11998 September 01

I was in the small apartment. The walls of the room were plane and coloured pale green. The room seemed sparsely furnished. I then thought that there was a fire in the apartment. I had to get out. I quickly ran out the door and onto the street. I was then talking to $K2. We were joking as we stood on the street corner. It seemed as though we were near $P1. I then grabbed $K2 in a headlock and joked with him. We laughed as we pushed each other.

11998 September 02

I was sitting on the stairway on the left side of the theatre as i watched the show. The show had just begun, and was running slowly. I thought that it was not that interesting so far. I seemed to be part of the crew. Then i heard a sound from the other side of the wall on my right. I recognized the sound as the sound of a cassette tape hitting the floor. I realized that someone in the booth had dropped one of the sound tapes for the show. I then realized that the sound person had forgotten one of the sound effects for the show. The play went on anyway. I was nervous that the sound person did not know what they were doing. I then looked down at the bottom of the bare sheet-rock wall to my right and noticed that water was seeping under it. The person in the booth must have spilled something. I could then hear other sounds in the booth. I was upset and thought that the person was making a mess. I knew that the audience could hear the noises as well. I was worried that they would spoil the play. Then i noticed the sound effects man at the bottom of the stairs below me. I suddenly wondered who was running the booth. It was not good for the sound person to be ignoring the performance. There should be sounds in the play. Then i heard a gurgling sound and realized that one of the sound effect tapes was still playing. The play was going very badly. I was glad that i was not doing the sound for it. I could not get blamed for messing up the play. I looked out onto the stage and saw $A154 standing in the center of the stage in a light blue dance tights. She was performing some sort of dance piece. I then realized that the play was over. It was very short without all of the sound cues. I was relieved that it was finally over. It seemed like a very bad performance. I then looked at the girl who was sitting to my right. I hoped that she felt better. She had been sick through the play.

11998 September 03

I walked past the old house. I was in the middle of the country. $Z seemed to be with me, but i did not know where he was. The house was a small wooden house with only one level. The paint on the outside was faded white and peeling off. The house was to the west of me as i looked to the northwest across the open field. The western and northern edge of the field seemed to be lined with leafless trees. Some of the trees seemed to be growing into the center of the field near the back of the house. There also seemed to be an old red barn to the east which was also faded and peeling. There were people in the field picking up wood from the ground. I thought that i should be helping them, but everything seemed somewhat surreal. I knew that the tall dry grass in the field needed to be harvested. I knew that it was tied up on faggots around the field, but the people were picking up wood instead. I then realized that i was wearing shorts. It seemed to be the wrong season for shorts, and i wondered whether i would be too cold.

I walked down the snow-covered streets towards the party. It seemed as though it were evening. I walked into the large room of the house. It was dark, and there seemed to be a ceremony going on. I walked across the room to where there was someone sitting at the edge of a table. I thought that in might be intruding on someone’s secret ceremony, but i felt confident that i already knew about their symbolism. The man at the table seemed suspicious of me, and asked me about the symbols. He said, “Hold moon in hand with blindfold.” I recognized the reference. I started to relate to him several thoughts that came to my mind. I could see the yellow crescent moon in the white sphere that was painted on the velvet cloth. It was all part of the ceremony. There was someone standing behind me and to my right. I told the person that his words symbolized “darkness and tides”. It had to do with ancient mythology, but i could not seem to explain what it was specifically. I told him that it referred to Babylon. I was sitting at the table with the man as i answered. I then asked him who had died. I knew that this symbol had something to do with a funeral ceremony. The man was $A196. I wondered why he was running the ceremony. He then started to read from the large book in front of him. I tried to listen to what he was saying, but i could not hear any words being spoken. There seemed to be something in the room that was making it difficult to hear him.

11998 September 05

I was visiting $F4 at his parents’ house. There was a small front room on the house. $A186 was sitting in a chair to my left. I spoke to him, asking him how he was. It had been a long time since i had seen them. $A187 was on the right side of the room. She was dressed in a yellow house dress and was doing some cleaning. I remembered that the rooms were always cluttered with papers and things. It seemed awkward to be here, as i had not seen any of them in a very long time. I then walked into the room to the right. It was a back room of the house, and also seemed cluttered with many things. I talked with $F4 for a little while, then i noticed that $A184 was in the room in the chair. I said hello to him. I then walked back into the main room. It seemed strange that i was hanging out here. I wondered how awkward it would seem for my hosts. I had not seen them in so long that it did not seem comfortable to be here. I was in the bed in the next room. I had slept the night at the house. I looked around the room and wondered where everyone was. I wondered where $F4 had slept. It seemed strange that i had gotten a bed while he was sleeping somewhere else. I pulled the white sheets back from my legs and started to get up. I thought about everyone that i had seen. I then realized that i could not remember what $A186 looked like. I thought that he should look older, but i could not remember. I then realized that i had not looked at any of them as i had spoken to them. I wondered where i had been looking. I thought that i did not even know what $A184 looked like. I did not know whether he had shaved off his beard or not. Everything seemed very strange. I stood up and walked into the back part of the room, which seemed to be a kitchen. I was not really hungry and felt somewhat sick. The woman sitting at the table was a nutritionist, and she asked me how well i had been eating. I told her what i had for breakfast and for dinner the previous night. She did not think that it was a very good meal. I thought about it and realized that i had been eating many starch products. I did not know what was wrong with that. I thought that she would say that i needed more protein and vegetables in my diet. I asked her whether potatoes were a good meal. She said no. I wondered what i could eat that would be better for me.

