12005 August 03

I woke up and moved around my parents’ house. Something concerned me, so i looked around cautiously as i moved to the south, across the western side of my parents’ bedroom. My parents still seemed to be asleep. I felt that there might be someone else in the house. I walked to the south, now in my bedroom. I wondered whether i had locked the door when i had come in from the porch the night before. I worried that there might be someone in the house. I remembered when someone had broken into the house in the middle of the night before and stolen things. My parents’ were not even woken up by the theft. I felt bad remembering all the things which were stolen. My parents’ house was dark, but there was a dim blue light illuminating the hall and i started to the north. I remembered that the house had been vandalized, and i imagined the teenagers whom i suspected had done it. I felt insecure thinking about them being in the house. I remembered how they had taken everything and left across the back yard. It was snowing at the time, so i had tried to follow the footprints through the trees behind the house, but the trail disappeared in the damp ground of the woods were there was no snow. It could have led back to the road, in which case i would not have been able to follow it. I looked to the west, out the window of my parents’ bedroom at the woods where i had followed the tracks before. The road ran to the west along the south of the woods, and there was a cement sidewalk running parallel with the road. A thin line of trees separated the sidewalk from the road. Both the sidewalk and road dipped into the creek valley to the west of the house and then rose again on the other side. The sidewalk ended at the road as the road curved to the northwest on the other side of the valley. I moved over the trees near the house, looking at the white markings on the sidewalk near the house. I thought that they were like the marks made by the thieves as they left a trail through the woods. I looked to the north of me as i landed on the ground, noticing that the white splatter marks were from paint. I knew that the children had left them from their sidewalk drawings. I still felt suspicious, though, thinking that i had to be cautious of someone. I was again floating above the tree line as i started to walk to the west, down the sidewalk. There were several people moving around on the street, and it seemed that it was almost morning. The western sky was a dusty pale-blue over the dark features of the trees on the hill to the west. I then spotted a man walking down the road, heading in my direction. It seemed that he had parked his car by the creek and was walking. He looked older and was wearing a tee shirt and denims. I felt suspicious of him and worried that he had something to do with the robbery. I looked at the sidewalk again, noticing that the spatters of white and red paint led to the west. They seemed like the trail the robbers had made, but i knew that it was still the children. I then turned around and headed back across my parents’ bedroom, away from the window. I looked at the red digital numbers of the clock on the mantle of the western wall and saw that it was only three o’clock. This was the best time for thieves to break into houses. It was the time when everyone would be in his or her deepest part of sleep. My father seemed to stir in the bed to the northeast as i looked at the time on the clock, thinking about the breaking. I walked out into the hall. I hoped that there were no other people in the house as i started down the hall to the north. I remembered how the thieves had taken everything from the bedrooms. They had even made it all the way up to the third floor bedroom where i had kept my stuff. I wondered how they had managed to take everything and not wake anyone up. I thought that i should at least have woken up. I then stopped and looked through the bedroom to the east, at the door on the other side. In the dark light of the early morning, i could see lights moving around between the cracks in the old white wooden door. There was someone in the house. I said something to my father so that he could call the police. I then walked to the door and opened it. There were three women standing in the bedroom, pulling clothing from the drawers of the dressers and holding them up to see if they looked good. The women had dark skin and long black braided hair. They were well dressed. I yelled at them and attacked them as they started for the back door of the house. I realized that they were not really women, but men in drag. I knocked one of them out and turned around to see where the others had gone. To my surprise, all three of them were lying on the floor near my feet. The large muscular woman in the white sleeveless top was lying on top, face down. I could see the heavy musculature of his shoulders. My father was standing to the south of us, and i thought that he might have hit the man from behind. I walked around the eastern side of the people on the floor, thinking that we should restrain them until the police came. I looked at the muscles on the arms of the large woman and said that we should tie her up first, thinking that he would be the hardest to deal with when he regained consciousness.

12005 August 05

I drove to the east, down the road in the open area. I was thinking about the old houses that i had just come from as i was driving. I had been talking to $F4 and $A42 in the old house before. I passed an old English country house, admiring the yellow plaster exterior and the brown and yellow details of the trimming. As the house passed out of view behind me, i looked along the short stretch of flat land to the next house. The road ran through the center of this house, and i remembered that i had been in this house before. It was where $A42 was living. I remembered that the house was very nice. It felt very cozy inside and reminded me of an old-fashioned English country home. It had a white plaster exterior with brown trimming. However, the paint on the trimming seemed to be chipping, and the house seemed to be in poor maintenance in general. I moved quickly to the east, along the roadway which passed under the house. I looked at the features of the house as i passed, wondering if i had actually been in every part of the house. The section of the house to the north of me seemed very thin, and i imagined that people could have been living in the house and not known about a walled off room. I looked at one of the multipaned windows, which was framed with a wooden trim. The dark-red paint on the trim seemed to be chipping, and the framework of the panes seemed new and white. The window itself seemed to be boarded over, and i wondered if the people in the house knew that it was there. I looked to the west, saying something to $A42 about the house. I was now in the basement of the house, where i had been hanging out with the others. I turned to the north and walked into a section where the room narrowed into a corridor. There was a counter to the west which i leaned on, looking into the opening in the dull-yellow plaster wall to the west of me. The opening exposed a utility room to the northwest where i could see several pipes and wires. This house seemed to be the house where $F5 grew up. I then noticed that there was a small black-and-white monitor on the eastern wall, just to the north of me, which was showing surveillance images of the rooms of the house. I thought that it had been capturing images of me as i walked through the house. This place seemed old, but it had many new features.

