12009 August 01

I stepped into the small room of the spacecraft with the other people. The craft was designed like a flying saucer, and we were using it to head back home. The craft moved to the west, over the landscape. I tried to see where we were going through the small scope, but i was having trouble focusing on the ground. The scope was to the west of me, and it had a rectangular screen inside a hooded enclosure. I looked at the screen, trying to make out the details. I noticed that the edges of the screen were darkened, as though the view was obscured by something, and the colors seemed sepia-toned or reddened. There was a dumbbell-shaped handle under the scope that controlled the flight of the craft. I looked up over the top of the scope, looking out the window to see the grassy field to the west of us. There was a line of trees on the western and northern sides of the filed. We seemed to be flying very low to the top of the tall wheat grass, which was reddened in color, as if seen through a red filter. It was not safe to be flying so close to the ground, and we were moving very slowly. We had to get home to the west. I grabbed the dumbbell-shaped steering mechanism by the sides and pulled up and back, lifting the craft off of the ground and increasing speed. I felt a slight acceleration and realized that the craft was probably soaring high into the upper atmosphere now. I knew that the controls were rather sensitive. I tried to look through the scope to see where we were. One of the men with me walked past to the south, heading west. I was sitting in a chair at a slightly higher elevation than he was in the silver cabin. I tried to focus on the scope, to see some details of the ground below, but i could not make enough out. I knew that we had been in eastern New York State and wanted to travel to the western side of the state, but i was not sure how far we had jumped. I could now see rough terrain below us. There were green and grey forested hills and a long narrow lake running roughly north to south to the east of the hills. I did not recognize the area and though for a moment that it was Wisconsin or Michigan, or maybe somewhere in the canadian triangle between the Great Lakes. I felt that we had overshot our target, but i could not tell by how much. I sat back and tried to adjust the scope so that i could see a wider area. Seeing only the lake and mountains did not give me enough detail to determine where exactly they were. The scope zoomed out suddenly and i could see more of the land detail. I looked like it was mostly forested. We were very high up. I then looked forward and out the front window again. The wide view in front of me was of a grassy landscape with a very steep dirt hill to the west and south. The dirt hill had agricultural terraces running across the surface of it, with yellow plastic retaining walls. The picture looked old and stained, with the colors turning red. I knew that it was someplace in China, and i told the others that we had jumped all the way to China. I turned the ship a little to the south. The craft hovered over the grains and came very close to the hills. I was worried that we might run into the steep hills. I did not want to crash in China because i knew that we would never get home if we did. I then looked at the small gauge to the right of me. It seemed to be a fuel gauge. It had a long horizontal line that was only lighted in red on the left side. There were two sets of markers at the third marks of the bar, pointing from the top and bottom of the bar. The sudden jump i had made when i pulled back on the controls had drained most of the power from the batteries. I realized that we had not charged the batteries before our return trip, and the sudden jump had used up a lot of energy. We would probably have to make an emergency landing in China. I did not like this idea. The place seemed very primitive, and i thought that they might not have electricity outlets that we could plug our battery into. I pictured the small silver disk-shaped battery that sat on top of the silver cylindrical charger. We could plug the charger into a wall outlet, but i did not think that the Chinese would let us do that. They would want to keep the spacecraft for themselves, to study it. I felt bad about this, thinking that the extraterrestrials had given it to us to use. I stood up from the controls, looking again at the power meter. I would not have to land the craft because it was smart enough to land itself when it realized that there was low battery. I looked out the windows around me. The entire dome of the chamber was now transparent, and i could see the street all around. We had landed in a triangular median near an intersection of two main roads. The first road came from the northeast and ran to the southwest. The second ran from the first road to the west. There was a policeman moving toward us from the southwest. He was trying to block traffic. I realized that these streets looked fairly modern and american. Several other police vehicles stopped on the side of the road to the west, blocking traffic and keeping people back from the craft. I worried that troops would start surrounding the craft and keep civilians away. I then glanced down the road to the west, noticing that one of the street signs on the southern side of the road was white with a black boarder. It was an american sign. I told the others that we had landed somewhere back in the United States. I wondered if we would be able to charge the batteries here. I moved around, looking at the people coming close to the craft. The others were in the cabin with me now. I wondered if we had made it all the way back to California. A deputy stood with his mouth agape, looking at the northern side of the craft. I knew that he could not see through the windows, even though we could see him clearly. I put my hand against the window near him and he jerked back in surprise. He could only see us when we pressed something against the window. I then noticed that i could not even see the glass in the window. Looking to the west, i could see the edge of the frame where it curved around the top of the craft. There did not appear to be any glass there at all. I pointed this out in amazement to one of the men with me in the craft. I then pressed my hand against the invisible window again as the deputy watched in amazement. They must have thought that we were extraterrestrials. I looked at the gray glass to the north of me and started tracing out letters, hoping that the deputy would be able to read what i was saying. I traced out the word “HELLO” in all uppercase letters. He followed my finger, but made no acknowledgement of whether he got the message. I wondered if we should simply exit the craft and say hello to people. I then worried that the military might come in and capture us. They would not want people knowing that an extraterrestrial craft had existed and would take us and some of the witnesses away. I thought about different scenario for exiting the craft.

12009 August 03

I started running to the south, down the long narrow room. The room seemed orange in hue, as though it was illuminated with low-wattage incandescent lights. There were other people in the room with me, but they were not yet running away from the thing to the north. I was not afraid of anything, but i felt that i should leave this area. I started floating in the air, and i jumped from side to side of the room, stepping on the walls as i went. I was able to fly, and i knew that the authorities would be after me because of this. I left the room through the southern side, which did not seem to have a wall, and i started down the alley in the large city. It was dark out, but the city lights illuminated the area. I flew part way down the alley before landing on the pavement, crouching down for a moment to listen. I could hear the authorities entering the room behind me. The room was on one of the upper floors of the building, and still seemed to be lighted with the orangish light. The people did not know that the authorities were after them. I had to act normally. I knew that the authorities would be rounding up people in this area of the city. I started walking to the south, down the alley. I was aware of people in the apartment to the east of me, on one of the upper floors. I thought that the authorities would be able to see me in the alley, but they might think that i was nothing more than a vagrant. I turned to the west and started walking up the dirt hill, toward the cement structures, which seemed to be part of a bridge. The landscape dropped off suddenly to the west of me, on the other side of the short hill. I climbed almost to the top of the hill and crouched down in the sparse tall weeds. I could hear the people to the east being raided.

12009 August 05

$A14 showed me several of the things in the southern side of the large storage room. The room seemed to be filled with specimens and artifacts, and i felt that many of these things were very special. I looked at the white vases that he was showing me. He said something about them, pointing out that he wanted me to do something with them. He then left, heading to the west. I moved around the large room, looking at the artifacts here. These were all museum pieces. Some of them were carvings from ancient places, and others were related to the study of reptiles. There were many metal shelves around the room with pieces stacked on them. I was in the northeastern corner of the room, and i looked at the shelves to the north of me now. There were gray plaster castings of what appeared to be the heads of snakes. They were very large, and i thought that they were anacondas or pythons. The plaster cast seemed to be wrapped in gray gauze, which was part of the casting. The skulls were a rough approximation of the skulls, lacking detail. I looked at some of the larger skulls on the lower shelf of the gray metal rack, and i wondered what it would be like if they came to life. I was glad that they were not real snakes, because they would be very large. I then remembered that these snakes did not come from this area, so they could not come to life here. I turned to the south, looking at the white plaster castings along the southern wall. There were more things stacked on shelves here. I spotted a few wooden carvings that were standing on small pedestals in front of the southern shelves. One of them caught my eye because it seemed to be an intricate carving of a spacecraft. I knew that the ancient people should not have known what a space ship should look like, so i felt that the artifact could not be that old. Something was out of place about it. My eyes wandered around the room, but i wanted to look back at the carving again. I tried to get my eyes to look back at it, and finally they did. The carving was round, with spires pointing upward. I decided that it was not actually a space ship, but rather a carving of a castle or small town with many towers. This made more sense coming from an ancient source. I started to look around the room again. $A14 had asked me to catalog some of the things on the southern wall. I looked at the white pieces in the box near the floor of the southern wall and realized that they were skulls. They seemed to be adult human skulls, even though they were only about half the size. I lifted the cardboard flaps that covered the box and looked at the skulls. They were neatly arranged in the box in rows and columns. It seemed very strange for $A14 to have these in the collection, but i decided that i should be cataloging them as he asked. He had left to the west, through the door in the northern end of the western wall. I felt overwhelmed with the task, thinking that there were too many skulls to collect. I packed up one of the boxes and pushed it out of the way, to the south. Looking to the west, i then noticed that the ground seemed to be less cluttered than it had seemed before. The grass in the small rectangular yard was exposed. Before, it had boxes covering most of the area. I had already cleared out one of the boxes. I moved into the southwestern corner of the room, looking at the shaggy grass. There seemed to be a small area of dark dirt under the grass where the ground was raised in a rectangular area. This seemed to be more of the packing crates that i would have to go through. As i started to walk toward it, however, i realized that my left foot was sinking into the ground to the east of the area. I backed up, realizing that i was stepping on one of the boxes, which was covered by a thin layer of grass. I reached down and opened the flaps. The grass lifted aside with them, and i could see another box of skulls. These seemed to be only the front part of the skulls. They were faceplates, and they were stacked neatly in rows and columns in the box. I stepped in several other places on the ground, realizing that the ground was actually filled with boxes. I pulled several more open, seeing the different sections of the skulls. They had been separated into sections so that they could be packed more easily. I moved to the north along the western wall, looking at the boxes. The northern end of the western wall was now a heavy black cast-iron gate. The fence extended across the northern side of the small yard and down the eastern side. The boxes were just under the grass all along the northern side of the yard. Some other people were with me now as i opened some of the boxes. I would have to contact $A14 to find out what i was supposed to do with all of these boxes. There seemed to be too many of them. As i backed up to the center of the yard to think about this, in noticed that some of the men to the north of me were digging up the boxes with a small gray tractor. The tractor seemed to be a front-loader, but it was only a little more than a meter tall. It stuck its forks into the ground and lifted one of the boxes out. The men were stealing the boxes from this place, and i was suddenly annoyed. I told the man in the blue jeans and gray plaid shirt that they could not take the boxes, but he disregarded me with a wry smile. I reached into the left pocket of my gray vest to call someone, but the man standing to the northeast of me told the thiefs that he was calling 9-1-1. I was going to call them as well and report the theft, but i did not take the telephone out of my pocket. I knew that the bad guy was watching us and that he might attack us, so i kept my cell phone in my pocket, flipping it open and dialing emergency without looking at it. I hoped that the people on the other end would figure out that there was an emergency and come to help. The other man was actually telling them what was happening, so they should be able to link the two calls. I started to walk to the north, to get away from the men. I was on the other side of the metal fence, and i was heading across the paved parking lot to the north. There seemed to be a building to the north of me. The man was following me, and i started to feel threatened by him. I looked to the east, noticing that there were a man and a woman coming. I recognized the man in the green T-shirt. He seemed to be $A541. I wanted to say something to them as they passed, to let them know that the man was after me, but i could not say anything. They passed by, and i felt that i had missed an opportunity. The man started walking toward me again, and i felt threatened. I had to say something. The two people were still nearby. I could attract their attention if i said something. I tried to yell something at the man, but my voice seemed hoarse and did not work properly. I tried again, but i could not scream. I need to make a noise to let the others know that something was wrong.

