12020 August 01

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as the man drove down the country road to the west. I recognized this area. The small fields to the north of the road were open, with trees running between them. We seemed to be traveling down the hill near my parents’ house. I wondered if the man was trying to take me home. My parents no longer lived here, but the man might not have known that. I asked him were we were going. He seemed to be $Z. He hinted that we were going to my house. I told him that i did not live here anymore. I said that my parents had moved. I watched the small brown house on the northern side of the house pass. I looked ahead to the northwest, trying to see my parents’ farmhouse. The ground was covered with a thin layer of snow, and the leafs of the trees seemed to have snow on them as well. As we passed a cluster of trees, i could see the eastern side of the house. It was a long one-story building that ran along the western side of a paved driveway. The house had been built on square wooden stilts, and the ground under it sloped down to the west. As we passed, i looked at the front of the house, which seemed simple and rectangular. It looked very different from what i remembered. We passed to the west, and i walked to the north, down the corridor. I was talking to $Z about this place. We were in some kind of terminal, and we had to walk through the security or customs area. We walked north along the eastern wall of the wide passageway. I felt cautious of this place, thinking that we had to watch out for the officials here. $Z said little. We both knew that we were being watched. As we reached the center of the corridor, i noticed a picture on the northern end of the western wall. It was of the face of $A708. He was staring at us, and i realized that it was a video screen. I wondered if he was actually watching us from the screen. I knew that he would protect us from the officials here, but we could not let the officials know that we knew him. I stared at the screen, wondering how i could let him know that i had seen him on the screen. We walked past two security guards, who were in dark-gray and black uniforms, standing near the eastern wall. I continued to stare at the screen, wondering if he would help us here. I glanced at the guards as we passed them. One of the men, who was standing to the northwest of the other, had a light brown short beard. He had a pleasant face, and i thought that it was the type of racial features that were appreciated in this place. After we passed the guards, they started talking to each other. The female guard, who was leaning against the eastern wall, asked the other guard if it was really worth it to watch us. I was still standing near the guards as i watched myself and $Z walk to the north. I watched as we walked through the dark doors in the eastern end of wall at the northern end of the corridor.

I moved to the north a little. I was on the southern edge of the outdoor area, where the others were having some kind of picnic. A bright-green minivan was to the north of me, on the northern side of the area. The area was very long east to west, but seemed to be only four or five meters wide north to south. Someone moved one of the tables on the southern side of the area. I started walking to the north, but i noticed that the green van started rolling toward me. The land on the northern side of the area rose steeply for the last meter and a half, and the vehicle was rolling down it. I thought that it was rolling in response to the man moving the table. Something had slipped in the ground and the van had started rolling. I yelled out, warning others of the moving car. The van slided into the gully at the bottom of the short hill, the front bumper catching in the dirt in front of it. It came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the hill. I thought that it would now have to be towed out. I moved toward it, and i heard something shift in the ground. I started to worry that something was wrong. I moved to the east a little. I was now just to the west of the southwestern corner of the shed behind my parent’s farmhouse. The shed had a small cement sidewalk running along the western side of it, and wood beams ran on the outside of the sidewalk to hold up the overhanging roof of the shed. The ground sloped up from where i was standing to the cement. I was going to get something to the west to help get the car out, but i stopped when i heard a strange pulsed hissing noise coming from the east. I noticed that the lights on the shed dimmed. Before i could see what the source of the noise was, it stopped. I then remembered that the party lights that had been strung along the southern side of the yard had dimmed when the van rolled into the gully. I heard the sound again, but could not see the source. The sound seemed to be coming from the ground under the cement porch area. I realized that there might be underground electric wires running from the shed to the west. I reached to one of the wood posts of the shed and turned off a light switch. The sound stopped. It then returned when i turned the switch back on. An underground wire must have been broken and was shorting. I thought that the car had damaged something. I headed back to the west, calling to the others that they had to be careful near the car. I imagined that the wire ran from the shed to somewhere in the yard, and was shorting below the dirt where the van had hit.

12020 August 02

I had been in the building, where i ran into $A750. I was surprised to see here, and i started chatting with her. we were on the southern part of the western side of the room, standing between rows of chairs. The chairs seemed to be for some type of performance. As i spoke to her, i realized that this was some kind of theater event, and it seemed that it was probably that i would run in to her here at some point. The rows of seats curved from the north to the east along the southwestern corner of the room. Most of the chairs were facing the northeastern corner. Another man was in the room to the northeast of us. He seemed like $A367. I continued talking to $A750, thinking that it was good to talk to her again. I wondered why she had decided to talk to me today. We walked out of the building through the double glass doors, heading east. I stopped just outside, feeling a little awkward. I had not spoken to her in quite a while, and it seemed strange that she was so casually talking to me. It was good to see her, though. The building was very modern, with a thin flat roof that hung over the entryway by about two meters. The door was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the building, and a wall extended from the southern side of the building to the east, just to the south of it. This building seemed to be in Endicott, and i thought that i remembered it from somewhere before. We stopped near the eastern end of the wall. $A750 was going to head to the south to get to her car, and i had to head to the north. She turned to go, but made a comment that i should get in touch with her. I felt uneasy, thinking that she was the one who had refused to speak to me in the past. I asked her if she was okay with me contacting her. She stopped suddenly, pulling her left leg back a step. She had been headed to the southeast to walk around the wall to the south of us, but she turned her head to the southwest and glanced over her shoulder at me. She seemed uneasy. I thought that she might have suddenly remembered about her decision not to talk to me. She then said that she had not expected it, but she said that i could come over. I did not understand the statement. I thought that she had misheard what i had said and thought that i wanted to come to her house. I knew that she lived to the west, on Main Street. I felt awkward as i turned to the north to head to my car. I had not expected to visit $A750. My car was parked along the eastern side of the building, facing west. I got in to the car and put my things on the passenger’s seat. I went to start the car when i realized that the passenger’s door was open. I did not remember opening the passenger’s door of the car. I then thought that i had had it open earlier, and i worried that i had left it open. I worried that someone might have been in my car. I was now in the passenger’s seat of the car, and i looked at the glove compartment in front of me. Several books and things were in the glove compartment, but the compartment was open. I remembered that i had a second glove compartment under the first. I moved my knees and looked below the open door of the upper compartment. The lower compartment was open and empty. I felt upset. I then noticed that a compartment in the center of the front dashboard was also open and empty. Someone had been in my car and had taken things. I moved to the southern side of the car, trying to think of what i should do. I pushed closed the driver’s door. I did not think that there was anything that i could do now. My things had already been taken. I then thought that i should not just leave. I thought that i should call the police to report the crime. I knew that they could fingerprint the door of the car, but i knew that they would probably not try to find out who had broken into the car. They would also not be as interested if i told them that i had left the passenger’s door of the car open. I started to the north to get my cell phone, but i then remembered that my phone had been in my car. I was upset again, and i was not sure what to do. The building extended to the south of me now, and several other people were to the southwest of me in the parking lot, which now seemed to extend along the northern side of the building. I walked around the front of my car, which was now facing southwest in the lot, and i asked a man if he could call the police. He was wearing a dark-purple and blue shirt. The shirt had vertical ribs and seemed like a costume. As the man turned around to look at me, i realized that he was $A367. He must have been here for a play. The man to the west of him was another actor, and they were in costume for a performance in the northern wing of the building, which was to the west of us. $A367 knew me, so i thought that he would call the police for me. However, he contemplated the idea for a moment and then said no, turning back to the west. I felt dejected. I was not sure what i could do. I thought about asking one of the other actors to call the police for me. I then thought that i would not be able to call $A750 and tell her why i did not show up at her house. I thought that she would be upset, and i would not have a way to tell her why i was not there.

12020 August 04

The other person drove to the east, on the highway that ran along the southern side of the city. We were talking about something, and i was looking to the north, at the skyline. The buildings of the city seemed to be a little way from us, as though i were looking at them from across a body of water. I then noticed the tall narrow tower that rose above all other buildings. It was the Freedom Tower. I felt annoyed seeing it. It was a tall narrow building, and it about ten times taller than all of the other buildings around it. A tall antenna projected from its roof into the sky. I said something about the tower to the other person as the car followed the road in a curve to the north. We were passing to the west of the tower now. I felt uneasy about the building as i watched it to the east of me. I felt negative toward it. I then noticed how the tall building faded into the clouds near the center of the structure. It was so tall that it seemed to vanish into the sky. As we started to pass the building, i focused on the top of the building, which was now a lot closer to us. I could see that the top of the building was very narrow. It seemed no more than ten meters square in cross section. This was because it was so tall that the structure had to be narrow on top. As we drove past, i was much closer to the building. I could see into a small office, which was no more than four or five meters square. It was on the western side of the building, and seemed to take up most of the floor that it was on. I thought that the elevator must be to the east of the office. Each floor could only have one office. I moved toward the building, and then i was inside, in a corridor to the east of the office. I stood still, but i could feel the building sway under me. I felt nervous being this high in the building. I spoke to the other person, who was to the south of me, near the southern wall of the corridor. The short corridor ran to the north. The office seemed to be to the west, but a rectangular empty room was to the northeast of me. The corridor turned to the east from the northern end and ran about three meters before ending. The opening to the room was in the northern wall of the eastern side of the corridor. The northern wall of the room was composed of windows. I could see only bluish-white sky outside the windows. I thought that it must be a great view for this height. Something seemed out of place here, though. I was not comfortable being here. Others were not gathering on the floor of the building. I still felt the building sway under me. I turned to the south. The man who was with me was now standing in the doorway in the southern wall. An opening on the eastern end of the southern end of the corridor led into a small cubical chamber with dark walls. A pill-shaped door was in the southern wall of the chamber. It looked like a heavy metal bulkhead door with a round wheel latch. The man had opened the door and was standing in the doorway. the door led outside the building. I worried that the height of the building was too great to be outside. I moved to the door as the man talked. He was then outside of the building, standing on a metal shelf, which had radiating ridges along it. I felt nervous being here. There were no railings around the shelf, and i thought that the man might fall off the tower. Even though i felt uncomfortable here, something about the tower seemed attractive. This place seemed like a desirable place to be. The interior was nicely decorated in a modern art-deco style. I stood just outside the door, crouching down on my right knee to support myself against the swaying.

