11995 September 02

I drove through the parking lot of the motel. I needed a place to stay. Someone was with me. We passed through the halls of the hotel. Hey were narrow, and papered in a light tan. The carpet was a dark-green design. We needed a room for three. The woman by the door told us it would be ten dollars each. I looked at the room, and it was very small, with a shelf bed to the right of the door. We were not going to take it. It was too expensive and was not worth it. The woman was surprised with our reply. She spoke with a french accent, and turned to the man to confer. She asked him about what we had said. They were both rather upset. My mother said that all places are that expensive.

11995 September 08

I was in the apartment. It was very much like a stage set. I did not notice any outside walls to the rooms, but the four rooms were divided by two crossing walls. There were doors near the central axis of the walls. I walked through one door to the room on my left. It was unfurnished and still full of construction debris. I turned right and walked into the next room. $A59 was standing on a ladder, painting the ceiling. There were clear plastic sheets hanging around him to contain the dust. He was wearing a pain of overalls. $F13 was in the room to my left. He was also fixing up the rooms. He smiled and greeted me as he walked in. he told $A59 that he had just ordered the pizza. I told them that i liked the job that they were doing. I backed up from the room and saw $F11 on the floor. He was sitting cross-legged, petting the small black dog in front of him. The dog licked him in the face.

I stood at the bus station, out back where the busses come in. $K3 and $K4 were standing in front of one of the large yellow coach b uses. They were both younger, and i found out that they were not actually married. I had not known this, and i was surprised to find it out. I left the station and started walking down the city streets. I was gliding over the pavement. Then i started floating along. I was learning how to fly down the city streets. I put my feet down as i approached a corner. There was oil on the ground, and i skidded. A white tramcar pulled up near the building and stopped. It scared me because i thought that it would hit me. I turned the corner to see a row of platforms along the building. Tracks went out from the platforms, to the right. A series of trams pulled in on the tracks. They went up the slope just before the platforms and then turned on the tracks so that their noses were facing me. Several of them pulled up in sequence, and i thought it looked planned. I screamed as they came to sudden stops near the building. Then i broke out in laughter. A woman, who was waiting on one of the platforms, got sprayed with water. One of the trams had lifted its head and spit water at her. I walked back to the bus station. My father met me out in the front of the building. The architecture of the building looked like it was from the 11940s. He would get the car as i walked through the glass front doors to get the papers.

I was having fun at a $G3 party. I walked up the stairs and across the back foyer. There were a lot of alumni there. A couple of them were talking in the entrance to the dining room. I had to leave and go to the dentist. I walked away from the small group of brothers in the large lobby of the mall. I walked through the glass dividing wall and toward the theater. $F15 was with the group. I saw a crowd of people coming out of the hockey game. I watched them as they walked around and past me. Some of them were attractive. Then i noticed $A471 walking toward me. I said hello, but he did not notice me. I watched him as he walked by. Then i noticed a man watching me from the crowd. Then i realized that $A47 had already come out of the theater. I started back toward the others. They came up and told me that $A47 was outside. I started to follow them out. We walked across the dining room of the restaurant. Then a movie started to play on the stage. I watched it as we moved. $A359 remembered the actress who was on the screen. The movie was an old black and white, and was some type of fight movie. The woman told the waiters to act elegant. A car was approaching them from the road. It was a dark night, and the lights shined from the black outline of the hills. They were out in the woods. The scene switched back to the actors waiting for the car. I continued across the restaurant. The other $G3 had already walked out from among the tables and were walking down the aisle on the other side of the wood-paneled bun counter. Then i saw some children hiding under one of the tables. They pulled the red tablecloths over their heads as their parents tried to eat. They were playing war games. I looked back up to the screen as i walked out into the aisles. A crystal glass chattered on the floor, and the car was on fire. There was a picture of the room, and then the actors started to crow. It was part of a superstition. The moon was full and covered with some clouds. They watched it through the leafless trees. The moon was crowing, and that was not good.

