12016 August 01

I started heading to the west, but something was wrong. I had been putting characters into the room to the south of me, but they were no longer safe. The doorway was to the southwest of me. I pictured the characters in groups that related to specific stories. The Beatles were to the southwest of me. I could see their faces floating in the tans and browns of the room. A group of characters to the south seemed to be from King Arthur stories. The room was filled with stories from many places, and i had been assembling them. Some of the characters seemed to be shooting bullets at me, thought. I felt scared and backed to the east to get out of the doorway. I wanted to save the stories, but it seemed that i would not be able to do so. The characters were all supposed to fit into the room together, but some were shooting at me. I felt distressed and suddenly hopeless. The stories would be ruined. I yelled out for someone to help me. I thought that the other characters from the others stories could help. I then thought that they might be killed. I thought that The Beatles would be shot. I did not know what to do. I stepped backward to the south, into the small building. I was on the western end of the room. My mother was standing to the south of me as looked over my left shoulder at the cakes near me. The cakes were on a low counter or table to the southwest of me. They were long rectangular cakes that were covered with powdered sugar. They were in white boxes with clear plastic windows in the lid. I thought that they looked like Entenmann’s cakes. I felt upset about the shooting. We were not safe. I had to do something. I turned to the north, now on the eastern side of the room. Out of frustration, i started hitting the ground with the clear plastic bottle. The bottle seemed like a water bottle, but it seemed to be filled with sugared cinnamon powder. I felt desperate, and i smashed the bottle against the square stone tile that was on the floor. The bottle cracked, and some of the cinnamon was spilling out onto the floor. I knew that i should not be doing this, but i felt angry about the situation. I then realized that my mother was upset with what i was doing. She could not figure out what to do, so she turned to the west and walked away. This upset me too. I felt as though she was abandoning me. I started crying with distress.

I walked to the southern side of the room. The southern wall of the large living room was covered with book shelfs. I moved a little to the east, thinking that i should have one of the Recees Cups that were on the shelf. I then thought that i had just been running and that i should be continuing. I did not want to have something to eat that soon. I did want to eat some chocolate, though, but i felt uneasy because it was not really good for me. I moved to the east a little. The dog had come into the room and was walking along the eastern wall to the south. I walked to the pale dog, which looked like a golden retriever, and started petting it. I felt very attached to the dog as it rubbed its nuzzle against my chest and arms. I lay down on the floor in front of the couch, which was against the eastern wall. I pet the dog and it rolled onto the floor next to me. I could feel its warmth against my left side as i pet it. My left arm was under its head. I knew this dog. It was $X23. I felt happy as i scratched the dog’s neck and chin. I then heard the sound of another dog coming from the west. It sounded like a large dog, but i thought that it must be $X20. I asked if $X20 was coming into the room. I could see the small brown dog’s ears over the dog that was near me. My father was to the southeast of me, and he said that the small dog’s name was Baron Ivan. I told him that the dog was called $X20. I knew that the dog also had a longer name. I turned to the east and headed away. I had to finish the run. I started heading south, but i turned quickly onto the street heading west. The street seemed to be on a college campus, and i knew that Barton Hall was just to the west of me, on the northern side of the street. I was running down the northern sidewalk of the street. I could hear the sound of a motor scooter behind me. It was part of the race, but it continued south on the other street. I wondered suddenly whether i was supposed to head south and approach Barton Hall from the south. I hoped that i was heading the correct way. I then thought that the street that i was on was blocked off because of the race. The motorized curriers for the race would have to go around the block. This seemed to compensate for their speed. I focused on the west as i jogged down the block. As i reached Barton Hall, i noticed two yellow signs to the east of it, in a small courtyard. They were pointing in opposite directions: one to the east and one to the west. The numbers by the arrows on the yellow signs indicated the different loops of the course. This was my first time to this point, so i would have to follow the arrow marked with the number one. I then noticed people standing around the signs. I turned to the west and headed toward the entrance of Barton Hall. The courtyard to the north and northeast of me seemed to have obstacles and other parts of trail. I looked at the map as i headed west. The map showed the trail running west along the southern side of the large open building. A block of letters was in the center of the western side of the room. It was some kind of obstacle. The trail then seemed to come back along the northern part of the room, where two clusters of letters were indicated. I looked at the cluster of letters in the southwestern part of the room. It was a block of As. The block seemed to be four across and four down, with a fifth row of three As. This seemed confusing. I knew that i would be running from one letter to the next, but it did not make sense how i would run them.

