11998 August 01

I was in the gorge with the woman. We were running away from something. We ran up the length of the gorge. I then remembered that we could follow the path along the side of the gorge from the swimming area on the bottom all the way to the top. I wondered whether that was really true. I thought about the yellow sand that was on both sides of the water that ran down the gorge. It seemed as though part of the gorge had been blocked off. Someone had done something which would cut off out escape route. I thought that we were safe, however, as we were farther up the gorge than the obstruction. We should be able to make it all the way to the top of the gorge, where the trails led away from the water. I then realized that there was something wrong around us. There were dwarves standing along the river side. They were dangerous, and we had to stay away from them. I tried to run with the woman up the gorge, but then realized that i had stepped into the center of the creek. I felt confused and frantic. There were dwarfs all around me. I thought that they were some kind of faerie. They were all wearing red caps on their heads. I splashed through the water. It seemed as though one of the dwarfs on the edge of the water was melting, turning into a thick tan gel. The gel dripped forward into the water. I realized that this place was a reservoir of spiritual energy for the dwarves. I had to get out of here. I thought that they would not harm me in this place. They were focused on the energy that flowed from the earth. I ran to the left, onto the nearby road. I was then on the back of the truck. It seemed to be a military transport truck. I looked behind us to see the road passing away. I then noticed the men standing on the left side of the road as i looked off of the back of the truck. They were doing something near the lake. The road crossed a bridge where they were, and they were positioned along the guardrail which overlooked the water. I then noticed that there were several dwarves near them, wearing red caps on their heads. I then realized that the dwarves were everywhere. We could not get away from them. My vision panned over the edge of the road and across the water. I could see below the surface of the water, down to the murky surface at the bottom. There was a set of dwarves standing in a circle along the bottom of the water. They were doing something destructive to the nearby dam. I then realized that it had something to do with the bombs that were planted near the dam. I was then on the shore, walking along the cement platform. The cement curved downward into the large valley. To my right and above me was a tall cement bridge. The bridge had narrow pillars. The pillars supported the wide arches which supported the road above. The man who was walking on the cement platform towards the edge of the cliff had planted bombs under the bridge. The bridge crossed some pool of water, which was far below in the valley, out of sight. I moved with the man. He was wearing a dark leather-like jacket and blue denims. His hair was brown and bushy. He held the small square metallic box in his right hand. It had an antenna off the top of it, and was the trigger for the bombs. I sat on the platform. I was the man now. I felt happy to be blowing up the bridge. I felt as though i had accomplished something. I knew that the man was unaware of the dwarves, though, and that they had moved his charges to the base of the dam on which he was sitting. I pressed the button on the small copper box. I felt a sudden vibration through the ground. The man tensed suddenly, aware that something was wrong. He looked at the bridge. It did not explode. I then thought that the dam might break. The explosions occurred at the base of it, and might have damaged it enough to make it give. I got up from the damn and started walking to the right, trying to get off of the damn. It seemed to be stable, but i felt unsure. I then reached the large cement area under the near end of the bridge. The bridge was still very far above us. I then noticed the metal pipes coming up from the ground through the cement block in front of me. I realized that the underground gas tanks might have damaged, and might explode. As i reached the platform, i could see that it was cracked and uneven. There was a greenish liquid oozing from the cracks. I thought that i had to get out of here. Then i was aware of someone behind me. I swung around. I could see the bad guy approaching me. He was yelling and firing his gun at me. I dropped to ground near the fence that ran to my right, along the edge of the cliff. I drew my own gun with my right hand and fired back at the man. He was wearing a blue shirt, and kept yelling in anger as he ran towards me. I kept firing, but did not seem to be hitting him. I wondered how it was possible for both of us to keep missing each other. I thought that we should be close enough that we should have better aim. Then the man dropped to the ground in front of me, falling to his left, into the fence. I rolled to my right, running down the stairs which ran down the side of the cliff. I had to get away. I then noticed the woman at the top of the cliff. She was with the man. She seemed very upset, and talked to the man. They would have to escape together. I stayed at the bottom of the white cliff. I seemed to be underneath them as they spoke. I could see them as they spoke. The man wrapped his arms around the woman from behind and comforted her. She was upset that the dam was collapsing. I then poked my head out from under the white deck down the slope from them. I looked at them, hoping that they could get out. Then i remembered that the man had been shooting at me. He spotted me and a look of intensity crossed his face. He aimed his gun and started firing at me again. I had to get away. I would have to worry about the woman later. I ran down the stairs of the building. I had been in the tall apartment building, but had been unable to escape from the apartment. I reached the bottom level and came to the front door of the apartment. I knew that the man would be after me soon, but i could not get the door open. I thought about shattering the glass window at the side of the door. I picked up one of the objects that were on the ground near the door. I realized that as soon as i shattered the glass, the man would come running after me, aware that i could escape. I picked up something long, but did not seem able to throw it with enough force. I seemed too weak to throw anything against the door. I then thought that i should find a large stone from the ground and throw it against the window. I broke part of the window. As i stood near the window trying to break more of the glass, i could see an older man and woman walking down the hall of the hotel. They were dressed in semiformal dinner clothes. They looked at me as i tried to hit the glass on the large window. I realized that the glass was breaking away in pieces. The window seemed to have several layers of glass on it, and they broke cleanly away. I tried to clear enough glass so that i could crawl through the window. I managed to clear all of the glass from the right side of the window. I jumped through, aware that the man was rushing after me from the balcony above. I ran into the stair well as he reached the edge of the balcony. He fired at me, but could not hit me any more. I started down the stairs, but paused. The stairs were narrow and turned to the left ahead of me. I knew that the main dining room of the hotel was at the bottom of the stairs to the left. I would be in the crowd as soon as i entered. I stopped, however. There were some images on the wall to the left of me. I seemed fascinated in them. They were paintings of an oriental man. I remembered them from before, and through that they were of the director of the play. I remembered him. The pictures depicted him in several styles and poses. I thought that he had an attractive body. I looked over the picture in the center. It seemed to be an illustration on a rusted red piece of paper. The illustration was made in black and white pencil. I looked at the detail of the strokes, and through that they were very well done. I noticed how the pencil made upwardly curving shapes down the center of the man’s abdomen, showing the fine muscle detail. I liked the illustration very much, and thought that it was very well done.

I woke up in the small room with the blue walls. It seemed to be very early in the morning. I stood up from the bed and lookout out the window on the side wall of the bedroom. The bedroom seemed to be on the front corner of the house. The house was facing east, and the window was facing north. The bed did not have a headboard or a footboard, and was covered with a simple white sheet as it stood along the west wall of the tiny room. I could see the dark clouds moving towards us over the suburban area. I could see them through the trees. They were highlighted with the pink colours of the sun on the horizon. I then realized that the cloud was changing shape very quickly. It appeared to have branches of smoke off of its main column which flickered and waved before disappearing. I realized that this cloud must be part of a very strong storm front to have such rapid formations on its surface. I was fascinated by it, but afraid that it might hit very strongly and suddenly. I then noticed part of the top of the column start to rotate. I ran out of the small room and down the long narrow hall to my parents’ room. Their room was on the left side of the hall. I called to my mother to come to see the clouds. I seemed to be very young, and my mother seemed to be with a man, who seemed like my father, but who did not seem married to her. I called my mother to come with me out to the front yard. I ran out the front door of the house and looked to the north. I could no longer see the clouds. I thought that they must have been moving too fast and have disappeared already. I told my mother about them as she came out onto the front lawn. All i could see were the dark flat clouds along the horizon. I insisted to my mother that the clouds i saw were real, and that a heavy storm was coming. Then i noticed a tall cloud moving very fast from behind the tree in the neighbours’ house. I pointed it out to my mother. This one seemed to have branches which started at the bottom of the cloud and traveled up the sides of the pineapple-shaped cloud. They merged into the cloud at the top. Everything seemed to be moving as if it were in fast motion. Then my mother said that she had to go into town for something. I told her that i did not want her to drive. I was worried that the storm might hit while she was out. I knew that she would panic if she were driving in the middle of a storm. I told her that i wanted my father to drive her into town. I then started moving down the road in front of the house. I was on the divided highway. I then noticed the brown truck moving towards us in the wrong lane. I thought that it was very dangerous to have the truck in the wrong land and hoped that he new that he was driving the wrong way.

