12019 August 02

I stood on the southeastern corner of the city street, near the start of the race. The runners were gathered to the south of me across the middle of the street. I seemed to be in the middle of an urban area, with tall gray buildings on both sides of the street. However, the buildings seemed to be widely spaced. I was aware of the street that ran to the west from the intersection that was just to the northwest of me. It seemed to descend a steep hill. I knew that the runners would come from the south and turn west on the street to start down the hill. A few runners were still coming up the hill from the west. The race seemed to be over, and the runners were returning to the starting line, which was to the south of me. I told the other person that i thought that the race was over. The last few people still running were the tail end of the runners. The other person said that the race was not over. I looked to the south, noticing that runners were still lined up at the starting line, getting ready to go. I did not know that there was another heat of the race ready to start. The runners started running toward me. They seemed very young, and i thought that they were high-school runners. The older runners must have gone first, and now it was time for the younger runners to start on the course. As the runners approached, i decided that i should move to the northern side of the intersection to get out of the way. I backed against the wall to the north. I was now in a corridor that ran east to west. To the west, the corridor was a street that ran down the steep hill. The students would enter the corridor from the south and turned west. The wall to the north of me was covered with white tile, but the southern wall was made of glass. The glass wall seemed to extend to the south for a little way, down the wide hallway to the south. The opening in the glass wall was narrower than the wide corridor to the south, and the young runners would have to pass into the opening before turning west, rounding a thick white column that was at the western corner of the glass wall. I had been kneeling on the floor near the column as the runners approached. As i backed away from the column, i realized that broken glass was on the ground just to the north of the column. I sweeped some of it to the southwest, to the west of the column to get it out of the way of the runners. I then backed to the wall, realizing that i had been kneeling in the broken glass. It was stuck into my tan pants. I hurriedly tried to sweep the rest of the glass out of the way before the young runners got to me. I thought that the older runners would have run over it. However, they would not have noticed it, because it would have gotten stuck in their shoes. I noticed because i was on my hands and knees. I could take the glass out of my skin, but they would be running with it until it punctured enough of their soles to reach their feet. I moved to the southern wall just to the west of the column as the runners past. I then realized that they were not running past in a large pack as i had expected. I turned around to see a few runners standing to the north of me. They seemed confused, and they were looking back to the south, at the starting line. I then thought that a second whistle must have stopped the race. The runners started jogging slowly back toward the starting line. I pulled several pieces of glass from my tan pants and tossed it on the floor near the southern wall, out of the runners’ way. I then noticed a small piece of glass stuck in the heel of my right palm. I grabbed the end of it and started to pull it out. I could feel it grabbing the skin as i removed it. I hoped that it did not have any barbs that could break off and leave shards under my skin. I then moved to the west, down the steep hill. After a moment, i thought that i should really return to the start of the race, but i was talking with the other person on the western sidewalk of the north-to-south street. This street ran from the bottom of the steep hill, sloping down slightly as it ran to the south. The buildings on this lower street seemed closer together, and they were closer to the street as well. The tall buildings to the east seemed to be made of brick or stone blocks. As i listened to the other person, i thought that i would have to head back to the north and then head up the steep hill to the east to get back to the starting line. I wanted to get back, so i said farewell to the person and started heading to the north. Just as i started to the north, i noticed the large open entryway of the building to the east of me. I was looking into the main lobby of the building, which was an open space with decorative metal elevators in the eastern wall. The lobby seemed empty. I decided that i could take the elevators up to the second level of the building, which would be at the street level of the street to the east, where the starting line was. I headed suddenly to the east, catching the large heavy metal doors of the building as they started to close. The glass doors were set into a thick brassy frame. I had caught them as they started to swing to the east, closing. The inner doors of the lobby were still closing, like the doors of an elevator. I slided my foot between the doors, thinking that the doors would stop closing. I then realized that they would not reopen but would simply not close all the way. To my surprise, the doors slided back open. I quickly entered the building. Three or four stairs descended to the floor of the lobby from the door i had entered. The elevators were in the eastern wall, but they were both closed. I then noticed a set of stairs running up the northern wall of the room, heading to the east-northeast. The wall was slanted a little so that the eastern side of the room was longer than the western side. A landing seemed to run over the tops of the elevators from the top of the stairs, but i could also see a glass door to the east of the top of the stairs. I thought that this door exited the building to the east. I decided to run up the stairs rather than wait for the elevator to open up again. The stairs were bright white, and the brass trim along the railings looked like gold. I thought that the elevator doors were still closing behind me, and i wondered if i could beat the elevator to the upper level. I was already halfway up the stairs now, and i felt the strain of climbing the stairs. I thought that it was not much easier to climb the stairs that it would have been to run up the hill on the street to the north. I had turned into the building to take the elevator, which i thought would have been less effort. I felt tired. I did think that the stairs were better than the street, though, because i would not have to travel around the northern side of the block to get to the starting line. The door on the eastern side of this building would exit closer to the finish line that the hill on the street would.

