11996 August 01

I walked around the edge of the pool. I wanted to go swimming. I was in the water. There were many other people there. The woman conducted the group in swimming. They were setting for water polo. There were black lines around the sides of the pool that marked the borders of the polo rink. I wanted to go swimming, but there were too many people in the pool. I could not get a good workout in. I walked back along the edge of the pool and down the street. I headed down the slight hill in the suburban area. All of the houses around me were square in shape, with plain walls and low roofs. The fraternities were on the streets to my left. The plant life was low to the ground, and the area seemed like someplace in Florida. My fraternity was to the left, a couple of streets over, but i could not go to the house. They were having homecoming, and i would not feel comfortable with all of the alumni around. I walked down the road. There were now deciduous trees to my left. They were part of a small strip of land that divided the street i was on from the street by the gorge. I would have to turn left to get onto the main road. It was the only way to get across the gorge. The first bridge would be near me. I thought that i could simply continue on the road i was on. It would eventually merge with the main road, just after the woods ended in the treed suburb. I could then take the next bridge over the gorge. I turned left onto the main road. Then i came to the turn in the tracks. The tracks curved right, away from the main road, which ran on the other side of the thin strip of trees. I was worried about following the tracks. I knew that i could get to where i was going faster if i followed the tracks rather than the road, but i knew that it was dangerous to walk on the tracks. A train could come by at any moment. I rounded the corner and looked down the stretch of tracks. They were empty, and there was wooded countryside all around. The leaves were light green, and the sunny air seemed hazy. There were black wires running along the side of the track on the crushed-stone rail bed. I would have to be cautious of switch tracks so that i did not get my foot caught in one. I could see an area on the tracks where there might be a switch track. I crossed the bridge and walked down by the water. I felt uncomfortable about following the water into town. I thought of the vagabonds that would hang out by the riverside. People always are afraid of vagabonds. I was nervous about following the river, but i felt like doing it anyway. I could be in danger. The shores of the creek were covered with small stones and the surrounding area had fields of tall grass. There were trees in the distance, and everything seemed like a hot early summer day. I walked on the stones of the shore, trying not to get my feet wet. There was human debris caught in the branches at the right side of the creek, which i walked along. There was an old doll, and some pieces of trash. I hopped from rock to rock, trying not to get my feet wet. I saw an old violin under the surface of the water. It all felt very eerie. I decided that i should go back to the bridge and follow the tracks into town. I thought that the violin should not have been wasted in such a way. I walked up to the tracks and continued on.

I drove away from the house. The road was gravel, and there was a light covering of snow on the ground. There were some other houses along the right side of the country road, and a grassy field on the left. I was having trouble driving, and rolled my car over. I got out and looked at it. It did not look all that bad. It was upside down on the edge of the road. It was a white Rabbit. Then i noticed that the front tire had a chunk taken out of it. The tire was broken. It was a solid tire. I walked to the white farm house on the corner. The house was surrounded by large spruce trees. When i came back, the car was gone. I thought it had been moved to the other side of the road, but it had not. I talked with the others who were wandering down the road. One was wearing a heavy black jacket with a blue collar. It was a down jacket. They were all dressed in winter clothing.

11996 August 02

I was in the science laboratory. There were tubes and apparatuses on the counter. There was a brown tongue on a small silver tray. It should not be out on the counter. There was something wrong about it. The tongue should not be out in the open because it would react to the salt in the air. It was a dangerous combination. The tongue could release some toxic gasses. I walked over toward the counter where the other professors were. The tongue was starting to ripple. It was giving off gas. The smell of it could kill. We had to get out of the lab. $Z started to run out the door. He went out in front of me, with me right behind. I stopped outside the door of the lab and looked back for the others. The other two men in white lab coats were still in the room. One had passed out, and the other was picking him up to carry him out. He lifted his partner and started toward the door. He passed out before he made it to the door, however. I went back into the room to get them. I held my breath as i ran by the black-surfaced counter near the door. I grabbed the two men by their lower legs and dragged both of them out of the room. I made it outside. I let go of them in the hall, but continued walking away from the room. I was frightened. Others rushed down the hall toward me. They passed. They were the rescue workers and came to deal with the situation. I walked down the long hall of the building. It was quiet and empty, and the lights had been dimmed. The features of the hall were very decorative in an art-deco style. I looked out the large window to the right, in the lobby at the end of the hall. The sides of the window were made of stained glass. I walked toward the small cabin to the left. It was cold outside, and there was snow on the ground. I cleared the trees of the forest and walked up toward the roof of the small house. I could hear a television playing. It had been left on. I looked into the window on the small section in the roof. There were cartoons on. The window had been left open. It should not have been. The snow had gotten in. There was a layer of snow on the radiator shelf, covering the many bathroom products that were under the window. There was also a coating on the television. It seemed that the window had been left open for quite some time. I stood in the small bathroom. The television was on a shelf over the sink. The bathroom had vertical wood boards on the walls, and blue and white tiles on the floor. There were brass ornaments and fixtures, and a white porcelain tub. It was quite decorative.

