12003 August 08

I said something to the other person as i started to the west, across the stage. I then realized that i was speaking too loud. We were in the middle of a performance, and i did not want the audience to the south to hear me. The person to the southeast of me said “Shhh” as $F37 walked onto the stage from the west. We were actually behind stage, a dull yellow curtain hanging to the south of us which separated us from the part of the stage that the audience could see. I walked to the west to change my clothes. I had to put my other dress shirt on. I then realized that i had been late. I should be on stage watching with the others. I hurriedly changed my shirt and rushed to the east side of the stage, where i could walk around the curtain. The scene changed, and i walked out onto the stage in my grey dress coat and sat on the chair in the middle. I started to act upset for the scene. $F43 then walked to the south of me and started talking. I did not recognize the lines, however. She was starting another scene that i did not know. I did not reply as i tried to think of some way i could reply to her to bring her back to the scene. She said some more lines, and i replied, hoping to change the subject. I thought about the scene that we were supposed to be doing. I then realized something that i could say which would remind her that we were supposed to be talking about what i had done to embarrass the woman at the party. I then looked to the west. I was now sitting on the floor at the side of the stage. $F39 was sitting against the back wall of the stage, which was now to the south. She spoke to the west, but there was no one there to reply. I realized that this was the sixth scene, which was new to the play. They were not getting their lines correct. I hoped that they could get through the scene.

12003 August 11

I walked around the southern edge of the hedgerow as the police officer started down the north side. The hedges were actually part of a truck which the police officer had pulled over. I could not let the officer see me, so i carefully crept to the east as he walked to the west, toward the cab of the truck. The hedges were thin enough that i could see the officer moving, but i hoped that he could not see me. I stopped at the western edge of the truck and peered around the north side of the hedges. The officer was talking to someone in the cab of the tractor-trailer. As he started to return, i crouched down and headed back along the southern side of the row of bushes to the front of the truck. I had to sneak out of here before i was discovered. I turned to the southeast, toward the main road, and found myself on the driver’s side of the vehicle. The small black car was parked very close to the tall tree. I thought that i would get in the car and drive away, but i realized that the tree was standing in the middle of the driver’s seat of the convertible. I was aware of the cars traveling down the main road to the south of me as i pushed the black car a little, backing it up from the tree so that i could get into the driver’s seat. I slipped into the can and started moving it toward the road. I was already driving out into the first lane of the road when i noticed the line of cars coming from the west. I could not pull out easily, so i stopped and waited. The people in the cars were watching me as i stood in the entrance to the parking lot. I felt suddenly strange, so i turned around and walked back in to the room of the house where the party was. The officers were still outside, so i had to act unsuspicious. I crossed the eastern side of the dark room. There was a couch along the short white eastern wall. The ceiling was rather low, as though the room was in the basement of the house. The main door to the house was to the southeast of me, where the entrance to the parking lot had been. I moved around nervously, watching the few others at the party.

