12000 August 01

I walked down the long wooden sidewalk after the woman. She seemed upset. I listened to her as i walked, but was not really that interested in what she was saying. I then realized that she was a famous person. I recognized her as Marilyn Monroe. She was dressed in a long coat that was puled tightly around her torso. She walked hurriedly, wobbling unevenly on her high heels. There was a yellow scarf over her hear. I passed her as she started to say something. She was telling the people why she was so upset. I remembered that she had died and wondered whether this scene was close to her death. As i reached the end of the wooden sidewalk, i noticed that there was a large puddle of water over the top of the wood. I thought that i could walk around on the right side of it but then noticed that the sidewalk beyond was actually under water. I was not sure whether i should get my feet wet. I looked to the left, out over the ocean to see that the wooden bridge to town was covered with water. I thought that the tide must have come in. I would not be able to go home until later. I did not want to wait around for the tide to go out. I looked down the length of the bridge to see that the large logs that lined the road were still above water. I wondered whether i would be able to cross the water by walking on them. I walked to the end of the sidewalk to get a better look at the bridge. I then thought that it would be very difficult to balance on the logs. I thought about the back pack that i was carrying and the other things in my hand and thought that i would not be able to keep my balance all the way across. I considered going anyway, but decided that i did not want to get wet from falling in the water. As i looked farther down the bridge, i noticed that it was totally covered with water at some points, so i would not be able to cross without getting wet. I turned around and looked back down the sidewalk. I could see Marilyn standing in the middle. She was looking at me. She was still upset as she told me in a distressed voice that everyone wants that one feature of her face that makes her beautiful. I wondered which feature she was talking about as i started back down the sidewalk toward her. “My nose.” she said: “My large nose.” She turned abruptly and started to walk away. I continued down the sidewalk after her. I caught up with her fairly easily. She continued to tell everyone what was bothering her. I then noticed the other man in front of me. Marilyn opened the door on the right side of the corridor and started to walk in. I thought that this was very near the time that she died, though most people did not know what her personal feelings were at the time. She turned to talk to the man as she held the door with her left hand. The man was Sam Becket from Quantum Leap. I remembered the episode where he had visited Marilyn Monroe. An announcer then said that most people were not aware of the emotional state of Marilyn in her last few days until a television show portrayed her here. Sam was wearing a white shirt with large green and yellow hawaiian flowers on it. Marilyn closed the door in front of him. I started back down the hall, thinking about the movie’s portrayal of Marilyn in her last few hours.

12000 August 02

I sat in one of the wooden school desks that was in the row of desks. They had large table surfaces and seemed to be the type that opened on top. There were some other people sitting on some of the chairs to the west of me, in a second row of desks. There was a woman in one of the chairs and a man sitting on the top of a desk in front of her, facing toward her. I was speaking to them as the other man walked over to the desk in front of me. He seemed older but laughed like a child. He was not that intelligent. He told us why he had come to the school. I knew that he was there because he was having learning problems. He seemed to be wearing a dark shirt under his light brown open-front sweater. He stood with a slight hunch and his lips seemed large for his face. He told us about his study habits. I wondered whether he would be able to keep up with the class. It felt strange to talk with him. He seemed flustered as he talked to us. I wondered whether the others in the room felt negatively toward him. He then mentioned that he was uncomfortable with people. He said that he hoped that he did not smell. I remembered that he did not shower much. I tried to smell the air but could not make out the bad odor. I knew it was there, but i could not smell it. The man then seemed frightened and started to move to the front of the room, to the north. His parents had come in from the east. I knew that they were not nice people.

I was in the open lot in the middle of the small city. This place seemed to be just to the west of $P35. There was a cool wind blowing, and the sky seemed overcast, but the day was bright. I was playing with the other people in the lot. The ground seemed to be cement, though it was covered with small pieces of gravel. I was playing hide and seek with some of the other people. There was something special about the game. I was hovering slightly over the ground as i looked to the west. There was someone else standing on the western side of the large open lot. I knew that they could not see me. The person then vanished in a glimmer of red light. I thought that i could shift my position in the same way. I knew that the others were angels. I felt special because i was able to play with them. I thought that i could simply move from one place to another without having to physically walk. I was trying to find them, but they were better at moving than i was.

I was in the center of the building, facing west. I seemed to be in $P7, in a small white room in the center of the north wing. The plaster on the walls was old, but clean and well maintained. I had to get my bicycle from the room. It was locked to something against the west wall, just under the window. I looked down at the front tire of the bicycle as i grabbed the handlebars to pull the bicycle away from the wall. I noticed that the front tire of the bicycle had been melted. I realized that the heat from the radiator on which the tire had been sitting had melted through the rubber. The tire was flat. I wondered how i was going to have it repaired. I felt disappointed that i had locked the bicycle to the radiator.

I walked to the west, down the long white corridor of the mall. I was with $F5, $F7, and $F23. I felt slightly annoyed with $F5, and thought that i should leave the mall with or without him. I walked ahead of the others. The hallway around us seemed to be smooth an featureless, with no doors or windows. We were near the western edge of the mall. The corridor was narrow here, and turned to the north. There was a narrower corridor to the west which continued on along the southern wall of the main corridor. I knew that it led to an outside door, but we were supposed to head to the north. I felt as though we had to get out of this place as quickly as possible. We could not get caught here. $F5, however, was being defiant and did not want to run away. I spotted a square metal door in the wall at the end of the corridor. I knew that it was a paper chute which led down to the recycling bin on the outside of the building. I told the others that it would be a quick way out. I jumped through the chute and ended up on the outside of the building. I did not want to get caught in the hall. I looked back into the hall to se $F5. He would not take the chute. I then looked down at the papers under me. I started to go through them. It seemed that there might be something here that might be useful. I thought that the others would be out shortly.

12000 August 03

I walked across the large lawn to the north, towards the building. The lawn seemed to be part of a public square, though i knew that it was the front lawn for the building. The building seemed like an old church. I walked over to the house, where the other people were standing. This place was a theatre. It was the summer, and i was waiting outside the theatre. I was not part of a show and i felt as though i had to be somewhere, but i was waiting for something to happen. Several people walked past. I thought that they might ask me to do something in the theatre, and i did not want to have to explain that i was not here for the theatre. As i stood on the small wooden porch of the yellow building, i noticed $A256 walking toward the stairs from the east. She was wearing a long dark blue dress with an unbuttoned white sweater. There seemed to be some silver jewelry hanging from her neck. I quickly told her that i was not here to do work at the theatre and that i was waiting for something. It seemed nice to see her, though. I felt agitated, however, and wanted to leave. I did not want to be at the theatre when people started coming in. I did not want to do any work there at the time. I walked out across the lawn, feeling annoyed. There was something bothering me. I felt frustrated that the others were there. I did not want to deal with them. One of them seemed like $F5. I turned around to look back at the people that were gathering in front of the theatre. There was a man and a woman on the lawn in front of the theatre, near the two large trees. The woman, who was on the east side, picked up the blue backpack and started to dump the contents out of it. I realized that the back pack was mine. I wondered why she was dumping it over the ground. I felt annoyed with her, but did not take any action. They then walked away, as though they were not concerned with what they had done. I started to pick my things up from the ground. I soon realized that i could not get all of my things from the ground because there was a car in the way. I looked to the east and noticed that there was a line of cars parked on the lawn in front of the theatre. They were all nicely polished and seemed to be part of a car show. The car right in front of me seemed to be from the early sixties, and was a creamy blue with shiny strips of chrome. I started walking to the south, through the lines of the cars. I noticed that one of the cars was rolling to the south, down the slight incline of the lawn. I still felt upset, and id not wish to concern myself with the cars. I thought that the people from the theatre would have to find out that the cars were rolling away themselves. I watched as the red mid-seventies station wagon started to roll down the hill in front of me. It rolled slowly over the lawn until it ran into a dark green coup, which had been parked in the next row of cars. I reached into my pocket and realized that i did not have my keys. I thought that they must have fallen out of my back pack somewhere on the lawn. I walked back to the northwest, where my back pack had been spilled. I searched around on the ground for the keys, but could not see them. I realized that they might be under one of the cars. I felt frustrated d upset. I wanted to leave, but i had to have my things.

