11999 August 04

i was near the group of people. They seemed like the wrestling team. I felt as though i were very familiar with them, even though i knew that i did not know any of them. They were picking on one of the team members. I felt uncomfortable watching. I knew that they accepted me, but i remembered what they had done. They had killed one of the team members who did not do as they wanted. It seemed natural, at first. They would simply overpower the young man and kill him. No one would know to where he had disappeared. I was uneasy with this practice, but felt afraid to say anything. I watched as the team encircled one of the men. I worried that they might come after me.

11999 August 07

I woke up all of the sudden. There was a table to the left of my bed. I looked at the digital clock on top of it as i lay in bed. I did not feel like waking up, but i knew that i had to get up to go to a meeting. I did not really feel like going, but i was worried that i was late. I looked at the red numbers on the face of the clock. It was almost noon. I thought that i had already missed the meeting, but i would have to get up to get to work in the afternoon. I thought that i would have to be at the meeting at 14:00. The clock said that it was 13:50. I suddenly realized that i would not be able to get to my meeting. I was worried that i had missed my meeting.

I walked along the road past the gas station. It seemed to be the gas station on the corner of $P88 and $P23. I walked into the front door of the station. I told the man inside that i had to buy some stamps. I knew that stamps were sold here. $A237 was with me. It seemed strange to meet him again. I said hello. He remembered me. He was not wearing a shirt, and i thought that he was nicely built. I told him that i was just passing through town on my way to Buffalo. I then wondered why i would be traveling through this town on my way to Buffalo. It seemed to be out of the way. Something seemed wrong with this situation.

11999 August 14

I was in the new house that my mother had just bought. I looked out the back window. There was a lot of land around the house. I was then in front of the house. The house seemed very modern. And had a large grass lawn around it. The house was near the top of a rounded hill. The entire top of the hill was covered with field grass. I looked to the east as i stood to the north of the small red house. There was a line of green leafy trees which ran along the north side of the field. It was a sunny day with a light haze, and the sky was a rich blue. I walked toward the house. It was modern and very plain on the outside. The upper floor was red and seemed to have horizontal slats of wood. There was a cement patio in front of the house. I walked into the front door of the building and found myself in the main corridor of the high school. The walls were a light brown. The school did not seem to be in session. I looked down at my feet and noticed that i was wearing oddly shaped red shoes. The did not seem like shoes, but i knew that it was all i had to wear. I felt embarrassed about them. I started to feel as though i did not belong to this place. The bell of the school then rang, but there was no one around the school yard. I felt strange, as though i should be in class. A man then came out of the building near me. I tried to act as though i belonged here. I wanted to make him think that i was not late for class. I walked along the side of the building, up the steep slope of the grassy hill. I was heading to the southeast, along the northeast wall of the building. I wondered whether the man was following me. I thought that he might be suspicious of me. I knew that i was just visiting this place. I not longer belonged here. It was an elementary school that i had gone to long ago. I was then walking with the building on my left. There was a large glass window on the side of the building. I could see the cafeteria on the other side of the window. I decided that i should go into the building. I walked over to the door that was in the wall of the building and opened it. There was a cloud of thin white smoke in the hall. I thought that something must be burning in the cafeteria. I looked to the right, down the empty hall. There was a table of food just outside of the door to the cafeteria. It was covered with different kinds of bread. I looked over the bread and wondered whether someone had burned the bread while trying to make toast. There were several english muffins on the table. I thought that they would be the easiest to burn in a toaster.

11999 August 15

I climbed up the steps of the steep rocky mountain. This place was part of some expensive resort. The stairs were narrow and seemed to be made of stone. They wound up the long arm of the tall mountain peak. This place seemed like it was in some other country. I wondered whether it was Tibet. The mountain was to the north of me as i climbed toward the west. There was a large wooden structure on one of the flat surfaces on the side of the mountain. It looked like a log cabin, but was very large. It seemed norse in style. There were people gathered outside of the building. They were performing some kind of ceremony. This felt like a special place, but i felt uncomfortable being here. I walked to the building. There were some children standing to my right, against the tall wooden wall of the building. I felt as though i wanted to join in with the ceremony, but i also felt as though i did not belong here. I listened to the children as they spoke, trying to figure out what was going on. One of the children said something that caught my attention. The young girl said it was the “north wall”. I knew that there was some significance to what she was saying, but i could not figure out what it was.

