12015 August 03

I was in the class, and the female teacher was to the southwest of me. She said that i had to write an essay on something. I looked at the book that i was holding in my hand. The essay had something to do with the book. I had not yet read the entire book, so i was not sure i could do the essay. I felt frustrated that i did not know what to write about, and i kept looking at the book. I was now in the apartment, sitting on the eastern side of the room. My mother was somewhere in the room to the west of me. It was getting late at night, and i had been trying to work on the essay. I did not think that i would be able to do it. I had still not started writing, and it was getting too late for me to concentrate. I wondered what i should write. I looked at the book again, trying to think of how it related to the topic. The book seemed to be about philosophy. I looked at the list of things that i was supposed to mention in the essay. I told my mother that i had to describe something about the book and cover the terms that were on the list. I decided to look up the terms in the front of the book to see if i could find where they were discussed. I flipped through the table of contents. I finally found the terms in the first chapter. I looked at one of them in the table of contents. I realized that the teacher had asked me to describe the contents of the first chapter. The list of things she had given me was itemized in the table of contents for the first chapter of the book. It would be a fairly simply process to describe the topics in much the same way the book described them. I thought about the essay, but it still felt very late at night, and i thought that i was really out of time to start writing. I wanted to give up and go to bed, but i tried to think of a way to start the essay. Nothing came to mind. I felt dismayed and upset.

12015 August 04

I happened to run into $A682 in the small department store. The store seemed old and a little run down. It felt awkward to be with him, but i tried to talk casually. $A707 and $A737 were also in the store, standing to the east of me. I said hello to them, pointing out $A682, but they seemed to ignore me. I thought that they were not interested in talking to me anymore. I felt very uncomfortable hear, and i thought that i should just leave this store. I headed to the north, leaving the store and coming into a grassy area. Stone paths led to different places around me, and this entire area seemed to be well landscaped. Someone nearby was talking about academics, and i thought that this place was a college campus. I was here at the college. I looked at the ax-like brass thing that i was holding in my left hand. It was a symbol that represented a college degree. I felt disinterested in this symbol. I had to leave this area. I headed up the hill to the northwest, following the path along the southern side of the cliff. The cliff seemed to lead to a large gorge. As i walked, i noticed other brass things on the ground around me. They were in all different shapes, and they represented different degrees. I wondered if i could get another degree with a different shape to it. I thought about $F10 as i walked. He seemed to be somewhere to the southwest of me. I wanted to talk to him. I looked to the north. The houses on the northern side of the walkway were set into the cliffs and seemed to descend from where i was. Trees grew along the edges of the cliff between the houses, making the area around me look forested. It was not brightly lighted here, though the gray sky seemed bright elsewhere. I was heading back to the east now along the cliffs. I passed a large wooden house, which seemed like a run down college apartment building, and noticed a small crevice in the ground, stretching south from the cliffs. As i passed, i noticed a yellow glint of metal in the crack in the ground. I stopped to look down at the metal. The brown house to the east of me seemed run down and at a slightly higher elevation than the crack. Weeds and dry vines ran from the house to the eastern side of the crack. I thought that the metal in the crevice might be another degree. I tried to peer down the crack, but i was having difficulty getting into the correct position. I did not want to get too close to the edge of the crack, because i worried that the dirt might give way. I saw the yellow metal below, and i decide that it was too far below for me to easily grab. Someone to the south of me was then talking about the thing in the crevice. I was still looking into the hole when i noticed that the metal was actually something yellow. I moved a little, noticing that the crevice was actually wider now than it had been when i had first looked at it. I could now see that a woman in a yellow rain jacket was lying at the bottom of the crevice. The others were near me now, and they seemed very concerned about the woman. I thought that we should try to reach her. I felt very concerned for her and wanted to do something.

I was driving in the car, heading north on the street. Others were riding with me. I had gone past were i was supposed to go, and i had to turn around and head back to the south. I turned to the west. The car did not slow down enough, though, and it ran over the top of the sidewalk on the western side of the street. It came to an abrupt stop as it hit the brick wall of the building to the west of us. I felt annoyed and frustrated. My mother was startled and complained from the back seat. He seemed aghast from the fright. I was then standing behind the car, looking at the damage to the back bumper. The passenger-side bumper was curled up and crunched in. Disappointed, i pulled the metal back out, trying to get it to bend back into place. I then realized that the car was still facing the wall. I had hit the front of the car on the wall. The rear bumper should not have been affected. This made no sense.

