12013 August 01

I jogged down the country road, heading to the west on a wide swath of grass that ran along the northern side of the road. The land around me was a rolling plain, with steep short hills that were covered with dry yellow grass and bright green grass. I turned several times, finding myself heading in different directions as i ran along the side of the road. The grass on the side of the road seemed to be purposely cut into a 3-meter-wide path. I was running up a hill on the northern side of the road when i noticed a person near the top of the short hill, in front of me. The person had been jogging from the west, but had stopped on the grass just on the eastern side of the hill. As i approached the person, the person fell to his knees, holding their hands together in front of his chest. I thought that the person was praying, but it seemed very strange that the person would be praying. As i passed, i noticed that the person was wearing long pants and an undershirt with an unbuttoned long-sleeve shirt over it. I thought about this as i continued running, and i started to notice several other people stopping on the path to pray. I had come some distance, and i was looking at the jogging path from several different directions, as if i had followed the road around many corners in a very short amount of time. I was now heading to the west on the southern side of the road. I had just come over the top of a hill, and i stopped to rest for a moment. I realized that i was on a very long run, and i started to feel uneasy about the distance. I had not run this far in a very long time, and i was worried that i was not yet ready for such a distance. I crouched down and rubbed my right ankle, thinking that it felt a little sore. I then leaned on the snow bank, which was to the north of me. Another person was standing to the south of me, in the rounded area where the path had been expanded on the side of the road. It seemed like a bus stop or some other waiting area. I was then jogging to the east again, heading up a longer grassy hill on the southern side of the paved road. Several people came over the hill to the east of me. They were all falling to their knees to pray. This seemed very strange to me. I wondered why so many people were praying, and i wondered why they were in this area. I felt a little uncomfortable around them, but i continued jogging. I started to suspect that they were doing something strange. I continued to follow the grassy swath on the northern side of the road as i headed to the west. I was heading down a long shallow hill now, and i could see the open grassy area on the northern side of the road, ahead of me. I drove my car to the western side of the area, thinking that i would park in the parking lot to the west of the open area where the festival was being held. The festival area was a large rectangular area of cut green grass in the middle of the taller field grass of the terrain. It seemed to be nestled in a small bowl in the hills to the north of the road. I parked my car in the lot and walked to the east, into the festival area. I thought that i would put up my tent on the western side of the grassy rectangle. Many other people were moving around near me. As i came through the tree line from the parking lot, i realized that people were doing something on the western side of the area, blocking the spot where i thought that i would set up my tent. I realized that this was the Grassroots Festival. I had accidentally come in without a ticket, and i felt a little uneasy. I looked around to the west, now noticing the orange construction fencing along the tree line that i had walked through. The security people must not have noticed that i had come through. I should have had a wristband to let them know that i belonged here, but i had none. I then thought that i should set up my tent to camp here. I then decided that, because i did not have a wristband, i would be noticed in the festival and kicked out. I wondered what i should do. I looked to the north and northwest, at the other people setting up the black objects near me. They seemed to be setting up a stage on the western side of the area, where i had planned on setting up my tent. Two women were unpacking items from cardboard boxes to the north of me. They chatted with each other as they pulled things out of the boxes and looked at them. The woman closest to me was wearing capris pants with a red shirt. She had rounded hips and a thin upper body. She glanced at me as she worked and then said something to the other woman. I felt uncertain, and i looked up at the sky to the north. The sky suddenly seemed very dim, with wispy pink clouds. It was very strange. I stared at it, trying to figure out what i was looking at. I then noticed constellations in the sky. This could not be correct. I decided that i was actually looking up at the underside of a tent, but that still did not seem correct. My vision was blocked by the strange dull-brown sky, and i could not quite focus on any part of it. I then turned my attention back to the people around me, looking at the black structure that was standing to the northwest of me. It looked like a small pavilion, with a roof that expanded over my head. The dull-black column to the northwest of me seemed to be a stack of speakers for the stage, and a man was to the west of me, fixing a bar of stage lights on the black platform. I then noticed that most of the other people around me were heading back to the west. The workers had finished their set up and were now required to leave the festival area so that the festival could start. I would have to leave with them, or they would easily realize that i did not belong here. I started to walk to the west, but i looked at the stage around me, stepping over the bar of stage lights that the men were working on. I had to act official so that the men did not apprehend me at the door. I was carrying a black envelope in my right hand. It seemed official, but i knew that i should do something with it. I asked the woman to the north of me about recycling. She said something in response, motioning to the northwest. I stepped to the west, putting the envelope on a shelf at the back of the stage. I decided that i could just leave it here and have no trace of this place once i left the grounds. I then headed out the doorway at the back of the stage, heading for my car.

12013 August 04

I was here doing something college related. Others seemed to be around me. I had moved to the northwest, away from them for a moment, leaving them to the east of me. I had to do something to the west. I then looked up at the flat land around me. It seemed like an open plain, but trees were growing here and there. I then turned to the south, looking out over the ocean. Objects were floating on the heavy waves rolling waves, which sparkled brightly. I then focused on something on the water. Some of the waves were moving at an angle to the others. The rounded dark waves moved to the northeast. I watched a few of them roll to the northeast, and i thought that something was moving under the water. It seemed strange. I turned to the people in the office to the northeast of me, telling them about the waves. They were discussing something, and the situation now seemed urgent. I felt very nervous about this situation as i talked about it with the others.

12013 August 06

Extraterrestrials had taken over the planet, and i felt unsafe as i traveled across the flat gray landscape, heading east. The ground sloped upward slightly in front of me. I had some relation to the people that had come here, and i thought that they were really from another time or another reality. The invaders were to the east of me, and i imagined a large metallic ship or city stretching up from the ground in the distance. Something had happened to the people who had come here with me. I was one of the people that had arrived here, but most of them had been corrupted. I looked at the gray flat featureless landscape near me, thinking that i had to get back to something. I was weary of the others, though. I knew that i was one of the smart people who had come here, so i was not as easily corrupted as most of the others. I had to be careful of them. A crowd of people was now to the northeast of me, heading to the west. They were the invaders, and they seemed like mindless people as they wandered slowly to the west. I could hear them chanting three words over and over. The words were destructive, and they seemed to be saying “hate, kill, destroy”. Some small group had corrupted the people. This small group seemed to be controlling the people by influencing their ideas. I thought that i should chant “peace, love, togetherness” as i moved to the east. I imagined that the chanting could convert the zombies that came close to me, making them more peaceful. I thought that the people were suggestible and that the chanting would somehow act like a melody in their heads. They could be lured to the music and start chanting the hopeful words. I sang as two people in gray lumbered toward me. I hoped that my idea of music worked. I did not want them to attack me. Most of the people were clustered to the northeast of me, and still seemed to be heading to the west, but two had come near me, standing close to the northeast and southeast of me. I sang to them, and they hesitated. They did not attack me. I thought that they were relatively uneducated, so they were easily suggestible. I then wondered if i could sing to convince them to be more aware of their situation. The one to the northeast of me then said that the “rubric cube” gave them orders. I was looking to the north now, at a line of wreckage on the tan sandy ground. Several black metal objects were partially buried in the sand. They looked like the back ends of old CRT monitors, which were face down in the sand. I wondered if those were the cubes that the people were referring to. It made sense that the cubes would be televisions. I then thought that the cubes would be some technology that the people would not understand. The two people stood on either side of me as i looked to the east again. I was still weary of them and worried that they might attack me. I decided to pretend that i was talking to the spaceship, which would be controlling everyone. I turned my head upward, thinking about the cubes that were controlling everyone. I would have to pretend that i was getting orders from the ship so that the others would not attack me. As i stood there, i thought that i really should have some special effects, like a white beam of light shining down on me. I imagined this, watching the area around me glow with rays of light as i stood. I thought that this would deter the zombies near me, bet then i thought that they would at least be impressed. I sang the melody, which now seemed very high. I was aware that this was all special effects, though. Nothing was real, and i thought that the two people might realized that. I could not actually get the special effects, so i would have to just look like i was communicating with the ship. I started to shake as i sang, trying to look serious. I pretended to tremble with the communication from the ship, and i hoped that it would look impressive to the people near me. I then started walking to the east, heading away from the two people. I thought that i would have to get away from them before they realized that i was not actually communicating with the masters. I looked to the north again, looking at the two men who were lying on the bed. They seemed to be a strange sight. Both of them had red skin, and one of them was holding the other as if the second man had fainted. For a moment, i thought that the man on the top was dressed in a devil costume. His face was glossy red, and he seemed to have horns. I then realized that i recognized his face. He was one of the other smart people from the ship. I felt suddenly concerned for him, wondering why he was dressed up in the makeup. This did not make sense. I then saw the man grab the weapon from the ground and lift it over the other man. I realized that the second man was one of the extraterrestrials. The master must have enslaved the first man. He was going to hill the master, but he suddenly let his shoulders fall in defeat. He was not able to kill the master. The master, who had his head to the north, opened his eyes, realizing that the other man was very close to him. He seemed concerned. The man smiled at the master, pretending to be affectionate. He had to pretend to cuddle with the master so that the master did not suspect why he had really gotten so close. The man now had red feathers in place of his hair, and he seemed to have the beak of a hawk. I could tell that he was very upset, but the master did not seem to notice. The master smiled as the man kissed him on the left side of his neck. The man seemed to be wincing as he did this, and i felt bad for him. The master must have altered the man to look like a bird. It seemed very strange. The master was an extraterrestrial, though he looked human. I thought that he must be larger than a normal human. He was comforted by the kisses, but he started to seem uneasy. I wondered if he was suspicious of the man.

