12001 September 01

The man was talking to me near the table. He was wounded, and i thought that i should help him out. He was $F16. He had a wound on the left side of his face which was bleeding. I told him that i could clean the wound and bandage it. I looked down as i followed $F16 to the west. There was a small stream running under my feet. The water was clear, and i could see the ripples in the brown silt below. I tried to step along the shore of the stream so that i would not get my feet wet. As i hopped across the wave of water that was curling over a small curve in the bank, i thought that my feet did not feel wet.

12001 September 09

It was a sunny day, and i was on the city street near the old buildings. This place seemed like $P100. I had just come from someplace with my grandmother, and we were looking around at the places in the city. The old church was to the south of us. It was a plain tall building made off rough tan blocks. It was set back slightly from the road, and there seemed to be many people crowded onto the lawn in front of it. There was a bazaar. I could see several tables of items lined up on the lawn in front of the church. I knew that the stores in town were just to the east of us. There was a large parking lot between the church and the old brick building of the city’s downtown section. I followed my grandmother to the west, into the door of the large tan museum. This was the door which led into the gift store. The museum store was long and narrow and crowded with counters of merchandise. There were several people looking over the items in the store. When i walked into the room, i felt excited to look over the items for something interesting, but, as i looked around, i noticed that most of the items were souvenirs of old religious relics. They seemed cheap. We walked to the back of the store. There was a door on the east wall which led into the old church. I felt frustrated and wanted to get out of this place. I flew to the east, across the small museum store. There seemed to be a lot of small trinkets on all of the tables and surfaces. I came out the front door of the building and looked down the street to the east. I was now on the back side of the building. The parking lot wrapped around the west side of the building. I considered how i had come to the other side of the block from the stores. There were fewer people here, but i could still tell that there was something going on a block away. There were small groups of people wandering from their cars to the festival. I flew back to the east. I wanted to get back to the front side of thee buildings. I floated into the air, but i realized that i was not moving. I wondered what was wrong. I extended my arms and tensed by body, trying to move forward. I started to drift slowly, and then, finally, moved around the side of the building. I rounded the building on the north, and turned to the south, down the main street. I flew down the long white corridor of the large office building. I seemed to be on the ground floor of the building. I thought that this building was at $P35. The building was officially closed because it was a weekend, but there were a few people wandering down the dimly lighted corridor. The offices on both sides off the hall were dark. $Z walked with me. As i came to the south end of the corridor, the corridor opened up into a small room. To the east of me was a service window, which seemed to be for the mailroom of the building. I noticed that there was a large white tube standing on the floor to the south of an office door just before the hall opened up. I thought that it should not have been delivered to the office on a weekend. I picked up the roll and brought it over to the service window. The woman behind the counter saw me walking toward her and placed several things that she was attending to on the table in the center of the room. She walked over to the counter, spotted the roll in my hand, and became concerned. She asked me where i had gotten the bundle. I told her that someone from down the hall had given it to me. I knew that i was lying, but i thought it would be a better story. I glanced at the package as i spoke, noticing that there was a mail tag on the side of it. I realized that someone in one of the offices had left the package out for the delivery man to pick up. I told the woman that the person down the hall must have mistook me for the mail man. It seemed like a good excuse. I walked closer to the counter and dropped the roll on it. I then walked back to the corridor and continued south.

I woke up. I was in the small room of the cottage. $F12 was sitting on the edge of the small bed that i was sleeping in. He had come to wake me up. He had been sleeping in the next bed over. I felt very happy to see him again and greeted him. I was glad that he had come to wake me up. Then i felt confused, thinking that he would not really come to wake me up by sitting on the bed with me. I knew that he felt uncomfortable with personal contact. He was still on the bed to the south off me. He stood up from the other small bed and walked over to me. He looked curiously at me, as though i had done something to let him know that i had dreamed that he had woken me up. He walked over to the bed that i was sleeping in and pushed my shoulder, shaking me awake in jest. I was happy again. He then started to push more roughly and then dropped hiss weight on me. We started to wrestle in jest. He pinned me on my back and wrapped his right arm around my head, placing me in a headlock. I could feel the pressure on my neck as he tightened his arm muscles to squeeze the headlock. I was amused, and was glad to be able to play with others again.