I was driving down the road to the west with my parents and my grandmother. We were going to visit our relatives. They lived in the old white farm house which was on the right side of the road, across from the old, unpainted barn. The land around the farm was flat and rolling and covered with dry field grass. We pulled up to the front of the house, which seemed very close to the road. There was a small porch set into the left side of the house. An old woman seemed to be waiting in the doorway which looked out over the porch. I walked toward the house with the rest of my family. I was not interested in seeing the relatives. I walked into the front room of the house. There was an old woman sitting in a chair to the right. She was some family member whom i had not seen in a long time. She was wearing light coloured clothing, and had a wrinkled face and silver hair. There were other people wandering around the room. They seemed to be from Italy. I then realized that they were still trying to fix me up with one of the women, who was the daughter of someone in the house. I did not want to meet her, and had no interest in dating her. She was to my left as i walked past the older woman. There was a man in the small bedroom at the back of the house. I was arguing with him about something. I was upset that they were trying to get me to do something. I shouted and hit the man. I then wondered why i had become so upset. It did not seem like me. I had to get out of the house. I did not want to stay here any more. I walked up the stairs on the back of the house to where everyone else was staying. I was in sin a small room which was open to the right and had a hallway which ran towards the front of the house, and had blue walls and a blue shag carpet. I looked down the hallway to the south. I could see the large master bedroom at the end of the hall. It seemed very spacious. I knew that $K1 and $K9 were sleeping in the bedroom. I started toward the hall when i noticed the small white plastic basketball hoop. It had a yellow basked and a square base. There was a red light on the base which flashed on and off as the toy beeped. I realized that it had a motion sensor in it. It was to alert the parents when the baby was wandering down the hall. Someone came out of the bathroom, which was on the left side of the hall, and walked past me and into the large kitchen to the right. I looked to the right. I could see the woman cooking something behind a counter in the up stairs kitchen. I thought that this part of the house was very modern and fancy. It must have been redecorated. I looked back down the hall and could see the green grass of the golf course outside. I then headed towards the kitchen. The outside walls of the room were glass, and let in the bright light. The land around us was open, and seemed well kept. My father then walked past me. I looked to the right, out the windows on the north side of the house. I could see a wood deck running along the outside of the house. It ran from the east wall, around the back of the house and across the entire northern side. I could see a man and some other relatives preparing food on the western edge of the deck. I seemed to remember the deck from some time before. I remembered being here. There were piles of ash on the deck. They seemed to be from the cooking grill. I thought that the man simply dumped them onto the deck, thinking that he could simply fill up the deck with the ash. It was a careless and selfish way of thinking. I remembered how there had only been a few piles of trash on the decks the last time i was here. Now, the entire deck seemed filled. My father walked past me, heading out across the deck towards the man at the grill. I started after him when i realized that i was already out on the deck. The woman in the kitchen was working on something to the west, at the edge of the deck. I looked down and noticed that the deck was covered with grass and purple wildflowers. The flowers were small and scattered among the short blades of grass. I then noticed that there was a puddle in the roof to the north, the direction i was heading to get to the edge of the deck. I decided to walk more to the west, so as not to get my feet wet. I then noticed that my feet were sinking in the grass anyway. The bent over and looked at the fake turf, noticing that there was water hidden among the grass. I realized that i was already getting my feet wet. I walked into the kitchen and back across the down stairs section of the house. I came into the front room, which seemed nicely decorated with wood trimmings. I thought that i should leave. I would have to go upstairs again to get my things. I turned to the left and headed up the front set of stairs. The stairs ran to the north. I thought that i had not taken these stairs before., They seemed more antique than the set at the back of the house. I had to get my things so that i could leave the house.

I walked along the street of the wooded suburb. There was a house off to the side of the road that i recognized. It was on the narrow curving road, and had many trees around it. There were several people moving around the front of the house. I remembered the house from when i had looked at it with a realtor. It was the house that i was interested in buying. I wondered what the new owner was doing. I walked into the large opening in the side of the house. It seemed like a garage, but it was in the basement area. The floor was dirt, and the walls around us seemed to be dark and dirty. There was a square hole in the ground which led down to another level. There were two men working around the hole. One of then was standing on the stairs which descended into the hole, and the other was standing against the back wall, on the other side of the stairs from me. There seemed to be a problem in the construction of the house. I remembered that the house needed some structural repairs. I wondered what the men had done to it. The man who had been sitting along the back wall of the room, with his feet hanging into the hole, stood up and told the other that there was a warm spot along the back wall. I knew that a warm spot was bad. The man stood up and looked along the back wall, while the man on the stairs spoke to him. They seemed to think that there were several warm spots in the room. I thought that the steam pipes might flow behind the wall. Then i noticed a slightly dark spot on the back wall of the room. The wall of the room was a faded, dull yellow, but i could see a dark line going diagonally up the wall from the edge of the hole. I thought that it was where the steam pipe ran. The man moved his hand over the surface of the wall, tracing out the line of the pipe.

11998 August 02

I was waiting behind the curtain for the right cue. I had to enter the theatre from the back of the audience. We were rehearsing a play. I was not the correct person be doing the part, but the actor who was supposed to be doing the part had been missing. I remembered that i had memorized the lines rather easily before. We had rehearsed the first act on the first week, and i had learned all of the lines by memory by the end of the week. In the second week, i had learned all of the lines for the second part. I thought that it must have been the repetition over those weeks which helped me remember. I did not know the lines now, however. I tried to think of what my first line was. I thought that i could simply fake the lines so that the other actors could continue, but i could not remember what the first line was about. Then i noticed that there was a silence from the theatre. I wondered whether i was supposed to enter. I felt uncomfortable, and stayed outside the door, waiting for someone to call me. I then decided that i should go in. I opened the door and looked around. Everyone was waiting for me. I apologized. I did not know what i was supposed to be doing. I could no longer remember the lines, and i did not have my script with me. I knew that the play would be opening soon, and that i was supposed top play the part. The other actor who was supposed to play it was no longer going to be coming back. $A146 was sitting in the audience chairs to my right, watching the performance. I explained to him that i did not study the lines because i was never supposed to be acting the part. I told him that i did not have my script with me, so i could not read the lines with the other actors. I felt very frustrated and upset. I wanted to do the play correctly, but i could not seem to remember what i was doing. I wondered how i had so easily memorized the lines before.

I was on the city street. There seemed to be a wall to the right of me as i faced the street. The street ended at the wall, which seemed to be some kind of boarder that people were not to cross. I was with the other people who were gathered on the corner. There was a narrow alley running between the dark-coloured stone building behind the wall and me, on my right. The wall seemed to be a tall mound on which train tracks ran. Across the street from me was a dirty parking lot, which was empty of cars. I wandered across the street, away from the crowd, and into the open lot. There seemed to be some danger in what i was doing. I knew that something was going on around the city. I could not be in the wrong place, or i might get in trouble. I then noticed the tall tower that was standing to my right, on the edge of the mound. I knew that there were people at the top of it. They were watching the crowd with the telescopes. I knew that they were watching me. I started wandering to my left, facing the large brick wall of the building. The wall was dark grey with white signs painted on it. I could see the sign for “ABC”. I knew that it stood for the network news. I was part of a news team. I had to walk back to my designated area near the wall. I could hear the people in the tower mentioning to each other that i was a reporter. I then saw the sign for “NBC” up high on the wall, near the corner of the building which bordered the street. I stopped at the corner and stood under the sign. I motioned to the letters so that the people in the tower would know what network i belonged with. I then heard the sirens from behind me. I turned around to see emergency trucks coming out of the alley between the building across the street and the mound. One of the trucks had a long white ladder which hung over the front of the truck. I was afraid that the long arm of the ladder would sting past me and knock me over. I ducked down between the objects against the building. I looked up cautiously, watching the long white pole pass over my head. I thought that it might hit the trucks on either side of me. I hoped that i did not get caught between the trucks of they were struck. The emergency truck finally completed its turn and headed down the street. I felt uncomfortable being here.

11998 August 03

I was in the back yard of my grandmother’s house, talking with several of the people. There was a small dinosaur with us. It seemed intelligent, and was part of our conversation. I knew that it was dangerous. It was still a wild animal, even though it was close to humans. I bend down against the inside of the small area. There was a short wall behind me. The dinosaur was walking around me from my left. I tipped my head forward and stayed still. I was wearing a large red construction hat. I knew that it would hide me from the dinosaur’s sight. It was not smart enough to process the helmet as a person. I remembered this event as it had happened before on television. I then remembered walking across the yard of my grandmother’s house. I was coming from the other side of the block. I had been trying to get back to the house. I ran across the yard and into the large room, which seemed like a church. There were people gathered inside. $A20 was there. He was trying to tell me something about the dinosaur, but i did not trust him. His instructions would not protect me against the animal. I was afraid that it might attack me.

11998 August 04

I was in the room with the other person. Everyone around seemed to be quiet and solemn. I remembered that the man had done operations on people. He had removed someone’s penis. He showed it to me and then tossed it on the ground. I looked at the penis on the ground. It seemed rather strange. There was a black tube sticking out of the center of it. I thought that it was probably the urinary tract. I laid down on the bed. I seemed confused and unable to concentrate on something. Then i remembered that the doctor had removed my penis. I wondered why i had asked him to do that. It did not seem like something i would do. I then started to wonder whether it really happened. I lifted by hips from the bed and pulled off my pants. I realized that i no longer had a penis. There was simply a hole in my crotch. I thought that it would be quite a different experience to urinate. I then started to wonder why the doctor had removed my penis. I thought that it was a bad idea. I would not be able to shower with everyone else in the locker rooms. I was disappointed, and thought that i should not have had it done.

