12022 August 01

I was is the large mansion with the other person. I felt worried. People were coming. I had been talking to the other person in the house, and i knew that i as a vampire. I had hoped that no one would know, but it seemed that the authorities were coming. I felt worried, and i moved around the house, wondering where i could hide. The house seemed like a mansion, but the rooms were disguised like a public building. I hurried to the north, down a corridor on the eastern side of the building. The living quarters seemed to be mostly on the southern and eastern sides of the house, but this part seemed to be a meeting area. The large room on the northern side seemed to be a dining area. I ran to the east, across the southern side of the room. The police seemed to be gathering around the northern side of the building. I hoped that they did not know that i was a vampire, but i knew that they had found out. On the eastern side of the room, i headed to the south, down a corridor. I thought that i would have to hide in the house, but i was not sure where to go. The brown doors across the hallway to the south of me were closed, and a large padlock was on the upper left of the door. This door separated some of the public areas of the building from the private residences to the southeast. I checked the lock on the door. At first, i felt worried that i did not have a key, but then i thought that i should make sure that it was locked so that the authorities could not easily find me in the house. I did not want them to know that i was here. I headed back to the north, entering the large dining area. Many small round tables were in the room. This hall was used by a local social organization. I still felt afraid that people would find me here. As i started to the west, back across the southern side of the room, i noticed a man standing just outside the window in the eastern end of the northern wall. The northern wall seemed to be made of windows that ran from the floor to the ceiling. Most of the windows were covered my greenish-blue curtains, but the easternmost window was uncovered. The man outside seemed to be a police officer. I felt upset that he had seen me. Now the townspeople knew that i was here. I did not know what to do, and i felt trapped. I jumped to the northwest, toward a window in an entryway. The sun was coming through the glass, and i thought that it would be dangerous to me. I looked at the light as it fell on the skin of my right arm. It did not burn as i had expected. I thought that the dangers of sunlight might have been a myth. I was then with the other person in the hallway that ran to the south. It seemed to be the entryway of the house. I was not sure what to do. The other man stood to the east of me. The entryway seemed like it was part of an old house. Something in the hall seemed yellow. I talked to the man, worried about what i could do. We were on the top of the stoop at the front of the house. The dark stairs descended to the south of us, and the recessed area around the door seemed arched and darkly colored. The townspeople were coming from the southeast. I knew that i had been captured, so i confessed that i was the vampire. Several others were around me now, and the man that i was with was to the west of me. I felt upset, and i told the people that i had killed others. I hoped that they would not do anything bad to me. I then realized that they were talking about other vampires who were coming to town. The scene had changed, and i was relieved that the townspeople were no longer worried about me. The vampire was now standing to the north of me. I thought hat this was the second part of the story. It was dark out, and the small houses of the town seemed light brown. I could not see the townspeople, but i knew that they were preparing the town for an attack. I moved quickly to the south. The land sloped gently down hill through the small neighborhood of houses. I passed quickly through a few blocks and came to a main street, which ran east to west. I stopped on the street and looked around. No one seemed to be out. I knew that the people were supposed to be in their houses. I was sneaking around against curfew. I looked down the darkened street to the east. The ground of the street was wide and did not seem like pavement. I thought that the attack would be coming from the east. I had to get somewhere. I thought that i was going to meet up with my friend to plan something. As i started across the open space to the south of me, i saw the boys come from the east and run toward the diner, which as on the southern side of the parking lot to the south of me. They were not the other boys that i was supposed to meet, and i felt that they were up to some mischief that was not good. One of the boys was wearing a blue pair of shorts and a T-shirt. His arms and legs were pale and seemed tubular, like an animated character. I glanced to the west. I could see a group of five or six people sitting around an oval table in a room. They were the other boys and girls that i was supposed to meet. Most of them were looking down at something on the table as though plotting something. They were planning what to do when the attack came. A girl on the southwestern side of the table was sitting upright, looking at me. I waved to let her know that i had seem them. I then pointed with my right hand to the south, indicating the two bays i had seen sneaking. I wanted to meet with my friends, but i felt suspicious of the boys and ran to the south to see where they were going. I came into the diner, stopping behind a half wall so that the people in the diner could not see me. I could see the two boys run between two cars to the south of the diner. The cars seemed to be part of a junk yard. They were parked so that the one on the east faced north and the one to the west faced northeast. The boys seemed like teenagers now. They smiled at each other as they leaned back against the cars and started talking. I felt that they were plotting. I again thought about the people coming to attack the village. The scene changed. The two young men were sitting on opposite sides of a round table to the southwest of me. They turned to look at me as i approached. I felt nervous with them. I thought that they might try to do something to me. I warned them that vampires would be attacking this town. I was trying to suggest that they should not sneak around. The boys smirked at one another, and the boy on the eastern side of the table said “How do you know that we’re not vampires?” I realized that the young men were vampires. Thy had been hiding in the town. I knew that they had not killed anyone, though, so i thought that they must have been eating animals. I then thought that this must be the third part of the story. The first part had the single vampire living in the town unknown. The townspeople had discovered him at the end of the first part, which could have been at the end of the first season. In the second season, the vampire helped the town against the other thread. Now, in the third season, the witches were coming to attack the town.

I moved to the southwest, into the center of the small room, which seemed to be a bank. I was talking to someone to the southwest of me. Several others whom i knew were in the room. The woman to the east of me seemed to be behind a counter. She said something about the tree that was just to the southeast of me. The tree seemed like a pole, and it had a string of small lights wrapped around it. I started unwrapping the Christmas lights from the tree. They were wound around the narrow pole, which had thin furry branches around its sides. I started to coil up the wire of lights, but the length of wire seemed tangled. I felt annoyed, and i started to untangle the wire. A piece of white string was in the middle of the tangle, and i pulled it out. As i pulled it up, i saw the flattened nail at the bottom. I thought that i must have pulled the nail out f9om the wooden floor. The nail was almost a deci long, and its shaft had been flattened. Small barbs of gray metal pointed out from the sides of the nail, as though a grinder had melted the metal. I pulled a second nail from the tangle of wire around the pole to the northeast of me. It was also flattened, with a long narrow triangle shape to the shaft and small spines sticking out from the sides. I realized that i had a number of jagged pieces of metal in my left hand. I pulled a long one out, which was just under a meter long and about a half deci wide at the top. I felt curious about the pieces of metal, but i was annoyed that i had to pull them out. I was not sure what i would do with them. Someone to the east of me was then talking about something that had happened. I was aware of the television to the south of me that seemed to be showing the news. The woman to the east of me asked if it was “the Big Red”. I turned to look at the television, wondering what had happened. Something bad seemed to have happened. $A692 was to the southwest of me, talking to another man. He said that people had been hurt at the car wash. I thought that it had happened in downtown Ithaca. $A692 explained that the man who had done the shooting had said that ten minutes was too long to let it dry. I felt concerned about the shooting.

12022 August 02

I walked to the northwest with the other two people. Others had put us in this small room. It seemed that we were prisoners here and that the Russians had captured us. The walls of the cell were pale-red stone. While the other two talked in the room, i passed through a doorway in the southern half of the western wall and came onto a small balcony. A low stone wall ran along the western side of the balcony, and i moved straight to it and looked over the edge. I could see three thick wood beams supporting the room that we were in. They were about two decis thick and ran to the ground, which was about twenty meters below us. A tall mount of dirt extended about halfway up the northern most post and about a quarter of the way up the middle post. I thought that we should be able to climb down the posts and jump onto the steep hill of dirt. The dirt seemed rocky and steep, but i thought that it would cushion our fall. I thought that we could hang over the balcony and grab on to the posts to climb down them. I thought that it would be better to go down the central post to get to the grassy lawn, which extended to the west of us. I turned and spoke back into the room, asking the others if we would be able to climb down. The others seemed to say something. I looked at the ground again. A building seemed to be to the northwest of us, and its plain white wall faced the rocky lawn to the west of us. The grass on the lawn seemed short but not mowed, and many small stones poked up through the dirt. I contemplated climbing down to the steep tower of dirt that flared out from the bottom third of the northernmost column. I went back into the room to confer with the others. When i came back out on the balcony, the balcony was facing north. I still wanted to climb down the poles, but i noticed the paved parking lot to the northwest, just to the east of the white building. Three vehicles were parked along the western side of the building. Two of them seemed to be cars, and the one on the southern side seemed to be a small van or truck. The van was partly disassembled, with the supporting beams showing inside. The middle car was a small blue sports car with an arced tail that ended at a flat back end. The rear window of the car sloped steeply back and seemed to be tinted the same blue as the car. The car to the north was pale and seemed rather plain. I thought that we could get the attention of the others by breaking the widows of the car. I looked around on the ground of the balcony for a rock to throw. I thought that there should be one here somewhere. I quickly walked back into the room, passing to the south of the other two. I noticed some fist-sized chunks of asphalt that had broken off of the floor of the room. I picked one up and headed back to the north, onto the balcony. I had a chunk of rock in each hand. The man stood near me as i tossed one of the chunks at the car. I wondered how many i would have to throw before i hit the car. I watched the rock arc and hit the back window of the blue car. The window shattered. The man to the east of me cheered in surprise. I thought that i should throw the second rock at the car to the north, but i noticed the large glass mirrors or mirrored widows on the eastern wall of the room. The parking lot now seemed to be in a very large room, and the eastern walls had glass windows. I considered throwing the other rock at one of the windows. I turned back to the south. The woman that was with us was now talking to some of the authorities. A stern-looking woman in a heavy wool uniform scowled at us as i came back in from the balcony. The woman that had been with us stood just to the southeast of me and to the north of the woman in uniform. Two male guards in uniform stood to the southeast of the woman in uniform. The woman with us commented to the commander as the three of us walked back into the room from the balcony. I was going to taunt her with the broken car, but the woman made a polite-sounding comment that mentioned the broken car. The commander winced as she realized what we could have been talking about, and the took a few steps to the balcony to see for herself. I felt amused by the situation, and i walked to the south.

