11995 August 01

I was sitting in the rocking chair, swinging back and forth. My shoes were off, and i felt a little out of place. I comforted myself, thinking that it was at least environmentally sound.

11995 August 02

I was sitting at the edge of the circle. There was a flag in the middle. I remembered that i was the one who had set the type for the flag. It was not quite right, however. Then i felt that something else might be wrong. I picked up the cardboard box and moved it across the room. As i got to the other side, i saw $A14 standing by the counter. He was upset at some of the papers he was looking over. They were not right. He moved them underneath the surface of the water. I moved them around over the flat rocks under the water’s surface, but i could not get them to stay. They kept catching the current and floating down stream. I tried to get them to lie flat against the rocks, thinking that the current would just flow over them, but they kept lifting up.

I was in the small one-room shack. It was near a railroad track. The inside was off-white, with wooden side boards of light wood. There were people running down the track to the right of the building. I looked out the back window of the shack to see the runners go by. The eves of the shack hung over the outside wall by a bit, making the building all the more like a switching shack. I then noticed the horse pens on the right side of the gravel path that the runners had just gone up. The dark-brown horse was upset by the runners and started jumping and kicking. It broke through the white wooden fence and started running down the path toward me. I ran back across the shack and out the front door. The horse was after me. I quickly ran into the large stone building and up the pinkish granite stairs. The horse came in through the front door and followed me. I quickly ran into the bathroom and through the stalls. I knew that the horse could not fit through the stall wall and the pile of boxes at the edge of the room. The boxes were actually a file cabinet. I jumped out the window and started moving away from the building. Then i heard someone yell “On on!”. I looked over toward the building to see $G4 following blue footprints on the ground. The prints must have been made with paint. A man walking along the sidewalk in front of the building scowled at $G4. He yelled out to them “Show some respect!”

11995 August 03

I was in the auditorium of $P7, and there was a meeting going on. I was looking at the clothing that they were wearing. It was all blue jackets and tan pants. I remembered that they no longer had to wear the pants with the stripe. I wondered if i should not have worn the old uniform. I felt a little out of place, but it had been a very long time. I sat on the left side of the auditorium with the crowd. I remembered that the seniors were also no longer supposed to sit in the front row. Then the meeting seemed to be over. People were standing up and starting out the door. I started to go when i noticed the floorshow starting. I looked up on stage to see a line of people tap dancing and singing. $A86 was in the center of them. I walked out into the front hall and stood around for a while. There was this strange divider between the stairs going down and the stairs going up. It was a white door. I pulled it shut and ran down the stairs. The door slammed shut, and the man who was on the telephone in the front hall got annoyed. He opened the door and looked to see who had slammed it. He started down after me to find out whom it was. I came to the bottom of the flight of stairs and looked around. I was in the lobby. I turned the sharp corner and headed down the next flight of stairs into the basement. I hoped that the man following me would not know which way i had gone. I ran into the basement and across the hall. There was a classroom on the right wall, the door facing down the hall. I ran into the classroom and seated myself in the back of the room. There were windows on the left side of the room from the door, and they faced out into an alley. There was a blackboard to the left of the door, along the front wall of the room. The board was covered with several scientific equations. It was a chemistry classroom. $A151 was sitting at the font of the classroom, in one of the armchairs, which were arranged in a circle. There was someone else to my left. $A151 asked where i was running from. He spoke in a loud voice, trying to get me into trouble. I was wearing a green jacket. The boy who was chasing me came into the room. He looked around to find out who had slammed the door. He was slightly shorter than i, with short curly red hair. $A151 was still picking on me. The boy came up to me and asked me if i had closed the door. I was wearing a Jets jacket, which he had remembered. I shook my head, but $A151 told him that i had. The boy punched me in the arm, not really that hard. $A151 kept wining, but the boy was not really sure that i had done it. He started talking to me. We just talked for a while.

11995 August 04

I was in the small front room of the basement apartment. Out the window, i could see a storm. The wind was real heavy and several trees were down. At the back of the house, a river was flowing, the water level getting high because of the rain. We should get out of the building. $A92 was at the computer. We could not get the information out of it, but we had to go. $A92 rigged the system and started playing around with the files. I left the room and came back. Something had been stolen from the computer system. I was in my mother’s office, and i was trying to figure out what had been stolen.

