12011 August 01

I was on the eastern side of the room, doing something with the theater group. The room seemed dull blue, and the chairs ran in an arc across the curved southern side of the room. The ceiling was rather low, and the room seemed small. There were very few people in the audience at the moment, and i wondered if we were only rehearsing the play. I was no longer acting on the stage, which seemed to be in the center of the large room, even though it also seemed to be on the northern side of the room. Most of the actors were now performing on the eastern end of the stage, and i was standing out in the audience to the southeast. I had to cross back to the west, but i did not want to cross in front of the actors on stage. I decided that i could walk across the front of the audience to the doorway just behind the stage on the eastern end of the wide column in the center of the room. The stage was cut into the southern face of the long narrow eye-shaped area in the center of the room. The corridor that ran behind the center column seemed to be part of the audience as well, but it was much narrower than the section to the south. I finally decided to head through the doorway, even if it put me in view of the audience for a moment. I walked through the white metal door, which seemed to lead though a kitchen. I immediately came out on the western side of the eye-shaped section of room, exiting the kitchen on the western end of the northern side of the central column. A few people were sitting to the northwest of me, facing east. I realized that they must be in very bad seats; they would not be able to see much of the action on the stage, and i was sure that they could not see the actors currently on the eastern end of the stage. I turned to the west and headed into the small room, which seemed like an elevator car. An older man was already standing in the center of the small room, which seemed to be the elevator. I had to take the car up to the fifth floor, thinking that i had to use the lavatories there. I looked to the south, noticing that a long set of white stone steps ran up the eastern wall of the lobby outside. The stairs were covered with a red carpet that looked very formal. The older man in the car with me glanced at the stairs and then looked back at me, an expression of annoyance on his face. His mouth was slightly open, his brow was pursed, and he seemed surprised as he ridiculed my actions, saying that i would not be able to go onto the fifth floor. I realized that the fifth floor was an exclusive club, and i was not part of the wealthy crowd that went there. I realized that i should have gone up the stairs to the south rather than take the elevator, but the doors were already closing on all sides of the room. I felt defiant, and exited the elevator to the west, into the exclusive area. I headed across the lobby, pretending that i did not know i should not be here. A man in a dinner jacket quickly approached me from the south. He had a round face and a rounded body, and i knew that he was one of the butlers for this place. He asked what i was doing here, and i told him that i had to use the bathroom. I then realized that the only clothing i was wearing was the blue towel around my waist. The man seemed to protest to my being here, but i walked to the west anyway. I pretended that my waist hurt from something, and it seemed to feel tight. I bent over, as if in pain. The man had prevented me from heading to the lavatories to the south, so i was slow in leaving the area. I stumbled and fell over on my side. I pretended that my abdomen was hurting, but i was aware that it only felt tight because i had to defecate.

I realized suddenly that i was driving the car to the north. I had fallen asleep while driving, and i jerked suddenly into awareness, looking down the long highway ahead of me. We seemed to be crossing through a rural area, though i could only see the rocks and bushes on the sides of the road. The land was mountainous, with tall rounded peaks on the eastern and western sides of the valley. The highway seemed to wind from side to side as it headed north. I felt sleepy, but i tried to pay attention. The car hit a rough patch of dirt on the western side of the road. I had not been aware again, and i had drifted onto the shoulder. I jerked the car back to the east, following the curve of the road to the northeast. The ground had large patches of snow here and there, with snow on the sides of the road. My mother was asleep in the passenger’s seat of the car, and i hoped that she did not realize that i had fallen unconscious while driving. I moved the computer mouse with my right hand, trying to steer the car around the curve. I was looking down at the road, watching the car round the corner and head to the east, and then follow the second turn in a big curve back to the northwest. I was using the mouse to plot the course ahead of the car I had to stay conscious enough to keep the car on the road. I used the black button on the top of the mouse to slow the car down for the tither corners, and i moved it side to side to speed the car up again on the straighter roads. As the car moved to the northeast, toward a corner, i wondered if i should slow it down again. I felt nervous, but let it continued at the same speed until it reached the corner. As we rounded the corner, i felt tense, but realized that the car could stay on the road at the fastest speed setting on the mouse. The green line ahead of the car showed the path that i was setting with the mouse, and i could see that the road curved from the northwest to the north ahead, merging into to other highway. The ground around us was still covered with snow. As we seemed to merge onto the highway, i looked up to the north, out through the front window of the car. I was distressed to see that there were three cars coming toward me. I was on a road that had two lanes, and i was in the easternmost lane, but the road seemed to be an exit ramp for the highway. I was nervous as i steered the car to the easternmost side of the road, letting the other cars moved to the west to pass me. I slowed down until i felt that i was out of trouble. I had somehow gotten into the wrong lane and was traveling the wrong direction. I realized that i was now one of those people who went backward on highways. I realized that it must be easier to do than i had thought. A ramp approached the road i was on from the east, and i wondered if it was the ramp i had intended to be on. It was separated from my lane by a metal guardrail, but the guardrail seemed to end a little way ahead of me. Just past the end, i drove across the yellow diagonal stripes on the ground and merged into the correct lane. I was now in the city. The highway had ended and i was now driving to the north, down a wide street between two rows of urban buildings. I looked at the small screen of the GPS that was in front of me. It showed the street ahead, but there was a small orange arrow on the bottom making a sharp turn to the bottom of the screen. It seemed to want me to turn around, and i realized that i was now off of the highway that i had been driving on. I thought that i would have to turn around to get back onto the highway. I had left the highway by mistake and now had to go back.

12011 August 02

I hurried to the east, down the wide road. I had come this way before, and i remembered how i had turned to the north on the other side of the bridge. Other people seemed to be moving with me, and i was careful of them as i hopped onto the black office chair and rolled down the center lane of the wide highway. The highway crossed the bridge and started down a long shallow slope to the east. The slope was curved upward a little, so that it was steepen near the bottom. I was cautious of the cars that were approaching me from behind. I was not in a car, so i had to be careful about being in their lanes because i could not go as fast. The pavement of the highway was tan, and i coasted down the hill, signaling with my left arm that i was making a left turn. I was actually shifting into the left-hand lane so that i could make a turn at the intersection ahead of me. I remembered turning onto the sidewalk the last time i was here. As i approached the tall tan column on the northern side of the road, i noticed that the sidewalk was a wide tan area to the north of the black road. The road widened as it approached the traffic light, which was now red. Some of the cars to the east of me were already stopped. The column on the northern side of the road was the end of an archway that extended from the wall to the north. As i reached the light, i swayed to the north, passing through the archway and coming onto the sidewalk. Tall walls stood along the northern and eastern sides of the sidewalk. The structure to the north seemed to be a building, but it only seemed to extend a little way from the northeastern corner of the wall. The wall to the east continued across the road, but seemed to have archways or doorways where the cars passed through. The traffic lights were just over the passageways. I rolled down the sidewalk, toward a doorway in the eastern wall. The door was metal, and it seemed to be an elevator. I waited for the elevator in the center of the sidewalk, feeling as though i was breathing a little heavy. Several people were on the sidewalk to the north and northwest of me. One of them was a young girl. She had a round face and body, and her straight blond hair fell down to her shoulders. She walked up to me from the north and started scolding me. She seemed self-righteous, so i tried to ignore her. She said something to me, and i muttered a dismissive reply. She seemed angered, and slapped me across the left cheek with her right hand. I was surprised by this action, but realized that it did not really hurt that much. The man to the northwest watched me in surprise and contempt. He seemed to have some relation to the girl, but i ignored both of them and walked to the north. The elevator doors were set into the northeastern wall of the small area, which seemed to be recessed into the larger eastern wall. The area was several meters deep, and the tan walls here had a pink hue. As i watched the two metal doors of the elevators, i noticed that a pale-brown mud was oozing out of the adobe wall between the elevator doors. Some mud also oozed out from the wall to the northwest of the doors. The mud was somehow filling up the spaces behind the wall, and i wondered if it was leaking into the elevator shafts. I considered this wall poorly built, and felt that they would have a serious problem here before too long. I decided not to wait for the elevator, so i headed to the east, down the narrow corridor. Just inside the corridor, i turned to the north, through a narrow doorway, and then turned to the east again in the small hallway. The ceiling seemed very high in this hallway, but there was only enough room for one person to walk down the center of the corridor. It almost seemed like a catwalk in the middle of a larger, more complex structure. A set of stairs ascended steeply to the north, but i had missed the doorway for it. I stopped just past it, mentioning it to the others behind me. The man following me had seen it and turned. I backed up and followed him to the north. We had to get out of this place.

12011 August 03

I had been taking a class here, but now i was cleaning up my things and getting ready to leave. I was in a room on the eastern side of the northern part of the building. I felt worried about the class, thinking that i had not quite done everything for it that i was supposed to. I carried something down the hall to the east, coming into the room where some of the others were waiting. I felt that i had gathered everything i was supposed to, and now i was not quite sure what to do. $A164 was sitting to the north of me, on the western end of the northern side of the table. The others had left already, or were in the process of leaving to the west. I told $A164 that i had finished packing all of my things, and waited for a moment. He acknowledged, but did not say anything. I felt uneasy and unsure, so i decided that i should just go. I wandered to the east, back down the hall with my backpack.

