11997 September 01

I left the place where my parents were staying and headed north up the highway. I would visit some people before i headed home. I drove down the highway that headed into the large city. I wondered where i could stay in the city. I thought about getting a hotel room somewhere as i headed out of the city on the dark road. I wondered whether i would be able to find an inexpensive hotel on the outside of town. I watched the signs on the highway as i drove. I wanted to make sure that i could get back the way i had come. The highway seemed to merge with some other roads as it headed into the densely populated area. There seemed to be something on either side of the highway, enclosing it in a corridor, but i did not notice anything. I watched the road signs and noticed that one of them mentioned Interstate 20. I wondered whether i was on the correct road, as i should be on an interstate in the nineties. I drove under several overpasses as the road dipped and merged with some other highways. I had to make sure that i did not get lost. Then i noticed a sign overhead that mentioned the street name at which i was exiting. The street name started with “M” and was a medium-sized word. I wondered suddenly whether i was going the correct way. There was a traffic light ahead at which i stopped. When it turned green, i looked around at the cars near me and started peddling on. I rode my bicycle straight and into the narrow alley. I then wondered whether i had come the correct way. The lady behind me walked past and to the right as i stopped at the end of the alley. There seemed to be a road that went between two of the buildings to the right. There was an opening in the building on the left which was set down into the ground slightly. There was a single column supporting the building near the right side of the opening. The place inside seemed like a laundry room. I was not sure whether i had gone to the right place. The buildings around me were tall and seemed to be made of brick. The ground of the alley was paved, but the area to the right seemed to open up into a courtyard, which had yellow cobblestone arranged in a circular pattern on the ground. I headed out over the cobble stone and looked to the left down the alley where the woman had gone. This place seemed familiar. I then remembered that i had a dream about this place the night before. I looked around at the place and realized that it was very similar to the dream. I then headed back across the alley. I was walking with my bicycle now. I looked down at the stairs that led up towards where the woman was sitting on the large, cushioned sofa. I had walked my bicycle down the stairs on the other side of the flower bed from where i was now standing. There were green pine bushes in the flower bed which were cut low to the ground. I looked down as i carefully walked up the stairs, which were actually shelves on the end table that stood next to the couch in the small lounge area. There was a second woman sitting opposite the first on the other side of the coffee table in a small chair, which matched the style of the couch. I stepped over the coffee table, thinking that i should probably have walked up the stairs. I walked around the back side of the alley and over to the opening in the side wall. I lay on my side in the opening looking out at things. I then noticed that there were small birds flying around near my face. I looked at the small brown one that was near me and it flew away. I then looked back into the building through the opening to my right as i lay on my stomach. I could see several birds flying in formation within the small room of the building. I was laying in a small window-like opening which was level with the ground outside. I was looking into the building through the larger opening in the side wall of the building, which seemed like a store window, and which was partly below the level of the outside street. I then realized that i must have been sleeping here. I had planed to rest here for a moment because i could not find a place in the city in which to stay. I must have fallen asleep for several hours on the sidewalk in the small opening of the building. I looked out onto the street of the city. There was no one around. I stood up and started to collect my things. I picked up my wool blanket and my pillow, which i had been traveling with on my bicycle. I should not sleep here the entire night or i might get in trouble. I then imagined the police asking me what i was doing. They might think that i was a vagrant. I could not think of where else to sleep. I felt desperate for a place to go, and frustrated that i could not find one. I told someone that i could not find the hotel district of this city. I mentioned that every city that i knew of had a hotel district. I started down the road of the city, looking at the tall buildings several blocks away. They were spotted with small yellow lights in their windows. It seemed like night out.

11997 September 02

I was in the card store looking through some of the cards on the table. The man was upset with me and kept bothering me. He was one of the people who worked in my office. He started picking up the pens from the table that he knew i was going to use. I pulled the red pen out of his hand and started to use it to take notes on the cards that i had collected. Then he grabbed another pen that i was going to use. I yelled at him to stop acting like a child. The others in the store could hear. He acted innocent and grabbed the blue highlighter from the table. I ignored him and read over two of the cards. He then picked up some paper from the table and walked away. He had taken the envelopes from the cards that i had picked out. I thought that he was silly because i could always take more envelopes from the other cards in the rack. I turned instead and walked over to one of the counters. There were two ladies behind the counter, and i started to ask them for something. They completed my question, wondering whether i wanted to see the book. I agreed. I could look up the make of the cards in the book by serial code. I told the ladies that i wanted to see which series the cards were in. I knew that looking them up was totally useless, but i had already asked. I pictured the line of numbers in my head. There would be a letter at the beginning of three or four numbers. The entire line was like this, and represented several variations of cards in the same series.

I sat in the center of the room on the wooden floor. There was another person with me who was sitting on my left as i watched myself sitting in the middle of the floor. We had to get things done. I was going through papers. There was a man sitting in a chair to my right. I knew that he had some sort of authoritative position. He was one of the campus police. I sorted through several of the things from the duffel bags on the floor. The man stood up and walked behind me to the couch. He spoke to me and i replied. I was trying to get things organized for $G2. I had a few objects in my hand when i stood up and walked over to where the police officer had sat down on the couch. I started to go through the bag on the floor in front of him as i spoke. Then i dropped the marble that was in my hand. We both heard it hit the metal rail that was under the front of the couch. The police officer, who was not in uniform, looked over the edge of the couch to see what i was. We then heard it roll down the rail to my left and drop onto the floor. It rolled out from the side of the couch and across the tiled floor. I moved to catch it as it rolled in a circle in the corner of the room. I thought that it was strange that it should move in a circle, as it meant that the floor was crooked. I picked it up and placed it back on the edge of the desk at which i was trying to work. I then realized that there were too many things on the desk. There were papers and it seemed that i was working in front of a television that was sitting on the window ledge. I then lifted the papers with which i was working off of the table to see that they wee resting on the remains of a dried house plant. It was reed grass which had been growing in a large plastic container. I realized that the grass was dry and that it should probably be removed from the counter so that i could have more room. I pulled several of the dry stalks from the round hole in the top of the plastic basin. I then lifted the tan humidifier basin from the counter and walked it to the center of the room on the right, placing it down on the floor. I noticed that there were still some green shoots of grass in the basin. I could still grow the plants. I walked back towards the counter, noticing that it had water spread on it in small puddles. I had to be careful not to get any of the papers on it or they would get wet. The lady then asked me a question about how things work. I walked to the desk at the end of the room, where i could look over the files that i had on my computer. She wanted to submit files to $G2 for processing. I looked over the files on my computer and tried to tell her the best way for her to send the files to me. I thought that she should just e-mail them as attachments. I told her that it was easiest for me to deal with them that way. I then watched as she the walked across the room to where the tree stumps were along the side wall. I walked over and looked at the terminals, which were part of the tree stumps. These were the main CPUs for $G2. I typed something into one of the keyboards. I realized that the keys were designed like tortilla chips, which was a good thing. It was a more direct terminal to the computer. I looked at the lady, who was looking at the paper files that were in the stump to the right. The top of the stump was divided into four sections by vertical bars on the outside edge of the stump. Files hung in each of the four sections. This is where we kept the paper files. I kept typing on the terminal that i was working at, trying to figure out where the files should go.

11997 September 03

I was laying down on the ground, looking up towards the sky. I was near the turn in the road in the suburban area. I needed to rest because i felt somewhat exhausted. I had been out running with the group of people. We had just left the school and were heading into the woods. The forested area around us was very young. All of the trees were small and the air seemed very light. The day was bright and sunny. I had run down the dirt trail that went through the woods. There was trimmed grass on either side of the trail. I had been ahead of the rest of the people as i turned to the left onto the side trail. The others had caught up, however, so i got to my feet and started running down the side trail again. I saw $F4 running with the group of runners. I headed down the suburban block. The area seemed somewhat orange and yellow in colour. I then realized that the rest of the runners were not following me. They had taken the other road and had gone straight. They were running the regular route which went around the larger block. I thought that i would turn right at the next street and come out near them at the far end of the loop. I realized that i would come out in front of them. I turned down the road to the right and ran towards the main street at the end of the loop. I then saw the other runners coming from the right. I had cut in front of them. I wondered for a moment how i could have gotten ahead of them. The distances should have been the same. I met $F4, who was running at the front of the pack, and started running with him. We turned down the last side of the loop and headed back to the school. Then we came to the bridge that ran over the small creek. There was an intersection just on the other side of the creek, with medium-sized stone buildings on the corners. On the near corner to our right was a small bar. It was a run-down cement building with a flat roof. There was a large gravel parking lot before the bar that had no cars in it. I then noticed that there was a small stream of water running across the road from the bar’s parking lot. I thought that the water must be flooding from all of the rain the night before. I started running near the water when i realized that it was getting deeper. My feet were getting wet as i ran, and i started to wonder how much the water would rise.

I was standing at the edge of the room where i could hear the music that was playing on the stereo. I realized that the song was “Stairway to Heaven”. I told the other person, who was listening to the music with me, about it. The room seemed very open, as if it had no walls or ceiling. I thought that i had not heard this song in a very long time, and it seemed strange to listen to it now. I then walked down the hall at the new job. I realized that $A14 was there. I was waiting for the package that was to come. I wandered around the area and realized that the construction site would have to be cleaned up.

11997 September 04

I walked down the country road. There were thin forests on both sides of the road. I walked past the T intersection and continued down the road. I had to get home. The land on both sides of the road rose up sharply from the drainage ditches and then rose less sharply into the forest. I felt anxious and had to get back to someplace. I should be there by now. I felt lost and secluded. Something was unsettling. Night would be approaching soon, and i had to find a place to go. I seemed stranded out in the middle of nowhere. I walked down the road over the rise and found myself in the middle of a vast, open area. There were tall mountains to my right as i looked down the road. The air seemed very cool and the sky was a very light blue. I was in $P24. I stood in the road, wondering where i was supposed to go. I had to get somewhere, but i had no way of getting back. It was getting cold, and i was not dressed for the weather. I felt very alone. The road went down a slight hill before me as it headed into $P25. I did not want to go back there, however. The place made me feel empty. I did not know what to do. I turned around and started heading back up the road. I had to get away. I then noticed Cary Grant standing in the road in front of me. He was stern with me, and told me that i had to get to someplace. I remembered that there was a cottage just up the road to the left. It felt somewhat depressing to go back there. I walked into the library, where i spilled the pitcher of milk. It poured out over the wooden table and ran onto the floor.

