12022 July 02

I looked at the three playing cards in front of me. They each had a picture of the same man on them. The man stood in different positions in different costumes. The cards were in a row, and the card on the left seemed to have a picture of the man in a green army uniform. He stood facing a little to the right, and the card showed him from the waist up. The center card had the man standing in front of what looked like a tall metal locker. He stood with his hands in his pockets, and he smiled mischievously. I moved the card on the left above the card in the center. The card at the top had only the shoulders and head of the man in the center of the card. The bottom of the card had something else on it, and the top had four or five symbols. The man seemed to have the index finger of his left hand pressed to his lips. I looked at the symbols at the top. They seemed to relate to a video game. I thought that the card might have something to do with the game, and i decided that i was not interested in it. I focused instead on the card with the man near the locker. Something about it was very interesting. Others then seemed to be around me. I looked up to the north. I was standing in a field, and a small narrow wood building was to the north of me. The grass in the field seemed to have been harvested, and the land sloped up slightly to the north. A radio tower was in the middle of the field to the north, about fifty meters from me. Someone then said something. The scene changed, and i moved to the east, walking down e corridor. A door was to the northeast of me, and i walked toward it. It was closed, and i knocked on the door as i pushed it open, calling out to see if someone was in the room. As the door opened, i spotted a man sitting against the northern wall to the northwest of me. He was naked, and i realized that he was in a bathtub. He had his head turned away from me. He had pale skin and short curly orange hair. The shower was pouring water on him from the south, but he sat still in the tub. I realized that something was wrong, and i felt upset for the man. I moved toward him, asking him what was wrong. He turned his face more to the wall to the east and away from me. He held up his right arm to ward me off. I felt very upset for them man. Something about him seemed familiar to me, and i wanted to help, but i felt that i might be intruding on him here. I wanted to help him in this situation, but the scene faded into black. I felt disappointed, thinking that the dream had ended, and i was not able to help the man. I wanted to make sure that he was okay and to get closer to him, but the scene had ended. I was then looking at the movie poster to the north of me. It had a large image in the center of the poster that spanned the full width of the poster. Above it were three or four small images of cartoon animals. I recognized them as cartoon figures from a show that i used to watch when i was young. The pictures near the bottom seemed to be CGI animation, so i thought that someone had remade the cartoon. I looked at the picture on the right at the top. It was of a dragon-like creature with dark-yellow skin and a neck that seemed like stacked balls. Its neck was arched forward, and it was staring at something. The two other faces seemed like characters from Thundercats, but i recognized the dragon as something from The Herculoids, so i thought that the other characters must be from that show as well.

I moved around through the crowd of people, who seemed to be $G3. They were trying to do something. I had to leave. I picked up the brown plastic trash bin and walked to the east with it. The bin was about a half meter tall and a quarter of a meter wide. It was less than a quarter of a meter deep and had rounded corners. I had picked up the bin for something, but it now seemed to be filled with dirt or mud from the ground. The dark brown mud had clusters of pale-orange strands through it. I felt annoyed that the bin was full, because i wanted to use it for something else. I hurried to the east, walking along the southern side of the large building. I felt distracted by something that i had to do. Others were to the south and southwest of me as i reached the southeastern corner of the building. I turned to the north, placing the plastic bin on top of the corner stone of the building. The wall under the corner stone seemed exposed, as thought the dirt had eroded away from the building’s foundation. I headed to the north to do something. I did something with the other person, and then i headed to the east again, along the northern side of the building. I stopped in the center of the northern side, looking along the wall. The center of the building seemed recessed from the eastern end. A part of the eastern end of the building seemed to extend about ten meters farther to the north. I had done something, and i was going to pick up the bucket again, but i did not see it near the building. I felt a little confused as i looked for it. I turned to the northeast and headed along the building, looking for the trash bin. I came into the western end of a small office. The cramped space was divided into cubicles, which were all exposed to each other in the center of the room. I looked into the compartment to the north of me, expecting to see the trash bin near the desk. The surface of the desk was clean and gray. A man to the northeast of me asked me what i was looking for. He was in the next cubicle to the east, which seemed to be the easternmost desk. I told him that i was looking for a trash bin. I tried to explain it. A second man sat at a desk to the south of the first. Their chairs were about a meter from each other. The man to the south turned to the north and started talking with the other man. The first man asked me something. I knew that he was a professor here. I responded. He told me his name. He then introduced the other two men in the room. I realized that a third man was sitting in the cubicle to the south of me. As the first man mentioned the names, i realized that they were all in alphabetic order. I laughed and commented on this, asking if it was intentional that the men were seated in alphabetic order around the room. The man responded, saying that it was intentional. The man to the south of him then started joking with him about something. I wanted to say that it was particularly funny that they were in alphabetic order because they were English professors, but i did not get a chance to say that. I listened to the two men to the east of me joke about something. I then turned to the south to head back. I had to use the bin for something.

12022 July 03

I followed the others as we ran to the north, through the forested area. The forest seemed old, with big trees and mossy ground. I remembered this area from before. It seemed to be at the northern end of a large rectangular area of forest. We had followed the trails to somewhere near the northwestern corner of the area. The others with me seemed like $G4, and it seemed that i had set the trail that the others were following. I started walking as others fanned out around me. They were looking for the correct trail. I headed to the north, thinking that we could not go too much farther to the north without reaching the end of the park. A woman walked to the northwest, crossing about five meters to the north of me. She seemed like $A750. About ten to fifteen meters to the north of her, i could see thin black poles and a hazy blackness to the land beyond. A tall fence was across the northern side of the area that we were in, and it seemed to have a thin black mesh over it. I wondered if we would be able to get out of the area from here. The fence seemed continuous. To the northwest, i could see a small building surrounded by a gravel parking lot. The gray house seemed like a roadside pub. It was the middle of the day, though, so no one seemed to be in the pub. I noticed that the fence did not come all the way to the ground in several spots along the northern border, though. I thought that this would be a good place to drive to and drop off beverages. I thought that we would have to be able to get them under the fence easily. The land outside the fence seemed more open, with fewer trees. I turned around to the southwest. The land around me was an open deep forest, with drown mossy trees. A few people had run to the south, following a well trod trail that ran just to the west of me. I knew that they would be checking to see if they were on a true trail. The others had gone co check to the northeast. I could hear the people to the south chatting as they headed down the path into the forest. I waited for the others to decide which way was correct. I started walking to the south, looking for the two or three who went down the trail. I could still hear them talking cheerfully about something, but i could no longer see them. I thought that i should not let people wander too far. I called out to gather everyone together. I did not want them to wander too far down each of the trails. I looked to the south, i could see the people coming back. I then noticed that i could still hear them talking to the south of where they were. Another group of people must be to the south on the trail. I looked back to the north, waiting for the others to return to where i was. I knew that none of them were on the correct trail. I backed to the southeast, walking back to the small patio of paved cement. A building was to the east and south of the patio. I stopped in the middle of the cement area, looking down at the ground. I had drawn a circle here, which indicated that the runners should check for other trails from here. Someone had washed out the chalk marks i made on the stone pavement. I thought that the man must have done it. I saw him walking to the north. I thought that he must have been cleaning the ground and did not know what the marks were for. Others started approaching from the northwest and north. I would have to wait until everyone was here. I glanced to the east. A recessed area was in the center of the wall to the east of us, and two doors were in the eastern wall inside it. I glanced at the northern door as someone pulled the door into the building and stepped out. I noticed the white symbol on the door, which indicated that it was a men’s restroom. I knew that the other door was for the women’s restroom. People started to gather. I thought that the would want to know why they had come back here. The only directions apparently open to the patio were to the west and north, which is why the others had checked in those directions for trail. I knew that they would ask where else they could go. I glanced at the door to the women’s room. A cement wall extended from the southern side of the recession, partially blocking my view of the door. I knew that a corridor ran to the south, down a flight of stairs. It was the correct direction for the trail, but it was not obvious from where we were standing. I waited for the others to gather around me. I was going to yell out for them to check from here, but i decided that i would want all of them to gather here first.