11998 August 05

The two people had just finished the race. I watched them run down the track through the crowd of people. It seemed as though i should be running sometime soon. I spoke to the others about the race. I knew the two people who were running. They had to run a second race, which would be much shorter. They would be running with a third person. I watched them off to my left as they finished the race. I then walked behind the section of the building where the garage doors were down. There were people looking through the windows of the door at the race. The rest of the people with me could not see. I then motioned to the window, as if wiping the fog that had collected on it. A new set of people moved up to the window, displacing the people who had been there. I told the other person that it was one way to get a good view. I then looked around the small parking spot. We had just pulled into it and stepped out of the car. We had to meet up with the others. Then the second car pulled in. A group of people got out. I knew them. They were here for the cast party. I felt uncomfortable in the party, as though i had nothing to do. The others started to disperse through the apartment, some heading into the kitchen where the food was. I realized that i was still wearing my black coat and scarf. I pulled the scarf from my neck. I thought that i should leave, but i had to look like i was no uncomfortable.

11998 August 06

I was in the large gymnasium as the runners were running around the indoor track. The runners were wearing yellow and white uniforms, and seemed to be high school students. I was in the center of the track, hovering in the air. I then started doing flips in the air. I ran on the track for a bit, then jumped and flipped in the air. I realized that it must seem rather impressive to someone who could not fly. They might think that i was actually doing acrobatics. I watched as the runners circled around the end of the track. There were some brothers standing at the edge of the track from me.

11998 August 08

I was talking to the other person in the small room. There seemed to be few furnishings in the room. I mentioned the guitar to the other person. It was my acoustic guitar. It was resting against the wall to my right, with the neck standing behind a dresser. I referred to the guitar as a “low quality guitar”. It did not look very well made. I knew that it was a Yamaha, and that it was originally made in China. I told the other person this, implying that something made in China was automatically a low quality product. I then reached into the small trunk in front of me and pulled out the small pistol. It was a beebee pistol, and fired small pellets by forced air. I fired down the road in front of me, thinking that i could try to hit bottles on a fence or something like that. My mother complained that it would be too dangerous. She was standing on the side of the car off to my left. I told her that it was not a real gun. I then remembered how children used to shoot at birds with the same type of gun. I placed the gun back on the seat of the convertible car next to which i was standing. I turned and walked back down the street. The street seemed to be in a suburban area, with many trees on the sides of the road. There was an open lawn ahead of me on the right side of the road. It seemed to be the side yard of a school. I noticed the people marching away from the red brick school building. They were wearing black uniforms and were carrying white banners with black and red symbols in the center of them. I thought that the symbols looked somewhat like the nazi swastika. The symbol seemed broken or chopped off at the sides, though. I realized that these people were Nazis. I was worried that i was in the wrong place. They would not like me being with them. I then thought that i should tell them that i was a time traveler. I would have to tell them that i came from a different universe. I thought that i came from a different universe where the Nazis had won the war. It then occurred to me that i could tell them that the nazi regime had broken into an eastern and a western branch due to political differences.

11998 August 09

I climbed up the stairs in the square stair well of the building. I was with a group of people, and we were breaking into the building. It seemed as though we were some type of military unit, but it felt as though we could get caught by someone. We had to be secretive about our entrance. We charged to the top of the building. We came into the room at the top of the building. I saw $A7 there. He seemed upset. I realized that he had gotten fired from his job. It had something to do with our break in. I felt sorry and tried to comfort him. I looked around the large square room at the top of the building. The room was white, with pale yellow trimming along the ceiling. There seemed to be a chair board around the wall. I walked to the left, into the lavatory. Something felt strange here.

I was in the tile room in the bottom of $P7. It was the back part of the locker room. $A62 was sitting at a desk to the left as i walked around the right edge of the pool. He was leading the gym class that i was in. I felt that i could swim easily because i had been doing it for the past several years. I thought that i would warm up in the water a little before the work out. I did not really feel part of the class. $A62 then started talking to the class. He wanted us to start off with some simply exercises. He started addressing me as he spoke. He said that i should do what everyone else was doing. I agreed and got down on the red mat to start doing push-ups. We were in the wrestling room. I watched $A62 as he sat behind the desk. He mentioned something about swimming as he played with the small yellow and red object that he was holding in front of his face. The red piece was shaped like a small can of ham, but was made of plastic. It reminded me of something for the ear. There was a yellow piece which fit around it. $A62 was clipping on the yellow piece as he spoke.

11998 August 10

I was moving very quickly through the area. There were other people talking around me, but i was having a hard time relating to them. I kept moving so quickly through time that they seemed to be still. I could see myself fade out as if a blur. I knew that this had something to do with Mongolia. I remembered being at the fraternity house talking to the brothers. Then i had started to drift. I was passing through time quicker than the other people. I moved down the hall of the great building, moving through the crowd which was standing under the row stone arches. I seemed to be a blur, which paused momentarily from place to place.

11998 August 12

I was walking through one of the rooms of my grandmother’s house. I felt very upset. The others were acting very precise. They wanted everything to be as accurate as possible. I thought that they liked things which acted with precision and hated things that were strange. I felt uncomfortable here. I was mad at them. I walked across the cellar of the house, heading towards the back wall. $K7 was there. I thought about my other aunts. Something seemed out of place. I then heard the rest of my family coming. I did not want them to find me here. I felt that i could not relate to them and wanted to get away. I tried to hide in the cellar. I ran behind the objects in the street. There was a boy near me. He was in danger. I had saved him from the danger. I then looked up the street to see the firebombs going off. There was a group of people attacking the city. We had to hide.

11998 August 13

I was in the large room in the center of the fraternity house. The room seemed to be somewhat formal, with white walls and high ceilings. There seemed to be a formal yellow detail around the edges of the room. I was frightened. I knew that the monsters had taken over people. I pictured them as the creatures from the movie Alien. I was afraid that they would take over my body. I knew that they had already taken over the others in the house. I walked into the small room off the side of the main hall. I tried to act as though i was supposed to be in the room. I did not want anyone to get suspicious of me. As i walked into the dark room, i thought about how i could escape from the house. I looked back out into the hall and noticed that there was a man standing in the center of the room. He had noticed me and looked angry. He started to come after me. I quickly closed the doors between the two rooms and ran towards the south end of the room. I seemed to be in an elevator, though there was no obvious compartment. I was going down into the basement of the building. I thought that i might be safe there. I looked at the south wall of the room. It was covered with yellow and white, vertically striped wall paper. The front of the room was in the shape of a semi-hexagon, with a window on each wall. I had to get out of the house. I stepped out the front door and onto the dark suburban street. I noticed a woman walking down the street in a dark overcoat. I told her that there was something wrong. I wanted her to call for help. I looked to my left, at the side of the building from which i had just come. I read the dull metal number and told it to the woman. I wanted her to report the problem. The aliens had taken over the house. I could not get help myself because the aliens might get suspicious of my absence.

11998 August 14

I was in the small theatre. It was a one level theatre, with the wide stage to my right. The seating spread across the front of the stage, but did not seem that deep. I walked down the tan corridor along the back of the theatre. There was a half wall separating me from the chairs of the audience. Square columns supported the ceiling from even spaces along the wall. I had to get back to the booth to take care of things. $A54 was sitting in one of the chairs near the front of the audience on the left side. He had his back to me and was directing the cast members on what to do. I walked into the sound booth and realized that everything had been taken apart. All of the equipment had been cleaned up. I was distressed that the audio equipment had been pulled off of the shelves on the left side of the wall. I knew that we had a show to do, but i did not have any of the equipment ready. I looked around to try to figure out how to get the equipment back together so that we could use it. I bent over to the ground and picked up the audio mixer. I lifted it back onto the wall. I then looked out the booth at the actors and realized that they were rebuilding the stage. The set had been taken down while we were gone, but we still needed to do another performance. I was upset that someone had taken apart the boards, and distressed that i would not have them together in time for the show.

I was in the park. It had something to do with my job. $A129 asked me about something. I started telling her about the postal addresses. They were set up in a specific way. It was similar to a postal address on an envelope. It went from a less specific category to a more specific one. I explained to $A129 that the order of regional description went zone, bot, street, state, and then province. I looked at the written description and started to wonder that the bot was. I then realized that it had something to do with an internet search engine. It was the easiest way to find the location. $A192 explained the regions on the letter again. I then noticed the large hot air balloon near us. It was tearing. The boy in the basket jumped to safety as the balloon fell to the ground. I felt an excitement with the situation.

11998 August 15

I was in the yard trying to control the situation. The tiger was loose. I was afraid of it, but i was trying to complete some task to secure. Then the tiger charged at me. When it reached me, i suddenly realized that it was simply a cat. The sat seemed scrawny and long. It walked past me on my left as i held up the yellow piece of fence.