11999 August 17

I sneaked across the small room of the house. It seemed to be very early in the morning. The light was rather blue, but i could see everything in the room. There were people sleeping on various surfaces around the room. I was sneaking out of the house while everyone was still asleep. I came to the door of the house. $A17 was with me. I told her that we should leave the house. I then started speaking to the others that were escaping with us. It seemed as though we had to get out of the house wile it was still early.

11999 August 18

There was a man marching down the street. He was part of the large group of people who were in the parade, but he was trying to perform some of the moves by himself. I walked away from the window and started to clean up my room. I had to put things away. I carried some of the stuff up the driveway of my parents’ house. It seemed damp and grey out. I placed some of my things into the garage. I had to get my stuffed moved to my new place. I felt worried that i would not be able to get everything there. I then noticed the silver pen that was laying on the ground in front of the garage. I picked it up and looked it over. It seemed that it was more than just a pen. There was something special about it. I tried to remember what was unique about it, but i was having trouble concentrating. I then remembered that i had seen extraterrestrial ships here before. I remembered that they had dropped the pen. I thought that i should keep the pen where they would not be able to find it. The sky then illuminated with a green light. I ran into the garage so that they could not see me. I knew that there was a large round ship hovering over the back yard of the house, but i had to hide in the garage. As long as i had the pen, they would not be able to come after me. I thought that i should keep it so that i knew that they were real. It then seemed that there was someone outside of the garage door. I did not want to go outside to look, because i knew that they were trying to trick me.

11999 August 20

I walked around the front of $P40. I had to get to work. The building was tall and made of brick. It seemed that i was walking across a cement patio which was on the north side of the building. The patio seemed to be set into the ground about a story and a half below the main ground level. There was a bicycle rack in front of the large glass doors of the main entrance. I noticed a young man trying to remove one of the bicycles from the rack. I knew that he was stealing the blue bicycle. I felt upset that he would do such a thing, but i did not seem able to stop him. He took the bicycle and rode away. I turned and walked to the south, through the white corridor of the building. I was in the laboratory. The halls were narrow, and seemed to lead into a complex set of branching corridors. As i walked, i noticed that there was some water oozing across the white polished floor. Something was leaking on one of the labs. I turned to the west and walked into the room where i worked. There was a lot of water on the floor. I wondered what had gone wrong. I hoped that the water did not get onto the computer equipment. I was worried that a sprinkler system might have gone off. I thought that i should tell $A14 about the water.

11999 August 21

I flew through the second-floor hall of $P7. There did not seem to be anyone else around. The place was well lighted. I came to the center of the building and landed in front of the doors to the auditorium. I walked into the back of the room. The place seemed empty at first, but then i noticed that this was really a lecture hall. There was a class sitting in the tan chairs of the room. $A144 was standing on the stage, which was on the east side of the hall. He was giving a lecture. I felt out-of-place here. I did not belong in this place. I then noticed $A23 sitting in one of the chairs of the lecture hall. He was with a woman. I did not recognize her. I wondered why he was going out with another woman. I remembered that he was already dating two other women.

11999 August 24

I was in my parents’ bedroom at their house. It seemed to be very early in the morning. I felt strange here. I knew that i had been sleeping with them. I felt as though they had just copulated. Something seemed strange here. I stood at the foot of the bed. It was dawn already. I wondered why i had been in bed with my parents. Something seemed wrong. The sun then rose through one of the western widows of the house. I thought hat i should get going. This place did not feel comfortable. I walked out of the room, looking back at the bed. $A53 was still sleeping. I thought that i would leave him there. I walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house and picked up the pieces of plastic from the counter. They were part of a set of binoculars. I started to put them back together, but i was not exactly sure how the pieces fit. The binoculars were black and had round plastic lenses. I then noticed that there was a tray of food on the counter in front of me. It was covered with pancakes and cookies. I thought that my mother must have gotten up early and made breakfast again. I felt annoyed. She always made food when i did not want any.

