12002 August 02

I looked out the window on the east side of the house. It was grey out, and it seemed as though it had just rained quite a bit. I looked down at the ground just outside the front window of my house, but it seemed as though i was looking around the northeast corner of the building and down the eastern wall of the brick house. There was a trench in the dirt along the side of the house were the rain water had fallen off the roof. The heavy water had washed away the soil. I thought that he grass seed which had just been planted on the ground did not have time to root before the rain came. I moved over the trench, which was filled with water. The heavy rains had flooded the gardens which were along the eastern side of the house as well, stripping away the dirt and exposing the stones in the ground. I was surprised to see such damage from the rain, and thought that the rains must have been very heavy over night. I felt upset that the lawn around my house was ruined. I moved south along the east wall of the house, looking at the standing water in the garden. There were no plants growing in it. I turned around and was then back in the house, looking out the back window, to the north. The back yard of the house was sloping gradually down to the south. The grass and soil had been stripped off of the lawn, leaving only thin ridges of clay and rocks. I could see the water flowing over the ground in a sheet. The light reflected off of the ripples. I was upset that all of the new topsoil and the grass that i had planted were gone. I worried that the rains must have been very severe. I then worried that the large amount of water on the ground might have leaked into the basement. I turned and went to make sure the basement was not flooded. I was afraid that i would find a lot of standing water in it. I opened the cellar door and started down the stairs, into the basement of my parents’ house. There was water flowing from the north wall, just to the east of the stairs. The flow was heavy, but came in sudden bursts. I watched as the stream reduced to a trickle and then surged again. I thought that the steady flow of water would wash down the wall. I was very concerned and had to do something. I called back up the stairs to my mother, who was in the kitchen. I said that she should look at the water leak in the basement. I said that it was bad. There must be a lot of water built up behind the stone wall to keep the flow going. I worried that the foundation would break and collapse.

12002 August 03

I finished cleaning up several things in the small bedroom area of the house. The room was rather messy, with sheets bunched up on the low single bed. The bed was against the west wall of the room. I left the bedroom and walked down the hall to the west, to where $F21 was standing with some other people. This apartment was hers, and i was here visiting her. As i approached her, she introduced me to the man who was standing next to her. He was her friend. He was wearing a dark blue tee shirt, and his skin was somewhat dark. I greeted him, thinking that me was very attractive. He replied with a smile, pointing to the biceps of my right arm and making a comment about them. I felt slightly uncomfortable and thought that it was very strange that he should mention my biceps. I then turned and headed to the northwest, finding myself on the roof at the back of the house. A balcony had been build from the second floor of the apartment over one of the lower roofs. I looked out over the roofs of the other apartment buildings in the urban area. I wanted to fly out over the city and thought that i should. I lifted my hands up to my shoulders and then pushed down, pushing the air under me. I imagined that there was a force emanating from my hands which pushed the air down, enabling me to move upward, into the air. I lifted into the air a little and started to move around over the balcony. I wanted to practice a bit before i flew out over the city. I was not experienced with this type of flying. As i circled around over the stone patio to the northwest of the house, a woman started flying with me. I spoke to here as we swooped over the short stone wall at the edges of the patio. She was a friend of $F21. I felt slightly uncomfortable speaking to her. It seemed that she was trying to get some information out of me, but she was not asking me direct questions. I walked back down the hall, to the east as we spoke. She was dark skinned, and complimented me on my flying. I thought that she was making passes at me. I did not know what to say to here. She was $F21’s girlfriend, so i could not have a relationship with her. It would be too awkward. I felt uncomfortable and thought that she was causing too much tension in the house. She lived with us. There were several of us living in this house, and it seemed as though we were all supposed to get along. This situation seemed like the television show The Real World. I tried not to get involved in a conversation with the woman. I headed back to my room. I knew that the others in the house were all arguing with each other, but i did not want to get involved. I thought that the arguments were too petty to deal with.

