12000 September 01

We were driving to the east on the long narrow road which ran across the hazy fields. We had just turned from the intersection with the main road. There were several cars trying to cross the intersection under the hanging traffic light. There seemed to be a bridge across a river to the north of the intersection. We drove to the east, but i did not feel comfortable about the ride. It was hard to see through the fog, and i knew that the weather was bad. I then noticed a few large metal rods on the left side of the road. They were part of a larger structure. They ran parallel to each other and attached to a central pole. I realized that it was part of a broadcast antenna which had fallen over. I thought that the strong winds must have toppled the radio tower. I told the driver of the bus, who was on the right side of the bus, to slow down. He did not listen to me. I told him that the antenna tower was down along the side of the road. I was worried that we might run into part of the antenna what had fallen in the road. Because it was laying down in the direction of the road, there would be long poles pointing directly at us. I imagined that they could pierce the windshield and stab people. I watched part of the large antenna pass by the side of the bus. I felt concerned and thought that we should stop. The bus driver turned the bus around and started back down the road. We were already past the large antenna, but we had to get back. It seemed that traveling farther was dangerous. I felt anxious and told the bus driver that we should turn to the north to avoid the antenna. Everything seemed confusing as the bus drove along the rough dirt road to the west. I thought that we had made a turn, but i was not sure. I did not recognize the flat fields around us. I could only see part of them, though, as the fog grey fog covered everything. I wondered whether we were driving around the antenna or not. Suddenly, the air cleared and we were on the edge of a small cliff looking down over a small crowded town. the houses in the town were wooden and old. They seemed to be in disrepair but had people living in them. The road that we were traveling on ended at the edge of the cliff, but continued below us where there were several cars crammed into a small parking area to the west of an old colonial house. There was a large american car below the bus with a white fake-leather roof. It was seventies in style and i knew that the bus would land on it if we drove over the cliff. It was too late to stop the bus, though. I thought that if the bus were going fast enough, it might just glance off the top of the car and continue down the street through the small crowded town. I took the wheel of the bus as it approached the edge of the cliff, hoping that the speed of the bus was fast enough for it not to crash. I watched the cars go under us as we moved down to the level of the house. I landed on the dusty roof of the large car and walked across the front of the house. There were a few other people standing near the house. They had come with me. I asked them whether we should return now. I then walked over to the short stone wall which ran along the south side of the house. The other side of the wall dropped off to a dirt street below. The street was on a hill which sloped down to the east. There was an older man and two women walking down the street. They seemed german. I wondered whether this small town was in Germany. I looked over the wall as they passed below. It was hard to focus on this place. I was not aware of all of the details around me.

12000 September 03

I moved through the large crowd of people that were gathered in the area. We seemed to be out doors and i was talking to several people as i passed. $F27 was with me as i moved through the crowd. I felt very happy and enjoyed talking to people. I watched $A263 walk through the crowd to the left of me as i wandered across the grass. I spoke to $F27 as we moved. It seemed that i was friends with many of the people around me, and i enjoyed talking to them. $A264 then came up to me from the right. He put his left arm over my shoulder and started to talk to me. He was very friendly as we talked. I joked about something.

12000 September 04

I walked through the crowded room of the fraternity house. The other people around me were all members of the house. There was some tension in me as i carried the small book in my left hand. I could not let the person see it. The others in the room knew that we had to hide it before the person came into the room. I moved the sheets from one of the beds to the other as i made my way across the room to the stars which ascended to the next floor. I remembered that i had hidden the book upstairs previously. My mother was coming, and i did not want her to know about it. She would be mad and upset if she found out. I hurried up the stairs before the inspectors could arrive. They were police officers. I knew that they had already entered the house to the northwest of me as i crawled into the small crowded room. It was part of a closet and had a shelf of books along the west wall. I remembered that i had hid the small pocket book on the shelf before. I thought that i should find a better place this time, though. Someone asked me a question. It seemed like one of the investigators. I tried not to act suspicious and continued looking through the small space of boxes and piled items. The walls of the small room were wood and seemed to be part of an attic. This room seemed like a storage closet. I noticed the white netting handing from the north end of the room and decided that it would be a perfect pace to hide the black lighter. I remembered hiding it there before. The inspector came up behind me as i tried to his it. I felt tense, but then relaxed as i grabbed the bottom of the netted material of the bag. I had hidden what i had done.

I was on the bus with the other people as the bus drove to the southeast on the winding country road. It was bright and sunny outside and there were trees scattered across the grassy fields around us. I looked backwards down the dirt road to see the grass at the base of one of the trees silhouetted in the yellow sunlight. There was something special about this place. The land was flat where we were driving, but steep forested hills rose to either side of us. I then noticed several people standing on the side of the road. There was something wrong with them. They were all white and looked like movie images. I realized that they were ghosts. They walked slowly into the face of the mountain. I looked at the other people in the bus and wondered whether they had seen what i had just seen. I asked is anyone had seem the people. Someone in one of the seats ahead of me said that they had. I felt as though it were some type of tourist attraction. I knew that the ghosts were wandering into the land. I then pointed out a group to the southwest of the bus, just in front of the steep brown hill side. They were facing away from us and wandered into the side of the hill. I explained to the others that they were retracing moments of their lives. The hills had not been here when the ghosts were alive, and they did not really know about them now that they were dead. As we drove, we spotted another cluster of ghosts walking to the east of the bus. They looked like hazy images from an old black and white film. One of them was dressed like a miner from the eighteen hundreds. He followed the women and men into the stone face of a cliff. I then felt as though something were wrong. These ghosts were not harmless as i had first thought. I stood in the aisle of the bus looking to the left of the bus. I looked out the window to see a man running. As the bus passed him, i could see that he was Anthony Michael Hall. He was white and emaciated like the other ghosts, and he was wearing gym shorts and a tank top. I knew that Anthony was one of the actors in the film. He was on the bus to my left. I looked at him. He had a surprised and shocked look on his face as he turned his gaze from the running image of himself to me. I knew that the ghost was some kind of warning. The running image them pulled a shot gun from its side and fired at the bus. It was trying to kill its living self. I remembered that this was all part of the movie. I felt uneasy and scared. We were driving in a suburban area when we noticed some of the other ghosts in the street. They were starting to resemble people on the bus. I was afraid that they might try to kill us. It was all part of this movie, which was based on a Stephen King novel. We were in it, and i knew that it was not real, but i felt uneasy seeing the images around us. I then spotted a woman’s face in the window across the bus from me. I was now sitting on the right side of the bus as i stared at the face. I was not sure whether it was real or an illusion of light on the glass. I felt uneasy.