12011 August 04

I was in the house with the family. I did not seem to be part of this family, but they had some relation to me, and i felt uncomfortable here. We seemed to be in a corridor in the center of the house. The corridor ran east to west. I stood near the southern wall, and the family was standing in as small group to the north and northeast of me. The older man was to my north. He seemed to be complaining about something i had done, and i felt upset being with these people. I walked to the south, into one of the rooms as they continued to speak in the hallway. I then wandered back to the hallway. The family had gone. They were now out looking for something, and i thought that i should hide from them. The woman stood to the north of me now, holding the northern corner of the large cardboard box. She pointed out the stuffed dolls in the box. I looked at the rounded stuff animals. The large one in the center looked like a stuffed theropod with a white belly and dark purple and black skin. The woman pointed out that all three of the gifts were in the box. This meant that the family was not out looking for the other gifts like we had thought. I seemed to think that the family was trying to get the toys, and i felt negatively toward them because of this. I felt a little better about the family now that i knew that they were actually not searching for the gifts. They must have been searching for me. I said something to the woman about this as we moved to the room on the northern side of the hall. We joked about something, and then we realized that the family was coming from the southeast. They would enter the house by coming into the hallway to the south of the room that we were in. We moved toward the eastern wall of the room, out of view of the family. A bunk bed had its head against the eastern wall, and we stood just to the north of it, hiding from the family. I said something to the woman, and she laughed, but stifled it so that the family did not hear us.

I moved down the short set of stone stairs, heading south, onto the outdoor terrace. The pathway down the center of the narrow terrace was covered with flagstone, and the walls on the eastern and western sides were made of stone. As i moved to the south, i noticed that the terrace was actually a bridge over the city street. It was night, and a parade seemed to be coming from the east on the street below. $K5 was with me as i stopped in the middle of the bridge to look down the street to the east. The street was lighted with rows of bright streetlights. Small plants seemed to be set on the top of the stone wall to the east of us, and i looked over them to see the street. As i looked more closely at the plants, however, i noticed that they were really decorative desserts. Most of them were cakes with fine ornamentations sticking up from the top. I had been leaning over the tops of the cakes to see the street below, and, and i backed away, i realized that i had gotten snagged on the branch-like twigs on the top of the cake. I had known that the cakes were there, so i should have been able to avoid them, but i was pretending that i was unaware as i pulled my shirt from the pine-like twigs. I complained to $K5 about it, who was to the north of me. She seemed exasperated about it, and told me that i should have known better. I looked down at the skin under my left arm, noticed that some of the sprinkles from the cake had stuck to my side and left chest. I turned to the north, brushing the sprinkles off. I also pulled several of the pretzel pieces from my shirt. The twig-like structures on the top of the cake had been made out of pretzels, and i had purposely gotten them on my shirt so that i could take pieces of the cake with me. I pulled the pieces from my shirt as we walked to the north, into the room of the house. I had leaned into the cake purposely to get some of the pretzels, because i would not have been allowed to eat from the special cakes otherwise. A bed was on the center of the northern wall of the room, and i dropped several of the pretzel pieces on the spread. This place seemed like $P19. Several $G3 moved through the house to the west of me. I collected several articles of my clothing from the bed to the north of me, thinking that i had to get my things together to head out. I then headed to the southwest, heading up the stairs along the western side of the hallway. As i reached the top, i had intended to head to the west, into the doorway to the dormitory, but i noticed that a larger empty room was to the south of me. I had forgotten about this room and was surprised to see it. Through a doorway in the western wall of the room, i noticed $A120 and another person sitting on chairs, facing a small desk to the east of them. The desk was just to the south of the doorway. They seemed to be watching a monitor on the top of the desk. I wandered out into the room, noticed the pool table in the center and the old video-game machines on some of the walls. This place had been forgotten, and i thought that it might have been closed off. As i wandered around the room, i commented to the two men that the room needed people to be in it. $A120 and the other were then in the main room with me, sitting at the desk at the northern end of the room. I moved to the west, through the doorway into the smaller room to the west. Everything here seemed old and forgotten. A large console television stood just to the south of the door, and i moved into the room to look at it. The casing was made of pale-brown wood with tan woven screens. I turned one of the dials on the television, realizing that it had UHF and VHF channels. I said something about this to the others, and they asked me what i was talking about. I clarified by saying that the television had old tuners.

I stood on the southern side of the area with $G4 as they got ready for a run. I felt excited to go on the run, and i looked around at the others in the room. Everyone was sitting around the walls of the room, and i was sitting on a sofa against the eastern end of the southern wall. I was on the western end of the sofa. I knew that the run would be fairly short, but i still felt good about it. I imagined what the trail would be like, thinking that it would head to the northeast of here. These people were not part of the $G4 group that i was part of. I was visiting this $G4 group, so i did not feel that i knew these people very well. A man on the northern side of the room was then speaking. He was sitting directly to the north of me, with his right ankle resting on his left knee and his right arm up on the back of the sofa. He made a statement, which seemed to be a joke. When he stopped talking, the room was silent. I realized that his joke was not that funny to the others, so there was now an awkward silence. I commented aloud that the statement was not quite complete. It was intended as a joke, but again, the room was silent, which made me feel a little awkward. A moment passed and then the others started to leave to the northeast. I bent over to put on my socks and shoes. A small bowl of feta cheese sat just to the east of my left foot. I had been using it as a paste on my feet before i put my feet into my socks. I wiggled the toes of my left foot, feeling a large clump of white chees between the pad of my foot and my toes. I had to put my socks on to get going, but i felt a little unsure of what i was supposed to be doing. I then noticed the man standing to the north of me, chatting to another man to the east of him. The first man was shirtless, and i could see thick fur on his arms and back. His body was plain, but somewhat nicely muscled. I then looked around the room, noticing that many of the men had their shirts off. It must be a hot day, even though i did not feel that warm at the moment. I started to feel frustrated that i could not get my socks on and join the others. Something seemed strange about the feta cheese in my toes. It did not seem right, but i knew that i had done it for a reason. I moved to the north and was now outside the building. I was still crouching down to put my socks on, but i was wondering what i should do with the cheese under the pad of my foot. I put the small dark ceramic bowl of cottage cheese down on the ground to the west of my foot as i played with my sock again. I had been dipping my foot into the bowl to coat it with cheese before i put the sock on. A woman approached me from the southwest, and i spoke to her about the run. I then offered her some of the cheese. She was from the tour group.

12011 August 05

Something happened, and i realized that $X14 was standing on the northeastern side of the short chain link fence, to the north of me. He should not have been let out of the house, and i was upset that he was. The land on the other side of the fence was very green and filled with thin young trees. A man stood to the southeast of the cat, and my mother stood on the near side of the fence, to the northwest. I felt distressed that $X14 was out, and i called him to come to me. He sat still, and i realized that he could not figure out how to get around the fence. This seemed to be a problem. The man, who seemed like $A568, then moved to the fence, tugging up on the metal mesh. The fence pulled up from the ground a little, but still seemed to be stuck on something. I knew that a thin wire ran across the bottom of the fence to prevent animals from getting under it. The man tugged roughly on the fence a few more times, and i was annoyed, thinking that he was tearing it up from the ground and ruining it. He did not seem to noticed how destructive he was being, but $X14 noticed the space under the fence and started toward it.

12011 August 06

I jumped up from the ground, where i had been sitting, and headed to the northwest, toward the building. It was dark out, and lights around the edges of what seemed to be a small quadrangle illuminated the grassy ground. It was time for me to go into the academic building of the college campus. As soon as i reached the glass doors in the center of the southern face of the building and headed in, i realized that i had left my black duffel bag sitting on the grass to the southeast. Another man was entering the building near me. I continued to the northwest, heading into the building. I could not simply turn around; i had to go into the building before i could come back out. I turned around and headed back across the grass, crossing a narrow path or driveway that arched in front of the building. A man was walking from the building in front of me. He walked around the eastern end of wooden bench that was to the south of me. The bench was composed of thick wood planks that were aligned vertically on the seat, separated by narrow spaces between the boards. The back also had the same thick spaced boards. The man walked around the bench, and then started to walk sideways in front of it, as though he was getting ready to sit down. I hopped over the bench before he could sit. I considered the possibility that my bag might be near the bench, but i could see the black nylon duffel bag on the ground to the southeast. As i landed and continued to the southeast, i felt cheerful, but i realized that i probably should not have jumped over the benches. It would be considered impolite to jump over benches at certain times. I crossed the narrow paved path on the southeastern side of the bench and started up the short hill. Another bench, similar to the first, was sitting at the top of the meter-high slope, between two thick old trees. The crows of the trees were leafy and shaded the bench from the bright hazy sunshine. As i reached the bench, there were three of four students sitting on it. A young woman in a white button-up sweater and a light-blue dress had just sat down on the northeastern end of the bench. A young man sat in the middle, with an older person to the southwest. Several other students seemed to be sitting on the grass behind the bench as well, where books and bags were scattered. I passed around the bench and over the items on the ground. My bag had been left among the items. I did not see it, but i knew that it was there, and i started running a song through my head. I was thinking the lyrics of the song and i walked through the glass doors of the building to the northwest, entering the breezeway. The breezeway to the building was a small glass that was centered in a small glass wall of the entryway. The outside doors were in the center of the southern wall of the breezeway, but the inside doors were on the northern ends of the eastern and western walls of the booth. I headed through the door on the eastern side, concentrating on the song. I imagined the beats of the song and realized that the drum part could be very simple, with a constant drum beat. I imitated the beat with my fists as i pushed open the inner door, pretending to hit them in beat with the song in my head.

