood in front of it. To the north of it was a round table. I motioned to the table and mentioned the older man who was sitting on the southern side of the low table. The table seemed like a crafts table. I started toward it as i spoke about the man to the woman to the northeast of me. The old man wore shabby clothing, and he was slumped over the edge of the table. I said that he had fallen asleep. The woman said something contrary, and i stopped. I did not want to disturb the man, and i felt a little uneasy about him being here now.

12021 July 19

I was running with $G4, and we came from the northeast, entering the large grassy quadrangle on the college campus. I slowed to a stop, not quite sure where the running trail went from here. We were looking for white marks on the ground, but i did not see any obvious ones. A large stone building filled up the southern side of the quadrangle. I walked to the south, toward the center of it, wondering where trail could go. I thought that it would either go to the east of the building or to the west along it. I started jogging to the southeast to check for a trail. Some of the other runners followed me. A round white mark was on the ground near the building, so i though that this could be the correct trail. I rounded the northeastern corner of the building and started heading down the eastern side, heading south. I spotted some marks on the side of the building, to the south of us, and i pointed them out to the other runners. We reached the southern end of the eastern side of the building, and i looked to the south, trying to see if any marks were to the south of us. I thought that i could see a mark on a building across the small quadrangle from us, and i asked the other to check it out. I headed to the west, along the southern side of the large stone building. I noticed some marks heading along the southern side of the building, but they seemed faded. I then heard the others calling from the south, letting us know that they had found the correct trail. I stopped and looked at the marks ahead of me. There were many marks to the west, very close together, but they all seemed old and faded. I wondered if this was an abandoned part of trail. I started jogging to the west to see if the trail leaded anywhere. I knew that the others had said that they were on, but i wanted to see where this trail went. $A770 then called to me from the east, saying that the marks i was following were not part of a trail. I thought that the others to the south had turned to the west, though, so i headed to the west, thinking that i could meet up with them on the other side of a building. I ran down a narrow alley between the large stone buildings. Two other men were following me. I felt suspicious of them, feeling that i did not trust them. I thought that they were thugs. A third man seemed to be to the east of the other two, and i thought that he was the leader of the three. I felt nervous about them, and i thought i should be cautious. I followed the marks, and i pointed out to them that we were on trail. I wanted to keep engaging them so that they did not try to do anything to me. We were then running along a low stone wall, which was to the north of us. We passed an opening in the wall, and i told the others that the trail went through the opening. I could see the marks descending the grassy slope, which descended to the west on the northern side of the opening. We seemed to be to the east of Teagle Hall, and the steep grassy slope descended to the parking lot to the west of us. The grassy land descended steeply to the northeast of us, but it stopped abruptly in a small cliff directly to the west of us. We would have to go down the slope, because the cliff formed by the retaining stone wall was too high to jump down. A steep trench ran along the stone wall on the southern side of the area, and a man was working near the bottom of the trench. I thought that we would have to pretend that we were working for the man. This was a construction site, and the man was running the project. I asked the man what needed to be done, and he told me that he needed cement for the rocks on the northern side of the trench. I turned to the two others who had followed me and told them that we need cement. I then asked them if they knew how to mix the cement. I felt that i had to be cautious with these two people, and i said something that suggested that i already knew that they knew how to mix cement. I turned to the north and passed through the opening in the short stone wall again, leaving the other two to get the cement for the foreman. I started down the slope to the west, which was now sandy. I thought that the sand from the slope is probably what the construction workers were using to mix with the cement. I felt uncomfortable near the two