11997 August 02

I was with the $G1 in the middle of the small quad. There were old stone buildings all around us. They looked like dormitories. $A12 was standing in front of me. We were getting ready to continue our run, but i was having problems with my knee. I was worried that i could not keep up with the rest of the runners. Then we started down the stairs that ran between two of the buildings. I followed $A12. Ahead of us was a large field. We would have to run around the right side of the field to the field house on the other side. I did not feel well. Something was wrong with me again. I would have to sit down. I walked into the small room with some of the other runners. I wanted to lay down on the bed. I laid down on the left side of the bed. $A11 was already in the bed. I was a little nervous about sleeping with him. We spoke for a moment. Then we started talking about sexual relations. I was worried about what he might think about me. I told him that i was into wrestling. He seemed interested suddenly. He said that he was into that as well. I realized that i could wrestle him, and rolled over to grab his arm.

We walked into the large auditorium. There was a group of wrestlers there for a summer camp. We were watching the group from the side of the room. The man started talking to me about the wrestling camp. I then realized that he might think that we wanted to be part of the wrestling camp. I spoke to $F4, who was with me. I wanted to join the wrestling group, but was unsure what was going on. Then the wrestlers started to disperse. They were heading back to the other place. I started to follow them across the street towards the shopping plaza on the other side. $A4 was with me as we walked.

11997 August 04

I did not feel well as i was running with the others in the old apartment building. There was something wrong with my leg. I was having trouble running. Then i started running with the others. I was not sure where i was in the race. $A12 was running in front of me as we ran down the stairs. The stairs were in the hallway of the old building. We had to run down a flight of stairs and then run across the hall to the next flight. The halls were painted a dull white with dark brown running rugs and trim. I wondered where i was in the race. It seemed that i was ahead of everyone. I passed someone going down one of the flights of stairs. There did not seem to be anyone in front of me. I wondered whether i was the first one in. I then approached the finish line. I seemed to be the first one over the line. I thought that i could not be the first one in. I had not been running that fast. There was no one in front of me, though. I was happy to be the first one finishing the race, but i was not sure how i managed to run faster than all of the other people. I was not in training that long.

I walked over to the small window of the room. Then i noticed a bird that had flow into the left corner of the window. It stood on the outside of the window ledge with a small ribbon in its mouth. It wanted to make a nest in the corner of the window, and it had brought what looked like a flat, black board covered with a thin cloth. The board had ribbons attached to its corners. The bird was holing on to the ribbons as it flew. I walked closer to the window and startled the bird slightly. There was a black cloth hanging on the outside of the window which obscured the bird slightly. It then tried to readjust the board in the corner of the window, trying to get it ready for nesting. Part of the board came under the crack of the window and into the room. I then looked closer at the board and noticed that it was a menu from one of the local restaurants. I figured that it must be one of the menus from the restaurant in the $P65, which was across the street from me. The pencil, which was stuck to the corner of the menu, had slipped into the crack of the window. I thought that i could push the menu back out of the window while the bird was not looking. I grabbed the corner of the menu and tried to slip the menu out of the window. I thought that it would fall down to the street. Then i read the menu and realized that it was from the restaurant several blocks over. The logo on the menu looked like the Hard Rock Cafe logo. I then looked at the knife which had been stuck to the corner of the menu. It was still covered with meat juice and melted cheese. I thought that the bird must have just grabbed the menu from some who was just finishing dinner at the restaurant. I wondered whether i could bring the menu back to the restaurant, but i realized that the person who lost the menu would probably not be in the restaurant by the time that i got over to the restaurant.

11997 August 05

I walked by the edge of the river. There was a small class being taught just ahead of me on the dry dirt path. The ground was ashen tan. The teacher talked about the dry river bed that was to the left. I looked over the short cliff and down into the dry, gravely river bed. I could see where the water had flowed. The small grey stones were arranged in snake-like curves across the bottom of the bed. The teacher then pointed out the well, which was just below us, at the bottom of the cliff. I looked over the short, steel chain-link fence and down the short incline to the river bed. There was an old stone well. It was circular and had a bucket sitting on the stone wall that encircled it. I then noticed that the water from the river ran right next to the side of the well. I wondered why they would need a well near the river. I then decided that it was for when the river was drying out. The well provided drinking water for the old mining town when the river was not safe to drink. The teacher went on lecturing, but i did not feel like i was part of her class.

I walked towards the crowd of people who were in the large theatre. I could hear the sound of the show which was being held. I realized that the sound was wrong. The sound person was not playing the correct thing. I smiled, relieved that i was not the sound person for this show. I then looked at the people who were sitting on the red cinema chairs. They had all turned around to look at me. They thought that i was the person who was running the sound, and they wanted to know what was going on. I did not say anything. I knew that i was not the person to blame for the sound. I walked into the theatre and watched what was being shown on the screen. I realized that it was a scene from earlier that day. It was of $A9 talking to someone in the front lobby of the theatre. The camera angle was looking over someone’s shoulder at $A9. I remembered the conversation. The picture on the front screen was very washed out, and seemed to have been taken on a small, hidden, black-and-white video recorder. I remembered the conversation. I stood in the front lobby of the cinema listening as $A9 spoke to the other person. I was not part of the conversation, and wondered when the film would start.

11997 August 06

I was in the apartment at $P2. It was dark outside, and i was sneaking around the apartment. I ran around the outside of the building. I had to get back into the apartment, but i did not want the person in the window to see me. I jumped up the side of the building. I was in view of the person in the other apartment. I could see the light on inside the window to my left. The living room was to my left, and i could see part of a couch through the window. I wondered whether he could see me. I thought that i should not climb up into the window above me because it would be obvious that i was climbing back into the building. I jumped off of the ledge to the right and made a quick turn to the left, round the corner of the building. I flew to the small bathroom window and climbed into the small room. The house seemed well decorate in modern eighties style. The carpets and walls were white, and the furniture was a dark colour. I wondered whether the man had seen me. I wondered what he would have thought of the fact that i could fly around the corner of the building. My father was in the other room. Then i heard the report of the volcanic disturbance in $P8. It was very close to my parents’ house, and i knew that it was only the first part of the volcanic eruption. It was the tremor that was starting the eruption. I looked at the news on the television to my left, which seemed like a window on the front wall of the old living room in my parents’ house. I could see the smoke coming out of the other side of the mountain. The actual eruption would not affect my parents’ house, but they would feel the earthquakes. I told my parents that we would have to take all of the breakable things down from the shelves so that they do not rattle off. My mother was in her bedroom getting ready for work. My father had just come out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom. My mother thought that it would be a good idea to do something in preparation for the volcanic eruption, but she was worried about getting to work on time. I told her that the main eruption would be at three in the afternoon. I wondered whether she would believe me. I was worried that she would think that i was just predicting things again. She was still getting dressed. I went upstairs and took all of the fragile things from the shelf and placed them on the floor. Then i walked into the bathroom on the first floor. There were several black cat-shaped sculptures on the shelf along the back wall. I picked them up and placed them into the sink in the back left corner of the bathroom. I thought that they would be safe in the sink because nothing could fall on them there. I then removed some of the larger sculptures from the rack and placed them on the floor. I placed several things in the bathtub as well so that they would be safe. My mother was impatient to leave. I started out of the bathroom and noticed that there were several things on the back of the toilet that needed to be taken down and placed on the floor. I reached over something and grabbed the small statues. I could not see what they were, and i was feeling around for them as i placed them on the floor. Then i walked out into the dining room. I knew that the earthquake would occur at three in the afternoon. I wanted the house to be ready because we would not be here when it happened. My mother walked out of the kitchen in front of me as i was walking in. She was ready to leave and walked outside to get the car. I realized that i was not ready for school yet. I would have to get all of my things together. I then saw my bag on the counter of the kitchen. It was not ready. I told my mother that i had not even made my lunch yet. She was impatient and looked over at the plastic lunch bag on the counter. I opened the refrigerator door and looked in. I knew that i had some bagels in the freezer that i could take. I then thought that i could get some fruit, like an apple, from the refrigerator. I walked around the room. I would have to get all of my things together quickly. I looked through the locker to make sure that i had not forgotten anything. I had to get out with the running team before it was too late. I did not feel like running with the team, and knew that i was very late in joining them. I walked out of the field house and started to stretch in front of a tree. $F4 was with me. I should have been out here earlier. I pretended that i had been waiting for a while as the rest of the team came out. Then i noticed that the team was talking to someone who was lying on the ground near the road on the other side of the tree. It was $A13. He was wearing a dull yellow sweatshirt. He did not feel so well, and was lying on the ground. I did not feel like running with everybody else. They all started to leave on the run. I hesitantly started after them. $A13 was talking to someone near him. He said that he would try to catch up with the runners. He mentioned that they would be running on the same loop. Then i noticed that the runners ahead of me did not turn left at the corner ahead, but went straight down the sidewalk. I heard $A13 say that they were going to the run to someplace else. I knew that the run was a loop into the woods. I pictured the beginning of the run. It followed city streets for a while, then went down a road that ran along a creek. The road near the creek was near the woods. The run would then make a large loop into the woods and come back out on the same road. I did not feel like i could run with them, and thought that i should simply take another route. I did not want to travel the entire way, but i also did not want the other runners to think that i was not trying. I then thought that i could run part of the loop and join up with them near the end. They would at least know that i was running some. I thought about them seeing me on their way back from the woods. I wondered whether i would have to do the entire loop. I did not want to go that far. I started jogging down the sidewalk of $P1 when i realized that i was not wearing the correct shoes. I had my white walking shoes on. I knew that the soles of the shoes were worn, and that there would be no cushioning. I would just hurt my leg more by running in them. I decided that i would have to change my shoes. I started back for the field house, but then realized that my running sneakers would not be there. I had taken them home for something and had not brought them back. I was frustrated and wondered what i should do. I then decided that my black walking shoes would be good enough to run in because they had cushioned soles. I started running in them when i noticed how shiny they looked. They were black, glossy leather. I then thought i could not run in them because it would be too obvious that i had not brought my real running shoes. I had to get my sneakers, but i had left them at home at $P2. I then thought that i could stop at my house and pick up my running shoes, as it was somewhat on the way to where everyone had run. I thought that this would be a good idea and headed home. I could meet the others as they were coming back, and would not have to run that far. I was not feeling well.

