12012 August 01

I had just boarded the train with the other people. $F45 was with us, and one of the people seemed to be $A419. The train ran along the southeastern side of the city, following the curve of the flat elevated tracks to the northeast. The elevated strip seemed to be paved, like a road, and the train was a large metal vehicle moving along the southern edge of it. I watched the train slowly accelerate after a stop on the southeastern side of the city. I was to the northeast of the train now, watching it start down the hill of the elevated roadway. I then focused on the metal rope guardrail that ran along the southern side of the roadway. I was riding on the southern side of the bus as it came very close to the metal cables of the guardrail. I worried about the bus running into the railing, but the bus instead slowed down and came to a stop, near the last part of the wire railing. I realized that this was a stop for the train, and $F45 and $A419 were debarking the train. I felt confused, but got off with them, walking to the northeast, parallel to the road. We did not seem to be far enough into the center of the city, so i wondered why the train ended here. I looked back to the southwest at the train, watching the others approach me. The train started moving again and continued to the northeast. $A419 said something about the train continuing on, and i wondered why we had stepped off the train here. I felt that we should have continued on the train to the central part of the city. I did not understand what we were doing here, and asked. We were now in a waiting area, which seemed like a train station. The wall to the south of me was covered with white tile, and $A419 sat down on the wooden bench just in front of me, to the south of me. I turned to the east, wandering down the length of the room. This place now seemed to be a restaurant, with a long rectangular dining room that had thick square columns extending from the northern and southern walls, making the room seem like several square rooms connected by a corridor down the center. The tables seemed to be along the northern and southern walls, but few people were seated around the tables. As i turned back to the west, though, i notice a group gathered to the west of me, on the northern side of the corridor. They had come here for an event. The people started to head to the west, and i followed them. I was now walking down the northern side of $P183, and it was dark outside. A large group of people stood around on the grass on the northern side of the street. $P7 was at the top of the grassy hill to the north of us, and the people here seemed to be gathering for an event related to $P7. I was not sure what to do. I then noticed that the people were doing something in the middle of the wide road. The crowd moved to the south. It seemed that some of the people were fooling around. I walked around the north of the group, watching them as they did something in the middle of the road. I then heard the sound of a car revving its engine and squealing its tires. The sound was coming from somewhere to the west. I rounded the western side of the crowd in the street now, glancing to the east at them. They moved their feet as if playing soccer, but i could not quite tell what they were doing. I tried to caution them that a car was coming. I looked to the west, seeing a car racing down the street, about two hundred meters to the west. It looked like an old rounded racing car. I hurried to the southern side of the road, calling to the others, saying that they should watch out for the car. The car did not seemed to be slowing down, and i worried that it would purposely run over the people in the road. I glanced back to the east, noticing that the people were now moving back to the north. The car passed me and continued to the east. I started walking to the east along the southern side of the road. A car slowed down near me, driving just to the northwest of me. It seemed like an old american car from the seventies, but i could not see it clearly with its headlights on. I started to feel nervous as i walked, realizing that the car was staying just behind me. I was walking on the grassy slope on the southern side of the street. The hill sloped up to the south slightly. After walking about ten meters, i decided that the car was following me, so i turned back to the west and headed back down the road, knowing that the car could not turn around so easily. The other people had headed up the hill to the north and northeast, and few of them were around anymore. It was still dark out, and i was more aware that the other people were no longer with me. I crossed the street to the north and headed up the hill after the others. I knew that the car could not follow me up the hill.

12012 August 02

I continued to the south, heading down the steep hill of the college campus. Other people were moving on the steep slope around me. I paused somewhere in the middle of the hill, glancing back up to the north west, where i could see the tan dirt cliffs near the crest of the hill. The cliffs were only a few meters tall, and they spotted the upper part of the slope. Someone was talking near me, asking how we would get back up the hill. I told the other to climb to the northwest and head up the grassy areas. I glanced around at the stone college buildings along the top of the hill to the northeast of me. I was then walking to the northwest, up the grassy part of the slope, which was far less steep than the part i had come down on. A set of power lines seemed to run overhead from metal girder pylons. The grassy slope was shallower than the slopes to the north and south of it, and it seemed to run west-northwest, across the face of the steeper hill. I turned to the north, aware of the power-line pylon to the north of me on the green slope. I then turned to the east, heading across the small room. I had to urinate, and i was now in the bathroom. I turned to the east, leaning backward a little. I could see that my pants were pulled down, but i still had my gray underwear on. I had urinated in my underwear, but this seemed normal. I was reclined, looking down at my gray underwear. I suddenly wondered why my pants did not feel wet. I decided that the underwear must soak up the urine. This suddenly seemed very strange.

12012 August 03

I felt anxious, and i turned to the east quickly and started moving quickly across the paved parking lot. The land seemed to slope steeply upward to the north and south, making the lot seem like a narrow mountain lake. The ice or snow on the eastern end of the lot seemed green, and it glowed slightly. I felt excited but tense and i charged over it. The other two people stayed on the western side of the paved surface, watching me. The green ice seemed more like packed snow, and it started to crumble as i ran over it. I started to sink, but i was able to keep myself afloat. I pulled myself to the east, noticing that another small parking lot was just to the east of me, up a short slope from the end of the lot i was in. I knew that i did not have to panic because i would not fall through the ice i was on, which looked like fake-green mint flavoring. The next lot was about a half meter above where i was, and a short cinder-block building ran along the southern side of it. I headed for the open space on the southern end of the western side of the lot, between the northwestern corner of the building and the large dumpster than was sitting on the western end of the lot. I then focused on the large inflatable structure just to the east of the dumpster. It looked like a large mattress, but it was almost three meters tall. It would make it easier to get over the ice. I jumped on the inflated thing, bouncing several times as i looked back to the west. One of the others seemed upset that i had taken the raft, which would have helped them make it across the ice more easily. The mattress started drifting over the ground to the east. It floated easily over the rough surface. I tried to steer it, but i realized that i would not be able to squeeze it between the building and the dumpster to get it back to the other lot to the west. I decided that i would let it float to the east and steer it around the short building, which now seemed like a car wash. As i rounded the eastern side of the building, i could see two large doors in the southern side of the building where cars could enter the garage. I realized that the other person would think that i was taking the cushion away, but i would surprise them by coming around the building and into the lot where they were stuck. The land to the south of the building was paved with asphalt, and it sloped down gently to the south. To the west of it was a large paved lot, which was surrounded by a tall metal chain-link fence. I would have to maneuver the cushion through the gate in the southern part of the fence and hope that i could steer the mattress to the north. A line of shrubs separated the lot to the south from the narrow lot where the other two were still standing. I would be able to pass though the opening on the eastern end of the shrubs. As i passed through the gate, though, i realized that part of the mattress had gotten caught on the fence to the west of me. The mattress continued moving to the north, but was quickly deflating. I was disappointed about this, and apologized to the others as they came toward me. We would not be able to ride on the mattress to get out. I moved to the east again, this time holding out the sheet, which i had draped over my shoulders. I must have been using it to guide the mattress over the ground. The wind was blowing the mattress, but i had been using the sheet as a sail to steer. The wind blew from the west, and i started to fly, using the sheet to carry me up. I moved on the wind, trying to control the direction that i was heading in. I floated to the east of the building, coming into a large open gravel lot. Large buildings were to the north and south of me, and they seemed to be apartment buildings. I turned back to the west, focusing on the wind and how it was hitting the sheet that i was pulling tight across my back. I had to figure out how i could move on the wind. Looking to the east, i could see that i was over a large grassy lawn to the south of the apartment buildings. A tall building stood to the southwest of me, but the lawn extended a way to the west. Dark-green bushy trees covered the western edge of the southern side of the lawn. I was then aware of the black power lines that crossed diagonally over head. A set ran north to south to the west of me, but i focused on the three lines that ran northwest to southeast just over my head. I had to be careful of them. I focused on flying upward, but i had to be careful not to hit the lines. I could not go directly upward here, so i moved a little to the west, approaching the large stone building to the southwest. The building was formed of two towers with a narrow gap between them. I flew close to the building and turned into the gap. The gap was an alley. The building was actually U-shaped, and the southern end of the alley was a tall ashen-red wall with metal-framed windows. The bottom of the alley was actually a roof from a lower floor, and it was covered with black tar. An old air-conditioning unit was rusting at the southern end of the alley, and old dry tan leafs were scattered down the alley. This place seemed very familiar, but i had known it when the building was still occupied. Now it seemed abandoned. I remembered this building as the hospital where my mother’s father had gone when he was sick. It had been abandoned for quite a while, though, and i remembered the hospital from an old memory. The building was now closed. I floated down to the floor of the alley, thinking about this old place. I then turned to the east, heading into the darkened room, which seemed like a garage. This place seemed to be just to the east of the asphalt lot where the others had been waiting for me. A woman stood on the eastern side of a long table, which extended from the southern wall. People were on the western side of the wall, talking to her and the tall man in the white robes. The people were asking them questions. I realized that the man was Jesus. I was aware of him standing up near the table, but i focused on the woman, who was standing to the east of him. The people were interviewing them, and they could not believe that the woman had given birth to the new Jesus. I looked at her. She was a short woman, with a plain face and sandy-blond curly hair. She wore a horizontally striped shirt, and i was surprised at how plain she seemed. This seemed correct, though. Jesus would not be born of extravagance; he would be born of plain circumstance. The woman nodded as she walked to the table to the west, standing just to the south of Jesus. I realized that she was a common person, and i felt very happy. The others who were asking the questions would not believe that Jesus would return to commoners, but it pleased me that they would be surprised by how plain the woman was. No matter how much they disbelieved, she would still be the mother of the new Jesus.