I was in the large hardware store. The room was cluttered with merchandise. The walls and floor of the store were unfinished wood. There was an outside door on the east wall of the building. The door seemed to be near the north end of the store. I watched myself as i stood in the center of the room near the door. The room was L-shaped, with the small part of the L extending to the west. There seemed to be a counter on the south side of the small end. The long part of the store had a single set of shelves dividing it into two sections. I was looking at the table which was set up in front of the large square column at the end of the set of shelves. I thought that it was a very nice table. It was made from a kit. I thought that i should buy the table. I had already told the salesman that i would buy the table, even though i felt unsure about it. I looked over the table that was set up for display, trying to convince myself that it was a good purchase. The surface of the dark stained table was elegantly carved into vine-like shapes. The salesman then started to bring out many cardboard boxes. The table was disassembled in the boxes. I thought that there were side tables that went with the set. I looked through the pieces of the table and tried to see how easy it would be to screw the legs together. I felt unsure about buying it, even though i had already told the other people that i would. I then noticed the carrying case that came with the table. I thought that the kit seemed too complex. The table seemed like it would be very large. I knew that i did not have any place to put such a large table. I looked over the table, thinking that i should not spend the money on it. I then looked at the price tag, which was on the display table. It said “$823”. I thought that the table was very expensive. I did not know whether to actually buy it, but i felt bad for having the salesman bring it all the way up. My mother walked over to the boxes on the floor and started looking over the table. I watched myself stand up in the center of the table pieces. I was wearing my blue winter jacket. I had the assembly manual in my left hand and was reading it. $K2 walked up to my left as i stood. He had come shopping with us. I did not know what to do.

I was in the swimming pool with the others. I had a diving mask on my face and was sinking below the water and then rising over and over again. We were trying to do stuff under water. I was at a table at the bottom of the pool with playing cards in my hand. We were all trying to play cards under the water. I looked up and could see a person above the level of the water. I had some poker chips in my hand. I then noticed that i had dropped one of the white chips. I moved to catch it before it fell too far in the water, but the sudden motion removed my goggles from my face. I realized that i could not last under water without my mask. I had to surface. I came out of the water and wondered whether i had ruined the project. I then saw the others starting to come to the surface. We would have to do the whole thing over again. I was upset. I turned to the edge of the pool and started to take off my glasses. I then noticed the black poker chips on the edge of the pool. As i pulled off my glasses, the strap snapped. They should not have broken so soon as they were new glasses. I looked at the rubber strap, pulling it tight in my hands. There were ridges across the band to hold it in place. I was mad that it had broken. It should not have broken. I then started to swim through the air to get a new set of glasses. I was in a hardware store. I swam over the rows of shelves towards the back of the store, where the goggles were. The clerk watched me as i traveled.

11998 August 16

I walked up the road with the other person. We were on our way to someplace. We then turned and walked into the club. It surprised me to be in the club. I did not expect the other person to know that i would have come to a homosexual club. It felt strange to be in the place, however. I felt out of place. I wondered why the other person had brought me here. I then realized that i was in a bed. I had just woken up and had been dreaming about the club. I did not know where it was. I wondered why i was here. It seemed very strange to be here.

11998 August 17

I was in the bedroom of the small cabin. It seemed to be in the middle of the country. The walls of the bedroom in which i was standing were a dark stained wood. The windows of the room were square and wide. It seemed as though it was getting cold. I walked over to the window and looked out. There was a red truck sitting in the driveway to the large building next door. The building was to the north, and seemed like a barn. I remembered being in this room before. There was a bookshelf against the north wall. I had to do something with it. I was then in front of the house. I backed out of the driveway in the red truck. I had to get going. I drove down the road to the south, heading towards my parents’ house. There was thin forest on both sides of the road. The road was very steep and seemed dangerous to drive. I thought that it was steep enough that the car might not be able to stop on the way down. It seemed as though it was twilight out, and it seemed as though it was late autumn. Everything around seemed grey. I headed down the hill, thinking that i would have to get back to town. Then i started to fly down the hill. The road ended at the bottom of the hill, intersecting a main road which ran east to west. I flew over the intersection and over the trees to the south. There seemed to be some red and white power lines in the field beyond, but i flew over them. I then noticed the black rings around the smoke stacks. There was a sound like a very loud whistle. It startled me. I looked out the window, but could only see the rings painted on the stacks. Something was wrong. I felt alert and slightly afraid. I then noticed that there were people standing just outside the window below me. I was quiet, and tried to hear what they were saying, hoping that i could find out what was wrong.

I walked back from the campus when i ran into $F13. I said hello to him as he passed me. He was wearing a white cap on his head. He did not reply to me. He did not seem to notice that i had said anything. I felt bad, and wondered whether he was mad at me for something. I thought that i had done something to upset him. I then noticed the young woman. She was the woman who played Tya in Escape to Witch Mountain. She was sad. I then remembered that she had escaped from jail. I realized that she must feel bad about leaving. I came to the garage. There were railroad tracks running near the side of the building.

11998 August 18

I had to get off of the small island, which was in the middle of the ocean. It was a bright sunny day, and o moved along the rocky shore. The rocks were tan, wind-worn, and pointed upward in strange cone-like shapes. I moved over the water. There seemed to be a boat near me, but i knew that it would not help. The boat had been destroyed by the large squid that hung out in the shallow waters around the island. The waters seemed relatively calm, and very clear. I then thought that the squid might go after the boat that was trying to flee from the southern end of the island. I thought that i might be able to swim to the north and escape. I watched as the white wooden boat moved around one of the small out-crops of rock just off shore. I was frightened and thought about the monster in the water below me. I was worried that it might come after me. I then started to realize that there was something strange about the situation. I started to feel as though i were floating effortlessly on the water. I then realized that i really was the island. All of it was symbolic. I looked at my right hand as i floated on my back in the water. It was covered with a long tan glove. There was something significant about the symbol of the glove. I thought that it might have to do with the squid. I then thought that the squid could no longer hurt me. There was then someone else with me. I seemed fascinated by the concept of the island and me.

I drove down the road that ran along the back side of the industrial lots. The road seemed to head to the southwest. It made a sharp, right-angle curve to the right and ran along the back side of the airport. The grass in the fields around me seemed to be dry and wet, as if it were late autumn out. There was a chain link fence running on both sides of the road as i stopped at the corner. I looked down the road. I wanted to travel across the section by the airport, but i was afraid that i might get in the way of the airplanes. I seemed to be flying. I then noticed the large jets coming in. The runway ended just before the road, so the planes were flying very low to the ground. The first two planes seemed very close to each other. There was something wrong, i though. They were painted white on the top. Then the orange plane flew towards the runway. There was something wrong with the tail section of the plane. I crossed the runway and came to the edge of the large cement building. It was part of the airport terminal. I walked on the outside of the terminal building, with the runways to my left and the building on my right. There was a section of the building in front of me which seemed like a main entrance into the terminal, and which projected from the rest of the wall. The wall of the building was plain cement grey. There was a crowd of tourists walking towards me. I knew that they had come from the damaged plane. They were russian. I then focused on a young russian man who was walking at the back of the crowd. There was something attractive about him. I watched him as he passed, but felt uneasy of him. He stared back at me as he walked after the tour group. I then thought that he might be dangerous. I continued walking along the edge of the terminal, trying to catch up with my mother.

11998 August 19

I realized that i had to replace the instruction line in the back of my car. It was something which made my car run, but it was not operating properly at the moment. I leaned into the off-white Volkswagen Beetle to get some of the stuff out of the back. There were two policemen standing to the right of my car. They asked me if i needed any help with the vehicle. I told them that i was simply switching the seats in the car. I knew that i could unclip the old seats to move them around. I thought that i might need the room. Then i noticed the large brown horse that was standing to the back of my car. The horse started kicking the back side of the car. I was afraid that i might get hit and tried to crouch below the bed as the horse ran around. I then noticed that there was a large red scorpion on the bed. I was in a small room, and the bed was rather low to the ground. I backed away from the large scorpion, afraid that it might sting me. I suddenly realized that the room was full of scorpions. I tried not to move too quickly. I did not want to get stung my any of them. I leaned back slowly to try to crawl away, but i then felt one of the scorpions brush against my arm.

I walked through the suburban area on the dull grey day. I seemed to be headed somewhere. I came to the open courtyard which was made of white stone. I slid down the metal railing that led down the wide stairs to the center of the court.

11998 August 20

I was in the room with $G4. We were getting ready to go out for a run. I was the person setting the trails. I wandered around the outside of the room. I felt distracted and eager to leave. I knew that the runners would be following me. $A30 was standing to the right of the chair, taking to the rest of $G4. He was saying that we would be leaving for the run soon. I felt anxious about starting. In thought that i should go out and start the trail. Then the man in the blue tee shirt mentioned that he should get his hair cut. He walked down into the recess in the floor in front of me, where the stairs led down through the rectangular opening. I stepped around him, thinking that i should start the run. I looked at the man as i passed. He ran his fingers through his thin, dark blonde hair. He was heavy set and had a round face. I thought that i could probably cut his hair, but i wanted to leave. Someone else would have to cut it. I looked over his head as i walked by, thinking that it would not be that hard to cut. I also thought that i might not do it correctly. I wanted to start the run. I thought that if i left now, i could get a fifteen-minute head start on the other runners. I then realized that it was not necessary, as i was not setting the trail live. I walked away from the others and started to fly down the city streets. I seemed to be moving very fast, but i had to focus my attention on what i was doing. I seemed to have some trouble moving. I stared ahead of me, watching the buildings down the street. I then started moving very fast. I rounded a corner to the right and tried to head down the next street. I seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if it were hard to get going again. I dropped close to the ground, trying to keep the momentum going. I focused very hard on the street ahead of me, but did not seem to be moving that fast. I looked at the corner ahead of me, thinking that i could go around it very fast. I knew that i could nut fly around the corner at a right angle. I had taken the last corner at a very wide angle, sliding past the intersection as i turned to head down the next street. I thought that Superman should probably fly very sharply around the corner. I pictured a blue and red streak passing over me and making a sharp right-angle turn around the lamp post on the corner. I knew that it was not realistic for me to do such things. I tried to move fast, but i did not seem to me going anywhere. It was night out, and i could see the lights of the city ahead of me. I concentrated on moving around the corner. I flew around the corner extremely fast, trying to make the right hand turn. I turned my body to fly to the left, but my momentum carried me straight. I passed over the edge of the street and came out over the open parking lot in front of the factories. I tried to speed ahead again, concentration on the road ahead of me. I pointed my hands out in front of me, focusing them on a building ahead. I did not seem to be accelerating. I had dropped towards the ground again. I remembered that this is what happened before. I tried to speed away, but suddenly realized that i was not moving. I was resting on the ground. I thought that i must have gotten tired and caught the ground with my abdomen. I could not move as long as i was grazing the ground. I realized that i had expired all of my energy and thought that i would not be able to fly anymore.

