12017 August 01

I was running with $G4, heading to the east through the forested area. The trees were green with summer leafs. We headed down the center of a creekbed. It was getting dark, and i focused on stepping only on the flat rocks so that i would have better footing. I chatted whit the person behind me as i ran. I then realized that the object to the northeast of us was a rusty car. It seemed like a modern car, and it was blue. I wondered if it had been washed down the stream in a flood. I looked into the passenger’s window as i passed, expecting to see a body inside in the driver’s seat. I then thought that i was thinking of morbid things and wondered why i would think so. I continued to the east. A man then yelled to us from the south. He was angry with us, and he sayed that we had to get to the house. I thought that he was telling us to get to his house so that he could have us arrested. He sayed that we would be charged with trespassing. I looked to the west to see $F58 and $F$74 running just behind me. They stopped when they heard the man’s voice, looking surprised and uncertain. Someone was farther to the west, and that person ran back into the forest to the west. I walked to the south, stepping out of the streambed, crossing a small open area, and starting up a driveway. The driveway ascended a hill to the south of me. I felt a little unsafe here. I stopped in the middle of the gravel driveway and crouched down. I listened to people moving through the forest around me. I did not want the man to find me here, and i was listening to where he might be. I then heard the sound of a truck coming up the dirt road from the north. I felt that we should not trust the people here. I looked to the north, catching a glimpse of someone running to the east, across a field of tall grass, which was to the east of the road. The others were trying to run back into the woods to get away from the man. At the northern end of the field, the road sloped down steeply into the forested area. It was a single-lane dirt driveway, and i could hear the truck getting closer, but i could not see any lights. The truck did not have its lights on, and i felt suspicious of this. I did not want to wait for the people here to find me. I thought it would be dangerous to trust them. I headed to the south, thinking that i could run to the main road. I wanted to get off of the private property so the men would have no justification in attacking me.

12017 August 03

Many people were gathered outside the theater, waiting for the event to start. Many of the people around me were $G4. The building was to the south of us. I looked around the crowd, trying to find $F71. I could not see him in the crowd, and i knew that he should be here before the run started. I talked to some of the others as i scanned the crowd. I felt annoyed that $F71 was not here. He was always running late, and i worried that he would miss the run. A woman was talking to the west of me, and someone started insulting her. The man to the north of her was making fun of her views and calling her names. The woman seemed upset, and i was annoyed that the man was being so aggressive. I told him that the woman could do as she pleased. I felt annoyed with him. I then turned to the north. We were now in a suburban area, with houses on both sides of the street. A large barn seemed to be to the east of us. It was old, and the paint had been worn off of the wood. The street we were on ran flat to the north. The land to the west of the street sloped up steeply, forming a long flat surface. The surface was covered with grass and picturesque one-story houses. I noticed water on the road to the north. The water formed a large pool in the middle of the road. This seemed strange, and i thought that the road could not be flooding. It had not rained that hard, and it had not rained in the last few hours. The road would not wait until now to flood. I then looked to the northeast. The field on the eastern side of the road was at a lower level than the road. I now noticed that the filed was filled with water, and the old barn, which was now in the near corner of the field, was partly under water. The standing water was calm. I moved to the north to get a better view. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i could see things submerged in the water. I then looked to the northwest. A street came down the steep hill just to the north of were we were. Fifty meters up the slope, i could now see water running down the hill. It did not seem like a lot of water, but it was flowing quickly, and i thought that it could easily fill up the puddles in the street to the north of us. I thought that it would wash away the houses on the street that ran to the west. Something then seemed strange about the water. The flow now seemed to be running up hill from the puddle. This did not make any sense.

I was waiting by the theater for others to gather. I talked to the man from $G4 as i waited. The modern building was to the south of us, and it seemed like a modern cinema that was part of a shopping plaza. The building had gray and red details in the metal frame structure. It seemed to have an overhanging roof that was high above the entrance. I had a small box of salt in my right hand, and i was not sure what to do with it. I paced around as i spoke to the man, and i mentioned the salt to him. I decided that i did not want to keep it. I looked down on the ground, noticing a metal grate over a storm drain. The grate was just off the curb, to the west of me. I moved to the grate and started pouring the salt down through the square grate. I then noticed that something was underneath the grate. I looked straight down into the grate. The grate covered a small room, which was about two meters wide and three or four meters long. The white figure was just under where i was standing, near the western end of the room. It looked like a tall thin stalagmite, and i was pouring salt on top of it. I thought that it was actually something that was frozen. I looked at the wall object as i poured the salt near it. I suddenly realized that it seemed to have the features of a human. I felt uneasy, thinking that it was a frozen person in the storm drain. I could not tell, but it seemed to be standing. This seemed strange, and i wondered if the person was still freezing. I called for help from the people around me, thinking that we had to make sure that the man or woman was not in trouble. Something then moved around in the storm drain to the northwest of the man. It seemed to be some kind of animal, and i thought that it was crawling away to the entrance in the western end of the small chamber below. I felt uneasy, and i told the others that something was in the sewer drain. People came from the northwest. I told them that the creature had been in the drain, but one of the people started descending into a hole that was in the grassy ground to the northwest of where i was, over a small rise. I walked over the rise. A man stood to the north of the hole as a woman jumped in. The man said that it was some kind of animal. I looked down into the open hole. I was looking into the northwestern corner of a small cement chamber. I thought that this was connected to the room that i had seen through the grate. A woman then climbed out of the hole. A small furry animal was clinging to her leg. I was cautious of the animal, and i pointed at it and told the others that we had to be careful of it.

12017 August 04

My attention was drawn to the east. I had been standing on a street, which seemed to be on the northern side of Union, on Nanticoke Avenue. I was with several other people, and they were all looking at the train on the hill to the east. A long rectangular parking lot ran along the eastern side of the street. On the eastern side of the lot, a steep hill ran up about twelve meters. It was covered with grass, and the train tracks ran along the top of the hill. A small building was at the eastern end of the parking lot, and several large trees grew to the north of the building. Something had happened to the train, and we were all alert. The train had crashed into something, and it was still falling. Some of the large pale-yellow boxcars started to roll down the hill to the northeast of us. I knew that all of the cars were connected, so they would pull at one another and drag more cars down the hill. We were now very close to the hill, and i thought that we were in danger. $F71 was standing to the northeast of me, and he wanted to do something to help. I knew that he could not do anything to prevent the crash, and i worried that a falling car would kill him. I pulled him back to the south. We had to leave this area. The train cars could fall down the hill and crush us, and their contents might be dangerous. I then realized that the hill to the southeast of us had dark openings in it. I pulled some of the others toward the cave. I knew that we would be able to seal off the cave and be safe in case any of the train cars exploded. I walked into the entrance to the tunnel, thinking that this was actually a secret place. Not many people knew that the tunnels were here.