I moved to the east, driving the car into the large parking lot of the store. I had to go shopping. I was aware that $F45 would not like the fact that i had come here to buy things, but i did not care what he liked. I walked into the store, heading southwest. I entered the store from a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. The store seemed like an old wooden house. It was dingy and run down. Registers were set up near the eastern side of the store, and i clerk was standing just to the south of one, talking to a woman to the south of him. I walked to the south of the registers and turned to the west, thinking of the things that i would have to purchase today. On the western side of the store, i turned to the north. Everything here seemed old and decrepit. I passed into the next room to the north, which was a small unfurnished room. The old wooden walls were darkened with age and seemed unfinished. A woman was in the room just to the east of me. This room seemed like a bathroom, with wooden stalls set into the northern wall. The woman was heading to the east, toward the sinks. I had entered the room through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. A set of wooden stalls extended from the southern wall, just to the east of the doorway. I had walked around the northern side of them, and wanted to turn to the south. The doors to the southern stalls were on the eastern side of the stalls. I felt that i should use the stalls as the woman walked to one of the three or four white porcelain sinks that were hanging from the northern side of the eastern wall. Before i could enter the stalls, though, i heard the sound of a cat meowing. The sound was gruff, and i thought that the cat was actually complaining. I paused in the middle of the room, looking around for the cat. I could not see the cat, but the sound seemed to be coming from the north of me. I mentioned this to the woman, but she did not seem to pay any mind. I then heard the noise again, and realized that it might be coming from the room to the east, through the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. I stepped into the doorway, looking into the small bedroom here. The bedroom was narrow, and seemed to run to the north, along the outside wall of the house. I could see the foot of a bed just to the north of the door, and i felt that someone was lying on the bed. I did not enter the room, but stood just outside, looking down at the gray cat that was sitting on the floor. The cat meowed again as it stared up at me. I crouched down and the cat approached me. It seemed sickly in some way, and i started to pet it. I then realized that small bugs were crawling on the cat’s left ear. I felt nervous about this, and said something to the woman. She did not reply. I focused on the bugs again. I had seen them before. They were small yellow bugs that looked like spiders. I turned to the north, noticing the bugs on the floor. I had seen them before. The bright-yellow bodies were teardrop shaped, and thin black legs curled out from the narrow end of the body. Several of them crawled along on the floor to the north of me. Their bodies seemed to be about a third to a half a centimeter long. They seemed rather big for the bugs that i had seen on the cat. I then turned back to the south, noticing a cluster of yellow bugs on the floor to the west of the cat. The bugs had been small babies but were now growing into the larger spiders. I looked at one small cluster, which looked like a yellow droplet with short yellow legs in a circle around it. The legs were grooming the center of the droplet. The babies were grooming each other as they evolved into the larger spiders. It looked creepy to me, and i felt uncomfortable near them.

12012 August 05

My father was driving the car to the north as we passed through the small old town. This place seemed familiar. The wooden houses on either side of the road seemed large and old. We turned to the east and walked down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I followed my father as he walked between two houses, down what seemed to be an alley. The alley ran to the east, and the large wooden buildings were on both sides of it. We were sneaking into this place. I knew that we should not be here, but it was where my father was staying. The faded gray house to the south had a porch on the front. I walked along the porch until i reached the eastern end, where the stairs ran up. I moved to the door of the house, which seemed to be a white screen door with winter glass still in the windows. The door was not closed all the way, and i wondered whether someone else had been in the abandoned house. We had to sneak into the house because i knew that we should not be here. My father had been staying here without permission. I told my father that the door had been pulled shut strangely, which might mean than someone else was in the house. I pulled the door open and we walked in. We had to enter quickly so that the neighbors did not see where we had gone. We could not let others know that we were here. My father continued to the south, into the house, but i paused in the narrow hallway. A set of stairs rose to the south along the western wall of the hallway, and i was standing to the east of them. I felt cold here, and i pulled a blanket over me. The house was abandoned, so there would be no heat. I followed my father to the south, down the hallway. I had then turned to the east and walked through a doorway. My father closed the door behind me, and i realized that we were now in a small enclosed area of the house. My father had gathered supplies here. A white refrigerator stood near the northern wall to the east of me, and the counters along the western wall seemed to be filled with boxed and canned foods. A mattress was on the floor to the east, and it was covered with wadded clothing. My father had turned the heat on. I turned to the west, looking at the tan box to the south of the door, realizing with surprise that the heat still worked in this area of the house. I wondered how my father had been hiding here all this time with working heat. I thought that i should clean up now and warm myself. I started looking around the room, noticing the large windows in the eastern wall, which looked out over the grass outside. I could see some large trees on the southern sides of the windows, and a stone structure just to the east. The room to the east of me seemed somewhat large, but we would be staying in the room where the kitchen was. I then noticed the man standing outside of the house. He was one of the neighbors, and he stood casually in front of the stone structure near the northern windows, looking into the house where we were. I worried that he could see us, but i was not sure that he really could. My father stood still near the northern side of the room to the east. He motioned me to stay back, but i felt that the man had already seen me. The man stood with his shoulders slightly slouched and his head down. He had dark hair and wore a light-brown jacket over a white shirt. I headed toward the doors, pretending that i was looking over the place. I had to make it seem that i belonged here. I headed out the doors to the east, coming out onto the lawn. I inspected the building and the structures outside, trying to appear official. The man seemed to be convinced that i was not breaking in to the house. My father followed me to the east. I looked at the stone structure to the east. It appeared to be an old building that was now crumbling. I could make out the stone architecture of peaked arches along the western face. The man was standing to the north of the stone building, near the wooden house, which i thought must be his. I glanced around, pretending to be reviewing everything here. I then spotted another man standing against one of the stone columns that ran along the southern edge of the grassy lawn. I felt suddenly disappointed to see him, realizing that he was the real-estate sales person. He was wearing a light-blue blazer with matching pants, and his puffy reddish hair seemed more like a toupee. He had his head slightly bowed and an impatient disapproving smile was on his face. He would not walk away as easily as the neighbor had. We would not be able to reenter the house while he was here, and i felt annoyed about this. I looked around the lawn, realizing that the stone columns ran around the entire lawn. I then realized that i was standing under a ceiling of peaked arches. The ceiling covered the lawn and joined the smaller stone building with the large stone building that i had just walked out of. I had to pretend that i was looking at the area so that the real estate person might leave us alone. I headed to the east, passing through the row of arches on the eastern side of the building. Thin stone pillars supported the arches at regular intervals. I seemed to come out in a darkened corridor under a larger structure. To the east, i could see rows of columns holding up arched ceilings in a basement area of the building. The floor was dirt, and the place looked old and damp. I glanced back to the west, seeing the same thing under the building where i had been. The corridor i was in separated the two building, but seemed to have something overhead, connecting the two buildings. The man in blue seemed to be convinced that we were looking at the lot now, and he approached me from the south, telling us that this was all part of the same building. I acknowledged him, but did not look at him as i started walking around the southern side of the basement. The basement area of the building seemed special, and i was very interested in it. I came to the street on the western side of the old stone building. My mother and father were following me now. I looked down the street to the north, noticing that the building i had been in was an old church. The dark brown stone of the square towered building was blackened with age. I felt attracted to the building, and i thought that the stone arched basement was all part of the larger building. I headed to the north, departing from the man in the blue suit. We had to pretend to leave this area, but i thought that we would simply reenter the house from the northern side. My mother and father walked with me as he headed to the north through the corridor. The exit door was on the northern end of the hallway. We would be able to come back in when no one was looking: maybe after dark. My mother turned to the west, though, just as i opened the exit door to the north. She wanted to use the bathroom on the western side of the hall. My father followed her in, and i realized that they could simply use the bathroom for awhile and hide out here. I stepped into the small room to the west. Another person followed me as i turned to the north and headed into the smaller room, where the stalls were. My mother had gone into the stall to the north, and my father was in the one to the east. I would have to wait, so i stood in the small anterior room for a moment. I then decided that i would let the other person go ahead of me, since we had some time to wait. I headed back to the south, into the hallway outside the bathroom. Several other people were already standing in the hallway, waiting to use the bathroom stalls. I felt a little nervous about this. As i headed to the east, to head back out into the main hall, i realized that the man in the blue suit was leaning against the northern wall of the room, waiting to use the stalls as well. I felt disappointed and annoyed. He would recognize us and make sure that we got out of the building. He had his head down at the moment, though, so he did not noticed that i was walking past him. I felt nervous and wondered how we would get back in to the building with him there.

12012 August 07

I moved to the west, coming into the small room of the house. Several other people were with me. I felt awkward here, unsure what we were supposed to be doing here. It felt a little cold as i stood in the middle of the room and looked around at the other people. $F4 was in the room to the southwest of me, and some of the other people here seemed to be members of his family. We were all staying in this place, but it did not really seem like an apartment or hotel room. One of the men, who was to the southeast of me, glared up at me as i stood in the center of the room. He seemed to have just woken up. The others were sleeping in various places around the room. Two mattresses seemed to be along the eastern wall, one on a couch on the northern side of the wall, and the other on the floor, where the man who had woken up was. He seemed to have long dark hair that hung partly over his face, and he wore loose clothing. I wrapped the wool blanket around my shoulders and crouched down on the floor. I pulled the blanket over my head and bent my head down to my knees. I stayed like this for a moment, noticing that it actually felt rather comfortable. I wondered whether i would be able to stay like this as i sleeped. I remained here for a moment, but i was aware that we still had to do something. I felt anxious, thinking that it had to be done. I was not sure what it was, though, and i was unsure what to do about it.

I started to drive the red truck to the west, down the street in front of my grandmother’s house. The truck was an old pick-up truck, and it moved slowly down the street. I felt uncomfortable driving it, though. It seemed that my feet did not quite reach all the way down to the pedals. I was also extending my arms quite a way just to reach the sides of the large black steering wheel. I turned the truck to the south, heading up $P28. The truck was still moving slowly, and i started to feel nervous because i did not think that i had complete control of the vehicle. I could not seem to reach the wheel or the pedals well enough. I then reached to the right, where the tall metal pole for the stick shift was. The metal pole had a black knob on the end, and i shifted it into the next gear. I wondered suddenly why i was unable to reach the rest of the controls. It did not make sense to me. The truck should not seem so big to me, but i was still struggling to reach the pedals. I felt that i did not have complete control of the truck, and this worried me.

