12010 August 01

The person said something about the gold and silver, and i knew that they were referring to objects. The voice then mentioned the gold moon. This did not seem right. The moon was usually related to silver, not gold. The sun was the object that was related to gold. I thought that the third metal should be related to the earth. Someone then mentioned the three metals as “gold, silver, and reusite”. The third one did not seem right. I thought that the third metal should be copper. I then thought that bronze could be used instead of copper. I tried to focus on these thoughts, but i could not figure out what the metals were referring to. I did not know what “reusite” was, but it sounded like something that was recycled, and i wondered if there was any significance to it.

We were driving to the northeast in the small car. $F45 was in the car with me as i drove. I turned a little more to the east, noticing the thin walls that we started driving through. The walls ran north to south, but there was an alley running between them. Large colorful paintings were hung on the walls. We continued walking to the east, and i told $F45 that this place was a museum. We seemed to be lost, though. This was not the place that we were trying to get to, and i thought that we were lost. $F45 walked to the east, looking for someone in the museum to find directions from. I headed to the south, and then followed the hallway along the southern side of the atrium, heading west. There were offices on the south side of the hallway, and i thought that there might be someone there who could give us directions. I stopped in one of the offices, asking a woman behind a desk if she knew where the place was. She thought about it for a moment, and then mentioned it to the other woman, who was to the south. They both told me that the place was to the northeast. I pictured the city below me, with tall apartment buildings. We were heading for a building on the northeastern side of the city, but we were confused by the turning streets. The place was a building that was recognized by its name, like a hospital or college. The women directed me north, and i turned to the north, looking over the streets of the urban area. Trees filled the spaces between the buildings. I was then heading back to the east within the museum. I headed down the short flight of black metal stairs on the southern side of the hallway and turned to the north. $F45 had been coming from the east and he joined me. I told him that i knew where to go, and he said that he had gotten directions as well. There was a long black table to the north of the bottom of the stairs, and it seemed to have a display on it. I looked at the white letters on the northern end of the table as i rounded it and started west. The letters said something about an audio exhibit. It sounded interesting, but we had to get going. As we walked to the west, back through the rows of paintings on thin walls, i noticed one painting with large yellow and orange flower-shaped objects on a dark background. I said something to $F45 and continued on.

12010 August 02

I headed quickly to the east, over the paved ground of the large military base. The buildings around me were low to the ground and seemed pale. I was with a few other people, and we had come here from the future. We moved into one of the small houses, which looked like residential houses for the officers. I felt tense. I knew that this base had been destroyed before. We were here before the attack, but i wondered whether the attack would happen again. I looked out the windows of the house, trying to figure out what we should do. No one knew that we were here. I moved to one of the southern rooms of the house and looked out the window there. All i could see were the small houses that were spread across the base. I then noticed the small guard tower hovering in the air to the south of me. It floated past the house, heading to the north. A woman was standing in the guard tower, and she spotted me looking out the window. I quickly backed into the house, but i worried that she had already seen me. I wondered what i should do here. This base will be destroyed by nuclear weapons in a secret attack. I did not know when the attack would occur, but i started to think that we should get off of the base before it is attacked. It was now during World War Two. I looked around the small bedroom that i was in to see if there was anything here that could help me escape. I started looking for pictures of the soldier that lived here. I thought that i might be able to impersonate him in a disguise to get off of the base. I noticed some photographs on the small table, which was just to the west of the bed. The bed was against the northern wall of the room. The pictures seemed very modern, though. They were in color and appeared to be printed with modern techniques. This was very strange. There were several pictures of the soldier. He was pudgy and not what i had expected. I would not easily be able to impersonate him. I headed to the west, down the hall from the bedroom. This place was now a much larger building, and it seemed like a school. I neared the western end of the hall, which seemed like the place where the kindergarten classrooms were. The hall widened near the western end so that it flared out into a rough triangle on the northern side. Young children were walking from classroom to classroom in costumes. This school was also on the military base, and i thought that this custom of dressing up for Halloween was something that few people did anymore. I noticed a small boy who had dressed up as a ghost, using a white sheet with eye holes cut into it. I knew that he had dressed this way so that he could match the girl that was with him. The kindergarten room to the west of me was a wide room. I felt nervous here, though, so i headed back down he hall to the east. The other people were with me. We were all from the future, but we had to leave this place. This military base was going to be destroyed, and i wanted to get out of here before it was. I looked around me at the people in the school. They seemed like characters from an old movie. They were all going to be killed in the attack. They had all died the first time, so i knew that they would all be killed when it happened again. We should not change the timeline, so i had to let these people die. I could not warn them of the coming attack. I walked with the others down the hall until we came into the small unused classroom. This was the room that we were supposed to collect in for the transport back to the future. The others with us were still arriving from various places on the base. A general was standing close to us. He knew that we did not belong on this part of the base, and he seemed to be angry with us. He would call the guards and have us arrested. He had a gun, but i thought that i could stop him from shooting at us long enough to let the others transport away. I moved around the room as i thought about these events. I moved to the north of the building on the base, imagining how i could stop the general from reporting us. I then thought that i should float. I closed my eyes and spread out my arms, imagining that i was spinning in the air as i rose. Something about the lifting force would cause me to rotate as i moved upward. The motion as i traveled over the base should surprise people. This idea amused me. I opened my eyes to see myself floating in the air. I was moving across the land, but not quite as i had imagined. I had thought that i would be flying on my stomach, but by feet were still below me and i was moving through the air in a vertical position. I headed to the northwest, but noticed the large body of water on the flat land ahead of me. I wondered if it would be a good idea for me to fly over the water. I did not want to get stuck over water without a place to land. I moved a little to the north, ducking as i went under a branch from a tree that protruded from the north. As i continued to the west, i noticed more branches reaching over the cement wall that was just to the north of me, on the northern side of the base. I was now flying like i remembered, and i considered this actual flying, rather than just hovering slowly from side to side. I could see all of the details now around me, and i remembered this place. There was a cement canal under me that ran to the west. White pipes crossed the waterway below me. I focused on the details, thinking that i should remember these details and try to confirm them when i woke up later. I had come to this place in a dream, and i would have to confirm that it was the same as the real place once i woke up. I then realized that the water in the channel was coming from the water pipes that ran over the top of the channel. I had seen the white pipes before, in the city to the northeast. They were some kind of drainage pipes for the city, and they were dumping water into the canal. I then wondered whether the water from the pipes might be processed sewage. Another pipe ran into the channel from the northern all farther to the west of me. I was floating down the canal, but i noticed that there was a large orange metal casing over the top of the canal just after the second pipe. The canal had the appearance of going underground, so i had to fly up, out of the canal. I started hopping across the rooftops of the buildings on the southern side of the canal. After a few moments, i had come to the large wide roof of the shopping plaza to the west. This was the end of the path that i had been following. The canal now seemed to be a paved path to the north of the plaza. It also seemed that the path ran parallel to the canal. I wanted to get to the Tops plaza, but the path did not go that far west. I decided to start following the road that curved back to the northeast. As i started moving down the road, i noticed the green road sign near the beginning of the road. I read the name, and it sounded familiar. I moved quickly down the street, heading to the east through the city. The buildings around me were now rather tall. I was in the downtown section of the city, and there was an overpass crossing the street, heading from the northwest to the southeast. I suddenly realized that this was the same street that i had started on. It must have looped all the way around the city and come back here. I had made a large loop, and was now back at the shopping plaza i had been at before. I looked down to the north of me, noticing a man coming out of one of the glass doors of the shopping plaza. The plaza now seemed to be the plaza around $P27. He was tall and thin, and he wore a blue bandana on his head. He seemed very familiar, and i could see him through the glass of the door. He opened the door and stepped out, heading to the south, toward his car. I realized that he was $A605. I flew over him as he got onto his bicycle. He noticed i was above him, and he looked up at me, watching me cautiously. I said hello to him, but he did not seem to recognize me. I must have been wearing glasses and something to hide my features. I said his name as i floated down to the ground to the south of him. I wanted to greet him and chat for a moment.

12010 August 03

We drove to the west, through the streets of the small city. The buildings around us seemed to be four or five stories tall, and were close together. There also seemed to be bushy green trees growing along the streets. To the west of us i could see a tall wall rising above the city. It seemed like a massive cliff on the side of the city, but i could tell that it was artificial. There was some significance to this wall. We turned to the south onto one of the main streets of the town. The apartment buildings around us seemed old. The others were talking in the front seat of the car, but i was sitting in the back seat of the aqua American car. I looked out the rear window of the car at the towering brick wall. There was something very familiar about it. It was divided into large square sections, which seemed to be made of different shades of brick. Some of the sections near the top of the wall leaned over the city, and they seemed to have pale-yellow bricks in the center with red bricks around the edges, as though the pale part of the wall were being held into a frame. I kept staring up at the wall, feeling uneasy and inspired at the same time. There was something special about this wall.