I moved down the street to the south. The others person was with me. This was part of a Harry Potter story. It was a mix of stories, though. The other person was telekinetic and did not have any magic. The story was about how the two characters mixed. They were discovering that each had powers that did not make sense in their separate universes. I crossed a street to the south at an intersection and stopped on the sidewalk at the southeastern corner of the intersection. I seemed to be the telekinetic, and i had to find a way to hide in this universe.

12017 August 06

I was in the small grassy area with the others as we packed up things to leave. The area seemed to be under a tent. I looked to the east to see something. When i looked back to the north, i was in the van, and we were driving to the north on the street. The interior of the van was pale gray, with hints of tan in the shading. The woman was driving the van to the northwest of me, and the man was sitting in the passenger’s seat. The cushioned passenger’s seat was brown. The man said something about the things that he had collected, and i noticed the black automatic rifles in the rounded bin in the northeastern corner of the car. The bin seemed to be part of the door. I felt nervous about having the assault rifles in the car, and i said that we would have to get rid of them. I thought that we could throw them in the trash somewhere. I then noticed the large gray dumpster on the eastern side of the road. As we passed it, the man said that we would not be able to throw the guns out. We would have to put them somewhere where they could not be discovered. I felt upset about this. We had to get rid of the guns. We should not have had them with us. I thought that we would have to dump them into a river or lake. I then thought that it would have to be deep water. I wondered where we could do this. All bridges now seemed to have cameras on them. I felt worried that we would not be able to get rid of the guns.

I felt upset about having to be here. It had something to do with the guns, but my family members were around me now. I was on the northern side of the room, facing north. A long table was to the north of me, and i had been talking to the older man about something. We had come to an agreement on something, but i felt very uncomfortable making the agreement. The older man had sat on the western side of the table, and he seemed to have something to do with a crime family. He seemed to be reluctant and uncomfortable coming to the agreement with me, and i felt he was making the agreement against his will. Something i had done made the men think that i had some authority, but i was uncomfortable with the authority. I did not want to assert authority over the men, who seemed to be the leaders of the crime family. A man came into the room from the south and sat down on the western side of the table. He seemed to be a great-uncle of mine, but i did not recognize him. I felt uncomfortable near him, knowing that he had many men behind him. I did not really want to be involved in his gang, but something i had done made people think that they should agree with me. My mother sat to the west of me at the southern side of the table as the man spoke to me from the western side. He smiled at me. I was not sure who he was. I just knew that he was a relative. The man then said with surprise “You don’t recognize me.” I looked at him. His face seemed a little familiar, and i told him this, but i did not really recognize him. His face was old, with square features. His cheeks were sagging now, and vertical lines ran along the sides of his mouth. He had chin-length pale-gray hair that was combed straight down the sides of his face. He smiled at me. Something about his facial features seemed Irish, but i did not really know who he was. I did not want to make any agreements with him, but something i had done made the men reluctantly come to me. The man moved to the northern side of the table as he spoke about the agreement. My mother said something to the west of me, and the man agreed. I tried to understand what they were talking about, but i did not really know what was happening. I told the man that i did not understand. I did not want to be involved in this issue.

I moved into the room to the west. I had just woken up in the central room of the house, and i had to get ready. My grandmother and a young girl followed me to the west. My grandmother wanted me to get ready for something, but i felt sleepy still. I turned to the north as i passed through the doorway in the southern end of the western wall of the room. A large white porcelain basin sink was on the wall just to the north of the doorway. I turned on the water and tried to wash my hands. The black and orange cat jumped into the sink and wandered back and forth, trying to drink the water. My grandmother said something to try to hurry me. I felt annoyed and did not want to listen to her. I bent over to take a drink from the water. The orange and white cat wandered in the sink under me. I took a few sips of water from the tap. The cat then wandered under me, and, as i took a sip, the cat’s tail got sucked into my mouth. The cat moved, and the tip of its tail came off in my mouth. I spit out the orange and white. My grandmother complained that i was not getting ready fast enough. I then heard the voice on the telephone. I had called someone on my cell phone, and i had forgotten about it. I had heard the phone ring, but i put it down on the shelf over the sink. I quickly picked up the phone and said hello. I remembered that i had called $F4. I heard his voice reply. He did not seem to know who i was. I said something else, and he recognized me, saying my name and greeting me. I then realized that it was still early in the morning where i was. He was in another part of the world, so i realized that it must be early in the morning for him. I mentioned this as i walked to the east, back into the other room, leaving my grandmother and the girl in the room to the west. I apologized to $F4 for calling so early. I then wondered why i had called him. $F4 must have thought that something was wrong. I started to feel that something was not right, but i was not sure what to say to $F4. I walked up the wooden stairs that ascended to the north along the western wall of the room. $F4 spoke to me, and i tried to reassure him that nothing was actually wrong with me. I said that i was unsure why i had called. At the top of the stairs, i noticed that the boards of the floor were lifted. Part of the floor formed a trap door. Under it, i could see white cup holders with ceramic mugs in it. It looked like a holder tray for an industrial dishwasher. I thought that old kitchen items must have been stored under the floor here. This is where the extra dishes were. As i spoke to $F4, i opened the door and looked at the dishes. There was nothing special in the storage hole, but it was interesting to see what was there.