12012 August 08

I followed the other person to the west, heading around the northern side of the old stone building, which seemed like a church, and into the small paved parking lot. We were going to get into our car, which was parked on the southern side of the lot, facing the church to the south. I paused just to the east of the car, turning to the east to look at where we had come from. A narrow street ran along the eastern side of the church lot, and a grassy mound rose to the east of it. The area around us was urban, and the area around the church seemed to be a park. I focused on the green street sign directly to the east of me. It had the name “Thomas” with a short last name after it. The last name seemed to start with “Pi”. I glanced a little to the north along the street, noticing that a second road sign was just a little further up. This one had a name like “George” on it. I pointed this out to the other person, saying that the road changed names in a short distance. I then remembered that we had turned onto that road from the main street. It had a different name at that point as well. I looked to the southeast to see the long green sign at the corner of the streets. The road was called by a long name at the southern end. The name seemed to start with the letter E that was followed by “cc” or “sc”. It seemed strange that it would change its name over such a short distance. I then turned my attention to the west as we started moving down the streets of the city. I imagined the large highway that ran between the cities, and i thought that we would be on it, but we seemed to be traveling on the smaller roads. I watched the person traveling in front of me as i tried to explain where we should go. I thought that we had to get to the mall, and i tried to remember which roadway that we needed to be on. I could not quite see where i was going, though. The other car was very close in front of me. The other car seemed to be a woman riding a Segue. I tried to see around her tan figure, but could not quite make out which road we were on or which turns we needed to make. The woman was rounded. I chatted with her, trying to describe the exit to the large highway to her, but i could not quite tell whether we were getting on the correct on ramp. I started to feel frustrated and leaned to the right to try to see around her. $K5 was driving in the small rounded car in front of me, and she finally pulled off to the southern side of the road. As she came to a stop, she had pulled her car onto a cement wall on the side of a bridge. I hoped that she did not tip the car over the side of the wall. She seemed to be standing outside the car now, watching me as i started to pass her. I continued to talk to her about where we were heading. I remembered that we had to get to the mall, and i tried to think of where it was as i drifted into the lane to the south of me, which seemed to be an exit ramp. I was actually turning into a parking area at the top of a short cement parking garage. This place was familiar. It was attached to the eastern end of a larger structure, and i wondered suddenly whether we were actually at the mall. The upper level of the parking area was surrounded by a cement wall that had a lattice pattern to it. I headed to the south, toward the edge of the lot. Through the lattice, i could see an illuminated sign hanging from the eastern end of the southern side of the parking structure. I looked over the wall at it, reading the name of the mall. We were actually at a mall, though it was not the mall that i had expected to be at. The name was long, but i remembered it. I read the name aloud to $F45, who had followed me into the parking lot of the mall. He was now to the northwest of me, heading to the west. He complained about the mall, reminding me that it was not a good place to be. I was not sure why it was a bad mall, and i asked him about it. He became belittling, demeaning me for not remembering this place. I looked around to the west, angry with $F45 for being so childish. I started to recognize some of the stores, and i asked $F45 if this was the place where i had to wait for the train. I remembered that the train station was to the west, and the tracks seemed to run along the northern side of the area. The tracks curved gently from the station to the northeast. $F45 said that this was the place that i was thinking of. We had moved to the west, through the corridors that ran between the small shop stands. I said that we should probably leave this place, and i started to ride my bicycle back to the east. I passed between the stands and headed through the diner, which was on the northeastern corner of the mall area. $F45 was following me. As i rode through the diner area, i realized that i was riding on the elevated surface near the northern side of the room. The surface seemed to be part of the service counter. I tried to steer my bicycle a little to the north, to get off of the counter, but i came to a break in the counter first. I continued to the northwest, letting my bicycle fall to the ground behind the counter as i continued to the east. I was aware of a female waiter standing behind the counter, just to the northwest of the gap in the counter. She moved close to me and started talking to me. She seemed aggressive, though not angry. I stopped my bicycle in the small room to the east of the diner. The room was gray cement and seemed like a cold-storage room. The woman stood just to the west of me and seemed to be talking about something. I felt indifferent to her and responded.

I had been going through the large store to buy some things, and i was now in the northeastern part of the store, where the registers were. The room was very bright, and the counters around the room were orangish-red with white trimming. The register i had gone through seemed to be a self-checkout register. I carried the six-pack of small red planting pots to the east, away from the register. The exit door to the store was to the north of me, and i was heading to the counter that was against the eastern wall to have the man at the door check my purchases before i left the store. I looked at the small red pots, which were wider at the top than at the bottom, and had no surface detail on them. I was still holding the small red oval tag that was attached to one of the pots on the end. As i showed the pots to the man to the east, i realized that i had scanned the small red tag, which, like the pots, seemed to be made out of a heavy rubber material. I realized suddenly that the tag was probably not the correct barcode to scan. I felt a little nervous that i had not done things correctly. I then realized that i had not taken my receipt from the register to the west, so i had nothing to show the man that would prove that i had purchased the pots. The man was unhappy with me for not having my receipt, and shook his head as i showed him the red tag, which was made of the same red material as the pots. I turned back to the west, heading back to the register where i had checked out so that i could get my receipt. I hoped that it was still there. I felt that the people here did not believe me, and that made me nervous and upset. I looked around the counters on the eastern side of the entryway, but i could not find my receipt. I was not sure that it was actually printed. Several men gathered around me. They seemed to be officials from the store, and several of them were wearing dark-green overalls. I stood to the south of the island counter that was near the northern wall. The man to the east of me came very close to me. He had furry blond hair on his head and face. His beard grew around his cheeks, making him look more like a wolf. He seemed somewhat aggressive, and he pressed against my right shoulder as he leaned his head down to the pots that i was carrying in my hands. He seemed to be sniffing them. He was trying to determine whether i was lying about the pots. He then turned his face to me, moving it very close to my face. I tried not to flinch, thinking that i should try to trust him. He seemed stern as he sniffed my mouth. I wondered if he was supposed to be a werewolf. The situation seemed suddenly strange, and i knew that the man was trying to determine whether i was lying about the pots. I told myself that i should be confident because i knew that i had been honest in this situation. I then realized that i did not have the pots with me anymore. I had left them with the man at the counter to the east. I hoped that he still had them, and i started to feel annoyed with this situation. I just wanted to leave the store.

I left the area and walked to the north, starting across the wide paved street in the urban area. I thought that i would drive my car away from here, and i knew that i had parked the car no the northern side of the street. I focused now on the rounded blue truck that was parked across the street from me. It seemed oddly shaped, as though it had been crushed into a boxy shape. I realized that the truck was now parked between two other cars: one behind and one in front. The other cars were parked so that they touched the truck. As i stared at them for a moment, i realized that all three cars were blue, and that they had been pushed together so that it looked like they were crushed into a single row of cars. All of them seemed rounded and featureless, but the ends where they were pressed together showed wrinkled metal and rusty edges. A few people stepped out of the truck just to the east of mine. I felt uneasy about the situation, wondering how i was going to get my truck out of the parking space. I felt a little confused as i turned back to the south. The man was standing to the south of me. He was a bully, and the blue truck i had been driving belonged to him. I had driven it without his permission, and it was now stuck on the northern side of the street. It made me feel a little better to think that the man, who was a bully, was, in some way, being punished by having his truck trapped between the two other cars. I hoped that he did not know that i was the one who had taken his car, but i suspected that he might be angry with me anyway. I was not afraid of him, and i thought i would ignore him if he tried to confront me. I turned to the south and looked at the man. He had chin-length thin red hair and seemed somewhat young. Something about him was different now, though. He did not seem to be bully anymore. He seemed more vulnerable, and i felt that others were pursuing him. He ran to the west, across the southern side of the trailer home. The grass around us was tall and unkempt. I moved with him, watching him run. The others were chasing him. They were still to the southeast, though, but they were coming for him. I realized that he was the werewolf from the television show. I thought about the character that he was playing as i floated over the grass, moving along with him. The land to the north seemed lower than where we were. We had come to the western end of the trailer park, and a creek was flowing to the north of us. The wolf paused and i looked to the north, through the tall dry tops of the grass plants at the rounded stones in the creek bed. A voice said that the wolf should stay out of something. I felt worried about the man as i focused suddenly on the creek. The scene changed, and i was looking at a close up of the ground near the creek. I had been looking to the north-northeast, at the tan rocks between the water, but the view was not focusing on reeds of grass coming out of water to the northwest of me. Steam rose from the reeds, and a small volcanic mount stood in the bubbling water. This area was volcanic, and the water was steaming from the released gasses.

12012 August 09

I walked along the northern wall of the room in the laboratory building. I had come from the east, and the woman to the south of me was asking me about the girl. I was not quite sure what was going on, but i pretended that i knew something about the girl. The woman then asked about the cat that was with the girl. This was something significant, and i felt very interested in the cat. I knew that the story had some importance now, and i continued to pretend that i knew what was happening. The woman questioned me about the young girl. I asked her if she remembered the cat, and asked her to be specific about the details of the cat. I thought that the cat was $X14. The woman said that a cat was present, and then she asked me what significance the cat had to the girl. I started describing the girl, making up details as i went. I paused near the western end of the room. The walls of the room were dark gray and looked like flat pieces of stone. Raised trimming was also made out of stone, which sometimes had lighter gray shading. I described the girl with blond hair and then i referred to her as “Amelia”. The long narrow room that we were in now seemed like a hallway. I spoke about the girl, and the woman seemed very interested in what i had to say. She would not punish me for being here when i should not have been now. I headed to the west, where the family was waiting. The woman turned to them. They had something to do with the girl. I then turned to the east and started walking away, crossing the dry ground between the small laboratory buildings of the college campus. I was heading slightly up hill. A young woman seemed to be walking with me, just ahead of me. I then heard the sound of a cat meowing. I paused, allowing the woman to continue to the east. The row of small buildings was to the north of us, and i looked from the one to the northeast of me to the one behind me, to the northwest. I could not see the cat, and was not exactly sure i had heard it at all. I started to walk again, but then heard the sound. It was much more distinct, and i knew that it as a cat this time. I turned around and headed back to the west, walking along the dark-gray wall of the building to the north of me. As i came to the western side of the building, i noticed the small gray cat sitting on the ground to the north. The cat looked at me. The cat i had heard seemed to be $X14, but this cat was not $X14. I crouched down and called to the cat. As soon as i did, i realized that the cat must have escaped from one of the laboratories. I watched it as it walked toward me, realizing that something pale-yellow was attached to its head. Something was wrong with the cat, and i worried suddenly that i might be infected with something if i touched the cat. I stood up suddenly, thinking that the cat was unsafe. I turned to the east and headed away. I then started hearing the sound of other cats from somewhere in the buildings. I felt sad and started to miss $X14. I thought that i would have to find him, and i imagined cuddling him when i did.

I was driving the car through the garage, which was densely packed with other cars. My mother was standing to the north, watching me as i tried to get the car out. This garage seemed to be my parents’ garage, because it was wide, but i thought that it was actually at my grandmother’s house. I looked at the dark-colored cars to both the east and west of me as i backed to the south. I was surprised that i slipped between them so easily. I felt humored as well knowing that my relatives were watching with anxiety to the north. I stopped the car on the southern side of the garage, realized that i had just passed through a very narrow gap between two cars. I looked at the dark-blue car to the east of me, thinking that i almost hit it and scraped up the side of my car. I turned to the south and started walking from the garage. I had been standing just to the back of my car, which had the trunk open. I was heading across the lawn toward my parents’ house. Two small cars were parked facing the northern side of the house. They were small cars, and the one on the western side seemed to be a red Volkswagen Rabbit. I reached it quickly, but dropped my keys to the west of the car. I was carrying something, and could not coordinate what was in my hands easily. I bent over to pick up the keys, and i then put them into my right pocket. As i did, i thought that i would actually need to put the other keys in my pocket as well. I headed to the east, looking at the other car, which was black or dark brown. The trunk of the other car was open, and i had been packing it. I realized that i had to finish putting my things into the car so that i could leave. I started pulling at some of the things in the car, thinking that they would have to come out of the trunk so that i could put the important things in. With annoyance, i realized that gravel had been spilled in the trunk of the car. It must have fallen out of the cardboard box. I tried to scrape it out of the trunk and onto the ground. I then grabbed the large black bag, which was a punching bag. It was very heavy, but i had to get it out of the trunk. I thought that it would be too heavy to carry, so i would have to drag it into the house, where i would leave it in storage for a while. I dragged the bag to the south, coming into the dining room of the house. My parents were eating dinner at the table, and they stood up with surprise as i entered. My mother seemed surprised, and she asked me what i was doing at the house as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. She had been sitting on the eastern side of the rounded table, and my father had been sitting on the western side. My mother had expected me to head home from $P6, but i told her that i had to get some things. I then thought that it was actually getting dark now, so i would not be able to drive home in the daylight. When my mother asked me why i had come here rather than driving home, i told her that i needed things from this house. I said that i would have to put several of the other things in storage. When she asked why i had to store things at their house, i told her that i had a small car, and it did not have the space to pack everything. I felt a little exhausted and did not want to deal with the issue anymore. The red car i was driving was too small for all my things, so i would have to take only what i needed.