12016 August 02

We were in the hospital or large building that could have been a school. My mother said that she would go to get the car so that i could go somewhere. I hurriedly gathered my things from the entry hallway of the building. I looked to the south to see a black car driving up the street from the east. It looked like a black Audi, and i thought that it was probably my mother’s car. I could not see who was driving it. The ground in front of the building was covered with dry grass and colorful autumn leafs. It sloped up hill slightly to the south. The road also seemed to slope to the west as it curved from the east-southeast to the west. The small white entry hall i was in had plain white walls that seemed to be made of plaster. A corridor ran to the west from the hallway, and a few others seemed to run to the north and east. I grabbed something from the north of the corridor and headed to the main door, which was in the southern wall. The black car had turned around and was now stopped on the road, facing east. I jogged across the dry leafs on the ground, realizing that i was running barefoot. I liked being without shoes, but i thought that my parents would find it strange. I ran quickly across the grassy lawn until i came to the road. My parents were waiting on the opposite side of the road from me. The road now seemed to have a wide median separating the two lanes. I looked both ways and crossed the lane near me. I jogged across the grass of the thick median, noting the feeling on my feet as i ran. When i reached the other side, i stopped and looked around for traffic. It seemed to be coming from both directions. An intersection was just to the west of the car, so i thought that i would have to be careful of cars coming around the corner and around the back of my parents’ car. They would not easily see me. I stopped for a moment on the northern side of the street to wait for traffic. I seemed to be here for a moment, and the scene changed. I was now standing on the southeastern corner of a city block. My parents were waiting somewhere to the southeast. I was waiting for the lights to change. Tall apartment buildings were to the south and northwest of me. I moved back and forth near the black pole that held the crossing light near me. A woman was waiting to the north of me. I walked to the west. I was in the front hallway of the large building, which seemed like a school. I had to get my things. I knew that my parents would be waiting outside. I grabbed something from the floor near the northern wall on the western side of the room. I said something to the other person in the small room with me as i turned back to the east to leave. I then realized that my black bag had come open. The clip was not sealed. I looked at the bag to see that i was carrying it upside down. I turned it over and looked at the contents. Nothing seemed to have spilled out. I saw the pencils in the small slits on the back side of the bag. One had a red eraser on the end of it. I closed the bag and turned back to the west. I scanned the floor of the small bathroom to make sure that i had not dropped anything. The woman walked past the south of me, heading out of the room to the east. I could not see anything that i had dropped. I then noticed the small green fuzzy thing on the floor near the northern wall. I recognized it as a bow that had been in my bag. I muttered that it was an insignificant thing, but i bent over to pick it up anyway because i did not want to leave it on the floor. I looked at the pale-green bow, which had been flattened by being in the bag. I put it back in my bag and headed to the east. As i walked, i looked at the satchel to fasten the flap over the top of it. The black clip on the bottom had a space for two prongs to latch, but the top metal piece seemed to have only a long nose. Something seemed wrong, and i thought that the latch must be broken. I turned the white plastic thing that was on the metal, realizing that the two prongs were just turned the wrong way. I tried to adjust them as i headed toward the door in the eastern wall of the main hall of the school. My mother was then ahead of me. She had come back looking for me. I said something to her, and we walked to the southwest through the building to get out. She was going to take me to the mall so that i could do something. I thought that i would be going to a movie. She talked about the cinema, saying that at least i could use my tickets to get in. She mentioned the Regal passes. I told her that i probably would have to pay more anyway because the 3-D movies were more expensive than regular movies. We headed west between the bushes near the building. I told her that i had to buy a 3-D pass for the last movie i saw because i had missed the 7:10 showing and did not want to wait around until the later showing of the regular movie. He walked generally to the southwest, toward the car. I realized that i had mentioned two later times and did not want my mother to think that i wasted the entire day before deciding to go to a late movie.

12016 August 03

I had been chatting with the man to the south of the house. We seemed to be in a wooded area, but the lawn of the house was wide. It was dark out, and a pond was to the south of us. The man had been talking about something that we had done. He then said that he would dive me back. I was then in the truck, and the man was driving to the east. The sidewalk that was the driveway curved around the northern side of the pond. It bordered the water, and i felt nervous about how the man was driving. We seemed to be very close to the edge as he crossed the bridge at the northern side of the pond. I watched the ice covered driveway carefully as he headed east from the bridge and drove slowly around the northeastern side of the pond. The tires on the right side of the truck did not seem to be on the sidewalk, and i worried that the truck would slip into the water. The pond was now covered with a thick layer of ice, which had ridges of broken ice sticking up from it. I drove the truck to the south, across the parking lot. I had been to this place before, and i was now here to meet the others. I had to find a parking spot, but the lot looked full. I headed south across the eastern end of the lot. I noticed some space at the southern edge of the lot. I pulled the truck into an opening between some large vehicles. I was blocking two smaller vehicles that were parked to the south, but i knew that they belonged to the employees of the restaurant on the northern side of the lot, so they would not have to leave. As i pulled into the space, however, i saw two men walking toward me from the southwest. One man was wearing blue denims and a tan jacket. It was obvious that one of the cars i blocked in was his. I backed out of the spot, thinking that i might be able to pull in after he drives away. I then noticed that the eastern end of the lot was not actually full. I could not see this before because the line of cars in the middle of the lot blocked y view of it. I drove along the southern side of the lot to the eastern end. I turned north down an aisle and tried to park in a spot to the east. I could not get the truck to turn quickly enough to make it into the spot. I was at an angle to the car to the south of me. I backed up, turning the front of the truck more to the east. I was not used to driving such a large vehicle. I then noticed an open space to the east of me, on the southern side of the car i had tried to park next to. The truck was now aligned to drive into this space, so i drove east into it. A large truck was parked to the south, and a ladder on its roof extended over the top of my truck as i pulled into the space and stopped.

12016 August 05

I walked into the back room of my parents’ house. The room was much shorter than normal, and an island counter was in front of the northern wall. I noticed a few chunks of meat on the floor near the southwestern corner of the counter. Flies buzzed around the meat. I remembered that the ground beef had been spilled on the floor on the northern side of the room before. I was annoyed with $A682, because he had spilled the meat here and not cleaned it up. I felt annoyed and disappointed with him. I then heard the sound of someone talking. I looked to the southwest. I was now in a room on the second floor at the front of my parents’ house. Someone was outside. I looked down at the front yard from my parents’ bedroom. The grass looked dry, and a car was parked on the grass. The white car was an old American car. It faced southeast and was just a little to the east of the front door of the house. People were moving around to the south of it, walking around the house. I felt uneasy, thinking that they were the people who were always walking at the sides of the yard. They should not be there. I moved to the west to get a better look at the front yard. The man was walking around the side of the house from the west. He wore a baggy white T-shirt with the sleeves torn off. He had ragged hair and worn blue jeans. I felt uneasy about him. He stopped in front of the window, now at the same level as i was. He looked at me and snarled. I felt angry with him and stuck up my middle finger at him. I then worried that he might try to attack me. I moved back into the house, thinking that i should close all of the windows in the house. I turned to the north, closing the windows along the western wall of the back room of my parents’ house. I pushed the windows up and locked them into place. I felt nervous, thinking that the people outside might try to get into the house. I then realized that the television was on to the east of me, on the northern side of the room. I did not want the people outside to know that anyone was in the house, so i had to turn the television off. I moved around the back room, closing more of the windows, but the television was still on. I had turned down the volume, but i thought that they would still be able to see it. I moved to the south along the eastern wall, closing the windows in the room. I then came to the back door of the house, which faced east. A white car was parked on the opposite side of the driveway outside, facing east. A car was also parked in the center of the driveway, facing north. I could not see the front end of the car because the car was out of sight around the side of the recessed porch of the house. I noticed a young girl in a white sweater wandering up the driveway near the car. She must belong to the others. I felt annoyed with these people, and i wanted to do something. I walked outside into the driveway. I could no longer see the young girl, and i wondered where she had gone. I walked up the driveway a little. The young girl was in front of me, facing north. She had not noticed that i was here. I noticed that the lights in the garage were on, as well as the lights in the shed to the west of the garage. I thought that the men must have been stealing tools from the shed and garage. I felt angry, and i screamed loudly. I thought that the young girl would be startled, but i did not care. I then turned to walk back into the house. After a few steps, i realized that i should get the license plate of the yellow van that was parked in the driveway. I turned back to the north and looked at the license plate. It was fuzzy, though, and i could not see any numbers on it. I thought that it might be too dark to see, but i had to pretend that i was memorizing the number. I stood up and hurried back into the house, locking the door behind me.

