12021 August 01

I felt rushed as i hurried to the east, into the building. A long tall corridor was just inside the door. I had come here for a lecture, and i felt that i was going to be late. The corridor was not well lighted, and it seemed like the corridor of an old city building, with a very high ceiling and narrow walls. I thought about the seminar that i was supposed to be taking here, and i wondered if i was going to be late. The hall ran to the east, but i could see a video screen to the northwest, through a doorway in the northern wall. The screen had a pale blue background and red blocky things moving up and down it. It reminded me of the old video game. The red things had yellow dots and black squares on them. This video image seemed related to the lecture that i was here about. I thought that this was the lecture room, and i hurried to the doorway. As i entered the doorway, though, i realized that the room was not quite a lecture room. I could not see stairs in the doorway, but the room was below the level of the doorway. It was a narrow room that ran to the north-northwest. I had thought that i had seen rows of seats running the length of the room, which would have made sense for a lecture room, but the long line was actually a bar with a row of seats to the east of it. Bottles lined the western wall of the room, and round pub tables ran along the eastern wall. The pub was not that full of people, and it seemed very warm, with yellow lighting. I had to find the lecture room, though. I looked up at the television screen on the western wall. A bartender was wiping off a glass with a white towel just under it. The screen had a picture of a brown wood surface with dull-brownish-yellow counters on either side. Crude pixelated figures of men in red shirts and black pants moved up and down in the center of the image. It now seemed like a scene from a _Simpsons_ episode. I realized that i would have to go elsewhere. I backed out of the doorway and hurried up the set of stairs to the west, which ran along the southern wall of the corridor. I passed someone on the stairs. I thought about the lecture, and i hoped that i was not too late. I felt that i was not part of the standard crowd that would attend the lecture, and i suddenly wondered if i was dressed correctly for it. The lecture seemed to be a business lecture, and i thought that i did not really belong here. At the top of the stairs, i headed south into another corridor, and then headed east. I saw people sitting in a row of chairs, facing south. I thought that this must be the large lecture room. I headed toward the door. A man was sitting in the westernmost chair, which seemed to be sticking out the doorway. In the row in front of him, a woman leaned against a chair, watching something to the southeast. She looked at me as i stopped. She had a pamphlet in her hand. The pamphlet was mostly white, with a thick border composed of short curved strokes in black and dark blues and greens. In the center of the page was a block of text. In bold sans-serif text at the top was a short line that started with “PHAB”. This was the correct set of initials for the lecture that i was trying to attend. I took some things that the woman seemed to have and arranged them in my hands. The woman seemed skeptical of me. I ignored her as i arranged something in my jacket. She then asked if i had a coat. This seemed like a strange question, and i realized that she was asking if i was the right type of person to attend this lecture. She had expected a business man, and i knew that i was dressed in street clothes. I thought that her question did not really make sense, though, and i asked her what she meant.

I looked to the east to see the man trying to get our attention. I was sitting in the car, and the man was trying to warn us of something. I was sitting on the left side of the front of the car. $F71 was driving the card from the front right of the car, to the west of me. Looking to the south, i saw that we had been stopped at the edge of a small circular end of a driveway. The large building was to the east of the drive, and we were on the northern side of the circle. I thought that $F71 was driving the car the wrong way around the circle, which was why the man was trying to signal us. I told $F71 to be careful. The car rolled forward anyway. I thought that we might be able to cross the circle and start to the east along the southern side, which would allow us to turn in the correct direction. I then noticed the old light-blue car coming from the west. It stopped just in front of us as our car inched along to the south. I warned $F71 to look out for it, but he continued to drive to the south. The man in the blue car looked at us. He seemed to have bushy blond hair, and the car we was driving seemed like an old seventies model. I felt tense, thinking that $F71 was going to run into the other car. I worried that he would not stop in time, but i was not sure what i could do. I turned to the east. I was now in the large building. I had come here with $F71 for the concert. It seemed like it had been a long time since i had been in a concert, and i felt excited. We had entered the room through the doorway in the center of the thick cement northern wall. About two or three meters to the east of the doorway, the northern wall extended into the room by about a meter. The cement wall to the east of the doorway also had brown wood paneling on the lower part of it. On the eastern side of the room, i could see a crowd of people standing in front of the service counter that ran along the eastern wall. The counter looked like an old bank, with arched service windows that had thin vertical bars running down them. As several other people came into the room through the doorway, i thought about the show. I knew that $F71 had never seen Laurie Anderson before. I thought that he might like the concert. I then wondered if $A682 might show up for the concert. I knew that he went to many shows, and i thought that he might decide to go to this one. I thought it might be awkward to see him at a show, and i wondered what i would say. I looked at the dull-yellow cement of the northern wall. The room had cleared a little, and i realized that the people to the east were moving into a queue on the southern side of the room. I turned to the northwest and saw that others had moved along the northern wall to the west of me. I thought that the people on the northern wall were the people who already had tickets. The people in the queue to the southeast were the people who still needed to purchase tickets. I was unsure about this, though, so i turned to a man who was in the line to the northwest of me and asked if this was the line for tickets. I realized that i was the first person in the queue. A woman was to the west of me now. She did not answer my question. I looked to the east. A man was standing just to the east of me, against the northern wall. I said something about the tickets to the woman, but i made a joke that applied to the man. I realized that the joke might be insulting to him, so i turned to the man, smiling, and i told him that i was joking. I patted him on the chest with my right hand, trying to make him feel that i was not being mean to him.

12021 August 03

The large resort was now to the south of me. I had come from the resort, and i was on the road that ran north from the main gate of the resort, just to the north of the gate, where the resort road met the main east-to-west road. I looked to the south at the low long gray buildings of the resort. They lined both sides of the road at odd angles to the road. The road ran for about a few hundred meters to the south from the gate and then turned west around a sharp bend. I turned to the northeast to head away. Something seemed to be troubling me here. I was with my parents in the car, and someone said that we had to go somewhere. I thought about the location, and i knew that the best way to get there was to drive back through the resort and leave through the southwestern side. I pictured the road as it curved to the west and then to the south, exiting the stucco walls of the resort on the western end of the southern side. I thought that the administrators of the resort would not like the extra traffic of people driving through the resort, but i thought that it was still the best way to go. The people in the car were still talking about leaving on the main road. I headed to the south with my parents and my grandmother. We entered the large building, which seemed to be part of the resort. The entry room was massive, with a high domed ceiling. The room seemed to be about fifty meters across. The walls were pale orange with light-blue details. A wide walkway ran across a large body of water on the northern side of the room, running toward the tall central structure, which seemed circular. To the east and west of the central structure were balconies and floors that connected the structure to the wall. A long staircase seemed to curve around the outside wall to the east of the structure. I swimmed to the south, across the hall, but my relatives were walking on the elevated walkway in the center of the room that ran to the central structure. They were walking with the large crowd of people. I swimmed around the eastern side of the structure, and i came to the northeastern side of the room. I would have to avoid the people from this place. I did not trust them. I thought that my relatives would be coming out of the central structure from the south and heading north. I swimmed slowly to the northeast as i waited for them. An exit door was in the center of the northern wall, and i was heading toward it. Another person was swimming with me. I then walked to the south, outside of the building. We had to get to our car. I felt that we should not be in this place. I reached the car, which was really a small boat. The clear glass boat was eye shaped, and its nose faced south. I put the small yard chair that i had been carrying on the back of the boat. My relatives were now in a small white cabin on the front of the boat. I walked south along the eastern side of the boat. I thought that we still had to pick up more things from the resort before we could leave. I felt anxious and wanted to leave this place. I thought that the resort would deliver some of the things to us, but i did not want to wait. I felt impatient to leave. The boat was now on water, and it drifted a little to the west. It had a thin blue stripe that ran along the upper edge of the gunwale.