12012 August 10

$F45 followed me as i turned to the north and headed across into the open cement structure. I could see myself walking to the north from my vantage point near the southwestern corner of the building. The land around us was countryside, with rolling grassy hills that were spotted with wide green trees and small dark-green shrubs. This place seemed to be a foreign country, and i thought that it was Italia. The cement building seemed like a mechanics shop, but it had no walls on the lower floor. Square cement beams held up the southwestern corner near me. I watched myself and $F45 move into the lower level, walking across the cement floor. I was then walking into the building ahead of $F45, glancing to the east at the people inside. A few men sat near the southern wall on the eastern side of the room. They seemed relaxed, and the one in the white tank-top was slouching with his left elbow on his knee as he watched us enter. The others stared as well. They were all Italian, and they worked in this garage. I felt a little nervous about them staring at us as i crossed the open room. Thin beams ran down from the ceiling at various places, distinguishing what would have been the separate rooms of the building. A stairwell to the upper floors seemed to be in the center of the building on the northern side, to the northeast of us. I headed to the west, crossing into the open western room. This room was not as bright, and the cement walls and floor seemed damp. I could still hear the people to the east talking. Someone said something about the man who was wandering. I noticed the rectangular openings in the floor of this room. Two seemed to run along the western wall. I could see that the cement slab of the floor was about two decis thick, and the room below ground was very tall, with a cement floor. I looked down through one of the openings on the southern end of the western wall. I was looking down to the southeast, and i saw something move quickly through the darkness below. The others to the east mentioned that they were looking for the man, saying that he was sick or delusional. I thought that i had seen him in the darkness below, but i could not be sure. I turned to the west and headed out of the building, walking along the southern side of the wooden rail fence. The land to the north of me was covered with green ripe grass. A man wandered slowly across the field toward me as i stood near the fence. He seemed to be an authority here, and i thought that he was the father of the family we had been staying with. He was Italian, and the family spoke Italian. He wore blue jeans and a red and white plaid shirt. His belly draped over the old leather belt he was wearing, and he looked more like someone from the western United States. I felt a little wary of him as he walked up to the fence and stood very close to me, on the opposite side of the fence. I thought about speaking Italian to these people, thinking that it would be easy to learn the language here. I looked to the northeast now, noticing that the rest of the family was sitting around the picnic table for a meal. They were talking with themselves as i approached and sat down on the southern side of the table. The man brought a large plate of food from the north and put it on the table. I was aware of $F45 walking to the south, on the eastern side of the table. He was not happy here. I looked at the pink round patties on the plate, thinking that the man had given us fish patties to eat. He knew that $F45 was a vegetarian, but he did not understand what that meant. $F45 would be upset that he could not eat the meal, but i thought that i would eat it with a sauce on it.

I crossed the room of the large old house, heading to the northwest. He rooms were empty of furnishings. I felt interested in this house, and it seemed that i had been in here for a little while. French doors were in the western wall of the room, and i moved toward them. As i approached them, i could hear voices outside. I thought that two people were standing just outside the doors of the house having a conversation. This house seemed to be in a suburban area, and i wondered if the men were neighbors. I could see two shadows on the red curtains over the doors in the northern end of the western wall. I moved toward the door, trying to hear what the others were saying. I could not make it out, so i opened the doors and walked through. I found myself on a large cement patio, which was filled with round cafe tables. This was a public area, and it was part of the hotel. The building around me seemed very modern now, with cement pillars around the curved western edge of the rounded patio holding up the cement and plexiglas roof. Some of the people turned to look at me as i came out of the house, but i could not see who i had heard talking. Two men had been standing near the door, along the northern edge of the patio. They seemed to be wearing suits, and the one on the west was holding a cigarette in his left hand at shoulder level. They seemed annoyed that i had interrupted them. I moved around the tables, trying to appear interested in the area. I did not want them to think that i was not listening, and i tried to pretend that i was not. I moved to the northern edge of the patio, seeing a group of people at a table to the north, in front of a smaller building. They might have been the ones having the conversation. I still could not hear what they were saying, and i did not want to stare at them or they would know that i was trying to hear. I paced around for a moment, but felt rather nervous here. I turned back around and headed toward the room to the east again. The two men on the terrace watched me skeptically, and i felt nervous about them. As i headed back to the building, though, i noticed that the land to the north was now open water. The small house was actually in the middle of the water. I followed a narrow path over the water as i headed for the stone steps that led back up to the old wooden house. I felt i should hurry into the house because the men staring at me made me nervous. As i reached the cement steps of the house, though, i dropped my straw hat into the water. It landed in the water just to the south of the stone steps, but it started to sink, drifting under the porch. I quickly bent over to grab it before it sank all the way. I did not feel too worried about it, but i quickly realized that i could not grab it easily in the water. It was not sinking quickly, so i reached for it with my hand. I started to feel anxious, realizing that i could not quite grab it.

12012 August 14

I walked to the south, into the house that was across the street from my parents’ house. The house was on the southern side of the street, and seemed to be a small white house with a peaked roof and dormers. I walked to the south, across the western side of the living room. The three rooms on the eastern side of the house were connected by a passageway that ran through the western side of them. A room seemed to be near the entryway, the living room was in the middle, and a kitchen was to the south. I moved some things around in the living room of the house, placing them on the fold-out card table that was standing against the eastern wall. The table seemed to have a linoleum surface, but it was covered with papers and pieces of electronic equipment. I moved back and forth from the kitchen, bringing things from one room to the other. I put several of them down on the table. I felt very interested in the items that were in this house, but i also felt a little nervous about being here. I was not supposed to be in this person’s house because the owners did not know that i was here. I imagined the owners as an elderly couple. The details of the room seemed to be pale blue. As i continued to move back and forth between the kitchen and the living room, i started to worry that the owners might come back. I should not be going through the things here. I finally decided that i should put the room back to the way it was before i entered. I was interested in the things here still, but i was too worried now that the owners would come home. I focused my attention on the front door of the house as i continued to clean. I thought that i had heard sounds from outside, but i was not sure. I knew that i could always leave through the metal screen door at the southern end of the kitchen. I could run out the back of the house before the owners came in the front. I would have to hear them coming in the driveway, though. I looked at some of the things in the room as i moved to the south, back into the kitchen. I suddenly realized that i had left the pieces of the reel-to-reel tape recorder on the stove, which was in the southeastern corner of the room, in the counter that ran across the southern wall. The plastic cover of the tape recorder was brown, and had two circular disks on it where the reels would attach. I quickly cleaned them up, becoming more stressed because i felt that i could not remember everything i had changed in the room. I then heard voices from the front of the house, to the north. I decided that the owners were back, and they must be parking in the driveway. I tried to hurry to clean the last of the things up from the house. I felt very nervous now, trying to get everything back into place so that they would not know that i was here. I then realized that i could hear the noises now from the south. The owners must have driven all the way to the end of the driveway and were now coming in through the back door of the house. I felt suddenly upset, thinking that i could not easily escape the house. I did not know what to do.

The man to the west of me showed me the map on the white piece of paper. We were in a special place, and he was showing me a map of the buildings on the island around us. I looked at the line drawings on the paper. The rectangular and circular shapes represented the buildings. The island was long and narrow. It ran down the center of the river, which seemed to flow north to south. I pictured the forested valley around us with tall hills to the east and west. The river flowed down the center of the valley, and the island curved from the north-northeast to the south-southeast, following the curve of the river. I tried to focus on the buildings, thinking that they were special. The lines were drawn in dark-red ink, and i looked at the long narrow shape of the island, which had a slight bulge on the southern tip. The southern end of the island was narrower than the northern end, and most of the buildings were on the northern end.

12012 August 15

The people were getting drowsy from drinking the milk. We were in a small area, and $F58 moved to the north of me with some of the others. She had drunk a glass of milk, and she was now walking uneasily with her hands up near her head. The man to the west of her was helping her keep her balance. I started to feel worried. Something was wrong with the milk. Someone mentioned that others had drunk the milk and some of them had died from sleepiness. I realized that i had part of a cup of milk, and i started to feel worried. The milk must have been drugged. I would have to call emergency. I got out my cellphone, but i was then moving around the eastern side of the room. I had already called emergency, but no one was coming. I felt upset about this, thinking that they were ignoring the problem on purpose. I wondered what we should do.

I jogged to the south, across the grassy lawn, toward the white suburban house. The house seemed large, and it also seemed like the house of $A525. I had been here before, and i remembered being in the house. The large house belonged to the rich family, and i felt that i was intruding a little as i entered through the large window. I thought about the sons of the people who lived here. They were rich as well, and i was interested in one of them. I jumped through the tall rectangular window and came into the dull-red bathroom. I headed quickly to the south, into the hallway. The short hallway ran north to south, from the bathroom to the main hallway to the south, which ran east to west. The stairs seemed to descend to the north, along the western wall of the hallway that i was heading down. A black railing separated them from the hallway. I was supposed to be doing something in the house, and i thought about the older son who was in the bedroom to the east, at the end of the east-to-west hallway. As i glanced through west, i noticed one of the other sons sitting at a table in the hallway. He was reclined in his wooden chair, with his feet up on the round table. He wore a black motorcycle helmet, but i could see most of his face. He casually glanced up at me as i passed. He seemed rather attractive to me, and i nodded to him. I stopped at the southern end of the hallway, thinking about the older brother in the room to the east of me. I felt suddenly uncomfortable here, thinking that no one should really se me coming into the house. I glanced through the doorway to the east. One of the brothers was standing at the foot of the bed, which was on the southern wall, but he was not the older one. He was the youngest brother. I stood for a moment, not quite sure what to do. I decided that i did not need to do anything in the house at this time, so i headed back to the north. I had the light-blue towel with me, and i thought i should use it as i jumped back out the bathroom window. I would have to put it around me as i left the house. I then realized that the attractive brother, who had been it the motorcycle helmet, would see me shirtless as i left the house. I thought that i could impress him as i ran from the house. I thought about how i could wrap the towel around my waist as i ran from the window and across the back yard.