12000 August 04

I was in the small attic of the house. The wood on the walls was bare and seemed new. It also seemed to have a rough surface. There were several beams standing vertically in the middle of the room, hanging down from the angles underside of the roofs. There was another man in the attic with me. He had a shotgun and was trying to hit someone. I hid behind a small partitioning wall, which was made of plywood. There seemed to be several pieces of clear plastic sheeting hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room, obscuring the view. I felt uncomfortable here and did not want to get his by the man’s bullets. I had to get out.

The alley was dark and narrow. The walls of the surrounding buildings were brick, and seemed to be damp. I thought that i was behind the restaurant. There was a car parked to the south, against the back wall of the alley. There was a man standing near the car. He was dressed in ragged clothing, and i felt cautious of him. He seemed dangerous in some way. I then realized that he had a gun with him. He stood still for a while, then turned the gun to face his chest and fired. I felt uneasy and thought that i should get out of here.

12000 August 05

I was standing on the back section of the large airplane as it moved backward on the runway. I thought that it had to back up in order to turn around. I was on the outside of the plane, and it was bright outside. The plane was facing west, and it seemed that the sun had just set. The sky seemed yellow. There was a large one-story cement building to the north which seemed to be the airport. I started to worry about the plane as it approached the tall chain-link fence on the eastern edge of the runway. I thought that the plane might get caught in the fence. I started to back up as the plane approached the fence. The lower part of the tail then bumped into one of the large thin green pine trees which stood up above the fence. The tree shook as the plane pressed into it. I hoped that the plain made it over the top of the metal chain-link fence. I knew that the fence could damage the underside of the plane. I was then on the ground looking up at the tail of the large airplane. The plane was white, and seemed to have a very small fuselage with a very large tail, as though the foreshortening of the plain was exaggerated. I looked out over the metal barrel of the cannon which was in front of me. I thought that the image of the plane behind the cannon might look interesting. The sky seemed very bright and the plane dark in the image. I then looked around me to see the other people wandering around the department store. I was standing in the middle of the round clothing racks. There were a lot of people moving around in the store. I wondered why it was so crowded. I started to walk to the west when i noticed $F26 walked through a crowd of people toward me. He did not seem to notice me. I called to him. I felt happy to see him. It had been a long time. He did not seem interested in talking to me, however. I tried to talk to him, but he seemed disinterested. I felt strange trying to talk to him. I wondered why he was no responding to me.

The large boy moved through the center of the crowd on the pavement. He was playing basketball with some of the other children there. I felt as though i disapproved of the boy. He was very fat, and kept teasing the other children. He ridiculed them, knowing that they could not fight back against him.

12000 August 06

I followed the other car down the steep hill in the forested area. We were trying to follow a puzzle. I looked at the macadam on the right side of the road to see the white marks. The people in the car in front of me had read the white lines and had figured out the puzzle that went with it. They had the first word. They then started down the hill again. I looked over the shoulder of the road as we passed a second set of symbols. There was a large letter E on the side of the road. I then passed two other Es. I knew that the car in front had figured out the first part of the pattern, and i had to figure out the second. There was a line of cars behind me that had to figure out the rest of the puzzle. I looked over the edge at the next set of the symbols. It was the final piece to the second work. I thought about the three Es and decided that they were pronounced “three”. The final symbol was pronounced and fit onto the end of the word to form a new work. It seemed strange, but i decided that i had solved the puzzle. I looked back up the hill to see the car behind me. It had fallen behind a little and was just rounding a corner near the top of the hill. It was a medium-sized black car. I thought that $A9 was driving the car, but i knew that $F5 was in the car as well. I felt annoyed with $F5. $A9 the turned to car suddenly to the side of the road, as if trying to turn around. I wondered why he was driving so badly. The car tuned off of the road and headed down the steep slope of the hill, through the forest. I thought that they would not be able to drive the car back up the steep hill and felt annoyed that the rest of the people would have to pull their car back onto to road. The car then tried to turn back up the hill as it headed away from me. It seemed to be a small truck as it started up the steep slope. It did not have enough traction, though, and started to tumble backwards down the hill. The red SUV tumbled backward down the hill. I was suddenly worried that the people inside would be injured. The SUV landed at the bottom of the hill on its back end, with its nose in the air. I felt suddenly anxious and realized that we had to make sure that everyone was not injured too badly. A woman stepped out of the car that had been coming down the hill. She looked down the hill. I thought that i should drive the rest of the way down the hill and then follow the road which ran along the bottom of the hill to the truck. The woman started running down the steep slope of the hill toward the truck. I thought that it was too dangerous to run down the hill and tried to warn the woman, but she continued down. I thought that i should run down myself, thinking that it might be faster than going on the road, but i decided that i should take the road. I hurried down the steep road on my bicycle to the bottom. I hoped that i could connect with the other road and get to the car quickly. I came out by the large white building, however. I knew that there was a road on the other side of the building which led to the bottom of the hill. I would have to go through the building to get to it. I hurried through the entrance of the large building and came into a white studio. The floor was wood, and the place seemed like a cafeteria, but there were no tables or chairs. There were several people standing in the center of the room. They were all wearing white clothing and i realized that i had come into the middle of a Karate class. I felt suddenly uncomfortable for disturbing them and apologized to the leader as i walked through the side of the room to the door on the other side. I walked out the narrow door and into a smaller room. The small room seemed like a handball gymnasium, with padded white walls and a polished hardwood floor. I thought that i would not be able to get to the other side of the building from here. It did not seem as though there were corridors which led through the building to the other side. I then realized that the wall on the west side of the room did not extend all the way to the north wall. It was a movable dividing wall. I ran through the space in the wall and looked around the other side of the building. I wondered how i could get out side again. There was a door on the north side of the small room. I ran through it and found myself in a second, smaller room. It too had white walls and seemed like a gymnasium. There were two small brown doors on the north wall of the smaller room. I did not know which to pick, so i ran over to the one on the east and opened it, hoping that it was unlocked. I came into a hallway which ran east to west. The hall was finely decorated, with polished wood floors and baseboards. The walls seemed a dark green on top and there was a deep-red rug running down the center of the floor. I realized that this was part of the old house which was attached to the newer complex. I had come into the house from one of the back entrances. I realized that the secret underground chambers of the house must have been connected to the modern building. This place was the X-men’s mansion. I had unknowingly come into their secret underground base and was not running through the house. I thought that i had to get outside. I ran to the end of the hall and came into a large formal study. Professor X was in the room, sitting in a wheel chair by the polished wooden desk. He started asking me questions about what i had learned. It seemed that i was a student in his school. I was not sure how to answer the questions, and i felt angry. I knew that i had special abilities, but i did not want to use them. Storm was standing to the left of Professor X. I felt as though i had to escape from this place. I then realized that Toad was in the room with us. Something was wrong. Toad seemed very threatening as he leaned toward me. They were all trying to get me to admit that i had special abilities. Toad spoke with an rough accusing voice; “I think you know what you can do.” I felt suddenly defensive and snapped back at him; “No. You don’t.” I tried to sound threatening, hoping that he would back down.

I walked into the large white room of the modern building. The place was a cafeteria, with many small round white tables around the room. The ceiling was rather low, and there were square columns around the room. The woman sat at the table to the right of me, just to the north. I had been heading west across the room. There was a wooden sword lying across the table in front of her. The man then took her sword from the table. I felt cautious, knowing that there was trouble between the man and the woman. I remembered that i had been practicing my sword fighting with the woman. I had both a wooden and a metal sword in my hand. I backed up as the man pointed his sword at me. I knew that he was being friendly and just wanted to practice, but i felt cautious. I wondered whether i could really sword fight with him. He swung at me and i blocked it with the wooden sword, holding my sword in my left hand. I paused afterward, though, wondering how the next move went. I knew that i was supposed to swing my sword and attack his neck. I remembered that i could not just slice through, though. There was a trick to hitting him. I had to rotate the blade at the last minute to get more force into the blade.