12002 August 04

I left the house and drove the car to the east. I felt as though i had been doing something at my parents’ house. The road ahead was dark, and i felt uncomfortable about driving the car. I was leaning forward in the car, as though i was really lying on my stomach on a sled. I was traveling down the long stretch of road which crossed the field to the west of $P67. I cautiously watched the road ahead of me, expecting some hazard to be in the way. On the opposite end of the field, i could see water flowing over the road. I could see the ripples in the surface in the light of a street lamp. I knew that there had been a lot of rain lately, but i did not think that this water could be that deep. There were no creeks in this field that could overflow. I headed far the water, wandering whether it would be safe to cross in the small car. I then wondered whether i would get wet from the splashing of the tires. I passed over the water, shill hoping that it was not that deep. It did not seem to bother the car. I rounded the corner to the southeast, thinking that i could have taken the road to the north, turned off of the main road to the northeast, in the middle of the corner. I considered which road i should be taking. I knew that i was heading into town to visit $A354 at his house. He lived in the housing area which was just off the bypass. I would have to stay on the road that i was traveling because it was the most direct route. As i rounded the corner to the southeast, it was daylight again. I watched the intersection with the other road pass on the left of me. It departed from the main road just as the road started to straighten out again after the corner. This was not correct. The road should have met the main road before the curve. This was not the way the roads should be. I thought that i was imagining the roads incorrectly. I would have to concentrate harder to correct the layout of the roads. I closed my eyes and tried to picture the roads as they should be. I then opened my eyes and found myself getting out of the car on the north side of a small city shopping area. The car was parked in the first spot on the east side of a street, which headed north from the main street. The main street did sat seem heavily trafficked, but it was the street which ran along the north side of the shopping courtyard. My mother seemed to have been in the car with me. As i stepped out of the car, $X3 walked out in front of me. As $X3 walked across the street and stopped by the curb on the other side, i realized that i did not have him on a leash. I was worried that he might run away. My mother said something from the side of the car, and i walked toward $X3 to put a leash on him. $X3 then took off, running to the southeast, toward the shopping area. I called his name, but he did not listen to me. I chased after him, following him into a small cafe area where there were small round tables of people seated. I called his name forcefully, trying to get him to come to me, but he would not listen. I then wandered whether the people might think i was being abusive with him because of the way i was calling his name. I did not know how to get him to listen. I moved through the people, calling his name, but he ignored me. I finally asked if someone could help me by grabbing his collar. I looked at a woman with frizzy blonde hair who was looking over some clothes on a rack to the west of her. She reached down and grabbed him by the collar. I thanked her as i reached her and took $X3’s collar. I was then standing within a small pavilion as the woman said something to me. $X3 had lain down on the floor at my feet, against the wooden half wall on the edge of the pavilion. The woman seemed concerned for the dog, and bent over to look at him. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that she might think that i was not taking good care of him. She said something about the dog. I did not think the dog was sick, but i bent over and looked at the pad on his right front paw anyway. It looked fine to me. The woman said something that made it seem as if the pad was worn or damaged. I looked at it again, seeing only a thin crack across the center of it. The crack was not that deep and did not appear to be an injury. I then wandered whether the pad was simply worn dawn. I felt as though i should know what was wrong with $X3, but i did not know what the woman was talking about.

12002 August 05

We drove to the south, heading down the long crowded highway toward the city. The city seemed like New York City. I remembered that the highway would turn to the west where it would run into one of the many overpasses which brought traffic up to the bridge. I felt strange about driving here. The roads were crowded with traffic and $F4 was with me. We would have to take the tunnel to the city.

12002 August 06

I was in the back yard of the small suburban house. The house seemed old, but very nicely maintained. It was a white stucco house, with brown wood trim. $A150 was at the house with me. I felt happy here. It seemed that i had been here a long time ago, and it felt good to be back. The sun was bright, and i danced around the back yard, to the north of the house. There was a large tree near me with wide branches. I knew that the other members of my family had come back to this house for some sad event, but i liked being here. I was then inside with the others. We had to get ready for something. I was in the bedroom of my grandfather’s house on $P12. I had to change into dress clothes. I did not feel like doing so. I still wanted to play out in the yard. I then noticed $A150 getting changed to the south of me, near the side of the large bed. He was pulling on his pants, and i could see that he had gained a lot of weight since i had known him. I remembered that he used to look very nicely detailed. I thought that he was no longer impressive. I thought that i had stayed in better shape than he had.

12002 August 07

I rounded the east end of the room and started to walk to the west, along the south wall. The room was filled with small dinosaurs. They were a little larger than a human, and they were shaped roughly like ostriches. They were actually rather intelligent, though. They were not monsters. I felt rather confused as i though about the situation. The sauropods had taken over this place. They were really the first intelligent life that evolved on the planet, but they became extinct at an early age. I tried to remember exactly what had happened, but every time i ran through the story in my head, it seemed different. I knew that they were here from the past, but i could not figure out how they came to our time. Something seemed out of place, as though the timeline was broken and non-linear. I was confused and tried to focus.