12016 August 06

I drove the car to the west, following the others down the wide street. No buildings seemed to be around us, but this road seemed to be part of a highway that led through an urban area. Short cement dividing walls ran along the northern and southern sides of the bridge ahead of me. I was driving in the center of the two lanes as i drove onto the bridge. I noticed that water was covering the deck of the bridge. Some of the cars ahead of me skidded across the water. The car to the northwest of me, in the lane next to me skidded suddenly to the south. The front of the car turned in front of me, but the car continued to move to the west. The old white car with red trimming slided to the west over the deck of the bridge. I felt tense, worried that this was too dangerous. I then wondered why the bridge had not fallen. With so much water flowing over the deck from the water under it, it should have moved with the flow of the water. I stopped the car, watching the cars on the bridge to the west of me. Other people started to gather on the sides of the road to watch the flooding. They seemed like people i had known in high school. I turned to the north and left the area. I walked into the large modern building, which seemed to have large glass windows over the front. I wanted to go running and did not want to be in this area. I felt the need to do something. I entered the large room in the center of the building. The room seemed to be an atrium. A few people were sitting around a long rectangular table on the eastern side of the center of the room. I focused on a man who was sitting on the northern side of the table, facing west. He had bright red hair that was cut short. I felt interested in him and wanted to talk to him.

12016 August 08

I walked to the east, thinking that i should go to the philosophy class. I looked at the pamphlet that i had in my hand, which explained one of the books that we read. I thought that i knew about the book, even though i had not read it. I wondered if i could explain the concepts in the green and blue book. I felt good about going to the class, thinking that i could take the final exam and have an idea about the subjects. I walked to the south into the large classroom. The room looked like a library, with many rectangular tables and shelving along the walls. The professor was in front of me. He had chin-length blond hair and wore a white shirt. I said hello to him. He smiled back at me. He did not seem to realize that i was not in his class. I said something and continued across the room. Someone handed me a test packet. I looked at the questions on the front cover. I walked to the west and then to the northern side of the room. I was not sure that i could actually answer all of the questions on the test. I thought that i had a basic understanding of the books that we had read, but i started to worry that i would not be able to answer the actual questions. I started to feel upset, thinking that i should not really be in the class at the moment. I sat down at the table and looked over some of the questions. I did not really know what i was doing. I wondered if i could just walk out of the room unnoticed. I felt bad.

$A623 was to the southwest of me as i dumped some of the frozen chicken breasts into the large suitcase that was on the floor. I crouched down, shaking the large black plastic container where the chicken had been. Several pieces of chicken were still stuck in the corners of the flexible container. I had to pull them out with my right hand as i held the plastic up with my left. I knew that $A623 was upset with me for taking too much time to put the chicken into the bag. I was supposed to be going somewhere. I seemed to be on the southern end of a small room, but i turned to the south and drove down the road. I felt anxious, thinking that i had to do something. I then focus my attention on the ground below me. This road seemed like North Road, but it was no longer a road. I turned and headed to the north, back up the road. The other person was still to the south of me, and i thought that i should explain that the road here was actually still a road. I looked down at the grass that i was driving on, knowing that part of it was packed enough to mark out the path of the road. I moved quickly to the north over the rolling fields of the countryside. I could see the two tire tracks from time to time in the brown dry grass of the field. I turned the car from left to right, following the path that i knew the road went on. This road seemed to be the western road of two. I knew that the north-to-south road to the east of us was paved, but this road was not. It was not as used as the other road. I hoped the grassy road did not make the other person nervous. I watched the car below me turn sharply to the northwest over the grass. The grass seemed to be in square patches of slightly different shades of green. Some patches were tanner than others. As the car turned again to the northwest, just to the south of a large tree, i could see the two lines of packed grass on the field, marking the tire tracks. I thought that i could point this out to the other person. I then watched the small cars curve over the small tile of grass. The tiles actually seemed like square cushions from a couch. They looked like they were made of a rough material. The car curved sharply on the cushions. I thought that the softness of the cushions was causing the car to turn in tight circles. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that i would have to correct the path of the car, which was getting stuck on the cushion because the softness was making it turn it tight circles. I moved toward the cushion. I was still carrying the bag of chicken that i had packed. I put it down to the west of the cushions, noticing that i had mixed up the brown and tan pieces of chicken. I would have to separate them. I crouched down and started pulling the different colors of paper from the black bag. I then realized that i still had the stack of twenty-dollar bills on top of the colored paper money. I pulled out the original bills and put them to the east of the bag. I thought that i would have to put them on my dresser until i needed them. Many bills seemed to be in the stack. I would not use them for a while. I then realized that the brown and tan pieces of paper were really copies of the original twenty-dollar bills. I had been making copies of the bills and giving them away rather than the green money. I realized that this was not legal. The colored paper would be considered counterfeit. I wondered why the stores would have taken the bills.