12000 August 07

I was standing on the edge of the cliff, looking down into the narrow valley below. The area seemed tan and dry, as though it were in the western United States. There were some people walking from the east, down the center of the gorge. They seemed to be military troops, but their uniforms were old. I knew that they were the good guys, but they were not supposed to be in the valley. I felt angry with them. They had to be stopped before they invaded the place to the west. $Z laid next to me on the edge of the cliff. He had a riffle and was aiming at the troops below. He shot at them and they scattered on the ground. We had to stop them.

I walked to the east, along the north side of the building. I seemed to be in a large courtyard between two old buildings. It was daylight, and there were people gathering for the graduation ceremony. It felt strange to be back to this place. I knew that it was $P7. I looked around at the people who were walking toward the west. They were all in their uniforms. I realized that i had not brought a uniform. I was simply wearing the clothing which i always wore. I felt slightly out of place. Several of the students marched past in a line, heading to the ceremony to the west. I felt awkward about following, thinking that i should have dressed up. I then noticed a group of people whom i remembered from school. $A164 was standing on the edge of the group and greeted me as i walked toward them. I wondered what they would think of me being without a uniform. I felt awkward here.

12000 August 08

I stood in the middle of the small parking lot. The land around me was flat, and it seemed as though i was in some tropical area. I knew that i was on the island. There seemed to be a beach to the northwest of me, at the edge of the parking lot. I knew that something was wrong. There was a storm coming. We had to be careful because we were very vulnerable on the island. I looked into the pale blue sky to see clouds moving over. I then spotted the large dark clouds to the north. They looked like a very wide tornado. I knew that it was the small hurricane heading toward us. I felt worried and thought that we had to flee the island. We would not be safe here in the open. I wondered whether we would have time to make it to the mainland. I turned to the east and started walking in the direction of the mainland. I then noticed that there were dark clouds moving out of the eastern sky toward us. The storm had already moved in to the east of us, blocking out escape to the mainland. I wondered what we should do. We had to get off of the island. I felt worried and panicked.

12000 August 09

I looked out the front window of the small plane as it moved over the large open field. The field below was covered with dry field grass and seemed dead from the autumn. I felt as though the small plane was not under control. I looked forward, out the small window on the front of the plane to see the horizon swaying from side to side. I felt cautious of the flight and wondered whether i would be okay. I then looked out the small porthole to my right. I could see the field below again. It seemed exciting to be flying over the ground, but i also felt slightly afraid that the plane might crash. I did not know who was in control of it. I tried to watch the trees below as they passed close to the plane.

I sat on the small cushioned chair, which seemed elevated from the rest of the corridor. It was part of a bus station. I was facing east. The woman walked in front of me and started to ask me a question. She was very hesitant and shy. I knew that she was going to ask me if i wanted to go out on a date. I remembered this situation from before. The woman then mentioned that she was attracted to me. I smiled and felt my face blush. I thought that the image would make the scene look realistic. It felt as though we were preparing this event for a movie. I thought about how i positioned my head as i turned to look at the woman. It seemed that it should be a good shot. I adjusted a small blue cushion in the center of the sofa on which i was sitting and told the woman that i would join her. She started to walk around the north end of the couch. I stopped her by telling her that we could go downstairs in the mall to get a bite to eat. I motioned to the west, where the corridor opened up, exposing a lower level to the place. I said that there were many restaurants there. I stood up from the couch, wondering whether everything looked all right. I then realized that i was wearing a white tee shirt. I started to change, but thought that it might seem strange to put on my grey tank top. I pulled the front of my tee shirt back down and wondered what to wear. I told the woman that i should have been wearing my sweatshirt because it would have gone better with the scene. I picked up the heavy grey sweatshirt from the couch as the woman continued to the west. I stepped down into the corridor and started to follow her, thinking that it would be good to wear the sweatshirt when we finally do the scene. I was then walking to the north in the large restaurant. I had arrived before the woman, who seemed like my grandmother. I looked at a dark wooden table along the west wall. It had four chairs around it. I knew that it was where i should be sitting, but i stood in front of it, waiting for my grandmother to show up. I thought that she might have just gotten off of the bus and might be a little late. I noticed the family that was eating at the table to the east. They were all older people. The old woman at the end of the table looked up at me and started talking to me as if she knew me. I thought that she was very polite and replied. She then offered me some food from her bowl. She had a round piece of bread-like food covered with glazed fruit. I told her that i did not want any. I felt as though i had just eaten a little. I told her that i was waiting for my grandmother. I then noticed my grandmother coming into the room from the south. She was carrying a large plate of blueberry pancakes. As i looked at them, i realized that i was very full and did not feel like eating. I turned and walked back across the room of the house. This was my new house. I had just moved in, but i noticed that my things were already in the house. I thought that i would eventually have to unpack. I climbed the wooden steps to the narrow hallway. I had to get to the room on the third floor, which seemed like my old bedroom in my parents’ house. The room was in the new house, though, and i knew that it was the baby’s room. There were many toys around the room. All of them seemed familiar to me. I wondered whether any of them were my toys. I thought that they should be saved. I knew that they might be rarities at a later time, though they did not look like anything special. I looked around at the toys, which cluttered the floor of the room. There were a few paths between the piles of stuff to walk. I wondered what i should do with all of the old toys. I turned and walked back down the stairs. My mother was on the lower floor of the house. Something seemed strange. I wondered how i had gotten into the house. I remembered that i had left my grandmother in the restaurant. Something seemed wrong. I told my mother that i could not remember how i had left the restaurant and come here. I felt suspicious and asked my mother where my grandmother was. She seemed upset by the question. I thought that something was wrong. It seemed as though i were missing a large amount of memory. I walked through the people in the public place. All of the sudden, i spotted $A153 in front of me. He was walking toward me. I said hello just as he started to pass.

12000 August 10

I walked through the crowd of students on the college campus. I headed southeast, down the hill on the paved path. $F26 then ran toward me. He was out jogging with $A257 and a woman who seemed like $A258. I had seen them several times in this location. I started talking to the other person as i thought about running with them. There was a crowd of people outside the large brick building where i was. Standing. $F26 and $A257 started jogging to the north. I followed them, thinking that it would be good to have someone to jog with. However, as i started running, i wondered whether they really wanted me running along with them. I felt slightly uncomfortable, as though they might not be comfortable with me. I hovered over the ground behind them as we traveled. They then looked back to me. They did not say that they were annoyed with me, but i got the impression that i was not welcome. I put my feet down on the ground and started to jog with them. I realized that we were traveling through one of the buildings on campus. $F26 turned left, into one of the laboratories. I continued straight down the corridor, following $A257. $A257 started down a stairwell in the building. The hall was white and had metal stairs. I could see a black door on the opposite wall, at the bottom of one of the flights. I knew that the door led outside. As i started to enter the stairwell, i realized that $A257 had run past a man who was trying to come up the stairs. I stopped by the door to let him pass. As he walked past me, i realized that he was $A90. He was a professor in this place. I turned back to the stairs and started down just as i saw the black door closing. I hurried to catch up. As i came outside, i looked to the north and south, along the length of the building, but could not see where they had gone. There was a grassy hill to the east, which rose a few metres to a tall chain-link fence. There seemed to be tennis courts on the other side of the fence. I looked to the north, thinking that it must be the direction in which $A257 had gone. I could not see him, though. I wondered how i could find the runners again. I then remembered that i always used to see them running up the slope to the northwest of the building. I pictured the paved path, which ran to the northeast, up the steep slope of the hill. The hill seemed to be to the west of campus. I thought that i might be able to catch them if i went to the hill. I knew that they might eventually run by. I lifted into the air and started to fly over the large cement building. The building seemed like a high school.

