12004 August 04

I was sitting in the front row of the classroom, in the wooden chairs, as the teacher passed out the test paper. There was something wrong with this situation. The walls of the classroom were white, and the teacher’s wooden desk sat in front of a large blackboard on the east wall. I looked over the paper of the test in front of me. It was not right. The teacher had handed out the wrong tests.

12004 August 05

I remembered that i had killed someone a long time ago. I remembered having dreams about this a while ago. I dreamed that i had killed someone and was trying to hide it in my mind. I always felt very guilty about what i had done. I was now remembering those dreams and thinking that they were not real, but what i was feeling now was real. I had actually killed someone and gotten away with it. I felt suddenly worried about this. I had hidden it away in my mind but was now remembering what i had done. I hoped that i could just forget about it, but i worried that it would bother me. I could not believe that i had actually killed someone, but i was afraid that the dream was reality.

I drove across the wide desert plain. The dusty ground all around me was a reddish tan, and there were rock outcrops sticking up through the dusty soil. I was trying to get to somewhere, but i was unsure whether i was on the correct road. It seemed that the ground was well packed, but the tires of the car were still sinking into the dust a little, making it hard to drive. I felt as though i was exerting myself trying to keep the car moving. I worried that the car might get caught in the sand if i stopped. I turned down a road and headed to the east, but then realized that i had turned onto a dead end street. There was a small black sign with white letters at the end of the road which said that it was a dead end. I stopped in front of the sign. There now seemed to be tall desert scrub plants all around me. I tried to turn the car around, but it was stuck in the sand. I felt worried that i would be stuck here.

12004 August 08

I ran through the dark-grey corridors of the office building, which seemed like $P40. I moved to the east, down the main corridor of the first floor. I came into the main atrium in the center of the building. I was on a corridor which turned into a balcony across the southern wall of the room. The south wall was white, with lights hidden in the ceiling at the top of the wall. I had been moving very fast through the halls, and i started to feel that someone was following me. I had to get out of the building as fast as i could so that i could get away. I turned to the north and sailed over the railing of the balcony. For a moment, i was afraid that i might not be able to control my descent. I hoped that i did not crash to the floor of the entry hall. I focused on staying in the air. I turned to the north and flew out of the large glass door of the building. I then started to hover over the cement walkway which led to the door. I felt that something was wrong. I was out of view from the entrance hall, so the people following me would not be able to spot me in the air. They would wonder where i had gone. I looked to the east and thought about moving away from the front of the building. I started to drift to the east. I knew that the lights over the door might illuminate me if i hovered over the entryway too long. I had to stay out of site so that the people could not find me. It was dark out, so i should be able to hide in the darkness over the building. I was having trouble gaining altitude, however, so i flew along the northern face of the building. The rooms in the building seemed empty, so there were no offices which could cast light on me as i flew. I then thought about why i was running. I had done something in the building and had to get away before the security people stopped me. I thought about this and realized that i had not accomplished what i had set out to do. I had been interrupted before i could do it. I felt confused and did not know what i should be doing. Something was wrong with this situation.

12004 August 10

I was watching the video on the small dark-grey television set, which was to the west of me. The video was made by $F42, and it seemed to be an independent film. I was interested in the images as i watched the story. I recognized one of the women from the video. I could not remember who she was, but i remembered that she used to be on the television show Cheers. I was excited to see this movie on the television and thought that i should record it on my VCR. I then remembered that i had already set the VCR to record the show, so i could still have the tape in the machine. I rewound the tape and started to watch the show from the beginning. The show was very familiar. It started with a theme song which sounded very familiar to me. I remembered listening to this tape some time before. There was something familiar about this scene. I looked again at the television, noticing that the movie had ended and i was watching the next music video on the screen. It was a video by REM. The lead singer was standing in the middle of the screen singing to the song.