I followed the others down the dirty city street to the west. We quickly turned to the south, into the large stone building, which seemed like an old school. The people in the city around us seemed dangerous in some way. We stopped in the wide entryway of the building, trying to decide what to do next. The diffuse light of the sky outside shined in through the windows on the northern side of the hallway. I glanced at the entry doors to the north of us, thinking that the people from outside would come at any moment. We had to hide from them. I told the others that we should get out of sight of the doors. Someone said that we should lock the doors to keep the bad people out. This seemed like one of the possible futures. We moved down the dingy hallway to the south. There seemed to be debris on the floor. I kept looking back at the doors on the northern side of the hall, expecting the people from outside to get in. We had to hide from them so that they did not find us here.

12010 August 04

I moved to the west, to where $A532 was standing. He was to the north of the house, packing some things in his car, but he also seemed to be in the basement of the building. I turned to the east and moved back down the street, which sloped down hill to the east. This place seemed to be $P104. There were houses on both sides of the street near me. They seemed large and nice. I was on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, which seemed very narrow. The block to the north of me was only wide enough for the houses, with another street just up hill to the north on the back of the houses. I came to a corner, and was standing on the northeastern corner of an intersection, facing west. Water was running down the street from the north and turning to the east. This concerned me. I backed up against the large apartment building where i had been visiting $A532. $A604 was standing in the doorway of the cement foundation on the southern side of the building. I pointed out the water to him, but he did not respond to me. I felt that he was ignoring me, and this made me upset.

We walked to the northeast, down the center of the rocky creek. The wide rounded tan stones of the creek were very low to the ground, and stuck through the surface of the water by a few centimeters. As we hopped from stone to stone, i noticed that one of the objects in the water was actually a small alligator. I felt suddenly panicked, but i managed to jump over it without stepping on it. I stopped on one of the large flat rocks to the northeast, turning around to warn the others that there area alligators in the stream. I then noticed a large scaly surface below me, though the narrow crack that was eroded down the center of the large rock i was on. It was a much larger alligator. They seemed to be hiding under the rocks, and i worried that they would try to come out and catch us if they knew that we were here. I told this to the woman that was with me as we hurried to the northeast. I could not remember whether i had seen alligators this far north before. We seemed to be somewhere in the northeastern United States, and i thought that alligators were only in the waters of the southern United States. I pictured the creek in my head, seeing it from above. The land to the northwest was covered with tall thin trees and was very verdant. The ground glistened through some of the trees to the east, giving the appearance of a swampy forest. Rounded hills seemed to be on both sides of the creek valley. As i moved toward the upper part of the creek, i realized that this part was no longer part of the forest park. I decided that there would be fewer alligators in the upper part of the park, and i moved there with the woman. We were going to move up the stream from there instead of from the lower swampy part where the alligators were.

12010 August 05

We were heading east down the road, riding in the taxi, which was taking us to the place near the large house. We were coming here to see the young girl. She seemed to be abused, and i felt concerned for her. I was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, and there were two people in the back seat. The woman in the back complained, saying that we did not know where we were going. I was annoyed with her, and pointed to the large house to the southeast of us, on the southern side of the street. As we approached and stopped on the northern side of the house, i noticed that the house was actually more of an open structure, with visible vertical beams and a roof. I could see a large blue thing in the back of the house, on the western side of the southern part of the building. I headed toward it, moving through the rooms of the house. A young man was in the house. I saw him as i crossed the small hallway. Stairs ran up to the south of me, ending on a landing that ran to the west, across the southern wall. The lower floor seemed to have a hall that ran to the west as well. The boy was standing just to the west of the stairs. He was shy and unsure about us. I felt that he was being abused as well, and i thought that we could help him too. He had short blond hair, and i thought that he was cute, though i thought that he was too young for me to be interested in. He headed to the south, through a doorway in the wall. His father then came from the north. I felt nervous about him and did not want him to see me in the house. Bright lights shined from somewhere to the north, illuminating the inside of the house, which was dark, because it was night. We had to hide from the father so that he did not see us. I backed to the east, into the small room, as the father wandered the house. I wondered how we would get out of the room and out of the house. There was a bed on the eastern wall of the room. The others had started straightening it so that the father would not be upset with them. I decided that i should help them fix the sheets and covers, but i was nervous about the father seeing me here. I decided to move to the north to hide in the next room. I tried to think of how i could get out of the house undetected. I imagined places in the house that i could sneak out of, and pretended that i had made an escape.

$F4 was traveling with his brothers, and i thought that i would go on the trip with him. I felt excited about this, but i was annoyed that i could not quite find what i was looking for while i was packing. My socks were damp, and i was checking in my bag for more socks. I dug through the bag of clothes, having trouble finding the socks. I could hear $F4 talking to his mother to the south of me. She asked if the others knew that we were coming on the trip. I wondered if they would be upset that i decided to join them without notice. $F4 told his mother that he had talked to the others before. I kept digging through my bag, but realized that i did not have any socks with me. I started to feel annoyed and upset. $F4 came out of the room to the south. I asked him where we would go, and he mentioned the place. It seemed like a hiking trip, and i remembered $A7 on the tall mountain there. I pictured the tall mountain to the north of me. It was a rocky peak with snow on the top. $A7 had hiked up the mountain, but i knew that we would be driving. I thought that there was a steep drive up either side of the mountain. I then realized that there could be snow on the mountain at this time of year, so the roads might be dangerous, since they had tight switchbacks. The mountain was snow covered when we had gone before, but that was over the winter, so the snow would be normal. I thought about the trip i had taken to this place before. The place seemed to be in Europe, and i wanted to got there again.

The boxes had come from New York City, and they were addressed to $A506. I moved across the small room of the old dingy apartment to look at the boxes. $F27 was there as well, and he helped me look at the boxes. The boxes were wrapped in brown paper, and i knew that they were returned mail from $A506. I opened one of the small boxes and saw that it contained pictures i had sent to $A506 a while ago. I was upset that they had come back. I asked $F27 to bring me the other boxes. There were four of them, which must represent the four packages i had sent to him. One of the letters i had just sent recently. I was disappointed that they had all come back. I remembered sending the other boxes a while ago. $F27 showed me a letter with pictures folded into it. I noticed the drawings on the other letter that he was holding. I did not recognize the drawings, and i told $F27 that they had not come from me. I said that these letters had been from a while ago, but that there were not sent to $A506 by me. I asked $F27 where the fourth letter was. I wanted to keep the photographs together. He handed me a packet with drawings. I looked over the drawings, thinking that the fourth letter must have come from someone else. I turned to the east and walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house. I was upset about the letters and did not know what to do. I then noticed that someone was at the door of the house. I opened the door and greeted the old man that was standing there. He wore a brown jacket. There was another old man with an old woman standing just at the bottom of the stone steps. I opened the door to let them in, thinking that i had to make sure that the cats did not get out. The three old people walked in, and i noticed that the man in blue was smoking. I told him that he should not smoke in the house, but he ignored me and continued to smoke the cigarette as he walked through the kitchen and into the dining room. I was annoyed with him, and followed him into the dining room. I forced the cigarette out of his hand and slapped him across the face. I felt very angry with him for his arrogance. I was mad at all of these people. I then noticed that the other man was sitting at the counter in the kitchen. He was smoking a cigarette as well. He was also tipping back in the tall chair that he was sitting in. I noticed that $X12 was standing on the floor behind the chair, and i worried that the man would fall over onto $X12. I rudely took the cigarette from the man and crushed it against the kitchen cabinet, letting the people know that i did not like them being in the house. The others did not seem to mind my aggression, though. I was upset with them, and i could not figure out why i had let them in or why they were here. My father was to the north, on the other side of the counter form the people. He took a large plastic pitcher from the shelf to the west and poured a glass from it. He was serving a drink to the older people. The pitcher was clear, and i could see the yellow liquid in it as my father placed the pitcher on the counter to the south of him. I moved to the north of the counter and smelled the pitcher from the counter, thinking that the yellow liquid had no special odor. I wondered what was so special about the liquid in the pitcher that the old people had to come here to get it. I looked at the pitcher again, which was now on the northern counter of the room. I asked my father what was so special about it, and he said that i had asked what ingredients were necessary a while ago. I was disappointed. I could not remember asking about the liquid before, and i was annoyed that he would not answer me in front of the old people. I then thought that the drink contained absinth. I wondered why this was special.