12022 August 03

I was sitting on the western side of the table with some other people. The rectangular table seemed like a cafeteria table, and the room around me was filled with people from high school. The tables seemed to be gray, and they were set in an area where the land sloped up to the north of us. We seemed to be on Hackett Boulevard. Someone then said something, and i turned to look to the southwest. The sky was filled with light-gray clouds, but i knew that the person was pointing out something in the sky, and i thought that it was a tornado. I noticed a dark cloud to the southwest that had a thin black line running down from it. The line was a narrow funnel cloud. The black cloud spread into a bar across the top of the tornado, on the underside of the dark-gray cloud above it. I watched the cloud for a moment as it moved to the north, passing over the urban area around us. The land seemed to be covered with low houses and apartments. The thin funnel cloud moved quickly to the north, passing to the west of us. Even though it missed us, i though that we had to be careful. I thought that other tornados might be in the storm. I looked around the sky, and i noticed several other vertical columns of clouds to the west. Several seemed thin and wispy, like the black one, but one was rather wide. It seemed to be heading in our direction. The people at the tables started to hurry out of the room, heading to the northeast. Someone directed them to a safe area. I noticed the walls that seemed to be on the southern and western sides of the room. I wondered if they would be strong enough to withstand the force of a tornado. They seemed to be made of blocks. I started heading to the north. The northern side of the room was open to the street, and i could see the trees and bushes on the northern side of the street. The others were crossing the street and seemed to be headed down a trail into the gorge. I thought that the low area might be safe from the tornado, but i was trying to think of other places to hide. The building to the east of me seemed to be a large factory, with red block walls. It was tall, and i imagined smokestacks coming from the top of it. The others ran to the north, along the stone wall. I moved to the eastern side of the wall. A storm-drain grate was on the northern side of the road. I wondered if someone could pull up the grate and climb into the basin below. It seemed that it would be a safe area to hide from the winds. I then thought that it would not be safe if heavy rain started to fall with the storm. The rain might be heavy enough that it would fill the storm drain, which would make the basin dangerous. I moved around in the room inside the factory. A man was to the north of me. He had been running the factory, which seemed to have a large furnace on the southern side of the room. I looked up. The room had no roof, and i could see the gray clouds. The swirling gray clouds were just over the edge of the building, to the southwest. The tornado would be coming here. The factory seemed to have many small spaces in solid block walls. I thought that we would be able to hide in one of the rooms. I asked the man where to hide, and he directed me to the west. The tall round furnace filled the southwestern corner of the room, and tall block walls ran to the north of it, creating compartments. The man showed me a space at the top of the northern end of the wall. I started to climb down into the space. It was a narrow space between the western side of the wall structure and a small square column of blocks that formed something just to the east of it. The block wall seemed to run from the furnace, along the western side of the column, and then to the east along the northern side. I started to squeeze into the tight space between the wall and the column. It was a tight fit into the space. I then wondered where the man would hide. He was still moving around on the floor of the factory. I thought that he might be giving up his hiding space for me. I did not want him to do that. I slipped by feet and torso into the space, noticing that the cement of the square column was warm on my legs and chest. It seemed like a kiln, and i wondered if it would be okay to be near it for the time that the storm took to pass. The cement column seemed to be about three meters by three meters along the sides. I felt concerned about the man, and i asked him something. I was now standing on a square cement platform that was about five meters square. I noticed the yellow or white joints where the thick I-beams ran down from the structure above me and rested on the corners of the platform. I remembered this structure from before. I seemed to remember when it was built. The I-beams were painted a dark color, and they were about a meter and a half wide. They ended on a metal plate atop an inverted trapezoidal block, which was painted a light color. The block then seemed to be resting on another plate on the cement platform. I could see the beam moving, and i thought that the wind must be hitting the top of the tower above me. The white block lifted and shifted several times. Looking to the northeast and east, i could see that the two other legs of the four holding up the tower were also lifting and coming back down. The man was to the northeast of me, and i asked him about the tower. Something about the bottom of the beams looked very familiar. I then looked to the north of me. Five or six smaller beams came down in a row along just to the north of me. They were much smaller than the main beams, and they did not seem to be supporting as much of the weight. They were also rising and falling as the tornado blew the top of the building. Something about the motion or the design of the beams looked familiar, and i thought that there was some significance to them.

12022 August 04

I moved around with the three to five other people. We were reading things from the papers in our hands. The packets of paper seemed to be related to theatric scenes, and we would have to read them for a show. The show seemed to be for a director, and i pictured him as $A15. I talked to one of the men in the group as we made our way roughly east over the rolling mounds in the forested area. The trees had no leafs and seemed to be saplings and bushes. I thought about the second script as we walked. The man was ahead of me, and he turned to the south to head down one of the steep mounds. He talked about memorizing the scripts, and i remembered that the second script was more of a long poem. It had flourished language and seemed harder to memorize. I mentioned this to the man as we came out of the branches and into a clearing. I felt uneasy about memorizing the long poem, thinking that i did not memorize things very well. I then thought that i had something else i should have been working to memorize, but i thought that i had not been reading it as often i should have been. The man stopped to the east of me, and he sat down on the curb of a street, juts to the east of an intersection. The curb as rounded as it approached the intersection. I sat to the west of him, and we talked about the play. I then mentioned something about myself. When i finished, i asked the man what he did in response. He hesitated as though the question was strange. I clarified by asking him what he did for work. He said that he was a student. This surprised me. I did not think that he was so young. The man clarified that he went to South Tampa University. I remembered that i had traveled to get here. I knew that i was in Florida, but i did not realize that i was so close to the west coast. I told the man that i had relatives in Tampa. I looked down at my cell phone, which was in my left hand. I thought that i should text my mother to tell her that i was in the Tampa area. I had not realized that i was this close to the city. I pictured myself to be to the southeast of the city area. I tried to switch my phone to text messaging, but i was looking at a map of the area around me. I tried to see where Tampa was on the map, but a round icon appeared in the center of the screen. It showed a red lightning bolt, representing a storm warning. I tried to move the screen to the left to see if i could see the city, but the scene changed to show most of the southern part of the state of Florida. Where Tampa was, two round icons showed on the screen. They overlapped one another, and the one on top seemed to be the lightning icon. It blinked red and yellow. Another round icon was near the southern part of the state. I felt annoyed and tried to shift the phone to get to text messaging. I still thought that i should tell my mother where i was. She would find it amusing that i was near Tampa. The man had said that he needed to do something before we met again to work on the script. I walked to the west with the man and a few of the other actors. We walked into the building, which seemed like a dormitory. The entry door was in the northern end of the eastern side of the large red brick building. We came into an entry hall that ran to the west. I stopped at a table, which was against the short wall to the south. The man said again that he had to do some class work. He walked around the western end of the short wall to the south and walked to a door in the southern wall of the corridor on the other side. The door was directly to the south of me, and it seemed to be the man’s dorm room. I said something to him as he walked into the room. I then started looking things up on my phone again. I was trying to figure something out. I picked up several of the things that i had put down on the table. The other people stood near me, talking to one another, but they eventually wandered off. I collected my things from the table, but i seemed to have trouble holding on to some of them. I was at the table for a little while, playing with the phone and trying to gather my things. A man came out of the room to the south. He seemed surprised to still see me, and he commented that i was still here. I replied to him, but i realized that he was not the man that i had been talking to before. The man before had dark hair and a rounded face. This man was taller with dirty-blond hair. I wondered why he was telling me that i was still here. I started talking on my phone as i turned to the west and headed into the building. I came into a large kitchen area, which seemed to be the house of my relatives. My grandmother was standing at the counter along the southern wall, to the southwest of me. I said hello to her as i shuffled through the things that were in my arms. I had to do something here. The kitchen seemed to be empty, and the counters and walls were a very pale green or blue. I was aware that $K1 was to the west of me. She seemed to be in the next room. I moved to the west to say hello. She was standing to the north of a counter, which seemed to be in the middle of the room. She was doing something on the counter. I said hello, but turned my attention back to my grandmother, saying something to her. I wanted to tell my mother that i was here, but i had not contacted her yet. I thought that she would show up later, though. I though about some of my other relatives as i said something to the people here. I then walked to the west, entering the room where $K1 was. She seemed to be cleaning something in the sink. I felt happy talking with her, and we chatted for a moment. She then headed to the east to talk to my grandmother. I picked up a white bar of soap and took a bite out of the corner. I moved around a little and then took another bite. I then realized that i did not like the taste of the soap. I remembered eating the soap before. It had some beneficial effect, but this soap seemed like too much. I then thought that it was strange to be eating bar soap. I leaned over the sink, listening to $K1 talk with others to the east. I spit out the soap in my mouth, thinking that i only really needed to take a few bites. I had planned on eating the entire bar, but i knew that i did not eat that much. I spit out the small pieces into the sink.

12022 August 05

I paced around in the center of the bedroom. It was early in the morning, and i had gotten up. I had to do something, but i was thinking about different things. A large bed was against the northern wall of the room, and $A682 seemed to be in it. I thought that i should go outside to do something. I then thought that i had to urinate. I wondered if i could urinate outside. I then thought that the house was not well hidden from the streets. We seemed to be in a suburban neighborhood. I wondered how i had urinated before when i was outside. I moved to the southeast and was in a different room. Two other people were there. They seemed like friends of mine. We had all been staying in this house for a while. I chatted with the others, who were to the southeast of me, as i moved around the room, looking for a toilet. I started to urinate in a plastic bag that was on the floor to the north of me. The bag was partially filled with water. One of the men moved to the east of me as we talked. I looked down into the bag, noticing that the color of the liquid seemed odd. Some other liquid must have been in the bag. I thought that i would dump the bag outside once i was done urinating. I then realized that this situation seemed strange.