12003 August 14

I walked across the crowded space where $G4 were gathered. This was a large event, and there were people from all over the country here. I moved to the east, through the crowd and started down the eastern side of the room, now heading south. I felt unsure about being here, as though something was wrong. On the eastern side of the room, there were several white headsets hanging from the ceiling. They had something to do with the event. Each person who had signed up for the event would get a free headset. I looked over the white sets, noticing small red letters on the microphones. A woman watched me as i looked over the headsets. She was one of the people running the event. People who preregistered for the event would get a headset with their name on it. I felt bad because i had not though to preregister. $A351 stood to the southwest of me, looking over the headsets as well. I felt out of place here and started wandering back to the north. I wanted to have fun like the rest of $G4, but i did not feel that i could. I then heard someone talking about where to park. I looked up to see the old man describing the parking places in the area. I remembered that i had parked in the field to the west of the central campus. The group seemed to be gathering in the middle of a small rural college campus. I pictured the fields as the man described them. I could see the round fields circling the round campus, forming a five-petal flower in the landscape with green trees filling up the space between. The fields around the main campus seemed to be lighter green, with hints of tan, as though they were hay fields ready for harvest. The field to the north was entirely grass, but the two on either side of it had cars parked in rough rows near the edges of it. The two to the south of the campus seemed to be obscured by the short ridge of rounded hilltops which ran across the forested land. I tried to remember where i had parked my car, thinking that it might be in one of the fields where someone would tow it. I listened to the man as he told us where we should be parking. It seemed that my car was on a rural dirt road somewhere, but i could not exactly picture where. I thought that i would have to move it anyway. I was unhappy and felt as if i could not concentrate. I started to walk to the south, across the open campus. I then felt an agitation growing in me, and i knew that it was related to the approaching storm. I jumped into the air and glided to the south, over the open playing field of the campus. I landed on the short hill just to the southwest of the playing fields, where the pale metal bleachers were. As i landed, i could feel myself tense. A branch of lightning flickered across the sky to the east, low over the fields. I had caused the lightning when i flew. The fields that i generated to fly were magnetic, and caused an arch of lightning when the conditions were right. I moved to the northwest, along the outside of the large building. I wanted to create the steady streams of current so i jumped into the air again. I could feel my body tense and strain as the lightning arched around me. I then jumped into the air and forced myself to move quickly in an arch from the hilltop to the field below. I imagined myself speeding over and over again on the same path. The lightning followed the path, creating a glowing band of white light. I thought that the current would pass around me because i was generating the magnetic field, but i still wondered if it would have any effect on me. I zoomed over the same path, feeling the tension in my torso.

I felt the sudden discomfort on the right side of my lower jaw. I seemed to be eating something, but i could feel something hard in my mouth. I realized that i might have broken a tooth. I moved the pieces around in my mouth with my tongue and pulled one of the larger pieces out. It looked like most of the crown of a tooth. It was fractured along the bottom. $Z stood to the left of me as i pulled out another large piece. The second piece was shaped like the skull of a fish, with thin cartilaginous fins on the sides. I rolled the small tooth in between the fingers of my right hand, trying to get a good look at the yellowish-white fragment through the reddish food that i had been chewing. I decided that i should collect the pieces of tooth and started pulling them out of my mouth. I dropped them in the small yellow strainer, thinking that i could rinse the food away with water. There were many small white pieces, as though the tooth had shattered.

I walked through the small office as my parents sat on the wooden bench which was against the east wall. I paced north as we waited for the realtor to return. I had taken some kind of test which had something to do with high school. It seemed as though this place was from long ago, and i wondered why i was still in here. The entryway in which we were waiting was narrow east to west, with yellow walls and stained wood furniture along the walls. I felt anxious here, thinking that there was someplace that i had to be, but i was also excited about this being a new experience. The realtor came into the office and i followed her to the small room to the northeast. She seemed like $A142. The large window on the eastern wall of the room let in the bright blue sky. The blue looked artificially bright, as though it had been painted. There was a rolling green hill under the sky. I then turned and headed away from the building. I felt excited about something, as though i was about to do something i had not done before. I walked to the west, along the southern edge of the building. There was a chasm to the northwest of me. A wooden rope bridge crossed the chasm, leading to a large dark-brown wooden gate in the middle of a wooden wall. The round gate was the entrance to a special place. A man walked across the bridge and past the guard on the other side as i stopped to think about this situation. The land behind the gate was special, but it was also fictional. I wondered whether it really existed.

12003 August 16

I stood in the northeast corner of the small bedroom, between the yellow north wall and the wide bed with the off-white spread. I was looking over the many photographs which were stapled up on the west wall of the room, over the bed. There were many photos of people that i knew. $F4 was sitting on the bed, saying something about the images. Something then changed. I had a hard time focusing on where i was. I realized that the scene of the movie had changed. I was now in the room again, but $A358 had entered the room. $F4 was now joking around with me. We pushed each other and then started to wrestle. I grabbed his right arm with mine and tossed him onto the bed. $A358 said something about the rough-housing, and i answered him casually.

