12018 August 01

I was in the small restaurant facing south. A large white custard machine was standing to the south of me, and i was going to get some ice cream from it. $K1 was to the northwest of me, somewhere in the room, which seemed crowded with equipment or fixtures. She was coming to get some of the ice cream as well. It felt good to have her around. I did something with the machine, but i felt that i had to leave the place soon. I headed to the east, descending the long narrow flight of stairs to the lower level of the pub. $Z was following me on the steps. It seemed that this pub was closing, and i thought that we should leave here soon. Few other people were around, but i was aware of a man watching me descend the stairs from the northeast. He seemed to be an owner of the pub. I felt a little out of place here, feeling that i might be in a foreign country. As i approached the bottom of the steps, i looked down at the long black and white coat i was wearing. It seemed to be a trench coat, but it was tighter at the waist and was split up the sides on the lower part. The coat had large blobby patches of black and white, reminding me of a Holstein cow. I then realized that small black specks were on the front of the jacket. I brushed them off as i reached the floor, wondering what the local people thought of my attire. It did not seem plain or stylish, but i knew that it was different from normal. I brushed off some of the black flecks, and then i realized that they were actually dead flies. I felt annoyed as i brushed the rest of them off, wondering from where i had gotten so many dead flies. I then realized that the bottom of my jacket had some dark stains on it. I wondered if it was blood, and i hoped that no one had noticed that they were there. I did not want people thinking that i had done something. I walked across the old worn wooden floor of the pub and headed to the east, toward the door in the center of the eastern wall. The room seemed narrow, and most of the pub seemed to be to the west of the stairs. The eastern wall was a large glass window with a door in the center. The pub seemed old and worn, but the eastern end of the room had little in it. A door in the northern wall seemed to lead into another room, and the area to the south was recessed into the southern wall. I felt nervous of the people here and thought that i had to leave before they noticed the blood on my coat. I walked out the door, exiting the pub to the south. The pub seemed to be on an inside corner of a street. I had exited the pub heading east, but i pushed open the glass door to the south to step out onto the street. I was still in a recessed area with large glass windows on either side. As i headed for the sidewalk to the south, a woman hurried around the corner from the east, entering the alcove at the entrance to the pub. She seemed distraught and scared. I knew that she was trying to hide from someone to the east. She hurried past me and into the pub. I tried not to look back at her as i stepped out onto the sidewalk, thinking that the person following her might notice me and know where she had gone. I started to the east down the sidewalk when a man came around the corner to the east. He had come from the north, on a street that was only ten or so meters away. He wore a dirty white T-shirt and had short choppy hair. He seemed unkempt and dirty. As he hurried past me, i could see that he was greasy and unclean. The man stopped at the entrance to the pub, only a few meters to the west of me. He must have known that the woman was in the bar. I thought that i should call emergency in case he tried to harm her. I felt concerned for the woman. I got out my cell phone and tried to activate the camera in case the man tried to do anything. The white phone had large buttons on the front, but it did not seem to work. I realized that the buttons were part of the case of the phone, and they were getting stuck. I felt annoyed and tried to remove the case. I was unable to turn on the phone properly and get the camera working. I worried that the man might try to attack me because i had stopped. I pulled off the case as i started to make a call. I suddenly felt as though this city was in England, and it seemed a little like London. I hurried to get the phone to work. My mother then said something. I realized that i had been talking to her on the telephone. Something had changed suddenly. I was now by myself on the street, and it seemed as though i had been on the telephone for a few minutes. I felt suddenly upset, realizing that i had somehow skipped over several moments of time. I wondered if the greasy man had anything to do with it. He might have done something to block my memory. I no longer felt safe here, and i started running to the east to get away.

12018 August 03

I was waiting at the bus station in the middle of the open area. The station seemed to be more of a bus stop. It was a modern metal and glass structure to the west of the road, and i was standing to the southeast of it, facing north. Something seemed strange. I started moving to the northeast, looking out into the darkness around me. I seemed to be in outer space, and something was moving from the north. I thought that this had something to do with Star Wars. I looked back to the west. The rectangular structure was now a small rounded hut that was longer north to south. It seemed to be in a desert climate, and i could see the yellow sand underneath. I moved quickly toward the hut, thinking that the attackers were coming from the east. They would try to kill the people in the hut. The small square windows across the eastern wall of the hut could be closed. Metal shutters folded down over the windows as the attackers came. The attackers would not have expected this. They had thought that they would surprise the people of the hut, but we had known that they were coming and prepared. I thought that the people in the hut would put up a good defense. I then turned back to the northeast, again in space. The hut seemed to be a long rectangular ship floating in space, and the attackers were small ships. Kielo Ren was to the northeast, approaching the hut. He would be attacking the people in the ship. I felt nervous about his attack.