12019 August 03

I moved to the south, aware of the two people who were in the room at the southeastern side of the house. They were husband and wife, and i knew that he was part of a crime syndicate. This was part of a story, which seemed to be a television story. This was part of the story where the husband was suspicious of the other man. He lived in the house or nearby. I thought that he was somewhere to the north now. The woman had no real interest in the other man, but the husband would become jealous. I thought that the man would be set up in the first season of the show, but he would not become important until a later season, like the third. The crime boss, who was the woman’s husband, would get in trouble with the law in this season, which would create an opening for the other man to talk to the wife. This would create the tension that allows something to happen. I thought about this as i turned back to the north and headed into the rectangular room on the second floor of the house. The room was on the northern side of the house, which seemed to be the back of the house. I had entered into the eastern side of the room, and i walked to the west along the northern wall. This room seemed a little like the upstairs back room in my grandmother’s house. I stopped near the northern wall, holding something in my hand. $F71 was with me, but he had walked to the north. He seemed beyond the tan wall, which was covered with paneling, but i could see him sitting in a chair, facing south and reading a book. His feet were up on something has he read. The wall to the north of me seemed to be glass, but it also seemed to be covered with tan fake-wood paneling. I had a dish of something in my left hand, and i had been eating. I then noticed that a glob of peanut paste had fallen into the dish that was on the table near the western end of the northern wall. I said something about it and scooped up a small amount with the index finger of my right hand. I licked my finger clean and reached back to scoop more up. The dish on the table was square on the bottom, and the sides curved out to form a bowl. The bowl was about a deci wide at the bottom and about two decis wide at the top. It was about a deci and a half tall. It seemed to be ceramic, and it was covered with a dark-yellow glossy finish. The lower part of the bows was black, and the black blended in with the yellow part way up the sides within the bowl, making it look like a flower. As i scooped up the large splatter of peanut paste from the bowl, i realized that the bowl was a decorative piece, and it had been on the counter for quite a while. The inside was dusty, and i thought that i was actually picking up dust with the paste. I did not taste the dust with the first part i had eaten, but i did not want to eat more, so i scooped up the last of the peanut butter with the fingers of my right hand. I said something about cleaning the bows. I would have to head downstairs to clean my hands off. I turned to the south and descend the stairs on the northern side of the house. I came into a corridor on the first floor that led south. The husband who was the crime boss was standing on the eastern side of the corridor, near the door to the cellar stairs. He stood on the southern side of the doorway. I could hear someone talking in the basement. I walked past the husband, again thinking about the plot. $F71 seemed to be the other man in the story. He was still in the bedroom, reading a book. As i walked past the doorway to the cellar, i noticed that the green wooden paneled door was slightly ajar. I caught a glimpse of a man standing just to the south of the bottom of the unfinished wooden stairs, talking on a telephone. He held the receiver to his left ear as he faced northwest, leaning his right hand on the wooden railing. I continued past the door, noticing the husband leaning against the outside of the southern door frame. He was listening to the conversation. I felt interested in the conversation, and i wanted to know what was being said. I knew that it had something to do with the husband’s suspicions of the other man. I could hear the man downstairs talking about his car, and he seemed to say something about a muffler. I slowed as i came to the south of the door. A young man was sitting just to the south of the husband. He too was listening to the conversation. The young man was bulky and was wearing a white T-shirt and shorts. He seemed stern, and i felt that he would become angry with me if it seemed that i was listening to the conversation. The husband looked at me. I thought that he would ask me about the other man. He said something to me, and i told him that $F71 was still upstairs, reading. I tried to remember how the plot went.

12019 August 04

I had come to this place to do something. It seemed as though i had received a legal request to get something done. I had to show up at this place. I traveled from the southeast to get here. I stopped at the counter, which was to the west of me. This place seemed like a prison. The man on the other side of the counter started telling me that i would have to take something. I realized that he was trying to have me incarcerated. I did not understand why i was here, and i felt upset with the man. I did not think that i should fight at the moment, though. I asked him what he was doing. It seemed that these people expected me to be in prison, but i was not sure why. I felt as though i was being trapped. The man showed me the needle that he had in his left hand. It was the tip of a syringe, but he was just holding the needle at the moment. The needle was short and metal, and it had a strange tube at the end of it. It was not attached to a syringe at the moment, but i knew that it was to administer some kind of drug to relax me. Annoyed, i asked the man what the drugs were for. I thought that they were trying to control my thoughts and feelings. The man showed me a pill canister. It was orange with a white label. He described the type of drug. He said something about lithium. I knew that it was a sedative. The name of the drug on the label had two words, though. I still did not understand, and i started to worry that i would be trapped here. Both words looked like “lithium”, but i thought that it was something like lithium hydride. The man stood very close to me. I did not want to take the drugs, but i felt as though i had no choice. He was trying to trap me in this jail. He stuck the needle into the inside of the right side of my lower lip. I felt a tingling sensation in my mouth. My right arm then started to tingle. I felt worried and scared of what these people might do to me. I wondered what i could do to get away from here. I then woke up. I had been lying on a couch, with my head to the north. The couch or the blanket over me seemed red. I sat up, trying to figure out what i was doing. I did not remember getting here. I thought that i must have eaten. I was in an area that looked like a park, but i knew that this was part of the prison cell. Another man was on a bench to the south of me. I had felt very comfortable sleeping on the couch, but i wanted to figure out where i was. I then realized that i had a few pieces of pizza on my lap. I remembered eating, but it seemed as though it was a while ago. I was still full, but i would have to save the pizza for later. I felt my back left pocket, where i had a piece of pizza. I pulled it out, folded it over, and pushed it back into the pocket as i repositioned myself on my right side on the couch. As i reclined to the north, facing west, i felt slightly uncomfortable. I also thought that it was very strange to have a piece of pizza in my pocket. I would have to get out of this place. The ground to the west of the bench that i was on was covered with tall grass and weeds. Trees ran along the western edge of the lawn. It was a bright sunny day, and the weather seemed warm and pleasant. This place was a prison, but it seemed very open. I lay on the couch for a moment, trying to figure out what i should do next. I felt desperate to leave this place. I did not belong here. I was sitting on the bench, facing south, but i could not see the scene around me at the moment. I was aware of the other people in the prison to the south of me, on other benches. I thought about the needle that the man had stuck in me. I then heard people talking from the northwest. I heard $A776’s voice. She was talking with some other $G4. I thought that she had mentioned my name. I wondered if they knew that i was in the prison. I wanted them to do something to get me out of here, but i was not sure that they were really aware that i was here. I started walking to the southeast. The scene had changed. I seemed to have walked down the paved path, which ran along the eastern side of the benches where i had been sleeping. The path curved to the southeast on the southern end, and it seemed to lead to a gate. I had gone out of the gate and was now walking toward a steep hill to the south of me. The other man was walking in front of me. I felt suddenly tense, thinking that i had escaped the jail. I would have to be careful, because i knew that the jailers would be looking for me. I thought that i should go back, or it would seem that i was guilty of something. A set of stairs ascended the steep hill to the south, climbing toward the small hut on the top of the narrow pointy hill. The hill was very tall, and the stairs ascended the northwestern slope. It was dark now, and i entered the small round area within the hut. The room inside was crude. It had old cement walls that were dirty with age. The metal frame was dingy and the paint was chipping. Chairs were set up around the room, facing the center open space. This place seemed like a small makeshift lecture room, but i knew that the people coming to sit in the folding wooden chairs were here for a support group. They moved into the room and sat at the chairs here and there. I moved to the southeastern side of the room, feeling unsure about this place. I thought that these other people might have also escaped from the prison, but i knew that they had not. They were here for some other reason. I wondered if they would realize that i had escaped. I hoped that no one recognized me. I felt uncomfortable here. As i sat in a chair in the southeastern section of the room, i noticed that all of the chairs were now facing west and that the floor of the room sloped down to the west. I wanted to leave, but the door was in the western end of the northern wall, at the front of the room. It would be obvious that i was heading out, and everyone would notice me. I wanted to stay unnoticed. My view panned around the room as people started saying things. These people were dressed very plainly, in denims and loose jackets. They seemed like middle-class workers. A man then stood up from the center of the southern side of the room and started moving to the west. The others noticed him. I then realized that the man was actually a woman. I thought that she was headed to the door. Someone near me pointed her out. They then said something about her doing something for the group. I looked again at her as she reached the middle of the western side of the room. She was a skinny woman with a somewhat East Asian face. She wore a purple dress that hung loosely from her shoulders and ran down to just above her knees. She took something from one of the people gathered on the flat section of the western side of the room, at the foot of the audience. She then turned to someone in one of the first rows of the audience and handed it to the person. She jumped in excitement and smiled widely as she did this. She was excited to be doing something. I realized that she was actually not leaving this place. I was disappointed that she would not attract the attention of the others as she left. It would not seem strange if i left, because i would be the only one doing so. I was then aware of the other man to the east of me. He was the man who had been on the other bench in the prison. He had stood up, and the people in the area had taken notice of him. He started walking to the east, and i followed him. The others asked him questions, and they stopped him. I continued walking, heading up the steep slope to the east. I then heard the man accusing me of escaping too. I did not look back, thought. I continued walking as though i had not heard. I hoped that no one tried to stop me. I was then aware than no one seemed to be after me. I thought that this was because i was not really out of the jail cell. I thought that i could still be there but also be here. I started up the steep cliffs that bordered the eastern side of this area. The hill had become a flat wall. The place that i had been in was a recessed area in the surrounding landscape. A cement wall ran along the eastern side of the area, enclosing the place where people had been gathered. I grabbed on to the features of the wall and pulled myself up. It seemed easy to climb. The wall curved to the north of me, and it met the tall steep slope to the south. The cement wall to the east of me was carved into shapes. The large face near me seemed to be the face of the statue of liberty. Several other symbols of the United States were on the wall. I grabbed on to the features to pull myself up. It seemed an easy thing to do. After climbing four or five meters, i came to the top of the wall. The sidewalk above overhung the wall by about half a meter. I looked up to see the dark underside of the platform above me. I could hear the others talking behind me, and i hoped that they did not realized that i had escaped the prison as well. Again, i thought that i was actually in two places at once. I reached over my head with my right arm and grabbed the bottom of the stairs, pulling myself up. The girders on the outside of the overhang had a spiny shape to them. One hung below the deck, with a thick deci-long tube over the bottom of it. The tube hand small square needles sticking out from the top of it in four directions. This was a decorative feature of the deck. It seemed easy for me to climb, and i liked how easy it was.