12011 August 07

I moved along the western side of the room, heading to the north. My attention was drawn to the southeast. I turned around to see a young man standing near me. He had a round face with light-blond choppy hair. He smiled widely as he stood near me, and i found him very attractive. I realized that he was very interested in me, but i thought that he was actually too young for me to date. I was then aware that my mother was to the south of us, and i realized that i could not show interest in the young man because she would be upset. The man seemed to be in his late teens. I felt good that he was interested in me, but i knew that it would be inappropriate for me to show interest in him. I wandered to the north, into the small bedroom, which seemed to be up a short flight of stairs from the other room. I gathered some of the things from the bed to the northwest of me. The bed was against the northern wall of the room. My mother moved to the northeast of me, doing something on the other side of the room. She was very upset with me, but i was not quite sure what i should do. I looked over the stuff on the bed, noticing that there was a box of my clothes. They seemed out of place. I then turned to the east as my mother started down the stairs, which descended into the floor just to the east of me. As she passed, i noticed that she was now wearing a light-blue dress. The dress was tight fitting and plain in style. It had a small circular opening just below the white collar in front. I moved to the edge of the stairs to watch her descend, commenting on the dress. I told her that it looked very nice. She turned around suddenly and looked back up at me. I noticed that the dress had a hood, which was pulled over her head like a mask. Her face was covered with light-blue material, and there was a narrow slit across the top of her face for her to look out. The costume seemed like a burka, and i wondered why my mother would be wearing a burka. This seemed very strange. I watched my mother walk to the west from the bottom of the stairs. As she reached the door on the western side of the house, i noticed that the mask actually fit rather tightly, and seemed to be made of a glossy material. The costume she was wearing actually seemed to be some kind of bondage gear. She reached for the door handle with her right hand, and i realized that her left hand was held tight to her waist by the tight suit she was wearing. I was confused, wondering why she was wearing a bondage costume. She must be experimenting with my father. I then realized that the clothes that she had given me could have been some kind of kinky suit as well. I turned back to the east and looked at the long shirt box that was on the bed. I opened it up to see several brightly colored articles of clothing. One of them looked like a lucha-wrestling mask. It was red with some green near the bottom and silver decorations around the eyes and over the head. This seemed very strange, and i did not understand why she had gotten these things. I then thought that it was probably good that they were experimenting with something new sexually. I looked back to the west, looking down into the room now. My mother was standing in the center of the room, on the southern end of the eastern side of the large white bed, which had its head against the northern wall. My father suddenly came out of the closet in the eastern end of the southern wall. A young woman, who seemed very giddy, came from the west, hopping slightly as she walked to my father. I was surprised to see that my father was wearing nothing but panties and silver nipple tassels. The young girl seemed happy to see him, while my mother stood patiently near the bed. This situation seemed very strange, but i thought it good that my parents were trying new things.

12011 August 08

I lay in the bed in the small bedroom, feeling sick. My throat hurt, and i felt rather groggy. I curled up under the yellow sheets and i faced to the south, aware that my parents were leaving the room, heading to the west. We were in a hotel room. The bed was in the center of the eastern wall, and the exit door was in the center of the western wall. A dresser seemed to be against the southern wall to the south of the bed. I felt uneasy here, but i also felt sick and did not really want to do anything. I got out of bed anyway and headed to the west, leaving the hotel room and wandering down the corridor to the north. I moved through several corridors of the hotel, thinking that i was wandering around in the back part of the hotel and probably should not be here. I turned a few corners and was heading to the south again, from a small hallway with elevator doors to the north and east. Double wooden doors were in the southern wall of the corridor, and i thought that they led into the hallway beyond, but i turned to the east and opened the small wooden door, which led into a conference room. The conference was being held to the south, in one of the larger lecture rooms, but i walked into the smaller room with the oval table in the center. I thought that i was not really supposed to be in these meeting rooms, but i wanted to do something. I headed down a narrow hall between rooms, heading east. I opened the door to the south and looked into the small meeting room. It was dark in the room, but the lights came on as i entered. The round table in the center of the room seemed to fill most of the room, and i quickly noticed that a large white and orange cat was lying on its right side in the center of the table, taking up most of the table space. The door to the room had been closed, so i thought that the cat must have been trapped here. I felt bad for the cat and decided to leave the door on the northern side of the room open as i headed to the east. I came to another conference room to the south of me and opened the door. I seemed to have traveled through several hallway doors between. This part of the building seemed to be a series of connecting rooms and small corridors. I opened up the door to the south of me and noticed that there was another cat sitting on the table. This cat looked very similar to the first cat, and i realized that the cats must have been locked in the rooms on purpose. I had let them out and suddenly realized that someone might be upset with me for doing so. I left the second door to the room open anyway, feeling mischievous doing so. I headed to the east, through another door, coming out into a larger corridor, which ran east to west. I had entered the corridor from a door in the northern wall of the corridor. I stopped just in the hallway, thinking that the hotel workers must be heading through the rooms where the cats were, aware that the animals had been set free. I had to act inconspicuous so that they would not realized that i was the one who had freed the cats. A small round table stood to the north of me, against the eastern wall of the corridor. Just to the north of the table was a short wall, where the corridor narrowed to the north. I looked down at the table as some people in black uniforms walked past. Paper receipts were left on the table, and i pretended to read them. A woman in black pants then came down the hall from the north, noticing that i was staring at the receipts. She yelled at me and said that i should not be here. I pretended that i did not know what was going on. I still felt a little groggy, and i acted as though i was still delirious. I started wandering to the south, hinting to the woman that i was sick. She followed me as i wandered down the corridor, and i started to feel nervous. I had to get rid of her so that she did not connect me to the people i was staying with. A large banquet room was to the south of me, through a set of open doors. The reception was happening, and i could see colored lights flickering inside. I turned to the east and headed down the long room, which seemed like a restaurant. This was the place where the wedding would be held. I realized suddenly that the people i know might be here, since we were all here for the wedding event. I then noticed five or six people sitting around a rectangular table to the east. They were the people i had come with. One of the men from the table stood up and greeted me. I said hello to them, glad that the woman had fallen behind and could not hear what we were talking about. I did not want her knowing who i was. The man told me some things, and i chatted cheerfully with them for a moment, still nervous that i would have to leave soon so that the woman did not connect me with any of these people. I was aware of her to the west of me, so i said goodbye to the man and continued to the east, down the center of the room. I limped as i walked, pretending to be sick from something. At the eastern end of the room was a narrow corridor that led down a few steps before ending at a metal exit door. The corridor turned to the south, just before the door, heading down a long flight of stairs. I stopped just in front of the door, looking to the south. Through the open doorway to the south, i could see a man playing piano with a band. I realized that he must be famous. He was playing for the people in the banquet. The people that i knew must be in the room with the man, so i could not head into the room to get lost in the crowd. Instead, i opened the door to the east and stepped out. The woman was right behind me, and she stopped just inside the building as the metal door started to close. I suddenly realized that the door could not be opened from the outside, so i would be locked out of the building. The woman would probably like this. I thought that i would simply go around to the front of the building and use my white plastic card key to get back in. I then decided that i should not lock myself out of the hotel and i hurried back to the west before the door closed. The woman was gloating inside. She had wanted me to get locked out. I felt annoyed with her and said sarcastically that it would have been so hard to use my cart to get back into the front of the building. I tried to ignore her and wandered to the west, across the street. The woman was still following me, and i became frustrated with her. I turned to the north and started walking down the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. I noticed a large glass window on the old storefront to the north, on the eastern side of the street. The building was white, and the storefront seemed abandoned, with a white sheet hanging close to the window. Several dusty items were still in the window, though. A female mannequin stood in plain clothing on the southern end of the window. I walked to the window, leaning toward the glass and waving to the fake woman with straight chin-length brown hair. As i got close to the face, i realized that it was an old large camera with a plastic case. It looked like a large instamatic from the sixties, with silver vertical detail lines on the front. I waved to it and then continued to the north, aware that the woman was staying close behind me. She was annoying to me. As i came to the northern end of the store, i noticed an old house with colored tiles on the front to the northeast. It was set back in the lot. I started to walk past it, but the white and red tiles attracted my attention. I turned to the east, crossing a shallow ditch on an old worn wooden plank. The house to the east was a crude wooden structure that was shaped like a cube with a steeple on top. It was rather small and in poor maintenance. I realized that it was not the house with the tiles on the front. I moved a little to the north, looking past the side of the house. Dark shrubs seemed to be growing around the small cubical structure, but i could see through them to the larger house to the east. The bottom level of the northern side of the large building was mostly white, with an area of white and red tiles. Most of the tiles were white, but red square tiles formed a complicated pattern across the area that i found very interesting. I could not see it well, so i decided to head back to the road. I headed down the slope of the dirt embankment to the west of the small cubical house and started to cross the plank. The woman had followed me across the plank. As i crossed the plank, though, i noticed another woman just starting across from the west, heading toward us. She seemed thin and shy. She must live in the small wooden house. I smiled to her, saying that she had she had a nice house. She smiled back and said thank you. Once on the street again, i walked a little to the north, trying to get a better view of the white and red tiles on the larger building to the east.

I moved around on the northern end of the city street, which seemed like a very wide corridor, with buildings on both sides. I had come from the hotel to the south. I moved to the east, down the alley to the north of the hotel. There was a door in the southern wall of the alley that i had come out of. It seemed to lead to the kitchen of the hotel, and there was a large dumpster just to the west of it. As i paused in front of the door, a woman approached from the west. She had a pistol in her hand, and she seemed very stern. She wore a dark suit with a white shirt. She entered the hotel as i had walked out the door. Something strange was happening, and i was not sure what it was. I started to spin around in a circle on the round object that i was standing on. It was on the sidewalk, just to the north of the door. I felt indecisive, but knew that i should be cautious of the woman. A man then came from the west. He was also dressed in a dark suit, and he had a gun. He turned to the south and entered the hotel. I was uncomfortable with this situation, and i thought that i should leave.