12021 August 04

I walked to the north, down the hall of the house, which seemed like a college fraternity. I had to head somewhere, and i thought about where i was. A man started talking to me. He was $A755. I was surprised to see him. It seemed unexpected to see him here, and i felt awkward talking to him. I chatted for a moment, and then i moved to the northwest. Once outside of the house, i headed to the southwest, across the cement plaza that was to the east of the house. A few people seemed to be here and there on the plaza. I thought that an event had been happening here, but it had already ended. A woman walked from the south, passing near the eastern side of me. She stopped to talk to me. She was $A275. I was surprised to see her, and i said hello. I had not seen her in a long time, and it seemed good to see her. We chatted for a moment. I then headed to the south, into the cement corridor. I thought that i had to do something, and i could not stay on the plaza. I was then talking to $A816, and it was nice to talk to her. I felt distracted, though. Something was happening around me, but i could not quite concentrate on it. I then realized that it was cold out. I stopped near the northern end of the corridor. A large open room was to the northwest of me, and a short hall ran to the east. Something seemed strange here. I was still talking to $A816, but i headed into the large empty room to the northwest. The cement room was empty, and it was dingy. It seemed like part of an abandoned building. I felt nervous about the room, thinking that something about it was threatening. I threw the metal stick into the room to flush out anyone who might have been there. The metal pole clanked loudly on the ground. The room ran to the north of the corridor i had been in, and it was separated from the hall by a narrow cement wall. I rounded the western end of the wall, looking into the room. I moved to the center of the room, which was north of the wall. I felt uncomfortable, and i leaned back against the wall to the south of me. I felt as though i was trying to figure out something, but i was not sure what. Something felt wrong, and i felt tired. I thought that i might actually fall asleep, leaning on the wall. I then wondered if i had surprised $A816 when i had thrown the metal pipe into the room. I looked to the west, and i could see her peaking around the wall to see who was in the room. I thought that she might not have known that i was here.

12021 August 05

I left the others and headed to the south, driving down the wide highway. There was little traffic on the highway with me. I was talking to $F71 as we drove. It seemed that we had to get somewhere. We drove over a rise and started downhill. The road descended to the south, into a wide valley. Near the bottom of the valley, the road curved to the east. The land seemed very flat in the valley, and it was white. I then saw a road sign that said “Berlin”. I thought that it meant “Deutschland”. I thought that we were driving to Deutschland. I looked to the east, noticing several other highways splitting off of a main road. I thought that the other roads would go to other European countries.

12021 August 08

I turned my bicycle to the east and followed the road across the northern end of the college campus. This place seemed like Forest Home Road, and i was looking at the building to the south to see where i would need to go. I needed to get to a class. It seemed as though i used to come this way, but it had been a long time. I thought that the buildings would have changed. I turned to the south down a short drive, which seemed somewhere near Martha Van Rensselaer. I suddenly realized that the drive no longer went where i remembered it going. A large gray building was in front of me, and the drive ran into a large opening on the western end of the northern face of the building. The building was neutral gray, with thin horizontal lines along the flat outside surface. No windows seemed to be on the surface. The surface seemed to be made of thin strips of gray cement or hard plastic with thin dark grooves between them. The strips seemed to be about five centimeters tall. The opening into the building was square, and it was about six or seven meters tall. The gray exterior wall extended about four or five meters to the north from the opening on the western side. The wall was about two meters thick near the edge of the opening, but tapered to a corner on the northern end. The wall extended up about two or three meters above the opening. On the eastern side, the building sloped to the northwest, and the gray wall ran about ten meters to the northern face of the building. A large yellow bird logo was painted in a circle on the side of the building. I knew that the logo represented the military. The bird was drawn with its wings open and facing forward. Its head was turned to the right. The shape of the bird was created with straight lines and sharp corners, giving the bird four or five rectangular feathers on each wing. I felt uneasy about continuing, thinking that this would be a restricted area. I looked into the opening of the building, seeing a large open bay inside with white walls. I had stopped just outside the mouth of the opening, and i could see a guard booth on the left side, in the middle of the opening. A woman was standing on the other side of a chicken-wired window. She was sorting some folders or papers to the west of her. I glanced at the sign on the wall to the west of me, which seemed to have a smaller version of the yellow logo. This one had an M near the bottom, which seemed to start the word “marines”. I had thought that this base might be part of the army, but now i knew that it was actually the marines. I started to turn my bicycle around, feeling uncomfortable here. The woman from the booth steeped out into the opening of bay and asked me what i was doing. I told her that i was looking for my class. I said that this area had changed since the last time that i had come here. I biked back up the road to the west, heading up a slight hill. I could see the modern college buildings to the southwest of me. They looked familiar, but i knew that this was part of campus that i had never been to before. The buildings had flat surfaces with horizontal layers at each floor. The glass windows seemed wide. I thought that this was a part of the college on the eastern end of the campus. As i moved to the north of the buildings, i thought that i was taking business classes here. They really had nothing to do with my major, but i thought that they were necessary for something. I only had to take two of the classes. I did not know where they were, though, and i worried that i might miss them. I turned to the south, feeling distressed that i could not find my classes. I thought that i should look them up on my phone, but i felt that i could not quite do that, and i continued moving to the south. I wanted to make it to my classes, but i thought that i would miss them. I felt upset. I imagined explaining to someone that i was not really studying business. I told the person that i was studying physics. I turned to the east and walked down a wide set of outdoor stairs. The building to the east of me was square, with tall thin columns along the western side. This seemed to be business building. I felt out of place here.

I was driving down the road to the south. The others seemed to be to the north of me, and some seemed to have been driving in front of me. I noticed the large leafless tree directly to the south of me. The road i was on seemed to end on another road. The other road seemed to be paved to the west, but it did not seem so paved to the east. The land to the east and west of the road that i was on were open farming fields, but the crops were still very low to the ground, looking like cut grass. The sky to the south had a red hue to it, but most of the sky was covered with puffy gray clouds. An oval spot of pink was situated just behind the wide round crown of the leafless tree that was at the end of the road that i was driving on. The glowing pink and the surrounding gray haze behind the thin branches of the tree looked picturesque. I realized that it would make a great picture, and i started to slow down, wondering if i should get out my phone and take a picture. I felt indecisive for a moment, realizing that i was traveling with others. I decided that i would take the picture, so i pulled over to the western side of the road and stopped the car. I held up the camera to the tree, but the image seemed to have changed. The clouds moved, and the oval did not seem as nicely centered in the middle of the circular shape of the crown. I felt a little disappointed, and i tried to move the camera from side to side to see if i could still get a nice photograph. A low rounded forested hill seemed to be behind the tree now, and i thought that the sun had set just behind it. I looked at the image through the screen of the camera. I could not see the nice egg-shaped pattern that i had seen before, but there were now concentric rings of blue and light blue that formed semicircles, with the tree in the center. This seemed very strange, and i wondered what could be causing the effect. I then realized that the effect was only visible in the camera. I moved the camera, watching the shades of the rings change. The rings then seemed to be lines that met at an angle over the top of the tree, forming half-diamond shapes over the arching hill. I realized that this was a diffraction pattern from the setting sun. I looked at the hill and then back at the camera. The pattern was now more defined, with narrower lines. The sun was setting and making the patterns more intense. I thought that it would make a great picture, and i tried to take it before the sun set further.

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as the other person drove to the north, on a street that seemed to be in Endicott. We had just come from somewhere. The city to the north of us seemed to be the North Side of Endicott, and we were driving up a hill, through a neighborhood of old small houses. I looked back to the south to see the rounded hill of Round Top, and i noticed the gray rain clouds over it. Someone had mentioned the storm, but it had not been raining here. I asked the person if there really was a storm coming. I thought that it was just cloudy and might train without a storm. I then looked to the east. The clouds in the eastern sky were wide and billowed. I could see a top layer with a flat bottom. Under the bottom was a thin layer of white clouds that were horizontally streaked, as though they were moving very fast across the upper clouds. The storm system was very large, and it looked like it was rotating slightly. I then noticed thin plumes of white clouds extending downward from the large gray cloud high in the sky. I wondered for a moment if the plumes were tornados that had been created by the larger storm. As i looked more closely at them, though, i realized that they were puffy streaks of clouds that pointed downward. It seemed very strange, but i thought that it might just be heavy sheets of rain extending down from the clouds. I pointed this out to the others as i looked back to the southeast. The hill to the south of us was much closer now, and i could see the clouds over the hill extending downward. I wondered if they were parts of a serious storm. I then noticed the branches of the trees on the hill to the southeast of me. They seemed fairly close, and i could see utility lines running through them where a road seemed to ascend to the west as it ran across the northern face of the wide hill. The leafs of the trees on the hill were eye-shaped and seemed large, like the leafs of an avocado plant, but they seemed dark and thick like the leafs of a rhododendron. They sagged downward, and they had a white glossy finish to them. I realized that they were wet, and i told the others that it was raining heavily to the south west. I then realized that the white haze over the plants actually seemed to be ice. This seemed impossible for this time of year. I rhetorically asked the others if it could be freezing rain. Something seemed very strange about the storm clouds. I looked back to the north. The other clouds to the east were more threatening now, and i thought that the storm would hit us.

