12007 August 03

I moved back to the east, along the long wall of arching glass windows that looked in on the ballroom. I seemed to be out on the terrace at the moment, but i was aware that there was water under my feet. It had been raining, and it seemed that there was a lot of water gathering. I was then in the ballroom, heading to the east along the inside of the windows. The people were concerned because there was about a foot of water on the floor. I told some people that the windows should have kept most of the water out, and i wondered if there was a leak in one of the windows. I looked down at a section of the leaded window where i thought that there might be some water coming in.

12007 August 04

I moved around the small room of the house. I felt good being in this place. I looked to the south. I was now standing on the balcony outside the yellow apartment building. I felt as though i had just purchased this apartment in New York City. My parents were here, and were helping me fix up the place. To the southeast, there seemed to be a valley with the rest of the city sprawled out across it. This place had a very nice view, and i felt lucky to have found it. I thought about $F45 and felt suddenly strange about this place. I looked to north, up the narrow city street, at the tall apartment buildings that curved with the street to the west. I had not mentioned this place to $F45 before i had bought it. I had simply purchased it. I felt suddenly worried that he might not like it. I moved to the west, walking into the building. The ground was cement, and there seemed to be an open garage door to the south of me. Several other people from $G3 were near me, but they seemed to be quite a bit younger than i. I moved to the north, across the long narrow white room. It seemed that i was living here again, but i felt out of place doing so. I had come here because i was out of a job, but i knew that i could not stay in this place for too long. I did not belong here.

12007 August 05

I walked around the small room at the top of the tower. There was a large chain hanging in the center of the room, which was part of a clock. I stood to the north of the chain as the others looked. The chain was formed of large brass beads, which ran over a pulley near the ceiling. I explained to the others that this was the main pendulum of the clock, and i remembered how the weights had to be raised up to the pulley from time to time to keep the clock going. This seemed to be the timing mechanism of the large clock in the tower of $P7. As i walked to the west, around the round opening in the floor, where the thick chain fell several stories to the pendulum, i mentioned to the other person how strange it seemed that the clock was really so simple. People always imagine how complex large clocks should be, but i knew that there was nothing really complex required just for the size. It was the same simple design as a smaller clock, but the scale was just larger. As i came to the southern side of the mechanism, i felt suddenly that one of the men was tampering with the beaded chain. He was reaching out to touch the top ball, near the pulley. I knew that this was wrong, but i felt uncertain about saying anything to him. Another person stood to the northwest of me, near the brassy metal structure that ran from the floor to the ceiling on the western side of the hole. The first man reached out to touch the brass chain, and i told him that he should not, even though i knew what he was about to do. He grabbed on to the top ball of the chain and swinged out over the opening. The pulley moved in a semicircle toward the western side of the hole with the weight. I was annoyed, and realized that others in the room had suddenly taken notice of this horrible action. I was standing to the northwest of the hole now, and i stood with a shocked expression on my face. I saw the man jump from the chain and land on the floor of the room. I kept standing there with my mouth open, thinking that i should continues to looked shocked so that, if anyone from the room saw me, they would know that i was surprised and disturbed by this man’s actions, even though he was accompanying me. The man walked off to the west, and i turned to head in the same direction. I felt that something was wrong, and i looked back at the mechanism in the center of the room. I thought that the chain had started moving through the pulley, allowing the weights to fall down the shaft, but i could still see the beaded chain hanging in the middle of the shaft. I could not focus, however, and i knew that something was wrong. I looked again and saw that there was no chain in the shaft. The pendulum had fallen down the shaft and was now at the bottom. I felt annoyed, and started to the northern door of the room, where the stairs leaded down. I was following several people down the stairs. We were now outside, heading down a wide stairwell on the northern side of a building. There was a wall to the north of us, but there did not seem to be a roof over our head, and the sky seemed blue. I was then to the west of myself, watching myself descend the stairs with the others. The stairs descended to the west, from the roof of a lower section of the building. They were set into the side of the building so that the lowest step was flush with the western wall of the building. I watched myself turn to the north and start down another set of steps than ran along the northern side of the large stone building, which seemed to be the school. As i was walking down the stairs, i thought of the large pendulum in the basement room of the building. $A48 was descending the stairs in front of me and to the north. He turned to me and said “At least we don’t have to go in through the door that looks like a vagina.” I pictured the narrow vertical opening on the northern side of the stone building as we descended. We would have to head into one of the doors to the north of us. I then realized that we were moving too far to the north, on the outside of the building. I thought that the tower should be in the center of the building, to the south of us. I wondered how a door this far from the center of the building would open into the pendulum shaft.

12007 August 06

I was lying on the eastern side of the bed, which was against the northern wall of the room. $F12 was lying to the west of me. It seemed as though it was the middle of the night, but i was still able to see the features around the room. The ceiling seemed white in the light that was cast across it from the west. $F10 then layed down on the western end of the bed, and i thought it was strange for all three of us to be sleeping in the same bed. It felt nice to have them all here, and i wanted to put my arm around them as we slept. Then, $F10 moved toward us, pushing $F12 on top of me as he pushed himself on top of both of us. $F12 was facing me, and it felt good to be near him, but i thought that it was awkward for $F10 to be so forward. I then realized that he was being sexual as he lay on top. He seemed to be instigating sexual relations. I realized that he was rubbing his groin into $F12’s back. He then asked $F12 whether he has ever tried it Texan style. I felt worried that $F12 would be upset by this. I knew that $F10 was acting forward, but $F12 would not know this, and i was worried that he would be upset. Then, $F12 rolled out from between us and sat up on the eastern side of the bed. I could tell that he was upset as he started to put his socks on. I rolled $F10 to the west and started to talk to $F12, asking him if he was all right. He did not answer the question, but simply stated that he had to go. He started to move to the south, to put some more clothes on, and i grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back down to the bed. He knelt on the southern edge of the bed, facing me. I told him that i knew he had to leave, but asked him again if he was feeling all right. I stressed the question, letting him know that i was aware that he was upset and that i wanted to know if there was anything i could do. He leaned toward my left ear and told me that, if i said that i wanted him with me, he would move to me near me. I was surprised by this statement, but felt deeply moved. I whispered back, saying that i knew how much he loved where he lived, and that i would never ask him to leave. I did not know how much he loved me, and it was comforting to hear.