11995 September 09

I was taking a tour of the island. It had lush green mountainsides with dark rocks and soil. The sides of the mountains were steep and rose up sharply from the beach. I came down from a hike in the mountains and wandered around the one-level motel near the shore. I was asleep in the motel, but woke up. I did not want to stay around the hotel any more. I wandered into the halls. There were people there pulling up the rugs. They were preparing for something. I went outside to wander around the island. I walked around the base of the mountains, through the thin-air undergrowth. I walked past the wooden bridge between the two hill peaks and noticed something. Something was wrong. There was danger. There had been rain storms the night before, and the ground was still wet, but water from the mountains was starting to flood. I ran up from out of the canal and up by the wooden bridge. I could hear the water coming. Then i saw the sudden rush of brown muddy water spill through the channel below. There was a man trying to get people out of the way. I watched as the water washed away the sides of the bridge near me as it rushed out to sea.

The woman started talking about the Whitney hikes. It sounded interesting, but i did not get to go. I walked down the city street. I stopped between the large buildings and turned around. I drove back down the street. One of the doors in the car was open. The three of us then started running through the factory. We came to this long suspension bridge. It was night, and the lights along the sides of the bridge were dim. We started to cross the bridge, but there was a troll living under int. he did not want us to cross. We wanted to get across the catwalk, but the woman there reminded us of the troll. I knew that we could run by him. We crept up to the bridge and ran past him. He was hiding in a work alcove-tray off of the side of the catwalk. He was mad that we passed him. Now we had to get out of the factory before we got caught. We could not set off any alarms. $F1 and his friend $A320 sneaked over the drop-off and out the front of the factory. I came from behind them and simply jumped down the two levels of white stone. They were trying to hide from eth office windows. I knew that i was being quiet enough, but they were annoyed with me. They crouched at the edge of the building, holding their guns up at ready. I ran ahead and out into the parking lot. I ran up to our car.

11995 September 10

I was in the downstairs bathroom of my parents’ house. It was night time and dark outside. I looked out the bathroom window. I could see a large black bear outside on the lawn. I was afraid of it, and did not want it to see me. I walked back into the dining room and looked out the window there. I could see Bart Simpson planting a firecracker underneath the back of the bear. It went off and made the bear really mad. The bear grabbed the boy and mauled him. The rest of the bears were mad that the humans were mistreating them. They were holding a protest outside the house. Homer tried to sneak by the line of bears and leave the house. The bears caught him and beat him up. The hunters were on the other side of the driveway. They had killed a bear and did not want the protesters to see it. They tried to sneak it into the van without the other bears seeing. The bears were still beating up Homer. The hunters tried to lift the bear into the side door of the van, but dropped it into a puddle. The other bears caught them. The hunters had to pay a five-dollar fine.

$A101 was giving us a test. I sat down at one of the long tables. $F4 sat next to me, on my left. I looked over the test. I was confused by what i was reading. I did not feel right here. I answered the two multiple-choice questions. Then i tried to answer the essay question. I opened the blue book and tried to answer. The question did not seem to make any sense. I wondered if the test really counted. It all seemed rhetorical. Then $F4 got up from next to me. He had finished the test. I felt out of place. I walked over to the old swimming pool. It had dingy yellow and tan tiles around the edge. The center was filled in with dirt, on which scrub grass was growing. There was some writing along the edge of the pool. I wondered if it was a clue to the question. I thought of a physics problem. It seemed very familiar. I thought that the problem does not need to be solved with equations. It could be done with words, but there seemed to be some trick to answering. I just did not understand. I wrote down “17” on the paper and handed it in. I felt inadequate that i was unable to complete the test properly. Then $A101 showed me several more pages to the test. I flipped back and realized that there were several questions i had not noticed. I had to go back and finish them. I walked around the pool again. $A151 was playing loud music. I found it rather distracting as i flipped through the pages. I tried ton to pay attention. $A101 told $A151 to turn the music down. I looked at the small tree by the edge of the pool. It was a cigar tree. It had something to do with the test. I thought that it represented something. Someone mentioned "recombinant DNA’. The tree was not Melanie’s, but the test problem could have to do with recombinant DNA.