There was a marked man standing in the kitchen. He was cooking on the other side of the counter. We were joking about sitcoms.

11995 August 05

The Super Friends were standing in a line. I was watching them as i walked by. They seemed rather cartoon like. I walked past them and down the street, carrying the long bright-yellow umbrella. I walked up onto the porch of the house and thought about the psychic in the grocery store. I tried to walk into the house, but the screen door was locked. I sat down on the porch in a rocking chair. There was a girl there. She said that i was quiet and unhappy but funny.

11995 August 06

I was walking down the hall of the elementary school. I walked into the fourth-grade class room and sat down at the short table near the front of the room. I felt out of place. There was a book in the center of the table. I picked up the book and flipped through it. It was a children’s picture book. I put it back on the table. It was $K1’s book. I thought that i was above this level of education, and that i should be out doing other things. I was too old to belong here. Then the teacher asked me about the book. I looked up from writing the paper. She was upset with me. She wanted to know why i had left the book on the table. I told her that that was where i found it. I did not feel like explaining things to her on such a childish level. I sat up and stepped out of my bed. I was in my old bedroom at the top of the stairs. My parents were still asleep in the next room. I walked down the stairs to go to the bathroom. I walked in the bathroom and looked out the back window. It was dark outside.

I was driving down the highway. There was forest on both sides. I came around a right curve in the road and got off. There was a grassy field to the right. I drove under the overpass and down the city street. I was in $P25. There were other people in the car with me. $F4 was one of them. We were wondering if we were heading to the right place. Then we stopped at the traffic light. It was late fall, and there was a parade going through the town. We waited on the sidewalk for it to pass. There was an open square to our left, across the road. $F5 was complaining about something. The parade passed, and the policeman let us pass. We walked across the street and up a block. Then we turned left on the other side of the square. The town had rather narrow streets and seemed dull grey. I was carrying a box with a picture frame inside. I opened the lid of the box and the picture slipped out. I quickly tried to close it again, but not everything went back properly. We walked by the cemetery, which was on our left, where the open square had been. I noticed that my shoes were off. It was getting colder, so i figured that i would have to put them back on. I found it difficult to slide my boots on. They did not seem to fit right. We got on the highway again, but found a lot of traffic. We walked onto the bus and thought about it that way. We wanted to know if it stopped where we were going. Then $F4 and i started talking about things. He mentioned that Queen had a new album out. I remembered it from way back in 119977. It was News of the World.

11995 August 07

I was sitting in front of the television, watching Peanuts. The television was a large case and was sitting low to the floor. I sat in a small rocking chair in front of it, with a TV tray in front of me. The carpet was pale yellowish-green. I was eating pancakes. I had to leave and get out of the house. There was a woman in a red car on the street. I walked into the dimly lighted bedroom and lay down on the bed. $A19 was lying there next to me. She was wearing a dirty tank top and the rest of her work clothes. I wanted to get out of the house. The house belonged to a rich person. It was nicely decorated in white. I was going to sneak across the room to the car. We had to leave, but our car had been wired. Eventually, we were driving down the city streets. We drove around the blocks of $P163. The buildings were plane and grey. We turned several corners and drove through the parking garages. Eventually, the aisles narrowed, and we walked out of the aisles of the grocery store and up toward the register.

11995 August 08

$F27 was in the car, and we were walking along the edge of the road, by the crossing of $P164 and $P33. We were following $A454 home. The bus pulled up along the corner and we got on. $A454 had a dresser on the bus that she was trying to clean. She was removing the papers from the drawers. I turned and walked down the aisles of the locker room in the back of $P7. $A62 was waiting with several other students by the sports lockers. I was late for gym class. I looked around at the students and noticed that they were in random clothing. I remembered that they no longer had to wear uniforms.