12021 August 10

I was in the car or boat as we drove to the north, passing over the water, which seemed somewhat shallow. We were heading north, toward the others. The others seemed to be going somewhere, and i thought that we should go as well. I turned to the east and drove out of the water, onto the packed-dirt shore. I thought that we needed to turn, and i thought that we actually had to make the turn in the water to head in the correct direction. I asked the man if we should drive into the pond, which was to the south of us, but i thought that the ground under the pond was too muddy, and i worried that we would get stuck in the mud. I said this to the man. I turned around and tried to drive back the way we came, hoping that i stayed on the same packed land that we had driven across before. This was a deeper part of the pond, so i thought that the wheels might stay off the muddy bottom of the water. The man talked to me as we moved to the west, back into the water. The car started to float, but i worried that we would get stuck. I knew that we were not really stuck, but i worried that we might be. We then turned north and followed the others down a path that led to the east of the large building. The building did not seem to have any walls, or the outer walls were made of clear glass. I could see vertical beams through the building. I talked to the others as we moved. The large open area to the west of us, no the first floor of the building, now seemed like a warehouse. I moved toward my car, which was parked to the east of the building. It was late now, and it was dark and cold. The card had a layer of ice on it, and i scrapped it off. I tried to start the car, but it would not start. It was parked facing west, toward the building. It was on the southern side of the large lot. I remembered that the battery had trouble in cold weather, and i thought that it must need to be warmed up to work. I then thought that it was not as cold as it had been before, so the batter should work. Lights from cars flashed across me as the cars pulled into the lot from the southeast. I thought that they were from the security people who were closing the park. I would have to leave. The police cars turned into the lot and started to drive to the north, past me. I tried to stop one, but the car turned and left the lot to the southeast before i could say anything. The other car had gone to the northern end of the lot, and it was turning around. I felt anxious, and i wanted to get their attention. The car came toward me, and i told the police officer that my car would not start. The police officer told me to stay here. I felt annoyed that he did not do anything more. He sat on the northern side of the room, in a metal chair. He seemed like $A817. He told me that i could stay here. I felt upset by this, because i did not want to stay here. I was not sure what i should do. He turned his attention back to his paper work and ignored me. I turned back to the south, not sure what to do.

12021 August 11

I woke up early. I had been sleeping on the eastern end of the room, which seemed like room 10. Windows lined the northern wall. I moved to the west along the northern wall, aware that the stereo was making noise. I had moved into this room with a few other people, and i did not want the stereo to wake them. It was not that loud, but i could hear the sound of people talking on a radio station. I crouched in front of the shelfs that held the various stereo components. I pressed several buttons to try to get the noise to stop. The pieces of stereo equipment were mostly black. I felt nervous that the sound would wake others in the room. I turned to the east. I was now crouching to the east of a small wooden cabinet that held most of the stereo equipment. I pressed several buttons, thinking that i could easily turn it off, but i wanted to turn off the noise instead. I could not get the sound to stop. I knew that i could ignore the tape deck and CD player. I then realized that the noise had gotten louder. I felt annoyed, and i turned to the north, to the other stack of components and pressed a few buttons. I could hear someone moving around to the southwest of me. I knew that someone was sleeping in the bunk bed that was against the western end of the southern wall. I saw a volume slider along the bottom of one of the components to the northeast of me. I was trying to find a power button instead. I decided that i should turn the equipment off, because it was making too much noise now. I pressed several buttons to try to get it to stop. I then turned around, hearing someone shuffling around. A man pulled aside the eastern end of a blanket that had been hanging over the lower bunk. He stepped out of the bunk, already fully dressed in a white shirt and a jacket. I thought that he must have dressed inside the bed area so that he did not have to step out naked in front of me. He was young, and i was aware that i was much older. I apologized for making noise. I then told him that i had been trying to turn the stereo off. I turned back to the cabinet to the east of me. I said i probably should have just turned the entire thing off rather than just look for the button to switch off the sound. I moved some things around, thinking that i had brought the stereo equipment to the room. I thought that the man might not really know what the stereo equipment was. It was something that people used to have in rooms that no one did anymore. I moved some things around on the shelfs of the cabinet. I had two stacks of clear-plastic cassette cartridges. I moved them to the bottom shelf of the cabinet to get them out of the way. As i pushed them into the cabinet, i noticed a stack of thin purple boxes behind them. I focused on one of the boxes, noticing that the surface texture seemed like velvet. It was the shape of a boxed phonograph set. I pushed the stack back a little to make room for the two stacks of clear plastic cases. I was still talking to the man as i stood up. I was looking at some of the things in my hands now. I had several notebooks. I had come back to this place to take classes for something. I remembered that we were asked to write something for the class. I was now standing on the northern side of a small lecture room. The room sloped down to the southeast, though the rows of chairs seemed to run east to west. I looked through a notebook that i had. It felt good to be back in class. I thought that we had had to write something overnight. I remembered writing a short paragraph in my notebook. I held up the notebook, which had a tan cover. I flipped through it for the writing. A woman was sitting to the east of me, and we chatted as i looked through my things. She seemed short, and she was staring at the paper in front of her as she wrote something. The lecture seemed to be ending, and i wondered why we had not done anything with the short descriptions that we were supposed to write. I looked up, noticing that people were handing in their papers to the lecturer. The lecturer was standing to the south of a small black-topped table. He leaned on the table with both hands wide as he looked at something. The student stood to the northwest of the table. A few other students seemed to be queued behind the first. I then noticed the instructor looking at a small white piece of paper. I thought that it was a vaccination card. I wondered if i had to show my card in order to turn in my description. I knew that the description was in my notebook. I did not have my card with me. I turned to the north to get my notebook, but i did not see it on my desk anymore. The woman was still writing something in her own notebook. A man was sitting to the east of her a few chairs over. I said something about the assignment to the woman. I realized that the woman was sitting on my things to hide them. I jokingly chided her and swatted her on the top of the head. She had flat blond hair. I thought that the woman might still be doing her assignment. I said that it was only supposed to be a short description, and i said that i had only written a paragraph or so. I took my notebook and headed to the south. I rounded a table that was in the center of the room, passing around the west and south of it, and then moved toward the northwestern side of the table near the instructor. The queue of others had gone, so the instructor held out his hand toward me. I was still flipping through the notebook, looking for the description. I knew that it was a block of text in blue writing that would be in the center of the page. I backed away from the instructor’s desk, telling someone to the west of me to go ahead of me in the queue. I flipped through several pieces of paper that i had been holding. I finally looked at the narrow notepad, which seemed to be an art notebook. I pulled a folder piece of translucent vellum from it. The notebook was about twenty-five to thirty centimeters tall and about ten wide. It was partly open as i held it to the south of me, and i could see the paintings on several of the pages, which also were translucent vellum or some type of waxy rice paper. The paintings seemed to be in wide uneven brush strokes. I recognize one, which had a green vertical shape in the center and black marks along the left side. It was for a project i had done when i had studied graphic design in college. I let the notebook close as i moved back toward the instructor. He was standing just to the southeast of me now. I tried to open the folded piece of paper. I told the instructor that i thought that this was the correct piece of paper for my writing. I was having trouble unfolding the document, though. The instructor took hold of part of the document to help me. He then moved very close to me, pressing up against me, with the document between us. I thought that he might be trying to hold the document between us so that i could unfold it more easily. I opened the piece of paper. It had six blocks of design in two rows. The blocks looked like small pieces of paper. They were formed with small marks, which looked somewhat like text but were really just short strokes. A larger symbol was near the upper left of each block. I felt disappointed, and i told the professor that this was not the correct piece of paper. I thought that it must have been for some project that i did in art school. I said that i would have to look through my notebook for the correct report. The instructor then said that this would be good enough. I wondered if he believed that i had done the assignment and did not really need to see the real one. I looked up at him. I suddenly realized that he seemed young. He had an attractive face, with short dark hair. He was wearing a tank top with orangish-pink edges. He was saying something to me, and he turned to the southwest as he spoke. I realized that he was somewhat attractive, but it seemed awkward to be attracted to him. I said that i would find my paper, but he did not seem to want to check it. I headed to the north, thinking about the instructor. The seats sloped up steeply to the north. They were in a small section that was to the northwest of me. I could see the woman still sitting in the last row, hunched over as she continued writing. I ran to the north, heading up a short sandy mound that was to the southeast of the seats. As i reached the top, i paused, noticing four or five small holes in the dirt ahead of me. Something small was moving around near the opening of the dirt. I realized that it was probably a wasp nest in the sandy soil. I looked to the western side of the mound, seeing more holes. Wasps were starting to come out. I had disturbed their ground. I decided that i should back away quickly. I moved back to the south, hoping not to get stung. I then realized that i had something in my ears, which seemed like earphones. They pulled as i tried to back away. I pictured three or four thin wires running to from my ears to the ground, fanning out from my ears. They seemed to be plugged in to various areas of the dirt mound. I let them pull out of my ears, thinking that i had to get away from the wasps before i got stung.