12005 August 06

I ran to the west, through the basement of the house. The ceiling seemed low, and it seemed that i was in the basement of my parents’ house. I stopped in the middle of the house and looked behind me. I felt as though i was rushing off to do something but had just forgotten what. I looked around, noticing the large green table just to the north of me. I realized that there was a miniature mountain range running along the northern side of the table. It was covered with bushy dark-green trees. In front of the mountains was a flat plain. I realized that someone was building a miniature landscape for a model train. There was a metal structure hanging over the table which looked like a support beam composed of shiny metal cross girders. I looked at the train scene, thinking that my father must be setting it up for the old trains that i used to have. I was fascinated by the detail of the mountain trees, but i turned to the west and continued on. I stopped suddenly on the dirt road, just to the east of the intersection. I was in the middle of a rural area, standing on the northern side of a narrow dry dirt road. There was a thicket of trees just to the north of me, between the road i was on and the road which ran to the northeast from the intersection just ahead. On the other side of the intersection, the land dipped down slightly as it stretched out into a wide cornfield. The corn in the field had already been harvested, leaving only short greying stalks in rows on the ground. I noticed that there was a train moving to the south of me, along the edge of the other side of the road. The train tracks ran to the west and then took a sharp turn to the northeast, staying on the outside of the road. I realized that the tight turn in the tracks would be hard for the large train to make. I looked at the large black steam engine which was at the head of the queue of freight cars. It moved tentatively toward the sharp corner and started around it. I could see the face of the engineer as he looked out the window of the engine at me. He was wearing light-blue coveralls. I watched as the engine slowly rounded the tight corner, pulling the long line of cars around the curve. I looked back to the west to see that same of the cars were grey tanker cars. I worried that the train could go too fast around the corner and tip over. It seemed very dangerous. I thought that this train could cause an accident.

12005 August 07

I walked to the south, down the driveway of my parents’ house. The others were standing in the driveway ahead of me. There seemed to be a light-coloured car in the middle of the driveway ahead. As i approached, i realized that the people were talking about something special. It had something to do with ancient religions. I looked at the two people who were sitting in the tall white wooden chairs to the east, facing the driveway. The man on the southernmost chair was wearing a white robe and seemed to be representing a king. A woman sat in the northernmost chair, wearing similar white robes. I said something as i approached, realizing that it was in a language that the others would not understand. I grabbed a chair with my right hand and placed it to the south of the other two. The chair was similar in style with the others; it was wooden with a high cross-slat back and a woven whicker seat. I faced the dark-red chair to the east and sat in it, looking at the man in the chair just to the north of me. He was wearing a golden Egyptian hood, and he seemed confused by what i had said. I realized that it was something from the language of my dreams. It was a ceremonial statement. I was taking the position of the son. I was facing the opposite direction because there was a washing ceremony in which i would have to clean the face of the old man. I leaned back in the chair, feeling arrogant. I was playing the part of Horus, the son of King Osirus. Realizing that the man was staring at me with a surprised questioning look, i leaned toward him and stated the words again with more force, as though trying to command him to do something. I felt that the words had power, and i wanted them to know that they had meaning. No one reacted, so i stood up and grabbed the man by the front of his robe, shouting the words into his confused face.

12005 August 10

I looked to the northwest at the metal bridge. I knew something was wrong, and could see that the frame of the truss bridge was resting on the thick cement wall, which sticking up from the water below the bridge. It seemed that the wall had cracked just to the east of me and had lifted out of the water. I realized that the water was flooding and that the dam was about to break. I looked farther to the east as i stood on the wall to the south of the bridge. I could see the water spilling over the eastern side of the wall. A section of the wall then crumbled near the crack i had seed before and a jet of water sprayed out to the east of me, hitting the wall on which i was standing. The dam was giving away. I looked at the crack to see the western section of the dam wall lift under the force of the water. It rose about a half metre, hitting the underside of the dark metal truss bridge. It seemed to have destroyed the bridge. I then wondered whether i would be safe. I was standing on a foundation which was out of the water, but i thought that i might be in danger if i stayed here. The water could easily wash out the foundation where i was standing. I turned to the south and started along the stone wall. There was a metre-tall stone wall just to the east of me, running along the eastern side of the foundation wall. The wall seemed to be the foundation of the bridge which had washed away. I headed down the wall to the south until i came to the remains of the old bridge. The metal truss section of the bridge had been torn away by the flood water, but the stone foundation was still standing. There was a thick slate slab resting on the eastern section of the wall and extending over the lower section of the foundation that i was trying to walk on. I thought that the bridge used to rest on the large slab. I had to cross the area where the slab was, but i did not think that the slab would be stable enough that i could walk on it. I thought that the water might have made the wall unstable enough that it would crumble if i walked on it. It seemed that there was a black metal structure to the east now which was part of the bridge. I pushed down on the edge of the slab to test its stability. It tipped to the west and fell into the water below. I realized that i could now walk along the lower section of the wall all the way to the other shore. I hurried across the deep water and came to the road. The road ran east to west, bowing slightly to the south as it crossed the dry creek valley. There were trees all around, and the sky seemed grey. I was to the west of the creek bed, and the area to the northeast of me seemed to be swampy. The bus came down the road from the east and stopped to pick me up. I still felt tense about the flood and thought that i had to do something about the failing dam. I got onto the bus and started talking to someone. The bus drove to the west, but i got off again, thinking that i had to head to the east. I thought that i commonly took the bus to work, but i wanted to make a change this time.