I came into the large open campground were the others were staying. The campground was thinly forested, with tall trees between the patches of cut green grass. I was here to meet $F41. He was standing just to the right of the gravel road as i came into the camp ground. I said hello to him as i approached. We started to talk for a little while. There was then a woman standing with us. She said hello to me and told me that i was attractive. I felt flattered and thanked her for the compliment. She told me her name. Her last name was “Sky”. I spoke to her and some of the other people as i waited. I felt agitated here. I did not want to get into a relationship with the woman and tried not to engage her in conversation. I wanted to leave this place, but i had to wait for $F41 to leave as well.

12002 August 09

I looked out the window to the north to see the dark clouds of the morning sky drifting over the rough water of the bay. It looked as though it might rain, and i felt slightly uncomfortable here. I was in a foreign country, and i had been staying with my mother and grandmother in this room. We had been staying with some other people. It seemed as though my mother had just left the room behind me. I kept looking out at the gloomy day outside. To the east of me i could see in the tall leaded-glass window of the house next door. The people who lived there were moving out, and had all of their things packed. I could see boxes stacked in the middle of the empty room. The room seemed nice, with polished wooden walls. I then turned and wandered to the south, across the small room, to the door of the room. As i approached the open door, a couple people ran across the doorway. I knew that something was wrong and thought that i should close the door. Before i could close the door, though, two men stopped in front of the door and started talking to each other. The tall skinny one was wearing a brightly coloured shirt, and he had something in his hand which he was selling to the other man. He had long dark hair which came down to his shoulders. I knew that he was selling drugs to the other man. I moved to the left, so that i was out of view from them, but, just before they passed out of my view around the edge of the door frame, one of them lifted the leg of his pasts as if to get something hidden in his sock. I was afraid that they might have guns with them. I had to close the door before they came into the apartment. I carefully walked over to the door, keeping to one side so that they would not see me coming. As i reached the door, they turned to look at me. I tried to close the door, but the man in the bright coloured shirt moved into the doorway, stopping the door from closing with his foot. They realized that i did not approve of what they were doing and became suspicious of me. They knew that i was planning to call the police as soon as i was out of their sight. I wondered what i should do. I decided that i should ignore them, as though i did not consider them a threat. I turned and headed back into the white room of the apartment, acting as though i was simply annoyed with them. I walked to the west wall of the room and started up the stairs, which ascended to the north, along the wall. I thought that i just had to get out of their sight so that i could make the phone call. I considered picking up the telephone and dialing emergency, and then leaving the telephone off the hook. I could then go back down stairs as though nothing was peculiar about my actions. I came to the hallway upstairs and started to the east, to the next apartment. The white door of the room was closed. Just as i reached for it, however, i heard the telephone ring. I then realized that the ringing was coming from all rooms of the apartment. I felt suddenly nervous. Something was very wrong with this. I could hear people picking up the telephones and answering them. I listened for a moment to the conversations, thinking that there was some plot to tie up the telephone lines in the entire building so that no one could call out. The conversations were different, though, as people talked casually on the telephones. I thought that it must have been a coincidence. I came back into the main room of the apartment, wondering what i should do. The front door of the house was now closed, and i could not see the dealers anywhere in the room. I wondered whether they were still around. Something felt very wrong, and i did not know what to do about it.

12002 August 11

I was at my grandfather’s cottage at $P22 with my grandfather and my parents. I stood to the east of my father as i told him something about the packing. We had to get all of our things together to leave. Something was happening, and we had to get out of the cottage. I told my father how i would pack all of my things and get them ready for the car. My grandfather was standing just to the north of us as we made our decisions. I walked to the southwest as we stepped away from each other and looked out the window at the car in the driveway. It was snowing heavily out, and i knew that there would be a storm coming in. I turned to the northeast to get my things, thinking that it would not be that safe to travel. It felt as though we had to get moving, though. I thought about how i would pack my things as i walked into the small bedroom. I entered the room through the door on the south end of the west wall. The walls of the room were covered with horizontal wood boards which were lightly stained and finished. A single bed ran along the wall just to the north of the door. There was a paper bag on the edge of the bed. I looked into it as i passed, seeing the carton of eggs and a few other food items. These things were mine, and i thought that i could not put them into the car until i packed the larger items. I stopped in the middle of the room, wondering how i would get the other things into the car. I felt as though we were being deceptive. I walked to the west, out into the hall, thinking that, if the police came, we mould have to hide some of the things that we were packing. We could not let people know that we were leaving. I tried to think of how we would pack the car. I could not concentrate. We had to fool someone, and i felt as though it might not work. I was then walking to the southwest with my father, down the dirt road toward the lake. The man had to be deceived. As we approached the intersection of the roads, i saw $A354 sitting on the ground in the shallow water. The man in the white suit was standing near her. She was supposed to tell him a story that would lead the man away from us, but the man had gotten suspicious. There was another man walking away from the two as we passed to the south of them. I could hear the first man telling $A354 that he would have his answer. I thought that he must have a gun and that he was threatening her. She would tell him all about our leaving. We would have to rescue her and fool the man into thinking that there was really nothing going on. I stood in the shallow water to the east of the man now as he said something to my father. Me father was to the west of him. The man swung his right arm out and i stopped it in front of me. It seemed as though he was drunk. $A354 must have done something to him. I knew that we would have to disable him so that we could leave.