12017 August 07

I moved to the south, through the shop, which seemed to be a flea market that was set up inside a larger building. $K1 was with me as we walked to the south down the aisle. I looked at the items on the tables to the east and west of us. I then noticed the model spaceships on the table to the east of the aisle. They were gray and white, and i found them interesting. Thin plastic holders supported the four ships. One of them was a rounded version of the USS Enterprise. It had an almost spherical top part with a round canister for the main body. It looked clunky, and i thought that it was an older more primitive design of the ship. I noticed that several parts of the ship seemed broken. I was interested in the ships, and i asked the man behind the table how much they cost. He said that he had more ships at his home if i wanted to look at them. I asked him again how much the ships were, thinking that he was trying to sell me more ships than i was interested in. He leaned back a little, seeming unwilling to answer me directly. He said “It depends.” I thought that he was trying to get money from me, so i simply walked away. I thought that i would tell him about the models, thinning that he did not really know that the models were not official Star Trek models. I wandered to the west and then to the north, moving through a crowd of people. I slowed in the middle of the crowd, realizing that many of them were from fraternities. Several people were from $G3, but most seemed to be from other fraternities. I pretended that i was one of them, walking through the crowd and trying to chat with some of the people there. I then wondered how i could convince the people that i was part of a fraternity. I would not know any of the secret words. I then thought that i could pretend that i was a brother of Sigma Chi. I pictured the letters in my head, but i was thinking of Sigma Theta. I pictured the letters, saying that the letters are shaped like “tits and ass.” This did not seem quite right, though. It was a joke, but i thought that some fraternity people would think the joke was funny. I looked at the letters, realizing that the joke was not great. The letters would form very pointy tits and a very wide arse. I thought that it would have to be an inside joke among the brothers. Others might not find it funny. I started moving to the west, escorting a brother and another person. I was driving a car. The man was talking as i drove, and i found him annoying. I was glad to drop him off. As he left, i mumbled that he did not really matter, and i left, continuing to the west. I was driving a small car, which was an old Beetle. I wondered how i got a car that was old. I thought that i could pretend that i was a person out of time. I would have to go back to the event where the others were gathered. I thought that i came to many of these events. I turned the car around, but i got it stuck. I had run over some small shrubs in the driveway of the house. I moved the car back and forth until it was free of the shrubs. I felt annoyed with myself for getting the car stuck. I drove away from the house, heading back down the road to the east. I thought about Sigma Chi. I then remembered the space ships on the table. I looked down, realizing that i was holding a long model rocket in my right hand. I told the other person that the long narrow dimension of the ship made it more efficient for deep-space traveling. I was thinking that the ship could rotate around its diameter to generate gravity-like force. The small forward profile also meant that it would hit fewer small rocks at i high rate of speed. The other person agreed that the long ship was more efficient. I looked at the ship, thinking that it was a real ship that had been miniaturized. The pieces of the ship had come apart, and i put them back together. We were in a space shuttle, and we had to launch the smaller ship. I talked to the man and the woman about the small ship. I told the woman that we could not open the door to launch the ship. I would be in control of the enlargement of the ship once it is launched.

I was back in college again. I was in the bedroom of my apartment, gathering things together. My mother was in the house with me. I moved several things around in my bedroom, trying to get my things together. I then realized that it was the middle of the day and i was still in my room. I wondered why i was not in classes like i should have been. Something felt wrong. I thought that i must have dropped parts of my curriculum. I felt nervous about this. I should not have dropped parts of my major already.

12017 August 08

We ran to the west, up the steep path on the rocky face of the mountain. The plants around us seemed to be scrub brush, and the ground was very dry. Several others were moving with me as we ascended the slope. I was then looking at the path again as we drove to the west. The path was a footpath, but i was driving up it in the small car. I knew that i had done this before, and i wondered how i had been able to repeat the instance. I realized that we must have jumped back a little in time or distance. The cars ahead of us were really ourselves, and we were following ourselves up the hill. I felt excited to be heading up the path, and i cheered at the cars ahead of us. This seemed to be very fun. The dirt road ahead curved to the south, and i could see the side of the other car, which was a gray SUV. $F42 was in the other car. I moved to the car and started talking to him. We were not standing on the dry dirt path that ran up the mountain. We seemed to be on the top of a narrow ridge that ran north to south between two separate sections of the mountain. $F42 stood to the west of me. Something seemed to be wrong with him. He said that he had a headache, but i thought that he looked sick. His right eye was bloodshot, and i started to feel worried about him. I asked him a question, but he did not answer. He then fell to the ground in front of me. The others had headed around the small building to the northwest of us. I yelled for help as i crouched down to help $F42. I worried about help getting here in time, because i knew that we were in a foreign place. I yelled “Mayday!” toward the building, trying to get the others to come to our aid. I then started running to the northwest, down the corridor of the building. The others seemed to be in the room to the northwest of me. I could not see anyone, and i wondered where they had gone. I was worried that $F42 had suffered a stroke. I yelled for someone, but i could not hear anyone. A voice then said that i should go to room three. I thought that room three was on the southwestern side of the corridor ahead of me. I ran down the hallway, looking at the many doors on both sides of the hall. I was not sure where room three was. I then heard voices down the hall to the west. The hallway was now running east to west. A man came around a corner from a corridor to the south. He was looking for me. A woman followed, complaining about the man. Before i could say anything, she told me that the rooms in the building did not have any numbers on them. I looked at the gray doors in the hallway and realized that none of them had any labels. I turned to the south and ran down the hallway. I could hear sounds coming from somewhere to the west. None of the doors in this corridor had numbers either, but then i finally spotted a cluster door at the end of the corridor, on the western side, that had numbers on them. The doors were set into the wall of the corridor, with one door facing west, one west-southwest, and one west-northwest. All three doors had the number three on them. I looked down the hall to the south, noticing a room that had four entry doors. All of those doors had the number four on them. The other man caught up with me in the hallway. He had followed me from the other corridor. I moved to the south and locked the four doors so that people would not be confused and try to go into the large room. I then looked at the man. We were in agreement about our plan. We then turned back and started descending the mountain to the east.

12017 August 09

I walked to the west, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the city street. A large metal garage door was open to the south of me, and i was heading toward it. An older woman in a long wool coat had opened the door for a younger woman. They pulled down the door to close it as i approach. I was annoyed that they did not notice that i was heading toward the same door. The door closed just before i got there. I grabbed the nylon loop handle on the western side of the door and pulled the door back up. The older woman was on the western side of the plain square room inside. She passed through a doorway in the western wall. She must not have realized that i worked in this building as well. I had to get to my office. I crossed the gravel floor of the large square room and entered the hallway that the woman had entered. I headed up the hall to the north. Many people were now around me. I turned to the west at an intersection. Many of the people in the crowd were turning with me. An elevator was to the west of us, and we stopped to wait for it. I looked around at some of the people near me, noticing $A396 just to the southwest of me. I said hello to her, but she did not say much. When the elevator door opened, i passed through, coming into another hallway. A person with a long white balloon was walking to the north along the western side of the corridor. I watched him for a moment as i drove past, heading north on the long straight road. I had to get to work, but i had driven past where i was supposed to be. I would have to turn around to get to work. I was now outside of the city, traveling on an open road. A lake was to the west of me. I had just started driving along the southern end of the lake, which seemed like Cayuga Lake. The road ran very near to the water where i was. The land rose over a low rounded hill on the eastern side of the road. It started up steeply, but leveled off. There did not seem to be too many trees or growth on the hills. As i drove, looking for a place to turn around, i noticed tall narrow columns of water rising out of the lake in rows. They seemed to be splashes of something hitting the water at high velocity. I realized that they might be from someone shooting into the water with a large gun. The gunman seemed to be somewhere off to the northwest, and i felt nervous about being in the open. I tried to hurry to the north, noticing that outcroppings of rocks rose between the road and the lake ahead of me. A line of splashes then came in my direction, and the streaming objects flew over the hood of my car. I thought that i must have been hit. I looked out over the hood of the small white compact car, but i could not see any bullet marks. I continued driving. I did not want to turn around here; it would be too dangerous. I looked to the west now. A short butte was blocking my view of the lake. The brown stones seemed smoothed, but with an uneven surface. I wondered if i would be able to get out of range of the gunmen. I glanced to the west again. A crack between two towers of rock allowed me to see the lake. I was now about ten meters from the lake, and the crack seemed to be four or five meters wide. I could see a fleet of small boats on the lake, heading south. I wondered if they were the ones shooting. I could not turn around here. I felt that i had to get away to the north. I was then on the northern side of the lake. I approached the intersection where the east-to-west road crossed the one that i was on. Old rundown buildings were around the intersection now. I seemed to be on the main street of the town, but most of the buildings seemed abandoned. The one to the northwest of me was brown and box-like, with a tall end that was fairly narrow. I then noticed the large red dump truck ahead of me. It was driving in my direction, and it seemed to be taking up much of the road. I felt suspicious of it. I thought that it might be working with the people in the boats. I turned to the northeast, down a side street that was just to the south of a large wooden building on the main road. I stopped just off the main road and watched the dump truck pass. I felt suspicious of it, but it seemed to continue on. I was still unsure whether i was safe or not. I turned the car around to face west. I was now in a narrow paved lot in front of one of the old buildings. I stood for a moment at the edge of the road, looking to the north to see if any other cars were coming. The road was now covered with a thin layer of snow. I noticed a yellow toy truck in the middle of the road. The truck was long and looked like some kind of construction vehicle. I walked to the middle of the road and picked up the truck. It was interesting, but i thought that i would not be able to keep it, because it was not really mine. I would just take it off of the road. I walked into the road to get it. I was still nervous about cars coming form different directions. I walked back to the east, toward my car.