11995 September 11

I took $X6 out for a walk. I wanted to test my knee. We jogged down $P86. There was a house there. Someone was sitting on the front porch.

11995 September 12

I was packing things into the yellow Beetle, which was parked out front. I went to put some boxes in the trunk, but it was full of water. I would have to drain it. I put the boxes don on the ground. Then i noticed that someone had dropped some of the game pieces. I started picking up the wooden chess pieces that were lying on the ground. Then, another car pulled in behind me. They were some people i should probably meet. I decided to pack later and stuffed all of the extra things into my grandmother’s garage. I walked back up the walkway to the house. The people walked out. They were going for a walk. I decided to follow them. As we went down the street, we came across a beautiful view. There were terraces and steams flowing don the center of the road. I had to go back to get my camera for this.

11995 September 13

I was walking down the side of the street when i noticed the colours of the sunset. They were very beautiful. The clouds made strange shapes across the western sky. The shapes were like water marks on a table and were pink and yellow against a blue sky. I took a picture of the scene. Then i had to pack all of my stuff and leave. I had to get onto the airplane. I was in my parents’ bedroom, gathering things together. My suitcases were a mess. Everything was just thrown in. I would have to pack them better so that everything would fit in. I wondered how i would be able to fit in everything that i would need. The dressers in front of me were open, and i was taking stuff out of them. I noticed that my father was dressed and ready to go. I got impatient. I had to be at the airport to catch the airplane. I peeked into my mother’s room to see where she was. She was still asleep in the lower bunk. I told her that i had to get going. I had to catch my flight at 9:00. I looked at the digital watch on my wrist. It was now 7:58. My mother started to get ready. She wanted to know why i did not do the algebra homework beforehand. I looked at the problem. It said “n + 1 = y”.

11995 September 14

I was in the small house. It was a single room cabin, with dark wood walls and floor, and red leather furnishings. The man with us ran from the room. He ran out of the house, across the porch and down the street. We started after him. He was an animal, and we followed him into the park. We could not see him in the park and looked around to see where he could have gone. There was a small pond in the park, with a hill on the other side with a line of trees across the top. There were scratch marks at the edge of the water. It was as if someone had dragged a small tree out of the pond. I discussed it with $Z, and we decided that it was the animal we were after. He must have dragged the tree from the large puddle to brush away his footprints. We walked up the side of the puddle to where the grass turned muddy. We could still see the dragging marks on the ground. The mud trailed away into a thin woods, where the damp ground led between two slopes. We were starting to lose the trail as we got to where the forest debris started to accumulate on the ground. We looked around for a while to try to pick up the trail again. The trail separated and went into two different directions, but then we noticed footprints leading up the stairs. The stairs were outdoors, and were mad of wooden rail ties. There was a metal railing on either side. We climbed up the stairs after the muddy footprints. We noticed how human the footprints looked. We knew that we were chasing an ape. We followed the stairs up into the white hallway. It was a business hallway, with glass windows looking down over the halls below and into some conference rooms. I could see zoo animals in the windows around me. There were some snakes across from the top of the stairs, and there were some elephants to the right. The corridor ran to the left, and $Z went down it to search. I kept looking around at the animals. I looked down the stairwell to see a dinosaur, a sauropods, behind glass on one of the lower floors. Then i looked up over the stairs to see the corridor on the other side of the building. I saw the gorilla run down the hall. It was being chased by an elephant. I knew that the corridor would lead around to the one i was in, so i hid in an alcove to the left of the stairs. I saw the gorilla came by very fast. The elephant followed close behind. I could feel the floor shake as they passed. The elephant was actually a horse. They ran into the elevator. I remembered talking of entrapment, and how the gorilla was just trapping the elephant, which was now a horse. $Z came back down the hall. He paused in front of the alcove. We could hear the gorilla and the horse talking about entrapment. I was surprised that they spoke English. I watched the elevator for a moment. Then this boy walked out of the elevator. He was austral, with braids and locks in his hair. He seemed very mad. I said to him “I didn’t know that horses could speak.” He pulled out a large black gun and aimed it at me. I dropped to the floor before he could shoot. He bent down near the floor. He could see me through the metal grating that separated the two rooms. I hopped up onto the orange desk chair so that he could not shoot me. I was scared. The man started shooting through the metal gratings. He said that he was going to make crabmeat out of me. I climbed up into the ceiling, where he could not hit me. I did not feel safe, but i stayed there.