12000 August 11

I was in the car with the other people. I had just arrived on the island, which seemed to be south of where i normally was. The land around us seemed to have few trees and was covered with frown open fields. The air seemed dry, though i knew that the ocean was not far away. We were driving on the long road which traveled over the shallow rolling hills. I looked down at the map in my hands. The roads on the map were marked in white against the tan background of land. There was a road running north along the west shore of the round island. The western shore of the island seemed to be mostly flat, while the east shore was more round and bumpy. A second white line branched off from the western road and headed east, inland. I knew that we were on the eastern road, but i also knew that we would eventually have to end up at the north side of the island. I thought that the city of Kingston was on the north shore of the island. I looked out the front window of the car. I was in the back seat. The road ahead of us was straight and disappeared over the top of a hill. We rounded the top of the hill and started down into the next valley. The valley was open, more of a depression in the surrounding land. I looked back down at the map, thinking that we were traveling very fast on the road. The distance on the map was not as great as i had thought it was. I thought that we would be able to make the entire trip across the island in very little time. I looked out the window to see a couple people standing by the side of the road. They were pointing to the southeast, as though showing someone something. None of them seemed to be moving, as though they were part of a photograph. I looked out the window at them as we drove by, and then down to the map. I could see a mountain on the map which had a cross on the top of it. I remembered that this was a famous place. There should be a large stature of a cross on the peak. For a moment, i wondered whether the cross was really in this country. It seemed as though it should have been in South America. I looked out the window of the car to see the cross in the pointed peak of a mountain. I tried to match the peak on the map with the real one so that i could figure out where we were on the map. The place on the map did not seem correct. I wondered whether distance on the map was deceptive. I looked ahead of the car to see if ii could fins any other land marks. I could see a tall tower ahead of us, just over the edge of a hill. It slowly sank from view as we approached the hill on the road. I looked down at the map. The tower was standing on an island along the shore. I knew that the blue on the map was the ocean, but i did not see the tower easily. I knew that we were supposed to be heading to the light tower on the rocky island. It was a famous site. I looked at the small island off the shore of the island on the map. The white road led to the shore, but i could not tell whether it ran all the way to the island. I thought that there must be a bridge over the rocky causeway, but i could not tell from the map. I then started to wonder whether we were on the correct road. The place on the map did not seem correct. I remembered that we were supposed to be on the north side of the island, but we were heading south. I felt uncomfortable about driving around this island without knowing where we were going. It was a foreign land, and i did not want to get lost among the inhabitants. I felt as though we might not be welcome visitors. I turned around and told the people in the back seat of the car that we were on the south side of the island. I asked them whether we were on the correct island. The road we were traveling then turned to the east and then to the north, where it seemed to fade into a dirt trail. The land around us seemed dry and open. We turned to the northwest, following the remainder of the dirt road into the small town. The road ended between a few small adobe buildings. The place seemed like an old village in the southwestern United States. There was tall dry field grass growing on both sides of the road. The grass was thin and moved with the wind. The car turned to the north and pulled into a parking area in front of the tan adobe building. The ground was dry reddish dirt as we walked around the small area. There did not seem to be anyone in the town, which consisted of only a few houses. This was not the correct place. We had gone in the wrong direction. The car started to back out of the parking area as we sat in it. I looked around at the dry walls of the building. I remembered this place from before. I told the others that this place was familiar to me. I pointed out the brick wall to the west. It was all that remained of an old house. Part of the wall had fallen in and i could see three walls of the room. There was a small garage in front of it which had a broken cement-block wall. I remembered this from a dream that i had once before. The car turned onto the main road just outside of town, but did not seem to be moving that quickly. I thought that we should be ready to leave, and i was impatient to get moving. I felt as though it was not save here. I then noticed the man in the wheelchair to the west. He was still coming toward us. I thought that we should leave before he could reach us. We had to get everyone together and back into the car so that we could flee. I then notice that the wheelchair had been knocked over. I felt concerned and walked to the west to help the small boy who had been in the wheelchair. As i approached the chair, however, i realized that it was not a boy at all. It was a small motor that had been driving the chair. I asked the motor whether it was okay. I knew that it had an intelligence. It did not reply. I knew that it would vibrate in response, and i thought that it might be dead. I felt concerned that we might have killed it. I poked at it, trying to get it to talk. Then, as the others approached me from behind, it started to vibrate. I felt relieved. I told the others that we had to get it back into the car and leave this place. We had to get to our hotel. I felt uncomfortable in this country.

12000 August 12

I drove through the large university campus, heading west along the long straight road. There were many tall brick buildings on either side of the road. As i drove, i started to wonder why i was here. Something did not seem right. I looked to the east and then to the west, trying to figure out where i was. I then noticed the tall brick building on the south side of the road. It had white stone around the windows and seemed large and impressive. I suddenly wondered why i was here. I did not remember traveling to this spot. I remembered that i had been out camping with $F12. I wondered why i was still not at the camp. I walked into the back door of the old grey stone building. I knew where i was. The atrium of the building was very large, with white metal beams supporting a modern glass semi-dome. This used to be a lecture room. I looked around at where the seats used to be arranged in an arch on the floor. My mother was standing to my left. She looked up at the side of the building and read the name aloud. It was $P96. The students then started to walk out of the doorway to the west of us. I thought that it must be a time between classes. Everyone was walking from one place to another. I was part of this school, and thought that i should get to class. I felt embarrassed that my mother was with me, though. She handed me a sandwich which had been wrapped in tin foil. I felt annoyed that she was giving me things that i did not want. I looked at the sandwich and realized that it was egg salad. I told her that i did not want it. He became upset and dropped the sandwich on the floor. I felt upset that she was getting annoyed with me and turned to walk away. I did not want to deal with her any more. I then wondered why i was here. I thought that i should have been back at the camp. I then spotted a large ceramic bowl on the table to the north. I thought that i could smash it in anger. It would let her know that i was upset with her.

I woke up suddenly and found that i was sleeping in the camp. The sun had already risen, and the sky was light blue, with thin scattered clouds. I thought that i had woken up early. We seemed to be sleeping in the middle of a clearing in the forest. I then noticed the plane flying over our heads. It moved very fast across the sky, leaving a white trail of vapour. I rolled to my right and told $F12 about the small jet plane. I seemed concerned that it was flying so low to us. I then realized that there was no sound coming from the plane as it turned toward us. I felt anxious and told $F12 to be cautious of it. I wondered why it was not making any sound. I thought that it must be traveling faster than the speed of sound. I then realized that it was flying too low to be traveling so fast. It should have passed us already if it were moving so fast. I told this to $F12 as we watched the jet approach from the east, over the tops of the tall pine trees.

I laid on the floor of the cabin. We had been sleeping outside all night, but i was impatient and wanted the morning to come. I did not feel comfortable. I got up and wandered to the window on the east wall of the cabin. I wondered where my parents were. I wanted to leave, but they were not ready to go. I paced for a time over the bare wooden floor. I noticed my grandmother walking about in the snow just below the window. I seemed to be on the second floor of the cabin. I turned to the south and started to walk toward the stairs, which ran up and down on the southeast corner of the building. The cabin seemed like a small tower. It was only three or four metres square, and had no furnishings. I was then outside on the thin balcony on the east side of the tower. I thought that my heels felt uncomfortable from the hike yesterday. I thought that i should tape them before we left. I decided that i had to do it so that i would not be the slow one. I then noticed the wolves running at the edge of the pine trees to the east of us. They were dark against the snow that was on the ground. I called to my parents, to warn them that the wolves were near. I then howled to the wolves, knowing that they could not come after me as long as i was on the balcony of the building. I then saw the herd of goats and rams running from the trees to the southeast. I felt an urge to run through the woods and walked out the west side of the tower. I started to run through the snow. The sky was very bright blue, and i suddenly remembered that i had been on top of the tower with $F12 and $A7 to watch the plane fly toward us from the east, over the snowy ground of the forest.