12017 August 10

I left my parents and headed to the east, back to my apartment. My parents now lived in a large housing complex, and i was moving through the large pale-tan buildings. Most of the buildings seemed to be to the south of me. I was flying over the ground as i moved. I looked down to see the parking lot under me. I was about twenty meters into the air now. When i looked up to the east, i could see the driveway that exited the apartment complex. A white arm gate was down across the road. I would have to stop by the stone and cement pillar to turn the key to open the gate. The pillar was on the southern side of the road. As i approached the gate, however, the gate lifted to let me pass. I flew past the gate and turned to the southeast, crossing over a large open area. An old factory building was to the southeast of me. It was made of red brick, and it was the apartment building that i lived in. It seemed to be about four stories tall, and i flew up to a doorway in the northern wall of the building. Inside, i followed a corridor up a set of stairs and then headed to the south. The corridor had a solid brick wall on the western side, and a large wall of glass on the east. The old glass windows had black metal frames, and they looked down to another large room of the building. I stopped a little down the corridor. The corridor ended at another short corridor. The other corridor ran to the east in one direction, traveling only a few meters before it turned to the south again and continued down the eastern side of the building. The corridor to the south went down a ramp. To the west, the corridor sloped upward, heading through the middle of the building. I thought that i could look over the edge of the corridor that i was in and see my room, which was below me and to the southwest. I would have to take the corridor to the west to get there, though. I headed up the ramp to the west. The ramp ran only three or four meters into the building before extending into an empty space. I stopped in the middle of the space to look to the south. The ramp connected two different parts of the building. I looked down the gap to the south. The walls of the buildings were white, and i seemed to be two floors up from the ground. I knew that i had to get to the corridor that ran underneath me, but i did not think that i could simply jump over the edge here. I thought that i could float down, but i was unsure as to whether i should fly here. I slipped toward the edge, but i was careful not to go over. I then continued to the west, heading back through a narrow corridor into the western section of the building. The hall quickly ended in another hallway, which ran along a ledge on the eastern wall of a deep square room. The ledge continued to the south, heading back into the building. To the north, a set of stairs descended to another corridor, which ran east to west. I descended the stairs and turned to the east, thinking that this was the way i could get to my apartment. I followed the corridor along an open hallway. The ceiling seemed very high up, and the buildings on the south side seemed to be storefronts. A man stepped out of one of the stores as i approached. He turned to close and lock the door behind him. I realized that he was closing the store fro the day. To my surprise, i realized that the other stores on the street were already closed. I recognized the dark-skinned man. He wore an old light coat and a hat. I stopped to talk to him for a moment.

I walked into the main room of my apartment. I had just woken up, and i had to get ready for work. This building seemed like an old apartment building in the middle of a city. I was walking to the east. The southern wall was oddly shaped, with small round spaces extending to the south. Windows were on the eastern and western sides of the projecting spaces, facing southeast and southwest. I moved to the easternmost window area and looked out to the east. I was in a stone building that had decorative features on the outside. I could see into the tall window of the next projecting space to the east. It was part of the next apartment over. I was looking into the bathroom of the house, and i could see someone moving behind the white shower curtain. I felt mischievous, and i tossed the tennis ball into the open window across the way. The ball bounced into the shower where my neighbor was standing. I thought that it would surprise him. I backed into the room and continued to the east. I felt humored by the prank.

12017 August 11

I felt nervous about the zombies that had been to the west of us. We had defeated them before, but now were stuck in this place, and it seemed dangerous here. I thought that we would have to move from here to be safe. I moved to the east and looked out the window. The land around us had many small hills that rose and descended. They looked like moguls, and we seemed to be on the top of a large wide one. The sandy ground was covered with short green brush trees. Just to the west of the old building that i was in was a large round depression in the ground. It did not seem like a natural depression. It had brown ribbed walls and was clear of plants. I sat on the ledge of the building, watching it for a moment. It was starting to get dark, though, and i knew that i would not be able to see what was in the bowl-shaped hole for too much longer. I turned and headed to the west, thinking that i had to do something. It was dark now, and i moved through the building, which did not seem to have a ceiling. I then saw lights from the south. A truck was pulling into the circular driveway to the south of the building. I felt cautious, not sure who was in the truck. I did not trust them, and i told the others that we had to hide. People got out of the truck and started coming toward us. They seemed to be searching for us. I grabbed some of my things and ran to the west. I was outside now, and i ran around the western side of the building, heading to the south. I came into the attic of the building. They had not reached this place yet. I then thought that it was strange that i was in the attic. I did not remember the building having an attic before. I headed to the east, down a long darkened corridor. Something seemed very strange about this place. It no longer seemed like the same old building i had been in. The floor under me was very uneven. I looked down to see that i was stepping on large plants. I slowed as i looked at the plants. I then stepped on one that made a loud squeaking noise. I stopped, hoping that the others did not hear the sound. I had been walking through an elevated planter in the center of the room. I stepped down from the plants to the floor to the north. The floor was wet, and green plants were all around the room. This place was not abandoned. Someone had been taking care of the plants here. I had to be cautious. I headed to the south, finding myself in an old department store. I felt confused, not sure where i was. I looked around, trying to figure out where i was. I was in the middle of the large floor when i noticed three women to the north of me. They were wearing pale-green smocks, and they were sitting at the registers of the store, talking to each other. I realized that i was out in the open now. I started to move to the east, but one of the women turned to look at me. She had seen me. I ran to the east to get out of the way. The three women started chasing me. I felt nervous. I had to get away. I then saw myself run to the southeast toward the eastern wall. In a moment, the three women ran under my viewpoint, chasing me. I saw myself running up a set of stairs to the south that ran into the eastern wall.

