11996 September 01

I was with the rest of the runners, getting ready for the race. It was a short marathon run. We started through the city streets. Then we ran down a highway, through the outskirts of $P171. I felt all right, but i wondered if my knee would hold out. It felt fine now, but would it last the entire race. We followed the highway through most of the city, heading down hill most of the way as we headed south. Then we came to the house at the end of the street. It was the turn-around point. $F12 was there. I paused at the water stop and talked with him, but we had to get our gear ready to finish the run. It did not really seem like a half marathon, which was good because i felt okay for the return run. I tried to put my backpack back on. $F12 was going to carry his own stuff. I had a yellow backpack with two black handles that came over my shoulder. It was not as comfortable as the other one. It was for hiking. I decided that i would use the blue pack in stead. We would have to hurry. Everyone else was already leaving the water stop. $F12 was going to leave his stuff here, so i thought that i would leave my pack here as well. He wondered if he would be able to find the water stop again at the end of the race. We would have to come back. I told him that it would be easy, as we walked to the left side of the house. We walked up onto the porch and put our bags down. I wondered if it would be up hill all the way back. $F12 put hid pack down to the left of the door. I reached across him to get by amp, which was sitting just to the left of the door. He flinched. He was uncomfortable having me reach around him in public. I told him not to panic. It was nothing anyone would be worried about.

11996 September 02

I sneaked through the open woods near the mobile home. I had a rifle with me, and i was supposed to shoot the people in the house. It was a game. It was getting dark outside. The house was about one hundred metres from me, on the other side of a shallow ravine. It was sliver in colour and had a wooden deck in the middle of the long side. A gravel drive wound through the woods and ran up the near side of the house. It was autumn out, and the leaves were dull orange. I could barely see the people in the house, so i put on the infrared glasses. I spotted the people in the house. I fired at them. One of them sneaked into the valley in front of me. I could not get a shot at him when he was down there. I had to stop him before he came too close to me, but he was hidden. I started to shoot the others that were standing outside of the house. I hit a couple. Then a man to the right, on the drive turned on the lights of his car. They shined on me. I shot the man, but the lights were still on. They would be able to see me. Then one of them ran off to the right and another to the left. They were trying to circle around behind me. I fired at them to stop them. I knew that the man in front of me was still there. He suddenly jumped up over the mound in front of me and fired at me. It was $A266, and he had caught me.

I was in the office, collecting things that i needed. I wondered if i worked here. Something did not seem quite right. I walked though my apartment. My mother was there. She wanted to watch the television, but the image was fuzzy. I turned the television off and then turned it back on. It was a console television, in the middle of the long wall of a front room. Nothing i did seemed to improve the picture. My mother was upset that i let myself live with such inconveniences. I kept playing with the television. I finally pulled the plug from the wall to let it discharge. My father watched me from the door of the room. I looked at the picture and noticed that it was still fuzzy. Then i wrapped the chord in a circle in my hand. The picture came in clear. There must have been a heavy source of radiation nearby. That would explain why the signal cleared when i made a loop out of the wire. I got up and walked out the front of the house and onto the lawn. The tree out front was short, wide, and bare. Then i noticed the high-voltage power lines running rear the house. They must be the source of the E-M radiation.

11996 September 03

I spoke to the woman about the job i was interviewing for. I had been here before for a job in California. I wondered what she would think this time. She did not remember me right off, but she remembered the page for $G2 that i did. She said that my logo for $G2 was in the newspaper. She pointed to the clipping that was on the wall. I looked at the article, but the photo box was blank. The article wrapped around the area, but the area was blank. I realized that it was blank because the paper had not asked me for a copy of the graphic that would work in print. I walked back to the desk behind which the woman sat. I told her about the $G6 breakup. The entire department was falling apart. It was due to a lack of funding and proper management. I told her that i no longer had complete control over $G2 graphics, and, therefore, they were getting all messed up by others. She then asked me which department i preferred to work for.