11997 September 05

I drove my car into the parking lot on the side of $P7. I parked it in one of the spots against the front lawn and got out. I had to have one of the parking stickers, however, to leave it there. I looked through my things, but could not find the green ticket that i needed to hang from the mirror. The police officer, who was in the middle of the parking lot with me, asked me about the ticket. I was still looking for it. I realized that i could only leave my car here for a short time. The police might not tow it away without the ticket. I then wondered whether it had already been towed away, as i had left it here overnight. I had a one-day ticket, but i did not have a long term ticket. I did not know where i had put it. I looked up at my red car and wondered whether it had been towed away already by the police. I had to find the tickets. I looked through the drawer of the dresser in the back room of my parents’ house. I was mad that i could not find the book of parking tickets. They should have been in my things at my parents’ house. I kept rummaging through the drawers in hopes of finding it. I asked my mother where it was. I knew that someone must have cleaned out my things. I looked through the boxes but i could not find the tickets. I was getting very frustrated. I thought that my car would be towed from the parking lot if i did not find the tickets. I would not be able to get home if it was towed. Then i wondered how i got to my parents’ house. I stood up and walked out of the back door. I stood on the back porch and looked into the sky. Just over the horizon to the east, i noticed a rocket launching. The ship looked very much like the space shuttle. I called to my mother as i watched it lift into the air. I told her to come out onto the porch quickly. The plane tuned to the north and then started to turn back to the south. It seemed to be circling in the sky for a moment. I asked my mother to hurry. I then noticed that the plane had two black rockets on either side of it. That was how it got the boost to make it into space. It started heading away and i could see the H-frame to which the rockets were attached. I then turned to head back into the house. $K2 was in the doorway. I told him about the rocket. He was interested in seeing it. I then walked into the house and started watching television. There was a musical on television that took place in the middle ages. I could see a group of knights in chain mail with blue robes. They were facing the camera and singing. They then started to move as the sword fight started. I moved around the room with the fake sword in my hand. I was playing in the mock battle.

I was talking with the other people about the industry in Europe. I remembered what it was like in Deutschland, and told the other person that things in Europe were much different than they were here. They had sections of their cities which were dedicated to industry only. I remembered how all of the factories were collected in a very small area. All of the houses were then collected in another area. Between these small pockets of civilization were vast stretches of open country. I remembered the green fields and the tall mountains of the country between the cities. The other person said that this was not true. I objected, remembering the way the cities were set up in Europe. I was fairly sure that i was correct. I told the person that i remembered the way Europe was set up. I remembered that there were small concentrations of cities with vast open areas that had nothing in them. I then corrected myself to add that there were autobahns running in the vast open areas. I remembered the autobahns running through the open area. The other person still did not think that i was correct. I remembered riding down the autobahn. I was in the car as we turned off onto the exit of the autobahn. I had to slow the car down. I then remembered that i would need the remote control to do that. I picked it up and pressed the brake button. The car started to slow. I was worried about hitting the car in front of me, but the car i was in slowed down enough that i was still safe. I then wondered why i did not simply use the brake pedal on the car. I was in the driver’s seat. I remembered that i had been in the back seat before. We drove down the road. The highway was elevated above he rest of the city, and there were plain, dark grey buildings off to the right that were part of a factory. Then the tree line passed the car on the right and i could see out into the field beyond. My grandmother pointed out the cows in the pasture that ran along the right side of the road. There was one cow standing near the road at the opposite end of the field, and two facing each other in the center of the field. The two in the center then stood up on their hind legs. I knew that they were challenging each other. The cow that was facing the road was standing atop a small slope and was standing higher than the other cow. They then jumped at each other. The one who had been on top of the hill ended up on top of the other cow. It opened up its wings and stood on top of the other animal. I knew that it had managed to win the fight by dominating the other animal. The duck then opened up its wings and stood facing the road. I then realized that the people on the road could see the duck’s penis. The duck was very large, and its penis was erect and curved upward as it stood with its wings open, facing the road. My grandmother, who was in the front seat of the car, gasped in disgust as we passed. She thought that it was a horrible thing to see. I did not care either way. I looked back at the giant duck as we passed. I could see that its penis was bumpy and uneven on the underside. I did not feel any disgust at the sight. I told my grandmother that it was something natural, and that there was no reason that she should be disgusted. I told her that it was the way animals copulated. I then looked back to see the tall duck mounting the other from behind. It jabbed its penis suddenly and violently into the other animal. I watched as the larger animal did this several times. I thought that it was simply the way the animals copulated. I did think it was strange that it was so rough, though.

11997 September 07

We were on a small boat on a lake in $P24. There were several brothers with me. We were trying to get to someplace, but the small row boat seemed very unstable. I stood in the row boat and tried to balance. I thought about the shark that was swimming around the boat. I thought that it might not attack if a person was not splashing that much. I thought about how to swim ashore.

I was in the middle of the city in the tunnel that ran beneath the structure. The walls of the tunnel were dark, and it seemed like it was part of a building. $F4 was with me. We were trying to set up the volleyball net on the cement platform which was to the right of the road. The net was sagging too much, however. I walked to the right end of the net and tried to tighten the rope. The rope was wrapped around one of the rectangular pillars that stood against the side wall of the tunnel. I slid the rope up the length of the pillar until it was near the ceiling. $F4 helped me. We then stood back and looked at the net, which was bordered with a red cloth. It was tall enough, but i noticed that it now ran against the wall. I mentioned to $F4 that no one would be able to play volleyball with the net unless they bounce the ball off of the wall. I thought that $F4 and i could play by ourselves against ourselves. I then turned to the right and walked out of the building towards the house. There were four animals in the house. I looked up the slope of the front lawn towards the house as i stood on the road. I could see the two dogs and the two cats sitting on the front porch of the pale green house. Something was wrong here. The animals were in danger. I was worried about them. I then walked to the right of the house, where the others were gathered on the lawn. They were sitting down at the picnic table getting ready for something. I was suddenly worried about the animals. I looked around but could not see them. I told the others that they were in danger. I thought that the others would think that i was strange for saying it with no apparent reason. I thought that they might think that i was acting like a psychic. I then got up from the table and went looking for the animals. I could see the dark coloured dog standing by the side of the house. I then wondered where the other three animals were. I was most worried about the grey cat. I walked around to the other side of the house, which had a garage or porch attached to it. The other woman followed me. We found the other dog and the cat lying on the ground. They seemed to be all right, but i was worried about them. Something was not right. Someone was trying to poison the animals. Then i reached down and picked up the white animal that was on the ground. It was a small figurine of a white rat which had been chewed off at the bottom. The cat must have eaten part of it. I suddenly realized that this was the danger. I told the other person that the poison must be in the food that the animals were fed and not given to the animals directly.

11997 September 08

I walked past the car in the driveway as i thought about the woman who had died. There was something strange about the way that she had died. The driveway was dirt, and there was grass growing around the sides and in the middle. There were some short trees on both sides of the drive. I thought about trying to find out who had killed the woman. Something seemed suspicious about her disappearance. I looked over the tree that was on the left side of the drive. There were webs on some of the lower branches. I looked through the webs as i thought about investigating the woman’s death. I noticed some small bugs in the web and realized that it was some sort of nest. I thought that the infected part of the tree should be cut off and set on fire so that the bugs did not infect further. I looked over the tan webbing and the small, tubular shaped objects in it as i thought about my position as a detective. I thought that it would be better for me to be an investigator in the story. I had previously played the part of the newspaper reported, but thought that being an independent detective would probably make the plot run easier. I wondered why i had not thought of that earlier. If i were a detective it would make more sense for me to investigate the woman’s death. I walked into the side door of the apartment building. The walls were a creme white, and the building seemed somewhat run down. The halls were very narrow, and there were some other people walking through them as we entered. We were looking for apartment number four. I came to the top of the stairs and looked around at the doors. There was a doorway on the left, just ahead. This was the correct apartment, but the number on the door was fourteen. This did not seem right. It should have been apartment four. We walked into the apartment and talked to the business man who was there. The decor seemed very modern. There was a black desk or table in front of the large window that overlooked the city. The man sat on the other side of it as i asked him some questions. I mentioned the woman from the other city. I did not remember her name exactly, but i knew that she was called Mary. The man recognized the name and finished her full name. I said that he had mentioned the correct person, and then told him that she had died. Something was suspicious about her death. It seemed as though i was investigating the man. He seemed concerned about the woman’s death. He said that he had not known that she was missing. I mentioned the other man and how he might have had something to do with it. I asked whether anyone knew anything about the death of the woman. I told the man, whom i was questioning, that her death was under investigation.

I walked down the sidewalk when i came to the front of the grocery store. The store seemed like $P27, and there were people gathering in front of it. The store front ran against the edge of the sidewalk. I then noticed that there was a tractor-trailer on the other side of the road. The cab of the truck was facing us and was on fire. It looked dangerous, and i realized that i would not be able to walk down the sidewalk in front of the store. It would be dangerous because the fire might get out of control and the truck might explode. I would have to walk around the back. I walked into the alley on the side of the store and took off my sneakers. I had to remove a rock from them and then place them back on. There was a service window on the side of the building with someone in it. The boy asked me what i wanted, but then realized that i was just pulling off my shoes. The boy was standing at the corner of the building. He had short blonde hair. I mentioned to him that i would have to wander around the outside of the store. I looked to the left as i spoke at the plaza across the large parking lot. It was $P27. I would have to walk around the back of the entire plaza to come out on the road on the other side. I started to walk around the back of the store when i realized that i could simply come out the front door of the store. It would be near the fire, but i would be on the other side of it, and i could continue down the street from there. I walked out the front door of the store, which was glass with a metal railing between the in and out doors, and looked to the right at the burning truck. There was a man climbing over the hood of the truck. He was reaching into the metal cylinder that was sticking out from the engine. He must have been trying to put out the fire. I thought that the fire no longer seemed that bad, but i knew that if the gas tanks heated up, the truck would explode. The two older men near the store were talking about the fire company. I thought that it would be good for the fire company to come and put out the fire.