12007 August 08

I walked to the north, where the others were gathering in the large eating room of the fraternity house. I had just woken up from a nap and was going with the other people to eat. It felt good to be here with the fraternity people, even though i did not know them personally. I walked to the western end of the room, where people were gathering. The area seemed suddenly crowded, and i realized that all of the people had suddenly decided to grab food from the counters as i approached. I was a little annoyed by this because it meant that i might not be able to eat what i wanted. I tried to get some food from the metal serving counter to the west of me, but the crowd moved in front of me so that i could not even see what was there. I was irritated and turned to the south. The counter ran along the southern wall as well, where there were tall glass doors covering the refrigerated cases. I looked into one of the cases and noticed that there were boxes of Eggo waffles on one of the shelves. I remembered the sugar syrup that my mother had bought and thought that i should get some waffles to toast. I moved past the cabinet as a woman pushed in front of me to pull some things out. I worried that i would not be able to get what i wanted as i reached in and pulled out a plastic bag of french toast. I did not feel happy about the choice, but i was able to pull one yellow box of waffles out as well and take them to the east. The room opened up to the east and i turned to the south, where the seats were. As i put the food down, thinking that i would need to use the toaster, i realized that there were very few people sitting in this side of the room. The round wooden tables here were mostly empty. I felt strange being the only one on this side of the room, and wondered if i should go to the northern side to sit with everyone else. I headed to the east again, looking for a plate. As i moved to the northeast, i looked to the northern section of the room to see that it was packed with people. The eastern end of the room seemed to be the second-floor balcony of an old wooden building. There seemed to be crude wooden poles holding up the roof over the balcony. I walked to the east of a large wooden column and grabbed a plate from the round set of trays on the northern side. The trays were arranged in a vertical stack, as though they were part of a multi-tier lazy susan. I started to take one of the white plates with blue and yellow floral patterns around the rim when i noticed that there was silverware resting across it. I looked around at the other stacks of plates on the round shelf and noticed that they also had silverware on them. I was confused for a moment and wondered what to do. I then thought that i had already grabbed one of the white places with yellow decorations on it from the counter where i had gotten my food. I could not figure out what to do.

12007 August 10

I walked to the west, into the college building, as i thought about the film project that i had just worked on. I was trying to think of the plots in my head and felt that it was a pretty good movie. As i came down the large hall, i was aware of someone standing in the center of the hall ahead of me. I stopped suddenly, turning back to the southeast and picking up one of the thin black magazines that were sitting in a rack. The front of the magazine flipped open as i held it. It was very thin, and filled with blank forms. I knew that i would use the forms to rate the movies that we would be watching. When i turned back to the west, the man was standing directly in front of me. He stood in the center of the hall with his arms crossed and his feet wide. He had a boxy face and short wavy blond hair. He was wearing something tan over a dark T-shirt. He was a member of my theatre class, and was here for the presentations. I nodded to him as i walked up and turned to the north, into the classroom. As i neared him, i was aware that there were several other people who had just come in the door of the building behind me. I stepped into the classroom through the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. Looking to the west, i could see that the seats in the room faced east, where a large screen hung about a metre from the wall. The first several rows of the room were already filled with students gathering for the screenings. I thought about the short piece that i had been in. As i stepped between two chairs to get to the western end of the room, i thought that the movie was rather good. I had seen it previously and remembered being surprised at my performance in it, thinking it was rather good. I looked up now at the room, noticing that the white chairs lined up along the western end of the classroom were at a slightly higher elevation that the chairs in the eastern end. I wondered if i should sit in the front row of the upper section. I knew that it would offer a good view, but i walked to the back row and looked around. There seemed to be too many people already in the room, and i could not decide where i wanted to sit. I walked around the northwestern corner of the room, looking for a seat. I did not think that i wanted to sit all the way in the back, so i started heading to the east again along the northern wall of the room. I came to the division between the two sections of the room and thought that i should just sit in the first row of the western section of chairs. I walked into the aisle that ran north to south, dividing the two sections of seats. Turning to the east, i looked at the form that i had picked up from the table outside. It was a chart that showed how the voting system worked for the movies. The man asked me if i knew how to use it as i passed the card to the woman to the northwest of me. I started to respond to him, thinking that i was familiar with the voting system and would remember how to use the two vertical rows of six dots. Just as i thought this, i wondered where the seventh mark was to be placed. I looked over my right shoulder at the card, which was now lying on the table in front of the western section of seats. There were sever circles spaced out on the tan paper, and i noticed that the dots were arranged like the marks on a playing card for seven. I could easily remember this. I turned back to the east and replied to the man. I then started to feel as though i did not quite understand the voting system. I felt confused and looked at the explanation sheet. There were several rows of the dot patterns running horizontally across the page. I looked at the way the dot patterns corresponded to the numbers that they represented, and i realized that the dots did not run in sequence. The example for the number one showed the dot in the upper-left corner filled in. The example for number two showed the top two dots filled in. Number three had the top two dots marked in black, plus the dot in the middle of the right side. I realized that the pattern was not easy enough to quickly recognize. I then noticed that there were more than seven numbers on the sheet. The book showed them in order across the top row of the page. The row below it started with the letter a. I realized that these dots represented a lot more than just numbers. I was not sure what to do or how to use the dots. I then noticed that there were ten rows of dots across the top of the form, and i wondered if it was as simple as marking one to ten per row. I thought that this might be it, but, as i looked at the examples again, i noticed that the letters started in the second row, so the form had to be able to represent more that just rows and columns. I felt confused and could not figure out what i was supposed to do. I turned to the next page in the book, which was the last page of the symbols. The line of numbers on the first page had a diamond-shaped set of dots in front of the first column. I knew that this mark signified that the marks following were numbers. As i looked at the columns, i noticed that one and the letter a were the same symbol of dots. They were distinguished by the fact that the numbers were preceded by the diamond shape. I noticed the diamond shape as the last example in the book, which seemed to be two or three spaces in from the right-hand end of the row. The last few rows of symbols all represented special characters. I noticed that the symbol just to the left of the number sign was a roman numeral. It seemed to be the number three. I looked at the pattern of open dots and though that it looked like a capped cross with dots in the open spaces. A row up, i noticed that they also had shapes representing double roman numerals. There was an entry for “II II”, which was two number twos in a row. It seemed very complicated. I looked back at the first page of the magazine, trying to figure out the sequence again. This special system was used for some significant purpose, and i thought about the man to the east, who was gifted. He was very smart, but not able to communicate well with others. He said something that seemed like a joke, but the crowd around him was suddenly silent afterward. I felt awkward for him as i looked around at the silent crowd. The man moved awkwardly through the party, as though he was partly blind. He was wearing dark glasses, and i imagined that there was something wrong with his vision. He was trying to be part of this club, which seemed like a fraternity. I thought that he might be trying to join, but i wondered if the others would accept him. I knew that he was special and smart, but i knew that he did not fit in with people. He was to the south of me, in the middle of the crowd as he commented on something. The people around him stopped talking and fell awkwardly silent. My view then focused on the lower part of this face. His smile seemed waxy and wry, and i knew that he found the comment funny and was unaware that everyone else in the large room felt uncomfortable with the comments. I focused on his lips as he remained smiling. The people then started to move around the area. I realized suddenly that he was not trying to join this social club. He was already part of it, even though he did not quite fit in here. The others turned to the southeast and complained about the man, saying that he had done something. The old man with the round face and short thinning white hair looked surprised. The older man repeated what the others had said, stating that he boy did something. I moved with the crowd as the old man walked to the north, across the modern room of the house and onto the patio outside. I could see the white symbols drawn in chalk on the stone walls of the garden. They were the same symbols as i had seen in the book earlier. The older man, who seemed to be a keeper of this place, looked around in surprise. I backed away to the west, getting a better look at the narrow statue in the center of the patio. It had a narrow base and a bulbous top. There were several square loops of metal encircling it on the ground. I could see the white drawings all around the statue. Hand-drawn flowers spread out from the base of the statue, merging with the square shapes, which were diagrams from the book, representing complex ideas. I knew that the man communicated with this special language because of his disability. There were larger diagrams on the cinder-block wall to the east. This was the dot writing of the special people, and i realized that the others in the group would not be able to understand the beauty or significance of the design that the man had drawn. This seemed to be a humourous situation, but i knew that the people would not understand the artwork and simply be annoyed by it.