12000 August 14

I looked over the green pussy liquid that was on the white counter. It was a strong poison. I thought that i would have to clean it up before anyone saw it. There were also several metal rings on the counter. They were all used to kill the other person. I thought that we would have to hide them so that no one else could find them. I felt panicked as i tried to clean up the area. I then walked to the west, into the small laboratory. The room seemed very clean, as though someone had already taken care of the evidence in it. I was relieved that there were no traces of the experiment. I then started to wonder whether someone was watching me. I thought that someone might be observing the laboratory to find out what we were doing in it. I thought that we should be very cautious. We could not do the experiment again. I was afraid that someone might catch us. $A14 then entered the room. He asked me why i was late. I still felt nervous about the evidence of the experiment which might be around the laboratory. I looked at the watch on my left wrist and told $A14 that i was only ten minutes late to work. I then realized that it was late in the morning an that i was not even supposed to be in the laboratory until the evening. I told $A14 that i would normally be at my job, so i could not be late. He disagreed with me, telling me that i should have been here. I felt somewhat confused. I looked at my watch again and wondered whether the power had gone out. It might have stopped my watch. Something did not seem right. I decided that my watch was not correct. Something had happened. I ask whether anyone knew what time it was, but no one answered. I started to feel out of place here. I talked to the other person who was standing on the edge of the dock with me. I spoke to the person, trying to figure out what had happened to the time. It seemed that i could not remember something that had happened. There was a large body of water to the south of us. It seemed calm, and there was a slight mist over the water, as though it were early morning. I then spotted $F13 in the small wooden boar just t the east of us. I turned and asked the other person on the dock what was happening. I felt very confused. I then loose to the northwest, where $F13 was in the boat. I could see that the back of the boat was filling with water. I looked at the metal engine block as water poured into a hole on the top of it. The boat looked like a small helicopter, with the engine behind the chair. $F13 was strapped into the chair. He seemed unaware that the boat was sinking. $F13 them seemed to tug at his shoulder straps, trying to figure out how to release them. The boat suddenly dropped below the water. I turned to $A120, who was standing on the dock next to me, and asked him if anyone knew how to release the strap. I started to feel panicked again. $F13 was in danger, and we had to get him out of the chair before he drowned. I looked down into the water. I could see $F13 just below the surface. He was looking up, pulling at the straps around his chest. He let a few bubbles out of his mouth. He was wearing a tan winter vest over a blue long-sleeve shirt. I did not know what to do to help him. I felt as though i should do something, but i did not know what. Then, the chair finally ejected from the boat, but i knew that he was too close to the dock. I heard him hit the underside of the dock with a loud thud. I was worried that he was injured. I looked down into the water. I could see him under the surface right below me. I jumped over the side of the dock and grabbed him by the arm.

12000 August 15

I walked to the west, across the green grass of the golf course. It was a sunny day, and i was out running with the others. I looked to the southwest, where there was a large open space of grass. I could see a green on the far side of the lawn. I thought that i should jog to the green on the other side of the golf course. As i started to cross the large open area, i realized that there were some golfers near me. I knew that i should not cross the fairway in front of them. I felt discouraged that i could not go directly to the green on the other side of the area. I decided that i would have to jog around the outside of the fairway. I thought that i could watch the golfers as i jogged around the course. I then realized that there was a different green for each hole at the golf course. I felt somewhat confused and wondered which green i was supposed to meet at. I stopped suddenly, realizing that i had forgotten to brink my flag with me. The flag was part of the game that we were playing. I had left it on the green by where the golfers were. I turned around and started back toward the green. A man walked toward the flag as i approached. He bent over to pick it up. I could not let him get the flag. I felt angry that he would try to take my flag. I grabbed the flag from his hand and turned to jog back to the other side of the course. I looked at the small triangular white flag which was wrapped around a tan wooden pole. I slowed and looked back over my right shoulder. The other runners were catching up to me. They were part of the race, and i was just making sure the course was safe. I waved my flag at them, cheering them on. I then spotted $A286 in the group. I thought that he was running slower than the rest of the runners. I encouraged him on as he passed. As they passed me, i tried to look ahead of them to see where the course went. I thought that it should head to the north, toward the large buildings that were at the edge of the quadrangle. I thought that they should jog between the two-story brick buildings. The buildings looked like college dormitories.

12000 August 16

I sat at the large table in the classroom. I felt somewhat uneasy. The students around me seemed to be from $P31. I looked down at the white paper in front of me as i continued writing the paragraph. I was taking a test. I was not sure that i knew all of the information for the test, but i knew that i had to finish. I then heard a rumble of thunder outside. I thought that it was going to rain soon. I wanted to finish the test so that i could make it home before it started to rain. I then realized that i did not have anything else to write on the test. It was still very early in the test, and i wondered why i had finished already. I thought that i should check it over. I felt uncomfortable and thought that i should not be here any longer. This was part of my life from long ago. I felt worried that i had finished early. I felt out of place. Then i noticed that the girl in front of me also seemed to be finished with her test. I wondered what i should do. I was afraid too hand in my test early because it might make me look different, but, if the girl was also finished, it might not be too early for me to hand in the test. I then heard a loud rumble of thunder. I wondered whether the storm had already reached us. I did not want to get wet on the way home.

I watched the boy walk over too the small shallow stream. We were in the middle of the forest, but the area around us was clear and covered with short grass. The boy bent over and placed the small seed in the stream. This was part of the magic-seed myth. I remembered reading this story before. The boy was trying to re-enact the myth, but i did not think that it would work. The steam was moving too quickly. I thought that the seed would be washed away in the water. I walked over to the stream and looked down at the seed as the boy left it in the water. The large round seed wobbled in the water. I wondered whether it was magically keeping itself in the same place, or whether it was trapped in an eddy. I wondered whether the myth would work. I thought that the seed would eventually float away.

12000 August 17

I stood up from the couch in the small living room. The place seemed run down. I realized that i had to get to school, but i wanted to watch the rest of the movie on television. It was a movie about a special man, and i was interested in what happened. I paced for a moment in front of the couch in my parents’ living room. I decided that i could watch the rest of the movie later. I was late for school. I looked at my watch to find that it was 12:00. I had to get going. I then realized that i would have to make a lunch for myself. I felt frustrated and annoyed. I walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house and took several things from the refrigerator. I then realized that i had to eat breakfast before i left. My father walked through the kitchen. I felt as though i had to leave. I then noticed that i was not really worried about being late. I wondered why i did not care about being late. I walked out to my car. the small white Beetle was sitting in the driveway. It looked old and run down. I thought that i would take it and leave my red Jetta here. I then realized that this situation was strange. I did not know why i would not take my car. I did not remember having the old white Beetle before. As i got into the car, i thought that i could probably drive faster than the speed limit to get to work on time. I then noticed that the city bus was stopping at the bottom of the driveway. I thought that i should take the bus and not drive my car. I quickly started out of the back seat of the car, but could not climb out easily. I was having difficulty pulling myself out of the car. I thought that i had to leave soon, but i could not seem to stand up from the car. I then realized that i did not really want to go anyway. I started to wonder why i was trying to get to work at all.

12000 August 19

I walked across the small grocery store. The floor was covered with faded dull-red and white tiles. The man that i had come to see was not here. I wondered what i should do. I felt as though i had to do something, but i was not sure what. I looked down at the half-door which was opened in front of the counter to the west. It was covered with a metal rack that had candy on it. I remembered that the candy in this part of the store was less expensive because it was intended to be sold to the working staff. I felt as though i had to get out of here. There was someone in control of the store, and i was trying to hide. I tried to think of a way out of the store. I thought that i might be able to sneak out through the back rooms, but i had t create a diversion. I walked over to the small metal panel on the south wall of the room. It covered the alarm system. I opened the panel and flipped the switch off. I then turned the security system back on and off again, trying to set off the alarms. Nothing seemed to be happening. I then realized that there was a pane of glass over a small red box to the left. I realized that it had to be broken with the small red hammer in order to set off the alarm. I broke the glass with the large carpenter’s hammer and pushed the red button. The alarm went off. I then heard the man in the hall outside. I had too hide from him. He had not responded to the alarms because he was looking for the hammer that i had used. I could not put it back where it belonged, so i left it on the floor. I realized that i was trapped in the room. I had to get past the man. I glanced out into the hall to see that he was now in the office at the end of the hall, to the east. I could not get y him. I looked to the north to see a small window on the back side of the room. I thought that i would have to jump through the window to get out. As i started across the room, i noticed that there was candy scattered across the floor. None of it was mine, so i did not think that i would have to pick it up. I placed the plastic grocery bags on the top of the car and tried to arrange the things in them. I had to get them together so that i could put them in the car. I noticed that there was a rubber bed roll in one of the bags. I started to load the bags into the car when i noticed the man on the telephone standing across the street from me. I hoped that he did not see me. I was trying to sneak my things into the car so that i could leave without being discovered. As i got in the car, i found that my grandfather was already there. I did not expect too see him, and was annoyed that i could not get away by myself.