I walked to the west, across the grassy yard to the east of my parents’ house. The area around me was forested with bright-green trees. As i walked, i could see the different buildings through the clearings. I noticed the garage to the south of me. I imagined that i would be showing these buildings to someone. They would seem impressed by the size of the area. I looked to the southeast, down the dirt driveway to the dull-brown building that was the garage. It was rather large, and there were two sheds to the west of it. All of the buildings were made out of the stained planks, which were attached to the building vertically. The roofs of the buildings seemed very steep and slanted more in one direction than the other. The doors and window trimmings seemed to be dull-red. The garage was facing north at the end of the dirt road. A smaller shed was set to the northwest of the garage, also on the edge of the dirt road. It was facing a little to the northeast. Behind the smaller shed, i could see the corner of what appeared to be an outhouse. The outhouse was designed in the same manner as the other buildings. My father had built all of them together, and i thought that the work was quite nice. I then noticed the larger building to the west of the garage, higher on the hill to the south of me. It was about halfway between my parents’ house and the garage and shed. It was nicely designed, with large vertical windows running up the front wall, facing north. I thought that it was part of the cottage. The front wall of the building seemed to be in two sections, forming a wide angle at the front that pointed outward. There were two large vertical windows near the top of the each side that ran all the way up to the peak. There was a porch wrapping around the front of the building with rounded decorative balustrades and trimmings. The cottage looked very nice. I tried to get a better look at it, but there were now trees in the way. I moved a little to the west, trying to get a look at the building again. I finally was able to see it. A dirt driveway ran up to the small cottage. I wondered why it had been built here when my parents had a house just to the west. I though that it might be a place for guests to sleep, and i knew that it had a nice view of the land to the north. At first, i thought that the river was to the north of me, but then i realized that this could not be correct. I glanced to the north, thinking that there must be a nice view of the open valley from the hill. I could not see it where i was, but decided that the hill probably had a better view. I pictured it as a wide green valley between rolling hills. I started walking to the south, to get a better look at the building. I noticed a steeple sticking up over the rise of the hill to the south. I could see the steeple to the right of the cottage. I realized that this was the steeple of $P190. It was a double steeple, with an opening in the center for a bell or standing room. The steeple was a silvery gray and seemed to be made out of stone. I started heading for it, thinking about the church. I then noticed $P141 to the west of me. This was the town of $P5. I remembered suddenly how close the town was. Everything seemed suddenly quaint, and i remembered fondly how easily it was to walk to the small town from the cottage. The sun seemed very bright here and the green grass on the rounded hill i was standing on seemed very dark green. I then realized that there was a large building to the east of me. I looked at the modern white structure on the college campus. $P190 was still the old building to the south of me, and i realized that the cottage i had been looking at was actually the back part of this modern cement structure. The university had built the cottage part onto the back so that they could blend the building into the natural landscape. I felt disappointed. I would not be able to go into the cottage because it was not a real building. I started walking to the north, back down the steep grassy hill. I realized that $G16 must have purchased all of this land to the north of the campus so that they could expand the university. The grassy hill now seemed to be empty of trees, and the modern building to the east of me seemed very new. They were planning to fill all of this land with new university buildings. I felt disappointed and continued walking down the hill, along the western side of the wall. I was then crossing a large room. The open space became an enclosed space, with black walls. There seemed to be metal rigging running across the ceiling of this auditorium. The room was mostly empty of furnishings, but there were many crates and black speakers stacked around the room. I walked to the north, down the slope on the western side of the room. There was an aisle between the wall and the stacks of black crates in the room. Someone was talking to me from the east, and i was aware of a woman to the northwest of me. I looked down at the steep black floor as i walked. There seemed to be a door in the northern end of the western wall where i could leave. As i spoke to the woman, who was now to the east of me, i noticed the long opening in the floor that ran east to west, dropping a few meters below where i was standing. It seemed that the center of the room was elevated above lower part of the room. The lower part formed a corridor running down the western wall and then down the corridor to the east. I looked down over the edge to the north of me, wondering how i should get down into the corridor. I crouched at the edge of the retaining wall, wondering if i could simply jump over the side. Instead, i turned to the east, heading down an aisle that ran across the center of the room. I was aware of the thin carpeting that was on the floor in long patches. The carpeting seemed dingy, but i could still see the rounded patterns of bright color on it. I was trying to step on the carpet for traction, to prevent myself from sliding down the steep slope of the floor, to the north. The woman was to the southeast of me, higher on the slope and leaning on one of the many amps in the room. I carefully stepped across the carpets, making my way to the east. I then came to the edge of the section and crouched down. I was again at the western end of the northern edge of the section of room. The black retaining wall under me was slanted a little to the south, with tall narrow discrete steps. I jumped down to the lower level of the floor and continued heading north along the western wall, heading toward the door at the north end of the room.