12021 August 12

I rolled over on the bed, sitting on top of the covers. $F71 was doing something to the southwest of me. The bed seemed to be against the northern wall of the room. $F71 moved away from the bed, holding a small animal. He turned to the southwest to do something with a dog. I looked at the small animal that was on the bed. $F71 had tried to save it, but it had died. It looked like a narrow roll of brown and white fur. It seemed to be only a few centimeters wide and about ten centimeters long. I felt sad that he was not able to save it. Several other small things seemed to be on the bed to the southwest of the animal. I move to pet the dead animal with my left hand. As i did, the animal started moving. I called to $F71 to let him know that the animal was still alive. It squirmed for a moment, then it rolled over and moved toward the edge of the bed. It looked like a pudgy rat now. I tried to catch it, but it jumped over the edge and out of sight. I moved to the edge of the bed and looked over. $F71 had turned around. I pointed out the animal to him as it started walking to the northwest on the floor.

12021 August 13

We left our car parked on the northern side of the narrow street, facing east. The street seemed to be on the northern side of the area, and it ran straight for quite a way to the west. Others were with me. I talked with the others as i walked to the east, glancing back to the west as i walked. We were doing something. A few other cars seemed to be parked on the side of the road. We were then walking to the south. I decided that we should head back, so i turned to the north and started jogging. The other person with me, who seemed to be my mother, had to stop for something. She said that she would catch up. I continued jogging down the sidewalk on the western side of the street. I thought that it was strange that my mother would be jogging, but i continued jogging. The road curved to the northwest, and i looked down at the ground as i jogged. It was dark now, but i could see the cement pavement of the sidewalk. I then noticed the thin glowing red stripes on the sides of my shoes. They looked like they were illuminated, but i knew that it must be the light from the cars on the road behind me that must be reflecting off of the stripes. I watched the shoes for a moment as i jogged down the street. I thought that i would have to get back to the cars. I knew that they were to the north or northwest of me on another road, but i thought that the only way to get to them was to follow this road to the northwest until it crossed the other road. The area around me seemed to be an old suburban neighborhood. I could not see any of the houses, but they seemed nice, with wide lawns. I was then aware of a car on the road to the south of me. It had come from behind, but it was now driving next to me. I expected it to pass me, but it stayed near me. I glanced at the black car as it drove parallel to me. I felt annoyed, thinking that the people were following me. I started to feel angry with the people in the car for following me. I then pretended to stumble to see if the car would continue at its slow pace. I felt a little dizzy as i leaned to the north. I thought that i must look like i was getting light headed. I leaned against the tops of the trimmed hedges to the north of me. The hedges had lost their leafs for the season and formed a flat surface of thin dense sticks. I rolled my torso over the top of the branches. The car had stopped to the south of me, and i felt very angry with them. I continued to roll to the northeast, and i paid attention to the car as i stumbled to the ground. The car turned a little toward me, and the driver’s door opened. I could hear the male driver telling someone to call emergency. I was still angry with him though, and i rolled into a crouch and started running toward the car. I yelled at the man to stop following me. I seemed to be very upset.