I was with my parents in the house. I did not belong here. I had jumped back in time to get to this place. I walked to the west, coming into the dining room of the house. I was here for dinner. I sat at the table with my parents. My mother asked about the loaf of bread. I remembered that it was on the table in the kitchen. I was supposed to bring it. I then wondered about the time travel. It seemed strange to be here, and i wondered why i had jumped ten years into the past.

12017 August 12

I drove the car through the streets of the city, which seemed to be a foreign city. I drove to the southeast, down the street. I seemed to be in a very small car, and the car seemed to be yellow. I headed up a slight hill as i approached the intersection. Two traffic lights hung on a horizontal metal pole across the intersection from me. They seemed to be quite a way away as i approached the intersection. I came over the crest of the hill and started into the intersection. I then realized that a truck was coming toward me from the southeast. It was trying to cross in front of me. I swerved to avoid hitting it. I looked again at the lights ahead of me. They both looked red, but i knew that they were green. The large white delivery truck skidded to the side as i slided to the south, avoiding it. I wondered why the lights had told both of us to go. I thought that maybe he was actually across the intersection from me and was just trying to turn. I stopped in front of the low open building, which seemed to be a white tent or a small area of a cafe that was under and awning. People were moving all around me now. The awning covered the black metal round tables to the south of me. I stood to the north of the structure, facing east. I was on the motorcycle, and i thought that i had to do something to catch up with my parents. They seemed to be to the southwest of me. I had been traveling to get to somewhere. I knew that i had to go to Freehold and then take the highway south. I thought that the highway was to the southwest, but this did not seem right. I pictured the city where the highway was. I had come to the city, but i would have to head south. This could not be Freehold, though. I remembered that Freehold was near my parents’ house, which was to the east of me. I imagined the map in my mind. I felt as though i had been traveling in the wrong direction for quite a while. Something seemed wrong. A man was standing to the east of me as i started to roll my motorcycle to the west. He was talking to me about something as he stood with his arms crossed. I felt uneasy near him, and i just wanted to leave. I thought again about the city to the southwest where i would have to go to get on to the long road that headed south. Something about the city seemed very familiar.

12017 August 13

I was on the eastern end of the large rectangular room, which was on the top floor of the short building. The room had tall windows on the eastern and southern walls. People were moving around the room for the event, and i stood just to the south of the bar, which ran along the northern wall. I felt that something was not quite right here, and i decided that i should leave. I felt that i had to be somewhere. I then saw the large wave of water to the south. It rolled against the window of the room, running all the way up the window and seeming to flow over the roof. I felt worried, thinking that a tsunami had crashed into the building. I wondered if the windows would break with the force of the water. I grabbed on to the bar behind me, thinking that the windows would eventually break and the water would pour in. I then wondered how i would be able to swim out when everything would be falling down under the water. The scene then changed. It was a little while later, and i was leaving the building, heading to the east. I crossed a paved area outside the building and come to the street. When i looked around, i could see that everything was wet from the water, but nothing seemed to have been moved. Cars were still parked on the sides of the street, and the trees and plants seemed undamaged. I felt surprised. I told the other person with me that the water could not have come from a tsunami. It did not make sense. I headed to the south, down the eastern sidewalk of the street. Nothing around us seemed to be damaged. I wanted to get to my car, thinking that i still had to meet the others. I remembered that i had parked down the street to the south and then on a side street to the west. I continued walking to the south, but i could not find the area that looked correct. I thought that i would remember the alley. I pictured it just north of a yellowish-tan building. I felt annoyed that i could not quickly find my car. I had to urinate. The white brick building to the west of me had an alcove near me, so i stepped into the alcove to urinate. I then turned to the north, finding myself in the bathroom. $A636 and the others were there now. I urinated into one of the stalls against the northern wall. My urine was dark and thick. I wondered if i was sick. I worried about it not being right. I then headed out of the building and back onto the street. I had to get to my car. I was agitated and wanted to find it quickly. I decided that i was probably on the wrong street. I headed back to the north until i came to the door of the museum. The museum was a large building on the western side oft he street, and it seemed to take up most of the block. It extended for quite a way to the north on the western side of the street. It seemed to be a featureless tan building that was three or four stories tall. I had come from the museum before. I remembered taking a ride within the museum. I then thought that i might have come out of a different door than i had gone in. Maybe my car was on the street to the west, on the other side of the large museum building.

12017 August 14

I walked to the north, through the city streets. The other men with me seemed to be from $G3. They wanted to do something, and i felt a little anxious about doing it. I was wearing a flight suit, which seemed to be a jumpsuit with styrofoam shoulders and wings off the back. As we came into a clearing, i could see a tall narrow building to the north of us. A man jumped off the roof of the building. The building was seven or eight stories tall, and the man dove headfirst. He had a jumpsuit similar to mine, with wings that attached to the arms. He slid over a ramp that extended from the building and turned into a jump at the bottom. I wondered if the wings he was wearing slowed the descent so that he did not hit the ramp too hard. The man jumped off the end of the shallow ramp and then skidded along the snowy road toward us. This seemed like a dangerous thing to do, but i wanted to do something with $G3. I pretended to ski on the slippery road that we were walking on. I was still following the others. It felt easy to slide on the sleet-covered pavement. I then looked up, realizing that we were now just to the southeast of the large building. I watched a second man dive head first off of the building. He hit the small ice ramp at the bottom and slid to the south. I thought that the ramp was too small. I told the others that the ramp should be bigger. I said that it was too narrow, and the jumpers could easily drift to the side and miss it. The man had landed on the mats at the bottom of the slide. He said that the ramp was actually too big. I was not sure, and i felt uneasy about jumping off of the building. The others with me walked into the building to climb up, but i stayed behind for a moment. Two of the people i had been with jumped down. They hit the mats at the bottom very hard. I moved to one of them, who seemed like $A55. He stood up, sticking out his tongue. I thought that he had hurt his lip in the fall. I did not want to jump with the others. I talked to the people to the east of me, looking back to the two who jumped as i spoke. The man who had fallen on the mats was sitting in the middle of a small group now. They were putting a small metal frame over his head. I thought that it was a brain brace box to keep his head still. I thought that he had gotten a concussion in the fall. I felt concerned, and i moved to the west. Another man was just to the northwest of me now. He had short black hair, and he was lifting one knee to his chest as if warming up. He alternated knees a few times. I asked him something, and i realized that he was a wrestler. We chatted about wrestling for a moment. I asked him about his weight class. He said that he was 140. He then said that he was 120. I told him that i was 123. He said that it was weight in kilograms. I joked with him for a moment. It felt very good to be chatting with him.