11995 August 10

I was driving down the highway. $F10 was in the brown sedan. I wan driving with him, and i was worried that he was traveling too fast. Then i saw the car skid to the side and start tumbling. I was concerned whether everyone was all right, but i kept driving. I headed down the suburban streets. As i passed down one of the cross roads, i looked down the street to the right. I could see a row of red brick apartments along the left side, with a perpendicular parking lot in front of it. I saw a man get out of a car and lead a girl toward the apartment. He was walking behind her, and had a cross bow to her back. The bow was tilted vertically. I drove past $P16 and headed toward my grandmother’s house. I walked back toward the apartments. I wanted to find out what the man was going to do to the girl. I crossed the sidewalk outside the apartments and walked up the cement stoop and into one of the doors. I thought how the apartment was much larger tan mine. The living room was split level and decorated in light wood and white paint. The furnishings looked now, and everything was clean. I heard the news report about the escaped prisoner and wondered if he was here. I wondered if he was the one with the girl. I walked up the raise and over to the glass doors. I pulled back the vertical blinds to make sure the door was locked. I wanted to make sure that the prisoner could not get in, because i was afraid that he would. I saw that the windows were open a crack. That was not good. I looked out over the balcony and out across the back lot of the building. The neighbourhood was very nice. All of the houses were ashen tan, with Anasazi-style stucco finish. They were terraced and rose up the hill behind me. I could see a Native American family on the terraces directly across from me. On the bottom f0loor of the house, i could see the mother come outdoors. She was wearing an indigo loose dress with a golden braid around her head. She was doing laundry on the porch for a minute before she turned and went back inside. I then looked to the right. I could see down between the rows of houses to a set of stairs that led up from the street. I could see some children walking up to the top of the stairs. They had just come back from swimming. The boy in the lead was overweight and had short brown hair, which was cut straight. He wore a knee-length pair of shorts, which were dark green, and had a white towel in his hand. He switched the towel from one hand to the other and joked with the kids who were still coming up the stairs. I walked back across the white bedroom and into the hall. The bedroom was quite large. There was a smaller one at the front of the house. I was looking through the apartment to make sure nobody was there. I then walked out, onto the street and left the apartment. I headed up the walk, toward my car, which was parked in one of the parallel spaces. I walked around the front of the car and unlocked my door. As i got in, a car pulled up next to me. There was a man getting out of the car. I could see that there was a CD player on his dashboard, and the door locks on his car were broken. I knew that he was the killer. He got out of the car and headed into the apartment next to me. The city streets around me were empty, and i felt uneasy. I started to fly by waving my arms in the air. I lifted up to the level of the rooftops and then stopped. I kept flapping my arms, bit was not moving any higher. There were sponges in my hands. They were large, yellow, soft, and grip shaped. They helped me to fly better. I flew out the window by the people, but could no go any higher.

11995 August 11

I was in the elementary-school gym. It was the middle of gym class, and the coach was there. The kids were playing baseball on the field. I actually preferred soccer. I did not understand baseball as much. They tossed the ball to me and i caught it. I thought that i must have been lucky. Then it came my way again. It bounced on the ground and came up at me. I caught it again. I felt that it must have been a lucky steak. I wondered why i could not actually play sports. I asked if anyone knew how to play ultimate frisbee. I felt that it as too new of a sport for them to know how to play. The other kids went to get the ball. I woke up in bed. There was a yellow blanket over me and i was in a cot next to the cement wall. There were bunk beds around us, and other kids were in them. $A442 was in the next bed down the wall from me. I looked over the room and noticed that the shelves in the walls were actually crypts. This was an old house, and had bodies buried in the wall. We wanted to know who was buried here.

11995 August 12

I was in Deutschland, but i could not speak the language. I ran around the buildings and out across the parking lot. I passed several people, but said nothing. I could not speak the language, so i acted like i could not hear anybody. I ran out through the trees, along the edge of the lot. I was afraid that someone would catch me, since i was not supposed to be in the country. I passed the small red brick house at the edge of the lot. There was a tanker truck to my right, and i could see fuel leaking from the side of the tank. I was worried that i might get blamed for all of it. A guard came up across the parking lot. I talked to him nervously. I was afraid that i would be captured, but this guard was friendly. We talked for a few minutes. Hen he swung and hit me. I saw his supervisor coming. I fell to the ground. I was not really hurt. He was faking it. He talked to his supervisor and i slipped away. I walked between the busses and down the hall. The people started talking to me. They ere real excited to see me. I followed them into the banquet room. I was the guest of honour. They were all dressed up in their formal clothes, and they seated themselves around the round tables in the room. I stood up in the center and started talking. Everyone was paying attention to me. I did not really know what to say, and i was speaking rather unevenly. Then, the woman in the long green dress interrupted me. She did it on purpose. She was envious of me and was trying to make me feel uncomfortable. I ignored her and tried to go o. They were interested in me because i was from a different time. They had never experienced anything like me before and wanted to hear everything i had to say. I started to tell a story from my time. They had never heard it before and were interested. I could not tell them anything about the future. It was a hands-off area. As i spoke, i realized that they could not understand what i was talking about. The topic was too distant in time. I was telling them the “Who’s on First.” skit. They criticized it for idiocy. They could not understand what it meant. I realized that i should not return to this place. They could not understand me and were too different.