11998 August 22

I walked away from the camp ground where i had been staying with my parents. We seemed to be in the middle of the forest. There was a river running to the north of us. I walked by the side of the river. My mother was following me. The stream was several metres across, with smoothed bedrock under it. I looked around the stream. The land seemed to be in a wide forested valley. The stream ran northwest from where i was. I knew that it curved around to the west as it approached the camp ground. I walked through the shallow water of the stream, heading up the short set of falls. The water seemed to be moving much faster in this section of the stream. I mentioned to my mother that it was interesting that the water here was moving much faster than in the section of the stream near the campground because the water here was much shallower. It was spread out over a wider area. My mother walked up the bank of the falls to my right, as i walked upstream. I then noticed that the water from the stream seemed to be flowing around a small section of grassy ground towards me. The stream seemed to make a Y just before it started down small falls toward me. I climbed up to the top of the falls to get a better look. I could see that the stream had overflowed its old bed and was starting to flow over the hill to the south. I followed the new stream. It went down the grassy lawn and into the camp ground, along the side of a brown cabin. The cabin was to my right as i walked across the lawn. The water seemed to disappear into the soil in the center of the lawn. I realized that the stream was starting to change its course. I then looked to the south to see the lake. It seemed at a slightly higher elevation than the lawn, but at a lower elevation than the stream. I looked back to the stream and then to the lake again. I asked my mother if she knew what was happening. I told her that the stream was starting to change its course to head into the lake. I asked her whether she knew what that meant. I seemed fascinated with the idea. She shook her head, so i told her that it meant that the stream that was running by our campground, and all the rest of the stream would eventually dry up. It would no longer be a river bed. I turned back around and looked out over the lake. I then noticed that water from the lake was starting to overflow its shore and pour into the campground. I could see the edge of the lake near me starting to flow over the grassy edge, carrying small twigs and water logged reeds with it as it started to flow down the grassy slope. I backed up a little. My father climbed up onto the cement platform which was to our left. The water was starting to flow along the base of the platform. We stood at the western edge of the platform watching the water. Then a young man from the campground called to us. He warned my about the snake. My father looked around, but the man called out again, telling him that i was the one near the snake. I could not see the snake on the ground, but i realized that it might be in the trees over my head. I ducked below the branches and walked along the cement platform, away from the western edge. The southern edge of the platform was long, and looked out over the thicket along the lake shore. The cement platform was slanted downward to the south, and had rows of holes drilled into it. I then realized that the snakes were probably hiding in the holes. I looked at the short cement wall on the north side of the platform and noticed that there was a green loop sticking out of one of the holes. It was a snake. I told my father that we had to be careful of the holes. I looked around the platform and could see several other snakes sticking out of the holes. I brushed up against one with my right elbow. I wondered whether they were poisonous. They had not attacked me yet, so i thought that they might not be that dangerous. I then thought that i did not know too much about this type of snake. I seemed to be in a foreign land, and was unfamiliar with the animals here. We should get out of this place. I walked towards the window on the back of the platform, parted the white curtains that were hanging in it and climbed through. I came out at the bottom of a set of brown stairs. There was a white and brown building to my left, with a window into an apartment just to my left. The stairs ran up hill along the side of the building. The place seemed german. I then turned to the right and walked along the side of the hill. I realized that we were near the side of the ocean. I looked out over the surface of the water, seeing only haze in the distance. The water seemed at a higher elevation than the land that we were on. I thought that the water from the ocean would eventually flood the land as well. I could see heavy waves blowing in from over the surface of the ocean. I thought that it must have been from the storm. Then i noticed the river to the east of us. It was flowing south over the farm field. It was flooding, and was washing away the land with it. I then noticed the farmer on the other side of the river. He was standing near his tractor, but he was trapped in the middle of the flood water. The land around him slowly was flowing down stream. I knew that there was nothing that we could do for him. I then noticed that my father had walked over to the edge of the river to look at some of the farm equipment. He seemed to be trying to save some of it. I knew that he was in a dangerous place. The water was flowing through a narrow channel at the edge of the field in order to get to the lower part of the valley, and was washing away dirt as it went. He might get caught in the flood. I called to him and told him to get away from the area, but he did not seem to hear me. I called to him again. I was worried about him.

11998 August 23

I was on the boat with my parents. We were traveling up the center of the channel. It seemed as though we had just escaped from something and were heading northwest to get to someplace. It seemed as though we had to catch a plane at the other city. My father sat behind me and to the right. He was piloting the boat. We rode out from the side stream into the main river. It seemed as though we were heading more to the east. I thought that we might be heading to Montreal. The land around us was relatively flat, with thick pine forests and many areas of protruding bedrock. The river seemed somewhat wide, with ragged shores of rocks and trees. There were many bays around us. My mother told my father to be careful of the rocks. She was afraid that we would run into them. I looked off the starboard side of the boat to see a rocky island passing very close to us. My father was driving the boat along the edge of the channel. I could see some rocks under the water as they passed by. I then looked forward down the canal. The river ahead of us seemed narrow and very straight. It had cement walls on wither side of it. I then noticed the large boat coming towards us. It was oddly shaped. I realized that it should not be in the water. It was shaped like the Apollo lunar module, but it was made of a white and yellow fiberglass shell. I knew that it was not the real module. The men called to us as we tried to maneuver around it in the water. I noticed that the legs were still on the module. This was not the real lunar unit. I knew that something was wrong here, but i could not let the people in the other boat think that i knew. I had to act as if they were the real boat. I knew that they would have to kill us if we discovered their identity. I watched as they passed, not asking any questions. I was worried that they might be suspicious of us.

I was at my grandmother’s house. There seemed to be something wrong. I was in a white room in the upstairs. I looked around and noticed that there was a thin white wisp of smoke rising on the other side of the room. There was a white door on the side of the room. I walked over to the door, starting to worry that there might be a fire. I opened the door the apartment adjacent. I could see that the room was filled with steam rather than smoke. I did not know from where the steam was coming, however. It did not seem right. There was a siamese cat sitting on the kitchen counter in the small white room. I then realized that someone was taking a shower downstairs. I wondered whether this could have caused the steam. There did not seem to be a way for the smoke to enter the room. I then noticed that there was an old steam vent on the ceiling of the kitchen. It had been covered over with duct tape, which had been painted white, to match the room. I realized that the steam pipe from the lower bathroom was venting steam into the kitchen upstairs. I through that i should go down and tell my grandmother that she should not use the bathroom fan any more.

11998 August 24

I was in the record store looking through the racks. I was looking for the remix version of the Indigo Girl’s song “Shed Your Skin”. I spoke to the clerk, who was standing to my left. I then noticed the new white and red CD in the rack. It seemed to have an opaque cover, and was a new release. The title of the album was The Remixes, and was printed in black, widely spaced, sans serif type across the top of the cover. I turned it over and read the songs on the back. The one i was looking for did not seem to be there. There were many songs listed, with parentheses after them telling what kind of remix it was. “Shed Your Skin” did not appear on the album, though. I mentioned this to the clerk. I was disappointed.