others, and i thought that i had to leave them. Others started to gather here now. They had been following the trail behind us and were starting to catch up. I felt anxious and nervous, wondering how to get the runners to leave this place with me but still leave the two men i did not trust here. I started pacing around the eastern side of the large long room. I thought that i had to make a meal, and i paced back and forth doing something. A man was standing on the eastern side of the room, watching me. I felt a little nervous about him, but i pretended that i did not notice him. He seemed like $A5. I thought that he was controlling the others, who were now sitting in seats. The seats of the lecture room curved in wider and wider arcs as they rose toward the eastern wall, and the people were facing west, but i knew that they were aware of what i was doing. I moved to the southeast to microwave my food. The microwave seemed to be on a counter on the southern end of the eastern wall. I was nervous about the man who controlled the others. I thought that he might realized that i was not subjugated like the others. I realized that i was acting out of pattern by cooking my food in this time and in this way. I had made food, but the others had been controlled not to make food for themselfs. I felt worried, and i wondered how i could get out of this place. I moved to the east, entering the apartment. A woman was to the west of me now, and i thought that i had to keep her safe from the thugs. One of the thugs was in the room to the northeast of me, and he was talking about something in a confident voice. I thought that he might be asserting his authority. I walked to the woman and softly told her to quietly run away. She seemed like a secretary for someone who had worked in this place, and it seemed that she had happened on this scene while she had been checking on the office. I was then on the street as the woman headed west. A pub was in the row of urban buildings to the north of me. To the south of me, people were gathering behind a railing along the southern side of the street. Beyond the sidewalk on the southern side of the street seemed to be a large body of water. I looked to the north again. A famous person was standing near the pub, and the two thugs were standing near him. I felt uncomfortable, because the thugs already controlled this area. The crowd had gathered to get into the bar, and i thought that they would be here to see the famous person. I wondered what i could do. As long as the famous person mesmerized the crowd, i would not be able to warn them that they were in danger. Someone then came down the street from the east. I realized that he was David Bowie. He walked with confidence, his long hair waving dramatically as he moved. The crowd noticed him and turned their interest toward him. I realized that David Bowie was already famous in this point in time, but the other person to the north was not yet famous. This was good, because Bowie would draw all of the crowd’s attention. The other man headed to the north, into the pub, taking the crowd around him with him. I thought that there might be a confrontation. I thought that he was trying to secure his audience before Bowie arrived in the pub. I grabbed the glass door of the pub, which swinged to the south and east, and held it open, expecting Bowie to walk into the bar through it. Instead, Bowie paused near the door, looking at a second door to the east. He walked past me and opened the door to the east. I realized that he was making a special entrance by not walking through the same doorway as the other man had. I headed into the pub. A breezeway seemed to be just to the east of me as i entered, and i thought that Bowie would enter through the glass door to the breezeway. Others were talking around me, but i watched the door to see how Bowie entered. The two bad men were here. I wondered where David Bowie was. It seemed to be a while since he went into the other door. A woman to the east of me then mentioned another pub, which was to the south of us in the city. I pictured it on the eastern side of a north-to-south street. I thought that this was where Bowie went when he entered the door. I thought that the bad men would go there too to try to get Bowie. I headed to the east, into the apartment. I had to warn the others that the bad men might be coming. A television screen was on to the south of me, and i could see the image on it change as i started to watch it. The bluish-green doorway of the pub was adapting to the new situation. It now looked like a punk club, and i thought that it would look this way just in time for the thugs to arrive. Now i would be able to convince the bad guys that the club was real. The club was a disguise that would fool the bad guys in going to the wrong place.