12002 August 12

I had been running with $G4 through the forested area. This place seemed to be surrounded by a small city. The main part of the group stood to the south of me, among the trees. I was talking to a few others in the clearing of cut grass. I then felt something on my skin. I looked at my right hand to see small white puffy balls falling onto my skin. I asked someone what it was. It was falling from the sky, and i thought that it might be snow. I talked to the others about it. It was the middle of the summer, so it was unlikely that it was really snow. I knew that it could be some kind of hail, though: something that might fall in front of a strong thunder storm. I felt the small round balls hitting my skin as we started walking to the west, into the clearing. The small spheres felt soft and fuzzy, not cold. They did not seem to be snow at all. I started jogging down the long grassy clearing which ran down the hill to the south, through the woods where the others were standing. The air was filled with the falling white balls. I thought that a storm might be coming, but this did not seem right. Something was wrong with the white stuff. I felt as though i should find shelter.

I had just finished doing something when i looked at the map, which seemed to be on a wall to the north of me. There was a river winding through the central section of the map, heading west to east. I knew that the river emptied into the main river, which seemed to run north to south along the right edge of the map. I felt satisfied that i had taken care of the area around the river in the center of the map. I then thought of the hills to the north and looked toward the top of the map. There was a second river flowing from the west along the top part of the map. I wondered which river it was. I decided that it might be the Mohawk River, since the other one on the map was the Hudson. I thought that the junction of the three rivers was Albany, New York. As i looked at the river on the north edge of the map, i realized that it was really a lake. The north shore of the lake was off of the map. There were words in the center of the reservoir which said “Columbia”, followed by the body of water. The second word seemed to be broken or interrupted by a fold in the map. There were several other lines of text under the name. I thought about that area as i started walking to the west, finding myself on the eastern edge of a large, flat landscape. The grass on the ground was long but dry and matted. I stepped over the small stream gully on the south side of the road and into the field. The dirt road ran to the west, into a small country community. The field i was walking across was small and square, bordered by the stream on the east, the dirt road on the north, and a collapsed stone wall on the south. The western side of the field seemed to border some of the old wooden houses of the town. The land to the south was flat and seemed to be grassy fields all the way to the horizon. There now seemed to be a large white church on the northwest corner of the field. I walked to the south of the church, looking around at the area. I thought that this lot would be a nice place for a house. I thought that there was probably one here in the past. I then looked overhead and noticed that there was a set of old black power lines which seemed to run from an old wooden pole by the road to a house to the south. The lines looked worn, with the rubber insulation cracked and flaking. I thought that the lines probably emitted a lot of electromagnetic noise, which would mess up the recording equipment that i used. This would not be a good place to have a house after all. I imagined what the house would look like with the power lines attached to it. I was then looking to the south, at an old small wooden farm house. The paint on the outside walls had long since chipped away, leaving the dark rotting wood exposed. There was a small brick chimney coming out of the peak of the roof in the center of the house. A large rubber band was wrapped around the top of the chimney. I thought that it was there to gather electricity from the power lines. Because it was wrapped in a loop, it would pick up the electromagnetic noise from the lines and convert it into power. The man, who was now standing just to the west of me, told me about the house. He said that the house was very old and had no power coming to it. It was build before there was electricity being supplied to the area, so the loop on the roof would collect electricity from the natural environment. I thought that the house would only have lights in a thunder