12005 August 12

I walked to the northwest, leaving the road and walking diagonally across the dirt driveway and into the campground. The dirt driveway headed west from the road and turned sharply to the north only a few metres form the road. There was a thin strip of young trees between the road and the drive. The ground seemed dry, and all of the trees seemed leafless, as though it was late in the fall. The air seemed damp, and the sky seemed grey with clouds. The driveway ran along the eastern edge of the campground to the northern side. There was a woods to the south of the campground and there seemed to be a thin line of trees separating the northern edge from the next property over. There was a small wide cabin to the west, several metres from the driveway. This was the campground where my group was going to have their event. I was here early to set up. I walked to the west, toward the front of the wooden cabin, looking at the worn grass in front of the cabin. There was a circular area of worn grass around a black hole in the ground. The hole was a fire pit, and i thought it would be a good area to have the large campfire that we always had at the $G4 events. I remembered that the fire pit was usually set up in the northwest section of the property, but i thought that all of the people would be camping in that section of the property. It seemed a better idea to have the fire away from them since people would be playing drums late into the night around the campfire. I wondered why we always had the fire in the back when it seemed better to do it here. I walked around the western side of the pit, thinking that i should get it set up before the others come. I knew that someone would try to set it up at the back of the campground, but i knew that it would be better here. I moved some of the rocks on the ground so that they were close to the edge of the fire pit. I would have to build up the pit a lot more in order for it to be used. As i reached the northern side of the pit, i bent over to pull a large grey rock from the ground. The rock was bean shaped and lifted from the dirt easily. I realized that the bottom of the rock was chipped, as though it had broken off from a larger rock. I could see the rest of the rock is the shallow hole in the ground that was left from the section of rock i had picked up. As i rotated the piece of rock around in my hand, i realized that there was a niche in one end of it, the end which had been buried in the ground. The niche was roughly square and looked natural to the minerals of the rock, but i noticed that there was something carved on the inside of the niche. I looked at the carving and realized that it was a pictogram. To the right of it was the symbol for Mars, with the arrow pointing straight up. I felt that there was some significance to the carvings, but the carvings looked too new to be artifacts. I thought that some camper must have carved the stone and then left it by the campfire. I could have been buried and forgotten about near the fire pit long ago. As i looked back into the hole where the rock had been sitting, however, i could see the rest of the rock sitting in the hole. I felt that there was some importance to the carvings, but every physical detail about its placement suggested that the carving was recent and that it was just left here by a camper. I looked at the carvings again, showing them to $Z, who was standing to the east of me as i faced south. I lifted the rock up, noticing that there were letters carved on the side walls of the niche. The wall to the right had the letters “IW” on it, and the wall to the top of the carvings had the letters “LC”. I told $Z that “LC” stood for “luna”, and that the other letters stood for Mars. The carving had something to do with Moon and Mars. The man took the stone from me and looked it over as i described what i though the symbols meant. I turned to the north and walked down the drive, still thinking about the carvings in the stone. $Z said something about them as me moved to the north, ahead of me. I was following him to get the stones back. I then turned back to the south, realizing that many other people were arriving for the festival. I had to collect some things and get back to making the fire pit. I said something to the others and headed back to the south, looking down at the uneven grassy ground as i walked, looking for large stones. I thought that i should place the stones into a wheel barrel and bring them back to the fire pit. As i walked, i pulled something behind me. I passed one stone which i thought might be too big to carry all the way back, but, about half-way across the lawn, i noticed a smaller stone sticking out of a small mound on the ground. I let go of the red thing that i was pulling behind me and pulled the stone from the ground. I carried the stone over to the fire pit, hoping that someone did not already clear the area. As i reached the area in front of the cabin, however, i saw only a bare spot of ground where the fire pit had been. There was someone still cleaning near the cabin as i dropped the stone in the middle of the bare ground. The stone sank slight in the red clay, which still seemed to be damp. The person who was cleaning turned around and looked at me. He was $A404. I told him that the fire pit should have been set up here. I felt disappointed that it was not. He smiled and said that he agreed with me, but he said that $F41 wanted to move it to the back of campsite. I told him that we should set it up here anyway. He agreed and started to the south. I looked around the hall in which we were standing. It seemed to be the entrance hall to the wooden cabin. The ceiling of the hall now seemed rather low over our head, and i thought that it would not be safe to start a fire in here. I then wondered how the hall had gotten like this. I did not remember the fire pit being within a building before. I could picture the open grassy area in front of the cabin that i had seen when i first came into the camp. I looked up at the thin piece of plywood which covered the ceiling, telling $A404 that it was not here before. He looked around, agreeing that this entrance hall looked strange. I thought that the roof must be portable and someone must have erected it while we were gone. I walked to the south a little, looking for a way to remove the overhang from the building so that the fire pit would not have a roof over it. I then noticed the drawings along the peak of the roof at the front of the cabin. Pieces of paper with crayon drawings were taped to the roof. The pictures were of astral symbols and faces. I thought that the camp children must have drawn them. I told $A404 that i did remember the drawings being here before, so part of the roof must have been here. There was just an extension from the main cabin that i did not remember. I pushed open one of the doors to the west, seeing that it led into a lavatory. I backed out of the room and said something as the other person wandered over to us. We told him about the roof that was now here, and he said that he knew about it. He seemed to be a volunteer fireman. I asked how the walls folded up as i looked up at the thin piece of plywood which was covering the ceiling over the lavatory. The fireman said that he could get the walls to move. He opened a door to the east and walked into a cement stairwell. He started up the stairs, and i thought that he was going to the upper level of the fire station. I leaned against the eastern wall and looked up, noticing that there was a seam in the cement ceiling near the thick rectangular cement beam which supported the eastern half of the building. There were several metal ducts which passed north to south by the beam. One of them had a thick blue stripe around it. I turned to the south and walked a few paces until i was near the front doors of the building. I turned to the southeast and started to head out the doors, but there was a heavy set east-asian man walking in through one of the large tinted glass doors at the entrance of the building. Just as he swung the northern-most door open, the walls started to move. The fireman had pressed the button to retract the walls from the fire pit. I looked back to the north to see the walls rotating. $A404 suddenly ran past me and out the door of the building. I realized that i should run out of the building as well before the walls closed around me. I started walking through the door, but found that i was now moving fast enough to get out of the doors. For a moment, i was walking but staying still in the doorway. I then decided that i should move faster to get out of the closing area, so i took two hopping steps to the east and ended up in the store. I turned around to the west to see the off-white walls fold up and move to the west, toward the back of the department store. I was now standing on the eastern edge of the store. I stepped to the west as the walls disappeared into the distance. I then looked to the south and noticed that the walls around the lavatory had been pulled away as well. Where the cabin used to be, at the front of the store, there was now only short dividing walls around the lavatories. I then noticed $A407 moving hurriedly toward me from the south. He was concerned about the walls being moved and said that they should be put back. He wanted to have the walls around the bathroom, but i felt amused by the situation, and did not take him seriously.