I headed to the east, down the long wide corridor of the parking garage. My family was walking with me. The stucco walls of the corridor were off-white or gray, and several square beams rose along the walls here and there. A stairwell seemed to be to the southeast of us, and a corridor ran down to the south, just in front of the stairwell. We had to travel to the east to get to our car, but i thought that our car was actually on a higher level of the parking garage. We would have to go up the stairs to the east, out the door at the end of the corridor. My mother did not like walking up stairs, so she turned to the south and headed for one of the elevators. I felt a little annoyed with her, but understood. We started walking up the gray metal stairs at the end of the corridor. We had parked on the roof because there were many people here for the event. As we climbed, the metal stairs seemed rather complicated, and there were many people walking up them with us. I watched myself reach the top of a flight, ending near the gray cement wall to the west of the stairs. The stairs seemed to form a large M shape to the east of the wall. We had started almost below where i was standing, but we had headed up to the southeast. From there the stairs rose straight to the west, but then came back down to the northeast to a platform before turning back to the northwest and rising up to where i was. I would have to climb the set of stairs to the east of me, heading up them to the west, to get to the upper level. I was waiting for my family, though. My grandmother was walking up the stairs slowly, and was confused by the turns in the stairs. My father was now walking up the long set of stairs on the southern side of the gray metal structure, heading west. $X3 was with him. As $X3 reached the top of the stairs, he then turned and started down the steps to the northeast. I realized that there was a thin railing at the eastern end of the landing at the bottom of the stairs, and i started to worry that $X3 would head down the stairs too quickly and accidentally tumble over the edge. I watched nervously as he reached the bottom of the stairs and then started back up toward me. I knew that he would have to go down another descending set of stairs before he came up the flight to reach me. I was standing in the middle of the crowd, waiting for them to move so that i could continue up the stairs to the roof. As i stood waiting, the truck under us started moving. The entire gray structure of stairs was really on the back of a pick-up truck. It was more like a metal brace on the back of the truck. The others that had been sitting on the metal landings of the stairs held on as the truck started rolling to the east. I looked to the east at the edge of the parking garage. It was quite a distance away, but the truck was heading toward it. I worried that the truck would drive over the edge with us on it. As we headed east, though, the parking lot expanded around us, sloping down hill slightly to the east. Cars pulled into spaces in front of us as we continued down one of the aisle. It seemed that the parking cars were slowing our progress, which i thought was good, because it would prevent us from picking up enough speed to break over the side wall of the garage. The truck then started turning to the southeast, following the flow of cars. I noticed the exit ramp on the eastern end of the southern wall of the roof of the garage. We were currently heading for it, and i realized that this was wrong. The exit ramp would bring us to the bottom floor of the garage, and we still needed to head up. As we got closer to the ramp, others in the truck were calling to the driver, asking him to slow down and let them off before he headed to the ramp. We turned to the south now and were heading directly toward the ramp. The driver did not stop or slow down, and i worried that we would be brought all the way back down to the bottom of the parking garage. I then noticed the thin metal struts of the suspension bridge ahead. The exit ramp led straight to the bridge. Just before we reached the top of the ramp, though, the driver veered to the east, driving through the cement wall to the east of the suspension bridge. He was driving us over the edge, and i suddenly felt panicked. I looked over the edge, and i noticed a green girder bridge below us, running from somewhere on the side of the parking garage. I quickly realized that the center of the bridge was still to the east of us, so we would fall down and hit the edge of the bridge as we fell. I became suddenly upset with the driver, and i became enraged. I wanted to smash through the window of the cab and attack the driver, but i realized that this would not really do anything because we would all be dead soon. I felt very upset.

12011 August 09

I moved to the northwest, hiding in the small room of the house from the invaders. The invaders seemed to be extraterrestrials, and i thought they had something to do with the show V. They would be searching for us, so we would have to hide. I lay on my left side, looking to the northwest. The round room was right in front of me, dug into the ground. I looked down into the octagonal room. The walls of the room made of thick cement, and they were lined with wooden shelfs made from heavy planks. This was a hiding room for the survivors to hide from the invaders. A few people were standing in the room below me, just inside the doorway on the northwestern side of the building. The talked about something between themselves, and then turned to leave the room. I felt that i should be hiding in the room so that the invaders did not find me, but i could not move right now. I let the octagonal piece of plywood fall back over the opening on the top of the room, and i rolled back to the southeast a little. I was hiding under a large wooden structure, which seemed like a roof, but i knew that it was a building. I was then aware that a female invader was standing to the southeast of me, at the edge of the structure. The invader seemed to be dressed in a red uniform, and i knew that she could see me. I felt suddenly frightened and lay still on my side. I should have crawled under the yellow fiberglass insulation that was on the floor of the space where i was hiding. I knew the invader could see me, but they did not say anything. I stayed still, lying on my side, thinking that they would at least see the blue knit hat that i was wearing. The invader moved to the north, out of view, but i still felt uneasy. It must have seen me, and i worried that it would come to take me. I pulled the thick layer of yellow fiberglass insulation over the top of my body, hiding me from anyone looking into the structure from the southeast. They would only be able to see the blue knit hat and would not know that a human was inside. I curled up like i was under a blanket, pulling the insulation up over my face. I then thought that the fiberglass must be bad to breath in and bad to get on the skin. I felt very warm under the insulation, though, and i curled up, thinking that the warmth would be good for my cough.

12011 August 11

I turned to the southeast, noticing the water flooding the surface of the ground beyond the trees. Something bad had happened, and the deep canyon to the southeast of us was starting to fill with water. I knew that we were on very high ground, but i worried that the water might fill the canyon and then start spilling over onto the ground where we were. I told the person with me that we should back up as i watched the rolling waves of water cover the rock features of the canyon.

I stood up from the seat on the eastern side of the large lecture room. I had been watching the lecture with $F45. The room seemed dull yellow, and the cushioned theater chairs were mostly black. The floor sloped down to the south. Very few people were left in the lecture room, and we were leaving because the lecture turned out to be not as interesting as we had hoped. We decided that we should simply go somewhere else. This lecture seemed to be part of a larger festival, and we wanted to go elsewhere. We started to the west, through the smaller room, but i stopped to tie my boots back up. I pulled on the laces to tighten them, and it seemed that something on the boot tore, but i was not sure what. I started walking a few paces with $F45, but then put my left foot up onto the low ledge to the south of us and went to tie my other shoe. I pulled the tan laces of the tan plastic boot tight, and they pulled to the center of the shoe. The top of the boot tore in an X-shaped pattern because the laces pulled up though the top layer of plastic that had been holding them down. The boot now had a large X-shaped hole on the top of it. I felt annoyed and pointed out the boots to $F45. They were new boots, and $F45 had just bought them for me at the store in town. I put my foot back down on the ground, thinking that water and snow could now get into the open X-shaped hole on the upper part of the shoe. We started walking to the west, out of the small entryway where we had been standing. $F45 was talking on his cell phone while i was wondering what i should do about the boots. $F45 then told me that he had been talking to $A448. He had to do something with $A448 and did not want me to get upset about it. He said that $A448 wanted him to drive the homeless somewhere in their car. I knew that they would be away for a while, and i wondered what i would do in this town. We were visiting this place for the film festival. As we stepped outdoors, into the chilly air, i suddenly realized that we were in Portland, Oregon for the Sundance Film Festival. I did not know much about the town, but i realized that $F4 lived here. I felt suddenly happy, telling $F45 that i could call $F4 and hang out with him. We walked to the north, back toward our hotel room. We entered the building from the doorway in the southern wall, coming into the western end of a clothing store. The store seemed rustic, and i knew that it was a tourist shop. A man was standing just to the north of us, his left hand reaching up to the west toward a rack of black shirts that was hanging near the ceiling. The woman behind the island counter in the center of the store, to the east of the man, was lecturing the man about something. The black button-up cotton shirts had yellow sale stickers on the left breasts, and the woman was saying that the reduction price of the shirts was wrong. She was scolding the man for printing the incorrect price on the shirts. The man pushed some of the shirts across the silvery metal bar that curved along the northwestern corner of the store and continued to the east near the northern wall. We passed under the shirts and headed to the doorway in the northern wall, which led to a set of stairs that ascended to the east. I started up the stairs in the narrow corridor, but realized that $F45 was in the telephone booth just to the south of the stairs. I could see him sitting down through the glass wall on the northern side of the booth. He was talking to $A448 about their plans. I wanted to talk to him, but was still happy about the possibility of seeing $F4 again. I sat on the stairs for a moment, again remembering about my boots. I realized that the store to the south of us was the store where i had purchased the boots. I wondered if i should return them. I felt uncomfortable doing this, and was not sure what i should do about them. I turned to the east, now in a room. I picked up the pieces of the broken green plastic water bottle and put them in the trash. The bottle had broken. I should return it to the store, but i did not feel comfortable doing so.

12011 August 12

I stood in the field, facing west. The tall green grass was dry, and the sky seemed very sunny. Everything was blurry, and i felt very good here. The others were talking about something, and i listened to the conversation. I headed to the northern side of the area and found myself standing on the porch of a house. The door was open and a short corridor led into the entryway. I walked in. A set of stairs seemed to ascend to the north on the western side of the corridor, and a door with a frosted window over the upper half was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I was here to see $F7 and $F18. I moved toward the door and got ready to knock, but the door opened. I was still standing to the north of the doorway, so i waved into the doorway with my right hand, watching the frosted glass window. The window had thin lines of different shades of frosted glass running down the center of it, creating a pattern of panels on the glass. The voiced inside paused for a moment, and the door swinged closed. I felt suddenly nervous, wondering if i had come too early. I could hear the voices inside talking, but i could not hear what they were saying. I wondered if i had simply come too early and they were not ready. They could be cleaning up inside now. I stood in the hallway, thinking that i should wait here for a little while to let them clean as they wanted. I turned to face the west, thinking of what i should do. $F18 said something and $F7 answered. I moved toward the door and knocked with my right hand, wondering what they were doing. I started to feel worried that they did not want me here. I could hear them talking inside, but nothing happened. The door then opened and i said hello. I walked to the south, into the living room of the house. I felt a little uncomfortable here and tried to make conversation. I said something jokingly, and $F7 laughed at it. I felt better when i saw $F7 laugh. It let me know that he was not mad at me. I continued moving around the room, trying to feel comfortable here.