11997 August 07

It was some time in the middle ages. The man was fighting a war against the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were intelligent in this universe, and they were capable of speaking to the man. He ran from the battle and hid back up in the room. The tyrannosaur came into the room and scolded him. The dinosaurs were the bad guys. I acted obedient as i lie on the bed. The tyrannosaur could have killed me, but i stayed still and pretended to be defeated. The tyrannosaur left the room and i decided that i had to do something to defeat the dinosaurs. I then heard that there was someone from the future. Someone had mentioned that the man had a bike and lasers. I knew that they would be better weapons than the swords that we had been using. I walked down the back stairs of my grandmother’s house and sneaked over to the bedroom where the dinosaurs were sleeping. It was dark in the rooms and i knew that the light from the outside room would only illuminate me a little. I hit the tyrannosaur and ran away into the living room. I did not have the resources to defeat the dinosaurs at the moment, but i knew that it could be done. I ran towards the sofa bed, which was pulled open, and crawled underneath. I then realized that there was someone else there with me. We were kneeling under the bed, which was supported about a meter off of the ground by round metal poles. The other person had been sleeping under the bed to hide from the dinosaurs as well. I knew that he was the person from the future, though i was surprised to see him. Then we heard the dinosaurs yelling at the person who was sleeping on the bed above us. The dinosaur accused the person of hitting him. The person denied that he had his the dinosaur, but the tyrannosaur claimed that he saw the person run away in the dim light from the outside room. Then the man with me took off. He started riding his bicycle towards the dinosaurs. The bicycle was equipped with lasers. I wondered why he was not on a motorcycle. Then i noticed his motorcycle hiding behind the bushes. I got on the motorcycle and charged the tyrannosaur. I pressed the buttons on the left handle bar with my thumb and lasers fired at the dinosaur. I hit the tyrannosaur in the chest. It stumbled backwards. I then rode away. I came to the area of the large office building where the docks stretched out over the open land.

11997 August 09

I walked down the stairs and into the small shop. The shop was in a single rectangular room, and had white walls. It was crowded with craft-type items. Several people were in the shop. The man behind the table in front of me was putting on a long olive-green coat. He mentioned to the person next to him that he was heading out. The man had long frizzy brown hair with red highlights. I walked out of the building and headed to the theatre. I walked down the old street towards the white building which looked somewhat like a church. The walls of the building were shaded from some tall trees. I watched myself walk around to the front of the building and up the stairs. I was looking forward from the shaded side of the old building where i could only see the bottom part of the stairs rise to the door just behind the corner from me. I walked into the small room which had a rectangular block in the center that acted as a table. The room stretched out to the right as i entered through the door. The walls of the room were covered with horizontal slats of wood which were stained a light tan. The wood boards on the floor were similarly stained and dulled from people walking. $F19 was sitting on the other side of the block. She had an open paperback book in her hand and was sitting, leaning forward, with her legs crossed. I said hello and we started talking. She then mentioned that the theatre was waiting for the manager to show up so that they could start the show. I was surprised that he had not made it here already. I told her that he had left the bar before i had. She said that he was not here, so i told her that he should be here any minute. Then the man in the olive green coat walked into the outside doorway. He paused for a moment in the door. The show would now be able to start. I turned and talked to $F19 again. I then looked back across the table at the others. We were sitting near the edge of the room, which was decorated in old wood. I was at a bar. The man with the green coat stood to my left, behind the bar. I stood at the edge of the bar and the girl was to my right. There were several people sitting around the bar. The man behind the bar, with the long brown hair, was getting ready to close the place. He was getting his things together, but he did not seem too coherent. I watched him as he walked around the other side of the bar and put on his dull green coat. I stepped out from the side of the bar and mentioned to him that he forgot his stuff. He stood in front of me looking questionably at me, holding the laps of his coat open. He had paused while putting the coat on. I could see some of his stuff sitting on the floor behind me against the wall. I told him that he was forgetting his umbrella. He did not understand what i was saying. I then bent over to the right and picked up the bright blue double-fold umbrella from the floor. He took it with a dazed look on his face. I realize that he did not really need the umbrella and felt somewhat stupid for mentioning it to him. Then i walked across the front of the bar. I had to get my things together to leave since the place was closing down. I had picked up my things from the floor against the wall where the pegs for the coat rack were. I had the oar in my hand. I would have to paddle the boat back across the lake to the house. I shifted several of the long things in my hand. My father had already left the bar, so he would not be coming with me on the way back. Then one of the bartenders asked me about one of the things that i had left on the floor near the far wall. I knew that he was asking me what i thought of it, but i knew that i understood what the object was. I looked at it and told him that it was nothing i needed to worry about. I thought that, because it was an inanimate object, it was easily understood by me. I could grasp it fully, unlike a living thing, that i would have to take time to get to know. I walked around to the end of the bar, telling the bartender that i could understand the object fully. Then i jokingly said, “I grok it fully.” The woman across the bar chuckled at my comment. She knew from where i had gotten it. I then started to walk to the other end of the bar when i heard the bar tender warning a customer. The bartender was walking towards me on the outside of the bar with several baskets in his hand as he spoke to the customer behind him and to his right. He mentioned to the other man that the man had already argued with someone and $A7. I looked across the bar at the man, thinking that it was strange that he would have gotten in a fight with $A7. I thought that $A7 was a big person to pick a fight with and was surprised that he was even in a fight. Then i looked at the man across the bar, who was sitting between two others with a rocks glass in his hand. He had a round face and flushed skin colour. He had thinning hair on his head. I recognized the man and realized that he was the trouble maker. He was the one who probably picked the fight with $A7. I put my life vest on and looked down at the clips to fasten them. I then adjusted the oars and the board in my hand as i realized that i did not need to get all dressed up inside. I took off my helmet and walked back across the bar. I knew that $A7 and some of the others had left before me. I looked out the window on the outside wall of the bar. I could see out over the lake. There were several people swimming and wading in the water. I could see the long wooden canoe that i was going to paddle back to the north end of the lake. I was excited to be able to paddle home. The canoe was tied up in the front of the building by the stairs, out of my sight as i looked over the lake. I wondered whether the canoe would be safe tied up there. There was really no way to secure it. I had kept all of my equipment inside so that no one would take it. I then walked out onto the front porch of the building. The water of the lake came up to the stairs. I looked to the right, in the same direction that i had looked before. I noticed that $X3 was swimming i the water. He was paddling around in circles. I then looked down the wooden steps that led from the porch. There were several people sitting on the steps. I then noticed my father swimming just off of the stairs. I thought that he had gone home already. I was somewhat disappointed that he was still here, as i wanted to paddle the canoe by myself. He started up the stairs. The water was dripping off of him. I could see the greying hair of his chest as he walked towards me. I then realized that he was not wearing any clothes. He lay down on the grass of the lawn outside of the cabin, to the left of the stairs. I walked over to talk with him. He then mentioned $X3. I looked over and saw that $X3 was still swimming in the water. I called to $X3 and he came running over. I then realized that he was much younger than he had been. This was not the same $X3. I knew that $X3 had died several years before. This must have been a new dog with the same name. The dog ran over to my left side and started nuzzling into my hand. I pet him and played with him for a moment. He laid down on his side and i started scratching his neck.

11997 August 10

I watched the television at the bottom of the slope. Then the man came out of the trees from the dirt path that came down the hill. The dirt path ended on the wide swath of grass that cut through green trees. Ahead of me, down the corridor of grass, was an opening where the farm houses were. I stood up from watching television and tried to act like i was not doing anything wrong. I wondered whether he would be upset that i was watching the television. Then he turned around and walked back up the dirt path. He lived near the top of the hill. I looked back at the hill where i had thrown the metal mesh as we drove down the road. I could see several bails of wire down the rocky slope of the hill. I thought that the large ones were not ours, as the one we threw down the hill was made of thin wire. I looked up the slope. Finally, i recognized the one that we had rolled down the hill. The car drove on down the forest road. We were in some place which seemed like a forest park. The road wound into the hills, which were covered with heavy green trees. The trees seemed to be pine. The place had a strange feeling to it, like i had never been here before.