12012 August 16

I stood for a moment on the northern side of the crowded room in the school building. The room seemed like a gymnasium, and it was filled with people. The people started to move to the southeast, leaving the room. They were walking into the hall where they could leave the building. I started to follow them, but realized that the hallway would be crowded. $A506 was with me, and he walked with the crowd to the southeast. I did not want to get caught up in the crowd, so i headed to the southwest, toward the other exit to the room. I thought that i would be able to go around the crowds and come out at the front of the school building with them. I came out of the room into an open hallway, which ran along the western side of the modern building. The walls of the hallway had exposed metal beams, and the western wall was glass. The eastern wall seemed to be covered with fake wood paneling. At the southern end of the hallway, the corridor turned to the east and ran about twenty meters before it emptied out into the main lobby of the building. The lobby extended to the south, but i could see it through the glass outer walls of the building. I thought that i could meet $A506 outside the building, where the other people were starting to spread out. I wondered how i could get outside, though. Ahead of me, to the south was a glass wall. I could see a phalanx of people doing martial-arts moves on the grass outside. They were wearing red singlets, and i realized that they were the wrestling team from $P52. I wondered why they were doing martial arts. I was interested in seeing them, though, and wondered if i could leave the building near them. I could see a doorway on the western end of the glass wall to the south of me, but i realized that it was on the other side of a glass wall from me. A second corridor ran along the east-to-west corridor that i was now in. The southern corridor ran from the western side of the entry hall to the west, ending where the corridor i was in ended. It had a solid southern wall, which seemed to be made of brick, and single door on the western end. I walked to the eastern end of the glass wall and started back up the corridor to the west. I thought that i would come out the door near the wrestlers and would be able to get a good look at them as they did their exercises. I wanted to say hello to some of them, but i knew that i should not. I thought that i would simply walk around them as i headed back to the east, to the front of the building where the crowd was exiting. As i walked along the brick wall, noticing the plants that were hanging from the small trays on the wall, i started to feel nervous. The wrestlers might think that i was coming out this door only to watch them practice. I did not want them to think badly of me, so i turned back around and headed to the east, toward the main lobby. I would come out of the building just to the east of the wrestlers, and would still be able to watch them for a moment. As i walked out of the building, though, the wrestlers were finishing their practice and starting to walk away in different directions. I looked around to the east, not quite sure where $A506 was. I was aware of the wrestling coach to the west of me, though. I started walking to the east, following the long cement sidewalk to the east. The sidewalk seemed to run along the southern side of a long drive, which passed between small patches of forest on the campus. A hill seemed to be to the north, leading up to a large building. As i walked to the east, i was aware that $A117 was behind me. He was walking in the same direction, and i felt a little nervous about him. I wanted to say hello to him, but did not feel like i should. He started walking faster than i was, passing me on the north. I was now moving in a black wheelchair. I had injured myself, and felt embarrassed about it. $A117 glanced over his right shoulder at me as we moved near each other. He commented on the chair. I told him that i did not really need it, but that i was using it because i had sprained my achilles tendon. He nodded and said that it was good to use the chair, adding that i should rest the injury so that it would get better. We came near the end of the sidewalk and turned to the north, crossing the street. We paused on the southern corner, though. Other people were now around us, and $A117 had stopped to talk to someone on the sidewalk. $F11 had now joined me. He was standing in the street to the east of me, and i said hello to him. I suddenly realized that he had the same last name as the person i had been talking to. I looked back to the south to see $A14 standing on the corner, talking to the young women. I had not been sure it was he i had been talking to on the sidewalk, but it looked like him now. I commented to $F11 that he and $A14 had the same last name. We then started walking to the north again. $A14 was $A117 again as we walked up the steep cement steps to the north. A woman was with us now. She seemed like $F43. As we reached the top of the stairs, the woman turned to the east and headed down the hallway of the building. $A117 turned to the west and walked into the small office. I was still thinking of my leg and how it was sore. I walked to the east, looking down at the soft floor of the hallway. The floor was suspended from the ends, like a hammock, and it was red and blue, designed like an oriental rug. I walked to the center of the rug, letting my trailing leg remain behind me for a moment as i stepped. I was using the curve of the hammock to stretch the tendon on the back of my calf. My right leg felt very sore now, but it was good to stretch the injury. I stepped again on the hammock, stretching the tendon a little more.

12012 August 17

I watched the people working to the east of my parents’ house, planting trees and shrubs. I seemed to be standing just outside the back door of the house, and just to the west of a long tear-shaped mound of dirt where a sapling had just been planted. My mother stood to the north of the tree, which was in the rounded part of the mound, on the western side of the mound. Other people were working on the eastern side of the mound. I looked around at the other people in the yard. A second longer S-shaped mound was to the south of us, and several people were digging in the red mulch. I had not been working as hard as the other people her, and i suddenly started to wonder why that was. Everyone was working very hard to get the garden planted. I looked down to the southwestern side of the mound in front of me, where i had been doing something. The mound had gravel piled on the southwestern side. I had done this, and i realized that it did not look as good as the work that the others were doing. I looked at the man to the south of me, who was piling red wood mulch onto the other mound. I then focused on him for a moment, thinking that he was interesting in some way. I turned and headed to the west, wandering back though the house, thinking about something. As i came to the western side of the house, i was just outside the western wall of the house. I could hear my parents arguing upstairs. I realized that i could hear them because the windows of the house were open. They must have been in the bathroom on the third floor of the house, because i now seemed to be on the second floor. I felt a little uneasy that they were yelling at each other, and i wondered why they were arguing. This seemed very strange. My mother seemed upset at something that my father had done, saying that he had done something wrong. I moved back to the east a little, so that i was just inside the house. I could still hear them through the windows. I worried about my parents because they had never yelled like this before. I wondered if my father had become delusional and had done something that he had thought rational. My mother seemed to be referring to the work my father had done on the house. He must have done something, when he created the gardens to the east, that my mother did not like. I headed to the east and looked out the window at the gardens again. I realized that a tall mound of dirt was piled against the kitchen door of the house. I could see it to the southwest of me as i looked out the kitchen window. I also noticed that the mounds to the east of me were now covered with grass. Two semicircular mounds wrapped around a small sapling just to the east of me, and young strands of grass were already growing from them. I looked to the south again, noticing the tall mound of dirt piled against the kitchen door. My father must have thought that the mound looked very good, but i could see why my mother was upset. She would no longer be able to use the kitchen door. I then noticed that the dirt mound had grass and weeds growing out of it. It must have been there for more than a week. This seemed strange. I had just been watching the students shape the mounds. I wondered how i could have changed time so quickly. I backed into the room and looked around the kitchen, glancing along the counter to the north of me. The room seemed very cold now, and i thought that i should close up the house. The weather outside must be getting colder. I would have to go around the house and close up all of the windows. I moved quickly to the west, moving across the northern wall of the dining room to close the windows. I thought that i would circle the first floor of the house to close them. I was then back in the kitchen, standing on the northern side of the room. I realized that a door was now in the eastern end of the northern wall, just to the east of the stove. The white wooden door was ajar. It was strange that the door was open, since it was rarely used. I pushed the door closed, wondering if someone could have come into the house through it. I then started moving around the house again to close the windows. This time, i was in the basement, where the door in the eastern end of the northern wall had been. As i reached the western end of the house, though, i realized that the large back door to the basement was open. It should not have been left open, but i thought that my father must have been doing something outside. I noticed several wrapped present boxes just outside the doors. A truck seemed to be to the west of them, and i thought that the boxes must be trash that my father had started to move to the truck. I wanted to pull the two large barn doors closed, but the presents were in the way, so i started to move them back inside. I hoped that no one had come into the house while the doors were open. I moved some of the boxes back and forth. As i picked up one of the boxes, i noticed the gold-colored purse on the ground. It was a large handbag, with a rounded shape. I wondered if it was my mother’s. I grabbed the white trash bag and started walking to the east with it, crossing the large white plaza. An oriental man was near me, and he followed me as i crossed the plaza. I thought that he had noticed the trash bag that i was carrying, and i wondered if he was suspicious of it. He might think that i was trying to steal something from this place. I tried not to pay much attention to him, and i continued down the hallway of the large building, which seemed like a high school. The man seemed like $A620. I headed to the south, but then turned to the west and headed down a longer hallway. Just before i reached the southern end of the area, though, i glanced over my left shoulder at the white plastic trash bag, which i had slung over my shoulder. It was not as full as it had been, and i realized that the trash must have fallen out of it. I hoped that the man did not think negatively of me because i had unintentionally littered across this area. I felt annoyed, and i looked for a trash can to dump the bag into. I was heading down the wall to the west, and i noticed a black metal trash bin on the northern side of the hallway, just outside a classroom. The female teacher to the north watched me as i walked past her classroom door. The black metal can was now just to the west of her, so i would dump the bag there and continue to the west. As i headed to the west, the area around me became more open. I was not heading down a country road. Tall weeds and small trees rose on both sides of the narrow one-lane road, which also seemed like a grassy trail. I realized that a few inches of snow had fallen on the road. It was strange. Looking at the leafs of the bushes to the north of the road, i could also see powdery snow covering them. I was amused, thinking that it really did snow for the trail that $A605 was setting for $G4. It was a joke, but it had come true. It was rather strange to have snow fall here in August. I turned back to the north, again in the hallway of the school. People were gathering in the in the open area on the northern side of the hall. Many people were moving around to the north and east of me. I then noticed a man from the east. He was one of the people who had been working on the gardens to the east of my parents’ house. He was now wearing a hooded sweatshirt, which was unzipped in the front. He did not have a shirt on underneath, and i could see his chest detail. He seemed nicely built and rather attractive. $F45 had said that he was pudgy, but i did not think that he was really that bad. He did not have a lot of detail on his abdominals, but he was still rather attractive. He was to the southeast of me, but he walked north, passing me on the east. He walked lazily, with an overemphasized swing to his shoulders. I watched him as he walked into the group of people to the north of me. It was a martial-arts class. Several other people were walking from the south to the north to join the class. The main section of the class was to the north of me, already standing in a square phalanx to the north of the opening in the floor, which seemed like a stairwell. Thick brown railings surrounded the square stairwell. I watched a line of people walking to the north, along the eastern side of the stairwell. I then focused on two people on the northern side of the room. They were leading some of the people in the white gis to the east. They were wearing black gis themselves, so i thought that they were black belts. I realized that they were $F57 and $F58. They were wearing black belts around their heads as headbands, so they must have been leading the class. I was interested in the people who were taking this class, and i watched them as they walked to the south, on the east of me. I was not quite sure what i could do here, though, so i turned my attention back to the west, where i was standing on the grassy lawn outside the small building. The small house was to the north of me, and the people had been practicing to the north of it. I looked at the gray gas grill that was to the northwest of me. A tall rack structure stood to the west of me, and it was also part of the grill. The tall racks were formed by a set of horizontal bars on the western side, which were held up by two thick square beams, and a set of horizontal bars on the eastern side. The eastern wall of the rack seemed to have an opening in the center of it. I noticed that the skewers had been set in the opening so that they were resting on the lower beam of the eastern wall, and had their tips on one of the beams of the western wall. I grabbed the eastern end of the skewers and moved them a little, trying to adjust their positions so that they did not fall onto the ground. I could not get them to stay up on the rack to the west. As i adjusted them, i noticed that it was becoming harder to see them. The sun seemed to have set to the west, and it was now getting dark. I also realized how cold it was getting now. I wanted to adjust the long metal pipes so that they would stay in position when i left. I then realized that the pipes were gas pipes, and that they were part of the grill. They were rounded pipes, and they seemed to have round disks on the top where the burners were. I moved into the structure and looked at the western end of the pipes, realizing that the gas pipes had become disconnected from the fittings in the western wall. The gas must have been leaking when the grill was running. I squeezed the fitting with my left hand, trying to fit the pipe back into the hole more securely. I noticed that the metal nut on the bolt had come loose. The people who built the structure must have tightened it, but never came back to tighten it again once the structure was used, so the bolts were becoming loose. They should have been tightened. I then put my left hand to my mouth, tasting the strange flavor from the grill. I had just eaten a piece of gristle from the grill, and it did not taste good. I wondered suddenly why i had put the gristle in my mouth. It seemed like a strange thing to do. I backed to the east, but looked down into the rack area. A small pig was on a skewer, and the skewer ran across the racks. The pig seemed to have been cooked already and was shriveled and dark red. The others would be having it for dinner later, but i did not like the idea of eating it. I turned to the east and started away from the racks, thinking that my mother would cook the pigs for dinner later. I then wondered if we really should leave the meat hanging up outside. I thought that an animal might come and eat it during the night.