12011 August 13

I felt upset about the classes as i moved to the east, looking at the piece of paper in my hands. The paper listed out the classes that i was supposed to be taking this semester, but i had not been to many of them. I looked down the list, surprised to see some of the classes. A class in English was listed near the top of the list. I suddenly remembered the class, even though i had never been to any of the lectures. I felt very bad about missing the classes. I also felt panicked because i knew that finals were soon, and i did not have anything done for the class. I could not understand why i had ignored the classes. It seemed that i could have easily gone to them, but i had not. I complained about this to the other person, who was walking to the north of me. I felt helpless and wondered what i should do. I headed to the north, across the room of the old hotel. I worked here. This place seemed like part of an old resort. I thought that i could continue working here, even though i did not like doing so. I was able to make money here, which i thought was a good thing. I headed into the small kitchen area, entering through the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. The kitchen area was filled with metal counters and cabinets. A smaller room ran to the east. This did not seem to be the main kitchen for the resort. Instead, it was the staff kitchen. It was not as clean and bright as it could have been. A woman was in the area with me. She seemed to be one of my managers, and i knew that she liked me in this job. She wanted me to work here, but i felt frustrated and agitated here. I turned to the east, entering the smaller area of the room, walking along the northern wall of the smaller area, which was in the center of the western part of the room. A doorway in the cement wall to the north led to a small kitchen, which was the staff kitchen. The woman was showing me around here. The building around us was part of a very fancy resort, and i knew that it was well kept and clean, but the dull-green kitchen seemed dingy and greasy. I kept thinking that it was not big enough to be a full kitchen. I was unhappy, but considered staying here just to make more money. I then walked to the east. I would have to clean the cement floor of this area because the shift was now over. I then thought that the later shift should be cleaning the floor, but i wanted to do it anyway. I felt confused, wondering why i was cleaning the floor now when someone else would do it later. I wondered what i should do.

I appeared in the small kitchen area, standing near the northern wall of the room. I felt out of place here and did not know what to do. The man had just teleported me here from Rochester. It was a great way to travel, but i did not want to be in this place again. The people to the west seemed to be in charge, and they wanted me to do something for them. I headed to the east, into the smaller room, where i had to get my things. The room was a small bedroom, and $F10 was there. He was upset with me for being here, and i knew that i should have left a long time ago.

12011 August 14

The children were playing in the living room where i was. I sat on the couch on the eastern side of the room, facing west. The children wanted something, but i was not interested in listening to them. They had money for it, but they did not want to get it themselves. I was annoyed with them, and i walked to the west, around the northern end of the couch. I was at this place for something even, so i did not think that i could leave, but i was annoyed with the children and did not want to be near them anymore. The children moved toward the northern end of the couch. I knew that the money was in the couch, and i did not think that the children should have it. I told tem that i would build a bridge and cover the couch. One of the girls hurried toward the couch to try to get the money out of it. The young boy was still running around the edge of the couch and would not be there in time. The girl became angry with me for not playing their game and pretending that the money was out of their reach. She told me that i was evil. She was mean, like her family, so i told her that i was not a Christian. She did not seem to understand the reference and told me again that i was evil. I smiled and shook my head, treating her as though she was being silly, and i told her that only Christians believed in killing. The implication was that i could not be what she said i was because i was not a Christian. I then thought about what i had said, realizing that it was not quite right. I did not intend to use the word “killing”. I decided that it did not matter because what i had said would make the girl upset, which is what i wanted. My mother was to the west of us, and i started toward her. The children had run to the southeast, out of the room. A man was still standing next to me, and i explained to him what i had originally meant when i was talking back to the girl. I then realized that the family was leaving to the south, out of the house. They seemed to be my family. I moved toward them, but they payed no attention to me. I knew that they were mad at me. I sat down on the couch, thinking that this part of my family could think what they wanted. My parents would not be so arrogant. The man then started talking about Islam as he stood to the west of me. It had something to do with the statement that i had made about Christians. He sat down to the south of me and mentioned the religion again. Some of the others in the room asked when it started. The date seemed important. I knew that it had started within a century after Christianity began, and i thought that it was in 10500s. The man said seven to eight hundreds. This sounded about right, and i mentioned that it was “after the fall of. . .”. I could no remember the name of the city right away. I knew that it was currently called Constantinople, but i could not remember the ancient name for it. I told the others that i could not remember the name of the city, but told them that it was now Constantinople. The man stood up, and i asked him what the name was. He said it was Hzba. I repeated the name, trying to remember it. I stood up as well, mentioning to the man that i could not remember names well as i chuckled about it. Other people were leaving to the south. I was now standing in a mostly empty room on the northern side of the house. The people in the room around me were getting ready for some kind of ceremony, and i suddenly realized that i was in the middle of their area. I felt a little nervous about what they were doing. They formed a ring around the room, placing things on the floor in front of themselves as they crouched or sat down. They all bowed low to the ground as part of the ceremony. I knew that these people were Pagans, and that they were performing one of their rites. I thought that my family would not approve of the Pagan practices, but i was interested in what they were doing. They started putting pine boughs in a circle on the floor. I stood in the northeastern corner of the room, watching what they were doing and feeling a little nervous. A woman in a long white robe entered the circle from the east. I was not sure what to do, but i knew that this was a very serious ceremony, so i tried to be respectful. I had a long branch from a deciduous tree. I stood it up on the ground, but realized that it was too tall. I stepped on the bottom of the branch to break part of it off. As i did, i wondered if i was being disrespectful to the tree by breaking the branch in the ceremony. I felt nervous about it as the woman came over. She inspected the branch as i handed it to her. She did not seem to react. She was the high priestess figure in the group. I was afraid that she would be angry with me for breaking the branch, but then i thought that the branch had already broken off of the tree by itself, so i had not actually damaged a living tree. I could explain this to her if she questioned me. She seemed interested in the branch, so i told her that it was an elm branch, and i emphasized that it had fallen from a tree. I said that i had gotten it from the Catskills, but i then realized that it was probably more like the Adirondacks. The woman handed the branch back to me and turned to the south, walking slowly across the room. The mood of the room felt uneasy now, and i realized that the others were interrogating a man on the southern side of the room. I started to feel less safe here, thinking that these people were a little too aggressive. The man was sitting on a large bed that was against the eastern wall on the southern end of the room. A short wall seemed to extend from the eastern wall now, about halfway down the length of the room. It visually formed two smaller rooms, with the northern room being larger. I moved to the south as the people started to assault the man on the bed. I felt bad for him. They wanted to know something from him. I was a friend of the man, and i did not think that he should be questioned so harshly as they were doing. I noticed the pair of eyeglasses on the northwestern corner of the bed, so i grabbed they to keep them from getting broken. I stood to the west of the bed, not quite sure what to do. The man on the bed seemed like $Z, and i felt upset that he was being treated this way. I no longer felt safe here and wanted to leave. I wondered if the people really did not trust us. We supported the man, so i feared that they would dislike us as well. I carried the glasses to the south, noticing that the small plastic pieces in my hand were actually parts of a pen. The people in the room were Muslims, and they were cautious of us because we were not. I headed toward the dresser in the center of the southern wall, trying to put the pen back together. I put some of the pieces together, trying not to engage the people here. They would be angry with us simply because we were not fully part of their religion. I was aware of a man watching us from the center of the room. I realized that i did not have all of the pieces of the pen on the dresser in front of me, and i mentioned this to the others. The man watched me assemble it; he did not trust me. I told him that we were missing the main piece of the pen. I then noticed the piece on the floor and picked it up. The man watched me closely. I knew that he did not trust us, so i acted casually about putting the pen back together. I pulled off the cap from the long inner part of the pen and screwed the ink tube back into the main body of the pen. The pen turned to reassemble. I was nervous, but continued to put it back together, hoping that the man would not accuse us of something bad.