11997 September 09

I walked on the sidewalk which ran around the back side of the building. The building seemed like and an old school building. I had been on the streets with the others. We had been riding our bikes along the sidewalk. The path that i was on now ran along the side of the building, which was made out of a dull reddish stone. To the left of the path was a grassy slope. I turned left and headed up the hill to where the crowd had gathered. I stood next to the other man. There were tan metal fold-up chairs set in the grass for everyone to sit in, but we were standing among them. I started humming a melody. It sounded familiar and i tried to figure out what it was. I hummed it again, but ended up humming part of the theme to Star Trek. The man hummed with me. We laughed for a moment, trying to figure out the real melody. I started to hum the tune again, but again ended up with a different melody. The man hummed with me. He recognized all of the melodies that we were doing. I laughed. I noticed that $A15 was sitting behind me and to the right with someone else. He was watching the way that we laughed and tried to sing the song. I knew that he was interested in the performance. I was aware of this as we kept trying to sing the melody, which started with an octave step upward. I then walked out of the crowd and back toward the old building. It seemed dark out, and there were people moving down the street to my left. I was on my bicycle and i wanted to go for a ride. I felt restless and had to go somewhere. I drove down the highway that led west. I thought that i should just go until i got board and then turn around. It was night as i drove down the highway. The road turned to the north, and i thought that i might turn to the right and head back on one of the side streets. I came to an intersection on the highway and stopped at the red light. I looked down the cross road and though that if i turned right on it i could head in the general direction back to where i started. I then noticed the stars in the sky to the left. It was part of the Big Dipper. The horizon under the constellation was a dark line of pine trees. I realized that i was looking north. I would have to take the roads to the east to get back to where i needed to go. I then noticed that i recognized the song on the radio. It was a Missing Persons’ song. I listened to it and wondered why it was getting air play. It was not one of their popular songs. I was glad that they were playing it, however, because i thought that the band might get some recognition. I listened to the song as i looked both ways down the cross street. I noticed that the shoulders of the cross road were painted pink. I wanted to take this road to the right to get home. I then realized that i was in the left lane of traffic, which should turn left. I thought that i would have to wait for all of the other cars to go by before i could turn right from this lane. I then thought about backing up to make the turn. The song ended and i thought about the name. It was “Tears”. I then thought that it was the song just before “Destination Unknown”. The light then turned green and the cars pulled forward. I waited until they were all past before i backed my car up into the center of the road. I then rode my tricycle down the road to the left. I was heading into a small rural community. There was a large yellow building on the right side of the road that bordered the road. I pulled off to the side of the road, realizing that i did not have any headlights. I would not be able to see on the back roads on bicycle. I watched myself pull into the parking lot near the yellow building on the red tricycle. I got of and started walking around. I looked across the lot to see the side of a bar. The building had a large glass window on both the side wall and on the front wall. I could see a small group of people walking towards the building from the front. There was a woman with them. I then noticed that there was writing on the triangular section of the side wall that was wedged between the top of the window and the slope of the roof. For a moment i thought that it said “Kappa Delta Rho”. I thought that it was strange that a bar should have the name of a fraternity. Then i realized that it actually said “Kappa Phi Rho”. I realized that it was an honour society. I tuned around and walked back across the parking lot. I was behind some kind of building. I noticed that there were many computers on the ground. They had been taken out to the trash. I looked them over. They were all old IBM-compatible computers. There were three tower models that stood together and some with built in screens. I wondered whether anything could be done with them. They could make interesting artwork. I walked into the back entrance of the building and into the restaurant. I had come through the lavatories. I looked down the corridor of the restaurant and realized that it was decorated like some science fiction set from the seventies. The corridor led into a small round room. The walls of the corridor were a shiny black, and there were reddish trimmings along both sides of the floor. The round room had six corridors going off from it in even directions. People were walking around inside the room, filling their plates from the buffet line on the right side. I walked through the crowded room. I then realized that several people from the wrestling team were here. I watched them as i passed. Then i hummed in concern at i started through the heavy part of the crowd. The woman to my left heard me humming and thought that i was making passes at her. She commented to me that she was busy and walked on. I walked through the crowd towards the line at the counter on the left side of the room. This is where the cafe line started. I then realized that the man in front of me was holding a large snake in his hand. It was a king cobra. He was wearing a white robe and showed the snake to me, telling me that it would not bite. I did not trust the snake, however, and backed away. The snake opened its hood as it looked at me. He said that it was all right and that i should not be afraid. I told him that i knew about the beliefs. I said that the snake was the guardian of Shiva. I then thought that it was actually part of the clan of Kali, but i realized that my mind kept bringing up the name Shiva. I then thought that i probably had a closer relation to Shiva than to any of the other spirits. I thought about Shiva the destroyer. The man tried to offer me the snake again, but i did not want it. I backed away and started walking down one of the aisle to the right. The man followed me and i felt the cobra tap me on the back of my left shoulder. I kept walking down the aisle of the super market.

11997 September 11

The landlady had asked me a question and i was trying to explain to her how the thing worked. It seemed strange to be explaining to her, but i did anyway. Then i looked in the mirror as i tried to comb my hair. It was the morning, and i had to comb my hair for the day. I pulled at the braid that was on the left side of my head. I had braided my hair the previous day in the front and should get it out. I thought that i should leave it in for work. It would look interesting. I then sat down at the table in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I could see the braid on my left side. It did not look so bad as it was, but i still felt as though i should undo it. I then thought that if i had braided my hair when it was wet, then it would have a frizzy texture when i unbraided it. I thought that the frizzy curls might look interesting and thought that i should try to braid all of my hair when it was wet next time. I then looked into the mirror. My hair did not look good with the two braids in it. I had one on each side of my head. My hair was dark, and i looked like Mary Anne from Giligan’s Island. I did not think that it looked good, and would have to take all of the braids out.

11997 September 14

I was with $F5 and $F23 in the large field. We were just outside of the power plant. The area around us was partly forested. There was a fence in front of us. It was made of several wires running horizontal between metal posts. There were trees on the other side of the fence. The fence itself was in an area of grass between the trees. I knew that it was hard to climb. $F23 climbed over the center section of the fence. We were all trying to sneak into the area. I then looked to the left, down the fence. It seemed that there should be an easier way into the area. I noticed that there was a line of barbed wire at the top of the fence that would make it difficult to climb over. I then noticed that there was a turn in the fence to the left. There was a gate there, which had chain link fence on it. The top of that section of fence had no barbed wire running over the top of it. I thought that it would be easier to climb over that section, especially since the chain link part would allow for easy places to stick a foot in. $Z and i then backed up a little bit to the top of the hill. We watched $F23 sneaking around inside of the junk yard. There was a large brown object behind which he hid for a moment as he checked to make sure that the area was safe to cross. Then there was someone off to the right. He was a security person, and was about to capture the man sneaking across the yard. I turned to the right and ran across the field of the park, which was on the outside of the hill. I looked below me to see the other person running across the grass of the park at the bottom of the hill. We were fanning out. I came to the top of the very large steep hill which overlooked the town. I looked down to see where the other person had run. $Z was with me on the top of the hill. He sat on my right as we looked down the very steep, very tall hill towards the town. I thought that it would be dangerous to walk down the hill. It was so steep that, if one fell, they would not be able to stop falling until they reached the bottom. The man walked up on my left and sat down on the grass. He was dangerous. He then started speaking to me. He was wearing denims and a white plaid shirt with fine blue lines. He told me that it was illegal to be sitting on the top of the hill as we were. I knew that he was a local police officer, and that he was not being honest in what he said. He was trying to get us into trouble simply because we were not from the area. He led us to the left, down the back road which came into the small town. I looked ahead of us and could see the backs of the buildings which were on the main street. We were coming in from the side road, which passed by the large white church. There was something very wrong with this. The man was arresting us, but i acted like i did not understand what was going on. I did not think that there could be anything wrong with sitting on the hill that overlooked the park. I was uncomfortable as i thought about remaining in this small town. I realized that i should have jumped off of the very steep hill. I would have fallen down to the park below, and the police man would not have followed me. I thought that i should have been wearing the large flaps of cloth on the sides of my clothes which would allow me to glide down safely to the park as i jumped. Had i jumped out from the hill, i probably would not have hit any of the hills on the way down. Then i wondered about the steepness of the hill. I suddenly realized that it was steep enough to be a cliff. I then wondered how all of the grass was able to stay on the side of it without washing away. The others were taking me to be imprisoned. They were Borg. The aliens controlled this area. I knew that the Borg would simply take us over and control us. I quickly fled to the cabin where the others were. They were being held in the country, which was controlled by the Borg. The Borg had a mine on the other side of the hill. The family that was in the cabin was able to stay there because they were useful to the Borg. There was a small tunnel on their property, however, which led into the Borg mines. The Borg were digging mines to get things from the planet. There was a plan to set fire to the tunnel. There would be enough natural gas from the mine that would have collected in the tunnel to blow up the entire mine. I wondered what the explosion would do when it came out of the small pipe from the mine. I decided that little of the explosion would come back up the pipe, so the person lighting the fire would still be safe. I walked over the short hill that rose from the lawn around the cabin to the dense pine forest of the surrounding area. There was a patch of dirt that had been disturbed on the side of the slope. It was the area which covered the entrance to the small pipe that led to the mine. We had to dig it up before the Borg came to visit, looking for me. I would have to uncover the pipe and light the tunnel. I took the shovel and dug into the brown dirt. I wondered whether the Borg would notice the area being uncovered. I thought that it would be well hidden when they came. They would be coming from the right. I then uncovered the rusted metal pipe. I looked through the metal cabinet full of office supplies that was embedded into the side of the dirt hill. The dirt smelled fresh as i moved it around the cabinet. I then realized that the pipe was resting on the upper right corner of the cabinet, just to the right of the boxes of yellow file folders. I thought that the Borg would never notice that the pipe was there. It blended in well with the rest of the storage cabinet. I cleared some of the loose dirt from the sides of the pipe. Then someone was coming from the road that led to the cabin. It might have been the bad guys. Quark was there. He was the one who was plotting the destruction of the Borg. Then he was grabbed by the aliens. They were not the Borg. They were another group of aliens. I was captured by them, and was afraid. I realized that they were the aliens who were against the Borg. Then they spoke to me telepathically. I suddenly wondered whether they could find out about our plan to blow up the Borg mine. They should not know about our plan, but if they could scan my mind, they could easily learn about the pipe. I was afraid of what might happen.