12017 August 21

I was eating food in the small dining room of the house, which seemed like $P19. People were around me, and they seemed to be $G3. I was aware that i was much older than they were, and i felt a little out of place here. They then thanked me for the food. I had cooked the food in the kitchen, which was to the east of us, but i felt that i did not really do that much. I told them that i had not done much. I thought that i really only reheated some of the things that were already in the kitchen. I felt strange here, so i held my bowl in my left hand and walked to the east. I was eating food from the bowl, but i had almost eaten all of what i had. I thought that i would go to the kitchen to get some more. I stopped in the dining room, talking to some of the others here. It felt good to chat with these people, but i kept feeling aware that i was no longer a part of this place.

I was with $A608 in the museum-like area. We seemed to be in a large hallway with tall ceilings and walls of gray stone, but we also seemed to be outside in a small garden, with gray columns on the northern and southern sides of the area. I felt that i had to go somewhere, and i felt anxious about getting something done. I moved around a little. I then realized that $A608 had wandered off. I headed to the north, following the family up the stairs and out the double doors. I exited the building and was now in a wide garden area. The park had a large grassy lawn to the east and north, and trees spotted the area here and there. The area near me was paved with flagstones, forming a patio near the building. I looked around, but i could not see $A608. I asked the people around me where he had gone, but they did not know. I felt annoyed, and i headed to the east to look for him. A short stone wall along the eastern side of the patio had a gap in the center where a set of stone stairs descended to the east. The stairs descended a little way to the east before stopping at a square stone landing. The stairs then continued to the south. I walked down the stair a little way, but then i noticed the security guards at the bottom. They were scanning the tags of the people who were coming down the stairs. The area at the bottom was a restricted area, and i knew that i would not be able to get in to the theater that way. I turned back to the north and started up. I was not sure where i could go. Annoyed, i turned around and headed back down the stairs. I thought that he could not have gone in any other direction or i would have seen him. I wondered what i should do. The stairs descend for quite a way to the south, and i found myself descend down an aisle of seats in an audience. The bench seats were part of the stairs, and they faced south. The stage was to the south, and i thought that $A608’s band would be playing. I looked at the booklet that i had in my hand to see what it said about the show. I felt confused, not sure what i should do. I then looked to the east, noticing $A593 sitting in one of the seats of the audience. I started at him for a moment, waiting for him to look in my direction. When he spotted me, i waved at him. He seemed confused and stared back, not recognizing me. I said hello, thinking that he might recognize my voice.

12017 August 22

I had been running, but i was now entering my house from the east. I felt oddly tired, and i thought that something was wrong. I was very exhausted, and i felt a little dazed, as though i had a head rush. $F71 moved to the north of me, helping me walk into the middle of the large room of the house. My mother was to the west of me, in the kitchen. She was upset by the fact that i felt dazed. She did not think that i was okay, and she started asking me questions to see if i could answer coherently. She asked me what a tailor was. I told her that it was someone who made suits. She then asked what “retreat” is. These seemed like strange questions, and i smiled, not sure how to answer. I asked her if she meant “retreat” as in a battle or “retreat” as in a place to relax. She sighed and relaxed a little. She seemed convinced that i was aware of my surroundings. She turned and walked back to the west. $F71 then helped me moved to the west, stepping up the big step into the next room of the house. I still felt sick.

12017 August 23

I was in the house with my mother. I had to get ready to go somewhere, and i moved around nervously. I then realized that a bear was in the house. I felt scared, and i ran to the north, into a smaller room. I stopped just inside the room, sliding the casement door closed from the eastern side of the doorway. I could hear the bear to the south of me. It was walking to the east, down the hallway outside. I realized that there was another door to this room, so i ran to the east to close it before the bear could get there. I closed the door while the bear was still to the west of me. I could see its glowing eyes in the hallway, and i felt unsafe. I could see the eyes through the slats of the wall. The wall to the west of the second door did not seem complete. I had to get out of view of the bear. I ran to the northwest and closed myself into a small closet. I closed the door quietly so that the bear would not know that i as in the room. I looked at the lock on the door, wondering how i could lock it. I then decided that i should call emergency. I called them on my cell phone, telling them that a bear was in my house. I had to get somewhere where the bear could not find me. I ran to the north, across the vacant lot to the north of the house. After running a little distance, i looked back to the house to see if the bear was following me. I was describing what i was doing as i looked around, telling the person on the telephone. I then wondered whom i was talking to on the phone. I paced around on the lawn as i spoke to the person, wondering what i should do about the bear. I felt nervous, but i decided that i should walk back to the house. I reentered the house, not sure where the bear was. I came into a large room, realizing that it was full of $G3. I was surprised to see them here. I wanted to warn them about the bear, but then i realized the bear lying on the floor against the southern wall of the room. The room seemed like a shower room, and the people did not seem to mind that the bear was there. I felt silly, realizing that the bear was a pet of the people in the house.

I moved around in the house. I was taking classes at the college again. I had to get to the college, which seemed to be to the north of us. My mother was to the northwest of me in the room. She told me that i should stay home, because i was sick. I felt disappointed by this. I did not want to mess up my classes again. I thought that i would miss my physics class if i stayed home today. I imagined myself walking into the modern building to the north. The tall light-gray building had wide stairs on the front of the building. I would have to enter the doors at the front of the building and then turn to the east inside.