12000 September 05

I walked into the small general store in the suburban area. The building seemed to be old and made of brick on the outside. I was with my mother in the store. Something seemed to be strange about the place. I remembered that my grandmother had mentioned the store to me. It was a place that my mother’s father used to come to. We had to pick up a few things. I wandered into the center of the room. There were shelves on the four walls of the store with a doorway in the west wall. There was a counter to the south of the doorway where a man in a white apron stood rotating something in his hands. He seemed to have a long unattractive face and was slightly overweight. My mother was worried about the place. She did not thing that it was safe. I wondered whether it had something to do with the Mafia. I wondered whether me mother’s father had some connections to the Mafia here. I felt tired and looked over some of the shelves for what we needed. My mother was carrying a green plastic basket of food as she approached me. She was worried that i was here. She said that it would not be safe for me. I did not understand why, but i suspected it had something to do with her father. My grandmother seemed to be in the store but was wandering around to the northeast of us, browsing over the shelves. I decided that i should get a box of pop-tarts. There were two aisle racks of food on the south side of the store. I looked over the items on them but did not see anything which resembled a pop-tart box. My mother then approached me again, with a very concerned look on her face. She asked me “Are you sure grandma told you about this place?” I nodded, but then remembered that she had not told me about it. I said “She said that grandpa mentioned this place.” My mother gasped in fear. She said that i had better leave the store at once before they take me away. I did not understand. She said that they would be waiting for me with helicopters if i was not careful. I looked to the south to see $K7 standing to the east of one of the aisle racks. She glanced up at me, seriousness focusing her eyes as she nodded in agreement with my mother. I thought that my mother was exaggerating, but then i noticed the tall man walking toward the store from the doorway in the west wall. He crossed the dining area of the small restaurant to the west. The area was white, with small round tables that were draped with white linens. There were several people eating in the restaurant. The man walked into the store and moved to the south of us. He was wearing a black jacket and denims and a white tee shirt. Something about him felt uncomfortable. I decided to take my mother’s advice and leave. I walked out into the restaurant and started to cross to the exit door in the center of the north wall. I was aware of the man following me. I patted the pockets of my pants as though i had forgotten something and turned to face the man. I acted as though i were looking for something and walked back toward the store. I knew that the man could not follow me without looking suspicious. He continued on as i stepped back into the store and then turned around to head to the exit again. The man continued across the room, but i was aware that he was focusing on me. I tried to hurry to the exit door, thinking that the man would have to cross all the way to the west wall before turning around. If he turned sooner, it would be obvious that he was following me. I pushed open the white front door and walked into small entry way. It was dark in the tiny hall. I let the spring of the worn white door pull the door shut behind me. I thought that i should hurry outside and run around the corner, out of sight before the man had time to exit after me. I reached for the metal latch of the black door to the outside. It opened a little and i noticed a white flashing light streaming in through the crack. At first i thought that it might be a strobe light, but then i heard the sound of a helicopter rotor blade. I backed away from the door. There were people outside waiting for me and they had a helicopter. The blinking of the spot light was caused by the light being shined through the rotor blade of the helicopter. I remembered that there was a staircase heading down to the basement to the east of me. The hall descended the stairs from the two doors. I hurried down the stairs, expecting the man to come through the white door at any moment. I quickly backed around the corner at the bottom of the stairs, trying to hide in the darkness of the basement to the south. I felt suddenly frightened. I did not know what to do, so i watched up the stairs.

12000 September 06

I walked to the north, across the field, and toward the house. It seemed dark out, though i could see clearly across the grassy farm fields around me. There seemed to be some dim light to the east, along the horizon. There was a road which ran along the edge of the field, to the east. I spoke to several of the people in the field as i passed them. They seemed to be playing, but they were not moving from their positions. One of the women near me raised her hands to the sky as the wind started to blow. I looked up at the grey clouds above me. They were rippled into small bubbles. I knew that a storm was coming in. I wondered whether it would be dangerous. I then noticed the edge of one of the clouds moving swiftly past me. It was spiraling around a break in the clouds. I then noticed that there was a hollow spot in the clouds just to the west. Clouds swirled around the hole. It was part of a forming tornado. I thought that it was actually a mezzo cyclone. I ran to the house which was northwest of me. I told the man about the tornado which was overhead. He looked up, but i knew that the storm was moving on. I thought that we might be in trouble if it did touch down, though.

12000 September 07

I ran through the large white corridors of the airport. I felt frustrated, and i thought that i would be late for my plane. I crossed a open area of the building on a narrow elevated walkway, heading toward the plane. I felt slightly confused, as though i were not quite sure where i was going. I then realized that i would need to have my ticket present when i got to the plane. I suddenly remembered that i had placed the ticket in my other wallet, which i had packed in my baggage. I felt upset and helpless. I wondered what i could do. I had already sent my baggage to the plane. I ran back across the elevated walkway. I had to get back to the main desk to ask the people there whether i could retrieve my baggage. I hoped that my plane did not leave before i could get back. I came into the large room on the east side of the terminal. The room was light blue, and had a high arching ceiling. It seemed that the building was domed and that we were on one side of the dome. I ran to the counter on the east wall. I felt that i had to hurry and did not want to wait for someone else to approve me. Dr. Huxtable was standing behind the counter. I told him that i had forgotten my ticket. He said that there was nothing that he could do about it. I felt very depressed and upset. I told him that i had to have my ticket in order to get home. I sat down on the right side of the bus as we started to move. Dr. Huxtable sat beside me. I told him how much i wanted to get back home. I felt very sad as i leaned forward on my knees and spoke. I looked out the front window of the bus to see the city pass around us. We were heading to the south, down a main street. The street merged with a second street from the left. This place seemed familiar, but it was not where i belonged.