12000 August 20

I walked through the dark section of the small city. The space around me seemed open, but the place felt somewhat deserted. I knew that this place was part of the war. The buildings around me were damaged but still standing. I felt slightly out of place here, as though i were in another country. I walked to the east, looking at the graffiti on the wall to the north. The wall was brick and had a large sign on it. The words were printed in Cyrillic. I thought that i was able to read them. A few people passed to the south of me as i struggled with the letters. I was wary of the people as i pronounced the words to myself. I was unsure what they meant. I hoped that i would be able to read the language, but i felt uncomfortable. I became aware of the younger men talking to the south. I thought that they might be members of the local gang. I tried to ignore them as i looked over a large word on the wall. It was in blue type. I tried to pronounce it, but was unsure of some of the letters. They did not look correct. The first letter seemed to make an I sound. I looked to the left on the wall to see a word in latin letters. It was a transliteration of the russian word that i had just read. I pronounced it, but realized that the first letter of the word was a pi. I did not think that the russian word that i had read started with a P sound. I thought this new word was really a different form of Cyrillic. I remembered that some forms of Cyrillic did use the latin I. I then noticed a smaller set of red letters that had been spray painted onto the wall. The first letter was a cyrillic sch. The first ascender of the letter was curled forward. I remembered the symbol from before. As i looked to the south, i noticed the same short word again on a plastic display case on the side of the street. I thought that the word must mean something. I would have to look it up later. I then realized that the way it was rendered was very similar in both cases and thought that it might be some type of a stamp. The word had some special meaning to these people. One of the men then started to walk over to me. He was very angry. I knew that i was in his country and tried not to engage him. He walked around my left side and stood in front of me, his arms extended to either side of me. He shouted in anger at me. I knew that i should not fight him. He was simply upset that his country was falling apart and did not like our presence there. I knew that i should be passive with him. The man then started talking quietly. He was describing how he had attacked me before to the other man who was standing to the south of us. The man who was talking seemed rather large and had a very round face and sheared hair. I knew that he was much stronger than me, but he was demonstrating to the other man how i had knocked him to the ground. The large man grabbed by left arm under his right as he rolled backwards to the pavement. I landed on top of him. He then lifted his right leg into the air as he described to the other person how i had held him down. I wondered whether i would really be able to hold a stronger man down like that. I thought that i must have had his leg in a cradle hold. The man’s eyes started to water as he described the event. I felt compassionate for him and rubbed my left hand over his forehead. I was leaning across his chest with my right arm. I knew that i had acted compassionate before to calm him. I felt sad for the man. I then stood up and started walking to the east. Something still felt out of place here, and i thought that i should get back to the building.

12000 August 21

$F10 was with me as we drove down the dirt road toward the factory. The road curved to the north slightly as it passed between the lush deciduous trees. The sun shines on the ground. $F10 was taking me to the large dump. I remembered that this place was a nuclear dump site. They would dump radioactive material here. There had been some problems in the past where the material was not disposed of properly and the dump had exploded. I thought that someone had not managed the dump well. I pictured the dump as a large mound of dirt in front of us. I could hear the news reporter talking about the poor quality of management at the dump. I felt hesitant to walk into the dump. I knew that it would detonate, and i did not want to get caught in the explosion. I remembered from before that $F10 had set the charge in one of the upper tunnels just before the tunnel closed. He and the woman escaped at the last minute. I felt worried that we would not be able to make it out as quickly this time. I followed $F10 into the tunnel at the top of the dump. The cement tunnel ran to the east into the wall. It was not the main entrance to the mine. This is where we would have to place the bomb. I thought about the last explosion. It had occurred because the material in the dump was not spaced far enough apart. It had reached critical mass and exploded. I pictured the dump as a large tunnel in the ground where the nuclear waste was placed. The tunnel was slowly filled in, but the waste had to be mixed with dirt to keep it from exploding. I knew that the dump was not properly filled in, though. I could see the dull red waste piling up at the end of the tunnel. I knew that it was not the tunnel in which we were walking, but i could still picture it. I felt frightened and thought that we should leave. $F10 turned and started to walk back out the tunnel that we had entered. It was a narrow tunnel. We had finished what we had come for and now had to leave. I was worried that we might be trapped when the security door closed over the entrance to the tunnel. I remembered that it had closed before when the waste started to over heat. I walked down the road away from the mine, glad to have made it out. I wondered whether we would have to go back. $F10 still wanted to place the charges in the mine. He would have to go into the thin tunnel again and drop the charges down the steep slope of the tunnel. I was worried that the mine might explode before we got back. It seemed that we were lucky to make it out the first time, and i did not want to return. I imagined the mine starting to overheat. We would have to get out of the area before it exploded. I wondered whether any radioactive material would be let out of the soil from the explosion. It was dark where i was. The room seemed to be a large garage. There was a man to the east, by the wall where the counters were. I stood with the woman. She walked over to the counters where the water machine was. I knew that the mine was starting to heat up and would explode. There would be no way to slow down the reaction. The woman returned as the siren started to beep. The man knew that the dump was starting to melt. The woman commented to me that the water that she had taken from the tap was warm. I knew that the mine was going to explode. We had to get out. I started to walk to the south, along the outside of the abandoned building. It was dark out and there were red lights on the building. I was in a large parking lot. The woman drove her car out in front of me. I then noticed that there was another car in the lot which had not been moved. I hoed that the people were able to run away before the explosion. I thought that everyone was not informed of the danger.

I was in the car with my parents as we drove through the country side. The area seemed to be lightly forested. I could see the open pits of the rock mines. It had something to do with the old dump. There were large metal hammers protruding at even intervals along the rocky cliff of the open quarry. We drove to the west of them as they hammered away at the rock. I watched out the right window of the car as the hammers all hit the rocks at the same time. They were all acting together, but a few lagged behind. I wondered whether they were supposed to be in synch or whether they just happened to be in synch while i was watching. I watched for a moment to see that they all moved at the same time with only a few hammers lagging from time to time. The hammers then stopped all at once in the lifted position. We moved closer, and i noticed that they were now metal shovels which were trying to scoop up pieces of the rock cliff. I thought that they now had to gather the shiny metal rocks and bring them in for processing. We walked to the north, into an opening in the rocks were one of the hammers had been working. I could see people inside the large room behind one of the hammers. They were working with the metal ore in a small fire. I pointed out to my mother that they had created a forge. I could see the shiny metal in a small nest-shaped fire at the top of a pile of rock. The people stood around it, dressed in grey clothing. We passed to the east of them. I then turned to the east to see the rest of the room. There were more people working with metal in different furnaces. On the table right in front of me was a metal sphere which had come out of the fire. My father walked over to the sphere and grabbed it with his right hand. I thought that the sphere should be very hot and that the man would burn his hand by trying to pick it up. He lifted it from the table and held it up in front of him for all to see. His hand was turning black and started to redden near the sphere. It was burning. I wondered why the man was not complaining. I decided that it was a fake hand. As i rounded the north end of the table, the man laughed and admitted to the rest of the people in the room that he had a fake hand. He put the sphere down and started to talk to the other workers in the grey clothes. The grey clothing that everyone was wearing was loose and had some shiny bands across it. I felt strange in the room of people. My mother mentioned to me that i should probable shave before i continued. I felt as though i were going somewhere with all of the people. I did not really want to go, but i was already on the way. We were on a bus. I felt slightly confused, as though i were not aware of everything that was happening around me. I wondered where we were going. I pulled out my electric razor and started to shave my face. I felt very strange as i did so. Some of the people were watching me. I then realized that it was not usual for someone to shave their face on a bus. I continued anyway. I did not feel like worrying about what everyone else thought of my actions.