12022 August 06

The other man and i left the place and started traveling to the northwest on the country roads. We had been at someplace, and now we had to travel back to where we had started. The land around us was mostly forested, and the roads went up and down small hills. I noticed some of the landscape, and i thought that i recognized some of it, but i was not sure. We headed to the northwest into an intersection with a road that ran north-northeast and south-southwest. The stop sign at the intersection stood out, seeming very new and noticeable. I was aware of a barn on the eastern side of the road to the north of us. I thought that the road to the northeast led to another small town that i used to travel through. I was following the man, who was driving another car. He turned to the north, and i followed him. A white road sign in the shape of a shield was on the western side of the street. It seemed to have a route number that confirmed that this road led to the town that i remembered. A little while later, we were headed to the west-northwest, and the man turned to the northwest, onto another road. I recognized this road. It was a shortcut to the main road, which ran east to west, to the north of us. The road was about a half a kilometer long. I could not see the other end of it as i turned, but i knew where it came out. The land to the east of the road just after we turned was covered with thick green wild grass. At the intersection at the northern end of the short road, we turned to the west, stopping in the heavier traffic. This road had four lanes at first, but as we stopped at the light, it had only two, and both lanes were going in the same direction. I stopped my bicycle in the southern lane. I realized that i was very close to the curb on the southern side of the road, facing west. I decided that i should shift my bicycle over to the north so that i was on the right side of the lane of traffic. I did this while waiting fro the light. I then told the other person, who was to the southeast of me, that we should be in the traffic lane. We moved to the west a little but stopped at the next light.

I walked east across the white marble plaza. I was heading to the church, which was to the southwest of me. I could hear the sound of people talking in the chapel. The church seemed to be the one near my grandmother’s house. I remembered it as a small cathedral, with tall towers and thin vertical details on the outside. The entrance to the church was on the eastern side of the building, and i had to walk down to the plaza to the south of me to get to it. I started down a set of stairs, which descended to east of me. As i started down the steps, i realized how strange the steps were. They were new, and they were designed to be decorative. I came off of the steps onto a landing, which extended to the south, over the plaza, which was about four meters below where i was. The surface of the landing was a lattice of metal. The thin metal bars formed square shapes that ran diagonally to the sides of the terrace. I had to be careful to step on the thin metal bars that formed the lattice. As i walked to the south, i felt a little nervous. It seemed easy to step between the bars and fall through the grid. The squares seemed to be only a deci or so wide, but my food could easily slip through them as i stepped. Thick metal knobs pointed upward from the centers of the squares. They seemed to be attached to the metal lattice, but the metal lattice seemed only to form the sides of the squares. The knobs had four rounded sides and came to rounded points at the top. They were shaped like seed pods or buds of a plant. I felt that i had to be careful not to step or fall on the pointed knobs. I felt very nervous walking on the terrace as i turned to the west to descend the long flight of steps down to the plaza below. As i reached the edge of the landing, i noticed that the stairs were farther than normal from the landing. I had to hop to get to the first step, which made me nervous. I could still hear people inside the church talking as i made it to the steps and stared to carefully descend. My feet felt unstable on the thin bars, but i was able to climb the stairs. I then wondered if i was supposed to be walking no the steps. They did seem more decorative that useful. I then heard a woman’s voice from the church. It sounded as though the service had started in the main chapel. I looked up to see the tall narrow church at the western end of the plaza. It was made of dark gray stone, and the tall arched doorway in the center of the eastern side was open. The woman moved on the southern side of the doorway, mentioning the song books. The congregation had started reciting one of the songs. I wanted to get one of the songbooks to start the service, but i was not yet in the church. I pictured the books in the wooden bins on the back of each pew. I hoped that i was not too late to enter the church for the service. I reached the bottom step and hurried to the west. I passed down the short hallway at the entrance to the church and entered the large room on the western side. The person speaking stopped suddenly, and everyone in the room looked up at me. A man stood on a platform on the western side of the room, and conference desks ran north to south in rows to the east of him. People sat at the desks, attending telephones. This service was really a telemarketing show. It was not the normal church service that i remembered. I felt uncomfortable as the man on the dais and the people at the desks glared at me. I excused myself and backed out of the room. I heard the broadcast continue once i was out. I had to get to the chapel, which seemed to be elsewhere in the church. I turned to the north, where a door was in the wall. I poked my head in. People were sitting in chairs. They seemed like celebrities, and it seemed that they were getting ready to be on the show. I asked if they knew where the chapel was. They stared at me in confusion and distaste. One man with chins-length curly black hair sat on the western side of the room, in a chair facing east. A woman was to the northeast of him, and she was bending over to attend to him. They both looked up at me, not saying anything in response to my question. The others just stared. I felt that they did not think my question was worth answering. I started to feel awkward when no one responded, so i backed out of the room and let the door close in front of me. Some people were in the hallway around me. I wondered what to do. I then noticed the double doors that were open in the center of the northern wall, to the east of the room i had just entered. The vertical bluish-gray patterns of the stone walls in the hall outside looked familiar. I recognized this as the main entryway to the church by my grandmother’s house. I thought that i could go to the entryway and take the other set of steps up to the main chapel. The steps would run up to the east. I headed up the steps, now outside on a small terrace. At the top, a wide set of three or four steps ran up to the south, ending in an area set into the side of the church. I thought that the doors to the main chapel would be on the southwestern side of the courtyard. As i started up the wide steps, i noticed that the opening to the southeast was now a shop. Items hung over the doorway, and a counter of items for sale ran between two white columns, which held up the roof over the front of the shop. A man had just come out of the shop and was heading to the southwest, along the southeastern side of the counter.

I ran to the west, along the northern side of the large open area. $Z was with me, and he seemed like $F71 for a while. The area to the south of me seemed like a parking lot, but it had a reddish-orange hue, like it was mixed with iron-rich clay. I slowed to a walk on the parking lot as $F4 continued to the west. I called to him, mentioning something about this place. We had been here before, and we had just finish something and returned here. I was barefoot as i turned to the south and started walking into the cold water. The water seemed only a deci or so deep on the parking lot, but i could feel it rising over my knees as i walked south. It felt chilly. Something about this place seemed special. I continued to talk to $F4 as i walked. I thought that i should dive forward into the water and swim a bit. I thought that it would be refreshing. I was aware of another person or two in the water to the southwest of me. I was up to my waist in the water, and i thought about swimming again. I continued to talk to $F4, though. I headed back to the north, stopping at the edge of the water. A small flat rectangular stone was on the ground, near a rectangular hole in the ground. I remembered this stone from before. I had move it to cover the hole, though it did not quite cover the entire hole. I crouched down and moved the thin stone slab, which seemed like a piece of slate, to the west, trying to cover the hole. The hole was about a deci and a half wide north to south and about three decis long east to west. The slab rested on the eastern end, leaving a gap of about five centimeters on the western side. The slab was warped on the western side, though. The center bent down into the hole, and the seemed to have a leaf-shaped pattern in the middle of the fold. I remembered that the plate had been warped before, but i remembered the warp lifting up the last time. Something was very familiar about the plate, and i tried to remember how it had changed.

12022 August 07

I was with other $G4 in the rural area. I stood near the northwestern corner of a long gravel parking lot, which stretched to the east of me. The grass rose slightly from the northern side of the lot, spreading to the northwest. A line of trees ran along the northern side of the lot, but ended about five or six meters from the western end of the lot. The forest continued to the north and northwest of me, on the other side of the grass, about fifty meters away. A gravel road seemed to run from the northeast to the west of me, where it turned and connected with the parking lot. $F74 stood to the west of me, near the end of the lot, about five meters away. I had something in my right hand, and i pulled it back over my right shoulder to throw it to the north. Someone then said that $A456 was here. I looked to the east, seeing a pale-tan car, which looked like a small Volvo, coming from the east and turning into a parking spot along the northern side of the parking lot. Several others were to the east of me in the lot. I threw the small dark object to the north, but it ended up going to the west. “Damn it.”, i said as i saw the small thing land on the ground just to the west of $F74. I then realized that the people to the east of me might think that i was annoyed that $A456 was here, so i told $F74 that i had expressed disappointment because i had thrown the object and it did not go where i wanted it to go. I held out my right arm to the north, showing him the direction that i wanted the object to go, and then i held out my left arm to the west, showing where the object actually went. I turned to the east to see where the others were. $A456 had still not gotten out of her car. I was then doing something to the southwest of me. I was in a room, talking to the others. I knew that i was to the southeast of the parking lot, in one of the cabins at the camp. I said something to a person to the east of me as i washed something in the sink in the counter to the south of me. I then turned back to the northwest to head back to the parking lot. More people were arriving, and we had to get ready. I left the building through a door in the northern wall and headed to the northeast across the gravel lot. As soon as i started across the lot, i realized that i was not wearing my shoes. For a moment, i worried that i had forgotten to bring them with me. I knew that my car was parked at the western end of the northern side of the lot, and i thought that i had forgotten to bring shoes and socks for the run. I felt disappointed and annoyed. I paused in the parking lot, not sure what to do. I mentioned to someone that i did not know where my shoes were. $A605 was standing to the west of me. He told me that my shoes were with my things in the cabin. I had put my luggage and sleeping bag in one of the cabins. $A605 headed to the southwest, toward a cabin on the southern side of the parking lot. The wood cabin had screens around the upper halfs of the walls. I remembered that my things had been placed along the western wall on the northern side of the room, and i wondered if my sneakers were really there. I followed $A605 through the doorway in the northern wall and stopped inside. A bed was just to the west of the door, and i knew that $A605 and $A595 had claimed that bed for themselves. I then noticed that a bunk bed was in the northwestern corner of the room, just to the north of my things. I had planned to sleep on the bed in the northwestern corner, but it had not been a bunk bed. Someone had stacked two beds on top of each other. I looked at the beds, noticing the thin wood supports that held up the upper bed. They were narrower than the lower bed and seemed to rest on the mattress of the lower bed. I grabbed the southern end of the upper bed, tipping it to the south. I pointed out that the upper bed was not stable. As i pushed the wooden platform of the upper bed back into place, i realized that the upper bed was actually a picnic table that had been inverted. I said that it would not work as a bed. It would also block the lower bed.

12022 August 10

I was lying on the bed, which was against the western wall of the room. The others had been talking to the north, but they lied down in the bed as well. The room was chilly, and it seemed that they were trying to get warm. I remained where i was, and two men lay down to the south of me. $A832 seemed to be the man just to the south of me. The man to the south of him was someone that i knew. I also knew the man who lay down to the north of me. The two men to the south pulled the blankets over themselves, but the man to the north did not have as much blanket. I realized that the blankets were bundled up around my legs, so i tried to kick some of the blanket oven the legs of the man to the north. He took the edge of the blanket and pulled it over himself. We lay on the bed for a moment, and then we were standing up. We seemed to be in the middle of a street, which seemed to be on the southern side of Collegetown. $A832 said that he had to be somewhere, and he started walking to the north on the western side of the street. At the intersection, which was just to the north of us, he crossed to the east. The older man, who seemed Indian or East Asian, made a joke about $A832, referring to him as a “mother”. He ended the sentence suddenly, and i smirked, thinking that he was trying to say “mother fucker” without saying “fucker”. The third man laughed about it as well. I turned to the east and headed away.