12009 August 07

I followed the others to the north, along the eastern side of the street. The cars seemed to be moving very fast, and i felt a little worried about being so close to them. We then turned to the east and started moving down the other road. My grandmother was with me, and she seemed to be very worried about being so close to the cars. The cars were moving very fast by us, and i thought that this must be a highway. Something seemed strange about the direction that they were moving, though. We were on the southern side of the road and the cars that were passing us by seemed to be coming from the east. I decided that this must be the on-ramp to a highway. I then noticed the white dotted line in the center of the narrow street and thought that traffic should be coming from both directions. The group i was jogging with stopped on the southern side of the street after only having traveled five or so meters to the east. We had to cross the street and head to the north. The traffic was moving very quickly, and i was nervous about this. I was also aware of my grandmother, who had been moving with us. She had walked ahead to the north of me and stopped on the side of the road. I could tell that she was terrified of the cars and did not know what to do. I told her that we had to cross and looked to the west at the approaching cars. There was a line of three or four cars coming toward us very quickly. I waited for them to pass before i looked to the east at a car coming off of the highway. The white car from the east past and i looked back to the west, noticing the tractor-trailer cab approaching from the west. There were no cars behind the cab for a long distance. I felt nervous with my grandmother near me, knowing that she would be scared of the cars. I looked back to the east, noticing that the road was now clear, and i told the others that we should hurry across. I then realized that my grandmother would not be able to hurry, and i worried that she would walk too slowly across the road. I reached the northern side of the road and turned to the east to look for her. She had crossed safely and was walking back to the west to join us. I followed the others a little way to the west. They had stopped in a group on the northern side of the road to look at a small shale cliff where water was trickling down from the ground above. I was here with the students studying the geology on the side of the road. We had come to the side of the road for a class. I was still worried about my grandmother, who was to the east of us on the road. She was terrified of the traffic and i knew that she would start complaining about being on the road like this. I turned to look at my mother as she jogged past me. She was scared of the cars and was moving around quickly. I realized that she must have jogged with us for a little while, and i realized that this would not be good for her because she was too out of shape. I told her to slow down, but she was too agitated and worried. She seemed disoriented, and i felt worried about her. I tried to calm her down, but she suddenly fainted in my arms. She seemed thinner than normal, and she was wearing dark-purple clothing. I worried that she had a heart attack from the stress. I lowered her to the ground and felt her neck for a pulse. I could not find one and i started to feel worried. I kept calling to her, but she did not respond. I lowered her head to the ground to the east of her and reached for her right wrist, which was nearest to me. I felt for a pulse, but could not find the vein. I worried that she was not conscious, and i thought that i should call emergency. I was not sure what to do, and i kept feeling her wrist for a pulse, asking her if she was okay. She suddenly jerked upward, arching her back and lifting her body off of the ground with her legs and free arm. I was surprised, thinking that she had actually been faking the heart attack. I no longer had to be worried about her, and i was disappointed that she was just playing around. She still seemed disoriented, but she no longer seemed to be in any trouble. I moved around the area, thinking about the geology lesson that was being taught to the north of us. There was something nice about this area, and i looked at the cliffs to the north. They were striped with red and white layers. The person with me then walked off to the west, and i realized that i was alone in the small area. The area was rounded like a bowl. I looked down at the rough ground. The rock of the pit had been weathered into a strangely textured surface. The rock had smooth edges, and there were few small deposits on it. There were small rounded spires, about two or three centimeters tall, all over the surface of the uneven rock. I was fascinated by the area, realizing that it was a special place. The walls curved up to the north and west of me, forming a deep bowl-shaped crater. The walls had thin horizontal layers of texture across them, and there seemed to be alternating bands of faded-red and ashen-white stone over the layers. The ground was alternately striped in the same colours, with the bands running roughly northeast to southwest. There was something special about the rock and the colors. I wondered how the stripes had formed on the ground and wondered if the original sediment layers had simply tipped on their sides here. I spun around, noticing that the steep walls of rock were on all sides of me. The bottom of the small crater, which was only about four meters across, seemed to be formed of the solid rock with the strange texture. Above that rock was a more granular layer of sediment. To the west, the upper layers looked to be ashen-tan gravel. I was excited about the rock under me, and wanted to throw the stone i was carrying across it, like skipping a stone on water. I wondered what would happen if the rock that i threw broke off some of the small cones of rock on the ground. I threw the rock suddenly to the northwest, listening to it skip across the hard rock. Something happened then, and i worried that i had upset something. I heard some of the rocks shifting around me, and i worried that some of the rocks would start to fall down. I looked to the east to see several small rockslides trickling down the hill. I told myself that they were not big enough to threaten me as i backed to the east, closer to the eastern wall of the pit. The sounds seemed to come from all around me as different parts of the pit shifted in small slides here and there. I looked to the east, noticing a rounded rock sliding slowly down the tan gravel slope on the upper part of the pit. It was pushed by a flow of smaller rocks, which seemed like a thick liquid seeping out of the side of the pit. I worried that i had upset the balance of this sacred place, and something bad would happen to me. A rockslide to the southwest of me caught my attention. As i watched it seep slowly down the side of the crater in a stream of pebbles and sand, i was aware that the southern edge of the crater was lower than the rest. I could see light from the sky seeping in. I decided that i should get out of the pit before something bad happened. I quickly turned to the south and started climbing up the side of the pit. There was now a tan stone wall at the top of the pit with two rectangular windows in the bottom of it. I was trying to crawl through the easternmost window, but i got stuck going through. I had pulled myself up to the window with my arms, but, when i started to pull my torso through the opening, i realized that my blue backpack, which i was wearing, had gotten stuck on the top edge of the opening. I held on to the other side of the window and called for $F12. He had walked to the west a moment ago. I called for help, and he came quickly to help pull me up. I told him that the backpack was causing trouble and said that i would have to take it off and leave it. He said that we would not be leaving it behind and reached over my head to pull on the black handle at the top of the bag. I was then standing up in the grassy quadrangle to the south of the pit. I thought about things for a moment. It was good to be with $F12 again.

I looked at the police car to the west of me as it drove south down the country road. There was a hill rising to the west that was covered with thick green trees. The road seemed to have puddles over it, and the police car swerved to avoid them. I then realized that the entire road was flooded. The police car was actually driving on the grass to the west of the road, where the land was a little bit higher. This road was the road that ran down the shore of the lake or river. The lake must be flooded and the road covered with water. I remembered passing over this road before and seeing this scene before. However, last time, i did not know that the road was covered with water because the lake was flooding. I remember seeing the police car driving south, though. It seemed to be the same police car. It was white with a light-blue stripe down the side. As i watched the police car drive, i realized that it was actually a four-wheel-drive SUV. It drove over the grass easily. I then realized that it would not be able to drive on the side of the road for too long. It would eventually hit an area where the ground was too steep or had trees. As i thought this, i noticed another car driving down the side of the road, heading south. It was a light-blue station wagon, and i could see the woman driving. There was a family inside the vehicle. The police car had to slow down because the station wagon could not travel as quickly over the rough ground. The cars then came to a section of driveway near an old wooden cabin. The cabin was higher on the hill to the west, but there was something on the edge of the dirt driveway that ran from the southern side of the cabin down to the flooded road. The car stopped suddenly, unable to make it over the obstacles on the side of the road. The police car was forced to stop behind it. I felt that it was good that the station wagon had to stop; it should not have been driving along the side of the road anyway. My view then panned back to the north, up the length of the road, which was still flooded with water. There was a better way to move things into this area, and i thought about this as i hovered over the ground. I then saw the gray craft hovering over the trees to the northwest, over the center of the road. It was oddly shaped, like a round gray running shoe. I thought that it was a special ship that could hover with magnetic levitation, but then i thought that it was probably just a helicopter with very thin black blades. I watched it for a moment, noticing that there were dark-gray pattern of varying with lines over the lighter gray body. The patterns had square corners and small square shapes, as though a circuit board was wrapped around the ship. It seemed to be designed like a spacecraft, but i knew that it was not as special or complicated as it appeared.

In the small kitchen of the old house, i walked to the western side of the table from the doorway in the southern end of the western wall. The small square table was in the center of the room, and there was a bowl of soup in the center of the western side. I was supposed to eat the soup, but i was cautious of the people to the north of me. The one person was a zombie. There was an infestation of zombies lately, and i had to be careful not to let anyone know that i was not a zombie yet. I stood to the west of the table and dipped a spoon into the soup. I had to eat the creamy soup, but i had to make it seem that i was uninterested in the zombies in the room with me. The man to the north leaned in toward me and stared at my face for a moment. I pretended not to be nervous about him and continued to eat the soup. He leaned back to the north, and the person what was sitting on the western side of the table, just to the north of me commented to the standing zombie. I ate more of the soup.

The small wooden boat had drifted away from the dock and floated north into the water of the lake. It looked like a kayak, but was long and flat, like a small sailboat. I was upset about the drifting boat. I had tried to reach the edge of the boat from the dock, which extended to the north from the southern shore of the lake, but i could not reach the edge of the boat. We had come from the dock to the north, even though we were actually on a dock that was to the south of the shoreline. The boat was drifting to the north of us, between the dock that we were standing on and the northern shore of the lake. I wondered if we were on a boat at the moment. The other boat that we had lost from the dock must have drifted to the north of us in the water, and we were still trying to get it. I started to move to the east, over the water. There was a man in the water. At first, he seemed to be to the east of the floating boat, but then he seemed to be the boat. I rode around him, turning from the east to the north. I was dragging a white rope behind me, hoping to circle it close enough to the man that he could catch it. I felt tense and had to rescue him. As the rope passed him, though, he did not reach out to grab it, and the boat drifted farther away from us. I was upset and wondered what to do. I looked out across the lake to the northwest. We seemed to be in a small bay, just off of the northern shore. The shore curved to the north just to the north of us, opening into the larger lake. The land around the lake was mostly flat and covered with thick dark-green trees. A string of small islands ran across the mouth of the bay and spotted the lake beyond. The view of the pinkish-blue calm was very picturesque. The boat that had gotten away from us was drifting with the current. There were now swimmers in the water trying to catch up with it, but the current was very strong in this bay, and it was carrying the boat to the northeast, out into the lake. This was bad, and i was frustrated.