12000 September 10

I looked over the map as i drove to the southeast into the complex. There was a road off to my left as soon as i entered the area. To the east was a large field which seemed to be a golf course. The trees were green and moving slowly in the breeze. I drove down the road as it led through the housing complex and into the forested area. I thought that the road leading the other direction could not go where i wanted to go, but i remembered that this entire area was enclosed on a very large square lot. The road on which i came in on was the only road into the lot. I drove around the tight corners of the road as it twisted through the hills. I wondered how i was going to get to where i was going. I was traveling roughly northwest when i noticed the edge of the cliff along the right side of the road. I looked over the map again to realized that it was somewhere in the center of the lot. The lot was enormous and covered a large area in the center of the state. I thought that it was divided a long time ago and still maintained as a living community. I tried to find the twisting section of the road where it would around the edges of the cliff. The cliff zigzagged along the edge of the plateau like fingers reaching to the north. I looked over the lines on the map but was unsure which line was the road that i was traveling. I knew that it was one of the roads marked with two parallel black lines, but it seemed as only parts of the road were marked. I then noticed the section of lines running north-to-south on the western edge of a cliff. I knew that it was the position where i was. The background of the map was rusty yellow. I passed through a crowd of people from the area. I was somewhere near where i was heading. I looked to the south as i walked across the grass. A woman was talking to my left as i looked across the area. There was a large mansion next to me made of large red stone blocks. The sun shined on the arched doorway from above the trees, casting small spots of light on the granular stone surface. The stones of the house seemed to be different shades of red, forming stripes around the windows and door. I thought that this housing development was so nice because it was so old. The newer developments did not have the tall old trees draping around the buildings because the trees did not have time to grow. The houses in this area were also beautiful old victorian mansions that had been kept up by the people who lived here. I thought again about the large area that the housing project covered. Each house also had a large amount of land under it. I looked again at the white map to see the entrance road. There was only one which branched right at the entrance. The map showed the small bridge which was to the left. There were reeds drawn in around the bridge to illustrate the edges of the pond near the bridge. I had gone to the right, but i realized that i could have traveled to the left and come to the north side of the large lot. Then i looked up to the center of the lot to see that the winding road on the edge of the cliff was near the northern edge of the lot. The map showed the lot with the entrance at the bottom and the north at the left-hand edge. I walked into the driveway of the house that was on the left side of the street. I was visiting here before. It seemed to belong to my grandfather. I felt uneasy as i backed out of the driveway. It was dark out. I backed down the sidewalk and entered the driveway to the east. It was the house next door, which was owned by $A235 and $A251. I had to get something from the house, but i was not going to tell them that i was taking it. I hoped that they did not see me as i sneaked over. I walked down the driveway, toward the old car which was facing the garage. There was something in the front seat of the car which i was after. I picked it up as i noticed the yellow leather sheath that was tied around the steering wheel. I carried the object in front of me, looking back to the dark windows of the house to make sure that no one was watching me. I could not tell whether anyone was inside. The house was on the west side of the driveway, and i would have to walk around it to get back to the house in which i was staying. As i started to pass the end of the house. I noticed the large window at the end of the building which looked down into the basement. I could see $A235 and $A251 sitting on a couch facing the window. They were illuminated by the blue glow of the television set which was directly below the large plate-glass window. I hoped that the could not see me as i hurried around the end of the building and back to the house.

I was in the center of the old house. There were many other people in the house. This place seemed to have been owned by a relative of mine. My parents were in the kitchen, talking to someone. I was to the northwest of them, in the small space between the walls. There was a staircase ascending over my head. It seemed dark, but i could see the wooden rafters on the walls around me. I was trying to do something at the bottom of the stairs. I tried to adjust it, but the boy on the other side kept saying something every time i did it. The boy was Bart Simpson, and he was playing games. I felt annoyed but knew that i could not walk around and grab him before he could escape. I then noticed that $A212 standing between the walls to the right of me. I spoke to him in a quiet tone so that Bart would not hear. I told him to go around to the other side and grab Bart from behind. That way we could get Bart out of the way and i could continue my work. I spoke to the stairs again, listening to Bart talk back to me as i tried to adjust something near the bottom step. I then noticed $A212 between the cracks of the stairs. He had come in through the door on the other side. I walked around the left side of the stairs so see that he was alone. I could still hear Bart’s voice, but i could not see Bart. I then realized that Bart had slipped between the walls and gone under the floor. I could still hear him taunting us as we stood looking at the ascending stairs.

12000 September 11

I climbed to the top of the stares and started down the hall to the west. I was on the second floor of $P7. I knew that classes were in session, but the hall was empty. I looked to the left to see an open classroom. there were wooden chairs facing the teachers desk at the west end of the room. I could see $A101 sitting at his desk reading. There were no students in the room, however. I realized that most of the rooms were empty. I guessed that it was near the middle of the day and most of the students were at lunch. I continued down the hall.

12000 September 12

I walked through the crowded building. The place seemed like a house, but i knew that it was a public area where many people had gathered. I crept outside into the darkness with the woman. She wanted to escape as well. I cautioned her, knowing that there were dangerous people out here. We passed someone as we left the building and started toward the large parking lot. It was dark outside, but i could see figures moving in the distance. I told the woman that she would have to be careful of the people on the bicycles. I could see a figure riding around on a bicycle between the cars of the parking lot to the west. We crouched down and moved to the side of a large pick-up truck. It seemed red, but i could not see the colour well in the dim light that shined from the house. The woman was breathing quickly as though she were panicked and desperate to escape. I watched the wheels of the bicycle race past the other side of the truck. The man on the bicycle would was dangerous and we could not let him see us escape. I felt as though i were helping the woman get away, but i knew that i wanted to leave as well. I pulled her close to the truck and tried to position her so that she was sitting behind the rear tire. The truck was facing the house as it sat along the near edge of the parking lot, separating the gravel of the lot from the grassy lawn that ran toward the house. I wondered whether the man on the bicycle would be able to see me moving from under the truck. I realized that the only light was coming from behind me. I tried to move behind a wheel as well to get out of his view. He passed by the truck, heading to the east. I thought that we would have to wait until he started around the back end of the parking lot before we could run to the south and slip out the driveway. I pictured the parking lot. It was rounded on the south end and surrounded with tall field grass. The exit driveway ran down the east side of the lot and then curved to the southeast and then back to the west. It was a dirt road with tall grass on all sides. The man on the bicycle then came toward the truck. He sped past the rear of the truck and jumped over the edge of the lot, landing behind us on the grass. The woman started to stand up to run, but i grabbed her and motioned for her to stay still. I knew that the biker might not have seen us as he passed by. If he was not looking, he might not notice us. She froze in a half standing position. She seemed to be wearing a light-weight red dress. She had long frizzy hair that hung around her frantic face. The man on the bicycle did not notice us so i started to move toward the exit. By the time he made it back into the parking lot, we would be able to hide in the grass on the exit road. I moved down the driveway, thinking about the situation. I wondered what we would do if a car came up the driveway while we were trying to hide from the bicyclist. I imagined a large black car stopped with its lights on just to the south of the first corner. I then thought about the situation of escaping. It seemed strange that i was always trying to escape from something. I remembered a dream i had before where i was escaping from some situation. I wondered whether the symbol of escape was something new that was on my mind. I wondered whether it had something to do with me job.