11995 September 15

There were three symbols drawn on the parquet wood floor. I traced over two of them with the piece of chalk. One of them was a circle with a dash in it. The floor was being worked on. Parts of it had been removed for the construction. $F13 was working on the floor by the railing. He stood up and looked down at his work. He was wearing cut-off denims and a red and white flannel plaid shirt. I admired his legs as he stood there. I went into the other room to take a shower. I had to get ready to go. I could no longer work on the floor. $F10 and $F52 were in the kitchen, eating breakfast. There were two dogs in the next room. I could not really see them because it was so dark in there. One of them came to the door, so i fed it the taco or burrito that i had in my hand. $F10 started to serve me a plate of eggs. I was not hungry. My parents had just taken me out to eat. I had to get ready. I walked into the room. The brothers had come to help $F13 with the floor. I could not stay. I had to pack. I went into the bedroom to get my stuff. $F10 and $F52 were still sleeping. I did not want to disturb them, so i sneaked through the darkness packing my bags. I then went into the other bedroom, where my mother was packing some things for me.

11995 September 17

The ferret ran out across the lawn and into the road. We were worried that it would get hit by a car. A car came by, but the ferret ducked under the wheels. Then a second car came by. We tried to get the ferret and warn the car, but it was too late. The ferret jumped onto the windshield of the second car. It grabbed onto the wipers. I ran after the car, trying to tell the driver that he had a ferret in the windshield. The man in the car noticed the ferret and threw it off of the windshield .He tossed it over his head as he drove away. I watched as the ferret flew through the air over me. It came down through the branches of some trees and landed on the ground. I was worried that it might have gotten hurt. Then i noticed it start to move. I thought that the branches must have broken its fall. I picked up the ferret and brought it home. I thought that i should ask $F11 if he wanted another one. The ferret slipped out of my hands and started running across the floor of the upper room of $P19. I tried to catch it but it made it out the door. I followed it down the stairs. It slipped into a crack at the side of the stairs. I peeked through to see that it had fallen to the room below. I jumped down after it. I picked up a pillow from the floor and dropped it on top of the ferret to try to stop it. I lifted the pillow and grabbed the animal. It clawed at me and bit my hand. Then it started screaming. I was hurt, but i did not let go. I just hoped that it did not have rabies. I dropped the ferret into a box and relaxed. I was mad at it for biting me.

I walked down the road from the park. It was autumn, and all of the leaves had already fallen off of the trees. There were few buildings along the road. We were on the outskirts of a city, and i could see the tops of a couple tall buildings poking up from the trees. I walked through the parking garage. There were a lot of people gathered there. They were watching me as i entered, and i felt a little nervous. Then i saw the poster advertisement on the wall. I thought that it was a great design idea. I had come up with a graphic-design idea like it. I was not coping this design. The lowercase Es of this poster had faces of smiling men, but mine did not. The signature of my design made the face of an old woman. I thought that these people had a system running. I looked out the window of the bus. I could see the park to our right. There was a row of small shrubs at the end of it that covered a stream. I could see the road i was on previously in the distance. I was not sure whether it was the park from which i had taken the other bus, but then i noticed the construction crane popping out of the trees near it. That was where i had started. I felt like i was going in circles, but i wanted to get back to the park. I could catch a bus from there. I could get off this bus and walk over. I could make it to the other road. The grass was brown, and i had bags with me. I started to gather my bags together, wondering if i should get off of the bus now. I could see a wooden arch bridge over the water as the bus rounded a corner. I wondered whether i should stay or go. Then the woman next to me turned her radio box on. It was somewhat loud. I liked the music and started to groove to it.