12021 July 21

I sat in the chair, facing south. The other man stood behind me. He was a friend of mine, and he seemed like $A461. He grabbed my head from behind and tipped it a little. I realized that he was trying to crack my neck as a chiropractor does. I felt a little hesitant about him doing that, and i lifted my left hand to ask him to stop. He tipped my head forward a little, and i realized that he was not going to use sudden motions as a chiropractor does. I relaxed again and let him stretch the neck muscles as he held me with his arm wrapped under my chin. I could feel the neck stretch, but there were no sudden movements. I then heard the other person talking. The man behind me let me go, and i sat up, aware that the people in the room to the south of me were starting the meeting. Someone was repeating numbers. Seven or eight people were standing in front of the long tall table just to the southeast of me. They were all facing south, toward a larger table where a few people sat. A microphone was near the eastern end of the long narrow table, and someone was speaking into it, testing the sound. Two men sat behind the table to the south, which seemed to have audio-mixing equipment on the table. They must be adjusting the sound. I could hear a low hum feeding back from the microphone as someone repeated the numbers. I stood up to see who was talking into the microphone at the eastern end of the high counter near me. Old wood seats seemed to line the northern and eastern walls of the room, and i had been sitting in one of the seats on the western end of the front row of the northern seats. Someone then called my name. I moved toward the western end of the counter, thinking that i had to walk up to a microphone and speak. The people to the south were still setting the levels. I felt confused, wondering why they would want me to speak. I moved to the western end of the black counter. The counter was just below my chest level, and it was a smooth black surface that looked like fake stone. It was about three-quarters of a meter wide in the center, but it tapered on both ends to about a quarter meter. The people standing to the north of it leaned on it. They were wearing dark business suits. The hum from the microphone continued, and i looked around, unsure whether i should walk to the western end of the counter where the microphone was or not. A woman who was standing near me at the counter told me that i did not have to test the microphone. I realized that the man to the south must have been calling someone else with the same first name as me. I was here in this trial to listen. The woman near me was someone that i worked with, and others from my office were leaning against the northern side of the counter. I back to the north a little and looked at the backs of the people at the counter. I thought that two or three on the western end were from my office. I was here with them to listen. I felt that i was not involved directly in this court case. I moved to the north a little as the others got ready for the meeting. I could still hear the microphone humming, and i thought that the person running the sound board could have turned it down more. I adjusted my position. I had been lying down, and i rolled over onto my stomach. I could feel my left arm under me, and i wondered why it did not feel uncomfortable. I was then aware that my head was tipped so that my face was between a pillow and something else. It seemed like a strange position, but i thought that it shaded my eyes from any light. I lay still for a moment, thinking about the position. I then sat up. I had been sleeping on a white couch. The couch was facing west or north, and i had my face in the southern or western end. The couch seemed to be facing west as i lifted my head from the cushions, but as i stood up, it was facing north. I realized that the meeting of the others might be happening again. People were standing to the south of the couch, facing south. I had fallen asleep during the meeting and sleeped through part of it. I wondered if anyone had been annoyed by the fact that i was sleeping. A man appeared to the southeast of me, juts to the south of the people sitting to the south of the couch. He was lecturing, and i realized that the trial was still happening. The man was making a point about Noah’s ark. He retold part of the story, but i realized that it did not make sense. He had added things to the story that should not have been there. The man tried to argue a conclusion, but i thought that he was just making up stories to make his argument. I felt annoyed as i sat on the couch, which now seemed to be a bench or other low surface. I was on the southern side of the bench, and the row of people in dark suits now stood to the north of me. The man to the northwest moved up and down the central aisle of the courtroom, trying to make a point, but it seemed that the people sitting in front of me did not think that his argument was accurate either. The man walked south, stopping to the west of me. He was handing out copies of a folded brown piece of paper. I looked at the designs on the brown paper. It was a crude map, and some of the symbols on it seemed to be in Hebrew. One symbol near the center seemed like a Maltese cross. I thought that the man represented a Jewish center, and he was trying to use the religion as a justification for his case. This was why he had referenced the story of Noah’s ark. I felt annoyed with the man. The man walked back to the north, still talking. I thought that his center must be suing our company for some service that they think we did not perform. I stood up and turned to the southeast. I thought that the case would still drag on, but i hoped that the exaggerated stories of the man were not taken as actual arguments. I was now to the east of the courtroom. I had walked through a glass door that was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I stood in a small alcove that was set into the southern edge of the building. To the south of me, a narrow alley ran south. I looked down the empty alley, noticing $A790 bending over to pick something up near the southern end of the alley. She stood back up and started walking toward me. I walked toward her, calling her name. She smiled up at me as i approached her and hugged her hello. We chatted for a moment, and then she continued to the north. I had told her about the courtroom discussion. She seemed to have something to do, though, so i let her go.