12005 August 13

The emperor stood up in his orange robes, instructing the female servant to go out and do something. This was part of the Star Wars saga. They were standing in a very narrow corridor which formed a T: a section going north to south and a passageway to the west. The servant started down the white steps of the narrow corridor to the west when another woman in a tight black jump suit stepped around the corner form the south. The stepped back in surprise, turning to the emperor for instructions. The woman in the black suit was the hero of the story, and the emperor was after her. She was very skilled with her special powers, though, and could evade his grasp. The scene changed slightly, and i watched the woman run to the south, but end up near the ceiling of the tall narrow corridor. That was how she managed to evade the emperor. I now saw the emperor’s throne below me as i looked down from the ceiling of the tall narrow corridor. The throne was to the north of the T intersection. The emperor sat looking south. I thought that he might be able to sense the woman’s presence, but then thought that she should be able to block his thoughts and hide. She was moving along the ceiling above the emperor now, pressing against the smooth white walls to keep herself up. She moved into a space behind the throne. The white panel on the northern wall was covered a small room, and she moved the panel so that she could move into the narrow space. The space ran the length of the entire wall to the floor, and i was looking from the ceiling of the crawlspace down at the emperor as the arms of the woman replaced the panel. The emperor did not seem to notice the noise being made behind him, and i thought that he was not really here at the time. This scene had taken place before, when he was not looking. The woman pushed the white panel which divides the main corridor from the crawl space back into place. It make a harsh grating noise, and i though that the emperor would be alerted as he sat on his throne just to the south. I then remembered that this was only taking place as a demonstration at the moment. The woman was not standing near the ceiling of the crawl space, and i was looking from her eyes. She would be able to stay here for a long time, but then i realized that she would probably get hungry and have to get out. I wondered how long this hiding game could last. I turned to the east and started down the corridor. There was someone else in this part of the movie that was a good guy. I thought that he was somehow related to the woman. I then started to think that this story would have to take place between episode three and episode four. It was a short story about someone that would appear before the final three episodes. I came into a wider room where people were moving around. The emperor was still searching for the woman, and many guards were moving through the area in their costumes. I then spotted a woman moving to the north of me. Her costume was white, and i thought that she looked like Wilma Dearing from Buck Rogers. I said something, and she turned to confront me. I explained to her that her white jump suit looked like it came from another show. I also explained that her pulled-back blonde hair and plastic-rimmed glasses made her look like someone from Buck Rogers. She did not seem amused with my comments, so she turned to the west and strode away.

I turned to the north and headed across the crowded area. The others were moving around the enclosed area. We seemed to be indoors, although the ground was tilled with rows of crops. There was a smaller room to the north which seemed to be a garage, where the others seemed to be heading, but i walked to the west, where there was a small space to the north of the garage. I picked up a gardening tool from the ground. It seemed like a small wheat flail. Someone said something about the tool as i brought it back to the center of the room. One of the people from the garage commented that it was their tool and that it had been taken from them before. I told someone that i was just using it. This place now seemed to be a dorm room, and the woman from the north confronted me, saying that i had better return the tool to where i had stolen it. I felt confused and did not know what to do with the tool. The woman then turned to the west and took a few steps away before stopping. The others said that i should give back the tool. I felt confused and looked at the woman as the others spoke. She stood with her back to me. She was wearing a black tee shirt with blue denim shorts. I remembered her from before. I lifted the back of her tee shirt as the others spoke, looking at the dark tattoo of a whale on her back. Her skin was red around the lines of the whale, as though the tattoo had just been made. I remembered her from the dormitory. I let her shirt fall back down and said something to the person to the north of me.

I woke up and looked out the window to the southwest. There was something which had drawn my attention. I saw the sun in the sky, and there was a vapor trail looping from the sun to the south. The trail looped down and then back up, crossing the sun before it looped to the east. I thought that someone might have been firing a missile at the sun, but then i realized that the sun was very far away. I realized that the light must be something closer. I thought maybe something had exploded in the sky. I was looking to the northeast now as i noticed the flaming bird swoop over the top of the sun. It looked like a burning phoenix in flight. It swooped back along the white vapor trail, heading to the south. It then turned into a drawing of black lines around a white space. The drawing seemed to be of a monkey. There was something very special about this image, and i thought that it might have something to do with extraterrestrials. It seemed so obvious that i thought everyone must have been seeing it. I went to the south and then to the west, coming into the large room where all of the others were eating. I asked them about the shapes in the sky. They all acted as though it was old news. I told them that i just wanted to make sure that someone else was seeing this event so that i did not have to think that i was crazy. The others did not seem excited about the signs in the sky. I walked to the east, down the street near my grandmother’s house. I was trying to head to the lights because i knew that they had some significance. I thought about the symbols that i had seen. There was some significance to the monkey, and i wondered if it had something to do with me. I remembered that i was related to the symbol of a monkey in one of the calendar systems. I crossed the grassy field on $P86 and stopped in the middle. There was a high-voltage power line crossing over the field from the east-northeast to the west. I felt that the symbols were important, and i turned to the east in the middle of the field and started concentrating on the area around me. I focused on the earth field near me, closing my eyes and breathing deeply. I stood with my hands slightly out in front of me, humming with the sound of the earth field. I thought that i could start floating with the fields, but i had to be careful of the power lines. I concentrated, feeling a drowsy vibration through my body. I was aware that i was meditating with the earth filed near me. I then started to feel that i was levitating from the ground. I opened my eyes a little and looked to my left. I could see that i was now level with the power lines. I rose suddenly into the air, concentrating on the fields. I opened my eyes and looked down at the grassy field below me. The power lines stretched directly under me, and i was hovering about fifty metres from the ground. I realized that i would have to descend slowly or i would fall to the ground. I wondered how people could rise so high when concentrating and then make it all the way back to the ground. I looked down and suddenly started falling. There was now a flat blue panel under me, and i used it to glide to the south, away from the power lines. Its panel seemed to be part of an insulated board, with white styrofoam on the bottom a blue coating on the top. I landed softly in the field and continued walking to the south, across the grassy field. I felt delighted with the experience, knowing that i had experienced the special event in a way that others would not understand. I then realized that the government might try to stop people from experiencing the importance of the symbols. I looked to the southwest and noticed a police SUV sitting at the edge of the field. I thought that they might have seen me flying and might want to arrest me for doing something special. I ran to the south, passing by the police wagon. I felt confident that i could escape from the police if they tried to stop me. They had to be shown that there was something special out there. The police officer said something to me as he stepped around the back of his car, but i continued to the south, across the street and onto the grassy lawn of the factory. I started to fly, thinking that i could fly over the fences of the factory and escape to the other side of the block. I could show others that there was more to this event than the symbols in the sky.