12018 August 04

I woke up in the bedroom, and i could hear people outside the house, to the northeast of me. People were coming to visit. I felt upset, thinking that i should have been up already. I got out of the small bed near the western wall and started to look for my things. I thought that i would have to shower before i went outside. The small bathroom was to the northwest of me, in another room of the house. I would have to cross the main room to get to it. I picked up some of my clothing to put on so i could walk to the shower. Someone seemed to be with me in the room, but i could not see him or her. I heard the people talking outside. I thought that one of them was $K1. I felt rushed, and i hurried out of the bedroom. I thought that the people outside were friends of my parents. It seemed to be around noon, and i felt that i had overslept. I came into the living room of the house. People were standing on the southern side of the room, near the exit door. They were already leaving. I thought that they were $A73 and $A431. I felt uncomfortable because i was only wearing a wrap around my waist. I then remembered that $A73 was afraid of such things. I saw him standing on the eastern side of the group. He and his wife were standing near the door, and my parents were to the north of them. I said hello to $A73, pretending that i just recognized who he was. He was much older than i had remembered. He had a wrinkled face and white hair. I then looked to the west, noticing $A758 standing between the furniture that was to the west of me. He still looked young. I hugged him hello, aware that $A73 might be uncomfortable with such close contact between friends. $A758 wore old clothing that was a little baggy on him, and he seemed very short. I had to reach down a little to hug him. He said hello to me, and he asked me if i had seen $A413. I said that i had not seen her as we moved a little to the east. We now seemed to be outside, and the north-to-south corridor that led to the front door seemed to be a narrow street that crossed the main east-to-west road. The land around us was flat, and the others were still standing in the road to the south of the intersection. $A758 said that his sister was doing very well. He mentioned “breeding stock”, and i thought that he was saying that his sister had made a lot of money by breeding cattle. I then saw $A413 to the west of me. She stood slightly slumped, and she seemed old. Her round face was worn, and her long black hair was unkempt and hung over her face. She smiled as she approached us, and she greeted me. I said hello, but i was not quite sure what else to say to her. I asked her how she was. I was then more aware of the flat farm land around us. The field to the south seemed dull tan. $A413 then said goodbye to me and walked back to the west. Her family had gotten on a large boat that seemed to be in the middle of the street. It was a white plastic motorboat with a small canopy over the driving wheel. I suddenly thought that it was strange that the boat was in the middle of the street. I wondered how it would get to water from here. I then remembered that water channels ran along the western side of the road to the south of us. The boat move into the channels, and i could see that it had wheels under it. As it moved into the shallow ditch on the western side of the road, it looked more like a two-tiered bicycle with a narrow canopy over the top. The large round wheels had many thin spokes. They were pedaling the boat toward the water. I could see $A413 on the top deck of the bicycle. She looked very thin now. She was wearing a long dress that seemed shiny. I moved toward the trench to the south. The trench had water in it, but it did not seem deep enough for a boat to float in it. I felt confused, wondering how the boat was able to float to the south on the water. I then saw many bicycles rolling down the channel ahead of the boat that $A413 was on. They headed to the south, into the large culvert, which did not seem large enough to fit them. As i watched it, it seemed like a regular culvert that was only a meter across. This did not make any sense. I thought about this as i continued walking to the west down the main road.

12018 August 05

I was returning to the house after the run, which seemed to be with $G4. I headed down the slope of the sidewalk, heading north, but i stopped in front of the large building to fix my things. I seemed to be on Grippen Avenue, near the small white house over the garage. I adjusted the clothing that i was carrying in my right arm. I then realized that i had been wearing a green running kilt. I wondered if people had seen me standing around in the kilt, and i wondered if they thought that it was strange. I bent over to pull up my right tall sock. I finished adjusting my sock and thought that i should hurry to the west, into the house. I did not want people to worry about someone in a kilt in their neighborhood. I thought that they might be afraid of the idea and harass me later. I hurried up the stairs of the older wooden house and into that living room, which was the front room of the house. The entry door was inset into the room so that the southern and northern sections of the room extended further to the east than the door. I looked down at the green kilt and the knee-high green running socks. I was then aware of $F12 to the west of me. He had just entered the room from the west. I knew that he would not worry about the kilt. He would know that i had just come from a race.

12018 August 09

I rode my bicycle up the steep trail that ascended the hill to the north. I seemed to be on a trail run, but i was following the course with my bicycle. The land around me was forested, and it seemed like most of the trees had not yet gotten their leafs. The pine trees were very green, and grass was growing along the sides of the gravel trail. The trail was wide, but not quite wide enough to be a one-lane road. I was now moving quite quickly, and i now seemed to be on a small motorized go-cart. I could hear the small motor humming as it speeded me up the hill. I passed to the east of a few of the runners as i reached the top of the hill. I seemed to be going too fast for this course, and i thought that i was probably cheating by using a motorized vehicle. I should really be pedaling. I could not see the runners behind me, but i could hear them talking about me. I felt uneasy, thinking that they did not like that i was using a motorized vehicle. I then realized that i was probably tossing gravel behind me as i went up the hill. I looked down at the pedals under me. I realized that i could use them rather than the motor to get up the hill. I started pedaling, but i had already reached the top of the hill, so i did not have much hard pedaling to do. I wondered if i could still pedal up the hill or if it would be too much effort in this vehicle. Another wide trail crossed the path i was on at the top of the hill. These trails seemed to be ski trails, but there was very little snow on the ground. The dry grass around the edges of the trail was high. I could hear the runners catching up with me as i maneuvered around the corners. I knew that the main trail ran north to south to the west of me, and it seemed like the main ski slope. I came to the other trail and turned back to the south, heading down the long hill. The snow on the ground was packed here and formed a thin layer of melting packed snow. I slowed as i started down the hill, not quite sure that i was heading in the correct direction. I was not sure where the running course went. As i stood looking down the trail, one of the runners to the north of me said that the trail went down the hill. She ran past me with two young men. She passed to the east of me, but the men ran past me on the west. I started to follow them down the hill. I then realized that the woman turned quickly to the west only a few meters down the hill. I turned to follow her, entering the narrow trail that led into the cave. The cave had rough walls and was high enough for a human to walk in and only wide enough for a few people to fit through. I could see the woman jogging ahead of me. The tunnels seemed to be illuminated from a light ahead. I stopped only a few meters into the cave, thinking that i had to adjust something before i continued down the steep hill, which was now inside the cave. I imagined the cave sloping down to the southwest but leveling off only about fifty yards away from me. It would then curve up slightly as it headed to the exit on the other side. I took off my backpack, rolling it over my left shoulder. Something seemed wrong with it, and, as i looked at it, i realized that the zipper had broken. The zipper was torn on the right side of the pack. I felt annoyed, and i said something to my mother about it.