11996 September 04

I wandered through the crowd at the convention. They were racing small cars on tracks. I passed through the crowd in the large auditorium. There were people racing cars in groups. I walked along the walk outside of the building. The building was on my right, and the people were gathering in the road to the left. The building was a modern white structure, much like $P172. I was going to race my car on the track, but it was not doing well. The gold-coloured egg-shaped car broke into two halves as it raced down the track. All of the other cars were speeding down the track. I had to push on one of mine to keep it moving, but both halves still came in last. I did not understand the game. I thought that everyone must realize that i was new to this, and must think of me as an amateur. A man came over to me and started to give me some advice. He told me to think of the weight of the car. I remembered that there was a magnet in the nose of the car. It would attract to the metal rail that held the cars in position before the race and give the car a little acceleration. I saw the car on the track. It had stuck to the rail. I picked up the car and looked over the nose. There was a nail in the underside. I pulled the nail for the car and looked at it. I held it over the bucket of nails on the shelf in the trailer. The other nails did not respond. I wondered if it really was magnetic. Then i realized that the nails in the bucket were brass. I held it over the other bucket of nails, which were iron. They all jumped up to the nail i was holding, forming a pyramid. I tried to separate them again, but they were all very attracted. Eventually, i separated them. I would have to place the magnetic nail elsewhere. I walked through the narrow sleeping room in the trailer and placed the nail on the shelf at the left. I had to be quiet. It was night, and there were people sleeping. I remembered that i was supposed to spend the night at the convention. I was carrying my bags when i entered the large gymnasium where all of the people were gathered for the convention. I walked into the back room where it was dark, and where people were sleeping. I placed the nail i had on the shelf to my left. Then the scanner controls on the console to my right came on. They were responding to the magnetic field of the nail. I watched the lines of the graph as they started to drop. A warning message flashed. I had to go to the lavatory. I walked though the house of someone and into the bathroom. In a few minutes, i came out into the large gymnasium at the convention. It was the next day, and many people had gathered for the song convention. I ran into some of the students i knew from $P83. $A484 was one of them. I said hello and spoke to them for a while. They asked me if i had heard the woman sing. I had not. They said that she was good. I listened to her sing. Someone said that she sang a beautiful noise. I thought of singing myself. I imagined that i was on stage singing the song “Flood”. I would need another person, however, to play the second part. I wondered if duets were done at this convention. I decided to head out from the convention. I drove my car past the modern face of the building. The white building was on my left this time as i followed the drive out, toward the main road. I was driving behind another car, which had very wide tires. I came to the light on the main road and turned around. This was not the correct direction to be traveling in, but i did not really know where to go. The red car with the wide tires turned left on the main road. I wandered past the building and into the woods. It was dark out. I went to get the others. We had to get back to the starting point before too long. We started to follow the footprints in the light coating of snow. We were on a run with $G4. I recognized the place. I ran across the uneven ground and through the thinly treed forest of short conifers. The others followed me. I tried to follow the footprints through the woods. There was a new layer of light snow covering the tracks. We hurried before the tracks were covered up all together. Then we came to the edge of the dirt cliff. There was a large open pit in front of us, as i f part of a gravel pit. We did not quite know where to go from here. The trail was unclear as it ran down the side of the pit wall. Then $F19 pointed out where the trail descended. It went down to the left, where it was easier to walk. We started down, using flashlights so that we could see. I gave my light up and was relying on tactile senses to find my way down the side. I looked across the pit at the rocky wall on the other side. We would have to climb up that wall. I could see several city building poking above the trees on the other side of the pit. It was part of Washington, DC. We had to make it into the city, which was part of Canada. Then the overhead fluorescent lights came on. They were in rectangular plastic casings. A man yelled at us from the control booth up the by the city. We should not be climbing in the pit. $G4 froze for a moment, not sure how to respond to the man yelling at us. Then they started yelling in protest. They jumped off of the walls of the pit and into the water below. The kids from the Canadian side started jumping into the water as well in defiance. They were chanting from the water in protest. I looked over the rocks on the Canadian side. They had been painted in various colours. I looked at the painted cliff and noted that it was too steep to climb. It was not dirt, like the site we had come down, so we would not easily be able to gain hold of it. I thought that i had to write all of this down before i forgot it. I walked into the room at the front of the building. It was part of $P19. It was $A35’s room. I did not want to disturb anything here. I just needed to borrow his desk space so that i could write down what had happened. I sat down at the desk when the ethers came in. They said that $A35’s brother was in the sleeping room nearby. I was quiet. I noticed that the chair in which i was sitting was $F16’s. They must be living together. Then the others started to move in. I decided that i should move out of the cabin. I walked into the lavatory. Then i walked back up to the deck of the boat. We were riding on rough water. There was a storm surge coming in. The waves came around the island and hit us. I looked over the back of the boat to see the waves rolling for us. They rolled over the back of the boat. I looked forward to see where we were heading. The bow scraped some rocks just under the waves. We had made it to the calm water near land. I walked across the land. I had to catch up with the others. I was behind on the run for $G4. I ran through the dark woods to try to catch up. It was raining slightly. There were large rocks on the ground. I saw what looked like stars on their surface. Then i realized that it was just a reflected pattern off of the surface. I ran into the rocky section of the area. The cliffs started up on my right. Then i noticed the power lines running overhead. I was near a substation, and several lines ran overhead. One of the metal towers ran next to me. The path ran down the dirt ground between the orangish rocks. I could hear the hum of the lines above. I wondered where i was. I thought that it might be $P173. We came here over the hill, so we could have made it to the gorge by now. It was the upper end of the gorge, where the road crossed to the west. I came over a slight rise. I could see a low scrub forest going down the hill toward the road. I had to get going to catch up. The main gorge would be to my right. I would have to go around and take the bridge. I looked down one of the tributary ravines. It was narrow and composed of a dark rock. Then i ran into the wire fence. It was chicken wire, and it was electrified. It kept people away from the power lines. I ran back up the trail to try to get around. There were rock columns all around me. On the cliffs above, i could see tall columns stretching upward. Small ones around me stood at the edge of the trail. I thought that this place looked very interesting. I would have to come back to look at it more. Then i heard $F19 calling me. I could see her in a car on the road below. They were on their way to the celebration at the end of the run. They must have finished the run and gone to get the cars. It was twilight. I ran down toward the intersection at the road where i had seen $F19 drive by. I crossed the road and headed back toward the parking lot where we started the run. There was a path on the other side of the road that led to the high school, where we parked. The path was asphalt and ran between some wild bushes. There was a “G” on the ground with a white chalk arrow pointing up the path. I started to follow the path, wondering if the others had already finished.