12013 August 07

I moved to the north, thinking about the building to the south of me. I had come from the archives, and i had stolen the Declaration of Independence. I remembered taking the document and putting it in a large book. I had taken it for some purpose, but i was not sure why. I then heard someone saying that it had been stolen. I felt uneasy. I had taken the documents from the area, and i wondered if the officials would know that i had done it. I was allowed into the area, and i felt that i had betrayed their trust in some way. I wanted to protect the document, and i felt that i had taken it to keep it safe in some way. I now started to think that i would have to return the document, but i was not sure how i would do it. I started to cross the paved parking lot to the north of me, feeling very uncomfortable. I wondered why i had taken the Declaration of Independence in the first place. I would have to get the document back to the archive, but i did not think that i would be able to now. The officials would have increased security. I felt very upset, worrying that i would no longer be able to do anything with the document. I would not be able to keep it safe forever, and i could not return it to the archive without getting caught. I then realized that it might eventually get destroyed. I knew that copies of it would still be around, but the original would be gone once i could no longer take care of it. I felt very bad about this.

12013 August 08

I had to get ready for school, and i was packing my lunch in the kitchen of the house. I felt nervous and rushed as i put things together. I then turned to the south and carried the paper bag with me. Another person was walking ahead of me as we walked out of the room through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. I was now is the school, heading to the south into the classroom. I felt uneasy, thinking that i had forgotten my lunch. I had left several things at home, and i felt unprepared for school. I thought that i at least had money to buy something for lunch. I then wondered whether i would be able to buy lunch at school. I had been used to buying it from a cafe when i worked at a college. I was not sure what i should do, and i stopped on the northern side of the classroom. The class was already happening, and i felt that i had to start being part of the class. I then realized that i did not have a pencil with me. I had forgotten to bring my backpack with my paper and pencils in it. The only thing i had in my hand was the brown paper bag of my lunch. I walked to the northern side of the classroom to get some paper and a pencil. When i turned back to the south, i was holding a small pocket-size notebook. I opened it up to write in it, but i noticed that someone had been using the notebook before me. Several drawings were on a few of the pages. I looked at the drawing on the right-hand page of the spiral notebook, thinking that it looked familiar. I remembered seeing it before, and i suddenly wondered if it was one of my drawings. I looked carefully at it. The rough sketch seemed to form the general outline of a man who was running to the left of the page. It had straight lines for the right arm and part of the torso, with only a few lines suggesting the legs. It seemed very familiar, and i thought that i had drawn it a long time ago. I turned the page forward to see what else was in the notebook. Several other sketches were in the book, and i recognized all of them. This was one of my notebooks. I was surprised to see them, and i felt a little shocked that i had found this notebook after all this time. As i stood, looking at the notebook, i became aware that a man was standing just to the southeast of me. He was the gym teacher, and he seemed impatient with me because i was not paying attention to the class. He wanted me to pay attention to the class. He had his hand up in front of him, holding a set of white cards with red markings on them. I was supposed to pick a card from his hand. I reached for a card, noticing now that they were actually being held within a folded sheet of paper. The larger piece of paper was folded in the palm of the man’s hand, and the small stack of cards had been placed into the fold. I grabbed a card on the right end of the stack, but i then thought that the man might have extended a few of the cards so that i would more likely pick them. I shifted my hand to the edge of the stack and grabbed another card. I pulled out the red and white card, which seemed to be folded. It was longer than the stack of cards, so it must have been folded in the man’s hand. The card had two sections. I held it near the man’s hand, not quite pulled from the stack. I could see that the two sections on the length of the card seemed to have bar codes in them. The cards were to be used for something. I thought about this as the teacher turned back to the southeast and walked away. I felt anxious, not sure what i should do here.

A crowd of people was gathered near the southern end of the large room. They were all watching something to the south. I had come into the room with a few other people, and we approached the group, wondering what they were interested in. We stopped just to the north of them on the southern side of the room. A wide alcove stretched the length of the southern wall and was separated from the main room by several square columns, which seemed to be covered with cement blocks. The people were mostly crowded into the alcove, doing something near the southern wall. The wall seemed to shimmer, but i could not be sure what i was looking at. A man to the east of me then asked if i wanted to throw staples through openings in the universe. I looked back to the south, thinking that this was a plot of a television story. I said yes, pretending to be interested in the tear in space. The rift was small, so the people were shooting staples from office staplers through the crack. The man hurried away to get more things to toss into the opening, and i moved to the east a little to get a better view of the rift. I noticed small white rings in the air. They looked like small rings of faintly glowing smoke. They were the openings. I was surprised that they were actually real. I had thought that this was part of a science-fiction plot. I moved closer to look at them. I then started to see images to the south of me. The images were faint and ghostly, and they looked like old television pictures projected into space. I told the others about them. I was looking through the rift in the universe, and i was able to see a scene from the other side. I peered into the crack, and i could now see a woman in a living room. The room looked like it was part of an old apartment, with an old black-and-white television on the southern wall, facing me. The woman stood on the western side of the room, and she was gazing to the east. She had a dark pattern tattooed on her face. Several other people seemed to be in the room with her, but i could not make them out well. This scene seemed important, so i described the woman to the others, detailing the loose clothing that she was wearing. I then wondered if i should describe her as a “woman with dragon tattoo”, but then i realized that this name was already used in the title of a book, so i should not use it for this scene. It would not seem like an original plot. I then backed up a little, excited with what i was seeing. I suddenly realized that everyone was staring uneasily at me and the crack. I looked back at the opening. It was wider now. We had opened the gap farther by tossing things into it. The others were concerned about this. I realized that things had come through the opening while i was looking through it. This made the other people uneasy. Some of the people had shifted sides, but they could not distinguish which people and which objects belonged on which side. This was a bad situation, and the people started to panic, thinking that we had to close the gap as soon as possible. I started to worry, feeling that the people were blaming me because i had looked through the hole. I started to move through the people as they rushed chaotically around the room trying to restore the natural order. I turned and spoke to a woman to the east of me. She was facing south. I turned to the south to see a map with the sea coast and a gray area surrounding us. The gray area represented the exposure to the alternate universe. These areas were unstable and could lead back and forth between the universes. I noticed that the gray areas seemed to be restricted to land. This might have something to do with the magnetic properties of salt water. I asked the woman where we could pass though a gap and come out in an uninhabited building or in the water. I thought that we could take a boat on the other side of the gap to sneak into the area. We were trying to expose something that the others wanted to hide. I thought about the gray land and how we could get to the special areas, trying to plot a path through the multiple universes so that we could circumvent the people trying to maintain the separate universes.