12003 August 22

I sat in the restaurant along the north end of the large square table. I felt like i was speaking out against someone. I spoke in a loud voice, saying that we should leave this place and go outside into the streets. It seemed as though others were already out in the streets, gathering is some form of protest. The person with me stood up and moved to the southwest, toward the stairs which led down to the first floor of the restaurant. I was facing east, speaking to the group of people on the east end of the room. There was a large window on the east wall which let the daylight in. I said that people from certain areas should be leaving to gather in the streets. I then called out the names of several areas, knowing that the people at the tables near me were from South Brooklyn. I said “South Brooklyn” again with a stronger emphasis on the word. I then thought that the people at the tables might be offended by my words. They stared at me as though they were disgusted with my words. They said that they would not leave, so i stood up to join the others outside.

12003 August 23

I headed to the west-southwest, following the other person down the suburban street. This area seemed like a fairly new housing development. All of the houses were spread out, with wide lawns. Our blue car was parked in the driveway on the south side of the street. We had just driven a long way across country to get here. $F12 was still in the car, but he was very tired from the trip. I felt very happy to see him and hurried to the driver’s side of the car. $F10 was reclined in the driver’s seat, just waking up. He looked sick and was sweating. I thought that he must be very tired after such a long drive across country. I wanted to talk to him and hang out with him, but he did not seem that interested. I felt bad that he was unable to talk with me because he was so sick. I turned to the west and said something to $F10, who was standing near me. I felt anxious and disappointed.

12003 August 25

I was traveling with the other people, through the large city. We seemed to be on a tour group. The buildings around us were very tall and very nicely maintained, with bright metal decoration. We seemed to be on an upper level of the city. We stepped into the small grey elevator and started to descend to the ground level, but the elevator stopped half way down. One of the people with me in the elevator complained about the malfunction. The elevator then started to move to the side. I looked out the window to the south, watching the corridor around us approach. The elevator emerged from the tunnel in the grey building and started to glide over the city. I looked down into the tall narrow buildings as we passed through them. The city seemed suddenly tan and dark brown, with tall thin streamlined features. I looked to the south as we traveled east to see a second glass elevator coming toward us. It was on the opposite track, floating back to where we had come. I then realized that the people in the elevator looked strange. They were round in shape. They had spherical bodies with missile-shaped pointy heads. I was surprised to see such strange looking creatures and watched them as they passed. They seemed to be dressed in business suits and well-styled clothing. I realized that they were not human, and i wanted to point them out to the others in the elevator with me. I then realized that the others in the elevator were dressed in grey ragged clothing. There seemed to be a separation of race between the two elevators. I looked over the side of the platform on which we were now traveling to see that there were round people on the ground below us as well. They watched the platform as it glided over their heads. There was a tall building in front of us with a triangular tunnel in the center of it. The platform passed through the tunnel to another part of the city which was brighter and more yellow. There were two pod people standing on the wide black surface of the entrance to the tunnel. One of them pointed us out to the other as we passed overhead. I started to feel as though we were being controlled here. The area of the city on the other sided of the tunnel seemed to be enclosed, with high towering walls on all sides. I looked down in to the area as we passed over the ledge at the end of the passage. There were other humans in the grey crowded city streets below. As the platform started to descend, i looked up the clean smooth bronze-coloured walls to see crowds of pod people walking on terraces and catwalks. The pod people were in control of this place, and the humans were restricted to certain areas of the city. I knew that the humans were held separate from the pod people. We had to use separate elevators and live in a separate area. This was a segregated society, and i felt very bad about the situation. I continued moving to the north, down the crowded city street in the downtown area as i thought about what was wrong with this society. I wanted to change things.

From the back of the room i could see the television to the east. There were people sitting in front of me on the couch, watching the news show. The people on the television were talking about a local boy who had “made it big”. I looked at the picture on the screen and recognized the boy. He had done something which related to acting. The announcer mentioned that the young man had started a comedy show on the community access channel in the area. He referred to Channel 17. I felt envious of the man because he had been able to do something that he enjoyed and found success in it. I remembered that he had done a comedy skit show on the television. I remember wanting to be in the comedy show, and wished that i could be able to join a group.