11996 September 07

I got out of the car in the parking lot. I was with $F4’s family. They closed the door of the minivan as i looked around. There were columns around the edge of the square parking lot. They were striped Greek columns and had pieces of stone running over the tops of them. They were part of an old greek temple. It was night out, and the city was in the distance. We walked to the left, toward the shops. We all walked into the store. It was a guitar store at the front part of a mall. The first room of the store was small and did not have much in it. The main store was in the large room to the right. At the end of the small room was a glass door that led into the rest of the mall. I could se the narrow yellowish-cream corridor leading straight and to the left. The door was at the corner of the corridor. I could see some drop clothes and pieces of ceiling tile against the right wall. $F4 opened the glass door and placed a guitar out in the hall. He was hiding it for later. Then he moved another. I was surprised that he was trying to steal them. His parents were in the room to the right. I walked into the large room. The other kids were there, playing with the instruments. I walked through the aisle of amps with a baby-grand piano on the left. There was a mandolin on the shelf to my right. I picked it up and fooled around with it for a while. Then i played with the keyboard of the stand-up piano to the right. I could not play, but i hit a couple of chords. I eventually gave up and went back into the entrance room. Everything was supposed to be closed for the night. Then a woman came in from outside. She was an inspector for the mall. She walked across the entrance room and into the back corridor. I followed her. I could see the strat-like guitars leaning in the corner, behind the glass door. I wondered if she would notice them. The woman went to check out the construction area.

11996 September 08

I walked into $P19. There were several other people around. I walked down the stone steps and into the basement. I walked in the shop, which was just to the left of the stairs. The pool table was on my left as i entered the room. I noticed that there were several keys on the table in a small pile. They were new keys to the back door. I thought that i should take one of the keys so that i could get into the house. Then i noticed the rubber key rings on the table. They were a bright blue. I thought that i should take some so that i could mark the key on my ring. That way, i could have rubber rings around the keys i used most. I could colour code them. Then i thought that the rubber rings were probably only for the house keys. I said hello to $A485, who was in the back of the room, behind the pool table.

11996 September 09

I walked down the back-country road. It was very much like $P59. Power lines crossed overhead. There were quite a few of them. I did not remember them from before. I watched them as i walked past. I looked at the old wooden telephone poles that ran along the right side of the road. They had no lines on them. I kept looking at all of the wires that crossed. I realized that i must be near the power station at $P38. Then i noticed the transformer station on the right side of the road. It was rather large for the surrounding area. I continued past it and down the gravel road. To my left were some orchards. The grass was heavy and the trees were green with leaves. Then i saw a couple of people standing in the grassy area before the orchard. They were reading sections from a play. One was dressed in a ruffled Renaissance-style shirt. I realized that they were doing Shakespeare on the quad. They were all dressed up in costume. I rode my bicycle past them and turned down the dirt path that ran into the orchard. I circled to the other side of them and stopped to watch. I wondered if they were the same group that i used to know. Could they have been started by the others and myself when we did it that one time? I thought about asking them, but then they started to leave. They walked away from me and down the dirt road. I could see small red apples on the ground where they had been standing. I tried to follow them on my motorcycle. I turned down the side road. I stopped at the intersection in the wooded area. I wanted to make a left turn, but there were cars coming from ahead of me. Then i saw another motorcyclist stop across the intersection from me. He motioned for me to go. I turned and headed up the slight hill. The other biker followed. There was a red pickup truck in front of me, and it was going rather slowly. I wanted to pass it, but its back end was very wide. I would have to wait for a straight section of road. The other biker passed both me and the truck before i could pull out. I eventually passed the truck as we crested the shallow hill. Here ere open farm fields down the valley beyond. I stayed along the right-hand side of the road. A school bus came from the other direction. I had to get back to the city. I was heading too much to the east. I came to the end of the back road, where it made a T with a more used road. I knew where i was. The larger road was Route 55, and headed back toward the city. I turned right and headed down the slope. I came into the city and turned right again. I was in the bad section of town. I headed west through the run down city streets, toward the main center of the city. I passed under a short tunnel. There was trash on the streets, and several people handing out in the streets.

11996 September 10

I was on $P25 with my parents. We had taken the rowboat out from the north shore. The lake was calm, and there were thick trees around the shore. The sun went down early because we were so far north, however, and we were out on the water in the dark. We floated in the narrow bay, between the island and the shore on the east side of the lake. The current should carry us around the large island and out into the lake. We would be safe. My father slept on his back in the stern of the boat. My mother was up front. I looked at my father to see him leaning over the side of the boat as he slept. I bumped him as i moved. Then it was morning, and we pulled the boat onto the eastern shore of the lake. There were tan rocky cliffs along the shore. A natural tunnel went through the cliff. I suddenly wondered where our boat had gone. I walked through the tunnel to the in-land ocean on the other side. There were people hanging around on the sandy beach as the sun rose over the water. I was worried about our boat. My parents walked along the ocean shore. We would be traveling around $P26. I pictured a map from overhead. We were in one of the eastern bays. I could not find my stuff. I asked my parents what had happened to the boat. Did they take it off of the shore? My father told me how the oars had broken from the locks. I remembered seeing an oar floating on the water by the boat. I wondered where the boat was now. We left the cabin and headed into town. It was getting dark early. The sky turned twilight, and the fireworks show started. I watched the fireworks and was reminded of the light sparkling on the ocean. I thought that it would have made a good photograph. I wanted to film the building to my right. It was victorian in style and had interesting decorative detail. I looked down the courtyard to the right. I could see the decorative building down a street at the other end. It was rounded in front, with decorative statues across the top edge. There were romanesque arches on the front and detailed header ornaments. I climbed up onto the pile of rocks in the center of the courtyard, which was a fountain. I was mad that my camera was not together. I cursed and hurried in anxiety to get the picture. I could see the tops of several buildings and some statues as i moved over the fountain. I was upset that i could not get the camera ready in time. The red sunlight fell upon the front of the building as the sun was setting. I did not have much time to take a picture. I cursed because the camera would not work. I could no find the correct lenses for it. My mother kept asking why i was not taking the picture. I was annoyed with her, and upset that i could not get the photo. Then the sun set, and the light went out on the building.