12021 July 22

I ran to the north, chasing the man who was running away from the police. He had run across the street to the northwest, into the grassy lawn that was to the southwest of the large cement structure. I remembered this scene from before. The man had been running from the police, but they would not be able to find him. I moved along the southern side of the structure, looking at the thin rectangular openings on the side of the building. The building was up a grassy slope from where i was, and i noticed that the grass had been trampled in a path that ran along the slope from the west. I thought that this must be the path that the man took. The police were still coming from the west and southwest. I stopped and started moving to the east, following the flattened short grass, which was to the north of me. The trail curved and moved toward the building, but it did not stop at one of the openings. The tall rectangular openings ran all the way to the ground, and were about a meter wide and set about five meters apart. I thought that the man must be looking for an entrance. I saw the path in the grass head to the southeast and then curve back to the building. I remembered that the man had gone into the building, so i knew that he would enter one of the openings. The police would follow the man into the structure, but they would not be able to find him, because he will run out the northern side of the building and down the street. I stopped on the top of the building, which seemed like a parking garage. I was aware of a group of police to the south and southwest of me. They were all headed in my direction, but the man was not here. I looked to the north, seeing the man come into view as he ran to the north. He headed over the railroad tracks, which crossed the main road. A large building blocked the view on the northern side of the tracks, so the man was quickly out of sight. I knew that the man had gotten away in the same way that he did last time. The police would come and would spend time looking through the building to find him, but they would not realize that he had run out the back side. I wondered why i would be helping chase the man. It seemed a risky thing to do. I then started to yell for the police. Instead, i pointed with my elbow to the north, indicating that the man had run in that direction. I heard the police yelling to each other, saying to follow the road. I started running to the north, after the man. I wondered why i was chasing the man myself, but i continued to follow him. As i crossed the tracks, i saw the man turn to the west and run down the street to the north of the large red factory building. I reached the street and looked to the west. I thought that the man was there, but i wondered again why i would be chasing him.

12021 July 24

I was moving to the east, down the center of the street as i talked to the other person. Someone was mentioning the name of the organization, which started with Greek letters. I tried to remember the name of the organization, but i could not quite remember it. The woman to the east of me, whom i could not see, asked about the organization. I stated the first part of the name, but could not remember the complete name. She then asked why i could not remember the name if i was a part of this organization. I slowed to a stop near the intersection of the streets, which seemed to be the intersection of Paden and Burns. I had been looking at houses to the southeast of me as i walked, and now i focused on a plain white house that was to the southeast. It seemed to be on the corner of the intersection. I tried to state the name of the organization as i stared at the black letters in the center of the front of the white house. The surface of the house seemed to be smooth cement, and it seemed to have gray vertical streaks from weathering. I told the woman that i belonged to a fraternity, and i mentioned the name of the fraternity, but i clarified that the name i was trying to remember was not my fraternity but a foundation or society that was run by the fraternity. It was not something that i hear frequently. I continued walking down the hall to the east, thinking about the organization. The walls of the hallway were off-white. I spoke to the other person who was with me and who seemed to be to the southwest of me. I had to do something. I stopped in the middle of the hallway, feeling indecisive. I had to use a computer to look up something, but i was in the building on the college campus. The building seemed like Mudd Hall. I used to have an office to the west of me, and i knew that $A14 had an office on the northern side of the hall to the west. I headed to the west, wondering if i should use the computer in the lab that i used to work at. I knew that i should not, but i felt indecisive about using it. I wanted to look something up, and it seemed like i would have to travel a long way to get back to my house, which seemed to be somewhere to the northwest. I stopped near the end of the hall, where a second hall headed to the north. A door was open to the north at the end of the eastern hallway, and i knew that this was $A14’s office. I could hear music coming from the room. It was an opera, with strings and horns playing in the background. I was aware of a second doorway to the west that was open, and i knew that that was also part of $A14’s office. The music seemed to be coming from there as well. I did not want him to notice me in the building, so i would not be able to sneak into my lab to use the computer. I headed back to the east, down the hall. As i passed the open door to the office, i listened to the classical music. It seemed to be playing from another office to the south as well. I thought that the two songs were slightly out of sync. I continued down the hall, thinking that there should be a computer lab in the center of the building. I felt hesitant to use it, but i walked to the east, into the lab. Some computers were set up on a table to the south of me, and i walked over to one. I felt uncertain about what i was doing. The computer was facing north and was sitting on a counter that ran along the southern wall of the room. I tapped the spacebar, and the screen turned white. I then wondered if the computer would ask me for college authentication. I could remember my account credentials, but i knew that they should be expired by now, because i no longer worked for the university. An image appeared on the screen, and i realized that i would be able to use the computer. I typed a few things on the keyboard, but i could not get the computer to display the operating system. Instead, it was showing a video scene. The computer was now on a counter that was set back into a small square area in the southern wall. I tried to switch off the video so that i could see the operating system, but i could not get it to work. A second computer was just to the west of me, on the counter on the western side of the area, and i typed a few things on the keyboard there as well, but the screens continued to show a video. I wondered if the computers were set up specifically for watching broadcast television. I felt a little annoyed with them, because i wanted to use the computers for something else. One of the attendants of the lab came from the east. He asked if he could help me. I motioned to the computer to the west and asked the man how i could get to the file system. He did not seem to understand what i meant, and i pictured a terminal interface on the computer. I rephrased and asked him how i could get to the desktop of the computer. He said something, but did not seem to know how to do what i had asked. I felt that i actually had to leave. I did not have time to fool around with the computers anymore, but i still wanted to get the computer working. I decided that they were designed to show videos and were not fully functional computers. I headed out to the north.