12005 August 17

The hall ran to the south, ahead of me as i stood at the corner. The hall ran a short distance to the west before entering one of the bedrooms of the house. To the southwest, running parallel to the hall, was a steep set of stairs ascending to the third floor of the house. $F6 walked out of a door just to the south of me, on the eastern wall of the hall, and passed in front of me on his way to the bedroom to the west. He closed the door to the bedroom as he entered. The light in the hall was dim, and i thought that it might be dark outside. I walked toward the stairs and looked at the pile of books which was stuffed in the open space between two of the steps. The booked had solid-coloured cloth bindings and were each a different colour. They seemed to be part of a collection, and i thought that they might be about history. I remembered that $F6 was packing his things, and i thought that this pile of books was part of what he was packing. I thought for a moment that i might be interested in the books, but though that i should not take them. I pulled one out and looked at it before pushing it back into the space between the stairs. I thought that i could take one, remembering that $F6 had taken some of my old comic books when we were young. There were several other things on the stairs which seemed to be old toys. I looked them over, wondering if there was anything interesting there. I pushed several of the toys to the west, along the ledge which was just to the west of the stairs. I then noticed a small blue action figure in the pile of things. I realized that it was a model of Acroyer II, one of the Mirconauts. I suddenly wondered if it was mine and tried to pull it out of the pile of other toys. I knew that $F6 took many of my things and wondered if this was one of them. I pulled it out, looking at the black plastic arms of the robot to see if one of them was broken and glued as mine was. Both arms of the doll seemed fine, and i thought that i should take it to replace mine, even if it did not have a head. I then heard the door to the bedroom opening. I quickly grabbed a large black plastic car and moved it to the ledge on the west, pretending that it was in my way. $F6 passed behind me as he headed back to the room to the east. I stood near the western wall of the building as he passed, playing with the broken pair of spectacles that i had picked up from the pile on the ground. I put them on and looked down the sidewalk to the south of me. As i wore them, i could see the white street sign ahead of me more clearly. I was surprised how much of a difference the glasses made. I thought that they were a prescription of one, and i wondered whether i should have gone to my eye exam to see what kind of glasses i would need. I though that my eyes must be getting worse, so i probably did need a one. I put the wire-rimmed glasses on my nose and looked at the very clear details in the distance. The right ear brace of the glasses was missing, so they did not fit on my face properly, but i could see much better in them. I focused on the rounded tower of the mansion on the top of the hill to the south of me. The tower and the two tall palm trees, which were on either side of it, were very clear. I then took the glasses off and looked at the mansion again. The tower now seemed to be below the crest of the hill, but i could see the tops of the tall palms sticking up over the other trees on the hill. The palms were not native to this area. They had been planted specifically for the resort. I thought about how noticeable they were over the rest of the landscape. I then looked at the hill to the south and southeast of me. The long gradual slope was covered with dry cut grass which seemed reddish in the strangely coloured light of the sun. The mansion sat at the top of the hill with a thick row of bushy shrubs around the base of it. My eyes wandered down the slope of the dry grass to the trees of the woods to the east. All of the trees were leafless, and i realized that it was the wrong time of year for the trees not to have any leaves. Something was wrong, causing the trees to lose all of their leaves early. I wandered to the east, wondering what could be killing all of the trees. I thought that it might have to do with the sun. I passed into the tree line to the east, moving around the branches of a thick conifer, which still had green needles. It seemed darker now, and i noticed an animal to the north-northeast, on the other side of the road from me. The large orange fox had run out of the bushes and stopped at the side of the road, checking the area for danger. I was interested in the animal and wanted to see it more closely, but i though that the car coming from the west would scare it away. The fox seemed to have something in its mouth as it stood by the road for a moment. It then darted to the south, across the road and under the branches of one of the conifers. I floated toward the fox, hoping that i could get close enough to it by flying overhead, where it might not notice me. I could not see it clearly through the branches of the shrubs, so i started to glide to the east, around the north of the tree. The fox moved from bush to bush as the car passed to the east on the road. I floated over the fox, trying to get a clear view of it, but i could not see it clearly in the undergrowth. I imagined that it did notice me hovering over it and was crouching low to the ground, watching me cautiously.

12005 August 20

I played with the small poster as i stood in the hall of the college building, facing north. The poster was printed on a white sheet of letter paper. The design was simple black letters, with a symbol at the top and works below. There was a thick black border around the poster, making it look like a street sign. I looked at the symbol at the top of the picture and then read the text below. The text said “This is not an arrow” in large Helvetica type. I found it funny, thinking that it was making a philosophical statement. I looked at the symbol at the top, trying to identify it, but i found that i could not focus on it. It looked like a box with a line through it, or like two horizontal letter Es facing each other. I could not seem to focus on the image, and decided that it did not matter what the symbol was. I thought that i could substitute the symbol that i had made up in high school, but then i realized that the symbol would be related back to me. I wanted to distribute the poster around campus, and i felt humoured by the idea of placing it on bulletin boards around the college. I wanted to choose a symbol that was good catchy, though. I then realized that the top of the poster i was now holding up in front of me was a large black X. I thought that the X would be a good symbol, and i started to put up the posters on the orange bulletin board to the north of me. There was already tape on the upper left-hand corner of the paper, so i tried to use it to stick the poster to the wall. I then realized that the tape was twisted, so i tried to pull the tape from itself and post the paper to the wall. As i did, i noticed another poster to the east of me, on the same bulletin board. It was another one of my posters, but it had an arrow in the upper part of the poster which was facing to the right. I thought that this was also funny because the text would still say that it was not an arrow. I felt that these posters would make people around campus curious. I imagined that it would cause a stir and get people wondering what it really meant. I looked down at the poster in my hands, which i was about to hang on the wall to the north. It had the text of the message on the top of the poster and a picture of a head on the bottom. The head was drawn in grey and seemed to have artistic swirls draws across it. I felt very excited about hanging the posters. I then stepped to the north, out of the orange cubicle which seemed to be my office and in to the aisle between the cubicles. There was a man to the east in a white button-up shirt and dark tie who stopped to look at me as i came in to the aisle. He seemed curious about what i was doing in the office at this hour, but he did not say anything. I then stepped out of the office and into the large wide corridor in the center of the college building. The white wooden door was in the northern wall of the corridor. I stopped just outside the door as i pulled it closed behind me. There was a police officer in a blue uniform just to the east. He was facing east, but turned as he heard me coming out of the door. I though that a section of the building to the west must be cordoned off, and i thought that it might have something to do with the posters i was putting up. I did not think that there was really any problem, and i started to head to the west, as though i did not know about the restricted area. The police officer stopped me and asked me a vague question. I realized that i was carrying the large white plastic bag of posters in my left hand. I did not understand what the police officer wanted, and asked what he was talking about. He then said that i had agreed to let him search my bags and took the plastic bag from me. I felt annoyed, realizing that he was intent on having his way whether there was cause or not. I followed him to the east, where there was a line of registers at the end of the corridor. I stopped near one of the counters as he searched through my bag. He moved to the west of me as he looked through the bag. He asked me if i knew about the infrared sensors. For a moment, i thought that he was talking about thermal imaging system which would be used to spot human activity in the building. I did not think that there would be such systems in this building and told him that i did not know what he was talking about. As he continued to search through my bag, i thought about the thermal sensors and realized that he could be talking about the heat sensors which were part of the fire-detection system. I asked him if he was referring to the heat sensors in the building. I then thought that there must have been a fire alert in the building. I wondered whether it had anything to do with the burning toaster oven that i had used earlier. I remembered that i had left a CD burning in the toaster because i was feeling angry. I looked to the north, across the small living room of the house. I wanted to leave this place, but i would have to stay here with the others for a while longer. It seemed that we had been here for a conference. I headed to the west, down the length of the crowded room, thinking that i had to get out of here.