I thought that i should save the food that was in the small dish to the east of me. We had been eating in the cafeteria, and i was holding a small container of food over the metal service counter that ran along the eastern wall of the room. Someone that i had come where with was just to the south of me, and a man stood on the other side of the counter from me. A service window was over the counter, and the man to the east seemed to be one of the cooks. I said something to him about saving the food. I had put some of the dull-red food in the small plastic container in my left hand. The container was rectangular, with rounded corners, and the food was clustered in the corner on the left side near my hand. I picked up the clear plastic container that the rest of the food was in from the metal counter, telling the cook that i would pack it all up so that it was not wasted. I looked at the thin plastic container that had been on the counter. As i tipped it to dump the contents into the container i held, i noticed that it had a conical bottom, with bumps that ran in concentric squares around the pyramidal cone. It seemed strange that the container would have a pointed bottom. I wondered how it would sit flat on the counter. I headed back to the center of the room, to the southwest of me. The others were sitting there. I thought that we should have gotten sandwiches to take with us. I stopped on the northern side of the table as the other man sat to the south of me, on the eastern side of the table.

12022 July 04

We drove to the south, on the main road that ran along the eastern side of the small town. The tight grid of streets seemed to be mostly to the west of us. We moved with traffic, and i thought that we would have to turn to the west to get to someplace. The street we were on seemed to run along a canal, and it headed south-southwest. I knew that we would take the road just after we crossed the bridge. We turned to the west on the road that was just before a bridge. I looked down into the narrow river to the south of the road. It was not that bright outside, but i could see the shallow dark water running quickly over the flat rocks under the water. Two or three tents were to the south of us, just to the west of the bridge of the main road. The tents were in the water, but the water was shallow enough that it flowed around the base of them. The tents seemed to be anchored from the front, and i thought that the bottoms of the tents must be made to be water resistant. I wondered what the people in the tents would do if the river flooded, though. My mother asked me about something that we were supposed to get. She was in the passenger’s seat as i drove the car. I looked to the south as we approached a large yard. We had been to this place a long time ago, but i thought that the company that used to run the northern side of the road was no longer here. The long rectangular yard ran north to south, and we were entering near the southern end. I thought that the company that was on the northern side of the yard was a lumber or construction company. I looked at the old barn on the southern side of the yard. I knew that it was an antique or second-hand store. We had been to it before. We seemed to be going to it again, but i drove past it so that i could park. I wondered if the second-hand store had expanded to the north, in the large outdoor yard. The ground in the yard seemed to be yellowish dusty dirt.

I had been walking with the other toward the large building, which seemed to be at the northern edge of the urban area. The land around us had open lots, and the building to the north of us was large and pale and had no real features. It seemed like an old department store. A playing field seemed to be across the street from where we were as we walked to the east along the sidewalk on the northern side of the building. We were heading back to our car, but this did not seem like the correct side of the building. I recognized the land around us, but i thought that we still had to go around to another side of the building. I thought that i would recognize the land around us and know where the car was parked. I had felt tired walking along the sidewalk, but i felt a little more relaxed as i reached the northeastern corner of the building. I thought that the sidewalk must have sloped down slightly as i approached the intersection. I rounded the corner and started to the south, on the eastern side of the building. The sidewalk here headed up hill, and i found it hard to move up the hill. I felt as though i was straining to move. I sweeped my arms in front of me, as if swimming through the water with a breast stroke. I kept doing this movement, pulling my hands from in front of me to down by my sides. Each stroke seemed difficult, but it pulled me forward a little. I felt tired, but i knew that i could make it to the top of the hill and relax a little. I kept pulling with my arms, but it seemed difficult, and i felt very tired. I was aware of other buildings to the east of me, across the street. I finally reached the southeastern corner of the building. The land to the south of the large building seemed to be covered with tall urban buildings. I turned to the west and started down the landing that was on the southern wall of the large open room. I had to find another doorway to leave the store. Others were following me. As i reached the center of the room, i saw the slides that ran down to the north. The room was open, and the ground below us was white. Four or five pale-blue slides sloped down from the landing where i was. I felt excited about the slides, and i jumped onto one of them, aware of the people who were following me from the east. They seemed like students from my high school. The slides were night next to each other on the ledge, but they fanned out as they descended to the wide floor below. I jumped on one of the slides in the center and slide down to the center of the room. As i descended, i imagined that the slide had a curl in it that spun me around once. It seemed fun. At the bottom, i ran to the west, still thinking that i had to find an exit door to the building. On the western side of the room, i found myself at the top of another slope of pale-blue slides. I jumped onto one of the slides in the center of the room and slided down to the west. An my way down, i wondered how slippery the slides were. I passed through a tunnel, and i wondered if someone might spill water inside the tunnel. I thought that the water might reduce the friction of the slide and catch people in the tunnel. That could be dangerous, because others would be coming down the slide. I thought that the tubes would need a sensor to check that people were moving through it. As i came out the western side of the tube, i adjusted the cloth over my shoulders. It had slided down as i descended the slide. The cloth seemed like a blanket, and i pictured it as knitted wool. I pulled it over my shoulders, feeling that it was warmer. I headed south along the western side of the room. I thought that the blanket felt nice over my shoulders, and i thought that it would be interesting to have an article of clothing that was long-sleeved and covered only the shoulders. I wondered if i could make a costume out of it. I headed down the narrow corridor, which seemed like an access corridor at the back of the store. I hurried down the corridor, thinking that someone was following me. I wanted to get out of the building, but i was still thinking about the article of clothing. I thought that it would be called a “treka”. The corridor ended just ahead of me, and someone was wearing a dark-brown shoulder garment that was exactly what i was thinking of. I wanted to say that it was called a “treka”, but i continued past the woman, turning to the east and starting down the short flight of stairs to the corridor below. I stopped on the stairs, pretending that i was shocked to see what the woman was wearing. “Wait.”, i said, “You’re wearing a treka.” The material of her suit was black with white flecks. It looked like tweed. The shoulder garment seemed flat across the top. I stepped back up a stair and pointed at her garment. I then noticed that she had another thin strip of cloth hanging down the center of her chest. It seemed to run all the way down to her knees, and it had a triangular point at the bottom. It was the same black tweed, and it had a round sigil in the center that had reflective radial spines extending from a central point. It seemed like part of a dress kilt. I pointed to the cloth, saying “And, a ceremonial . . .”. I could not think of what it was called, and i did not want to say something that i did not know of, so i turned back down the stairs and headed away. I turned to the south in the corridor, but i came out on the western side of the tube, near the northwestern corner of the large store. An exit door to the building was just to the north of me. I pushed the glass door open and looked at the land outside. I could see the grassy field to the north of me, across the street. People were still playing baseball on the field to the northeast. I realized that i had just come out this side of the building. I looked to the east, down the northern face of the building. A high platform with a railing was in the center of the building. Someone had just come out a door there, and i knew that it was the door that i had come out before. I decided that my car must be on the southwestern side of the building. I could go around the western side of the building and run south, but i decided to go back through the building. As i turned around, i noticed the woman standing to the southeast of me. she had been chasing me. She seemed like $A679. I did not want her to catch me, so i started running to the south, down the aisle on the western side of the store. I could see a glass door in the southern wall, directly to the south of me. It did not seem like an exit door, thought. I thought that it might lead into offices. A glass door in the center of the western wall seemed to lead outside, so i thought that i would head out that door. I ran for it. Just before i reached it, the woman that was chasing me came from the east, stopping just ahead of me. I did not stop. I pushed past her, bumping my shoulder into her as i turned to the west and headed to the door.