I had just left the event, which seemed to be a concert to the southeast, and i was going back to my car to leave. Very few cars were in the small lot around me. I stood in an open parking lot, which was to the east of a small parking garage. The garage was made of thin metal beams with white cement layers between them. The floor of the garage sloped down to the north. I said something to the man who was to the northwest of me. I was aware of cars moving through the garage. I thought that i had to leave this place. I knew that a drive ran from the lot that i was in to the west, passing under the southern edge of the parking structure. The structure seemed to be two or three stories, with one story under the ground, but only one story ran above the drive. I thought about heading out the southern drive, but i drove my car in an arc to the north and then west, heading into an opening at the lower level of the northern end of the garage. a solid wall seemed to block off the northern end of the garage. The drive that i was following seemed to curve down into the lower level of the parking structure, and it seemed to be I drove to the west, ending on parallel roads that ran north to south. The roads to the north seemed to cross a bridge. I headed north, thinking that i was crossing through a customs area. I stopped in the middle of the roadway. A customs agent on the eastern side of the road would have to check my car. I talked with the man for a moment, but i realized that my door was open on the eastern side of the car. I told the man that i did not want my cat to get out. I looked down at the ground to the east of the car. $X25 was sitting on the ground between my car and the cement barrier on the eastern side of the roadway. I quickly bent over and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. I pulled him to me, hoping that he was safe. I was standing in a cement corridor, and the man was to the southwest of me. The corridor ran to the east, but a doorway to the northwest of me led into a stairwell. The metal stairs ran up the western side of the well, ascending to the north. I held $X25 tight in my arms and walked up the stairs. I felt worried about the cat.

12020 August 05

I moved from the northwest into the center of the room. A woman was on the western side of the room, telling me things. I had been doing something with a computer in the room. I could not see the computer, but i could see the screen to the east of me. I replied to the woman as i worked on the screen. The screen showed two sections to the file system. One was labeled “CUinfo1S0d1”, and the other “CUinfo1S0d2”. I was supposed to copy both of the sections to the machine here. When i looked at the list of files on the black screen, though, i could see the main section of the disk at the top, followed by a long list of files. This seemed strange. I turned to the east to answer a question that the woman had asked. I looked back at the screen, wondering if i entered the names incorrectly. I thought that i should not have put an asterisk after the names of the two main sections. this would tell the computer to copy the two folders and then copy each of the files within the section. It would create duplicates of all files. I only had to copy the two sections, which would have copied the files with it. I thought about this as i looked back at the list of files on the screen. I had something to do to the southeast of me, but i kept thinking about the files.

12020 August 07

I started moving to the southwest, across the quadrangle on the southern side of the college campus. It was hard to move my feet, because the ground seemed icy. A man was walking to the southeast of me. He had started walking in the same direction i was going. Both of us had to get to the western side of the quadrangle. A woman was walking with the man, and she seemed to be to the south of the man. I moved my left foot forward, feeling something thin pushing against my left shin. I was walking in shallow water, and the top layer of ice was pushing against me. I told the man that the hidden layer of ice in the water was difficult to walk on. I continued walking slowly, taking each step carefully. I could feel the slippery layer of ice at the bottom of the water. We had to make it to the western end of he area. I told the man that the bridge was up the hill to the southwest. Behind the buildings on the western side of the quadrangle, a steep hill rose about ten meters. I knew that the road to Collegetown ran north to south along the top of the hill. The bridge was to the south on the road, just past the level of the southern end of the quadrangle. I knew that we would not be able to climb directly up the hill to the bridge, though. The hill was much too steep. We would have to climb somewhere to the northwest of us, but i continued to head to the west. I told the man that we would have to backtrack to the northwest to get up to the road at the hill. I felt interested in the man i was talking to. Something about him seemed familiar and comforting. As we reached the western side of the flat open field, i saw the bottom of a set of stairs. The stairs ascended to the north, along the slope of the hill. I had not expected to run into them. I thought that we would have to walk to the north on the western side of the buildings to find a shallow section of hill to climb. I turned to the north and started climbing up the steps, which were simple stone blocks set into the side of he hill. The steps were uneven, though. I thought that whatever had happened to the quadrangle had affected the steps, pushing the blocks out of position. I focused on stepping on the blocks, careful to keep my balance. The stones seemed icy. The man was climbing to the west of me, and he slipped a few steps from the bottom, stumbling forward. He caught his balance and stood upright again. I then looked to the west, noticing a small round area at the top of the hill, which was not at the same level as we were. The slate paving stones formed a round area on the ground, to the east of the road. A short stone wall ran along the top of the hill, on the eastern side of the road. The continued around both sides of the circular area, but it had gaps in it as it west around the area. The diameter of the circular area was about four meters. I remembered the stone area, and i tried to point it out to the man, saying that it was the way that we could get to the road and to the bridge. The wall formed square columns that were equally spaced around the circle. The stones of the columns seemed to be very new and sharp, but the wall to the north and south of the area seemed older. The top of the columns seemed to be capped with a thick square flagstone. I stared at one of the columns across the circle form us, noticing a layer of something orange near the top. I trued to point out the openings in the stone wall to the man, but he was distracted by something to the east of us. He was standing to the northeast of me, facing east. I headed to the west, toward the road. Old storefronts seemed to be along the western side of the road. I started doing something here, and i was talking to someone.

I stood on the road in the college area. I was near the northern end of the road, and the northern end of a city block was just to the west of me. The block had storefronts along the western side of the street that i was on. Someone was standing to the west of me, in the doorway of the northernmost store. We were talking about something. I was looking to the north. The road continued about ten meters past the end of the block. It then turned to north-northeast, running unevenly up a shallow hill. Another short road ran to the west from the corner. Directly to the north was a large stone house. The land to the north had several large houses on well-manicured lawns. I thought that these were houses of fraternities and sororities. I then saw the cat to the northeast of me, trotting from a house and into the street. It stopped and licked its paws as it unfolded a small odd pair of triangular wings from its back. The long fur of the cat was mostly white, and it made the cat look round. The fur was gray on the back and face of the cat. I thought that the wings were really part of the cat’s ears, and i joked that it was a bat cat. This sounded strange. I then realized that two women had come out of the house to the north of us and were heading toward the street. They were tall thin sorority women. The man in the doorway was still standing to the west of me, and i pointed out the “bat cat”, which was now trotting toward us. I then realized that i probably should not have used the term “bat cat”. I thought that the women might be worried about an animal that we referred to as a bat. They stopped to the north of us, not sure what to do. I crouched down a little as the cat approached. I could see the dark wings folded against its back. I explained to the women that the cat really had an extra set of ears right behind his normal ears. These ears could be opened up, and when they were, they looked like small wings. I saw the cat’s ears loosen, as if they would open up, but they did not. The cat seemed very strange.

12020 August 08

I walked to the south, along the eastern side of the field. I had been with my family in the large open area to the northeast, but we were heading to the south now. My parents and my grandmother had been walking with me, but i was now walking several meters ahead of them. I felt good, and i wanted to fly. I spread out my arms and rose from the ground. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the feeling of flight. I thought that my mother would worry about me flying, but i wanted to fly, so i did. I could feel myself rising, and i thought that i was probably rising quite high off the ground. I had to make sure that i could control my descent. I felt a little uneasy about being too high, so i focused on holding my position. I adjusted my arms, pushing them out to my sides and a little back. I could feel my feet tipping forward. I started to feel myself falling, so i adjusted my arms again to slow the fall. I moved my arms in front of me, holding them up and forming a loop with my palms down. I could feel that i had stopped moving in the air. I then swinged back and swooped to the northwest. I felt the falling and rising sensations. I thought that it would look nice to people watching. I swooped several more times, changing my direction so that i was swooping in tight loops around a central position. I then put my arms down and behind me, tipping my feet to the south as i faced south. I felt myself slowly falling, and i focused on my hands, which were open and facing down behind me. I had to keep my hands down to slow the descent. It felt hard to control the descent like this, and i was straining to focus as i reached the ground. I landed on the grassy field and headed to the southwest, toward the plain cement building that was along the western side of the area. I stopped just to the east of the building, thinking that i had to get my things ready. I was supposed to go on a trip, and i had to get my things together. I was then inside the building, on the western side. I had entered through a doorway in the southern end of the western wall. A corridor ran to the north and east from the door, and my room was to the northeast of me. This place seemed like a camp, and i was returning to my room after an event for the day. Someone to the west of me mentioned that the camp session was now over, but i still had to get ready for the trip. I then wondered if i had actually signed up for the event tomorrow. I felt as though i had to get ready for it, but i had forgotten about it. I worried that i was not prepared for the trip. I headed to the northeast, passing through the doorway of my room, which was in the northern wall of the southern hallway. The metal door opened into the western end of the room, and i saw a man to the east of me as i entered. He was familiar, and he seemed like $A799 or $A683. He had just tipped his mattress up against the southern wall of the room. He was moving his things around to get them ready. He looked at me as he pushed the eastern end of the mattress against the wall, and he talked about getting ready. I worried that i did not have things for the trip. I had forgotten about it, and i though that i did not bring a sleeping bag for the overnight stay of the trip. I felt concerned as i walked to the northeastern corner of the room and started moving things around. I knew that $F10 had been staying in the room with me, on the northwestern side of the room. I felt upset and wondered what i should do. I felt unprepared. I then pushed open the metal door in the northern end of the eastern wall and stepped outside. I was now on the western sidewalk of a street in a small town. I worried about what i should pack as i saw people walking north and south down the center of the street. I then saw $F10 walking with several other people from the north. He was holding hands with other people as they danced in a line down the side of the street, weaving in and out of others on the street. Part of the sidewalk was set into the building to the north of me, and the dancers weaved in and out of the space as they approached. $F10 smiled at me as he approached. He said something about the camp-over. I felt upset, and i wanted to talk to him, but he passed to the south with the others. I did not know what to do, so i headed back through the doorway and into my room.