12012 August 18

We had been in the public area in the middle of the old city, but the man had picked us up in his vehicle. I was with a group of other people, and i watched the old buildings to the south of us move as we headed to the east down the street. We were flying over the ground as i watched the small cafe tables on the side of the road. The buildings seemed like old tudor-style establishments. I watched as we rose to the upper levels of the building, moving to the east rather quickly. We were then above the buildings, flying in the man’s private jet. The man was rich, and he was taking us somewhere. I enjoyed flying in the jet, and i chatted with the others with me. The jet was flying west, but made a tight turn to the north and then back to the east. I watched the building on the corner of the block out the window to the right of me. We seemed rather close to the building, and i watched the windows and doors of the rooftop balcony pass by. The building looked like an old European hotel. We seemed to be very close to the building, but i tried not to feel nervous about it. I leaned back in the seat of the car and started chatting with the other people here. I looked out the window and noticed that we were circling around the western end of the block again, flying very close to the large yellow building. We seemed to be too close to the building, which was just to the south, outside the window. I could have reached out the window and touched the building. I wondered suddenly how the wing of the airplane would fit between the fuselage and the building. Something did not seem right, but i tried not to think about it because was nervous that we might crash. I tried not to think about the airplane as i started walking to the east, along the northern side of the buildings, which seemed to be tall structures. I headed east along the northern side of the area until i came to the shore on the east. I was looking for something, and i glanced out over the water to the east. I felt very uneasy here. Something was not right. I started following the ledge across the cliff face to the south. The area had a square corner on the northeast, and i had rounded it when i started walking to the south. The view was strangely colored. Everything seemed reddish and orangish, as if the setting sun was coloring everything. Rock cliffs stood to the west of me now, and the ledge was very narrow now. I came to the southern end of the shore and rounded the southeastern corner of the cliffs. The ledge i had been walking on merged into the sandy shore to the south of the tall rectangular cliffs. I walked across the sand, looking to the west at the tall tan stone cliffs on the north of the shore. They ran almost evenly to the west, with a short strip of sandy beach at the base and the ocean stretching out to the south. The waves rolled in from the southwest. As i walked along the sand, i started to feel that the tide was coming in. I thought that the beach would be covered with water soon and the waves would be rolling up against the cliffs. I watched some of the waves roll in from the southwest. They would hit the cliffs and then roll to the east along them. This motion of the water must be what kept the cliffs so smooth. I looked at the steep tan cliffs to the north of me, which seemed to be about ten meters tall. I continued to the west, now walking along a paved road that ran over the beach. I still felt uneasy about this area. Several people were standing near the cliffs, on the north of the road now. They were workers in a road crew, and they were sitting on a break. The cliffs to the north now seemed to be only a meter or so tall, and one of the work crew, who seemed to have very dark skin, was sitting on top of them. Others were standing around near the orange cones in the road. I felt uneasy as i passed them, noticing that they were watching me. I came into the living room to the west, where i started talking to some of the people there. $F4 had been here. The living room was small, and it seemed rather dingy and dull. A small CRT television was sitting on the top of a tall dresser on the western end of the northern wall. The others had been watching it. I reached for the DVD case that was on the eastern side of the television. $A184 had borrowed the DVD, and i thought that i should put it back where it belonged. One of the top drawers of the dresser was pulled part way open, and i noticed that the red remote control was in the drawer. I pulled it out. It should not have been left there. I put it back under the television on top of the dresser so that the others would see it when they were looking for it.

12012 August 19

I was running with $G4 as we crossed the large field of cut glass and came into the western side of the small town, which seemed like $P5. The old wood buildings on the western side of the road were to the north and south of us, and we seemed to be coming onto a gravel parking area between them. A white pavilion-like structure was on the western side of the gravel lot. $G4 turned to the south, and headed into the bar, which was in the large white wood building. I had just stepped out of the bar with some of other people, and i was looking around the town. I told the person with me that i recognized this place. I said that i knew this town. I recognized the field to the west. The man laughed at me, thinking that it was funny that i suddenly realized where we were. I tried to picture where we were. I had not been in this town in a while, and i was not sure exactly where to go. $G4 started running to the east, down the main street of the town, which seemed to be on the northern side of town. The street that we had been on ran north to south, and the main street seemed to run from it to the east. Most of the town seemed to be to the south of us, and i tried to picture it so that i could figure out where $G4 might be running. I knew that one of the roads to the south ran to my parents’ house, but i was not confident that i could easily navigate there anymore. I started to the east, following $G4, and i mentioned to the other person that there were soccer fields to the south. I pictured the large fields between the two north-to-south roads. I could not specifically remember the roads, but i knew that i had traveled them in the past. $G4 was still in the bar to the south of me. I had not joined them in the bars, though, because i felt anxious about it. I was not able to run well, and i felt out of place with the runners now. Something seemed strange. A group of people walked past me from north. They were dressed in denim jackets. I felt awkward here, but then i noticed some of $G4 leaving the bar to the east of me. They started running down the road to the east, through the town. I followed them. $G4 then turned into another bar. I was standing to the south of the bar now. The bar seemed to be a large open pit with sloping walls. I thought that i would follow $G4 into the bar this time. I wanted to join them. I stood on the southern side of the bar, though, which seemed to be an open area surrounded by a cheap wooden fence or barrier. I did not really feel part of the group, but i wanted to join them. A rectangular bar was in the center of the square pit, and many $G4 were crowded around it. I looked to the east, across the slope on the southern side of the area. $F57 was jogging around the outside of the pit area, chatting with other people. He smiled widely and seemed very cheerful. I wanted to hang out with $G4, but i felt distant from them. I was not sure what i should be doing and just stood near the door of the pub.

I was in the small trailer on the western side of town. I felt strange, and i thought about absorbing the power that was in this area. I imagined a force rising from the ground, and i imagined letting it fill my body with light. This idea seemed suddenly strange, and i wondered if i could really absorb energy from my surroundings. I stood up and moved to the east, walking on the southern side of the street in the small town. This town was $P5. It was night now, and i was walking with someone else along the sidewalk. I remembered being here with $G4. $A6 was with me now, and we chatted as we moved down the darkened street. It was night, but street lights illuminated the town. $A6 was driving the car, but he was on the right side of the vehicle and i was on the left. We moved slowly down the road to the east, but i did not think that we were heading in the correct direction. I knew that we would have to stop at the restaurant, which was to the southwest of us, to get my things. I had left them there when i was with $G4. The restaurant seemed to be on the eastern side of the main north-to-south road, which was now to the west of us. A car traveling in front of us also seemed to be with us, and this seemed to have something to do with $G4. We turned to the south and started down a short street in the middle of town. I felt that we would have to turn to the west at some point to get to the main north-to-south road. It was dark now, and i watched the red lights of the car ahead of us on the road. I thought that this was the road that went past the soccer fields to the south of town. It would then travel out of town, but would not merge with the road that we wanted to be on. I wanted to tell $A6 to take the next right to get back to the main road, but i did not say anything. He drove past the first right turn, and i wanted to tell him that he would be driving past the diner if he continued on this road. The next right would seem to bring us out to the south of the diner, which would mean that we would have to backtrack to get to it. $A6 told me that we would not miss the diner. He then grabbed my right arm with his left hand. He put his hand on my biceps and squeezed a little. I thought that he was feeling my muscle, which seemed a little strange. I was somewhat attracted to him, though, so i did not object. I was now more interested in him. We then drove past the second intersection, and i was not quite sure where we would end up. I wanted him to turn to the west to get back to the main road. I then noticed that the road ended in a T intersection just ahead of us. I thought that he would have to stop here and turn to the west. Instead, $A6 continued driving the car to the south, crossing the grassy fields. I felt suddenly alert, thinking that we should no be driving on the grass here. I was excited that we were off road, though.

12012 August 20

I was riding in the car with my relatives as we pulled into the large driveway, heading to the west. I felt upset about something, and i felt that something was wrong. The driveway was gravel, and it opened up into a small parking area to the south. The car turned to the east and parked just to the south of the driveway entrance. I stepped out of the southern side of the car, carrying a black guitar case with me. My mother stepped out of the car just to the east of me. I started walking to the south, but noticed that my mother had a black french-horn case with her. I reached out to grab my mother’s case, to try to help her carry it to the other car, but my grandmother frowned and pushed me away. She did not want me taking touching my mother’s things. I felt upset about this. My grandmother did not want me to be involved. I was upset, and i turned to the north to head back to my car, which was parked along the northern side of the parking lot. I was carrying the red plastic bumper of my car with me. I walked to the back of the car, which was to the west of the car, and tried to fit the bumper back on to the car. I slid the bumper back on to the rear of the car, but noticed that the square hook in the center did not fit well through the opening in the bumper. A set of wires in a black plastic corrugated sheath was getting caught in the opening. I moved to the north a little as the bumper fit into place, and i started pulling the wires through the square loop. My father had been to the southeast of me, and he walked over to help. The wires had been tangled through the hoop, so i had to separate the ends of a few wires to pull them back through. I knew that my father would be curious about this, so i showed him the ends of the wires, which were sticking out the end of the black sheath by about a deci or two. The wires ran in colored pairs, with some yellow and some white. I had separated the yellow wires, so i told my father that i would have to put the yellow wires together again to fix it. I showed him the wires as i twisted the brush ends together.