12015 August 07

$F45 was with me as i moved around in the open place. We were in a building, but it seemed very open to the pale landscape outside. I felt sad and disinterested in being with $F45. He seemed to be to the northwest of me. I moved to the east, looking out the large windows to the south of me. The ocean shore ran to the southwest of us, and the beach around us was covered with white sand. It seemed to be winter, and the water was now frozen. I noticed a few small trees in the sandy beach, and i realized that one of them had marks in the ground under it. Something had broken though the ice on the surface of the shallow water. I wondered if deer had broken the ice to drink. I felt uncomfortable here, and i wanted to leave. I decided that i should go jogging. I moved to the west, thinking that something to the southwest of me was nice. I thought that i could jog toward it and see what it was. I thought about the music and i got my things together. I could hear the different chords in my head, and i kept combining them in different patterns. I was then riding my Big Wheel around the block. I seemed to be on the northern side of the block now, heading east. I was riding on the road, and i came to a large construction site, which was on the southern side of the street. A tall metal chain-link fence blocked off the sidewalk to the south of me. I looked into the empty construction site, feeling uneasy. Something was not right here, and it made me feel nervous. I did not want to stay in this place.

12015 August 09

I had left my job, but i had to get the computer disks, which seemed to have something to do with my job. It was not related to my office job, but it was something that i was supposed to be working on. I felt hurried as i moved down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street in the suburban neighborhood. I was heading east. I stopped, looking at the small house to the north of me. It was only one story and seemed no bigger than a single room. I had to go there to get the disks. I felt that i had to be cautious. A woman in a yellow business suit walked from the eastern side of the house, heading down the driveway and east on the sidewalk. It was raining out, and i thought that the yellow suit was more like a raincoat. I did not want her to notice me, so i waited until she had passed from view. I ran into the darkened house. A computer was on a table against the northern wall of the room. I was anxious as i waited for the files to copy onto the drive that i had stuck into the right side of the computer. I had to get the files and leave this place quickly. I then realized that the computer had been tapped. It would be obvious that someone had copied files from it, so the people would know that i was here. I felt uneasy. I had to get away. I turned to the east. I was now outdoors. The land around me seemed flat, and the sky was damp and gray. A swampy lake was to the east of me. I had to escape from this area before i was spotted. I noticed that several logs were just above the surface of the swampy area. I thought that i could run across them to get across the water and out of sight of the house, which was to the west of me. I turned to look at the house, which was now a stone castle. A man was in the large glass window, but he did not seem to notice me. He was closing the drapes. I turned back to the east, again in the room of the house. Several people were around. I had to get away before people suspected that i was the one who had taken the files.

12015 August 11

I started to cross the area where the small pond was. The blue water of the small water hole was to the northwest of me. The land seemed to rise to the north and west of the water, and a roadway was to the north of me. I was heading somewhere, but something had distracted me. Someone had been to the southwest of me, and it seemed as though i had been talking to him. I glanced up to the north, looking into the bright blue sky. To my surprise, i saw the features of a rock in the sky. I could only see the rough leading edges of the rock. They caught light coming from the east. The blue of the sky obscured the parts of the rock in shade. The rock seemed very tall and filled much of the sky to the north of me. I realized that the rock was not falling. This meant that it must still be very far away. I thought that it might be a meteor, and i suddenly worried that it would hit the Earth. I looked down at the round pond as i rounded the northern side and started south along the eastern rim. I started to feel that something was wrong. The meteor was too close not to hit the planet, but it hovered in the sky, so it must still be falling from orbit. The sky to the north turned suddenly red, and i thought that the rock had struck the ground. Everything seemed to freeze. I wondered what it would be like when the wind from the impact hit us. I then thought that others must have known about the meteor but had simply not told anyone. I wondered what it would be like to see the end of the world.

12015 August 18

Someone was singing lyrics as i walked to the north. I listened to the voice, recognizing the melody. I thought that it was a Pink Floyd song, but i was not really sure. I thought about this as i drove down the corridor. I was really walking, but i seemed to be traveling in a small vehicle. I stopped at the end of the hallway and opened the door to the north. I entered a large room were people were crowding around. They were talking about what was happening. To the north of me, i could see a large squid. I was surprised to see it, and it was growing is size as i watched. The others were talking about the story. The squid was growing into a giant superhero or supervillain. I could not tell which. I then noticed the other person to the southeast. The person was also growing so that he or she could combat the squid. This seemed like a familiar story, and i watched it impartially. Something about this event seemed very strange and impractical.