12018 August 11

I was talking with $A682 in the small room of the house. It seemed that we had been talking for a little while. I had run into him here unexpectedly. I was aware of other people to the northeast in the room with us. We were at some kind of party or event. The people to the northeast seemed like $F71’s parents. As i chatted with $A682, i started to wonder if the people to the north were $F71’s parent, and, if so, were they suspicious of why $A682 was here. I wondered if they knew who he was and whether they would not like him here. I started to feel uncomfortable talking to $A682, thinking that the others would be upset by his presence. It felt good to talk to him, though. $A682 then got up to leave, starting to head to the west, down the narrow corridor that ran from the room. I stood up, adjusting a few things around me. $A682 was then in the corridor to the north of me. A set of stairs ascended the western wall of the corridor, heading up to the north. Several cubbyholes were in the wall under the stairs. $A682 stopped just before entering the room to the north. He mentioned that he was missing something, and he acted as though it had been stolen. He looked around in the room where he was, acting frustrated. I thought that me was trying to imply that $F71 might have taken his things. I did not think that $F71 would take anything. He would not even care that $A682 was here. I then glanced into one of the cubbyholes. It had a shelf across the center of it, and i saw several stacks of money on the top shelf. $A682 had left his money on the shelf. I felt annoyed with him, thinking that he had put there but forgotten about it. Then he had blamed someone else when he could not remember what he had done with the money.

12018 August 12

I was in a wide hallway, standing near the southern wall. I was watching the men to the north of me, who were fooling around and pushing each other. The man on the western side was thin, and i thought that i recognized him from Rochester and $G4. He seemed to be the man who was always taking pictures at their runs. The man to the east was larger and pudgy. They laughed about something. The large man then suddenly threw his shoulder into the thin man, tossing the thin man back into the wall. It seemed very rough, and i thought that the fat man did think about how hard he might have hit the other man. The thin man hit the wall and collapsed to the ground. He did not move, and i thought that he might be unconscious. I felt concerned for him, and i rushed to help him back up. His head was to the east, and his body was twisted oddly to the south. His feet stuck up into the air, and i could see a bruise forming around one of his ankles. I tried to reposition his legs so that he was lying on the ground more naturally, but his foot fell off. The bone must have broken. The other man, realizing what he had done, turned and ran suddenly to the east to get away. I felt very upset. A group of people had gathered near me, and i turned to a man to the south of me, telling him to run out to the front desk of the gym and get help. The door to the room seemed to be to the east of us, and the front desk was somewhere to the northeast in the next room. Just before he reached the door to the room, i yelled to him to call emergency. I looked around at the others standing around. None of them seemed to be very upset about the situation. I felt that the emergency was urgent, but people were not that concerned. I decided to call emergency on my own phone. I held it in my right hand and dialed 911. I listened for a moment, frustrated that i got an advertisement. I tried to help the man for a moment and then looked back at my phone. The cell phone was red, and it had large buttons with rounded corners. Each button seemed to be screwed onto the face of the phone with a tiny screw in each corner. I tried dialing again. Another man walked past me, coming from the east. I tried to get him to help, asking if he had a cell phone. He stopped to watch what i was doing, but he refused to help. I started to feel desperate. I was not able to get help for the man.

I exited the building and crossed the city street outside, heading to the northeast. The narrow streets seemed European, but i did not seem to be in a foreign country. The street outside ran north to south, and a second street ran to the northeast from it. On the northern corner of the intersection, i looked at the logo on the building. I had a piece of plywood to the southeast of me that i was supposed to create a design on. The man to the west of me said something about the logo. He wanted me to draw the logo for the building. I looked at the building and noticed the large R on it. The building had a thick marquee over the door, making it look like an old theater, but i knew that it was a club or restaurant. I felt nervous, wondering what i should do for the design. Someone then said something about the buildings, and i realized that the logo with the R was also on the building to the southeast of me. The building to the north was an apartment complex, but the building to the southeast was a pub. They had the same owners. I then noticed the table to the southeast of me now, which had some signs on it that had variations of the logo. The building to the southeast was actually a restaurant, and it seemed like an Italian restaurant. I looked down at the paper in my right hand. It had a drawn sign on it. I was not sure what i should do. The man was then to the west of me, and he said something about the businesses. I felt uneasy.