12013 August 10

I was crossing the street in the urban area, heading to the north. The street seemed to be in an old part of town, and the buildings around me were run down. A train track ran east to west along the street, and a train was coming from the west. I paused to let the large metal train pass in front of me. The train passed to the north of me, moving now to the west. I waited for it to pass before i headed across the track. I realized that i would have to be careful of the voltage on the rails as i crossed. It was dangerous to cross train tracks. I remembered my mother warning me of getting trapped. I looked at the tracks to the east of me, noticing that multiple rails merged near the crosswalk. This must be an area where the trains switch from one track to another. I then noticed the metal railing over the top of the electric rail. It was protecting the rail from people stepping on it. I remembered that the extra rail could snap down on the lower rail. If someone was walking near it, it could trap their feet and keep them on the tracks when a train came.

12013 August 11

I moved through the old house. I felt uneasy here. A man was in the house somewhere, and i was cautious of him. A voice said “Say something.” I felt uncomfortable, thinking that the voice was like a ghost. It was horse as is spoke. I stopped in a doorway, heading southeast, to listen.

I had been camping in the area with the others. They seemed like $G4. I had wandered to the north to do something, but i was now heading back to the main camping area. They were gathering in the clearing of the campsite. I felt distracted, and thought that i had been doing something by myself while they gathered.

12013 August 12

I followed the woman through the dense forest, heading to the southwest on the crude trail. The day was sunny, and the trees were full of summer leafs. I felt good here. I then noticed an X on one of the trees to the northwest of me. It was lighter than the dark wood of the tree trunk. I thought that it must have been carved into the trunk. I walked toward it a little, now noticing that several other trees had carvings on them. The letters on the trees seemed nicely carved, with straight serifs and sharp lines. The letters on the tree were actually Greek letters and spelled out xi gamma delta. More carved letters were on trees to the north of me. I thought that someone must have spent a lot of time carving the letters out of the trees. The letters to the north were actually carved from the trunks of trees, forming solid characters. I touched the letter V, thinking that i could carve things like this. It was interesting, and i thought that it seemed artistic. I imagined that i could carve things in the forest as well. A person then passed to the north of me, following the trail that i had been on. I stepped up onto one of the large carvings. It was half the size i was, but, when i looked down, it seemed to be a long way to the ground. The land seemed to drop off abruptly to the north. I was near an edge. I had floated up to the carving. I remembered that i could float. I jumped down from the carving and floated slowly to the ground in the room. It felt good to float again, so i started floating around the room, moving across the eastern wall from south to north. I wondered why i never practiced floating anymore. I used to do it a lot. I floated back to the south and then to the southeast, into the other rooms of the house. It felt very good to fly again.

I sat near the back of the bus as it drove to the west down the long rural road. I listened to the others talking around me, not really paying attention to anything in particular. I felt that i knew most of the people around me. As the bus stopped at the corner, i moved down the center aisle, getting close to the front of the bus. I thought that i would have to get off soon, so i wanted to be near the door when the bus got near my street. The female bus driver was chatting with some of the other passengers. She talked about having to pick up the woman, making it seem like a terrible thing. A person behind me, to the southeast complained about the woman as well. I realized that the driver could be heard throughout most of the bus. The driver had complained that she did not want to pick up the woman, and i felt that it was an awkward situation, because others on the bus might disagree with her and think that she would have to do her job anyway. I wondered whom the driver was talking about. I then thought that the driver was probably talking about the overweight woman who did not shower. I remembered that she smelled bad and that no one wanted to sit next to her. I looked around the bus at the people, feeling uncomfortable standing in the middle of the aisle. I then looked out the large windows to the north, noticing the children standing on the grassy lawn to the south of the house. They seemed surprised to see the bus and were calling to each other to come. Someone mentioned that the bus was early. Several children were on the bus as well. The bus must have been picking up children for school. I looked down the aisle to the east, noticing a young boy standing up with his bicycle. The bus pulled off of the road, drifting to the north. As it reached the shoulder, it tipped suddenly to the north, but did not tip over. The people inside gasped. I looked north into the crowd that was now on the grassy lawn to the north of the bus. We were now stopped in front of a large white country church. People started getting off of the bus and heading into the crowd to the north. The boy with the bicycle was near me, but he no longer had his bicycle with him. He must have stowed it on the bicycle rack. Someone told the boy that his bicycle was to the north now. I looked out the window at the crowd of people to the north. I noticed the boy’s bicycle in the crowd. A small girl was riding it. I was on the bus now, but the bus no longer seemed to have any walls. I focused on a fat boy who was walking around the eastern end of the bus. He was heading to the north, toward the crowd. When i looked back into the crowd, i could see the girl on the bicycle. She was fat now. Something seemed strange about this situation.

12013 August 15

I was moving quickly through the large old building, which seemed like $P7. The old brick and plaster corridors were well kept. I headed to the west, into a large open corridor, which also seemed like a narrow space between some buildings. Something was happening. The people here were hurrying to the west and southwest, trying to get away from something. I did not know what was going on, and i ran to the north, heading up one of the other corridors or alleyways. I came to a stone wall, which seemed to be part of an old building. I thought that the others would get trapped if they continued to the west. Whatever was after them would realize that they were trying to escape and try to head them off. I did not want to get caught, so i decided to crawl under the old stone building. A gap between the bottom of the building and the ground exposed part of the basement. I started to crawl into the hole, but wondered if it was too small for me. I started to worry that i might get stuck in the hole. I started to feel worried that i might get caught here. I had to get away, but i was afraid that i would get stuck in the hole and they would find me. It now seemed too small for me to crawl through.