I moved the large flat piece of wood on top of the cabinet frame, which saw lying on the ground to the east of me. I was in the room of the apartment. The room was oddly shaped, as though it were several rooms joined together. The room to the east of me was rectangular, a with an eastern wall that was slanted so that it faced slightly northeast. To the northwest of me seemed to be the kitchen, which was a smaller cubical room that was open to the room that i was in. The counters of the kitchen seemed to be black, with many facets to the surface. The black shapes ran along the northern wall of the living room to the east of me and seemed to form shelfs. I moved the wood frame i was working on, trying to fit the two pieces together. The frame was made of thin struts of wood that formed a cabinet about one meter by three-quarters of a meter, by two meters. I moved it rather easily, despite its large shape. The flat piece of wood should be attached to one face of the cabinet, but i was having trouble getting the pieces positioned so that i could let the glue dry on its own. I moved the frame to the counter on the northern wall and put the plank on top of it, but this did not seem to work as well. I then moved it back to the floor, thinking that i could rest the frame on the plank as i had done before. I then noticed the clock on the cabinet to the southeast of me. The clock was an old mantle clock that stood tall. It had a glass door over the front of it. I realized that the inside of the clock was glowing oddly. As i looked more closely, i could see flames burning along the southern side of the round white face of the clock at the top of the wooden casing. I felt annoyed. I remembered that $F71 had done something to the clock, and i wondered if he had started a fire in it. I yelled his name, aware that he was to the north of me. I hurried to the clock and opened the glass door. I blew on the flames to try to get them to go out. $F71 did not respond, so i called his name again, asking him to come here. I blew on the flames, picking up the clock. $F71 came into the room. I told him that the clock was burning, and i asked him what he had done. He said that he had lighted candles inside the clock to light it. I reminded him that the clock was made of wood. He acknowledged this and apologized. He felt bad for not thinking of that. I felt annoyed, but i did not say anything to him. I turned to the northwest, carrying the clock with me. As i held it, i could feel the top of the clock becoming brittle under my thumbs. I looked down to see that the top surface over the casing of the clock was made of a thick paper. The paper had become brittle because of the flames, and it cracked and fell into the clock. I complained that the clock was on fire as i walked to the northwest with it.

12021 July 25

I walked with the others to the north, entering the building through the doors, which seemed to be on the eastern side of the building. The glass double doors faced south, at the end of a corridor that seemed to run along the eastern side of the building. This place seemed like a mall or other large public space. One of the people ahead of me opened the doors to allow us to walk though. As we went though, though, i noticed the small brown animal run thought the doors ahead of us. I realized that the animal should not be in the building, and i told the others that we should try to get the animal out. The others coaxed the small pink pig to run to the south. I knew that we wanted to keep the pig with us. It was the larger animal, which seemed like a wild boar, that we wanted to keep out of the building. As the tiny pig ran thought the doors, the larger animal followed us. I felt frustrated. We had to get the pig back into the building and still keep the boar out. Someone closed the door behind us as we entered the large glass-walled entryway. I felt a little more relieved, thinking that someone could easily grab the pig and take it back into the building. As i turned around, though, the short rounded woman in the brown shirt started traipsing back toward the door. She walked with exaggerated steps, lifting her knees more than normal and pointing her toes outward. She wrinkled her nose and pressed her lips together as she headed back to the north, moving from foot to foot in front of the door. I felt annoyed with her. She knew that she was being annoying, and i knew that she was not supposed to come into the building. I turned to the north and headed down the hall with the others. We passed through a narrower section of the corridor. This place was the airport. I remembered that we had come from the house that we were staying at, and we were now ready to fly back home. We seemed to be in a different country, and home seemed to be somewhere to the west. As we turned to the west, into a hallway on the northern side of the building, i thought about the flight. I was with a large group of people who had traveled to the airport, and the group i was with was the first group to get here. I thought about the airplane ticket, and i suddenly remembered that i had never packed up my things. I did not have my suitcase with me. I felt suddenly upset. I remembered the room that we had been staying in. The small bed was against the eastern wall, and my green duffel bag was on the floor, just off the southwestern corner of the bed. The house seemed to have something to do with $K39, and i pictured the room with pale green walls. I felt very upset now, realizing that i had left everything in the bedroom, unpacked. I paused in the middle of the corridor, telling one of the others that i had made a big mistake. I thought that i could not leave this place without my luggage. I also felt that, even if i could, i would have to say that i could not leave without my things. I then felt the sides of my pants, realizing that i did not have anything in my pockets. I did not even have my wallet or keys with me. I felt distraught and was not sure what to do. I knew that $F71 was coming with one of the other groups, and i told some of the people with me that i would wait for him to get here. I knew that it was a long way back to the apartment, and i did not think that i would be able to make it back. I looked at the eastern door, watching another group of people come into the room. I knew that $F71 would be with one of the last groups to get here. I did not know what to do, and i felt helpless.