11995 September 18

I was carrying the rolled-up red wrestling mats on my shoulder. I was standing beside the platform, trying to balance one of eth mats over me. $A62 added something on top of the mat. I adjusted the balance and then started away. I looked up to see $A62 on the platform. He was carrying a mat over his shoulder, and looking out from the platform. He was not wearing his shirt, and i thought that he still looked well built.

11995 September 19

We were driving on a back road. It was a dirt road, and was very rocky. We stopped and got out. We walked to the small town and went into the pizza store. We needed napkins, and i wanted to buy some more film. I looked over the counter, which was a typical white fast-food counter. They had three different flavours of pizza. One of them was Snickers flavour. I thought that was a neat flavour of pizza. Then i noticed the smoke coming out of the side of the building near me. There was a fire in the kitchen. We had to get the kids and the cats out.

I was running through the woods in the back of our house, looking for $X3. The leaves had fallen off of the trees, and everything was an ashen brown. There was some snow on the ground. It was soggy, and i was wearing my dock loafers. I was getting snow down the sides of the shoes. I came out of the woods and into the wide lawn of some houses. I came up to the small house, and crawled into one of eth windows. Nobody was home. They only came to the house for the summer. I walked around the living room. The room was an off white with dark wood furnishings. The house was lit by the light from the windows, which was diffuse. I looked outside. I could see $A473 and $A474 walking past the cabin. $A473 was wearing a bear costume. They walked past the house with the kids and into the woods. I went outside to see if i could catch them. I could see the dogcatchers coming from the road. There were other houses in front of the one i was in. The dogcatchers were chasing down a pack of dogs. I could see the dogs running toward the woods. I was worried that $X3 might be with them. Then i saw the lion running with the pack. The dogcatchers must have seen it as well, because they were afraid of the pack. I went back into the house. There was a stereo in the living room with a CD player. I knew that they were broken, so i fixed them. Then a woman came into the house. I was nervous because i was not supposed to be there. I showed her the fixed stereo. She was looking over the house. She might buy it. I then showed her the shoes in the closet. They were many of them. I started to go outside and around the cabin when i realized that the music from inside was really loud. I did not mean to leave the stereo on so loud. The people walking down by the woods could hear it playing. The music was a classical symphony. I went back inside the house to turn the stereo down. Then i heard my mother calling me from the woods. She wanted me to come home. I started out of the house when i realized that i was not wearing my pants. I quickly put them and my shoes on. As i was doing so, the owners came back to the house. I had to get out. I was embarrassed about not having my pants on, and wondered how long i had had them off. I put my snow boots back on and left the cabin. I walked back down through the woods, walking down into the creek valley and over the leaf-covered ground.

11995 September 22

I was checking on the weather. It was the Electric Avenue weather. I went outside to check. It was snowing, but it was melting before it hit the ground. I could see the thick white snow when i was standing up, but when i was bending down, i could see through the air where the slushy rain was falling. I thought about the people who had to weave the mats for the stairs so that people did not slip. Walked up the formal round porch of the house and looked back at the falling rain. There was a girl singing across the street. I was interested, but i could not stop to watch her. I had to leave.