12020 August 11

I stood on the northern side of the wide room of the modern house. This house seemed to belong to $K3, but it was not her regular place. We were visiting her here. $K3 stood to the southwest of me on the southern side of the room, and my mother stood to the southeast. The room seemed mostly white, with long objects of dark gray. The room seemed to be only around five meters wide north to south, but it was very wide east to west. I had said something about this place, thinking that they had brought things here from their other place. I then looked up to the west and northwest of me, noticing the large number of plants handing in plastic baskets from the ceiling. The northern side of the room seemed to have a lower ceiling than the center of the room. The ceiling rose about a meter from the lower ceiling and stopped at a set of windows, which ran the length of room to the west. The windows slanted up to the south slightly. The plants were ganging from the southern edge of the lower part of the ceiling. I said that i liked the plants. There were so many in this area, and it seemed very nice. I talked with someone about this. I moved a little to the east. A crunching noise then came from over my head. I now seemed to be in a rectangular room that was empty of furnishings. It had a wooden floor and high ceiling, and i was on the western side. The room was longer north to south, and the northern wall seemed to be mostly windows. The eastern wall was a solid cinder-block wall that had been painted white. I looked up at the flat cement ceiling. Thin I-beams seemed to cross the ceiling, and most of the ceiling looked rusted and worn. Someone said that the ceiling was breaking, and i felt tense. We had to get out of the building. I moved quickly to the north, heading toward the northwestern corner of the room. It seemed silly that the ceiling would be unsafe, but we moved anyway. I then stopped and looked back to the west. I could see the room that we were in through a large multipane window of large panes with thin metal supports. The person to the south of me said that nothing was going to happen, but i felt that this was not true. I looked into the room that we had been in, which now seemed like a dance studio. A narrow section of the ceiling broke and fell down. The section was about a meter wide and about five meters long. The northern end of the section fell down first, and the southern end, near the southern wall, was pulled down after it. On top of the section was a set of wooden shelfs with boxes of office supplies on them. They must have been from the mail room upstairs. I said that the room had collapsed and that it seemed dangerous. I turned to the north. $A786 was standing to the north of me, and i told her that we had to be careful of the room. It still seemed dangerous. We now seemed to be in the room. The rectangular are was to the east of us, but we were in a rectangular area that extended to the west from the southern end of the dance area. I said that something had happened to weaken the structure, and i felt cautious of the building. I told the others that the structure of the building had been compromised. I then looked to the east, A rectangular pit in the floor had tall pillars in it, and the pillars started tumbling toward the center of the pit. The collapse of the building was happening to the area under us. It had collapsed to the east, and the collapse must have traveled under us to the lower area to the west. We had to get out of the building. I remembered the columns from before. They seemed to be in an area that was a car-repair garage, but they also seemed like the plants that i remembered being brought here from somewhere. I said something to $A786 as we moved to the north, leaving the building through the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I was now to the south of the old cement building, standing in a run-down parking lot. It was night, but the lot was well lighted from the southeast of me. Cars were parked along the southern side of the building, facing north. The building seemed to have a domed room that arced from south to north. The others were leaving the area, and i had to get to my car to leave. I started walking to the western side of the building, remembering that i had parked facing north along the chain-link fence that ran west from the northwestern corner of the building. When i rounded the corner of the building, i could see that the lot to the west of the building was empty. Through the chain-link fence, i could see the narrow street than ran along the northern side of the building. An old brick factory building seemed to be across the street from us. I felt uneasy, realizing that my car was not actually here. I had parked it somewhere else. I felt upset, thinking that i had to walk to my car. It did not feel safe for me to walk the streets now. I wondered what i should do. I felt worried.

12020 August 12

I entered the room from the northeast, entering through a doorway in the northern wall. A square table was in the center of the northern side of the room. $A644 was standing on the western end of the northern side of the table, doing something on the surface of the table. She was facing south. I stopped just north of the eastern end of the northern side of the table, looking at the white paper plates that were on the table. The plates had a glossy surface and rounded rims. Names were written in blue ink along the southeastern rims of the plates. I looked at them for a moment, realizing that the names were of people in my office. I did not see my name, though. I walked around the eastern side of the table, and i pointed out to $A644 that there was no plate with my name. $F66 was leaning against a counter that ran over some cabinets on the southern wall. $A644 seemed a little annoyed that i had pointed out that my name was not on a plate, and she handed me a plate with my name on it. I took the plate and felt bad that i had seemed impatient or self-concerned. $A644 then said that i could start getting some food. I stood to the south of the table, holding the plate tipped up near my chest, with my hands near the bottom sides. I did not want to take any food before the others were ready, so i stayed in the middle of the room. I was aware of $F66 standing to the southeast of me, still leaning against the counter. I thought that they were serving cake for something. I did not want to take any food until the others had come, so i stood where i was, waiting for others. I then started looking to the northwest at something near the floor. I was not paying attention to the table, but i was aware of a large rectangular thing on the western end of the table. The object seemed like a small mattress with rows and columns of short cylinders supporting it. The cylinders seemed like springs, and the entire thing was brightly colored with various primary colors. It seemed that someone was cutting up the eastern end of the object so that one column was in each square slice. This seemed interesting but strange. I tried to figure out what i was experiencing.

12020 August 13

I walked to the northwest, crossing into the quadrangle from the eastern side. Old college stone buildings were on the eastern and northern sides of the quadrangle. My mother seemed to be following me from the southeast. I felt anxious here, thinking that i had to get back to my college classes. I was concerned that i had been missing one of my classes. I thought that i had not been attending the philosophy or English class. I remembered that it was on a specific day, but i had simply never attended. I remembered this problem from before. I felt upset that i had not been attending my classes, but i knew that it was too late now, even though it seemed like the beginning of a semester. I stopped in front of the buildings. I was now in the center of the northern edge of the quadrangle. The old academic buildings were to the north of me. I had to go into one of the buildings, and i was looking at the strange shapes of the doors. I stepped to the west, thinking that the academic buildings had fancy designs so that each department could look distinct. I was looking for the physics department. I passed the southwestern corner of the building and looked to the north, down a wide street. The street ended only ten meters or so to the north. I could see the old stone buildings on all sides of the street, and they all seemed to have rounded fancy shapes to their doors. I remembered liking the designs of the doors here. A door to the northeast of me, on the eastern side of the street, was very wide, with a flat edge on the southern side and a semicircular edge on the northern side. I had just passed a door with a rounded shape, and i thought that it might be the door of the department i was looking for. I turned around to the east, noticing the large brown wooden door in the stone building. The door was directly to the east of me now, in a section of the building that stuck out from the rest of the building. I said something to my mother as i pulled open the door, which pivoted from the southern edge. As i walked into the narrow hallway, i recognized the building. We were in a very small room that was to the south of the main building, and a stairwell was just to the north of us. The green or blue metal stairs and railings of the stairwell were exposed to the entryway that we were in, and openings on the eastern and western sides of the stairs led into rooms of the buildings. I remembered this building from when i was in classes, but i realized that we were in the wrong building. I told my mother that this was the wrong building, adding that it was the philosophy department and not the physics department. This building seemed very tall and narrow. I headed to the northwest, into the white room that opened to the east. I felt awkward, stopping in the middle of the southern side of the room. My mother asked me a question, and i answered, telling her about the building and the department as i looked at the things on the small white table to the north of me. The table seemed to be made of a hard plastic or enamel, and it had several things on it that looked like children’s toys. I looked at the objects as i spoke. My mother was to the west of me. I did not want to be in this place. A woman to the east of us then said something. She was sitting behind a desk that was in the northeastern corner of the room. I thought that she was the receptionist for the department. She seemed to have met us before, and she said something about meeting the people in Germany. I felt annoyed that she had recognized me, and i said nothing. My mother replied. I looked down at the objects on the table. The woman described the last time that we had met, talking about how she had met the woman in Germany. I realized that she had met a female relative of ours in Germany. She had realized this the last time that she had met us. I remembered the story of my relative meeting someone that the woman had met. I wondered how the woman had known that we also knew the woman from Germany. It seemed very strange that the connection would have been mentioned. I felt uneasy here, and i wanted to leave.

12020 August 14

The woman to the west of me said something. I started to reply as i moved a little to the north. The woman and i had been standing at the southern corners of a square table, but i was starting to walk along the eastern side. I stopped before i took the first step, though, realizing that i could not remember what i was supposed to say. We were doing a play, and i did not remember the line. The woman was holding her script book in her right hand. I stopped in the middle of the first word i was saying, and i said that i forgot my script. I then confirmed whether i was supposed to be moving to the north as i said the line. I realized that it was not relevant to my line or my lack of script. I felt upset that i did not have my things. I told the others that i would have to get my script, feeling bad for not being prepared. I then thought that i had never had my script with me. I felt that i should have done more to memorize my lines by now. $A623 was standing to the northwest of the woman to the west of me. She seemed surprised that i was looking through my things. I was now crouching down in the room to the south, looking through a small bag that was on the floor to the north of me. The bag was oval and made of white cloth. It looked like a compact. I knew that i did not have my script with me, but i continued to search through the small bag so that the others did not think that i had simply not bothered to be prepared. I felt upset that i did not have my things with me. I told the others that i would have to get my script. I felt flustered as i stood up, mentioning that i knew that the Shakespeare play that i was in was canceled. I wondered if i was supposed to be at the other play, though. It seemed that another play was happening at the moment, and i was supposed to be there rather than here. I moved around in the room, which had cream-white walls to the north and west. I then headed to the west, leaving the area where the others were rehearsing. I moved through the hall of the building, trying to remember what plays i was supposed to be doing at the moment. A man then passed to the south of me, on the southern side of the hallway. I said hello to him. He was one of the other actors, and i remembered that his name was Dylan. I felt very interested in him, but i did not stop to talk to him. I was aware of where he was as he passed me, though. He turned to look at me, and he seemed interested in talking to me as well. I then noticed a table full of things to the west of me. The hallway ended, but the southern wall was open to a hallway that continued to the west. The round tan table was in the northwestern corner of northern hallway. I heard the man talking to someone to the east of me as i looked at the objects on the table. The table was covered with a mound of objects, which seemed to be discarded props from old plays. I thought about the play that i should have been at in the other theater. I then noticed the rounded object. It was shaped like a shoe wedge, but it was hollow metal with bladed holes like a grater. I thought that it would be good for something, and i picked it up, thinking that i would take it with me. I knew that it was part of a food processor, though, and i wondered if the container for the grater was on the table. I looked around, but i did not see it. I heard the man talking to someone to the east of me, and i kept aware of where he was. I still felt very interested in talking to him. I walked around to the western side of the table, which was not to the west of a wall. I seemed to be in a large atrium with a very high ceiling. The corridor had ended just to the south of me. I saw a tan transparent plastic bowl with a domed lid. I thought that this was the bowl for the grater, so i picked it up. The man was still talking to the east of me. The wall to the west of me was now formed of curved material that looked like carved wood. The curves were dark and formed round hooks and S-shaped spirals. I climbed up into one of the loops and started floating up the wall. The man was now near me, and he was saying something. I moved up the wall easily, partly floating and partly climbing. A man was to the west of me as i reached a ledge. I felt suddenly aware of how high off the ground i was, and i grabbed on to a narrow wall that separated the end of a corridor to the south and a small nook to the north. I slided my buttocks into the nook and pushed myself back from the ledge a little. The man who had been to the west of me was now to the northwest of me. He seemed to be standing in the middle of the air. The other man came from the east down the corridor. Something seemed wrong with the other man, who said something and then scuffed his right foot on the ground in front of him, pushing the ground to the west. The floor of the corridor was actually a large thin sheet of wood, and it slided to the west a little. I had been sitting on the wood, and it was sloping down toward the edge. I felt the wood move, and i tried to grab on to the wall to the south of me, but there was nothing to grab on to. The ground under me felt slippery, and i became afraid of sliding over the edge. I said something to the other man, but he stamped his foot on the ground again, sliding the wood farther to the west. I was not sure what i could do, and i felt afraid. I tried to back to the east, but i could not seem to move. The first man was standing near the edge of the wood to the southwest of me. He seemed to be trying to reason with the other man, but the other man was being cruel to us.