I drove my car to the south, around the large buildings on the east side of the campus quadrangle. This place was familiar, but it was a college that i was not that familiar with. I had been here many times before and knew my way around. I drove down the east side of the quadrangle, looking at the buildings on the opposite side. I thought that i had to move my car to someplace else. I wondered whether i should simply drive it home and park it in the lot. I knew that if i did so i would have to walk back to the campus. It seemed like it was not that far, but i knew that it would take some time. I felt impatient and did not really want to have to travel that far so late at night. I then though that this section of campus was usually not as populated with students. This made me feel better. I remembered that most of the students would be at the newer campus, which was downtown. This was the older campus that was to the north and a little to the west of the downtown area. I came to the other side of the quadrangle and pulled my car into a space on the west side of a small lot. I was facing east, trying to focus on where i was. I did not remember parking here. I looked out the front window of my car to see bicycles very close to the car. I wondered whether i had driven into the parking spot and wrecked a few bicycles. It seemed that they might be crunched between the metal rack and the front of my car. I tried to back out, trying not to hit the bicycles as i moved. It seemed very dark, and i was having trouble focusing. I wondered whether i should be driving. I then started to feel that something was wrong with my perception. I did not want to stay in the parking spot, though. I had to go. I drove to the east, down the street that led away from the campus. I knew that i lived in one of the houses in the small area of urban apartment buildings. I walked into the front room of the house. It seemed rather dark, but knew where i was going. My mother was in one of the rooms to the south of me as i headed east down the hall to the back room. I then noticed a large white blister on my hand. I looked down at my right foot to see that there were more blisters on it. I wondered whether they were from poison ivy. There seemed to be many large blisters covering my hand. I did not think that poison ivy made such blisters. They protruded from my skin and started to ooze with a white puss. I pushed on one, squeezing out the white juice. I then looked down at my foot to see that one of the blisters was suddenly growing in size. It turned pink and bubbled up. As it stopped growing, it turned white at the top and started to drip a white fluid. I held my right hand with my left, wondering whether the fluid would be contagious. I took the tray that i had been carrying to the other room to the east and set it down on a table against the north wall. It was a cake that i had been frosting for my father. I knew that it was something that he liked, but i did not want to get the white puss on it. I walked back into the other room, where my mother was. I looked down at the platter in my hand to see that it was covered with a white powder. I asked my mother whether the tiny white blisters all of the surface of the material were from poison ivy. She looked at it from the edge of the bed on which she was sitting and said that they were. I still was not sure that it was poison ivy but thought that i should do something. I then looked closely at the surface of the object in my hand. I noticed that it was covered with a white powder. I moved some of the powder around, wondering whether it was baking soda. I thought that it might be there to absorb some of the white fluid. I knew that it was a base and thought that it could stop the itching. Something did not seem right, though. I thought that there was too much powder on the surface. I then decided that i should check the small cake that i had placed on the shelf in the other room. I walked over the small table and looked at the plastic container in which i placed the small cake. As i opened the lid of the container, the small turnover-shaped cake fell onto the table. It was tan with a yellow or dark brown frosting on one side. I noticed that there were small black spots on the frosting. I thought that the puss from the blisters had gotten onto the cake and caused mold to grow. I remembered that the puss would make the mold grown quickly. I rolled the biscuit over, thinking that it was ruined and i would not be able to give it to my father. I wandered back across the room. $K1 passed me as my grandmother asked me to get the money to get the paper. The name of the paper was “Gazette”. I knew that there was a man delivering it in the neighbourhood. I could hear the bells on the delivery truck outside. I walked back into the other room where the round table was. The room was small and had light blue walls. There was a window in the east wall which let in some sun light. It seemed late in the morning. I looked over the objects on the round wooden table in the center of the room. The moldy biscuit had been on the table, but the table had a plant in the center on a place mat. I spotted the small pile of coins on the side of the table and thought that they were to purchase the gazette. As i picked up the change, i called to my grandmother, asking her whether the change was the correct amount for the paper. It did not seem to be right. As i looked at the change, i noticed that some of the coins were not real. I thought that i would have to leave them on the table, but i dropped one of the larger coins on the floor. I walked to the south side of the table to retrieve the coin. I realized that it was actually a silver dollar and thought that it should not be spent on a paper. As i looked over the coins, though, i noticed that they were all rare coins. I thought that the penny that i had spotted before must have been a wheat-back penny. I picked them up and put them on the table, where the collection of pens and small items was. I wondered whether the coins were for me. I moved the pens to the left, placing them on the edge of my black backpack. I then decided that i should not take the pens right away. I moved them back to the table. I then heard the sound of the delivery truck moving away. I thought that i had missed it and wondered what i should do. I started to the west, moving north through the short hall between the rooms. My grandmother seemed to be down the stairs in the basement, which was just behind a door on the right side of the hall. I thought that i should ask her about the paper. I thought that we would have to go to the store later to pick up the “Gazette” because we had missed the delivery truck.