11996 August 03

I was in the apartment on the upper loft of an old barn. I was hungry and had to find some food. I walked to the kitchen and started eating. $A19 was in the kitchen, and $A116 was fixing some food. I placed my dirty dishes in the sink and left the room. I had to be somewhere. I went outside the barn and started to get in my car. It was parked next to another in the dirt driveway in front of the wooden barn. There was a house to the left. As i started to get into the car, someone pulled into the driveway behind me. I wondered if i could get my car out. The others said that i could easily squeeze through. I looked out over the field across the road. There was snow between the dry filed grass. It was the first snow. I walked out across the field. The green grass stretched a very long way. There were people chasing us, and we had to get away. I saw the girl crouched down i the tall dry yellow field grass. She was hiding with the chimpanzee so that the men did not see her. I stopped and ran in a different direction so that the men chasing me did not discover her. I flew up into the air so that i would not get caught. I looked around at the bad guys. They had captured BJ McKay and were holding him. BJ had come with the girl, and the chimpanzee, Bear. The police had seen him in the field. Then the police started shooting at me. I was a small frying robot and could doge bullets. I had to be careful, though, because they had a high-tech automatic weapon. I flew over the field. I could no longer see the girl. There was a dirt road on the right side of the field, where the bad guys had their bus-like truck and were holding BJ hostage. The truck was box shaped and white and resembled a camper. I kept circling the field. There was a paved road along the left side of the long triangular field. I turned around by the police cars at the end of the dirt road and headed back across the field. I flew low over the crops. Then i accidentally laid my hand on something alive. I looked behind me as i passed. I had placed my hand on the girl’s thigh. She was still crouched in the grass. I flew up and away, watching her as i left. I was careful to avoid the black high-tension power lines that stretched across the field. Then i noticed the dark storm clouds moving in from the right. We had to get out quickly before it started raining. I turned and started to fly down the highway. The people in the airplane sat in the rows, looking out the window at the highway. They were panicked that the plane was flying so close to the ground. The plane should be climbing. The small flying robot passed outside of the airplane windows. I watched it from inside the airplane. Then we flew into a tunnel on the highway. It was the tunnel through the mountain. The passengers were concerned. I looked out the window at the tunnel walls as they whizzed by. I wondered what happened to the wings of the plane. They would not be able to fin in the tunnel. The walls of the tunnel were not that far from the windows. Then i realized that we were going to the city. We were taking the tunnel route, which would come out near the city. It was the land route. The place came out of the tunnel and stopped on the other side. It came to rest facing sideways from the road it was on. I got off of the plane with $A55 and some others. They were happy to be in the city. I looked down the sides of the airplane, just to see what had happened to the wings. They had been sheared off. The plane was silver, with a red horizontal stripe over a dark-blue one running down the side of the plane. I headed down the road toward the hose. The city was off to the right of the main highway. I had to get back to the house. I woke up from the dream in my bed. I got up and walked into the kitchen. The outside door was open slightly. I looked it over. It had been kicked in. The kitchen was clean. Someone had broken in and taken all of the mess. I started across the kitchen, but my vision was not clear. I was having trouble making out the objects in the room. I woke up in my bed, trying to focus on the white plaster wall in front of me. I got up and went into the kitchen. It was empty. It looked as if i had moved out. Everything was clean, and there were no dishes or food. I walked into the living room. It was empty as well. The only thing left in the living room was the television, which sat on the floor in the corner. Then i realized that i was still dreaming. This was not a real place. I saw the tape deck on the floor. I remembered it from some other dreams i had had. I had to check it out. It had some significance. It was a four-track cartridge deck. I picked up one of the tape cartridges. It was unexpectedly heavy. It was one of the old style chromium tapes. There were more tapes underneath the recorder on the small shelf. I put one of them in the front slot of the machine and pressed play. Then i woke up in my bed, and the images were gone. I could not remember the music that i had heard.