12021 August 14

I was with my parents as we headed to the south. We seemed to be walking. My mother was holding a cell phone in front of her, and we were listening to my relatives saying something. I realized that something was wrong. The police had held my relatives. I knew that they were in their house, which seemed to be to the northeast of us. We were supposed to go visit them, but it seemed that we would not be able to do so now. A man’s voice asked the woman who had been talking what she was doing. He demanded that she be quiet. I thought that my mother had called my relative, so the police must have heard the phone ringing as well. I wondered what was happening. It sounded as though the police were holding all of my relatives in the same room. I could hear them talking to each other. I knew that we should not let the police know that we were related to them, or the police might arrest us. I wondered if we should still go to their house. One of my male relatives started talking about business. I thought that the police were still letting them discuss business so that they could keep the company going. We listened, thinking that the female talking to us was trying to hide what she was saying. We would not be able to join them. I moved around on the western side of the parking lot, heading to the south. My mother was standing on the southern side of the small gravel lot. Something like a small building seemed to be on the southern side of the lot. The lot seemed to have rounded corners and a wooden fence along the northern side. We got in our car, which as on the southern side of the lot, and my father drove to the east. He turned the car around to leave the lot through the opening in the western end of the northern side. We listened to the stern voice of the police officer as he talked to the members of our family. He did not want them to communicate anything important to us. We listened to our relatives saying things over the telephone as my father drove the car to the east, down the road. It seemed that my relatives were to the northeast of us. I thought that we would not be able to go to their house. We were in a rural area, with a few houses on the northern side of the road. I remember this place from before. I pictured a small brick house as the last house in the row of houses. It was on a property that bordered something to the east. The border line did not run straight to the north from the road, but ran more north-northwest. A line of trees ran along the border. I mentioned the house to my mother as i watched the houses to the north pass. I thought that the house should be here, but i remembered looking for it here before and not seeing it. I spotted a large plain brick house, with few windows on the front side. It seemed to be in good shape, though it seemed to have been designed in the sixties or seventies. I knew that this was not the house that i had been thinking of, and i thought that the house i was thinking of would have been to the east of it. A tree stood to the east of the brick house, and then a long low set of matching structures stretched down the road. I told my mother that i wondered if the house had been torn down and these structures put up in its place. I said that the structures did look new. The structures looked like small cubical apartments connected by a lower platform. The structure seemed to be made of light-brown brick or block, and it stretched about a few hundred meters down the road. It seemed mostly one story, and it seemed to stretch away from the road by about a hundred meters. Tall white poles stuck up from the cubical blocks. The poles seemed to be a few decis thick and had spheres at the tops. The structure did look very now, so it could have been built recently. As we passed along the structure, i realized that the power plant was to the northeast. I thought that this facility could be part of the power plant. The power plant seemed to be a tall gray building with tall metal towers sticking up from it. It seemed a ways away, across a grassy field, but this low structure could still have been part of it. The western wall of the plant seemed to face southwest; the plant ran at an odd angle to the road. I then looked ahead as we started to pass the power plant. People were standing on either side of the narrow road. They were lined up along the sides of the road in a single row. As we approached them, they tossed white things across the road. I felt cautious, thinking that we might run into one of the white spheres. The people were wearing white laboratory coats, and i realized that the white things that they had tossed were really hard hats. I told my parents that this was some kind of ceremony among the engineers of the factory. I noticed that one of the hats actually seemed to be a white rounded object with a short cylindrical tube sticking out one end. As we passed the people, i noticed that more people were gathered farther down the road. The road seemed to be lined with people for quite a way. It was interesting to see this ceremony. I thought that it was some special ceremony that only special people got to see. It seemed like some kind of graduation ceremony. The road curved to the north, and more and more people seemed to be along the edges of the road. Some were now more clustered into two or three rows. As we headed north, i noticed a woman on the eastern side of the road. She seemed East Asian, with a long narrow face and long black hair. She was wearing a yellow coat and had a yellow cap with a brim on the front. She was part of a second group that was dressed in yellow. She tossed a cap to the person across the street from her, and someone there tossed another cap back. As we headed west, the woman seemed to be on the northern side of the street, standing on a set of stair-like risers with others in yellow coats. I thought that they were from the lower levels of the organization. The people in the white caps were more senior in position. I looked at the people on the northern side of the road as we moved. They now seemed to be sitting behind a counter or table. I noticed the young men to the north of me. One of them mentioned to a man to the west of him that he was looking for something. The other man said that he had not seen it. I thought that the man had dropped something, and i looked down at the ground. He had said that something was not his paddle. His torso was at ground level, as though he was sitting behind the counter, but he also seemed to be lying on his right side, resting his weight on his right elbow and right hip. I noticed a small brass pin on the ground. It seemed star shaped. I was about to point it out to the man, but i realized that it was in a row of several pins to the southwest of the man. I thought that the man must have put the pin there. I pointed this out to him. Another row of brass pins were on the ground to the west. They probably belonged to the other man. The pins looked like fraternity symbols, and i wondered if the man was part of a fraternity. I noticed three or four more pins closer to me on the tan surface, just a few centimeters from the southern edge. All of the pins seemed to be standing so that one edge of the pin was on the ground and the pin itself supported the back. The made all of the pins face south. I then noticed an odd shape on the ground to the northwest. It was not in a line with any of the other pins, and it seemed to be facing down. I moved to it and turned it over. It was right near the edge of the surface. It was shaped like a cricket bat. It had a yellow background with metallic gold trim. A crude design with some letters was painted in the center of the bat in the same metallic paint. I realized that the shape was also a paddle. I wanted to read what the pin said, but i felt uneasy, thinking that i was prying into the man’s personal business. I turned the pin over and handed it to the man. I felt somewhat interested in him. I started talking to him as i turned to the south. I was on the northern side of a room. The room seemed like a gymnasium, and others were doing something in the area below, me to the south. The walls of the rest of the room seemed very dark. I turned to the north to talk to the man, and i realized that i was now on the main floor of the room. The man was about four meters above me, sitting behind the pale-blue counter. The front of the counter stretched all the way to the ground near me. I told the man that i would come back up to talk to him. I sat on something that was just in front of the wall, thinking that i could raise it back up to the level of the counter. Instead, the man started to lower his section of the counter. I felt attracted to him in some way, and i was happy that he was interested in talking to me. My mother then said something to me about my relatives. She handed me a small cubical box of items, which seemed like the pins. I looked into the box, though, and realized that one of the items was a short pen of eye liner. Another black pencil flattened into a round disk at the end. I recognized these things as some of the make up i had used for costumes. I felt a little uncomfortable about the box as i moved it to the west, on the north of me. I then remembered that my relatives were with the police. We would not be able to stay at their house. I thought that we could camp outside, and i told this to my mother. She reminded me that we did not have any tents. I said that we could get some. My mother did not seem enthusiastic about the idea. I then told her that i could get my tent from my house. It seemed that we were only an hour south from where i lived, so i could easily drive home to pick up the tents and come back. My mother seemed more interested, but sure the idea was good. I then said that i could get the tents from Ithaca. I was standing just to the south of the man, who was still seated behind the blue counter. I was aware that he had heard our conversation. Now he knew that i lived in Ithaca. I felt a connection with the man, thinking that i had given him information about me indirectly. He smiled. I then wandered to the south along the western side of the room, still talking to my mother about going to get the tents.

I sat at the top of the stairs to my porch, facing east. My mother was at the bottom of the stairs to the east. I was talking to her about something. Something was on my left leg, but i did not pay attention to it. My mother then jumped. She looked down to the ground. A car seemed to be just to the east of her, and she acted as though something had bit her. She looked down at her right leg, saying that something had stung her. I felt concerned, but was not sure what would sting. I stood up, wondering if i should get away from the area before the insect stung me as well. I then noticed the insect that had been on my left leg. I had swatted it, but it was still on my leg. I looked at it as i stretched my leg to the south. It was a small red ant. I told my mother that these were fire ants. I said that we must have stepped into them. I thought that we would have to clean off our legs to make sure that there are no more of them. I did not feel worried about the insects, though. My mother, however, seemed to be panicked.

12021 August 15

I was with several other people as we drove down the long rural road to the east. The land was open, and most of it seemed to be farm land, with trees lining the edges. The land sloped up hill to the east. Ahead of us, at the top of the hill, was a large red school bus. It seemed to be very wide, and it took up most of the road. We slowed as we approached, cautious of squeezing past the stopped school bus. As we started to pass it, i noticed people getting off of the bus. They were adults. The first two people looked at us curiously as we started driving past. They were East Asian. As we started passing the bus again, i noticed many more people getting off of the bus. The bus must have taken these people to this location for a reason. I watched as the people headed to the north, toward a large farm. The bus had stopped in front of a wide dirt driveway, which led into the farm yard. A wood rail fence ran along the edge of the road, in front of the farm. I wondered if the people were being brought here for work. It seemed strange that so many people would be bussed here in an old school bus. A large wooden barn was set back about fifty meters from the road, and the people seemed to be headed toward the large open door in the southern side of the building. As we continued east on the road, i watched the people to the north. An open pavilion was to the east of the barn, and i could see people leaving the barn and walking east, under the pavilion. They had changed their clothing, and they were now wearing bright green and yellow stripes. The clothing seemed to be jumpsuits, and i thought that these people might actually be part of a cult or religious group. We continued running to the east, onto their campus. We were running on the grass to the south of the buildings, and it felt awkward to be here. I wondered if the people would mind that we were here. I followed the others, who seemed to be part of $G4. We then turned to the south and headed across the large quadrangle, which seemed to be in a college area. Stone buildings bordered the quadrangle on the eastern and western sides. The building along the southern side seemed modern. The place felt very thin, as though something was missing in the air. I hopped up on a stone ledge that was to the east of a set of stairs, which descended to the south, into the ground, near the eastern side of the quadrangle. The others were heading down the stairs, descending to the south. I hopped across narrow gap between the wall and the stairs, landing on the stairs to the west. It seemed easier than running to the north on the wall and then descending the steps from the top. As i landed, i was aware of a man watching me from the northeast. He seemed to be one of the other runners. I looked down at the steps to see an orange dot on the ground. A few more were to the south of me, running to the southeast from the bottom of the steps. The lower level was paved with cement squares. I started heading to the north, along the eastern wall of the lower level, but i turned to the south and was running down the eastern side of the quadrangle again. I then spotted a man in a dark business suit and tie in one of the windows on the second floor of the building to the south of me. I now seemed to be in the building to the northeast of him, but i could see him to the southwest of me. He was young, with curly hair, and a few other business men were standing around him. He seemed angry, and he threw something at the tan wall of the building to the northeast of him. He was in a window on the wing of the building that stretched to the west, and he hit the wall of the wing that stretched to the north. The object bounced of and landed on the ground. I wondered what the man was throwing things at. He then turned to the others with him and said that he had missed the nest. I wondered if he was throwing something at a wasp nest. The man then cursed aloud, saying “Fucking birds!” He then threw something violently to the ground below the window. The object bounced on the hard pavement, but then opened its wings and flew away to the north. I felt suddenly upset, realizing that the man was abusing animals. The birds must have been making noise that distracted the man, and he was upset with them. I felt bad for the bird, and i watched it fly into the bushy tree over my head. It seemed to land on the western side of the tree. I walked around the northern side of the thick tree trunk to see where the bird had landed. I felt concerned for it. Another person was walking with me, and we both felt concerned. I thought that the smaller female bird had been hurt. It sat on a high branch of the tree and did not move. It was blue, with a white breast and a gray head. It had a small black plume on its head that made it look like a quail. I held out my hand toward the bird, coming within a few centimeters of it, but it did not seem to react. It seemed to be stunned. I thought that i should get $F71 to see if he could help. He knew about animals. I started walking to the east, down the sidewalk to the north of the academic building, which seemed like Mudd Hall. I was following the marks on the ground. The marks leaded along the side of the building. A man was standing on the sidewalk, near the northeastern corner of the building. He said that he could not find the rest of the marks from there. I rounded the corner of the building and headed north. The building seemed to have a narrow passage leading into it. I thought that he building must have a courtyard in the center of it, and this alley led to it. I realized that the marks were now in chalk, which as different than the orange marks i had seen before. I followed the marks around an inner corner of the building, turning east. The marks then seemed to get confusing. They were no longer just lines on the ground. I realized that someone had written a number of things on the pavement of the ground. I tried to road it, but it seemed i was starting in the middle of a sentence. I backed to the west to see if i could figure out more of the text. I then felt angry, and i decided to head back to the west along the north of the building to find $F71. I reached the western end of the building and looked to the south, down the path that led into the quadrangle. $F71 was just coming up a short set of cement steps toward me, and he was with several other people. I walked to him, still upset about the birds. I motioned to the people who were in the window to the southwest, and i said “These people are assholes.” I told him that two animals had been injured here, and i said that one looked somewhat like a quail. I remembered that the one in the tree was near the chalk marks on the ground, and i started leading $F71 to the east to see it.