12010 August 06

I crossed the room, heading to the north. My desk was a table against the northern wall of the office. Some of the other people were sitting at the large table in the center of the room. I had come back to work for $G2. I did not feel bad about being here, but i wondered why i had actually come back. It seemed a strange thing to do. I put some stuff down on the table to the north of me. I felt a little uncertain about what i should do. I had to make it seem as though i was doing work, even though i seemed to be heading out of the office a lot to do something. I walked out the exit door to the south and headed east. When i returned, i was carrying two rectangular gray bookmarks. I knew that $A348 had painted them. I looked down at the two tall pieces of paper, which seemed to have photographs as the background image. The photographs were of a cabin. The colors were mostly grays, and there were wide brush strokes of paint over the details of the painting. The strokes seemed to be side to side across the bottom of the image, where the ground in front of the cabin was. The strokes traced the outline of the cabin in white, filling in the two sides with curving swirls. The door to the cabin was in the center of the wall, dividing the cabin in two, and, as i looked at the swirls as i walked to the north, through the door and back across the office, i noticed that the swirls were actually the number 65. I thought that the number would actually be 69, which would have been a crude joke. I looked closely at the 5 at the end of the number, thinking that $A348 could have painted it to look like the digit 9 on purpose. I was amused by this idea, and took the bookmarks to the northern end of the room. I stopped at my desk and looked at the other pictures that i had on the surface. I had left and had not really done anything, and i wondered what i should be doing.

12010 August 08

I ran to the north, along the city street. I felt exhilarated, and i was doing something dangerous as i moved. I seemed to be shooting at people randomly, though i knew that there was a reason for this action. I had to make it seem that there was no real reason for the targets i was choosing, but i knew that i was looking for certain people on this street. I turned to the west at the end of the street and started heading down the street, which seemed like $P1. I was moving quickly along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. The people here would not recognize me because i was wearing a brown superhero costume. I fired into the homes on the north side of the street, contemplating which houses i should choose. I wanted to get certain families, thinking that they would make the best targets.

I walked into the large room to the north of me, where my parents and some other relatives were. This seemed to be the back room of my parents’ house. My mother was sitting on a couch against the northern wall, and i walked to the eastern end of the couch to get some things together. My things seemed to be piled on a short rack that was standing in the closet area in the eastern wall. The closet was simply a wide alcove with an empty wooden clothing bar across it. The dull wood paneling on the back wall of the closet matched the walls of the rest of the room. I picked up a blanket and some other things. I also realized that there was a package on top of the metal rack. I picked it up with my left hand, but put it back down on the rack. It was a gift from $K3, but i did not want to take it with me. It seemed like something that i did not want, and i did not want to open it. The wrapping paper was mostly dark-brown, with small red details across it. I commented on the package to my mother, saying that it was a bunch of cookies. I tried to slide it under the rack so that $K3 would not know that i had intentionally left it here. I then dumped the blanket back over the rack and turned to talk with my mother. I seemed distracted by something. I then turned to pick up the blanket again. I noticed that the package had fallen down behind the rack so that it was not so easily seen. This was a good place for it.

12010 August 10

I was late as i rushed into the classroom, heading through the door to the east. The classroom had square tables across the room, and the students were sitting around the tables, taking a test. I felt anxious that i was late and hurried to a table near the center of the northern side of the room. $A96 was the teacher in the room, and he approached me from the northwest, handing me the papers. I was getting pencils out of my bag so that i could start the test as quickly as possible. I felt very nervous about being late. I started reading over the white sheet of paper as soon as i got it. The sentence at the top, printed in black Courier type, said “Check which item does not belong in this set.” I looked at the block counter to the north of me, noticing the silverware scattered on the surface. A tall glass vase also stood on the eastern side of the silverware, and it had silverware in it as well. I looked back to the test, not quite sure what i was supposed to do. I then noticed that the test paper had pictures of silverware near the top of the page, with a large collage of smaller images across the bottom of the page. The collage seemed to be details of the engravings on the ends of the silverware. I realized that i was supposed to match the images with what was on the handles of the silverware on the counter. I looked at the patterns, but i felt frustrated because i still could not figure out which pattern did not belong. There were too many different patterns of silverware, and i could not tell what i was supposed to be matching. I then realized that two wooden-handled steak knives were depicted in the pictures on the test paper, one larger than the other. I looked around the table and noticed that the regular-sized steak knife was on the table. The smaller one was not there, so the picture of the small knife must be the one that was the correct answer. I felt a little better about the test and panned down the page to the next question. The third question had something to do with the playing cards that were on the floor. I looked down at the cards, aware that the teacher was behind me as i tried to read them. A few of the cards had writing on them, and they talked about the numbers on the deck. I was confused, expecting to see a number printed on the decks of cards that were in the boxes in front of me. I looked over the decks, though, and saw that they were in small cardboard boxes with no printing on the outside. The small boxes were tossed into a larger cardboard box. I was confused, not seeing any numbers on the decks. I then decided that i was supposed to estimate the number of cards in the large box. I opened the lid of the wooden box, which used to be a cardboard box, and saw the stacks of cards inside. I wondered how i could easily count them. I knew that there were a certain number of cards in a deck, so i thought that i could count one of the stacks of decks and estimate the cards in total, but then i realized that the stacks within the decks were different sizes. There must have been different sets of cards here other than simple playing cards. I lifted several of the cards in the stacks, wondering how i would count them without counting each card. I then noticed a torn piece of paper in the middle of one of the stacks. It had been torn to about the size of a playing card, and a number was printed on the front of it. This was supposed to be a card, and i decided that i was supposed to count it as well. I felt rushed and had to figure out a way to count the cards quickly.

I headed to the south, down the long hall, which seemed to be part of the school. I had just come out of a shower and had a towel wrapped around my waist. I was aware of a man following me down the hall, and i was a little nervous about him. I had to get dressed for school. I was in the school building early for something. It seemed as though i had been working out in the gym or pool here. I turned to the east and walked down the narrow hall. The walls of the corridor were covered with pale-green tiles. I came into the locker room with the gray metal lockers in rows that ran north to south. I moved to the southern end of the room, where my locker seemed to be against the southern wall. I had to hurry to get dressed before the others came. I took off my black running shirt. As i pulled it off, i realized that it was a black stretch material, with a lacy collar. I felt a little embarrassed to wear it, and i did not want the others to see. I quickly took it off and hid it in my locker while there was no one else around. I then put my clothes on as the others started to come into the locker room. I felt uncomfortable here and wanted to get dressed so that the others did not know what i had been doing before school.

12010 August 11

I grabbed some of the boxes from my can and walked them into the large building, which seemed to be our house on $P2. I had not been to this place in a long time, and it seemed interesting to be back. My mother was with me as i opened the door and headed to the east, down the long hall on the bottom floor of the building. We had lived upstairs before, and i knew that the hallway with the stairwell was to the south of us. I looked down the off-white hallway, noticing how nice the darkly stained shiny wood doors were polished. Something seemed special about this place, and i commented to my mother on how the apartment looked. I then wondered why i had come back here. The corridor seemed to curve to the east-northeast a little, and i followed it, carrying the box in my arms. The end of the corridor opened up into a large room, but i was going to one of the apartments near the end of the corridor, on the northern side of the hallway, just before the corridor ended in the open space. The open space seemed rather crude, and i wondered if it was the basement area of this building. As i approached the end of the corridor, i noticed that there were small booths and tables set up around the open area, which seemed to have a very high ceiling. A conference was being set up in this space, and people were gathering for the event. As i reached the end of the corridor, i noticed that the large room to the east was actually rather empty. I wondered if the conference had ended of whether they were just setting things up. I was interested in the event, but i did not want to get involved at the moment. I then wondered whether i would simply be able to walk into the event from here. People would normally have to buy tickets for this conference, and they would enter the room from the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I had come in from the back way, which i could easily do since i was now living here. I wondered whether they would let me enter the conference without paying. I turned to the north and opened the door to my small apartment. I walked into the orange room and placed the box on the bed, which was against the northern wall. I then turned to the west and walked to the white porcelain sink, which hung from the western end of the southern wall. My parents entered the room behind me and waited for a moment while i did something