I was with $G4. We had just gotten back from a run and were collecting under the pavilion. The pavilion was made of a dark wood, and seemed to be secluded, out in the forest somewhere. I did not feel quite right. It was cold out, and there was snow on the ground. I was worried that we would start to get cold out here. It was getting late, and i did not have any camping equipment to keep me warm. $F10 was with me. Then i noticed that a group of high school kids were coming into the camp site. There was something about them that interested me, but i was still unsure about staying here all night. There was something wrong. I decided that i would have to get ready to go. I tried to put my shoes on. They were on the ground near my things. They seemed wet, and made me cold. I picked up my socks and held them over my arm. They were wet from the run. I was worried about putting them on as they would make me colder. I had to keep warm. $F10 started to head back up the trail. I followed him. I had to get someplace where it was safe. I also had to get some water. It was important that i get water to be safe. I then found myself on the dirt road that looped around in front of the cottages. I realized that this was where my grandfather used to have a cottage. I knew that he had sold the cottage long ago. It was bright outside, and the grass was green. I had to find someplace to go. There were several people around, and i was worried that i would be out of place here. I looked back at the place which used to be my grandfather’s cottage. It was on a steep slope, with the front end held up by a couple of poles. I realized that they had removed the foundation of the original cottage and left the space below the cottage open. I walked to the left, under the cottage. I wondered where the old cars had gone. I remembered that there had been an old car buried in the basement. I could see the other cars on the opposite side of the cottage from me, parked in the driveway. They belonged to the people who now owned the building. I walked to the left, out from under the front of the building and back onto the main road that looped in front of the other cottages. Then i noticed the old brown car on the road just to my right as i faced the cottage. I walked over to it and looked it over. I realized that it was the car that had been buried under the cottage. It did not seem old enough, however. It seemed to be from the early seventies. The cottage had been built earlier than that. I noticed that the front section of the car was discoloured. It was lighter than the rest due to the mud and dirt that had been covering it in that area. Then the police man walked over to me from the right. He was interested in the car. He asked me what i knew about it. I knew that he was only interested in me because i did not look like i belonged in such a high-class area as this. I was out of place. I said that it only knew that the car had been buried under the cottage. I then wondered whether there was anything about the car that was illegal. I wondered whether there was a body in the trunk. I felt uneasy about being questioned about the car, as if i would get in trouble for something that was associated with the car. I then walked to the right, where the other people were. I was in a cafe in the small, upper-class town. I walked through the room. I felt somewhat out of place here. I walked across the dimly lit room where the waiters were moving trays from the counter into the main restaurant. I walked out from the back room of the restaurant and into the main room. The room was bright and had a polished wooden floor. There were small round tables in the room. There was a wine rack against the far wall from me. I then noticed the two people talking at the next table. I was sitting at one of the tables. The woman at the table started talking about sweatshirts. I knew that she really meant sweaters. She must have been from Scandinavia. They had a different word for sweaters. The young man with her was wearing a grey knit shirt with white flecks in it. The shirt had a turtle neck.

We drove down the dark road. It was a narrow country road and seemed to be dirt, with shallow ruts in it. I knew that we were heading towards the restaurant. I remembered being there before. It seemed like there was a storm coming. I knew that there was a valley to the left side of the road, even though it could not be seen at night. There was a hill just on the other side of the narrow valley. The valley curved to the right ahead of us. The storm was coming from over the hill in front of us. It was going to rain and there would probably be some lightning. I told my grandmother how to get to the restaurant. She thought that it was just ahead on the left, but i knew that it was on the left side of the road after the road made a sharp turn to the right. There were grape vines in the valley as we rounded the corner of the road. I could then see the restaurant lights on the left side of the road. This is where my family wanted to go. I looked at the small white building of the restaurant. It was plain and had wooden siding on the outside. There was a red neon sign on the right of the side of the building which had the restaurant’s name. The parking lot to the restaurant was to the right of the building, and was covered with gravel. My family stopped at the restaurant, but i continued down the road. It seemed windy as i followed the narrow dirt road around then edge of the island. The road turned to the right and went between a couple of very old houses. The houses were tall and victorian in design. They all seemed to be in disrepair and very dark in colour. There was a dark grey house on the left and a dark red house on the right. I then realized that the road was running at the very edge of the island. I could see the river on the left side of me as i walked down the road. There was a line of trees between the road and the rocky shore of the water. I then thought that i was not dressed warm enough. The wind was coming from my right. I seemed warm enough now, but i knew that it would be dark soon, and i would have to get back before i got too cold. I rounded the corner at the edge of the island and headed back. I then realized that the wind was blowing very strongly into me. I must have been out of the wind on the other road. Now i felt somewhat cold. I could see the wind blowing ripples in the water to my left as i walked along the narrow space between the old red house and the water. I then realized that the road bordered very close to the house, and would get too narrow for me to continue on. I then realized that the path was only a quarter of a metre wide, and ran along a ledge at the base of the old stone house. I rounded the corner of the building to the right and noticed that the ledge faded out. The water cut into the back of the house in a square bay. There was a ramp that ran into the water just across the bay. The house bordered the bay on two sides, with a roof coming out from the house to cover the ramp and bay. I would have to get there, but i knew that i could not climb along the outside of the building. I noticed that there was a doorway into the building. I walked into the doorway and found myself in a dark hall. A set of stairs went up in front of me on the left side of the hall. The place seemed old and run down, and i wondered whether i should actually be in the building. I was worried that someone would get mad at me being here. I turned to the left and headed through the doorway that was in the wall at the bottom of the stairs. I was trying to go through the building in hopes of coming out on the other side. I would then be able to continue down the road. I came into another hall and walked back outside. I was still over the water. The other part of the house on my right has some open doorways in it, but i could not make it to them easily. I walked back into the house. There were sheets of plywood covering the hall in front of my. The house was mostly abandoned, but people still lived there. I then realized that i could continue in the house to the right. I turned and walked down the corridor. I realized that i was in the other wing of the house. I then noticed the blue tile floors and the clear glass walls. This place seemed familiar. I remembered being here before. It was a pool area. It was part of the old hotel. I wondered why no one was using this area. It seemed to be well maintained, unlike the rest of the old mansion, which seemed to be deteriorating. I looked down at the floor. The tiles on the floor were a bright yellow, and there was water running under glass panels in small canals. It ran from the large plant on the right of the hall into the pool. There was a glass wall on the left side of the hall. It started at the waist high wall and rose all the way to the high ceiling. Through it, i could see the water processing machines. The water ran through the channels in the floor to the pool, which i remembered passing. I took the corridor to the right and walked back towards the active side of the resort. I then saw the small area in which the pools were. The area was surrounded with white tile, and sat in the corner of two walls. There was outside light coming from small windows at the top of the walls. There was also a day light coming from the left, where the glass walls separated the pool room from the hotel lobby beyond. I could see a carpeted room to the left with several potted plants against the walls. I wondered whether anyone would think of selling this old, run down house. It would certainly be worth fixing up. I thought that it could probably be purchased for little money as it was more or less abandoned. It was in a nice place, and did have a working pool. I then walked into the other side of the building, which was abandoned. I stepped out into the front hall and started to go out of the front door. Then i realized that there were several drums on the floor on the left side of the hallway, to my right. I walked around the stairs and looked at the drums. They seemed to have been abandoned there, and i thought that i could simply take them. I was interested in the drums, and wanted to have some of them. I looked them over. They were all ceremonial drums of various shapes and sizes. I picked up one of the small ones from the floor. It had a tan, tear-shaped body with a black skin across the top. There was a carving in the drum head which was circular and had symbols in it. They were ceremonial symbols. I looked over several more drums, tapping them to hear their sound. I thought that they must be out of tune after having been abandoned for so long. I then noticed the one which looked like a leather sack. It was round, and bulged on either side. The diameter of the circle was thin, but the two sides bulged below the head of the drum. I held it from a string that ran between the two bulges. I hit the head and the drum made a deep, resonant sound. I liked it very much. It was the sound that i had always imagined.

I walked out of the dining room of the hotel, where my parents had been eating at the reception. The place had no windows, and was dimly lit. I walked down the corridor of the basement of the school. I remembered this place. It was part of $P7. I was visiting the place again, as i had not been here in a long time. I walked down the corridor, where the machine rooms were. I then took the stairs up to the center of the building. I came out in the lobby of the hotel. I thought it was strange to come up here. I turned to the left and headed towards the pool. I noticed that it was a lap pool, though it was not as long as i would have liked. I wanted to get some swimming in. There were two other people on the other side of the pool. One of them looked up at me as i looked over the pool. I then turned around and walked out the doors and onto the beach. I felt somewhat strange, and knew that there was something going on. The beach was on the ocean, and curved slightly to the right. There was a large hotel on the edge of the beach ahead of me, just over a sandy dune which had grass growing on the top of it. I then noticed that man. He was placing something into the sand. It was some type of trap. Then i noticed the object under the sand start to move, but the barrel, which the man had placed down, started moving with it. The barrel had a magnet in it which attracted the shark, which was under the sand. Then the shark came up. It started to wrestle with the man, and i could see that the shark was a fake. It was a man wearing a mask.

11997 September 15

I wandered through the large apartment building. The halls were very plain, and seemed to be poorly constructed. They were a dirty white, with low ceilings. The building seemed very long, with apartments in the center and on the outside walls. I was in the corridor which ran down the left side of the building. I was heading towards the back side of the building. Something about the place reminded me of the apartment on $P2. It seemed very familiar. I knew that my apartment was just down the hall to the right. It was in the center of the building, and had no windows to the outside. I knew that the back side of the apartment was an outside wall. That wall had the rear door to the apartment, which exited through the kitchen. I walked through the long, narrow apartment. It seemed run down and old. The carpeting was a matted, dark grey shag rug, and the furniture seemed heavily worn. I walked down the hall and came to the corner at the front of the building. There were two doors on the right side of the hall. They were in an alcove, on opposite walls. I walked into the alcove and spoke to the woman in the doorway. It was $A17. She greeted me and invited me into her apartment. I walked in and wandered around the grass with her. We were in $P29. There were people wandering around through the trees around us. They were searching for something. It was all part of a game. I was not interested in playing and wanted to stop.

I wandered around in the school yard which was near my grandmother’s house. Something was wrong. I had to get to my grandmother’s house, but she no longer was in the house. I had to find a place to go. It was cold outside, and there was snow on the ground. I did not have a place to go or anything to wear. It was getting cold outside and i needed to find shelter. I was hungry and needed to get something to eat. I had just come from the doctor’s office. There was something wrong with me. I then found the bag of ravioli that was in my backpack. They were stuffed shells in a red sauce sealed in a zip lock bag. They were quite old, but i needed something to eat. I felt uncomfortable eating the old food, but i did not have any other choice.