I moved swiftly over the surface of the water. I seemed to be flying. The water was part of a shallow river, and ripples with the motion of the water over the rocks under it. I then realized that Niagara Falls was ahead of me. I knew that this was the place where people go. I paddled in the water away from the falls, towards the thick patch of grey trees which were in the center of the river. I knew that i could stay within the grove of leafless trees and be safe from the current. I moved across the up-stream side of the grove and looked down the far side of the trees to see the edge of the falls not to far from me. I wondered whether someone could build a house in the middle of the forest. It would make a nice area for a house as it could overlook the falls. I thought that the trees would protect it from the heavy currents of the water. I then decided that it would be a dangerous place for a house, because the water could flood and wipe out the forest. If the house were overhanging the edge of the waterfall, it would be unstable. I drifted along the edge of the cement wall which overlooked the falls from the side of the river. I could see where the water was pouring over the damn. I wondered where the flood gates on the dam were. I then noticed the boy in front of me. He was talking to me, and i knew him. I seemed sad in a way. He told me something as he climbed up onto the short cement wall in front of us to look out over the river canyon below. He then simply jumped over the edge and fell out of sight. I realized that he had jumped to his death, but did not move. I felt queer, and did not want to look over the edge. Two people climbed the stairs on the other side of the wall and came to the top, which was to my right. The kept looking back, down the stairs at the boy. They were shocked. I felt afraid to look over the edge, but slowly walked toward it. I came to the edge of the wall and looked down at the stairwell that ran below. I realized that it was not that far down. I could not see the boy, however. I thought that they must have carried him off already. I then wondered where the valley beyond the wall had gone. There was simply a staircase running down into the ground between two cement walls. I did not understand what was going on.

11998 September 06

I walked down the narrow hall of the hotel with my mother and grandmother. We were looking for our room. My mother told me the room number and i read the numbers on the doors in the multicoloured walls. The wallpaper was covered with a fine paisley pattern of red droplets on a green and blue background. The paper covered over the doors. Around each door was a thin white line where the wallpaper was attached under the trimming. I walked to a section of the wall which was in the middle of the corridor on the north wall. I knew that the door to our room was here. There was a small alcove set into the wall where i could see a door. I knew that it was the door to our room. There seemed to be something obstructing the door. It seemed to be a cot which was leaning against the wall. I pushed the object to the right and looked at the narrow door. It did not have the correct number. I then noticed that there was a door on the west side of the alcove. The doors were very narrow. I mentioned this fact to my relatives as i opened the door to our room and walked in. The room seemed rather small, with a sofa-bed along the east wall, a small bed on the west wall, a black chair to the right of the door, and a small closet compartment to the left of the door. I stepped over the black chair, which was opened at the front, its cushion removed and the small white mattress pulled out from the center of the chair. As i stepped into the center of the room, my grandmother asked about the number of beds. I wondered why there were so many, as we only needed two. She was worried that there might be someone else coming into the room. I thought that could be likely, as this hotel was very cheap. I then noticed the spider web across the floor. It stretched from under the chair on the east wall. I had been standing near the chair. I suddenly realized that there was a black widow in the web. I told the others that i had been bitten by the spider. I looked over my leg as i sat down on the couch. I wondered whether i had really been bitten. I did not seem worried. I stood up and looked under the couch. I could see a large web which stretched across the entire length of the couch, which was along the north wall of the room. The web was flat and loosely woven, and tipped downward as it stretched out from under the couch. I could see the white threads as i moved lower to the ground, catching them in the light from the window on the east wall. I was in the back room of my parents’ house. As i got lower to the ground, i noticed that there were three spiders under the couch sitting in the web. There was a large black widow sitting on the right side of the couch. In the center was a small tarantula. It was black and furry, with red across its head and white tips on its legs. To the left was a long narrow spider, which reminded me of a wolf spider. It was brown and furry. I told the other person about the spiders. Then i noticed that the tarantula was coming out from under the couch. It had felt me brush the edge of the web. I then noticed the larger tarantula in the center of the room. I tried to get out of their way. I did not want the spiders to touch me. The two spiders seemed hesitant of each other. Then the small dark grey cat jumped off of the chair which was under the window on the west wall. It was interested in the spiders and wanted to play with them. I thought that the cat should not be playing with the spiders, as it might get bitten. The two spiders then ran across the room to the south. The kitten followed them. I was worried about the kitten as i sat down on the couch. I then realized that i had reached into the spider’s web. I pulled my hand back and noticed that there were several bite marks from the black widow along the heel of my left thumb. I told the other person about it, and wondered what i should do. I squeezed the skin around the cuts and a milky yellow liquid oozed out. I had to get as much venom out as possible. I then noticed that there were people sitting on the couch. The woman on the left side of the couch had her ankle under the edge of the couch. I was worried that she might get bitten by the spider. The person to my left asked me about the spiders and i pointed out the black widow. I then showed him the spider that was under the chair along the east wall. I knew that it was a harmless spider. I bent down and pointed out the long brown figure what was sitting on the web under the chair, facing to our right. It had light grey legs and a long brown body. It seemed to have a lot of short fur. I touched the strand of web that stretched out from under the chair, wondering whether the spider would come out where the man could see it. I then stood up again and looked at the series of bites along my left hand. I squeezed then again, and more liquid oozed out. I wondered where all of the liquid was coming from. I thought that i had squeezed out all that i could before. I then wondered why i was experiencing no symptoms.

I walked from the train at the front of the building. The troops were getting off. They were young men, probably in high school. I had been in charge of them, and i felt somewhat good about it. It seemed that i had asked them to do something, and they were now coming back from doing it. Then i was walking near $A87. He asked why i had told the students to go do what they had done. He did not understand my methods. I knew that i was able to order them, and felt happy that they were listening to me. I explained to $A87 that i had first asked them to do something which tested their ability to do things for themselves. I wanted to see how they could take orders to do things as individuals. I then told him that i had asked them to do something which tested their ability to work as a unit. The next test would be to see if they would do things which were ordered by me. This seemed like a logical order of commands. The first two tests were designed to gain the confidence of the troops. I would then see whether they had enough confidence to follow whatever i said. We walked into the large theatre. I stood in front of a row of chairs which was along the back wall of the room. I felt slightly uncomfortable about being here. I held the long sword in my right hand. I knew that i was not following the proper protocol in my command, but i had confidence that it would work. I was nervous about what others would think of my methods, however. $F4 stood to my right, with $A87 on his right. They both saluted as the troops passed below. I quickly lifted my sword to my face in salute. I realized that i had a real sword, while the other two both had ceremonial sabres. Mine was for fighting, but was difficult to wield in a salute. It clanked against the chair from the row in front of me. I followed the moves of the other two, remembering the traditions, but being out of practice. I tried to re-sheathe my sword, but it was not easily put away in its scabbard. I felt clumsy trying to keep up with the old rules.