12012 August 22

I was in the basement of my parents’ house. I had been stuck here for a few days, but realized that i could climb out through the old doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I moved to the doorway, looking up the old cement steps, which ascended underneath the back porch of the house. The deck of the porch covered the stairs, but i knew that part of the deck could be pushed up to open up the stairwell. I stood in the doorway looking at the stairs for a moment. They seemed special. I knew that the stairs must be filled with spider webs and dirty things that had collected over the years, so i was hesitant to ascend them. I thought about being in the basement for a while, though, and decided that i should leave through this door. I pushed up on the porch deck above me, finding that it lifted more easily than i had expected. I stepped out of the house and turned to the east. I quickly noticed a car in the driveway, to the south of me. I could see my mother through the windshield, sitting in the driver’s seat of the car. She must have just arrived home. I wondered if she would be surprised to see me appear from the side of the house. I turned back to the west and started up the stairs of the house, pretending that it was not at all strange that i had appeared from the basement door. I then realized that my mother seemed upset about something, so i turned back to the south to look at her. I noticed several shopping bags on the ground just outside the car. As i approached them, i recognized several of the things in the tops of the bags. They seemed like old toys or things that i had owned. I then remembered that i had put the bags there. I had been taking them to storage, but had left them here for a moment. My mother also seemed to have bags from shopping, and i wondered if she needed any help with them. My mother seemed very upset about something, and her face was very sad. I felt sad for her, and i helped her take her things into the house. Once inside, she walked to the west on the southern side of the house. I carried some of the things down the hallway, trying to figure out where to put things.

I was in the car with my relatives as we headed to the south, down the road in the suburban area. My grandmother was driving the car, though she was on the right side of the vehicle in the front seat. We headed to the south, down the road, which sloped downward into a narrow creek valley. The land around us was forested, but i was aware of houses scattered among the trees. I thought that we would need to make a turn onto another road, and the turn seemed to be to the west. I was going to tell my grandmother where to turn, but i did not see the intersection yet. My father was sitting in the back seat, and he reminded us that we would need to make a turn somewhere. I told him that i knew as i watched the scenery go by, not quite sure where the turn was. As we crossed the bridge at the bottom of the valley and started up the hill on the other side, i noticed a road to the west. I could see the paved surface through the leafless trees. The road headed back to the northwest, and it did not have any lines panted on the black surface. A yellow line from the shoulder of the road to the west of us started up the eastern side of the other road, but stopped abruptly only a few meters up the road. The end of the line was uneven, as though two lines had been printed on top of each other. We passed the intersection with this road and continued to the south, following the road around a wide corner to the west. Several other roads ran off to the west, but none seemed right. We were then heading to the north on the road, and we crossed a bridge or set of train tracks. Just to the north of them, a road ran off to the east. This seemed to be the correct road, so i told my grandmother that it was the turn. The car turned to the east and stopped just down the road.

12012 August 23

I squeezed between the cement walls of the narrow hallway, heading to the east. I came to the end of the building and stood for a moment, looking out onto the street outside. People were walking around, but i focused on two specific people, who were wearing business suits. I thought that they were after me, and i started to feel stressed. I quickly ran back down the corridor to the west, squeezing through the narrow passageway. I had to get out of sight so that they did not know where i had gone. I turned to the north, running up the cement corridor. A set of stairs ascended to the north in the center of the corridor. I knew that i should go up them to get out, but i stopped at the bottom. The others would expect me to run up the stairs. Instead, i ran into a small alcove on the eastern side of the corridor, near the bottom of the stairs. The men would be coming from the south, and i thought i could hide here for a moment. I imagined throwing wooden coat hangers at them as they ran for the stairs. This would give me time to escape up the stairs.

I walked into the college dormitory room, entering through the door in the western end of the southern wall. I turned to the east. $F10 was sitting at a desk against the eastern wall, reading a book, which was on the desk. He was doing his homework. I was back in college again, and i knew that i should read some books as well. I knew that i had some reading to do for English class, and it seemed like a good idea to keep up with the reading this time. I did not seem to have other homework to do. I thought about this as i paced around the southern side of the room. I realized that i did not actually belong here. I was out of my timeline again. I had slipped back in time to when i was in college. I tried to figure out what had happened. I started explaining to the people around me, saying that it was actually a rather complex theory of time. I told them to picture time as a quantum surface, but that seemed too confusing. I knew that the words would not make sense to people of this time. I explained to the woman, who was standing to the east of me, trying to describe what i meant by a “quantum surface”. I talked about the surface having a roughness that was not part of the dimension. I remembered that it could be expressed by a fractional exponent, so i told her how the location in multiple dimensions could be expressed. I said that it was normally expressed with integers in the exponent that described any given dimensional unit, but i explained that the quantum surface had a trait that was expressed in fractional numbers in the exponent. I thought about this as we wandered to the east, following someone else up the stairs to the east. As we ascended, i started talking about Z prime, which was another dimensional unit separate from the Z dimension. I also described time as dimensional units. I seemed to understand the concept, so i was explaining it to the others. We stopped at the top of the stairs, in front of the door to the house.

12012 August 24

I followed my parents and my grandmother to the south and east, walking through the old town. The tan clay and brick buildings were crumbling, and many seemed to be abandoned. The soil on the ground was red from iron clay. We moved through the streets, turning to the south into a small house. The building seemed to be under construction, and we had entered through a door on the eastern end of the northern face. The main part of the building was cubical, and seemed to be to the southwest of the door. The door led into a tall narrow hallway that ran along the eastern side of the house like an enclosed alley. We turned to the southwest and came into the center of the unfinished structure. I noticed that the building vibrated a little with out steps. My father sat on the floor to the south of me, his feet hanging over the edge of the floor and into the gap in the center of the building. I could see the square columns that supported the floor under him, and the similar brick or stone columns that supported the ceiling along the south of the building. As my father sat on the floor, the building swayed. This did not seem safe. The building must not have been constructed properly if it swayed so easily. My father leaned from side to side, causing the house to shake. It seemed strange, and i suddenly realized that the house might tip over if it swayed too far. It should be built better, but i worried that it was not. The house suddenly tipped to the south and crumbled to the ground. I felt panicked as i stood up, backing away from the structure. I knew that my relatives could get out safely, but i would not be able to head to the south to get out. I could not go upstairs anymore to get above the rubble. I backed out of the building to the north. I then started walking to the south again, crossing the dry dirt of the empty lot across the street. Green weeds grew along the eastern side of the lot, and my grandmother was walking in front of me.

I ran to the south. The other two people were ahead of me as we ran over the dry tan ground. The people following us wanted to destroy us, so we had to get away. I looked at the long pointed cliff that stretched out in front of us. The rock wall formed a narrow ridge that extended to the south, curving slightly to the southeast. It extended out into the ocean about fourty or fifty meters. The top of the ridge was only about a meter wide, and it was rounded from erosion. The tapering cliffs under it had narrow channels from erosion. We ran along the top of the ridge, toward the end. I thought that the people following us were going to destroy our home so that we would not be able to go back there. I felt upset about this, and i thought that we would have to attack these people so that they could not destroy our home. I glanced to the west as we ran, looking at the water below us. The color of the water seemed suddenly strange. Part of it seemed much darker than the section near it. It must have had something to do with the way the sun was reflecting off the surface, but the sharp diagonal line that i could see between the dark color and the glittering white surface was very sharp, so i thought something must be in the way. I tried to focus on the water, thinking that the fence to the west of us must be obscuring my vision of part of the water, making it darker than it should be. I shifted my position a little to the south to look over the short wood and mesh fence, but i realized that the water still seemed dark when i could see it unobstructed by the fence. I turned my attention back to the others as we ran to the south, along the narrow rock. I suddenly wondered what we would do when we got to the end of the rock. It seemed that our home would be there, but i knew that the others would take that away. I looked at the small black box that was in my right hand. It was some kind of electronic device, but i knew that it was really useless. I wanted to throw it away, but i had no place to put it at the moment. I then thought that i should toss it in the water to the west of us. This did not seem like a good thing to do, but i wanted to do it. I knew that the others chasing us were watching, so i could not let them think i was littering. I pretended to hit my hand on the short fence to the west of me, and i let go of the black box. It fell over the side of the cliff and slowly fell to the water. I realized that it would not go far enough outward to reach the water, though. I thought that it would just fall along the dirt cliff under me. The person chasing me looked over the edge of the cliff at the black box, saying that i was polluting. I ignored them, watching the box fall into the water at the base of the cliff. I then told the person that it was a mistake. I thought about the cliff that we were on. We were running to the end, but i suddenly did not know what we would do when we got to the end. We were quite high over the water. How would we escape the people following us? Would we simply jump into the water at the end of the cliff?

12012 August 26

I thought about the man who had to do a mythological quest. It seemed to be part of a story, and i was explaining it to someone. I seemed very interested in the story as i told it. The man had to accomplish something, but he would have to ask Death to do it. I told the other person that the man would have to be a Titan or Death would not listen to him. I then realized that “Titan” was not the correct term. I said that maybe “demi-god” was better, but it still did not seem correct. I tried to explain this to the man. The hero had to be related to the gods in some way so that he could contact an immortal. He would need Death to turn back time for him to accomplish his task, and he would need to be special in some way for Death to listen to him. He would not be able to relate to Death unless he had this special attribute, which seemed to be related to the lesser gods. I thought about this story, and realized that it would make a good book. I wondered if i should write it. It seemed like an exciting adventure.

12012 August 27

I was walking down the dirt road in the rural area, following $A602. He looked over his right shoulder at me as we walked, and i spoke to him about something. He smiled as he talked. I felt interested in talking to him.