12009 August 08

I followed the reddish stream to the northeast, over the flat layered rocks of the streambed. The land around me seemed very flat and open, and it seemed gray and chilly out. I ran along the southeastern side of the stream, looking at the strange color of the rocks and the water. I then realized that there was a second stream just to the northwest of the first, running parallel to it. The second stream was silver, like water running over a metallic surface. There was something special about the streams that interested me, and i wanted to explore them. As i followed them tot he northeast, they seemed to become the same stream, widening as they swerved back and forth over the gently climbing rocks of the land. The rocks were sedimentary rocks with layers a few centimeters thick. The layers were broken by the stream so that the stream flowed over them like little waterfalls as it headed to the southwest. The rocks around the glistening silver stream were dull red. As the stream widened, i noticed the reddish rocks in the middle of the calm water. I stopped suddenly, realizing that the streams flowed from a large wide flat lake. I looked out across the calm silver water to the northeast to see rounded red rocks poking up here and there. The view was stunning, and i stood and stared at it for a moment. It was beautiful, and it was something i had never expected to see. This place was special. I then noticed the dark gray clouds hovering over the top of the water. They spread out from a narrow bottom and fanned across the sky. It looked like a giant battleship coming over the horizon. I realized that the storm was coming, and i decided that i should get back before i was noticed. I turned back to the southwest and started jogging back along the stream. The land around me was covered with tall green pine trees, though the stream seemed to have cut a wide swath through them. I looked down at the black rocks on the ground as i made my way back to the road. I felt that i did not want people to see me here, so i had to hurry before anyone else came. The rocks under my feet were now rounded and looked more like old lava that the sedimentary rocks i had been crossing before. I was talking to someone, but i was not aware of anyone with me. I hurried toward the road, which seemed to run east to west on the southern side of this restricted area. There were spots of white snow on the ground around me. There seemed to be something separating this area from the road, like a fence, but i reached the road without climbing over or going through it. Snow started to fall in large soft flakes, and everything seemed chilly and dreary. I headed down the road to the west, thinking that i should get back to the building i had been in. The building was a small church, and it seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. The land around us was still flat and covered with tall pine forest. The church was a small yellow building with wooden siding and a square cupola in the center. I seemed to have entered the building from a doorway in the southern end of the western wall. I crossed the main north-to-south hall in the center of the building, heading east across the southern side of the building. The main hall was tall, with peaked wood ceilings and nicely polished vertical wood planking on the walls. Metallic ornaments hung on the eastern and western walls of the room, and there seemed to be a large window in the northern wall. I stepped into a small pale-green room to the east, which had a lower ceiling and seemed to be a kitchen or living area. I had to get my things from the building and leave before anyone could come to ask questions. It seemed quiet here, and it seemed that i had been staying here for a while. As i put some things in a large duffel bag, i heard some people coming into the building from the door to the west. I did not want to have to explain what was going on, but i worried that someone had seen me by the lake, and i worried that they would come to the church. I could not let these people know that i had been in the fenced-in area near the lake. I felt that there was someone watching me there, and i pictured the tall chain-link fence that surrounded it as the snow began to fall. I did not know what to do, so i carried my bags back through the main hall, saying goodbye to the priest in the black robes as i passed. He was shocked that i was in the building and shocked that i was leaving. I hoped that he would not warn anyone that i had been here and would be leaving. It might make people suspicious and tip them off that i was the one by the lake. The priest stood with his mouth agape as i passed to the south of him and walked out the door. I descended the few steps of the cement stoop outside and walked to my car. The cars were parked on a dirt parking area that ran along the western side of the church. There were two or three cars parked near the building, and mine was the small green sports car on the southern end of the dirt area. I sat in the driver’s seat and started the car, thinking that i did not have the car before. It seemed strange that i would suddenly have a car now, but i backed it out of the parking space and started driving to the west. A boy stood near the entrance to the lot, and he had not seen me turning the car around in the driveway. He was startled to see the car coming and backed to the north to get out of the way. There was a young man with him, whom i recognized. He seemed scared of the moving car and backed away too. I thought that the young boy was startled, but the older boy, whom i thought was more attractive, was actually scared more by the surprise. I turned and headed to the east, into the long corridor of the building.

I gathered my bags together in a hurry. I was at my grandmother’s house, and i had to get my things together so that we could leave. I felt flustered, and i thought that i had too much stuff to fit it all in my backpack. I would have to organize my things better if i wanted to pack them into smaller bags. I had to get everything packed into two bags in order to take them onto the airplane. I tried to hurry, stuffing things into the small bags. I then realized that i did not have the black book in my backpack. I must have taken it out and left it somewhere. This annoyed me. I continued to stuff things into the red gym bag, but i realized that it was not actually my red gym bag. It was another bag that i had. I had not expected to be using it. I could not concentrate on what i was doing. I could not figure out how to pack all of these things. I put several more things together and then continued to the east. I was i a car now, and we were moving to the east. I looked around to make sure that i had all of my things with me. I was afraid that i had forgotten something. I then noticed that my mother’s red purse was sitting on the back of the car, outside the back window. It was going to fall off if we did not do something about it. I told her that she had left her purse on the car. This annoyed me, but i told her that we had come all this way and her purse had not fallen off yet. We turned to the south, into the parking lot of a small metal diner. This frustrated me, because it seemed as though we had just been here. I was mad that we had to come all the way back because of the purse. My grandmother was now going to drive us. She was going to try to get us there.

12009 August 09

I moved through the crowd of people in the room. This seemed to an alumni party, and most of the people seemed to be from $P7. $A185 was standing against the northern wall of the room as i made my way to the west, passing in front of him. I said hello and nodded. I seemed to be out of place here, and felt that i was not really relating to any of these people. I headed to the north, out of the building. It was dark outside, and i started to float up to the second floor of the house, were there was a balcony. The party was on the second floor. I landed on the building, and the party was to the north of me. This party seemed to be a family party. I walked through the messy room and into a clear part of the house. The party had ended here, but things still needed to be cleaned up. I realized that it was getting rather late, so i would have to feed the cats before i went to bed. I put some food in the dishes along the northern wall of the darkened corridor. There were too many cats, though. We should only have a few cats in this house, but there seemed to be too many others wandering around. I did not want to deal with them, and i wondered where my cats were. I then started to wonder where $X14 was. I did not see him in the hallway with the other cats. I was angry at the other cats, and pushed all of them out of the house. I then started searching the house for $X14, but i could not find him. I called his name as i wandered through the small darkened house. I opened a door and entered the basement, standing on the wooden stairs as i looked down into the room to the southwest of me. There was an orange tabby cat walking over some boxes on the southern side of the long narrow room. The room was wide east to west. The basement seemed mostly empty, but there were several black cats wandering around. I headed to the south, coming outside near the front of the house. I looked in the tall grass for $X14, but i could not see him. I was worried about him and did not want him to wander away. I then turned back to the northeast and started down the long hallway to the east. The hallway was worn and in disrepair. There was a long oriental rug running down the center of it, and the rug was faded and disintegrating from wear. Everything here looked decrepit. I was sad that i could not find $X14, and angry that there were so many other cats in the house. I started calling $X14’s name again, but there was no response. It upset me that he was lost. I then realized that the party that was here was actually a Halloween party. I started to worry about this, thinking that, because $X14 was a black cat, someone could have taken him for Halloween. I was afraid that they had done terrible things to him because it was a mischievous thing to do. I became so frustrated that i started to cry, looking around the building, not knowing what i should do. My mother was then to the east of me. She told me that $X14 had actually been taken to the shelter. She said that he could not be adopted and that he was being held because we had let him wander off. I was mad, and i wanted to get him back. I felt defiant and wanted to do something. I had the bottle that my mother gave me from the shelter. It had a pair of black furry arms on it, which i knew were $X14’s. They had taken them off to show us that they had the cat. I was upset and angry, and i tore the arms off of the bottle and put them in ice water. We had to preserve them until we could get the cat back. I felt very upset again. The bottle was $X14’s, and it spit water at me as i put it in the ice water. I had to get $X14 back, and i felt angry enough to do something drastic.

12009 August 13

I followed $F4 to the south, crossing the area that seemed to be a park. We were walking down the western side of the area when we reached the street and crossed to the south. The neighborhood to the south was made up of old brick and stone buildings. They seemed like row houses, but there were spaces between them with green yards. Something seemed new and interesting about this area. Thick trees shaded the fresh white sidewalk on the southern side of the street. There was another street heading to the south from the southern side of the road. $F4 seemed to live in the first house on the corner, which was a dark-reddish stone. I told him how beautiful i thought the area was. I was aware that the park to the northeast of us seemed to be a central location of a downtown area. It seemed like it was the plaza for the capitol in Washington, DC. I followed $F4 around the western side of the building, where a long set of stairs descended to the sidewalk. I continued to look to the south as $F4 wandered into the building. I was admiring the area, saying something about the beautiful old neighborhood. There was another person there, and she seemed to be standing to the west of us. I turned back to the north to see $F4 walking up the stairs on the southern side of the building. The building now seemed to have dull-yellow plaster sides with dark-brown wood around the porch, windows, and doors, and matching wood on the outside of the second floor. $F4 seemed to be sitting outside a window just above the porch, checking for his mail. He slipped suddenly and fell back onto the small roof that was under the window. The woman to the northwest of me gasped, and i was glad that $F4 had a roof under him when he fell. I told him that he should probably not be climbing on the roof like that. I moved toward him and followed him into the corridor of the house, heading to the northeast at first, and then turning to the east. There were other people in the house, and it seemed as though i recognized most of them. We moved around in the space, which seemed very narrow. The rooms were all long east to west and short north to south. The telephone then rang and i answered it. It seemed to be my cell phone, but i knew that i was talking on the house telephone. The person on the other side asked for Rob. I realized that i recognized the voice on the telephone. It seemed like $F5, even though, when i heard the voice, it sounded like $A184. It seemed suddenly strange to me that $F5 would be calling on my cell phone at the exact same time that i happen to be in the room with $F4. He was calling for someone who was not here, so he must have accidentally dialed the wrong number, but it seemed very curious that he had dialed the number to reach me while i was in the room with $F4, who had known $F5 from high school. I then realized that Rob might refer to $A358. I looked to the west, noticing that $A358 was sitting on the couch, which was against the southern wall. He smiled and nodded at me as i spoke to the person on the telephone. He was sitting on the eastern end of the couch with two other people to the west of him. He seemed short in the deep couch and had his right arm resting on the thick padded armrest near him. I knew that the telephone could not be for $A358 because the person was calling on my telephone and not the house telephone. It all seemed strange and humorous.