12016 August 11

I headed to the west, into the northern end of the room. Something about this place felt special. I moved to the southern end of the small rectangular room. The walls were white and plain, and the room was filled with living-room furnishings. I was staying in this place, and other people were here with me. A man came into the room from the north. He was famous, and i was surprised to see him her. I was excited to see him, but i did not show it. He was Prince. I admired him and felt lucky that he wanted to visit me here. I greeted him. He sat casually in a chair to the north of me. He chair was in the center of the room, and it faced west. I was a little to the southeast of the chair. The chair had a curved low back. The wood along the top of the back curved around to blend in with the armrests. Prince leaned back in the chair, resting his left arm on the armrest near me and looking over his arm at me. He seemed to be holding his knee with his right arm, which turned the upper part of his torso toward me. I felt special to have him visit. I chatted with him for a moment. He seemed to be offering me something, and i was flattered to receive it. I watched him for a moment as he smiled at me. His face seemed very young and smooth. I thought about the special gift that he was giving me. I had felt honored that he had taken interest in me. I woke up suddenly. I was lying on my bed, which was on the eastern wall of the small bedroom. My head was to the east. I had been looking south, but i turned to the north to look around the room. Prince had left, but i still felt pleased that he had come. I then noticed a black keyboard against the western wall, to the north of me. Prince had done something on the two or three sheets of paper that were on the music rack of the keyboard. Thinking that he left e part of a song, i sat up and hopped out of bed. I looked over the sheet music. At first, i though that the handwritten words above the music were all the same word repeated over and over. I though that Prince must have written something to show me the rhythm of the words. The words seemed like “oulete”. I focused on the words, realizing that they actually started with the letter C. As i read them, i noticed that they were all similar, but different words. I though that Prince must have written words to describe a situation. It seemed like nice poetry. I wondered if he intended me to use the lines. I thought about this as i moved around. I started talking to the other person about it. My mother was then to the northeast of me. I told her about Prince and the special house that i had stayed in. The house was now my apartment. I wanted to show the other person this. I walked back to the west, across the outside area. The blocky buildings ran in two rows, from north to south. They seemed to have a look of stacked blocks. Flowerbeds colored the courtyard between the two rows of houses. The rows ran north to south. I told the other person that the special house was to the west. I wanted the other person to experience the house as well. I walked excitedly to the southwest, telling the other person that the house was number fourty-seven. I wanted to get back to the house and show the other person what i had experienced.

I moved to the southern side of the room, still talking with the other person. A stairway seemed to descend to the north in the center of the room. It was enclosed by walls. As i spoke to $A682, i swinged the metal hatch shut over the top of the stairway. The hatch was made of riveted steel and seemed like a bulkhead door. It covered the opening to the north of me where the stairs descended. I told $A682 that i would do something, but i felt uneasy about it. I had done something before, and it caused trouble for them an. I knew that i would have to do the thing again, but i felt bad knowing that it would cause the man bad luck. I was not quite sure what i could do.

12016 August 15

I walked to the north, across the flat stones of the paved yard. I seemed to be near Barton Hall, and it was cold and gray out. The light of the day was very dim. I felt upset. I had left my house and did not want to return. I walked toward a small metal shelter to the north. It seemed to be the open back end of a delivery truck, but it was a fixed structure. It had a shelf about the height of my waist. I thought that i could sleep on the shelf. It seemed somewhat protected. I pulled the orange and brown sheet over me as i lay down. I could cover myself completely with the sheet. It seemed to keep me warm. I was surprised that so thin a sheet would keep me warm. I pulled the fitted sheet over my head as i curled up on the shelf. My head was to the east, and i pulled my knees to my chest to the south of me. I lay on the shelf for a while, trying to sleep. I moved the sheet over me a few times. I shifted position once, noticing that some snow had fallen on the top of the sheet. I did not feel cold, and i thought that it was strange that i did not. I then wondered why had left home. I really did not care. I felt apathetic and was not concerned about being homeless. I then woke up again. It felt empty to be here. I noticed a man standing to the south of me. He wore a gray suit coat. He said that he was expecting me. I sat up, unsure of what to do. He smiled and said that he had an opportunity for me. I did not feel fully comfortable around him, but i felt somewhat special that he had chosen me. I followed him to the south. We were now in a new city. We walked down the street. The man was to the southeast of me. He said that he had a job for me. I was not sure if i could trust him, but this city seemed like the right place to be. I was in Chicago, and i thought it was a very nice city. I thought that maybe i should move here. I still did not quite trust the man, however. He then mentioned the university. I though that people there were doing some research. I had heard about it before, and i tried to remember the name. I wandered to the east, down the wide hallway. The place felt good, and i liked it here. The white corridor ran to the south of a large room, which seemed like an auditorium or a lecture hall. The hallway was wider than it was tall, and the walls seemed to be made of old plaster. The hall ended in a small room to the east. The hall seemed smaller there; there seemed to be a dividing wall on the northern side of the hall that separated an entryway from the southern side of the corridor. Two men were sitting behind a table along the eastern side of the hall. I walked to the northern side of the table and sat with them. I did not know them, but they had something to do with why i was here. We spoke for a bit. I looked back to the west, noticing the old iron beams across the ceiling. The beams were pointed green, but the old thick paint was cracked. The riveted beams were decorative, with ends that curved down near the walls. The old iron reminded me of a hotel design. It seemed like something that would have been very fancy a long time ago. I told the two men sitting to the sound of me that i admired the design. I looked over the beams for a while. I then walked back down the corridor to the west. I wanted to remember the name of the university, but i could not think of it. It seemed that i was supposed to remember it. I had forgotten what the people had said earlier. I remembered that the man in the suit had given me a pamphlet about the research. I pulled things out of the left breast pocket of my jacket. I thought that the man had taken the pamphlet. I then realized that i still had a few pens in the pocket of the sweatshirt i was wearing. They would have the name on them.