We had come to the edge of the steep rocky cliff. To the southwest was a wide tan desert plain which stretched out to the horizon. It seemed very far below us, and there were several small buttes and hills scattered across the land. I was moving to the west, along the top of the cliff. I felt tense. Someone had planted a bomb near us, and it would go off any moment. It seemed like a very powerful bomb, and i was afraid that we could not get far enough from the bomb before it went off. The others were standing with me. I told them that we would have to push the bomb over the cliff. We were standing about fifty metres from the edge of the cliff. The ground around us had many scattered patches of dry grass on it, and there was a very old tree to the southwest, near the edge of the cliff. The tree seemed very old, though it was still short. I helped the others push the bomb toward the cliff. I then looked up, noticing the power lines which were running over our heads. They ran just to the west of us, and seemed to stretch down the side of the cliff. There was something dangerous about the lines. We would have to be careful of them when we dumped the bomb over the cliff. I felt worried. Something was not right here, and i could not concentrate on what.

12004 August 12

I was in the house with the other people. This seemed to be $F5’s house. I felt nervous here. Something was not right. I was near the front of the house, which was on the western side of the building. It seemed that we were in the living room with the other people. I stood by the door in the southern end of the eastern wall. It was not safe here, and the others were starting to leave the room. There was someone else in the building. I turned to the south and started down the hall toward the stairs. There was someone with a gun in the building, and i was afraid that he was trying to shoot us. I could not focus on what was happening. I was still in the apartment of $F5, but i did not feel safe. $F5 had done something which made the situation unsafe. I started to panic. I had to get out of here, but i did not know where to go. I decided that i should try to hide in one of the rooms. I felt scared.

12004 August 15

I stood on the sidewalk outside the large stone building. The building seemed to be an old bank, which was made of tan stones. I stood on the south side of the building, near the southeast corner. The building was at an oddly shaped intersection. It seemed that the corner of the bank, which was to the east of me, was not square. I was a few metres from the corner, standing in front of the large glass entrance door to the bank. The glass of the door was framed into many panes by the thick black metal framework. $F5 was in the bank doing something, and i felt that it was not good. I was nervous about what he was up to. I thought that he was shoplifting again. I looked to the west, down the old street of the city. This place seemed like one of the older cities in Europe. $F5 had told me that he was just going in for a moment, but i knew that he was robbing the bank. I was trying not to interfere in what he was doing, but i knew that it was wrong. I wondered what i should do. I did not want to be a part of this, but i felt bad about leaving $F5 here. I knew that he wanted me to stand here just so that i could act as a distraction. I felt frustrated and started to walk to the west. I decided that i was not going to assist $F5 in any way. I was in the small car driving to the west. If $F5 was going to get caught, i did not want to be around to get accused with him. I felt guilty for being there. I should never have stayed once i realized what he was doing.

12004 August 17

I watched the people in the recording studio playing their music. They were standing to the south of me, on the other side of the large glass soundproof window of the studio. The walls of the studio were made of vertical boards of lightly finished wood. There was a control board on the southern side of the room, facing north. A man with chest-length wavy blonde hair was sitting behind the black board as someone to the east of him spoke to him. I stood in the short hall outside the studio, with a few other people standing just to the east of me. The corridor around me did not seem well kept. The walls were dusty, and the unfinished wood floor seemed well worn. The corridor made a turn to the north, just to the east of the window, and there was a short set of stairs leading down into the basement to the west. I turned to the west, and headed into the basement of the store. There were posters hanging on the old plaster walls of the stairway. As i descended into the basement, i could see that there were many crates of old phonographs on the tables. This place was a music store which happened to have a recording studio. I walked between the aisles of crates. There were counters around all walls with crates of records on them, and two long rectangular tables in the center of the room, running east to west. The space between the two tables was used as the main corridor through the room. I stopped for a moment to look over the records. I thought that i could find a lot of old phonographs here. I looked at the boxes on the table to the south of me. Everything seemed dusty, but i knew that the phonographs would be in good condition. There were white tags sticking up from some of the boxes with red hand-drawn letters on them. They showed which category the boxes were stored in. The boxes on the table in front of me were the As and the Bs. I was at the beginning of the alphabet. I wanted to look for some old Melanie albums, so i thought that i would have to go all the way to the Ms. I continued to the west, finding that the corridor at the end of the room ran to the north. There were tables along the western wall of the hall with more boxes on them. There were many records here. The corridor was dimly illuminated by fluorescent lights, and everything in the corridor seemed dusty. There seemed to be old steam pipes running along the ceiling and the eastern wall. I turned to the west, into another room. There were wooden shelves in this room which held more boxes of stuff. I looked around, trying to focus on what was here, but i started to feel confused. I looked around at the boxes, but could not figure out what i was supposed to be looking at. These boxes did not seem to be phonographs. Some had equipment in them. I turned around, trying to decide what to do. There were crude wooden shelves which were held together by thin vertical wooden boards. The shelves stood against the eastern, western, and southern walls. A fourth line of shelves ran from the northern wall into the center of the room. I turned around again, trying to figure out what i should be doing. I then decided that i should leave here. I walked back out through the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. I felt confused and frustrated. As i started back down the corridor to the south, some of the band members, whom i had seen recording earlier, stepped into the hall from the east. They were coming down to do something. I felt in the way and stood to one side to let them pass. Several of them were wearing denim jackets, and they all seemed to have long frizzy blonde hair. After they passed, i headed back toward the exit. I felt as though i should not have come down here, as though this area was no open to the public. I did not want to seem invasive, so i thought that i should leave.