11996 September 11

I was on the bed in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. $F4 and $A358 were on the bed with me. $A358 and i started fooling around. We started to wrestle. It was erotic. I grabbed him from behind and held him. We were both turned on. I hoped that no one would notice. $F4 was watching us. $A358 and i stopped wrestling and got up from the bed. I had long blond hair. I combed it down in front of me with my fingers. I noticed that it was stained with blood.

I was at the wrestling match with $F4. It was a doubles match. I watched the four wrestlers move on the red mat. I wondered which team would win the match. Then i realized tat we were standing too close to the wrestlers. We were on the edge of the mat, and could have gotten in their way. We backed away and stood under the balcony, at the edge of the gym. There were some other things piled at the edges of the gym under the over hand. Round columns supported the overhang.

11996 September 12

I tried to catch the fuzzy tennis balls as they were tossed to me. They were light colours of blue and red. I missed a couple of them and they rolled off of the edge of the court and into the wooded area. The leaves in the area were deep green, and the ground was moist. I let a couple of the balls roll down the slope into the woods. I did not feel like running after them. The woman from the tennis court noticed that i was letting a couple of the balls get by. She tried to give me some advice on how i could do better. I did not really want to hear her suggestions. I went to the court. The other person passed the ball to me. I hit it with the tennis racket. The swing felt awkward. I wondered if i was doing it correctly. The girl interrupted me. She pointed out that the ball had gone where it should not have. It rolled diagonally into another court. I walked after it as it rolled over the edge of the court and into the wooded area. I walked up to the queue of people waiting for the bus. We were all given passes for the bus. I drew dots on the yellow cards to try to fill in the image. It was a connect-the-dots puzzle. I retraced he lines several times to try to find out what face was on the card. They gave me a card, and i looked it over. It had six pictures on the back of the card. One was a photo of me: the one on the right. They were arranged two across and found down. Some of them seemed blank. The other photographs were of other people who had a card. A photograph of an older woman was on the left side of my card. That was the way the made the cards. The photographs were taken in bulk and printed in order on the card. It was the easiest way to get the cards. I drew dots on the card to complete the image. Then i drew circles to fill in the areas. I looked at the cards of the other people. They had only six photographs on the back, with some blank spaces at the bottom. I noticed that my photo was in the top row. That was why the images were different. The photographs rotated through a sequence.

I brought the girl into my apartment to show here around. I told her it was messy and i opened up the front door. I stepped into the large garage, which reminded me of the bay of a fire station. The place was empty. I walked across the cement floor. Everything had been taken out of my apartment. I was worried and upset. The girl asked where my apartment was. I told her that this was my apartment. She thought that i was joking. She walked to the small room at the back of the one we were in. My couch was sitting in the center of the room, and my refrigerator was sitting against the back wall. It was the small white refrigerator from my college dorm. The couch was made of fake green leather. My room was not supposed to be clean. I was upset that someone had cleaned it. I ran back outside of the red brick building. It was very plain, like an office building. Someone was in the small drive-in bay behind the building. It seemed like $F9. He had a large garbage bag full of paper. He was going to put them into the trash. I thought that they might be papers from my apartment. I checked through them and found that they were. I asked him if they were all of the papers. He was not sure. I was very mad that someone had cleaned out all of my stuff. I wandered into the house. There was a bulletin board on the wall to the left. There were signs on the board about me. They related me to the aliens and other psychics. It was teasing. I tore them down and ran down the hall. My schoolmates were there. They had just arrived in the building. I was still upset. $A75 was with the group of children. I pulled down several posters in the hall. Then i noticed the bulletin board on the wall. There was a poster with the face of an alien on it. I was upset and threw a tantrum. I tore down the bulletin board and threw it to the floor. I ran out the back of the building and up the short hill onto the field. I ran out into the middle of the sports field and stopped. There was a highway on the other side of the field with cars on it. I wanted to fly. I imagined myself doing it. If only i was in one of my dreams. A man came out into the field to help me. He told me how to fly. He talked about rotating your limbs. I asked him about the torque force that was cause by levitation. He agreed that there was a force when you levitate upward. The force was by the right-hand rule. $Z came out to help me. He comforted me and would drive me back. We drove into the lot behind the large building. There were a number of other cars there. I wondered where we could park. He kept driving through the lot, though. We turned right past the cars and headed into the end of the building. I realized that he was not going to park in the lot. I was curious that he would drive into the mall. No one was supposed to have their car in the mall. Then i remembered that he was a doctor in one of the shops. He was allowed to park inside. We drove down the courts of the mal, passing shoppers in long winter coats. We stopped by the store that looked like a fabric store. The man was going to be late for work because he had helped me. I worried about him. I told him that i was sorry for making him late, and thanked him for helping me. He hesitated before walking into the store. He was not wearing any shirt. I thought that he looked attractive. He turned around to face me, and i could see the detail on his chest. I tensed in response. I thought i was being silly. I was still worried about him.

I rode my bicycle down the rural road. It was wet and raining outside, and i was moving down the road too fast. I tried to slow down as i rounded the curve to the left. The road ran along the top edge of an embankment. There was a river off to the right. I put my feet down to help me balance as i slowed down around the corner. I arrived in the downtown area at the other end of the curve. The river flowed down the main street leading into the small town. The main roadway crossed the river and went off to my right. There was a narrow footbridge over the water to the right. It ran from where i was standing to the sidewalk on the other side. The water below was brown and flooding, moving very fast. The main bridge ahead of me was out, destroyed by the floodwater. I could see water running over the main street. I looked over the channel to my right to see the stone wall on the other side of the footbridge. There was a white sign on the other side with bright red letters. It warned people not to take the footbridge. There was no way across the water.