12007 August 12

The actors were performing to the north of me. This seemed to be an elaborate production, with many people in fancy costumes moving around the circular stage. The audience seemed to be to the southwest of the stage. I recognized several of the actors in the show as famous cinema actors. They moved around the stage in performance, but i felt that this was not a real performance. It seemed as though they were still rehearsing the show. There was something special about this show as i watched. I felt that i was actually a part of the show, though i did not appear to be doing anything at this moment. I noticed Glenn Close standing at the back of the stage as the other actors looked up and into the audience, just to the west of me. It seemed as though the director was giving instructions. I then noticed the dark-skinned woman in the center of the stage. She seemed like Woopie Goldberg, but i thought that she was really Opra. I then realized that she was doing a monolog in the center of the stage, wearing a brightly coloured dress. The dress seemed bulky, like a racial stereotype of a “mammy”. Something seemed out of place here. I knew that this was not right, and i felt that this performance had been corrupted by the corporate people. The entire set looked like something from the late 11800s. I felt annoyed as i walked to the north, behind the main scene of the stage and into a round area. The stage around me was set into a ring, with a high part to the northeast. The ring was decorated to look like a forested path. This was part of the set. The backdrop looked more like the side of a house, but that was because these sets were not fully in place. They would be rotated in and out of the stage during different parts of the play. I felt upset that Opra was forced to perform such a racial stereotype, and i was annoyed at the executives for changing the plot to include such a thing.

I spoke to $Z as i glanced out the window at the back of my house. I could see the large yard to the west of the house. There was a tall deciduous tree just to the north of the window. I could not see the trunk of the tree, but i could see the thick branches hanging in front of the window. I remembered doing yard work in the back of this house. I seemed to remember a short chain-link fence running along the southern side of the yard. That was a time when the ground was damp from melting snow. Now the yard seemed dry and a little brown. I then noticed the body hanging from the tree. It was wearing tan denim overalls and was suspended by a rope around its chest. It seemed to be a man, but i could not see the face because the man’s blue flannel jacket had lifted up over the man’s head. I remembered this body from before. I had hung it in the tree for some reason and forgotten about it. I wondered why i had not smelled it rotting. I thought that i should tell the police that there was a body in the tree, and then remembered that i had put it there for a specific reason. It was not illegal for me to hang it in the tree, but i should have notified the police that it was there a lot earlier. I thought that i could simply tell the police that i had forgotten about it. I then wondered what the man’s face looked like. I noticed that the rope was slipping slightly, and the man’s arms were lifting so that his jacket was lifting over his head. I thought that the man should be well decayed by now, bit, as the coat revealed his face, i noticed that it did not look that badly destroyed. I was surprised to see it so in tact. The man had medium-length brown hair. I also noticed that he was not wearing a shirt under his construction overalls. I could see the pale skin of his chest, and i noticed that there was a strange round mark on his upper left chest. It seemed to be some kind of reddened skin. I felt bad that i had left him there and wondered if the police would try to charge me with something. I knew that it was all a mistake. I then remembered the person that i had killed many years ago. I felt suddenly guilty and nervous about it. I remembered wanting to get rid of the man and then plotting to hide the body and make it seem as though he simply disappeared. I knew that the body was buried under the hedgerow in the back of the yard. I hoped that the police did not decide to dig up my yard looking for evidence just because i had a man hanging from my tree. I became very worried about the murder in the past, realizing that i could not remember it and thinking that it had actually been part of a dream for me to think it happened. I was afraid that it might be true and tried to remember if i had actually done something so terrible in the past or not.

12007 August 13

We drove from the larger parking lot on the western side of the area to the smaller one. The large parking lot seemed to be on the eastern side of the hill, just to the north and east of a large building, which i thought might be a hospital. The larger lot was sloped down to the east. As we moved from one lot to another on the narrow drive, we crossed the shallow valley between the hills. The smaller parking lot was narrow, and ran north to south along the top of the smaller hill. As we entered the southern end of the lot, i noticed the line of buildings to the north of us. They seemed to be part of an old boardwalk. I said something to $F10, who was in the car with us as we turned the car to the north to look for a space. I thought that we were going to pull into a spot in front of the shops, but we turned to the east and stopped in a spot in the middle of the lot. We walked to the west, into the main room of one of the stores. There was an older man there. We spoke to him for a moment, and i felt interested in the conversation. There was something we were learning here. His son was sitting in a chair on the northern side of the room as we started to move back to the east again. We had to go, but i enjoyed being here.

I walked into the small bathroom on the western side of the building. There was a short rectangular window in the western wall, and i could hear people outside. I sat down on the floor to look through the window. I could see people sitting in chairs outside the building to the west of us. They were sitting to the south of the building, around small round tables. I looked down at the white wooden shelf just under the window, which seemed to be the top part of a radiator cover, pretending that i was doing something in front of the window. As i looked up again, i noticed that a thin young man sitting at the table near the building had noticed me. He was wearing a dark-blue jacket over a white button-up shirt and had dark hair. He stared at me in interest for a moment, so i leaned back a little, pretending that i was reading something on my lap. I then looked around the room to the north, as though i was being distracted by someone. I glanced out the window, noticing that the young man was out of view for the moment. I could lean in a little to see what he was up to. I muttered something to the north, to make them think that i was speaking to the fake person. I then glanced back out the window to see what they were doing. There was another young man sitting in the center of the tables. He was now looking up toward the window. He had short blond hair and i thought that he was rather attractive. I then noticed that the thin man near the building was now wearing only his shorts. He stretched his arms over his head, and i got the sudden feeling that he was trying to make passes at me. I knew that the young man was still in the room with me, lying on the bed to the south. I told him about the men outside and asked him if they were really trying to make passes at us. He agreed that he thought they were posing for us. I felt nervous about the men outside, and i turned to the west to say something to the man in the room with me. He was lying on the bed with his arms stretched over his head, to the east. He was not wearing a shirt, and i thought that he looked rather nice. He had a little bit of blond hair in the center of his chest.

I watched the news for a moment as they mentioned how the woman had died. It seemed to be an accident or medical problem, but the news kept talking about it. I saw several politicians on the screen as they talked about Hillary Clinton being dead. At first i thought that this was simply a sad story, but then i realized that she was still running for president. I suddenly realized that it was too close to the election for support to move to another candidate. I was worried that the Republican part of the government had had Hillary killed so that the Democrats would not be able to get into office. I felt suddenly worried that this was part of a plot form the government. I suddenly was uncomfortable.