12004 August 19

I walked to the northwest, down the narrow central hall of the large mall. The mall did not seem to be that busy, and i thought that this place was worn down and old. Many of the stores appeared to be missing, with blank walls where the storefront should be. There was a blank wall to the southwest of me as i rounded a slight corner of the corridor. There was a music store just to the north of me. I wanted to go into it to look for some CDs, but i felt as though i had to be somewhere. This place felt familiar, as though i had come to this mall many times when i was younger. I turned around, thinking that i should be heading to one of the exits. I imagined that there was a large department store on the western end of the mall. I was now walking to the southeast, down one of the narrow corridors of the mall. The corridor curved slightly to the south until it ended in a small atrium. I stopped at the entrance to the atrium and looked around. There was an electronics store to the west. A young man with blonde hair and a blue uniform stood just outside the door. He looked at me as i looked around curiously. This was not where i had expected to come out. I wondered whether i had come to the wrong end of the mall. I could see displays of electronic equipment just inside the store. To the south was another large department store, but it was closed. The eastern wall was glass, and outside light shined in. If felt confused for a moment, not sure what i should do. I was not where i thought i was going to be. I was aware that some of the mall employees were watching me as i stood indecisively at the mouth of the corridor. I turned around and headed back up the hall of the mall, trying to figure out where is should be going. I pictured the mall as one long corridor with shorter corridors splitting off on the sides. The main corridor curved generally from the south to the west, making an arch to the northeast. I could see the corridors now as i looked at the map of the mall. My view was of a white piece of paper with the main halls of the building in the center of it. The corridors all fanned out from the main corridor at slightly less than ninety-degree angles, as though the branches were being swept back from the central corridor in a generally northwestern direction. There were no stores shown around the corridors on the map, though. I started to look around at the large piece of paper to see the other details on it. There were parking lots around the mall and a wooded area to the west. The southern end of the map was to my left. As i looked over it, i could see that there was a stream running in front of the mall. The stream widened into a small pond, which i thought was a reservoir. There was something in the shape of the water which drew my attention. I recognized it. I looked at the left side of the map, which was the southern part of the map. There were green scribbles around the water, which signified small shrubs. I thought that there was a large fountain for the mall in the center of the pond. A main road seemed to run along the left side of the map, running from the bottom of the map to the center of the left edge, where it ran off the map. The driveway of the mall ran from this road, curving around the top of the pond before coming to the parking lots of the mall. The mall was secluded by woods on the back sides, and buffered by the long hill in front, where the pond and driveway was. This place was very familiar, and i thought that it was very scenic.