12001 September 10

I walked across the large room to the west. I felt as though i had to get out of the building. I knew that i had been brought here because i had done something wrong, but i felt as though i should sneak away. As i walked slowly to the northeast, up the few stairs to the higher level of the room, i hoped that no one noticed me leaving the room. This place suddenly seemed like a jail. I knew that they would notice me leaving. I wanted to act confused and say that i did not know why i was here. There were some people at the counter behind the window on the north side of the building. One of the men from the window started talking to me after i said that i was unsure what i was doing. I acted confused, saying that i did not know where i was or why i was here. The man seemed sympathetic. I looked around at he others who were standing in the room. They were wearing white clothing, as though they were all hospital patients. I could not simply walk out of the building. I had to a find a way to sneak out. I walked back into the large waiting room. It was late at night, but there were still many people being held in this place. The north end of the room was lower than the south end. The lower section of the room was oval shaped, and the upper end formed balconies to the east and west. The balconies were edged with short solid walls that were painted blue. There was a ramp which descended into the lower area around the southwestern side of the oval. The short wall surrounded the edge of the upper area all the way around. The lower area of the room was crowded with people. It was the holding cell for this prison. I felt very constrained. I did not like being here and wanted to get out. I started to descend the ramp. I looked at the telephones along the south wall, in the upper area. There were several men speaking on the telephones. They all looked dirty and ragged. They had all been arrested for doing something. I felt that i did not belong in this place. I glanced back at the other people on the upper level of the room, scanning the crowd for guards. I did not see any. I then heard someone calling my name. I tried not to notice. I thought that they might be calling my name for processing. I glanced over the crowd in a few minutes to see if i could find the person who was calling my name. There was a tall skinny man in the middle of the crowd. He seemed to be wearing a dirty tee shirt. I realized that he was the man who could help me escape. He turned and started walking to the northeast side of the room. I walked back up the ramp to the upper level and tried to follow the man. I walked to the east side of the room and realized that there was a door open. I walked into the service corridor. This place seemed like a food delivery area. There were a few people down the hall in white chef uniforms. I started to wander down the hall, thinking that i might be able to get out. I was then aware that there was a guard in a green uniform standing just to my right. I quickly asked the guard where the man had gone. I acted confused again, trying to make the guard think that i had unwittingly wandered into this area. I backed out of the corridor and into the main room. I then wandered to the north, noticing another corridor open. I tried to act official. I knew that i was not wearing the same white uniform as the rest of the prisoners. I asked a man at the entrance to the door where the other man was. I wanted to make him think that i belonged here. Then i wandered to the east, down the corridor, as the man answered. I then realized that i was outside. I had escaped from the building. Now i thought that i would simply have to get away from this area. There was a building to the north or me. I still seemed to be standing on part of the main building. I thought that i was on the roof of the first floor. I had to find a stairway down and get out of this place. There was a break in the buildings to the north of me. The buildings were actually higher parts of the building that i was standing on. They had white stucco walls and seemed to have red rile roofs. I then noticed that there was surveillance equipment attached to the building just to the north of me. It was hanging just under the eves of the roof. It showed me an image of the area near where i was standing. It was night out, and the image on the video camera was enhanced to compensate of the lack of light. There was a man in the guard tower on the corner of the building to the northwest of me. I could not let him know that i was one of the escaping people. I looked up at the monitor and saw that the man, whom i had been looking for, was standing near the top of a set of metal stairs. The stairs descended between the break in the buildings. The stairs were to the right of him on the image. He was trying to show me the way out without letting the guard know that he was helping me to escape. I then noticed a tunnel on the monitor. I thought that the man was trying to show me the tunnel under the wall. I could crawl through the tunnel to escape. Something seemed wrong, though. I did not want to go into the tunnel. The grass around the entrance of the tunnel was bright green in the dim lights. There was suddenly someone near me. He seemed to be an official. He knew that i was trying to get to the tunnel and accused me of grave digging. I thought that the tunnel must have been dug through a graveyard. I told the man that i had nothing to do with the tunnel. I was surprised that it would go through the cemetery. I looked at the picture again. I should have known from the green grass that it was a graveyard. The grass must be artificial.