12007 August 14

The woman was wearing a dark-orange business suit with a matching skirt. The material seemed to be heavy. She stood to the east of me as she said something about the keys. I knew that she was someone important as turned to the north and walked across the room. There was a man and a woman sitting on the small bench against the western wall, just to the north of me. The man asked what the keys referred to, since it was obvious that we were not referring actual keys. I told him that it was a term used at the college to refer to someone who represented a building on campus. I gave him the example of the student union, where someone would be the representative or speaker for the entire building. It seemed to be something set up by the students. I then pointed out that the woman whom they had seen me talking to was actually the dean of students. I looked up, to the east, to see her walking down the corridor, away from us. She had short medium-blond hair and seemed middle aged. The man seemed interested in the idea, even though i felt as though i could not properly describe it. I turned back to the east and continued doing something on the floor. I was aware of the long fuzzy thing undulating slowly on the metal slide to the northeast of me. I was doing something on the floor, and i had noticed the caterpillar-like creature moving slowly forward. It was black and tubular, with narrow sections at even intervals where the fur seemed shorter. It looked like a trimmed pipe cleaner. $Z moved to the north of me in this crowded room. It seemed to be a basement room or garage, with items and equipment all around. There seemed to be many wooden and metal objects cluttering the area, leaving only narrow corridors for passage. I backed away from the black worm suddenly, realizing that it was a living entity. $Z seemed aware of this as well, and we both realized that there was a danger here. The animal was actually a genetic experiment. It was growing and adapting. I was afraid that it might attack us or invade us. I thought that the only reason it had not done so yet was because it was not evolved enough to figure it out. $Z and i ran to the east, through the twisting aisles of junk. The creature changed form and started to follow us. It now looked like a thin stick figure of a man made out of rough shapes of metal. We ran through a metal door and quickly closed it behind us. I looked through the window of the door to see the small man examining the other side of the door. I realized that it had never seen a door before, so it was confused by the mechanism, but i knew that it would soon figure out how to operate the push handle of the door and come after us. We ran down the brick alley to the east, turning around several corners. We wanted the creature to follow us so that we could lead it into a trap. I then wondered if it could still track us if it did not see where we were going. I decided that it would be able to track us by smell. That was how it would follow us down the alley and allow us to get far enough ahead that we could set a trap for it. I looked ahead of me. $Z had jumped down a shoot in the ground. As he did so, he asked if there was really anything below. I was then looking at a gray area ahead of me, with lighter gray clouds near the top of the view. The clouds had openings in the bottom where the flumes came out. The openings had dark ribbed flanges around them, like something from a drawing. A voice replied to $Z, who now seemed to be a movie star that i recognized. The voice told him not to jump into the space, but i knew that it was already too late. He floated for a moment just below the clouds, but then he was pushed by some unseen force to the north, past me and down the long round cement tube. He tried to stop his fall by grabbing on to the metal wires that ran along the walls of the pipe. As i fell after the man, i noticed that the pipe was getting narrower, until it squeezed into a small oval passage. As i watched the man slow to a stop near the bottom, i realized that he was rather attractive, and felt interested in him. The man stopped at the bottom, still talking to the unseen voice about the device that we were now in. It was a trap for the creature. The man looked down into the tube below him as the voice replied. The man said that the trap was nice, and crawled down the bottom and out the other side. I felt that the space below was too tight to squeeze through, so i turned around and headed back up. I came into a white round area where i could see the man and someone else. They seemed distorted, and the men were dressed in dark clothing. I then realized that this was not real as i continued up the tube to the top. The man said that the walls were reflecting light in such a way that it made it appear that they were really in the bulbous room. In reality, they were standing around the small opening at the top of the room. I reached up until i passed out of the opening. I grabbed onto the black metal railing around the rim and pulled myself up. I was now in a lecture room, with chairs all around me. The round opening in the white floor was between two rows of black plastic chairs near the northwestern side of the room. The floor of the lecture room sloped down to the northeast. I looked into the small hole to see the water suddenly churning. The creature had entered the water on the other side. I told the men that it was there, and someone said to turn on the trap and electrocute the creature, but nothing happened. An older man sat just to the east of the hole in a chair. He wore a white lab coat and had a thin white beard. He was watching the hole intently and told us that he wanted to try to communicate with the creature. I knew that they would try to study the creature, and i was afraid that it would simply escape and take over the area. It was a very dangerous creature. I told them that they had to activate the trap, but they did not do anything. I could now see the creature moving as a long thin rope through the water below. I started to back away, but they still did not kill it. The creature then reached a tentacle out of the water, and the older man in the lab coat realized that the creature would not reason with them. The men in the booth to the south of me turned on the trap, and i could see the creature twitch with the high voltage. I could hear the humming of the electricity through the water, but i knew that the creature had already started to escape. I ran out of the room and closed the door behind me. I pulled an alarm to let everyone else know that they would need to evacuate the building. I turned and started running through the hall of the office building. A door opened to the south of me, in the eastern wall of the side corridor. It was the door that i had just come out of. I quickly pushed the people back into the office, telling them that this place had to be quarantined. I recognized them as some of the people that i worked with, and i knew that they would not take the situation seriously. I saw others coming out of a room to the west. I recognized many of them as the teachers that i worked with. I felt that the situation was getting out of hand. I started to feel panicked and worried. The creature was still after me and i had to do something.

We had to do something, and i was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car as it faced north. We seemed to be at the bottom of the driveway to my parents’ house. $F45 then said something to me as he moved around the back of the car and into the woods to the east. I looked at him as he hopped through the thin woods. He was wearing a headlamp on his forehead, and he had his arms hung menacingly in front of him as he crouched low to the ground. He was smiling as he moved to the south, telling me that he was going to dig something up. I remembered that he was digging through the dirt as he had done before. I stepped around to the back of the car, which was now on facing to the north, down the slope of the driveway. It was parked just off of the main road. As i came to the back of the car, i thought that we had to get the car away from the road, and i gave it a push as i closed the hatchback. $F45’s car started rolling, and i called out to him. I told him that the car was not parked properly. It rolled down the driveway, and i followed it. I tried to get $F45’s attention so that he would know that there was problem. I then realized that i could not keep up with the car as well. I finally got $F45 to noticed that his car was rolling out of control, and i was suddenly worried that it would crash into the garage on the northern end of the driveway. The car then turned suddenly to the east and came to a stop in the grass. I realized that it had almost hit the orange cat as it passed. $F45 moved to the north of me as i complained about the car. I then realized that the cat was $X13, and should not have been out of the house. I looked at the $X13 as he ran onto the porch of the house. $F45 did not seem concerned that the cat was out of the house, but i tried to tell him that we had to get $X13 back into the house. I moved toward the porch, but $X13 ran to the east and started playing in a narrow ditch in the grass. I felt annoyed that $F45 was not interested in my concern, and i started to get angry with him. I moved toward $X13, noticing that he was bouncing back and forth between the sites of the V-shaped ditch. He looked excited and playful. I started to move toward him, but he ran to the south, down the driveway. I was worried that he would run to the east, into the main road. As he jogged to the north, along the western side of the road, i could see some lights from cars coming from the north. I felt annoyed at $F45 because he did not take the situation seriously. He stood to the north of me, saying that we should not chase $X13 because he would simply run away. I walked to the north as the car passed down the road, passing $X13. $X13 did not seem to notice that the car was there. I was glad that the cat did not run in front of the car, but i could see that there was another car coming. I felt very worried, but $F45 kept saying that there was nothing to worry about. As the second car started to pass the cat, and as $X13 did not seem to react to the car, i felt good that the car would not hit him. I had to get him before he ran into the road. Just then, the car swerved to the west and ran over $X13, driving off the side of the road. I felt suddenly upset as i heard a terrified gasp from $F45. I realized that the car had intentionally swerved off of the road to kill the cat. I was shocked and did not know what to do.