12022 August 12

I stood in queue with some of the others on the western side of the room. We were facing south. The queue was only a few people long, and a man was standing to the east of us, directing us. I was at the front of the queue, and i started to head to the east. A man was to the north of me in the queue. He looked very familiar, and i thought that i knew him from somewhere. He had an oval face, with short dark hair on top of his head. He said something to me, and i replied, acting as though it was good to see him again. He responded with the same type of friendliness. I could not remember his name, though. He seemed like someone i had known from an organization previously. I told him that it had been a long time since i had seen him. The woman in queue behind him then said the name Terrance. I knew that she was referring to the man who had introduced me to the man previously. I remembered Terrance, and i said something to the man about it. He moved behind me and put his arms over my shoulders, hugging me. I was a little unsure about the situation, because i could still not remember his name. The man in the grayish business suit, who had been standing to the east of the front of the queue, was directing us to the east. I spoke to the man as we passed through a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. We came into a small office, and a man was sitting behind a desk to the north of me. He seemed to be a bank manager, and we were supposed to meet with him. I felt awkward here. The bank manager told me something, and i looked at something he had before getting up from the chair that i had been sitting in and walking back to the door in the southern wall of the room. I kept thinking of the man from the queue and the woman. Something about the name was not quite correct. I came into the short hallway, thinking that my meeting with the bank person was over. A few others stayed in the office. I took a few short steps to the east and then rounded the corner, heading south. After a few steps, i looked into the doorway in the western wall, which looked back into the room where the queue had been. The man was no longer there. There were only two or three people in the queue now. I felt disappointed, but i felt concerned about something. I then thought that i still had to ask the bank person about something. I walked back to the door of his office. A few people were now inside. I had lost my place in the queue, so i would have to wait to see him again. I remembered seeing the screen that he had showed me. Three lines of white text ran across the black screen. I thought that each line had something to do with a bank account. I had to ask the man a question about them. Something concerned me.

12022 August 13

I stood on the western side of the room, talking to the people to the south of me. I seemed to be in a house. The boy was to the southwest of me, doing something, and his mother was to the south of me. I talked to them about something as the boy moved to the east. Several cats wandered across the floor to the south of me, and i moved to the east, saying something about them. The boy then started talking to me. He seemed to be in his late teens. He was thin, and i thought that he was from a poor family and not well nourished. I felt concerned about him. He chatted with me as he moved to the east, and i moved to the south of him and walked with him. He wore a pair of gray shorts and a button-up shirt. He seemed happy to talk, but i wondered if his mother would want us talking. I thought that she abused the child in some way. The boy sat on a wide surface, like a couch or bed, just to the north of me and continued talking to me. A large gray furry cat reclined to the west of his legs and stretched to the north. I felt worried about the boy and the cat. The boy said something about the cat, and i reached down with my left hand to pet the cat. I scratched its backbone form its midsection to its tail. I felt worried about the cats, thinking that the boy might neglect them the way his mother neglects him. The boy was sitting just to the north of me, next to the cat, and he said that his back hurt. He hinted that i should pet him as well. I reached behind his torso and massaged the tendon along the right side of his spine, asking him if that was where it hurt. He continued talking about his back though. I thought it would be easier to massage him if he turned around, but he continued talking to me as though oblivious. His mother approached us from the west, cleaning something on the floor. I felt a little uncomfortable. I thought that his mother might be angry that i was showing the boy attention. I then realized that i was massaging a boy that i did not really know, and i worried that she might accuse me of trying to seduce the boy. I felt annoyed with the situation now. I worried about the boy, but i was not sure what else i could do for him.

12022 August 14

$A606 moved toward me from the south. $A682 had been on the southern side of the room, and he moved to the west, into his bedroom. I was in a small room on the northern side of the apartment. $A682 had not seen me here, and i had come here to get something. I thought that $A682 was upset about something, and $A606 leaned close to me to ask me about $A682. He seemed to want to know what i knew about $A682’s mood. I thought that $A682 was somehow thinking about me and upset about me, but it had been a long time since i had seen him. $A606 seemed to imply that $A682 was upset because of me, and he asked me questions about $A682. I felt hesitant to answer, but i whispered quietly to him. I did not want $A682 to hear that i was here. $A606 and i sat on the small bed, which was against the western wall of the room, to the north of the doorway to $A682’s room. As $A606 continued to ask me questions, i felt more and more nervous that $A682 might hear us. I tried to whisper quietly, and i told $A606 why i was whispering. I was then under the covers of the bed, trying to muffle our voices. I was aware of $A682 moving in the room to the southwest. $A606 asked me something, and i moved to whisper into his ear, telling him that $A682 would be upset if i were here. I glanced to the southeast. I now seemed to be under the bed, and i could see the tasseled edge of the bedcover hanging over the edge of the bed. I looked out across the room, hearing $A682’s footsteps as he moved closer to the doorway to his room. I thought that he must hear us talking. He then stepped out of his room and stood to the southeast of the bed. The bed i now seemed to be on was set into the western wall of the room so that the doorway to the south was even with the eastern end of the bed. $A606 turned to look at $A682, who seemed upset. I was still under the covers of the bed, so i knew that $A682 could not see who i was. He would still see that someone was in the bed with $A606, though. I turned a little to peer out from under the covers. When i saw $A682, he seemed to recognize who i was, and he backed up in surprise and annoyance. I realized that i was not as covered with the white bedspread as i had thought i was. I sat up. $A682 moved around near the doorway to this room, saying something to us. He seemed angry. I responded to him, feeling defensive. When he responded, his words were more insulting. I felt annoyed, and i did not really want to deal with him. I had simply come here to get something. $A606 was now standing to the southeast of me near the eastern wall of the room. He motioned to the woman to the southeast of him and introduced me to her. She sat on the southern end of the western side of another single bed, which was against the eastern wall. She was East Asian, with an oval face and chin-length straight black hair. She seemed to be wearing a plain loose dress that had a bright flowered pattern. She sat with her hands in her lap and seemed shy, but she waved at me. $A606 said that she was the new roommate. I thought that she was staying in the room where i used to live. I talked to the others for a moment, trying not to say much. I had to gather my things and leave. The woman was then sitting on the bed, to the south of me. She faced southeast, and she leaned back onto me. I thought it was strange that she was acting so relaxed so close to me, but i did like holding someone near me. I reclined for a moment. I was then gathering my things, and i seemed to head to the west to leave. I headed to the east into the garage, where my car was parked. I walked along the northern side of my car, which was facing east, and i opened the driver’s door. The car was a jeep, and i put some of my things into the front seat of the car. As i placed a duffel bag on the front seat, i noticed the black cat pacing around in the rear of the vehicle. I remembered that i had left the cat here earlier. The cat was facing west, patting the cushion of the back seat. I did not want it to get out of the car, so i closed the car door. I started to the west, remembering that i had left the other cat in the apartment. I thought that i would need to get the other cat, but i then thought that there were just different versions of the same cat. I opened the rear door of the car and talked to the cat. It seemed like $X25, but i thought that the cat in the apartment was $X25. I would have to get him from the apartment and leave this cat here. Something seemed confusing about this, though. The cat looked at me as i scratched its chin. I wondered if this could be $X14. They both looked the same, and i wondered if i could recognize the difference if they were near each other. I felt sad for the cat. Something seemed wrong. I closed the door and started to the west. $A682 was in the garage to the west of me now. He still seemed bitter with me. I told him that i just needed to get my things and leave. I stopped near the back of my jeep, though. $A682 had parked his jeep behind mine. I noticed that the rear door of my jeep was open, and his jeep was parked close enough that it was pushed into the rear of my jeep. This annoyed me, and i complained to $A682 about it. I looked back at the jeeps. Both were the same metallic color of pale green. I felt upset that $A682 had hit my can with his.

I stood to the north of the low surface. I seemed to be in the large bedroom in the upstairs of my grandmother’s house. I felt that i had to hurry. It seemed that i had to return to someplace that was to the east of where i was. I thought that i would have to catch the bus there. I was having trouble packing the things to the south of me, though. I had a large bag, but i had several things that were not in the bag. My grandmother, who was to the northeast of me, said something, and i responded that i had to hurry. I then thought that i would not be able to make the bus. I would have to drive. I put the clothing bag back down on the table and unzipped it. I laid the long-sleeve button-up shirt on top of it with the hanger to the east. I tried to rearrange the items in the bag so that i could zip up the bag and take everything with me. I felt rushed and anxious. I hurried to arrange things, and then i headed to the east.

I had been talking with someone, and then i left the room. I felt a little distant from what i was doing here. I headed to the south, into the room where my parents were. I turned to the east as the images came on the television. The young man that i had been talking about was now on the television screen. His head appeared in a pale box on the right side of the screen, and another young man’s head appeared in a box on the left. They were singing a slow song. I remembered that the man was a television personality, and now he was making a video for a song he sang. His face seemed oddly shaded, as though it had been painted with a smooth color of pale tan. A small design was on his right cheek. The end of the design near his mouth seemed to form the black outline of the petals of a small flower. A line to the left of it ran up his cheek toward his right ear. I felt sad about the song, as though i had missed an opportunity for something. I sat down on a seat near the northern end of the western wall of the room. My mother seemed to be sitting to the north of me, my father seemed to be standing to the southeast. I watched the screen for a while, feeling disappointed. I then looked down at the floor under the screen, realizing that i was wasting too much time watching television. I felt upset that something was not happening.