I was in the small restaurant. I felt uncomfortable here. I had run away from home and did not want to go back. I then thought that my mother would be upset. I should return to my regular life so that people did not worry about my absence. I wondered if i could remember the name of the college that i had been told. I headed to the east, into the small room. I knew that i should go home, but i did not want to.

12016 August 16

I walked to the west, passing to the south of the round metal object. I knew that the object was something special. It was almost flat, but it was domed. I knew that the underside of the object was a parabolic magnetic-resonance projector. It was the kind of thruster used in “flying saucers”. I tried not to notice the object, though. Other people were around the area, and i thought that they would not want me to notice the MR thruster. I tried to act ignorant of the object, pretending that i did not know that it was something special. I was now in a building, which seemed like an old boathouse. The wooden docks were to the north of me, and the large flat dome was on the docks. The wood of the docks was darkly stained and well worn. The domed object was dark. I did not want the others to know that i knew what it was, so i talked with them about something else. I continued to move back and forth near the thruster. It was something special, but i could not acknowledge it.

12016 August 17

I had been in the house, which was now to the north of me. I was here for something and had been talking to the other people. This place seemed like $P19. I stopped on the eastern end of the corridor. A doorway was to the northwest of me, leading into the bathroom. I could see two women in the mirror on the northern wall of the room. They were getting ready for some dress-up event and were putting on makeup in the mirror. One of the women was $A326. She stopped putting on lipstick and looked at me in the mirror. I thought that i should not be staring into the women’s room, and i started to turn away. I then realized that some special event was happening here, and i asked $A326 what it was. She said that the special formal was happening soon. I felt bad that i had not heard about the event. I walked to the west. Several $G3 were sitting in cushioned chairs along the western wall. $A700 seemed to be the man in the center chair. All three men were wearing tuxedos. I felt bad that i had not known about the event.

12016 August 19

I was lying in the bed when i heard the sound. I was not quite sure what it was. I felt tired, but i got up to urinate. I walked to the east and then turned to the north to walk into the small bathroom. The plain square room was covered with small white square tiles. I moved to the urinal, which was on the eastern wall. I could hear the sound again. I realized that it was the sound of water running. I could not see any water, but i could hear it running down the wall behind the urinal. I thought that something must have been leaking in the wall. I had to do something to stop the water, so i ran out of the bathroom and to the west. I thought that i should shut down the water in the basement. I ran down the stairs, heading north. I came into the living room of my grandfather’s house on Vly Road. The stairs descended into the center of the room. To the east, the room looked empty, but water was running down the eastern wall and forming puddles on the floor. I ran to the basement and headed to the north, descending the basement stairs. The basement seemed very clean. Wooden shelfs lined the eastern, western, and northern walls. The northern wall was about two meters from the bottom of the stairs on the eastern and western sides of the room. The center of the wall formed a corridor that ran a short distance to the north. The shelfs seemed mostly empty, but they actually held decorative glass lights. The cylindrical glass tubes seemed very decorative and fragile. They were lightly colored with various soft hues. I had just moved into this house, and i remembered the basement being dark and dirty. My mother must have cleaned out the basement and put the decorative glass lamps on the shelfs to fill up space. I turned to the east and then the south, looking at all of the glass lamps around the room. They looked very nice. I thought that they might have been here when i bought the house, but i liked them enough that i thought that i should keep them. I then remembered that i had to shut off the water. I headed to the north along the western side of the room. I walked into the wide hallway at the northern end of the basement. I stepped into the room to the west. The cement walls were painted gray. An electrical box was mounted on the northern wall near the door. It did not control the water, though. I had to find a shut-off valve. I was not sure what i should do. I then woke up in my bedroom. I had been dreaming about the basement. I then realized that i could still hear the sound of running water. I got up to find out what the sound really was, thinking that the noise must have inspired the dream. I then thought that i must also have been dreaming now. I must be experiencing a dream that loops on itself.

My mother was sleeping on the large bed to the north of me, on the western wall. She woke up suddenly. I thought that it had something to do with the sound of running water that had woken me up. I looked around at the bare walls of the room. They were covered with dull-green textured wallpaper. The pattern of the texture seemed to be paisley.

12016 August 20

I walked with my family to the west, along the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. We seemed to be in a resort town near a river. The river was just to the north of us. A short grassy area separated us from the river. Wooden docks seemed to run along the water to the north of us. As we neared the western end of the docks, i noticed a car parked between the read and a boat slip. The car was moving slowly to the north on what seemed to be a boat launch. This seemed strange. As we passed the car, i could see that it was entering the water. The windows of the car were down, and the car was full of people. I felt suddenly upset as i realized that the man driving the car was intentionally driving into the water. The car was sinking, and the family inside did not seem to care. I wondered if they were trying to commit suicide. I turned to the north and walked with my family along the side of the car. The car now did not seem to have a roof. I felt concerned that they were trying to kill themselfs, but i also thought that this incident seemed very strange. My family had noticed the car, and they became upset. We were now to the northwest of the car. My grandmother, who was to the northwest of me, suddenly ran back to the car. She stopped at the front driver’s corner and lectured the man on his behavior. She was trying to make him feel bad for what he was doing. She mentioned Jesus as she spoke. As she spoke, she gestured emphatically with her hands, and the yellow sweater that she had over her shoulders fell to the ground. I moved back toward the car. I was then to the south of my grandmother. She was standing between my parents, raising her arms in praise. She nodded and closed her eyes, as if accepting thanks for what she had done.