11998 September 07

I was in the classroom sitting at one of the chairs. I was taking a test. The teacher was $A48. He had just left the room, and we were to finish our tests and leave them on the table at the front of the room. I seemed to be having trouble with my test. I knew that it was a fairly simple science test, but i could not figure out the problems easily. I seemed to have spent a lot of time answering the first few problems. $F4 was sitting to my left. He had finished his test and stood up to take it to the table at the front of the room. I was distressed that i had not gotten past the first few questions. I thought that i had spent too much time on the first two questions. I was disappointed that i could not solve them quicker. It seemed as though i had to go somewhere. The others were getting things ready to leave, but i could not go until i finished the test. I looked over the exam, but could not understand the questions. I read the second part, which was in the right-hand column of the page. They seemed easy, and should only take a minute to answer, but the questions did not make any sense to me. I remembered answering them before, but they were worded in a strange way this time. They did not seem to make sense. I took my tuxedo from the other person and laid it on the table to my right. It had a red tie and cummerbund. The suit had something to do with the test, but i did not understand why the questions were so obscure this time. $F4 told me that the second half of the test was easy as he walked back toward the table. I looked at the neck of the suit, thinking that the questions were not really asking anything. They were simply comments. I did not know how to answer them. I told this to $F4. I then decided to copy my answers from before onto the new test sheet. I tried to memorize the letters as i looked at them and wrote them into the new form. It still seemed to be incorrect. I walked up to the front of the room and handed in the text. I then remembered that i should have removed the older answers from the test. I walked back up to the room and looked over the test, which was a piece of grey cardboard with square patches of paint on it. The paint seemed to be swirled into random shapes. Below each patch was a line of letters. I had circled the correct letter. I noticed that some questions had two letters circled, however. I took my eraser and tried to erase the older answers before the teacher came back. Time was almost up on the test.

11998 September 10

I was in the car driving on the south side of town. I was driving to the west. I knew that i had to get to the other side of town to get to the university. It seemed as though i was heading in another direction. I had to get to the north. I thought that i could probably walk across town. It did not seem that far out of the way. I was in the back seat of the car, however, as my father drove. My mother was in the passenger’s seat. It seemed as though we had to get someplace. I opened the box of cereal that i had been holding in my lap. It was a dull yellow cereal. I grabbed a hand full of the cereal and lifted it over my head. I started to crumble the cereal, letting the crumbs fall down the back of my black sweatshirt. I thought that the crumbs would add extra insulation. I knew that it would be getting cold. I then wondered whether the crumbs would get caught on the hair that was growing on my back.

11998 September 11

I walked into the old five-and-dime store. It seemed to be in some disarray, as if the store was closing and all of the items were on tables for sale. I walked down the narrow corridor of the store. I had to find a bathroom. I then noticed the sign on the south wall of the room for a bathroom. It was the bathroom for people in space suits. That was exactly what i needed, as i was dressed in a yellow radiation suit. The doorway to the bathroom led to a set of stairs which ran to the left, down to the basement of the store. I realize that the bathroom was closed, however. I thought that it was probably under repair, as the store was going out of business. I was disappointed, but had to find another bathroom. I walked to the west end of the store. All of the merchandise seemed to be scattered on white counters. There were people rummaging through the wadded clothing as i passed. I then came to the west end of the store. I was in a small room where some clearance merchandise seemed to be. The cement walls of the room were bare, and the room seemed to be mostly empty space, unlike the rest of the store. There was a sales man helping someone in front of me. I did not want to interrupt him, but i knew that i had to find a bathroom soon. I looked over the counter to my left. There were cardboard boxes of clothing on the counter. I had to wait to ask the man where the bathroom. The man then turned to the left and walked over to help someone. I waited by the counter with another customer. I then noticed that there was a small back room t the west. At first it seemed like a dressing room, but i then realized that it was part of the store for the staff. The walls in the small room were yellow, and there was a piece of material hanging on the right side of the doorway to the room. I noticed that there was a man standing in the room. He was not wearing a shirt, and his hands were tied over his head. He seemed to be partly hanging from the ceiling. I wondered what was happening to him. It seemed as though he were being tortured. I felt concerned, and wondered what to do. I pointed him out to the person who was standing in front of me. He looked into the back room, but did not seem concerned. He told me that it was actually a sexual pleasure. I then realized that the back room was the adult room. It was where people went to be tortured. I thought that it was a very strange thing to do, and did not understand why someone would want to be tortured.

11998 September 12

I brought the box into the house and set it down on the edge of the counter. I had brought home some animals. They were snakes. I felt uneasy about having them in my house, but i knew that i had bought them as pets. I had kept them in the plastic shopping bags that were in the box. I hoped that they were not too cold. I knew that it was cold outside, but i thought that the climate might preserve the animals a bit longer. I looked into the box, noticing the tan snake in the clear plastic food bag. I opened the bag and let the animal out onto the counter. I thought that i should really not have any animals in my apartment. I knew that snakes would be allowed, but i was weary of the snakes. I thought that it was a mistake for me to have bought them. I then opened the second bag and let the larger snake out. The larger snake crawled off of the counter to my right and into the middle of the room. I then started to wonder what kind of snakes they were. I looked closely at the first snake. It was green, and had a very wide head. I watched it as it slithered over the twisted branch of dead wood in the center of the counter. Its head was an ashen tan, and has very distinct scales. I thought that it looked like some kind of pit viper. I moved my left hand over it as it crawled up the side of the branch. I worried for a moment that it might bite me. I wanted to catch it by the head and place it back into the box. I would have to return it to the store. I thought that i would tell the store keeper that my landlords would not let me keep the animals in my apartment. I had really changed my mind and decided that i did not want the snakes. I looked closer at the green snake on the counter as it turned its head around to face me. I noticed that it had large, round, black eyes. I thought that it must not be poisonous because it did not have vertical eyes. I also noticed its strange, rounded face. It seemed almost human, with curved cheek bones. I then looked over at the other snake, which was crawling around in the center of the room. I noticed that it seemed much larger than it was before. I looked closer at it and noticed that it had vertical irises. I thought that it must be a dangerous snake. I had to capture it and place it back into the box. It stood in the middle of the floor, its body curved into a vertical wave-shape. I realized that it was a very big snake. I had very sharp scales which seemed to stick out from its surface as it moved. It was bright yellow, with orange and red patterns on the edges of its scales. Its head was very angular and narrow, with triangular fins sticking out behind it as it moved towards me. I thought that it looked like a small dragon. I then realized that i had to catch it before it reached me.