11996 August 05

I was in the downtown section of a city. The buildings were tall and flat on the surface. People walked about the narrow streets, looking at the items for sale if the storefronts. Then there were helicopters flying overhead. They were attacking the crowd. People started running as the helicopters fired. I hid in a small booth that was near the side of a building. The booth was somewhat like a phone booth. It was red with yellow designs on it. It was part of the oriental restaurant. There were others in the restaurant with me hiding. We had to get out. It would not be safe to stay here. There were large glass windows on the corner restaurant. There was an oriental man with me who was going to try to escape with me. We had to move to a safer area. We ran into the streets. People were still panicked. We ran along the sidewalk to the house. The man went in first, and i quickly followed. This was a secret hideout. I stepped inside the house, but i could not see the man. There was a small front room to my left, with a corridor leading to the other small rooms in the back. The apartment did not seem to have many large open spaces. I looked for my friend, but could not find him. Then the old man came from the back room with his wife following behind me. They were both oriental, and were wondering why i was in their apartment. I asked if they had seen the man i was with. The old man smiled and pointed down the narrow stairwell that descended to the left. It was carpeted and had a left turn landing at the center. I headed down the stairs toward the kitchen. This house was a secret meeting place. We crossed the field into the special place. The area was shaped like a bowl. The girl mentioned that a quart area cleared in the crater. I walked along the dirt walls of the sides of the crater. A road ran along the upper rim. This was a very special place. The water had been drained from the bottom of the rocky crater, so i walked in to look at the rocks. This was the place that we had been looking for. Then i noticed the equations carved into the dirt wall. They were the important equations. I started toward them. Others were climbing over them to get out of the crater. I was upset with them. I needed a pencil to copy the equations. They were the ones i had been looking for. One of them was the elasticity equation that defined the properties of universal fiber in strings and atoms. The others were of different interactions of fiber. One was the relativity shift equation, but they did not seem the same. Something had changed.

11996 August 07

I was in the basement of my parents’ house, playing guitar. I had my white guitar and a wha-wha pedal. The back door of the basement was open, and there were people moving outside. I put down my instrument to see what was going on. I would have finished playing later. I would have to move my equipment upstairs so that it would not accessible to the people outside. I did not trust them. I wondered if i should move my stuff to $P69, but realized that i could not play in public. I walked through the back room of my parents’ house. I looked out the window and saw a small child playing in the driveway. The child was playing with the cars near the shrubs, on the other side of the drive. I was uneasy. I thought that the child should not be there. Something was out of place. I turned and walked back across the gym. I would have to wait for the others to arrive. I walked across the wood floor of the old gym at $P7. I sat next to the wall to wait. There was a man on a ladder on the back wall of the gym. He was repairing something high on the wall. The ladder was unstable. It was resting on two wooden blocks. The blocks started to shift under the man’s weight. I was worried about him. Then the blocks collapsed, and the ladder fell. The man landed on the floor of the gym. He was badly hurt. One of the others ran to him to see if they could do anything. I thought that i should go to get some help, but i saw that someone else was already going to get help. $A3 was there. He shook his head, giving me the impression that he felt that the man should not have been on the ladder. I looked at $A3. He was not wearing a shirt, and he was still well detailed and well proportioned. He had a large body. I turned and walked down the slope, to the locker room. I walked through the doors. I could hear girls talking in there. I looked into the shower room as i passed. There were several naked women in there. I realized that i must be in the wrong locker room. They must have switched the locker rooms since i went to school here. I walked out and headed toward the bathrooms. I apologized for intruding, but they said that it was all right. I walked into the old bathroom. There was a short white wall dividing the girls’ side of the lavatory from the boys’ side. The room was all cement and painted white. It looked very run down. On the other side of the wall, the ceiling sloped down sharply. I felt like i was underground. I thought that i should simply climb over the partition to get out into the men’s room. I tried to look over the partition. There were urinals along the outside wall. They were unclean. I stepped up the ramp that ran along the wall. I could not climb over because the space was too narrow. I tried to head back out the same way i came in, but i ended up in a different place. Something was not right. I was long, and did not know where to go from here.