12009 August 14

I thought about the large white sheet that they were flying in the wind to the west of us. It seemed like a kite, but it was a square white sheet of thin cloth. There were metal wires attached on the sides of the kite. It seemed that the wires formed a Y just before the kite so that there were four connection points to the kite and only two wires running to the ground. Something seemed wrong about this. I thought about the strong wind that was coming from the east. The kite would have to have four wires running to the ground so that it could be more secure, and so that it would fly evenly when the storm came. I was aware of the strong storm coming from the east. It was bringing thunder and lightning, and i wondered if there would be a tornado. The kite was hovering only a few meters from the ground, but i knew that it would be sailing many meters up when it was fully extended. The wires of the kite would be attached to the large motorized spools so that we could reel it in against the strong wind. We had to have the kite in before the storm hit, but it was important to have it sailing in the sky first. I wondered if the lightning would hit it and conduct down the wires. I was excited with the approaching storm, but i knew that the kite was important and had to be drawn in before the storm came. I thought about this as the kite was reeled in. The storm seemed to be right behind me, with dark clouds looming over just to the east. I turned to the east and walked into the room, aware that the storm would hit any moment. I held the male dole in my left hand and watched myself place it on a chair. It had something to do with the storm and the kite. The doll was an action figure, and it was a few decis tall. It was called Captain Smiley. I said the name as i put the doll down on the edge of the table. I was to the east of the table, and i watched myself walk up to the western side of the table and put the doll so that it was sitting on the eastern edge, facing east. I then watched myself walk back to the west, thinking that there was some significance to the doll and its relation to the storm.

12009 August 15

I stopped my car on the road and got out, heading west. I had come from the north, down the steep road, and i was now parked near the bottom of the narrow gorge. This place was the gorge on the northern side of the city, where the cliff wall faced west. There was a house to the north of me, and its lawn was separated from the ragged grass that i was walking across by a metal chain-link fence and a low metal guardrail. The guardrail curved around the eastern side of the area and passed between the yard and where i was. Someone said something about the red rocks of the gorge as i walked along the southern side of the guardrail, stepping over what seemed to be a cement drainage ditch and walking up to the fence on the western side of the ravine. The gorge was still to the east of me, but i was trying to get a good look at the rocks to the north. The main part of the gorge was to the north, and i wanted to see the beauty of the rocks again. There was something special about the reddish-tan rocks of the gorge. I leaned on the fence and looked down to the north, unable to see into the gorge near me. The rocks at the top blocked the view of the waterfalls below. I would not be able to see what i had come for. I also could not look down into the gorge because the fence kept me away from the edge of the cliff. I turned back to the west and started to head for the car. As i did so, i glanced to the north, up the tall face of the cliffs that the gorge had cut through. There was a narrow waterfall showering down the face of the cliff in a narrow white stream. It seemed to tumble over rocks on the way down. The cliffs were made of reddish-tan and tan layers of stone, and everything seemed very beautiful. The broken face of the cliff was formed of smooth sandstone of the two colors. I turned to the west and started climbing back up the short cliff toward my car. I had climbed over the rock and was now holding on very carefully to the side of the small cliff. I realized that the slope was very steep to the east of me as it descended toward the edge of the gorge. If i fell backward, i would tumble down the rocks and into the gorge. I realized that i was in a very dangerous place. I grabbed onto the rock in front of me very carefully, pulling myself up to the rounded opening in the stone wall. My car was on the other side of the opening. I carefully moved my right hand over the rock, thinking that i should always have one hand firmly holding onto the rock in case my feet slipped. I realized how dangerous it was to be on this side of the rock, and i wondered what would happen if i fell to my death on the rocks. It would be a sudden death, and i wondered what people would think about it. It seemed very random.

I walked to the east with the other person when we came to the glass doorway in the northern side of the old corridor. The walls of the corridor were covered with white plaster, and this building seemed like an old school building that had been converted into a shopping mall. There was something wrong with the store to the north, and, as i looked through the old french doors at the entrance of the store, i realized that there was a meter of water on the other side. I could see the brown-tainted water through the many panes of glass in the wooded-framed door. There were windows on both sides of the door, and i could see the water there as well. I grabbed the latch of the door and turned it. The door opened easily and the water poured out, washing across our feet and wetting us up to our shins. This seemed like a big problem, and i wondered how the water had gotten in the store. I had to open the door to relieve the pressure of the water. I then wondered how the thin french door was able to hold back that much water. There should have been water leaking out around the sides of the door. I also wondered how i was so easily able to open up the door. The water should have been pushing the bolt against the frame, making it hard for me to turn the handle and unlatch the door. I moved through the empty store. Everything seemed run down here, but i knew that the place had been filled with water. This seemed like an urgent situation, and i tried to convince myself that i had done the right thing by opening the door and coming in here. I looked around as the officials rushed to the store. They had heard the alarm and come to see what was wrong. I told the inspector, who was wearing a tan trench coat, that we had opened up the door to let the water out. I then mentioned that the water could not have come from a leaky sprinkler pipe. There would not be enough water coming out of the pipes to fill the store so quickly. Something was very wrong here, and i was not sure what it was. I tried to think the problem through as the others showed up. I wandered to the east again, heading down the hallway to the south of the store. I glanced through the windows to the north as i walked. I could now see into the play room of the store, which seemed to be a nursery school or kindergarten. There was a tall thin woman with shoulder-length dirty-blond hair standing in a doorway on the eastern side of the room. She looked at me as i passed by. I also noticed the cubby holes in the western wall of the room, which seemed to be filled with crayons and children’s art supplies. This part of the store had not been as wet an the main section, which seemed to the east. I imagined opening the door again and letting the water out. The scene seemed to run in my mind several times as i moved down the corridor, glancing in the windows of the store. Something very strange was happening, and i wanted to figure it out.

12009 August 16

I felt bad because i had missed my classes. I started to gather some of my things together and put them in my backpack, but i realized that i had not been going to class for most of the semester. I thought about this, wondering if i had actually attended any of the classes. When i tried to remember, i knew that this situation was very familiar. I had always had a problem of not paying attention during the school year, and i always remembered finding myself falling behind by the end of the year. I tried to remember what classes i would have to go to on Tuesday. It seemed like it was an English class, but i was not certain. It could have been philosophy. It was some liberal art. I had not been to the class at all, and i felt that i had missed out. I put something small into the front pocket of my navy-blue backpack, trying to remember what classes i had on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I knew that these were the classes that i missed the most often. I could not remember what they were, and it felt like a very long time since i had known. I wondered if i had ever been to the classes at all. I worried about these things and i put more things into my backpack. I felt anxious and distressed because i had missed out on something that i should have been doing.

12009 August 17

I floated through the small white corridor of the space ship, heading roughly to the east. The walls seemed metal and were indented with various flat spaces. A few other people were floating with me, to the east of me. I headed through the corridor, watching the walls as i moved.

I started humming a song as i though about floating in the space ship. I remembered the floating sensation, and i realized that the melody i was singing was actually rather nice. I started singing words, repeating the same lines over and over, trying to complete more of a chorus. I then thought that i could sing a line about the earth being a small blue marble. It was related to Big Blue Marble, but the planet seemed so small from out in space.

I jumped up from the grassy ground and started flying to the north-northeast. I had jumped up from a location on campus, which seemed to be near the observatory. There was a large grassy area between the old white building to the south of me and the dormitories to the north and northeast. I was heading home, and i knew that it was a long way to fly across campus. I watched the ground pass under me for a moment. I then realized that i would probably wake up at any moment. I rarely could enjoy the sensation of flying over land for too far a distance because i usually woke up from my dreams when i did. I hoped that i would stay asleep so that i could see the ground pass under me for most of the trip. I focused on the large old stone dormitory that was passing under me. Looking down on the spires at the base of the red roof, i realized that i was staying asleep during this flight. I was happy that i could see the scenery below me as i flew. I looked ahead at the trees and small woods between the campus and my house. It would be good to fly over them and actually see them. I then flew across the rows of chairs in the lecture hall. I was flying over the eastern side of the lecture room. The chairs curved a little around the small stage, which was in the center of the southern wall. It was a dark-gray platform with a podium on it. A professor stood on the platform. He looked up at me and said something as i flew across the room. I knew that he was teaching music here, and i was interested in his classes. I flew in an arch, flying across the eastern and then northern sides of the room. I looked down at the professor, interested in his class, but i knew that i should not stay here. I had to leave to get somewhere. The class did not seem to be in session, but there were a few other people sitting on the western side of the audience, talking with the professor. The man near the front row seemed to be wearing dark pants. I flew to a small square window in the northern wall, landing on the sill. I had to climb out the window to continue my flight. I had a little difficulty crawling through the window, since the opening was rather small. My movements felt awkward as i did so.