I was driving to meet $F43, heading to the west through the small towns, which seemed to be in central New York State. I remembered this place from a long time ago. I thought that i was heading for Auburn, and i tried to remember the roads that i had taken when i was younger. Some of the places looked familiar, but i knew that i would have to take many turns to stay on the correct road. We were heading to the west down the main street of a small down. This place was familiar. I was now traveling on a bus with several other people. The bus slowed and pulled into a rounded driveway on the southern side of the road, to the north of a large white house. The house looked like an old mansion. The bus stopped facing east, on the inner side of the driveway. The bus driver stood up and walked out of the bus, and i started to feel anxious, wondering why we were not continuing. He headed to the west of the bus and started smoking a cigarette. I wondered if this was the end of the line for this bus. I started to feel that we would have to get onto another bus to head to $P14, which seemed to be to the east of us somewhere. The other people around me were getting impatient and started shifting in their seats. I thought that we would probably have to walk to the other bus stop. I remembered that a bus stop was down the hill to the south of us. The hill was to the east of the mansion. The others started out of the bus, heading to the south down the side of the building. They crossed the short lawn and headed down the steep forested hill on the eastern side of the building. The hill faced southeast. I followed them, reaching the black cast-iron fence at the edge of the lawn. I could see the others walking through the forest toward the road at the bottom of the hill. I hopped over the fence and started following them. One of the men in the group then mentioned that the bus to the south of us was only heading east. The stop there was on the wrong side of the street. I realized that this might be the bus from $P14 and not the bus to $P14. I then heard the sound of a bus to the north of us. I turned to see a bus stopping at the intersection to the northeast of us, on the main road that our bus had been traveling on. Some of the people were standing near the end of the driveway. I felt suddenly anxious, hurrying to the street to see if it was our bus. I asked some of the other passengers, who were still near the driveway, if the bus on the street was number thirty-seven. That was the bus that we would need to take to $P14. The people said no, but then i realized that i had the wrong number. Number thirty-sever would be coming from the north. We should be looking for bus number sixty-five. I then saw a brown bus stopping at the intersection to the northeast. The intersection was in the middle of a small town. The others said that this was the correct bus. I started running down the driveway to hurry for the bus, but the bus leaved the stop and started to the east. I had missed it, and i felt very upset. I was not sure what i should do now. I felt very disappointed. I would have to wait for the next bus, which seemed like a very long time from now. I did not want to waste so much time. Disappointed, i headed to the north, into the main room of the apartment. I would have to pack my things to go. I then realized that i had forgotten my tags at the house. I started to feel even more upset, thinking that i would have to go back to $P14 anyway to get my things before i could continue on. Now i would have to wait for a bus back to $P14 and then wait for the next bus to the west. I crouched down on the floor to the west of the large cushioned couch. We had been staying in this place when we visited here. The room seemed messy, because so many people had been sleeping on the floor. My duffel bag was on the floor to the north of the couch. I put some things in it, feeling very distraught. $F45 was in the room as i packed my things. I did not want to speak to him because i felt too upset. I was also aware that $A650 was now to the south of me. I had to leave soon and would not be able to visit with any of the people here. I had wanted to see $A650 this trip, but now i could not. $F43 then came into the room from the north. I wanted to stay with here, but i had to leave to get back to $P14 so that i could get my things and continue. I could not do anything without my things.

12013 August 16

I stood on the northwestern side of the group of people, who seemed like $G4. We were standing in a small grove of trees in the middle of the suburban area. They had been talking for a little while, but it was now time to head out. $G4 started heading to the east, down a steep hill at the edge of the grove. The hill was forested, but it seemed to lead to a street in a small neighborhood. I started down the steep hill, lagging behind the others. We left the remainder of the beer and some cookies on the hill. As i started traveling down the hill, heading east, i started to feel that something was strange here. I looked around the area. This small grove was part of a rounded park. A street surrounded it, and it seemed open on the western and northwestern sides. A woman seemed to be staying near the park. She was not part of $G4, though, and i felt suspicious of her. I thought that she was checking out the beer that we had left in the forested area. I wondered if she had been annoyed by us drinking in the trees and was now trying to find evidence that we had been doing something wrong. She had not gotten to the spot where we had stored the leftovers. I felt suddenly worried that she would find the cookies that we had near the beer. I turned back to the west and headed up the hill, thinking that i would have to hide the cookies so that she did not see them. I wondered if i should take them with me. I then thought that she might have called the police, claiming that we were doing something illicit. I would have to hide the cookies so that the police did not find me with them and know that we had been eating them in the forest. I thought that i could stash the cookies in the truck that was coming down the hill on the street to the south. It would be a car that we would be able to get to later. I had a larger bag of cookies, but i knew that these were regular cookies. I will drop off the other cookies and continue with the full bag of regular cookies. I started to the east again, looking down the long grassy hill. $F47 was standing near the bottom of the hill. He looked back up at me. I could not see any of the other $G4, but i decided that they must have crossed the street at the bottom of the hill and started down the next hill, between the houses. I turned back to the west to get something from where we had been stopped, and then i headed to the east. I could no longer see anyone on the street below, which curved from the southwest to the east. I thought that i would be able to catch up with $G4 easily. I ran down the hill and stopped on the street, looking down the next hill to see where everyone had gone. I could not see any $G4 below. The street below curved from the south to the east, rounding the northwestern corner of a neighborhood block. Something seemed strange again. I should be able to see the others, but it now seemed as though a lot of time had passed since i had turned around to get something from the stop. I realized that i must be intoxicated. My perception must be out of sync with what i was doing; i must be lagging time. I was not paying attention to what was happening. I felt very good, and i decide that i would have to try to keep up with the others. I headed don the second hill and turned to the east on the street, rounding the corner of the street. I still did not see the others, but i noticed how pretty the sky looked. It was blue with shades of red across the horizon. I was amazed by it, and i decided that i must be fairly dazed to find it so interesting. I started to feel anxious, thinking that i should catch up with the others. I ran to the east, reaching another hill. I looked out to the southeast, over the neighborhood below. I could still not see any $G4. They must have passed here a while ago. I wondered how long i had been wandering around here. I then remembered this area. I thought that they might actually have gone to the southeast. I remembered the hill with the curved street below it. This was not where i had just come. I would have to find the other street to find out where the others were.

12013 August 17

I walked to the north a little, though the crowed space in the modern building. The building seemed to be filled with people for some kind of event. Most of the people here seemed to be from $G4. The people chatted in small groups, but i moved through the crowd, heading from room to room. I then felt uneasy, and the crowd seemed to become tense. Something was happening. I could hear people panicking and running. I looked across the large atrium, which i was now on the western side of. The crowd was looking up toward the open second floor to the east. I looked up to see a gunman standing on the edge of the balcony with an automatic weapon. I noticed that the room around me was suddenly very still. The people seemed frozen in terror, not sure what to do. I felt annoyed with them, thinking that they should have run. I quickly backed to the west. We had to get out of this area. We had to find someplace safe from the gunmen. I ran thought the corridor of the building until i came to a set of stairs. I descended to the west, passing through a doorway and into a large open room. The pale-green walls of the room seemed to be covered with tile, and the arched ceiling was very high above us. I remembered this room from a long time ago. It had once been a pool area, but the floor was now covered with wood. I ran across the room to the west, heading up a shorter flight of stairs that let out. I came into a smaller white room. Just as we entered the room, we heard the gunman to the east of us. He had come to the doorway on the other side of the large room. Everyone stopped and looked back at him. He held a woman close to him and was threatening to shoot her in the head. He said that he would kill his hostage if we did not come back. It did not make sense for us to go to him. He would simply kill us as well as the woman. I thought that we should continue running to the west. We might be able to get away.

I was in the large room in the middle of the crowd. Many of the people around me were from $G4, and they were here for some event. The room was poorly lighted, and the people were focusing on the south. We had been standing near the southern end of the room, but the security people moved us to the north because some celebrities were coming into the room. I felt annoyed. Others in the room were ready to take pictures of the celebrities as they came out of the doors to the south. I had my camera with me, and i took it out of the case to get it ready. I was not really interested in the celebrities, but i felt like i should take pictures for some reason. I played with the focus for a moment, realizing that i did not have the correct lens with me. I only had a wide-angle lens, and i would need a telephoto. I looked thought the camera and focused on the doors to the south. The celebrities started to come out. I tried to find them in my lens, but someone was standing in front of me. The person was wearing a red plaid shirt. I complained to $F45 that i could not get a clear picture. I seemed to be taking the pictures for him. Something was then happening to the south of us. I tried to see over the crowd, but could not quite make out what was happening. The celebrities seemed to be fighting with each other. This must have been a publicity stunt. I wondered what was happening, but the paparazzi were crowding the area and i was unable to see anything. I did not like the kind of people that crowded around here, so i backed out of the room, heading north.