I walked to the west, across the northern side of the large grocery store. A man was in a car just to the north of me, and he commented on the things on the ground. The glass door to the south of me slided to the east to let someone in. I looked down at the small green columns on he ground to the south of me. The pillars were about five centimeters thick and a meter and a quarter tall, and they were decorated to look like bamboo, with horizontal divisions and leafs painted on them. They seemed to be fountains. Quite a few of these were stacked next to each other. Some kind of matching basin was to the west of the phalanx of pillars. The man had said something to me that seemed insulting, but i was not interested in the columns. As i walked through the door, i noticed more cement garden ornaments stacked on the ground. These were conical and gray, with black tips. I started to feel agitated by the insistence of the man, but i ignored him.

I looked up to the southeast to see the glowing object falling through the sky. Someone had said something about it. I was watching a news story about the satellite. The people were talking about the object, saying that it was going to start falling at a certain time. The satellite had been around the planet, but now it was coming back, and everyone was nervous about it. I thought that everyone was watching it. I now pictured the night sky. I could see the planet Venus in the upper left of the scene. The yellow object to the lower right of it was the satellite. I felt concerned about this as i turned and moved to the west, crossing the dimly lighted room. I seemed to be at my grandmother’s house. A couch was against the western wall of the room. Thin fake-wood paneling was on the walls, and the furniture seemed old and worn. The people here also seemed old and worn, as if they were from the seventies. A radio voice was talking about the thing that was coming back to the planet. They had mentioned the time as thirty minutes past the hour. It seemed to be 2:30 or 3:30. I realized that i had forgotten about the object, and it was now time for it to enter the atmosphere. I worried about the event, but i was not sure what to do. It seemed to be an event that was old, but i knew that it was happening again. The television to the east seemed to be an old tube television, and it was showing a yellow picture of the event. I pictured vehicles in space. I then thought that the thing would be falling now. I had to get something done before hand. I turned to the east and headed across the room. An older couple sat on the couch to the south of me, and a woman was pacing behind the couch, to the south of them. The woman seemed to be my grandmother at a younger age. I felt tense. This event was both serious and important. I exited the house and stopped on the eastern side of the driveway. The dirt driveway ran north to south. The main road seemed to be to the north. I was in a country environment. The event with the bright star was above me, almost at the zenith but just a little to the southwest. I was aware of the glowing object. I then thought that this was familiar. I looked at the blue car to the northeast of me. The porch to the house was a cement patio with a simple overhanging wood roof. The room was held up with thin pillars, and it was to the south of me. Several people were standing on the eastern side of the dirt road, looking up and to the east. Some had their hands over their eyes to block glare. This scene was very familiar. I suddenly realized that i must have had a dream about it before. I looked around at the scene. The land to the south east was a hazy country field, with trees around the edges. I remembered the car and the cats. I could see two cats next to the road to the south of me, walking slowly toward the people who were watching the sky. Some cars were parked on the dirt road to the south, but i remembered the dream having the blue car. I turned to the north and looked at the blue car. It was a rounded car with an old design. It looked like a European car from the sixties. I pointed out the blue car with my left hand, saying “There’s the blue car.” Two young girls were standing at the edge of the driveway just to the northeast of me. The older one was in her late teens, and the younger seemed to be under ten. I pointed to the older girl and said “And there’s the blond.” She did not look quite the way i remembered her. She had dark-blond hair that fell around her oval face. She frowned at me as if i were being weird. I started to feel tense, thinking that this was very similar to the dream, but the features were not quite right. I had to go get something. I started moving to the east, down the street of the small town. I had come this way, and i thought that i would have to get back to where i had come from. I turned to the south, thinking that i would come out on the main street of the town. I looked to the south, surprised to see a large brick building on the western side of the street. The design of the building seemed very familiar. It had a thick stone pillar that seemed to stand out to the east of the building. The building was pale red. It was the color of brick, but the building seemed to have a smooth facade. I was aware of an older gray building to the east of it, across the street. I felt confused. This was not the scene that i had expected. I then remembered that i had traveled to the northeast to get to the place where i was. I was no longer near the house that i was trying to get to. I would have to travel to the west to get there. I then noticed the sign on the red building. The design of the building seemed more detailed, with many parallel lines of detail running vertically. A sign over the front of the building said “Bridge”. It was the name of this place. I realized that it must be Chenango Bridge. I had come back here to visit the house, so i would have a way to travel to get back home to the west. The river seemed to run to the west of me, and i thought that i would have to cross over it to get where i needed to go. I looked at the large gray structure that had been the building to the north of me. The structure still had the sign that had the name of the town, but the gray metal structure was now a tall thin suspension bridge. The vertical metal girders had several layers in decorative steps, giving it the parallel lines i had noticed. I headed to the north, up the street. I knew that i would have to get to the west. I thought that i could cross the river on the bridge a little way to the north. It would be going out of my way, but it was the only way to cross the bridge. I turned to the west, noticing the highway that crossed the large bridge. I would have to get onto the highway to get to where i wanted to go. I was now on the western side of the river. I headed to the north onto one of the side streets. I thought that this street would eventually run into the highway. However, i came to a small dirt parking lot. The lot was on the shore of the gray river. A tall chain-link fence ran along the northern and eastern sides of the dirt lot, separating it from a warehouse area or storage lot. I would have to turn around. I felt disappointed that i could not find the highway. I would have to take one of the streets to the west. I looked over the urban industrial area to the west, noticing an elevated highway. I wanted to get to it. I knew that, once i was on the highway, i would be able to get to where i wanted to go. I felt frustrated that i could not easily get there, though.