12000 August 22

I rode by bicycle to the north, through the area which seemed like $P73. It seemed that i had just come from somewhere. I was not quite sure where i should ride. I then herd the sound of voices from to the south. I rode to the east along one of the trails between the parking lot. There were several low buildings around me with black sections along their roofs. As i listened to the voices, i realized that they were counting. The words seemed to be in Korean. Because it was a group of people, i decided that it must be a Tae Kwon Do class. I looked to the south to see the dark glass on the side wall of the large building. I could barely make out figures through the glass as i heard them count. There were several picnic tables on the near side of the room with a few people sitting at them. I thought that they must be the friends and family of the people practicing in the background. I then realized that it was Tuesday, the day when evening classes were held. I wondered whether the instructor of the class would notice me as i rode past on my bicycle. I had never been to an evening class because i never had time. I wondered whether my presence would make it seem that i had always had time but had just never showed up. I could see many students inside as i rounded the southwest corner of the parking lot and started to the east again. The students looked young. As i passed the from of the building, i noticed the tan vertical bars which supported the window. I then noticed a group of people to the east in the parking lot. The road ran to the west and south of them. I followed the road as i watched them practice. They also seemed to be practicing martial arts, but it did not seem to be the same as what was being practiced indoors. They were moving slower and were wearing black clothing. Several people sat along the grass dividers on the side of the small parking lot where the group was practicing. I continued past the group on the road to the south of them. I tried to pedal faster, but i felt very sluggish. I turned to the south and headed down the dirt path. There was a path that led to the west onto which i turned. It was a dirt road that led through the forested countryside. The road dropped suddenly after the intersection. I glided down it slowly on my bicycle. It turned to the north and went down again. I decided that i should turn around and go back. I wondered whether i would be able to make it back up the stairs. I looked at the stairs which ran up from the living room of my grandparents’ house on $P12. I started up them on my bicycle, but realized that they were too steep. I got off and pushed my bicycle to the top of the four wooden stairs and turned to the east to head up the next hill. I wondered whether that hill would also be too steep for a bicycle. I looked up it and decided that it was very shallow, much shallower than i remembered. I started up it. There was a small window at the top which ended at the back of the house. I dropped my bicycle to the grass on the outside of the window and started to crawl out myself. As i stood on the ground outside of the window, i turned to close the window behind me but found that it was old and broken. The two hinged pieces of the wide window were crooked and did not close correctly. $Z stood behind me as i fidgeted with the windows. They were wooden frames with brown slats crossing them. The house seemed old and made of brick with thick vegetation growing around its foundation. I pulled the left frame toward me, but realized that the bottom part was tipped too far inward to have it seal. I wondered whether i should leave it like that. I decided to walk back through the window and try to close it properly. I came out in the driveway on the west side of the house. The large white garage door was closed in front of me and $Z was standing to the south. I walked out along the gravel driveway as $Z talked on the portable telephone. He was trying to ask someone for help. I noticed that large insect that was crawling on the edge of a branch along the south side of the driveway. It looked like a large termite, but was black and has small brown wings on its back. It seemed significant, and i thought that $Z should mention over the telephone that the insect was here. He looked at it as he spoke but did not mention it to the person on the other end of the line. I started to focus on the insect. It seemed important. I wanted $Z to mention it to the person to whom he was talking. $Z spoke about the insect for a moment, saying that he was unsure what type it was. It had a very large abdomen and seemed like some type of ant. As i walked to the west, around the back of $Z, the insect fluttered its wings. I realized that the wings were not as small as they had seemed before. They were very long and very thin. I wondered whether the insect could actually fly. $Z mentioned that the insect might be a bee. I told him that it could be a drone or a queen, but it did not look like a bee or wasp; it had no markings on its body. $Z told the person over the telephone that the insect might be a bee. The insect crawled to the north of us. I picked up the large newspaper from the ground and dropped it on top of the insect. There was a photograph on the front of the paper with a caption under it in small type. I lifted the paper and looked at the insect. I could see black and white stripes across its abdomen. I stated that it was a bee. I then noticed the thick furry black legs of the insect, which were shaped like the legs of a honey bee. I said that it must have been a queen. $Z told the person over the telephone what was happening as he moved closer to look. I could see a fuzzy tube extending from the read of the insect. I thought that it should be the stinger. It seemed to have a forked end. I thought that the queen would have a more involved stinger than the other bees. I thought about touching the stinger but realized that it might pierce my skin. $Z then brushed his index finger over the tip of the stinger and withdrew it very quickly. He said “Ow.” As he looked over his hand. I was concerned that he had gotten stung. If it was a bee, i thought that we would have to pull the stinger out before it pumped too much venom into him. I could see the stinger still on the back of the insect, however, and wondered whether the insect was really a wasp. I walked around the south side of $Z as he sat in the chair. I asked him if he was all right. He was $A36. He looked at me with his mouth open, as if he was gasping for air. I thought that he was allergic to the bee sting and was having trouble breathing. I told him to lay down as i tipped the chair back and held his head as i lowered him to the pavement. He then started to smile. I realized that he was joking. I leaned on him as he lied on the ground and he started to smile. I jokingly told him that he was not funny as i pressed my right elbow into his abdomen. He groaned as he laugher and grabbed me with his legs. I we started to wrestle, but only did so for a few seconds as we both laughed.

12000 August 23

I looked down the long corridor of the building. This place seemed to be some type of large hotel or office building. There seemed to be some type of emergency in the building and i had to get out. I started running to the east, down the corridor. There was an alarm ringing, but i did not feel anxious. I turned back and forth down several twisting corridors, thinking that this seemed very unreal. I did not believe that there was a fire and seemed to be joking about it in my head. I then came to a short corridor with white walls. It was a dead end. I thought that there could be a fire to the east which had trapped me in the small corridor. I looked south to noticed that the thin wall of the corridor had been pushed back slightly. I kicked it, trying to break it away from the rest of the wall so that i could walk through. I hopped through the opening and ran through several more corridors. The walls of the building were tan and seemed to be covered with tile. I came into a long east-to-west corridor and wondered which way i should go. The corridor seemed to have light coming from outside. The ceiling seemed very high, and i thought that there might be a skylight along the center. I then remembered that there were exit signs throughout the corridors. I looked to the west to see an exit sign on the south wall. It pointed to the west. Farther down the hall to the west i could see the door to the stairwell on the south side. It was a plain metal door with a small window in it. The corridor ended soon after it. I turned to the east and started jogging down the corridor. There were a few more exit signs near me. The corridor was painted in a bright blue but had a plain cement floor and a rough stone ceiling which arched inward on the south side of the hall. I walked up to a metal door on the south side of the corridor. It was a door to the stairwell. Through the small glass window i could see a rounded stone stairwell which dropped down. I opened the door slightly to see that i was at the top floor of the well. The ceiling arched away from the door and rounded its way to the vertical walls on the other side of the well. I felt a little uneasy with the height and backed out of the doorway. I then noticed that there was an exit sign in the center of the hallway which pointed to the next door on the south side of the hall. I looked at the door to see that it was also a stairwell. The label on the door said “Stairway Down”. I then looked at the door through which i had been looking to see that it was the stairs up. I realized that both doors led into the same stairwell, but that the door to the east led to the stairs which descended. I looked through the glass window of the first door to see a platform which ran to the south. There was a rising stone wall to the west which seemed to have the stairs ascending on the other side. I thought that i could open the door and look down the stairwell to the bottom, but i suddenly felt uncomfortable with the height and decided not to. O let the door close all the way and continued down the corridor to the east. I noticed that there was a glass wall at the end of the corridor through which i could see a few people in dress shirts working at a counter. As i approached them, i noticed that the wall to the north was glass as well and opened up into a large computer area. There were many people sitting around the sides of the large room. A bright green counter ran along the jagged north wall of the room. The room had many counters set up with computers on them. The walls and the computers were all painted a glossy bright green. I noticed a patch f white letters over one of the monitors which was the initials of $G6. I realized that this was the computing facility at the top of the building. I then noticed $A79 sitting at a terminal which faced the west wall. I also noticed $A259 on a north-facing counter to the east of him. She was wearing a pink shirt. I knocked on the window to get their attention, wondering whether anyone would mind. I was aware of the men in dress shirts watching me from the east. I decided that the man was not $A79, but i waved to the woman to get her attention. As she turned around, i realized that she was old. She looked at me before turning to talk to the man. She was not $A259. I turned around to face the south wall as people started to walk out of the computer room. We should evacuate the building because the fire alarms were ringing. I noticed that there was another stairwell directly across the hall from the computer room. Several of the employees of the room had already started to file out of the room and through the door of the stairwell. I followed them. As i descended the first set of bright green stairs, i remembered that $A166 had mentioned how every floor of this building was a different colour. I wondered whether it was divided by floor or by region. I spoke to the woman behind me as we descended the stairs. She commented on the colour of the walls. The stairs curved to the west as they descended toward the sandy ground of the playground at the back of the building. One of the men mentioned something and another joked with him. As we reached the sandy ground, the two men made comments that the ground would bubble up if they left it like that. I looked to the south to see them standing in front of a sandy patch near a back-hoe. The construction people had been fixing the ground. The sandy section was grey and had rounded bumps on it. I decided that they must be talking about the way it had settled. I turned to the north to walk into the building.