12009 August 19

I walked to the west, down the back halls of $P7. I came to the end of the corridor and looked over the balcony to the west, looking down at the stairs descending below me. I did not recognize this part of the building and wondered if it was a new stairwell. I thought about where i was and decided that i was in the center of the building, on the western side. There did not used to be a corridor here before, but i decided that they must have put one in when they remodeled the upper floors to add more classrooms. I looked to the north, down the new corridor, which ran along the back side of the building. There seemed to be something old fashioned about the dark corridor. It seemed to have a series of light-brown tracks or lines running down the center of it, and there was some detail on the eastern wall that made the corridor seem like it was within a zeppelin or other large craft. The western wall was totally dark, and i could not see any features on it. There were lights overhead at regular intervals, and they illuminated the students that walked casually toward me. One of the young men had a set of books in his left hand, which he held near his hip. He turned to the west as he approached me and headed down the stairs to the lower level. I looked over the balcony to the west again to see the double set of stairs below me. They ran from the north and south, ending several meters apart on the stone floor below. The stairs ran down from both sides of the balcony where i was, but only the northern set joined a corridor. I started moving to the west, down the long corridor. I was then heading to the north, toward an exit door at the back of the school. As i approached it, the cement corridor opened up to the west, forming a large utility area. This seemed to be the backstage area of a large theater. I wondered if the school had built a new theater in this space. I remembered that there had been plans to expand the theater department, and i wondered what this new large theatre was like. I moved toward the western wall, noticing the high green platform running on the northwestern wall. It seemed like a loading dock, and there seemed to be some amplifier equipment on top of it. The green platform seemed like the back part of the stage, and there was an opening in the wall above it. I decided that the opening led into the backstage area of the theater. The green seemed to have vertical ridges in it, reminding me of a suspension bridge or metal girders from some old bridge or city structure. I could hear music now coming from the west. There were some people practicing in the theater. It must have been a class. I was interested in what was happening and thought that i could sneak into the back of the theater to see the class. I imagined that they were an acting class and wondered what i would say if they asked me to sit in on their improve. I decided that they probably would not do that because they would not know who was a theater person and who was not. I moved along the corridor to the west, leaving the utility area and coming into the corridors around the theater. There was a narrow corridor leading to the north. I looked down it. It was a narrow corridor with shiny red tiles on the walls. The corridor seemed rather long and curved slightly to the northeast. It looked appealing and i thought that it would make a nice picture. I realized that the camera would not be able to catch that much detail in the dark, so i would have to set the camera down and turn off the flash. I wondered how much detail i would get in the corridor. I moved a little farther to the west, thinking about taking a picture and wishing i had even my small camera with me at the moment. I opened a door to the north and saw several corridors leading off in a fan shape from where i was. They were all similar to the tile corridor. They seemed to narrow very quickly and curved slightly as they headed to different parts of the theater. This would make a great picture, but i realized that i would not be able to capture more than one of the corridors at a time. I would have to use a video camera and pan from one side to the other. I squinted and started to sway, imagining what the image would be like if the camera were to pan across the corridors from east to west. I stumbled forward, acting as if the view of the corridors was hypnotizing or confusing me. I came to the end of one of the corridors and stepped into the back of the dark theater. The room was large and very nice. I could still hear the music, but i could now hear the vocals as well. It seemed to be part of a play, but i did not recognize it. The room was dark and there was a movie screen on the eastern wall. I was standing in the center of the room, near the western wall, where i had come in. At first the dull-yellow padded chairs of the theater seemed empty. The class must only be using a few of them near the front of the audience, and i was all the way near the back. I then realized that i recognized the images on the screen. There was a man with long bleached-blond hair singing to a short woman with black hair. The scene focused on their faces as they sang. I decided that the man was Hedwig, and that the movie was Hedwig and the Angry Inch. The students must be studying the music of this film for some reason. The song they were singing was slow and dramatic, so i thought that it must be somewhere near the end of the film. As i listened to the music, i started to look around the theater now, noticing that there were many more people in the theater than i had thought. I could see better in the dark now, and i noticed that the theater was actually almost full. The movie seemed to be ending, so i turned and hurried out of the double doors to the west so that i would not be caught standing in the theater. I stopped in the hallway outside, wondering why i was hurrying away. The crowd then started to come out the door around me. I stood where i was and let them flow around me. I wanted to get back into the theater, so i pretended that i had left something in my seat. I then realized that i was not quite dressed like the others here. I was wearing a long brown trench coat, and i worried that it would seem out of place in this crowd. I pushed my way through the doors and headed north along the back wall of the theater. I tried to act as though i belonged here, but everyone else was dressed in formal attire or private-school uniforms. I tried to move to the north, where it was a little darker, but i worried that the lights in the auditorium would soon come up. I was disguised a little because it was still so dark in the room, but people would see that i was not dressed like them when the lights came up. I then noticed that one of my shoes was untied, but there was not enough room in the crowd to bend over to fix it. I moved a little to the north, where there was a long table against the western wall. I looked around and then ducked under the table where i could tie my shoe without people tripping over me. As i bent down, however, i realized that i was wearing one of the green school dresses that the girls normally wear. I was very out of place here. I remained crouched near the back wall of the theater, hoping that no one noticed me. It was light enough that they could see the dress now, but, if i did not stand up, they would not know that i was a man. I was not blending in with the appropriate uniform. A young girl then sat in the metal and plastic chair to the south of me. She seemed to be waiting for her mother so that they could leave the theater. She looked at me because i was still crouching down and at her level. I realized that she could tell that i was a man and wearing the uniform dress. I tried to hide my face from her, but i knew that she recognized that i did not belong here. I felt very nervous and watched her for a moment. She turned to one of the tall female teachers, who was standing in the middle of the crowd in a brown dress and white shirt, talking to some to the east of her. The little girl tugged at the teacher’s dress, trying to get her attention. I felt nervous and worried that she was going to tell on me. I had to leave here. I stood up and turned to the west, walking quickly away down the street. I hoped that no one noticed how out of place i was here and tried to stop me. I should not have come here. I walked along the northern sidewalk of the city street until i came to my car, which was parked just off the curb, facing west. I had to get in the car and out of here before someone realized that i should not have been here. As i reached the car, though, another car baked out of a parking space in front of me, turning around the blue car that i was trying to get to. The blue car seemed to be my parents’ car. The other car was driving awkwardly, and i worried that they had scraped my parents’ car. I felt worried. I did not want to get caught here and could not complain about the scrape. The other car drove off, though, and the police started after it. I was relieved that the police were chasing the other car and not after me. I looked at the front fender of the car. There did not seem to be a scrape on the car, but there was a large chunk of ice ganging from under the fender. I kicked the ice, and it fell to the road. The ice was gray, as was the street under it. Everything around me seemed gray now as i got into the car. The sky was dull, and the city buildings around me were all the same dull gray. I got into the car, noticing the blanket that was on the passenger’s seat. It was chilly out, and i thought about wrapping the blanket around me to get warm. It would also hide what i was wearing until i could get away.

12009 August 20

I was in $F1’s house, and i was talking to $A425. I had been staying with $F1 here. It seemed odd to be here again, but it also seemed like this was some time in the past. $A542 was here as well. This seemed strange since i remembered that he had died a while ago. He was cooking something in the kitchen, to the northeast. I remembered that he was not a good cook, and i hoped that i could eat the food that they were preparing for me. It was uncomfortable here.

I woke up suddenly, finding that i was still on the bus. I looked around to try to figure out where i was, but i did not quite remember the scenery. I worried that i had missed my stop, and i felt that i had to get my things together to leave. I started gathering things from the desk or counter to the north of me. This place was like an office now. I told the secretary about the books that i needed, explaining what they were. There seemed to be some importance to the books. I wanted to get something from them, and i felt very interested in the information. I told her that she could look up the information in the library. As i said this, it seemed that the library was part of a society temple. It could also have been a religious temple where sacred knowledge was kept. She smiled back at me, happy to be going to the place to get the information. I hurriedly stuffed some things in the small bag that i had placed on the wooden desk as the secretary left to the northeast. She was excited that she got to go to the library to look up the information. I had to get out of here. I moved to the window on the western end of the northern wall. There seemed to be two large windows in the northern wall of the dimly lighted room. I opened the window and crawled through it, out onto the city street outside. I then started heading to the northwest. I had to get somewhere, but i was back in the dining room. I looked at the plate on the table to the north of me. I pressed my fork into the baked potatoes, trying to get the butter to melt before i took another bite.