12022 July 05

I was in the house with some of the other people. We had been looking at houses in the area, and this house had seemed nice. It was a very large wooden structure, and it seemed very modern. We seemed to be in a large open room that filled up the northern side of the house. The room extended all the way to the roof, and it seemed to have glass windows on the western, northern, and eastern sides. The outside of the house seemed to be orangish-red logs, and the roof sloped from the west down to the east. I could see the rooms of the house to the south of me. I remembered that several houses in this style had been built, and i remembered seeing them a long time ago. I turned to the east and started driving. I was still in the room. I could see the pool to the east of me. It spread across the eastern half of the room. The pool was now empty, and i could see the cement wall on the eastern side of the pool. This house had not been used in a very long time, and the pool was in disrepair. The cement wall was chipped and crumbling. The pool was empty, and, as i drove toward it, i wondered if the near edge had a steep drop-off. I knew that the western end of the pool was shallow. As i approached it, i saw that the cement floor of the pool blended in with the cement floor of the room. I would not have to worry about driving over a short edge. I commented on how nice the pool used to be. I told the person to the south of the that i remembered the houses from when they were first built. I remembered standing to the north of one and seeing the blue pool water inside the large northern room. I could picture it to the southeast of me now. The other person seemed curious about the other houses. I realized that only one house was in the area now. I tried to think of where the other houses would be. I looked at the person to the south of me. She was $A649. She squinted in confusion. I thought about where the other houses would be. I remembered several houses together on the southern side of a road. I then remembered that one of the buildings was an apartment building. I had lived in the brown wood building when i had been in an apartment. I remembered that it was on $P156. I mentioned this to $A649, but i could not quite visualize where it was in my head. I could see the map to the north of me, showing the campus and the road that ran to the east of it. We were on that road, and i was trying to figure out if that road was $P156. I decided that the main road that ran northeast to the west of campus and then curved to the southeast through campus was $P156, so it probably had the same name when it reached the road to the east of campus, which was the road that we were on. I turned and headed to the west with the others. We entered the large modern building, which seemed to be a hotel. As we reached the glass doors of the breezeway, which was in the center of the eastern wall of the building, a woman stopped us and asked us some questions. I thought that she was only allowing certain people to come into the building. She asked us if we had a schedule, and we said that we did. I knew that she was referring to a meeting in the building. As we walked to the east, across the large entry lobby, i thought that it was actually very easy to enter the building. Anyone could have simply said that they had a schedule for something in the building. The three of us walked through the room, which had many people. We seemed to walk fast, and we crisscrossed each other’s path as we walked, moving around furnishings and people. We passed to the north of a dividing wall that separated the eastern entryway part of the room from a small sitting area to the west. I turned to the south with one of the other people. $F71 stopped to talk to someone. The other man and i continued, but i crouched down to tie my left shoe. I thought that we would have to wait for $F71 anyway. $A601 walked past me, passing on the east. I wondered if he had seen me crouching down in the middle of the room. He was heading across the hall on the southern side of the room, continuing south into a small room where the elevators were. The shiny metal elevator doors were i the western wall of the room. $A601 stopped just before entering the room and looked around. I knew that he was trying to find me. He had not noticed me, and he did not see me now that i had stood up. I hurried toward him, wondering if $A71 was coming from the north. I did not want to leave him here, but i knew that he would take a long time. He pressed the button on the elevator and turned back to look for me. Three or four women were standing near him, and they seemed to be in gym shorts and T-shirts. A few had fluffy long blond hair. I walked quickly toward $A601, before he could get on to the elevator. I wanted to stop him so that we did not leave $F71 behind. I knew that we were a little out of place here, and i wanted to stay together. A man then came from the southeast, stopping very close to us. He started questioning us, asking us why we were here. I thought that we would have to tell him that we had an appointment here. I wondered if he would be able to check to see if we were lying. I then thought that $F71 could come up to us and ask us why we were not at our appointment. I imagined that he would be in a business suit. I thought that he should say that we needed to be upstairs in the office. I thought that the man might be convinced that we had business here if $F71 could make it seem that he had been waiting for us. I then thought that $F71 was not the best person to pretend to be from the office. I knew that he would not be as convincing as we would. I thought that i should be the one to pretend to be from the office. We started moving to the southwest, through the halls of the building. I thought that we were sneaking through the halls of the hotel that we had come into. As we moved down a hall to the south, i thought that we could probably sneak into one of the rooms on the upper floor. We would have to find a room that was unoccupied for the night. I thought that we could stay in the room overnight and shower there. I then wondered why we would try to sneak into the rooms. I remembered that the story was much simpler, because we would have fake credit cards. The cards would have numbers that always seemed to have money, so we would be able to use them to rent a hotel room. I thought that the numbers would be “1234”, but that did not seem right. The number should have a digit before the first one that i thought of, i then tried to think of the numbers that were after the four-digit series that i had thought of. We were heading north as i thought about this. The two walking in front of me pushed open a set of glass doors that were in the middle of the hall. The walls were white, and thin metal white frames held up the glass around the doors. I thought about the credit-card number as i looked at the keypad on the eastern side of the door. We were to the southwest of the large buildings, now. Other buildings were around us, and they all seemed rather tall. We were still sneaking through the area, but a drove had spotted us. It was hovering over us to the southeast. It tried to stop us. I felt annoyed with it. I thought that we would be able to bypass it, though. One of the others did something to the drone, and the small black round object hovered for a moment to the northeast of us. It seemed temporarily stunned. We climbed into the van, which was facing east on the southern side of the small driveway. A cement median with rounded ends was just to the south of the van, and a narrow drive was to the south of the median. Round cement pillars ran up from the median, as if supporting something. As we closed the door on the van, i thought that we were now invisible to the drone. What we had done to the drone had stunned it, and now that we were in the van, the drone would not be able to see us. I thought that we must have surrounded the van with some type of distortion field. The van started moving to the east. We had to get away from this place. We now seemed to be under a larger structure. As we started moving to the southeast, the drone moved to the south of us, moving along the southern side of the median. I knew that it could not see us, and it was still looking for us. The drone suddenly moved back toward us, stopping to the southeast of us. It could still see us. I was annoyed and disappointed. I thought that we had to escape this place.

12022 July 06

I walked to the south, into the entry hall of the old house. The white walls were made of wood. The entry door seemed to be to the south of me, and a staircase seemed to ascend to the west of me. The hall was narrow, only a few meters wide. Just inside the door on the northern end, i noticed a short barrel that served as an umbrella stand. It was just to the west of the door, to the northwest of me. I noticed the swords in it, and i pulled one out. The swords were ones that i used to own. I remembered giving them to this place. However, i was surprised to see that the metal tips on the scabbards were now made of a soft material that was bright silver. The material bent and crinkled as i moved the swords, looking cheaply made. I felt disappointed. I remembered the brass cap that had been on the black leather scabbard. It had been etched with red and black designs. I knew that one of the caps was rusted, but it did not make sense that they should have removed it and replaced it with such a fake-looking cap. I put the swords back in the container and headed back to the north. I regretted giving my swords to this place. I thought that the people here had ruined them, and that disappointed and upset me. I was now in an open area, which seemed to be outdoors. A thick leafless trees was to the northwest of me. The land seemed dry and desolate, but i could not tell how far it stretched. I seemed to be in a confined area that was about ten meters square. I walked to the east of the tree, which did not seem to have any bark on the smooth pale trunk. I then turned to the southwest and moved to the south of the tree. The roots of the tree formed a small platform, and they seemed to be contained in a small rectangular area. I arranged the thin outdoor chair on the southern side of the platform, trying to get it to stand firmly on the ground among the roots. Someone was to the northwest of me. I felt upset as i tried to arrange things near the tree.

12022 July 09

I headed up the stairs to the deck on the back of my house. I was on the southern end of the eastern side of the building. To the north of me, a large brown delivery truck was coming down the street. It stopped just in front of the house. The driver of the truck was starting at me. I realized that he was $A683. I waved at him and he smiled. I knew that he would not be able to say much more, because he was still working in the truck, which seemed like a UPS truck. He had stopped the truck though, and i was surprised when he stepped out. He was coming to say hello. I felt glad, thinking that it was good to see him again. He started walking toward me but then stopped. A low bush was in the yard, just off the northeastern corner of the house. He had done something that i could not see, but he was then standing to the west of the bush. I realized that he had changed his clothes. I thought that he was taking off his delivery uniform so that he did not appear to be on the job. At first, he seemed to be shirtless and wearing a kilt, but then he was obscured by the low shrubs again. When i could see him again, he was wearing a black leotard, which had thin white or yellow stripes across it. The leotard covered his legs under a pair of brown shorts, and it ran up to his chest. He stood in a wide stance with his hands apart, as if presenting the costume. He seemed unsure of it, though. I wondered why he had changed into it. I thought that it was better when he was just wearing shorts.

12022 July 10

I turned to the south and entered the small pub, which seemed to be on the eastern end of the long building. I had been in a corridor on the bottom floor, and the pub was to the south of the hall. The walls of the pub were dull black, and silvery or mirrored strips seemed to run vertically up the walls. The bar ran across the southern wall, and it had a large mirror behind it, with several thin shelfs in front of the mirror. The small shelfs were filled with many thin bottles of alcohol. I had seen many collections of bottles like this one in some of the other rooms of this hotel. The large building seemed to have several pubs in it, and i had been in several to the west of where i was now. Each pub seemed to have a different type of bottle in it. This one had tall thin cylindrical bottles. The bartender was behind the bar, to the southwest of me. I mentioned to him that i had noticed that the bottles in each pub were different. I thought that each pub must specialize in different types of drinks. I then thought tat it was night, and i had been moving around from pub to pub for a while. Many party people seemed to be moving around the rooms, thought this room seemed somewhat unpopulated at the moment. I felt a little anxious. I backed out of the room to the north. People were moving through the wide hallway, which ran down the center of the building, from east to west. I headed to the east, coming to a small patio outside the building. Another bar was to the south of me. $A604 was standing near the bar. I recognized him, but he seemed older than i remembered him being. I said hello to him, and he acknowledged me with a not. I asked him how he had been. I then mentioned that i thought that i had seen $A532 bartending in one of the other rooms. It seemed nice to see both $A604 and $A532, though i felt awkward with them, because i did not really know them anymore.