11996 August 08

I was in $A57’s class. I had arrived after the bell. She was passing out xerographs to the class. I put my stuff down and went to get a chair. I brought the chair back to the desk. The chair was small wooden and painted rich green. Then i noticed that there were too many chairs around the table. I could not easily sit down. I adjusted the chairs so that i could sit down. I pulled one off of the top of the desk and put in by the side of the table. The lesson was starting. I searched for the paper that the class was reading from. I looked up at the teacher. She was reading from page sixteen. I could not find page sixteen in my set of papers. I had a paper bag with m e that i moved to the side. I looked inside of the plastic bag to se ea small boat. It was a gift from the teacher to honour my purchase of a new boat. I felt strange about having a present from the teacher. I kept searching for the correct page. Others were reading sections of the poem. Then the teacher called on me to read. I told her that i did not have a xerograph of that page. I looked through my stuff again from the back of the classroom. She asked what pages i do have. I pulled out the page i did have and looked it over. It was a prescription from. She asked me to read it. The page was torn at the top, so i could no make out all of the text. The writing across the side said “au 120”. There were other faint letters around it. She asked me what the prescription was for. I felt like everybody was watching be. I had trouble reading it. The symbol at the top was either an E or an F. The writing below said that the prescription was for physical therapy. She had mentioned that earlier. There was an image at the corner that was drawn in freehand. It had an arm below it.

11996 August 09

I was driving my car on the country road. I pulled over by the grassy drive that ran through the highly wooded area on the right side of the road. I parked my car in front of the treed section of the road and got out. The country road was very narrow, and there was a long white barn on the right. The width of the road was probably for carriages. The barn was old, with uneven white paint. There were no shoulders on the side of the road, so my car was parked on the grass in front of the barn. As i started across the road, my car rolled out from the grass and into the road. I was upset. It never did what it should. It was always acting up. I pushed it back into place and made sure that it would not roll again. I walked down the street to the store. There was a white pick-up truck parked on the pull-in lot in front of the store. Through the window of the shop, i could see a fight. There was a man in the store attacking the owner. The store was an antique-furniture shop. The man kept pushing the owner. I knew the owner rather well, and i felt that i would have to help him. I had to protect him. The owner picked up one of the chairs from the store and hit the man with it. The chair broke, but the owner kept hitting the man with the broken pieces. I fired the shot gut through the window. It hit the man and seriously injured him. I felt bad that i hurt him. I walked up to my apartment, which was above the store. It was very much like the bedroom upstairs at my grandmother’s house. I felt guilty that i had shot the man. I wend back down. The police were there. I told them that the owner was being attacked, and that i fired the gun at the man. They did not react. They told me that i did not actually hit the man, but the man was seriously wounded. That seemed very strange to me. I was still upset that i had a gun and that i used it. I was lying in the bed in my apartment. I wondered what would happen if a man came into the apartment. He was the same man who attacked the store below. He was mad at me for seeing him attach the store. He was mad at me for being a witness. I thought that i could shoot him as he entered. He would not be able to see me in the bedroom, but he could shoot me. He would have a gun. I thought about the scenario for a while. I was frightened to think that i would have a gun. I was scared.

11996 August 14

I had a set of recording tapes. They were of my music. I played one of the tapes and there was talking on it. I was in the living room of my parents’ house. There were cars lined up in the living room. My father had fixed on of them. I listened to the talk on the tape. My grandmother had recorded humorous things over them. I was “fuckin’ pissed” if she recorded over my music. My mother said that my grandmother had told her that she had recorded all of the family humour on the tapes. I was really upset. I could not replace my music. I walked out to the rock in the middle of the water and sat down. The tide was coming in, and the water around the rock was rising. My mother wanted me to get off of the rock before the tide came in. The water was up around the rock now. I jumped off of the rock with the book i was carrying. I could not swim on my front because of the book, so i had to float on my back. I pretended that i was floating over the waves. The waves pushed me into the shore. I started to crawl under the waves toward the shore. The last wave was behind me. I came up on the sandy beach and walked ashore. I walked over to the dresser in the small beach cottage. Then i realized that i had a cut on my foot. I must have stepped on some class on the beach. I tried to fix it. Then i noticed a man standing outside of the window. He was with another, standing on the sidewalk across the short lawn of the cottage. The man was wearing blue shorts from $P7, with a grey T-shirt. The man kept looking around at the cottage. My mother was in the shower stall on the other side of the room. She came out shortly. I saw the words “VanDyche” printed on the man’s shorts. I told my mother about the man with the shorts from $P7. Then the man came to the front door. The others followed him. He recognized us. He said that i should remember him, but not his two friends. I told him that he did look familiar. He asked if we have ever been to “Hot Buns” burger place.