I rode my bicycle to the south, down the city street. I felt a little nervous about something, thinking that it might not be a good idea to be traveling here. I was on the western side of the street as i stopped at the intersection to talk to the man. The man was standing to the northeast of me, and he seemed to be a friend of mine. He said something to me, and i commented back to him. I thought that i would be meeting this man and some other friends for lunch, but something felt wrong. I worried that i would be out too long and something would happen. I commented back to the man as i turned to the south, noticing the dark sky in the southeast. As i looked, i saw two flashes of lightning illuminate the clouds over the tops of the buildings. I realized that a storm was coming, and i mentioned this to the man. I hoped that i did not get caught in the rain while i was riding my bicycle. As i started riding to the south again, i looked to the sepia southwestern sky, thinking that i would be sitting in a restaurant when the storm started. I hoped that it would rain while i was in the restaurant and be finished by the time i had to head home. I felt unsure about remaining here for too long, thinking that i would either get caught in the storm or get caught out after dark. I turned to the west and then turned north onto the curb, stopping in front of the house. I was waiting for the others to come out of the house. I waited on the porch until the others came out. I realized that i knew some of them. They were people that i had worked with. It was still early in the morning, and i realized that they were just stopping for breakfast before they had to rush to work. $A515 came out of the door to the north of me, and seemed surprised to see me. I felt awkward with them, knowing that i was no longer working and would not have to rush through breakfast like they would.

I moved through the lower floor of the hostel. I had come back early. The others were still out doing something. I climbed the stairs at the western side of the building and turned back to the east on the landing above. The landing seemed to be a balcony that ran along the northern side of the lower floor. I started to head back down the white hall to the east, noticing that there was a triangular string instrument on a shelf to the southeast of me. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that i had come back too early. I knew that the owners had to clean the place. I looked at the instrument again, which was now to the north of me. It had a large wooden body, and i was interested in playing it, but i felt that i really should not be here right now. I walked into the room where we were staying. I felt confused and wondered what to do. I decided that i had to eat something and started cooking something on the small stove. I was in a small room on the southwestern side of the narrow hall. The place seemed dingy. The small gas stove was just inside the door to the room, just to the southeast. There was a small red bed against the south wall, leaving only enough room between the bed and the stove to walk. I stood to the southwest of the stove when my mother came in. She said that i had to be quiet so that the others did not hear us. Something seemed wrong, but i tried not to make too much noise with the skillets that i was using. I picked up the small cast-iron skillet, thinking that i should use another one that was less noisy. My mother took the skillet from my hand and hung it back up against the southern wall of the room. She then handed me a round cast-iron dish to use instead. I looked at the dish. It was decorated with two smaller circles raised on the surface of the dish. One was larger than the other, and both touched the outside edge of the plate. I noticed the raised decorations in the center of each ring. They seemed Persian, and i thought that they related to the terrorists, whom we were afraid of. We had to be quiet so that they did not hear us. I turned back to the stove to cook the eggs, which now seemed to be small folded squares of cooked eggs. I moved one of the squares, but it fell to the side of the stove. I was annoyed. I thought that i might be able to pick up the square, clean it off, and cook it some more. I tried to reach the fallen egg, but it had fallen behind the object. I moved the small object, but the egg dropped again into a large tray that had been under the object. I started to feel frustrated. I realized that the large plastic tray was filled with a granular substance that i thought was cat litter. I realized that i would not be able to eat the eggs from the tray, and i felt upset. I then noticed that the stuff in the box was actually yellow, and i noticed that there was a bag of rat poison near the box. I thought that all of the stuff in the box was poison, which meant that the eggs were ruined. I was angry and upset. My mother asked me a question from the northwest, and i yelled at her in response. I blamed her for the loss of the eggs because she had made me switch pans.

12007 August 16

I felt uneasy here, knowing that something had happened. I was being accused of being a whistleblower, and i knew that people would be after me. I was in the long hallway that ran east to west. The woman came from the east, saying that she wanted to talk to me. She had a serious tone, and was wearing a dark business suit. She was an official of some kind, and was here to question me about what i had said. I did not understand what was happening in this situation, and i told her that i did not want an interview. The two men with her said that they were here to protect me. I was in danger because of what i had said. The woman said that i would need protection from others in the school, especially from the football team now that the season was in progress. I thought that the football team would be mad at me simply because i was homosexual, because and they would be bigoted. I did not know what i had said, and i tried to tell the people that i did not know what they were talking about. Something had happened that i was not a part of, and i told the people that this must be a misunderstanding. I headed to the west, down the hallway on the northern side of the school. I was worried about the frenzy that had been building up around the area. I felt scared about what others might do because someone had made an issue out of something. I spoke to one of the men who were escorting me, explaining that i had not said what the news media had claimed that i had said. He then told me that he did not want to go home with me, and i realized that he had misinterpreted my words as a sexual invitation. He had done this because the people were trying to make me out as a prevented homosexual. I told him that i was just talking, and was angry with him for interpreting the conversation as he had. I told him that i had said nothing when i was in the other country that would have been related to what the people were saying about me. I thought about being in the other country, and realized that i had made no negative comments at all that would have upset these people. I then realized that i had told $A407 about the country. I realized that he told everyone what i had said, but had lied about it. He always made up things when he did not understand the situation. I told the man that the only person i had said anything to was $A407, and i explained that all of the false information must have come from $A407. I felt angry with $A407, because he was always creating problems like this. I walked to the west, now outside, just to the north of a tall steep dirt slope. I explained to the man that i the only comments i had made about the country was that it was slowing down because of a lack of workers in certain places. I hopped up on the large red steel I-beam that was lying on the ground and walked along it to the west. This place was the foreign country. The ground was mostly dirt, with dry scrub-like weeds growing here and there. The soil seemed red in hue, and there seemed to be people working around me, as though i was in a factory yard. As i stepped off the end of the beam, i noticed a large stack of construction materials to the west of me. I walked to the north of them, telling someone about the lack of people who will do things in this country. I said that this information was all i really knew about the work force over there. I felt bad as i walked, aware that some of the poor workers were moving around in the construction area to the northeast of me. I wondered how this statement had become a controversy. I felt annoyed with this situation and worried that it would only get worse.

12007 August 17

I looked oven the back of the boat, into the dark-blue water of the large lake. The boat was heading south, and we were pulling nets behind us to catch fish. I dropped the small net-like object into the water, feeling that we really should not be doing this because it would simply pollute the lake. I watched the tan tangle of ropes unfold into the water. Something seemed wrong. It was not working as i had expected it to work. The boat turned slightly to the east, and i looked into the water to the northwest of the boat. The net seemed to be separating into smaller strands in the water, with the small oval buoys sinking under the surface. The water seemed very shallow now, and i could see the reeds below the surface. There was something strange about this lake. It felt dirty in some way. I spoke to the other on the eastern side of the boat as the boat circled the southern end of the small pond. It was cold and gray out now, and something about the smell of the water made my throat watery. I turned to the south and headed down the wooded dock that had been to the west of the boat. There was a small white wooden cabin on the side of the lake. This was a research center, and it felt like we were here as a special class project. I came into a room on the northern side of the cabin. I felt bad about having to be here. This camp was for a certain type of people, and we were not free to leave this area. I walked into the large dorm room, which had bunk beds along the eastern and western walls. The room seemed messy, with clothes and objects piled on the beds. I had to head to the south, to the other dormitory, but i could not move through the wall on the southern side of this room. I felt frustrated, thinking of how i could push my way through the dull-yellow vertical wooden boards of the southern wall. I felt as though i had to get through soon, before the people in charge found me here. I would have to get back to the other space. I could not find a way through the wall, though. It seemed to be solid, even though i was sure that there was a secret door somewhere in it. A man to the northwest of me then suggested using the stairs in the ceiling. I was now near the northern side of the room, and i looked to the west, noticing a set of pull-down stairs hanging from the ceiling. They were part of a trap door in the ceiling that could be pulled down. The door was already partly open, and the bottom of the stairs was hanging from them. I wondered if the way to the south was actually over the wall rather than through it. I did not remember it this way, but i thought that i should try going through the attic.