12018 August 15

I was in the large department store, standing to the south of the row of registers. The row of registers ran east to west on the northern side of the store. I was near the western end of the registers, watching the young men playing games to the north and northwest of me. They seemed like collage-age men. I had purchased something at the register, and another man had taken it out to the car. I had been ousted as well, but i had come back into the store for something. The exit to the store was in the eastern end of the northern wall. I wanted to get one more of the things that were on the table to the west of the registers. The things were in red and white plaid felt sacks. The store was almost sold out of them. I put my hand on one of the sacks, and someone to the west of me put a hand on my left shoulder. I felt suddenly uneasy, not sure what to do. I then looked up to the north. The young men seemed to be playing some kind of sport on the white linoleum floor. They ran across the space from east to west. The open space extended to the east, running to the north of the registers. It seemed to be the entry space of the store. I then realized that the exit door of the store was actually to the north of me. It was a double glass door in a thick aluminium frame. I left the store through the doors. I felt that i had to get to the event. I turned to the east outside, walking down the wide open area between the large buildings. I seemed to be on a college campus, wandering down a narrow quadrangle. I felt confused, not really sure where i was going. I told the other person with me about the event. It now seemed as though i had attended the event already, and i felt a little disappointed by it. It did not seem as interesting an event as i had thought it would be. The other person then asked about the classes. I felt bad, thinking that i had not been going to all of my classes. I should have gone to more classes, but it was now near the end of the year. I tried to think of what classes i should be going to, but i could not remember what the classes were. I felt upset that i had missed my chance to go to the classes. I should have exams soon. I looked up at the white ceiling tiles as i thought about this. They were textured and square. I was now near the eastern end of the hallway, and there was a set of double doors to the east of me.

12018 August 16

I felt that i had to do something, but i was having a hard time trying to figure out what. I felt that it was something important, and i felt anxious trying to figure out what it was. The man moved to the northeast across the area. I was facing north, and i looked down at the map that i was holding in my hands. The land covered the entire map, and i thought that it was a map of a large area in Central New York. I then noticed small dots on the map. They seemed to be appearing as i looked at the image. The markers appeared as small circles or triangles. Most of the marks were circles, and several triangles were clustered in the upper-right quadrant of the map. All of the dots were drawn in pale colors. I thought that they were marking things that i needed. I thought about this, but i could not figure it out. I then turned to the west and started climbing up the steep incline. I was in a room, and i was aware of walls to the north and northwest of me and a ceiling above, but the tall rocky mountain ascended to the west of me. My parents seemed to be at the top of the mountain. A window seemed to be set into the top of the rock in the center of the western wall of the room. To the north of it was a small wooden cabin, which seemed to be mounted on the wall. I could see my mother standing near the cabin. My father was nearby on one of the rocks. I leaned forward and grabbed on to the rocks as they became steeper. The slope was very steep now and it almost seemed like a cliff. I looked at the brownish-gray rugged rocks of the as i pulled myself up. I started to worry that the slope might be too steep to climb. I thought that i might have to take another route to get to the top. I noticed chunks of quartz in the rocks to the south of me, and i paused to look at the shiny rocks for a moment. I was interested in them, and i thought that i would have to come back to look at them. Now, however, i felt too strained to stay on the cliff. I pulled myself up until i had reached the flat wall. I was now at the top of the mountain, but i realized that i still had to hold on to the rocks to keep myself from sliding down the hill. I started to feel stressed. I wondered why i was here. It seemed strange that i would have climbed up this hill for no reason. I moved to the south, along the slope. I could see a flatter area in the middle of the wall, and i thought that it would be easier for me to stand there. I could not make it all the way there from where i was, but i thought that i could jump over the steepest part between the flat area and myself. I did not think that it was really a good idea, but i knew that i had to do something. I could not stay where i was.

12018 August 18

I walked to the northwest, diagonally across the bedroom of my parent’s house in the country. I passed into the bathroom through the door in the western end of the northern wall to talk to $F71, who seemed to be in the bathroom. As i turned to the east to look into the bathroom, i started to feel strange. My head felt fuzzy. I looked in the mirror that was on the closet door to the north of me. My face looked puffy and red. Something was wrong. I thought that i might be having an allergic reaction to something. I started to feel concerned. I backed into the bedroom. A coat tree was to the west of me, and it had a blue housecoat in it. I realized that i was not breathing correctly. I called to $F71, but i had trouble making my voice loud. It was hard to breathe. I looked at my face in the mirror to the northwest of me. It was swollen and white. I started to feel upset and panicked. I tried to call to $F71 for help, but i could not see him near me.

My knee felt strange as i was standing, facing north. A wall was just to the north of me. I crouched down and stated rubbing my left knee. Something seemed wrong with it. I could feel a bump just below the kneecap. I leaned back onto the low seat behind me and looked at my shin. I started to rub it, but i realized that something was moving under my skin. I rubbed my hand across my shin, trying to figure out what it was. I then notice a pole sticking out of the left side of my left shin. It was sticking up through the skin, poking out a hole below my kneecap. At first, i thought that i had been impaled my something, but then i realized that this did not make sense. It did not hurt enough for me to have been stabbed. I grabbed the pole with my thumb and index finger and moved it around to see what it was. I then realized that it was part of my shin bone. It had come loose in my leg and was moving around under the skin. I felt annoyed, thinking that this was not a good thing. I would have to do something about it.