I stood in the back yard of the house. I was collecting my things. I was getting ready to go home from my visit. I felt very strange about being here. Something seemed out of place. I placed my bags as the corner of the house. The house was to the south of me. There was a large barn to the north. I had been in the barn. The others mentioned the animals that were wandering around the area. I noticed that the dirt around the northeast corner of the house, where i had placed my bags, had been dug out. I could see the wooden beams which were supporting the foundation of the house. The person mentioned that the donkey would go to the edge of the house to get a drink, but would always slip into the hole, because it would forget that it was there. She then made a joke about her ass. I thought that it was funny. There was a man sitting next to her, holding another animal. Then the wind started to pick up. I noticed that there were leaves blowing around in the air. The woman said that it seemed as thought there were a storm coming in. I agreed. She said that we might have to go into the storm cellar. Everything seemed unclear. I told her that i had piled my bags near the entrance of the storm cellar. I did not think that the storm would be that bad. Then i noticed the other animals coming into the yard. They were parts of the special animals. I could see three sheep gathered together be the fence at the side of the barn. The man then started throwing vegetables to the animals. I ducked as a turnip came over my head and landed on the ground next to me. I kept thinking about how i had to go as i picked up the turnip. I felt worried, and knew that something had to be done. Some dark brown horses ran across the gravel driveway just down the hill from me as i looked south, towards the house. I crumbled the vegetable in my hand, thinking that the smaller animals would be better able to eat it. I then tossed several pieces out in front of me. An animal ran up to my right and stopped in front of me. It seemed aggressive for a moment, but, when i looked at it, i noticed that it was a man. He was standing in a fighting stance, with his right foot forward in karate style. He was nicely built, and seemed tensed for combat. I wondered why he was after the vegetable. He seemed dirty and worn.

11998 September 14

I was in the long open room with the other people. It seemed dark and obscure in the room, as if it were a scene from a film with decorative lighting. I turned and started away from the room, down the long dark alley. It seemed to be part of an old cobble stone street in an old city. I talked to the others as i moved through the dark street. The stone walls of the buildings on either side of me were moist with dew. I was riding in a carriage. My father was talking to me. There also seemed to be someone dressed in formal attire with us. He was wearing a dark petticoat and white pants. I started to get off of the carriage as the others were getting on. Something seemed very strange. I was having trouble focusing on what was happening. I then looked to my right across the bathroom. I was sitting on the toilet with me torso leaning forward over my legs. I watched the door across the dingy tile floor. There seemed to be no other furnishing in the bathroom. It was a square room with dull yellow and black tiles. The walls were covered with a dirty, vertically striped wall paper. I flushed the toilet. I then noticed the water running between my feet. I realized that the tank on the toilet was leaking again. I was annoyed at the mess and thought that i might have to clean it up. I then flushed the toilet again. More water poured across the floor. I seemed to be worried that the water would ruin the floor. I thought that i should clean it up with the mop, but i kept thinking about something else. My attention was not on the events occurring around me. I thought that i should tell my father about the toilet.

11998 September 15

I walked out the back side of the office building and into the parking lot. The parking lot was on the north side of the building. I was looking for my car. I had just been with my parents. I walked past the other person, looking out into the lot. My car was a dark grey and was in the row of cars on the east side of the lot. I could see it just beyond the other cars. I then turned to the south and walked down the side of the building. There was a row of cars on the east edge of the lot on the side of the building. I walked around to the driver’s side of my red car as i fished through my pockets for the keys. I realized that i only had the keys for the other car. I then noticed that the keys for my car were still in the door of the car. I realized that i must have left them there. I felt silly for leaving them there. I opened the door of my car and climbed in. The windows seemed to be rolled down slightly. I rolled them up and started driving the car out of the parking lot. I thought that i should be heading to my parents’ house. My car came to a stop at the entrance to the parking lot. I thought about driving south to get to my parents. I seemed to feel good about getting back to the mountains. I then looked down the road to the west as my parents drove away. They were leaving for something. I felt as though something were about to occur. My attention focused down the road to the west. I then turned and walked back towards my parents’ house. Something was happening around me. As i walked towards the house, i could hear a car driving slowly down the road. I felt as though it was someone i should avoid. I looked at the front of my parents’ house as i approached. It was white, and had horizontal slats of a brown wood across the bottom which acted as stairs. There were two boards. I thought that the front of the house looked rather formal, and wondered what the person in the car thought of me walking towards the front door of the house. It was not usual for me to use the main door of the house. I had always entered through the entrance by the driveway. I was worried that the person might think me pretentious. I knew that i was carrying in mail from the box by the road, but it felt strange to head to the front door. I climbed up to the second step of the house. I thought about the keys that i had been carrying and realized that i did not want to fool around with the main door of the house. I turned on the steps and walked along them to the east, where the porch was. There was a door there that i could use. I walked inside, realizing that the car on the road had stopped just out of sight of the house. I thought that the driver would be coming back. I looked out the west windows of the house, but could not see anyone. I then seemed to be on the third floor of the house looking out the north window. I tried to see around to the west side of the house, but could not see anyone there. I then thought that $A180 might be coming towards the house. I thought about shooting at him with a beebee gun as i moved to a back window of the house. I seemed to be sitting on the toilet on the third floor as i peered out the window at the back of the house. I could see the edge of the tree line on the lawn, but could not see anyone there. I was sure that they would come into sight, however. I then noticed that there were things in the woods. I was having trouble making out what they were. On the north side of the lawn, was a picnic table, with several objects around it. As i strained to see them, i realized that some of the objects were running apparel. I then noticed the large pair of white running sneakers on the near bench. I thought that they must be my father’s things. I then noticed the old car in the back yard on west side. No one came into view, however. I walked back across the dining room when i noticed a man walking across the front of the house. I ran back into the center of the room, hoping that i would be out of sight. I watched him as he walked across the front of the house towards the kitchen. I seemed very in interested in him. He was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a white tee shirt. He had a round face and short brown hair. He seemed somewhat stocky. I walked across the room to watch him as he passed across each window. I was interested in him, and wanted to go out to talk to him. He seemed very familiar. He paused at the side of the house and turned around. I then realized that there was a blue truck parked in the front of the house, on the footpath. I realized that the man had come looking for someone. He turned around and started heading back towards the truck. I thought that i should catch him and say hello. I watched him as he walked back. His dull red hair was starting to mat down from the rain. I opened the front door of the house just as he stepped into the passenger’s side of the blue truck, which was facing the house. I said hello, realizing that he was $A33. He was wearing a white tee shirt, which had gotten wet from the rain. I pretended to walk back inside as i saw him. I then walked over to the car, asking him how he was doing. He was hunched forward a little. There seemed to be green and blue writing on his tee shirt. He said that he had driven his car into a cave and needed some help. I did not quite understand what he was saying. I was having trouble hearing him, and asked him to repeat himself. He said that he had driven his car into a cave. I looked down the road to the west to see if there was a car in the creek. I then looked back to $A33. He motioned to his legs, and i noticed that one was damaged. He stood on the south side of the car. I could see a line of blood on his leg. I then noticed that the lower part of his leg was not straight. He must have broken the bone inside of it. I told him that i would drive him to the hospital. I walked around the side of the car by the road, asking him what the closest hospital was. I thought that it would be the one to the south. He said that it would be the one in Hicksville. I was not familiar with the name, but i knew that it was the one of which i was thinking. I realized that i would have to leave a note for my parents. I thought that my mother might worry about me going to the hospital. I walked to the east side of the house, to get my car. $A33 followed me. I spoke to him as we moved. I would have to get my keys from the house. I then thought that i should get a towel for him so that he would not get my car seat all wet. I told him that i would grab a towel for him and asked whether he would also like a dry sweatshirt as well. He said that he would. I opened the door of the refrigerator, which was sitting on the east side of the house, near the back porch. I then realized that i did not need anything from it and closed the freezer door. I complained at my lack of concentration in opening the freezer door up to get something which i knew should not have been in there. I closed the door, noticing that the freezer was cold. I wondered why there would be a running freezer on the outside of the house. It seemed strange. I started up the back stairs of the porch, thinking about what i would have to get.