I suddenly remembered that i had to pick up the things for my cats. I had talked to the woman a while ago. She seemed like $A328. She had said that, if i did not make during the day, she would leave the things outside. I felt anxious, thinking that i had to get to the house to pick up the things. I picture a crate for the cat and a few small things. I did not want to be too late, because i felt that i would not be able to get back in time. I thought about the event again as i headed down the road to the south. The road was in the rural area. I reached the end of the road and headed to the south on a dirt driveway. A screen door was across the driveway. I moved to it. My mother was with me. She said something about the house. She did not seem to understand why i was here, and i felt annoyed with her for slowing me down. I stepped up onto the porch. Two outside storm doors were to the south of me. A man was standing behind the western one, which seemed to lead into a darkened room. Through the plexiglas and screen of the white aluminium door on the east, i could see the driveway continuing to the south. I tried to reach the door, but my mother moved in front of me. She was going to open the door, but i could see the man to the south of the door. A man was pacing around in the driveway, talking on a cell phone. He did not seem aware of us. My mother tried to open the door, but i knew that she would just open the door into the man. I felt frustrated with her and tried to tell her how to open the door correctly. I did not say anything, though. Instead, i reached for the white metal door handle and pulled the door open. I walked to the south, down the driveway. I felt hurried and upset. I thought that i might be late to get the cat things. I pictured the cat carrier. I knew that it was a flexible carrier. I noticed a blue carrier folder on the ground to the south. It seemed too new to be mine, but it must have been my things. I moved to pick it up.

12019 August 09

I left the house and started running down the street to the east. Several other people were with me. I seemed to have com from the north, and i crossed the street to the south before i started running. $F71 was with me. As i jogged, we joked about something. I was then aware of the bicycle coming toward us from the southwest. I felt cautious of the person on the bicycle. I only caught a glimpse of the bicycle, but the man seemed to be wearing black. As i moved to the east, the bicycle moved to the south of me and followed me. I felt wary of the rider, so i turned to look at him. The rider was actually a black cat. The cat was wearing a black helmet and a riding scarf. I was amused and surprised to see this. The cat turned its head and looked at me for a moment. It seemed like an animatronic cat. It started riding faster. It now seemed to be on a small motorcycle, and it speeded ahead of me. I tried to jog faster to catch up. I had been kneeling on my right knee and only using my left leg to run, but now i lifted up my right knee. I was having trouble moving my right leg, though. It did not move correctly. I tried pulling my right leg forward, but it seemed unresponsive. My leg moved as if numb, but i did not feel any tingling. I forced myself to continued running to the east. $F71 was running with me, to the east of me, and he reached the sidewalk on the northern side of the street before i had reached the corner on the southern side of the street. I turned and crossed the street to the north, wondering where the cats had gone. I looked back to the southwest, noticing that a small side street ran to the southwest from the intersection. This seemed like the intersection of Paden Street and Burns Avenue. I did not remember the diagonal street to the southwest, though. I looked to the north again as i approached the corner of the street. I then saw the small cats on the bicycle pass in front of me, heading west. As they passed, a larger object to the east of me caught my attention. I turned to see a large black cat trotting down the street toward us. It paused at the edge of the intersection when it saw that i was looking at it. It was the size of a medium dog, and it had a black leather collar with a metal tag on the front. There was something interesting about having the small cats and the larger cat here together.