12016 August 22

We walked to the west, down the northern sidewalk of Paden Street. $A682 and $F43 were following me down the street. I suddenly felt awkward here, realizing that i was close to my grandmother’s house. $A682 would know where my grandmother was and might want to say hello. This seemed like an uncomfortable situation. As we passed a small gray house, $$A682 looked into the window to see if anyone was home. The windows was on the southern end of the western side of the house. White blinds were down over the window, but we could see into the illuminated room beyond. Someone seemed to be in the room. I hoped that they did not want to say hello to my grandmother. I worried that my relatives would be upset with $A682. I continued down the sidewalk to the west, trying to hurry them along. I then realized that they were looking in the window of the wrong house. It was not my grandmother’s house. It was a few houses to the west. I turned to the west. I was now standing near my grandmother’s house. I walked past it. When i turned around, i saw $A682 and $F43 walking into the house. I knew that my parents were there visiting. I walked into the house. I could hear my mother greeting $A682. I thought that she might be upset with him and not act warmly to him. I entered the house, heading to the west. $A682 and $F43 were to the south of me, in a small room with my mother and grandmother. I had not seen $F43 in a long time, and i missed her. My mother seemed uncomfortable with $A682 there. I was sitting to the north of them as $F43 started walking to the north. I reached out my right hand to grab hers, but she did not seem interested in talking to me. I held her right hand briefly as she walked past me, but she pulled away and went down the basement steps. I made a noise, which seemed like sobbing. I was upset that she did not want to talk to me, but it seemed strange that i would actually cry. I knew that i cared deeply for her, but the sobbing seemed unnatural. I stood up and followed her down the stairs. I wanted to talk to her.

12016 August 24

The store round me was dark, and i felt uncomfortable and nervous here. I had applied for a job here, but i did not really feel interested in it. My mother had set up the job interview. This store was in a mall, and it seemed like Macy’s. I paced to the west. I was not sure what i should do. I was outside now, walking across a small parking lot. I stepped over the median on the western side of the lot and descended the meter-tall hill into the next parking lot. The aluminium and glass building to the west of me, which was on the northern side of its lot, seemed to be a McDonald’s. I thought that i should eat something. It seemed like a long time since i had eaten. I walked to the south of the building, noticing that the building was dark and empty. The other person, who had been walking with me, headed to the southwest. I was disappointed that the restaurant had been abandoned. I could see debris on the floor inside. Everything had been removed from the building. I drove to the east, down the main road, which seemed to lead to Albany. The large mall was to the north of me. It seemed like the Mowhawk Mall. I thought that there was a Macy’s in this mall, so it made sense that i was here. I then thought that i could probably eat in the mall as well. I then felt uneasy again. I did not want to work at the store, and i did not understand why i was considering the job. I then looked to the east, noticing the tall stone buildings that were on either side of the road. I was heading into the center of a large governmental building. I realized that i was in downtown Albany. This building was part of the capitol. I was heading to the north, along the side of a wide courtyard with a pattern of stones covering the ground. I turned to the east and drove into the center of the room. I had to find a way out of this area. I worried that i was not supposed to be here. A man was sitting in a large stone chair in the center of the eastern half of the room. I felt as though i should not be here. As i approached the man, i realized that he was the governor. I recognized him, as if i knew him. He wore a gray suit jacket over a white shirt. I felt uneasy and thought that i should leave before security finds me. A man stood to the north of the governor. He was someone that i knew. I headed back out of the room, walking quickly to the west. I then thought that this whole situation seemed strange. Why would the governor be here in an easily accessible area? I turned down several corridors, hoping to get out of the building before someone found me, but nothing around me looked familiar. I wondered how i could get back to where i was.

I drove to the south, through the field of tall crops, which seemed like corn. I had to get to the area in the center of the field to retrieve the things that we left behind. I felt rushed to get back to the center of the area, and i felt uneasy of others who might see me here. I passed an area where the corn stalks seemed to thin a little. I glanced to the east, though the thinning area, noticing more blue sky that i had been able to see before. I thought that i would be passing the opening in the corn field soon. I then realized that i had probably gone too far. I knew that a road was just ahead of me to the south. I did not want to be out in the open, so i stopped the car just before i reached the road. The clearing that i was looking for was somewhere to the north of me now. I must have driven past it. I turned around and headed back. I could see the raised road to the southeast of me. People were walking on the road, heading to the east. I had to hide. I ran to the north, now inside the small darkened shack. I glanced out the windows to the east, watching the small group of people walk up the road to the north. The others with me were staying away from the windows so that they could not be seen. I looked back out the window. The people were walking toward the house that we were in. They were dark skinned and wore loose clothing. Many of the men wore simple white shirts. I did not recognize them, but i did not think that they were the bad people. I moved around inside the house for a moment. The people then opened the front door of the house, to the east of me, and started walking into the large entry room. The room had no furnishings, and the walls seemed plain and white. They had a chair rail and boards on the lower half. The floor was made of polished wood. Two rounded women came into the room first, and i greeted them cautiously. I did not think that they were any threat. The women smiled as they shook my hand. I then passed to the south of them and greeted the men. The men seemed shy, but they were very polite. As i continued down the line of people entering the house, i realized that many people were coming into the house. They seemed nice, and it felt good to meet them.