12004 August 23

The woman mentioned the office building, describing it as the place where she worked. Her description sounded familiar to me, and i thought that she was talking about the large white building in $P131. I remembered the large building near the river in $P131. I joked with the woman about the building that i remembered, saying that it was really out of place on the side of the river. I pictured it as a large cubical white building, with few defining features. It looked strange among the shorter, less modern buildings of the city. The building seemed to be part of a larger factory complex, but it did not look like the other buildings of the business. The woman told me that she used to jog around that area. I remembered being there myself. I had been trespassing before when i had walked along the paved path which ran to the north of the building, along the bank of the river. The white building was up a steep slope from the river. The woman talked about the running path which circled around the factory. I remembered the cement sidewalk, but i thought that it had led me into some of the factory buildings. I pictured a factory building to the southeast of me, down a slight hill of green grass. The curved path led straight to a door of the large metal building. I walked through the metal door, remembering that i had come here before. I was not supposed to be here, and i knew that i had gotten in trouble here. I said something to the others as i headed back to the west. We were sitting in the car, and it was now night out. I sat in the back seat of the car, leaning onto the black fake-leather front bench seat. I told the person in the front passenger’s seat that i remembered the buildings to the north of us, along the shore of the river. We were driving along the southern shore of the wide river, which seemed like $P44. I then noticed something in the sky to the east of us. The light in the sky seemed unnatural, and i started to feel concerned. I turned around to look out the back window of the car. I felt that we were in trouble. The light in the sky was glowing green, and it was shaped like a war hammer with a short handle. I felt very worried that something was wrong and that we were in danger, but i did not want to alarm the others by seeming panicked. I told the man in the back seat that there was something in the sky. We were now traveling west on the long hilly road. The lake still seemed to be to the north of us, but we were now up on a rounded hill, at a higher elevation than the lake. The land around us rolled gently, and the fields on either side of the road seemed green but not tall. They were filled with crops. We passed a road which headed off to the south as we came to the bottom of a shallow dip. The green light from the object in the sky now cast a green light into the car, illuminating the back seat. I was now sitting in the front passenger’s seat, looking back over the black bench seat. The man behind me also looked back out the window at the green object. There was a large robot standing tall over the land. It was shaped roughly like a human, and was glowing with a green or yellow light. It was attacking things on the ground. I felt very threatened by it and thought that we had to escape. We came to another intersection of the road and turned to the north, which now seemed to be the east. We were traveling back toward the lake. I looked behind us now to see only the lights of the town reflecting on the hazy sky over the crest of a farming field. The tall robot stood over the town, firing yellow laser beams into the ground. I turned to the north to see that there was another tall figure standing over the horizon. This figure was of a red man. He was a large superhero in red tights. He had come to battle the giant monster. I told the others in the car that the red tights looked silly on the large man. I felt uncomfortable telling the others that i was happy the man in the red was here because he seemed so artificial and childish. I said that the red tights were silly, but they were still better than the robot, who was destroying the town. We continued to talk about the robots as we got out of the car in the small city, which was on the western shore of the long lake. We had pulled into a parking lot on the eastern side of the city street. There seemed to be tall run-down apartment buildings to the west, and there was a small convenience store on the eastern side of the small parking lot. The front of the small store was glass, and i could see the white counter inside. The store seemed to be very shallow, as though there was nothing but the white counter and a thin space between it and the window. The others had gone into the bathroom to use the bathroom. We had to get back to the city to warn the others about the robots, but we needed to use the bathrooms for a moment. I said something to $F4, who was standing to the southeast of me. We were now inside the store. The white counter was directly in front of us, and the store opened up to the south, where the aisles were. The bathroom was behind a small wooden door to the north of the counter. I thought that i should go while we are stopped, so that we would not have to stop later. $F4 walked into the room before me, however, so i decided that i should wait until he comes out. The manager of the store then appeared behind the counter. He had come into the back room of the store from the east. He was a heavy man, with short dark hair and a greasy complexion. He was wearing a white apron over a blue tee shirt. I wondered whether he would be mad at us for coming into the store just to use the toilets. I thought that he probably wanted us to buy things. $F4 stepped out of the small bathroom and i stepped in, feeling justified that i should use the bathroom and ignore the wishes of the manager. The bathroom was very small plastic booth, and i felt as though i was having trouble fitting into the room. I could not seem to fit into the room and close the door. The ceiling was a little too small, and the place felt very cramped. I decided that i should stand behind the toiled and urinate because the booth seemed to be open on the back end. $F4 pointed out the annoyance. I decided that i would have to urinate with the door slightly ajar behind me. I started to open up my pants to urinate, but found that i was having difficulty. I pulled on the zipper, but it would not seem to open. When i finally got it open, i realized that there was this white plastic pipe sticking up to the west of me. The pipe had a hole in the side of it, and i realized that the hole was used for urination. I decided that it would be easier to use than the toilet, so i started to urinate into it. I had a little trouble aiming at first, but i eventually managed to urinate into the wide hole. As i finished, i noticed that the pipe ended just above the floor below me. The urine was running down the pipe and onto a pile of rags on the floor. The rags seemed to have been placed there simply to soak up the urine. This place seemed dirty. I finished and exited the booth to find myself on the side of the street outside. We should leave here. I thought that i had to get back into the car. I looked to the southwest, across the street at some of the dingy grey apartment buildings around us. There was litter scattered across the street, and everything seemed very dirty. This was a very dirty part of the city.