storm. The man continued, saying that the house was very old. He told me how the owner had done all of the wiring in the house. He made it sound as though the owner of the house had been very inventive to collect electricity and send it through the house. As we walked to the south, along the west side of the small stone house, he pointed out the canvas band which was on the roof. I realized that the vertical wood boards which i had seen on the bottom of the house were really part of an addition to the north side of the house. The addition no longer had any roof, and seemed to be collapsing from decay. I looked closely at the canvas strip which ran down the side of the roof from the chimney. I thought that it was probably dampened so that it could conduct electricity better. As i looked at the strip, i could hear a buzzing. I told the man that the electricity was shorting. The old canvas strip was suspended above the roof and side wall of the house by heavy wrought iron braces. I looked at the section of the yellowing canvas which ran over the northern edge of the room and out of view behind the tall boards which used to be the outside wall of the back of the house. I could see small sparks glimmering around the ring at the end of the brace which held the canvas just off the edge of the roof. This house was very old, and everything about it seemed to be decaying. As i looked back up along the surface of the roof, i noticed that the house had tall wooden towers on the eastern side. The towers looked fairly new, but i knew that hey had just been repainted. I wondered, for a moment, why i had not seen them on the house before. I then remembered that i had seen them before when i was still crossing the field. The tower closest to me had a fake window painted on its western side. I felt that the window was just to make the house look nicer than it did, but i also thought that the new paint made the house look tacky. As i moved to the south again, i noticed that only parts of the house were painted. I tried to picture what the house had looked like before it had been redone. I pictured the rotting walls of the towers, partly collapsed. The man then said something to me again. We were now walking through the house. There were several others with me on the tour. The man told us about the old owner of the house. He made the owner seem eccentric but innovative. We walked through the small dimly lighted living room of the house. The ceilings were low, and the walls were all made of wood. The place was decrepit, and there was debris on the old wooden floor. The design of the house was very pleasing, though. The wood trim on all of the doors and windows was very detailed. I thought that it would look very nice if it was refinished. I was attracted to the house. It had quite a bit of charm to it. As we headed to the east, toward a narrow stairway, i noticed the light shining in through the open roof of the small bedroom to the north. There was a pile of broken beams and scattered remains of the roof in the northeast corner of the room. We turned a corner and headed to the south, coming into the kitchen. The room was very nicely constructed, with many cabinets along the southern and eastern walls. There was a long dull-green counter along the eastern wall, with a sink in the center of it. There was a lot of room in the kitchen, but the roof over the kitchen was also crumbling. I looked up to see the rotting beams and gaps in the roof boards where the sky shined through. I asked the man who was guiding us on the tour where the roof of the house had gone. He said that it had simply rotted. I then looked to the west were two wooden columns stood on either side of the main entrance to the kitchen. Beyond the columns was the entry hall of the house. There seemed to be a living room beyond, with a large window on the southern wall. I could see the wide yellow fields of the valley stretching out to the horizon through the dingy window. I then looked back at the columns. They were covered with thin wood shingles, which formed a scale-like pattern down the sides of the square columns. Where some of the shingles had fallen off, however, i could see the old asbestos shingles. The old shingles had not been removed before the new ones were put on. The trim on the top of the column was very decorative. It was carved into intricate floral patterns and reminded me of something from the baroque period. I liked this house very much, but i knew that i could never afford to rebuild it. I wished i had the money to buy it and fix it back up to its original beauty. I felt very nice to be here.