I was running with $G4, and we slowed as we approached the area where the street opened up to the south into a small market-like area. We had been running down the street to the east, and we seemed to be at a large event. The area to the south was crowded with small buildings, which seemed like shacks. I thought that the sheds were places where the food and other supplies for the event were stored. I waked between some of the smaller wooden structures, watching the others get some things ready. Canvas awnings stretched between some of the structures, and people relaxed in chairs under the awnings. I thought that i should get a drink, but i was not sure where to go. I wandered through the area, watching other people do things. A rectangular table was in the middle of one of the patio areas between the buildings. It ran north to south, and a man stood to the west of it, pulling some red plastic cups out of a bag. I passed to the west of the table, heading south. A large beer keg was on the southern side of the table. I thought that i should get a cup to get myself a drink. Instead, i headed into the small wooden building to the south. The inside was a kitchen, and i wondered if i was heading into an area that was restricted to the organizers of this event. I thought that it might be all right, because i was looking for the cups for people to use. I found a small stack of small white plastic cups. They were small. As i picked them up from the wooden chopping-block table to the south of me, i noticed that they were dirt. Some of them had been stuck together. I realized that these were used cups. I would not be able to take them for others to use. A man then came into the room to the west of me. I said that i was looking for cups. He walked to the southern side of the table and pulled up several small blue cups. They were short and white a bit wider at the rim than at the bottom. The interiors of the plastic cups were white, which gave the cups an appearance of white trim when looked at from the side. I started to pull the cups apart, but i noticed that they were soft and crumbled. I pointed this out to the other man. The cups also had been used before, and they were old enough that the plastic had become brittle. I showed the other man how the cups were deforming, and he moved to the west to look for more cups. I walked back to the northwest, heading out of the building.

12021 July 26

I sat at the desk, facing east and reading the paper in front of me. It was not in English, and we were looking over the words. The paper seemed to be a folded newsletter that was in black and white. The instructor said something about the text, and i looked at the word at the top of the page. The word started with a W and some consonants. The writing style seemed Polish. I was in a classroom with other students, and we were figuring out what the writing was saying. I was then facing south, and we turned to the next page of the pamphlet. The teacher was reading various parts of the text to us. The top four or five lines on the left-hand page were in bold type and seemed to have flat serifs. The teacher read the line, and i noticed the digit four in the middle of the line. I spoke up, pronouncing it as something similar to four, but i could not remember what the rest would be. I looked up at the teacher, who was sitting to the south of me, and i said that i could not remember what the word for hundred was. The teacher sat on the western side of the table, and she leaned over the table, resting on her right elbow. She supported her head with her hand. She seemed like $A57. She corrected me, saying the correct word for the number four. I then realized that i had been translating the digit into another language, and i told the teacher that i kept thinking that the words should be in Scandinavian. I looked back at the paper as we started translating another section.