12021 August 16

I felt tense. Something was happening, and i did not feel safe. I was in a small room of the house, and smoke was in the air. I knew that the smoke was dangerous, and i was concerned about it. The woman had escaped to the east, through the opening in the eastern end of the northern wall. We had been here with other people, and i started to wonder what happened to them. I felt concerned that this place was now dangerous. I was standing in the western side of the room, and i started to the east. Just as i started walking, i noticed a pile of leafs on the ground to the north of me. The center of the pile of leafs was discolored and recessed. It recessed area was in the shape of a rabbit, and the leafs within it seemed mostly decomposed. I thought that a rabbit had been on the leafs when something happened. I thought that this rabbit did not survive, and i wondered if the others had. The shape of the rabbit was textured with thin pale structures, which looked veins. They radiated from a small dull-red leaf where the rabbit’s heart would have been. I focused on the red leaf, thinking that it was the rabbit’s heart. I was waiting for it to beat again, but it did not. I thought that something would happen, but the pile of leafs did not change. There was no actual body of a rabbit there, only the outline of the rabbit, with white veins radiating from it. They seemed to radiate from the outline of the creature now. It looked very interesting, and i still thought that there was something special about the image. I was disappointed that the animal did not revive, but i had to do something. I turned to the south and looked across the room of the house. It was still smoky in the room. I held my breath so that the smoke would not infect my lungs, but my lungs were starting to burn from no air. I hurried to the south, across the room to open the exit door of the house. I pushed open the door and took a breath of the fresh air outside. A large construction vehicle was in the dirt yard to the south of the house. A man was doing something on it. He glanced at me as i opened the door to the house. I took a breath and headed back into the house. I knew that the others were here, and i thought that i should find them. I thought that i had to open more doors in the house to get more fresh air in. I felt uncomfortable, though. It was hard to breath here.

I was talking to the other person as we sat in the car, which was facing south. I shifted position, slouching in my chair and leaning back to the south. A man then ran around the outside of the car. He seemed to come from the northwest, and he circled down the eastern side of the car, rounding the southern and western sides before returning to the northwest of us. He had a camera, and he was taking pictures of me as he went around the car. I felt very annoyed with him. I was tired of people trying to get pictures of me. The man stopped to the northwest of us and asked that we say “man of the fifties”. I thought that he was trying to suggest that the old car we were in had a classic look. I felt annoyed, and i wondered if he thought that i might be in my fifties. I did not want to deal with the man, and i thought that i should say that i am from the seventies instead. I then told the man that the car was not as old as the fifties. I leaned on the northern side of the car as we started to move to the east. It was night, and we were moving through the modern urban area. Many small lights illuminated the city around us. Someone held a cell phone over their head and stood in front of the car. They were trying to get pictures of the car. I thought that i should say “WICB man of the sixties”. We sat for a moment in the car, letting the people take pictures. I was in the passenger’s seat, on the southern side of the car, and the other man was to the north of me, in the driver’s seat. The man with me tried to turn on the small lights that were along the fenders of the car. He wanted to show off the car to the person taking pictures. The man flipped a switch, but the lights did not come on. The man said that the lights did not work. I stood to the north of the car, which was now facing west, and i looked at the rounded fenders. I was annoyed that the lights did not turn on. The man leaned to the car, playing with the switch on the dashboard to get the running lights on, but they would not turn on. I moved to the dashboard of the car to try. I thought that the lights had to work. I pulled on the switch, and it popped as electrical connections were made. The lights on the fenders then turned on. The light blue lights seemed to have been added to the fenders. They were small plastic bubbles along the top and ends of the rounded fenders. I noticed that the lights were not actually blue. The lights were probably white, but the clear-plastic casings had been painted over, and the lights were under the paint. The paint on the smooth plastic was cracked and fractured, and i thought that it did not make the lights look good. They looked cheap and old. The pale-blue lights were scattered in various places around the car, and the light illuminated the entire car, giving it a ghostly appearance. I moved around the car a little, looking at how the lights illuminated it. The lights were not as nice as i thought they would be, and i felt a little disappointed about them. I thought that they would look much more interesting.

I was driving through New York City with my mother. She was living in a small apartment here. I looked at the large building on the southern side of the street as we headed west. The large building was modern, and it seemed to be only partly constructed. It seemed as though i could see through the beams and framing of the building. I looked around at some of the other buildings in this crowded part of the city. I felt wary of this place, thinking that the buildings were not that safe to be around. We drove around the northern side of the large building. My mother was driving the car to the west. I looked at the large old buildings that were now on the northern side of the street. They were made of bricks or blocks, and they seemed more sturdy that the modern buildings. I knew that the modern buildings would replace them, though. The people here were buildings the new buildings over the tops of the old buildings. One massive modern building would cover most of the block where these old smaller buildings were now. I noticed the old glass store front in the bottom of one of the old building in the center of the block. It had a wooden frame and seemed well kept. I knew that these buildings would be consumed, thought. I felt annoyed about this, and i told my mother that i preferred the older buildings here.

12021 August 20

I moved around the house quickly. I had to pack my things up so that i could do something. I thought that i did not really have a lot to pack, so i thought that i should be good. I was in a small room, which seemed to be on the northeastern side of the second floor of the building. I stood on the eastern side of the room, packing some things in a small bag. A woman was to the west of me, packing some things into a box. I paused and looked around at the items in the room. There seemed to be a lot of knick-knacks on the surfaces, and i thought that there was more here to pack that i had thought. I then thought that a lot of things might still be in the small room to the south of us as well. I stood in a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall of the small room that was to the south of where i had been. A closet was in the western wall of the small room, and i thought that it probably had things in it as well. I thought that we would need more boxes to pack everything up. I felt a little exhausted. I walked to the west to get more cardboard boxes. I stopped in the room, which seemed to be in another house from where i was. I had entered the house from the east, and i was on the eastern side of a hallway that ran west, into the center of the house. A room was on the southern side of the hallway, and a closet was on the western end of the hall, where the bathroom had been. I opened up the door of the closet to get the boxes. The closet seemed like a storage area under the sloping roof of the house. the small space to the west of me had a sloping southern wall. The floor of the closet was lower than the floor of the hallway that i had been standing on. It seemed to be recessed by about a meter from the rest of the house. A short stack of flattened boxes was just to the west of me, on the floor of the closet. The boxes were stacked vertically and were leaning to the west, against something. I pulled one of the boxes off the top of the stack. Another stack of boxes was to the south of me. They seemed to be smaller boxes, so i took a few of them as well. I started to back to the east, but i remembered that i should close the hatch on the floor of the closet. The hatch covered the recessed area of the closet where the boxes were. As i started to the east, down the hall, i thought about the hatch. I wondered if i had allowed it to latch when it closed. I started to think that i would have to make sure that it was properly latched so that others did not take things from the closet.