12002 August 13

I had to go somewhere, and the woman was going to take me there. I was now sitting in the passenger seat of her large dark-blue truck as we started up the narrow trail to the southwest. The trail was just wide enough for a single vehicle to drive up, but it did not look terrible stable. The hill on which we were climbing was very steep, and the trail wound around the side of it as it climbed. The dry clumpy soil seemed loose. There was thick vegetation on both sides of the road, but the right side had only a half metre patch of thick ground vegetation before the hill dropped steeply into the deep valley below. I worried that the trail could not withstand the weight of the truck. It seemed that the trail would break off from the hill and the truck would roll off of the cliff. We then passed over the top of the rolling hill, and started down the grassy slope on the western side of the island. The road curved to the north, cutting into the top of a small hill. We continued across the field and through a small patch of forest until we came back to the sandy beach of the river, where the road ahead ended. The landscape seemed to have changed suddenly. There were large sand dunes where the wind had blown the river’s beach up into the trees of the island. We were now walking to the north along the shore of the river, following the rocky trail. The ground was covered with small sticks which had washed up onto the rocky shore. I stepped over them carefully, following the woman to the north. She then said something to me. I was about to respond when my attention was drawn to the west, out over the blue water of the river. I was not sure what i had seen, but i thought that it might have been sharks. I knew that we were too far from the ocean for sharks to have traveled all the way up the river, but the river was at sea level and did have tide water. I then spotted the tan fins rising out of the water. They were a little rounded on the tops, and i decided that they were really dolphins. As i watched them roll in the water, however, i realized that they were too big to be dolphins. They were really whales. One of the whales then lifted its tail and splashed in the water. They were moving to the south very quickly. As they passed us, i looked to the north to see that several more were coming. They were heading to the south, to the ocean, which was quite a way away. The waters of the river seemed very turbulent, with high waves, but the whales passed effortlessly through it. I looked down to the woman, who was standing on the shore below me. I was now standing on the top of a sandy hill. I wondered suddenly how i had gotten from the shore to the top of the hill. The hill then changed. I realized that he hill was really water. I was standing on the top of a large wave. I felt confused and surprised, wondering how the hill could have changed. The wave of water should not have formed a solid hill, and should not have stayed in the form of the hill. As i realized this, the wave started to fall, and i fell with it. It was washing back into the waters of the river. I hoped that the woman got caught in the collapsing wave as well, and i hoped that we did not get drawn out into the sea by the force of the wave. I had to swim back to the shore before the water carried me out into the current of the river. I leaned back into the wave and started swimming in a back stroke, thinking that the back stroke would be much more relaxing to do. I would not get exhausted as easily. I reached the large rocks of the shore and climbed up. The tall cement walls of the institute were now right in front of me. The institute stood on the northern tip of the island. We had been heading to this place when we got off track on the trail by the beach. There was a narrow set of stairs cut into the rocks of the island. They led up to the recessed doorway in the bottom of the stone wall. I came to the heavy metal door, which looked like a submarine door. It was a back door to the institute. I opened the door and walked up the cement stairs to the corridor. The corridor ran north to south, but did not extend that far to the south. The woman headed to the north, into the main section of the research institute. This place was a laboratory where people from the university came to study marine life. I felt excited to be here and thought that i was here to visit someone that i had not seen in a while. The corridor went through a short causeway which passed between the different sections of the facility. There were windows on both sides of the corridor which let the bright light from the grey sky in. The woman past the windows and headed to the north, but i stopped and looked out the window on the western side of the corridor. I wondered were all of the other researchers and college students were. I then spotted them outside the window. There was a round pool set into the white stone terrace just to the north of the window, where the northern section of the brown brick building had a niche cut into it. There was a short brick wall around the curved western edge of the terrace, and there were several green shrubs in various planters around the terrace. Just below the terrace was a gravely sand bar at the edge of the river. The woman was standing on the sand beach, talking to some of the other students. I wanted to go join here, feeling that i should be hanging out with the students. I then noticed some of the young men swimming in the pool. They were wearing black swim trunks, and their upper bodies were very nicely built. I suddenly felt anxious and frustrated. I wished that i was able to hang out with them again. I stepped back into the hall, thinking that i would head a few doors down and come out on the patio by the pool. I found a corridor to the west just on the other side of the causeway and turned down it, but the stairs led down to a lower corridor. My father was walking to the north down the corridor and stopped when he saw me coming down the stairs. He was wearing a white and tan, striped, button-up shirt with long sleeves. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs to say hello to him. I was disappointed that i had run into him, because that meant that i would have to lead him through the facility rather than hang out and meet the men by the pool. I felt suddenly frustrated, and wondered what i should do.

I had just come from the house where i was gathered with the others. The place seemed like $P19. It felt strange to be here because i had not been here in a long time. I walked to the north, across the back yard of the house. There was a small animal moving in the trees to the west of me, so i stopped to see what it was. It was a fox, and it was climbing around the lower branch on the south side of an old tree. It seemed suddenly strange that a fox would be climbing in the tree. I felt that there might be something queer with this event. As i watched the fox, it slipped and fell off of the branch, but it did not drop properly to the ground. It fell slowly, as though the gravity near it was less. There was something not right going on here, and i started to feel that i was being tricked. I said something to $F12 as we continued to the west, on the narrow road to the west of $P19. I watched the dark brown fox move slowly on the ground to the west of the road. The fox looked exaggeratedly ugly, as though its features were distorted. Its face was stretched to emphasize its teeth and thin eyes, making it look vicious. It stared at us as we approached, and i thought that it might attack us. I then remembered this scene from before. I had been in a car with $F12 before when a raccoon played with us. This scene seemed to be an alternate version of that time. The raccoon then jumped onto the hood of our car. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that it might be rabid. I turned on the windshield wipers to try to sweep the raccoon form the window. I had also turned them on the last time. This scene was a repeat of what happened before.