12000 September 18

I drove down the long dirt road to the north. I was heading back from someplace. There was a truck driving in front of me. It raised a slight bit of dust from the road as we traveled. I noticed that there were some things floating out of the back of the truck as it bounced over the uneven road. I watched the back of the truck, which was wood and saw several piglets hopping over something in the back of the bus. They seemed interested in my car as they hopped toward the back of the bus, their heads popping up over the wooden tail gate. I worried that they might get bounded out the back of the truck. They might be over excited and try to run all the way to the back. I watched them closely as i followed the truck down the road. The road under the truck suddenly became bumpy. There were several pot holes in the dirt road, and i could see the animals bounce up and down in the back of the truck as the truck traveled over the holes. I thought that some of the piglets might bet bounced into the road in front of my car. A small white mouse then bounced out of the back of the truck and landed on the roof of my car. I looked up and could see it crawling around on the metal support beams of the car. I looked forward again to make sure no other animals would be tossed over the truck. I went over a large bump and i saw the mouse fall off of the right side of the car. I looked out the window. It seemed that i was in the back seat of the car. I could see the mouse scurrying away from the road. I was glad that it was all right. I quickly looked ahead to see several other small animals scurrying down the road. They were grey squirrels. They quickly scurried out of the way as i drove by. The road in front of me started to travel down hill. There was a large field to the right which seemed to have a farm house in the center of it. I could see the truck parked at the bottom of the hill in front of the house. I tried not to go too fast down the hill. I moved forward from the rear seat and put my right foot down to the floor on the passenger’s side of the car. I thought that it would not be as safe to drive the car from between the two front seats. I thought that i could hit the dashboard ahead of me if i stopped suddenly. I then remembered that there were no pedals on the passenger’s side of the car. I wondered what i was stepping on. I decided to move both of my feet back to the driver’s side of the car. As i passed the truck at the bottom of the hill and started up the long straight hill on the other side, i realized that the road ahead was darker. I turned on my high beams. They shined down through the trees on wither side of the road. I came to the top of a hill and started to go straight. I could not se where the road continued, though, and did not realized that it turned sharply to the right at the crest of the hill. I stopped my car just as i was driving over the embankment to the left. I backed up a little. Wondering whether my tired would get stuck in the gravel ground. I turned to the left and started down the road. I came to another area where the road made a sharp turn at the crest of a hill. I wondered whether i was driving the right way. It had been a long time since i had traveled this road. I remembered back to the morning when i had driven to the road in the other direction. I remembered that i got onto the dirt road from a narrow paved road. I had turned onto the dirt road at a corner where there was a large house with a small flower garden of pink flowers in front. I remembered that there was a square structure in the center of the garden that seemed like a miniature archway. One of the people on the bus with me mentioned the name of the road and i remembered that it was the paved road near the house. I drove the bus around a sharp corner and saw that the dirt road ended on a paved road. The woman to my right said that we might be lost and she wondered where we were. I looked to the right and back of the bus. I spotted the large house with the fancy gardens in front of it. I told the others that we had come out on the correct road. I pointed to the house. The man looked around. He had been the one who had given us directions earlier in the morning. He agreed that we were in the right place. I looked at the small square arch in the center of the pink flower bed. I then noticed that the other people on the bus were wandering over the front yard of the large house. I thought that they should not be on the property as the owners might get annoyed. I tried to tell them, but they had already started to swarm around the front of the house. I heard the sound of water running and looked to the left. There was a group of people in running clothes at the side of the large dark brown house. They were gathered between the main part of the house and a small wing. I knew that they were getting water from a spigot on the side of the house. I then realized that all of the others were doing the same from other spigots around the house. I thought that this should upset the owners of the house. I looked through the large glass windows on the front of the main section of the house to see the owners walking down a large set of stairs inside. There were three of them. They seemed nicely dressed. A tall thin oriental woman then opened the door. She seemed upset and spoke to the people who were gathered in front of the house. I thought that they should all get back on the bus. I tried to tell some of the people near the bus to get back on.

I was on the slope of the hill with the large crowd. We were at some sort of event. There seemed to be a focus of the crowd to the south, near the bottom of the hill. The event seemed to be over, but the people were still hanging around on the grassy slope. I remembered that i had something with me before. I had lost it in the crowd. I remembered that it was a green foot-ball-shaped object. I had left it to the east of me, but was unsure where it had disappeared to. I then noticed a purple foot-ball-shaped object to the southwest. It was not mine, but i thought that i should capture it in case mine did not show up. I walked to toward it only to see someone grab the object and start to toss it around the crowd. I called to the man to stop. He looked at me. He had black hair and was young. He tossed the object anyway. I followed it, trying to grab it away from the others. As it was on the ground near the man with the black hair. I reached over to it and pressed it down. There was a plug in the top of the inflatable object which i quickly tried to pull out. The man asked me whether i was trying to deflate the object. I pulled the plug and let the air drain out. I then started walking back to the center of the field. It seemed as though i had been with part of a group there. I looked behind me to see the purple object lying on the ground. I thought that i could collect it. I then noticed that people on the slope were leaving. The crowd was becoming thin. I looked to the east and noticed my green plastic pig on the ground. I started to go toward it when an older man picked it up and slung it over his shoulder. I called to the man as i ran after him. He seemed somewhat short and had a round figure. He was walking to the southwest. He stopped and looked at me. I told him that the pig was mine. He slid the tan chord from his shoulder and handed me the pig. I noticed that it had been painted by the people at the festival. The designs were very intricate and looked like tattoos. I walked to the north, looking over the pig. The older man walked after me, but it did not seem that he was really following me. I showed the pig to some of my friends. I then noticed the cartoon figures near the top of the pig. They were of Winnie-the-Poo characters. Tigger was painted in the center of the pig. I showed the designs to $F4. I told him that they had been painted by professional artists. He asked me how i had known that. I told him that the designs were very clear. I pointed out that the lines were sharp and the colouring did not stray over the black trace lines. I then noticed a small error on Winnie the Poo where the brown filler had dripped into the eye of the drawing. I told $F4 that it was an exception. I thought that i had collected something rare when i took back the pig. I walked to the west. The others were talking to the north of me. They were from the radio station. I seemed to be in the studio. They mentioned something about the festival. It felt strange to be with them. It felt as though i was part of the organization of the festival.