12021 July 27

I was in my car in the parking lot, and something seemed to be happening. My car was facing west. A black pick-up truck came from the south and ran into me. I felt annoyed. I started to get out of my car to see what happened, but the parking lot was covered with water, even though i could see the pavement. Water was up to the bottom of my door on the outside. I thought that i would not be able to open my door or water would pour into the floor of the car. The people in the truck backed away from me, moving to the west to turn around. The water seemed to be higher on their car, but the ground seemed level. The truck stopped, facing southeast. I was angry with them, and i got out of my car to say something to them. My car was to the west of me as i approached the back of the truck. The people were ignoring me, and i noticed some things in the back of the truck. I thought that i would take something out of the back of the truck to get the people to pay attention to me. Before i could reach the truck, they pulled away, laughing. I grabbed the latch on the tailgate and pulled the tailgate down. Several large black plastic garbage bags tumbled out of the back of the truck as they accelerated to the southeast. The truck drove away, but i thought that they would be back for the bags. I waited for a moment, but the truck did not come back. I was angry with them. I moved back to my car and waited a little longer.

I ran to the north, across the open area. Many people were moving around in the open area. I was heading up the center of a street, and the others running with me were in the open grassy area to the west. A teacher was to the southeast of me on the street. The teacher was instructing some people on where to go for the run. Some of the people ran to the north, along the eastern side of the street, passing to the east of me. I thought that they were on the correct trail. We had been trying to follow the running trail. I turned to the northeast and headed toward the runners. They passed through an intersection to the north of us, and i tried to catch up with them so that i could cross the intersection with them. A family was sitting on cubical cement blocks just to the south of the southeastern corner of the intersection. The man and woman were on separate blocks, almost facing each other. The man was on the western block, and he was a little bit to the north of the woman. A young boy was crouched on top of a low block to the north of the couple. He seemed to be playing with something on the top of the block. A had reached the sidewalk and was running past the blocks. I passed fairly close to the eastern side of the block that the boy was on. I tried to see what he was doing on the block, but i could not tell. His attention was focused on something on the block to the northeast of him. As i passed, i suddenly wondered if the mother, who was to the southeast of me, would think that i had gotten too close to the boy as i passed. I hoped that she was not concerned. The others had rounded the corner and headed east along the southern sidewalk. I followed them, trying to catch up to them. We then turned north again. I was falling behind. I realized that i was distracted and not paying attention to the runners. I had been thinking about what the boy’s mother would say. The runners crossed an intersection ahead of me, but the signal turned just behind them, and i had to wait at the intersection. I watched them continue on. The signal finally changed, and i started running again, just in time to see the small group of runners turn to the west ahead. I reached another intersection before i could reach the corner where the runners had turned. I had to stop for another light, and i felt disappointed. I was getting way behind now. I then realized that i recognized this area. I looked to the west, down a shady street. The runners had run on the northern sidewalk of the street. I thought that this was near a park where i used to run in. It seemed to be in Albany. I thought that Washington Park was only a few blocks to the west. I then thought that the street that i was following was one of the main streets of the city. I told someone that the street was Lake Street. I tried to picture in my head how we had gotten to this place on our run. Now that i knew where we were, i could trace back to where we came from. I looked around the urban area. Everything here seemed nice, and it felt good to be here. I felt very comfortable in this area.

12021 July 29

I said something to the others as i moved to the south. We had been doing something here, but an event just happened that changed the scene. Someone asked about the object, and i was unsure what the person was talking about. I was still wearing a necklace. I pointed it out to the others. It seemed like a thick black chord, with white beads and nine objects hanging from it. The objects had to do with something that was left over in a place, and it also seemed to have something to do with my grandmother. A man to the north of me pointed out the necklace and said something about it. I started to feel uncomfortable here. The objects that i had seemed uninteresting to me, but i thought that the other men to the north might want to take them. I thought that the men might attack us, so i decided that we should leave. $A71 was to the northwest of me, and i told him that we should head out. I grabbed my black backpack from the surface to the southwest of me and slung it over my left shoulder. As i started to the north, however, the man held up his hands and tried to convince me to stay. He smiled as if trying to defuse a situation. I told him that we had to leave, and i started walking to the north. The man seemed to resist, and i started to feel unsafe here. I was not sure if $A71 understood what was happening, and i felt frustrated as i tried to get him to leave without telling him what was happening in front of the other man. I walked to the north, heading into the large mall. We had to get away from the other men. I wondered where we could go that would be out of sight of them.