12022 August 16

I stood near the southern side of the large crowd, which seemed to be in a wide outdoor area that seemed like a park. We were here for an event that seemed to have recently ended. I looked to the north at the crowd of people. I pictured the park as a large open grassy area surrounded by trees. We seemed to be to the south of the center of the city, and i could see some skyglow from the city on the darkened northern sky. $F71 was with me in the crowd as the crowd started to disperse. I headed to the south east with $F71, trying to leave this area. $A834 was in the crowd with us, but i did not see here near us at the moment. $F71 mentioned him, and i remembered seeing him here with the others. I weaved through the crowd as $F71 followed me generally to the southeast. We came out of the park on a side street in a small suburban neighborhood. Small houses lined the eastern and western sides of the street, and the street seemed to end just a little to the north of us. A large white building was at the northern end of the street. It seemed like a small set of apartments. I thought that we would have to head south on the sidewalk that ran along the western side of the road. $A230 then came from the building at the northern end of the street and stopped near us. I said hello, greeting him warmly. It was very good to see him.

I headed to the southeast as i left the party. It was late at night, and i thought that i should head out and get somewhere that i could sleep. I was on a street in a suburban area, and it seemed rather quiet. I looked to the north, down the street. I could see silhouettes of men running back and forth across the street. They seemed to be running from car to car, looking for something. I thought that they were taking things from the vehicles to the busses where people were sleeping. I noticed that they were all wearing kilts. I turned to the east to cross the street, and then headed southeast into the bus. The bus seemed to be crowded with boxes and bags of clothing and other personal items. I stepped over some of them, but i felt annoyed that the items were in my way. I was supposed to sleep on the bus during the festival, and i knew that my bed was on a shelf along the eastern wall of the bus. As i headed south, down the central aisle of the bus, i noticed that the door in the western wall to the southwest of me was open. I felt annoyed that someone had left it open. I thought that i should close it so that people could not get into the bus while i was sleeping. I moved to the door, but someone had left some cardboard boxes of clothing on the steps that led down to the door. The boxes prevented me from closing the door. I felt frustrated, and i bent down to move boxes out of my way. I then heard $F47 to the north of me. He had entered the bus. I wondered if anyone else would enter the bus while i was trying to sleep.

12022 August 17

I was on the eastern side of the large room, which was full of people from the conference. The conference seemed to have something to do with politics, and people were standing around the room talking to one another. I started moving to the south, aware of the woman who had been to the northwest of me talking to the man to the west of her. She seemed to be from $G4. I had asked her something about $G4, and she explained the situation to me. I thought that it was strange to see someone from $G4 in a political conference. It seemed like a strange combination of interests. I thought about the conference as i headed south, wondering what people were really here to discuss. I felt a little out of place here. I then stopped to talk to someone in the room. I did not want to stay stopped for too long, though, because i knew that i had to get back to my dinner. I had been eating at a table to the west of where i was now, and i had left because i had to do something in the northern part of the room. I felt impatient as i spoke to the man to the northwest of me. I glanced to he west, at the table where i had been sitting. I had been at the southern side of the long rectangular table, which had a white table cloth on it. I noticed that my spot at the table was now empty. Someone had cleared my plate from the table. I felt disappointed. The waiter must have assumed that i had finished my meal and left. I thought that i would have to get more food from the buffet. I hoped that the buffet had more food left. I continued talking to the man for a moment, and then i headed out of the room to get more food. I reentered the room from the west. To my disappointment, i saw that all of the plates had now been cleared from the tables. I noticed that someone was standing on the northern side of the room, and others were listening to him. The politicians had started their conference again. I moved to the eastern side of the room, where a table was set against the eastern wall. The table had boxes of pizza on it. I was disappointed. The buffet used to have chaffing dishes of food, but all that was left was left-over pizza. One of the white cardboard boxes was open in the center of the table, and it had most of a pizza in it. It seemed that the only pizza left had meat on it, and i did not want meat on my pizza. I thought that i would have to eat it, though. I also noticed that the crusts had been cut off of most of the slices of pizza. I felt upset as i took a slice of the pepperoni pizza. As i held the slice in my hand, i decided that i would need a napkin as well. I looked around the table for one.

I walked to the south, into the offices. A man in a suit was walking with me, to the east of me. I knew that his name started with a W, and it seemed to be something like Wasson. I had to meet with him about something, but i did not really talk to him. I thought that we would have to go into the office to look at the place. A short hall ran to the south of us, and i knew that the office was on the eastern side, near the end of the hall. I headed for the door in the eastern wall of the corridor. As i entered, i asked for the man that i was supposed to meet. Other people were in the office, but they did not respond. A reception desk was to the east of me, and others moved around at desks around the room. I then realized that the man i had been walking with did not enter with me. Something seemed wrong. I stepped back out of the office, noticing the sign on the door that i had opened. It was not the correct office. The man i was looking for should have been in office 110W. I headed across the hall, to the west and reentered the office to the north. The walls of the office were surfaced with dull metal. The office seemed very wide. I asked for the man again, and again, no one responded. I noticed that most of the desks in the office were to the east and northeast of me. The large room with the white ceiling to the north and west seemed mostly empty. Square columns rose to the ceiling near the northern wall to the north and northwest of me. I asked for the man again, and someone responded. I looked to the northwest, seeing a man doing something near the northwestern corner of the room. I was not sure if he was the one who answered me. I then noticed a woman between a set of shelf more to the north of me. She seemed to be in a recessed area in the northern wall. She wore a brown dress that came down to her knees. It seemed to be a polyester dress from the late seventies or early eighties. I wondered if it was her who responded. I tried to think of what the voice sounded like, but i could not quite remember. She was taking something off of a shelf to the east of her. I realized that this place seemed more like a warehouse. I felt awkward here, and i was not sure what i should do. I moved to the west, realizing that the room was much bigger than i had thought it was. A woman was to the north of me now, and she was doing something on the ground to the northeast of her. I moved to the southwest of her, stopping when she said something to me. She asked me to do something, and she pointed at something to the south of me. I turned to see several large rocks on the ground. I thought that the woman might want me to move the rocks, but i could see that the rocks were large. They were about a meter in diameter. The one on the west was squat and somewhat oval shaped, and the tan one on the east was more round. I did not think that i would be able to lift them, and i thought that the woman should know that. I asked the woman what she wanted me to do, trying to get her to clarify. She pointed again at the rocks. I felt frustrated. I did not understand what she wanted me to do with the rocks. It then seemed to be later. I had been standing here for a while. An older man came from the west and pushed the rocks across the floor to the east. I realized that the rocks must not be as heavy as they had seemed. They actually seemed easy to slide. I felt annoyed that i did not try to do something with the rocks. I felt out of place here.

12022 August 18

I moved carefully across the room, to the southeast. The walls of the room were cement, and old multipane windows seemed to be high on the walls. It was bright outside, and we were sneaking around this place, looking for something. The others had left the building to the south. I headed toward the door in the center of the southern wall. This door seemed to lead outside. A door in the northern end of the western wall seemed to lead into another part of the building This room seemed to extend to the south from a much larger structure. This place seemed like an old factory that had been abandoned, but the room i was in was being used for something. The ceiling was very high, and everything seemed run down. The southern door was ajar. I was cautious as i approached it. I knew that bad people would not want us in this area. They seemed to be to the southeast of where i was. I thought that the others had exited through the southern door and headed to the west, along the front of the building. They then headed to the north along the western side of the room, which projected from the main building. I could hear them talking outside the widows in the western wall, and i felt uneasy, thinking that they were being too loud. I hoped that the bad guys did not hear them. I thought that he bad people were in another building to the southeast. As i peered through the slightly open door, i could see the other building to the southeast. It was on the eastern shore of a small body of water, which was to the south of us. It did not seem far, though. The bad guys would be able to get here fairly quickly. The rocky ground to the south of the building ran only about four meters before it sloped gently into the water. I walked carefully out the door and then hurried to the west, hoping that the bad guys did not notice me. I had to get around the western corner to get out of sight. I started to the north. A narrow corridor ran between the western wall of the room i had been in and the larger building to the north and west. I could see a woman running to the north near the northern end of the corridor. I thought that the corridor must turn to the east and run along the northern side of the building. The others must have already turned to the east, but i was catching up with the woman. She was running slowly. She wore blue jeans and a puffy black coat. She ran with her hands up in front of her, as if she were trying to negotiate uneven footing. I asked her where the others had gone, and she said that they were looking for something. She named the object, and it sounded like “aspen”. I thought that the other woman was sick, and we needed to steal the antidote from this place. Two people then appeared at the northern end of the corridor. They had come back from the east. I turned back to the south. We were again in the large room of the building. We had reentered the room from the doorway in the southern wall. This place seemed to be a laboratory, and i thought that we would have to search it for the antidote. I felt nervous that the bad guys would find us here. I stood near the southern door. It was still ajar, and i worried that the bad guys might notice and come to investigate. The room was filled with metal equipment, cabinets, and counters. I pushed the metal door so that it was almost closed. I did not want the light from the lab to be visible from the other building. I stood by the door as the others searched the lab. I felt very nervous. I noticed that air was being sucked into the room around the door. I thought that the vents in the room must be pumping air out so that nothing from inside the lab could escape. I wondered if the bad guys could trap us in the room. If they could seal the door to the south, then we would have no way to get out, and they could control the airflow and trap us in the room. I looked to the northwest, noticing the large metal panel that seemed to be an air filter. It was sucking air out of the room and blowing it to the west. A woman stood near the filter, looking for something on the counter to the north of the filter. The scene then changed. A large cartoon truck was in the center of the room, and one of the men was standing to the south of it. The truck faced north, and i could see the man walking across the back of it. The man suddenly got sucked into small holes in the back of the truck. The man could not fit in the holes, but it was a cartoon, so he squeezed through the small spaces as he was sucked into the truck. I felt tense, thinking that this might be a trap. The truck then got sucked up toward the ceiling. I could see the man in the cab of the truck, which was now facing south. He had large cartoon eyes. I felt alert, thinking that the bad guys were trapping the man in the truck. I felt scared, and i wondered what we should do. I thought that the truck would soon drop with the man in it. This would injure the man and keep him trapped.