12015 August 22

I started arranging the things on the small bed in the bedroom. I had just moved into this house, but it was a house that i had lived in when i was very small. The twin bed was against the eastern wall of the room. I stood just to the north of the bed, arranging something. I turned to the east, noticing that the tall narrow wooden dresser near the bed seemed worn. I then noticed that the wooden headboard of the bed had been pinched behind part of the dresser. The headboard looked worn and broken. I grabbed the vertical pole on the near side of the bed and looked down it. The frame of the bed seemed solidly attached, so i did not have to worry about the bed falling apart. The wood of the headboard was worn through, though, so it would not last much longer. I thought that we would have to throw it out when i moved. It was rounded at the top and seemed to have a central column down the center of it. It stood about as tall as i. I then realized that the wall behind the headboard was also worn. Pieces of the wood had come off. I moved to the southern side of the bed and looked at the thin paneling of the wall. I was surprised and a little worried to see that a large chunk of the paneling was missing. The chunk was flat on both sides but torn in a diagonal ragged edge at the bottom. I could see into the dark space of the wall through the hole. This made me feel uneasy. I looked around the room, thinking that much of the house was falling apart. I was then in the hallway to the east. The stairs descended to the north of me. The wall on the eastern side of the stairway was missing a large chunk of paneling. As i moved to inspect it, i noticed that the thin wooden plywood was actually lifted from the wall and hung from the ceiling over the stairwell, about two or three decis from the wall itself. The large hole spread across the top of the wall. I looked at the plywood on the eastern wall. It was crudely put together, with gaps between the pieces of paneling. The plywood also seemed very thin, about a quarter to half a centimeter. I walked down the hallway to the east, looking at the thin northern wall. The hole over the stairwell seemed to lead into an empty space, and i remembered this area being a play room when i was young. It seemed to be closed off now, but i wondered if it really was. I came to a doorway and looked into the next bedroom. The bedroom expanded to the north and east of the doorway. My mother was sitting on a bench near the northern wall, doing something on a table to the north of her. She had her hair up in a wrap, as though she had just showered, and the colors of the table seemed to be red and orange. She was staying in the guest room. I said something to her as i looked at the western wall of the room. A doorway to the playroom used to be here. I mentioned it as i pulled at the wooden paneling. One of the panels pivoted on the southern side, and i pulled it open. The room inside was crude and empty. The paneling was unfinished plywood.

12015 August 23

It was getting late, but i had to head back down the dirt road to get my car. I had gone this way before, and i knew that my car was very far down the road. I thought about the road as i headed southwest, up the hill on the one-lane dirt road. The green trees were thick around the sides of the road, making the place feel very secluded and lonely. I started to feel unsafe here. The countryside felt dangerous, as though someone might attack me here. I headed up the road slowly, noticing that it was now getting very dark. A small cabin was on the southeastern side of the road. I passed through it, aware of the woman staying there. I felt that people were watching me, and i hoped that i could make it to my car safely. It was now becoming very dark. I could still tell where the road was ahead of me, but it felt less safe. I thought that i should use the headlamp that i had to light the way. I tried to adjust it. Someone was walking in front of me, and i seemed to be following him. I still felt wary of everyone around me. I walked through the darkness for a moment, thinking about how far my car was from here. I remembered walking to it before, and thinking that i should be able to walk to it again. It just felt less secure this time. I then woke in the room. $F45 had left, and it seemed strange to be here. I wandered around the house, thinking that i should go downstairs to do something. I was a guest in this house. It seemed early in the morning, and i had not yet gotten ready to do things. I had to meet some people to the west, so i got ready and walked to the west, through some of the rooms of the house. I put on the purple shirt. It was made of a glossy material. I thought that it belonged to $A606. I would see him at the house, and i thought about what he would say when he realized that i was wearing his shirt. I was wearing it as a surprise to him. I stopped in the entryway on the western side of the house. Someone was to the west of me, in the doorway. I said something to him, trying to figure out where i should be. I turned back to the east, looking down the short entry hallway. A large room opened up to the northeast, and a doorway led to the south on the eastern end of the corridor. I could see a small salon through the doorway. The salon chairs were set up against the northern wall, and they were all empty now. I had to do something in the salon room. That was where the others would come. I thought about the purple shirt again.

12015 August 27

$F73 and i were running down the street to the west. Some other people were with us, and i was talking to a man. I told him that we would make a loop of the run and come back on the other road. The other road seemed to be to the north of us. $F73 then said something about picking up things from storage. We were in a small area now, and i started moving around, thinking that i should do something. I noticed some Boy Scouts to the south of us. They were walking along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, heading west. I saluted them as they passed, smiling. I then realized that they were doing something in the storage area, and i asked them if i could help. They said that i should help, so i started walking to the southwest after them. I thought that we had several things that we had to move out of the storage areas and into the cars. I then started to feel confused. It seemed that $F73 had been doing something in the storage area for a while now, and i wondered if i had come late. I thought that everything might have been done already.