I walked to the east, across the outdoor area, which seemed like a park. The ground was covered with short green grass. People were gathering in various places around the park for an event, which seemed like a nerdy event. They were gathering in large groups, and i knew that they were playing games that had specific themes to them. I stopped to look at a group to the west of me. Someone was standing to the northwest of me, and i started talking him about the game that the group to the west was playing. I seemed to enjoy the theme of the game, and i talked to the man about it. I then continued to the west, watching various people as they had fun. I crossed over a border of the area and entered a large plaza. I seemed to be in the plaza to the east of Bailey Hall, but the area was open, and grass was on the ground. I stopped on the eastern side of the area, watching as the people spread out a large blanket over the ground. The blanket was made of a coarse gray fabric. I backed up a bit as the drew the eastern edge of the blanket near me. A small cement cube was on the northeastern corner of the area, and i sat down on the western side of it to watch the others. the people pulled the fabric to the east, passing me. A man pulled one edge of the blanket toward me. He backed toward me and sat on my lap, facing east as he spread out the blanket around us. He was young and shorter than i was. I was not sure what to do, but i felt amused with the situation, so i did not say anything. The man leaned into me as he pulled the blanket up near himself. I did not mind that he was leaning into me. The others laughed about the gamy. They were doing something with the fabric at the four cement blocks at the corners of the area. The man in my lap had medium skin, and he seemed somewhat attractive. I said hello to him, and i told him my name. He said that his name was “Tate”. I repeated the name in acknowledgment. He then corrected me, saying “Late”. We laughed as we talked for a moment. He then stood up to the north of me. I felt amused by him, and i asked him if his mother had a long labor as he walked around the eastern side of me, heading south. He did not seem to get the reference to “Late”, so i told him that it was from something else. He smiled and moved off to the south.

A long line of objects was on the ground. I stood to the southern side of the eastern end of the line. People sat on the objects, and they were doing something for an event. They seemed like $G4, and they were having fun with what they were doing. I joked with several of them, laughing at what we were doing. I walked to the west, down the row of the crowd. We seemed to be on the southern side of an enclosed outdoor area. The southern wall now had small compartments in it with tables. They seemed like booth seating in a restaurant. I talked to some of the others as i walked. As someone said something, i noticed a small stuffed animal on the dirt to the north of the crowd. Something about it seemed to attract my attention. I thought that someone must have left it there on purpose. I turned back to the south to talk to the others with me about the event. We slowed to a stop as we reached the western end of the area. The westernmost table was to the south of us. I sat down on the eastern side of the table as i continued to talk to one of the people, who was still standing to the north of me. Someone to the west of me then asked what we should do. I noticed the white sheet of paper on the table, which had a schedule on it. The schedule was printed in red letter, filling the sheet with events. Someone then talked about beer. I glanced up to the west and then back to the paper. I did not see anything about beer on the list. I flipped the paper over, but it only listed events and times. I told the other person this, wondering where the beer list was. The person to the west of me then said that it was time for something. I looked back to the front side of the sheet, which was printed in two columns. I looked down the schedule in the left column, looking for the event near the current time. I noticed that the day of the week was printed with a time near it, so i pointed this out, saying that it was time for Saturday at 5:00. The others started to leave to the east as i read the schedule. I thought that they were going to the dinner in the large hall. I read for a moment, but i noticed that the area around me was mostly empty now. Most of the people had gone. I stood up and walked to the east, hoping to catch up with some of them. I then noticed the narrow dirt slope that ascended to the north on the eastern side of the area. $A456 was walking down the slope with $A499. As she approached me, she told me that someone had left an animal behind. I looked back to the north, but i realized that the stuffed animal was no longer on the ground. I was going to tell them that the stuffed animal had been there before, but they had seen that i could not see the animal. $A456 stopped and digged into the dirt to the west of her. She only dug less than a deci down before she pulled up the stuffed animal. I told her that it had not been buried before. she held up the blue stuffed unicorn and looked at it. It was rounded and pudgy, with a white patch on its belly. I then realized that it had $A499’s name written in black pen on its belly. $A456 offered me the animal, saying that i had to sign it now.

12022 July 12

I headed to the west, coming into the large room, which seemed like a central hall of a building. I started up the stairway, which ascended to the west, along the southern wall of the room. The southern wall seemed to be made of plaster, and it was mustard-yellow in color. A man was heading up the stairs in front of me. As i stepped onto the bottom part of the stairway, i noticed that the way did not actually have stares. It was instead a narrow ledge that ascended the wall. The ledge was rounded and looked like a picture rail. Above it and parallel to it was a wooden handrail. I felt nervous about climbing up the ledge, but the man ahead of me was carefully stepping along the ledge to ascend. It seemed awkward to do, but i remembered that stairways were like that in this country. I thought about this country, and i thought that it might be Russia. I held on to the railing as i climbed, but i was uneasy. I thought that this was not a safe way to get from one floor to the other. Children would have a hard time climbing this and could easily fall. I watched the man ahead of me. I pulled myself up to the west, noticing that the handrail ahead of me seemed to bend. I pulled on it to keep my body against the wall. I could net see it bending, but i could feel it deforming in my hands. I thought that the western end of the rail was loose on the wall. I could feel the railing swaying as i pulled on it. I imagined the western end bending out and away from the wall. I stepped to the north, back to the ground. I did not think that the ledge and railing were safe to climb up. I looked at the southern wall for a moment, considering the construction. Something near the ceiling of the room seemed decorated with sections of curved ends, which looked like scrolls or rounded document edges. A thin black line seemed to run over the curved top of the reliefs. I walked to the west across the off-white tiled floor. I kept looking at the southern wall, thinking that i had to remember the details of the wall. Something about the surface of the wall seemed scaly, and i focused on the tabbed areas at the top I walked back to the east. I was now in the entryway of the large building. The wall to the north of me was glass, and a set of steps ascended to the east along the western half of the northern wall. A man started up the stairs just ahead of me, and i followed him up. The steps of the stairway were made of gray stone. The steps had risers of a different material between them. I focused on the stone of the steps, noticing that it had a cloudy uneven surface. The mottled pattern reminded me of soapstone, but the surface had small waves in it. The stone matched the stone that covered the southern wall of the entryway. A low bench of the same stone ran along the lower edge of the southern wall. I looked closely at the bench, even though i was on the other side of the room. I thought that i had to remember the texture of the surface. The steps i climbed led up to a landing, and i walked across the landing, heading south, along the eastern side of the room. I thought the details of this room were very clean and uncluttered. The room seemed very attractive, and i thought that i should remember it for later. I focused on the gray steps again. I walked to the east again, now in the next room. A set of stairs now ascended to the west along the southern wall of the room. This was the room where the ledge and the railing were. I had come back to the central room of the building, but i still felt unsure about climbing up the narrow ledge.

12022 July 14

I was with the group of people, floating on the surface of the water. We were participating in part of a race. A person to the north of me said that we had to float south, and we started moving to the south. The people to the north of me were floating on a raft, and they were using their feet to propel the raft forward. I was swimming in the water, and i started to kick. I thought that they would use the kick as a warm-up for their rafting. I thought that it would be more work for me. We headed south through a narrow passage in the lake. I thought that we were on Racquette Lake, and i though that this was the narrow section that separated North Bay from the lower part of the lake. I talked to the man to the east of me as we moved, saying that i remembered this lake from a long time ago. I watched the water move under me as i swam to the south. I noticed that the water looked silty and brown. We passed through a second set of narrows. Some small islands were off to the southeast and east. I thought that this was probably the shallow rocky bay. Some of the boats then turned off to the east. I thought that they might be heading for the river. I thought that other racers would be heading up the river to Blue Mountain Lake. I continued to head to the south, toward a narrow passage between two peninsulas. I thought that we should head into South Bay. As we approached the narrow passage between the two pays, i noticed that i was moving more quickly to the south than i should have been. I was on a kayak now, paddling on the water, but i had stopped paddling as i noticed the shore to the west moving more quickly. The lake seemed to have a strong current, and it was heading through the narrow passage to the south. The rocky shore narrowed into a tunnel ahead of me. I saw that the water was execrating down the channel toward a small tunnel. This did not seem right. I thought that the water must go into a tunnel to get to the southern bay. I felt uneasy about going into the tunnel in a kayak, so i hurriedly paddled to the western shore. A man on another boat came to the east of me, and he asked me if i was going through the opening. I was planning to turn around and paddle back to the smooth water. I paddled to the north, against the current, trying to get back to the other bay. I felt tense and nervous because i did not want to go into the tunnel. In the wider bay, i turned to the east to head for the river.