11995 August 14

I stepped out of the driver’s side of the car. There were two snakes moving along the ground near me. They were rather large snakes, but i was not really concerned about them. I walked over to the computer to look some things up. I flipped through several screens and then bent down to pull the carrots out of the crisper. I turned around and started back to the car. There was a man there, standing next to it. The car was a mid-11970s sedan, with a white roof and a faded dark-green body. I wondered what the man knew about the snakes.

11995 August 15

I stood on the deck of the house, looking out over the beach of the lake. I could see a thick green forest on the island and opposite shore. I could see the chick clouds moving in from over the water. There was a storm coming in. It was a “nor’easter”. The heavy-set old man with the yellow rain pants and suspenders and white T-shirt walked out of the house. He crossed the lake in a boat to get something. I was worried that he might get caught in the storm. I looked into the wind to see the clouds moving quickly over. The waves or the water were getting white. The clouds moved in from over the water. I ran into the house as the storm hit. There was a lot of wind. When it was over, i looked outside to see what had happened. I could see the old castle next door. It had been destroyed. There were only a few sections of the stone wall left, which stood tall in the air. The storm had torn the rest apart.

11995 August 17

The three of us walked in to the bathroom. It was a dark shabby place, with a single toilet stall in the back. There was a sink by the stall on the left wall, and two more on the right. I walked over to the sink on the left wall and urinated. It seemed unruly at the time, but no one seemed to care. A man walked into the bathroom. He was upset at us. He did not like us to be in the bathroom at the same time. I went to wash my hands in one of the sinks along the right wall. The man called us “fags” and splashed water on us. I ignored him, but $F10 and $F11 were upset. We all walked out of the bathroom. One of the people from $G6 walked past us in the main restaurant. A little boy was running around and ran into us. $F11 caught him and walked him back to his mother. I headed to the left, toward the front counter. I could see a large fish tank there. I looked into it as i passed. There were a couple of large fish in it, and they were all dark, like lake trout. I walked y and looked over the counter. There were several cages on the wall behind the counter, and they were all filed with small animals. $F11 said i should get a fish. I preferred the dogs. I looked at all of the small dogs they had behind the counter. I wondered if any of them were natural. I could not think of a naturally small god, outside of a fox. I did prefer bigger dogs. I thought of $X6.

I was in the back seat of the car, and we were driving down $P86. There were two other people in the front of the white car, and one sitting next to me. We turned the corner, to the left, toward the railroad tracks. I felt uneasy. Something was wrong. Ahead of us, the ground and sky were covered with a dark cloud of dust, obscuring everything on the other side of the tracks. I could hear the sound of the wind rushing outside. I told everybody to get out of the car. There was a tornado. We jumped out of the car and started to look for a ditch to hide in.

11995 August 19

Someone was chasing us. I ran through the open halls of the manor and out onto the grounds. It was somewhat of a game, but i felt scared of being caught. I ran out one of the victorian doors and onto the courtyard lawn. I ran under the white pavilion/tent and stopped. I was a superhero, and so were the other people being chased. The bag guys closed in around me. I pulled out the center pole of the tent, and the tarp fell on them. The main hole in the center of the tent fell around me, leaving me free. The bad guys were trapped.