12000 September 19

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the gallon jug of milk from the top shelf. It was almost empty. I remembered that i had bought a new gallon at the store only a few days before. I could see it just behind the jug that i had pulled out. I then noticed that there was another gallon jug to the right, on a glass shelf which was slightly higher than the one that i had pulled the milk from. I realized that the other gallon of milk was half full. I wondered why i had not used it up. I lifted the gallon from the shelf to read the date. I then realized that there was another gallon behind it. It seemed to be almost full. I reached in and grabbed the other gallon and read the date that was printed on the side of it. It said that it expired in March. I looked at the liquid in the bottle. It did not seem cloudy like milk would be if it were old. I then noticed that there was a white crust around the top of the bottle. I pulled the jug from the refrigerator and looked at it closely, tipping it away from me so that i could see the liquid inside. The liquid seemed transparent. I realized that it was not milk, but tea. I wondered whether i had made the tea a long time ago and had simply forgot about it. I looked back into the refrigerator to see the small glass on the shelf with a dark coloured liquid supporting several broken cubes of ice. I reached in and pulled the glass out. It had ice coffee in it. I remembered making it a while ago but wondered whether it would still be good. I smelled it and took a small sip. It did not taste sour. I thought that the acids in the drink made it last longer.

12000 September 23

As i walked down the narrow brick hallway of the building to the west, i turned to the north, into the small room which an the elevator. The building seemed old but well maintained. The walls of the room were brick, and i wondered whether the elevator was safe to use. I thought that it should have walls so that no one gets caught on anything on the brick walls of the elevator shaft. The black metal floor of the elevator started to rise within the shaft. I was surprised that the elevator worked. I stood in the center of the small room, but felt that the walls were still too close to me. $K1 was in the elevator with me. I was afraid that there would be something on the walls which protruded enough to catch someone who stood too close to the walls. A metal beam, which ran along the wall, then passed down from above us. I thought that someone could have been crushed between the beam and the base of the elevator. I walked to the west as i watched the walls sink below us. The room now seemed larger, with rounded walls. The round brick room seemed to be in a tower. I looked down at the old wood planks that made up the floor. The floor sagged in places as i walked. I told $K1 that i was not sure this place was safe. I then realized that some of the floor boards were missing. The wood was rotting, and i was worried that they might break. I did not know how high the elevator had taken us. I bent over to look at one of the floor boards. I could see through a hole in the floor. It was very dark below us, but i could see that we were quite a way from the ground. I felt uneasy. I did not like being this high from the ground on the weak boards.

12000 September 24

I turned the car back to the east and traveled up the hill, away from the river. I seemed to be in $P82. I knew my way around the city, and told the other person in the car that we would be leaving the city soon. I thought that i would have to cross the river on the bridge to get to the highway that led back home. It seemed that we lived to the west. I thought about the highway. It seemed that the river ran north to south between the two cities. I knew that the highway ran north along the east side of the river. It seemed strange, all of the sudden. I wondered why i would take the highway to the north-northeast to head west. I then wondered how i had known about the highway. I remembered driving this road many times before, but i knew that i had done so in a dream. I wondered why i had traveled on that road. The place seemed very familiar but did not seem like any place that i knew. I drove the car up the steep hill of the city. When i reached the first intersection, i turned right and started to head to the south. $A15 asked me whether we would be heading back to the river. I told him that this road would take us back down to the river. I then told him about the highway on the other side of the river which could lead us home. I thought that this road would curve to the west and bring us down to the edge of the river. My vision became obscured, though. I could not focus well and could only make out cloudy white images. I stepped on the brakes, but the large car did not seem to slow down. I pressed harder, but the pedal already seemed to be to the floor. I then realized that i was slouching in the seat. I thought that i should tell $A15 of the problem. I mentioned that the brakes did not work. I then noticed that we were driving down a long hill in the open country side. There were fields of cut grass all around us. It seemed grey and hazy outside. I tried to apply the brakes, but they did not seem to be working. We did not seem to be in any danger of going too fast, but i was worried that the car would not stop.

12000 September 25

The woman behind the counter handed me a new identification card. It was a staff card from my job. I realized that she had to give me a new card in order for me to get something from her. I thought that i could use the card in the scanners around campus. My old card had become demagnetized and could no longer be read in the scanners. I looked at the new card as she let go of it. It was white with a red picture box on the left side. It looked older than my previous card, but i knew that it would work better. I then wondered why i was getting the card for free. Usually, i would have to pay for a new card. I spoke friendly to the woman as we completed the transaction. Then someone grabbed my right arm. I felt them grip around my biceps as they tugged lightly backwards. I turned to see $F12 near me. He placed his arm around my neck and hugged me excitedly. I felt surprised but very happy to see him. I suddenly felt comfortable. He grabbed me by the arm again and squeezed as he turned to walk to the other end of the room. He was doing something with the other people in the small building. The room that we were in seemed old, like an old railroad station. The walls were tall and white and there seemed to be an old counter on the east wall, to where $F12 was walking. I wanted him to stay and talk, but he had something to do. I felt upset that he was walking away. Then i noticed that there was some sort of rope connecting us. There seemed to be some sort of cuff wrapped around my upper right arm with a rope attached to it. The rope led to $F12. I then wondered why he had squeezed my biceps. It seemed that he found it interesting. I felt disappointed that he was talking with the others about some people that he knew. I wanted to talk to him.

12000 September 27

I walked around the side of the man. I looked down at him. He was supposed to be forced to drink the liquid from the bottle. I remembered this part from the book. The other person would pour the liquid in his mouth and he would try to catch his breath, but would be unable to. He had a narrow face and short very blonde hair. The man walked up to him from my left and started to pour the bottle into his mouth. The man drank, but the bottle was removed too soon. This was not how it was supposed to happen. I felt disappointed that the story did not go as planned. The man was supposed to have trouble with the drink. The second man then started forcing him to drink again. I watched the small bottle in which the first man was sitting. I noticed that it was filling with fluid. I thought that everyone was supposed to drink from the second bottle, but then i realized that it was filling with urine from the man being forced to drink. Something was wrong with the scenario. I thought that the man should not have been wedged into the mouth of the bottle. I looked at the bottle from a different angle, viewing it from below. This was not correct.

I got up from bet and walked through the doorway and into the living room of the small house. I was on the west side of the south wall of the room. I could hear the sound coming from my right. I looked across the room at the small cabinet where the television was and realized that there was a video tape in the rewind machine. I could make out details in the dark room. I could see the television and the video player under it on the north side of the east wall. The machine had finished rewinding but had not shut off. I thought that the other person in the apartment or i should have heard it before and turned it off. It was not good to leave it running. I walked over to the machine and ejected the tape. I then walked back to the west end of the room, walking into the bathroom on the north. We should have watered the tape before. I looked at the video tape as i held it under the thin stream of water from the sink. The water washed over the label and washed out part of the writing. I thought that the water should not have removed the writing so easily. I looked at the label to see where the pencil marks had formed the number ten on the label. I let the water run over it more.