12020 August 15

I had come from the room with my bags. Something was happening, and i felt that we had to do something drastic to get out of this place. I felt uncomfortable. The other person was standing to the west of me, and i said something to him. I felt nervous. I remembered packing my small blue duffel bag with my clothing, and i was now holding it in my hand. I said something to the man to the west of me, thinking that i had to hide my bag before the others came. I tossed my bag to the south, into the bushes on the side of the street. I was now standing on Tower Road, and the western end of Mudd Hall was to the south of me. The bag went over the bushes and fell down the steep slope that went down to the base of the building. I felt a little annoyed that i had thrown it too for. I said something to the other person, feeling cautious of what was happening to the northwest. I then moved to the west, talking to someone about what was happening. We were supposed to leave the hotel, and people were coming out of the building to the north and northwest of us. They were running into the streets and then running to the east. I felt uneasy here, and i had to get to somewhere that was out of this place. I walked across the center of the intersection with the other person, heading west. A car was then coming from the east, and i felt cautious of the others approaching this area. I started down the sidewalk on the western side of the road to the south, which seemed to be Garden Avenue. People were still coming from the west, and the person i had been with stayed in the street to the north of me. I had to leave him to do something. I felt cautious of the car from the east, though. I moved to the western side of a tall square structure that was on the edge of the road, hiding myself from view of the car. I was then standing to the south of the structure, in the structure’s shadow. I could see that the car had started to turn to the south but had stopped. I stayed still, hoping that the car would not bother me. My view of the car seemed to be obscured by something over my head, but i stayed still. The car then continued to the south, and i headed back to the east, crossing the street. I had to get my bag. A small mound rose to the south of the sidewalk on the southern side of Tower Road. The pine bushes grow on the top of it. They seemed to be to the west of the main entrance of the building. I moved to the bushes, but i could not see my bag. Another man moved to the bushes just to the east of me. He reached into the bushes and pulled out something small. I remembered that he had thrown a small case of cannabis into the bushes to hide it from the police. He seemed like someone that i knew. I smiled at him, and he nodded back at me as he took his case and held it in front of him. I leaned over the bushes to see a drop-off. A cement wall was just on the other side of the bushes, separating the hill from the side of the building. The bottom of the ditch was about five meters below me. I could see my blue bag sitting on an old set of glass tiles. The four or six foggy glass tiles were held in place by thick cement braces, forming two rows of windows running to the west of a lower entrance to the building. A sidewalk ran to the entrance from the east. I told the other person to the east of me that i would have to take the stairs down to the entrance to get my bag. I knew that the stairs descended just to the east of me, heading down to the lower level near the center of the building, which was to the east of me. I started up the stairs, which ascended near the building. At the end of the flight of wide cement steps, i grabbed on to the horizontal metal bars, which seemed to form some kind of ladder. I did not think of this structure as a ladder, but i knew that i would have to climb down it to the next set of stairs. The other man continued to the east. I looked at the metal rungs of the wide ladder as i descended the rack. As i reached the ground, i was aware that the side rails of the rack seemed curved so that the straight horizontal bars were not directly under each other. This seemed strange. I then wondered why they would have such a ladder near the building. It did not seem safe for people to use on a regular basis. I looked to the west, down the opening between the building to the south and the tall cement wall to the north. I started heading west, but i realized that it seemed very strange that the stairs had not descended from the upper level as i had thought that they would. They ascended to the east toward the ladder. I had seen them descend to this lower level when i was near the bushes. I reached a flight of shallow steps that descended a meter or so to the west of me. The doorway to the building was at the bottom of the steps, but my bag was farther to the west. I started down the steps, but then realized that a narrow platform ran level from the center of the steps, extending to the west, over the sidewalk at the entrance to the door. The plank had a metal hand railing running down the center of it. I thought that i was probably not allowed to walk to the west, because i would be walking on the class tiles that formed the ceiling window of a room. I had to get my bag, though. I hoped that no one would see me from the building as i started down the steps. I felt nervous. I noticed a half door in a doorway in the western wall, just across from the lowest step. Some maintenance people seemed to be walking around in the small room behind the door. I would have to sneak past them to get to the bag. As i reached the bottom of the step, i realized that too many people were in the maintenance area for me to sneak past. They would see me, and they might step me from leaving the area. I decided that i would have to ask them how i could get my bag. I turned to the east. A man was sitting behind a small counter in the center of the stairs. I told him that i had dropped my bag and asked if i could go get it. He said something to me, and i was aware of another man walking to the west to get my bag. The man on the stairs continued to talk to me, and i listen, trying to be polite. The second man, who seemed to be wearing olive-green overalls, walked to the west of us and headed east. I felt anxious and wanted to get my things, but the man on the stairs kept talking. He seemed to be accusing me of something. He said something that i did not quite hear, so i asked him what he had said. He said something about “tie-dye”. I still did not understand, but i realized that he was accusing me of having something that was tie-dyed. I told him that i had nothing tie-dyed. I then turned my attention to the man to the east. He was coming back to the top of the stairs. He said something about a tie-dyed object as well, and i could see that he was holding a brightly colored handbag in his right hand. He held the bag in front of him as he leaned slightly forward toward me. The handbag had a flat bottom and a rounded top, with two thin handles that looped from the ends of the bag. The left side of the bag was bright yellow on the top, with a darker color on the bottom. The handles on that side seemed to be yellow as well, but they turned to red by the time they reached the right side of the bag. The handles had sparkling metal studs or reflective fake gems along the handle. A patch on the right side of the bag was purple, and the bottom was a dark color. I did not understand what the man was doing with the bag, but i wondered if he was referring to it as tie-dyed. I asked the man for my bag, and he motioned the multicolored handbag toward me, repeating the words he had said before. I told him that it was not my bag. I said that my bag was blue. I then noticed that he was holding my bag near in a cardboard box near his right hip. I pointed to the bag, saying it was my bag. The man pulled the bag to his front, but he seemed reluctant to give it to me. I felt annoyed with him, thinking that he wanted to search through the bag for things that he liked. I asked him for the bag, but he moved quickly to the south, trying to move around the corner at the top of the stairs. I followed him, moving to the top of the stairs so that i could stand directly to the north of him. He pulled his hand out of my bag, and something curved fell to the ground. We both saw it fall. I felt annoyed, and i bent down to get it. The man wanted to know what was in my bag. I told him that my clothes were in it. I knew that i could name the contents of the bag, thinking that the man was trying to bully me by not giving me back my bag right away. I picked up the curved object, realizing that it was the ear piece to a pair of glasses. I told the man that my glasses were in my bag, but i then held up the broken ear brace and told him that they were now broken. He seemed offended, and he backed away again. I felt angry with him, and i asked him to give me my bag back. He did not seem to want to.

12020 August 16

I was lying on the ground with my head to the north. I had been sleeping here for a while, and someone was lying to the west of me. We seemed to be on a lawn between some large houses. I was lying on my right side, facing west, and i rolled back to the east a little. The dark blue blanket that was over me pulled on my skin, and i was aware that i only had the blanket over me. I then realized that the ground under me was bumpy. It was comfortable enough to sleep on, but i realized that the blanket would not be enough to keep me warm as the night went on. I thought that the coldness of the ground would make me cold. The other person, who seemed to be $A153, was in a sleeping bag with a folded rug underneath. I remembered that i had blankets in the back of my car, and i thought that i should get them. My car seemed to be parked on one of the streets to the east-southeast of us. I rolled over and started to get up. I said that i was going to get some blankets. I looked up at the large gothic house to the southwest of us. It had a tall square tower with a rounded cap. I then noticed the large spider web in front of the tower. It seemed to be hanging in the air. It seemed to have a perfect circle in the middle, with the letter R in the middle of it. The web then spiraled out. I looked down at the blanket that i had taken off and then back up at the web. The letter in the center now seemed to be an F. $A153 was now sitting up, and he had his phone held up in front of him. I looked at the screen of the phone, noticing the silver lines of the spider web. I had wanted to take a picture of the web as well, and i mentioned this to him. I pulled my phone out of my left pocket and pointed it up at the web. I could no longer see the web, though. All i could see was the round spot in the center of the web. I realized that the sun, which now seemed to be high in the southwestern sky, must have changed position enough that the light was no longer shining off the silk of the web at the right angle. I felt annoyed that i could not get the picture.