12002 August 14

I walked down the road to the west, glancing at the flat landscape to the south of me. The land was covered with dry corn fields, which seemed muddy and spotted with patches of snow. The dry corn stalks were bent over and broken from harvest. I looked down at a blue tight-knit hat, which had a white and yellow band of snow-flake designs across it. As i passed over it, i wondered who might have dropped it. I then noticed a woman in the field to the south of me. She appeared from the culvert that i was about to walk over. The road was now elevated from the field, and the ground sloped down from the road. The culvert was cut into the side of the slope. I thought that the woman must have been looking for something in the mouth of the culvert. She rounded the edge of the embankment around the drainage pipe, headings east, and started walking toward the read. As she reached the road, she leaned over and picked up a brown hat which was lying on the ground. I realized that she was looking for articles of clothing and told her about the hat. She thanked me and walked over to pick it up. I asked her about the articles of clothing as i turned around and headed back to the east. I looked around for other things which might belong to the woman. I could see several tattered articles of clothing scattered around the area. I wondered what had happened. I said something to the woman as i walked to the east, passing her as she bent over to pick something up. I glanced to the north to see more open corn fields. Then i noticed a patch of thin leafless trees on the north side of the road, to the east of me. There was something in the trees. I started toward the trees as the woman turned to the west and continued searching the ground. The shapes in the tangle of dead tree branches seemed to be human. They were pale and distorted. I thought that they were dead bodies on the ground among the trees. I felt uneasy as i approached the woods to get a closer look. I thought that i would have to call the police and explain how i had found the bodies. As i walked closer to the small cluster of old houses, which was new where the trees were, i started to feel strange. This place was old, and there was something special in the way it felt. I looked to the north, down the narrow street which ran through the suburban area. All of the houses in the small development were very old, and there was a heavy feeling to them. The house just to the east of me was covered with dull-yellow stucco and had vines growing up its sides. It seemed to be well maintained, though i could tell that it had peeling paint and some rotting trimming due to its age. I walked a little farther down the road to see if i could find the bodies that i had seen. There was a plain wall along the west side of the property, which seemed to be the garage. The garage was to the south of the house. There also seemed to be an old wooden fence around the yard which had been covered with many thick vines. The vines were new leafless. I walked up to the side of the house to see if i could find the bodies. There was a porch cut into the southwest corner of the old house which had a trellis covering the west side of it. As i looked at the dark designs of the vines growing over the trellis, i realized that it was not bodies which i had seen, but the pattern of vines on the wall of the house. The vines wound around each other in the center of the trellis, making the shapes of two human figures lying on their sides.

12002 August 19

I picked up the small gourd-shaped instrument and strummed it. It made a humming noise like a sitar. The other person walked to the left of me. She looked at me, smiling at the sound of the instrument. The others did not know that the gourd was really an instrument. It was simply a strangely shaped object to them. I felt special for knowing this information. I looked down at the round abject in me left hand. The body was brown and looked like an acorn shell. The center of the top was blonde, and there were brass-coloured fins at the bottom of the face of the instrument. The fins were shaped like small fans, and were suspended side-by-side by a thin metal wire that connected the base of each fin. I thought that the fins had something to do with the production of the sound. I strummed the instrument a few more times. It started to sound more like a hum. I thought about how this instrument had been left here at the sale. No one really knew what it was. I thought that it must have been abandoned a long time ago. I looked over the worn instrument and noticed that the back of it was cracked. Part of the body seemed to be missing. I wondered why i had not noticed the hole in the body before.

12002 August 21

I walked through the halls of $P7. It had been a long time since i had come back to this place, and it seemed as though i was here to take classes. I felt excited about being here again, though i knew that i would be a little out of place. I wandered to the north from the main stairwell, on the third floor. The walls were white, and i noticed that some of the classrooms here were new. I remembered being here before and seeing the new rooms. I remembered that they were very similar to a dream that i had of the place. I then thought that i would be taking classes here again, and i started to feel a little strange. I realized that i was wearing my old school clothes. People around here no longer wore uniforms. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, realizing that i would seem very out of place. I thought that i would have to go back home to change, but i did not think that i had enough time to do so. I felt very agitated and did not think that i belonged here.