12007 August 18

I woke up suddenly, finding myself in the small tent. I felt nervous, knowing that i had been hiding in this area for a while. Something had gone wrong with the world around me, and it was dangerous for me to be out in the open. I sat in the tent for a moment, staring at the red walls as i heard the person talking to the east. I could hear the voices of the family that had been supporting me. They knew that i was in the woods here, but they would not reveal my position to the bad guys, who were now in charge of the area. I could hear the family talking about Allah, and i knew that, even though they were strong followers of their religion, they did not support the religious dictatorship that was now in charge. I could hear the conversation as someone told the family about a new event happening. The message had come from someone in charge. I listened, realizing that i would no longer be allowed to be outside. I was not supposed to be here, and the men asked the family where i was. The family did not tell the guards that i was here. Instead, they mentioned that i was out picking ribbon weed. This was a distraction. I moved slowly to the east, pulling some of the tall thing reed-like grass in front of me. The area around me was forested, but the ground seemed to be swampy. I pulled several more of the reeds from the ground, thinking that i had to collect them for something medicinal. I then remembered being here before with the elf. We had come collecting reeds before. I thought that the elfs would now be safe because they are not human, and are thus immune to Allah. I crept slowly through the undergrowth of the reedy area, cautious not to make any sound. I thought that the guards might be near, and i had to be careful not to alert them. I came out of the weeds and found myself on a dirt trail that ran through the thinly treed forest. I tried to sneak to the east, but i kept stepping on twigs and leaves that would make too much noise. I felt nervous about being captured, and looked around the area for any signs of soldiers. I felt frightened and turned back to the west, running to the tent.

12007 August 20

I was in the lounge of the airport as i rearranged the things in front of me. I seemed to be making something in the large blue china bowl. I was facing west, standing against a counter, putting salad into the bowl. I started to cut small pieces of the yellow cheddar cheese when the person behind me, to the east, said something. I replied. I then moved to the west, to where $F43 was sitting on the western side of a small square table. She had been waiting with the rest of us, and i thought that i should offer her some cheese as i handed her the bowl of salad. As i put the salad down, she thanked me, but i looked into the bowl and thought that i might have put too much dressing onto the lettuce. I moved around the area some more, heading back to prepare more salad. $F39 was also in the room with us. We were all waiting for something.

I ran to the north, into the large cement area of the old run-down building. I was running with $G4 through this city, which seemed like $P6. There was a cement wall to the west of us, and the cement floor seemed to be littered with debris. This place felt like an old factory or warehouse that had been abandoned many years ago. I followed the white chalk marks on the ground to the north, trying to figure out where the trail led. Some of the other $G4 were running along the western side of me. They made comments to me, and i started to feel that they were picking on me. This was not the regular group of $G4 that i ran with. They were from another city, and i started to feel out of place here. I continued to the north as they stopped to check out a part of the marked trail to the northwest. I moved through several of the rooms in the old broken building before i stepped into a large open room on the northern side of the building. The room seemed to be a large hall, with a tall arched multipane window in the center of the northern wall. There was no longer any glass in the window. The walls were made of brick, but there was still some tan stone trimming around the window. I was looking down into the room from a balcony or remnant of a second floor along the southern wall. There did not appear to be a ceiling in this room any more. The room was open to the sky. There was a family standing on the northern side of the room below me. I did not want to interrupt them, but i moved into the room anyway, making my way down to the first floor. I felt sad in this place, and i thought that the family was here remembering this place from a long time ago. The mother of the family stood on the eastern side of the window, with her son and daughter. The father was pacing along the western wall. The mother talked about walking out the window and across the ledge, to the other window to the west. I moved to the window, wondering if it was possible. I thought i should try it in my search for the trail. The mother said that she had done it before, when she used to live in this place during college. I looked out the window, noticing that we were several stories from the paved street below in the narrow alley. The area looked dark and damp and unused. The ledge seemed rather thin to me, and i decided that it would be very dangerous to walk it to the next building. I would not risk it unless i had to. I moved to the south again, heading along the western wall. There was a large V-shaped chunk taken out of the western wall, all the way from the top of the wall to the floor. I could see the stone wall of the next building over, which was also broken, but not as far down as the wall of the building i was in, so i could not see over it. I looked down between the narrow spaces between the two walls. The gap between the buildings was only about a three or four decis wide, and the cement ground below was covered with trash. I moved up to the second floor again, looking over the top of the wall into the open room of the building to the west. I could see $G4 as they moved around in the large warehouse, just on the other side of the wall. I started to pace around in this building. I did not feel comfortable here, and i did not know what to do.