11997 August 11

I walked through the corridors of the large boat with my mother. We had to get off of the boat. The corridors were somewhat narrow, with white walls and a light wood trim. I then came to the outside of the large boat. I could see that we were anchored off shore between the island and the shore. I then noticed the other boat backing towards us. It would have to be warned that we were here. I looked to my left down the side of the boat that i was on to see that the other boat had backed into it. It cracked the wood along the side of the hull. I knew that our boat would start sinking as water seeped into the crack. I yelled to my mother to get out of the boat. She was wearing her life jacket, so she would be able to swim to the shore. I knew that she would panic, however. I watched as the other boat kept backing towards us. I then looked down the corridor that ran down the outside wall of the boat. I saw my mother standing in the hall. I then saw the back of the other boat push through the wall near her. She stepped back in surprise. We had to get off of the boat. I pictured the surrounding land. It would be closer for us to swim to the island, but then we would not be able to get away from the storm as easily. I swam with my mother across the water towards the rock embankment on the main land. The rain and winds from the storm were washing across the water. I was worried that the boat would sink and take all of the equipment with it. I walked across the shore of the island. As i came up the stairs by the shore, i noticed that the green metal light posts were bent over from the wind. The storm was still coming through. The island was somewhat large and had a suburban development on it. I walked to the shore on the other side of the island where i could see our boat. It was still floating. The wind was coming in from the ocean. I thought that i should get the boat back to the mainland. I jumped back into the water as my mother watched from the shore. I thought that it would be easier to swim without my mother following. I thought about taking the boat to the main land and driving it up onto the shore so that it would not sink. There must still be water coming into its hull. I imagined running the boat aground in the bay between the island and mainland. I wondered whether there were rocks in the bay. It would not be good to run the boat ashore on rocks. It would be better if i could take it to the back of the bay where the public beach was.

I was at my grandmother’s house. There was something strange outside. Something did not feel right. I was with my mother and grandmother in her living room. I looked out the window on the west side of the room. It was dark outside, and i could see several of the stars in the sky. Then i noticed that there were thin white rings in the sky. They marked out some of the stars. I called to the person to my left and told him that there was something wrong. I then noticed that there were some lines connecting some of the circles. I realized that the patterns looked very familiar to me. I pointed out the marks to $Z. He could not quite make them out. I then walked outside of the house and looked up into the sky. Something was not quite right here. The sky seemed illuminated by a dim orange light, as if sky glow from the nearby city. I then looked up over the house to see that there was an oddly shaped rock hovering over the house. I then noticed that there were several smaller pieces of rock which had started to break through the steeple on the house. The steeple was partly shattered where the rocks had started through them. I realized that time had stopped for the rocks, and that it would soon resume. I ran back into the house and told everybody to move away from the front wall of the living room. I thought that it would seem like i were predicting the future because they would think that i was telling them what would happen. My mother was standing in the middle of the room, and my father was sitting on the couch which was against the outside wall to my right. They did not understand what i was talking about for a moment, but eventually moved to the other side of the living room. I then noticed my grandmother kneeling on the floor just through the door to the kitchen. I yelled at her to move before the comet hit. She did not seem to want to go. Then she moved. The front wall of the living room exploded as the comet crashed into the house. I walked through the house, toward where the large crowd was. $F1 was with me. We walked to the back of the crowd and looked up towards the lady on stage. There was something strange about the sky. Things still did not seem correct. We were here waiting for the fireworks. Then the lady on the stage mentioned that this was not the time for the fireworks. She said that this was the funeral service, and that the fireworks would be the next night. I asked her again when they were, and she agreed that they were the next night. I did not understand. I then noticed that many of the people in the crowd were starting to leave. They had not come for the funeral service, but for the fireworks. I started to head away.

11997 August 12

My mother drove me to $F2’s house. She turned from the road and headed up the driveway towards the house. There would be a party here. I walked into the door of the house. The living room was nicely decorated. I said hello to $F2 and walked to the center of the room. I remembered being here long ago. I mentioned to my mother that the room had been decorated differently. She asked what had been changed. I looked around at the room. It now had a red and blue rug in the center of the wood floor with black wood chairs arranged symmetrically on either side. There was a small wood stove in the center of the back wall, with a doorway on either side. People were beginning to gather for the party. I sat down at the table in the center of the room, where the meal would be served. $F2 sat down to my left. He was much younger. I then saw $F15 walk in the front door of the house and through the lobby to the right. I said hello. He nodded in my direction and continued up the stairs. He did not look happy. He was wearing a tank top, and i could see a tattoo on his right upper arm. He looked out of shape. His upper body no longer seemed to have any shape to it. I felt a little disappointed that he did not stop to talk. $F2 realized that i knew his older brother and mentioned it. I then though how strange it seemed that i knew the two older brothers and then $F2. They all varied by quite a difference in age. Then $F20 was sitting at the other end of the table. We talked for a little while. He was the other older brother, the middle brother. $F15 then came back down stairs and we talked for a while. He seemed a little unhappy.

We were in the room when the meeting ended. Everyone got up to leave. I wondered about meeting here. It did not seem appropriate. I thought that we were at the fraternity house, which did not seem to be a good place to have the preshow celebration. I stood near the doorway. There was a table on my left, near the side wall of the entrance way. People were looking over the objects on the table. $A15 was standing in the doorway to my right as i looked over the table. He mentioned that we would be back to this place again. I then thought that it seemed inappropriate to hold the preshow festivities in the house. I thought about how far it was from the actual theatre. I guessed that it was not that far. It seemed that they always had the preshow celebration at a distance from the theatre. I thought that the theatre was only a few blocks away, so everyone could easily walk to it. I then thought that the celebration should simply not be held at the house, as the house was never really clean. I thought about having the brothers clean the house before everyone got there, but then thought that, even at its cleanest, it was not appropriate for the theatre crowd. I walked into the back hall where the mailboxes were. There was a table on the left, in front of the mail boxes, with a large, clear plastic, honeycomb-shaped jug of a brown liquid. I squeezed the lid to the container. The lid acted as a suction dropper. I released the lid and the brown liquid was sucked up into the bulbous cap. The person behind the table then leaned forward to see what i was doing. I lifted the cap a little and emptied the liquid back into the jug. I thought that i probably should not have gotten the liquid into the cap.

11997 August 13

I walked into the back yard of my parents’ house with the small dog. I was bringing the dog out to the pen for the day. It was still somewhat dark outside, but i could see where i was going. My mother had just left for work, and i would be leaving soon. I started to walk back to the house when i noticed a man standing in the driveway. He looked austral, and was wearing a loose zip-up sweat shirt and a cabby cap. When he noticed me, he started walking back down the driveway. I was weary of the man, as he did not really belong here. I walked around to the front of the house where i saw the man get into the small, hatchback car. The car was a dull cream colour. There was someone else in the car, sitting in the passenger’s seat. I tried not to think about them and walked into the front door of the house from the porch. I then realized that the door was open. Someone had been into the house. I walked into the house and looked around. I quickly noticed that the stereo in the back room had been pulled apart. All of the pieces had been removed, leaving only the turn-table. I realized that the men had broken into the house and had stolen thing. I thought that i should run back out into the driveway to see if i could get a license number off of their car. I could hear the car moving down the road, however. I tried to picture what i saw of the car in my head. I could remember the license as having an “O” in the middle of the second part. There was also a wide letter in the first part, like an “M” or “W”. I pulled the front screen door of the house shut, but realized that it could be opened very easily. The lock on the screen door did not work very well. That must have been how the robbers got in. I closed the screen door and then the inner door, making sure i turned the bolt of the inner door to keep the house locked. I picked up the wireless telephone that was on the left wall of the back room. I had to call the police. Then i realized that people could hear me over the wireless phone, so i put it down and ran to the back of the room and picked up the hand telephone. I looked at the white phone and thought about dialing 911. I then realized that this was not an emergency, as the crime had already taken place, so i should simply call the police. I did not know their number, however, so i dialed 0. The operator came on and i told her that i needed the police. I could hear the dog barking in the pen outside. It must be getting lonely outside. I felt hurried and had to get the police. The operator told me that i would not be able to call the police easily. She said that i would have to dial a special number. I was upset that she would not simply connect me to the local police. She started telling me a number to call, so i sketched it down on a small piece of yellow paper that was near the base of the phone on the left wall near the stairs to the back room. The number was long, and i was not interested in dealing with it. I then hung up on the operator, as she was being of no help, and started to dial the number. I realized that i would have to dial a 1 first as the number was in another area code. The number started off with a 777 area code. I then dialed 545 and the remainder of the numbers. I waited for a second but nothing happened. I must have dialed the wrong number. I hung up the phone. I was very distressed. I did not want to dial the operator again and deal with the hassle of getting the other numbers that i should call. I reached for the phone book and decided that i should look up the number of the local police. I then realized that the telephone was ringing. I quickly picked up the telephone in the kitchen and said hello. It was my mother on the other end. She was calling from work and was wondering about me. I realized that it was late in the day and she was probably wondering why i was not at work yet. I replied to her, noticing that my voice sounded upset. I then told her about the robbery. I walked around with the telephone as i spoke to her. I told her that some men had broken into the house and had stolen the stereo from the back room. I mentioned that they had left the phonograph. I thought that they could probably not use it in the modern day. They had taken the tuner and the tape deck. I looked into the back room and realized that they had taken the CD player as well. I then looked under the table and noticed that all of the CDs were missing. I looked at the clock over the microwave and noticed that it was 1:03 in the afternoon. I was quite late for work. I had to finish with the problem at home first, though. I walked around by the counters, trying to think of something to do. The kitchen no longer seemed like my parents house. It felt like it was someplace else. I had to look up the number of the police in the phone book. Then my mother came into the room. She was carrying a campus map in her hand. It was small and covered with black lines and dots. I realized that it was a map of the $P9 campus, where my mother worked. She was going to call public safety. I told her that they would not be able to help us, but she insisted that they would know what to do. My father then came into the room and stood by the door.