11998 September 16

I ran down the street to $P7, passing the crowd of women who were walking on the sidewalk. It was somewhat cool outside, but i was not wearing any shoes as i ran. It was night, and i felt as thought it would get colder. I ran across the parking lot at the south end of the building and into the side door. I had to get to something. I ran up the stairs. I thought that Mr. Garibaldi had signed the treaty, but i knew that something was wrong. I ran down the hall. It had something to do with the people failing the test, but i was not really sure what. Mr. Garibaldi had not anticipated something, and things were not happening as they were supposed to. The time was up for people t finish the test. They would have to stop, but their answers would not be correct. I passed through the classroom in which they were studying. I had to get to someplace.

I ran across the top edge of the rocky cliff and started to float through the air. I moved my arms as if swimming the crawl stroke. I thought that i was pulling myself through the air. I flew over the short white fences that ran over the short green lawn to the edge of the cliff. I then noticed the man who was standing in front of me. He was holding a hockey stick in front of him. I felt challenged, as if i were playing a game against him. I then realized that he had a hockey stick because $F5 had taken the badminton set. I continued past the man when i found myself in the basement of the house. There was something secretive about this place. The floor of the room was red and black, and covered with a mottled pattern. I moved towards the back wall of the room, in which was a small wooden door. The door was square, and finished with stain which had been worn. I pointed out the door to the police. I knew that what they were looking for would be in the room beyond the door. I then looked suddenly to the left, across the large empty parking lot. Something was wrong. I looked back into the room, and thought that there was someone outside. I looked out through the window of the small house. I seemed to be in the living room. The walls were a pale green. It was dark outside, and i could not see the street clearly. I thought that there was someone in the darkness watching me. I felt scared.

11998 September 18

There was a lion in front of me, and i was trying to keep it under control. I knew that if i stayed calm and unafraid of the lion, it would not attack me. I was uneasy with the lion, however, and had to close it within the small area. I looked at the lion and realized that it was all black. It seemed strange that it should be black. I did not know that there were black lions. I wondered whether it might be a panther. I tried to pull the yellow police tape over the last side of the small fenced in are. There were small wooden poles in the ground which held up the tape. It was the fence which was keeping in the lion. I was hurrying to get the last section of the fence up before the lion started to attack. I was afraid of the animal. I kept trying to get the string to stay straight, but the poles that were holding it kept leaning to one side, and the tape was bending to the ground. Then i realized that the lions were running towards me. I was frightened, and would not be able to get the fence up in time.

I was with the others as we tried to erect the building for the factory. I flew up from the street towards the white walls of the building. I flew up past the white limbs of the tree. It seemed as though we were constructing some sort of tree. There was some significance in the structure. I could not focus on it. It seemed as if my vision was obscured by something. I could only get glimpses of the tree as i passed through its branches. Part of the tree seemed like a white building which was made of painted white stone blocks. It seemed like a house, or tree house. The others were on the ground watching me as i flew through the upper levels of the structure.

I was standing near the garage of my parents’ house. I could see my father in the back yard. I looked around the entrance to the garage. The dog was not in the garage. I wondered where it had gone. It seemed strange that it was not here. I then realized that there was a truck into he driveway. I looked into the back yard and noticed that my father was talking to some people. I felt strange, and started walking back down the driveway towards the house. I walked to the west, into the lecture room. The east wall of the room seemed open to the driveway. The chairs in the room were made from white plastic, and were facing south. The floor of the room was black and sloped up to the north. I walked across the main aisle, which ran down the length of the room, through the center of the chairs. I then set a hash mark on one of the chairs on the west side of the room. I looked at the mark, and realized that it looked like it had been drawn in spray paint. I thought that the marks should not be made in a permanent fashion. I bent over to examine the mark, wondering whether it really was a hash mark, or some mark left by someone else. I decided that it was a hash mark and i dropped some flour on it to enlarge it a little. I did not think that it was that noticeable. I spread some flour around the edges of the mark and realized that it was a diamond. It was the way that we were marking the correct trail. I then thought that it should be a check point. I looked at it and saw that it was really a circle. I looked up the length of the lecture hall and realized that all of the marks ran across the top of chairs. I did not think that they should do that. I started to follow the lines up the room, where they ran across the floor. I realized that the lines were made with tape. Something about them did not seem right. I thought that they would not work. I followed them back up the slope of the driveway and into the garage. I then realized that there were words written in the blue tape on the floor of the garage. The dog suddenly came running over to me. It had found me. I looked up to see $F15 standing near me. I realized that he had been hiding something. I felt happy to see him and wanted to talk to him. I missed him.