12007 August 21

I crouched on the ground to the west of the others as they examined the object. There seemed to be small bugs moving everywhere around the grass. We seemed to be in the ruins of an old building. There seemed to be stone walls all around us, but no ceiling. I looked up to the east, noticing the deciduous trees over the top of a large V-shaped chunk of missing wall. I could see many things moving in the trees, as though the area was swarming with life. I started to look away but focused again on the trees, wondering what the moving animals were. The cluster at the bottom of my view seemed to be small brown birds fluttering around near the trunk of the tree. There were other animals swarming in the upper part of the view, and i realized that many of them should be insects. I was surprised that so many insects would be swarming in this area. I then looked to the north to see the small box sitting on a pale stone cube, against the northern wall. There were small spiders moving in the box, but i focused on the small round fasteners at the bottom of the box. They were round, like beads, with a hole through the center of them. A screw came in from the side so that the beads could be secured around a rod. I knew that some of these fasteners had been moved from the box, and i told the others to the south of me that they had been moved. I said that the spiders must have taken it out. I then realized that the spiders were mechanical. They seemed like replicators, but i thought that they were very primitive versions of the real replicators, so they were not intelligent enough to attack us. I still felt that it was a problem that they were here with us and that they were getting out of their box. I passed the box and turned around, facing west. I was now standing on the upper level of the eastern section of the ruins. I could see down into the room to the west, which was now an open courtyard within the old pale stone walls. I looked at the box of spiders and realized that they looked like replicators now, and that they were starting to crawl out of their box. They would be loose, which i felt was bad. I warned the others about the replicators, making sure that SG1 was in the room. I wondered what to do about this problem. I turned to the east and walked across the front of the castle. I was walking along the northern side of the old building, which now seemed to be a European mansion from the 11700s. It seemed dark out now, and i thought that this tourist place was now closing. I felt that i should be doing something, but i was not sure what. There seemed to be something special about this place because it made me feel nice. I had just been talking to the woman in the castle, and i felt that there was something i wanted to remember about the conversation. She seemed to be an important leader of the country. I talked to the others about it. The sky suddenly seemed black, and i realized that there was a storm coming. I spoke to the others in the area. I seemed to be moving around a large grassy lawn to the north of the building. I then headed to the west, down the hall of the building. As i reached the others i noticed the door in the wall just to the north of them. I could see outside. The twilight sky turned suddenly black, and then there was a flash of light. The lights then came back on. The approaching storm seemed very threatening. I felt myself duck slightly as the lightning struck, and i saw the woman standing between me and the french doors do the same. I remembered everything going dark the last time the lightning flashed as well. It had something to do with the events happening. I then wondered why everything darkened as the lightning struck. I thought that the lightning must have disrupted the power. It seemed like a strange thing, but i decided that it must be that, because the voltage here was two hundred and fourty, the power grids here were more susceptible to lighting strike. I moved back to the east and was back in the large room at the center of the building, where the others were gathering. There seemed to be some water coming into the building from the storm outside. I looked along the bottom of the northern wall to see water seeping in around the floor. I then looked around at the people gathering with me. We were in a large room that was split between two levels. The northern end of the room seemed to be a full floor below us, and we were all standing on the balcony at the upper level of the room, to the south. There did not seem to be a railing along the edge of the balcony, and i was looking over at the water on the floor of the lower level. The water seemed deep, and i could see the tables and chairs just under the surface. Then i focused on a pipe that came out of the floor in the northeast corner of the room. It ran along the northern wall and had a small stub of a pipe on the western side. I could see the level of the water in the room dropping along the length of the pipe. It seemed that the water was draining out of the room. I leaned forward a little and though about telling the others when i noticed that the water level started to rise again. It came back up to where it had been before, and i realized that there must be a larger reservoir of water somewhere that was sending waves into the room, making the water level in the room rise and fall. I started to tell the others this as i tried to move back from the ledge. I then realized that there was someone behind me who was pushing me toward the ledge. I wanted to tell them to stop, but they kept moving toward the ledge until we both fell over. I grabbed on to the person, angry at their ignorance and wanting to pull them over with me so that they would realize what mistake they had made. I was facing south as we splashed into the dark cold water. I stayed afloat and pushed the woman away from me. She was to the northeast of me as i started swimming to the ramp that ran from the upper level down into the lower level. There was an older man kneeling down near the top of the ramp, watching us. I complained to the woman as i made my way back to the ramp. The others on the upper level were also watching me. I started to pace around the room, moving to the north of the older man. He seemed like someone who was leading the group. I was now standing on a grassy area, which was surrounded by short pale-stone walls. The man talked to the crowd, letting them know that we had to figure this out. This place was a puzzle. There were many items here that had some significance to what we were doing, and the people were trying to figure out what it all meant. I walked to the south of the man as he stood in the center of the short-cut grass of the rectangular area. Two other men were moving from the northeast, carrying a long white sarcophagus, which was shaped like an art-deco angel lying down. There was a dark roman numeral on the bottom that seemed to be a six or seven. The man holding the foot of the coffin dropped it onto the grass, and the sarcophagus cracked in the center. It seemed to be a solid stone. I started thinking about the other items that were part of this game. They all seemed to have numbers associated with them. I tried to think of the other artifacts we had found in the old European mansion, which resembled a train station with a tall square tower in the center of the front. This building seemed to be to the south of us now. I turned to the south as the man in the dark suit in the center of the grass spoke to the others, trying to figure out the significance of the items. I noticed that there were short white stones set into the short wall at the southern edge of the grassy area. The grassy area seemed to be recessed into the ground where we were, and the short stone wall held up the upper level of land to the south. The white stones were set at regular intervals in the stone wall, and they seemed to have faces painted on them in black lines. Each face had a black roman numeral under it, and it occurred to me that the numbers were what tied the items together. I turned to the northeast and started pacing around the man in the center, suggesting to them that they find which numbers are missing from the sequence of items. I thought about this and thought that we would need a complicated chart to figure this out, since several items contained multiple numbers. I felt that there should be a pattern in these numbers that would reveal a specific gap. This was the key. I thought about this as i paced back to the west. I then noticed a small child to the west, approaching on the other side of the arched metal gate on the western end of the area. The gate was swung open slightly, into the yard, hinging from the north. As i walked to the north to get a better look at the young child, i realized that it did not quite look like a child at all. The head was way too large, as though the child had a normal sized head and a tiny body supporting it. I watched the head as it moved into the corner between the gate and the stone column that the gate was attached to. It did not seem to notice that i was there yet, and i moved closer to get a better look at it and say hello. As i came near, the small furry animal jumped suddenly in surprise. It backed up a little, startled by my presence. It looked like a large hedgehog. I stood up and walked a little to the west. There was now a room to the north of the rectangular area and the gate. There was a table in the center of the room, and i walked between the table and the wall to the south of the table. Others were gathered there as well. As i started to sit, i looked to the east, noticing that the head was moving across the ground. It was followed by a man, who did not seem to have any legs. The man picked up the head and carried it to the west of me, passing me on the south. The man placed the head of a man on the chair to the west of me and sat himself in the next seat down. As he placed the head on the chair, i noticed that the head actually had shoulders under it, and i could see the internal organs on the bottom of the shoulders. I realized that the head must have enough of the chest to contain the heart within it. I then looked at the bluish-gray stubs on the bottom of the featureless torso of the man with no legs. I realized that these two men were brothers and had both been maimed in the same explosion from below them. One only lost his legs, but the other had lost most of his body. I felt a little uncomfortable around them as i sat at the table.

12007 August 23

We moved over the surface of the wide lake, heading to the north, toward the tall cascading falls that ran into the lake. There was a tall mountain in the northern shore of the lake, and the waterfall ran down the western side of the mountain in a wide swath. The water curved from the northern side of the mountain, ending up trickling down the red rocks of the dry mountainside and into the lake. We moved close to the water, and then backed away. I kept staring at the water as it flowed over the rocks. I knew that there was a volcano about to erupt near us, and i thought that there would be signs of the eruption in the water. We then were north of the waterfall, and i was watching the water pour around the western side of the mountain, curving to the north. I could no longer see the lake, but i knew that it was to the south of me, on the other side of the mountain. I felt tense, waiting for the eruption to occur. I knew that there would be steam from the waterfall, so i looked over the shallow rapids, looking for signs of steam. There was then a rumble, and i could feel the ground shake around us. I watched the waterfall for steam, but then the water stopped running from the top of the falls. I realized that the eruption had started. I backed away from the view and turned to the east, looking across the darkened room of the cabin. I was on the top bunk in the dormitory, and the others were gathered in the room around me. I pictured the forest around us. It seemed red in hue, and the trees were dry pines. The land around us seemed rocky under the forest growth, and i knew that the large canyon was to the south of the rise. I thought about the waterfall and how the water had stopped flowing. I realized that there must be a fissure in the ground. I realized that we were now trapped in the campground and could not leave. I pictured the land around us and thought that the fissure must be curved, running from the west of us to the east, cutting off our exit from this area. I felt concern about being trapped here as i listened to the woman speak to the east of me. I then rubbed my nose, noticing that there was a hardened booger in my nostril. I pulled it out and flicked it to the southeast, across the room. The woman, who was sitting in a low chair in front of the bed by the eastern wall, scolded suddenly, telling someone to stop pushing. I looked around suddenly, startled by the command. The woman seemed to be looking in my direction, but i could not tell exactly. I felt confused, wondering if the woman had been talking to me about throwing something across the room. I sat up, thinking that she could not be referring to me, but i suspected that she was, and i felt reprimanded. The others around me seemed to be children as well, and i felt that the woman was in charge of the camp. I was on the lower bunk now, near the floor, thinking about the situation. I thought about the volcano in our area. It seemed very dark, and i felt that it was daytime, but the ash had blocked out part of the sun. I was now sitting to the south of the others, facing north. The woman spoke in a serious tone, as she stood up. She handed me a folded tablet, talking as though i had done something wrong. I looked at the heavy cover of the book and thought that it had a map of the area in it. She seemed to be accusing me of something as she handed it to me, but i looked at the map and realized that it was nothing special. I could not figure out why she had given it to me. I unfolded it and looked at the forested area around us. I then looked to the east, from the bottom bunk of the bed against the western wall. One of the girls in the room had a large red box, which seemed to be made of a soft material. She set it on the floor in the middle of everyone and started unfolding the top of it. It opened like the map, revealing a white table surface and several sets of china and cutlery. She then lifted the surface of the table from the bottom of the cube, and i realized that there were four small chairs stored in the center of the object. There were also several board games in this play set. It would be a good distraction for the other children.