11996 September 14

I was upstairs in the large house. I was running around in the large landing. There were square holes in the floor that looked down to the first floor below. White wooden railings surrounded the holes. I ran along across the red formal carpeting. The house was well maintained. I did summersaults on the building. It felt strange to be here. I stopped for a moment and removed my socks. I looked at my feet. They were peeling again.

11996 September 15

I was with my parents when we went over to visit $A29’s house. We walked up to the edge of the house and said hello. $A29 was on the edge of the deck, which was on the side of the house. He was talking quietly to us because all of his family was asleep. He greeted us and asked us into the basement room. We had to be quiet so that no one would wake up. We sat on the couches around the square coffee table and talked quietly. Then we heard $A31’s voice from upstairs. She could hear us whispering. I had brought the CDs over to the house for $A29 to see. I looked through the crates of CDs to decide which one i should play.

I walked down the hall to $P7. The students were walking around in their dress uniforms. There must have been a parade soon. I walked down the main hall to the main door. I walked out the side of the building. There were kids walking around outside. I followed one of them. I wondered where the officers were. Then i saw $A87 on the stairs. He started talking to me. I remembered that i did not really like him. We walked of other alumni. I told him that i worked on computers for $P52. The only alumni i knew from $P7 who went to $P52 was $A486. He mentioned that there was a boy from $P7 who worked at $P29. $A87 said that he was back at $P7 as well. We walked along the edge of the short greenhouse that ran along the edge of the track. We were inside the banquet room of a building. There were waist-high glass cases along the outside wall. Some of the others were looking at the objects in the case. $A96 was there. I thought about giving him the laser pistol. He would find it interesting. Other alumni were in the room. Then i noticed $A293. She had been on a run with $G4, and she joked about the $P29. She must have been the other one. I teased her.

11996 September 16

I was in the apartment, and i took a shower. The house was not mine, and i was worried that i might be imposing on someone, but they were not expected back. Then, Arnold Schwarzenegger came in the front door of the apartment. He walked down the hall and into the main living room, where i was standing in a towel. He turned to my left and walked into the other room. He was in a hurry. I said hello, but he did not respond. I did not expect him back. I should have cleaned up the apartment. I had made the mess, and i did not want to disappoint him. The walls of the living room were black, and the furniture was pale in colour. I went back into the bedroom to clean up a little. The bed was not made, and the blue sheets were bunched up. I started to pick up.

11996 September 17

I was in the car with my family. We drove down the road, trying to get back from were we came. I stopped in the forest. A road went off to the right. The main road continued through the woods. The trees were very tall and straight. $F10 was with me. I should have hiked back to the main camp. He was going to follow the road, but i wanted to run down the trail. I started down the well-trodden path through the tall trees of the forest. I looked to my left, where the towered over me. I came to the steep incline and started up. He slope was rocky. I was near the cliff from the water. There was a large flat rock sticking out from the top of the cliff. I could see a woman and a boy standing on top of the rock. They were looking out over the river section. I started to climb up the rock. The large rock was actually a trailer home. There was a ragged cloth hanging over the window on the end. It was a small aluminium-framed window. I looked in. There was a bed up against the right wall. The room was rather cluttered with clothes and debris. I could see an oriental girl sitting on the bed. She was playing guitar. I climbed up the edge of the trailer and looked into the small window at the end of the trailer. I looked at the oriental girl in the white T-shirt, who was sitting on the red sheets of the bed, playing an acoustic guitar. The guitar was a red Stratocaster, styled electric. The sheets on the bed were blue. She looked up and noticed me. I went through the hall of the trailer and into the closet at the end. I had to climb bock up to the road level. I looked up at the small opening at the top of the closet. The opening was too small for me to climb through. That was how the others came through, though. I would have to go around. I went down the hall and out the side door. I had entered into the other apartment complex. The corridors were dingy and the building run down. I crossed the corridor and walked out of the building at the back door. I had to get over to the main road, which was Route 13. I was down by the flats. I walked down the alley and came out by the rocks behind the trailer. I came out on the wrong side of the building. I should go back through the building and come out on Route 13. I turned to go back through the house. There was a blue sign to the right of the door. I looked around at the house. There was a picnic table on the forested yard behind the house. A bear cub was on the table. I could see the mother bear standing by the wooden rail fence at the edge of the yard. I was worried about the mother attacking. Then i saw the coyote attacking the cub. I knew that the mother would be mad. Then i saw the wolf join in. I ran inside. I had to stay away from the fight so that i did not get attacked. I told my mother about the attack.

11996 September 18

I drove my car around, but it was not running correctly. It sputtered and jerked. I drove don the city street. I stopped at the corner and shifted into first. I could not get the car into first. It kept going into reverse. Cars passed me from behind as i tried o shift. I finally got it into the right gear. I turned right at the corner. It was nighttime, and i drove past the elementary school on the corner. Then my car started having problems again. It would not idle. It was dying. I let it roll don the street in neutral. A car passed me on the left. After a few minutes of choking idle, it started to run smoothly again. I turned left at the corner and drove down the short street to the stop sign. I then turned right. It was dark as i drove up the hill. There was an austral girl off to the side of the road on the left. She was bouncing a basketball. She was mad at me for driving up her road. She bounced the ball in front of me. I did not slow down. I hit the ball and it went flying. I ignored it. It was her problem, and there was no reason for me to stop. I went up the hill and hade a left through the suburban area. I had to get back home. I pulled into the driveway of my parents’ house. I was in the yard with my father. I drove the car up to the tree. It was a small Beetle-like car. I opened the hood so that my father could see it. My mother was there as well. We looked under the hood, but the engine stalled.