11997 September 16

The emergency workers were in the back of the garage at my parents’ house. I was standing behind the garage with my father. There was some kind of construction going on. The people had dug some ditches in the ground that ran perpendicular to the back wall of the garage. The dirt was wet, and there were autumn leaves falling on the ground. There was a tree just to the right of the area where the dirt had been removed. It had red and yellow leaves which drifted off of it on the wind. My father had just poured some cement into the area where the dirt had been removed. I looked over the square cement block which had been trimmed and brushed like a sidewalk. I then noticed that several pine needles had fallen into the wet cement. I picked one out, but then worried that i might have marked the cement with my fingers. I brushed some of the other pine needles from the surface of the cement as my father walked up from behind me on my right side. He said that the cement would be okay; the needles would not harm it. I then heard the telephone in the garage ringing. I turned to the left and started to head down the side of the garage. I could hear $F19 talking on the telephone. I had to get inside so that i could catch her while she was still on the phone. I walked into the side door of the garage and picked up the telephone with my right hand. I listened as $F19 talked into the answering machine. It was too late for me to say anything to her. I was disappointed that i had missed her call.

11997 September 17

I was sitting with the other children in the circle on the grass. It was some kind of class, which seemed like a summer camp. Then a few of them were talking about a book that they had been looking over. $A47 said something about the book. He then paused and thought about it, looking up and to his left. He then said, “Of course, you know, if English had the verb in the reverse order, that would be ’go leg’.” It was a joke, and the other people laughed. I thought that it was funny as well. The heavy-set woman, who seemed like the camp counselor, was sitting cross-legged with us, wearing a red T-shirt. She then said that it was time to go. Things were closing. I stood up and started walking away from the exit to the stadium. The others were heading to the exit. I had to get something from the bottom of the stands. I was sad that the park was closing so early. The counselor called to us, but we did not listen to her. She told us again that the park was closing. I called loudly back to her that i knew and told her that i was getting something. She started to follow us. I talked to the other boy as i reached the edge of the stadium seats. I picked up my white shoes and put them on my feet. I sat down on the bench and tied them as i spoke to the other boy. He seemed like a friend of mine. The grass of the stadium seemed very green. I stood up from the bench and walked back across the field. The counselor met us half way and started to walk with us towards the front gate. I could see the last of the other children walking out of the gate, which was a gap in the white wall that ran on my right. I looked up into the night sky as we walked. I could see several stars. I told the other two which ones they were. I recognized some of them. I then told them about the planet that was out. The stadium lights were still very bright. I looked past them at the sky. It was very dark outside. Then i noticed the red glowing objects in the sky. At first, i thought that they were nebulae, as they seemed like distant objects. Then i realized that they might be auroras. The light faded until all i could see was the grey clouds overhead. I realized that it must be a very foggy night. We walked down the dark streets just outside of the stadium. They seemed scary. The air was cooling off, and there was a thick fog around us. We walked across the street and across the dark campus. The buildings all seemed to be very modern. There was a round brick building in front of us. We walked very close to it. I was worried about the dark. I then turned and headed back, away from the building. I was standing in an outside corridor that ran away from the entrance to the building. There was a glass door on the front of the building. The other two stood by the door as i walked away. I felt strange. There was something strange around me. I looked back up into the sky and i could see the stars. They were very bright against the dark background. I then looked up. There was a glass roof over me as i stood on the brick walkway that led from the entrance to the building. There was a square plate of glass directly above me. It was surrounded on four sides by glass plates which sloped down to the level of the main roof. The structure seemed to be made of metal, which was painted a dull brown. There were metal poles on both sides of me which supported the over-hang. I stared out through the roof. I was floating over the ground. I then thought about floating upward into the glass. I knew that if i fell up i would fall through the glass window. I fell upward, watching the window as i rose. I then walked out across the large brick yard. The ground was covered with red bricks which had been laid in a circular pattern that radiated from the round building. It was day time, and the day seemed bright, but overcast. I looked over the brick ground. It seemed a waste of bricks to me. I wondered why they had laid all of these bricks on the ground when they had constructed the building. The area was just reconstructed. I walked across the bricks again. I kept thinking that the grass that was originally there would have looked much nicer. It would also have been better to walk on. The bricks seemed uncomfortable. I walked out to the edge of the bricks and into the room. The room was a dormer, and all of the brothers were asleep. We tried to sneak past them carefully, so that we did not wake any of them up. I was with $A23. We were standing at the end of a long, narrow room, with beds along the side walls. I could see two bunk beds along the wall to the right, both covered with white blankets. There were people sleeping in them. I looked to the left where i could see $A23 climbing up onto the water pipe that ran along the ceiling. I could see his calves as he hung from the pipe. He was wearing shorts. I thought for a moment that he had attractive legs. He was trying to sneak around the bunk bed that was just to our left and into the alcove in the left wall that led out. There was an open closet door on the side wall of the alcove. It was on the side wall which faced me. There was someone who had sneaked out ahead of $A23. We would have to stay along the left wall of the room so as not to wake the others up. I could see one of the brothers in the bed to the left. He was sitting up in bed, talking quietly to us. It was $A35. For a moment, he seemed like $F16. I then looked to my right. I was standing in the corridor that led into the long room. The right wall was closer to me, and there was a desk in front of it. The ceiling over the desk sloped up from the roof above. I then noticed the pile of things on the desk. There was a model of the Enterprise in the center of the pile. It was in a box, and i could see the picture of the ship from The Next Generation. I then bumped into the stack and the model fell to the left. I grabbed the box, but the plastic model of the A-wing fighter fell out onto the desk. It was still in pieces, but the main shell looked very much like a finished ship. I wondered why someone would want a model that was so easy to finish. The brothers stirred in their beds. The noise from the falling model had woken them. I backed out of the dorm and into the other room. The room was long in the perpendicular direction to the dormer. I turned to the right as i backed in, facing the back wall of the room. There was a green couch on the left wall with some people sitting in it. The children sat on the floor in front of the couch, where the older woman sat. She had been reading them a book. The two girls who were sitting on the floor started singing. They were singing children’s songs that they had heard on the record. Then the lady read about the gas station on Mulberry Street. I remembered the story, and i told her so. It was a Dr. Seusse story. I remembered it differently, however. I told the woman that i remembered the book about the parade on Mulberry Street, but did not remember a gas station being on the street. She smiled and we talked for a few minutes.

11997 September 19

I walked across the cafeteria. It seemed like the buttery at $P7, but i knew that it was a college cafeteria. There were people standing in line, waiting to eat. I was wandering around the room looking for something to eat. There was something wrong at the time. I was worried that the cafeteria did not have the correct food. I walked past the queue of people and towards the food counter that ran along the back wall. The counter was shaped like a square omega, with lengths of the counter running out on either end. There was plenty of food on the counters, and the bright light of the room seemed to reflect off of the brass surfaces of the trim on the wooden counter. I was hungry, but did not have anything to eat. I picked a small biscuit from the counter and started eating it. It was some food, even if they did not have anything that i could eat for a meal. I needed more food, though, and looked around the counters worriedly for some. Then i noticed the figure coming into the room from the door along the back wall. The walls of the room were a pale wood. The figure was dressed in a long black cloak, like the angel of death. It crept slowly towards the front rows of the theatre. There was something strange about the figure. It did not seem like it belonged here. I watched as the large figure rotated before the audience. The figure was a large black box. The actors were holding it up from inside. There was a figure of death on the outside of the box. I watched as the white figures on the outside of the large black house moved. It was all part of the play. I was frightened slightly by it, but watched in interest anyway.

11997 September 20

I was in the back yard of my parents’ house with $X3. We were playing on the lawn. He walked over to me and i started petting him under his throat. I remembered that he was having trouble with his throat. It was still deformed from age. I pet him, and he swallowed. He seemed to enjoy the petting. I knew that it helped him breath better. Then he started running around the yard. I played with him. He walked over to me and i started petting him again. I was in the back yard just outside of the overhang. I realized that he was a dalmatian puppy. I pet him on his back. I suddenly wondered why $X3 had become a dalmatian puppy. I realized that i must have pet all of his colour off. Then he started running around. The dalmatian puppy was very active. $X3 tried to ignore the puppy. I could tell that he was annoyed with the puppy, who jumped at him in an attempt to play. Then i noticed the deer in the yard, standing near the end of the driveway in front of the barn. I saw $X3 walk over near the deer. He was going to chase it, but the deer put its head down to fight. I watched as the deer charged the man, who was $X3. The deer stuck its sharp antlers into the chest of $X3. I was suddenly worried. The deer ran off into the field above the house, and $X3 ran behind the garage, where he fell over. I ran after $X3 to see if i could help him. I was very worried about him. He was lying on the ground behind the barn. The antler had stabbed him in the center of his left chest. I realized that he was going to die from the injury. I was upset. I pet the fur across his side. Then he lifted his head from the ground and looked at me. The head was of a man. He seemed to be all right, though i thought that he was dead. I knew that he would die. Then i looked at my left hand, with which i had been petting the dog. I noticed that there was blood on my fingers. I then realized that the wound was not as bad as i had thought. It did not seem to be bleeding that badly.

I walked out of the side entrance of the mall into the indent of the building. The outside of the building was orangish-tan stucco. The lights lit the sides of the building. It was night outside, and the mall was closing. There were other people walking out of the mall with me. I then looked to my left, up the drive that led into the docking alcove of the building. There was a large planter on the left side of the road. A security guard was standing in front of it. I did not trust the guard. There was something wrong about him. He was talking to someone who was standing in front of him. I ignored him and walked on. I had to get my car from the parking lot. I was with some of the brothers. We were in the room, which did not seem to have any walls. It was still night outside, and there was a tree just off the side of the road to the right of me as i faced the older man. We had been talking to him. I looked at the chair that i was standing in front of. It had a television on the left arm of it. I remembered the chair from before. I had started it up and drove it around. I then told $A37 and the other brothers in the room. They did not think that the chair was a vehicle, and they laughed at the idea that i had driven it. I walked around the back side of the chair, looking at it. It was a reclining chair covered with blue leather. I saw that the batter was not in the battery rack which hung off of the left side of the chair. The rack was a simple metal frame. I picked up the black battery, which had its brand name printed on the side in white letters which were in a type that resembled symbolic lightning. I placed the battery in the rack and turned on the television. The chair would now work. I told them that i could drive it home. They did not believe that i had driven it. I then looked over the smooth back of the chair for the pull chord. I remembered that the drive motor of the chair was not electric, but gas. I would have to pull-start the small engine. I pulled the chord and started the motor. The others had already started to leave. The others were amused with the idea that i would be driving around a chair with a television on it. I got on the chair and headed out of the parking lot. I watched myself go as i turned left onto the dark, empty street and headed off into the suburb. There were several trees hanging over the road. Their green leaves blew in the wind and blocked the light from the street lamps.