I was in the car with the other people as we drove down the road. The man had suggested that i get what i was looking for at the store. The name of the store only had three letters in it, and i seemed to be in some place which had different customs than i did. I looked out the right window of the car to see the large grey building at the edge of the sidewalk. It had white sheet plastic hanging over the front of it, and i could tell that it was under renovation. The front of the building seemed to have many strange projections, which were all pieces of decorative detail on the front of the building. The detail seemed to be yellow and blue. We drove on past the store when we came to the over look. There was a lake below up, and we were on a high place. The man next to me grabbed onto the vine and started to swing down over the river. He was going to get off of the grey rock cliff that the others were trapped on. I thought that he should have waited for help. I then noticed that Tarzan was already on the other vine swinging to save the three people. They passed in midair. Tarzan looked back at the man, wondering what he was doing. He then looked down and realized that the water was approaching him very fast. I thought that he might be too low on the vine and actually drag across the surface of the water. I could see him pass just over the surface of the water from my position just below the surface of the water. He swung up to the other side of the cliff, where the woman and the other man were still stranded. I knew that he would have to rescue the other man first. Tarzan looked back as the vine he was on came to a rest in midair near the side of the cliff. The expression on his face was one of confusion. The tree trunk on which he was standing then started to swing back over the water. He would have to grab the other man and bring him to the side wall. I watched, however, as the log on which Tarzan was standing drove back through the water. I could see him clearly as he passed beneath the surface of the water. I realized that the drag on his swing would take away too much momentum. He would never be able to make it all the way back to the height of the cliff where the people were trapped. The log appeared out the other side of the water, but only rose above the surface of the water before returning on a downward course. Tarzan was stopped over the water. I watched him as he climbed onto the nearby shore and thought about swing on the rope again. He would have to build up momentum in order to make it back up to the cliff. The man who had swung on the rope was now walking along the side of the water from the left. I thought that i would not want to swing on the rope long enough to build up speed. I thought that we had to find some other way to get up the side of the cliff to rescue the woman and the other man. Turned and looked along the cliff wall. There seemed to be no easy place to climb. I then looked to the right, where the wall ended in a large archway that led out onto the main gardens of the place. This cliff was not real. It was part of a large artificial structure. The walls of the archway were made of block stone, and seemed to be climbable. I knew that it would be dangerous. There was a guard standing in the center of the archway, and it seemed that he might try to stop me from climbing the walls. I had to get up the side of the building to rescue them. I turned to the left and ran into the center of the building. I knew that the rock face was on the front surface of the building, and i thought that i could get to the ledge from some room inside of the building. I turned the corridor and ran into the large center room of the mansion. There were two security guards sitting on the right side of the corridor as i entered the main stairwell. The stairs descended in front of me towards the large window. They then turned to the left and headed down in the opposite direction to the next floor. I stepped off of the red oriental carpet and ran down the black marble of the stairs. I came to the vertical metal bars what separated the stairs from the window. I looked out the window to see that i was several floors from the ground level. I then realized that i could see the front of the White House across the trees of the park. I was in the government mansion. I wondered whether i should be running around in the building. I then looked down and noticed that the metal bars ran from the ceiling all the way down to the white marble floor several stories down. They were the only things preventing people from falling off the end of the stairs. I gasped loudly at the height and stepped back from the edge. I looked around to my right to see the guards snickering at me. They were amused by my fear, muttering to each other that everyone was afraid of the height at the edge of the stairs. I grabbed onto the metal bars and looked down the space between the bars and the edge of the stairs. I noticed that the ceiling lamp, which was illuminating the lobby several floor down, was hanging from the center bar. I could see the decorative white shell of the lamp below me. I then decided that i had to get back to searching for an access point to the cliff. I looked out the window and tried to see what was to the right. I thought that the cliff was on the front of the building, to the left of me. I could not see anything, but it seemed the correct direction. I turned around and ran back up the stairs. As i reached the platform at the top of the stairs, i turned to the left and ran into the small corridor that was through a doorway. There was a man sitting in a wooden chair at the bottom of a steep set of stairs which ran up the right wall of the dull red room. I paused at the bottom of the stairs, my left hand on the wooden railing that curved from the bottom of the staircase. I turned to the man, who was sitting to the left of the staircase, and asked whether the area up the stairs was restricted. He said that it was all right for me to wander up. I ran up the stairs. As i reached the top, i could hear the woman calling out for me. I called back to her. I called her “Jane”. I then heard her call back to me. I was Tarzan. I realized that the sound was coming from behind me. I looked back down the wall of the stairs and noticed that there was a section of the wall where the sheet metal had been separated from the steel beams. The stairway that i was in seemed unfinished, and was not part of the normal museum. I looked out through the hole in the wall to see the woman in a loose pink dress. I realized that the man with her must have tried to kick in the metal place, but could only break the corner from its seams. I looked out through the hole and asked the woman how she was. Then i noticed the utility crane moving towards the cliff. They were coming to rescue the two people. I could see the red and white basket rise towards us on the white arm. The woman stepped out onto the basked and moved away from the wall. She was being saved. I looked to the right to see that the man had stepped onto the rusted metal grate of the green forklift, which had also lifted up to the ledge. They were safe now. I decided that i had to get back down to the outside of the building. I ran back down the stairs and found myself in the back corridor. I had to find Kong, the gorilla which had been searching with me. Kong was the person who had swung from the cliff on the other rope, as i was swinging toward the cliff. He was now wandering through the mansion in search of the access to the cliff. I had to find him and bring him to the ground, where the woman was. I wondered what i would tell the security guards. It seemed strange that i was looking for a gorilla. I turned a few corners and ran down the unfinished halls. It seemed as though i were not heading back the way i had come. I did not remember being in an unfinished section for so long a distance. I then ran down the narrow corridor and down the stairs. I came into the small work shop. There was a wooden work bench that curved around the right wall of the room. The room was strangely shaped, with odd angles. There was an older man in the room wearing a loose white lab coat. He had white hair and a pair of glasses. He seemed somewhat unkempt, and looked up as me as i stood at the top of the stairs which descended steeply into the room. He was the professor that i had come with. He was the other man. I told him about the woman and said that we had to find her. He seemed confused and addled. I had to get back to the outside of the building and back to the man and the woman.

11998 August 25

I was in the driveway of my grandmother’s house. There was someone there who was threatening us. He was trying to hold us hostage. He commanded the other people who were with us. I stood in front of the neighbours’ house, listening to the man. Then the other person told the man that i knew where the other guns were. I knew that the man had run out of guns. He still had many bullets, but he was out of the semiautomatic guns. I knew where there were some more, but i was not going to lead the man to them. I ran around the side of $F1’s house and into the back yard. There still seemed to be trees in the back yard. I then started to fly. I flew up onto the roof of the back porch of the neighbours’ house. I thought that i could hide from the man here. I then started to fly again. I circled overhear, thinking that i could land on the man as he came around to the back of the house. I thought that he might be amazed at my ability to fly. The man seemed like $F1. I circled over the back yard a few times, imagining how i could jump off of the roof and tackle the man. I looped high in the air above my grandmother’s house. I felt happy to be able to fly. I then landed on the street in front of the house, which was on the other side of the street from my grandmother’s house. I felt as though i were not able to do something. I knew that i could leave because he bad people were holding the others hostage. I felt as though i had to do something, but i could not do it openly for fear that the bad people would react. The man walked towards me. He was $K9, and he was one of the people threatening us. I thought that i should break the windows on the house. It would let people know that there was something wrong. It would also seem as if i were simply mad. I paced around the pale green room as $K9 passed in front of me and sat down in the cushioned chair in front of the window. I then noticed that there were windows along the entire front wall of the room. I thought that i should use a stone or something hard to hit the window. I had to act before the man was aware of what i was plotting. I struck at the large window with the object, but the glass did not break. I then picked up the small black table and swung it at the window. I broke a hole in the black-framed window. $K9 started to get upset. I then started throwing other items of furniture through the windows. I thought that there might be a police car passing out front which would see the disturbance and come to check it out. I could see the car out the window, down the street. It felt strange to be breaking the windows. I knew that my relatives would be upset. It seemed the only way that i could express myself, however. I sat down in the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. $K1 opened the refrigerator door and pulled the package of cheese from the top shelf. She told me that she was taking it, and wanted to know whether i had any objections. She was trying to get me to admit that i wanted the cheese. She was one of the bad people. I remembered that my mother had purchased the cheese earlier, and had left it in the refrigerator for me to take home. It was a special white cheese with a musky flavour. I could not tell $K1 that it was my cheese, because that would make me sound bad. She said that she was taking it in a demanding voice and sat down at the table. I felt very upset with her and the rest of my relatives. I pulled one of the eggs from the brown bag that was on the table in front of me and threw it into $K1’s face. The egg hit her on the forehead and split open. The yolk started to run down her face when she placed her hand on it and rubbed it around her hear, to make a wider mess. I through that it was her way of making the situation worse so that i would be more at fault. I felt upset, and no longer cared what my relatives thought. I threw a second egg, making sure that it made more of a mess.

11998 August 26

I looked around the suburban area. It was night, and i was with $F12. We were in the side lawn of the house in the small town. We seemed to be near the center of town. The house was light green and covered with stucco. It was a single level house, and looked like something from the late fourties. Something seemed wrong, though. I was very uneasy with the situation. I looked around the street, thinking that there was something out of place. I then realized that we were still back in time. We had not moved forward in time as we should have. I quietly warned $F12 that we were in the fifties. It was important that we act like people from the fifties so that no one would get suspicious of us. I then thought that our clothes and hairstyle might give us away. We started walking down the dark street towards the center of town. I started to feel cold and realized that we were not properly dressed for the weather. We had to get someplace until we could move forward in time. We seemed to be headed north down the road which ran past the churches. It ended only half a block ahead of us on the main road through town. We needed a place to hide. I knew that there were police cars patrolling the area. I was worried that they would stop us. I knew that we did not look like people that should be in this neighbourhood. As we walked down the narrow small-town street, i started to notice the large churches on the right side of the road, to the east of us. I was suddenly worried about the police car patrolling the main street, so i ran towards the front door of the church. There was a small porch on the front of the church, with a roof that was supported by thing white poles. The door of the church was large and wooden, and had decorative carvings. I walked into the church. The main chapel was square, but had no pews. It was a large, very plain room that reached two stories up. There seemed to be no decoration in the room at all. The walls were made of horizontal wooden boards which were painted white. The church seemed to be old and fairly unused. There was a large opening at the back end of the room which led into a smaller chamber to the east. I walked into the small back room of the church. It seemed like a back porch which had been boarded up for the winter. It seemed cooler in the room, and less maintained. As i backed into the main room again, it seemed as though there was a staircase to the north which led up to the steeple and balcony. I then noticed the large red stained-glass window in the back wall of the church. It was circular, and seemed to be composed of beaded glass which was cut into intricate patterns. I thought that it must be very old. It was very beautiful, but looked worn. I wondered whether we would be able to stay in the church. It was warmer inside that it was outside, even though the church did not seem to be well heated. Then i started to hear the music coming from the basement of the church. It seemed very distant. I spoke to $F12 as we listened. It sounded like early-nineties dance music. We realized that there was someone else in the church. We could not be found here, or we might get reported to the police. We walked out the front of the church and cautiously walked towards the center of town. We tried to stay along the edges of the buildings where the street lights cast shadows so that no one would notice us.