11996 September 19

I walked around the room of the house. People were sitting around the table in the center of the room. It was some kind of ceremony. My mother sat at the table. She was wearing a lot of makeup on her face. There was heavy blue and silver eye shadow over her eyes. She got the makeup from the Amway woman. I thought that she looked better without any makeup. One of the men at the table started talking of drinking first blood. It was when you were out on a hunt and killed the first animal. You were supposed to drink its blood. It had special meaning. I had heard of the tradition before. It had something to do with Mosheika. Mosheika was a spirit name.

11996 September 21

I was driving down the highway in my car. There was a car on my left, but it did not have a roof or a frame. I could see the passengers as if they were not moving. The driver was a young oriental woman, and he passenger was an older oriental woman. The older woman had her heavy black hair up in a bun. They both stared at me. Something was wrong. They were horrified by what they saw. I did not know what they were looking at, though. I was worried. Something was very wrong with my car. I looked back down the road. They slowed so that they would be near me. I was panicked. I wondered what could be wrong. The road ahead of me narrowed. Something was really wrong. I was scared and upset.

I wandered around the waiting area of the building. It was on the upper floor on one wing of the building. To my right was a dull-tan dividing wall about a metre and a quarter high. It separated the walkway along the wall from the official waiting room. Down the walkway behind me, the barrier was full height, hiding the office cubicles behind it. To my left were windows on the outside of the building. I looked out the window to the paved court below. It was circled on three sides by the building. To my left, i could see the other wing of the building. There was a large glass outcrop on the second floor of the building. It was supported by a brick structure underneath. It was one floor below me, and shaped like a dome, with a crude point on top of the vertical walls. It was for viewing outside. I did not feel right here. Something was out of place. I turned around to see the others in the waiting room. I stood just outside of the row of chairs at the edge of the area. I did not belong here. I was a time traveler, and i had ended up in this place. I then heard the cellular phone ring. I would have to call the future to get home. Then i heard a sharp crackling pop. It was the sound of a teleportation. I looked out over the row of chairs and out into the street. I could see a cloud of sparkling light, but no person. I told the others that were sitting at the chairs near me that my phone was broken. I would not be able to use all of the features that i needed to get home. I did not have enough power to cloak. Then i heard another teleporter pop. I looked up into the street, but there was no one there. They must be cloaked. I hid behind the railing near the table at the edge of the street-side cafe. The oriental girl in the plain blue dress sat at the table. I told her about by lack of power in my phone. I asked her to look into the street to see if she could see any of the others. She looked out into the street. The man at the table had heard me and looked out as well. The older man at the table had heard the pop, but did not know what it was. I told them about the distortion field from a cloaked person. They should see a ripple in the air. They did not see one. I had to make the teleportation jump to get out of here. I played with my phone to try to get it to work. I walked across the small bedroom and paused by the dresser. I asked the woman about the jump. I almost handed her the cellular phone, but realized that this would be a mistake. I put the phone on the table near the wall. The man to my right asked if he could see the phone. I let him look at it. The girl was plotting. She tried to have the man dial a number on the phone. The number started with “57”. I took the phone and pressed the button to stop the call. If it went through, i would be trapped here. I pressed the clear button at the top of the keypad of the phone. I had to make the jump. I looked at the phone and figured out how to set the date. I walked out into the hall and started typing the date. I had to use the circles to separate the date. I set the date for “17oJuly”. I made the jump. I was in the hall outside of the room. There were people in the room. I thought of taking the batteries from the room. I walked into the other room on the same side of the hall but farther up. Then i saw the teleporter from my recent visit sitting on top of the dresser against the far wall. I must have been here before. I thought about taking the teleporter, but realized that i could not. It would have e be left for my other self. Then i noticed my mother’s things sitting on the table to the left. It was the stuff from Italy. There was a stack of books. I realized that, if she was here, then it must be a different time than i though it was. I could take the phone. I grabbed it from the dresser. I closed the door as i left the room and headed for the back room of the house. It was a long narrow room. I looked at the new phone. It had round buttons for the date and year. I could not remember how to use it. I tried to jump, but it did no work. I must have set the date wrong. Then the man came. He was after me. I dropped to the floor and kicked him to keep him away. I set a random date on the phone. I had to get away. I would make a random jump to where it was safe.

11996 September 22

I walked through the service at the church. The people all sat in the pews as the woman lectured to them. I walked down the left side of the church, just inside the chapel section. A low hall ran along my left, on the other side of the arched columns. The door was ahead of me, to my left. There were red velvet cloths handing around the columns. The entire building was made of stone, and the exit door was arched at the top and made of a dark stained wood. The woman started talking directly to me. She said that she was teaching the love and faith of Jesus. She said that i should follow the love and faith of Jesus, and then asked me what i thought. I told her how horrible her words were. I did not yell at her, but tried to talk reasonably. I pointed out how she condemns rather than instructs. She condemns those who do not believe as she does. I told her that she was more satanic than those that she condemned, and that she was Satan because she preaches hate. I scolded her for this. Then i left the church. I walked out the front door and down $P1, past my grandmother’s house.