12017 August 24

I lied on the couch, which was against the northern wall of the back room of my parents’ house. I was sick, and i did not feel like moving. My mother was with me in the room. I then heard someone knocking on the back door of the house. I stayed still, not wanting to deal with someone at the door. My mother did not want to answer the door either. She stayed seated on the floor to the southwest of me. I looked to the south. The door faced east, and was set into the room a little. The porch seemed to be to the south of the eastern end of the room, and i could see a woman standing in front of the door on the porch through a small window. I did not move. I did not want her to see me. After a moment, she turned and walked to the east, leaving the porch and heading back for the driveway. I looked out the window in the western wall, trying to stay out of sight of the people. I then realized that the woman was walking back to the small bus, which was parked in the driveway. The bus was from the college. The people had come here to pick me up for my classes. I had signed up for classes at the community college nearby. I was still sick, but i felt bad for missing the classes again. I did not want to fall behind on the classes like i had done before. I then saw the woman come back to the door. This time, my mother let the woman into the house. I remained lying on the couch. My mother told the woman that i was sick. The woman nodded toward me and said that she had brought supplies from the school. She was bringing me work so i could do things at home. I should be at my classes, but i thought that i could catch up with what she was bringing me. I was then awake. It seemed that some time hand passed. The woman and my mother were gone. I walked to the south, heading east into the kitchen from the dining room. I looked at the boxes of supplies that were now i the cupboards along the northern wall of the kitchen. It felt good to have the supplies with me. I looked through the boxes, noticing the cased of dental floss in the small plastic bin. I then walked back to the north, into the back room of the house. The woman was again at the door. She had returned. It was much later. I was still sick, but i was no longer sleeping all the time. I moved to the north of the door, where a large Christmas tree stood against the eastern wall. The woman was coming in, and i thought that i should turn on the lights to make the house look nice. I turned on the lights for the tree. The lights were shaped like icicles, but they were pointing upward. They were mostly green. The tree looked very nice.

12017 August 26

I had gotten the car stuck in the ditch on the eastern side of the road, but i had been able to get it out. I felt stressed about moving it. I hurried to the north, driving across the wide flat land. The land around me was desert, and the tan ground was packed. I was driving across it, noticing the small plants here and there. Something seemed special about this place, and i felt nervous coming here. I stopped near the uneven ground. This was where the car had been stuck before. The ground to the northeast of me was sandy, and people were digging in the dirt. They were trying to find something here. I looked around, noticing that this place seemed different than it had before. Something had changed. Two rocky mounds towered over us: one to the northeast and the other to the northwest. They were dark brown. The people were digging directly to the north of me now, and i walked toward the southern edge of the wide oval pit that they had started. The ground looked rocky here, and something did not seem right. I told the others that the ground had been red volcanic rock before. IT was now tan and sandy. I remembered it from before, and i knew that it was very different now. I felt that there was something special about this change. This area was special in some way, and i felt very interested in being here.

12017 August 28

I moved to the north with the crowd as they headed out over the train tracks. We seemed to be in an old station, which was in an open area. The people were waiting on the platforms for the train to come. Two sets of tracks ran around the station, and the people were standing on the small cement platform between the two sets of tracks. The tracks ran north to south, and a train was already waiting on the eastern side of the platform. As i spoke to someone, the train on the eastern side of the platform started to leave. I mentioned this to the others. We were in a small space, which seemed to be the platform, but it was also a bus. We were moving on a highway, heading north. Another bus was to the east of us, and it was not moving as fast as we were, so we were passing it. I talked to the other person near me as the bus traveled. The bus was then facing to the west as we slowed to a stop. We were now in a city area, and old buildings were on both sides of the street. Trees grew from the sidewalks. People started boarding the bus from the northern side. I watched some of them come in. I then spotted $A615 coming into the bus. He sat in a bench seat across from me, on the northern side of the bus. He held a small cat in his left hand. I felt worried about the cats. I mentioned this to the person on the couch to the east of me. We were now in the room of a small house, and $A615 was sitting on a couch against the northern wall. I talked with some of the others in the room. A woman then said something about the patio to the east. She seemed worried about something, and she said that she wanted the lights of the patio turned on. She did not know how to turn them on, so i stood up and walked to the east. I told the woman that there were no lights on the patio. I could see the darkness outside the window to the east. The woman did not seem to believe me, and she started searching the eastern wall for a switch. I felt annoyed with her for not believing me, and i decided that i would let her search, knowing that she would find nothing.

12017 August 29

I stood to the south of the building on the dirt ground. The old building seemed to be an apartment building on a city street. My mother was standing just to the southwest of me, and we were talking about something. The building to the southeast seemed pale yellow, and a gap between the two buildings was directly to the south of me. Both buildings seemed decrepit, and the gap was covered with an old rotting door. The dull paint was chipping off the wood of the door. I noticed something on the ground to the south of me, and i bent over to pick it up. It was a small metal pin. It was shaped like a cylinder with a pin sticking out one end. I knew that it was related to my grandmother. My mother mentioned that my grandmother had died. I remembered that this had just happened. Both of my parents also seemed to have died. It had something to do with the gap between the buildings to the south of me. I talked about the pin, saying that we should keep it somewhere. The cement building to the southwest now encompassed us, and i was standing on the dirt floor inside as i turned to the west. An old wooden roll-top desk was against the western wall of the room, and the large file drawer was open on the southern end of it. I told my grandmother that i could stick the pin in the dirt of the drawer. It seemed to be an appropriate place for it. My grandmother moved to the north of me. I knew that my mother’s father was buried in the dirt of the drawer, so i thought that the pin should be with him. I stuck the pin in the dirt and pushed it down. I then looked at the dashboard of the car, which had been the desk. The drawer was actually the trunk of the old car, which i thought was my mother’s father’s car. It was a large old American car from the seventies. I saw the car for a moment, but i focused on the dashboard, which was to the east of me. The features of the dashboard looked old. They were pale blue with chrome trim. I talked about this to my grandmother, who was moving around to the west of me. The car was driving to the east now. My father was driving it as we talked. My grandmother seemed to be in the back seat. We rounded a ninety-degree corner to the north. We were in some kind of housing development, and i knew that the road curved around the northern side of the development in a large loop. Two red plastic bands stretched across the road, but my father drove through them. I wondered why someone would want to block the road in the middle of a neighborhood. I hoped that we did not upset anyone by breaking through the bands. We rounded another corner and started heading back to the west. I noticed that several other driveways had bars or bands extending out across the street to block traffic. It seemed strange to me that this would have been done. My father drove the car through the bands, and i could hear the wooden poles crack as the car rolled over them. I hoped that the neighbors did not care. I then realized that this car was very large because it was so old. It was probably heavy and sturdy enough that the obstacles in the road would not slow it down. We turned to the south and headed down another street, which seemed to cut through the center of the development. My father drived through several more barriers. As we reached the end of the short road, i noticed a construction worker standing to the south of the intersection. He wore blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and an orange vest. He also had a white hardhat on. As my father turned the car to the west on the next road, the man watched the car. I thought that he was looking at the license plate so that he could report us for driving through the barriers. I then remembered that the car had been in storage with my grandfather, so it was probably rusted. The plates would be old or nonexistent. We turned to the south and to the east again. A police car was driving to the west past us. I felt nervous, thinking that they might recognize that the car did not belong here and try to stop us. They would arrest us for breaking through the barriers. The police car turned to the north behind us, but i could hear it start to speed up as its siren went off. My father started driving quickly to the east. He turned to the north again, and i thought that he was going to try to outrun the police car in the development. We were just entering a large area where the development sprawled out to the north. I warned my father not to try to run away. I thought that it would be too dangerous. I knew that he could probably get around a corner and disappear from sight before the police car could get close to us, but i did not want him speeding through the area. He slowed down.