12016 August 25

I looked out the front window of the bus, which was traveling to the north on the wide street on the outskirts of the small city. This place seemed to be near Albany, and the road that we were approaching seemed to be Central Avenue. The road we traveled was four lanes wide, and it ended on the main road ahead. The area around us seemed to be filled with small shopping plazas and stores. I would have to get off the bus soon, but i did not think that the bus would stop before the intersection. I was close to where i was going. I stood near the front of the aisle, on the right side of the bus. I thought that i could get off the bus at the corner and walk to where i needed to go. I leaned on the pole at the front of the aisle, pressing the button near my right hip. I heard the bell right. The bus slowed down at the corner. I thought that it would let me off, but it turned the corner to the east and started down the street. I worried that it would not stop near where i needed to be, but then it puled up to the curb in front of a large red brick building, which seemed to be an old school. Green trees hung over the road where the bus stopped. I got off, and i was just to the south of the corner when i got off. A tan stucco building was to the east of me. I walked up the two or three steps that led to the building, thinking that i had to go to the east. At the top of the stairs, an arched opening was in the wall. I could see the double glass doors of the building to the east of me, but i turned to the north, following a corridor ran around the northern side of the building. I remembered this corridor from before. I turned to the east and stated following the corridor down the side of the building. I remembered walking this way a long time ago. A low tan wall with a planter along the top was to the south of me. It separated the corridor from the entrance to the restaurant or pub. I could hear music playing from inside the club. It sounded like a recording, and i thought that i recognized the song. I remembered that this pub was a gay bar. I looked to the south, noticing a large flat-screen television hanging on the western wall, just to the south of the door. The music was coming from the movie that they were showing. I remembered that the pub was having Halloween in July, and they were showing Rocky Horror Picture Show. I noticed Frankenfurter walking across the screen in a teddy. I thought that i had never been to this bar, and i felt a little nervous about going. I walked slowly, watching the screen and listening to the music. The music was disco in style. Some people were walking down the corridor, approaching me from behind. I pretended that i did not know that the club was a gay club. I could not see anyone inside, but i wanted to come back here sometime.

12016 August 26

I moved to the west, across the northern shore of the land. I was visiting this area for a conference, and i was interested in this place. I watched the land to the south as i rode in the cart on the narrow road, which curved in and out of the curves on the land. The land to the south of me seemed to be covered with short verdant growth: bushes and small trees. I felt somewhat nervous about being in this town, thinking that i did not quite belong here. It was dark, and i also thought that i probably should not be traveling on these roads alone. I hurried to the west, hoping to get back to the village where i would be near houses. Someone was following me. I had seen him to the east. I hurried to the east, realizing that he had just turned around another corner. I thought that i could lose him around a corner and then take another road that did not curve along the shore as much. I felt worried about him following me. The area then opened up around me, and i came into the eastern end of the northern side of a parking lot. The low white building, which seemed to be a cluster of restaurants, was to the west of me, on the edge of the parking lot. I though that the others from the conference would be eating here. I hoped to get into the building before the man following me. I chatted with some of the other people at the conference. They were ready to leave this place.

I was in the large building, which seemed like a mall. I had come here for a conference, but the conference was over, and i was leaving. I walked to the east, down the center of the large hall. The ceiling seemed to be two stories above me, and the walls were plain and white. I felt tired. I did not want to teach at this conference any more. I crossed the large open atrium, heading southwest until i got to the hallway. I then turned to the west, making several turns as i went, but continuing to head to the west. I then came into a small room, which seemed to be a gift shop. Round metal racks of clothing were at various places around the room, and many of them seemed to have dark colored coats and jackets on them. In the center of the room, a hanger was hung to the southwest of one of the racks, higher than the rest of the rack, which was about my chest level. The hanger had a black jacket with bright pink jagged shapes cutting across the right shoulder and down across the right side of the torso. The leather of the jacket seemed to be stitched in puffy rows. The black pants under the jacket match the style of the jacket. It looked like a fashionable punk style from the eighties. The pink was shockingly bright compared to the rest of the jacket. I stopped and looked around at the other clothing, noticing that most of it was in eighties styles. I thought that the styles must have been coming back.

12016 August 27

I walked to the east down Paden Street. The area seemed very open, and it was a bright day. This was not quite as i remembered it, however. I thought that this scene was happening in the future or in an alternate reality. I talked about the area with the person to the south of me as we both walked along the northern sidewalk of the street. We seemed to be near the eastern end of the street. I looked at the lights in the houses. The lights seemed blue in hue, and i though that they were from modern lights. I talked to the person about them. I was not comfortable in this place. Something seemed wrong. I was then aware that people were after us. I felt uneasy, but tried to act as though nothing was wrong. I chatted with the person with me, mentioning Google as the others hunted us. I then stopped and looked up at the steep dirt cliff to the north of us. Something had changed. The authorities were around us, and we were being arrested. They knew that we did not belong in this area. I felt upset and worried that we would be harmed here. The others had gotten away to the east, but the authorities did not know that they had been here. I thought that we were being arrested because people thought that we belonged with them. I looked to the north. The man i was with now had his hands bound behind his back. I felt confused. This place was not real, and something did not seem consistent about it. I thought that the troops were arresting people simply to keep them under control. I talked about Beethoven for a moment, thinking that it would show that i had been raised in a cultured environment. I knew that the authorities would not treat me badly if they knew that i might be associated with privileged families. Only the privileged were educated these days. I tried to act casually about the conversation, trying not to let them know that i was only talking about Beethoven to show that i was part of a privileged crowd. I then started singing a song. I tried not to pay attention to the police officers. The officers then released us, but the others were coming with the red drugs. They would try to implicate us by saying that we were drugged. I felt suddenly panicked. We had to get out of this place, but i felt that the bad guys would capture and kill us.

I walked down the stairs to the north, coming into the small lining room. I felt groggy. I turned to the west at the bottom of the stairs. My mother was sitting on the northeastern side of the room. I told her that i was not feeling well. As i started across the room, she asked me if i had tested positive. At first i was not sure what she was talking about, but then i realized that she was asking if i tested positive for the disease. I felt offended. She was assuming that i would be in areas where i would contract the disease. I felt annoyed with her and told her that i never had tests for the disease. I wanted to tell her that i have never done anything that would put me at risk of getting the disease.