12002 August 24

I was sitting on the floor of the room of the house. The room seemed to be on an upper floor of the house. To the north of me was a large window which seemed to reach all the way to the floor. The carpeting in the room was olive green, and i seemed to be very young as i sat in the center of it. There were no furnishings in the room, but there seemed to be a table to the west of where i was standing. I was watching my younger self in the center of the floor. The person had given me the small box which was covered in green velvet, and i was looking through the contents. I was again the small child as i pulled the rectangular object from the open end of the box. The object had several military bars sewn on to it. There was a white bar in the upper left corner and a red one below it. There were several other award bars of various colour. I knew that these objects belonged to my mother’s father. He had just died. There was something strange about going through his things. I felt as though i was discovering things that no one had seen before. The woman asked me about some of the things as i looked through them. She was to the east of me, bending over to look at the things. I pulled the manila folder out of the green box and opened it in front of her. The documents inside had something to do with my grandfather’s service in the army. I thought that they were important official documents. I handed the folder to the woman and pulled another from the box. I felt as though there was something to discover here. I was interested it the medals that my mother’s father had won. I looked at the green tray which i had pulled from the box. It had several golden medals arranged in it. I was looking at one of the oddly-shaped medals form the tray. It seemed to have six sides, but all of the sides were different in length, making the coin roughly tear-drop shaped. The left side was the longest. There seemed to be a picture of a woman on each of the coins. I tried to place the coin, which was in my left hand, back into the tray, where there were inset spaces for each medal, but i could not figure out where the coin fit. I had messed up the tray and the rest of the coins were no longer in their recesses. I tried to arrange them quickly but felt that i could not get it right. There was then something else which drew my attention. I was interested in something more important in the box. I turned around and started thinking of me mother’s father again. I knew that he had died when i was very young, but it also seemed as though he had just died. There was something which felt very comforting about this place, as though it was someplace from my childhood which was nostalgic. I was young as i sat at the south end, on the west side of the long table. The rest of the family seemed to be here. I sensed my mother’s father behind me and i turned around to greet him. He was tall and skinny and seemed to have dark skin. I reached out to hug him as i told him that it was very good to see him. He seemed surprised, and i realized that he did not recognize me. I was grown, and i was in the past. I told him that i was his grandson, referring to the younger version of myself, who was sitting at the table. I looked over to see myself in a red shirt and vertically striped pants. My long wavy hair was golden blonde. I said something to my mother’s father, trying to explain why i was happy to see him and why i was a stranger to him.

12002 August 25

I was riding in the old small motor boat, along the western shore of the narrow lake. This was my grandfather’s old boat. It was white, with a pale green deck. The boat was still sitting near the shore of the lake. I could see trees along the shore on the eastern side of the lake. I then remembered that i had forgotten something that i had to take on the boat trip. I stood up and turned toward shore to get out of the boat and get it from the camp site. As i started to get out of the metal canoe, however, i realized that there was water in the bottom of the boat. The water was filling up most of the boat, and i was afraid that it might sink. I told my father to get something to bail the water out of the boat. I started to feel panicked. He looked at the water from his seated position at the other end of the boat and did not seem concerned. He said that he did not think that we had to worry about the water. I stepped out of the boat to get something myself from the camp site. I opened the green canvas dish bag and looked through the contents to find something that we could bail with. The bag was full of tupperware dishes and cups, but i could not find something large enough to bail with. I finally found a large clear plastic measuring bowl and headed back to the boat. I liked the bowl and thought that i should be able to keep it for my home. As i returned to the boat, i realized that my grandfather was sitting in it. I wondered how he had gotten there. I knew that he was dead, but it was good to see him again.

12002 August 26

I was sitting in the small cafe with my friends, around a small round table. There were four of us. It seemed as though we had just come back from a party. The person to the left of me said something about marijuana. I leaned back into my chair and looked to my left and over my shoulder. There was a large window right behind me. I thought that it would be fine if everyone smoked, even though i knew that i could not smoke. I then thought that this place might not be the best place for them to smoke. I thought that i would not be comfortable taking drugs in this place because it was a public restaurant. I then thought that i might be the one to feel paranoid while under the influence. I thought that such emotions would be very bad if i was stoned. I then became worried that the police might try to stop us and ask us questions. I remembered that i had a small pipe in my left jacket pocket. I was worried that someone might find it and think that i had been using it. I felt paranoid as we stood up and started to leave. I pictured the small brass tube in my pocket and wondered whether i could pass it off as some kind of pressure nozzle. I thought that i could tell the police that it had something to do with the machinery. I felt very uncomfortable, and did not seem to be aware of my surroundings. I worried that someone might find the pipe and arrest me. I pulled the brass tube out of my pocked and looked at it. The left end was shaped like the nozzle of a fire hose, and the right was plain and cylindrical. I unscrewed the two ends, wondering what it the police would see if they took it apart. There was a thin wire in the center which i thought was the filter. I then noticed that the wire split into two as it inserted into the right half of the pipe. The pipe actually had some finely detailed mechanisms in it. There was a brass-coloured disc in the center of the right side which had circular ridges on it. The casing around it was a lighter-coloured metal. On the left side, the two wired fit into small brass-coloured pivots. I thought that the instrument was nicely crafted.