12011 August 15

I headed to the north, into the school building. I worked here, but if let uneasy about coming here. I actually did not have any work to do at the moment, so i felt uncomfortable about coming here. I would have to ask for work to do, which i did not like doing. I then thought that i could ask the professors for work. I knew that $A14 always had something for me to do. I turned to the east and headed into the kitchen area. The kitchen was small and seemed a little run down. People stood around the large central cutting table, where a large turkey sat on the surface. The table was on the western side of the room. I thought that it was too early for the holiday season, but i realized that they could always start the large turkey and then keep it in storage until the holidays. I started to talk about the spices that could be used for the turkey. The others did not respond, so i headed to the northern side of the room, where there was a cabinet on the eastern wall. The northern side of the room had a smaller room on the eastern side of it, and the cabinet was to the west of the smaller room. Shelfs also seemed to be on the northern wall. I looked around in the pale-green cabinet for the container of spice that i had used for cooking turkeys, but i did not see the jar. It should be labeled as poultry seasoning. I then noticed the wooden recipe box on the northern side of the shelf to the east of me. I moved to the south a little, to look at the other shelfs. More jars filled these shelfs in the cupboard to the west. I then noticed one large jar that had “1” printed on the red cap in thick blue ink. The number was handwritten, and i realized that this was one of my mixes. I had made several different mixtures of spice. This mixture could be used for turkey, but i knew that it was not the correct mixture, so i put it back on the shelf. I could not decide what i should do, so i turned to the south and started down the hall, which was a road. I bent over and slid on my stomach across the smooth surface. I was enjoying myself. The muddy road was very slippery, and i pulled myself across the ground on my stomach. I then noticed that the road ahead of me had been closed. Large beams ran across the road. They were used to hold back the embankment while the construction crews dug out the creek that ran under the road. The creek was to the east of me, and the road seemed to end at the embankment. The bridge must be out while they repair the land around it. I turned to the south, heading down the road on the western side of the creek. I would have to travel around the hill to get to where i was going, which frustrated me. I thought that i was simply jogging on the wrong day. It was a Monday, and i usually do not go jogging on a Monday. I walked into the large room to the south, where there was a large metal thing on the western side of the creek. I had walked into the center of the room, coming across the top of the metal structure. The metal object was smooth on the northern side, and looked like part of an airplane. It had something to do with the creek. As i reached the top of the thing, i noticed that it sloped down steeply to the south and east. I carefully looked over the edge, noticing that there was a large piston engine on the southeastern side of the object. I thought that i could jump onto the engine, but then i realized that i might disrupt it. I also started to feel unsafe around the engine, which as now running. It had fast moving parts, and i worried that i would get injured near them. I turned back to the northwest and started to climb back down from the large object. The object was now suspended off the ground by something form the north. I moved to a fin, which looked like a small stabilizer wing. I was nervous about jumping down to the cement floor, which was only a meter below me. The engine then tipped up to the southeast, making the wing that i was on tip down. I felt unsafe here and worried about the dangers of being too close to the moving parts of the engine. I did not know what to do. I finally stepped to the end of the fin and then jumped to the blue cement ground below. The room that i was in was made of cement, and it seemed very clean and brightly colored. I was still nervous about the engine, but i started walking to the northwest, out of the room.

12011 August 18

I was in the small classroom of the school. This place seemed like a high school. The wooden armchairs were facing north, and i was on the western side of the room. A man sat in the center of the room, and i knew that there was something wrong with him. The man seemed very upset and suddenly started screaming. The others were annoyed, but were not quite sure what to do. $F43 was to the southeast of the man, near the back of the classroom. She was frustrated with the man, but tried to remain calm. She had to deal with him. I tried to be nice, but i did not really want to deal with the man.

I was standing on the western side of the room, in the center of the room. The people were sitting on the floor, and all of them were facing to the north. Something had happened here, and i could picture the hotel that we were in. It was an old large stone building with white trim around the windows and roof. It looked like a classic building from the 11800s. To the east of the building, i could see the lights of a large city. It was night, and the lights suddenly went out. The hotel was still lighted, but i knew that the power would go out here as well. The city seemed to be Schenectady, New York, and this place seemed to be on the western side of it. The power outage seemed significant, but i was not panicked about it. I just know that there was a specific reason that it had happened. The people in the room with me would be panicking, but i felt impartial.

12011 August 19

This scene had something to do with a Doctor Who episode. I moved to the west, toward the crowd of people in the large open chamber. I knew that the Doctor was in trouble, and i felt that i should help him. Two people were seated at the western end of the room, looking like ruling authorities. I felt nervous, and i had to pretend that i was unaware of who the Doctor really was. The two people mentioned the Doctor, and i innocently asked them if he was in trouble. I acted worried, pretending that i was aware of the Doctor, but that i did not really know much about him. This scene sounded like a good story, and i thought that i could write a good plot for the series. I knew that the Doctor could not be where he had been before because of a temporal conflict. This would be critical to part of the plot. The Doctor was in trouble, but multiple uses of the time line would tear time. This caused the conflict that the characters would have to get around in order to save the Doctor. I explained the reuse of time to the others, but the man to the north of me corrected me, saying that time only occurs once and that there was no way to reuse it. He seemed to think that the others were silly for believing that time could be reused. We were standing in the large library. I turned to the west, walking through the bookshelfs as i thought about the plot. I then thought that the plot would be better used in one of by stories or novels, and i started to think of ways to use it. I would have to change it so that it was not obvious that it was part of a Doctor Who episode. It would change the basic premise of the books too, since i had not considered a universe where time was reused before. I then thought that i had just finished writing the plots for my book, so i would now have to change it to match the new concept.

I moved through the downstairs room of my parents’ house. It was dark now, and i felt cautious about something. I crossed the kitchen, checking the kitchen door to find that it was unlocked. This annoyed me, and i locked the door. As i turned around and started back through the rooms of the house, i realized that everything here was different. My parents no longer lived in this house; there was someone else living here. We were here because we had forgotten something, though. I thought about the house, and pretended to sneak through the rooms, trying not to wake the people who lived here. We had to get to the special place in the upstairs bedroom of the house. I hurried up the stairs, trying to stay quiet. I imagined that there was a portal in the upstairs bedroom, and that we had to get to it to escape before the others found us here.

12011 August 21

12011 August 22

The instructor was upset with me in the classroom. I was not quite sure what i should do. I turned to the west and headed through the building. I felt like i was sneaking through the abandoned wooden structure. I seemed to be in the attic or upper floor of the house as i carefully stepped through the support beams of an unfinished wall. I had to be careful of where i stepped on the plywood of the floor, knowing that there were open spots between the plywood sheeting. The wood was also only partially nailed down, so the edges were raised a little. The other person with me, who was walking to the northeast of me, found a deep hole in the floor and pointed it out to me. The hole was rectangular and seemed to lead to the floor below, but it was too dark in the hole to see how far down it actually went. I turned my attention back to the west, noticing that the water puddle of the rocky ground seemed rather shallow. It was a small puddle, but i knew that it was actually very deep. I stepped over the puddle, looking down through some of the cracks in the plywood floor. I could see the water draining across the floor below us now. This place was an old theater, and we were sneaking through the upper sections, over the main stage area on the western side of the building. I thought that the water should not be leaking into the theater, and i thought that someone should do something to stop it.

12011 August 23

I had been moving through the city to the east of this place. This place was on the outside of the city and seemed to be a residential neighborhood. I seemed to be near $P23, to the east of my grandmother’s house. My parents were waiting for me at my grandmother’s house, so i was heading there eventually, but i had to go somewhere first. I moved to the west, through the northern section of the house. I felt a little nervous being here. The large room seemed like an art studio, with art projects everywhere. Large canvas paintings were leaning up against the eastern wall to the north of me. Everything in the room seemed creamy yellow with shades of red or orange. The colors were in large gentle swirls and reminded me of something form the 11970s. This place was fascinating to me because it was filled with so many works of art. I felt very good here, and i waned to look through the artworks here. As i wandered slowly to the west, i felt a desire to do art again, and i was a little disappointed that i was not doing it now. I remembered that the owner of this place was homosexual, and it somehow seemed appropriate because the designs were so colorful and playful. As i looked around the cluttered space, i was surprised at how much art work was here, and i wondered why i had not know about this place before. I then felt a little uneasy, thinking that i was not entirely comfortable with the owners. I suddenly remembered that a photographic scrapbook of male portraits was on the table to the north. I had been looking at it, but felt uncomfortable because i did not want people thinking that i was just looking at it to see male bodies. I could see the black and white book sitting on the round clear-plastic coffee table that was to the north of me. A rounded fake-leather bright-red couch curved along the eastern side of the table, its back to the eastern wall. Just to the south of the couch was a doorway to a small office. A man seemed to be sitting at a desk in the office, and i felt that i did not want to bother him. I started to feel uncomfortable here and wondered when we could leave. I turned back to the south and looked at the small round tables in the room, which now looked like a cafe. $A166 was eating with his family in a booth on the eastern side of a low red padded divider that ran down the center of the room. I felt hungry now, but knew that i would have to go. I headed back to $F45 and my mother, who were in the car, driving to the north on the city street. My mother was driving the car for a while, but $F45 was driving up the dimly lighted street as we headed down $P23. I had to get to the north to get to the place that we were heading, but the car we were in turned to the west, following the road around a corner. The buildings around us seemed to be on the western outskirts of a city. The small wooden houses were old, and the lawns seemed worn and old, with short grass. We had to go to the northwest to get to where we had to go, but the road was now heading west through the blocks. I told $F45 to turn the car up the alley to the north. We were now in a more urban area, with tall stone apartment buildings on the northern side of the street. As we passed the narrow alley, which was just past an old stone church, i noticed a tall reddish-tan baroque tower down the alley. The tower seemed to be part of an old town square, and i thought that it must have been built into the alley when the church was designed. $F45 did not turn up the alley, but, instead, drove to the end of the block before turning to the north. I then asked the others where the restaurants in this city were. We now seemed to be in a city that i was not familiar with. $F45 said that the restaurants were all to the south of us. I felt a little disappointed and told the others that i was hungry. $F45 seemed suddenly exasperated that i was hungry, and complained that he thought that i had eaten. I felt upset, but i still wanted food. We then changed direction again, heading more to the west. I was disappointed and upset with $F45 for being so angry.