12018 August 19

I was carrying the small reddish-tan stone in my left hand. It seemed special, and i looked over it, trying to remember the details. It was shaped like a small block or brick. I knew that i would have to put it back into the sea, but i wanted to investigate it for the moment. I thought that the block was part of a larger tablet, which seemed to be ancient. It was something important. I tried to picture what the whole tablet looked like. It seemed to be only part of the entire thing. I pictured the large tan tablet on top of something else. It was buried in the ocean, just off the shore. I knew that it was part of something important. I pictured the large flat surface of the tablet with tan and white blocks. It had a complicated pattern on it. I thought that maybe it represented a circuit board, but then i thought that circuit boards were not old enough to be represented in this stone structure. The structure was much older. I then wondered why this tablet was important. It did not seem to be that important. I walked to the west, on the northeastern shore of the sea. The beach stretched out in both directions around me. I walked across the yellow sand and started wading into the water. I felt uneasy, not sure that this was the place that i needed to go. I had to find a place where the water was shallow for a very far distance out to sea. I realized that the water here got deep very quickly. The sand sloped down steeply into the water. I then realized that a sandbar ran just under the water to the west of me. It extended from the land to the north of me, extending into the water. I waded into the water, heading for the sandbar. I felt uncertain about what i was doing. I was not sure that i should be here. I felt that i had to go into the water for something, but i felt silly for believing that i had some reason to do this. I thought that i would go in the water further, so i dropped my towel on the flat stone on the shore to the east of me. As i watched the towel fall, i realized that the ground was not completely dry. The towel got wet from the moisture on the ground. I felt annoyed and picked it back up. I would have to find someplace else to put it. The shore was covered with large rounded rocks that were dark brown. The land beyond was forested, and i could see a small house at the edge of the forest to the southeast of me. I looked around on the shore for another place to put my towel, but i realized that the shore was full of people. This seemed to be a vacation spot, and people crowed the shore. As i moved to the north a little, i watched some of them. They all seemed to be Indian, and they were vacationing with their families. I felt frustrated, unable to find a spot to put my towel where it would stay clean and dry. Land extended to the west of me now, on the other side of the narrow strip of water. I was now in a channel. I thought that, if i walked to the north, down the channel, i would eventually get back to the ocean. I headed north, chatting with the man who was walking to the southwest of me. I was wading through the shallow water of the channel. I could not see how far the channel extended to the north, but i suddenly imagined that it could have a waterfall at the end of the channel. I wondered if it was possible to have a waterfall that had no swift current to give it away.

I was trying to figure out why the large whale stone was important. It was buried just off shore somewhere, and it seemed old. I moved around the small room of the house, trying to tell the others about the stone. I headed to the small rectangular room on the northern side of the house. I then turned east to head toward the kitchen. I stopped near the entrance to the kitchen. $F10’s parents were to the west of me. They had been talking about something, and i did not want to interrupt them. I had stopped to listen, though, and i realized that i should not be listening to what they were saying. I thought that i might be intruding. I turned to the north and stared at the small posted objects on the white refrigerator door. $F10’s mom then came of the refrigerator, pushing the door open to the east. The fridge seemed to lead to a corridor, but i could not see down it. The door swinged closed, and $F10’s mom walked casually past me, heading south. I felt confused. I stared at the papers on the wall to the north of me. I could not understand how they had opened up into a corridor.

I woke up suddenly, realizing that the day was almost over. I felt upset, thinking that i had missed most of the time that i could have been doing something. I got out of bed quickly. I was in a small bedroom on the southern side of the second floor of the house. $F10 and his wife were downstairs. I thought that they must have been wondering why i was sleeping all day long. I moved to the west, toward an open doorway in the western wall that looked out over a short balcony. I could see $F10 and his wife moving to the south along the eastern side of the house. I felt anxious and annoyed. I had to do things. I then noticed the trash in the bin to the southwest of me. The sun was setting in the southern sky, and i was angry that i had missed everything. I move around to the eastern side of the house to do something.

12018 August 21

I was standing on the grassy slope, which seemed to be on a college campus. The hill sloped down to the east, and the man stood to the east of me, staring into my face. He was saying something, and he seemed to be acting crazy. I felt uneasy of him, but i did not move or try to avoid him. He held his arms across his chest. He seemed to be wearing a pair of overalls with a sleeveless shirt underneath. His face was contorted into a wild almost-comical expression as he told me about something. I thought that he looked like Jim Carey. The man wanted me to do something, but i was unsure. I acknowledged him without agreeing to anything. He was then wandering to the south. I felt suspicious of him, and i watched to see where he went. A road ran north to south at the bottom of the hill that i was on. The man walked in jerky motions to the south. He was quite a way from me now, and i did not want him to know that i was following him. I moved down the hill a little so that i could see him in the distance. Several small bushes grew on the cut-grass slope to the south of me, and i tried to keep the man just within my view around the bushes. I would be able to back up and hide from his view if he turned around. After he was quite a way down the road, i ran across the road to the southeast, hiding behind an old stone-block building. The front face of the building had a large glass window and seemed to be an old store. The display inside the northern side of the window also had glass on the northern side, so i could see through the glass to see what the man was doing. I moved to the east of the window and sat for a moment, waiting for him to move farther down the road. I was then inside the front entrance of the old abandoned store, sitting at the bottom of a set of steps that ran up to the east. A woman came around the corner from the south and stopped in front of me. I tried not to be surprised. I did not want her to know that i had been watching the man. I felt suspicious of her, thinking that she might be working with the man. She said something to me, and i answered casually. Another man then came from the south. I felt unsafe. These people were with the other man. They were the bag guys. I hoped that they did not realize who i was, but i started to feel unsafe. The woman had gray paint on her face, and the man was very large. I did not think that i could defeat him. I then thought that these people were characters from Suicide Squad. I felt frightened, thinking that they would attack me. I imagined how i could defend myself. The scene became a comic book plot, and i managed to defeat the bad guys. I then thought that this seemed very strange. There was no realistic way that i could have defeated the two people. I felt worried, thinking that this scene was not real and that i was in danger.