12010 August 12

I walked to the east, entering the classroom. I had come in late, and the class had already started. The people were sitting in armchairs around the room, facing north, and they seemed like college students. They were all sad, though, and i realized that something had happened. I sat down, wondering what was happening. The professor talked to us from the northern side of the room, saying something about a lack of graduation. I was surprised that the school would be canceling graduation because of the event that occurred. The college was refusing to graduate people. I sat down, feeling uneasy about the entire situation. It did not seem fair that the university would take out its anger over the events by refusing to graduate its students. A movie was projected onto the screen to the north of me. I watched it for a moment, telling $F45 that these movies are no longer accepted in the college. The environment of the college had changed, and the university was forbidding things they deemed improper. $F45 wandered to the west. I was frustrated here and walked to the west as well, following the small group of people. We were now on the street of the small city, where the others had gathered. Someone was talking about the event that had occurred. They said that it was an earthquake, and i knew that they were talking in the present tense. I stood still for a moment and felt the ground, but i did not notice any vibration. I was sitting in the street, and i had my hands on the ground at my sides. I concentrated on the ground, trying to sense anything. I then felt a sudden heavy vibration. It was very distinct. I wondered if my parents would be able to feel it. They were standing in the crowd somewhere. The vibration started out low, but suddenly increased. Others in the crowd should now be able to feel it. I looked around the crowd to the east of me, but i could not see my parents. I stood up and headed to the west. As i started to move, i became suddenly dizzy. Other people in the crowd had noticed my uneasiness and smiled knowingly as i passed. They understood how the dizziness had come on. I wondered if it had anything to do with the electromagnetic waves that were supposed to emanate from stressed rocks before a quake. I turned to the north and headed into the house, which seemed to be my grandfather’s house. I could no longer see my parents. They should have been in the house, waiting for me, but they were not here. I then wondered where my grandfather was. He was missing, and this seemed very strange. I stood in the living room on the northern side of the house. A pair of large gray pants was on the floor to the east. They seemed out of place, and i moved toward them. The man in the room told me that he did not know whose pants they were. I looked at them, thinking that they were my grandfather’s pants. Something seemed wrong, and i wondered how his pants had been left on the floor of the living room. My grandfather then entered the room from the south and headed toward me. He picked up the pants from the floor and put them on. He was not doing well, and i worried that he was having a bad day mentally. I thought that he must have urinated in the pants before. He must have forgotten and not noticed as he put them back on. I was concerned for him. The others in the room mingled, but i headed to the north, heading down the flight of stairs that led out the back of the house. As i came to the middle of the stairs, i felt something tug on the right side of my shirt. I was wearing a mostly white button-up dress shirt, and the tails seemed to have gotten caught on the eastern side of the stairwell, maybe on the railing. It was not stuck at the moment, but i felt uneasy about the fact that it had gotten caught. Something strange was happening here, and i started to feel uneasy. I looked to the north, continuing down the stairs. Children were playing on the lawn outside. They started a game with balloons. It seemed to be similar to dodgeball. I stood at the base of the stairs, watching the children for a moment, and then one of the older children, who was wearing blue, asked me to join them. I noticed that the women were on the eastern side of the field and the men were on the western side. I said that i would play and started walking to the west, but one of the children asked me to get the ball for them. One of the other players on my team had taken two balls. This was how my team had gathered the good ball. I headed toward the person to the north, in the center of the field, to get more balls, but i realized that all of the balls were gone. I would have to get a ball from someone on one of the teams. I then noticed that the children to the east were no longer on the field. They had run away somewhere. I turned to the west, noticing that the older ones were still there, but they did not seem to know what to do for the game. I felt confused and did not know what we were doing in this game, so i waited on the grass to the north of the filed until someone figured out what was happening.

12010 August 13

$F45 was to the east of me, at the front of the bus that we were in. We were traveling down the street of the small city. I could hear the music playing from somewhere on the bus, and i thought that it was playing from the bus’s speakers. The music was oddly loud, though, and i wondered why it had been turned up so much. The music was also slower than i had expected. I recognized the song, but it was not being played at the correct speed. It did not sound slowed down, though, so it must have been a different version of the song. It seemed very strange.

I walked to the north, down the narrow paved driveway that ran through the center of the grassy par. I had to bring my camera back to my car, which was parked on the western side of the road, facing north. Several other cars were parked around my small white car. I opened the driver’s door of the white car and sat on the seat. The car seemed very nice, though it was worn from use. I would have to lock up the car before i left so that no one would steal my things while i was at the place to the southeast. A white hand crank was on the black padding of the driver’s door to roll up the windows. The car seemed very basic, but i liked it. It was actually an old minivan. I was standing to the west of the car when i locked it and started walking to the south. I then realized that i did not have my camera with me. I turned back to the car and looked inside, but i could not see the camera in the car. I wondered what i had done with it. I felt suddenly upset that i did not have my camera with me, and i wondered if someone had stolen it.

12010 August 15

I was walking through the hallways of the large school building. The tiled walls seemed pale brown or tan with white upper parts to match the white ceiling. I had been heading east, but turned to the north, down the wide short corridor that led into the center of the building. The corridor ended only fifteen or twenty meters to the north of the corridor i had been in. A passageway ran from the end of the corridor to the west, and there were two doors recessed into the northern wall of the corridor. A corridor also ran to the east, from the center of the corridor, with a short set of stairs leading up to it from the corridor. The stairs extended into the corridor a little. They had metal handrails. I started up the stairs, which seemed like a long ramp to the east. $A14 was crouching on the floor near the northern wall at the near end of corridor at the top of the stairs. He was trying to open the combination lock on one of the lockers near the ground. I remembered that i had changed the combination on the lock before, and i wondered if he knew that. I stopped for a moment, watching him do something with the lock. The lock was attached to the locker in the center of a small tan box, which matched the color of the metal locker. $A14 was writing something on the top of the combination casing with a black felt marker. I looked closely to see what he was doing, thinking that he was writing out parts of the combination. Instead, he had written the name “George”. I turned to the east and walked up the stairs again from the main hallway. This time, there was a door at the top of the stairs that led into the school’s locker room, where the daily lockers of the students were. As i started through the doorway, three teenage girls walked out. They seemed suspicious. As they passed me, i heard a man calling for help. I felt suddenly annoyed with the girls, thinking that they had locked someone in one of the lockers in the locker room. I walked through the locker room, realizing that the sound was coming from the tall gray locker at the end of the northern wall. This was not done by the girls. It was the same boy who had been put in the locker by the other boys before. I felt a little annoyed as i let him out of the locker. He would never admit that there was a problem. I talked to him about it as he stepped out, but he denied that anyone specific had done anything to him. Another teacher then came into the room from the east. He was the teacher who had been crouching down in the hallway, looking at the locker. He walked toward us, asking us if everything was okay. The boy quickly said yes, but i shook my head when the teacher looked at me. I wanted the boy to discuss what was wrong with him, but he would not. He left the room, somewhat angry, heading off to class. I the teacher followed him out to his class, and i thought that the teacher would be better at dealing with the boy than i would, since i was not really part of the school faculty. I felt that the problem should be solved. I walked to the west, through the corridors of the offices. These were the offices of $G6. As i came into the center of the open office area, which was partitioned into smaller cubicles, i realized that i had forgotten to bring my computer with me. I had left the bag at home, and this made me suddenly upset and annoyed. I started to turn around, thinking that i would have to go all the way back home to get my laptop. I then realized that i was in an office where they had many computers. I could simply use one of the computers here. I continued to the east, down the narrow corridor between the gray cubical wall on the south and the off-white plaster wall to the north. A room opened up to the north where a small cubical was. The white counter on the northern wall of the cubical was empty, and the computer was missing from the desk on the eastern wall. I felt suddenly easy. The desk had several brown boxes and some other things on them. Someone must have taken over the office. I wondered whether i had been moved out of this office and not told. I moved back a little to the west to see if $A261’s desk was still there. Instead of a desk in her cubicle, there was a round table on the western side that appeared to be a display table. Several pamphlets and booklets were set out, advertising the company. Something felt wrong. At the back end of the table were several monitors, but they seemed to be set up for projecting videos. There were no computers attached to them. I started to head to the west, back out of the office. I did not know what to do, and i thought that i should ask the people at the front desk what had happened. I noticed some men to the east, standing down the corridor from me. They were East Asian, and i remembered them from outside the building. I walked around the desk near the northern wall and continued down the narrow corridor between the cubicles. The corridor had a few jogs from side to side in it, and i followed them, passing through a doorway in the thin cubicle walls. The walls of these cubicles were dull-orange, and they seemed almost like a maze. I was having a hard time getting through them. I finally saw the office on the other side of the building. I had been heading to the east again, so i turned around to the west and walked up to the counter on the western wall, which seemed like a reception desk. The woman behind the desk seemed to be the office manager, and i asked her where our equipment was. She seemed suddenly upset by the question, and she began to cry. I explained to her that our things were no longer in our offices, and this made her upset. I did not know what to do. Something must have happened that i did not know about.