11998 September 19

I was climbing on the underside of the suspension bridge with the other people. We were tearing the bridge down by pulling apart the girders. I moved through the crossing beams of the pale green bridge. I passed through the metal towers and flew away. My vision watched the bridge back away from me and then swoop forward again. I passed through one of the tall towers and realized that i was on the Golden Gate Bridge. I flew back into the girders and started pulling the beams apart. I moved up to a thick beam which stood vertically under the bridge. It was dark grey and had bolts running through the center section of it. I started unscrewing the nuts on the bolts. The bridge started to shake. It was going to fall down. I swooped out from under the bridge and flew past one of the tall greenish-grey towers again as one section of the bridge collapsed. I could see the road deck crumble and fall down through the crossing girders. I thought about unscrewing some more bolts on the tower. I thought that the wind would then blow the rest of the bridge over, but then i thought that someone might notice the missing bolts before the wind could get strong enough to knock the bridge over. I looked down at the bridge below me. There were decorative arches spanning over the top of the bridge. They were ornate, and did not seem to be supporting the bridge. I wondered why they were needed. It seemed a strange thing to add to the bridge. I flew between them, thinking that they were really useless. I then looked down at the water crashing against the rocky shore under the bridge. I flew onto the shore, crossing over the sidewalk which ran under the south end of the bridge, just before the bridge ended at the large cement structure. There were people walking on the sidewalk as i landed on the ground. They were all wearing bright yellow shoes. I thought that they all might have rented the shoes from someplace. It seemed strange that they would all be wearing the same colour by coincidence. I climbed over the large rocks of the shore line, heading back towards the legs of the bridge. I climbed back into the crisscrossed structure of the bridge. I was still trying to tear apart the bridge. The others were with me, helping me, but there were some of them whom i did not trust. I felt unsafe with them. I turned around and noticed the man on the beams behind me. He aimed a gun at me and fired, hitting the large rocks behind me. I then realized that i was hit in the throat by a piece of the rock. The bullet must have broken off a small piece, which shot towards me. I lost my balance and fell down the side of the rocks. The man stood near me, looking down at me. He told me that there was blood on my throat. I did not trust him, and had to get away. I realized that the rock had really hit my throat and that i was bleeding quite heavily. I moved my left hand over my throat, feeling the wet blood on my fingers. I then started to spread the blood over my face, trying to make the wound look more serious than it really way. I was hoping that the man would not fire his gun again. I pulled my neck back, keeping my chin down in an attempt to stop the blood from flowing. I then took off my tee shirt and wrapped it around my neck. I quickly climbed onto the adjacent building to get away. I was in one of the upstairs bedroom of $P19. I thought that i should call emergency, but i could not let the other person know that i had down so, or he might fire at me again. I kept my head back as i made my way across the room. The room was very white, and decorated with fancy furnishings. I knew that this room was not used by the other members of the house, so it would be safe for me to stay here. $Z was there, trying to comfort me. I kept thinking about keeping my head back to stop the blood. I then thought that the ambulance should be here. I felt strange, and thought that the blood was not flowing any more. I felt helpless, and decided to lay still and pretend that i could not do anything. I was out in the street in front of the house. I realized that i was in front of $P70. I knew that i should have been in the front of $P19. This was not correct. I felt strange, and started wandering down the street. I could not let the people in the house see me. I looked around and noticed that i was in the middle of a city. There were houses all around me. The terrain was hilly, and the road i was on ended at a second road at a very narrow angle. The second road passed back to the left at about a thirty-degree angle. I came to the corner of the road, feeling very weak. I did not think that i should be doing anything, and i hoped that no one would ask me to. I then noticed some people running down the hill towards me. They were wearing various costumes. I realized that they were part of $G4. I walked towards them. They must have just finished a run. I walked towards them, interested in what they were doing. I recognized some of them as they stopped running and came to a walk. They were turning to their left and heading into the brick apartment building on my right. The center of the building had a large glass window which stretched from the top of the two-story building to the ground, covering the dark wood stairwell inside. I thought that i should still act injured, so that they would understand why i had missed the run. I looked at the building. I remembered being in the apartment building before. $A174 used to live here. The building was made of a pressure-treated, light brown wood. It was cut in fancy patterns across the front of the building. I started to talk to some of $G4, acting rather vague. I knew that i had a lack of blood, and had to act as if i did. I then thought that i might pass out. I started to wobble as i spoke. I decided that i could not stay here, and told them that i would have to go. I walked out of the room through the sliding glass door on the back side of the building. I walked back down the suburban street. It was drizzling and grey outside. I felt as though i had to get to someplace.

I was driving down the road. It was dark out, and the road was slippery. I was worried that i might skid of i drove too fast. I was trying to be careful. I then noticed the other car coming towards me. It slid slightly, turning partly to one side. I passed the red car, noticing that it was skidding off of the road behind me. I was out in the country, and there was snow on either side of the road. The land seemed open, but there were tall pine trees on wither side of the road. It seemed as if there might be houses beyond the trees. I started going the hill when my car started to turn. It seemed as though i were on an elevated platform which was rotating over the road. I could not control the direction of my car. I tried to stop my car, but i could not. I was moving down the hill sideways. The road turned to the left as it headed down hill. I skidded around the corner. It seemed as if i had no control over the car. I thought that i should probably try to control the speed of the car. I then noticed the house on the left side of the road as i slid past it. I hoped that i did not hit anything.

11998 September 20

I had to sneak into the secure area. I was on the bus, and i hid below the level of the windows so that no one would see me. The bus was driving to the prison. We passed through the front gate of the prison, and the bus came to a stop in the middle of the prison yard. I was nervous about sneaking in, but we had to get something. I cautiously looked through the windows of the bus. It was dark outside, and the yard seemed to be empty. I sneaked off of the bus with the others. I was worried that we would get caught in the prison. I crossed the prison yard cautiously and walked into the stone building. I sneaked down the dark prison hall with the other people. Something seemed wrong. I did not feel safe here. The place seemed very empty. I looked around the empty halls and thought that the place seemed like a high school. The walls were painted white and were made of cinder blocks. I thought that we were trying to rescue someone from the school, but i was afraid that there was someone coming towards us. I was afraid that someone might notice us in the building. I was worried. I then heard someone walking down the hall towards us. It was a security guard. I could not see him, but i knew that it was. I ran back out into the courtyard. There were people coming towards us. I felt trapped and thought that we would not be able to get out of the area. I did not know what to do.