12005 August 21

I walked to the west, across the open room of the apartment. I had just entered the apartment from the door in the eastern wall, which seemed to be the back door of the building. It led from one of the other apartments in the building to this one. The room around me was very big, with no dividing walls. The ceiling seemed to be two floors tall, and the dull black walls of the room were chipped and dingy. The door in the western wall was on a higher level of the room, which was about three or four metres higher than the main floor. There was a set of black couches facing each other in the eastern half of the room with a table between them. The western half of the room seemed to be filled with tall shelves of equipment. I had been living near this apartment, but had not been in this apartment in a while. It seemed to be $P19. I knew that the others had not yet returned from their summer breaks, and the apartment still seemed rather empty. I passed someone in the eastern half of the room as i headed to the west, feeling somewhat out of place here. I felt as though i should not be back in this place, but i was here anyway. About halfway across the room, i noticed that one of the men from the house had walked into the main door of the apartment, which was facing east, on a small outcropping in the southern wall. It seemed that there was a set of stairs leading down on the other side of the white door. The man walked in, wearing a metallic greenish-blue vest with a brown skirt. There was leather trimming on both the vest and skirt. I remembered that the man had been in a musical play. He looked at me curiously as i stopped to talk to him. I asked about the play, wanting to see him perform in it. I had forgotten about the show. He placed something on the southern end of one of the couches and told me that he had just finished the final performance. I felt suddenly angry with myself for forgetting about the shows. I did not know what to say to the man, who seemed like $A380. I turned to the west and stormed across the room, enraged at myself for missing the show because i had really wanted to see the man perform in it. There was something special about his performance. As i approached the sinks which ran below the large windows of the western wall, i noticed a small wooden whicker-seat chair sitting on the floor. I wanted to pick up the dull-red chair and smash it against the western wall. I felt that it was the best way to express my anger over what had happened. I was aware that the man was watching me from behind. I then passed through the black metal shelves on the western side of the room and turned to the north. There was a stack of paper plates on a counter against the north wall. I took a plate from the stack. I then looked at the plastic forks in the cardboard box just to the west of the plates. I felt angry as i rummaged through the forks, looking for one which did not have a rounded head. I finally pulled a fork and knife form a box and turned to head back out of the apartment. I hesitated, thinking that i should leave through the front door of the apartment. I did not want the man to see that i was taking a paper plate from the house when i was supposed to be so angry. I stated back to the east, toward the corridor which ran between apartments anyway, but stopped again, thinking that i did not want to be seen by the man. I turned to the south and headed toward the front door, still contemplating which route to take. I had my keys, but did not want to have to use them to get in the front door of my building. I would have to do so if i left through the front door. If i took the back passage, i could simply walk between apartments without keys. I did not know what to do, but i continued walking toward the main door of the apartment anyway.

12005 August 23

I said something to my grandmother and looked to the west. The sky over the ocean was bright red and thick with dark clouds. I knew that the storm was coming, and i told my grandmother so. I had been in this house for a long time, and felt uncomfortable here. I knew that something was going to happen, and i felt that it was part of the storm. I pointed out the clouds to my grandmother, telling her how fast they were moving. I then said that it was strange that such a storm was coming to Hawaii from the west. I watched the clouds move quickly to the southeast.

The person told me about the strong powers that were around. The person said that the powers were very obvious, but they had to be hidden to the general public. The person then said that we could hide the powers from the people by calling them gods. I realized that it was a good idea. The creation of gods in the past was really just a way to obscure the powers and make them seem too mundane to be of significance.