11997 August 14

I was part of the play that was being performed in the small house. The walls of the house were a lightly stained wood. The rest of the cast was saying their lines as we moved around the set, which looked like a kitchen. There was a large picnic table in the center of the room. I could tell that the audience was watching us. I was then worried because i did not know my lines well enough. I felt unprepared. The play should not have been put on so soon. I suddenly became aware that the other actors had paused. There was an uncomfortable moment of silence. I wondered whether i was supposed to say something. I did not know whether it was my line or not. I did not know what my line would be even if i was supposed to say something. I could not even think of what the play was about or what the action was that was occurring on stage. The audience watched from beyond the stage. I felt uneasy about being here. Someone then started talking. I then realized that i should start acting. I reacted to them with a bit of surprise. The actors then moved into the back room of the set. We were off stage for a moment, and i felt somewhat relieved.

I was with the other children in the house. Something was wrong. I felt as though we should not be here. We would get in trouble when the older children came back. I moved around the outside of the small open pavilion. The younger children were inside of the pavilion, which was covered with horizontal wood siding that was stained a light tan. I was with Bart Simpson, and there were some other, older people coming from the left. I felt as though we were not supposed to be here. Something seemed out of place. I could see the older children sitting outside, across the lawn of the camp ground. I was watching them through the bushes as they all sat in a group and talked. I moved around very smoothly over the ground. Then i started to fly. I realized that we would have to get out of here. The other boy who was with me then fell over on the ground. Someone was coming towards him. I flew around him, trying to grab onto him and help him away. He was wearing a light blue shirt and had very light blonde hair. I thought that he looked very familiar, and i was somewhat attracted to him. I tried to grab his arm to lift him away from the danger. He then looked up at me as he lay on the ground. I was hovering near him on the ground. I realized that it was $A2. Someone else said that he was someone else. I looked at him, and though that he could not be that other person because that person, who was a movie star, had dark hair. I then swooped towards him and picked him up. I then thought about picking up the other girl by grabbing her around the waist. I wondered how many people i could carry.

11997 August 15

I was looking around my old apartment in $P10. I had moved out a while ago, but it seemed that i had left something behind. I stood on the outside porch on the second floor. $A16 was talking to me. I looked out over the porch at the horses in the back yard. They were in a large pen that bordered the house. A road ran along the other side of the pen from me. $A16 was talking about the horse. I was moving out from the apartment and had to get my things together. I had left some things behind.

I walked through the crowd near the bus stop. I was waiting for a bus which came fifteen minutes after the hour. I had to get home to my parents’ house. It was dark and rainy outside, and i felt somewhat dazed. I started walking down the sidewalk on the right side of the road, where all of the other people were waiting for the bus. We were waiting on a bridge that was like the one over $P11. I would have to cross the street to get to my old apartment, where i would have to pick up some things. I then bumped into someone as i started to walk. I looked up to see that it was $A17. She turned around to look at me before she continued on. I said hello but she did not seem to recognize me. She was wearing a yellow winter coat. I then realized that the hood of my red jacket was hiding my face from the street lamp, which was behind me. She may not have seen my face. The other people who were waiting on the bridge stared at me. They were wondering why i had said hello to a stranger. I wanted to call $A17’s name to get her to stop, but i could not think of it. I continued down the street, trying to think of her name. I crossed the street and headed into my old apartment, which was in a tall, square building with dark greyish maroon shingles. I walked onto the long porch, which ran down the near side of the building. I had been here earlier, trying to get some of my things. I peeked into the window of $A16’s apartment. I was not sure whether she was still awake. I thought that she might have gone to sleep by now. I had to get my things, however, because i had to catch the plane home. I walked into the small bathroom and looked around. $A16 had already left. She had cleaned up the place a little, but there were still several things around. I looked around and noticed that she had taken a shower before she left. Some of her clothes were still in the room. I looked over the towel, which was hanging on the rack on the left side of the room, the same side of the room as the entrance door. The towel and sink were to the right of the door. The towel was a dull yellow. I then looked behind me at the toilet which sat across from the door. I noticed a pile of clothing to the right of it. I realized that the underwear on the top of the pile were mine. I must have left them here when i took my shower. I picked them up and looked at them. I could not tell whether they were mine or whether they were from someone else. I then realized that i was still not dressed. The underwear that i had been wearing was on the floor. I wanted to make sure not to confuse the two pair. I then started to worry that i would not make it out to the bus on time. I still had to dry off and get dressed, and the bus would be coming in fifteen minutes. I thought of how i would drive through the dark woods of the country towns on the way to my parents’ house. I felt like i was still in college and going home to visit my parents. I had to collect my things and put them in my car, which was parked on the street outside. I then wondered why i was not simply driving home myself. I realized that it would be the easiest solution. I did not have to hurry any more.

I walked into the lab where $A14 had been. I had to collect my things so that i could head home. There was a large bed against the left wall. Then two other people came into the lab. They were looking for someone. I did not know where that person was. One of them was trying to deliver something, and the other was trying to show him where to go. They walked into a door on the right side of the small, crowded room. I then walked over to the lab counter on the back of the room and tried to find my things. I noticed that my guitar case was folded over on the floor in the corner. I looked back to the bed, thinking that i had already collected my case. I could see my white guitar inside of the large black padded case. I realized that the thin case was not on the guitar, however. The thin case went inside of the black case. I would have to put them together. I then walked over to the desk in the right back corner of the room and looked through the stuff piled there. Some of it was mine. I then noticed some books on the counter that i was going to bring back to my parents’ house. I started to pick them up. The black one was “Stranger in a Strange Land”. I then noticed some other things that i was supposed to bring home. I was leaving here and would not be coming back, so i had to collect all of my things. Then i noticed the two thick paperback books. They were both white on the cover, with a royal blue on the left edge of the cover and over the spine. One of them was quite thick. I remembered that they were adventure books about people in dangerous exploring expeditions. I had bought them at the used book sale. I had not read them, however. I tried to pick them up when i noticed that the binding of the first one had dissolved and the pages were loose from the cover. I would have to be careful. I had to get all of these things together so that i could go to my parents’ house.

11997 August 16

I walked into the bedroom of my apartment. I was sleepy and needed to lay down. I noticed that my bed was unmade. The sheets and the blanket were bundled up in the center of the bed. It seemed very hot in the room, and the light was soft and diffused as it came into the windows. I had to get my clothes together as they were all over the floor. The place did not seem neat enough. I would have to clean before company came. I lay down on the bed and started to fall asleep. I realized that it was too early in the morning. I must have been dreaming, so i tried to sleep some more.

I was working on the wooden stairs on the outside of the new building. The small, single-level building was still being constructed. The man walked toward me and started looking for things. He looked through the plastic garbage bags which were under the stairs. I then realized that he was storing his things in the plastic bags under the wood piles in the front of the building. I realized that he could not store anything in the damaged house until it was repaired. I stood near him, watching as he sorted through one of the bags, looking for something. My father was with him. My father wondered what i was doing on the side of the house. I felt as though i should explain to my father what my job had been, even though i was a little embarrassed about it. I watched the man look through a bag which had several tubes of cream in it. I wondered why he was not worried about getting his stuff stolen. I asked the man about it, but he did not seem to think that his stuff was in any danger. I looked at the wooden framework of the unfinished house in the background. It was covered on the outside with black tar paper. I then looked around the lot. There was overgrown grass all around us, and we were covered with the shade of a large, wide tree. It seemed rather cool and breezy where we were. Then i turned to walk back towards the other apartment buildings behind us. My new apartment was in one of them. I walked into the door that was in the middle of the building. The building had a very modern shape, with a tall glass window on either side of the entrance door. We entered the apartment. My parents had never seen my new place before. I walked into the bedroom. The windows were open and there was a breeze blowing through. The yellow and white curtains lifted with the breeze. There seemed to be something unusual about this place. It felt very new to me. I felt relieved in a way to be here. I then walked back out into the living room where my parents were. We were planning to go somewhere. Something felt very dream-like and unreal about the situation. Then i noticed the bag at the edge of the doorway which led into the side of the house. There was a snake in the bag. Its head poked out and it started creeping down the side of the wall of the living room. I watched it from behind. I asked the others in the room whether it was a poisonous snake. It was patterned with dull yellow and black bands across its back. I then noticed that there was a label on the side of the snake that said “Boa Constrictor”. The label was a dull bronze in helvetica oblique upper and lower case type. I had my question answered, and decided that the snake would not hurt me. I then wondered what the snake would do to the cat that was in the house. I then saw the cat come, running out of the living room. It was a young cat. It charged the snake and attacked it in play. The snake was thrown across the floor and into the kitchen. The small cat went after it. I was worried about the cat, but simply watched the fight. The cat walked over to the snake and held up its paw. Then the snake lifted its tail. I knew that it was getting ready to wrap itself around the cat. The cat got closer and the snake looped its tail around the cats abdomen. I was suddenly worried about the cat and told the others urgently what was wrong. They told me to splash water on the two of them to stop the fight. I ran into the kitchen and filled the plastic cup with water from the sink. I then tossed it onto the cat and the snake. They jumped back, but the snake did not let go of the cat. I quickly filled the cup again.