As i walked down the hallway to the east, i looked through the large pane of glass in the southern wall. I could see into a large room, which looked like a gym. Kyle Dake was standing near the southern wall of the room, which did not seem exactly parallel to the window that i was looking through. He was facing south, and he had his shoulders hunched as if disappointed. The other men in the gym walked past him, without saying anything to him. I thought that Kyle had gotten kicked off the team for something. I felt bad for him, and i wondered if he was okay. I continued to the east, watching him stand near the southern wall of the room as other men in sports clothing used the lifting equipment along the southern wall of the white room. I turned to the south into the lavatory, still thinking about the man who had gotten kicked off of the team. I pushed open the door, and it swinged to the west. I stooped as soon as i got into the room. This place seemed too complicated to be a lavatory. I could see a doorway to the southwest of me, in a diagonal wall. Through the doorway, i could see a dirty-white dog lying on its back in the middle of a room. The room had light-colored carpeting, and i thought that it was the bathroom. The toilet stalls seemed to be on the southern wall of the room. The dog had thick heavy fur and a thin body. I wondered if the dog was okay. It was not moving, and it was in a strange position, with its right front paw in the air, its left front paw up and bent, and its back legs splayed out to the southeast of it. I felt uncomfortable here, not sure that this was the correct place. I looked to the southwest, through a doorway in the eastern wall. I could see into a small bedroom. The bed extended from the southern wall and had clothing folded on the northern end of it. I felt that i was intruding on this room. It did not seem like a public bathroom. Someone then entered the room behind me. The person said something, and others started coming into the room. I looked around, trying to figure out what this place was. I then noticed that the dog had moved, and i was relieved that it was not dead. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that this was someone’s room. I headed back to the west, down the hall. The white hall turned to the northwest ahead of me, and i could see Mario Lopez standing just past the corner, facing the white wall to the southwest. He stood with his shoulders hunched. He was still upset that he had been kicked off the team. As i approached, i felt sad for him, and i slowed down, wondering if i should say something. I did not know him well, so i felt uncomfortable trying to talk to him. He wore a lime-green button-up shirt. As i passed, i put my left hand on his left shoulder and squeezed his shoulder a little, telling him that i was sorry to hear about the team. He did not turn around, and i continued to the northwest. I was then aware that other members of the team were moving around in the area. They had come to talk to Mario. They seemed to be trying to cheer him up. I walked to the room to the west.

I walked through the doorway in the southern wall of the room and looked to the east. This was my room, but the room had changed. The southern wall to the west of the door had shelfs of items on them that did not appear to be mine. This seemed very strange. I looked over the dark-gray items. A man was then standing to the east of me. He said that he had put his things in the room, and he seemed to imply that i should leave the room. I ignored him and look at the things on the shelfs. The walls of the room were off white, and the shelfs were the same color, but the stereo equipment and other items on the shelfs all seemed to be dark gray. The man sneered at me as he leaned toward me. I ignored him. I then noticed a couple bottles of wine on the eastern end of the middle shelf on the southern wall. They were lying on their sides in a wooden rack. Someone to the south of me had pointed out the bottles. The man thought that he was special because he had brought alcohol into the dormitory room, but i was not impressed. The man to the south seemed interested in the bottle on the eastern end of the rack. The wine was bright red, and i thought that it was low-quality wine. The man who was trying to take over the room seemed satisfied that he had impressed someone with his wine. I looked at the things along the eastern wall of the room. I was surprised to see that the things there also belonged to the man. I could hear other people coming into the room, and i thought that my things would still be on the western side of the room, but i did not turn around to look at them. I started to wander to the north. The man moved toward me again, and he told me that i would have to leave the room. I thought that he was trying to take over the room, but i was not going to pay attention to him. I walked to the western end of the northern wall. The wall ended about halfway across the room. The western half of the room had a northern wall that was farther to the north, and it extended to the east, forming a corridor between it and the northern wall of the eastern half of the room. I looked to the east, down the long corridor to the white door at the end. The door was on a diagonal wall, facing northeast, and it had a multipane window at the top. It seemed to have a push-bar latch across the center of it. I usually entered the room through that door, because i worked in a building just to the northeast of here. It was an easy way to come back into the room, and i thought that i would still use it, even if the man pushed me out of the room. I turned to the west, seeing the large door in the center of the western wall. The door had a fancy doorframe, and it seemed to be the front door of the building. I thought that i could also enter through that door. I was annoyed that the man was trying to push me out of my room, but i was not concerned. I would simply continue doing what i was doing and ignore him.

12020 August 18

I carried the wide thin boxes in from the car. The car was to the northeast of us, and i was heading into the area with the others. They had helped carry some of the things. We were taking things out of the car and putting them into the area. I had already taken several loads of things in from the car, and i had started putting them away, thinking that we would keep them in storage here. As i held the wide boxes, which were shaped like pizza boxes, ready to put them on the trunk of the large car, which was to the north of me, the others were suddenly around me, saying what we should do with the things that i had brought in. The large dark-purple car was to the north of me, facing north, and i was putting things on the surface of the rear trunk. The others moved to the car and stated rearranging the things on the trunk before i could put the boxes down, though. Someone to the west picked up something and said where he thought it should go. I was annoyed. They had put several things on the trunk of the car where i was going to put the boxes. I could not put the boxes down now. I was annoyed that the others were now saying what we should do with the items we were taking out of the car. I had planned where to put most of them, and i thought that we could keep several her. I held the boxes over the trunk, not sure where to put them now that other things had been tossed on the trunk. I backed to the south and looked around the room. People were gathered in several locations. I felt out of place here. I headed to the west, stepping into a doorway in the center of the wall. Six or seven people were gathered in the room, sitting around a table. I thought that i knew some of them. A man on the southwestern corner of the table seemed like $A550. They looked at me as i stopped in the doorway, and i felt uncomfortable. I did not quite fit in with their group. I looked around the room as if looking for someone. I was not sure what to do. I was actually looking for a place to put the things, but i did not want them thinking that i was just wandering around the house. I wanted to do something in this party, but i felt uncomfortable with the people here. I did not really know them well, and i felt uncomfortable jumping into their conversations. I backed out of the room and headed to the south. I came into a large room, which seemed to be part of a store. I had brought some of the things from the car into this room. A set of shelfs stood in the middle of the northern section of the room. I had put a bunch of pamphlets on the shelfs to keep them here. I looked at them. I then turned to the north, noticing the large bags that were on the floor. The bags looked like synthetic-burlap grain bags. They stood about a meter and a half tall, with stitched tops. $A190 was then in the doorway to the north of me. He asked me about the pamphlets. I felt annoyed, thinking that he wanted to move them somewhere else. I told him that i had put the pamphlets on the shelfs. I felt angry that the people kept trying to rearrange everything. I then bumped one of the tall bags, and it fell over, knocking over several of the other bags like dominos. The bag on southern end of the line hit the shelfs and knocked them over. I felt very upset. The pamphlets were now all over the floor. I would have to clean them up.

12020 August 20

I had returned to work in this place, and i was just coming back into the office. This place seemed like $G6. I came into the room from the east, and i stopped on the eastern side of a round table that was in the southeastern section of the room. I felt uncomfortable here, not quite sure what to do. Others were in the room, sitting at other tables around the area. I put some notebooks and files on the table in front of me, taking them out of my backpack and arranging them. I was not quite sure what i was doing here, and i did not think that i was accomplishing things here. I was just moving things. It seemed that no one had told me what i was supposed to do, so i was just doing things to keep me occupied. $A41 was standing to the southwest of me in a dark-green shirt. He asked me to get the recipe for “Dark Side of the Moon”. I remembered the drink. I had ordered it at a small restaurant with $A750. I thought that $A41 probably did not know that i was familiar with the drink. I thought about the small white sheet of paper that i had the recipe written on. It would be easier to get that he probably thought. He turned and headed to the southwest, pausing in a doorway in the center of the southern wall to talk to someone else. The other man was $A119, and they both walked to the south, into the other room. I could hear them talking about the recipe as they walked into the other room. $A119 said that he thought the drink had peach in it. I remembered the recipe. I decided that i should tell them what i remembered. I stood up and walked into the room. They had no idea that i was familiar with the recipe. I stopped in the doorway and told them that i remembered the recipe having vodka, peach schnapps, and something else. I added that it was sprinkled with cocoa powder. I started to turn to go away when i remembered that the drink was milk based, so i turned and told them that it had milk. I walked back to the northeast, to my desk. I wondered again what i should be doing here. Stood at the eastern side of the table, putting things back into my backpack. I had to go somewhere to do something.

12020 August 22

I was in the car, on the right side, in the front seat. I was looking down at the clear-plastic cup that was in my left hand. It had remnants of a vanilla milkshake in it. I was trying to sip some of the shake out through the red straw, but i was not able to suck any up. $A750 was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, and i knew that the shake belonged to her. I wondered why i was drinking it. I thought that she must not have wanted the rest of it. It seemed strange that i was drinking her drink, though. I also wondered why i could not taste any milkshake when i tried to suck it up through the straw. I seemed to be driving the car, but i could not see the road. All i could see what the cup in my hand near my lap. I then looked up. We were now parked in the driveway of my grandmother’s house. The house was just to the west of us. $A750 said something as she got out of the car. I started gathering some of the things that i had on my side of the car. I wondered why i had to bring all of these things out of the car. I looked at the small clear-plastic cup that was in my left hand. It was my water cup, but a thin layer of vanilla milkshake was floating on top of it. I must have poured some of the milkshake into my glass. That must have been why i was having trouble sipping up the milkshake through the straw. I was aware that $A750 had gotten out of the passenger’s side of the car, to the east of me, and walked to the south. She was now standing on the steps of the front porch of the house. The porch was to the south of the house, and the steps descended to the east. She was waiting for me. I was bending over to take things out of the front seat of the car. I tired to balance the two cups in my hands as i stacked a few other things on top of them. I had both my cup with the water and milkshake and the original cup with the milkshake. I also had some small plastic-wrapped items. As i stood up, i realized that some of $A750’s keys were on the top of the steering column of the car. I turned to $A750 to see her waiting on the stairs. I thought that she wanted the keys. I turned back to the north and put the cups and small things on top of the car. I then bent over into the car to get the keys that i had used to start the car. The steering column seemed white, with a faint purple tint. The steering wheel seemed to be around the column, and it was pale pink. The keys were on a ring with a clip, and the large clip seemed to be attached to a metal bar set into the top of the steering column. The clip was red. I grabbed the set of keys on top of the steering column, noticing a third set just to the right of them. I asked $A750 if she needed these keys. She said that i should leave them in the car. I left the larger set of keys in the car, but turned to take her the other set that i had in my hand.