12018 August 22

I was at the part with my friends, talking to them. I felt very good being here. We walked to the north, on the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. We seemed to have just crossed the Central Avenue bridge on North Campus. The street ahead of me curved sharply to the west, but everyone was turning to the east to walk down the trail that led through the center of the gorge. I followed some of the people to the east, wanting to talk some more. The entrance to the gorge had bushes and trees growing on the southern side. A large flat boulder was positioned on the ground just to the south of a dirt path. The others were following the dirt path to the east. I followed them, chatting with someone as we walked. I stopped on the trail, letting him continue to the east. I turned back to the west and headed down the street. I was aware of a house on the southern side of the street to the west of me. It seemed to be where the other part of the party was. I entered the house with the others. This was a new party, and it felt good to be here. I stopped on the eastern end of the room, which seemed to be in the southeastern corner of the house. The room was rectangular and had a large padded sofa in the center that faced west. I moved to the south of the sofa. $F70 was standing just to the west of me, and i chatted with him about the party. He seemed excited to be here as well. I then noticed the classical music that was playing somewhere in the room. I listened to it for a moment, joking about the strings. One of the men who had been setting on the couch to the north of me then asked a question about the music. I shrugged, not knowing the answer, but then i suggested that it might be a Romance composer. I thought it might be Hayden, but i suggested that it was Mozart. I remembered Mozart being mentioned on the radio. The room seemed very long now north to south, and everyone seemed to be in the room. I moved to the northern side of the couch and moved to the east. I joked about drunken classical music. Several people near the piano, which was to the southeast of me, laughed. I added “How else did they come up with the waltz?” I turned to the west and found myself walking to the north, reaching the top step of the stairs that ascended to the north along the western wall of the room. I was now in the attic room of the apartment. There were fewer people here. The room seemed simple and worn. A large dark padded couch stood to the east of the stairs, facing west, and two men were sitting on it. As i walked near the northern end of the couch, i could hear the song starting on the speakers to the west of me. The song started with a classical introduction, but i knew that it was an old rock song from the sixties. I stopped and listened, trying to identify the song. I thought that i knew the song, but i could not remember the group who had recorded it. I spoke to the people on the couch as the voice started singing. The melody then entered into the song, and i could hear the drums start. I realized that this was “Shakedown Street” by the Grateful Dead. I told this to the others, but i had trouble saying the title to the song. It seemed that i could not remember it correctly at first. The voice then mentioned the title of the song, and i pointed this out to the others. A man was sitting on the northern end of the couch, just to the south of me. He was facing west, and another man was standing behind him, to the east of the couch. I turned to the east and headed back down the street. I was with a man, and he asked me about the gorge area. He seemed like $A760. I mentioned the trails to him, interested to go there again. I then started feeling uneasy. The other man i had been talking to had gone down the trails to the east. I felt uneasy about him seeing me with the man i was currently with. I thought that he might be jealous of the new man. I was not interested in the new man sexually, but i thought that the other man might think i was. I then thought of $F71, who seemed to be to the west of me at the party. I then saw the man i had been with a while ago walking to the south down the road from the trailhead to the east of us. He had left the gorge area. I knew now that i would not run into him on the trails. I walked with the man and stopped on the trail, just past the entrance. A cliff of ashen-tan rock seemed to run to the north of us. Between the cliff and the trail were several small bushes and some wooden structures. I had stopped just to the southwest of the wooden structure, which seemed like a restroom cabin. A thick cedar tree grew to the south of the cabin and to the east of me. One of its branches reached out over the low flat rock that was put on the edge of the trail as a marker. I sat down on the branch as i talked to the man, who was standing to the south of me. I took my cell phone out of my left jacket pocket and looked at something. The woman to the southwest of me seemed interested in what we were talking about, and i showed her the cell phone, which seemed old. It was large, with big keys on the front. The keys were about a centimeter square, and the raised plastic numbers were worn. The others thought that the phone looked interesting because it was so old. Someone said that it looked strange with no light coming from the buttons. I had my new cell phone with me, but it was still in my back pocket. I then realized that i was sitting on it. I could feel it in my left back pocket. I lifted myself a little, looking down at the red plaid kilt that i was wearing. I reached into the back pocket of the kilt to retrieve the telephone. I wanted to show them what my new phone looked like. I looked to the west as i spoke to the people to the south of me. Two young men were standing to the west of me, looking closely at the building to the north of us. The back of the building was smooth and looked like it was covered with metal. The blue paint of the building was chipped, and one of the men grabbed an edge of the paint and peeled a large piece off of the building. One of them then joked about using the paint for something crude. I turned to the east and moved into the room. I had to wait for the others to return from the trail hike. I had to go to the bathroom, so i turned to the north and walked into the next room, which was a public rest room. The room was wide east to west, and it had dark-gray walls. Urinals seemed to be along the northern wall. As i entered, a man had turned around from the urinals and started walking toward me as he zipped up his pants. He was tall and skinny, and he had an odd build to him. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that something about his proportions seemed off. His pectorals seemed very small, and he had very rounded shoulders. He glanced at me as he passed to the east of me, heading toward the door. He had a sharp jaw with very thin features. I turned to the east and walked down the length of the room, which now seemed to be a store. Thin glass shelfs were on the southern wall, supporting various items for sale. I passed a short divider wall that extended form the southern wall, running floor to ceiling. Glass shelfs were on the eastern side of the wall. On them, i noticed small model airplanes. $Z was to the east of me, and i said something to him as i looked at the planes on the wall. I then noticed that some of the airplanes had cartoon drawings on the sides. I realized that they were toy airplanes of different designs. On the western short wall was an airplane with a drawing that related to Captain Crunch. It was a drawing of a bear that was surfing on the wing of the airplane. I looked over several other drawings on the other planes on the same wall. I was interested in all of these toys. I then looked at the airplanes on the southern wall, realizing that some of them were disassembled. They all seemed very interesting, and i thought that some of them could be decorated. I then bent over and picked up my bag from the floor and headed to the west, walking along the southern wall of the corridor. The wall was off-white. I slung the blue duffel bag over my left shoulder, and i took my mother’s long white bag in my right hand. I walked into the corridor of the store, pushing past some people. As i walked, a man walked up behind me and unzipped the blue bag that i was carrying. I stopped in front of the man, annoyed with him. He stared at me as i pulled the bag in front of me and zipped it back up. I realized that my mother and another person were to the north of me, on the other side of the street. My mother had been waiting for me, and i felt rushed as i crossed the street to meet her. The man with her was my grandfather. We hurried to the west. We had to get to the airport to catch our airplane. I looked down at the bag again as i sat in the passenger seat of the car. My mother drove it to the north-northeast, through the city streets. The area to the north was open, and i thought that we were approaching the airplane. I thought that my mother and i had to get to Russia. We were traveling with my grandmother in this foreign country, but my grandmother was heading back to the United States. My mother and i had to make a trip to Russia for a few days. I then realized that i did not have my passport with me. I felt suddenly upset. I told my mother that i could not get into Russia without my passport. I wondered what i should do now. I felt uncertain and disappointed. My mother was approaching the small circular driveway that ran along the front entrance to the airport. I was not sure what i could do. I realized that i might not be able to leave this country without my passport. I then wondered how i had come to this country in the first place. I was very upset.