11997 August 17

I was standing on the right side of the large pool. The walls of the large room were covered with cream-blue tiles and the ceiling was painted white. There was a crowd of people in the room who had come to watch the swimmers compete. The pool was rectangular with semicircular ends and had two large, square columns in the center of it, marking each end of the rectangle. The columns formed a lane around the outside of the pool with an open space in the middle where the water could cross from one side to the other. It seemed like one of the gladiator arenas. The swimmers were moving in circles around the pool as if they were on a track. I walked down the side of the pool, watching the swimmers. I wanted to swim again. I wondered whether i would be able to swim as fast as the people in the water. I knew that i could not because they were serious swimmers. I watched the female swimmer that was in the water. I was in the water near her, and the crowd was watching us. I knew that they would not expect me to swim with the rest of the swimmers. They were going way to fast. I watched the girl as she stood against the curved end wall of the pool. I thought about swimming really fast, but knew that i could not keep up with her. She was searing a blue and gold one-piece bathing suit, which was decorated in a mottled pattern. She had on a dark blue bathing cap. I moved towards the outside wall of the pool from the column, which rose from the center of the pool. I watched the girl, who moved around on the left of me as i faced the outside wall. She moved suddenly and i could not see where she went. I looked behind me to see if she had swum past me. I then noticed all of the other people in the water. They were all plotting something. They did not like $A15 and had drown him. I was suddenly nervous about the people in the pool. It upset me that they had killed someone. Then i saw a man swimming towards the wall from the aisle of the pool. He was the man that they were going to kill. One of the men from the wall came out and grabbed him and dragged him under for a moment. I thought that it would not work if they were both under water. The first man then came up and continued swimming towards the wall. The second man then jumped on top of him and held him under between his legs. The second man leaned his back against the wall of the pool as if he were relaxing. I felt very upset and got out of the water. I walked down the side of the pool and into the other parts of the building. I wandered into the next room over, which had windows to several of the smaller pools. The room was painted a cream-blue to match the tiles of the main pool. I could hear machinery running, which sounded like it was pumping water. I looked out the main window which overlooked the pool. I could see people in the pool doing aerobics. This must be the exercise pool. They were facing the wall towards me and were bounding and lifting their legs to the side in he water. One of the women in the front was wearing an orangish cap. I then looked to the left, where there was another window, slightly higher than the one on the back wall. I realized that the sound of pumping water was coming from there. It was a small booth that was filled with water. I could see the water level just above the bottom of the window. I could see young children lined up doing exercises in the water. This was the children’s pool. It was very shallow, but they had just added more water. I then started to head back towards the main pool from which i had come. I was still upset. As i started to turn around to head back into the next room, someone came up to greet me. The person said that there was someone at the table who recognized me and wanted to talk to me. I looked up to see $K1 and $K9 sitting on the far side of a large table at the other end of the dining room from me. They had come for the formal dinner. The walls of the dining room were painted a cream-orange and there was a matching coloured table cloth on the long table. There were several other people around the table. I walked towards the table, but realized that i could not get between the two tables because there was an older woman sitting there. I started to head back when the woman spoke to me. She asked me what i do for a living. I told her that i do graphic design. She seemed interested, but i was not in the mood to speak to her. I was still upset about the man in the pool being killed.

11997 August 18

I was driving down the road with my family. My grandmother and my aunt seemed to be in the car. I turned off of the suburban street and headed out across the desert. I knew that this was a shortcut to where we were going, but i wondered whether my parents would think that this was not a good enough road. We were driving on dirt. I could see the towers of red rock along the dry desert horizon. We were heading up a valley between the mountain ranges. The valley was wide and covered with scrub brush. My family was concerned that we might get stuck in the country. I thought that the road was short enough that we would not have to worry about getting stuck. I looked out over the desert and wondered whether there would be a rain storm coming from the distance. Rain could make the dirt road hard to travel. I then noticed a large group of cars coming toward us. They drove over the top of the rise in front of us and came our way. They were just coming from the desert back to the main road. I realized that they had probably just come over the road that we were going to travel, which meant that the road was probably good for our car. The cars and dune buggies passed us in the dry grassy field. I then decided that we should probably turn around. The cars passed and my family was still uncomfortable. I started to make a wide turn to the left in the grassy field. There was a hill right at the edge of the field that had green trees growing on it. We drove over small green plants as we turned. The car bounced over the uneven ground. My mother then mentioned that she always liked the way the mansion looked. I looked up the side of the hill to see what she was talking about. I only saw the small house. As the car came around, i looked over to the other side of the slope and noticed that there was a large red house on the hill. It had no detail on the outside and looked like a large cube. I could see windows, and i knew that i was a big house. I told my mother that it did not look that impressive as we walked around the car. I then noticed the hotel down the dirt road from us. It was a large white building at the base of a narrow butte. It was the hotel that was in the middle of the desert. I thought that the other cars must have come from there. We walked into the hotel. It was cut into the side of a butte, and was a very old occidental dwelling. I remembered how it had seemed a special place. We were in the upper part of the butte, inside a curved corridor. I stood at the top of the stairs inside the hotel. My mother walked down the corridor to my right, towards the rooms and then back. We should be leaving this place soon. I thought that we would have to drive out from the desert before it got too late. I walked down the curved stairs, which were cut into the rock of the interior of the butte. There was an occidental girl walking in front of me. I was supposed to follow her. I was going someplace special what most people did not go to. I followed her down the stairs, thinking how i should be able to keep up with her, even though she was much better with the territory than i was. I then noticed how quietly i was able to step over the rocks. That was something special. The girl walked out, across the edge of the tipped rock plates that ran in a ridge towards the mouth of the cave. I followed her over the wet rocks. I then realized that it had been raining. I tried to be very quiet as i ran, following her. She was guiding me to some place that was special. We ran past the square column which held up the edge of the building above us and ran out across the dirt driveway. There was a fence on the right side of the driveway. The girl jumped the mud puddle that had formed in the drive from the heavy rain. I jumped over after her. There were green shrubs growing on either side of the road. We ran slowly through the suburb and onto the main street. It was grey and dim outside, and it seemed like evening. I followed $F1 to the back corner of the housing development. I picked up the white thing from the ground as i passed. I looked ahead to see that $F1 had stopped where the road made a ninety-degree right turn. There were houses on both sides of the turn, and i could see high-voltage-power towers running along the outside of the development. $F1 had a toy plane in his hand. He had picked it up from the ground. It was red and had a wide wing span. I held up the white plane that i had gotten from the ground in my right hand and moved toward him. I pretended that the large plane, which was shaped like a paper airplane, was flying. Then i realized that we could throw the planes at the power lines. They would short out the lines and burn the planes. I felt uneasy about throwing the planes, but i knew that it would be exciting. Then $F1 threw his plane into the power lines. There was a bright flash and a loud crack as the high voltage line shorted out. Then the people from the small yellow house on the right of the corner came out of their back door. The man was upset that someone had thrown planes into the power lines again. He was mad at the kids who did it and complained to us. We then started down the street. We should get away before we got in trouble. I ran down the suburban street, thinking that i should cut through some yard so that we would be harder to follow.

11997 August 19

I walked into the bedroom and tried to start the machine. It made a lot of noise, but no one was sleeping anymore. Then i noticed that someone was in the bed in the center of the room. I quickly turned the noise off and looked at the person. He was stirring under the maroon quilt. It was $A18. I apologized for waking him up and walked near the bed. He said that i should not worry, as he was awake anyway. Then i noticed that there was also someone in the top of the bunk bed along the left wall. It was $F30. He lay on his side as he talked to me. I moved back across the room to the table. I was at $F1’s house in the dining room. We were eating a snack in the middle of the day. $F1’s mother was in the kitchen. I had been in the living room before doing something. Then $F1 mentioned that $A3 would be coming over soon. We were supposed to go somewhere, and he was going to follow us. I remembered how out of shape $A3 was, and wondered whether he could keep up with us on our bikes. Then $F1’s mother spoke negatively of $A3. I reminded $F1 about how we used to make jokes about $A3. He was always hanging out in the bathroom and would not come out. He used to spend hours in there. $F1’s mother mentioned that he had spent six hours in the bathroom one time. She did not seem to like him. He was in the downstairs bathroom now. He eventually came out and we started on our ride down Main Street. We passed through the center of town, where the high school was. $F1 was in front of me as we rounded the corner. It seemed dark out, but i could see without trouble. I wondered where $A3 was. He was probably out of breath. I then realized that they could both peddle faster than i as they were on road bikes and i was on a mountain bike. I did not have the high gears to keep up. I hoped that i would not loose $F1. Then $A3 passed me. They both crossed the road suddenly to the left and headed into the parking lot. I figured that i could hop the curb with my bike. I turned to the right and circled around to face the street. I jumped off of the curb, crossed the street, and hopped over the tan stone block that lined the edge of the road. They were waiting for me on the sidewalk in front of the large vacant lot. I turned to the left on the sidewalk and headed toward them. I peddled slowly over the grass between the sidewalk and the road. There was a young tree just ahead of me that i rode around. Then a man walked down the sidewalk from behind me. He was walking a medium sized black dog. The dog barked at me and pulled on the leash. I knew that the dog was just curious because it was wagging its tail.