I started putting the bricks into the two square holes that had been dug in the ground. The holes were against the western wall of the building. A small porch seemed to be on the eastern side of the building. It had an overhanging roof that was held up by a square wooden beam. The house seemed red or dull orange. I crouched down on the cement floor of the porch and arranged the bricks in the southern area. The square areas were a few meters on the sides and were dug a deci or so deep. Loose dirt was packed onto the ground of the holes. I put the dark-gray bricks against each other so that the narrow side was up and the ends of the bricks were facing north and south. I pulled the bricks close to the porch. I seemed to have stacked three or four rows of bricks against the porch. I then noticed that i had misaligned the bricks farther out, so i pulled some of the yellow bricks toward me. I would have to readjust the bricks in the rows near me so that they were tightly packed against the porch. I did not want gaps to be between the bricks. I pulled the dark-gray bricks tight, trying to get rid of the holes to the east. As i leaned on the bricks, however, i realized that they sagged under my weight. I pushed my hands down a few times, trying to feel the surface. The bricks were sagging into the ground. This would not be good. If the ground were too soft, then the bricks would quickly fall out of place. I told my mother, who was sitting to the east of me with my father, that the packed dirt in the ground was too soft. We had to redo the bricks with something better under them. I stood up, telling my mother that we would have to get sand because it would pack tighter. My father had already gotten up and was walking to the north. My mother said that i should go get the sand. This surprised me. I thought that my father would know where to go to buy sand. I thought about this for a moment, thinking that i could easily purchase the sand, but it still seemed strange that my father did not do it. I thought about how i could go to get sand for the small pits. I headed to the north. A large dump truck was parked to the north of me, and i got into it. I seemed to be in the driver’s seat, but i was not driving as the truck started moving. Another man was with me. He turned the truck to the west to leave the large lot of the house. I wondered if this truck would really hold sand. I looked to the north of us as we turned to the south on the long road. I could see the back of the dump truck. I asked the man about the truck, and he smiled at me. He was sitting to the northwest of me, driving the truck. I then noticed out the back window of the cab that the back of the truck had lifted up. The man had tipped up the bin to show me that it was empty. I then felt a little uncomfortable because the man was driving down the road with the bin on the back of the truck tipped up. I did not think that this was safe. The man seemed young. He had ragged blond hair and was thin. I felt nervous with him. I looked to the south as we started moving. He speeded up, and i told him that he was going too fast for a dump truck. The road dipped a little. The land to the west was covered with dark trees and seemed to have a short chain-link fence running along the road.

I stood on the landing to the east of the stairs at $P19. I was talking to two $G3, who were to the west of me on the landing. I turned to look to the south. I was arranging two small trays of food on the high railing. The railing was a little over the level of my head, and i attached the trays, which seemed a little like bento boxes, to the railing. A scaleless fish was lying in the box, and i tried to attach it to the railing so that it did not fall. There seemed to be a fish in each box. I said something to the others about the fish as i arranged them.

12017 August 31

I stood on the western side of the room as the others moved around. We seemed to be at some type of social gathering. The room was large and mostly empty. It had hardwood floors. I stood in the center of the western wall, at the southern end of a low bookcase that ran north along the wall. $A17 was in the room to the east of me. Beyond her, old stone building seemed to stand. They seemed to be part of North Campus. Several people from the north talked about something. $A17 then started talking about something that i had said to her. She said that she had not realized that the things could be accessed in such a way. I did not know what she was talking about, and i asked her to clarify. She said that i had told her before how the things could be addressed as if they were on a network. She added that she was unaware that that was possible. I tried to remember the conversation. I then remembered that i had been talking about plumbing. I had told her how one part of the pipes could determine what was flowing to another system. I thought about a toilet and sinks. This did not seem to make sense, though. I did not know how plumbing could communicate like a computer system. I moved to the corner where $A17 had been standing. The corner was an interior corner of the room. The room was actually L shaped, and the southern end ran farther to the east than the northern section. I stood just to the south of the yellow wall near the corner, staring at the wall to the north. I tried to picture the pipes and how i had understood the networking idea before. I thought that it must work, but i did not see how hardware could communicate with other hardware. I decided that the hardware must have built-in circuits. I stared at a juncture of several pieces of pipe to the north of me, trying to figure out how it could send a signal to the faucet, which seemed to be above and to the east of me. I focused on this for a moment. I could not figure out how it worked. I had understood this idea before, but i could not remember what i had said. I backed up a little and started fixing the large rusty pipe that ran across the floor. The pipe had been taken apart near my left foot, and a short length of the cast-iron pipe to the northeast of me seemed to be open in two parts. I put the large bold back into the northern side of the pipe. It slided in vertically. I started screwing the bolt down, but it did not go in correctly. The pipe started to crush from the pressure of the bolt. I stopped. This had happened before, and i was not happy that it was happening again. I tried to adjust the bolt so that it would fit straight into the threads, but i could not get it to pull back out. I had done this before. The woman came back toward me. She stood to the east of me, and i told her that the pipe was messed up. I tried to fix it, but the metal pipe seemed to dent more as i worked on it. I was now on a cement floor, and the thick pipe was now painted green. It was old, and it had something to do with the square furnace that was to the northwest of me. I told the woman that i would have to reattach the duct to the furnace. I pulled the two pieces together. The western piece had not been attached to the rest of the pipe. I then looked at the western end of the duct, noticing that it had been flattened. The end had been cut into thin strips and flanged open, but the mouth of the pipe was flattened so that all of the pieces were folded over each other. This pipe had not been connected to the rest of the furnace. I told the woman this. It must not have been working properly before. $A623 was to the east of me as i tried to fix the pipe. I was not sure what to do though. I lifted up the pipe, saying that it was not connected to anything. I noticed that the wood floor under the pipe had a dark stain where water from the pipe had rotted part of the floor. She nodded in response. I moved the pipe around, not sure what to do with it. She walked away to the east. This was her house, and we seemed to be in the basement. I moved the pipe from the floor and looked at the rotten spots on the floor. I noticed that one of the spots had become soft enough that the wood had rotted a small hole. I looked down the hole, noticing that there was another level of the basement below us. A light was on in the room below, and i could see wooden beams that supported the floor under me. I wondered if $A623 knew that another room was under us. I then decided that she must know. I thought again about the networked pipes, trying to understand how they worked.