12022 August 19

Something touched my right leg, just below my right hand. I was standing in an open area, facing northwest. My hands were at my sides, and i looked down to see what had touched my leg. I saw the number twenty-four printed to the north of me. It was strange to see. I thought that it had something to do with the sensation on my leg. The number seemed to be printed on my skin, but i was looking at it on a surface to the north of me, at about my waist level. I thought that the number had some significance. I wondered what it could be. The number was rendered in a typeface with a wide serif, and it seemed somewhat decorative. I thought about the number as i started walking to the north. Others were near me now, and i was in a large room, which seemed like a library. I walked down one of the wide aisles between the shelfs, on the eastern side of the room. The shelfs were about my height, and they ran east to west on both sides of the aisle. As i walked down the aisle, i casually grabbed a book cart with my right hand and pulled into the aisle after me. This seemed strange. I dragged the cart for a meter or so, but i was not sure why i had done it. I looked back at the cart, realizing that i had left it in the middle of the aisle. Two women were to the south of me, and it was obstructing their path in the aisle. I felt suddenly aware that i had blocked their way, and i moved to the cart to push it out of their way. I said something to them as i tried to push the cart to the east. Another number then happened. This number was fourty-nine. I could not see it, but i knew that it was there. I thought that this number seemed somewhat interesting. I then thought that the first number should have been something other than twenty-four. That number was not as interesting, and i thought that the numbers should have some interest to match their significance. I stopped in the bedroom, which seemed on the northern side of the building. It was dark, and i did not turn on the lights. I was aware that $F4 was sleeping on a bed against the western wall of the bedroom to the north of me. I hoped that i did not wake him when i entered. I started doing some things in the room, moving around on the western side of the room. The door i had entered through seemed to be in the western side of the southern wall, and the door to the bedroom to the north of me seemed to be directly to the north of it. I turned to the south, now in the corridor to the south of the room. I was still doing something to the west of me. I then realized that $F4 was to the southeast of me. He had walked down the hall from the east. I realized that i had been thinking about something, and i worried that i had been mumbling as i thought about it. I hoped that i was not mumbling. I did not want $F4 to think that i was confused about something. I hoped that i did not sound bad as i made noise. I headed to the south, down a hall on the eastern side of the building. A set of stairs descended to the south, to the lower part of the hall, which seemed to run along the outside of the building. I remembered that this was an apartment building where we lived. The lower section of the hall seemed very long. I headed down the stairs, bending forward to look down the long lower hall as i descended. I looked to the east, out the large glass windows that formed the eastern wall. A short set of stairs headed up to a balcony on the outside of the windows. A metal railing ran around the eastern side of the narrow cement balcony. Yellow plastic tape was across the stairs leading up to the glass door that led to the balcony. The western wall of the stairwell had metal hand-holds on it, and they ran gradually up to the south. I thought that i could climb up the metal brackets to the balcony that ran above the stairs, to the south. The metal holds would support weight, but it seemed that it would be difficult to climb them. I then realized that the wall was high above the descending stairs, so it could be dangerous to climb them. A man and woman were then to the north of me on the stairs. The woman smiled at me, and told me that i would be able to climb up the hand-holds. I disagreed with her, feeling uncertain. I started pulling myself up on the brackets, though. It seemed easy to climb, and i was surprised at my strength. I then wondered if the brackets were strong enough to support my weight. I climbed to the south and up along the western wall, heading for the balcony to the south of me.

12022 August 21

I walked down the slope of the hill, heading to the east. I was on the northern side of a street, which seemed to be a drive through the park. A wide grassy space was to the north of me. It rose slightly to the northwest, and it seemed to be covered with snow. Three or four people were to the northwest of me, walking parallel with me on the opposite side of the open area. I had been running with $G4, and i knew that the trail ran down the long hill to the east of us. I had been separated from the others, and i knew that the trail that they were following ran along the northern side of the park. $F71 was walking just to the northwest of me, only a few paces behind me. I told him that we were heading to the east and would meet up with the others there. I also said that we would get there before the others did. I then noticed that the others were walking diagonally across the field to the southeast. They were trying to shortcut to the road that i was on. I wondered if they were trying to get to the bottom of the hill before i could. $A601 and $A815 seemed to be part of the small group to the north as they hopped with high steps through the knee-deep snow. I continued to the east, reaching the bottom of the hill. I came into a small neighborhood, with houses spread out on wide lawns. The houses seemed small and old. The street i had been walking on entered the neighborhood, with sidewalks starting on both sides. Trees shaded the first block of the neighborhood, and the ground seemed wet. I stopped at an intersection, where the street i was on ended. Houses were on both sides of the street to the north. To the northwest of me, i could see another street coming toward the intersection at an angle, but it did not appear to reach the intersection. It seemed to end in a small grassy lawn to the northwest of me. I then heard the others talking. I turned to the north to see them crossing the street at an intersection about a hundred meters away. They had strayed from the main trail and were now a block away. I was standing at a checkpoint on the trail, so they would have to come toward me. $A601 was running across the street to the north, but he saw me and yelled out to me, “Are you?” I told $F71 that they were not really on trail. I pointed to the road to the northwest, saying that they should have come down that trail. I yelled back to the people to the north, saying “Way off!” I then started walking to the west with $F71. We talked as we started toward the hill. The trail seemed to go this way. I wanted to continue running, but i thought that $F71 was not paying attention. I started running up the steep hill to the west. As i ran, $F71 stayed near me. I started to feel that i was straining to keep going up the hill. A wall or embankment was to the north of me as i struggled to get up the hill. It seemed very smooth and grayish white. I knew that the others would be following us. The hill rounded to a flat area at the top, and we were on the college campus. The road was heading southwest here, and plain buildings were to the south of us. I slowed to a walk and continued talking to $F71. The buildings around us seemed like dormitories, and the flat area seemed like the northern end of Garden Avenue. We moved to the south, and were inside a room on the northern side of the building. I was talking with the others, who were now there. They moved around to the south of me as i chatted with someone. I then looked around the room. The room was now very small and seemed to be part of a used-goods store. I stood near the western end of the store, which seemed to be a long corridor that ran from the east. The store was only about ten meters wide on the eastern part, but it expanded to about twelve meters where i was, extending to the north. Shelfs ran along the western wall, and a man was sitting on a stool just to the south of me. He seemed to work for the store, and he was talking to some of the others, who were looking at things to the south. Another shop person was sitting to the east of me, along the southern side of a narrow table that ran flush with the northern wall of the eastern side of the room. I looked at some of the things in the store, but nothing seemed of interest to me. I wondered if the store had any used phonographs. I looked some of the items on the shelf to the west, which seemed clear of items. I then took a step backward, to the north, coming to the western end of the narrow table. I said something to the store owner as the others looked at something near the southern wall of the room. Looking to the east, i noticed thin colorful items stacked horizontally in several boxes. They were on the table, just under a counter that ran along the southern side of the table. The table was about a meter tall, and the shelf was a half meter above it. The thin items in the boxes looked like phonograph sleeves, and i said to the people as i backed up a little more to get a good look at the items “You have phonographs?” As i pulled out one of the items, i realized that it was rather small. The man on the stool to the south of me said that they did not have any, and i realized that the item i had was a small book with a decorative cover. I had lifted one book out of the box, noticed it was not a phonograph sleeve, and i let it slide back in. The man to the south of me then snickered, saying “Phonograph.” He commented that people don’t really use that term anymore. I said “Record.”, and i started to explain that an album was a generic term, but i realized that “album” was the generic term and “record” was specific to the type of medium.

12022 August 22

I was lying in the northern side of the bed that was on the western wall of the room. I could hear that it was raining outside, and i knew that i had left the windows open, so i thought that i should make sure that the rain was not coming in. I got up and headed to the east, into the small hallway in the upper floor of the house. It was dark, but i could still see most of what was around me. I did not want to turn on the lights because my eyes were still accustomed to sleep. A door was in the northern wall, to the northeast of me. I opened it and stepped into the small room. The doorway was in the western end of the southern wall of the room. I closed the door behind me so that the cats did not follow me into the room. I did not want them in this room. I could not see them in the dark, though. I pushed the door closed, but i could hear that it did not lock. I quickly moved to the window in the eastern wall, hoping that the cats did not push the door open after me. I checked the window and found that no rain had gotten in, so i turned around and hurried back to the door. To my annoyance, i could feel that the door had been pushed open a little. I moved my foot under me to see if a cat had come into the room. My right leg brushed against a cat. I sweeped my hand down to the north of me, brushing the top of the cat and hitting its tail. It was facing west. Frustrated, i tried to get the cat out of the room, but i could not see it. I decided to turn on the lights to get the cat out. I walked out of the room to the south and closed the door behind me. I would have to make sure that both cats were out of the room. As pulled the door closed, i realized that it did not latch. I turned around to see that a pair of off-white dress pants had gotten caught in the bottom of the doorway. I pushed the door back open to throw the pants into the room. As the door opened, it hit a light-blue long-sleeve button-up shirt that had been handing on a wire hanger on the western end of a dresser, which was against the southern wall of the room, just east of the door. Several other shirts had been hanging up there, but they did not fall. I saw the blue shirt fall behind the dresser. I felt annoyed, but i did not bother to pick it up. I pushed the pants out of the way and pulled the door closed. I then thought that i really should pick up the shirts and other clothing so that they did not get wrinkled. I did not want to deal with them, but i thought that i should. I started to head back to the door, but i was aware of my parents to the south and southwest of me. My father was standing to the south of me. He seemed to have said something to me. I looked to the southeast, into the room. I was standing in the northwestern corner of the room. Various articles of clothing were scattered across the floor. I then looked at my father, who was looking at me as though awaiting an answer to a question.

12022 August 23

I was in the small square room, which seemed like a kitchen. I walked to the counter in the western wall and started picking up some of the food from a large white plate. The food seemed to be baked potatoes. Some of them seemed like sweet potatoes. I picked up four or five, wondering if i was getting too many. I knew that i did not want to eat that many, but i turned and carried them to the east. My parents seemed to be to the northwest of me, somewhere outside the room but within the walls of the room. I stopped at a small round table in the center of the room, which seemed to be one of several. As i stood to the south of the table, i said something to my grandmother, who was to the north of me, on the opposite side of the table. I mentioned the food as i put some of it on a plate that was on the table. I told her about the different types of potatoes as i placed them on the plate. I put the two baked potatoes on the plate, but they were really just thick slices of a potato. The potato was sliced lengthwise. As i put the two slices on the plate, it seemed strange that they were only parts of the potato. I thought that i had picked up two complete potatoes. I felt a little confused. I flipped over one of the potato slices with my left hand as i held the sweet potato in my right hand. Something seemed wrong. I should have had more food, but i did not seem to have a lot. I looked to the west. My grandmother was standing to the west of me, facing north. She had her head turned to look at me, and she held her hands in front of her upper abdomen as though not relaxed.