I walked out of the apartment and into the street. I was with $F7 and $F18. It was good to be with them. I was joking around with $F18 as we moved down the street. I poked at her as we laughed. I then flew up along the side of the tall brick building. I then noticed the telephone wires above me. I knew that i had to be careful of them.

11998 September 22

I was fooling around with $F15. We were joking when we started wrestling. It was good to see him again. I tried to grab him, but he slipped behind me wrapped his arms around me. I joked as i tried to get out. I could not seem to break free. I knew that he was much stronger than me, but i was still having fun.

11998 September 23

I was in the basement room of the building. Everything seemed messy. There were things cluttering the room. Then the man came into the room. I did not trust him and was worried that he might steal something. I had to make sure that the man did not get to do anything. I thought that i would have to capture him, so i grabbed him and tried to subdue him. Then i noticed that there was another person there. I would have to grab them both. I seemed stronger than they were, and did not seem to have trouble holding them. I wrapped my legs around one of them and held the other with my arms. I thought that i would have to tie them up so that they did not get away while i was waiting for the police to come. I thought that i could handcuff them together, or to a chair. I did not know what to do. It felt good to be able to beat them so easily. Then the third person walked into the room. I was suddenly confused. Things were not going as they should be. Some other people started to come into the room. The place seemed suddenly confusing.

11998 September 24

I was walking with $F3. We were on our way to the cinema. We were late for the show, and i hoped that we would still be able to get in. I hoped that we would be able to get seats. $F3 walked into the theatre in front of me. We entered from the back of the theatre, and would have to sit in the back row. As i sat down, i noticed the woman who was standing near us. I thought that she might ask for tickets. I asked her about getting better seats. I told her that i was having trouble seeing the screen. I told the woman that it was hidden behind the handing banner in the center of the stage. Then $F7 told me that he could see the screen fine from where he was. I looked back at the screen and realized that i could not figure out where it was in the set. It seemed to be hidden by some part of the set. I then realized that the auditorium in which we were sitting was very large. The stage was framed by a wooden opening in an off-white wall. The wall was much wider than the stage. I then turned to the woman and asked her about the seats in the balcony. I wanted to know whether we could sit there. She said that we were not allowed up there. I then looked behind me, wondering whether there was another screen at the back of the theatre. I remembered that they had made a second theatre out of the balcony before. The balcony seemed open now, however. Then $F21 asked me about the bean dip. I suddenly remembered that i did not have the beans with me. I had forgotten them when i left home. I was upset. Then i suddenly realized that i had not left yet. I was still at home. I seemed somewhat confused as i sat on the couch. $F18 was near me. I felt sad that i was so confused. $F18 leaned over to me and started comforting me. She hugged me and pressed against me. I was upset, but felt better with her near me. I then started to wonder where $F7 was.

11998 September 25

I walked around to the south side of $P71. There were several film projectors scattered across the grass near the building. I thought that something was not right. I looked down at the broken projectors as i walked through the area. I could see torn strips of film on the ground as well. I looked closely at some of it. It was individual pictures of people. I thought that all the destruction had been done by vandals. I then realized that i might get blamed for the mess if i were caught in the area. I thought that i could probably leave, but i was interested to find out what was going on. I looked back at the school and noticed that several of the windows were open. The vandals must have climbed through them to steal the equipment. I walked around to the back of the school. The school yard was full of broken projectors and pieces of film. I noticed reels of movies as i passed through the rubble. I started to wonder whether this was done on purpose. I thought that it might be some type of exhibit. I started to fly over the area. I started to think that this was really some kind of science exhibit. It was like a science fair. I grabbed onto the hand weights and started rotating head-over-heels. There was a boy watching me from the playground to my left. I thought that the object was for me to spin at the same rate as the wheel which was on the ground. It was similar to the gyro experiments, but the motion was not in a single plane. I played with the experiment for a moment. Then i started to think that something was not right. I felt uncomfortable here. I started moving again, down the hall of the old apartment building. I realized that i was in the front hall of our old apartment at $P2. I remembered that we had moved back into the building. I walked up the narrow stairway and came to the front door of the apartment. I noticed that there were still crayon drawings on the front of the door from when i had lived here. I remembered making the drawings long ago. They were outlines of stick-figure men in white and silver on the red door. I thought that i should take a photo of the door so that i could have a copy of the drawing. I then noticed the purple sign on the door. It seemed to be some kind of warning. I walked into the apartment and down the hall. I walked into the room. There was a bed to the left of the door with someone in it. I could see my mother’s head over the top of the bed. She was sitting on the other side from me. She stood up when she noticed that i had come into the room. My father was in the bed. He was very sick. I was worried about him, and thought that we should get him to a hospital. Something was not right with the situation here. I was afraid that something bad might happen.

11998 September 26

I was running down the road towards my home. It seemed like a grey day, and the woods were only partly covered with leaves. I turned off of the road and started running through the woods. The woods seemed damp, as if it were late autumn. I felt insecure. There was something unsafe around me. I ran down the hill towards the creek, following the well-worn trail through the woods. I crossed over the creek and started up the steep hill on the other side. The ground was dark, and covered with dead leaves. I then started up the wooden steps that were laid down the slope. They were formed from square-cut beams which had been in the ground for a very long time. They were starting to decay. This place seemed old. I then noticed a square bottle on the ground. I thought that i had come to one of the old dump areas behind my parents’ house. I came to the top of the hill when i noticed that there were many antique items scattered around on the ground. I looked over them. I realized that i was in an old barn. It was on the back side of my parents’ property. I remembered that we had left the barn a long time ago, but i did not think that we had left so many things in the barn. I thought that some of the antiques were nice, and that we should bring them into the house. I knew that there were other things in the barn which were for storage. I thought that the stuff should be safe from the rain, as the barn had a good roof, but i thought that the nice stuff should be preserved. I noticed the small chairs on the dirty workbench of the barn. There was a dirty and cracked window over the bench. I also noticed that there were some decorative pictures on little stands. I started to collect several of the objects in my arms, thinking that i would take them into the house. I picked up one of the miniature chairs when i noticed that it was broken. One of the back legs was split. I thought that i should take it anyway. I thought that i could repair it later. I started to drop some of the items. My arms were too full. I did not want to leave anything behind. I thought that i would take what i had back to the house and get the rest before it got too dark. I noticed that my father was in the back yard of my parents’ house as i walked across the lawn. I then noticed the sound of music from somewhere. I listened to it. I realized that it was “Bohemian Rhapsody”. I thought that i had not heard the song in a very long time. I noticed the DJ who was playing the song to the left. He suddenly started rapping over the song. I realized that this was the modernized version of the song. I did not like it as well. I listened to it as the orchestral part started to play. I did not think that the rap fit well into the song. The song then stopped. I was annoyed that the hard part of the song had been cut off. I realized that it was probably incompatible with the rap.