12010 August 16

I picked up the thing and carried it to the north. The room was now an open grassy field, and there was a fenced-in area to the northwest of me. The area was small and square, and it was surrounded by a short metal chain-link fence. We would have to move this area, and i thought that it would be better to put some of the things in the area to get them ready to move. I approached the area from the east, stopping at the fence to drop some of the items over the fence. I then noticed that there were some long thin metal poles sticking over the top of the fence. I did not want them to catch on anything, so i tried to curl them back into the area. I moved to the southern side of the area, leaning over the fence to bend the long rods back into the inside of the fence. The rods seemed to be part of a stack, which ran east to west. Someone must have thrown them over the fence in preparation, but did not make sure that the ends were inside the fence. The others then moved in the northern section of the fenced-in area, and i decided that it would be easier for me to arrange things if i were inside the fence. I stepped over the fence, which now seemed to be made of a flexible material, like light plastic. As i reached the inside, the area started moving. I turned to the south, looking down the river that we were floating on. To the north of me, a woman tried to steer the island down the channel in the wide river. We were floating along the western coast of the river. The current in the muddy water seemed to be moving very fast, but we did not seem to be moving that fast. I looked to the south, noticing a large yellow construction vehicle across the road ahead of us, just around the bend. The green trees on the western shore obscured most of the truck, but i could see the large dull metal bin of the dump truck as we rounded the curved coast, still heading south. I turned to warn the woman behind me. The square grassy area slowed in the water as we neared the construction vehicle. It was pushing dirt into the channel ahead of us, so we would not be able to travel down this side of the river. There was a shallow dirt island to the east of us, which separated us from the rest of the river, so we would have to back up. The woman seemed annoyed with the obstacle, but she started turning the large boat wheel in front of her. The plot of land backed up a little and turned to the southeast. I looked to the east, out across the wide river, unable to see the opposite shore. The muddy waters seemed to be moving very fast to the south, and i started to feel uneasy about riding on them. We started moving faster to the southeast, and i noticed that we were heading into a standing turbulence wave on the water. I felt uneasy and turned to the north to head back across the grassy area so that i did not get wet when the wave broke over the front of the area.

12010 August 17

The car turned to the east and headed down the city street. We seemed to be on the northern side of the city. The land to the north seemed to slope up hill sharply, and there seemed to be a slight rise to the south. I looked up at the tall city buildings above us as we drove. My attention was focused on the tall buildings on the southern side of the road. The road curved slowly from the northeast to the east, and i watched the buildings pass as we rounded the curve. They seemed to be wooden structures, but they were tall enough that they were probably made of cement. There were many windows on the face of the building, and each of the windows seemed to be at a different level, as if the building was made up of a stack of small glass houses. The structure was very elegant, and it seemed rather modern. There seemed to be a lot of glass on the building, and i started thinking about how the windows of the smaller apartments might get squeezed between the cement of the building. Everything here seemed too compact, as if large apartments were compressed into a small area. I described this to the people in the front seats of the car as we traveled. The building to the south at eye-level seemed to be a series of tall narrow rectangles of cement and glass now. I pointed out a very narrow glass window in the middle of the building, thinking that the glass had been squeezed between the two buildings. I then looked up at the top of the building as we continued around the corner. The top again seemed elegant, with wooden beams framing large glass windows. I could see into the apartments because the setting sun was to the northwest of where i was. The buildings seemed brown against the blue sky, and i could see a large library in one of the towers. The building was shaped like a Scandinavian ski chalet, with horizontal beams sticking out from the evens of the roof and a thicker horizontal beam running under the eves. The northern side of the room was house shaped and covered with a huge glass window, through which i could see the many shelves of books covering all of the walls. I was surprised to see that it was a library, because i had thought that all of these buildings were apartments of rich people. As we passed the window, i stared at the books, imagining that it could be a private library of an individual. I liked the design of the building, and wanted to live in a similar place. I then started looking at the other windows in the buildings. The building had similar towers, with wide glass windows. I looked at some of the lower windows, noticing that they were libraries as well. I started to think that this building was not full of private apartments. I then noticed several windows in a row on the white part of the building that seemed to look into a large storeroom. I could see stacks of lampshades on multiple levels of the room, as if i was looking into a giant warehouse. The lampshades were not packaged, though. They simply seemed to be clean and stacked, as if on display. This must be part of the lamp store. I remembered commenting on this store when $F45 and some others had driven past before. I looked to the east some more to see other windows on the store. This was the new fancy store where the modern items were sold. I mentioned it, and someone mentioned its name. I then noticed the large dull-purple and yellow sign on the side of the store. The large purple part in the center seemed to form an X, and the yellow cursive writing was written across it. The sign was on the western end of the northern wall of a lower section of the building to the southeast of me. The car continued through the tall buildings of the city, and i turned to the northeast, looking up at the towering cement structures. Several of them seemed to be apartment building. I then noticed the two smaller white buildings that were side by side. They both stood on narrow metal poles, and i thought that they had been part of a larger building that had been taken down. They were now all that remained. I then looked at the individual apartments on the southern faces of the eastern building. The building as a whole seemed like a stack of smaller houses, and i realized that the weight of the building could not be supported by such a narrow pole. The building was actually a set of bird houses. They would be light enough that the pole could support the weight. We seemed to pass under the front of the eastern building, and i looked up at it, admiring the clean shapes of the houses on the front. A taller cement skyscraper rose behind it. The car continued to the east, following a curving street through the city. I stared at the other buildings here, fascinated by them. They seemed very attractive, and it felt nice to be here.

12010 August 19

I left the gathering and headed to the west, into the schoolyard. There was a tall row of shrubs on the southern side of the yard, and i walked with the other person into the yard, staying near the southern side. There seemed to be some young children playing to the west, but we stood on the eastern end of the yard, where several adults were gathered. I sat down on the grass and talked to my friend, who seemed to be $F1. There was something i kept thinking about. It seemed to have something to do with the conference that we had just been at. Some people moved around me and i was standing now near a cement sidewalk that ran across the yard. The school building seemed to be to the southeast and east of me. My friend was still with me, but i seemed to be sitting on the grass, thinking. I was facing south with my elbows on my knees. Three young high-school students approached us from the south, heading to the northeast, crossing the lawn diagonally between the paths. I watched them as they moved and listened to them talking. They were discussing something that seemed interesting. I did not say anything as they paused to the east of us, but i wanted to join their conversation. They seemed to be separating and going different directions. I stood up now, saying something to the man to the west of me. It was getting dark now, and there were a large number of students to the northwest of us starting to leave the event. It seemed to be a field trip in a building. There were yellow school busses parked along the southern side of the street to the northwest, but not all of the students seemed to be getting into them. I started wandering around the neighborhood that surrounded us. This place seemed like $P17, and i started wandering to the east down a street. Several of the high-school students were wandering to their houses around me, but most seemed to be getting onto the bus. I then noticed that there were busses parked on the southern side of the street ahead of me as well. One set was from the field trip, and the other was from the local high school. I started to worry that some of the high-school students might not be able to get home easily, but i thought that they could easily walk to the busses that were to the east of me. I looked back to see that some of the busses were starting to leave from the northwest. As i walked down the street past the other set of busses, i glanced back again to see if the bus was heading my direction. I could not see it, and i started to wonder whether the students would be able to get a bus back to the high school from the field trip. I then noticed a young boy walking ahead of me. He did not seem to live in this neighborhood, and i thought that he was going to get on one of the busses ahead. Instead, he wandered past the busses. Something seemed wrong about this. He seemed to be from elementary school, and he was wearing a light dark-blue jacket and carrying a blue and red backpack. I wondered why he did not get onto one of the busses on the side of the street. I paused on the sidewalk on the southwestern corner of the intersection, just past where the bus was parked. To my surprise, the young boy wandered aimlessly into the street ahead of me, not looking where he was going. I felt suddenly worried for him and ran after him. I was aware that the bus driver behind me was watching. It was dark now, and the headlights of a car were approaching us from the south. I held up my saddlebag, which i had been carrying in my left hand. It had a reflective surface on the outside, so i thought it would be quite noticeable to the approaching car. I grabbed the back of the child’s jacket and hurried him to the opposite corner of the intersection. I was aware that the bus driver behind me was walking around outside of his bus. I looked at the child’s face, noticing that he seemed dazed or unaware of where he was. I asked him where he was going, and he said that his home was in $P53. That seemed to be quite a distance from here, and i wondered how he was going to get home. I thought that he should head back on the school bus, but i wondered if there would be a way for him to get back to $P53 from the school. I thought that something must have been arranged, but i was not certain. I could not take care of him, so i asked the bus driver if the child could ride with him back to the high school. The driver, who had been pacing in front of his bus, turned to me and listened. I told him that the child lived in $P53, but said that he went to the high school here. I thought that he probably only had an address from $P53, and i mentioned this to the bus driver.