11997 August 20

I was afraid of the crocodile which was on the floor. It turned to face me and hissed. It had its mouth open and seemed very close to my face. $A19 was there. The crocodile was her pet. I tried not to be afraid of it. It held its head up as it moved around to my right side. $A19 was on my left. I walked back away from the crocodile and into the other room. I then noticed that there were several snakes slithering across the floor and tabletops. They were pets as well. I did not feel comfortable in this place.

I walked in the dark lot outside of the house. The house was a large apartment house which was set back from the street. The lot was just to the right of $P13, and extended in from the curb about one full house length. There were buildings on both sides of the lot, but the house that was having the party was the one on the back of the lot. It was very dark in the alley between the two buildings as i wandered towards the apartment. I was looking for the address on the mail box. I was supposed to go to a party in the house, but i was not sure to where i was going. I could hear the sound of a celebration in the darkened apartment building at the back side of the lot. I spoke to someone in the doorway. The stairs beyond the door led up to the second floor. That is where people were. I turned from the building and watched myself walk back across the parking lot. There was an ash stone parking lot in front of the apartment building which was bordered on the left by a large white building. I was facing the apartment as i watched myself walk across the lot towards the road. To the right, the parking lot ran behind a small restaurant, which was on the main road. I had parked by bicycle on the back side of the restaurant. I thought that it would be safe there. Someone was in the door of the apartment house. They were asking me whether i was coming back to the party. I said that i would be back later, but that i was worried about leaving my bicycle out by the buildings. It was not chained up very well. I walked over to the back wall of the small bar, where the weeds had grown along the edge of the gravel lot. My bicycle was chained to the tan metal railing that came from the back of the building. It was in the darkness, as there was no light in that part of the alley. I thought that it would probably be safe because no one would notice that it was there, but i felt that i should take it away anyway. The man still watched me from the door of the apartment. I wanted to go to the party, but i felt out of place as i wandered around in the alley. I was distressed again.

11997 August 21

There was a protest outside of the building. I walked across the large open room with the other people. The floor seemed to be made of wood boards, and the ceiling was flat and dark. It seemed as though we were in a large warehouse. We were on the upper floor of the building. I walked over to the elevator, which did not seem to have any walls around it. I stood on the platform and suddenly realized that there were no walls to the outside of the elevator. I could see the cement wall on the back side of the platform. The other people crowded into the elevator. I was worried about falling against the back wall of the elevator shaft. The elevator started moving, and i told some people to stand away from the back wall. A dull grey beam slowly passed by us as the elevator rose. It seemed to have several black cables running over the top of it. I thought that it was very unsafe to have the elevator open like it was. I watched as the beam and the cables passed behind me. I was worried about falling back into them and getting caught under them as the elevator rose. The platform came to a stop on the upper floor and the people started to get off. I suddenly realized that there was no floor in the center of the elevator. The wooden boards that had been on the floor were removed, leaving loose planks over the opening. The people stepped carefully over it. I walked around it and then stopped to look at it. I was worried that someone might step through the hole and fall down the elevator shaft. I moved the loose boards and noticed that there were still metal beams from the elevator platform under them. If someone fell through, they might be able to catch themselves on the beams. I was scared of the height that the elevator had reached. The people were walking around in the large room behind me as i tried to patch the floor of the elevator.

11997 August 23

I was in the parking lot behind the tall apartment house. The building was down the hill from the gravel lot in which i was standing. There were several brothers with me. I looked over the edge of the garage on which i was standing. I could see the paved lot below. The parking lot ran between the old, wooden building and the green cement block garage. There were several brothers fooling around in the parking lot below me. One of them was quite acrobatic, and jumped up onto the other’s shoulders. I realized that this was a mock fight sequence. I was humoured as i watched from the edge of the gravel lot, which was up the steep embankment from the paved parking lot behind the apartment building. The one person was fending off several of the other brothers. It was exciting to see. Then i noticed one person who jumped from the roof. It was quite a ways up from the ground and i thought that he would be hurt. He fell slower than he should have, and landed on top of some people. That would break his fall. I walked around the house to the back of my parents’ house and walked into the back door, which was in the center of the inside corner of the house. I walked into the dining room and looked around. There was something wrong. I felt unsafe here. I realized that i had dreamed a while ago about people breaking into my parents’ house and stealing things. I felt unsafe in the room and glanced into the back room. I remembered that, in my dream, a man had come into the house and stolen furniture from the back room. I looked at the furnishings along the back wall of the room. They did not seem correct, yet nothing seemed missing. There was a wicker chair with a round back on the right side of the wall and sparse furnishing along the rest of the wall. Nothing seemed to be stolen, but i knew that it had been. Then i realized that there were two people who had been staying in my parents’ house while my parents were away. I was worried that they were taking things away with them. I could see the woman in the kitchen. She seemed to be in her early twenties and was wearing a tight tank top of horizontally striped pastel colours. It was very late seventies in style. She also had on a pair of denim bell-bottoms. The man was moving their clothing out into the car. I thought that they were taking several things from the house. I walked up the back stairs. The small bedroom was torn apart. The stereo equipment, which had been there, had been pulled off of the rack and scattered on the floor. Everything was messy. I was angry with the people for tearing apart the house and taking things that did not belong to them. I walked into the front bedroom where the CDs were kept. The room was crowded with things. It had been unpacked and nothing had been put back where it belonged. I walked around the far side of the black plastic rack which held the CDs and noticed that they were all spread out over the floor. I looked over the CDs and wondered whether they were mine. They did not look like anything that my parents would have collected. I thought that my CDs should not have been here. They should all be in my apartment. I looked under the table, which had the black racks on top of it, and saw several more CDs spilled over the floor. I noticed that one had psychedelic artwork on the cover. I did not think that my parents listened to such music. I realized that it was a Byrds album. I thought that it might be something to which my parents might listen. I placed the CD back on the messy pile that crowded the floor. I then noticed that there were some records mixed in with the music. I knew that my parents did not have any albums. I stood up and noticed that there were several small drawers open from the top of the black rack. The drawers were made of white plastic and contained rows of small black discs that were about a centimeter wide. I realized that they were the new way of recording information. They had been ravaged through as well. I was upset. It felt strange to look at them, as i did not expect to see them here. They seemed out of place. I then walked back down stairs and into the back room. The man walked into the room. He had just come in from loading stuff into the cars. I told him that there were several things missing from my parents’ house. He was the black-haired man from Dukes of Hazard. I thought that he was the man from Planet of the Apes. I scolded him for taking the things, thinking that several towels seemed to be missing. He just smiled at me, as if he did not care what i thought. I then grabbed him and threw him to the ground. I thought that i could wrestle him down. He did seem somewhat out of shape. He just smiled at me, without saying anything. I kept yelling at him to give everything back, but he said that he would not. I then walked up stairs. I thought that i should call the police. I lifted the portable telephone from the stained white plastic console and looked over the yellowing buttons. They were square, and seemed old. I wondered whether the man would be able to hear the radio transmissions from the telephone as i called emergency. I dialed 911 and decided to leave the telephone lying on the table while i went down to stall the man. I could then hear him coming up the stairs so i turned to head back down. I needed the telephone to be in range of our conversation. I hoped that he did not suspect what i was doing. I then heard the operator pick up on the other end. I did not have the phone by my ear, but i could still hear clearly. I then heard the sound of a line problem and the operator said that the call could not be answered. I then heard the line hang up. I was upset that 911 had not been operational in this area, as it was supposed to have just gone into service. I walked into the back room. The man was outside in the driveway. I thought that i would dial again from the telephone on the wall of the back room. They were still in the process of stealing the stuff, so it was still a 911 emergency. I picked up the receiver, but i heard the man coming again. I thought that i should hide the telephone under the pillow of the bed so that he would not find it.

I walked into the back room of my parents’ house. I remembered that the man had stolen things from them. My parents were there. I told them about the man. My mother was concerned that he had come into the house and taken things. I told her that i had a dream where the man came into the house and took the stereo equipment. I wondered whether she would think it was strange. I then started walking into the kitchen from the back room. I suddenly realized that i did not know which of the memories were from dreams and which were from reality. I remembered that the man was from a dream, but it seemed like it really happened. I decided not to tell my mother any more until i could figure out if it was real, or just a dream. I was uncertain whether anything was stolen. I wondered what i would tell the police when i call them.