12013 August 18

I collected some of the things that we had left on the tables of the library so that we could leave. My mother and $F45 were with me. I felt rushed, trying to get everything together quickly. The long rectangular wooden tables ran from north to south along the northern side of the room. I moved to the western side of one of the tables, which now seemed rather low. Shoes were piled on the southern end of the table. We had left some of them here, and i would have to gather them up. I did not want to bring them with us. The table now seemed like a bench, and i was standing on the western side of it, looking at the shoes. A man was sitting on the southern end of the bench, and the shoes were now near the center. He watched me as i looked over the shoes that were clustered on the bench. I did not want the shoes and thought that i should throw them away. I then noticed a pair of blue leather sandals with cross straps. They looked very nice, but i did not know where i would wear them, so i did not want to take them. I thought that we would simply throw all of the shoes away. I felt upset about wasting the shoes. I headed to the south, into the small room off of the main library. A pile of books was on a table in the room. We could take some of these as well, but i felt less sure about taking them. I looked through the pile of books, wondering if any of them were interesting. I then remembered that the books were not actually mine, so i should not take them. I should leave them here. I then thought that they were probably library books, so they would be detected if they left the library. I felt disappointed as i pulled some of the books out of the bag that i had been carrying. The books were old, and i wanted to make sure that they were preserved.

I headed to the south, into the large room of the house. The others were with us at the house, and they were to the south of me. $F45 seemed to be with them. This seemed to be my apartment in $P10. I was living here again. I looked out the window of the house to the east. I felt distressed. I did not want to live in this place again. It did not feel like a good place, and i was upset that i had to be here again. I wondered what i should do, and i worried that i could not do anything. I then wondered where $X14 was. I realized that i had not seen him in a while. I started to worry that he had gotten out of the house. I headed to the north and then to the west, into the bedroom. I looked to the south in the room to the west. I was looking down the length of the small kitchen. $X14 was sitting to the south of me, near the western wall of the kitchen, just to the south of the sink. I walked over to him and pet him, glad to see him. I then realized that he was very thin and weak. He could barely stand up. I felt suddenly upset. I yelled for $F45 to come. I picked up $X14 and cuddled him. He must not have had any food or water in a long time. I felt that we had forgotten about him, and i became distraught. I saw dark food in his dish to the southeast, near the southern wall of the room. I brought him over to the dish and tried to feed him. I was upset enough that i wanted to cry. I did not want to see him suffering like this.

12013 August 19

I was in the large open warehouse with the others. Large stacks of things seemed to be to the northeast and southeast of me as i stood in the center of the room, facing east. A woman was with me, and she stood to the north of me. I looked down at the compass and protractor that i had left on the floor near the small square-edge. I had been doing something with the tools. The woman moved to the tools, pushing them to the south, out of the way. Stacks of wood were to the north and south of the bare cement floor where we were working. I walked back to the south, looking at the large aluminium frame. It was some kind of tool that we would use for the project. It was shaped like an X, with metal rails forming an X that slanted up on the eastern end. I thought that the machine cut through things, but i was not sure. I looked at it, trying to figure out how it worked. I finally asked how it works. I did not want to get too close to the machine because i did not want to get hit by it when it started up. I backed up to the west, staring at it to see if i could figure out what it did.

I stood by the benches at the entrance of the restaurant. My mother and grandmother were still sitting, waiting for a table. I felt very full from lunch, and i did not want to wait here. They were waiting for something, and it seemed that we had been here too long. I started to the south. My mother and grandmother were still waiting for our order to come. I walked down the room and stopped in the middle of the service counter, which ran along the western wall of the room. I asked the woman behind the counter when our order would be ready. A second woman near the western wall had a plate of food that she had brought out of the kitchen, and she placed it on the southern end of the counter. A waiter to the south of me suggested that it was my food. I knew that my order was out of order from the rest of my family, so i asked the woman at the counter about it. I told her that i had a special order. It should not have been ready before the other orders were ready. The woman did not seem to know what i was talking about. The others seemed confused as well. They asked me when i placed the order, and i said that it was over an hour ago. They said that the plate they had brought out was correct. I felt annoyed with them, thinking that they had not actually gotten the order correct. I headed to the east, back into the dining room. The room was very crowded now, and i thought that it must be lunch time. I found an open table at the eastern end of the room. Some people must have just left it. I quickly sat down on the eastern side of the table and motioned to my mother to come sit with me. We had not been able to get a table before. My mother looked at me as i waved for her, but she did not move. I then noticed that many of the tables around the restaurant were clearing out. Lunch time must have ended, and most of the people must have been leaving. I tried to get my mother to the table, but she did not want to come to where i was. I felt annoyed. I walked from the western end of the room to the east, where she was sitting. I asked her why she would not come to sit at the table. She said that she was worried about what the waiter might say. She then asked the man near the northern wall of the room if it was okay that we sat at the table. I felt frustrated, thinking that we could just stand at the bar, which was up the stairs to the south. We had been standing there earlier. I was not sure what to do. I wanted to sit at a table to eat, but my mother still wanted to wait for someone to tell us it was okay to sit.

12013 August 21

I talked to the other person about the large structure to the east of us. It looked like a metal framework that would form the body of a large object. Long sections curved around the sides of the small object in the center of the cement floor. This place seemed to be a factory or warehouse. I looked at the girders as i walked to the east, along the southern side of the object. I liked the way the object looked. It had an interesting layout. I then thought that i could not admire the object for too long because i had some things that i had to move. I felt disappointed again and started to the east. I did not want to be here. I thought that i should head home, but i knew that i had something to do here. I felt sad to be here, thought. The others had already left. It was a special day, a holiday at the end of the month. I should be out doing something else enjoyable, but i had to be here for work. I did not want to do this. I wandered to the north across the street. I then turned to the west and headed into the large department store. I had to buy more pants for work. I looked at the table of pants to the southwest of me, but they were all denims. It was not what i wanted. I had to have something more fancy to work with. A saleswoman was near me, and she told me that the store does sell denims but they do not sell what i wanted. I felt annoyed with her and turned to the east to leave. I tried to ignore the people around me, thinking that i just wanted to get out of here and be by myself. I thought that i should get back to my grandmother’s house. I had left there a while ago, and no one knew where i had gone. I knew that they would just be going to the mall anyway, so i would not miss them. They wanted to buy things, but i thought that they would settle for cheaper quality stuff that i wanted, so i had to buy things for myself. I crossed the second floor of my parents’ house, heading to the west. I reached the large bed in the center bedroom and pulled the sheets off of the bed. The bed had not been made, and i was surprised that it looked so messy. i thought about how i had left my grandmother’s house again, thinking that i had just walked out without telling anyone. I felt bad about it, and i tried to tell my mother something about it. She was talking to me on the telephone. I told her that the bedroom in her house was messy. This did not seem right. I then looked to the north, into the back room of the house. I wanted to make sure that nothing else was out of place. I headed to the east to get a clearer view of the back room from the kitchen. I headed up though the floor of the kitchen, as if ascending stairs. This was a special trick i could do, and i thought that i would not let the others see that i could do it. As i stopped in the kitchen, i realized that i could hear the sound of the refrigerator. It seemed to be running very loudly. I wondered if the freezer door was stuck open again. I thought my father might have left it open by accident. I looked at the northern end of the western wall, to the northwest of me. The yellow refrigerator was closed, but the wood cabinet above it had been broken, and the noise was coming from the cabinet. Things seemed to be handing out of the cabinet. I then looked along the northern wall of the kitchen, noticing that several of the cupboards had been open, and the dishes in them seemed disheveled. Everything seemed out of place. This was very strange, and i felt uneasy and annoyed about it.