12007 August 24

We rode the car across the bridge from $P73. I was driving the car, and there were several other people in the vehicle with me. I felt cold, and the area around us seemed to be cold and gray. The car slid slightly into the intersection as i tried to come to a stop. I felt that the car was slightly out of control on the slippery pavement. I felt annoyed, and cracked some of the ice that had encrusted around the steering wheel. I cracked off a piece and tossed it angrily out the driver’s window of the car as i turned to the car to the east. We had missed the turn to the north because we had slid through the intersection, so i would have to turn around and try to make it back to the traffic light, where i could turn over the bridge. I turned onto the small dirt road just to the north of us, which ran down the steep slope along the side of the bridge. The car turned so that it was facing the south, ready to head back into the intersection. I stopped at the edge of the road to check for traffic from the east. I then realized that it was not a good idea to stop the car on the icy hill. We might not be able to get it going again. I then realized that the car was sliding down the ice, heading backward. I started driving to the south, but the wheels did not get any traction, and the car continued to slip to the north. I felt suddenly worried, realizing that there was a cliff at the bottom of the hill. The road only led to the bottom of the bridge, where it ended at the edge of the gorge. I was anxious as i tried to get the car to slow down, but it just kept sliding. I then turned it so that it moved to the west. There was a loose shale cliff to the west of the road, and i thought that the car could collide with it to slow us down. I was then outside of the car, watching the long american car slide along the side of the cliff as it went down the hill. I started walking after the car. It came to a stop at the bottom of the street. There was a steep hill just beyond the square turn-around at the end of the road. The hill was covered with a thicket and had a cement wall at the bottom. The car had two wheels over the edge of the hill, but it had caught against the wall, which had prevented the car from falling into the gorge. I was annoyed that this had happened. The others started pulling their things from the light-blue car. We would have to get a tow truck here to pull the car out. I paced around near the car, angry at this situation.

12007 August 28

I started to the north, along the road. I was traveling with the others across the foreign country. I looked at the map as the others spoke. We seemed to be near a traffic light at an intersection near a bridge. The map showed a black line running across the center of the island that we were on. The island was shown in brown, and the line ran from west to east, through the center. It made a wide arch to the north in the center of the map, and then started zigzagging on the eastern end of the map. My father stood to the southwest of me as i remembered traveling on the long curved section in the center of the map. I described it to someone as the long drive along the coast. I thought that we were putting lights, or some other road improvement, along the length of roadway. I remembered passing by some of these improvements on the western end of the road, but thought that they were fairly scarce near the eastern end. I then felt that the curves in the eastern end were out in the wilderness. It seemed strange that we would be extending the development to this part of the land. I looked closer at the small nub on the eastern end of the map. It seemed that there were several settlements on the small bulbous peninsula on the southeastern end of the island. I then felt confused, realizing that the narrow bridge of mountains that connected the peninsula to the mainland seemed to be covered with mountain snow. I looked closely to the map and noticed a small white area in the center of the blue shading of the mountain slope. I told the others that i was surprised that they would be building a road across the pass, since it was a glacier. I said that they would probably not want to destroy the glacier, since they were trying to preserve them. I thought about this as i looked at the map some more, noticing that there were many black dots around the eastern nub of the island. This is where the settlements were, even though i knew that most of the modern development was on the western side of the island. I wondered how they were going to get the road over the snowy area. My father then said that he remembered the elks grazing over the snowy ground. I thought about the permanent ice cover of the land and wondered how the elks would find grass to eat when there was always snow.

12007 August 31

I said something to $A377, and then started moving to the northwest, along the dirt driveway. I had come from the intersection to the south, and i had not known that this driveway was here. It was a short cut across the triangular piece of land on the south of the park. I was here with $G4, and they were gathering on the driveway. We were going to head into the park, where the rest of the running trails started. I told the other person that it was a good thing that this trail was here because it allowed easy access for runners and bikers to get to the main trails in the park. He said that we could run on it, but i told him that this driveway might not be part of the park property. I could see a building to the northwest, at the end of the road. I started to veer to the west, following what appeared to be a thin walking trail. As i reached a certain point, i noticed a line of rocks and some short shrubs forming an entrance gate around the driveway. I pointed this out to $Z, and he realized, with disappointment, that the driveway was on private property, so we would not be able to use it all the time to get from the city streets into the park. I looked to the northeast to see the three large light-tan boulders that were stacked on top of each other to form a column on the near side of the driveway. There was a similar column on the other side of the driveway as well. $Z was disappointed when he realized that this was the entrance to the park. I then though that the trails would only be maintained in the park, and i looked down at the walking path that i was on to see that the dirt trail was well trodden on the park side of the property line, but only faint grass on the other. I turned to the south and started to head back where i had come. $G4 should be starting very soon. As i started to jog back across the field, i was suddenly surprised to see a hooded figure in long black robes moving toward me. I drew back in caution for a moment before i realized that the person was jogging down the trail that had been set for $G4. I then noticed the two other people in the death robes jogging a little way behind the first man. I stopped as $G4 approached me, a loose group of people jogging across the cut grass field toward me. Many of them seemed to be wearing the death cloaks. I asked them where they had gotten the robes, and suddenly felt out of place not having a costume for myself. The run must be in costume. They passed me, and i turned to follow them. I realized that it was raining now, and i looked down at the dark soil of the driveway to see if i could still see the flour marks of the trail. I passed over one, noticing that it was fairly faint, washed out by the rain.

I sat down at the desk in my office and started doing some work. I sat down in front of the computer, just to the southwest of the counter of the small rust-orange cubicle. I had been rehired here for a slightly different job that i had previously had. At first, i felt excited about being here, but then i started to feel awkward. $A516 seemed to pass to the north of me, and i started to worry about what the others in the office might think. I wondered if they would think that i was giving up and coming back to the office rather than doing something better. I told myself that i was hired here for a specific job, and that i would not be responsible for all of the things that i had been stuck with before, but i still started to feel bad about being here. I had come back to this place, and i was not sure why.