12000 August 25

I walked into the apartment from the entrance on the north. I came into a white hallway which branched in two directions: one going to the south and the other turning to the west. The floor of the apartment was covered with a soft white carpet. As i started to the south, down the corridor, i noticed a fluffy grey cat standing in the middle of the rug, its right side facing me. It looked at me curiously, as though it were unsure whether i was supposed to be in the apartment. I wondered who let the cat into the apartment. I remembered that $F12 was allergic to cats. I thought that the cat must have sneaked into the apartment. I walked over to the cat and tried to pick it up. I thought that i would put it back outside. As i grabbed its sides, though, it squirmed away. I thought that i would have to catch it. It ran into the kitchen area to the east of the corridor. I started to follow it when i noticed that there were two black cats standing in the corridor to the south. I thought that their hair would show up against the white floor of the apartment. $F12 would know that they were here. The grey car then ran across the corridor and started down the hall to the west. I looked to the east, where the cat had come from. There was a man standing in the corridor. I felt strange and realized that he had changed into a man from the cat. He was some kind of magical creature. He was rather short, but he was nicely detailed on his upper body. I wondered who he was. I turned to the west and started to follow the grey cat down the hall. The man was suddenly in front of me. He turned quickly to the right and grabbed the grey cat as it started past him. He grabbed the cat around the waist with both of his hands. I wondered whether he was hurting the cat. He lifted the cat into the air and started to carry it out of the apartment, to the north. I started to feel as though i should leave this place. I remembered that i had to get back to the city. I had only come to look at this place. I stood to the south of the large vehicle, which started to move to the east. I was at the train station with the other person. I thought that we were waiting for a train. I was facing the east as the wind started to blow. I remembered that it was a very windy day, and that we had been traveling on the wind currents before we got here. The other people in the terminal were crouched down against the wind, but i stood up and felt it blow around me. I then opened up the front of my jacket, placed my hands in the pockets, and spread the sides of my jacket out. I could see my jacket filling with wind. It looked like a light blue bed sheet. I started to glide to the east. I remembered that we were different than the other people in the train station. We were able to fly on the wind. I lifted my feet behind me and flew down the side of the long train. I flew faster and faster as i passed the other people in the station. $Z was moving along my side. He suddenly took off and headed upward. I flew closer to the ground as we moved. The ground was cement, and the station seemed fairly new. The columns which held up the roof were square and had posters on the sides of them. Ahead of me was a part of the terminal which was closed. There was a tunnel where the stairs headed off to the south to get to the street. I wondered whether i was flying too quickly through the tunnel. I did not know whether i would be able to maneuver well enough in the closed space. I swooped low to the ground and tried to slow myself as i entered the darkness of the enclosure. My eyes were not adjusted to the dark at first, and i was worried that i might run into something. I noticed several young men standing on the walls of the tunnel. They seemed to be part of a gang. They watched me as i passed, but did not move. Just beyond them was a tall metal chain link fence which was held in place by several tall metal poles. I could see sunlight just beyond the fence. I wondered whether i would be able to maneuver quickly enough to be able to fly between the top of the fence and the ceiling. I lifted up and burst from the building, rising over the suburban blocks of the landscape. I thought that i should return to where i had come from. I remembered that we had parked our car on the east side of the city. I looked down to see the main road stretching to the east-northeast below me. It seemed familiar. I thought that i could simply glide on the air once i had enough altitude. I thought about the wind that was blowing into the sails of my jacket. The suit i was wearing was especially made to catch the wind. I thought that it looked like a hawk to the people who were watching below. I wondered why the people might thing. I tried to picture the suit from below. I then started to wonder how i was staying in the air. I remembered that a human could not fly in Earth’s atmosphere. The wind blew across my back, and i thought that there must be something special about the suit i was wearing. I swooped low over the houses suddenly as i followed the main road to the east. There was a corner were the road turned more to the northeast. On the corner was a white house with wood siding. The area around me was covered with similar houses. They all seemed very small and old. There was a white picket fence around the house on the corner. A yellow house stood just to the east of it. I remembered this place from before. I had been here earlier in the day. I knew that the plaza where we had parked our cars was not to far from here. I looked down the street to the east, but did not see any large buildings which might have been the plaza. There did seem to be several stores on the north side of the road, but nothing that looked like where i was going. I started to wondered whether i was on the correct road. The plaza should be close to us. I then decided that we were in the correct place. The plaza was simply to the north of us a little. I continued walking down the street to the east. I remembered that we were supposed to meet the others in the restaurant near the plaza. I then spotted the opening of the parking lot on the north side of the road. I walked into the entrance of the plaza and started heading to the small restaurant which was in front of it. I knew that i had to go around to the back of the building. The place was a pizza restaurant. I walked in the back door of the place. The other men with me followed me in. I spotted $A45 in the restaurant. He seemed upset by something. I asked him what was wrong. The large man who had entered with me put his arm around $A45 and comforted him. I felt sad for $A45, but did not thing that i could do anything about it. I then wondered whether the man was in a relationship with $A45. I looked around the small bar and realized that no one had noticed the two men hugging. I felt strange here. I wondered whether this place was a homosexual bar. I felt interested that it might be, but i started to feel out of place.

12000 August 28

I felt that something was wrong. I moved through the living room of my grandmother’s house and into the kitchen. My grandmother was not where she was supposed to be. There was someone else in the room, but i thought that she was a fake. I started to worry that something was wrong. I then moved to the cellar stairs. I remembered that my grandmother had fallen down the stairs. I was afraid that she might be injured seriously. I ran down the stairs to help her. I wondered how long she had been laying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. I thought that she might have been there for a long time before we came along. I lifted her up, careful to support her neck. I felt frightened that she would not revive. I carried her over my shoulder, up the stairs to the kitchen and laid her down on the floor. She was unconscious. She was wearing a dark dress. She breathed deeply as i looked at her. It seemed as though she had not been able to breath for a little while. I wondered whether i had been preventing her from breathing by the way i was carrying her up the stairs. I felt worried. I hoped that she would be all right, and i wondered what i should do to help her.

12000 August 29

I walked down the steep rocky hill with the others. The surface was dry and covered with large brown boulders which had rough granular surfaces. There were several small pine trees scattered across the surface, and it seemed that the area around us was mostly pine forest. He were trying to get something done. I asked my mother about the problem and she showed me the small computer screen. It was a Macintosh interface and there were two files on the screen. My mother said that there was a new feature to the system which would allow me to open them easier. I wondered how she knew about the system. She had never really used this interface before. My mother selected the icons on the screen and moved them to the upper right corner. They changed shape. They became two square grey icons with ragged top and bottom edges. I could see the new icons at the bottom of the screen with several others of the same type. My mother selected one of them and a small window opened up on the screen. It was a Macintosh tab window, but it was centered in the middle of the screen. I did not understand the purpose of the screen and wondered why it was a new feature.