12020 August 24

The female Indian doctor sat to the east of me, on the other side of the desk in the small office. She had chin-length wavy hair, and she seemed very stern. She told me that i would not be able to study anymore. I felt annoyed that she would say this. I still wanted to study things, and i felt hurt that i might have to stop. She wore a white laboratory coat over a pale-green button-up shirt. I looked around the room as she spoke further. I was not interested in listening to what she said, but i still worried that she was right. I noticed the white metal ceiling along the top of the eastern wall. The metal looked like porcelain-coated metal, and it had pill-shaped slits in it that ran in a row along the wall. The long axis of the hole ran perpendicular to the wall, making the row of holes look like some kind of ventilation opening. The wall to the west seemed to be in a similar metal, but it had no holes or features. The doctor then told me that i should take up women’s sports instead. This seemed like a way for her to punish me. It seemed strange that she would suggest women’s sports. I was a man and would not be allowed to participate in women’s sports. I felt very annoyed. I moved a little, and i was then in the waiting room outside the office. The office seemed to be to the southeast of me. Rows of chairs were set up facing the counter that ran along the eastern wall. A woman stood behind the counter, and i had been talking to her. I felt annoyed with the way she was treating me. She then looked down at the paperwork in her hands, and she read out the name of someone that i was supposed to have in my paperwork. I recognized the name, but she seemed to have gotten it wrong. He said $F17’s first name, but she used $A682’s last name. I thought that $A682 must still be listed in some of my old paperwork. I was not sure how she got $F71’s first name, though. I knew that he was not in my paperwork. I felt uncomfortable having $A682’s name listed, though. The women then acted as though she recognized the last part of the name. She wrinkled her brow as she stared at the paper. She then leaned to the south and asked the man next to her if the name on the paper was related to him. I was surprised to see that the man to the south was $A682. He must have started working in this place. He seemed older than i remembered, and his hair was very thin on top. The woman seemed dismissive of me, and i thought that she had canceled the appointment i had made to get further help from the doctors. The doctor would not want to help me, and the woman seemed to have canceled the appointment because they did not think that they should waste their time on my concerns. I felt very upset, but i was also uncomfortable having $A682 here. He looked at the paper as the woman showed it to him. He then looked up and scanned the waiting room. He smiled and waved when he spotted me. I waved back. I felt nervous here and was not sure what to do. $A682 continued to sit at the counter, glancing around at the people in the waiting room as he smiled contently. I continued to wait. I would wait until they gave me an appointment. I started to move around the room. It seemed that i had been waiting in the room for a long time. I finally left and headed to the north. I felt angry, and i poured the white rubbery ribbons onto the ground. I would be forming them into a car, though the car seemed less than two meters long at the moment. I crouched down and pulled the sides of the ribbons together, trying to form the shape of the car. This seemed like a silly thing to do, but i thought that it was something that i should do here. I then moved to the northwest. I still felt tense and angry with the medical staff. I was now in a suburban area, which seemed to be to the west of the main city. A rock cliff ran along the western side of the suburb, and the land sloped gently toward it. The brown rock cliffs seemed to be about thirty or fourty meters tall, and the houses ran right to the base of the cliffs. Some of the houses were also embedded in the side of the cliff. The houses in this area seemed tightly packed, and the dull colors of the ones in the cliff seemed like cubes with windows. To the northwest, i noticed that a flat shelf of rock extended out from the top of the cliff, extending about fifty meters over the neighborhood houses. Several white and off-white houses were built on the underside of the hanging ledge. Something about this area seemed special but strange. I had been walking on a street that headed west, but it ended on another street. I now stood near the northeast corner of the intersection, looking around at the endless blocks of houses that filled the landscape around me. I looked up, noticing that sections of the cliff also extended over my head. I could see blocks of houses over me as well, merging with some of the cubical structures in the cliff wall and forming a uniform pattern of blocks that ran from the neighborhood where i was standing, up the cliff, and arcing over my head. The scene was fascinating. I looked to the east. The land had a low rise near me, but i could see the city in the hazy wide valley beyond. The entire landscape seemed to be covered with blocks of houses, which reminded me of a crowded foreign city. I then noticed the hazy gray sky to the east, seeing faint patters of houses circling around the rounded openings that i was looking through. The houses were everywhere. This place seemed surreal and amazing. I wanted to take a picture of the houses in the haze, thinking that it was a very nice shot, but i did not have my phone with me. I felt annoyed that i did not have my cell phone. I had left it in the office.

I had been waiting in the doctor’s office, but i felt very annoyed. My car was to the north of the office, in a small paved parking lot between the other wooden buildings. The doctor’s office seemed like a house that had been converted into an office. I was in my car, moving to the south down the narrow driveway that ran along the eastern side of the doctor’s office. I looked down the narrow alley as i drove, feeling very frustrated. I stopped at the street, but focused on the pale-green house across the street. It had a grassy lawn in front of it. I was supposed to turn east on the street, but i drove straight. I wanted to run my car into the house. I wondered if hitting the curb would slow the speed of my car too much. I speeded across the sidewalk and started across the lawn, but the lawn seemed too soft, and my car started to slow. My can then came to a stop in the grass, a few meters from the house. Angry, i packed my car up, thinking that i was probably tearing up the grass. I backed across the lawn and backed to the west. I then started driving east. I thought that i would have to get away from the house before the people realized that i had destroyed their lawn. I wondered how i could get away. I thought that my car must be splattered with mud. I wondered if i could wipe the mud off somewhere before i continued on. That would make it harder for people to identify my car. I turned sharply to the south, around a corner. I made several more sharp turns, moving quickly through the area. I was heading to the west when i came into the cave. I drove the car along the southern side of the cave, stopping just to the southeast of the waterfall. The water poured out of an opening high in the western cave wall and fell down a pillar of rocks. The rock pillar was a formation in the middle of the room, just to the north of me. The waterfall seemed to be falling down the western side of the pillar, but the rounded blocks of rock were wet and slick. The rocks had indented areas on the sides that looked like they could be used for foot holds. Four or five indents formed a vertical link on the western edge of the southern side of the rock. Similar indents seemed to be on the western side of the pillar. The western side of the block ran straight down, but the eastern side sloped more gradually, making several steps onto lower and lower blocks of rock. I stood near my car, looking at the rocks. They were oscillating slowly side to side an up and down. The water falling on the top of the rocks must have been producing the oscillation. Something about these rocks was special in this place. I thought that i could wash the mud off of my car here. I then turned to the south and crossed the small paved parking lot, which seemed crowded between buildings. I was dark out now, and i was standing at the southern end of the lot, doing something near my car. People were moving around in the middle of the lot, under a large light. The groups of people seemed to be arguing about something, and they confronted each other. I felt uneasy here, thinking that the quarrel would attract the attention of the police, and i did not want to be here when the police arrived. I left, heading to the northeast, across the lot. A bus stop was on the eastern side of the northern edge of the lot, and the people had come to the bus stop. The quarrel had attracted everyone’s attention, though. I headed down an alley to the east, trying to get away. Cars were turning into the eastern end of the alley and passing me. As i approached the eastern end, i realized that the cars might not be able to see me. The street at the end of the alley seemed to run from the northwest to the southeast. A car appeared around the corner, turning from the northwest. It entered the alley, and i moved to the northern wall to get out of its way. I felt hesitant to continue, knowing that cars were coming into the alley. I tried to move east, but felt unsure. I stopped in the middle of the alley. The house to the south of me seemed like my grandmother’s house. I almost reached the road when a large black car, which seemed like a seventies American car, turned into the alley from the northwest. I put out my hand, pushing against the front bumper of the car to keep it from turning into me. I continued to the east, down the street, thinking that i would stay somewhere around here. I was now driving swiftly down the street. I knew this place from long ago. It had been a long time since i had been back here. I turned quickly to the south, down a short street. I remembered these short buildings, but they all seemed to have changed since i had last been here. The street was only about ten meters long, and i knew that i would have to turn to the west and head south and southwest to get to the cottage area. This place felt old. I stopped at the end of the street, looking to the west at the turn that would take me along the western side of the lake. I would stay in this area, though. A hotel was directly across the street from the intersection. It was a tall white wooden building in a row of other similar buildings. The buildings to the west of it seemed to be storefronts. I headed into the hotel, thinking that i would stay here for the night. I walked south across the narrow lobby, which seemed to be a sitting area. The room was white and not that spacious. Furnishings seemed to be on the eastern and western walls, and an elevator and stairwell was to the south. I looked across the eastern wall as i walked to the south. The woodwork near the top of the wall was darkly stained, and this place seemed very nice. I knew that it had been refinished since i had been here years ago. I thought that i would get a room here for the night. I knew that i did not have reservations, but i hoped that rooms were available. I looked again along the eastern wall of the lobby. I thought that $F71 would be traveling to this place, following me. He would not be here until later, though. I wondered if i would have a room for him. I turned to the west, where the room opened up into another room to the west. The registration desk was to the north of me, against the wall between the two rooms. I told the people that i would like a reservation. An Indian couple was sitting behind the wooden counter: the woman was on the west and the man was to the east. They were young, and i thought that they had just started managing the hotel. I looked at the woman’s face as she spoke to me. It seemed strange and distorted. Her mottled skin had blotches of white, and her features were eroded, as though she had been badly burned. I stared at her as i spoke, asking what was the latest time that i could get a reservation for the evening. I added that a friend of mine might be coming to stay with me. I wondered if it would seem strange that i was waiting for a friend of mine. I was uncomfortable, and i looked around the room to the west and northwest of me. Several people were sitting in chairs and sofas around the edges of the room. A low wooden table was to the north of me, on the eastern side of the northern end of the room. It had some kind of game set up on it. Others were playing a game in chairs to the northwest. The room seemed old and familiar, like an old memory from somewhere i had often been. I remembered that this hotel had many hidden passageways. A square shaft seemed to be in the northwestern corner of the room. It seemed to be an elevator shaft, but i could see down it to the room below, where people were sitting in a small square of cushioned chairs. I wondered where the secret passages were. A young girl then ascended through a small opening in the floor near the northern wall, to the northeast of me. I had seen her pass on the floor below. I was amazed and fascinated by this place.

12020 August 25

I turned to the north to see the man dump fuel on the carpet near the northern wall of the small room. I thought that he was going to start a fire, but i was not sure why he would. It seemed like a bad idea to start a fire in such a small area. I knew that he was only trying to do something in the room, like remove a stain from the carpet. The fuel might remove the stain, but the fire would destroy part of the carpet. I backed to the southeast to get out of the way. I could not see the man, but i could see his arm as he dumped a white powder on the carpet, on top of the fuel. This incident seemed very strange. The white powder seemed to be a different kind of fuel. I was wary of what they were doing, and i did not want to stay here. I thought that the fire would char the carpet and leave a stain of black soot.