12022 August 25

I was in the narrow corridor in the upstairs of an old house. This seemed to be the house of an old friend, and i was staying here with someone else. I thought that we would have to sleep on the floor in the hallway as we had before. I arranged a sleeping bag along the eastern side of the corridor, near the southern end of the corridor. The wooden floor was a little dirty, and the walls of the corridor were white, but the plaster was uneven from years of patching and wear. The corridor was about ten meters long, and a set of stairs seemed to descend from the northern end. The southern end of the corridor ended at another narrow hallway. Both corridors seemed little more than a meter wide. The corridor to the east seemed to end after only a few meters, forming a storage space, and the corridor to the west ran slightly to the south of west, ending in a square window. Items were piled on the floor to the east of the juncture, but the hall ran to the west. I arranged my sleeping bag and the bag of $Z, but i was unsure about sleeping here. I knew that the others would be in the room to the west. I thought that they would be on the couches there, and i wondered if the person whose house this was might not want us in the corridor. I felt indecisive. I wandered to the west, thinking about the small living room to the west where the man who lived here would stay. He seemed like $A42. I came to the window, which looked into another room of the building. The others had left the house for a while, and i thought that they were somewhere to the north or northeast of us. I crawled through the window and into the living room on the western side of the house. This place seemed to be in the attic. The center section of the eastern wall of the room was inset into the room by about a meter, and the window was in the southern end of the eastern wall, just to the south of it. Parts of the ceiling seemed to slope with the roof, and the room was not perfectly square; small niches were missing at the corners. The room was roughly rectangular, and old tan or gray couches ran along the eastern and western walls. I walked to the north, down the center of this room. I remembered this place; i had been here a long time ago. I had stayed here with $A42 and several others. Several bags of clothes were here and there on the couches. Everything in the place seemed familiar. As i reached the northern end of the room, i noticed the two doorways in the northern wall, which led into small bedrooms. I thought that most of the people staying here would be sleeping on the couches. I felt that we had come late to this event, so we were not quite a part of the group that would be staying here. I thought that we should probably bring our sleeping bags in this room and sleep on the floor rather than in the hallway. It seemed like a better idea. I wondered if the others would mind. I turned to the south, and people were now in the room with us. $A682 was with the group of people, and i felt disappointed to see him. He joked with several of the other men here, whom i remembered from before. I felt annoyed with $A682. He stood to the south of me, smiling at a man to the northwest of him. I felt a little uncomfortable here. The people were happily recalling the event that they had just come from. It seemed like a large concert. I had not seen the show, and i felt like i was not really part of their crowd. I was not sure what to do with the other people.

I headed to the south from the area, which seemed to be related to a school. The man mentioned something to me as we crossed the asphalt sidewalk that ran east to west across the grassy area. He said that they did not mix. I turned to the east to see the poster that he was talking about. The poster had a picture of a woman with messy hair in the center. The top half of the poster had several small sets of hairdos, showing the different haircuts that the woman could have. Most of the hairdos seemed teased or fluffy. I thought that this might be an old promotional poster from the eighties. The woman seemed like Tiffany, but there was something else to the poster. Others were now around me. They were waiting for the event now. I moved to the west-southwest, through the crowd. I started to pick some things up from the ground. I had left them there before. A man to the northwest of me then started telling me a joke. He said that Kathy and David got gifts for someone, but the dog ate the money. He then said that they got a cat for their son, but their son does not play with cats. I thought that the joke was not that funny, and i walked to the east to do something.

12022 August 26

I was working in the office again, and i was in the large room, which seemed to have low-walled cubicles. This place seemed like the office of $G6. I had not been here in a long time, and it felt a little awkward to be back. I faced a computer to the west of me. A long counter ran along the western wall of the room, and the computer was on it, along with several other office machines. A man was standing just to the north of me, talking to me. He seemed to be my boss. He wore a dark-blue suit. I was listening to what he said, but i did not feel comfortable with him. I tried to pretend that i was listening, but i was doing something on the computer. I responded to him as i typed. I did not really feel interested in the work here, and i felt that i should leave to go to someplace else. Another person came into the room, entering through the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. The new man was starting his shift in the office, and he sat in a chair just to the north of me. He sat very close to me, and he leaned against me as he typed something on the keyboard of his computer. It seemed strange that he was leaning against me, and i felt a little uncomfortable. I hoped that he was not interested in me sexually. He started talking about technical things, and i responded to him. It was interesting to talk to someone else about technical topics again. I tried to do some work on my computer, but i felt awkward with the man leaning against me, so i arranged some of the things on my desk instead. Others seemed to be in the room now. I still felt uncomfortable here. The man near me had gone, but there was a door just to the north of me, and some of the men in the room opened the door. I could see that it led into a lavatory, and i felt annoyed with the men for leaving the door open. The men were all wearing similar dull-bluish-gray business suits. One of them was standing just to the north of me, facing west. He started to complain about dirt on his pants. He motioned to his upper right thigh with his right hand. I glanced at his pants, noticing that he was erect under them, and he was trying to get me to look at his penis. I felt annoyed with him and turned back to my computer. Several other men moved past me as they walked in and out of the bathroom. I wanted the men to leave the office so that i could do some work. One of the men then stopped to the north of me. He stepped into a wide stance, facing me, and he put his arms on his hips, posing for me. He wore a kilt with no shirt. He seemed to be showing off his muscles, but he was not that fit. I turned to the south and started doing some other things in the office. I did not want to interact with the men, who all seemed to be trying to be offensive. I then thought that i should get ready to leave. I stood with some of my things, but i realized that i had not signed out of the computer yet. I then thought that it was 6:35, and i realized that i should have signed out of work a long time ago. I thought that i would have many hours recorded for this day. I turned back to the south and walked along the western wall of the corridor, heading back toward the office. I thought that i would need my disk to enter my time. I took a small black plastic floppy disk out of my right pocket as i entered the office, heading north into the room. I walked to the computer on the western wall and tried to put the floppy disk into it, but it did not fit. The black floppy was too large for the slot in the machine. I felt a little confused, but i had several other things with me, so i thought that i should try them. I had a small round locket in my right hand now. It was on a metal chain, and it had a clear plastic lid. I held it toward the machine, but i was not quite sure how i could put it into the machine. I thought that the locket must be for something else. I looked at it, noticing that it had some small digital chip components in the center of the white plastic concave surface under the clear plastic. I thought that it might be special, and i decided that i should put it back in its case. I closed it in a small case, which looked like a circuit drawing with white round patterns and something like symbols for capacitors. The case had a small hole in the lower left of it, and i put the gold thin there. It fit into the depression, and it looked like it belonged as part of the circuit. It was a way to disguise the gold thing as part of the overall design. I had to move some other components of the circuit up to get them out of the way as i snapped the gold thing in place. I then moved the other parts of the chipboard back down and closed the clear plastic lid over it. The locket now seemed to be about four or five centimeters across. I noticed several of the small white things around the gold thing now. A person to the north of me then commented on the egg, asking if it really was an egg. The person laughed, saying that genetics will be done on them to determine if the white round things were really eggs. I wondered suddenly if they were dinosaur eggs that were in storage. They seemed so tiny, though. The person then pointed out the long dark eggs on the left side of the case, which was now about a deci wide. The person did not think that the oblong shapes looked much like eggs, but i told him that they looked like lizard eggs: a comment that i thought would hint at dinosaurs. The other person talked to me, and i said that someone had mentioned turkey eggs. I remembered that turkey eggs looked like turds as well. We joked about this, and i then headed to the north, down the corridor. I had to leave work. It seemed very late, and i thought that it would be dark outside. I felt annoyed, because i had to ride my bicycle home, and i did not have any of the lights for the bicycle. It seemed that i had a long way to bike to get home. I pictured the route in my head, remembering the steep hill that i would have to go up to get out of town. I wondered if i would be okay riding without any lights. I then thought that i would have to unlock my bicycle. I continued to the south, heading down the western side of the wide corridor. The northern wall of the corridor seemed to be not far behind me, and it seemed to be glass. I stopped suddenly, trying to think of something. Something did not seem right, and i thought that something was missing. I knew that i had to head out. I turned back to the north, thinking that i had to leave the office. A set of stairs descending in the center of the corridor, but i headed to the northwest, where a ramp descended along the stairs. As i entered the ramp, i wondered if i should not be taking it on foot, because it was intended for people in wheelchairs. I walked down the ramp anyway. The ramp descended most of the length of the stairs, and then it turned back on itself, descending more to the west of the first section. I turned the corner, but realized that the ramp narrowed and stopped at a step. The step was about two decis from the next section of the ramp. This seemed strange for a wheelchair ramp. A wheelchair would not be able to climb over the step. I then thought that the ramp must really be for doing bicycle ticks. I felt cautious as i stepped down the step and turned to the south to descend the second half. As i started down, i noticed someone descending the first part of the ram to the southeast of me. A bicycle was coming down the ramp. The rider wore a blue jacket. I thought that i should hurry so that i could get off of the ramp before the biker caught up with me. I stopped at a flat area near the bottom of the ramp. The ground was covered with square ridges. I still had a little way to descend before i reached the ground. I looked back to the northeast to see the biker. He had stopped at the corner of the ramp. I thought that i would have to keep climbing to get out of his way. I then decided that i would jump over the edge of the ramp. The ramp had thin cement walls that were about a meter and a half high. I jumped over the wall to the west of me. I was in a round stairwell, and the stairs seemed to descend in short flights to the east. The bike ramp curved around the perimeter of the round stairwell, which had glass windows from the southeast to the north to the southwest. As i threw my feet over the cement wall, i grabbed on to the wall with my left arm and pushed down to slow my descent. I landed on a square platform in the middle of the air. This was part of the bicycle course. It would take longer for the biker to reach this point, though, because he would have to follow the ramp. I jumped over the western side of the square platform, again using my left arm to hold on to the platform and slow my descent. I could see one platform below me, and i thought that it was close enough that i could land on it before i built up too much momentum. I descended slowly to the platform. I thought that i could lower myself to the ground from here, and i jumped over the western edge. I felt indecisive, though, and i hovered in the air for a moment, contemplating whether making the last long jump to the ground was better than jumping to another platform. I saw a looped ramp to the west of me, and i grabbed for it as i fell, though i was not quite sure where to grab it. The ramp was U-shaped, with metal rings holding the ramp in place. I could have grabbed for the rings, but i would not be able to hold on to the lower parts of them because the ramp fit snugly against them. I descended past the ramp and landed on the cement ground at the bottom of the stairwell. I look up but could not see the biker descending after me. I started running to the south, out of the stairwell, and then to the west, down the corridor. After running five to ten meters, i stopped, realizing that i was not wearing my denim jacket. I was shocked to realized that it was missing, and i felt suddenly upset. I tried to remember where i had taken it off. I still had to bike home, but i did not have any of my things with me. I thought that some of the, like the keys to my bike lock, were in my jacket pocket. I felt frustrated and annoyed as i headed back. I would have to go back to the office to see where i had left them.