12013 August 22

It was early in the morning, and i wandered around in the large living room on the southwestern side of the house. The colors of the room were light, and a large window in the northern wall let the early-morning light in. A couch was just to the east of me, facing east as i stood an the western side of the room. Another person was with me, standing to the east of the couch. We tried to be quiet because people were still sleeping in the room. I looked over the back of the couch to see $A522 sleeping on the couch. I felt interested in her. I was then standing to the west of the room, which now seemed to be on the northeastern corner of the house. I could see $A522 on the couch to the east of me. The couch was now facing to the west. I did not want to wake her. I had been wandering around the apartment while the others slept. I then saw a man to the north of me. He was $A600. I remembered that he had been in this room before. I felt anxious as he walked close to me because i was attracted to him. He came close to me and started talking in hushed tones. He did not quite seem coherent, and i thought that he might be drunk. I felt uneasy about letting him know that i was attracted to him, so i turned to leave. I started down the hallway, but, as i started past the doorway that led into the living room to the east, $A522 was about to enter the doorway. She stopped suddenly when she saw me. I said hello to her, surprised that she was awake so early. I then realized that several of the others had already woken up as well. $F64 was awake as well, doing something on the eastern side of the room. I felt uneasy. I thought that i should have talked to $A600 while everyone was asleep. I might have gotten a chance to know him. $A600 was now in the living room. The others had left, but he was still wandering around between the couches. He walked up to me again as if to speak. He stood for a moment, unsure of what to do, and then he put his arms around my shoulders and kissed me. I enjoyed touching him, and i ran my hand across his left chest, feeling his chest muscle. We embraced and kissed. He then leaned back to the north, and we were lying down. I had my left hand around his torso, and i could feel his back muscles tense as he arched his back as i kissed him.

I was in the room of the house, and it seemed late in the evening. The living room was to the northeast of me, and a set of stairs descended to the room from the center of the southern wall. I stood in a doorway just to the west of the bottom of the stairs. $A600 was at the bottom of the stairs. He was near the floor, as if doing push-ups, but i could not tell what he was doing. I did not want to interrupt him at the moment, so i looked around the northern side of the room. A doorway in the northern wall, which was directly to the north of me, led outside. I then decided i should say something to $A600 this time, so i started talking to him. I was then aware that $F45 was in the bedroom upstairs. He would interrupt us if he knew that i was talking to $A600, so i did not want him to come down. I was attracted to $A600, but i did not want to have any intimate relations with him. I felt close to him in some way, as though we shared an experience, and i wanted to keep talking to him. It felt good being with him.

I turned my attention to the telephone, which was on the counter to the east of me, in my grandmother’s house. I had heard the answering make a noise, but everything was silent at the moment. I thought that someone had tried to call the house, but the answering machine had rejected the call. I wondered if the call was from $A600. He had been calling the house again. I thought that my grandmother had set the answering machine to reject calls so that she would not have to hear from telemarketers. I had been missing calls because the machine was not accepting calls. I felt annoyed. I headed out the door to the north, coming into the driveway of the house. $A600 was on the cement path that led to the house. I said hello to him as he moved to the east of me. I suddenly realized that the garage door was open. The garage was to the west of me, attached to the western side of the house. I walked to the south of $A600 and looked into the garage to see why the door was open. Someone must have left it open. I hoped that nothing was taken. Several fawns were standing on the cement floor of the garage. They must have wandered into the garage for shelter. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that we would not have to get the fawns out of the garage. I then looked down to the west, noticing a large furry orange cat in the doorway. It was staring at the deer. I asked it jokingly if it was stalking the fawns. It did not takes it gaze from the animals. I walked back to the doorway of the house and headed south through it. A woman and a man were to the south of me in the house. I asked the woman if she was looking for an orange cat. Before she could answer, i told her that it was near the garage with some deer. She did not seem to hear me, so i wandered back to the north. The woman followed me out the door, turning to the west to look at the garage door. She saw the cat and seemed surprised, saying that she thought i was joking with her. A car was parked in the driveway, to the north of the garage door. I walked along the eastern side of the car, watching the garage as i walked. The woman was near the car on the eastern side of the garage. I then headed back to the garage, sneaking past the cat so as not to disturb it. I realized that several other people were already in the garage. They stood on the southern side of the garage, and they seemed to be playing beer pong. $A600 was with them, and he seemed drunk. He suddenly said something aloud as he jumped up on the green ping-pong table to the west of him. I felt annoyed, but i realized that he would have to be looked after. I would have to take care of him until he sobered. Someone got $A600 off of the table and led him into the house through a doorway in the southern wall of the garage. The others stood around the pong table. One of them said that $A600 was being punished for jumping on the table. The man made it seem tha the table had some significance. I looked at the table, wondering if it had some significance to Jewish faith. It had a large tree design painted on it in a pale yellow paint. The tree had branches that curved downward, like a willow. Stars and items were painted on its branches. I thought that it must be Kabalistic. I walked to the eastern side of the table, noticing the cards that were stacked on the edge. I picked them up, looking at them. They had designs that looked like they came from an old children’s book. The drawings on the card seemed cheerful and simplistic. The others were playing a game on the table. I then noticed several other items on the table. Some of the items seemed to be small wooden chests or boxes. I wondered what this game was.

I carried the supplies back to the place. I was nervous as i walked through the streets. Nazis ran this place, so i had to be careful that they did not catch me. Several of them passed me as i headed down the corridor of the underground bunker. I passed through as arched doorway and come into a square cement. A short flight of steps led down to the center of the room. I started down, but an officer in a brown uniform called to me from the doorway behind me. He asked me about the things that i had. I tried to make it seem that i had nothing special in the cardboard box. I had been selling pens to people, and i showed the officer the blue pens that i had in the box. I worried that he would try to convict me of selling illegal merchandise. I started to feel that i had to get out of this place quickly. I had to escape.

12013 August 24

I hurried into the car so that i could pursue the man. I was near the steering wheel of the car, but i did not seem to be driving. The vehicle was large. It started moving to the south, and i felt frightened, thinking that i was not really in control. The vehicle, which seemed like a large cube, moved quickly down the road. I was nervous, thinking that the man driving the box might crash it into something. The door to the east of me then opened. I was holding on to the seat of the car in case we crashed, and i could not reach the door to close it. I felt very worried. I said something to the man who was driving. He swerved the vehicle to the east a little, hitting one of the cars that were parked on the side of the road with the door. The door swinged closed from the impact. I still felt uneasy, and i timidly asked the man if the door was closed. He did not say anything, and we continued moving quickly down the street. This did not seem like a safe situation. I then realized that we were very close to the southern end of the street. The car did not slow down, and it crashed into the house at the end of the street. I thought that we were actually going fast enough that we should clash through the first house. I felt afraid as we came to rest on the hill. The car was on the grassy hill, which seemed to be near the house. My father was now in the car with me. I was on the hill outside the door, and my mother came around the southern end of the car. She seemed upset about the accident. I was upset as well, and i did not want my parents to be around. I thought that i would probably die because of the accident. I told my mother that she could not say that she loved me because she was just going to leave. I felt as though i was about to cry. I thought that the words sounded good, and this seemed like a scene from a drama.