12019 August 10

I sat with my parents in the restaurant or cafe. It felt good to be in this place. We were in a large city. The room was rectangular, and the long wall on the northern side seemed to have lead to the outside. I could see the large red building on the street across from us. I told my parents that i knew the building. It had seemed very familiar, and i thought that i had rented a room in the building before. The building seemed to be made of pale gray stones, but the weathered surfaces of the stone were almost black. However, the building seemed to be mostly red, as though made of brick. It had a round tower near the center, and it seemed very old. It ran along the northern side of the road for most of the block. My parents were surprised that i recognized the place. I did not want to tell them that $A682 and i had stayed in a room in the building once. $F71 also seemed to be with us, and i thought that he would be upset by this information. This memory felt uncomfortable. I walked to the north, wondering if this really was the same building. A corridor ran to the east, flush with the northern wall. The northern wall of the corridor seemed to be made of plywood. I could not see the building clearly through the openings in the wall, so i walked to the east a little, heading down the corridor. I felt uneasy, but i wanted to know if it really was the same building. A wide door with a glass widow was in the northern wall near the eastern end of the corridor. I stopped at the door and looked to the northeast. I could see the eastern end of the building stretching to the east along the road. It looked like the same building i had stayed in. I focused on a darkened window on the second floor. It was the room that $A682 and i had stayed in. The memory made me feel uneasy. I turned to the east and continued down a corridor, which seemed like a temporary construction corridor with plywood walls that were painted white. I tried to figure out something about this place. It had something to do with memory.

I was in the small room of the building. The people around me were mostly from $G4. I had been chatting with them. I felt itchy along my abdomen. I pulled up my shirt and started to scratch by belly. I then realized that i had small black bugs on my abdomen. I felt annoyed, thinking that we must have run through some tall grass where the bugs had been. I thought that the fleas had gotten under my clothing. Annoyed, i walked to the north, pulling out the waistband of my underwear to see if any fleas had gotten down my pants. I could see several crawling around in my groin hair. I pulled several out, complaining about the bugs as i did. $F77 was then to the north of me. He said that he had some cream that would help get rid of the bugs. He started rubbing the white cream on my penis. This seemed strange, and i started to feel aroused by this. I did not want to be aroused at the moment, but i let him rub the cream into my skin. I felt uncomfortable, though, and i make a comment to let him know that i was uncertain about the effectiveness of the cream. He said, “Don’t worry. This will get you flying.” He was alluding to some intoxicating properties of the cream. I did not want to be intoxicated, though. I moved to the north, thinking that i should shower to get the rest of the fleas off. I was annoyed that i had gotten any on me at all.

12019 August 11

I headed to the south, into the hotel room. My parents were with me. We had been staying here, and it seemed as though we had come from the center of the city, which was to the east of us. The main street was to the south of the room that we were in. I moved around the southern side of the room, which now seemed rather large. The room seemed like a modern apartment. The inside walls were brown, and the ceiling was very high. The room was very clean and modern. I stopped to look out one of the many windows in the southern wall. I then turned back to the south as a woman came into the room. My mother started talking to her. I thought that we had company, but it actually seemed as though the woman and her family had been here before us. My mother was talking to the woman near the northern wall of the room. They were facing the wall as though looking into a doorway. The woman had short blond hair that curved outward near her ears. The room around us was very large. It was roughly rectangular, with the long way running east to west. A large white couch with low seats and arms was in the center of the room. It seemed to be facing north, toward the wooden wall. The furnishings seemed very nice. The northern wall seemed to have rooms in it. The entrance to the main room was actually behind the wall. The eastern end of the room ran farther to the north than the rest of the room. I moved into the northern section to the east to go to the front door of the room. The northern wall in the eastern section of the room was all glass. The tall clear panes were held in place by thin vertical beams that ran every few meters. They seemed to be square, with hard corners, and made of metal. My mother or the woman had said something about outside. As i crossed the room, i looked across the grassy lawn and the street at the buildings to the north. The lawn was about ten meters wide, with large trees on the northern edge, near the sidewalk. Across the street was a row of gray wooden houses, which seemed like old buildings. They were nicely kept. I noticed that the sky above the houses was dark gray, and the houses were covered with a gray haze. I thought that it was raining heavily outside. I said something about this as i approached the window. The wind seemed to be blowing heavily from the east, driving the rain almost horizontally. I could not quite tell if it was raining, though. I turned to the eastern wall, which was also all glass. I put my hand on one of the large glass panes, noticing it vibrating from the wind outside. The storm seemed quite severe. I backed away from the glass, saying something over my right shoulder to my family. I then noticed the child standing in front of the window to the south of me. The supports near me seemed like the supports in the northern wall, but the supports in the southern side of the eastern wall extended into the room farther. In the northern wall, the supports only reached a few centimeters inside the glass. In the eastern wall, wood paneling extended into the room from the supports for about a half meter. A second child rode a bicycle down the slope of the room from the south and turned to the west near me. He seemed to be in his early teens. The younger boy on the bicycle near the window was ten or younger. I realized that the boy was riding my blue bicycle. It seemed very large for him. I felt a little concerned that he was riding the bicycle, but i told myself that it did not matter. I then noticed the old black three-speed bicycle leaning against the windows between the boy and me. The southern side of the room had four or five steps running the length of the room along the southern wall. I could see my ten-speed road bicycle at the top of the stairs. I talked to the boy about the bicycle. He just nodded in response. As i walked toward the boy, i noticed a bike rack against the southern wall. It was just behind the eastern edge of the large white sofa, which was on the main floor of the room. I moved toward the bicycle rack, noticing other bicycles in it. A bright blue one was smaller. I mentioned this to the young boy. He quickly left the blue commuter bicycle and hurried to see what was in the rack. The rack extended from the southern wall as a metal pipe that curved up and down. The small blue bicycle was pushed into the eastern side of the rack, and three or four smaller bicycles were in the rack to the south of it. A larger bicycle was to the east of the rack, facing east. It seemed to be in a second rack. The boy ran up and stopped just to the east of me. I showed him the blue bicycle, which had black pedals and a black banana seat. The handlebars were arched up a little. I then pointed out the smaller pinkish-gray bicycles to the south of it. As i pulled out one of the smaller bicycles, though, i realized that they were not really bicycles. The one i pulled out had very short pedal cranks, and the thick central support bar was low to the ground. I thought that it was some kind of scooter with a pedal. I mentioned this to the boy as i looked at the slightly smaller things to the south of it. The ones to the south had narrow handlebars and were stacked very close together. I realized that they were regular scooters with handles. The boy reached for one of the scooters. I smiled at this, thinking that the younger generation referred scooters to bicycles. I then turned back to the south. The older boy had gone into a doorway in the northern wall, where the women had been talking earlier. It seemed that several people were there now. It seemed to be a stairway to the basement of the house. I moved to the doorway, hearing the people below. The northern wall of the stairway was stone, and it had several brightly colored pipes running along it. The pipes were blue and yellow. The blue one was about a deci thick. People seemed to be crowding into the doorway, so i could not see clearly down the stairwell. They were trying to do something in the basement. I moved to the west, stopping in the northwestern corner of the room. A small hatch was open, and i could see the stone wall to the west. Pipes were behind the wall, and i could see that they ran to the northern wall and then headed down and east. This was a second way to the basement. I wondered if my mother remembered that this narrow access existed. I thought that i could go down the narrow corridor to help with the pipes. I then wondered if i would be able to squeeze through the pipes just to the north of me. I noticed that the area was dirty, with cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. I looked into the hatch in the western wall and noticed that a rusty metal brace just to the north of me was only a deci or so from the pipe below it. I would not be able to squeeze through the space. I then stuck my head into the area to the north of the hatch and looked down the sloping corridor to the east. It was actually very small, with only enough room for the pipe. It was not designed for human access. I pulled my head out, feeling an itching on the top of my scalp. I must have gotten some of the cobwebs on my head. As i backed out of the hatchway, i pulled some of the cobwebs out of my hair. I then realized that my hair was long and dry. It seemed unkempt. I pulled my hand through it, surprised that i actually had hair. I wondered if i had let the hair grow on my head again. This was wrong, though, because i knew that i had just shaved my head. I pulled at the blond hair, looking at the ends as i pulled it in front of my face. I felt confused. I should not have had long hair. I moved back to the east, into the large room. I was then in the northern section on the eastern side of the room, near the entrance door. I turned around and headed back to the south. I wanted to ask my parents if my hair seemed out of place. I should not have had long hair. I pulled at the hair on the left side of my head with my left hand, feeling the tugging on my scalp. An island bar was just off the western wall of the small northern section of the room. The island reached the ceiling on the northern and southern ends, but it had a flat counter in between. The counter seemed to contain a grill. As i reached the southern side, i asked my mother, who was in the room to the southwest of me, about my hair. I moved around the room for a moment. The two men were talking to each other to the south of me. They were joking around about something. I turned my attention to them, noticing that they were rather attractive. They were facing south, so that i could not see their faces, but they had nice musculature on their backs. One seemed very muscular, and the other was thinner, but both had nice detail. They moved to the west, down the corridor that ran to the west along the northern wall from the northern side of the eastern end of the room. They stopped at the entry door to the apartment. I moved to the door with them, joking about something. It seemed that one of them had family coming to the house. The two men were trying to get ready in a hurry. They were wearing shorts but no shirts. They turned to the south, entering the bathroom that was just to the southeast of the entry door. I was aware that someone was approaching the entry door. I thought that it was the family of one of the men. I watched the men as they stopped near the southern wall of the room. The larger man stood facing the wall. He seemed to be in a shower stall. He had larger muscle, but he was not as nicely detailed as the other man. I thought that he used to be a football player. The second man, who had dark hair, was slightly shorter, and he moved a little to the east of the first man and started rubbing the first man’s shoulders. I watched them for a moment, finding the men interesting. I felt turned on by them. I then realized that i was lying on the floor with my chin in my hands. I watched the men joke around as they hurried to do something in the shower. They were both still wearing their shorts. I then realized that the family must be at the door by now. I rolled onto my left side and sat up to the north, looking at the door. A large window ran along the eastern side of the door. An old man with white hair and a light-blue shirt was looking through the glass. It was the father of one of the two men. I realized that he was able to see me lying on the floor, and i wondered if he saw me watching the men. I felt a little uneasy. I told the men that the people at the door were able to see them. They both turned around to look at the door. I moved back out into the corridor. The man with the black hair came out into the corridor and looked at the door. He did not open it though.