I was talking to the other people on the northern side of the wide hallway, which seemed to be in an airport. Many people were moving to the east to the south of us, but we were standing in a queue to head to the west. I mentioned $F12 to the other person in the queue. I remembered having a dream about $F12 the previous night, and something about the dream seemed uncomfortable. As i talked of $F12, $A535 walked past from the west. I told the person near me that i had killed $F12 in the dream. I felt upset about this, and i worried about $F12. I watched $A535 pass as i spoke. I thought that she might hear me mention $F12’s name, but she did not seem to notice me. I continued talking to the man to the north of me, thinking how disturbing the dream had seemed. $F12 then came from the west. I called to him and said hello. It felt very good to see him. I was relieved that nothing bad had happened to him in real life.

I ran to the north along the eastern side of the street, following the others. The other runners seemed to be from $G4. A few of the runners were ahead of me, but most seemed to be behind me. The street ran through a flat neighborhood area. Thin trees were here and there between the houses, but few had leafs yet. I crossed to the western side of the street to head back to the south. As i crossed the street, someone called out from the southeast, warning me of a car. I looked to the north, seeing the light green small car, but it was not close enough to me that i felt concerned. I continued to the west and turned south. I jogged down the street to the south, but i then headed to the north, into the rectangular room, which stretched to the north. The room seemed like a crude cafeteria, with a few long tables and couches along the walls. Others were gathered in the room, but they were starting to leave. We had been resting here for a while, but the others were now headed to the north to get back to the run. I gathered my clothing from a table that was to the west of me, and i headed to the south to get my shoes. Two cushioned chairs were in the western side of the room. They seemed off-white and covered with a rough fabric. The southern chair faced northeast, and the northern chair faced southeast. I picked up my red sneakers from the floor to the east of the southern chair. I also picked up a few other things. I felt rushed to get my things together so that i could hurry out to catch the others. I then realized that the couch to the west had been moved. I had left some things there, but they were now on the chairs. Annoyed, i picked up some of my things from the chairs and the floor around the chairs. I then picked up a blue long-sleeve T-shirt. It was old and rather large, but i remembered it from before. I thought that i must have left it here before. I would take it now, though. I thought about putting it on over my other shirts, but i realized that it was too warm to have three layers of shirts. I seemed to be wearing a long-sleeve tech shirt with a red T-shirt over it. I then started looking around for my socks. They were not around the chairs, and i remembered that i had left them on the couch to the west. I looked to the west, where the couches had been. I could not find my socks, though. I felt annoyed, and i asked some other people, who were passing to the east of me as they headed north, if they knew what had happened to the clothing that had been on the couch. They did not know. I felt upset that my socks were missing. I headed to the north to search the rest of the room. I then noticed the wooden stairs that ascended to the east along the northern wall. Several socks were hanging over the edges of the steps. I moved to the southern edge of the stairs and looked at the socks. I spotted a pair that i knew were mine. Another person came from the south, and he stopped near me. I told him that i had found my socks as i bent over to put them on.

12022 July 15

I stood on the northern side of the corridor, facing south. I was helping the others clean up after the event. $A464 was to the west of me, and she had said something to me. I told her that i would pick up the things before i left. I had to go to the east, but i was doing something for the event. I then remembered that $A14 had died, and i hoped that $A464 was not too upset. The southern wall had several glass shelfs running across it, and i put some of the small glass cups back on the western end of one of the shelfs. The shelf was full of many tiny thing, which all seemed to be made of colored glass or other bright materials. I had been putting them back on the shelfs in the narrow hallway, which also seemed like a corridor on the northern side of a restaurant, which ran between a small area to the west and the entryway to the east. To the east, doorways in the northern and southern walls seemed to go to dining rooms. A service counter seemed to run along the southern wall to the east of the southern doorway. The walls seemed dark but covered with shiny things. I thought that the small items on the shelfs to the south of me seemed like Christmas ornaments. I put something on the shelf, but i started to feel anxious. I thought that i had to leave. I thought that it was midday, and i had to make sure that i could get somewhere before it was too late. I then noticed a small ceramic foot on the shelf, but it appeared to be broken from a figurine near it. I felt disappointed, and i moved to see if i could fix it. I lifted the foot, trying to reattach it to the figurine. I lifted the conical figurine up a little to prop the foot under it. A man came from the west of me. He had seen what i was doing, and he reached to help me. He pressed down on the shelf with his right hand as he tryed to hold the figurine. I felt annoyed, thinking that he was putting too much weight on the shelf. He was not being delicate enough. The shelf ten started to tip toward the wall. I warned the man not to press too hard, but he did not listen. To my frustration, he pushed down on the shelf, and it tipped over, dumping all of the glass ornaments onto the carpeted floor. I felt very annoyed with the man. I backed away from the wall and sighed heavily. I then turned to the east and bent over to pick up some red and clear glass goblets.

The cylindrical goblets were red, and the red faded to clear glass so that the stems were perfectly clear. I was glad that they had not broken in the fall. They seemed fragile. I moved to pick up some of the things near the northern wall of the room. I felt frustrated again, thinking that i had to hurry, and i did not like having spend the time to clean up after the man. I picked up several things and started to the east, thinking that it was getting late. I thought that i still had time, though. I asked what time it was, and the man to the west of me said that it was nine thirty. I looked to the east, where a class wall seemed to lead outside. It was already dark out, and i felt upset. I knew that i was supposed to catch a bus, but it would have left at nine o’clock. I started to feel more upset. I wondered how i would get to Albany. I thought that i was supposed to meet my parents to the north of here, and i thought that it would be very inconvenient for them to have to come to get me.

I had to pack my things together to leave. I was in my apartment in the small house. I headed across the room, to the southeast, but i realized that my car was in the garage to the west of me. I felt frustrated, thinking that i was not getting things ready quickly enough. I pictured my car in a small room of the house, and i told the others in the room with me this. My parents seemed to be in the apartment with me as i got ready. $K1 was sitting on the southern side of a small dining-room table to the east of me. She seemed to be eating. I picked up a box of plastic wrap from the eastern end of the table and took it to the east, where the kitchen seemed to be. The kitchen seemed to be along the eastern side of the room. I put the plastic wrap away to the east, thinking that i had to leave the apartment clean and neat.