12018 August 25

The man told us that we needed something, but i did not trust him. I felt upset and did not want to be here. The man was trying to get control over us by convincing us that we needed something that this place could provide. This place seemed like a clinic. We had come here for something, and i started to think that the people here did not want us to leave. I started to feel distraught and nervous, thinking that we might be trapped in this place. The man stood to the west of us in the long white corridor. We had to leave here. I finally said no to the man and headed down the corridor to the west. I pulled $Z with me. We were then walking to the north, down the short corridor. Just ahead of us, the tan corridor curved to the west. I pulled the man with me down the hall. I worried that he was becoming interested in this place. I stopped at the end of the curvature in the hall, looking down the long corridor to the west. The corridor was well lighted, and it opened up into a wider area about fifty meters away. The area had light coming from the south, which seemed like daylight. Something seemed wrong with the area, though. I felt suspicious of it. It did not seem like the way out. I then thought that it might be a trap. We would have to go back the way we had come. I felt tense, thinking that i had to get out. One of the men from the clinic was still near us, and he was talking to $Z, trying to get him to stay. I was worried that $Z was becoming convinced to stay here. This was not good. I pulled $Z with me as i went into a stairwell on the northern side of the corridor. The stairs seemed to lead down to the lower floor. In the lower corridor, i hurried to the west, trying to get away from the people from this place. This corridor was very plain, but it looked familiar. We had come through this hallway before. It should be the way out.

12018 August 26

I crouched down on the alumninium dock, trying to adjust the bolt on the western side of the walkway. I was out over the water, facing south. The dock was L shaped, and another section of the dock ran off to the west of me. I turned the bolt on the western side of the dock. The bolt was to the southwest of me. I thought that i had fixed the height of the dock, but, to my annoyance, i realized that the dock near me was now under water. I felt upset and thought that i had to fix it. Someone else to the south of me commented on the dock. I was aggravated, and i pulled the dock back up, trying to adjust the screw on the side so that it could hold the dock in position.

12018 August 27

I woke up suddenly, realizing that i was standing in the bathroom of the house. I felt groggy and was not quite sure why i was in the bathroom. I thought that i must have wandered out of the bedroom of the house. I headed to the south, leaving the bathroom through the door in the center of the southern wall. In the hallway outside, i turned west and west back into the small bedroom. I felt horny as i moved toward the bed, which was against the western wall. I thought that i must have had an erotic dream. I wanted to continue the dream, and wondered if i would masturbate in bed. Many people were around now, so i knew that i could not do this. My bedroom was in the northwestern corner of the house. I walked to the west, down the corridor in the house. A man was standing in the corridor, outside of one of the room. He was a wrestler. He was short and well muscled. He had short blond hair and a square face. I thought that he was interested in me, and i felt attracted to him. I continued to the east, down the street. I then felt suddenly confused. I had forgotten something, but i could not remember what it was. I thought about the man, and i wondered what $F71 would think of me being attracted to him. I was walking on the southern side of the street, just to the north of several old brick apartment buildings. I stopped by a cement stoop to get something. I then turned back to the west and headed back the way i had come. It was night now. I thought again about the wrestler. I wanted to talk to him, but i was not sure how i would introduce myself to him. I felt nervous about talking to him.