11997 August 24

I was riding on the bus with the rest of the tour group. I sat in a chair that was facing the back of the bus. I was worried, however, that the man who was standing in the aisle would do something. He did not seem safe. There was something wrong with him. I then worried that my camera was not safe. I quickly got up and walked down the corridor of the building to the seat in the back of the bus, where i had left my camera bag. I picked up the camera and made sure that it was safe. I did not feel safe around the man. He watched me. I wondered whether he thought that i was being protective of the camera. I walked down the corridor of the bus. It was not safe here. I knew that the man was a thief, and did not want him near any of my things. The rest of the people from the tour group were crowded in the hall of the building. I sat with them. Something still felt wrong about the area. Then the man who had been sitting in front of me stood up. He was wearing only a pair of brief underwear. He had nice detail in his legs as he stood up awkwardly. I realized that he was $A20. He turned to his right and walked away from me.

I walked through the large mall. We were in the very large store at the end of the mall. The store had very high ceilings and many racks of clothing that were all eye level in height. Then we walked out into the parking lot. I looked back at the ashen tan stucco of the outside of the mall. I looked at the big store on the end of the mall, which was not flush with the rest of the building, and which had slanted yellow lines around the corner. There was a sidewalk running around the edge of the mall and several trees between the sidewalk and the wall. I then looked down the aisle of cars to try to find my car. I could not remember where i had parked. I walked up and down the aisle, looking over the cars as i passed. I knew that i did not have my own car, and that i was looking for my mother’s blue car. It would be harder for me to recognize because i was not familiar with it. I wandered the aisles for some time, not sure where my car was parked. My father was standing on the other side of a row from me, wondering where i had parked my car. I thought about which car i had brought, and walked up to several, thinking it was the correct one. I walked up to a dark blue medium-sized american car. It was not my mother’s car. Then i realized that i could not remember whether i had taken my tan car or the old, larger yellow one. I had to get back to my car, but i did not know where it was. We drove back down the road towards the mall. I had to go back for my car, which i could not find before. I was driving. I wanted to get my car back. The mall was on the other side of the main road from where we were. We were driving through a small wooded section of town on a secondary road which led to the main one. I walked up to the edge of the pool. John Candy was laying on the edge of the pool. He smiled at me and told me that the water was fine. I wanted to jump into the pool, but he rolled over and fell into the water. There was no longer enough room in the lane for me to swim. I was mad that i would not be able to swim and walked back to the hotel. I kept thinking that i could never get to do the things that i wanted to do and it upset me more. The hotel was covered with tan stucco on the outside. I walked through the glass door of the entrance hall, which protruded from the side of the hotel. The pool had been part of the hotel, and was to the right from the door. There were blue and aqua stripes along the side of the building. A small square cupola was on the top of the building. My father was in the hall of the hotel, but i walked past him and looked up at the skylight in the cupola that was above me. I started yelling in frustration that i was not able to swim. I yelled to my father that i wanted to swim but that i would not be able to. I was then in the cupola looking out through the tinted glass windows around me. I could see the plain wall of the hotel in front of me and to my right, across the black tar roof that covered the entrance hall. There were blue leather benches around the sides of the cupola that i sat on. My father was below me in the lobby. I still felt frustrated. I then noticed the storm clouds moving towards us. I thought about the area in which i was. Everything was very flat, and i could see the low buildings of the city around me. There were tall thin trees in front of the hotel near the main street. I then thought that this area does have pretty serious storms with a lot of lightning, and sometimes tornadoes. I realized that it would not be a good idea to be in the cupola when the storm came. I looked down to the small trap door that i had come up through. It seemed so small. I wondered how i was able to squeeze through it to get here. I had to get back down. I opened the metal panel of the door to see a small, round, opening. I knew that i would not be able to squeeze back down the opening, and the though of trying made me feel uneasy and confined. I then looked up to the cab of the truck. I was sitting in the bed looking through the tool case.

11997 August 26

I was in the dirt driveway in the back of the house. My father was with me. I felt somewhat upset. I walked into the old garage which was off to the side of the driveway. There was something in there that i wanted to get. I had gotten one earlier.

11997 August 27

I looked out the front window of my parents’ house and into the front yard. I could see litter all across the lawn. I then noticed that there was a McDonald’s wrapper under the window. It was one of the red paper holders that the hash browns came in. The empty bag was next to it. I looked around the area and noticed the rest of the lunch waste. I wondered whether someone had been eating on the front porch. There must have been people on the lawn. I looked out over the lawn to see many other articles of scattered litter. There was a dark purple plastic bowling ball near the tree in the center of the lawn. I could see the road on the edge of the lawn and wondered whether people were simply throwing their trash out the window of their cars. My mother was walking behind me, and i told her about the person who must have been on the lawn. I wondered who would have been eating on the lawn. It was probably some children from around the neighbourhood. I did not like the idea that some unknown person was eating on our lawn. I then realized that i had to get my things together to go. I walked up to my bedroom on the third floor and looked for my things. I was running late. My mother wanted me to hurry, but i did not have my things ready. I would have to get my clothes. I looked over the back wall of the room, which was painted white. It seemed very plain, and had straight walls up to the ceiling. I then realized that i had to get my clothes together to get to work. I opened the top drawer of the dresser that stood against the side wall of the room. The drawer was very wide, but seemed to be almost empty. I pulled a pair of underwear out of the drawer and closed it. As i closed it, i had glimpsed my green belt. I remembered it from a while ago and had wondered to where it had gone. I thought that it went well with my green pull-over shirt, but did not feel like grabbing it to take with me. I left it hanging over the back of the black wooden rocking chair. I noticed that my purple running plastics were on the floor in front of the small white couch. I remembered that i had brought them home in my bag from $G4. I had carried them to the $G4, but never placed them back in my locker. I thought that i should bring them back, so i picked them up. I tried to carry everything in my hand. I had my leather wallet in my hands as well. I hung the plastics over my left arm and held the wallet in my left hand. I felt as though i might drop something. I had to head down stairs to the kitchen and make a lunch for the day. Then i realized that i had not turned off the toaster which was on the top of the dresser. I turned it off and started away from the dresser. Then i heard the sound of water rapidly boiling. I looked back at the coffee machine, which was sitting on the pile of clothing in the green chair. I thought i had turned it off. I realized that it was overheating and decided i had to turn it off. I flipped the switch on the front but it did not stop boiling. I wondered what was wrong. It should have stopped already. I could see a bright white light on the top of the pot as the heating elements glowed. I checked the switch on the pot and noticed that it was turned off. I then looked to the right, where the cord for the pot ran over the top of the dresser. I pulled the plug from the black power strip and looked back at the pot. It still seemed to be on. I did not understand how it could be heating with no power. I was in a hurry and did not want to have to figure the pot out. Then my mother called me. She said that we were going to be late and wanted me to go down stairs. I was still worried about the pot when i left.

11997 August 28

I was at my grandmother’s house in the living room. There were several other people. I felt very devious, and thought about how we were robbing them. I held the gun up to the men as we took their money. It felt good to terrify them. I then shot one of them. He fell to the ground and i continued to take his money. There was someone else helping me. I did not seem anxious or uneasy about what i was doing. I just felt cruel, and wanted to watch the others suffer. I started shooting all of them. I was delighted to see them get shot. I then took the money from them. The man who was helping me grabbed some of the money from one of the dying people and handed it to me. I thanked him and then pointed the gun at the left side of his rib cage, over his heart. I quickly fired the gun as i pulled the money from his hands. I was not nervous about my actions. I then walked into the kitchen and wondered what i should do next. I decided that i would have to get out of the house. I ran up the back stairs and over to the rounded desk, which was sitting in the center of the room facing the east window. I opened the top drawer and dumped the dollars and change into it. I wondered for a moment whether the police would look in the drawer and discover the money, but i decided that they would not. I then decided that i would have to leave quickly. My mother and grandmother would be back soon, and i had to get out of the house before they discovered the bodies. I knew that if i was out of the house, they would not suspect that i was the person who shot the men. I thought that they would be horrified to find the dead bodies in the living room, but i did not seemed concerned with how they felt. I took my shoes down the stairs with me and started to put them on. I had to put my socks on first. I sat at the edge of the stairs, put my right foot over my left knee, and pulled on one of the white tube socks. I then noticed the lights of a car pulling into the driveway. It was my mother and grandmother. I had to get out of the house before they came in or they would be able to figure out that i killed the men. I tossed my shoes on the wooden rocking chair that was sitting near the back door. I opened the door and carried the chair out. I would have to put my shoes on outside. I knew that it would take them a few minutes to find the bodies. While they were panicking and wondering what to do, i could put on my shoes outside and sneak around the side of the house. I would have to come back later when everything had settled down.

11997 August 29

I was at the auditions for the opera that was to be held in $P14. There were many people in the building. The place seemed strange. This had something to do with the music business, but i could not figure out what. I knew that the music business had something to do with the auditions.