12019 August 12

I turned suddenly to the southeast. I had been sitting in a chair that was facing west, and i looked over my left shoulder to see $F12 walking to the east, just to the south of me. A person was standing very near me just to the south, so i lost view of $F12 as he passed me, but he stopped just to the southeast of me. Some type of structure seemed to be around me, with round white poles holding up the part over my head. A wall or pole was to the east of me. $F12 had stopped in the gap between the person in front of me and the back wall. He looked young, with dark hair, the way i remembered him in college. He had been watching me as he walked, and now he turned to me and said something. I felt strongly interested in him, and i leaned toward him to hear what he had to say. He said “I just want to tell you that...”

12019 August 13

Something was happening in the area around us, and it seemed dangerous. I was with other people in a rural area. Forested rolling hills were to the north of us. I told the others about the storms, saying that they had caused serious problems with flooding. I remembered that people had been fleeing from the lowland areas to get away from the flood waters. It seemed like a serious event, and i felt very concerned for the people that were trying to escape the area. The people with me rushed to the west, and i started floating with them, carried by the rushing water of the wide stream. I was floating quickly down the stream bed, and i started to worry that i was heading too quickly. The others were then with me on a boat as we moved. I told them of the tragedy that had happened. The speedboat that we were on then started moving again to the east, moving quickly against the current. I looked down at the rounded rocks of the shallow stream under us as we moved. We were trying to escape the deep water areas, but this area of the creek seemed too shallow for a boat to ride through. I wondered how we were moving in such shallow water. I thought that we would get stuck on the gravely bottom. I felt nervous, though, thinking that we had to keep going to stay ahead of the floodwaters. I talked about the event with the others. I pictured the map in my head as i spoke, telling them that the flood waters had washed to the northwest, across the wide valley and into the bay. I pictured the oval bay, with a rounded peninsula reaching up along the western side of the bay. The shape of the bay reminded me of Puget Sound in Washington State, but i thought that this place as more like northwest Oregon. I tried to focus on the details of the map, thinking that it was important.