12022 July 20

I entered the house from the east, and i headed to the northwest across the basement room. The room had no furnishings, and it seemed that it was early in me morning after an event the night before. This place seemed like $P19. It was familiar, and i did not live here, but i had been here many times before. I had been jogging, and i stopped here for something. A narrow hall ran along the western wall of the room and headed to the north. I headed for it. I thought about what i had to do. I then thought that i should change my clothes. I was aware of someone in the room to the north of me. The room seemed like the kitchen. I paused in the corridor and turned back to the south. I had to do something, but i thought that i should shower before i do it. I had been running, and i thought that i would need to get clean. I then realized that i did not bring any clothes with me. I thought that i should have brought clothing with me. I could have carried some clothing with me as i ran and had it ready for a shower. I stopped at the southern end of the hallway, putting something like clothing on the small round table that was against the western wall. I felt indecisive. I turned back north, now in the room to the west of where i had been. This was a large room of the basement, and it was also empty. The party or event had taken place here as well. I walked to the north an the western side of the room. A round wooden table was in the center of the northern side of the room. It had several things gathered in a small pile on it. I thought that they were things that had been left at the party the night before. I still had to do something for $G3, but i felt distracted. I took a few steps to the north, but stopped just to the southwest of the table. I looked at the items, noticing the red cloth on the northwestern side of the cluster. It was material from a jacket, and i thought that it had belonged to $A380. I thought that i should have taken it earlier, but i hesitated. I stepped forward and back again, thinking about the cloth. I picked it up. It seemed to be the red lining from a suit coat. I did not want it, but i thought that i should take it. I wanted to talk to $A380, but i did not think that i could. He seemed to be the man in the kitchen. I turned back to the east. Others were now gathering in the room to the east. I walked into the wide doorway between the rooms and stopped. $A35 was sitting in a chair to the south of me, facing northeast. Others were seating in the room, facing roughly east. I sat down, and $A35 handed me some coins. I took them in my left hand, asking him what they were for. He said that they were for the video. I felt confused, and i told him that he had already paid me some change for the video. I said that the money had been for the film of the camera and other supplies that i had purchased. I looked at the coins in my hand. They seemed like quarters and nickels, but the silver coin on top was a little larger than a quarter, and the coin under it had a gold color. The coin on top seemed interesting, and i looked at the nice design on it. I commented to $A35 that the coin looked interesting. I then put the coins in my right pocket, still not sure why he would have been paying me now. $A35 said that he would pay now for the final video. He added that he would rent it. I told him that i did not have the video done. I thought that i was still working on the project. I looked to the west. $A380 was sitting in a chair just to the west of me, facing northeast. He smiled at me and said something about the video. He then asked me if i was recording now. I did not answer quickly, and he added that we should record now. He was trying to get me to do the project with him. I knew that he had some things, and i felt that i wanted to be close to him. I was tempted to do the video project with him.

12022 July 23

I stood in the center of the rectangular room, facing north. A low surface was to the north of me, and i was arranging things in a bag that was on the surface. We had been on a trip somewhere, and it seemed like it was now the end of the trip. I thought that we would be heading back home soon. This room seemed like a bedroom, and it seemed somewhat like the bedroom in the upstairs of my grandmother’s house. Two other people were then in the room with me, one to the east of me and one to the northeast. They were talking about something that had been happening on the trip. I thought that it had to do with the dinners that we had been eating. I started talking to the person to the east, joking about something another person had been saying to me. I started to tell them of the conversation i had had. I had pointed out to the other person that i was brought up with Italian cooking. Before i could finish the humorous story, the person from the northeast interrupted, talking to the person to the east. They exchanged a few words about the food. I felt annoyed that i could not continue the story, but i turned to the northwest and went back to doing something. I felt that we had to get things together so that we could leave. Something about leaving this place seemed disappointing or sad.

I was thinking about the office where i would have to do something. It seemed like part of a story. I imagined that i had something important for a person here, but the person at the front desk would not let me into the building. I thought the plot would be more dramatic if i had photographs that would be useful in a trial that the lawyers of the office could use. I imagined that i would ask to see someone in the office, but the person at the reception desk would not pay much attention to me because i did not have an appointment. I thought that i would have to drop off the pictures and leave. I imagined that they would only realize the importance of the pictures after i left. This seemed like an interesting story. I turned to the east and walked away from the reception desk, which had been to the south of me. The reception area was a small room in the large building. An entrance corridor, which was about two meters long, with white walls, connected the small room to the northern side of the central hallway outside. The hall opened up to the south. I stopped just inside the hallway, wondering where i would find the stairs. I thought that the elevators might be to the south of me, in the western wall of the hall. A structure seemed to be in the center of the hall to the southeast of me, creating a narrow corridor to the north of it and a wider area to the south. I walked down the corridor to the east, passing to the north of the structure. I wondered if the woman at the reception desk would realize what was on the photographs yet. I thought that she might still see me in the hallway and try to stop me. I thought that i should get out of sight in a stairwell quickly, but i did not know where the stairs were. I came to another open area in the hallway. I stopped and looked around at the doors in the northern wall. They were recessed about two centimeters into the wall, and they seemed wider than a normal door. A small colorful rectangular design seemed to be on the upper part of the door. It was about a deci wide and had bright pastel colors. I looked to the southeast. Another column of elevators was in the center of the hallway. It had two doors in the western side of it. The northern one was dull black. I did not want to take the elevator, though. I headed east again. The hall ended just past the elevators. I looked back at the elevator column, now to the southwest of me. I headed south along the eastern side of the column. The southeastern corner of the column had a metal shaft. The steely metal box was about a meter and a half wide and more than two meters tall. It had square edges, and the southeastern corner had a thick metal brace that ran along the edge. The brace seemed like a vertical rail for the elevator to slide up and down. Large lettering on the front of the elevator sayed that it was a utility elevator. It seemed to stand apart form the block of elevators in the center of the hall, and it had only a narrow hall running on the southern side of it. I started west in the southern corridor, but i decided that i needed to find the stairwell. I turned around and looked back to the north. The hall had seemed large, with areas to the south, but i had not seen anything that looked like stairs. I looked at a door in the eastern wall. The white door was wide and had the same small image as the other doors. This one did not seem labeled the same as the other doors, though. I thought that it might be a stairwell. I pushed open the door as someone walked to the north, passing behind me. The door led into a narrow stairwell. I started descending the short flight of white steps. The steps seemed to be made out of a soft material, like a hard plastic. I descended the seven or so steps and stopped at the last one. The last one was about half a meter from the floor of the landing below, which seemed strange to me. I wondered why someone would have builded an incomplete set of stairs. I thought that there might be some function to this, but i could not figure out what. I could see the feet of someone wearing gray dress pants walk to the south, passing to the west of me, across the white floor. The stairs were now facing west. I turned south, looking for the next set of steps. They descended to the east a little to the south of me. I started down them. They were made of the same white material, but the flight was longer and went all the way down to the next level. I thought that the stairs were designed for emergency exit, so they would have to be easy to descend. The shorter flight must have stopped before reaching the floor to discourage people from using them. I reached the bottom of the flight and headed west, to the next flight. I seemed to be on one of the upper floors of the building. I started down a flight that descended to the south. The other flights had ended in narrow corridors with low ceilings, but this set passed through an opening in the wall and entered a large atrium, with a high ceiling and tall glass windows on the southern and western walls. The atrium seemed three or four stories tall, and the stairs descended into the center of it. As i started to descend, i could see the college stadium to the south of us. I remembered that i had been in this area a little while ago. My father and other relatives had been with me as we got out of the car to the north of a college building, which seemed to be in an urban area. I thought that the building was now just to the east of the building that i was in. I remembered being near the stadium before. The building to the west was also familiar. Something about this area made me feel apprehensive. I also felt anxious about the memory of being here not to long ago. I had to do something.