11997 September 21

I was driving down the road with my family. We were somewhere in the country, and i noticed that all of the leaves on the trees were already changing colour. I could see over the small valley to the left of the road in front of us. The trees were a dull red, with some scattered yellow. I thought that it seemed too early for the trees to be changing their colour. Then we drove past the broken tree. I looked out the right window of the car and could see where the large tree had been broken from its trunk. The storm must have taken several of the trees down. Then i noticed that the black power lines were also down on the side of the road. I felt uncomfortable being out in the weather. It was dark out, and there was a slight fog in the air. I could see the broken limbs of the trees handing down across the road as we passed. I ducked to the left to slide under one of the shattered trunks. I was worried about the power lines that were draped over the road. They could still be charged, and i was worried that we might get shocked. I knew that the power was out, however.

11997 September 22

I was walking down the sidewalk outside of the fields of $P7. I was thinking about things as i walked. Suddenly i remembered that i had forgotten my lunch. I would not be able to go all the way back to my apartment to get it. I knew that there was some money in my wallet, and hoped that it would be enough. I was upset that i would have to buy lunch. I looked through the tall, green, chain link fence on my right and into the athletic fields where people were running around the track. It was some type of professional meet. I knew that i was part of a team which would be running later. $A46 was walking with me, and we were talking about the runners. He was asking me about the meet which was later. I told him that i thought that there was an event later in the day, but i did not seem sure. I could not remember. I then mentioned that i had forgotten my lunch. I was upset that i had done so. I told him that i might not do that well at the meet because i would not have eaten lunch. I then thought that the complaint seemed pessimistic. I felt worried and continued down the hall in the basement of $P7. I was heading towards the buttery. I felt a little strange being in the building. I was not dressed correctly. I remembered that the students no longer had to wear uniforms, but simply dress coats. I was wearing brightly coloured shorts and a tee shirt. I felt underdressed. I stood at the entrance to the buttery for a moment. There were two boys walking towards me from the other direction. They were both wearing khaki shorts and matching shirts. It was the new uniform. The boy in front was tall and heavy set. He had short blonde hair and a round face. I realized that they did have a short version of the uniform. I still felt out of place, however, as my clothes were brightly coloured. I walked into the buttery and sat down at the table just inside the door to the left. There were a few other students sitting on the opposite side of the large round table. I felt out of place as i sat down to eat my breakfast. I would not have another meal all day, so i would have to eat now. I felt too old to be hanging around with the other people in the room. I picked up the jar of honey and poured a little on my plate. I was going to eat the peanuts, which were stacked on my plate, with a little bit of honey. Then i realized that the bottle that i had picked up was not honey but catsup. I stopped pouring and placed the jar back down on the table. There were some other boys sitting across from me watching what i was doing. I slid to the right, moving over to the next table. There were some boys to my right getting silverware from a tray on the counter against the right wall of the room. I then picked up the others bottle and looked at it. It was the honey. I could see the crystallized honey on the inside of the jar. I poured out some of the contents of the jar onto my plate. There would not be enough honey for all of the food that i had on my plate. I started mixing the cereal with the honey and eating it. Then i noticed $A48 standing to my right. He was facing the wall, picking up several things from the counter what was just above waist level on the wall. The wall below the counter was covered with a polished wood that was shaped into columns of molding. The wall above seemed rather plain, and was white. I then walked past $A48 and walked out into the field behind the school. I remembered the place from a while ago. It had changed a bit. The headmaster’s house was to my right as i turned to head back toward the main school building. There were many trees in the middle of the field, and they were all covered with green leaves. I then noticed the tall, cathedral-like structure in the center of the field. I realized that it was new, though i seemed to recognize it. It was open on all sides. It was constructed of very thin, very tall arches, which had an uneven surface. The columns had ridges going up them which were alternately wide and narrow. There seemed to be bulbous features to the column, as if decorated in baroque flower bulbs. There were eight columns which held a tan stone dome high overhead. I walked into the center of the structure, where i could see the internal architecture. There was a wide center column in the middle of the structure which reached up to the center of the dome. There were also black, wrought iron bars that arched over the ceiling. I noticed that the iron bars were twisted so that the square shape of their cross-section spiraled up the length of the pole. There were six-sided lamp-like structures at the ends of the poles which hung down from the ceiling. They were hollow, with only six bars defining the corners of the lamp shade. The lamps hung half way between the center column and the outside arches, so that they were centered within the arches. I then noticed that there was a lamp half way in the ground just in front of me. A black, twisted, iron bar stretched in a straight line from the ceiling to the lamp. I realized that some of the structure must have been built into the ground. It seemed as if it were supposed to be that way. This place felt very special. I felt happy here. There was something spiritual about the place. I walked around inside the dome, looking up into the heights of the dome. The place was awesome to behold. I then felt like spinning around. I thought of going into a trance by watching the artistic decorations on the ceiling. Then i thought that the people watching would think that i was under the influence of drugs. I did not care. It felt very good to be here. I spun around a couple of times and then closed my eyes. Then i noticed the boy sitting just outside of the dome. He was sitting at the edge of the line of trees that separated the fields from the tennis courts and the buildings. I walked back towards the buildings. I wanted to see what else had changed since i had left. I walked past the tennis courts when i realized that they were no longer tennis courts. I remembered that it had been made into the roof of a building. I could see the black tar of the roof with tiny white speckles in it. There was a man in a white T-shirt sitting on the edge of the roof, just at the top of the hill that led down into the building. He was austral and had long, thick braids in his hair. He nodded as he watched me pass. I then noticed that there was a white tube running along the edge of the roof. It went over the edge of the roof and down the hill. It must have been added on after the roof was completed. I realized that this is what normally happens when things are rebuilt. Things get added on imperfectly. I walked down the hill and out into the lower parking lot.

11997 September 23

I got on my bicycle and rode out from my grandmother’s garage. The bicycle was one of my old ones, and i was not used to it. It was red, and was smaller than the mountain bike that i usually ride. I noticed that the tires were very worn and rounded on the front tire. I held onto the handlebars and rode the bike down the driveway towards the front of the house. I realized that the handle bars were very short. I thought that this was the average size of handlebars. I had to grip them right next to the central axis. I found that it was hard to steer the bicycle this way. It was not as easy going around corners as it would have been on my mountain bike. I thought that this is how the old bike was. I had been used to the mountain bike with its wide handle bars. I felt that i did not have as much control with this bike. I came to the front of the house. There were some people sitting on the porch to the right of the driveway. I wanted to make a sharp turn at the edge of the driveway and head down the block to the left. I thought that it might look somewhat impressive if i sped by the people on the porch, but i knew that i could not go as fast with this bike. I turned the corner carefully and headed down the sidewalk, watching the dull tread on the front tire as i did so. I then turned left into the next driveway and started across the back lawn towards the houses on the other side of the block. I had to cross the block to get to where i was going. I then wondered why i had not simply left the garage at my grandmother’s and headed across the back yard. I looked ahead of me to see the steep hill just behind the yellow house on the other side of the block. I would have to go down it. I held tightly to the handle bars, as i was unsure about them. I did not like the lack of control i seemed to have with them. I went down the hill and started down the street on the other side. The street was a dirt alley which ran between some housed and an old barn. The trees seemed to be turning yellow, and it was sunny out. I held the handle bar with one hand over the center. It did not seem to be long enough for me to grab it with two hands. I felt the bicycle wobble a little as i tried to head in a straight line. I did not have as much control on this bike. I held onto the handle bar as i tried to speed up. The front tire came off of the ground and spun in front of me. I pushed it back down towards the ground and continued. I then came to the barn, which was in the middle of the road. There was a small, light blue car parked in the middle of the side door. The barn was about the size of a two-car garage. It was made of a dark uncoated wood, which was splintering from the weather. I had to get around the car. Some people were watching me from the front of the house, which was behind me and to my right. I usually squeezed between the front of the car and the inside of the barn, but i noticed that there were several things stacked in front of the car. One of them was a large yellow roll of poster board which had a brown folded blanket sitting on top of it. I would have to go around to the back of the car. I then realized that the car belonged to $A49. I wondered what the car was still doing here. I had thought that $A49 had already left for California. I walked around to the other side of the car and looked at it. The two men from the house wandered behind me. I shook the water from my hands over the sink in the lavatory at my office. The two men walked behind me and asked me to stand still. I held up my hands as they questioned me. They were investigating something. I wondered what they were holding me for. I could not think of anything that i had done that would have been wrong. I started to lower my hands as i leaned on the counter, which was to my right, on the front wall of the bathroom. I watched the small white dog wander around the floor of the bathroom. The other man was paying attention to the dog as it roamed. I watched it, and then wondered why it was so interesting to me. I knew that it was no threat, but i watched it as if it were holding me there. The older man, who was wearing a blue work suit that was unzipped down his chest to expose a black T-shirt, pointed the booklet at me and asked me to sign my name in it. I took the small book and looked at the open page. I realized that there were other names printed in the book, with signatures below. There was a name written at the top of the right-hand page in black cartridge ink. It started with a T. It had a few lower case letters following the T, with an h in the middle. There was then a last name following and a signature below. I noticed that the pages of the book were green with blue lines down the sided. I then realized that the book was a passport, and i flipped the pages backward to see what i was signing. I thought that there must be some kind of statement. The man objected a little and said that i did not need to read the previous statements. I came to the front of the passport and found a page of explanation printed in a rough, loopy handwriting. It was in blue ball-point ink, and mentioned $F14 near the middle of the first line. I was having trouble reading it, but it seemed to announce a list of people who have dated $F14. There were several paragraphs of bulletted lists and explanation below in black ink. I looked back up at the first line, trying to read it. The man confirmed that it was a list of people who had dated $F14. He then said that i did not have to read the rest. I told him that i did not sign anything without reading it. I looked down to the bottom of the average-sized page and noticed that $F18 was listed. The man said that i did not have to read everything. I then noticed the black and white picture at the bottom of the page. It was very dark, and looked as though it had been xerographed. I noticed that $F18 was in the picture, which was of a small group of people. I realized that it was a picture of the volleyball team. I turned the page and noticed the picture of the other girl. She had straight reddish-blonde hair that was cut shoulder length. I knew that her name was Carol. I seemed to remember her from the volleyball team. I was surprised that she was listed. I looked over several more pictures which were in the book. They were of other women from the team. Then i saw the large picture of the team on the court. I watched them as they played. They were wearing dark coloured shorts and T-shirts with white trim. I was standing with the court on my left. The net and the other side of the court were forward on my left. I looked over the picture to see the one girl frozen over the net as she spiked the ball into the court near me. I then decided that i could sign the book. I was sitting on the bottom of one of the bleachers in the gymnasium where the volleyball courts were.