11995 August 20

I walked through the rooms of the large wooden building. There was a gloss wall dividing the two banquet rooms. People were seated to the left of the second room, by the large windows. The first room seemed to act more as a lobby, and had wood paneling on the left side of the glass wall. The wall had silver metal bars in the window. I opened the door in the glass wall and started to go through. I paused half way, holding the door open to my left. I noticed that the people were watching me suspiciously. I pretended to act naturally. I looked back at the door as i let it close. There was a small shelf across the door at about chest height. On it was a bunch of domino chips. I removed a number of them and started to look them over. The people at the banquet were formally dressed, and rather suspicious of me. I found a ten chip in the dominos and counted the dots. I thought of marking the tile floor to match, or perhaps the floor was already marked to match. $A75 walked up to me from the door on the right wall of the room. He was discomforted by me being at the room, and told me to meet him afterward. I felt uneasy. I could not kill like they wanted me to. He was a member of the committee, and he wanted me to do bad things. I walked across the banquet room and into the office at the back of the room. I walked around the room. Tony Nelson and Dr. Bellows were there. Tony complained that he could not do the joy that they wanted him to do. He though that it was a bad thing. The Major asked Tony what he thought they should do. They were all disappointed. Tony was given the job of an ape. He would be used in place of an ape in the government space projects. Tony was surprised and shocked, like on the television show. He walked out of the office, and i followed him. A horse had gone wild on the streets. It sprayed the woman as she ran to get away. She was an annoying woman, and it seemed that this was an appropriate thing. First, there was a hose wetting her as she ran across the large stairs of the building. Then i noticed that the horse was urinating on her. The crowd by the fountain started to get out of the way as the horse kicked and sprayed the woman with urine. She fell down, her late-11800s dress soaked and dripping. Her long hair hung over her face, and her bonnet was dripping urine from the white lace over her forehead. There was a woman and a young girl sitting by the fountain. They were dressed in old middle-ages garb. The woman jumped into the small water tub to avoid the horse. I thought that the water from the fountain would be good to wash off the urine before it got sticky. The little girl complained that her “dolly” got wet, but everyone else enjoyed watching the woman get soaked. The horse/man later received a medal for his work.

11995 August 21

It was called “boxine”, and was more of a box. We thought that it was dangerous. The engine was not working, and we figured that there would be a firewall breach. Both $F12 and i knew that when the energies reacted with the black outside wall, it would produce particle radiation. We wondered if we had been exposed.

11995 August 22

I was in the back locker room at $P7. I stood next to the lockers on the front wall. Behind me, a group of wrestlers came from the back of the locker room and picked up a group of lockers from the center of the room. They carried them off. I walked along the wall of the locker room. There were some kids getting ready for class. The wrestlers were setting up for class. Then i noticed the clock along the side wall of the locker room. It was a signal clock, and it had burned out. I could see brown marks along the plug and outlet where the electrical fire had been. The counselor was lying on the floor. I bent down and lifted her head. She needed medical attention, but i did not know CPR. $A75 called the CPR on the phone, so they would be here shortly. I cleared her throat with my fingers and she coughed. I was glad that she was okay. $A255 was there.

11995 August 23

I was in another country, and i was in bed. $F10 was there. I was doing line art, but we were worried that we had to be clean. I wondered what the foreigners would think of us. We had to get in line with everybody else. I said something to them in their language. They did not respond right away. I wondered if i said it wrong, but they eventually understood. I looked into the sky. There was a storm coming. I had to leave before it got here, and i had to go inside. As i was going, i saw a woman dump a wicker basket in the river. I walked around the edge of the german construction project.

11995 August 24

I walked through the apartment. I wondered if it had been rented yet. The front room was empty, but i walked down stairs and found furnishings. I wondered what my grandmother had done. She must have brought the furniture while i was out. She should not have, because it has to be removed. I was walking toward the porch of the house. Then i realized that i as not in my apartment. I walked through the kitchen of my apartment. I opened the oven and found a tray of dough patties. I must have left them in the oven when i left. I should have put them away. I was upset that i had forgotten things from my apartment. I picked up the tray and put the dough away. Then i realized that i had left the dough out on the tray, so i put it away in the refrigerator. Then i realized that i had felt the dough out when i left, so i wrapped it up and put it away. I needed a place to stay. I had slept here, but i needed a place to stay. I guessed that i should leave. Then i was flying over the offshore islands. I looked at the surf and watched the waves hit the shore. I remembered that there were always sharks out there.