12010 August 21

I walked quickly through the narrow streets of the large city. This place seemed special, and i wondered if it was related to the City. There were two other people with me, and we were cautious not to get caught here by the others. I felt a strong connection to this place, and knew that it was somewhere in Mexico City. It was an old city that had been abandoned a long time age. The stone walls around us were tan and made of something like sandstone. The other two men with me seemed to be carrying rifles. I worried that the guards here would come after us, but i knew that we would be safe once we crossed into the city. I stepped up onto the ramp that rose to the north, crossing the narrow water channel at the large square entrance to the structure. We were walking on to the island. I had a familiarity with this place, knowing that there was some special power here. It seemed as though this city might have an extraterrestrial connection. The people who guarded this place did not know about it, but i knew that there was something special here, and i felt that we had to get in to do something. I thought about turning on some of the complicated machines here, knowing that i could activate them simply by thinking. This technology was advanced, but my connection to this place allowed me to use it without actually touching it. The people with me were unaware of this power i had, and the man to the northwest of me turned to look at me with a questioning unease. Now that we were on the island, my connection to this place was strong enough that we no longer need to worry about the guards. I imagined turning on several of the machines here to push the guards out of the way and allow us to take over the city. I moved around in the central chamber here, which seemed to have gold walls, though the color was less reflective and closer to a yellowish tan. I turned on some of the machines with my mind as we paused in the central room of the building. There then seemed to be people firing guns somewhere in the building. I turned to the man to the south of me and said something. He was smiling widely at me as i said something, and i realized that he was Seann William Scott. We started walking to the north. We had to get back into the city. We crossed the outdoor area, which seemed to be in the middle of a poor section of town. The tan adobe buildings rose to the east and west of us as we passed down the narrow alley to the north. I glanced back at the man to the west of me, thinking that he was actually very attractive, but i tried not to stare at him. We started jogging to the north. I was worried that the men with guns were coming from the south of us, but i knew that i would be safe inside the special city. I had a relationship to it that protected me from the bad guys. We passed under some tree branches, which hung over the side of a wall on the east. The ground under us was grassy now, and we seemed to be in a rural area. We turned to the west and hopped over the short wall. The thick stone wall seemed to be only a meter or so tall when we jumped on top of it, but it was three or more meters wall when we jumped down on the other side. The top of the wall had a stone cap over it, and the lower section seemed to be covered with adobe. I paused and looked to the north and south. We were on the street of a small town. I knew that we had to go north, but i looked around the area. Something about the people in long clothing reminded me of Italy. There was something about this place that made me feel aware of my surrounding, but i could not figure out where it was. This place had something to do with the ancient city on the island that was the control center of a ancient advanced civilization. I started to the north, trying to remember how i had come before. The man to the west of me followed. He said something to me, and i turned to look at him again. He was now Matthew McConaughey. I still felt attracted to him, but we had to do something, so i continued to the north.

12010 August 25

I pushed the small cart to the northeast, down the first set of steps in the large old city building. The place seemed dingy, but it was familiar. I slided to the bottom of the steps and looked to the northwest, where there was a counter. The walls of this hallway were made of stone, and the room was illuminated with fluorescent light. I thought that i remembered this place from somewhere before, but i was not quite sure. The walls of the corridor were a dark greenish marble, but the counter to the northwest seemed to be surrounded by a brown marble. The counter itself was tannish yellow and seemed to be the front counter of the police station. Other people walked up and down the stairs around me as i stared for a moment at the counter. The man behind it seemed to be a sixties stereotype of a police officer: a bulky older man with short gray curly hair and a dark-blue uniform with a matching hat. He looked down at something in the counter as i started to pass by. I was not quite sure that it was the counter that i remembered from the police station, but i tried to convince myself that it was. This place seemed so familiar that i thought it should be the place i remembered. I continued down the corridor to the southeast. The corridor seemed to run along the southwestern side of the building. From where i stood, there was a set of stairs ascending to the northwest, into the building, and a set of stairs descending to the southeast, toward the exit to the building. The doorway seemed to be an old-fashioned set of three doors in a large iron frame. I was now on the short platform between the two stets of stairs with the counter to the northeast of me. I had to get somewhere, so i turned my attention to the stairs descending to the southeast and headed down. I tried to hurry, but there were now people in front of me. I slowed down as i reached the group of three people as we exited the building. They seemed dressed in long dull-colored jackets. Outside, the hill sloped steeply down from the building. It seemed as though we had exited the building through a side exit, and there was a narrow set of cement stairs winding down the rocky hill to the north. I was heading down the short flight to the east, waiting for the woman ahead of me, who was now going very slowly. I felt impatient with her and looked to the north at the long flights of cement stairs that ran back and forth along the slope of the hill. I tried to hurry past the woman, but i could not get by her, and i felt more and more impatient. At one of the corners in the cement path, between flights of stairs, the woman finally stopped and i could squeeze past her. I hurried down the stair, again descending through the corridor of the precinct. I looked again at the counter, thinking that this must be the police station that i was familiar with and not some other building that just happened to look similar. I headed down the stairs to the northeast and out the door. I came out on the eastern side of the building, in the dark city street. The street sloped down slightly to the north, and i followed the other person down the sidewalk. There were a few cars parked on the outside of the sidewalk, near the building. We discussed the thing that was to the south of us. It was some kind of event that we had been to earlier. As we reached the northeastern corner of the large brick building, which was at the intersection of the narrow city streets, i paused, looking tot he west at my red car, which was parked on the street to the north of the building. I talked with the other person, who seemed to be $F4. My red car was parked here from earlier, but i knew that i had left my small white car near the event to the south. I realized that i would not be able to take both of my cars home, because i could only drive one. I discussed this with $F4 for a moment. I felt very indecisive, wondering what i should do. I could not decide which car to take home. As my friend walked off to the east, i decided that i should probably go back to the south and get my white car. It seemed that the red car would be safer here, near the police station than my white car would be parked next to the park. I pictured the small white car on the western side of the street, just to the east of a small green park. The event seemed to have happened in the park. I realized that i would be walking back through the city alone, which seemed like a long way to go at night, but i told myself that it should be safe. I then looked at my red car again, noticing that it was parked a little way from the building. It was not in the street, but it seemed to be away from other things, as though it was in the middle of a small lot. It was facing southeast and seemed to be a red Jetta from the eighties. I decided that i should not leave the red car where it was. I drove it to the east.

12010 August 26

I moved quickly though the rooms of the large building. There was something special about this building. I then noticed the large book that was open to the west of me. It was resting on a white pedestal, with the top tipped up and the pages facing to the north-northeast. I moved past a few other people and looked at the large black and white drawing that filled both pages. It was a picture of a man, drawn mostly in white. His features were narrow and he was wearing draped clothing. He seemed to be old, with a white beard and wispy hair. He held his hands in front of himself, as if begging or praying, and he seemed to be glancing slightly up. Behind him, the ocean was dark, drawn with thin white lines representing the separations of the waves. There were boats on the water, but they were tipped up or sinking on their sides. Men splashed around the small fishing boats, which looked like long wooden rowboats. In the background, a white whale poked its head up out of the water, to the left of the man’s head. This seemed to be a scene from Moby Dick, but i thought that there were too many boats sinking in the water. Something was not quite right about the picture. The man in the foreground was Don Quixote. He was the tragic figure of the story. Something seemed out of place in the picture, though. I thought about the names as i wandered around the eastern side of the book. Don Quixote was not from Moby Dick, so the stories seemed confusing with the characters. I told the others in the room that the names did not seem right for the story, and i tried to figure it out. Something did not make sense here. I started to move away from the books, heading south, trying to remember the man. I felt that i had to figure this out, but i could not quite grasp the names or the story. There now seemed to be several small white pedestals in the room, forming an arc from the south to the northeast and bending to the northwest. I stopped just to the west of the arc, thinking about this. I then noticed the white thing moving to the east. It seemed to be a small whale, swimming under the wooden floor. I could see it as though i was looking through clear water. I felt frightened of it and moved to the west, on the opposite side of one of the thick pillars, hoping to stay out of its view. I was afraid that it was coming after me. It moved to the northeast of me, and i moved close to the southwestern side of the pillar. The others were still talking to me from somewhere in the room. I could not see them, but i could hear their voices as though they were very close to me.