11998 August 28

I moved slowly down the country road. I seemed to be rolling a tire down the road. I had just come from somewhere, and i had to take the tire with me to repair something. I seemed to be sitting on the tire as i rolled it. I was pushing down in front of me with my legs to get the tire moving. Then i noticed the two middle-aged women who were walking down the road in the same direction that i was. They were out for a stroll. It was a bright day, with a cool wind. The sky was a pale blue, and the ground was covered with golden field grass. There seemed to be a low range of mountains to the south as i walked east down the road. The women paused for a moment to look out over the mountains. The sun seemed to be in the southwest, and low on the horizon. I got off of the tire and looked around. There seemed to be an old farm house on the north side of the road. The women had some relation to the house. There were other people gathering around me as i stood in front of the house. I started to do some card tricks. I fanned out the deck of cards that i had in my hand. I was standing on a semicircular dais which was made of a dark stone. The people sat around the curve. I then dropped the deck of cards on the street in which we were. It was part of the trick. A few people tried to pick up the cards. I then looked at some of the remaining dollar bills that i had in my hand. I had to throw them and magically make them land on the rest of the money that i had thrown to the ground. I knew that a bill would be hard to throw. I would not be able to perform the trick as i had expected. I then wadded up the bill in my hand and threw it at the pile. I realized that i was giving away the money. It seemed strange, and i spoke to the woman near me about it. She wondered why i was simply giving away money. I knew that it was for a good reason. I then noticed the older man walking in front of me. I threw a wadded up bill at him. I then told the girl that i could give her some. Her parents were near, though, so i should not be associated with her. I then realized that i should be leaving. I had to catch the bus and head out. I thought about the bus station in which i was. It seemed more like a subway station. I remembered catching the train before with my grandmother and parents. I remembered that we had gotten on the train on the other side of the station, where the cement platform was on the outside of the building, and there were trees all around. The tracks ran to the south from there. It was a sunny day then. I was entirely inside now as i made sure that my bag was packed. I started to walk with $F6 across the station. He was carrying my bags. I walked up the circular stair case to the upper level of the station. I looked back at $F6 and realized that he was still carrying my bag. He then mentioned that i should take it for myself. I remembered that i had asked him to carry it for a reason, but he no longer had to. I grabbed my suit bag from his shoulder and slung it over my shoulder. I seemed to be carrying one of his bags as well. I thought that it would not matter, as he had been carrying mine. Then i thought of something. I placed the bag on the floor and unzipped the maroon suit bag. It seemed as though i had forgotten something. I looked at the clothes inside. I was trying to hurry so that we would not be late for the bus. I was tangling the clothes inside of the garment bag as i tried to reposition it. I was getting frustrated with the bag. I had to zip it again and get moving. $F6 was waiting behind me.

I was in the back room of my parents’ house. It seemed to be part of a basement, with cement walls on both sides. I stepped into the room and noticed that there was water on the floor. I knew that it was not good, and thought that something must have gone wrong. My father was standing on the west side of the room, near the south end. I wondered where the water had come from. I walked to the north end of the room, thinking that i should open the door on the east side of the house. That should let the water pour out into the back yard. I wondered why the water had not seeped out into the yard through the door before. It seemed as though it should have. As i approached the door, i realized that the water was not high around the door. The ground in front of the door was higher than the rest of the room, and the water did not make it to the door. I could see the uneven stone on the step in front of the door. There seemed to be a small tree just in side the door as well. I then turned around and looked back over the water in the room. I asked my father why the water had not flowed down into the well, which was under the floor of the back room. I knew that it could easily seep through the cracks around the well cover and run into the hole in the ground. My father said that it would not. I did not understand why. This situation did not seem to make sense.

I was sitting in the small white chamber. I was an astronaut, and we were hanging around in the space station. It was some sort of experiment. I looked around the room. The compartment seemed to be made of a vinyl material which was sewn into the shape of a cube. There was a zipper across the wall to my right, and there was a woman in the chamber with me. We were waiting to be retrieved. The situation seemed to be worrisome, but i did not feel anything. I knew that we were in trouble. We were in space, and there was a vacuum around the room. Someone would have to come after us. I wondered whether there would be enough oxygen to supply us. I then reached to the right wall and unzipped one of the doors. I stepped into the large plastic bag, thinking that i would have to get to the other part of the station. I then realized that the bag around me was out in space, and that i would have to get some air to breath. I fought for a moment with the loose folds of the bag. Something seemed to be wrong. I was worried about the air. I seemed to be on a foreign surface. I thought for a moment that it might be the moon. I knelt on the ground and opened the mouth of the bag around my feel. I could feel the cold air coming into the bag. I realized that it was safe to breath outside. The air that was coming seemed fresh and cold. I then realized that it was on the surface of another planet. It was extremely cold here. I could feel my hands become frosty. I thought that i was on the moon, but there seemed air to breath. I was in some kind of chamber. There were people around me working on metal objects. Then the man in front of me asked me where my gloves were. He seemed to be someone in charge. I knew that the low pressure was not good for my skin, but that the chilling cold would freeze my fingers. The man to my right turned around. He was wearing a large pair of black rubber gloves which were like the kind that chemists wore in a laboratory. He was the one who was wearing my gloves. The first man was angry that the other man had forgotten his own gloves. The worker took off his gloves and gave them to me. I was then the worker. I should have brought my own gloves. My hands were getting cold. I could feel them freezing. I walked over to the table to my left, where the jet engine had been placed. It had just been running, and was still warm. I moved my hands around the bottom of the cylinder, feeling the heat radiating from it. The workman walked out the door of the room to the left as the man in charge continued to talk to me. I started to relax and felt a little better. I leaned back on the bed as the other man talked to me. The bed was covered with white sheets. Then i moved suddenly from the bed. There was something wrong. I noticed the large black scorpion in the center of the white sheets. I got out of the bed and looked around for more scorpions. I knew that they were a danger here.

11998 August 29

I walked down the suburban street towards the city to the north. We were on a hill, and the darkened city was below us. As i looked out over the valley, i seemed to be level with the tops of the buildings. I was heading someplace with the others. It seemed that we were going back to where we had come from. I walked ahead of the others, feeling somewhat excited about returning to the area. I then started to fly over the houses. I knew that the others would find their way. I landed in the parking lot near the ring of parked trucks. It was daylight, and the ground was gravel. The area seemed to be an abandoned lot. I knew that the men with the vans were dangerous as i walked towards them. I then noticed that one of them was carrying an automatic rifle in his hands. He was wearing loose white clothing. I realized that they were going to make an attack on America. I spoke to him in babble, which i hoped sounded like a foreign language. I did not want him to know that i was an American. I walked past him and on to the other side of the group of trucks. I felt uncomfortable being with the group, as they were preparing for an attack. I knew that i would not say anything to anyone about it, but i also knew that they would not trust me if they thought i was an American. I decided to leave. I walked back out of the circle. I tried not to act nervous to the people around me. I thought that these people were terrorists, and that they were dangerous. I then noticed Sadam Hussain walking into the ring from between two white trucks. I knew that these people were serious. I walked out of the circle and headed across the street towards the store where the others had gone. I hoped that the terrorists would not fire on me as i walked out .I walked across the corridor of the mall and into the record store. I started to look over the racks of used CDs that they had. I noticed that the right half of the rack was filled with tapes. I then spotted $F4 at the front of the store. He had left the other building with me and was supposed to meet me in the mall. I spoke to him briefly, mentioning that i had been looking for a certain album. I told the shop manager, who was standing behind the counter in front of us, about the Indigo Girls single. He had not heard of it. $F4 then started walking back towards the front of the store. I turned to the right and wandered through the back of the store, wondering whether i should search for something. I could not remember for what CDs i was looking. Then i noticed $A184. $F4 had brought him to the back of the store to show me that he was in town. I said hello to him. He then asked a question and i answered it. I then realized that i had probably upset him with my honest answer. I remembered that $A184 was always very sensitive to personal comments. I felt bad, but did not know what to say. Then i noticed that he no longer had a beard, but simply a mustache. The rest of his face was shaved smooth. I tried to comment, but he kept walking away from me, his head tipped down slightly as he headed towards the front of the store. His face showed that he was upset.