I was in Australia, but i had gone to the other city instead of Sidney. I was in Melbourne. It felt right to be here. This place was very familiar. I remembered it from a dream. I saw the bridges in the city. They were very much like the bridges from the city i knew. There was a woman with an airplane by the road. The airplane had a red circle on the wings. I felt very strange here. I had found the special place that i had been looking for. It seemed strange yet comfortable.

11996 August 15

My father walked into the old white house in the suburban-like area. It was a society house. I remembered it from before. I was worried about him going in, and wondered if i could get in. The home had a square porch set into the front, with decorative spinnels supporting the top. The crest of the roof had wooden circle decorations with spinnel spokes. Everything was painted white. I floated by the front of the house on the mattress. I floated to the left of the house and out over the cliff that was in the middle of the suburb. There were houses below. I held on to the mattress so that i did not fall. The mattress floated back toward the house. I walked into the front door of the house. My mother was there. She said that we had almost purchased the house a while ago. The rooms were empty. There was a main entrance way in the center of the house, with one room opening on either side. In the back, i could see the counters of the kitchen. I remembered the house. The carpet was dark green in the front room, and was low cut. There was a round silver duct running from the floor to the ceiling in the left room. My mother packed some of the boxes on the floor by the door.

11996 August 17

I woke up in my bedroom at my parents’ house. It was late at night. I had to get my clothes together. I had to get going. I took a couple of suits out of my closet. The weather outside was getting bad. It was snowing. Something felt very wrong. My mother wandered upstairs and asked me what i was doing awake. Then i heard the gunshot outside. I woke up quickly. I was at my parents’ house. I thought i had heard something, but i was not quite sure what it was. It was very early in the morning, and it was still dark outside. I could hear heavy rain pouring on the roof above. I had to get going. I got up and collected some of my things. I was packing to leave. My parents came up to my room and asked me why i was awake. Then i heard multiple gunshots outside. I told my mother that i had heard them before. I wondered what was outside.

I walked down the corridor of the mall. It was a narrow corridor. The smooth walls of the mall did not really seem like shops. I noticed that there were white marks on the floor of the corridor. A man, who was walking down the hall, mentioned that it was “on on”. Other people ran past. They were following the white marks on a scavenger hunt. Some of them were from $G4. I started down the stairs on the left side of the corridor. I asked $G4 what they were looking for. They told me that they were looking for a saxophone. I noticed that there was one hanging on the wall, just at the top of the stairs. The walls were black, and the brass saxophone hung in a brass-coloured circle. Then i realized that the instrument would not do because they were looking for a woodwind, and this instrument was made out of brass. I walked down the stairs and into my parents’ new place. I had to go to the lavatory, but there was no toilet in there. It was only a small temporary bathroom. There was a stereo on a small red table in the corner. The entire apartment was small. All of the furniture was in storage. I walked into the small kitchen. I did not fond the place comfortable.