12009 August 22

It had something to do with combining the human and wolf form, and it was a very special thing. I looked at the large seed in my hand. It was about two centimeters long, and was shaped like an almond. The outside was coated with gray fur. I felt very excited about this thing, knowing that it had some special significance. It had come from the wolf, but it had something to do with genetically combining the wolf with a human. I studied the seed as the others stood around me. They were curious about the seed and did not know that i was actually aware of what it was. I pretended to be interested in it, as though i was still trying to figure it out. I talked about the texture on the seed and how it was probably some kind of protection for the seed. I pet the gray fur, thinking that it insulated the seed. $A14 was standing to the west of me, and he asked me something about the seed. I sniffed the seed and told him that it smelled like a dog. I tried to give him hints that i was figuring out what the seed was, but i wanted to pretend that i did not know about the hybrid. He seemed impressed that i was figuring out the seed, so he took me to the southeast to show me something. He was going to introduce me to someone, and i thought that the person would be the cross between the human and the wolf. I saw the young boy standing in the formal crowd of the room. Everyone here seemed somewhat important, and i felt special to be part of this. I wanted to let them know that i knew what the boy was, but i had to let them know carefully so that they would still think that i was figuring it out. I wondered how i could bring the smell of the dog up in conversation so that i could use it as a clue to tell them what i had figured out. I would use the smell of the boy to reveal that i had figured out that he was actually a hybrid. I could simply say that he had the smell of a dog about him. I talked to the people in the crowd, but i started to feel weary of the young boy. I moved to the northwest, noticing that there was a dog in the room. This was somewhat disappointing. I realized that i could not pretend to smell the boy when others could so easily say that the smell was actually the dog. I looked at the golden retriever as it trotted through the crowd. The people were moving around in the room, chatting with each other, and i wondered what i should do. I joked about the tall people here, thinking that it might get the subject back to the hybrid experiment. I wanted the people to know that i was smart enough to know about the wolf. I then noticed $A532 in the crowd. I said hello, noticing that he and the men around him were wearing black dinner jackets. This was a special event, and i felt a little underdressed. I also realized that they were all fairly tall people, and i was actually short in comparison. I chatted with them for a moment, trying to joke about what to do here. I was trying to have fun. $A532 then mentioned someone, and i was surprised to hear that he was here. I turned to the north and looked. $A532 had been standing to the west of me, in a line of tall men, who were standing near the western side of the room. The man he had mentioned was in the line to the north of him. I was surprised and turned to say hello. I was happy to see him, and i talked to him and some of the others in the line. We seemed to be outside now, to the west of the building. There was a bar to the north of us, and several people were drinking as they talked. Something was still happening, though, and it seemed important. I looked up into the southern sky, noticing the dull glow of the sun through the hazy clouds. I felt tense about the event, and i realized that the others were not really aware of what was happening. I looked at the sun and asked the others what it was. Something seemed strange about it. The sun no longer seemed to be behind a cloud, and there was a jet trail crossing the blue sky from the east, heading into the glare of the sun. I then noticed the large crystals around the sides of the sun. They were forming fractal patterns in the sky. It was very beautiful, but also rather strange. I told the others that it was just frost, and i focused on the sun. Something was happening. The sun was in the center of the sky, but it did not seem to be bright anymore. I knew that the sun was there, but it was not luminous. Something was wrong about this, and i wondered if this actually might not be the sun. I then noticed the small plane in the sky, just past the bright area. It had flown in along the jet trail and was now moving to the west, away from the sun. The airplane seemed dangerous, and i worried that it had done something. Someone then said that the airplane had dropped a bomb. I thought that it was another atomic bomb, like the one that i had thought was the sun. I felt worried about this and wondered when the bomb would detonate. I wondered if we could hide in the mountains to the west to get away from the atomic blast. We had to get out of here before the blast caught us. I was not sure where we could go, though. I headed back into the building to the east, thinking about what we could do to be safe.

12009 August 24

I woke up suddenly, noticing the small black animal flying around the chandelier in the center of the ceiling. I was a bat, and i woke up suddenly to look at it. As i focused on the dark ceiling, though, i could not see the bat. I had only imagined it. I looked around, noticing the spots on the walls. Something seemed strange here, but i was still in my bedroom. I had only dreamed that i was someplace else.

I sneaked into the dark tunnels with the man as we headed to the north. The tunnels were cement, and this place seemed like a factory. The tunnels opened to the west just ahead of us, and the other man stopped to check something out by the large green metal tanks. The tanks seemed to be some kind of storage tanks, but they were empty now. There was an oval opening in the side of the tank facing us. The man took out a bottle of water and poured some around the edges of the opening. He was testing the tanks for something. We were here to blow something up, and i thought that it was the large oil tanks. The man looked at the water that he had poured on the opening and he said that the tanks have not been used in a long time. This was not the section that we were supposed to blow up. The man turned to the east and started up the grassy hill. We were now outside, and there was a low cement building to the north of us. The sky was dark, but there was an artificial light from somewhere to the northeast that illuminated the ground. The man ran ahead of me, but stopped at the top of the hill. I realized that he must have run into the guards of this facility. I worried that we might be captured. The man saluted the guards. He was pretending to be someone that belonged at this facility. I knew that if the guards saw me, they would realize that i did not belong here. I had to hide in the shadows so that they did not see me. I could not pretend to be from here like the other man could. I backed away down the hill and moved against the building to the north. The guard came into view over the top of the hill and stood to the north of the man. They saluted each other and started to chat. There was then a gun shot and the guard fell. Someone had shot him, and i realized that it must have been me. I was the only one in the correct position to do so.

I was in the small square living room of the apartment, sitting on the couch that was against the western wall. I noticed the strange writing on the eastern wall and stood up to get a better look. The words were in the Latin alphabet, but were foreign to me. There were three other people in the room with me, and they were all now looking at the writing on the wall. $A308 was one of them, and i wondered if he could recognize the word. Someone started to discuss the word, trying to figure it out. The person said that the word was in French. I looked at it again, but thought that it was actually in Russian. I tried to pronounce the Cyrillic letters and realized that the word did sound French, even though it still seemed to be in Russian. I then remembered the French saying, and i tried to tell it to the others in the room. We started to talk about the saying, and i tried to remember the exact phrasing. I decided that this writing on the wall might be the same word from the saying, but that the word had different meanings in different languages. Perhaps the words in the different languages were derived from the same word, but meant different things. $A242 said something about the writing. I looked at him, thinking that he seemed to be a lot shorter than i remembered. He was a friend of the woman in the group. I said something to him, but realized that he did not recognize me after all this time. I talked about some things to him, hinting that this writing was something special. I said that it had something to do with a ritual. I then decided that i should start packing my things, as i had been doing before we noticed the special word. As i bent over to pick up the suit bag from the floor, a tall dark-skinned man came into the room and looked down at me. He was here to watch me. I realized that the voodoo talk was true. The man turned and headed to the northeast, to the bottom of the narrow stairway that led up along the northern wall of the room. I felt uncomfortable, but i followed him, thinking that we were brought here for a reason. I was expected to follow and learn about the word. I followed him up the thin stairs. There was no railing on the outside of the steps, and the steps were only a few decis wide. I would have to walk up them carefully. As i was halfway up, i realized that there was an old woman in a black moo-moo descending the stairs from the west. The stairs were too narrow for two people to be passing on them, and i wondered what i should do. I realized that there were yellow plastic grips on the wall above me, shaped like quarter spheres. I would have to use them to pull myself against the wall to let the woman pass. I started climbing along the wall, heading west, until i was finally on the landing of the second floor of the house. The landing ran the entire length of the northern wall of the room. The man headed east down the landing and into a narrow hallway. I followed him because i knew that i had to, but i felt very nervous here. I did not want to get trapped in a voodoo ritual that i knew nothing about. I felt that i had been brought here because of something special, but these people expected something of me that i was not so sure i should do. I was uncomfortable here and worried about what would happen next.

12009 August 25

I walked along the eastern side of my parents’ house, heading down the driveway toward the road. As i passed the front of the house i noticed that there were some people on the front porch. I was surprised to see them there, and i knew that they did not belong there. Several of them were short round women, and they were wearing old long white dresses with large flower patterns in red and green. They were hanging around on the porch as if they lived in the place. I did not let them know that i knew who lived here. There were sever young men with them, and they were talking to each other, complaining about my parents. They were environmental protesters, and they had no real place to live, so they were camping out on the front porch. I was annoyed with them and thought that they should leave. I then realized that the men were breaking into the house. Two of them were kneeling down near the door, working on the locks. I pushed them out of the way and yelled at them, but they ignored me, as if i was a mild nuisance. I told them to go away, but they remained on the porch, knowing that there was not much i could do to get rid of them. I went inside the house and closed the door behind me, locking it so that they could not get in. I would have to make sure that the doors of the house were locked. I did not feel secure here, though. I moved to the west, to make sure that the main front door was locked. There were two doors at the bottom of the stairs. The old wooden door had a bolt lock on it, but i realized that it would not be necessary to use it since the newer metal door on the outside was already locked. I then checked the lock on the new screen door and noticed that it did not fit so well into the door frame. The lock only caught a little bit of the lock brace on the frame, so the lock did not work so well. I decided to lock the inner door instead. I then noticed that there was a large glass window sitting on the floor to the east, leaning against the wall. It did not belong there and i wondered where it had come from. I then looked at the front door again and realized that the reason that the lock did not work on the new door was because the people had taken the doors off of its hinges in order to get in. The window was part of the door. I felt very annoyed with these people and quickly tried to close the door. I started to worry that the cats might get out of the house. I then turned to the east and tried to close the window in the eastern wall, which had been opened by the invaders. I felt very frustrated as i tried to put the windows back together. There were two windows right next to each other, and i was worried that the people would be trying to get into the house some other way if i took too much time trying to lock this doorway up. I noticed that the screen was missing on the window to the right and thought that this must be the window from the front door. I picked up the window and tried to fit it into the front door, but it did not fit properly and fell out. The white metal frame cracked as the window landed on the ground, and the screen sagged inside the frame. I was very angry now and was mad at the people for doing this to the house.