12005 August 24

I walked to the north, through the central aisle of the garage. There were long wooden tables on either side of me, and the sides of the building seemed to be open to the outside. The sky was dark, and i thought that it was nighttime. I noticed that there were some bees flying around near the exposed wooden rafters of the garage. They were collecting in the building, but i knew that their main nest was not in this place. A voice was then talking to me and i could see the head of my mother’s father floating in front of me. He told me that the bees had a nest to the north, in the baseball pitch near the railroad tracks. I pictured the run-down pitch with the small wooden fences stretching around it. The wood was painted blue, but the old paint was chipping and the aged wood was showing through. I flew to the north, across the back lawn of my grandparents’ house as my mother’s father spoke to me. He was describing where the nest was. I knew that i did not want to get to close, but i knew that i had to fly over to the nest to see it. As i drifted across the lawn toward the house on the other side of the block, i thought about what i was doing. I was flying very smoothly through the night air. I then realized that i was heading for the house and thought that i should concentrate on passing through it. I knew that i could do it, so i focused on being immaterial. I thought that it was a matter of perception. I felt a slight pressure sensation as i passed through the dark-grey vinyl siding. I was flying with my left side up, facing west. As i moved through the house, i could see blurs of the brightly lighted interior. To my disappointment, i could not make out the people or things inside. I then focused on the building near the tracks. I realized that the building directly to the north was a large white warehouse. There was no playing field behind it. I told this to my mother’s father, who looked surprised. I knew that he had been dead for a while, though, and thought that the buildings might have changed. I though of what was to the east of the white warehouse, thinking that the baseball diamond was nestled behind the newer buildings, but i could not picture it anywhere near the tracks. I told my mother’s father that it might not be there anymore. I then turned to the south and walked back across the pavilion. There was a low wall surrounding the pavilion, and i could see that it was now daytime beyond the walls. There were bees buzzing under the roof near the entrance on the southern end of the eastern wall. I stopped in front of the exit and noticed several large black and yellow bees humming in the air near the entrance. I turned and moved to the northern end of the building, where there was another exit in the center of the north wall. It too had bees hovering around it. I did not want to go out that way because i felt that they would sting me if i disturbed them. I turned again and headed back to the south, stopping again in front of the other two exits and noticing that the bees were becoming more numerous. They seemed to be buzzing within the pavilion as well, but they were not near me. I then noticed a large bee fly into the door on the eastern side of the building. It was immediately attacked by a smaller more yellow bee which swooped from inside the building on the southern side of the doorway. The larger bee was brought to the ground. I realized that two different types of bees were fighting here, which is why they were so agitated. I looked at the door in the middle of the southern wall and noticed bees fighting there as well. I felt that i would get stung if i tried to leave the doors, but i knew that i had to get out. I did not know what to do. I then saw movement near my head in the low rafters of the ceiling. A large yellow and black tarantula was hanging in a web near one of the rafters. It had lunged at one of the bees to keep it away, and it was now bouncing in its web. I felt very uncomfortable here but did not know how to leave. I looked back at the door to the east to see another large mostly black bee get jumped by one of the smaller ones.

12005 August 25

I started to the south, through the corridor of the office area, when i heard the sound of someone coming. I felt scared, and i turned back to the north. There should not have been anyone here. I knew that all of the people were dead. The robots had killed them, and now the robots were running everything in the world. I turned to the east and ran into the small cubicle and closed the door behind me. The cloth walls of the cubicle were dark yellow. A counter ran along the eastern and northern walls, acting as a desk. There was a single chair sitting against the southern wall, near the western half of the cube. I watched the tall tinted-glass window running up the wall, just to the south of the door. A shadow passed by the window, and i knew that it was one of the robots. I remained quiet and hoped that it discover that i was here. After a few moments, i felt comfortable enough to move. I stood back up and paced around the small space of the office, wondering what to do. I could not leave or they would see me. I would have to wait until later to sneak out. I waited quietly for a short while, then i stood up again. I looked around the empty office, wondering what to do. On the ground, under the desk, in the southeast corner of the office, i noticed a set of wires. They were all different colours, and came out of the wall and seemed to be old internet connections. I then noticed the thin black wires on top of the desk to the north. The thin wires were attached to earphones, and i realized that the earpieces were earphone and microphone sets for a cell phone. I walked over to the desk and looked through the earpieces, thinking that i should take one of them. I thought that i needed a new earpiece for my cell phone. I wanted an extra to keep in the car. I then realized that there was someone outside the cubicle, moving to the north in the hall. It was a woman. I looked out the tinted window next to the door and could see shapes moving across it. I then noticed that my grandmother was sitting in the small grey chair just to the south of the door. Her legs were close to the window, and i thought that the people outside could probably see her legs. I whispered urgently to her, telling her not to move. She did not seem to understand the gravity of the situation, and i felt annoyed with her. I had to get her to be still and not talk. The door to the cube then opened and a woman walked in. I felt suddenly nervous, and had to pretend that i was a robot. I hoped that my grandmother did not say something to betray my act. The woman stood by the door, speaking to my grandmother. I turned to the counter to the east of me and started cleaning. I tried to act as though i was simply putting things in their proper place. I had to make her think that i was one of the robots. I placed a small dark-orange clay flower pot on the eastern end of the counter. It seemed to have small pink and white flowers growing in it. I felt uncertain about what i was doing. I did not really know what the robots were supposed to do. The woman noticed how i put the pot on the counter, however, and asked why i had put it where it was. I felt scared, but did not understand what i had done which made her think that i was acting human. I looked at the pot, trying to act as though i was uncertain. She then questioned the aesthetics of the pot, and i realized that i had placed the pot on the counter in a way which made the room seem nice. A robot would not have bothered to place the pot onto the counter in the position that i did. I had accidentally acted on a natural aesthetic instinct. I picked up the large plant, but did not know what to do with it. I felt uncertain of my actions, and pretended to not understand what the woman was referring to. I finally placed the plant on the western edge of the narrow counter to the south of me, in the only open space. The woman said that we robots just do things; we do not contemplate doing them. I acknowledged her statement and went back to sorting the wires on the floor. The woman walked out of the cube. I stayed on the floor for a moment, trying to untangle the wires. We had to escape from here. After a while, i stood up and listened for noise outside. Not hearing any, i opened the door and walked out into the corridor. The hall between the cubicles ran to the south, with doors on both sides. To the north of me was the main cement wall of the room. I opened the white metal door in the wall to the north and headed down the stairs. I had to escape. I exited the building on the eastern side and started across the icy sidewalk toward the street. I slipped on the sidewalk and skidded to the south, down the street. I felt uncertain here, thinking that i was exposing myself in the open, but i knew that i had to leave the office.

12005 August 27

I flew around the western side of the small wood house and landed on the wood deck which stretched along the northern face. The house was red, with white trim, and the deck seemed wide and darkly stained. I had been flying over the house for a little while now, interested in my ability to soar through the air. I circled around the south of the house and then flew up, over the roof, to the back deck. I landed momentarily on the deck, looking to the northeast, out over the wide open lawn. The lawn near the house was covered with cut green grass, and the land seemed to slope down from the house in all directions. The hill to the east was particularly steep, seeming like a cliff, but covered with grass. As i passed the large glass sliding doors in the center of the northern facade of the house, i was aware that my mother was looking for me. I knew that she would be worried about me flying. I felt annoyed with her concern and jumped into the air, heading to the east. I felt a little uncertain about flying out over the steep hill, but i wanted to get out of sight before my mother came onto the deck. I did not want her to know that i had been flying around the house where others could see what i could do. Nervous, i floated out over the steep hill. I felt anxious as i drifted over the sudden drop off, hoping that i could maintain my altitude. I circled back toward the front of the house.