I had to get my things and leave. I walked down the road and ran with $A10. We jogged down the sidewalk when i started thinking about the brothers. Some of them were with us on the run. I then awoke to find myself sleeping on the couch, which was in $P19. I was in the large room, which had no furnishings in the center of the room. The couch seemed to be against a side wall as i watched myself wake up in it. I was surprised to find that i had slept there all night. Something seemed comforting about the night. I then noticed that $A23 was sitting on a smaller couch which was perpendicular to the one that i was on, bordering the couch that i was on near my head. Both couches faced the center of the room.

I was riding my bicycle down the city street, which had old stone houses on the left-hand side. I noticed the bicyclist in front of me veer to the left and into traffic. He tumbled forward and flew off of his bike. All of the cars stopped and people went to see if he was all right. I thought about the accident that i had just witnessed. Something seemed strange about the situation. I was anxious that an accident occurred, and that i would have to tell others what had happened, but i did not seem concerned with what was happening around me.

11997 August 31

I was in the room with some of my friends. We had just gotten in from someplace when my parents arrived. I was sitting on the first branch of the old tree. The stump was the only part of the tree which remained. It was about three metres tall, and had a single limb extending from it. I sat at the edge of the limb. My parents had brought food again. I then started to look over the sandal that i had been wearing on my foot. The other person had commented that some of the shoes that he had seen were of poor quality. I thought that the straps of the sandals were rather sturdy, but the man pointed out that the center piece to which the straps were sewn was made of a cheap ply material with canvas glued over it. I looked closely at the small, dark grey, trapezoid-shaped piece of cloth. I wondered how we could manufacture a better piece, as this one might simply fall apart.

I was at the party in the large house. There were several brothers there. The house seemed very large and open, and was painted off-white on the interior. I walked through one of the downstairs corridors. I was not sure whether i should attend the dinner which was going to be held in the house. It would be in a little while, but i was not dressed for it. I was carrying my suit jacket with me. It was on a hanger with a white shirt tucked inside of the jacket. The suit was a dark blue with grey stripes. $F14 was there. She had her hair long and curly, like it was when i used to know her. I had to go back to my place to get myself clean before the dinner started. I headed down the front corridor of the house towards the main door. $F14 was standing in a doorway to my right, which seemed like the kitchen. I told her that i had to go home to get cleaned up. I looked down at my watch. The hands said that it was fifteen minutes before seven. I knew that the dinner would start at seven, so i had to hurry home to get dressed. I hung my jacket on one of the hooks that was on the left side of the hall and headed out the door. $F14 asked about my jacket, and i told her that it was my tuxedo and that i would be wearing it to the party. As i stepped out of the door, i looked back to see $F14 walk up to my jacket and start inspecting it. I then realized that i had told her that the jacket was my tuxedo. I realized that i had been mistaken in calling it a tuxedo. I walked back into the view of the door and $F14 looked at me. I told her that it was not my tuxedo, but my suit jacket. She smiled in agreement, and i headed away again. I then ran into some of the others and started speaking. I was in a hurry, and wondered if i really wanted to rush all the way home to shave and shower before then party. Then i looked at my watch. I had forgotten about hurrying. It was fifteen minutes after seven. I was already late for the dinner. I started down the stairs with the other person in front of me. I watched as $A11 climbed the wet stairs. There were puddles in the middle of the stairs because it had been raining outside. I told him that he would have to step on the outside edges of the stairs to keep from falling into water in the center of the stairs. As i descended the stairs, i looked down at the stairs. Each step was actually a sink, which was filled with dirty water. I knew that some of the water was quite filthy. I did not want to get the sewage water on me. I was carrying my light tan jacket in my right hand when i noticed that it had dipped into one of the sinks. The sink had not been cleaned, and was filled with a thick yellow liquid. I knew that it was dry urine. I looked at my jacket as i got to the bottom of the stairs and realized that it had dipped into the urine. There was a bright yellow paste on the end of one of the sleeves. I was upset that i had gotten the jacket dirty, as i was late as it was. I walked over to the sink, which was at the wall opposite the stairs, and started to wash off the end of my jacket. $F13 walked over to me and accidentally got too close. Some of the yellow paste rubbed off onto his light grey jacket. I put my sleeve under the water and tried to clean it off.

I was in the large room of the house. There were several other brothers around me. $A21 was one of the brothers in the crowd. It felt strange to be here. They were fooling around in the room, joking with one another. I was attracted to some of them, but i did not want to let them notice. I was not interested in being erotic with any of them, though i did feel stimulated thinking about it. I looked back to the computer that was on the table to the left of me. The small window that was open in it started showing lines of gibberish passing by. I realized that the network must have collapsed again. I told the person who was working on the computer down the side wall of the room to the right. He agreed that there was some network problem and started typing some things into his terminal. I looked back to my screen and noticed some broken sentences printing on my screen. Two of the brothers started wrestling with each other on the mattress, which was on the floor to my right as i stood in one corner of the room, against the back wall. I then noticed that another brother was closing the doors to the room so that they could be a little more private about it. I wanted to be part of the fun, but thought it best that i stay out of the situation. I hoped, however, that they would ask me to join them. I quickly turned back to my computer and started typing in some commands. I did not want to interrupt the two brothers. I looked at the screen and noticed that the command line had some commands written into it. One of them said “System:”. Then one of the brothers grabbed me from behind and told me not to play with the computer. They wanted me to enjoy the fun. I hugged the one who had grabbed me and started petting his back. We then lay down on top of the other brother. I looked down at $A22 as the brother who had grabbed me turned around to rub his hand across $A22’s chest. $A22’s shirt had been pulled down so that i could see the detail of his chest. He was tan and smooth. I thought that he was attractive, and wanted to massage him.

I was in the front yard of my parents’ house. It seemed like it had just rained, and we were looking down the hill towards the creek. The water was wide and ran across the bottom of the small valley. I could see rocks in the stream as it passed over the golden grass. I thought that it seemed strange that the water had flowed here. I then looked up over the hill that rose on the right side of the road. The ground was rust brown and there were no leaves on the trees. I thought that it was odd that all of the leaves would be off of the trees already, as it was still late summer. Then i noticed that i could see the top of the church that was just over the hill. I did not remember seeing the church before through the trees. I guessed that it was the church on the other side of the hill, which was set back from the main road. I pictured the road as it wound through the golden fields of straw between the hills. There was thin forest on the right side of the road, with another road off to the right, just past the turn off towards the church. The church was on the left, right at the bottom of the hill, where the woods ended. I looked at the church from my parents’ lawn and noticed the square, white, wooden structure and the tall square steeple on the left corner that faced me. The steeple had a dark bluish-grey top. I started walking towards the creek when i noticed the man coming towards me on the trail. He talked about the storm which had just passed and mentioned that there was a transformer in the creek bed. I remembered that it had fallen down in a storm several years ago. I told the man about the fallen transformer as he passed. I realized as i walked down the trail that it really was not a transformer. I had a picture of it in my mind and knew that it was a ceramic insulator for the high-power lines. I headed down the trail that ran to the right of the creek. The trail had just crossed a bridge, so the creek was now running along the left side of the trail. There was a hill on the left, which rose sharply up over my head. It was covered with green grass. I looked over the creek to the left, looking for the large piece of insulating coil, which my mind was still calling a transformer. I looked down the steep side of the trail into the water. I could not see the coil that i was looking for. I looked down to my left to see the top of the small, rusted culvert as it came out of the ground beneath me and emptied into the creek. It was only a few decis in diameter, and clear water poured out of it. I noticed that there were many small things in the creek bed that had washed out from the storm, but none of them were the transformer. I rounded the bend of the trail and came to the back of the church. I wondered whether the storm had washed out the small wooden bridges behind the church. I then thought of taking photographs of the church. I thought that it would look interesting to take a picture of the church from across the field. It would have the country-church look that spoke of solitude. I walked around in the lot behind the church for a moment when i noticed the girl near the bench. She had two eagles with her. She mentioned that the cult had ended. I walked over to the bench and looked at the eagles. One of the birds was wounded, and was being nursed back to health. I picked up the small wounded hawk and looked it over. It was rather calm in my hands. I held it with its head facing away form me. Its right wing was damaged, and it would have to heal for a while. There was a pale leather tether hanging from one of its feet. I placed the hawk back down on the bench. Then i walked down the trail a little way towards the back of my parents’ house. I was in the third-floor bedroom, but i could see out over the creek and the hill. The church was in the distance. The chimney of my parents’ bedroom stood on my right, and there was a large opening in the wall to the left. A single wood rail ran horizontal over the opening to keep people from falling off. I held the eagle i my hand. This bird had not been wounded, but it was still on a tether. I wondered suddenly whether it would hurt me with its talons. I was holding it by the feet so that it could not move. It the started flapping its wings and fell over the outside of my hands so that it hung up-side-down. I flipped it back over but it was still struggling. I tried to calm it, but it jumped over my head and flapped its wings. Then its head touched mine, and its head became stuck on the top of my scalp. I tried to pull it off, but it would not come loose. Then the bird jumped out of my hands and flipped over the back of my head. I tried to catch it but it went behind my back. Suddenly, it merged with me, blending its body into my back, with its wings over my shoulder blades. I suddenly realized that the spirit of the eagle had merged into my body. I was startled for a moment, and did not know what to do. I was too surprised to think, and just stood on the edge of the house.