12012 August 28

I drove the car to the south, but i was on the right side of the car, in what would normally be the passenger’s seat. Someone was sitting to the left of me. I felt unsure about where i was going, and i was driving rather slowly. The other people in the car were telling me things. $F45 then leaned over my head from the back seat. He said something about where i should go. I felt suddenly annoyed with him leaning over my head, and i yelled at him to be quiet. I said that it was hard to drive when i was constantly being told what to do. I had stopped the car in frustration. I felt very upset, and i started to turn the car around in the small area. The land around me seemed grassy, and i seemed to have been driving on a set of dirt ruts in the grass. Several houses seemed to be hidden behind trees around me, but i could not actually see any trees or houses. I then noticed the two cars on the dirt path to the south of me. The path ran east to west, and one car was coming from the east and the other from the west. They were moving slowly, but they crashed into each other head-on. I felt worried about them, but, as i watched, they looked more like animated cars. They bounced away from each other and stopped, about two meters apart. The hoods of the cars now formed faces, and the cars were staring at each other. They seemed like animals, and they were funny. I looked at the rounded car on the east, which seemed to have a dull purple fur over it. The car from the west moved to the south of me. It was actually a large blue dog. It looked like a wolf. I started petting it with my right hand. I felt happy about the animated dog, and i wanted to pet it. I hopped over its back as i continued petting it around the neck. I then realized that i should not have straddled the dog in such a way. The dog would probably mistake the movement for a humping gesture. I started to roll off of the dog to the south, but it turned its head and grabbed on to my left hand, which was on the right side of its head. The dog only bit lightly, but i whined and made a sad noise to let it know that i was not being serious. The dog let go of my hand. I suddenly felt that this was a very strange situation, and i tried to figure out what was really happening.

12012 August 29

I sat in the driver’s seat of the car on the road, facing east. The car was stopped near the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. A man suddenly walked toward the car from the southeast. I felt suspicious of him, and decided that i should probably lock the doors of the car. The man was wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, and he reached for the door handle on the passenger’s side of the car. I could not press the button to lock the car door quick enough, but, as he pulled the handle, i discovered that the doors on the passenger’s side were already locked. I was glad that the doors of the car had not been opened. He looked up at me as he started walking to the back of the car. He seemed like Jerry O’Connel, and he scowled at me. I realized that he was coming around the back end of the car, so i reached for the lock button on my door with my right hand. I seemed to move slowly, but i was able to press the button before the man could pull on the handle. The man seemed aggravated as he stalked off to the west, moving behind my car. I looked in the rear-view mirror. A large car was standing behind me. The man was on the passenger’s side of the car, and he pulled open the passenger’s door and got in. The woman with the fuzzy hair, who was driving the car, was obviously surprised. I felt angry with the man. The scene changed, and it seemed that some time had passed. I moved to the east, down the darkened street. I worried that the man was after me. I thought that he was following me, and i had to be cautious that he did not find out where i lived. I knew that i was near my apartment. It seemed to be one of the apartments on the southern side of the street. I headed west into the apartment, but it was not my apartment. I was actually in the man’s apartment. I moved around the dimly lighted room, looking at the things that were scattered on the floor. The man was not aware that i was in his apartment, and i felt anxious as i walked around the area. I looked through some of the things on the cluttered surfaces, and i felt angry with the man. I needed to find out more about him, so i looked at the things on the floor. I thought that i should take some of his things because i felt so angry with him. He was then back in the apartment somewhere, and i felt a little nervous. I did not want him to know that i was here. The man seemed to be with me, though, but he did not want to be seen by me. I chased him to the exit door on the eastern side of the room. The eastern side of the room was a little bit higher than the western side, and a single step ran across the floor separating the two sections. After the man had run from the apartment, i ran back to the center of the room. I felt justified being here, and i moved around the apartment. I wanted to hurt the man for what he had done to me, but i was not sure what to do here. Other people were moving around in the room to the north of me. They seemed to be going through the things here. I was aware that the man was now back in the house, but he seemed to be much younger now. He was still a bad person, but he seemed to be a child. I felt angry with him as i talked to him, but he seemed uncertain and scared. He showed me something from one of the long shelfs that were hanging on the northern wall. He said that he had money in a small box, and he pulled the small wooden box from the shelf to show me. I knew that it was just change, but it seemed like a lot of money. I told him that he should put the money in a bank. Some of the other people in the room seemed interested in the money, and they listened to us as we talked. I felt that the boy should put his money somewhere safe, so i told him about the bank, but he did not seem to know what a bank was. It seemed strange that he had not heard of a bank, so i told him how a bank worked. I said that he would be able to put his money in the bank and that he could take it out when he needed it. The boy seemed excited about the idea, and i started to feel protective of him.

12012 August 30

I walked back to the west, stopping in the small room at the western end of the building. I felt a little frustrated, but i tried to focus on what i was doing. I was supposed to be acting, and the main area was to the east, in the large dining area, which seemed to be part of a cafeteria. The short woman with the fuzzy hair was standing near me. She was the director, and she was trying to explain what i should be doing. I would have to carry some plates into the room to the east to serve the people at the table. I looked around for a tray that i could put the plates on to make the trip easier. The woman picked up a large round plastic table from the eastern wall of the small room, just to the north of the exit door. The table was made of clear plastic, and it had a thick rounded creamy-blue rim made of translucent plastic. The table was actually only the table top, and she handed it to me to use as a tray. It seemed rather large, but i would use it. The woman then walked back into the other room to the east. She was short and rounded, and she had fuzzy blond hair. She walked about half way across the room and stood near the tables. I was looking to the east, down an aisle, which seemed to be right in front of the service counters, on the northern wall of the room. The people were sitting at a table just to the south of the aisle. A camera man was standing in the aisle, facing southwest to get a shot of them. The woman was directing me to do something. I stood by the doorway of the room, trying to hear what the actors were saying. I realized that they were too far away. When i looked up at them, they were turning around to look at me. I realized that i had missed my queue. I shook my head and started toward them. I said that i would have to stand closer so that i could hear what the actors were saying. I felt very anxious about this part, and i was not sure that i was doing it correctly. I tried to hurry into place, but i did not think that i was coming in correctly. I stopped near the metal cafeteria counter on the northern wall and waited for the actors to speak the correct lines. I then realized that i did not have to hold the serving tray that was in my hands, so i put it down on the metal rails of the serving counter. I stood there for a moment, staring down at the tray, waiting for my cue. I still felt that i was doing something wrong. I decided that i should enter the scene, so i carried the tray to the southwest, pausing on the northern side of the table. The audience was here now, and we were performing an actual show. The audience was to the east of us. I held the tray for a moment near the table. The actors were quiet, and i suddenly started to worry that i had missed my line. I thought about the line, thinking that i had to wait for one the actors to say something to me first. I then started to worry if i was supposed to say a line before the one i was thinking of. I felt nervous and did not know what to do. The short woman, who was now sitting on the western side of the table, muttered a line softly. I repeated the line. I did not recognize it, but i thought that it must be the line had forgotten about. I then waited for one of the actors to say something before i said my next line. It was quiet, so i started moving the bowls from the tray that i was holding to the surface of the table. I knew that i could not say my next line until one of the actors said something, so i started asking them questions about the meal, prodding them to start their next line. Neither of the two actors said anything, and i started to feel frustrated. I could not just stand by the table, so i headed back to the west, off stage. Something had gone wrong, and i felt very bad about it. I knew that it was not my fault, but i felt that the woman would blame me for it.

The family was moving their things across the rectangular area of cut green grass. The area seemed like the central room of a house, but it seemed to be outdoors. The family had to move from this place, and they were carrying things from the northwest to the southeast. I stood at the eastern end of the southern side of the area, facing northwest. Large metal outdoor swing sets ran along the eastern and northern sides of the area. I carried something to the north, along the eastern side of the area. As i did, i noticed that the area seemed to be raised from the surroundings. Short dirt cliffs formed a ragged edge along the eastern and northern sides, which i could see as i reached the northeastern corner. The dirt cliffs were only a meter or so tall, and i wondered suddenly what would happen if they started crumbling. I could not walk too close to them or my weight might push the dirt apart and start the edge crumbling.

12012 August 31

I was on the airplane, which was moving to the south, over the suburban area. I looked out the window to the right of me, looking to the west over the dark trees below. It was dark outside, but i could see many of the houses clearly. I recognized this neighborhood as the area where my grandfather lived. I had just been at my grandfather’s house. I was looking out the window to the right of me as the airplane circled to the west and then back to the north. We seemed very close to the ground, and i started to feel nervous about it. The trees were very close to the airplane, and i started to feel that something was wrong. I then noticed the bright-green two-story house outside the window. It sat on the eastern side of the street and was set back on a yard that had several trees on it. It was my grandfather’s house. We were landing on the street in front of the house. I felt very uneasy, thinking that something was very wrong. The airplane was not crashing, but was purposely being landed here. A man was to the north of me, making the passengers get off of the airplane. I felt nervous about them. They had hijacked the airplane and they were now making the passengers go someplace. I thought that they would kill the passengers, so i felt that i had to escape from the men. I started to the east, heading off of the airplane. I imagined running to the east, around the houses and into the dark woods beyond. The man was then near me, and he offered me a drink from a black coffee carafe. He had been offering the drink to the other passengers, and i suspected that the drink was poisoned. They had to get rid of the passengers, so they were drugging them to make them easier to dispose of. I told the man that i did not want any coffee, and he asked me if i was sure, becoming more insistent. I turned to the east and walked off of the airplane. I was nervous about the man. I would have to find a way to get away from him. He started following me, and i worried that he would try to attack me. I then told him that i was heading to my grandfather’s house as i motioned to the southeast, toward the large pale-green house. To the east of us was another two-story house: the one next to my grandfather’s house. The man seemed surprised that i knew the people in the house, and he suddenly seemed more relaxed near me. I thought that my grandfather must be involved with the bad guys in some way. I felt a little relieved, thinking that i would be somewhat safe in my grandfather’s house. I walked to the south, coming into the large central living room of the house. The men came into the room to he east of me. They were carrying boxes of drugs, which they were delivering to my grandfather. My grandfather was standing in the center of the room, facing west, and his wife was sitting in a chair to the south of him, also facing west. I was surprised that my grandfather was working with the drug runners, and i felt uncomfortable in the house with him. I wondered what i should do. I wanted to leave, but i felt that the men might be suspicious of me and try to abduct me. I paced around the room for a moment, heading generally to the north. I then realized that my mother was in the room. She was standing to the southeast of me, near a stack of cardboard boxes, which contained drugs. She had several plastic bags of drugs on top of one of the boxes, and she was writing names on the bags with a magic marker. The names were the names of the people for whom the drugs were intended. I quickly moved toward her and told her that it was not a good idea to write names on the bags. I talked softly so that the bad guys to the north did not hear me. I told her that, if she put the names on the bags, then it would make it easier for the police to know who was buying the drugs. She thought about this for a moment. She had just been trying to help, and had not thought about the consequences of what she was doing. The men to the east seemed to be part of the Mafia, and i knew that they were working with my grandfather. I told my mother that we should leave this place. I tried to get her to come with me. The area was now very large and open, and i wanted her to follow me to the southwest. It seemed like the easiest way to go to get away.