I was in the small room on the western side of the large modern building. The small white room seemed like an office, though the lights were off and it seemed like a weekend or late evening. the wall to the west of me was a window, and it looked down over other buildings on the college campus. I could hear someone talking in the room to the east of me. I realized that i was hearing the voices over the intercom, which was on a surface to the south of me. The voice was of $A456, and she was telling the others something about me. I thought that she was unaware that i was in the room across the hall from where they were. I stood still and listened, wondering what they were saying. I turned and looked at the white intercom to the south, trying to hear it better. I then looked out the window to the west. I seemed to be near the southwestern corner of the building. A narrow stairwell seemed to be to the south of the room that i was in. Out the window, to the west, i could see over the bluish-green roof of a large low building. The building seemed like Barton Hall. I looked to the south. A large window was now in the southern wall. It seemed to look into a conference room. The others seemed to be there, but i could not see them. I thought that they were blocked from my view by the open glass door on the eastern side of the window. I listened to their voices on the intercom, but i could not make out what they were talking about. I then heard some strange noises. I listened to the noises for a moment, and i realized that the people were recording their voices and passing them though audio processors. The sound coming out still had words, but it was greatly distorted. It sounded interesting, though.

12021 August 21

I moved around in the outdoor area to the north and east of the building. I seemed to be in a patio area in the inside corner of the building. People would be gathering for the event, and we were just getting things ready. $F10 stood to the southwest of me. He seemed to be reclined in a chair, and he was watching something to the west. His shirt was red. I leaned my head over his left shoulder and watched the thing to the southwest. I thought that we were watching a part of the event being set up. I then realized that i was leaning very close to $F10. I felt close to him, but i thought that it might make him uncomfortable for me to be leaning against him with other people around. I moved away a little. We continued to watch things being set up here. I felt good being here. Someone to the east of us said something about the chef. I turned to the east, and the man asked if i had been introduced to the cook. I said that i had not, but then i thought that i probably had. The man started leading us to the east, along the northern side of the area. Some low objects were to the south of us, like stone fire pits or tables, and some lawn chairs were set up along the northern side of the area. I could see a man to the east, standing near a stone fire pit. The pit was square and had a grill along the front of it. The man was to the northwest of the grill, and he turned to the northwest and prodded a large log that was on the ground. I recognized the old man. I had met him previously. I told the other person that i think i had been introduced to the cook, but that i had not really talked to him. The man stopped near the older man, who wore a pale button-up shirt. His white hair was wavy. The chef seemed to be getting things ready for the event. He poked the large log on the ground to the northeast of me again. The log had glowing embers on the side of it, and one chipped off as the man stuck it with the metal stick. I turned back to the west, noticing others starting to get ready for the event. I now seemed to be in an empty room that was to the north of the patio. The western end of the room was open on the northern side to the larger hall in the western side of the building. I thought that most people would be gathering there. A woman in tight pink pants had a neon-pink guitar. She seemed to be getting ready. A door was in the western end of the southern wall, and it seemed to lead out into the patio area. A wooden picnic table was inside, and it had one end against the southern wall just to the east of the door. The woman was standing near the northwestern corner of the table, and her guitar bag was on the table. She had long blond hair and seemed young. I thought about playing guitar. I wanted to play with a band again, but i was not sure that i had played enough lately. I turned back to the east, wondering what i could do to help people set up. I then looked at the opening in the western wall. I was now closer to the western side of the room. People were getting things ready the west. I turned back to the east and started to float. I thought that the people here were from my high school, and i wondered what it would be like to hang out with them. I looked back to the west. The room had more people in it now, and the woman was still getting the pink electric guitar ready. I realized that she was not the same woman as before, though. She seemed taller and wider, with a square face. A man stood just to the south of her, near the western bench of the picnic table. He wore a long light-blue dress. I thought that he must have been another member of the band. The talked to each other as they walked to the northwest, toward the opening to the larger western room. They seemed to be heading to a glass door that was in the northern wall of the next room. The doorway led outside. I moved to the door and looked out at the people outside. A large shallow swimming pool was just outside, and many people were standing in it, socializing. I recognized many of them from my high school. Several of the men were still in good shape, and they had their shirts off. I thought that a few of them still looked attractive. I had expected most of them to be out of shape in their old age. I then remembered that i was still in shape, and i was the same age as them. I wanted to interact with some of the people, but i did not want to go swimming in the pool. I moved to the east, where a patio of square cement blocks was. It was separated from the pool area by short cubical cement planters, which had young trees and small plants in them. Reclined pool chairs crowded the patio area, but no one seemed to be sitting in them. I had my things with me, and i thought that i should put them down on one of the chairs. I maneuvered through the chairs. I then thought that i really did not have to go into the water to hang out with the people. I could simply float over the water and talk to them. I started floating again. I was now aware of a large body of water to the north of us. Just to the north of the patio and pool was the sandy beach of something that seemed like a very large lake or the ocean. Tall thin palm trees seemed to be growing here and there on the shore. I floated out over the water, aware that the people i wanted to talk to were still to the west of me. One man was below me, and i thought about floating down to talk to him. I realized that i still had my red shirt hanging over my left shoulder and several other items in my left hand. I felt awkward holding them, and i thought that i should put them down in the chairs on the patio before i start hanging out with the others. I floated back to the south to drop my things with my other clothes, which were still on one of the chairs on the patio. A small square fire pit was just to the south of the chair where my clothes were. The chair was facing north, toward the main water. I noticed the rough texture of the dark-tan bricks of the walls around the fire pit. The wall on the northern side of the fire pit seemed very thin. I thought that the bricks here might get very hot. I did not have to worry about the heat now, though, because no fire was burning in the pit. I put my clothes on the chair. I then realized that someone might be watching me. I had been rolling my clothes into a ball and tucking them into the seat of the chair, near the fire pit, but i realized that someone watching me might think that i was trying to hide valuables in my clothes. I did not want someone going through my clothes, so i tried to be more casual in the way i tossed them on the chair. I then turned back to the north and started floating in the air. I was swimming in the air now, pulling with my arms, but i was struggling to move up in the air. I tried to ascend to the northwest so that i could fly over the pool and the water. It was hard to fly now. I turned to the east for a moment to look at my clothes in the chair, and then turned back to the northwest. I wanted to get out over the water where the others were so that i could be with them. It felt very difficult to move, though.

12021 August 23

I sat on the southern side of the street, waiting for something. I felt uneasy here. My mother was to the southeast of me. She had been sleeping on the grass to the south of the sidewalk that i was on. We seemed to be in a urban area, but the lawn to the south of us had grass. I leaned to the east, against a fire hydrant. I felt very lackadaisical. My mother was getting things together to leave, and i felt unsure of what to do. I was then drawn to the west by voices. I thought that they were from the people i knew. I knew that they were moving. A large white building was to the southwest of me, on the southern side of the street. An intersection was to the north of the building, about twenty meters away from me. $A383 stood in the middle of the intersection, direction traffic, with the large modern white building behind him as he faced north. Many people seemed to be moving up and down the street to the west of me. I felt frustrated, thinking that i had things to do. I started to pick up my things. I picked up the old dull-blue wool blanket. Someone to the west of me then said something about the kitchen. I thought that the pizza had been eaten. This annoyed me. We were supposed to have saved the pizza until the weekend event. I started walking to the east, down the hallway. $A116 was talking to the others in the kitchen ahead of me. I wondered if he had heard about the pizza. I thought that he would have to make more so that we had some for the weekend. $A116 stood on the northern side of the room as i entered through a doorway in the northern end of the western wall. The person he was talking to stood in front of a door in the center of the southern wall. The metal door seemed to belong to an elevator. I walked to the metal door, which was then open, and i got into the elevator. The elevator was a simple metal cage that hung from a rope on the other side of the door. It swayed away from the door as i stepped onto it and swayed from side to side. I waited for a moment, thinking that the elevator would start to descend in a moment. Others were on the elevator with me, but they walked to the north to get off of the elevator platform. I waited for a moment, but nothing happened. I then realized that i had not pressed one of the buttons that was on the wall to the east of the doorway. the old plastic buttons seemed worn, and there were only a few of them. The elevator started to descend as i pressed a button. I tried to rebalance the tray that i had been carrying. I put my right foot up onto one of the steps to the north of me so that i could put part of the weight of the tray on my knee. I tipped the tray, though, and some things spilled off to the south of me. I felt annoyed. I asked the man to the south of me for a broom. I was standing in the kitchen now, and the man was standing on the southern side of the room. I was standing just to the south of a set of stairs, which ascended to the north, into the center of the northern wall. Only a few steps were in the stairway, which seemed to lead up into the next room.