I started running with the large group. I was running in some sort of race with the other people. We were heading up the stairs of the building. The stair well seemed to be in the center of the building, and the runners were wearing brightly coloured shirts, which were red, indigo, or pink. I wondered whether i would be able to keep up with the other runners. I knew that i had not run in quite a while and that i might be out of shape. I hoped that i could keep up with the rest. I felt very good about running. I reached the top of the stairs and followed the other runners down. The set of stairs ran parallel to the ones we had run up. I thought that we would have to run twelve laps of the stairs. After a while, i seemed to be running by myself. I knew that there was a group in front of me, but i had passed quite a few people who were all behind me. There was no one running with me any more. I wondered where i was in relation to all o of the runners. It seemed as though i was doing well. I hoped that i could keep going at the same pace. I then realized that i was almost down with the run. I reached the top of the stairs again and started down the other set. I hopped down the other set, not running down the stairs, but rather using the railing to hop over several steps. The stairs, on which i now was, seemed to be covered with a green and blue shag carpet. I reached the bottom. There was a woman there who was one of the officials. I seemed confused. I started to wonder how many laps there were in the race. I asked the woman whether there were twenty laps in the race. She said that there were. I started back up the stairs, wondering whether i would be able to run the rest. I had only planned on twelve. I still felt good, though. I decided that i was more than half way through the race, so i could at least do well if i could keep the position that i was in. I reached the top of the stairs and started down the other side. The descending stairs now seemed different. I hopped over them again, realizing that there was someone following me down the stairs. I then ran into the large atrium of the mall and headed towards the stairs on the other side. I then noticed some other runners at the bottom of the set of stairs which ran up to the next level, to the right. I reached the bottom of the stairs and started to head up when i noticed that they were part of an escalator, and that it had been switched on. I stopped and exclaimed, “What the hell is this?” The man to my left told me to be quiet. He did not want anyone to know that they had turned on the escalator. I looked to my left to see the other runners gathered. They were all planning on using the escalator to make the run easier. I felt out of place, and simply turned around and ran back across the atrium. I thought that i would use the other set of stairs.

11998 August 30

I wandered through the halls of the school. I had just spoken with the other man. He was planning on destroying the school. I had a large gun in my hands which could shoot explosive bullets. As i walked down the long hall of the school i looked for things to shoot. I then came to an area where the hall opened up on the right side of the corridor. I seemed to be on the second level of the building, and the opening overlooked the floor below. The walls of the building were made of yellow tile. I fired the gun into the wall on the opposite side of the hall. The two bullets embedded in the wall. They were silent for a moment, but then exploded, bringing part of the wall down with it. I wondered whether this is what the other man wanted me to do. I then walked into the large gymnasium. There were some cheerleaders practicing on the left side of the room. I looked over to the wall on the right and fired some more shells. They again embedded themselves into the wall, but did not seem to explode with as much force this time. Something seemed wrong. I walked over towards the left wall of the gym. There was a door leading out to the left. I knew that it led somewhere that most of the college students did not go. I walked through the door and came into a narrow corridor with pale green walls. The corridor to the left seemed to end. It came to a stop at a small window. I could see the woman sitting outside of the window. I knew that she was sitting on the ledge which went around the circumference of the building’s dome. Students usually hung out around the lower edge of the dome. It had a nice view of the lake. I turned around and looked the other direction down the corridor. I could see the corridor curved randomly away. It seemed very narrow and low. I did not think that it went anywhere, but then i saw the two oriental students walking toward me. The man led the way, holding the woman’s left hand with his right. They walked out the door and into the gymnasium. I walked down the corridor a little until i could see the screened wall on the left side which looked out onto the patio. The patio was part of a balcony which ran around the bottom of the dome. Two more oriental students were sitting at an old wooden table to the left of the screen door, and were being server by a waiter. The three of them looked around at me as i stood in the corridor, looking out at them. I then wondered how i could get out to where the woman was. I walked back down the corridor and looked out the screened window to where the woman was sitting. She had her back to me, and she had long reddish brown hair. I wanted to go out to meet her.

I had been waiting in the woods for the man to arrive. I was now standing on the edge of the road, just out side of the small camping area where i had been waiting. I wondered whether he was coming. A truck then turned onto the dirt road near me and drove up the steep hill into the woods. I thought that i had already been up there looking for the man, but had not seen him. I then wandered around along the edge of the road. I noticed the steep driveway that ran up the hill to the small motel. I saw the man standing in front of the hotel. He had shoulder length white hair and was balding on top. I walked up the hill towards him and told him that i had been waiting by the woods for about an hour. He seemed surprised and apologized. He said that he had been here for a while as well. I thought that he had only driven up a little white ago. He then started talking to the woman from the hotel. He was showing her the pamphlet. The man then started talking about the book burning that the pamphlet was advertising. He seemed to refer to it as something ridiculous. I laughed and made jokes about the “great christian conflagration”. The woman was standing with her daughter as they listened to the man. I thought that they might be offended by words, as they implies that Christianity be taken lightly. I walked down the side of the motel and looked out over the grassy hill to the southwest. The sun was shining brightly and there was a cool breeze. It seemed like a very nice day. I felt peaceful and relaxed. I raised my armed from my side and felt the wind blow past me.

11998 August 31

I moved around through the aging building. It seemed like an apartment, and was several stories tall. I was quite a way from the ground as i moved through the windows on one corner of the brick high-rise, passing through the empty room. The white paint on the walls was chipping, and the ceilings seemed high. I moved out the window on the side of the room. There was a young boy in the window. He was standing on the outside of the window ledge, holding onto the wooden window frame. The frame had been painted green, but the paint was faded and cracked. I realized that the boy was standing on a tall wooden sign which ran vertically down the side of the building. I knew that the structure was rotting, and thought that the sign might give out from under the boy. I then saw the green wooden sign fall from its mounting on the side of the wall. The boy landed on his abdomen across the swinging frame of the window. The woman inside panicked, and called out to the boy. He hung for a moment over the edge of the building before the window swung back in. He was safe. I hovered on the outside of the building. I remembered that there were many disasters going on. I then thought about the fires in $P3.

I finished writing out the documentation and handed it to someone. I was having trouble formatting it. It would not do what i wanted it to do. I was then on the bus, heading home from school. I kept thinking about the documents. I then spotted $A129 on the bus. I suddenly remembered that i was supposed to have an interview with her. I made a vocal sigh as i realized that i had been working all morning and had simply forgot. It was after noon now, and i would not be able to go back to the interview. I then noticed that $A185 was sitting across from me on the bus. He had heard me sigh and wondered what was wrong. I told him about the interview. I felt disappointed. I then walked from the bus, around the side of the brick school building. I knew that i was in $P66. I was part of the team, but i seemed too old to be in high school. I walked into the building. The room i was in was large, but there was a wall blocking the entrance way from the center of the room. I walked around the sides of the room, following the black wall. The outside wall of the building was cinder block, which had been covered with a thick coat of white paint. I was then in the opposite corner of the building. This place was near the locker room. I was waiting for the rest of the team to show up. It seemed for a moment that i was on the track team, but then i remembered that there was a wrestling match coming up. I would have to change into appropriate clothing. I looked down and noticed that i was wearing a singlet under a pair of long red sweat pants. Someone walked past me. He seemed to be a younger man. I thought that he might be with the other athletic team. I wondered where the rest of my team was. I felt out of place here. I wandered back, around to the other corner of the building. I could then see into the gymnasium. The space in the room was small, and there were bleachers on all four walls. In the center of the room was a small wrestling mat. There were two boys wrestling each other. I watched them for a moment and noticed how they simply seemed to be pushing at each other. I then realized that they were very young, and probably did not learn how to wrestle properly. They were both wearing dark grey uniforms. I spoke to the person to my right, who was also watching the match. The young boys then started to push each other again. It seemed that they did not know how to wrestle.

I walked down the road which ran under the highway bridges. I seemed to be in some place that i was not familiar with. I thought about being in Russia. The city around me seemed cold, and all of the buildings were single or double level. I thought of traveling in the large tank. I thought that it might be a safe way of traveling through the city. I imagined the large machine rolling down the street. Then i realized that it would be too tall to fit under the highway overpass. I imagined it skimming under the cement girders. I then watched the power lines which ran over head. I thought that they might get caught in the tank. I knew that the Russian tanks would pull down the power lines in the suburban area. The area around me seemed like a commercial district. I turned to walk down the street. There was a wooded area to my left, with thin, leafless trees as i came to the intersection of the main road. I looked across the street to my left and saw the row of buildings. They seemed like churches. I felt as though i had to get away from something. I thought about the tank traveling through the bridges. I knew that route 86 passed over the road. I knew that i could use it to get away, but i had to hide here. I ran into the front door of the church. There were people gathering inside. The main hall seemed to be off of the chapel. It seemed more like a bingo room. There was a small door at the back of the room. I knew that it was only for special people to go into. I was curious in it. There were two men standing near me. They watched me, but did not ask me any questions. I felt uncomfortable here, but wanted to go into the back room. I felt out of place among the people in the church. I then started to wonder whether these people were part of a self-help group.