I walked to the west, through the basement of my parents’ house. $A14 was working on something in the cement wall along the north of the long corridor. I remembered this place from before. It was part of a laboratory building. $A14 was trying to blast a hole ion the north wall. I remembered that this place had been shut down a long time ago. It used to be a secret research facility. I wondered why he was trying to get back into the old laboratories. There seemed to be a large round metal door on the north wall which faced to the southeast. There were two or three cement stairs leading up the door. I realized that $A14 had already planted the explosives and was about to set them off in the tunnel .I quickly ducked behind some objects on the south wall of the tunnel as the door burst into flames. The door did not seem damaged. I felt annoyed that $A14 was attempting to use explosives in such a confined area. I then realized that the explosion had set the red and white oriental rug in the center of the cement corridor on fire. I walked out of my hiding place and started to stamp out the flames. I was annoyed that $A14 was so careless. I thought that the rug was new, but now it was ruined. I walked back to the east and came out in the driveway of the house. I thought that i should get stuff from my car to clean up the mess. My father was near the car. He was looking over some stuff on the ground. He showed me a long sheet of pink styrofoam. He said that it was a special type of fiberglass insulation. I realized that it was better than normal insulation because it was more fire resistant. I remembered that my father had tried to set the insulation on fire once before, but it would not burn.

11999 August 30

I flew to the west, down the street of the urban area. The buildings around me were old brick buildings, and were five to ten stories tall. It was dark out, and i could see the street lights shining below me. It seemed to be cool outside, but i was not cold. I flew over the city and up over the rise of the hill to the west. It was night, but i was able to see everything around me. I turned to the south and started down the valley in front of the hill. The walls and floor of the valley seemed to be covered with small suburban houses. I looked over the rows of lights that stretched out before me. All of the houses seemed very similar. They were all aligned in perfect rows. I then noticed that there were canals between some of the houses. I passed over the water. Everything seemed very clear, as though it were daylight. I turned my body and moved lower over the water. There was a shore ahead of me. I seemed to be heading back to the land that i had just left, but i was now heading in to the southeast. I came back over land and noticed that the ground was covered with satellite dishes. They were all arranged in rows over the ground. I thought that they must be for television. The people in the suburban area would need them. I came back to the large stone building and flew into the open window on the east wall. The window was divided into two sections, each with four or six panes. The wood frame of the window was white. The bottom part of the large window was rolled up, and i flew back into the building. I had come from here before. I hoped that no one saw me flying into the building. I did not want anyone to suspect that i was able to fly. As i came into the building, i realized that there was a spray of water shooting out from my ankles. I thought that it was what was propelling me as i flew. I tried not to notice the water dripping from my ankles as i walked across the cafe area. It was daylight now, and there were people sitting at some of the round white tables. I hoped that no one noticed that i had just been flying. The people looked at me as i walked past. I thought that they might suspect i could fly. I felt special because i was able to fly. I turned to the right and walked back into the long cement corridor. There was a water faucet there. I knew that i had to refill so that i could go flying again. I shook out my legs, trying to get the rest of the water off of them. I wanted them drained so that i could put fresh water in. I took a drink of water from the faucet and started to fly again. I flew through the large building, which seemed like $P7. I then passed a man in the hall. He seemed to be a patient of the hospital. He was dressed in a white hospital gown. I stopped near him. There was a white cloth hanging over the corridor in front of me. It was blocking off an area of the building. I asked the man whether i could pass. He said that i would not be able to fly down that section of the hall. I asked the man whether i would be able to travel up the stairs to the third floor and cross over the restricted area. The man said that it would be okay if i did so. I turned around and flew back into the main hall of $P7. I thought that i could fly up the center of the stairwell to the third floor and cross over the area. As i came to the center of the front hall, i noticed that there was a class gathering outside of the auditorium. I decided that i would fly through the main auditorium rather than go all the way up to the third floor. I started toward the door of the auditorium when i noticed $A231 standing in the way. I thought that he would try to stop me. I wanted to talk to him, though. It had been a long time since i had seen him.