I was with the others near the lunch counter on the western wall of the large room. I was sitting near the northern end of the counter, just in front of the northern wall of the room. The open area to the south seemed to be a dining room. $F4 was sitting with me, and i realized that he was wearing a white loose-fitting shirt and matching pants. It was a Luke Skywalker costume. I then realized that i was dressed like Han Solo. This seemed strange that we matched, but i knew that we did not plan it this way. I then thought that we always end up thinking similar things. I headed to the east to get more food from the buffet table, remembering that someone else in the room was dressed as Princess Leia. I looked to the south, into the crowd, which now seemed to be a party. I spotted the woman dressed an Princess Leia, and i thought that she had coordinated her costume with $F4. I came to the eastern side of the room and turned to the south, looking over the food on the metal buffet table. The trays on the table were mostly empty, and i felt a little disappointed by this. I realized that i could get a salad from some of the salad bowls, since there was still some lettuce in the large bowl to the southwest. I then noticed the other large salad bowl to the southeast of me, on the eastern end of the buffet table, which seemed to be set up in the middle of the southern end of the room. I turned to it and took some, putting it on a white plate. As i pulled out some of the lettuce from the larger bowl with a pair of metal tongs, i realized that the salad was mostly filled with canned beets. I wanted to have other things in my salad, but most of this bowl was actually filled with beets. It was just covered with a thin layer of lettuce so that i did not notice. I was disappointed, thinking that they put all of the beets in because they were trying to save money. As i dug through the layer of beets, though, i noticed that there were large slices of grapefruit underneath. I pushed aside some of the beets and started to cut out some of the grapefruit with the tongs. I put some of it on the plate and then turned my attention back to the bowl to get more. As i looked back into the bowl, i noticed that some of the grapefruit was moving. I looked more closely at it, noticing that the grapefruit was filled with bugs. It had been sitting out too long. I felt disgusted and dumped the contents of my plate back into the salad bowl. I dropped the plate on the counter in front of the bowl and headed to the west, upset that there was really no salad. I wondered what i could eat for lunch. I felt hungry and wanted something. As i moved across the room, i focused on the white wooden doorframe around the doorway in the northern wall. The old trim seemed oddly stretched to fit around the door, as if it had not originally been part of the doorway. I felt upset and wondered what i should do. I thought that i could make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but then felt that i was not really interested in eating it. I wanted something better and felt tired of eating sandwiches. It seemed like i had eaten very little for lunch, and there was really no food here. I headed to the southeast, disappointed, and sat at the western side of one of the round tables near the southern wall. A few other people were already sitting at the table. The large round man across the table from me, on the east, was wearing a gray suit. To the south of him sat a finely dressed woman with dark skin and an oddly egg-shaped head. Her red dress had ruffles around the collar. My friend was sitting to the south of me at the table, so i said hello to him. I realized that he was also wearing a Han Solo costume. The others greeted me as well, and i chatted with them for a moment. $F45 was then to the north of me as someone commented on the costumes that we were wearing. I thought about the costumes again. The large man then started quietly singing “the man with the golden gun” to a melody that i recognized. I repeated the lyrics, remembering that it was one of the theme songs to a James Bond film. This did not seem right, though. I knew that the idea of gold had some significance to the man sitting to the south of me, which was how the song had come up in conversation. I knew that this was not the theme song that i was thinking of, and i mentioned this to the others. I then started singing the theme song to Goldfinger. The others to the north of us chimed in on the song, singing the refrain with me. I then asked if it was Roberta’s theme song for a Bond film. I knew that she had done one, but i was not sure if this was the one. I asked the people at the table and looked at $F45 to see if he knew. He shrugged and said that he did not know. I said that it was Roberta Flack, but, as i thought about it, it still did not seem right. I mentioned that she had done a big song at one time, and i stated the title of it. The woman to the north had said the name just before i did, so i ended up echoing her. The conversation came to a lull then, and i started to wonder what i was going to do about lunch again.

12011 August 24

I drove the car to the east, down the road in the suburban area. The land around me seemed flat, with tall weedy grass to the north and a wide lawn to the south. The lawn to the south separated the road from a parking lot. A large building sat on the southern side of the lot. I started to pass the driveway to the south, realizing that i should be turning into the drive. I tried to stop the car to make the turn, but i had already passed the first of two driveways that reached the main road from the south. I thought about heading into the second, but i realized that it was one way heading toward me. The second driveway had pale pavement, and there was a red sign on a metal pole on the eastern side. The mouth of the driveway flanged open to the east as it reached the road, and a small median seemed to be in the middle of it, separating the turning lane from the lane that was heading straight. I stopped the car just past the median and wondered if i should back up. I then decided to turn the car around, so i turned the car toward the entrance to the second driveway. I was aware of the car behind me, and i felt a little agitated, but i had to turn around to get to the first driveway. I backed the end of my car into the road and then pulled forward again into the second driveway. I could not enter the second driveway, but i had used it to finish my K-turn and started driving back to the west.

12011 August 25

I watched the scene to the north of me. The man was doing something in the center of the small room. This had something to do with Quantum Leap. I realized that the man who was the main character was not Sam Becket, though. He had a plain face with short black hair. I thought that he was actually the man that Sam Becket was working for. This was one of the early episodes of the show, and the man was actually running the research place. Sam would take over the experiment and eventually be the main character of the series. This seemed very strange. I looked over the pictures to the north of me. They were pictures of old cars, and they were driving themselves because they had been programmed with future technology.

12011 August 26

I walked with the others to the north, down the dirt road in the wide flat land. The land to the west was covered with short patches of grass among short tan desert dunes. I said something to the other people, and then stopped, noticing that we were passing over a small bridge over a blue stream. A modern cement structure was to the northeast of us as i stood in the center of the bridge. The bridge seemed to be quite high over the stream. Cement embankments sloped away from the stream at the sides of the bridge. I looked into the water to the east of the bridge. It seemed very blue and beautiful. I could see the rolling yellow sand dunes under the bright smooth bluish water. It looked picturesque, and i wanted to enjoy the sight. The water to the east seemed to be contained by tall cement walls. The northern wall ran to the northeast from the bridge for about four meters before meeting the wall on the north. A dam seemed to be under the bridge, holding the water into the small reservoir. I walked along the short wall on the northwestern side of the water and jumped in. The others had said that i should go swimming here, but i felt nervous about doing so. This place seemed to be a utility aquifer, and i did not think that we should be swimming here, but i wanted to enjoy the water with the others. I moved through the water, heading toward the bridge. I then realized that a woman had come from the south and was standing on the bridge. The area around us now seemed to be more urban, with modern structures on both sides of the road to the south of the bridge. The woman seemed to have some authority, and she was angry that we were swimming in the water reservoir. I moved under the bridge so that i was out of sight of the woman. She was scolding the others for being in the water. I stayed under the shadow of the bridge for a moment, wondering what i should do. My father or mother then came into the room from the southwest. I could not tell whether the person was a man or a woman, but the person was wearing a green dress.

We walked to the east, across the southern end of the quadrangle, just to the north of the large college buildings. Tall trees rose on the sides of the cement path that we were following. As we approached the building, $K29 was walking ahead of me with her daughters. I noticed a small animal on the cement sidewalk. It was orangish red and had spiny fur all over its round body. It looked odd and out of place here. I stopped to look at it, thinking that it was actually a baby bird of some kind. It hopped along the path, following us for a short distance. I was fascinated with the bird and wondered what it was. I thought that it was a peacock, but it really seemed more like a pheasant. I called to $K29 as she started up the stone stairs at the eastern end of the walkway. I told that the bird was a pheasant as the girls moved closer to it to watch it.

12011 August 27

I was walking around the area with my mother. The modern buildings around us seemed to be nicely designed and made mostly out of cement. They seemed like parts of an art district or modern park. It was dark, but i could see the detail of the area rather well. We had just left the event to the north and were heading along the water channel, to the west. We were heading back to our car, but i was not quite sure how to get there. I remembered taking the roads through this open area, which seemed like a series of old factory yards that had been converted into a park. I remembered passing several boats on our way to the event, and i thought that they must have been docked in the channel. We walked along the sidewalk on the northern side of the channel, and i thought that our car might be on the other side of the channel. I tried to remember how we high had crossed the water. We passed a darkened pavilion between the sidewalk and the water. It had closed for the night. It was a dark-gray building with a white awning over the boarded up service window. My mother then pointed out a bridge to the west. I could see the bridge, which was a tall suspension bridge, spotted with lights along its spans. The bridge was a kilometer or more away, and my mother said that our car was near there. I told her that we should head toward the bridge, but remembered that our car was also parked near the water. I told her that it was near the water and said that we will not have to go as far as the bridge to get to it. We turned to the east suddenly, heading down the hill of the short road. The road ended on another road, which ran in the correct direction. I felt a little nervous about walking on the pavement near the side of the road, so i moved to the left a little, moving on to the macadam as we headed east. A car turned up the road from the east of us. It had come from the southwest, up the steep hill. I tried to get out of the road so that the cars would not hit us. I started flying over the road, heading to the southeast toward the large quadrangle between the low buildings. I could feel the wind blowing into my face from the southeast or south. I was using it to elevate myself. I had my hands in the pockets of my gray trench coat, and i was using the coat to catch the wind. I could feel the coat billowing across my back as it caught the wind. I lifted high into the air, adjusting my arms to fly up and down. As i pulled down on the sides of my jacket, i started to descend. I wanted to get back down to the pavement, and i wondered how i could sand. I then realized that the others were probably watching me fly. I was a little nervous about this. They were on the eastern end of the quadrangle as i descended to the paved path in the center. I did not want them singling me out as someone who could fly, so i would have to get away from them on foot and pretend that i did not know anything about flying.

I walked to the east, entering into the western end of the quadrangle between the low modern cement buildings. It was raining lightly, but the sky was very bright. I then realized that the grassy ground to the south of me had a layer of water flowing over it. I realized that there must have been a very heavy rain when i was inside. The water was muddy, forming large puddles that did not quite cover the grass. I was surprised to see the rain, and i started flying over the grass, looking at the water that had been building up on the ground. It must have poured quite a bit of rain to flood this area. I headed to the southeast, over the quadrangle, hoping that the rain did not do too much damage to the places on this college campus.