I was on a boat, and i was really upset. I thought that i wanted to tell someone, but there was no one around that i could tell. I walked down the narrow hall to the right, through the door. The corridor was the entrance to the library. The main library opened up to the left. I walked in. There were other people sitting at the tables in the library. I was still upset, but could not hide from them here. I walked ahead and into the metal shelves of books. I wanted to hide from the others so that they did not know how upset i was. There were too many people walking around, however. I had to get away from them. I crossed back through the library and walked out into the hall. I ran into the Captain. I was on the Love Boat, and i was the ships purser. Captain Stubing was mad at me. He confronted me, lecturing me on how lax i had become on my job. I stood at attention, but i was not really listening to him. I started to fall backward and let myself go. I landed on the floor but made no motion of concern. The Captain was concerned about me. I was glad that i had forced his concern, but i did not let him know that i was faking. I did not want him to know that i was really upset. I did not want him emotionally close to me.

11996 September 23

My mother and i got out of the small car by the edge of the lake. It was winter, and there was a layer of snow on everything. We stood on the gravel road that ran right next to the beach. It was about a metre and a half above the level of the water. It was briskly cold outside. I left the car and walked up the lake a little way. There were houses up the short slope on the right side of the road. Several bare trees ran along the rocky shore to my left. I had parked the car by a clearing, but the trees got thicker down the shore, where the and between the shore and the road widened. I was worried about the car. It was a small red car. I walked back down the road to the car, but the car was gone. I looked over the steep slope down to the lake. There was a wrecked car on the rocky shore of the lake, at the bottom of the five-metre cliff. A boat was docked on the wooden platform near the wreckage. The boat was white. The wreckage was not from my car. I walked down to the wreckage. I should report this incident. Other people gathered along the road at the edge of the lake. Someone must have vandalized the cars. I walked up the snowy slope to the house. I had to get into the house, but i did not have the keys with me. They should be with the car. I did not want to kick in the upper door. I walked around the outside of the house. Something was wrong. Someone was outside and was after me. I went to the small door at the lower corner of the house. It was an old decaying wood door with a single pane of glass in the top. I entered the house at the back of the bedroom. I had never come in that way before. I tried the key in the door. I looked behind me. The family was standing in the snow-covered driveway. I was visiting Deutschland, and these were the people with whom i was staying. I walked across the living room. There was a couch and two chairs arranged in a circle, with a coffee table between them. A bookcase covered the wall behind the chairs. On the end of one of the shelves was a stack of books on their sides. The small black book on top was a Deutsch pocket dictionary. I looked around. Then i walked across the driveway, toward the family and some of their neighbours, who had gathered. Something was out of place. Here was a wrecked car in the driveway, around which the people gathered. Something had happened. The wreckage had been brought up to the house. It was found by others. I opened the hatchback trunk of the car and looked inside at what was left. I removed the blue blankets from car. At least they could be saved. Something was still very wrong. It did not, however, have anything to do with the car. Others gathered around. I pushed the car on the icy road, sliding it away from the snow embankment to the left of the driveway. There was a body in the ice under the car. We could make out the arms and face. Something was not right.

I was running from the man. We ran into the room and closed the door behind us. It was a small cubical room with pale walls and no furnishings. The girl leaned against the door so that the man could not open it. I could hear the man outside. Then i saw the muzzle of the dog sniffing under the door. He was sniffing right by the girl’s foot. She tried to maneuver so that she was out of range of the dog. She moved left, across the door and brought her feet away from the base of the door. The dog could still smell her, though. Then she opened the door and ran out. She closed the door behind her. She was a traitor. She was working with the man and intended to lock us in. We walked over to the door and tried to open it. It was not locked. The girl had forgotten to lock it. We opened it and went out into the hall. The girl was there. She was mad that i got out and attacked me.

11996 September 24

I was in the store. $F15 was there. He was not wearing any pants. I ran into him near the milk section. I said hello and told him that he was not wearing any pants. He said that he knew. His shirt was long enough so that he did not mind not having any pants. We talked of his life. He told me how he was doing as we walked through the furniture section of the store. I wanted to talk to him, but i did not really know what to say.

11996 September 25

I picked up the sheet of wax paper from $F1’s house. Then i walked out across the back yard and started to fly. I flew behind my grandmother’s house. There was a cat sitting on the patio in back. My mother said that the cat had attacked her. The cat jumped at me as i walked by. It was playing. I flew by again, swooping low over the cat. It trued to catch me again. It jumped at me and batted me. It tickled. It jumped and bounced off.

11996 September 26

I walked down the country road. There was a field of high golden grass off to my right. I looked across the field as i walked. There were a couple of trees at the near edge of the field. They were old, and some of them were bare. I noticed an old swing in the middle of the field. The corn-like stalks had grown up around it. I could only see the top of the swing above the grass stalks. I thought that i should sit down on it. It was an old rope swing, with a red disk seat. I walked down the road, past the swing. I was looking for the other thing in the grass. Then i found the short black pipe coming up out of the ground. It stood vertically from the ground and had several old vines crawling around it. Steam drifted out from the end of the pipe. There was a sign on the top of the pipe that said “GIF incorporated”. The sign was yellow, with black helvetica letters. That sign meant that the pipe was owned by a utility company. There was gas coming out of the pipe. It was probably not good that the gas was coming out. I walked back down the forested road. There were no more trees along the edge of the field. There was also a forest on the other side of the road. Then i saw the grey man down the road. He had a cat with him. They were both fat. I looked up to see the clouds moving in across the sky. The dark-grey clouds churned over the field as the storm came in across the pale-blue sky.