I crossed the room to the east, leaving $F45 in the room to the southwest of me. I was carrying something into the large kitchen as i turned to the south. This building seemed to be $P19, and i was taking dirty dishes back. There was a counter along the western wall of the kitchen, and i placed the dishes there. I then moved to the south of the large wooden cutting counter in the center of the room, picking up some of the dishes from there. I had a dish of pudding in my hand, and i had to put it away with some of the other leftovers. I moved a little to the east and scraped the rest of the tan pudding into the small bowl that was on the wooden counter. There were several small bowls of leftovers on the counter, and i scraped the pudding into one of the bowls on the eastern side. As i dumped the tan gel, which had a lighter colored crust on top, into the bowl, i realized that the darker-brown substance in the bowl was probably not pudding. It seemed more like a chocolate cake with a thin tan glazing on top. I hoped that i did not mess up the meals. I turned to the west and put the empty pudding bowl on the metal counter near the sink, which was against the western wall. I turned back to the wooden counter to the north of me. The pudding i had scooped into the bowl on top of the cake seemed to be dissolving into the cake. I hoped that i did not ruin it as i cleared some of the empty plates from the counter and moved them to the west. I then picked up a small plate of pudding. I felt hungry and wanted to eat it. I tasted a small section of it with a spoon and then placed the plate back on the counter to the north of me. I started pacing east. I really should not be eating the pudding, but i wanted to. I would have to finish it in the kitchen so that no one would see me eating it. As i chewed it, someone came into the kitchen from the north. I was still wandering to the east and did not pay attention to them. I had to pretend that i was not eating. The person then left. I decided that i would not eat the rest of the pudding and left the kitchen, heading to the north and then back to the west. I came into the living room. $A59 was reclined in a fake-leather chair to the northwest, against the western wall. He nodded in acknowledgement as i smiled at him. I then turned to the south to see $F45 in a similar chair. He was facing east, watching the television with some other people. I felt bad for leaving him alone in the house. He did not know many people here, and i hoped that he did not feel out of place. I moved to him.

12010 August 27

I moved down the corridor to the west. The hallway was tall, with yellowish-tan walls. The corridor opened up a little to the south as i neared the western end. There seemed to be a doorway on the southern side of the western end of the hall. Two figures walked out of it and followed the curve of the southern wall. They headed east, but curved to the southeast, following the glossy wall. I stopped to the northeast of them, where the southern wall of the corridor ended. There was another narrower corridor curving to the southeast just on the other side of the wall. The two men seemed to be Darth Vader and General Tarkin. They had invaded this spaceship and were looking for Princess Lea. They did not notice me as they passed into the corridor to the south. I walked to the west. I was playing the part of Princess Lea, and i walked to the long narrow bench, which ran along the curving southern wall at the western end of the corridor. This was not the way this scene was supposed to happen. We were aboard the starship at the beginning of the movie, and Darth Vader was supposed to capture me, but they could not find me. I had been delayed getting into the room, and they did not notice me as they walked past. I sat on the bench, glancing to the east, wondering what i should do. I did not want to be captured, but i knew that the ship was under attack, and i could not do anything about it. I tried to remember how the people had invaded the ship from the east, and i stood up and walked to the east to see how the battle was going. I remembered that the androids would me crossing the hallway to the east of me at some point. I wondered what Princess Lea should do. I turned back to the west. Darth Vader and General Tarkin were again walking down the corridor to the southwest of me, and again they did not see me before they disappeared down the corridor to the southeast. I felt out of place here, and walked back to the bench against the southern wall to wait.

12010 August 28

My parents and i headed to the north, out of the small room of the building. The walls were pale green, and this seemed to be some kind of curio shop, though there seemed to be nothing in the rooms around us. I was watching us walk across the room to the north from high above the room. My parents and my grandmother were ahead of me as we turned to the east and started climbing up the spiraling staircase. The stairwell was rectangular, and the stairs ran along the walls, heading up in a clockwise turn. I followed my parents up the stairs. There were short walls on the insides of the stairs, and, as i ascended to the north on the western side of the stairwell, i realized that i could see the next set of steps to the east. They seemed to be just over the central wall, ascending to the south. My parents were to the south of me, and i thought that i could simply hop the wall and get ahead of them. I rolled my torso over the wall, trying to get to the other set of steps, but i seemed to have trouble getting over the wall. I was on my stomach, looking down at the stairs. I could see the old ragged green carpeting on the stairs that i had come from, but the flat surface to the east of me was made of plywood that had been painted pale green, the same color as the walls and rails. I realized that this was the intermediary set of steps. It was more of a ramp, and it ran in the opposite direction of where we were going. I had been on these before, and they never let me climb to where i was supposed to be. I would be able to climb the stairs to the east, but i would be between the set that my relatives were on, which meant that i might not be able to get to the doorway that they were on. I backed up and landed back on the carpeted stairs. My parents were already above me. I looked up and to the west, noticing that there was a doorway just above me to the southwest, across the central opening of the stairwell. My father walked up the ramp from the north, which ascended along the western wall, and walked through the door. I would have to hop down to the ramp from the northern side of the stairwell, as i had seen my mother do. I felt uncomfortable doing this, though. Instead, i moved to the south and jumped toward the platform in front of the door. I landed on my chest at the edge of the platform, with my legs dangling over. I did not feel that i would fall over the edge, but i was annoyed that i would have to pull myself up. There was a wooden chest of drawers against the western wall, just to the northwest of me. It was very narrow and only a meter or so tall. I felt annoyed, and pulled on the small piece of furniture with my right hand, pulling it over the edge and letting it fall down the center of the stairwell behind me. I knew that i should not have been so destructive, but i felt uneasy. I then grabbed the wooden leg of the cushioned chair and pulled it over the edge as well. The chair had a pale-green velvet cushion in the seat, with a matching pad in the middle of the curved ornately carved wooden backboard. I looked over my left shoulder to see the chair land on top of the cabinet in the center of the stairwell. I felt bad for throwing them over the edge, and i suddenly realized that someone might be watching me. I remembered that there were always cameras everywhere. The owners on the first floor of the building were probably watching me from a camera. I glanced up, noticing the black round camera mount in the center of the ceiling. I felt frustrated and pulled myself up onto the platform, which was to the west, acting as though i was annoyed that i had pulled the furniture over the edge. I turned to the east and hopped back across the gap to the stairs. I started descending, pretending that i was upset that i had knocked the furniture over. I would have to pretend that i had grabbed it as i tried to pull myself up. As i started down a flight of stairs to the south, an old rounded man stopped in front of me. He was the owner of the building, and he was $A220. He seemed annoyed with me, so i mentioned casually that i had knocked over some furniture by accident. He did not believe me, and seemed disappointed. He turned to follow me as i headed down the stairs, saying that he wanted to talk to me. I felt uneasy about this. We headed down the corridor to the west. I then pictured the scene starting over. We were back in the small library to the east of the store, where the landlords were. I stood on the western side of the long rectangular wooden table. A woman was on the northern side, and a young man was to the east. My parents were with me in the scene, but these other people represented the people that i had been with. This now seemed like a mystery, and we had not yet discovered the hidden stairway. I could see the trap door under the table. I wondered if i could notice it by walking back and forth over it. I knew that we had never discovered it, though. My relatives had simply walked behind the tapestry on the northern wall and entered the stairwell that way. The man to the east called out to everyone in the room as he crouched down and knocked on the edge of the door. The trap door seemed to be made of thick rough plastic, and there was a name imprinted on the eastern side of it, near a rectangular depression. I had known that it was a trap door, but it was not the way that we had entered the stairwell. This scene was not right. It did not happen this way before. We had simply stumbled across the stairwell and only then realized that there had been a trap door in the floor. The scene repeated a few times, but i started to get frustrated with it because it was not the way it should have been. I decided that they had edited the scenes to make them more interesting to the audience. They added the more attractive young man finding the door between the scenes of us in the library and us on the stairs, implying that we had discovered the trap door first.

The car pulled up to the east from the north, and i had been sitting in the passenger’s seat. I was now outside the rear passenger’s door, watching the others get out of the car. I moved back to the passenger’s seat, opening the door to get the rest of my things. $A608 seemed to be driving the car, and we leaned forward and smiled as i grabbed my gray flannel jacket from the passenger’s seat. I felt awkward getting out of the car, as though i was very tired and i was being rushed. I had to make sure that i got all of my things out of the car, so i reached forward and picked up everything from the floor. I seemed to have several things here. I wanted to grab them all, but i was not sure how i could carry them, so i tossed the jacket that had been over my left arm onto the ground to the west of me and turned around to grab some more things. There was a yellow set of earphones on the floor of the front seat, as well as two silver soda cans that were attached is some way. I pulled my things out of the car and turned to the southwest. The people moving to the southwest were $G3, and they were heading back into the house. There was an event happening here, and we were gathering for it. I felt a little out of place, thinking that i was older than most of the people here. I carried the soda cans inside, entering the house through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern side of the building. I walked south into the pale-green room and then turned to the west. Several people passed me as they headed farther into the house, but i was not quite sure what i should do. I did not think that i should stay for the event, because i felt uncomfortable. The entry room seemed to be on the eastern side of the house, and had little furnishing. It was open to the west, into a long central room. Just to the north of the central room, on the eastern side, was a small room that seemed to be a dining room. There were several $G3 standing around the long wooden rectangular table there. I placed the cans of soda on the table, and one of the men from the western side leaned forward to grab a can. I really wanted to keep some of the soda for myself, and i thought that i should take two of the cans home with me. I grabbed one from the table and turned back to the east, contemplating what i should do.