I walked to the east, through the narrow passage which led into the large gymnasium. The walls around me were bright white, and the ceiling was far overhead. There seemed to be wooden bleachers to the south of me which were partially open, facing east. As i passed the end of the bleachers, i walked by a tall structure, which seemed to be a dividing curtain held up in a metal frame, or a standing chalkboard. There were other people in the room, but i was not focused on them. I felt concerned and thought that there was something wrong here. I paused for a moment to look around, and then i walked to the east, across the polished wooden floor toward the small tan Honda Accord in the middle of the parking lot, which seemed to be in the center of the gym. It was darker now, and i knew that someone had planted a bomb in the trunk of the car. I felt tense, and thought that i should do something, but i did not know what. I knew that it was an atomic bomb, so there would be no use in evacuating people from the area. We could not clear everyone out in time. I turned to the west and said something to $Z, who was standing just to the northwest of me. I thought that we should sneak the bomb out of the car and dispose of it. Just as i reached the trunk of the large american car, a woman to the west of me complained about the car. She did not want the car parked here, in the center of the gymnasium. I was worried that she would realize what was in the car and report us. We did not have time to explain to people what was happening. Several of the gymnasts suddenly ran past us from the west. They were wearing black leotards and seemed to be dancing in play as they passed. I thought that this area was too exposed, and too many people would see what we were doing with the bomb. I felt that there was nothing that we could do about this situation, so i told $Z that we should simply go into the trunk with the bomb. I opened up the large trunk of the dark-red car only to see a thick green wool blanket. I reached in and lifted up the blanket, exposing the metal casing of the atomic bomb. I looked at the bomb and tried to think about this situation. There was something that seemed to be bothering me. It did not quite make sense. As i thought, i realized that i was sitting on the wood floor of the gymnasium again. The bleachers were to the southwest of me, and there were several moveable walls put in the center of the room. I looked to the east, thinking that i should get back to the car. Instead of seeing the car, i noticed that there were small clear-plastic cups on the floor with test tubes in them. The test tubes were standing vertically, and contained a green fluorescent liquid in them. I stood up and walked to the east to see them. As i rounded one of the black dividing walls, i realized that there were a number of cups on the floor. The test tubes contained radioactive material. When the bomb went off, this material would serve to contaminate the area. I bent over and pulled one of the glass tubes out of a cup to look at it. As soon as i removed it from the cup, however, i realized that it was a stupid thing to do. The material was radioactive, and removing it from the cup allowed the radiation to emanate into the room. I quickly put the test tube back into the cup and then covered the cup with the small shoe box, thinking that the walls of the box would block the heavier particles. This stuff was intended to radiate curious people. If enough of the tubes were pulled from the cups, the radiation level in the room would be great enough to cause an explosion of the remaining material. I worried that i had been irradiated. I felt as though i had made a serious mistake. I had to do something. I walked to the east, trying to thing of a solution.

12005 August 29

I was sitting on the porch of the small beach house. It was very warm out, and the ocean was to the southeast of us. I had walked through the house to get here and was now sitting on the stairs which led down to the ground. The porch did not seem that wide, and it had no railings or banisters. There were a few square beams which supported the upper levels of the house above us. The ocean waves rolled up the stairs as i sat on them, wetting my feet. There seemed to be children playing in the waves just off of the porch. My family sat on the porch with me. My aunt and uncle seemed to be sitting to the east of me on the porch. I turned to look at the water running over the wood floor of the porch, and i thought that it must not be uncommon for the water to be this high. A male cousin of mine, who was sitting in a white plastic chair just to the east of me, looked down as i ran my finger through the thin layer of water on the porch. I asked him if the water was always this level, thinking that it really varied. I thought that the porch was designed to be just under water level at some times. I was then hit by a large wave from the beach. It poured over my head and submerged me in water. I stood up and turned to the south-southwest to see another wave coming. It looked like a regular ocean wave, and i thought that it was probably a rogue wave. It washed over the porch and into the house. My mother stood up to the west of me. She seemed alarmed. I thought that there was nothing special about this situation. I knew that there was a probability that some waves would be much larger than others. An even larger wave then rolled into the house. I held my breath as it submerged me. I could tell that it filled the space all the way to the top of the porch. I thought that it would pass quickly, but it seemed to be bigger than i though, and i stood on the porch, holding on to the square post to the west of me. I felt the water come to a stand still, and i knew that it would have to wash back out. I held on tightly to the banister as the water started back out. I did not want to get washed back out to sea, and i wondered what my mother was doing in the water. I then realized that i needed to breath. I was under the water too long. I exhaled suddenly and inhaled. To my surprise, i could breath. I thought that the receding wave must have left a pocket of air under it that i could breath. It was foamy, but not watery enough to bother my nose. I looked back out to the sea to see the water receding quite a way. I realized that it was returning to normal. Furnishings and clothing were strewn across the sandy ground leading back to the ocean. I walked to the north, along the eastern side of the house. There were cushions and chairs scattered across the lawn. I then noticed the white plastic frame and dark-blue cushions of the lawn recliner. It was the one that my cousin had been sitting on. It must have gotten washed into the water. The waves were over, and i realized that the large wave was something special. The people had reacted as though it was a disaster. They walked out onto the beach to search for their possessions, which had been washed away by the water. I then realized that my father was out on a boat in the ocean. I hoped that he was far enough out that the waves did not bother him. I moved to the west and came to a dark area where the aluminum docks stretched out into the water. I ran to the south, down the docks, looking at the boats around me. There were many boats tied up on the docks, and several people seemed to be tending them hurriedly. My mother was with me on the docks, but i knew that she would be too worried to do anything useful. It seemed that we were now in an enclosed area, as though there was a low roof over all of the docks. It seemed that we were in a large shed. I looked at the wooden boats which were tied up to the docks. As i hopped from dock to dock, i could not decide which boat to take. I had to get one and go out into the sea. I thought that most of them would be abandoned because of the wave. The boats here were not docked carefully. There were several that were tied to each other, as though they had been bound hastily to the docks and left. I then realized that the water under the docks was starting to head back out to sea. I thought that another large wave would be coming in, so i ran to the north, back to the edge of the docks, but no big wave came in.