12020 August 26

I was in the car with the other man. He was diving the small convertible car, which seemed to be red. We were heading east, but we had stopped to the north of the small house. We continued talking as we sat in the car. The man seemed wealthy, and it was nice to talk to him. We talked for a while, and i thought that he was interested in me. I thought that he might want to date me, but i could not let him think that we were dating. I was with someone else. I then thought about $F71, who seemed to be to the northeast of us somewhere. I liked talking to the man, but i thought that i should get back to $F71. I enjoyed talking to the man, though. I told the man that i had to leave, and i headed to the south, into the house. I felt that i had planned to go to the movies with the others, so i had to get my things together. I moved south in the house. My family was also in the house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house. I headed to the east, entering the kitchen. My mother was walking to the south, across the center of the room. My grandmother passed her just to the southeast of me. She was heading north. I stepped into the room, suddenly thinking that it was strange that my grandmother was here. I was surprised to see her. I stared at my grandmother as she continued to the north. She wore a rosy-purple jacket over a matching dress. She seemed dressed up for something. Her brown hair was short and straight. I hesitantly said hello to her, but she must not have heard. She continued walking slowly to the north. I wondered if i was imagining here her. She had died, so she should not be here, but this was her kitchen, so maybe she had a strong presence here. I said something to my mother about it. A short woman then walked past me, heading north. She had straight black hair that flowed with the curve of her head. I thought that she was $A795. I called her name, but she did not respond. $K21 was standing to the north of me. She had come from the northwest. She looked at the short woman who was still walking to the north, and she turned to me and told me that it was not $A795. She said that it was another relative of ours, and added that she does look like $A795. I wandered to the south, thinking that i still had to get ready. I bent over near the southern wall, wondering where my shoes were. I headed back to the north, stopping at the doorway to the house, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall of a small living room. The living room seemed to be just to the north of the room that i had been in. The wealthy man was still at the door. He seemed to be waiting for me. I felt awkward, not sure what to say to him. I had told him that i needed to do something, but i wondered if he felt bad that i was getting ready to go somewhere with some other people. I felt frustrated, not sure what i should say to him. We were now standing inside a small entryway, which was a small room to the north of the living room. I turned and started toward the doorway to the living room. The man stood on the eastern side of the entryway, looking at me. One of my relatives was near the door, to the north of the man. The man said that i looked very nice in my clothes. I had changed my clothes since i had been talking to him. I was now wearing a blue wool sweater with black flecks and a nice pair of pants. I was not sure what to say to the man. I felt bad that he was so interested in me when i was not as interested in him. I headed back to the south, thinking that i had to find the shoes that i had been looking for. I thought that we would be rushing to get to the cinema. I moved back and forth in the house. I then headed to the south, down the white corridor. I was now in an outdoor area, which seemed like a small plaza. It was dark out, but the moon seemed high in the southeastern sky. I felt odd here. I entered the northeastern section of the plaza, but i felt out of place here. I thought that i had done something to the northeast, and it changed the way i existed in this plaza. I moved to the south, heading a little to the southwest. I wondered if i had shifted out of my own time as well. A house was to the southwest of me, at the edge of the plaza. It was open on the north, showing the wooden beams of the two floors. I teleported into the first floor of the house. The northern side of the room was open, with polished wood floors. The ceiling seemed to go all the way up to the sloping roof. To the south of me, i could see the thick beams that supported the second floor. The second floor seemed like a platform here. Others were gathered here. They had been preparing for something. I teleported to the second level of the room, noticing the people lying on the floor in small groups of around ten. They were lying in triangular shaped patterns. I thought that they were trying to gather energy to teleport to another place and time. I looked down at a group of people who were on the floor to the south of me. A triangle of three people was pointing west, and others were lying around the side of the triangle in different positions. This seemed silly, and i felt superior to them, because i could teleport without having to gather energy in such a way. I thought that they should just gather energy directly from the environment rather than trying to form human antennae. I told the people that they were in a bad position to gather energy. I widened my stance and crouched a little, telling them that they had to keep their feet on the ground to properly teleport. I thought i was a better teleporter, because i could naturally gather energy. I walked back to the north. I then thought that these people might be gathering energy to this area, and some of the energy i was gathering naturally might have been from what they gathered. This might have been why it was easy for me to teleport here. I was tapping in to their energy. I thought about this as i walked to the northeast.

12020 August 27

I was sitting at the desk, facing north, taking the test. I had been here for a while doing this. The test was a science test, and the room around me was dark. I looked at the typed questions on the front of the small booklet. They seemed rather complex. They asked about numbers that related to the objects that i had. I looked at the plastic case that was on the counter just to the northeast of me. It was made of clear-plastic, and it was taller than in was deep. I pulled the case toward me and pushed on the upper part, which swinged backward to open. The rocks inside were in small compartments, but it seemed as though the container had been shaken, and the rocks were not in quite the correct location. I felt annoyed by this. I was not sure how to get the correct number for the rocks if they were not in the proper partition of the container. I felt stressed, not sure what i should be doing to continue with the test. I then noticed the pill-shaped sticks in the container. They were about three centimeters long and about five millimeters wide. They looked like they were made of wood. I noticed that the first section on the left of the container, where some of the sticks were located, had a label under it that said “chorded wood”. I took a stick from the second section. I was supposed to identify the types of wood that were in each container. I remembered that we could rub the wood and smell the scent it gave off. That was one way to identify the type of wood. I remembered that, if there was no smell, the wood would be considered elm. I stopped rubbing the stick and held it to my nose with my right hand. It smelled like pine, so this section of wood must be the pine section. $A96 was standing behind me, to the south of me. As he approached, he asked about the test. I pointed to the clear plastic tray of rocks that i had on the counter and told him that they were not organized. I now seemed to be facing south, and he seemed to be to the north of me. I was trying to do things on the test paper to complete the questions. I looked at one of the small rocks that was below my face, between the test and me. I had moved the rack toward me to look at it. I noticed that the dark stone with a pale green and green surface had a small yellow number on it. I realized that all of the rocks must be numbered, so it would not really matter where in the bin they were. I was facing north again, sitting to the south of the desk. $A96 returned to the desk, standing to the southwest of me, and asked me about section C of the test. I told him that i was currently doing section C. I then realized that i had not noticed that the test was in numbered sections, and i told him that i did not realized that the pamphlets were in order. He sighed disapprovingly and showed me the covers of the different pamphlets, which had been sitting on the desk to the west of where i was working. I looked over the pale cover for something that identified the pamphlet as having a sequence. I then noticed a box near the bottom of the cover that had a large letter in it. The off-white cover had a pale-pink box with a white letter C in it. I stared at the box, but i realized that the letter in the middle kept fading in and out. I suddenly realized that i was still wearing polarized glasses, and i thought that the letter must be part of a polarized display. I moved my head back and forth, noticing the letter disappear and reappear. I looked at several different pamphlets, saying that i was having trouble seeing the letters because of my glasses. I picked up another pamphlet as he walked away. This one was different than the rest. The cover was darker, and the rounded square at the bottom was pale green with a dark green letter D in it. I opened the pamphlet for section D. It had instructions for baking a cake. I decided to start this section of the test. I took the large glass mixing bowl from the east of me and opened some of the plastic bags of ingredients. I poured the dark crumbled pieces into the bowl. This did not seem correct, though. The recipe said that i should put the ingredients in the bowl, but these crumbles seemed like bacon pieces, and that did not seem correct for a cake. I thought that the bags must be for something later. I picked up the bowl and scraped out the small pieces, putting them into a smaller glass measuring cup until i needed them. I thought that the grease that they left in the large mixing bowl would add a nice flavor to the cake, though.

12020 August 29

I was with my parents in the outdoor area, which seemed to be on the northern side of Paden Street. We were on the northwestern corner of the Paden and Burns intersection. I had to get some things together and head to the west. The others were moving around near the intersection, and a group of people seemed to head to the northeast, crossing Burns Avenue to head north on the eastern sidewalk. I started to the west, down the northern sidewalk of Paden Street. I felt secretive here, thinking that the others near me did not know who i was. I had to sneak to the east, down the street. I was wearing a dark trench coat with a wide-brimmed black hat. Some of the others headed to the east, down the street. I leaned to the south, watching them for a moment. I felt mischievous. Thick trees lined the northern side of the street, and i had my hand on one just to the east of me as i leaned through the line to look down the street. I felt the strong wind blowing from the east now, and it caught the underside of my hat. I quickly grabbed my hat, aware that the others were watching me. I tipped the hat to the west so that the wind would catch more of the brim. This allowed me to float down the side of the street. I thought that this would look interesting to the others. I tipped my head back up and put my feet on the ground. I was about ten meters from where i had been. I then tipped my head forward again and started flying down the street. This would be a good way to get down the street. The street was then a long corridor, and i was heading for the large room at the end. I stopped before i reached the room, thinking that i was really out of place here. I was not quite sure how i had come to be in a house. I felt confused, but i remembered this scene from before. I started walking to the east, down the hall. As i passed a doorway in the northern wall, i glanced in. The room was a large bathroom, and two men were standing in front of a counter on the northern wall. Two sinks seemed to be in the counter, and each man seemed to be standing in front of one of the sinks. They seemed to be brushing their teeth. I felt odd here and continued to the east. I did not understand how i had appeared in the house, but i knew that it was part of the story. I realized that the room at the eastern end of the hall was just a small bedroom. I would not be able to go anywhere here. I stood for a moment in front of the doorway of the darkened room to the east of me. I was not quite sure what i should do. I was intruding in the house, and i thought that i should get out. I decided to head to the west. The large room to the west seemed to have a door in the southern wall that would lead outside. I had to get out of the house before i was noticed. I stared back down the hall, quickly passing the bathroom. I felt upset that i was here. As i reached the western end of the hall, which ended on the southern side of the large room with the high ceiling, the man in the room noticed me. I stopped, unsure what i should do. I was still had the toothbrush in my mouth, and i removed it with my right hand, as though i had been brushing my teeth. I looked around confused. I had to let the man know that i was uncertain where i was or why i was here. As the man approached me, i asked in a soft voice where i was. The rest of the family was in the large room behind him. I felt uncomfortable and distraught. I knew that i was supposed to act this way for the scene, but i felt as though i was living the scene. The man came to me and tried to comfort me. He was $A754, but he also seemed like $A221. The family stood near me as the man took my left hand and started leading me to the northeast. We came from a large building that was to the south of the eastern end of Paden Street. The building seemed like part of a school. It had a wide cement area to the north of the eastern end of the building, and the glass wall of the front of the building faced northeast. The man led me across the cement and into the street. I had to head back to my grandmother’s house, which was to the northeast of me. I spoke to the man, referring to him as “Mike”. He held my hand as he walked me to the northeast. I felt very comforted.