12021 August 31

I talked to the young man as he moved to the south with the others. He was dressed in a tan leotard, and he was trying to dance with some of the other people on the stage. I knew that he was very excited to be a part of the dance group. He headed to the south, into the narrow corridor that led to the stage. I could see the others on the stage already. The man entered the stage and quickly turned around again. The other dancers moved with him. It was part of the choreography. I could tell that the young man was disappointed. He was thin, with a narrow face. He had barely gotten on stage when he had to come off. I knew that he was a new dancer, and i thought that the troupe did not yet allow him to have more of a presence in the dance. The man seemed disappointed as he moved toward me, from the stage, down the hall. I turned to the east as the dancers passed me and headed into a small back room of the theater. Several of the main dancers were standing along a bar on the southern wall of the room. They stood tall and posed. A man in a plain brown suit coat and matching pants stood to the north of them, on the eastern side of the room. As the man i knew walked past the other men, i realized how much shorter he was. The other men seemed tall and thin, and they all seemed very athletically built, with pale skin. I realized that the man i had known had a tannish-brown skin. I wondered if the others did not show him off because he was not of the expected European build as the others. I felt upset for the man. I felt close to him, and i wanted him to have a good time dancing, but i thought that he might be at a disadvantage because he was not a blond European.

I was talking to the others in the area, which seemed to be in the middle of a street. The ground under us seemed to be asphalt pavement. I turned to the north to see one of the men acting out a part in an area of the pavement that seemed to be designated as a stage. I moved to the north. Two men were sitting on chairs on either side of the stage area. I thought that they were auditioning people, and i suddenly felt as though i was here to be auditioned. The man in the eastern chair was $A15. I felt a little nervous as i moved to a chair, which seemed to be to the south of the man to the west. I would be auditioning for a part in this group. I knew that i could do a reading with the two men, and i hoped that i was able to figure out the parts quickly. As i moved the empty chair to the southwest of me to sit in it, i realized that i did not memorize any monologues. I hoped that i did not need any. As i was thinking about this and sitting in my chair, i noticed that the man i did not know was sitting in a chair to the northeast of me. He had lifted his left foot from the ground, and i could see that he did not actually have a foot. His leg ended in a fleshy stub, which had a flat bottom, as though his foot had been cleanly cut off and the end of his leg capped with skin. $A15, who was now sitting to the east of me, watched the man to the north of him. The man to the north adjusted his leg, but he kept it held forward, allowing me to see the bottom of the leg. It seemed out of place in some way. I then turned to the west. The other actors had started moving down the street to the west. It seemed that we had been at an intersection, and the other actors were supposed to do something with me. Something was in the middle of the wide street to the west, and we passed to the south of it. I stopped as i reached the western end of the object. The others were continuing forward, but i was not sure where we were going. It seemed that we should be doing something for the audition, and we could not do it if we wandered away. I looked back at the two men who were seated in the chairs. $A15 was still facing north, looking at the other man. They had been talking, but they suddenly said something about us and turned to look at us. One of them pointed out that i had not followed the others, and that this was a good thing. I thought that the others must have wandered away as expected, but the two men really wanted us to stay. I suddenly did not understand why the others had wandered off. If we were supposed to perform for the men, we could not do so by wandering away. This situation did not make sense to me.

I spoke to someone to the west of me as i stood to the north of the driveway. The short wide driveway led to a low one-level house, which seemed to belong to my relatives. The other person, who seemed to be my mother, walked to the south, still saying something to me. She walked down the eastern side of the car that was parked in the middle of the driveway. The car seemed to be from the seventies. A young man was standing at the northern end of the car, near the rear bumper. He seemed to be wearing a sleeveless shirt, and he held up his arms and flexed his muscles as i approached. I thought that he was trying to impress me for some reason. I looked at his arm muscles as i walked past, heading to the southeast. He smiled, though he did not seem to be looking directly at me. I thought that he had a nice build, but it was less athletic and more just not out of shape. I smiled back at him, but he did not seem to be looking at me. I wondered why he was trying to impress me. It felt nice that he was, but i felt no interest in him. I walked down the eastern side of the car and came into the room that was on the western side of the house. The small room was very plain, and it had no furnishings. I seemed to have entered the room through an opening in the northern wall. A wide opening in the southern wall led into a small alcove or pantry. Shelfs seemed to be along the southern wall of the smaller room. The shelfs were empty. My mother had walked to the east, down a narrow corridor that ran east, flush with the southern wall. I said something to her as i looked at the narrow cabinet or bookcase that was standing just outside the alcove, on the western side of the room. This place suddenly seemed familiar, and i thought that it was part of my grandmother’s house. All of the furnishings had been moved out of this place. I felt a little nostalgic here, and i thought that we still had something to do. My relatives seemed to be doing something here, and i thought that someone was to the southwest of me in another part of the house. I moved the cabinet, which now seemed like a refrigerator. I thought that it had to be pushed back into the corner on the western end of the southern wall. It seemed that it had been there before. I pushed it back, but i could not quite get it to fit. Something overhead seemed too low for the refrigerator to pass under it, but i knew that it should fit into the area. I moved the cabinet back and forth, trying to get it into the area. I was then aware of something to the southwest of me. I was outside the alcove now, and i could see a thin wall extending from the western wall, separating the alcove from the main room. The wall extended only about a half meter, and it seemed to be less than an deci thick. Something had been standing against the southern side of the wall, and it had tipped into the opening to the east. The top of it was shaped like a tall narrow fleur-de-lis, and it seemed to be made of a gray plastic-like material. It tipped from a point about a meter from the ground. I said something to my mother as i pushed the object back against the wall and then pushed the refrigerator to the south. As i adjusted the position of the refrigerator against the southern wall, i realized that i had pushed it to the center of the wall in the alcove. It should have been more to the west. I tried to adjust it, and i became aware of the heating duct on the floor. The refrigerator rolled behind the duct, but i told the other person with me that we should not put the refrigerator near the duct because the heat would blow on the refrigerator in the winter, which would not be good for the refrigerator. I continued talking to the man as i turned to the north and followed him. We were on a city street, which seemed as short as the room that i was in. We then stopped in the room to the north. People were sitting at tables around the room, and someone who seemed to draw my attention was to the east. I sat on the eastern end of the northern side of a rectangular folding table, which had a thin wood surface. I listened to the people to the south for a moment, but i looked behind me, to the northeast. A man was standing near the northern wall, talking to someone to the west of him. The man was older, with a rounded belly and thinning white hair. He had an oval face and seemed to talk in a loud voice. I started to look around the room, but i realized that this was all part of a dream. I thought that something was important about this place, and i thought that it would be interesting for me to try to remember as much detail of the dream as i could. I thought that i should pay attention to as much as i could so that i would remember it. The details of the room seemed to become suddenly sharper. I looked at the man to the northeast. He was wearing a white suit jacket that had thin blue plaid stripes. The stripes seemed to form two overlapping grids of squares, with one set just below and to the left of the other. The pattern made it seem that i was looking at a grid of squares with lines across the right top sides. I then wondered if, because this was a dream, the patterns would change over time. I thought that words would adapt as i tried to read them. I kept staring at the man’s coat as someone walked between us, momentarily obscuring my view. When i saw the coat again, the pattern had changed. A third grid of thin red lines now ran across the coat, running between the other two grids. Something else to the northwest of me seemed to change in detail as well, but i kept staring at the pattern on the coat as the man moved closer to me.