12016 August 30

The man to the north of me had pictures of the gila monster. The animal was drinking from the stream to the north of us, and the man had been taking photographs. The stream ran east to west and was slightly recessed into the flat tan area around us. Several large rocks lined the stream. The gila monster was on the northern side of the stream with its head over the water, drinking. I looked at the photograph that the man had taken. It was a close-up of the animal’s snout. It was very detailed, and i thought that it looked great. I could see the details around the edges of the yellow and black scales of the animal’s face. I felt cautious, though. I knew that gila monsters were dangerous, and i worried that this one might attack if we got to close. I liked the images, though, and i wanted to take some. I crouched down a little to try to focus my camera in on the animal. I felt cautious. I moved to the west of the animal. We were now in a room, and the stream ran across the center of the room. The animal was to the east of me now. It was still drinking from the stream. I had tried to get closer to it, but i wanted to keep the rocks between the animal and me so that the animal would not be able to charge at me. I felt uneasy, however, and decided that i should not be so close. I headed to the south to leave the room and get away from the lizard. I stopped at the door in the center of the southern wall. The man was there. I chatted with him for a moment about the animal, and i told him that i was not comfortable with it. The door was now facing east, and i noticed a large black animal moving across the cut grass of the yard to the east. The grass seemed dry and yellow. I realized that the animal was a gila monster as well. I felt uncomfortable and worried that it might attack. It wandered around the house for a moment, not really paying attention to us. I stood in the doorway, watching it. When it turned toward us and started approaching, i felt scared. I looked at the other animal, which had been drinking at the stream. It was now heading north, away from us. I moved to the south of the house, feeling uneasy. The small house sat on the southeastern corner of a block in a small village. It had a small yard account it. The main street ran to the south of the house, and a side street ran to the north along the eastern side of the house. The man had mentioned the church up the side road. He had something about the murders there. I thought that the church was and old structure and that the murders had happened a long time ago. They had become local legend, akin to ghost stories. The man now seemed like $F16. He was standing to the south of me now. Others had come from the west along the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. They walked slowly in a group, turning to the north, up the side street. They seemed like $G3 or like people from my high school. I recognized most of them, and it felt good to see them. I followed them, talking with someone about the church murder. I imagined the church as an old wood structure with a square tower on the front. The old white structure was on the eastern side of the street to the north of us. It was about twenty meters away now. I could see part of the steeple sticking out from the row of houses. It seemed to stand out against the darker houses. As we approached, i noticed that the details of the building were very sharp. The dark shadows of the boards were very dark against the white of the building. The building also seemed to glow with a red aura. As we approached the building, i looked into the large glass window at the front of the building. The window seemed to be in the front of the steeple, which was on the southern side of the front facade. The building looked more like an old general store, with a large plate-glass window stretching across the entire front. A recessed doorway was on the northern side of the facade. I looked through the glass of the steeple, noticing the beautifully carved curving stonework of the walls. A fake stone pillar merged with the eastern end of the southern wall at the back of the steeple. It was carved to look like several thin pillars standing together, with the touching parts of the pillars merging into one ridge that protruded from the southern wall. A ridge ran along the middle of the wall, curving around the pillar. It was at the level of where the first floor ended. An opening on the eastern wall allowed me to see the second floor of the church, where seats were set up in the balcony. I told the other that the stonework was very beautiful. The stone seemed old and worn, but it still curved nicely into patterns along the walls. I asked the person standing with me about the murders. Most of the others had continued up the street to the north. They did not seem to take the stories seriously. The center of the steeple area seemed to be some kind of statue. I walked into the entryway to get a better look at it. It was on a round dais that was raised about a meter in two or three steps. I looked to the south now, through the large window. At first, the round object seemed to be a large stone tub or basin, but then i noticed that it was an enormous statue. The tub was actually the lower part of the statue. An elephant sat in the tub. It rested its back along the southeastern wall of the tub and faced to the northwest. Its ears were not that large, and its trunk curved to the southwest. Its arms seemed human, and its torso seemed pudgy. The carved stone of its body showed that it was clothed with decorative straps and garments. It was very intricate. I wondered why a Christian church would have an image of an elephant. I told the other person that the elephant was a Pagan symbol. $A701 was standing just to the west of me now in front of the window. She had her hands on her hips and nodded as she listened. She said that it was neither an elephant nor Pagan, but i knew that she was saying this because she would not accept that a Christian church had a Pagan symbol. I told her that it was definitely an elephant and that it was a Pagan symbol. I looked at the statue again, but i could not make out all the details. I had seen it better from the front of the building.

I looked over $F71’s left shoulder as i approached him from behind. He was to the north of me. He had a green praying mantis in his left hand. I watched it over his shoulder as it grabbed the yellow flowers that he was holding out for it. I thought that it was feeding. It reached into the petals of the yellow flower, which now seemed to be attached to a bush to the north of the animal. When it pulled out its arms, it had a small white sac in its claws. The sac was wiggling. It looked like a cocoon with something squirming inside of it. I told $F71 that it was an egg sac. The white cotton-like material then tore open, and small green mantises. I watched them crawl over the outside of the small sac. $F71 put his finger near the adult, which was now standing on a stick. I felt a little nervous, thinking that the mantis might attack him to defend its children. I heard a humming noise. This seemed strange, and i felt nervous about it.

I said something to the others, who were to the west of me, down the corridor on the third floor of $P7. I moved to the east, into the main hall of the third floor. I had the animals with me, but i worried about them running loose. $X4 was near me, but he ran to the south, down the long hallway of the building. Some people had just come through a doorway in the southern end of the hall. The doorway let to the narrow hall that ran down the third floor of the southern wing. I felt upset as $X4 ran toward them. I thought that he would escape. $X3 was near the other people. I did not want the animals running loose. I felt anxious and wanted to get them. I then saw $X4 running up the far wall to the west of the doorway in the wall. The people who had come through stopped when the animals approached them. $X4 scurried up the wall, but lost traction. He turned to the east, scampering over the door and then slid down the wall to the floor. It seemed strange to me that he would be able to climb up a plaster wall. I though that he must have eaten some kind of stimulant. The other animals were also very hyperactive. $X13 was running toward the south as well. I felt better that they could not escape, but i was not sure what to do about them.