12010 August 30

I looked at the gray sheet of paper as i sat in the classroom, facing north. I was doing the laboratory experiment and had written my results on the paper. I had measured the water and written down the temperature at which it boiled. I then thought about the calculation. A woman moved to the north of me, and i told her my results. I then looked at the gray sheet of paper again, thinking about the experiment. It seemed as though i was doing this several times over, though i knew that i had only done it once and was simply running through the process in my mind again. I looked down the paper to see the writing in red ink, where i had written 760 at the end of a line of printed text. That was the temperature at which the water had boiled. Something seemed awkward about the calculation, though, so i clarified to the woman that the measurement was the partial pressure of the water. The number for the actual boiling point was higher. I suddenly realized that i could have calculated the boiling point directly with a slightly different experiment, and i wondered why i had not done so. I looked at the paper, explaining to the woman that she would just have to subtract my number from the other to get the total boiling point. I felt a little foolish for not realizing that i could have done the experiment to get the total number directly. I explained my experiment to myself, though, thinking that i had a mixture of water and some other substance in the clear beaker, which was sitting on the counter to the west of me now. The water was in a solution, so the temperature was only a partial pressure. I looked at the gray paper again, aware that i had run through this scene several times, with slightly different results. I wondered how i would figure it out. I stood up and moved across the classroom, thinking about the situation. There was something here that i was not doing. The teacher was at the northern end of the room, and she was saying something to the class. I was sitting in the armchair on the eastern side of the room, looking at the papers in front of me, and feeling a little confused. The teacher said that we would be unable to do something, and i felt a little disappointed about it. She seemed to say that we were not prepared to do it, but i thought that i still had my stuff packed from home. I still had a lunch that i had brought with me, so i felt a little more prepared. I was uncertain, though, and wondered what i should do. The class was starting to wander off to the southeast, but i did not know why they were doing so. Something was not right here, and i could not figure it out. I needed to do something to correct the situation, but i felt that i had to get my things from home. I started wandering to the north, crossing the grassy area, which seemed to be just to the southeast of $P192. I was aware of the college buildings to the north and northwest of me, but i looked down at the ragged green grass on the hill under me. The hill sloped down to the north. I moved quickly over the grass, stopping suddenly at a deep narrow channel in the ground. I put my left foot over the channel and rested some of my weight on the top of the northern wall. Looking below me, i could see the cement stairs that ascended from the east to the west. I felt suddenly amused here and thought that i could act like a superhero, standing atop the walls. I then noticed a young man turning into the stairs from the north. He came from the outside of the northern wall and turned to the west to walk up the stairs. He glanced up at me as he noticed i was standing above him. He did not seemed concerned about me and simply continued up the stairs. I thought about my pose and decided that i should move. I turned to the southeast and jumped onto the grass. I wanted to do something exciting, but i was not sure what. I looked over the edge to the east, noticing that the dirt ground below was a few meters down. I wanted to jump down to it, but i was worried that it would be too far down. I did not want to get hurt by jumping, so i suddenly felt disappointed and wondered what i should do.

12010 August 31

I was with my parents as we drove the small car to the north, crossing the train tracks and heading into $P127. I looked out the eastern window of the car, noticing that we were starting to lift into the air. The car was actually a small airplane. I wondered why we were driving no the city streets in an airplane. I looked out at the power lines to the northeast of us. They were running down the eastern side of the street. We had to be careful not to get caught on them as we rose. I kept wondering why we had been driving on the streets, though. As the small airplane turned to the east, i noticed that we were again driving on a road. I wondered why we had started driving again. I then realized that we were driving up hill to the east. The road went up the steep hill to the east, turning to the south as it rose across the glassy hill. It seemed strange that we were traveling on the road in the small red plane, but i realized that we were probably heading to the top of the hill so that we could take off from the other side. A car passed us on the north, heading down hill. I wondered where the wings to the airplane were and i looked up at the side of the car, noticing that the wings had been folded in. My mother had been doing something near the ceiling of the car, and i realized that she must have been pulling in the short yellow wing on her side of the airplane. I watched her for a moment, noticing her leaning out the side of the car to do something with the wing. I then heard a bumping noise to the southeast of me, toward the front of the car. I looked and realized that we were now in a tunnel. The corrugated metal ceiling of the tunnel was very low, and it had scraped the front edge of the car. The car no longer had a roof, and i could see the rounded lip at the front of the cabin just under the metal roof. The yellow metal was folded around the edge of the lip, which was raised higher than the sides of the cabin. I would have to duck down under the seat to avoid being hit by the metal roof of the tunnel. The car did not appear to be moving, however, and i wondered how we were going to make it through. The wings were folded in, so they would not get stuck, but the back of the cabin might hit the top of the tunnel on the far end. We seemed to be just a few meters from the top of the hill, where the road turned sharply to the east. I knew that it descended steeply on the other side. We would probably pick up speed down the hill and take off from there. I wondered if there was a sudden turn in the road by a cliff that my father was trying to drive us over to get lift. I was then outside the tunnel, thinking about the car. I realized that the large metal tail of the airplane would be sticking up above the cabin. It would not be able to make it though the tunnel. I mentioned this to my mother, asking how we were going to get through. I started moving to the east, away from the car, thinking that it would pass though the tunnel, even though it seemed too big. I started walking on the cement pavement to the south of the building as the others headed into the building. There were people walking around. I then realized that the large salamander that i had been carrying in my hands was suddenly upset. It started thrashing its head back and forth. I looked at the hellbender, noticing that its wide mouth was open and it was swinging its head left to right, as though trying to bite something. A small red moth flew past it, and i thought that the animal might be hungry. We had been in the car for a very long time, and i had been carrying the hellbender with me. It must be very hungry from the trip, since we had not yet fed it. I then looked over its white and pale-yellow body. It had several brown spots developing near its tail, and the very tip of its tail seemed dark-brown and shriveled. It was getting sick from captivity, and i started to feel bad for it. A man commented on the animal as he walked past me with his daughter, coming from the southwest, passing to the southeast, and heading into the building on the north. The animal was still thrashing back and forth, so i put it down on the ground so that it might catch some insects. It quickly scampered to the north, its body oscillating like a lizard as it ran. I watched it run toward the building and then turn to the west. I tried to follow it, but it blended into the cement ground, and i had trouble watching it move. I mentioned this to the man as i started to look for it on the ground. It was dark now, but i had a flashlight to try to find the animal. I then noticed it scurrying to the south of me, heading east. I remembered that there was a small creek on the eastern side of the cement building. The cement yard on which i was standing was situated in the corner of an L-shaped building to the north and east of me. Since the animal was starting to look sickly, i thought that i should bring it to the water. I then saw it running to the east, across the southern side of the eastern wing of the building. I followed it, hoping that it did not escape too easily. As i came near the edge of the building, i looked down the grassy slope to the east to see a wide marshy pond. There were short reeds in the water near the western shore. The lake seemed clearly lighted in the moon light. The hellbender had turned to the north, though, and ran up the eastern side of the building. I wondered if it had gone toward the creek. I turned to the north, but saw only tall weeds growing on the side of the building. There seemed to be a narrow weed filled corridor running between the building and the tall dirt levee to the east. There was a thick brown wooden utility pole just to the northeast of me, in the edge of the embankment, and there seemed to be a chain-link fence running from it to the north. I moved past the pole, looking for the hellbender on the ground to the northwest of me. It had scurried into the bushes to hide. As i approached, it moved suddenly to the north, and i noticed it passing between the dark-green leaves. It now seemed to be darker yellow, and i realized that it was changing color to match its environment. I was surprised that it could change its coat like this. It crawled in a semicircle to the south and turned back to the north, jumping into a thick patch of vegetation. The long leaves of the plant seemed to fold around the hellbender, leaving only its long dull-brown tail exposed. I looked at the exposed portion of the animal, noticing some gray at the base of the tail. The long tail was now a darker yellow. I then noticed the gray wisps of smoke above the animal. I looked up to see the small black transformer plugged into the outlet near the top of the plants. The smoke was coming from below the outlet, though. I was suddenly aware of the power lines behind me, and i started to worry that there was a short somewhere. I looked down at the plant, where the smoke was rising from, and noticed that there was a charred section of a trunk covered with white ash. One of the black cracks in the plant was still glowing red, and i could see a black power cable running across it. There must have been a short in the cable that was rubbing against the plant. I worried about the power lines behind me again as i backed away from the plant. I did not want to get electrocuted.