I headed to the east, walking down the long corridor in the large building. I was thinking about something that i had to do. I had come from the event, which had many people at it, but i was now alone in the corridor. I continued to the east, down the hall. I noticed someone standing on the southern side of the hallway ahead of me. I realized that it was $A759. He was standing in front of a service window that was in the southern wall. He was bent over, with his knees slightly bent and his head hanging down to the east. I stopped just to the northwest of him and asked him if everything was all right. He straightened up and told me that everything was fine. I felt concerned about him, but i continued to the east. I then turned to the north. I was on a college campus, walking down a small yard between the large academic buildings, which seemed to be Comstock and Biotech. Mudd Hall was to the north of me, and i headed to the north-northwest, toward the gap between Mudd Hall and Comstock. A black metal mesh bench was just off the western side of the path, facing north. It was near the western end of Mudd Hall. I sat down on the western end of the bench. Someone was to the east of me. I started talking to them about something. I could see the sky to the north over the western end of Mudd Hall. Thick gray clouds covered the sky, and something seemed strange about them. I then noticed something falling out of the sky to the north. Many of the small objects fall through the clouds and moved toward the ground. They had wide rounded wings, and i realized that they were insects. One fell to the south of the bench that we were on. I turned to look over my right shoulder at the grass behind us. A small brassy bug was on the ground. I leaned over it, trying to get a closer look. Its metallic skin seemed very strange, and it had an oddly shaped head. I was standing to the south of it as i picked it up, turning its head to face west so that i could see its side. Its head was horse shaped. I pointed out the bug to the other person as i moved back to the seat on the bench. When i looked back at the bug, it seemed to have horns along the back of its shell, and it was noticeably bigger. It had a long tail that curved to the south, making it look like a winged lizard. It was now about a half meter long. I felt a little nervous about the bug now, so i put it back down on the ground to the northwest of me. As i backed up to look at it, it seemed plastic, like an inflatable sack. It was very strange, and it was still getting larger. It was then over a meter long, and its body had become square. The tail and legs still extended from the sides of the flat square. The insect then jumped into the air and flew to the west. It quickly changed direction and spiraled upward, turning clockwise. It started to swoop up and down, and i realized that three men were still trying to hold on to it. They should have let go when i did. The men seemed to be riding on the top of the square, holding on to the legs and other appendages. The creature then flipped over, and one of the men slided off the back end. He grabbed the edge of the square and held on, but i felt nervous and anxious, hoping that he did not fall off. I could see one of the other men moving toward him, to help him out, but the second man fell off of the bug and began to fall. I was worried about the man as he disappeared behind the clouds. The insect had carried them above the low layer of gray clouds, and the man had fallen into the clouds below him, where i could not see him. I watched for him, wondering when he was going to fall though the clouds. I was very worried about the man, and i told the other person that the people had fallen above the ceiling tiles. I looked at the holes in the ceiling tiles over the western side of the sky, worried about where the man would hit.

12018 August 29

I was in the dimly lighted crowed pub with the other man. We stood near the northern side of the pub, looking south into the rectangular room. The bar was in a small room to the east. A doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall led to the next room. I walked to the east, but was just to the south of the doorway. A small electronic game machine was against the wall, and i started playing it. I was aware of the others in the room to the east. They seemed like $G4. The game seemed like an old video game, but it was shaped like a slot machine. The yellow screen at the top lighted up, and i realized that i had won the game. I thought that money would come out of the game, so i waited a moment. I then realized that the machine did not have a chute on the front of it, so the money must come out the back of the machine. I moved to the north of the black machine and looked at the back. I could not see the chute, but i could hear money falling into a stack. I could not figure out where i would collect the coins. I moved back to the front of the machine, noticing a small glass in a small compartment on the front of the machine. The glass was filling with a sticky liquid and water, and it started overflowing into the machine. It seemed to be a soda machine that was filling the cup with syrup and mixing it with water. The money was actually behind the cup, so i pulled out the cup and took the money. I felt anxious, and i started pacing around the room. The other person was still with me, so i started explaining the game machine to him.

12018 August 31

It was dark out, and i was driving to the southwest on side road through the outskirts of the city. I had to get somewhere, and i felt annoyed that the main road was closed. I had to take a turn to the east to get back to where i should be. I saw a turn ahead, but i could net easily see the road heading off to the east. I slowed down as i approached the intersection, uncertain that the road was really there. I finally saw the road leading to the east, and i turned on to it. I did not recognize this area. Many low wide buildings were scattered over the flat landscape. It looked like an old office district. I felt frustrated, not sure where i was. I knew that i had to get to the airport, and i felt anxious that i would not make it in time. I looked down at the map, which seemed to be a digital screen showing an overview of the area i was in. I could see my car at the northwestern corner of the large lot. I would have to drive to the east, passing around the southern side of the lot to the black area on the map, which had something to do with the airport. I was very close, but i could not go directly there from here. I looked at the clock on the dashboard of the car. The red LED lights said “1000”. I knew that my flight was at ten o’clock, and i worried that i was late. I felt angry. I was walking to the east now, and i rushed through the glass doors of the airport. The large glass wall on the southwestern face of the building was very modern, and the glass curved outward at the top of the wall. I felt flustered and had to get to my airplane, but i suddenly realized that i did not have my phone with me. I felt upset. I did not have time to go back to get it. Then i thought that i had already missed my flight to Russia. I hurried into the waiting room on the southern side of the corridor, which ran to the east. My mother was there. She said that we had already missed our flight. I felt frustrated and angry, and i started hitting my things.