12019 August 15

I had been in queue in the small room of the building. We had come into the room from the east, from the hallway. The queue ran to the northwest, where a cashier was standing behind a table. I reached the cashier and paid. We were trying to get into the college cafeteria. I had been walking with someone in the queue about the cafeteria. I gave the woman to the north of me some money, and she gave me some bills in change. I thought that the entrance was only two dollars. I then moved a little to the west. Two women were sitting in chairs just to the west of the table. They faced south. They were taking money for the cafeteria. The person in front of me in the queue paid and moved to the west. I moved toward the woman, but i felt confused. I did not understand why i would pay twice for the cafeteria. I asked the woman why we were paying twice. She seemed not to understand my question. I pointed out that we had just paid at the cashier, and i wanted to know why we were paying again here. She just stared at me, as though she did not understand the question. I started to talk to the others. I felt confused. I moved around on the western side of the area. We were now in a corridor that ran to the east between the tall college buildings. The buildings seemed like dormitories. The other person was saying something to me, and i thought that the word was special because it had two syllables but only one vowel. I pointed this out to the person. I said that “rhythm” used M as a vowel. I then said that M, N, and R could be used as vowels, and i wondered if other words in English ever used them as vowel sounds. I then thought that there was a word that ended with R right after a consonant. I talked about this with the other person. I thought about “rhythm” again, and i realized that it rhymed with “prism”. “Prism” was another word that ended with a second syllable that had no vowel. The man to the east of me and i spoke about this for a moment. I felt interested and humored in the conversation. I mentioned the word “prism” a few times, using it in phrases to emphasize how it lacked a vowel in a syllable. The man i was talking to, who was now to the west of me, mentioned wrestling. I thought about the sport, but i kept thinking of “prism” and the phrase “prism of light”. It sounded familiar.

12019 August 16

I wandered to the south along the western wall of the house. My parents were in the house with me, and i was looking at the shelfs to the west of me. My parents were somewhere to the south or southwest of me. The shelfs in the western wall seemed to be part of an open cupboard. They were set into the wall, with wooden supports running up the front edges of them. I looked ever a few things on the shelf that was at my eye level. They seemed to be glasses. I then noticed a small door in the wall behind the shelf. The door was at the southern end of the shelf. It was square, with rounded corners. The door seemed to be plastic, with rubber or some other insulation running around the edges. It was a cat door. I had never used it, but i noticed that the door was not locked. It could easily be open. I thought that it must have come open recently. A ring on the upper part of the southern side of the door lined up with a ring screw that extended from the door frame. I noticed a hook that could have been clipped through both loops. The hook was white, and i tried to put the hook end through the metal looks as i heard my parents talking to the southwest. I turned around and was on the northern side of the room. My parents were talking about the house. I thought that this house was getting old and run down. My father stood to the east of me, near the northern wall. He referred to the northern wall, saying that the basement needed to be fixed. I said that the basement was insecure and that people could get in through an old door. I remembered that the door did not quite close all the way. My father said something else about the house as my mother stood to the southwest of him. I noticed that we were in a corridor than ran along the northern side of the house. I referred to the corridor as an addition to the house. I then asked my father if he thought that this was actually an addition. He said that it was. I looked to the east and west, noticing that the corridor ran the length of the house. The walls of the corridor were old, though. They looked as run down as the rest of the house. I pointed this out to my parents. My parents were then to the west of me, in a corridor that ran along the southern side of the building. I continued to speak about the house. I moved a little to the west, looking at the thick wall that was part of the old house. We were now outside, and the cement-block wall seemed to hold up the higher part of the lawn to the north. I stepped on the wall with my right foot, noticing the blocks move a little. The wall seemed worn and unstable. I was standing on grass, and it was dark out. My parents were somewhere to the west of me, through the corridor between the block wall and the tall wall to the south. The house seemed to be to the east-northeast of me. I then heard a muffled sound to the east. I turned to the east and started walking along the northern wall. The sound seemed like a cat, but it was of a small cat or kitten. I looked at the area near the wall to the southeast of me, but i could not see anything in the dark. The kitten made a few more calls, sounding distressed. I thought that a feral kitten must have gotten caught in the bushes or in the burlap bag. I could not see either the bushes or a bag. I moved toward the sound as the kitten called out. As i neared the bushes, i found a small black and orange kitten. The fuzzy kitten was mostly black, but it had a small orange spot on its head. It started running to the southwest. I thought that i should catch it to make sure that it was safe. I did not think that i could stop it by myself, though. I called out “Help” to my parents, thinking that they would come to see what i was doing. I moved to the west, after the kitten, and i caught it.

12019 August 19

The others were running a large race, and i was helping organizers set up. We had to bring things to the other location. I spoke to the person to the north of me. People were moving around in the small space, which seemed to be a corridor. I kept thinking that i needed to get supplies to the other location of the race. The other place seemed to be to the south-southwest of us. I thought about it as i talked to the person. Someone came from the northeast, passed to the south of me, and headed to the west, down a corridor. I turned around, feeling excited by the events here. I moved to the south, finding myself in the living room of a house. The house was to the south of the street, and i had jut entered from the north. This had something to do with the place where i was supposed to bring supplies. Another person was with me, to the east of me. he seemed to be another of the helpers. I moved around, feeling that i had to get something done. I was now to the north of the house, on the southern side of the road. The road seemed to be a busy street on the outside of a suburban area. It was dark now, and few cars were passing by. I sat in the white plastic deck chair, which was on the southern side of the road. The chair was facing south. I thought that i would roll the chair to the west to get to the other area of the race. I pushed the chair to the north with my legs. The traffic had thinned out, but a car was coming from the east. I stopped in the middle of the road to wait for the car to pass. I could only see the bright lights of the car as it slowed near me. After it passed, i started pushing the chair to the west, following the northern side of the road. It was difficult pushing the chair. I started using my arms, pulling along the ground as if swimming. I was then moving to the south, on the western side of the street, which seemed like a highway. It was dark, and i was aware of the lake or flat open ground to the west of me, beyond the thick metal guardrail. I could not see the open area, but it did not seem that far away. I rolled over in my chair so that i was now sitting in the chair rather than lying on my stomach in it. I was facing northeast now. I saw three or four people in the front seat of one of the approaching cars. The driver was a young man with wavy dirty-blond hair that covered his ears. He had wide eyes as he drove, and he seemed to be gripping the steering wheel tensely. I did not pay attention to them. Instead, i noticed that i had gotten something on the fingers of my left hand. I looked at my fingers, seeing a smudge of brown on the inside tip of my middle finger. I must have touched feces on the ground. I felt annoyed. I had nothing to wipe it of on at the moment, so i held my hand in front of me so that i did not get the feces on anything else. I turned to the west, thinking that i could wipe my hand off on the grass on the side of the road. I pushed my chair toward the edge of the road and looked over my left shoulder at the grass below me. I was facing north, and i continued to push my chair to the south with my legs. Held my left hand up so that i did not get the fetes on anything else as i reached the edge of the road. I wanted to wipe my hands on the grass, but i noticed several tan turds on the grass. They must have been from the geese from the water. I wondered if i could wash my hands in the water of the lake to the west of me. I felt annoyed that i could not get the dirt off my hand, and i wondered what to do.