11995 August 25

I was in the woods, by the swampy pond. The water was very shallow and still. Here was a group of us there, sitting on a fallen tree on the sandy bank of the swamp. There was a mound of grass behind us, just before the forest started. Everyone decided to leave the area. I was upset and walked down the hill and away from the pond. As i started into the woods, i realized that i had forgotten to turn the radio off. I had left the small which 11960s-style radio plugged in and turned on by the water. I went back to the store. I wondered whether i should shut the radio off or not. I could see it on the shelf on the right wall of the corner shop. It was playing rather loudly, and i thought about shutting it off. I walked into the bike shop and played with the knobs of the radio. I did not have much effect. I realized, however, that i never made it back to the pond in the woods to get the radio like i had wanted to do. I walked out of the store and started walking back down the street. Two girls with long blond hair rode past me on bicycles. I continued down the street and out onto the porch of my grandmother’s house. I looked up and to the right. The sun was setting, and i could see streaks of clouds in the sky. I realized that they looked very much like a Van Gough painting. I told $F10 and pointed out the clouds in the sky. He said that they were not quite in the style of Van Gough. I walked off of the porch and into the front yard. I wanted to take a photograph of the clouds. I wandered down the street and into the back room of my grandmother’s house. I did not want any of the stuff that my parents were bringing me. My grandmother brought a box from down the street. I went up to the shop to look for some of my stuff. I could not find it. I walked to my car, which was parked on the street, and then back to my house. Nothing was right. Nothing was where it should be. I was mad at my relatives for bringing everything up. I complained to my mother and grandmother. My grandmother opened up the heavy oak dining-room table in the center of her back room. She found a box of disks there. I was upset that i did not know where anything was. I took the computer disks from my grandmother and started sorting and counting them. I yelled at my relatives and demanded that everything be found. All of my stuff was missing and all the work i had done was gone. I yelled at my grandmother and asked her where my disks were. I counted the ones she found in the table, but they were not all there. I was upset. I wandered outside and walked around for a while. I looked up into the western sky and saw the scattered clouds over the buildings. I realized that they no longer looked like a Van Gough painting. I walked around on the streets. I was depressed. It was New Year, and i was not happy again. As i walked up my grandmother’s driveway, i noticed this large lizard in $F1’s back yard. I ran inside and the lizard followed. I closed the door and left it out on the porch. I decided that i would like to take a picture of the lizard. I went to get my camera. Then i realized that someone had screed a piece of white plastic to the side of the camera. They had been fixing my things again. I could not take a picture with it like that. I tried to remove the piece of plastic, but it snapped, and a piece of the camera’s knob came with it. I was mad. I threw the camera to the ground. The white plastic fell off, along with the shutter-speed dial. I picked up the camera and tried to rewind it. The $F1 was there. She opened the outside door to try to feed the lizard. The lizard came in the hose and started to chase me. It had smooth scales and looked like a gila monster. It had deep purple colourings. I hit it with the camera to keep it away, but it kept chasing me.

11995 August 26

I was driving down the road. There were people walking around me. I did not feel right, and i noticed that all of the people were the living dead. We started to run from them. I flew from the rooftop to get away. I knew that they could not fly. I glided from the wooden-shingled roof of the light-blue aluminum shed and over the bushy tree. More of the dead started coming after me. This girl started chasing me. I ran around the aisles of the factory. The shelves of the aisles were filled with groceries. I grabbed a couple of cans of Quick and threw them at the dead people. They were held back for a little while. I escaped through the side door of the store and ran into the parking lot. I got in my car and drove away.

I pulled my car into the parking spot. $G4 came running up. They asked if i was going to run with them. I was worried about my knee, but really wanted to run.

11995 August 27

I was going on a trip to see some friends. I was excited to be going. I had a train ticket o Arlington. I was going to travel there, and then i was going to go on to visit someone else. I was at the station and ready to leave. $A14 was there. I handed him the papers that i had finished. I wanted to make sure everything was in order before i left. I told him some of the other things that i had done, making sure everything was ready for me to leave. $A14 was not sure that he had everything correct. He asked me again what i had done. I finished with him and then i walked over to the train. It was the back of a flat-bed truck. I tossed my pack and my blanket on the train and then climbed on. As the train started to pull out, however, i jumped off. I was unsure of what i was doing. Then i realized that the train would leave without me. The train had already left. I was worried that i would not be able to get to Arlington. I did not know what to do. I id not know where to go; i felt lost. I thought about renting a car to drive down to pick up my bag. I left my bags on the train when i got off. I would not be able to rent a car, thought, as it was too much money. Then my parents called me. They were worried. They said that it was my day. Then they put a man on the telephone. He was a psychiatrist and was going to solve my problems. I did not want to talk to him and was annoyed that my parents put him on. The man started asking me questions. I did not care to talk to him. Then he asked me what i remembered. The question had something to do with me getting off of the train. I could not remember everything. There was something missing. Then the man’s voice started to fade. I could no longer hear what he was saying. I said “hello” into the phone a couple of times and then hung up. I was still mad, but i tried to call my parents back. I was not sure that it would work from this pay phone. I tried to get their number, but someone answered saying “Hello. This is the Brazil school.” I hung up. I remembered what the man said about memory. I tried to remember what had happened on the train, but i could not. I needed to call my parents. I started across $P63 and then wondered if i could use the phone in the lab. I did not know where to go or what to do.