12022 August 29

I felt tense as the man walked to the east along the northern side of the small room, which was in the center of the house. He headed to the northeast, exiting the room through a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. The woman remained in the room, standing just to the east of me, on the northern side of the room. The man was holding the students hostage, and i was worried about the situation. I thought that the student had been taken to the other room, and i wondered why i had not been taken with them. I had been left here with the adults, which seemed strange. I wanted to follow the man and help the students, but i was not sure what to do. I knew that the woman would hold us here. I turned to the south a little, putting my right hand in the right hand of my pants. I had my cell phone in my pocket, and i thought that i should call emergency. I hoped that the woman did not notice what i was doing. I pressed something on the phone as i turned back to the southeast. I felt the phone vibrate several times in a row, and i knew that it had sent a message to emergency. I hoped that the police arrived soon. I then saw a police car drive into the room to the southeast of us. It seemed to come into the room through a wide doorway in the center of the southern wall. It turned to the east, ending up in the center of the room. It then was facing west, and it backed up against the eastern wall. The car was white, with blue lines on the side. I pointed out the police to the others, and i felt relieved that they had come. I moved to the southeast, entering the other room. I could not see the two police men, but they were now out of the car and moved quickly from the south. They asked where $A196 was, saying that he had been in trouble. I knew that he had been taken into the room to the west. I told the police that he was to the east, and i hurried to the east to make sure that he was all right. I came into the bedroom. The man who had been holding people hostage seemed to have headed to the north, through a narrow door in the center of the northern wall. I looked around the small room, which seemed to be about five meters by five meters. The rug on the floor seemed orange, and the walls seemed covered with cheap fake-wood paneling. I wondered where the student hostages had gone. I stood for a moment in the room, looking around. A white folding door then opened in the eastern wall. The students had been hiding in the closet.

I was with some other people in the outdoor area. I started running to the northeast. We had been running to get to this place, but we had stopped for something. I started running back up the steep hill. We were along the western side of the street, and i watched the sidewalk under me as i struggled to keep moving up the hill. It felt very hard to run, and i felt that i was straining just to keep moving. Another person was following me. I was then on a sidewalk, and the road to the east of me seemed to be lower and lower from where i was. The street seemed to be relatively level, but the sidewalk climbed a steep tall hill. It seemed cold out, and i thought that there was a thin layer of snow on the ground. As i reached the top of the hill, i seemed to be running on flat square tan stones that lined the top of the retaining wall. The stones curved to the northwest just past the crest of the hill. As i reached the crest, i moved a little to the east to avoid a leafless branch that reached from the west. I held on to the flat stones of the top of the wall as i hung my feet over the edge of the wall. I seemed to be resting on my hands on the wall as i pulled myself around the curve, aware of the person following me up the wall. I was nervous about falling over the edge, but i managed to pull myself around the corner and onto the hard cold ground at the top of the slope. I then thought of the man that i had been talking to at the bottom of the hill. He seemed like $A592. I felt good thinking about him and the time we had just spent together. I then thought that another man had been there, and $A592 had been talking to him with me. The two men stood at the bottom of the hill, but neither seemed to be the man that we had been talking to. I thought that the second man at the bottom of the hill must be $A833.

12022 August 30

I was driving down the street to the west, and i was aware of a car close behind me. An orange cat was sitting in the lane ahead of me, near the northern side of the road. It seemed to be sitting on a round basket, and small kittens were wiggling in the basket near the mother. I realized that the cat would be in danger in the lane, so i thought that i should move the basket out of the road. I pulled over to the northern side of the street, letting the car behind me pass and continue west. I walked back to the east, noticing that the cat had been sitting on a large trash bag. I realized that someone had put the kittens into the plastic trash bag, and the mother cat was trying to get them out. I felt upset, and i moved to the northern side of the bag. The mother ran to the southwest as i approached. The clear plastic bag seemed to filled with large black objects, which seemed like thick chunks of a styrofoam slab. The kittens were crawling around inside the bag. One was black with white spots, and another seemed like an orange tabby. I worried that there was no real air in the plastic bag. I grabbed the plastic and pulled up on it, and the bag squeezed together, as if no air was inside. I quickly tore a hole in the plastic. I then thought that i should let people know about this incident. I turned on my cell phone with my right hand and took a picture of the bag just as a kitten with a large white face and orange body stuck its head out. I wanted to post the images to let people know what had been done. I let the kittens escape from the bag as i wandered to the east. I thought that the mother would come back to gather them. I stopped on the eastern side of the bag, looking at the heavy black slaps that had been in it. They looked like chunks of fake marble. I moved one that had a pointed end. It was pointed from a break that ran steeply diagonal across the slab. I was still angry, and seemed to be thinking about what i could do. I decided that i should call the police to let them know that someone had tried to kill the kittens in the bag. I walked to the west, down the street to the south of the bag. I stopped on the westerns side of the room, holding my phone to my right ear. A man was standing to the north of me. I thought that i had seen him only moments before to the east. I thought that he had been wearing a short-sleeve blue police uniform as he talked to someone on the eastern side of the bag. I asked him if he was a police officer. He had taken off his clothes and was now standing on the northern side of the room, near an eastern wall in a wide alcove in the northern wall. He wore a white T-shirt and white boxer shorts. He had sheared blond hair and a round face. He looked over his right shoulder at me as though surprised by my questions. The other person stood to the southeast of him, doing something to the blond man’s shirt. The blond man said that he was not a police officer, and he went back to changing his clothes. I felt confused, and i thought that i should call emergency. I started walking to the east. I seemed to be in a hallway in the center of the house. The alcove in the northern wall was at the western end of the hall. A stairwell seemed to ascend to the west in the center of the hall, starting near the entry door in the western end of the hall. The enclosed space under the stairs was just to the east of me, so i walked to the northeast to go around it and head east down the northern side of the hall. As i rounded the corner ,i noticed a wide shelf on the southern wall of the narrow corridor to the north of the stairs. Several long things in plastic bags were lying on the shelf. The thing nearest to me seemed to be a wolf man. A person pulled apart the plastic bag that had been around him and then walked to the northwest. The wolf man was then standing up to the northeast of me. I asked him about the police. He was a little shorter than i and had thick brown fur over his arms and torso. His face and head also had thick fur, and his pointed ears folded back against his head. He talked casually with me and seemed very placid. He stood with a slight hunch as he faced south spoke to me without looking at me. He moved his right hand in a rotating gesture as he spoke. He did not know anything about the police. I wondered what i should do. I headed to the eastern end of the hall, thinking about this. Something was to the southwest of me, and i did something to it.

12022 August 31

I was thinking about the object in the water to the north of me. The water seemed to be the ocean, and the shore was off to the northwest, in the distance. The waves on the ocean seemed small, and the oval object floated above the waves. I knew that the object was the back part of a boat. It was pill shaped, and it had two short smokestacks, which were evenly spaced on the boat’s surface. I described the boat to the other people. The boat seemed to be heading to the southeast, but i was only looking at the back deck of the ship. I could then see the front deck of the southeast of the first part. It looked exactly like the first part, with two smokestacks on it. The two pill-shaped objects were parallel to each other. I continued to describe the boat to the others.

I was watching the scene as the boy wandered across the sandy ground in the forested area. He called out to the west as he walked from the east, saying that he was looking for someone. Others were sitting around the open area. The boy seemed to be in a village that was abandoned, and the people around seemed to be survivors of the village’s destruction. The boy was dressed in simple clothes that seemed to be crudely made. They seemed to be made out of leather and had decorations on them in white paint. The boy held something in his right hand that seemed to be a drum, but it looked like a long narrow tube that was about a deci wide on the top end and a deci and a half on the bottom end. The tube had white zigzag designs on the bottom half of it, and the drum head formed a narrow dome that bowed below the drum. He was asking about the spirits, and i knew that he was looking for them. I knew that the spirits had been gone from this place for a very long time, and i also knew that the local population no longer knew what spirits were. The scene change suddenly. The boy appeared on the eastern side of an open area, which seemed like another village. The other people stood around him, widely spaced across the scene. The story had progressed, and the other people had started following the boy. The boy seemed to have no hair, and he looked sternly to the west as he started walking to the village, which i knew was to the west of him. I was watching the boy and the ground from the eastern side of the clearing, which seemed to be on a tropical island. The boy called out to the spirits, asking them if they are around. He stopped in near the edge of the area, still holding his drum in his right arm, at his right side. He held the drum by its upper end, and it hung down, from his waist to his calf. He announced himself, saying “I am your spirit from the east.” I knew that the directions were important to the story. He had mentioned the directions in the previous villages he had visited. He had been to the place where the spirits of the other directions had dwelled. I was then looking to the west. The others were standing around a wooden rail fence in the village, talking among themselves, asking where all the people had gone. The fence ran along the southern side of the small area, and some people stood to the south of it and some people stood to the north of it. A rope of lashed-together rags of bright colors was tied to the upper rail of the eastern side of the fence. The upper end of the rope rose to the east, out of the scene. The upper part of the rope seemed to be wrapped with blue pieces of fabric, and the lower part was covered with red ribbons. I recognized the strings from previous scenes, and i thought that the scenery department must have been reusing pieces of the set.