I headed to the south along the western wall of the room. I felt dizzy and weak as i walked. I knew that i was very tired, so i thought that i must be exhausted. I started to feel too weak to walk. I just wanted to go to sleep. I was in the house, and i called to $F45, saying “Help.” I did not want to continue, so i layed down with my head to the south of me. I could hear $F45 coming. He would help me get into bed. “Did you just say ’help’?”, $F45 asked. He seemed concerned. I thought that i was just very tired, but i did not want to get up. I rolled over on the floor, wondering what i should say to $F45. I then realized that $F45 had gone back into the bedroom to the west. I thought that he must be calling emergency. I should not have let him think that i was that bad. I did not want everyone making that big an issue out of the situation just because i was so exhausted. I tried to get up to tell $F45 that i was just tired, but i realized that i could not. I tried again, but i could not move properly. Something might actually be wrong. I tried to focus on the situation. I then realized that this was just a dream. I was actually just very tired, but i was dreaming this scene. I tried to focus as i woke up, but i could not stay awake. Now, the scene was different. I was walking to the east. I was still too tired to move. The scene changed again, so i tried to focus on where i was. I had to stay awake. After a few more scene changes, i realized that was not able to stay awake consistently. Something must have been wrong.

12013 August 26

The woman was in the house with me. I had just returned from somewhere, and i was finally buying this house with some other people. We had been trying to buy this house for a while, and i thought that the others had been defending the house while i was gone. Now that i had returned, we would finally be able to buy this house. $A618 then came up to me. He was upset, and he gave me a letter. I opened the white piece of paper and looked at the writing in red ink. He said that he was leaving. This seemed strange, and i wondered why he no longer wanted to buy the house with us. I felt a little hurt that he would leave. The others around the room started talking in murmurs about what had happen. $A618 looked around the room and then snatched back his letter from me. I asked him why he was leaving, but he simply turned and walked away. He headed up the stairs, which ascended to the west along the western end of the southern wall of the room. I felt disappointed, and i was not quite sure what to do. I headed to the south, realizing that i was now outside. Something was happening. People seemed upset about something, and i wondered if i had done something to upset them. I paced around in the front yard to the north of the house. It was dark out. I thought that $A618 could still rent the room in the upstairs of the house. I then wondered if that might seem demeaning in some way. I looked down the street to the west. Something was happening there.

12013 August 27

I was in the large mansion, which was nicely kept. The building seemed old, with terrazzo floors and nice woodwork. I felt out of place here, thinking that i did not quite belong to this place. I had somehow transported here, and i wondered what i should do. People were coming from the west. I looked around the room, which was not well kept. I realized that i was supposed to be a servant here, so it would have been my job to clean up the place. The owners of the place would think that i had not done my job, and they would be mad at me. I could not tell them that i did not belong here. I then realize that this place was in a different time that i was from. The people coming were Nazis. They were visiting this mansion, and i was expected to have the area clean for them. I then knew that Hitler was coming with them. They would expect service. I headed to the east, trying to get out of the room before they arrived. I then imagined running into Hitler. He would think that i was one of the servants here and would not suspect that i did not belong here. I imagined that i would pretend that i did not care about him. I knew that would anger him, though. He would demand respect of all the servants. I hurried down the corridor to the east, thinking that the Nazis were actually doing something secretive in this building. I came into a small room, which seemed like an antechamber or entry hall. A man was standing to the east of me. He was also a servant, and he too seemed afraid to run into the Nazis. I knew that he was a homosexual and that the Nazi would kill him for that. The Nazis did not know this fact, though. Others who worked in this mansion were also homosexual. The man or woman to the east of me seemed flustered, not quite sure what to do. We had to hide. I moved to the south, into a closet on the southern side of the room. The man or woman followed me. A Nazi soldier came into the room behind us. He called to the man as he entered the closet, and the man turned around. The soldier pointed a gun at the man, threatening him. I was not sure that the soldier had seen me, so i thought that i could still hide in the closet. The servants here would be shot. I stayed in the darkness of the closet, and i wondered if the soldiers could see me. I had to escape. I ran from the closet when no one was around, but a man was after me. I ran down the corridors, looking back, but no one was after me. I had to get out of this building. Another person was with me as we turned to the north, heading down the corridor which seemed like the corridor to the south of the auditorium at $P7. I asked the other person about how we could escape. We turned into the theater to the east of us, making our way around the back of the room. I knew that an old door was at the back of the theater on the southern side of the room. We headed toward it, running down the central aisle of the theater. I looked at the old seats near the back of the room, which sloped upward. The old seats looked worn, their leather covering cracking and the wood looking somewhat rotten. I realized that the seats were quite far from the stage. I thought that it must be hard to see from the seats. The exit door was in an eastern wall, which was part of a protruding section in the center of the southern wall. As i passed through the door, i could see another door to the west, which headed back into the theater on the other side of the partition. I turned to the south, coming into a large waiting area. The waiting area was full of people. They did not know that we were trying to escape from the Nazis, so we had to act casually so that we did not raise suspicion. We headed south again though the people, and i started thinking about this place and what i should do.

I crossed the room of the large mansion, heading to the north. I owned this place with someone else, but i did not quite seem to be part of this place. I headed to the east down the hallway to do something. I knew that this time was not the time period that i had come from, so people from here might not know that i was the owner of this building. I noticed something on the floor of the small room, and i stopped to pick it up. It was a piece of something that had broken. I bent down to pick up some of the pieces. I was then aware that a maid was watching me from the north. She knew that i was not a servant here, so she must have thought that i was a rich guest of the house. She did not know that i was actually the owner of the house because i was not from this time period. I then noticed the old console television on the eastern side of the room. The small black-and-white picture showed two people singing. I then realized that both of the people were dark skinned. This seemed unusual for this time period. I knew that people from this era would consider dark-skinned people incapable of being on television. One of the people on the screen was telling the other how the song started. They were joking about it. As the man hummed part of the melody, i recognized the song. It was an old rock tune. I was surprised that they would put such music on television in this time period. They would have considered it uncultured. I then realized that the maid must think the song dirty. I started singing the refrain with the people on the television, thinking that i would show the maid that i did not care about the social norms of this time. I started dancing in front of her to the music. To my surprise, she did not argue with me, and she did not seem offended by the music as i expected she would. I was a little disappointed, realizing that she was rather open-minded for this time period. I bent down again to pick up another piece of the broken object, which seemed to be a wicker hat rack. The reeds of the wicker seemed to have shattered. I picked up a few and turned around to show them to my mother. I asked her if she wanted to keep them. She looked at them curiously and told me that she did not know what it was. I tried to explain it to her, but was not really sure myself. I then headed to the west, into the small room. The room had doors to all sides, and i could see smaller rooms through each door. This room was an antechamber to the small bedrooms. To the south, i noticed a puddle of water on the wooden floor. I felt annoyed, thinking that $X14 had urinated on the floor again. I headed to the south to clean it up, but i noticed that the water was still flowing across the floor. It headed to the east. It seemed to be coming from under the bed, which was against the western wall. The small bed had a white woven spread over the top of it, and it seemed to have a white cast-iron frame. I looked under the bed to see that the water was actually running from the western wall just to the south of the bed. The wall was leaking. I headed back out of the room and told my mother about this. She talked about the mansion instead. She was still cleaning up the pieces of the old wooden table. The maid was still on the western side of the antechamber, watching us. I thought that she still did not know that we were the owners of this place. She must have thought it strange that we were cleaning. The maid then referred to me as “Sir”, following it with a name that sounded very close to the owners of this mansion. I told her that my title was actually “Mister”, but then i said that she really did not need to use a title when addressing me. She did not seem to understand. She folded up the small wooden table to clear it from the room. I moved to the east a little as others came into the room from the west. A small couch was now against the northern wall. I then realized that i was still carrying a white paper-wrapped package of meat. The dog walked to me from the couch and sniffed the meat. The meat was for dinner later. I tried to shoo the dog away, but it bit into the package. Annoyed, i tried to get the bull dog off of the package by lifting the meat into the air. The dog continued to hang on with its mouth. I then dropped the meat onto the floor, pulling the dog from it. I complained about the dog as i picked up the bags of meat. They would be dirty from the dog. The maid was now sitting to the south. She must have thought that i was very strange to want to do work around the house. This was not something that a house owner would have done in this time period. I felt annoyed with the dog still. I headed to the kitchen, taking a bite of the red meat as i walked. I was surprised to find that the meat actually tasted very bitter. I looked at it, disgusted to see that it was actually a liver and not a muscle. The maid was following me into the kitchen, and she helped me carry some of the bags of meat. I looked for a place to spit out the liver, but i could not find one. I told the maid that i did not eat liver. She acted happy, saying that they would eat it for dinner if i did not want it. I continued to the east, into the kitchen. The kitchen was a very large room. I put down the bags and tried to spit out the liver in the sink. I realized that i had a retainer in my mouth, which made it hard to spit out just the chewed meat. I tried to tell the maid that i only would eat muscle meat and that i would not eat red meat. I then thought that red meat in this time period was probably not bad. It would not become polluted until later.