11995 August 28

I walked down into the open gorge. I could see the wall of the large dam with a waterfall pouring over the side. The view was very scenic. I walked down the side of the water and into the large open cavern. There were a lot of people by the water. It was like a public swimming hole. They were all there to swim. I started to walk though the crowd. Then there was an earthquake. It did not last that long, and everybody was fine. We were all worried that the water would come pouring into the cave. Everybody locked their arms around the poles that held up the ceiling. Some of them were scared. We waited for the water to come. After a while, we thought that it might not come, but then we heard a sound like crashing waves. We made sure we were holding on tightly, but still nothing happened. After a while, we heard the sound of other people. We could see several people walking into the cave from the area above. We realized that it was safe to leave. I walked out of the cave to see how everything was. There was rubble on the floor, and everything seemed to have fallen apart.

We were driving around in the wilderness park, looking for a place to pull off the road and park. The road made a loop, as i could see from the map. It circled the ring of mountains that must have been a volcanic crater. We were driving on one of the roads that went across the center valley. I was camping with $F12 and $F35. We had gotten up early here in the park, and i had to get going. It was only 7:10, but i had to get an early start. I did not really want to leave. I thought about leaving $F12 and about how early i would arrive at my destination. I turned the car around and headed back. It was not that far to go back to Colorado. I had to say goodbye to $F12. I missed him.

11995 August 29

I was in the parking lot. I drove the car around and pulled into one of the spots. I was parked in one of the wrong spots. Then i was in the prison. I was not a prisoner, but i was there to meet someone. It was a special jail for certain types of people. There was a computer programmer there. He was one of the inmates. He was very pale and looked unhealthy. He wanted to play chess with me. I was not interested, but i sat down at the table. Then the man said “Kill me.” He was threatening me, and wanted me to kill him, or else.

11995 August 30

I was at $P7, and i was in $A100’s room. We were carrying eggs across the room. I was cooking something. I dropped an egg on the floor between the chairs. I grabbed a paper towel and went to clean it up. $A4 was there, and he was looking for his wallet. No one was able to find it. I had a skillet in my hand as i bent down to clean up the eggs. As i bent over, i spilled some of the scrambled eggs that i had in the skillet. $A153 was standing by me, and i got a little on his black shoes. He cleaned them off with spit.

I was in an airplane, and we were traveling somewhere. The place looked like my grandmother’s house. We had to leave, so we walked out to the car to meet my father. My mother was wearing this awkward dress of green velvet. We got into the car. I climbed into the back seat. There was a dog following me. I tired to coax it into the car. It was a small black dog, and it growled at me. It did not want to go for a ride. We drove south on the road. I was watching the road signs and looking at the map. We were going the wrong way. W needed to be on Route 192. We would have to go back. We drove through a city. On the corner was a woman, who was from Vietnam. She noticed the “Nam” jacket i was wearing, and wanted one. I told her that she could not have mine. Then i looked into the back seat of the car. I noticed several other jackets back there, but none of them were mine. I told her that i could not give her one. Then i heard eth song on the radio: “have i been lost, have i been gone, have i been broken. . . hypnotized, paralyzed. . .”

11995 August 31

I was traveling across the countryside. There was a young boy with me. We walked up the grassy mountainside. Then we noticed the bobcat stalking us. The boy was scared. I made a lot of noise, because i knew that it would scare away the cat. I waved my hands in the air and the can ran away. $F51 was with me. He had forgotten something. He had to go back for his chair. He had left it at the house. It was his red leather-like chair. We carried the chair up the grassy hill. There were rocks on the mountainside.