I should go running with $G4, but i knew that it would be in another town. I looked out over the highway and could see the traffic. I thought of the bridge where i should go. Then three of $G4 walked into the room. $A34 was one of them. $G4 would be on Route 966, going out toward $P53. I knew where the bridge was that we were supposed to meet. Then i realized that $G4 was not today, but a different day. $A34 and the other two mentioned that they were going to $G4. I had to check the television to find out which day it was. The three of them started to eat in the cafeteria. $A34 walked across the room toward the counter. I followed him. There were a couple of slices of bacon on the silver tray shelves. I looked over the boxes of food, which lined the wall. A lot of the boxes were dull red. I suddenly realized that i had been following $A34 around. I felt like i should stop doing that. I walked through the door that was hidden behind the shelves of food. I pulled open the shelves to see it. I walked across the room and looked out the front windows of the house. I could see the bridge. The other bridge would have snow on it. I left the back room of the house and went outside. I thought of being on a plane, looking down through the snow. I had forgotten to check the $G2 movie schedule for snow. I walked along the short stone wall. There were some candles that had fallen over on the wall. I picked them up and placed them back in the bottles. Then i walked through the wall and around the tree. There were some children playing football with me. One of them seemed like $F23. I fell down in the middle of everybody. I had not worn the proper shoes, and had gotten my walking shoes all wet. I put on my flip-flops and stood up. I started to float with the sandals on. I rose above the tree line. I could change my direction by moving the large styrofoam sail that i was carrying.

11995 September 24

There was an osprey’s nest on the tree near me. It was empty. I looked down and could see the babies in the mud. The mother must have thrown them out of the nest. There were spiders all over the ground. I had to pack my things so that i could go. I went to get the parts for my bicycle. I would also need the camera. I got on by bicycle and rode downstairs. In the living room, i ran into $F10, $F13, and $A62. I put down my bag and packed some more. It was a large blue duffel bag.

11995 September 26

I was in the auditorium of $P7. My mother was giving a speech from the stage. There were a number of people there. I could see $A186 on the wing of the stage, listening. When it was over, we all walked out into the hall. I walked along the front hall of the building to see what had changed. There was an art exhibit in one of the old wooden cabinets along the wall. I looked at the pieces inside. Some of them were paper-mache models. There was a crude cone with red and blue paint on it. The paint was in dark hues. I came to one window here there was a collection of stories. I was supposed to have collected the creative writing for this magazine. I flipped through some of the papers. A boy was helping me with some poems he had written. I was inspired when i read them. I went back to the lounge and sat down. There was a sports game that everybody was watching. Someone on the field would launch a small rocket every time the team scored.

I was unloading the car for my mother. I reached into the trunk and took out a crate of CDs. Down the hill from us was a dumpster. I looked around as i walked back into the house. Something felt out of place. Something was wrong. I went back to the road to get things. I started to fly around. There was a man walking through the garden. I circled over him and then started to come down. He was spooked. I went back to the house. There was a party going on outside. I was on the second floor of the house. I walked across the bedroom and looked out the window. There was an oriental girl standing by the pool. She looked my way and i acted like i was not spying on her. I then looked her way and said hello. I crawled out the window of the building and walked down the hall. People were starting to gather. I walked don the basement hall of $P7, looking for $A101’s class. Nothing really seemed familiar. A girl, who was walking down he hallway, showed me where to go. We walked into the shop. It was lined with brightly coloured costumes and decorations. There was a wooden kiosk in the center that acted as a register. It was made of stained unfinished wood. Purple and green clothing hung from the ceiling around the kiosk. $A101 was running the store. He said hello from behind the counter. He was happy to see me. He was wearing a crystal necklace and a dark unbuttoned jacket. I was happy to see him and asked how he had been. He said that he would like to have my address, and then he had to turn to help a customer. I watched a small child playing on one of the chairs by the wall. He was jumping around on the seat. Then he fell over and landed on his father. The boy started to cry. I remembered that i had the CDs in my pocket and started to pull two of them out. I was going to show them to $A101.

11995 September 29

I was sitting in the chair in the room. $G3 were gathered. They were playing games. I was playing too, but then my left arm started to itch. I scratched it and then noticed that the bones in my forearm were broken in the middle. I tried to realign them, but they would not stay together. Then i noticed that the done was broken in two places, both flat smooth breaks. I kept trying to realign the bone, but it would not stay. It did not hurt at all. I asked $A123 for advice, i wanted to know what i should do. He looked it over. As he did, i then noticed the burn marks across the break area. That must have been where i damaged it.