11996 August 20

I was in the gorge, in the wooded area. The walls were steep, and the water came down a falls near me. It then curved to the left slightly and leveled off a little. The place was a mess. There were papers and trash along the outside of the turn. Someone did not clean up their mess. I looked over the mess. There was a course-packet envelope on top. I decided that i had to leave. I had to get home. There was ice on the water, though, and i could not cross the stream. If i tried to jump across, i would slide on the ice. I had to climb up the side of the gorge and back out. The wall was not that steep where i climbed, but the rocks were loose. I was on the right side of the waterfall. The rocks slid toward me. I closed my eyes to keep the dust and gravel out and pulled myself the rest of the way up. The small rocks slid down the loose slope and into the gorge. I came to the top of the cliff by the factory. I walked out the gravel drive between the decrepit towers and old smokestacks. The place looked like a power substation. I drove don the gravel road with $F19. Yellow smoke was drifting out of one of the towers. Blue smoke was coming out some of the pipe towers to the left. The air was unclean. I should hold my breath as we pass through the clouds. There were toxins in the smoke. We drove to the gorge. $F19 was part of the cleanup project. We got out of the car. She tossed a rope down into the gorge and climbed down the rock wall. Then i noticed that the knot in the rope came untied and the rope slipped into the gorge. I worried that she might have been hurt. I looked over the edge of the gorge to see that she was all right. She had already made it to the bottom. The older woman was at the top of the cliff with me. She was leading the clean up. I told her of the file cabinets at the bottom of the gorge. They were from the old exam files, but they had been left around at the bottom of the gorge. They were all old exam files. We had to clean them up, but i thought that it was getting too dark. The sun was going down, and it seemed very dark in the bottom of the gorge. It was very hot anyway. $A46 was there with the runners. I climbed into the gorge. I thought of jumping down the side of the waterfall to the gravel below. I should jump over the stream to get out of the gorge. I glided over the stream and hovered over the other shore. There was ice on the side of eth stream. It was only autumn, but there was already snow in the gorge. I glided back over the stream. I thought that i could simply glide over the waterfalls to get out. I thought about hovering over the gorge below.

11996 August 21

The bad guys had taken over the city. We did not know what to do about it. They stood atop one of the skyscrapers in the dark city. The sky looked like dusk, with darkening clouds splashed across the horizon. We had to do something to help the city. Then we remembered that the statue was still free. It stood taller than the rest of the city. It was the Statue of Liberty. It was a stronger power than the bad men. It moved and walked into the city. It picked up the bad guys from the roof and tossed them into the air. I was in the living room of my grandmother’s house, watching the events on the television. The news started to talk about the rich boy. They showed a fat little boy playing with a ball. Then they panned to the small restaurant on the street. The walls were white and the front was a large glass window. The boy was inside. He sat at a booth in the corner with a girl. He was attractive, but he could afford to be. He was wearing a pink tank top. The rich could look beautiful. The television camera hazed out his chest. It was too revealing.

11996 August 22

I was in a foreign country. I walked across the small cobblestone courtyard, where the cars were parked. There were stone-walled buildings surrounding the courtyard. I got into a small car in the lot. Here were some other people around the lot with me. There was an old castle on the back side of the lot. It was lighted up from the party, from which i had come. I drove my car out of the lot. I headed up toward the mansion on the slight hill. I had to turn my car around in order to get out of the lot. I drove around in a circle on the large lawn and headed out. I had to leave. I walked away from the parking lot and along the edge of the cliff. There was a shopping plaza to my right, in front of which i walked. It was still night out, so all of the stores were closed. Below the walk i was on, down the long grassy slope, i could see a fire. It was actually fireworks in the park below. They were going off in a field. Red and yellow sparks shot up from the field in a cascade. The kids had set them off illegally for fun. I could see them running away to the left. They laughed as they ran down the suburban street. They had to get out of the area before the police came. They got in the cars in the lot and drove away. I wondered whether i should stay. The police might think that i had something to do with the fireworks. I wondered if i should leave as well.

11996 August 23

I walked through the cafeteria in the downstairs of the building. There were some girls sitting around a circular white table. They were talking about their boyfriends. One girl said that her ex-boyfriend never had an affair. The other girls did not believe her. They said that he must have been lying to her. I realized that she was talking about me. I felt uneasy. I kept walking past them and walked out into the hall. My mother sat at the picnic table with some of the lawyers. They were discussing her divorce. I should not be hearing the conversation. I felt uneasy with the entire situation. I wondered if they would make me pay for the divorce. I did not have any money. She mentioned the country house. It had a wood fireplace and was very traditional in decoration. I suddenly realized that my parents’ house would be gone. I walked up to my bedroom in my parents’ house, very upset and uneasy. My mother came up to talk with me. She wanted to know why i was not interested in any girls. She wanted to show me how good sexual attraction could b e. She spun around in her dress, exposing her legs. I was annoyed and turned to lay down on the bed. She massaged my back and neck, but she irritated me. I tried to ignore her.