I headed to the south on the eastern end of the room. I had been staying in this place again, but i knew that i had to leave to get somewhere. I felt agitated, thinking that i was going to be late. I felt rushed. As i moved around, i knew that it would take me three hours to drive home, but i had to do something here first. I moved around the small room. $A239 was with me in the room. It seemed strange that i was living with him again. I had to take a shower, and i looked for my towel and shirt. I felt stressed. I knew that i had a towel in my blue duffel bag, which was in the room to the east. The others talked in the small common room as i headed into the small bathroom to the east. A white counter ran along the northern wall. I looked for my things, but i could not see them. I thought that my yellow towel should have been on the counter, but it was not there. I looked around, wondering where i had left my towel. A man was standing in the doorway in the western wall. He seemed like a senator, and i thought that i should act more attentive while he was here, but i had to find my towel so that i could take a shower and leave. I thought that i must have left my towel in my bag, and i decided that i would just use the old towel that i had in the shower. I moved around the room in frustration, wondering where the towels were.

12020 August 30

I was in the car as the other person drove down the highway to the west. We had been with the large group of people, which seemed like $G3 or $G4, and we had left the group to travel back to a place where the people would be regrouping. The driver of the car was to the south of me, and he seemed like $A749. The highway ran through an urban area on a narrow elevated cement roadway. We then turned sharply to the north, following a tightly curving ramp down toward a small parking lot, which seemed abandoned. The ramp had short cement walls on the sides, and it ended a little below us, facing east. Branches of a large tree stuck out over the road way, and i realized that the blunt ends of the sticks were pointing toward us. I ducked out of the way of a few. However, as we reached the ground, i noticed that many of the branches had ends that were pointing toward the ramp. They had all been cut so that the ends pointed toward anyone coming down the ramp. There seemed to be some significance to this, and i pointed it out to $A749. I thought that the large trunk of the tree was to the north of us, but, even as we continued to the east from the bottom of the ramp, the branches seemed to continue to point to us. The tree seemed to have wide branches, and the large green leafs above seemed like those of a cigar tree. An old cement building was to the north of the small parking lot. It had a thick horizontal band across it, which seemed to be an architectural detail. The building seemed like something from the sixties, but it now seemed dingy and worn. Weeds seemed to be coming up here and there in the parking lot. The car turned to the south and then sharply to the east, heading down the lane that ran under the overpass that we had been on. Rusty steel I-beams held up the cement structure. We moved quickly for the ten or so meters we were under the overpass, but we had to stop suddenly as we reached an intersection. We were in the northern lane of the road, and we were waiting to turn to the north. The stop had seemed abrupt, as though we had not been aware of an intersection here. I remembered this place from before, but it had changed slightly. The northernmost lane had been open before, but orange construction barrels now blocked it off. We had do drive around the barrels before we could get back into the lane, just before the turn. I noticed that the rounded cement corner of the sidewalk to the north of us had pointy metal poles sticking up at its outside perimeter. They were not here before either. $A749 turned the car to the north and started up the street. We had to get back to where the others were gathered. I stopped in the middle of the room. Others from $G4 were now gathered here and there in the room. I talked with several of them, but i felt uncertain. We were waiting to leave this place as a group, but i knew that some of the others had not yet returned. I looked around the room, not sure what i should do. I knew that we had to carpool back to the other location from here, but we needed to gather everyone together. I had come here with $A749, so i thought that i would have to go back in his car. I could not see him in the room, though. I hoped that he was still here. I thought that it would be awkward to go back in another car. I then wondered where $F71 was. I had not seen him in the crowd, and i wondered if he was still out on trail. I wandered around the small room. The room seemed to be in the southwestern corner of the building, with an opening to the north and another to the east. I had come in through the north. Another room was to the north of the one that i was in, and it seemed to stretch farther to the east. I knew that a small square entryway was to the east of the room to the north. People were sitting in leather cushioned chairs and couches around the room where i was. I glanced around at them. I then followed some others to the east, but came out in the room to the north. A small stage was set into the northern wall of the room to the north. The stage was in the center of the northern wall, which was to the northeast of where i was standing, which was in the doorway to the southern room. A person was speaking from the center of the stage, and she referred to a picture of another woman, which was on the western side of the stage. The picture was of a dark-skinned woman with very short hair and a round face. I knew that she was a comedian. The woman who was lecturing referred to the comedian, talking about her show. I remembered the comedian from somewhere else. I listened to the show for a moment, but i was anxious to head back to the other place. I felt impatient waiting for others to show up, and i did not know how i would be getting back to the other place. A small group of people was then moving to the northeast, toward the exit to the room. I walked after them, coming into a small square room with off-white walls. A wide mantle and hearth was on the southern wall, but it seemed tipped a little so that the eastern end was a little more to the north than the western end. I stopped in front of the fireplace as some of the other $G4 walked past me from the west, turning and heading toward the exit door to the north. The exit door was at the end of a short wide corridor that ran north. $A384 and $A288 stopped just to the northwest of me as they waited for someone else to move to the north. Others were stopped in the northern opening of the room, so people had to wait for a moment. $A384 and $A288 were talking about something the old building that we were in. It seemed to be a club or old hotel. One mentioned buying the place, and they discussed it for a moment. I backed up, bumping into the low mantle of the fireplace. I quickly reached behind me to grab a wide candle and something else before it fell over. Part of she shelf had slided forward, and i pushed it back into place. $A384 and $A288 both looked over at me as i made sure the shelf was okay. I then followed the others out of the building to the north. I came out of the building on the eastern side of the building. The building was a tall narrow building, which seemed to be in the middle of an old downtown section. It was shaped as though it had other buildings on the sides of it, but there were none. The building seemed to have white fake-wood siding. Someone then mentioned the name of this pub. This was the building from which we had started running. I remembered that the run went from this place and ended at another pub, and then we had been transported to this place in separate cars. A set of cement steps ran down from the door, which was on the northern end of the eastern face of the building. A man was standing on the bottom of the steps, leaning on the western rail with his left hand as he looked at the soles of his shoes with his right. I moved a little to the north of the building, looking down the narrow alley that ran along the northern side of the building. I could see a white mark on the ground. This was the first mark of the trail that we ran. I jogged into the alley for a little way. I then realized that i still had to change my clothes. I was still dressed for the run. I walked back round the eastern side of the building, heading south. A large wooden structure ran up the southern side of the building. It seemed like several wooden decks that had been stacked on top of each other, with stairs ascending between the levels along the wall of the building. The others had headed up the narrow steps, and i could still see some of them ascending near the top. I followed them up and found myself near on one of the top levels. I turned back to the east. I was standing right at the edge of one of the balconies. I felt anxious again, wondering when the rides would get here. I was still not sure how i was getting back to the other place. I also wondered where $F71 was. I still had not seen him. I was very close to the edge of the platform, so i sat down. As i sat back, i felt my back push something over to the southeast of me. It seemed to be a plastic gallon jug of some liquid, and i thought that it had tipped forward and was spilling down the back of my clothes. I quickly reached behind me with my right hand, but i had to be careful not to push myself off the edge of the balcony. I was sitting right on the edge, and i felt that i could easily slip over the edge. I felt nervous as i tried to right the container behind me. I was unable to turn around to see it, because i would have fallen off of the edge. I held on to a metal pole with my left hand as i pushed up the container with my right. I then held on to the metal pole and swinged out over the edge. I felt nervous of the height, but i quickly wiped up the viscous liquid that had spilled from the container. I thought that it was easy to swing out because i had something easy to hold on to. I thought that i would not have been able to do this if i were on a cliff. I then noticed others leaving the place and heading to the north. I wondered if i should go with them. I then realized that $F71 was to the north of me with some of the others. I could ride back with him, but then i wondered if $A749 would be waiting for me in his car. I felt uncertain.

Something had happened, and the man was now sitting in the car seat, facing southeast. The car did not really seem to be there, but the seats were in the middle of the dark area that was a car. A woman sat in the seat behind the man. Someone walked to the southeast, across the scene. I seemed to be watching this as if it were a movie. The man was leaning back in the seat, and the woman leaned forward toward him. She said that she would help soothe the man’s thoughts. I knew that this was a trap, but it was not obvious from the plot that it would be dangerous yet. The man did not know that the woman was psychic and that she could read his thoughts. I thought that this even was a problem for the main character. The woman would pretend to sooth the man but would really be reading his thoughts. She would discover that the man was not who everyone thought that he was. As the woman touched the man’s temples with her fingers, the scene changed to show the woman in a darkened area. She was wearing a black wool coat with a red beret. A man in a trench coat had walked up behind her and put a chloroform rag to her face. This was a scene where the woman had been captured. The woman had not known about this scene. I then saw a scene of the man doing several things. The scene changed again to the man standing in a large open cement area, like an old abandoned factory. He was facing southwest, talking to a stout dark-skinned man in a pale-yellow suit jacket. The man in the jacket was the leader of some faction that the main character was trying to find, but the man had not known at the time to which he was talking. The man had met the leader several times in different places, but he had not known exactly who the leader was. We had seen these scenes before, but the leader had always seemed inconsequential. We knew that he would be discovered as someone important later in the movie. I then was looking at an early scene of the man. The man was much younger now. He was walking with three other people, who seemed to be in their late teens or early twenties. He was the second person from the left. The second person from the right was a thin woman with a wide short jacket. The man had dark-skin and a rounded face. He wore a bandanna with a black and orange tiger pattern on it, and he laughed with the others about something. I knew that he would encounter the leader here, but they would not know who he was. The man walked with a bounce to emphasize something that he was saying, and the others laughed at the jest. He was talking about being in charge of the situation, playfully boasting.