11997 September 25

I was in the corridor of the large house. There were people fighting in it. The walls of the corridor were white with a pale yellow trim. There were some furnishings in the hall, and it seemed like a rich place. I watched as Jackie Chan fought against the other person. The other person had his back to me as he fought. He was wearing dark coloured clothes. Then i noticed that Jackie had caught the small bottle. It was an explosive, so he had to be careful with it. He fell to his left as he caught it, and some of the liquid splashed out and onto the side wall. Jackie looked at the spilled liquid for a second in distress, but then chased after the other man. They ran down stairs into the other part of the building. Jackie explained to his friend that he did not have to worry about the liquid. He knew that it was not nitroglycerin. Once he had spilled it on the white radiator on his left, he knew that the stuff could not be the explosive. I watched as the people walked into the back part of the house. This was all part of a movie that they were filming. Jackie was giving some sort of class on the martial art, and it was being filmed. The other section of the house was dark in colour. The walls were black, and it was dimly lit. There was a man sitting at a table in the room. It was my father. I was in the small room, which seemed like a kitchen. It was cold outside, and my father had turned on the stove for heat. The stove was set into the wall on my left, which was at one end of the room. I noticed that the door was open and that there were things inside. I asked my father whether he should close the door and turn off the stove. I thought that it would be safer not to have it running. I walked over to the door. He sat at the small table to my right with his feet facing the stove. They stuck out from under the table. I looked at the tray of food that was still in the oven. I thought that it should be put away. My father got up and started to head up the stairs to bed. I would have to clean up the kitchen and put away the tray of food. I then walked out the front of the house and sat on the steps. It was raining heavily outside. The area was dimly lit, as if it were very early morning. All around me was a jungle. I knew that there was another house down the road to the left, but i could not see it. The vegetation was very thick, and seemed like a jungle. I held the grey plastic rain coat over my head so that i did not get as wet. I felt secluded and apprehensive here. I did not want any of the others to know that i was sleeping here. I pulled the grey plastic over me, leaving a small space open on the side where i was leaning up against the wooden post of the porch. I wanted to be able to peer around the blanket to make sure that no one was coming. I knew that there were gunmen in the jungle who could sneak up. I watched out through the rain, but could see only jungle leaves. The rain was very heavy, but i did not seem wet or uncomfortable. I was worried about the gunmen sneaking up. I then realized that i would not be able to see them if they came from my right. I was hoping that they would not know that i was under the plastic blanket. They would just think that it was something other than a human. Then the rain suddenly stopped, and it seemed brighter. I realized that the storm was over. I looked out from under the blanket. There was a dirt road that ran in front of the cottage. A creek ran on the other side of the road, and there was a bridge across just to the left. There were houses all around in the small settlement. I then heard the crackle of electric power. I looked overhead to see the black power lines that ran down the side of the road. The spark came from my right. I looked to see a pole with several wires running from it. There was a large black piece of insulation around one of the wires as it joined the pole. I realized that the storm must have weakened the lines, and the water was starting to short them. I would have to tell someone. I walked to the left, down the road towards the main house. It was on the left, where the dirt road crossed the main road at the entrance to the complex. The entrance to the building was on the opposite end from me. I walked into the building, which was covered with a dark wood paneling, and had a large glass window on the side. There was a counter inside that extended from the right wall. On the left side of the room seemed to be a diner. There was a pool table in the back section. Two men were playing pool on it. One of the men walked in front of the table, looking over his shot. He held a pool cue in his left hand and had a red plaid shirt hanging out from below his dirty denim jacket. The place seemed like a truck stop. Then the lady behind the counter said hello to me. She was dressed like a waitress, and had her bleached yellow hair up. I said hello shyly. I did not tell her about the power right away. I was uneasy talking. She asked me how everything in the cabin was and i told her that it was okay. I then asked her about the power lines. I was uneasy about telling her what was wrong, and stated it as a question. I asked her whether the lines should be shorting from the weather. She said that they should not and that she would have someone check them.

11997 September 26

I was in the class at $P7. The class was being given by $A50. I did not feel like i belonged here. The place was uncomfortable. I was supposed to be taking a history test. I yelled at $A50 when she tried to tell me what to do. I did not approve of the way she treated the students. She was very demeaning to them, and i scolded her for the way she was treating us. I went on with the test, however. A voice explained what we were to do on the test. It was a history test on Macbeth. We had to explain why he was a tragic character. I did not understand the question. It did not seem correct. I remembered that Macbeth had killed the king and stolen his throne, but i could not seem to understand why the answer seemed to be wrong. I did not want to take the test. It was not worth the time i would have to spend on it. I put my head down and tried to go back to sleep. I was lying in bed with $F12. It was nice to have him with me. I felt very comfortable. I hugged him as we slept. I closed my eyes again.

11997 September 27

I was in the room of the house. There were two other people with me. I looked out the window. I could see a reddish star in the daytime sky. I wondered what it was. Then i noticed that it was moving. I pointed it out to the others. It was moving in a slow arch across the sky. I moved closer to the window so that i could watch it. I had to get down on my knees to watch it fly. I then realized that it was not a star, but some kind of ship. I thought that it must be an alien craft. It curved upward and disappeared over the house. I then realized that they were coming for me. They had slid over the house. I stayed on my knees in the middle of the room. I was between the sofa and the coffee table. The rood was decorated with many furnishings. There was a stereo and television on the shelves along the wall to my right. The sofa was to my left. The over-head lights went out. I knew that they were coming. Then the bluish lights on the stereo went out. The power was being disrupted. The aliens would come in and talk to us. I realized that i probably would not have any memory of this event later. I then walked around the outside of the house. Something felt very strange. I walked away from the house on the dirt path which led towards the field. Several of the brothers were with me. We were returning to get our things. Something had happened. I was not sure what. I walked into the field and looked to the right, up the length of the long narrow path of grass. There were trees on both sides of the grass. Something seemed strange about the place. It was getting dark, and we had to get our things from the ground. Our equipment was scattered around the ground, as if we were going to camp. I spoke to the person next to me. It did not feel safe to be here. I grabbed some of my equipment and walked out of the field, up the grassy path that led by the small house. I remembered being in the small house. It was shaped like a small restaurant. There were other brothers inside. I looked up at the sky. It was still bright outside, but the sky was black. It was covered with reddish stars. I did not recognize the constellations. Something felt strange about the small house. I walked to the left of it on the path. The stars in the sky seemed odd.

The lady spoke to me. She was some kind of doctor. She told me about the problem i had been having with my stomach. She said that i would have to ask the doctor to check to make sure that it was not cancer. I told her that i thought that it was cancer. I had thought that for quite some time, but my doctor did not find anything. She said that i had to ask the doctor to check it specifically. I asked whether she meant that i should ask for an x-ray and she said that i should. I then walked out of the small room and across the dirt area. There was a lake in front of me. It was very small. She kept talking to me as i walked. There was a small housing community around me. The area seemed very flat. There was an old house to my right as i walked towards the lake. There were a few more over to the left, across a short stretch of bare ground. I walked up to the edge of the small pond. I took the new brush out of its package. I had thought that it was a tooth brush, but realized that it was a hair brush. I looked it over. It had a light blue handle and white bristles. The bristles seemed ragged, and bent in all directions. I wondered whether the brush was usable. I then started combing my hair with it as i floated closer to the pond. There was a man to my left, standing in front of a large blue car, which was parked at the edge of the pond. There was also someone wandering around to my right. I brushed the right side of my head. The brush did not seem to stick in my hair like i would have expected, given that the bristles were so distorted. I then thought that my hair would come out fluffy if i brushed it. It would no longer have the nice curls that i liked. I switched and brushed the other side. I then switched hands, trying to hold the white, wide-toothed, plastic comb between my left elbow and my torso while brushing my hair with the brush. I floated into the air and turned to start away from the pond. I then dropped the brown brush and the white comb. I tried to catch them as they fell but could not. I bent over to pick them up. I noticed a man watching me. He was young, and had long black hair. I said hello to him and floated back up into the air. I was showing off my flying skills to him. He could not fly, and simply followed me from the ground. I then started swimming through the air, pulling my hands in a crawl stroke. The woman mentioned to the black-haired man that he was a good swimmer. I asked whether he was strong enough to swim through the air. I swam towards the building. The man walked below me. We both entered the door of the building, which was on the right side of the building. There was a porch that stretched across the front of the white wooden structure. We walked inside of the post office. The room inside was narrow, and ran along the front of the building. I walked to the left and looked into my mail box. There were some letters there for me. I pulled them out of the box and looked them over.