I walked into the small room of the building from the north and stood in front of the computer that was on the east wall. This was my office. I looked at the computer and tried to turn it on. The screen appeared, but it was tinted red. I could see icons on the desk top, but they were not correct. Then i noticed that there was a picture of a barracuda at the bottom of the screen on the left side. To the left of it, in the corner, was a picture of an eel. I realized that the barracuda was the symbol of a generic program to hack into someone’s computer. My computer had been taken over. I stood up from the chair and walked out the door of the office. I thought that i should tell someone. I walked to the east and turned right into the doorway of the next office over. $A113 was standing near the entrance to the office. He was facing his computers, which were on the west wall, just inside of the door. There was a man standing on the east wall of the office who appeared to be flexing his muscles slowly. I told $A113 that my computer had been hacked into. I thought that i should tell someone. I asked $A113 whom i should tell. I thought that i could simply have the machine restarted from the previous day’s back-up files. I looked at the man at the back of the room. He was older and seemed to be exercising. He moved his left arm slowly in front of him, flexing his biceps. He was wearing only a pair of tight black pants. I thought that he was not really in that good a shape. His skin was flabby and he seemed out of shape. I spoke to $A113 again about the computer before returning to my office. I wondered whether the back-ups from the day before would have the same infection on them. I decided that i might have to use files from a few days previous. I wondered what changes i would loose by doing so. I sat down in front of the computer and tried to shut it down. The commands on the menu were not correct. I pulled down the control menu and selected one of the items. A window opened up on the screen and started scrolling data. None of the computer’s functions were working correctly. I tried to stop the scrolling, but was unable to halt the program correctly. I tried using the reset commands, but a window appeared on the screen with a picture of a domed garbage-can lid. The lid had a golden hue to it. I tried a different halt command only to see that the lid changed shape. There were two lids, a gold one on the right and a silver one of the left. They both had screw heads showing on them. I realized that every time i hit the reset commands, another screw was added to the lid. I felt somewhat frustrated with the program, but did not want to shut down the computer entirely. I stood up and paced around the office. I had to get the computer restored. I walked across the parking lot, thinking about what i should do. I then realized that i should park my car somewhere. I drove it over the lot and down the long street. The street was empty, but i knew that it would be full of cars once people started parking for the day. I drove my car to the center of the street. The texture of the road changed just in front of me. I looked ahead to see rows of houses on both sides of the narrow suburban street. The houses were all single level and seemed older. They were pale green and white. I stopped my car in the center aisle of the road thinking that i could park it at the front edge of the lot before anyone else parked. I then realized that the left lane of the street was used for driving across the parking lot. I did not want everyone driving past my car all day. I thought that they might damage it. I looked behind me as i backed my car up, thinking that i would park it along the right edge of the street. I could see a car behind me driving along the right edge of the road. It slowed to a stop when it saw that i was backing up. I pulled over to the curb and then started driving forward again. I looked ahead at the curb on the right side of the road I noticed that an area of the sidewalk was dug up in front of a small brick house. I did not want to park in front of the rubble because i thought that the workmen might return. I did not want my car to get damaged by their jacks. I stopped my car ahead of the work area and got out. There was a large field ahead of me on the right side of the road. I could see into it from around the side of a small house. I then noticed the large plume of dark red smoke on the other side of the field. It seemed like a volcanic eruption, but i realized that it was too close and too small to be such. I could see that the smoke was streaming from a small pipe in the ground. A construction worker was walking away from the pipe cautiously. He looked back as he reached a safe distance. Something must have gone wrong on his project.

12000 September 28

I sat in the restaurant with my parents. This was a fancy restaurant. The room around us seemed small. Our table was rectangular and stood against the south wall of the room. I sat on the western side of the table. There was a plate of food in front of me. I scooped some of it up in my spoon. I watched the spoon move through the sliced pieces of food. I recognized several pieces as mushrooms. The food was covered with a thick brown sauce and tasted very good. A waiter passed by on my left. She smiled and was very polite. She was wearing a white shirt and had black pants. We had already finished our meal and were on our way out. She said good-bye to us as we left. I was then outside of the building. The man walked up to us and spoke to our group. We knew his and his family. He seemed very business-like and was wearing a brown business suit. We had just met the people and said that we would accompany them to dinner. We walked into the restaurant. I remembered this place from before. It seemed that we had just eaten a meal here. The waiter in the white shirt greeted me as we started to walk around the table. I remembered that i had a drinking glass in the right pocket of my coat from the previous meal. I wondered whether i should put it on the table so that the waiters did not have to waste another glass. I decided that it would still be dirty from the other meal. I rounded the north end of the table and started to take a seat on the west side. As i reached the west side of the table. I became aware of the tie that i was wearing under my long coat. I had it on from the previous meal. I thought that it would still look good for this meal. I then realized that everyone had immediately sat down in the same positions that they were in at the earlier meal. There were two chairs on the west side of the table. The young man was standing near me, talking to someone on my right. I thought that i would have to sit next to him and felt strange. The man seemed very energetic as he spoke to someone. I felt strange being placed so near to him. I then wondered whether i should actually eat another meal. I thought that i could simply sit at the table with the others. I then decided that it had been long enough between the meals that the last one could serve as lunch and this one could serve as dinner.