11996 August 24

I looked out the window to see the heavy rain coming down outside. It was dark and grey outside, and there were no leaves on the trees. I looked down at the small stream that ran down the edge of the short yard. It ran down an old cement canal. The water was very high, and there were waves surging down the canal. The flood waters came in high wave surges that splashed over the edges of the canal and onto the lawn. The air outside was cold. The bridge across the canal had been washed out. I looked to the left. The bridge was missing, but there was blue styrofoam debris floating on the water. I ran to the other side of the house and looked outside. I could see $X3 tied up to the tree outside. I was worried that he might get wet from the flood water. I told my mother about the flood outside. The ceiling in the kitchen was dripping. I thought that i did not want to go to work. I should call them and tell them that i would not be in. I went into my parents’ bedroom to use the telephone. I picked it up but it was silent. I could not get it to work.

11996 August 26

I was at the edge of the lake with my father. There was an airplane heading toward us on the lake. It was a pontoon plane. We both thought that it was going to crash into the sandy shore, but it took off just at the edge of the shallow water. It flew to our left, over the breaker rocks. Then we saw the small boat coming toward us. It headed straight for the shore and crashed. The bow of the boat halted abruptly at the edge of the rocky shore. I went down to see if the pilot was all right. He was a man in a pink shirt. I walked onto the boat, but could not find anybody. The small american flag that was posted over the bow had fallen into the cabin. I wondered if there had been a bomb onboard. I walked back up the shore and to the road, which ran along the shore several metres away and a little over a metre higher. My mother was waiting by the car. I told her about the boat crash. Then i noticed the other people across the road. There was a man standing by a small pale-coloured car. I thought that he might be watching us.

11996 August 27

I was in the store, sitting at the table in the center of the room. I was working on a computer, doing some programming. Then i noticed $F30 and $F14 walking by. I had a fake rose in my hand, which i had picked up from the desk. I hit $F14’s arm with it as she passed. I wanted to say hello. I asked how they were. They said that they were okay, but they did not sound sure of themselves. They did not really have much to say. $F30 said that he was fine. I remembered that he had cancer. I could not mention it to him, thought. I did not know what else to say, so i sat quietly, smiling at them. They continued on down the room, so i wend back to work on the computer. I felt uneasy about our meeting. I walked in front of the school building. It was a single-level school building, modern in design. I had created a computer program that dealt with encrypted images. I tried the encryption part of the program. I got a picture back on the screen. It was not perfect. There was a grid in the center of the image that still had encrypted figures in it. The encryption program was not working properly. Then the woman came in. She was going to teach the sexual-education course. We would have to have sex with others as a demonstration for the class. She set up her stuff in front of the school. I went to the car and then back to the other building. I went into the arcade and tried the encryption on new figures. I got an image back of a V. It was spotted with static. The program sort of worked. The lecture started in the hall. The room was very new and recently renovated. The walls were bright white. There was a woman standing with me at the edge of the crowd. I stared to the right at the other now buildings. They were very modern in design. The tower was cubical, with a large sphere on top. There was a cone at the side of the sphere that was also part of the building. I thought that it was very interesting. The woman was pleased that i noticed them. She thought that most people would not have. The cube and sphere were black with bronze-coloured trim. There was a bronze ring around the sphere. I said “The building has balls.” It was considered an appropriate statement of the times. Then i noticed the statue in the shop window just to the right of us. It was also made of brass and had a sphere encircled with various rings. It was an “astro labe”. The statue was part of an exhibit portraying the history of astrosciences. It was shaped like an arm-balance scale, with the spheres of the planets balancing with the other side of the arm, which had a half sphere on it. There were mechanisms and writing inside the half sphere. It was an eye that watches the astrolabe. It was a long cylindrical shape that the eye looked into. It was representative of a telescope. It was in pieces to show the inside. Then the hammock-like web stretched between the main brass column and something else to the left. There was an ape on a small shelf on the brass column. It represented man’s development. It looked down at the figures on the edge of the brass column. There was a miniature scene of countryside around them. They were animals. It was a representation of an old story in hell. Two of the creatures were characters in the story. The main character was a tiger that looked like Hobbs of Calvin & Hobbs. It was wearing a hat on its head. It was a farm hat.