I walked down the shallow slope of the gravel parking lot from the main road towards the building, which was on the right side of the lot. Ahead of me was a large open field which had a track on it. I could see the athletes collecting on the track. They were wearing yellow and white uniforms. This was not the race that i was supposed to attend. I would be running in the other race. I wondered where i was supposed to go. The day seemed grey and early. I walked up the stairs that ran along the outside of the left side of the building. There was a set of stairs on the right side of the building which ran up to the second floor. The front of the building was white, and there was a large glass door on the left side, where the stairs ran up to the first floor. I walked up the shallow stairs and into the building. I followed the corridor through the building and then to the right. The carpeting on the floor of the corridor was a dull red, and the walls were white. The place was decorated like a hotel from the seventies. The corridor ended, and there was a door to the right. I walked through it and found myself in the large gymnasium. The team i was running with was not in there. I wondered where they could be. I knew that the race was at eleven in the morning, but i could see no one gathering for it. I looked to the left of the large open room to see a group of people wrestling. There was a wrestling meet going on to my left against the near wall. There were bleachers along the left wall of the room, with several people in them who were watching the wrestling meet. There was a table between me and the wrestling mat and several other brown objects stacked in the room. I wondered where the other runners were. I was worried that i was not in the correct place. I walked out of the room and in through the door that was down the hall. I came into the room near where the wrestlers were having their match. It was getting late. The other runners should have been here by now. I looked to my right to see the wrestling team walking towards me. Their meet was finished, and they were heading out. I watched them as they walked by, thinking that some of them were in pretty good shape. Then i noticed a few who were not wearing the top part of their singlet. They were big, but did not seem well defined. I thought that they must be a little out of shape. One of them was about my height, but was bulkier. He did not have a lot of muscle on him and had little detail. He had curly blond hair that was ear length. As he passed, i noticed that his abdomen was undefined, and had a line of light hair near his navel. I did not think that he looked much like a wrestler. The wrestlers walked past me and out the door of the room. The crowd started getting up to leave as well. I walked back out of the building and looked around. I noticed that the high school runners were no longer in the field playing soccer. The field was empty, except for a few white objects which seemed like goals. I wondered when i was supposed to meet the other runners. Something did not seem correct. I climbed over the railing of the stairs and climbed up the incline of the dark grey roof on the other side of the building. I climbed up to the second floor of the building. I wanted to see if any of the runners were there. I looked into the window that was in the center of the room. I could see plants and several personal things. I realized that the upper floor of the building must be someone’s house. The outside of the building was a bluish-grey with white trim. The surface was covered with small shingles. I walked across the room to the second set of stairs, which was made of white wood. I climbed over the railing of the stairs and headed up to the door. I was still not sure what was on the second floor. I looked into the dew-covered window of the door and could see more plants. I could also see part of a dining room table in the room beyond with a white lace cloth and several brass ornaments. I realized that this was someone’s house, and i did not want to disturb them. I turned around and started heading back down the stairs. I held on to the white railing which ran along the right side of the stairs. I felt as though i might slip on the stairs. The railing was over my head as i reached the bottom of the stairs, and i climbed under it and walked back across the dark grey, shingled roof. I walked back into the hotel side of the building and to the end of the first corridor, there it joined the crossing corridor in a T. There was a small lounge area at the intersection, with a reddish couch to my right. I then realized that the security guard was watching me. I asked him where the track meet was. He said that he would have to scan the area to find my position. I told him that i would face in a direction that aligned with the building so that it would be easier for him to track me. I faced the back of the building and held my right arm up. It was to give him an easy reading. I stood there for a minute while he tried to figure my position out. I then started to collect my things in my bag, which i had been carrying on my shoulder. I soon realized that i had moved and was not facing the correct way. I quickly turned and faced the back of the building and put my right arm up. I thought about the image which would show up on the security monitor. I would show up as a red blob with a slightly orangish halo. I could see the pattern on the monitor. There was a thin red line to one side which was my arm. I found myself facing the wrong way several times. I was not paying attention to what i was doing. Then the security guard called to me and told me that the track meet would be at two o’clock. I knew that it was supposed to be at eleven. He told me that the time had been changed. I realized that his equipment was very advanced, and could see the time change. It was a little after noon at the moment, so i was an hour late for when i was supposed to be here. The race had been delayed however.

11997 September 28

I walked into the small garage. There were two other people there. I had come to do something. I had some position of authority in the situation. The three other people in the small grey room, which was in the garage, were gathered in the back right corner of the room. They were listening to something. I did not know what it was at first, but decided that it was the football game on the radio. I walked past them and listened to the sound. There was a report coming in for me. I listened to the headphones that i was wearing. The woman’s voice told me that we had to get off of the plane. There was something wrong. The operation must be stopped, and we were not supposed to be on the plane. I was on the back side of the small garage, standing in the grass. I bent over to remove the CD from the small box. We had to discontinue the program. I lifted the CD out of the player and tried to place it back into the case. I then realized that the CD had a cone-shaped warp in the center of it. It was no longer flat. I remembered that the CD was stuck to the center of the player as i pulled it out. The heat from the player must have melted the CD and caused it to stick in the center as i pulled it out. It was now cool and formed into a rounded cone. I was annoyed that the CD was ruined. I wondered how i could fix it. The CD was red on the top. I opened the small CD case and tried to slip the CD in. I thought that i could slide it into the case and then place some weight on the case. I hoped that it would make the CD go flat again. I pushed down on the case and realized that the ground was soft. I bounced a little as i pushed and noticed that the ground was spongy. I realized that the garage was built on a bog. I pushed down several times and watched as the walls of the building swayed with the oscillations. The building was a small cinder block building that was painted a dull yellow. I bounced on the ground several more times, watching the building sway. Then i started jumping on the ground. There was another man there with me. I spoke to him as i jumped on the ground. I took two jumps and then landed heavily on the ground. The ground was acting as a trampoline, but i was not able to jump in synch with it. I told the other person about the bouncy bog. I looked out across the back yard, which was covered with green cut grass. There was a small hill in the back yard which sloped upward from me. I bounced on the ground, trying to gain some height. $Z jumped up and down with me.

11997 September 29

I was in the small office. I had been doing the updates on the system for a while. I walked into the hall, where the white stairs circled down around the walls of the large atrium. It seemed like one of the stair wells at the ends of the halls of $P7. There was a young female with me. She was someone with whom i worked. I was to tell her what needed to be done at the radio station. I felt hurried. I then remembered that there were some things which had not been doing. I told her that some things had to be updated. I showed here the rows of wooden mail boxes in which the updates would be put. I was worried that i had not been doing the updates. I pulled some letters from one of the boxes. They were updates that i should have been doing. I felt very strange, like i was dreaming and not quite able to focus on what i was doing. I should not have been behind in my work, but i was not paying attention to it and missing some things. I then walked out of the room and back into the corridor outside, which seemed like the second floor hallway in my parents’ house. I turned to the left and headed out the driveway from my grandmother’s garage. The radio station was in the house on the right side of the driveway. The man would be coming to open the radio station for the morning. I was supposed to have the radio turned on before he got here. I was worried that i was falling behind. I knew that my grandmother’s house was locked, however. I would not be able to get in through the cellar door. I imagined the man walking down the street from the direction of the church. He would cross the street near the corner and turn into the driveway. He would be wearing a brown loose shirt with matching brown pants. He was austral, and had long dreadlocks. I walked around to the front of my grandmother’s house. I had to get in. I walked into the outside door and found myself in the corridor that led from the cellar. I would have to turn to the left and walk around the wall to get to the front door of the house. I hoped that i could get in and start up the station before the man showed up. I walked into the house and looked around for the controls.

I drove through the suburban area which was on the edge of the city. I turned right from the main road and headed down the cross street. I came to the other main road and turned left. There was some kind of important building on the block to my left. It occupied only a single block in width, but several blocks in length. I was driving along the lower end of the property. There was a large red brick building in the center of the property which seemed like a mansion. I could not see the building, but i knew that it was large, with white wooden trim. It bordered the long avenues on either side. The avenues ran from the main city street on one side, which seemed narrow and crowded with short, brownstone apartment buildings, to the main street upon which i was driving, which seemed open and modern. There were no trees, like on the other main street. I drove past the second avenue and turned left onto one of the minor avenues. I drove through a section of town which was filled with apartments and houses. There were thick green trees hanging over the road, and it seemed very bright out. I had to find the other person. I vaguely remembered where i had parked the other car. I would have to turn left again and head back to the main building. I thought that the other person had parked on the avenue which was on the other side of it. I came to an intersection, but remembered that i could not turn left here, as it was a one-way street. I walked to the left and came out on the avenue which ran down the side of the large brick building. I still could not see the building. I turned left onto the alley and started walking across the back lawn of the building. I felt like i was not supposed to be here. I had to get to the main street on the other side and start looking for the other person. The small tan and white dog walked in front of me on its leash. The dog had long, unkempt fur. I felt an urgency to get out of the yard and onto the sidewalk. I then realized that there was a fence at the edge of the property. I knew that i could jump over it, but i wondered what i would do with the dog. I would have to lift it over the fence. I looked at the fence of thin wire mesh as i approached. There was a section where there were only cross wires. I realized that i could let the dog walk through the lower section of this part while i climbed over. I noticed that there were wire spokes from the chain link fence sticking up along the top of the fence. I would have to be careful as i climbed over. I stepped into the chain link and lifted myself over the fence. I then realized that the woman was on the other side of the fence. I had been looking for her. She walked down the sidewalk to meet me. There was a low brown building on the other side of the street from us. It seemed like an office building. It was very modern in style, like something built in the seventies. It used a lot of space for its function. I greeted the woman and asked about the man. I told her that my car was parked on the other side of the block. I talked to the woman and mentioned to her that we would have to find the man. She started walking across the avenue to the left. As she got to the other side, i suddenly noticed that $A51 was across the street, in front of me. He spotted me and was crossing the street towards me. He was the man for whom we were looking. I turned and called to the woman. She did not hear the first time, so i called to her again. She heard me and turned to walk back.

We were in a large room. There were people watching us from the right. The room was dimly lit, and the walls were made out of stone. There was no floor to the section of the room that i was in, but there were several boards which spanned the room front to back. They were set up like stairs. This was some kind of puzzle. We had to complete the construction of the stairs in order to get up to the next level. I walked across one of the boards, balancing carefully so that i did not fall. There was another person competing with me. I knew that i could easily solve this puzzle. The crowd watched from the balcony on the right side of the room. I was on a higher level. There was a board going across the center of the room. I tried to balance across it, but it was very unstable. I stepped back to the wall and held on to the side of the room. I then tried to readjust the beam so that it would be more stable. The end near me did not seem to fit onto the wall very well. Then i realized that it was too close to me. There was a second brace sticking out from the wall just a little farther down the wall. I lifted the board and placed it on the second brace. It no longer seemed uneven against the wall. It would be easy to complete this level. I swung across one of the boards towards the french door on the other side. I thought about how easy it seemed to swing across the board and climb over the glass window. I wondered how i could do it so easily. I had completed the level. We would have to go onto the next level. I then grabbed the ropes that were on hanging along the wall. For a moment, i did not know what i was to do with them, but then i realized that they would simply pull up the boards for the next level. I thought that this puzzle would be easy to complete. I pulled on the ropes, which were attached to either end of the wooden beams. They rose. Then the bell rang. We would take a break before continuing on with the next level. The other competitor hung onto the wall opposite the room from me.