12022 July 24

I had been in a thrift store, looking at things, but i now walked to the west. I stopped in the doorway of the small room, which seemed to be on the western side of the house. My family was with me, and a man was standing to the northwest of me, talking about something. A television or something else seemed to be on the northern wall, and the man stood to the east of it, talking about something that was happening. The small television was then on top of a tall narrow wooden dresser that was against the center of the western wall. The man stood to the north of it, pointing out the small objects that were on top of the television. He was saying something about the sports event. I felt impatient, thinking that we should be leaving and heading back to the southeast. I watched the man lift the small rounded objects, talk about them, and put them back down. I was waiting for him to stop his conversation, but i felt like we had to leave. I focused on one of the objects on top of the television. It looked like a small stuffed animal. It was about five centimeters tall. It looked very much like a toy monkey that i had at home. I mentioned this, and i said that i could have brought it if i had known. I thought that i could have given them one of the monkeys that i had. I remembered that i had found the toy somewhere. I pictured it as a light-brown monkey doll, with long arms and rounded head. It looked like a small tan doll that i had won at a fair. I thought that i would keep the tan doll as a memento, but i could have easily gotten rid of the light-brown one. The man asked me about the toy i had. An elderly woman was now standing to the south of the man, just off the southeastern corner of the dresser. She talked about the doll as she stood with her head forward, looking down at the ground near the man. The man continued to arrange things on the dresser. I thought that i could show them the picture of the monkey that i had. I had taken a picture of the doll for something. I then thought that my cell phone was in my car, which seemed to be to the east or northeast. I did not want to get it just to show a picture. The man asked a question about the doll, and i felt awkward. I headed to the northeast, trying to avoid the subject. I did not want to talk to the man anymore. My mother was to the east of me as i reached the small opening on the northeastern side of the boat. The boat had a wide flat deck, with rounded corners and flat sides. A white wall ran to the north of me, but it stopped just to the north of me, where an opening in the wall showed the dark land outside. I moved to the edge of the boat. My mother pointed out something in the water, referring to them as “bumpers”. I looked oven the northern edge of the boat. It seemed to be dark out, but i could see the sandy bottom of the water about three meters below us. Small fish were moving over the sandy surface, and a large black object moved quickly past us to the west. I thought that the “bumper” was a large type of fish with dark skin, but the shape that passed looked more like an otter. The shore was about five meters from us to the north, and it seemed to drop off steeply into the water. I moved to the eastern edge of the boat, where a white cushioned seat ran along the stern. My mother was on the southern side of the seat. The seat seemed to be only on the northern side of the boat. A cabin or protrusion was to the south of it, and the main room that we were in seemed to extend several meters to the south of the southern end of the bench. I looked over the eastern edge of the boat at the sand. The boat seemed to be facing west, but it was moving to the east. I looked around for another large fish, thinking that the water probably had some large lake fish in it. I then noticed a rather large silvery fish swimming toward the boat. It seemed to have a rounded head. I leaved over the boat as it opened its wide bass-like mouth and surface near me. “Bah!”, i exclaimed as the fish stuck its head out of the water near me. Startled, the fish went back under and swam to the north. I then realized that someone to the west of me might have thought it strange that i had make such a noise. I wondered if he thought that i was startled my the fish. I made the noise again as i stood up, looking in the water at the fish. I then noticed another large dark fish moving toward us, to the southeast of me. I wondered if it was a “bumper”. My mother then said that they had been here before. I looked up to the east to see land to the east of us. A low flat grassy area was to the east and on the shore to the northeast. It seemed a low section of land compared to the rest of the coast to the north of us. I remembered being here not too long ago on an earlier boat ride. We had been on the grass before, and i thought that my mother had been there with my father at some point as well. I looked back into the water for fish. Someone then said that it “attacks the hell out of the nipple and then” does something. This seemed like a strange and out-of-place statement. I wondered if the person, who seemed to be to the west of me, was talking about the fish. I tried to figure out what the statement meant. My mother then talked about being here with my father, and she mentioned that he had sunscreen on. I tried to piece it together with the other statement, and wondered if the fish had bitten my father on the nipple because he was wearing sunscreen in the water. This did not make sense. I knew that my father had not been hurt, and i did not remember him being bitten in the water. I felt confused and tryed to make sense of the statements.

12022 July 26

I entered the classroom from the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. The students were sitting in arm chairs, facing east. I walked to the back middle of the classroom, where the last few rows of chairs were. I stood to the south of a chair, taking my backpack off of my right shoulder and putting it on the chair. The teacher was to the east of the class, on the northern side of the room. She seemed like $A50, and she seemed very upset with the class. She had told them to sit still and not move. She then seemed to have left the classroom. A student on the northern side of the class stood up and walked to the western side of the room. He or she opened one of the windows in the northern wall and then returned to his or her seat. This seemed like a very confusing situation. I thought that the teacher would be upset about the open window when she returned. I was still standing on the western side of the class when the teacher returned. She scolded the class about the open window. I thought that i would not tell her who had opened the window if she asked me. She yelled at the class. I suddenly realized that i had not actually seen who had opened the window, but i felt that i should be defiant and simply tell her that i did not know anything about the open window. The students then started to leave the room. I gathered some of my things and turned to the southeast. $F4 was sitting on the southern end of the western side of a long table, which seemed like a cafeteria table. He had been playing with the cards with some other people. $A608 seemed to be there as well. I moved to the southern end of the table and started collecting a deck of cards. $F4, who was now on the eastern side of the table, pointed out that some of the cards i had picked up were from a specific game. I looked at the bottom of the cards, realizing that they were not part of the tarot deck that i had picked up. They were the same shape and size as the tarot deck, but they had large words in blue letters on them. I started separating them from the tarot deck, commenting on how we could play a game with both decks. I then thought it interesting that both decks would have cards that were the same size. I separated the cards and started organizing the tarot deck in my hands. $A593, who was sitting on the southern end of western side of the table, pointed to the tarot deck and said something, pulling some of the cards off of the deck and putting them with the cards for the other game. I told him that i liked the images on the tarot deck. I mentioned that it was a form of psychology, because different decks had symbols and icons that represented the same ideas across different cultures. It was each cultures way of expressing an idea that spanned the different cultures. I thought about this as i headed out of the room to the southeast.

12022 July 27

I got out of the car, which was parked in the driveway to the east of my parents’ farmhouse. The car was facing east, off the side of the driveway. My mother walked to the house to the west, but i walked south, toward a thin tree in the yard. The yard to the east of the driveway seemed to be covered with a light layer of packed snow, and the thin sapling grew by itself, about four meters from the tree line to the east. A newspaper was laying on the ground on the southeaster side of the tree, leaning partially up against the tree. I walked around to the southeast of the tree and looked at the newspaper. It seemed old, with large headlines in an old-looking typeface. It had no pictures on the cover, and the paper was yellowed with age. I was interested in the paper, because it seemed to be from the early 11900s. I picked it up and read the large headline, which seemed to have one word at the top that seemed important. I said something to my mother about the paper as i started heading to the northwest, toward the side porch of the house. As i walked, i heard a buzzing sound from the paper, which i had folded into a small packet. I held the bundle in my left hand, pressing the bottom together with my thumb and forefinger. The buzzing seemed to be coming from the rolled paper, and i thought that a wasp must be trapped in the paper. I was not sure what to do, but i brought the paper to the porch and placed it on the wooden bench, which was to the south of the door. I quickly entered the house before the insect could escape. Something seemed to happen in an office, and i moved the papers around. I then moved to the east, in the bedroom of the house. I had just woken up for the morning, and i had to get ready for school. The small bed was against the eastern wall, under what seemed to be a low sloping ceiling. It was against a wall to the south, which was part of a section of the room that was set into the room. I pulled the covers up over the bed, aware that my parents were to the southwest, in another room. I realized that i still had the radio playing from when my alarm went off. The alarm clock seemed to be on a small wooden end table that was to the west of the head of the bed. The head was against the southern wall. I thought that i should make sure the radio is not too loud so that i did not wake my parents up. I picked up the small square pillow that was on the bed. I recognized the writing on it. It had large words on one side that were written in marker on the bluish-gray fabric. The fabric seemed old and faded, and it looked similar to felt. I remembered the pillow from before, and i thought that it had some significance. The large word in the center seemed significant, but i noticed $A645’s name at the bottom. I brought the pillow to the northwest, to the northern side of the room. I wanted to do something with it, and i felt good but cautious with the pillow. I turned the pillow over, looking at the writing on the back. It was also in marker. I remembered making this pillow a long time ago. I put the pillow down on the couch, which was against the northern wall of the back room of my parents’ farmhouse. I set it on the western part of the couch. I then turned around and headed to southeast, toward the exit door to the house. I remembered that i had put the newspaper on the porch, and i thought that i should get it before it got wet. I stopped at the door, noticing a yellow jacket buzzing around on the window of the door. It was on the outside of the door, in the upper part of the northern side of the door. I decided not to open the door. Several other insects seemed to be in the air near the first one, so i thought that the newspaper must have had a nest in it. I walked to the west, across the southern end of the back room. The northern wall seemed to be only five meters or so to the north of me, and i noticed dark spots on the western side of the wall. They seemed to be large flat insects. I wondered how the insects had gotten into the house. I did not feel concerned, but i thought it strange and annoying that they had infested the back room. They seemed to be clustered in a roughly conical area that was about a meter wide at the bottom and about two meters tall. I turned to the south. A set of two or three stairs led from the back room into the dining room to the south. The stairs led to a doorway in the western end of the southern wall of the back room. I stopped at the bottom of the steps, just before entering the dining room. The floor of the dining room had bugs scattered over it. Some had been crushed and smeared in long streaks on the wood floor. I wondered how the insects had gotten into the house.