12011 August 28

We walked to the south, down the road, which seemed like $P196. The bridge to $P30 was ahead of us as we headed down the gentle slope of the hill. It was a dreary gray day, and the air seemed misty. As we approached the bridge, i noticed that a shallow flow of water was running across the deck of the bridge from east to west. I thought that the bridge must have been under construction, and the water was draining off of the deck because the normal drains were not fully installed yet. As i got closer to the bridge, though, i realized that the bridge had no cement deck. The water was collecting in the metal basin formed by the sides of the bridge. The bridge crossed a deep gorge, but i realized that the water from the gorge was actually running over the edges of the bridge. I looked off the road to the west, where there were large cement structures. The water was pouring over a narrow spillway, running from the north, parallel to the road. The water was rather heavy, and i felt a little nervous, thinking that it must be flooding. This was not the water filling up the gorge, but it was adding to the water in the gorge. I moved closer to the old metal railing that ran along the western side of the road. The poles of the metal railing seemed worn and a little rusty. The channel was narrow to the north, but opened up into a wide cement basin on the southern side, closer to the bridge. A building was on the western side of the mouth of the narrow channel, and a tall stepped cement wall curved to the southwest under the building. The wall to the southwest of the building was a dam, but no water was flowing over it. I felt suddenly confused, wondering where all of the water in the gorge was coming from. I wondered if the dam had been emptied during the heavy rains. They would have lowered the water in the dam to prevent it from overflowing during the flooding. As i leaned on the railing to see the water in the basin below, i realized that the railing was loose. The metal bars swayed back and forth. The cement footers in the ground were not secure, and i decided that the railing was not safe, so i backed away from it.

I was swimming over the ground, heading to the southeast, through the college area. Someone was following me over the paths that led through the grassy quadrangles. I was moving my arms as if doing a breaststroke, thinking that it was actually very easy to fly. I said something to the person behind me as i glided for a moment. I then found myself standing on the sidewalk. I had stopped to say something. I turned back to the southeast and started swimming again, but i found it harder to do. I pulled my arms back, but realized that i was not moving as easily though the air. I then realized that i was actually just above the ground, and i felt as though i was pulling my body across the grassy ground as i moved. I started to feel strained from the effort.

I was sitting in the small car, which was being pulled up the steep hill by the small cat. We ascended the hill to the east, following the asphalt path up the grassy slope. I looked over the front of the small red car, seeing $X1 pulling it. $X1 was strapped to the cart with black leather leads. When we reached the top of the hill, i felt that i had to find something. I had come here to look for something. I realized that $X14 was wandering around near the car, so i picked him up and put him in the back of the car. I did not want them running around by themselves. I had to get them back to the house where they would be safe. As i put $X14 in the car, i noticed that $X12 was walking near $X1. I was worried that $X14 would run away, which was why i had grabbed him so quickly, but i knew that $X12 would listen to me. I told $X12 to get in the back of the car, and he followed my commands, hopping into the small car by himself. I looked back to the northeast, noticing that $X1 was panting. I suddenly felt concerned for him, thinking that he was too old to be making this trip. I walked over to him and carefully picked him up, putting him gently. I started to worry that he would not survive. I put him in the back of the car with the other cats. As i opened the door to the north of me and put him inside, i was opening the door to an apartment building. $X1 jumped out of my hands and ran up the stairs to the north, ascending up the narrow hallway. I followed him up to the apartment and started walking around in the small apartment. People were in the large room to the west as i entered the kitchen area on the southeastern side of the apartment. I used to live here a long time ago, but i had come back for some reason. I felt uncomfortable in this place. I looked around at the dingy counters, thinking that i should have cleaned them before i had left. I was depressed and did not want to clean the kitchen right now. I had come to this apartment to do something, but i could not remember what. There was something i should have done here, and i was annoyed and upset that i could not remember.

12011 August 30

I headed to the east, across the northern slope of the grassy hill. A large group of college students were standing near the top of the hill, many of them seemed to be from $G3. They were having a party. It was a bright sunny day, and they were all standing at the top of the slope with drinks in their hands, talking cheerfully to each other. They all seemed to be college age, even though i had known several of them from college. I passed to the north of the main part of the group, looking at the people. I felt attracted to some of the people here, and i wanted to hang out with them, but i felt a little awkward about it. I then noticed $A59 and $A81 standing in the middle of the crowd, gleefully talking to each other. I started to talk to the man to the east of me. He was a friend of mine. My attention was then turned to the car that was coming from the west, across the slope of the hill. It seemed to be recklessly moving toward the crowd. I was suddenly concerned, and realized that she was heading toward the crowd. I watched as the car, drive across the hill, running over people in the crowd as it speeded to the east. I backed up against the run-down trailer house, which was now to the south of me. It seemed dark now, and i could see the car passing to the north of me, between the low buildings on the slope. I thought that the person driving was angry with the partiers and was trying to kill them. I ran to the south and crouched down in front of the old wooden cabin. The car had moved to the east and was circling to the south. I was on the western end of the cabin, and i looked to the south, up the slight slope of the hill to see the dirt road that ran east to west along its crest. The western end of the road curved to the north and ran about twenty meters to the west of where i was. I could hear the car coming back to the west along the road, and i could see the headlights on the road. I crouched down, hoping to blend in with the darkness of the cabin. I stayed on the western side of the cabin, thinking that i should get the license-plate number of the car as it passed. We would have to report it because it had injured people on the hill. The car came around the building from the south and stopped suddenly on the western side of the road, directly to the west of me. I had watched it come around the corner, noticing that it did not have a license plate on the front of the car. As the car turned to the west, though, i noticed that it did have a license plate on the back of the car, but the yellow plate had been folded over so that i could not read the numbers. A woman with fuzzy shoulder-length brown hair and ragged clothing stepped out of the car. She was still angry, and i realized that she had a gun. She was still angry with the people here, and i worried that she was going to start shooting people. She would be able to see me here, and i worried that she was going to shoot at me for getting the license-plate number. I felt suddenly scared and ran to the east, along the northern side of the building. I would have to run away around the building to get out of her line of sight in case she fired at me.

I was fooling around with the guitars in the small room. Light came into the room from the old wooden-framed multipane window in the western wall. Several guitar cases were standing up to the west and north of me. Most of them were black and made of a heavy plastic material. They seemed to stand up on their own. I looked at the instruments in several of them. One of the cases seemed too large for the red electric guitar that was in it, so i thought that i should put the electric bass in the case instead.

12011 August 31

I looked over the many CDs on the shelfs to the north of me. I crouched down a little to look at them. Other people were in the room to the east of me, and one of them was watching me. I motioned to some of the CDs, telling a man to the east of me that i was interested in the artists who created the CDs. He reached to one of the upper shelfs and pulled out a CD case, showing me a record with “T&M” on the cover. I recognized it, thinking that it was ambient music. The cover was colored with shades of green and pale green. It looked very familiar. I told the man that i liked this kind of music, and lifted the CD to put it back on the shelf. I could not see the space where it had come from, though. I looked at the titles and artist on the CDs on the shelf, but did not see any similar names. I then realized that the CD might have been filed under T. As i scanned the names on the CDs on the shelf, i realized that many of them were by artists that started with M. I searched for similar artists to the CD i had in my hand so that i could put it back. I slipped the CD back onto the shelf. I then mentioned to the man that i had bought a Brian Eno CD as i followed the man to the west.

I was watching the bugs crawl across the northern wall of the western side of the room. I used a large glass to trap one of the spiders. I felt nervous about the bugs and wanted to get them out of the room. Several larger spiders were moving around the wall near the glass, and i thought that i would have to moved the glass to capture them. I slided the glass quickly up the wall to catch one of the larger spiders under it. I then realized that the larger spider might kill the smaller one. I watched them through the glass to see what would happen. The spiders were then to the west of me, in a small enclosed transparent casing. The large spider was now carrying a small web sack of bugs over its back. I was interested in the bugs, and i told the person to the north of me what they were doing. The spider moved around in the small structure. I then noticed the yellow jacket just to the north of the spider. The yellow jacket had escaped from the trap. The yellow jacket was the small spider that i had trapped under the glass. The yellow jacket flew to the south a little, getting close to the small opening in the ground where the other spider had been. The other spider was now a bumblebee. The hole in the ground was the bumblebee nest, and the yellow jacket was trying to get in. The bumblebee attacked the yellow jacket to keep it away from the nest.

I thought about the pictures that i was looking through on the computer screen. They were photographs that i had taken, and i would need to crop them. The pictures were of various things, but i focused on the small trucks that were in one of the images. I hoped that the resolution was good enough for me to enlarge the picture around the trucks. I then noticed that there was a small grid of squares across my view. It had something to do with the picture, but it was actually in the area with me. I could see the people around me arranged into rows and columns. I was actually standing with the people, and we were singing. Everyone was wearing white or light-colored clothing, and we seemed to be marching in formation. I watched myself move with the group of people on the stage on the northern side of the large theater. We did not have an audience at the moment. The backdrop of the stage had something to do with the picture of the truck. I felt awkward here, thinking that this musical number was very strange, and i wondered why i was doing it. Everyone was in uniforms, and they moved in formation, turning the column to the west. I was on the outside of the turn, so i knew that i would have to move faster to keep up with the people walking on the inside of the turn. I watched myself move in the performance, but i felt very strange here, wondering why i was in this situation. My vantage point moved to the west, panning around the group of people on stage. The ground was now covered with grass, and the stage was actually out in the middle of a field. I thought that the performance piece was interesting, but it still seemed to be a very strange thing for me to do. I decided that this number would be seen as one of my early works later. It would not be thought of as highly as the works i would later do.