11996 August 28

We were eating animal parts at the picnic. It was not like meat, but the fresh pieces from animals. I took the ear from the dog on the table and started eating it. I also took some other pieces from the same animal. The other person said that i should take the dog to the butcher to have it carved up professionally. I took both dogs to the butcher. They followed me as i walked into the shop. This was the shop where small animals are cut up. I asked them to cut up the animals with me. They checked out the black dog i had on the table. They said that he was dead. I told them that the dog was not. I nudged the dog to get it to wake up. It did not respond. Perhaps it was dead. I told them that, if it was dead, then it just died. They took the animal. I bent down to my right to take $X15 off of the leash. The old dog walked around the counter. I asked the butchers to chop him up as well. Thy asked me if the owner knew that the dog was to be butchered. I told them yes, but then i thought that i should check with her first. I told the man that i would be right back and that i would pay for the other dog later. He told me that the dog was already paid for and handed me a package wrapped in white paper. I felt uneasy. I took $X15 into the car and drove down the country road. There were large fields on both sides, and there were shrubs lining the dividers. I changed my mind and decided that i should take $X15 back to $A467. I turned around on the road and headed back. $A467 lived pretty close to where i was. I drove along the left side of the road.

I walked up to the house. It was a three-story suburban house, set back from the sidewalk slightly and up a short grassy hill. It was about five or six metres from the walk, and the front porch was three metres higher. There was a cement walk and stairs leading up to the brown porch on the right of the lawn. The house was dark brown, with tan and white trim. There were two men waiting on the stairs that led up to the house. They were bringing the news to the house, just like i was. One of them opened up the whine aluminium screen door and knocked on the white wooden door just behind. There was a decorative bough of pinkish lace and plant stalks. We waited, but on one answered the door. The men said it had been like that. The men decided that they had waited long enough. They started to leave, and i was heading out with them. Then the door opened. $A203 was there. She stepped out shyly, wearing a baggy sweatshirt. She walked over to me unsurely and hugged me hello. Then we started to cry. She was very upset. We sat down on the top of the steps. I had my arm around her. She was unhappy again. She said that she did not like the way that she looked. Her hair was horrible, she said. I looked at it. She had gotten it cut. It was only shoulder length, and it was very straight. She had also lost some weight. She was quite a bit thinner. She stood up from the top stair of the staircase in the house and started to walk around in the room on the left. $F7 came out of the room to the right. I said hello. I looked at $A203 again. Her hair had been styled. It was fluffy and styled on the top, with braids hanging out the sides. Her face was wrinkled; it must have been from her weight loss. I told her that she could shave her head. She said that $F7 does that to his hair. I turned to see $F7 at the doorway at the top of the stairs. I walked to him and said hello. Then i noticed the boy and girl in the small narrow room beyond the door. The girl told the boy that $A203 always thinks of herself as ugly. The girl said that she though that $A203 was prettier than her. I did not think that was true. I wanted to tell both the boy and the girl that they were pretty, but i could not.

11996 August 30

I needed to get a battery for the truck. The man told me where i could go. I drove the truck away. I was in the country where everything was forested, but there was a small collection of shops and a modern gas station. I walked across the lot of the gas station, back toward the truck. I started to get the passenger’s side of the white cab of the truck when i realized that i had forgotten to get a battery for the truck. I stepped back out of the truck and looked across the back of the rig. There was a large silver ring on the truck’s bed. It was open to either side of the truck, and was supported by more metal of the mechanism. It was a large fan-turbine design, very narrow in design to allow the truck to be aerodynamic. Then $F12 and $F24 came by. I was going running with them. They started jogging down the road. I quickly put on my running shoes and started after them. Then i felt the bump under my arch. I had repaired the shoes with glue to keep the soul on, but had not done so properly. I had to stop to fix them. $F12 and $F24 jogged on.

11996 August 31

The woman had been kidnapped. The two men dragged her into the subway car as she tried to protest. The door of the tube train closed. It was a thick silver door with heavy windows in it. I stood on the platform in the terminal as the tube train pulled out and started accelerating to the right. I remembered all of this from before. I had seen it some place else. Then i remembered the original Star Trek movie. It was from that. I could see Mr. Spok and Jean Luc Picard on the screen. Then i was outside of Enterprise, watching the ship move by. The smaller ship moved by and fired its weapons. They were static weapons, and they disabled all of the other ships. I wondered how this could happen. Then the wasp-shaped craft flew in. It was struck by the weapons. $A98 remembered this scene from be before. He said that the name of the wasp-shaped vessel was “Lamerick”. The others remembered the name from an old roll-playing game.