12009 August 26

I was in the dining room of my parents’ house with several other people, sitting around the dinner table, talking. Something was different about the room. It was quite different that it should have been. A man then came into the room from the northeast suddenly. He was $A116, and it was quite surprising and strange to see him here. It seemed out of place, since he did not know my parents at all. He walked into the room and said hello. I realized that he was a little drunk. I started showing him around the house, and i realized that i had not seen the new house yet. We walked upstairs and into the center of the house. There was a white laundry room there, with a washer and a dryer against the northern wall. Small piles of clothing were on the floor to the south. I told $A116 that i had thought the laundry room was downstairs. I did not expect to see it up here. I started walking around the place. This place was nicely decorated and seemed like a very new and clean house. $A116 wandered around, looking at the rooms. A man from the dining room then asked who he was. Before i could tell him, he guessed that he was the cook from the place where i used to live. I was in the dining room of my parents’ house again. I headed to the east, into the kitchen. There was a green platter on the top shelf of the cupboard that was against the eastern end of the southern wall. I reached up to grab it, thinking that i could put the rest of the food on it to take back out into the dining room. The green vase that was on the shelf next to it started to tip, so i leaned toward it, catching it with the right side of my face. I could not reach up to grab it, though, because my hands were full. I asked $A116 to grab the vase before it fell to the ground. He did not react, though, and the vase started to fall. As it hit my face, however, i realized that it was actually made of plastic and not ceramic. It bounced on the floor without breaking. I left it there for a moment as i started to take the rest of the green dishes down from the shelf. I did not want them to fall, so i set them on the counter in front of me while i got the rest of the platters from the top shelf.

12009 August 30

I moved through the rooms of the large house as the others around me continued to play the adventure game. They were sneaking around in the house, pretending to be adventurers from a mythical land. This house had many rooms in it that were used by quite a few people. It seemed like a dormitory, but i knew that many of the people had left for the break. There were only a few left, which is why they ran around the house trying to have fun playing a game. I walked carefully down the pale-green hallway no the second floor of the house, heading northeast. The wall to the northwest of me was not there, as if it was a railing that overlooked the lower floor. A man somewhere in the house shouted out something in declaration. He was announcing his quest. I noticed the sword that was hanging on the wall to the southeast of me, and i took it with my right hand. It was a larger sword than the one that i had had, so it would be better to fight off the others. I turned to the east and headed up the narrow hallway stairs, which led up into the attic. The others would be coming after me, so i would have to hide. I rounded a corner at the top of the stairs and stopped to wait for the others. I would swing my sword around the corner as they approached and pretend to kill them. I waited for a moment, but no one came. This seemed strange, and i did not know what to do. I turned to the south and walked into the small bedroom. There was a bed to the west of me, against the northern wall of the room. The occupants of this room, which seemed a little like a dorm room, had gone home for vacation. I waited it the bedroom until the others found me. I looked around the room, thinking that this room belonged to the man who read comic books. There seemed to be some superhero posters on the wall. I tried to think of the person who stayed here normally, and he seemed to be someone like $F5. The others then came into the room. I told them about the quest that the other person had declared. I then realized that i did no deliver the news as dramatically as the first person had done. I simply told them about the quest in a matter-of-fact voice. I should have acted more dramatic and enthusiastic.

I was in the long room on the northern side of the building, and my family was with me. They were talking about something and i started looking around the area. We were standing on the green grass just to the south of the building now, and someone asked where $X13 was. I looked around, noticing him creeping through the tall grass just to the northeast, along the front side of the run-down building. The surface of the building seemed to have large black patches on it, as though it had been surfaced with tar paper that had been partially torn off. I started to worry about $X13 being outside. He should not be let out of the house. I then noticed the black and white mottled cat to the north, hiding among the weeds. This was probably one of the neighborhood cats. I started toward $X13, thinking that i had to get him inside. I worried that he would run across the street, which seemed to be to the south of us. As i approached the building, i noticed $X13 sitting on top of the half wall at the front of the building. He was crouched down looking to the west. He was now mottled with black and white spots, but i knew that it was $X13. I looked at the other cat in the weeds. It was now dark drown and had long furry hair. They had seen each other, and i was suddenly worried that they would try to attack each other or chase each other. I knew that $X13 chased after other cats. They suddenly ran toward each other, disappearing behind the cinderblock wall. I was worried and ran to the wall to see where they were. As i reached the wall, i saw the other cat running to the north on the other side of the wall, across the street. There were small houses on the others side of the suburban street and cars parked on the sides. I could only see part of the street between the square columns of the wall. As i got closer to the wall, i could see that the other cat was chasing $X13. They both ran past the opening in the wall, one chasing the other. Both of them had their mouths open as if ready to bite each other. I felt upset and chased them to the northwest. There was a street than ran along the eastern side of the area, and i ran up the western sidewalk of it after the cats. The street was very short, and i rounded the corner at the northern end, turning west. As i rounded the corner, i saw a large white cat lying on its back in the middle of a grassy lawn. It was juggling the other two cats with its paws. The white cat seemed to be a bully, and was teasing the other two cats that had run into its yard. The white cat had an advantage over the other two cats because it had caught them by surprise. The cats squirmed free and fell to the ground, though. The brown cat ran off to the west, and the white cat started chasing it. $X13 seemed to have run off to the northeast. I had to find him.

12009 August 31

I moved to the north, through the darkened corridors of the house. It was night, and my vision was panning through the building as if i was watching this as part of a movie. I stopped suddenly in one of the corridors. The hallway ended just to the east of me, where it opened up into a room. I was aware of something just around the corner to the southeast. It was a dinosaur, and it was hunting people in the house. The girl ran through the halls of the building, trying to get away. I thought that they would have to remain quiet so that the dinosaur did not hear them. I then thought that the theropod could probably smell them, since they were good hunters. The scene followed the small dinosaur, which seemed to be an allosaur, down one of the halls as. The camera was in front of the creature, so that i could see it walking toward me. I felt tense. An old woman who lived in the apartment building opened her door. She was surprised to see the dinosaur in the corridor outside. The animal snapped at the old woman and ate her. The scene panned away before we could see the woman being eaten. I thought that this was part of Jurassic Park, but the plot was different this time. In this version, there were more people dying in the city because the dinosaur had been released. This was a little more realistic that the movie version. I felt scared of the dinosaur, and did not want to be in the building. I knew that it would continue hunting for the people in the building. I was now standing to the north of a small suburban house, in an alley between this house and the one to the north. I felt scared and worried that the dinosaur would come after me. I crawled under the foundation of the house to the south, where there was a gap. I hid here as the dinosaur approached from the west. I thought that if i remained still and breathed quietly that the dinosaur would not notice that i was here. I could simply wait until it passed. The creature stopped to the north of me, however. It knew that i was under the house. I realized that it could smell me there. I realized that i should have showered because i was still all sweaty from work.

I rode my bicycle to the west, on the sidewalk that ran across the northern side of $P39. I stopped in the middle of the area and got off of my bicycle. The other person was with me. We had come to this part of the college campus and we were ready to lock up our bicycles on the black hoop racks that were here. As we started to lock up the bicycles, i realized that i had been riding a push scooter. This was not mine. I had taken it from the rack here and was now returning it. A man came toward us from the north. I knew that the scooter belonged to him. He seemed upset that the scooter was missing and he asked us where we had been with it. Rather than lock the scooter up, i handed him the black U-lock. I admitted that we had used the scooter to take a ride around the campus. I seemed very callous about taking the scooter, and we turned to the east and headed toward the large building at the edge of the quadrangle. We entered the building. There was a large play being performed in the theater there. I was part of the production, though i was supposed to act from the audience. I had several lines that i was supposed to say during the play, but it was not really part of the main play. It was actually a commentary about the play that was intended as part of the performance. I wished that i were on stage rather than doing the short comments from the audience.

We were in the large quadrangle on the college campus, and we were jogging to the east. A woman ran out ahead of me, across the center of the field. I felt that i had to catch her, but there was something happening here. $A455 ran from the south suddenly and tackled the woman. They both fell over on the short grass, and the group of runners around me slowed to a walk near them. Both $A455 and the woman were rugby players, and they seemed like they were having fun. This seemed to be part of a game that we were playing. $A455 was standing now to the southeast of me. I charged her and tackled her. As we landed on the ground to the south of where we were standing, i realized that my elbow was under me. I had landed on it, but $A455 was under me. I hoped that i did not hurt her by jabbing my elbow into her side. She did not move so i stood up and carried her to the east. I was worried that i had hurt her, and i felt bad for tackling her. I had just wanted to play in the game like the others had been doing. I then realized that the others around me were running in different directions away from the east. There had been a crowd on the eastern side of the quadrangle, but they were now dispersing in a panic. Something was wrong. I looked up to see a man breathing fire to the east of me. He seemed crazed, and i knew that he was trying to hurt people in the crowd. He breathed fire several times at the people around him. This was a special power of his, and it seemed to be some kind of magic. I took a handful of the purple slime in my right hand and threw it at the man. The purple stuff would absorb his powers so that he could not hurt others. I had seen this used somewhere before, as though on a television show. The purple slime would absorb his powers so that he could not use them. The man was angry that i had thrown the slime all over him and he turned to me, opening his mouth as if to breath more fire. I felt uneasy, but realized that the man could no longer breath fire. I had to do something before he figured out that the purple goop had taken away his powers, so i charged him and tackled him. I landed on top of him, and he started to struggle free. I grabbed his arms and held him close to me, trying to hold him down to the ground until others could come to help me. I then hoped that the others were close enough to me to help me restrain the man. He tried to wiggle free, but i held his arms close to his torso and pinned him to the ground.