12004 August 25

I was scared of the tyrannosaur which was running though the house. It had broken in during the night and was now creeping through the house. I thought about the situation, remembering that a dinosaur did not know that prey was there until it saw the prey move. I ran to the west, across the hall and into the small bedroom where i crouched down near the desk against the west wall. The walls of the room were dark blue, and there were windows on the northern and western walls. The windows had blinds over them, but i knew that the creature would be able to see into them. I had to remain still so that the dinosaur did not see me. The light from the corridor illuminated the features of the dark room only slightly. The door to the corridor was on the southern end of the eastern wall. I had to remain still. I knew that the creature was outside the northern window, and it would be able to spot any movement. I thought that i should have closed the windows all together so that the dinosaur could not see in. I then imagined that there was someone else in the house with me who did not understand the danger. He was in the hallway, and he would come running into the room to tell me of the dinosaur. I tried to think of a way that i could warn him when he came so that he did not come charging into the bedroom. If he did, the dinosaur outside the window would see him and know that we were here. I then decided that the dinosaur was really a trained animal. I watched its silhouette pass across the translucent glass windows of the south wall. It was creeping down the corridor. The woman in the corridor then said something to the creature. The creature seemed to reply. The woman then asked the small tyrannosaur whether it had brushed its teeth. The dinosaur glumly shook its head that it had. I wondered how well trained the dinosaur could really be. I felt as though it was a wild animal and could not be trusted. It could not be trained well enough to be sure that it would not attack when it felt like it.

12004 August 31

I sat down in the entryway of the old house. The entryway was large, with columns around the northern, southern, and eastern sides. The main door to the house was behind me, to the west, and there was a grand staircase directly in front of me which led up to a balcony on the second floor. The balcony ran around all sides of the room and was supported by the large white columns. There seemed to be a glass dome overhead, but i could not see it. There was light coming into the house from the windows on the second floor no the east, but i knew that it was early night now. I was here trying to catch a ghost. I felt as though i had some special way to do this, and i felt special for being able to have such power. I looked at the jewels which were scattered around on the dirt ground in front of me. They seemed to be many different colours and shapes, but all sparkled as though they were glass. I knew that i could lure the ghost in with the jewels, and then i could trap it within one of the crystals i had on the floor. I used my left hand to spread the jewels out on the wooden floor, trying to widen the trap. I thought that the ghost would really like pearls, so i made sure that there were several pearls scattered among the crystals and jewels. I had been crouching near the ground, but now i sat down. There was a coffee table just to the south of me, with a couch just beyond. I was in a living room now, with dark wood walls. I looked to the east, out into the hall. The hall was dark, and i started to feel uncertain as i waited for the ghost. It seemed very dark in the house, and i started to worry that i was not ready to trap the ghost. I could lure it in, but i started to fear that i did not have the power to trap it. I did not know how to bind it properly, and i worried that it would be able to escape and attack me. I was unsure and started to panic.