11996 September 27

I walked down the white marble corridor of the old temple. The place was quiet and clean. The walls were very plain, with smooth blocks of stone holding up the structure. The temple was egyptian in design. It was the temple of Osiris. I ran out of the front door of the temple and into the quadrangle. It was very much like $P39 in front of $P126. There was a girl there with two younger boys. A man was there also. They talked about what to do as they stood on the grass. The boy then moved away from the group. The girl said that they had to go to the “thing”. It was time to go. The kids ran up the grassy slope to the left. It wrapped around the side of the old dark stone building. The boy followed them. They ran around the building. I was standing on the other side of the building in the small quadrangle. Another building ran to my left, very close to the first on my right. I could see the boy run across the opening ahead of me. I knew that what he was chasing slipped around the corridor. I told him that it “went this way”. The scene was from a skit i had seen before. I thought about the camera angle. The girl entered the door of the plain building on my right. The boy ran by minutes later. It happened like this in the skit before. I headed toward the stone doorway. It was formed from three large slabs of stone: two supporting one. I walked into the small entranceway of the temple. The entryway was only four or five metres long and ended at a cross corridor. I went into the main corridor. There was a stairwell to the left, toward the front of the building. I went into the stairwell. The stairs wrapped upward clockwise, following the square walls. They were made of gray and white striped marble. The voices of the kids were very loud in the stairwell. I told them to be quiet so that they did non disturb anyone. This temple was egyptian. I continued up the stairs. There was a window in the outside wall. It was rectangular and taller than it was wide. The sill was a little less than a half a metre deep. There was a statue of a dog in the window. It was the protector. I noticed that it was not a jackal, however, but a thin brown dog. I walked into the corridor and headed to the left. I could hear music playing off in the distance. It was classical music. There had to be a concert here. I saw people on the right, down the hall. They were crowded around on an overlook. The hall ran along a small shop. The shop was one floor down, and had old castle-stone walls. People on the overlook watched as the people below played their instruments. They were dressed in renaissance clothing. One of the women in the ground shook her instrument. The motion produced sound as she shook it, and she fingered the strings along the fret board to get the notes. The other musicians stared to disperse. There were some mandolin players, as well as other string players. The girl in the black oriental coatee was playing a flute. I passed her as i walked down one of the sets of stairs that descended along the edge of the balcony, down to the lower level. At the bottom, people were gathering together their instruments. The visitors to the place were encouraged to play the instruments. It was an artistic place. My parents said that i should play one of the instruments. I was unsure. I walked around the heavy wooden table in the center of the room. There was a cello sitting on the table, which was crowded with other instruments. The place resembled a workshop. I liked the cello, but i could not really play classical instruments. I put the acoustic guitar i was carrying down by the rolls of rug at the edge of the counter. I hoped that no one would play it. The woman asked me about the guitar. I lifted the guitar from the workbench. I knocked some of the other instruments, and they fell over. I caught them and put them back in their places. I looked at the banjo i had picked up. It did not look right. The woman said that it was okay, but it was cracked at the bottom. It was actually an electric banjo, and the bottom was made of metal plates. It was broken, and i could not play it. My mother had one of the pieces to the main body. My guitar was still in the bag around the corner. I walked around to it. I was upset that i could not play the instrument because it was broken. I accidentally tipped over some objects as i rounded the corner. The woman made jokes about it. I brought my broken guitar back to the bag. My parents took the bag and started down the hall. They went toward the lavatory. I slowly followed them. I walked down the hall and into the large atrium. Others were waiting there. One of the people had two black dogs. One of them jumped up on me. It was very friendly. I pet its head as i lowered it to the floor. I continued down the hall, but could no longer find my parents.

11996 September 28

I drove along the sandy shore of the large lake. The water was very calm, and i could not see the other shore. The sky in the distance was red, as if the sun were setting. I stopped the car in front of the pale-green wood building. It looked like a set of kiosks that were closed for the season. There were no windows. $F24 stood along the shore on the other side of the car. I was standing with $F12. We looked over the water and noticed the giant flowers floating toward shore. They were shaped like giant clams, with their shells erect in the water. There were tentacles dangling below the surface of the water. The flowers were a lavender colour, with purple and violet coloured tips. They approached us. $F12 and i were unsure of what they were, and we were apprehensive. We hid around the other side of the car as they came closer. We stood near the long white building that housed the kiosks. The tentacles of the plants started to reach toward us, but hesitated. $F12 and i stayed away. The water was dangerous. $F24 parked the car on the sand, near the edge of the water. He should be careful. The car could slide into the water. The beach ended very abruptly just off shore.

11996 September 30

I was cooking breakfast. I had eggs, toast, and a lot of other things. I piled them up on the plate by the stove. Then i went down the hall. It was very early in the morning, and everyone was asleep. I sneaked through the narrow corridor, trying not to wake any of the brothers. I walked through the door on the left and into the room. $A35 was there. I explained to him why i was sneaking around. Then i noticed the early morning sky out the large window on the right wall of the corridor. The sky was scattered with rolling bubbles of sheet clouds that were coloured pink and red from the morning sun. I realized that what i saw was not the rising sun, however. It was a fireball. I had to hide. I jumped under the red waist-high counter, which separated the walkway from the window. The window shattered and hot debris scattered over the counter. Some heavy pieces broke through the plywood face of the counter behind which i was hiding. I tried not to get burned by any of them. I waited for things to settle, and then i ran down to the end of the hall. I got onto the elevator platform. It was a flat platform with black metal waist-high rails around the outside. There was a black control box to the right. The entire thing sat in the middle of an elliptical stone well. It was a free fall platform. I had been here before. It was $A123’s ride. People got on and sat on the benches that ran along the edge of the platform. There was a garden off to the east, which had thorny rose vines in it. We were ready for the fall. Someone pulled the release leaver. The platform dropped a couple of decis, but stopped. Then i noticed that the ropes were still tied to the walls. The leaver was pushed back to the stop position. We had to undo the ropes and reset the ride. We would have to readjust the platform to get the ropes off, to take the tension out of them.