12003 August 26

I was floating in the middle of the ocean, near the tall white sailboat. I knew that there was a diver below the sailboat, but the sailboat seemed to be moving away from me. I tried swimming to the north, after the boat, but i could not seem to get any closer to it. I thought that i must be caught in a strong current. I was losing the boat. I was then on a small boat myself, trying to paddle to the north. I was not in the correct kind of boat to be out in the middle of the ocean.

I started the fire in the car and turned to the south to run down the dirt road, to the south. The old small green car was to the right of me, and flames were starting to come out of the windows. There were bodies in the car, and we were setting them on fire to destroy the evidence. I felt intense and nervous as i ran after $Z, trying to get away from the cars. I knew that we were doing something very wrong, but i felt that it had to be done. We had to get rid of the bodies before anyone could find them. I then felt worried that someone might have seen what we did. I looked to the west, across the flat dry landscape. The dirt seemed reddish, and there was nothing but scrub grass growing on the sides of the road. It was dark out, so i could not see far into the distance, but i thought that there might be someone to the west. I turned down the other dirt road and started running after $Z, heading to the east. We had to get away from this area. We had only gone about fifty metres when we came to another intersection of dirt roads. I looked back to the west to see the burning automobile on the other side of a grassy field. I then realized that there were two other people running down the dirt road toward us. I felt suddenly panicked, realizing that it was the two people whom we had tried to burn in the car. They were not dead, as we had thought. I was afraid that something had gone wrong. As they approached us, i tried to explain that we had thought that they were dead when we set the fire. I then started to wonder how they had gotten out of the car unharmed. They should have been burned. I started to joke with the man, who was standing closer to me than the woman. He was wearing a white tank top, and she was wearing a white tee shirt under a light-blue button-down shirt. He was nicely built. As i joked with him about the fire, i suddenly felt relaxed with what had happened. I then started to wonder if i could get the man to wrestle me.

12003 August 27

$F19 and i walked down the old dirt road, heading to the north. Tall verdant trees lined both sides of the narrow path, which had not been driven on in a very long time. I spoke to $F19, and she replied. The path dropped slightly, and it seemed that here was a road just ahead of us. It seemed that we had parked our cars on the road and were now heading back to them. $F19 was carrying something which seemed to be related to $G4. As i walked on the east of her, i noticed something just above the tree line, to the west. I felt suddenly tense, not sure quite what it was. The area then had a strange feeling to it, and i started to think that something was wrong. We continued to the north for a little way until the grassy areas on either side of the path started to widen. I then noticed the object floating in the air to the north-northeast. It was a silver airplane, but it was just hovering in the air. Something was very strange about it. It was not moving, and it did not make a sound. It seemed to be artificially placed in the pale-blue sky ahead of us. We stopped where we were and watched the airplane cautiously as it started to drift to the southeast. I recognized the shape of the airplane as a Lockheed Electra. The make of the plane was very old, and i wondered what it was doing here. It then started to wobble in the air and moved more quickly across the eastern sky, to the south. As it crossed to the southeast of us, it dropped from the sky and disappeared into the trees. We then heard the sound of a crash in the distance. I ran back down the trail to the south, remembering that here was a clearing not too far back. $F19 followed me. I came to the edge of a large crater, which seemed to be made by a strip mine. There was a silver object on the eastern side of the rocky hole which was smoking. I thought that it was the airplane. I then noticed some people standing on the southeastern rim of the crater, looking down at the crashed space ship. There was something wrong here. The crashed ship could not have created such a large crater, and would not me intact if it had. I then realized that i traveled to the crater very quickly. Something was wrong with the scene. It did not make any sense. I thought that this had to be a dream because nothing was working the way it should in reality.

12003 August 29

We were in the garage of my parents’ house, and i was picking some things up off the floor in the center of the room. My mother handed me the small rusted gun. I felt unsure about having the gun. I did not like guns, and i did not think that i should keep it in my house. I told her that i did not want the small gun, but then i started playing with it, pulling out the cartridge and pulling back the loader.