12019 August 20

I had entered the cafe or store through a door in the center of the southern wall. The store seemed to be in a small shopping plaza. I had been talking with others about something, and it felt good to be here. Three people were sitting around a wide oval table to the north of me. Two of them seemed to be the shopkeepers. I recognized them. The man sitting on the eastern side of the table was Martin Landau, and the woman sitting across from him, on the western side of the table was Barbara Bain. A third person was standing or sitting to the northeast of them both. I said something about the store, not sure if they knew that i knew who they were. They had been on a television show in the past. They were then talking about old television shows. Someone said that some shows should be remade, and i commented that Space 1999 would probably not be remade. Barbara had been leaning on the table with her elbows, but she sat up a little straight, as though surprised by my statement. She said that she thought that Space 1999 could be remade and asked why i thought that it could not. I did not want them to think that i was insulting their show, so i said that it was a good show, but it was not quite up to modern scientific knowledge. I pointed out that an explosion on the moon moved the moon out of the solar system. That did not make sense scientifically. I laughed about the idea, trying to point out that it was more campy that interesting. I then turned and headed back to the south, leaving the store. I kept thinking of the two actors in the store, though. I moved around in the area of the shopping plaza. A row of motel rooms was on the eastern side of the parking lot, and the shopping plaza seemed to be to the north. I had come from a room to the east, but i had to do something to the west.

12019 August 28

I had left the place and was driving to the north on the road. It was dark out, and i realized that something was wrong. I did not feel well. I was having trouble focusing. I felt drugged, and i thought that someone had done something to me. I reached the end of the road and turned to the west, onto the highway. The car skidded to the north as i turned. I tired to correct, but the car spinned around, turning counterclockwise until it was facing west again. I tensed and tried hard to focus on the road. I felt upset, but i had to focus to keep going. I focused on keeping the car on the road as i drove to the west, but i knew that i should not be driving in this condition. Something was wrong. Someone then said that this had been going on for a while. I felt scared and uncomfortable, but i tried to focus on what i was doing and overcome the delirium.

I walked to the east, down the hall of the office building, which seemed like Mudd Hall. I was following the teacher as he mentioned something. We were heading for the atrium in the center of the building, but i knew that something was wrong. The walkway that crossed the upper floors of the atrium was not there at the moment. I thought that the teacher would fall into the water that formed a pool around the base of the walkway. I felt concerned, thinking that this was a staged prank as part of the plot to the story, but i worried that the teacher could be hurt. Something felt wrong. When he reached the edge of the atrium, where the walkway would normally span the distance across the upper floors, he fell over the edge. I hurried to the east to see if i could help him. I heard him fall in the water. I knelt down and looked over the edge, seeing him sinking in the shallow pool. The lights colored the water pinkish-red. The man did not surface. He seemed to have gotten caught in a current and his legs were in a channel that led under the overhanging part of the walkway, on the northern side of the walkway. I thought that he would be sucked into the tunnel and drown. I ran back to the south, where the long hallway ran to the west out of the atrium. I called the name of the woman who ran the office that was on the southern side of the hall just to the west. We had to get help before the man drown.

12019 August 29

I felt uneasy about the animal to the west. I spoke to the man to the south of me. I seemed to be on the eastern end of Barton Hall. I had come from the south, walking along the eastern wall of the large room. $F71 seemed to be lying on the ground near me. I stopped near him, aware of the large pig on the other side of the low cement barrier, to the west of us. I had to warn $F71 of something , and i wanted to alert the pig that we were in danger. I crouched down on the ground on the eastern side of the barrier and yelled. I was making a loud noise, but i remembered that i could not easily yell when i was dreaming. I focused on making a noise so that i could alert the people near me. I yelled again, focusing on being loud.

The man was sitting on the western side of the small round table, to the northwest of me. I had come from the south, and i felt good being here. I talked to the man, telling him about something. I moved to the northeast, to the eastern side of the table. $F9 then came from the south. He had something that he told me about. I felt interested in the object, and i thanked him for bringing it to me. He walked to the northeast, passing to the east of me. I turned back to talk to the man at the table. I then turned back to the east to say something to $F11, who had brought the thing. We seemed to be in an outdoor area that was between Barton Hall and Teagle Hall. $F11 moved around to the east of me, and i turned to him to talk about the thing. As i changed the direction i was facing, $F4 was to the southwest of me. He nodded at me and walked to the east. I said something about the thing that he brought and started walking to the west to look at it. The room to the west was filled with the long glass tubes that $F4 made. The tubes were of frosted or opaque glass, and they seemed to be in the shapes of letters. I wondered what the shapes spelled as $F4 said something and moved around to the east of me. I imagined that the tubes were made of flat sheets of glass that were curled into tubes. I pictured a large flat sheet in the shape of the letter T, and i imagined the sides of the letter curling over to form the tubes. I thought that one of the words to the north of me spelled out the word “no”. I felt good, and i thought about the tubes as i turned to the east and listened to $F4.

12019 August 31

Someone said something about the two men, who were named Chris and Christopher. They were twins, but they came from different parallel dimensions. I thought about the significance of this as i put the large wooden boat into the hatchback of my car. The car was facing west on the back lawn of the house. The house was to the south of us. I tried to remember why the two men were significant as i did something in the back of the car. The other people around me in the yard started moving to the north, toward the small wooden shed at the back of the yard. They seemed upset and were carrying sticks and yard tools to defend this place. I thought that people were coming from the north of the shed to attack us. This did not seem right. I moved toward the shed with the others, noticing the gaps between the shed and the tall wooden fence that was behind it. The shed had been set into the fence, and spaces of about a meter were left between the two sections of the fence and the shed. I realized that the twins were in the shed. The men attacking were trying to attack the twins. When the men attacked, i realized that the twins would be killed. This was not right, though. The plot seemed to be different. I thought that the significance of the twins would make them survivors of the story. This did not seem to be the case. Something was very strange with this story, and i was not sure if it was right. I felt upset that it was not what i expected.