I was in the large theatre. $F4 was with me. He was sitting with $A199. I said hello to $F4 as i sat down. They replied but then went back to talking to each other. Then $F4 gave $A199 a comforting hug. I felt envious of them. I wished that i had a similar relationship with $F4. Then i realized that $F4 and $A199 were from different parts of my life. I had met them in different places and wondered how they ever ran into each other. I stood up and walked away.

11998 September 27

I flew down the long road. I was with $Z. We walked. It felt good to be talking with $Z. It was getting dark out as we flew through the suburban area. We then came to where the road curved to the right. There was forest on the right side of the road. I wanted to show $Z the trails which led through the woods. I paused at the entrance to the trails, where the thick leaves of the bushes parted on the side of the road. I reminded $Z that we had two things to do. I told him that we had to get the music and set the trails. I wanted to make sure that we remembered the two things. I enjoyed teaching him how to set the trails. We then started through the woods on our bicycles. The woods were thin and flat. We seemed to be heading diagonally across the woods towards the school, to the southwest. I thought that we would not be riding the trail in the dark. We could simply go around the small corner of the woods to the left, where the parking lot ran down the east side of the small forested lot. I rode my bicycle out onto the open lawn which was to the south of the woods. There was as a line of trees to the west, between the grass and the school. I knew that i would have to cross the grass, but i was worried about the watery spots in the lawn. I knew that there was a green swampy area in the center of the grass somewhere. I did not want to get caught in the middle of it. I then started telling the other person about the costumes that we were supposed to wear for the run. It was a leather costume. I looked down at the black leather riding jacket and the leather riding mask. I told the $Z how the costume was to be worn. It was a special costume that had to be worn in a certain way. I warned him that he should not wear it in certain places. I told him that it would be dangerous to barge into a bar wearing the costume. People might beat him up.

I was on the bus as we drove down the road to $G4. We were approaching from the west. Something seemed out of place, however. I knew that this was not the $F4 that i was used to. I thought that i was actually from the future. I watched the bus approach, driving down the hill and around the corner from the right. I was on the bus, looking out the window as we crossed the white bridge at the bottom of the hill. The bridge was very decorative, with white arches on either side. I acted amazed as we drove past the bridge. I had never seen it before. I thought that it must have been torn down before i was born. The bus then turned the corner in the town and headed north. I then noticed a very old town hall on the right side of the road. The building was stone and had white trimmings and a white bell tower. It was very nicely decorated, with fine ornamentation around the edges of the tower. I was surprised and amazed to see such nice buildings in $P4. I then looked to the left to see the stone hall with dark grey domes on top. There were gold statues on the front lawn. I thought that it must be the library. Everything seemed very preserved. Someone on the bus then asked me where i was from. I told them that i was from 2147. I motioned to the buildings out the window and told them that all of it was gone in my time. I told them that it was probably destroyed in the civil war. I then started to tell them of the second civil war in America and how the country had collapsed. I told them that it would have a great impact on these buildings. I turned around and started walking across the street. I crossed the front yard of the gas station, passing the old-fashioned pump. I then noticed 45-rpm records on the ground just inside the large window on the front of the station. I was in the station, looking at the records. The station seemed sparsely decorated, with pale green walls and floor. The man from the counter then picked up one of the 45s and took it over to the small record player. I seemed to be in the garage of the station. The main door was to my right, and the opening to the front office was in front of me and to my right. There was a second opening to my left which seemed to be a work area. The garage seemed cluttered with dark objects. I listened as the record started to play. I recognized the song. It was “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley. I was amused at the way the music played and told the man that they worked just like CDs. The man smiled at me, even though he did not know to what i was referring. I thought that he had a cute face. It was rather boyish. I then turned my attention back to the jukebox. I could see that it had other hits from the fifties. I was interested to hear them.

11998 September 28

I was with $G3 as we stood on the left side of the large building. The building seemed like it was part of a college campus. We seemed to be in some kind of lounge, which seemed to be outdoors. The Spice Girls were with us. I was talking to some of them as we hung around in the lounge. I noticed that the other brothers were very anxious to get to know some of the spice girls. I looked at the girl with which i was talking. She had a very attractive figure and a nice face. She had long, dark blonde hair. I tried not to think about her being sexually attractive. I just wanted to talk to her. I did not have the same interests as the others. I then noticed that the blonde girl kept hanging around near me. I thought that she might have been interested in me. I thought that it would make the others envious, even though i had no interest in her sexually. Then the new Spice Girl walked into the room. She was wearing a pink furry robe. She started to talk aloud to the others. I suddenly started to wonder whether the new girl was really a man. I thought that i had heard something about the new girl being a man before. It seemed strange to me. I then noticed that he did have hair on his legs as he walked across the room. I then continued talking to the blonde woman. I realized that it was very easy to talk to her. I kept thinking about how much the others wanted to meet her simply to have a sexual experience. As i spoke to her, i wondered whether she was a ditz. I knew that it was fashionable to be stupid if you had long blonde hair. I then looked past her to the new Spice Girl on the couch. He was sitting with his legs crossed at the knee. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see his smooth chest. He really was a man. I now knew that the rumours were true. It seemed very strange.

11998 September 30

I was with $F10. We seemed to be near the ocean. I was worried that the tidal wave would come ashore. I knew that we had to move and go inland. I thought that the comet, which had impacted in the South Pacific, had created a very large tidal wave, which would be sweeping over the planet. We had to go somewhere, but i did not know where. I did not think that we had time to escape. I was afraid.

We were enclosed in the small area. It seemed that we could not move out of the area. There was water around us, with several docks stretching out over it. I then noticed the whales in the water. They surfaced and went back under. I suddenly started to wonder about $X7. I wondered whether he was out on the kayak. I wondered what that would mean.