12013 August 28

The man had a bag of diamonds, and i took them. He had left them on the chair, and i knew that he would not notice that they were gone. I then felt that i should not be taking things that belonged to others. I started to feel bad about taking them, so i opened the bag and took out a few. I then put the bag back on the table where the man would notice them. I thought about the diamonds as i drove my car away from the area. I was driving on the median between the two sections of pavement. I felt nervous and thought that i should get away from this place. Construction was happening on the highway, and i could not easily drive on the road. I tried to maneuver my car between the other vehicles that were on the road. A large construction truck was to the north of me as i headed west, squeezing my car carefully between the truck and the road. I then headed up the hill to the northwest. I felt nervous driving here because the road was dirt. It seemed to be an old trail, and i worried that it would become too rough for my car to travel on. I watched the car driving in front of me, hoping that we did not get stuck. I then realized that the other car was having trouble and worried that i would get stuck behind it. I watched the other car anxiously as it slowed. To my relief, it started up again. It was not really stuck. I continued over the forested trail, pushing my car up the steep hill. Other cars passed on the trail as i pushed my car up the southwestern side of the road. I stopped for a moment to look around. The area around me had opened up and fewer trees were around me. A grassy clearing was to the south of the road. I moved the black bag that was in the truck of the car, hoping to get it out of sight, but i dropped it on the ground behind the car. I felt suddenly nervous, seeing the diamonds spill out onto the dirt ground. I hoped that no one else noticed them as they were passing. The diamonds sparkled in the lights of a car, which now passed me on the northeastern side. I quickly bent down to pick up the diamonds, hoping that no one noticed what they were.

I unpacked my things in the small apartment. I thought about the diamonds. People were with me in the room, and several of them wanted to ask if i knew anything about the diamonds. The others moved around to the northeast of me as i unpacked some of my bags. I could not let them know that i knew anything about the diamonds. The young men tried to ask me questions, but could not quite ask anything directly. I thought about the diamonds, wondering what i should do with them. I then watched the man in the blue hair as he stood to the north of me. He had short hair, and i thought that he was very cute. I moved close to him, knowing that he wanted to ask me questions. I prompted him, teasing him about not being able to ask. I then went back to the suitcase to finish unpacking. As i stopped to the southwest of the suitcase, which was sitting on the surface to the northwest of me, i noticed two pair of underwear on the floor just to the south of me. I knew that the diamonds were in the side pockets of the underwear, and i thought that i should remove them before anyone discovered them. As i picked up the underwear, i heard voices from outside. The main voice sounded tinny, as though it was being broadcast on a speaker. I felt nervous, and i walked to the window in the northern wall of the room. I knew that $A419 was outside. I saw him near the man who was speaking to the small crowd. They seemed to be on the lawn of the house that i was in. The man stood to the south of the crowd, facing the house, and talked to the small group of people through a speaker system. $A419 seemed to be talking to the speaker, standing on the eastern side of the stage. I heard strange noised from the speaker system as it started to produce feedback. The speaker moved the microphone so that it stopped. This seemed strange. I remembered that $A419 had left the room and headed to the south. He should be on the southern side of the building, so the man on stage with the speaker should not be him. I felt confused thinking about this. The speaker then mentioned “zoamak”. I remembered the term, but i could not remember what it meant.

12013 August 29

I was in a shopping center that seemed very much like $P206. I moved to the east through the center of the large building. I felt that someone was following me. I glanced back every once and a while, noticing a man following me. I pretended that i did not notice him and continued on. I had to do something in the plaza. I came out of the building and was walking along a sidewalk on the northern side of the parking lot. I glanced to the south at the stores of the plaza. I decided that i should not go there or the other person would know that i had been heading there. I could not let the person know what i was supposed to do. I entered another long building, which seemed to be an enclosed walkway. The area to the east of me was empty, and i felt a little nervous about walking there. I did not want to be alone with the man following me. I then glanced through the large windows on the southern side of the wall, looking into a large room, which was a gym. The gym normally had martial-arts classes in it, but it was now empty. The walls were white and the floor was covered with red rubber mats. I mentioned to myself that the gym had red mats on the floor. I had stopped to look at it. I was trying to make it seem that i had no particular place to be. I turned to the west and wandered back.

12013 August 30

I was traveling with the other person, but i was not quite sure where we were going. We were looking at the nice neighborhood around us, which seemed to be near a college campus. I thought that we were looking for the dormitories on the southern side of the campus. We drove through clean neighborhood of the suburban town. It was sunny and the grass was bright green. I turned to the southwest and continued walking down the white corridor for a moment. I then headed back to the west, finding myself again on the highway. I was now traveling over open land with few buildings in sight. I had to take an exit off of the highway to get to where we needed to go. I told $F45 that we would have to find the right exit. We turned to the west-northwest on an exit ramp. The ramp curved away from the main road, entering a corridor between two high cement walls. The ramp turned to the southwest and ended on a street. I looked around the area, but nothing seemed familiar. The buildings around us now seemed tall and run down. I felt that this might not be a safe area of the city to travel in. The ramp had ended heading south on an east-to-west road. I turned to the east, thinking that the road did not continue that far to the west. As we started to the east, though, i realized that we were not in the correct area. I wanted to be on the northern side of the highway. I felt unsafe here, thinking that we should not be in this neighborhood. I turned the car to the south, into a small paved parking lot in front of a tall brick building. I was going to turn around and head back to the west to see if i could get out of this area. As i was turning in a circle, a man walked past our car. He watched us for a moment, and i felt uneasy. A police car then came from the west and stopped us before we could get back onto the main road. It must have been following us. The police car was small and rounded, and i realized that we were in Italy. I became nervous, realizing that we did not have our passports with us. I looked at $F45, who was in the passenger’s seat of the car to the east of me. i was not sure what to do. I wondered how we had gotten into this country. It seemed strange that we would suddenly be here. I felt upset, not sure what to do. I then started heading to the northwest again, worried about how i would get out of here.