12022 July 30

I was in the southeastern side of the room, looking west. The rectangular room had wooden walls and ceiling, and it seemed like an old place that my relatives used to own. It seemed like my grandfather’s cottage. A person, who seemed like a relative of mine, stood in the center of the room, to the west of me, and my parents seemed to have just walked past me, heading east. We had been cleaning out this place. The woman to the west of me had opened a panel in the ceiling, which led to the attic. I walked toward her and she looked up. I looked at the small panel, thinking that the attic was just a crawl space. I could see another wooden ceiling above the ceiling in the room where i was. I then realized that the ceiling were i was had been added on more recently. The ceiling i could see through the hole, which seemed about a meter above the one in the room, must have been the original ceiling. The wood of the top ceiling was pale, but the wood of the newer ceiling had more of a reddish hue. The woman than said that things were above the ceiling. I asked her what was up there, and she said that we would need to clean out the spaces there as well. I thought that this might have been a storage space. I looked up into the space. I could see a counter along the southern wall with wooden cupboards above it. Several things were an the counter. A small blue doll stood among some plates and cups. The woman said that we would need boxes to clean things out. I climbed up into the hole in the ceiling, tying to get a better look at the room above. The room was actually rather large. I sat on the edge of the square opening, and i pressed my hand on the floor just to the east of me. The long thin boards swayed side to side. The ceiling below was being held up by thing pieces of wood that ran north to south. Wider panels were on top of the beams, but nothing held them together. They were allowed to tip from side to side. I put my foot on one of the boards to the east of me, watching the main beam sink with my weight. We would have to be careful walking up here. I called down to my mother, who still seemed to be to the east, saying that we would need more boxes to put stuff in. It seemed that we had a lot more things to pack before we could leave the house. My father was standing to the east of me now, in the upstairs room. The ceiling was rather high here, and this place could have been a room by itself. I thought that the original room of the house must have been two stories tall, with a high peaked ceiling. The eastern end of the room was rounded, with flat walls, and the ceiling peaked in a flat-sided cone. It reminded me of the alter space of a chapel. The beams that ran up the walls and the cross boards behind them were all dark wood. This room had been sealed off from the room below. It seemed interesting. Several of my relatives were here now. I looked around, noticing a doorway in the center of the northern wall. The door led into a short hall, and a smaller room seemed to be on the outside of the building, to the west of the hall. This place seemed like a forgotten apartment. I though of $K24 living in the small room. Something about the idea felt familiar.

I left the others and came back to the building where we had been staying. It seemed that i had been on a run with some other people, but i was now returning to the hotel. I came into the rectangular room, which seemed like an entry hall, from a doorway in the northern end of the western wall. $A601 was in the room, getting ready for another run with $G4. I was supposed to go on his run, and i stopped to talk with him. I moved my weight from one leg to another, as though anxious. The walls of the room around us were dark gray and seemed to be covered with fake stone. I talked to $A601 for a moment, but i knew that i had to get some money for the next run. I asked $A601 about the run as i made my way to the southern end of the room. I had to go back to my hotel room to get something, and my room was somewhere to the east. The doorway out of the room that i was in was on the southern end of the eastern wall. I then remembered that i had no money in my wallet. I had spent all of the cash and only had one dollar left. I wondered if i would be able to get more money from a machine. I asked the others in the room if the machines around here would work with American cards. I was in a foreign country, so i was not sure that my bank cards would work here. I felt nervous about getting money, and i started to the east.

I had been doing something on the southern side of the room, and i was now heading to the north, along the western side. I was thinking about something that had been happening. I could hear a song playing somewhere. It was one of mine, and i remembered it. I thought that i had not finished the song, and i listened to the lyrics. The song was about a relationship that was over, and the singer seemed to think that the other person in the relation ship was not a good person. I stopped in front of the low wooden dresser, which was against the western wall. The dresser had rounded corners and was made out of pale wood. Clothing was stacked on top of the dresser. I moved to the northern end of the dresser as i listened to the lyrics. I pictured the lyrics in two tightly packed blocks of text. I was surprised that i had written so much. I thought that song had been mostly undone. The singer was singing the second block of lyrics, and it talked about how the relationship was over and to be forgotten. A transition in the music happened, and i could hear the high solid tone, which was different from the choppy rhythms before. The tone lasted for a few measures before dropping in pitch to another tone. I bent over, as if to pick something up from the floor to the north of the dresser. I thought that the tones should really have been in a buzzing synthesizer sound, but i had recorded the song using only acoustic instruments. I listened to the tone, thinking that it must have been from an old organ. Just as i stood back up and started to the west, i focused on the lyrics again. The singer sang “Have no fear. Just let me know you gave me everything.” The singer was telling the other person in the relationship that they should not feel bad for the breakup but that the singer wanted to know that the other person had at least tried to do everything for the relationship while they were in it. I thought that the song was a nice song.

12022 July 31

I cautiously moved to the west on the cement walkway. The ledge was about a meter and a quarter wide, and it was bordered to the north by a cement wall that was about two meters tall. Water was to the south of me, about a half meter below the waterway. The water was silty from the flooding. I felt that we had to be careful, because waves were periodically coming over the wall. We had to make sure that they did not wash us off the ledge. A boat passed us, heading south. Another cement wall seemed to be to the south of us, and the boat hit the wall, lifted, and went over. I thought that the boat would have caused some waves, and i felt annoyed by that. I stopped as a large wave washed against the cement wall just to the west of us. We now seemed to be standing in about a half meter of water. The man to the east of me stopped when i did as the high wave rolled up against the cement wall and then rolled back. I thought that the tall wave could have washed us off if we were not careful. I also thought that we were lucky that it did not hit us. We continued to the west. I felt wary of the boats that traveled around us. The water to the north of the wall seemed to be higher than the water where we were. I looked over the wall, seeing a watercycle pass quickly to the east on the water to the north of us. I warned the man behind me that the wake would roll over the wall when it hit the wall. I stopped suddenly as a swell of water poured over the wall right in front of me. It felt lucky that the high waves had missed us so far. We continued, reaching the western end of the wall. To the west of us, the water rushed over a short spillway. We seemed to be in the middle of many layers of water, and the spillways on the western side were shorter than the walls, allowing the water to flow down a slope on the western side of the area. I held on to the cement, not sure what we should do from here. A boat was then to the north of us. It was rescuing people. I knew that it could not get near the spillway or the rapids would carry it down the slope. The boat was long and narrow, and it stayed out of the area of rapid flow on the western side of the water. I was floating now, and i held on to the western end of the cement wall. Someone then handed me a life vest. I was now on a boat, which was floating to the north of the wall. The boat faced northwest, and i seemed to be on the southern end. I spoke with the man who was piloting the boat. He was to the west of me. He and the other rescuers were waiting for something. I looked to the south at the wall. It seemed that it would be dangerous to drive the boat near the western end of the wall. I thought that the current would be too dangerous. It seemed that we had to rescue someone to the south, though. The boat then turned back toward the dam. I felt a little nervous, but we were headed for the center of the wall, where the water was not moving as quickly. As we approached the wall, i noticed that the wall now turned to the south and then back north, forming a square area of water in the center of it. We floated into the center, pulling up against the eastern wall of the square area. A window was in the wall to the east of us, and i could see several women working at a kitchen counter just inside the window. Two young women were in two small northern windows, and an older woman was in the window to the south. The older woman had a handkerchief over her blond hair, which was tied up. I said hello to the woman in a comical voice as we floated near the window. The boat kept moving, though, so i could not see the woman’s response as she looked up at me. I thought that she had said something to me, but we had passed too far to the south for me to see her. I backed up, moving back to the north along the wall. I pulled open one of the small windows where the young women were. They were looking at the older woman to the south of the. I said hello to them and explained “She’s really talking to someone.” I joked about the situation, mentioning that the older woman was not just talking to the wall; there really was someone outside the window. The young women giggled at the joke, and i felt good that i had made them smile. I then looked back at the wall. The boat was waiting by the dam. We had to rescue someone.

I had been in the room on the western side of the building, talking to the others. We were leaving this place, and i had to get things cleaned up. I headed to the west, across the small parking lot to the west of the building. A road ran north to south along the western side of the parking lot, and the cars were parked, facing southwest, on the western side of the road. A small white building was to the west of the cars. It seemed like a motel. Someone was standing near a dark car to the south of the black pickup truck. I was heading to the driver’s side of the pickup truck. As i opened the driver’s door, though, a black rounded grill tipped out and fell on the ground. I felt annoyed. The items had been packed into the truck and were not secure. I said something to the person to the south as i picked up the grill, which had an squat rounded top on a single metal pole, and pushed it back into the vehicle. I closed the door after it to keep it in. I knew that i had to take something to some place, and i told $A822 about it. He was the man standing to the south of me, and i thought that he would want to know where the grill was for later. I described what we would have to do. I felt tired from doing all this work. As i turned to the north, i saw the small paragraph of printed text. It was five or six lines long, and the left side of the second-to-last line had bold text.