I walked down the trail through the woods. $F14 and $A82 seemed to be with me. I spoke to $F14 as we started down the hill which led to the main road. I started to jog, telling $F14 that i would be following $A82 around the edge of the road. It As i reached the road, i grabbed onto one of the overhead vines and swung up across the narrow country road. The leaves on all of the trees seemed very green and the sun seemed very bright. As i swung back across the road toward the trail, i called to $A82, who had turned down the trail to the left and had come out on the road to the east of us. He cheered as he saw me swing high over the road. I looked down and realized that i was quite high. I wondered how i had gotten enough momentum to travel so high. $A82 stood at the edge of the road to the east talking to me as $F14 ran past him and continued around the edge of the small pond to the east. We were going to round the pond and head back to the main campus. $F82 started to follow her and i swung back to the north. I realized the rope was too low and landed with my heels on the gravel path on the north side of the road There seemed to be a flower bush on the right side of the path which followed the curve of the path to the east. I got my balance and let go of the rope. I wondered whether anyone had seen me land. It seemed that there might be someone behind me. I continued down the gravel path until i started to pass by the pond. I knew that the other two had already passed by here. There was a crowd at the edge of the pond. It seemed that someone was performing tricks to a crowd. The crowd gathered on the cut green grass as the man with the red ball backed up to the edge of the pond. The wall around the rim of the pond was made of loose rocks. The man looked at me as i approached. I knew that he was mistaking me for someone who was playing the game with him. I thought that he might throw me the ball. I had to continue on to get back with the others. I realized, though, that i would not be able to pass by the people at the moment. The man moved the ball in his hand, looking for someone to throw it to. I then heard one of the women in the crowd talking. She mentioned something about Xena. I looked down at the two women who were sitting on the grass. They had said something negative about Xena, but i knew that they were mistaken. I knew that i had been following her through this area. The two young women seemed to be college students and were wearing tight blue shirts and long denims. They said that Xena had run through and ignored everyone. I knew that she was just passing on her way to the campus. I wanted to tell them that i had been traveling with her and that she had not been her previously. They did not seem to believe me, saying that she had ignored everyone here. I stood up from the edge of the water and started to the north, trying to think of how i could describe what had happened. I thought that i should run after Xena and my friend before too long. I then looked to the north. I realized that i was standing on the deck of a white boat. The others had been sitting on the front edge of the boar, which was below the level of the deck and hung out over the water. There was a white railing around the edge of the boat where they were sitting. I realized suddenly that there was a large white wall moving toward us. The boat was going to crash through it as part of a stunt. I dropped to the deck of the boat, wondering whether i would be hit with the splintered wood from the wall. I grabbed one of the yellow kick boards from the top of the boat and held it up in front of me. The door broke around the boat and the pieces rolled over me and the board. It did not seem to hurt at all. I decided that i should go back to the edge of the boat where the others were. They were below the level of the main deck and where somewhat protected from the fragments of the door as the boat passed through the large wooden wall. I sat on the right of the others as the boat continued in reverse over the water. I looked back and saw another wall coming. I tucked my head forward so that it was below the level of the deck behind me. I also lifted my left leg out over the edge of the boat. I watched the water flow past under my leg as we broke through the other wall. This was all part of a stunt in the show. I felt casual about the events, but wanted them to end.

12000 September 29

I was sitting on the bench of the picnic table. I felt comfortable as i talked to the man across the table from me. He was wearing a red short-sleeve tee shirt, and i could see the muscles on his arm. He seemed attractive. I noticed that there was a bruise on the lower part of the biceps on his right arm. It was shaped like a cross. I wondered how he could have gotten bruised in such a manner. He then mentioned something about $P52’s wrestling team. I was interested in the conversation, and told him that i had been following the team. I told him that they had beaten $P75. He nodded in agreement and smiled. I wondered whether he was wrestler himself. It seemed that we were both interested in the sport, and i wondered whether he would be good competition. He then asked me if i would be interested in wrestling. I felt excited, and said that i would. I then asked where we would do it. He stood up and walked to the west, into the other room of the basement. It seemed that we were in $P19. There were a few small tables in the room to the west, but he said that we could probably clear them out. He walked over to one of the small tales and started clearing stuff off of it. I wanted to wrestle him, but it seemed strange to do it here. I started to wonder whether there was anyone else around in the house.

I walked down the street on the northwest side of the small city. The area around me was suburban. It seemed that i was near $P6. I looked to the left, across the parking lot of an old business on the corner of one of the side streets. There were two old people standing on the side walk. They looked around questionably, as though the were trying to figure out where they were. The woman had curly white hair, and stood with her mouth agape. They noticed me watching them and asked me where the diner was. They were suddenly closer to me. They described the diner which was just on the outside of town. I did not know to which diner they were referring. I remembered that there was one down the road to the northwest, but it was quite a way from where we were. I pictured the plazas and road-side businesses near where we were. The district seemed old, as though it had been constructed in the fifties and had since worn into disuse. I wondered whether they were looking for the one which was far from the town. I told them about the one on route thirteen, to the northwest. They looked around ad the metal building to the south of us and then at the small plaza across the street. The man pointed out that the buildings behind them, to the southeast, contained the diner. They were already here. They turned and slowly walked to the building. I turned back to the north and started across the small hotel room. There were several guitars standing around the room. The bed sheets were dull yellow and were wadded up on the lower section of the bed. I wondered whey the bed was dirty. A man then came into the room behind me. I recognized him. He was a famous jazz musician. He was austral and seemed old and wrinkled, though he wore a bright red and purple glittering jacket and black pants. There was a young woman giggling at his side. He pulled her waist to his with his right arm. I asked him about the guitars that were all around the room. They seemed like nice guitars, but i could not understand why he had then all over the room. He asked me if i have my guitar. I told him that i did not have it with me. I looked over the many guitars which were in various places over the narrow room. The hotel seemed old and worn. There was a desk on the left wall, which had a television and several guitars on it. I then noticed a small guitar at the foot of the bed. The bed was against the right wall. The small guitar was made of polished wood, but had a crooked neck. I wondered how it could be played with the curve in the neck. I then noticed that the plastic strings which hung from the bridge were broken. The man said that he would have to replace them. I looked over the strange guitar, wondering how the strings broke. I glanced to the right to see another guitar. As i looked, though, i realized that it was not a guitar, but a saxophone. It was black, and shaped like a guitar, but it had silver buttons all down its side, which acted as valves. I stood up and walked into the room to the west. $F12 was in the room. He had been hiding in the small room. He did not want the others to know that he was here. He was looking through some of the cabinets for food. I realized that he had found the food which i had hidden at the back of the cabinets. I walked over to him and patted him on the back of the shoulder with my left hand. I felt a strong desire to hug him and be close to him for a while, but i did not embrace him. After a moment, i turned and went back into the other room. The jazz man was gone, and all of his guitars had been removed from the room. The place seemed empty. I felt suddenly disappointed that i would not be able to play guitar. I looked at the plastic bag of food in my hand. I thought that i should hide it in the large white cabinet against the north wall. I did not want the others finding it. I knew that they would eat all of the food.