12001 September 11

The man had pressed the red button in the control room. It was dangerous. The wall of the room was covered with instruments. I knew that something had gone wrong with the system. The red button had caused a cascade effect which was overloading all of the computers. I felt panicked and worried that the system might be destroyed. It was a very bad thing. I wondered whether the man at the controls would be able to jack back into the modem. I was working the controls as well. I knew that the modem would have to be reached through the neural interfaces in my skin. Things were going poorly, though. I looked up at the woman who was holding the gun. She was a terrorist and was trying to take the facility hostage. The man wanted to leave, but he was afraid that the woman would shoot him. I felt that the major disaster had already occurred. The system was failing and falling apart. I wanted to try to stabilize it, but i was not sure that we could. Things were falling apart. I knew that the man was plotting to escape. He wanted to go for help. The woman was not courageous enough to shoot him. She would hesitate until he was away. The man walked toward the door, but there was some darkness there. The door disappeared into the darkness as the man stepped through it. I wondered whether it had something to do with the system failure. My view suddenly changed, as though i was watching television. A man entered through the door. It was supposed to be the man who had left for help, but he was different. Something had happened. I thought hat this man was the Hero from Otherwhere.

I remembered the red lights that had been flashing. There was a problem with the main computer systems. This had something to do with the collective conscious. The conscious was failing. This was all part of a novel. The man left the room to get some help. It had something to do with the lower class breaking away from the rule of the upper class. The lower class was not part of the collective conscious, and was subjected to the upper class. The upper class could share their intellect and rule through the conscious. The man from outside the society showed up. He was a hero from someplace else. I thought that this was a good story.

I was on the balcony of the old white hotel with the others, looking to the south. There was a heavy rain coming down. I could see the muddy waters of the river flowing to the east below us. The hotel seemed to bee right on the water. The water of the river seemed to be rising, but i did not think that we would have to worry here. The large city to the south of us might get flooded. I spoke to the other person on the balcony. The balcony was really an outside corridor which ran in front of the rooms of the hotel. The roof of the white stucco building was supported by red metal poles. I pointed out the set of rail road track which ran along the levy just in front of the hotel. The levy actually seemed like an artificial land bridge for the tracks. There was a bridge to the west of the hotel where the railroad tracks crossed over a road. The road dipped below ground to get under the tracks. This place would have to be blocked off so that the flood waters did not pour through the opening. I remembered that there would be a large metal gate over the entrance. To the east, the road ran over the top of the railroad tracks. This was the road which ran along the east side of the hotel. We walked back from where we had come, around to the east side of the hotel. I looked north to see the road wander through the small suburban houses. They seemed like houses from $P3, all manufactured when the industrial boom hit town. I spoke to the other person again as we looked out over the small houses. I then heard water flowing, as though it was pouring over a small waterfall. We were on the south side of the hotel again, and, as i looked down, i could see the muddy water spilling over the top of the levy. A heavy torrent poured over the dirt wall and into the bottom floor of the hotel, below us. I felt tense. We had to notify the others in the hotel. I thought that i should warn $A42. He was in the room of the hotel. I turned to the north and ran into one of the doors on the second floor. I came into a machine room. The other people in the hotel seemed to be running around in panic. I thought that they were simply wasting their energy by worrying rather than doing. There was a set of black metal stairs just inside the door of the machine room, to the east. I called up the stairs to $A42. I could not hear his voice, but i knew that he could hear me. I told him to leave the building. I then ran out of the machine room and started to run to the north. I was on the street behind the hotel, and the others were with me. I felt comfortable with these people. They were my friends. I rode my bicycle to the east, down the winding suburban street. I had to get away from the flood waters. It was now night, and i could see only what the street lights illuminated. The street ahead was under construction, and one of the lanes was closed off. I dodged some of the construction equipment as i raced down the road. I felt as though i should hurry. There was a pile of dirt on the left side of the road. I rode to the west of it, on the sidewalk. I knew that this was not a safe thing to do, but i knew that i had to get out of the neighbourhood soon. I hoped that there were no cars coming in the other direction as i swerved back onto the road. I then noticed that there were lights behind me. The woman was following me on the bicycle. I felt annoyed with her. I saw the dim light of her head lamp cast a shadow of me on the dirt mounds of the construction area ahead of me. I continued on.

12001 September 12

I looked at the mathematical problem which was written on the paper. I knew that the length of the vector was relevant. I tried to think of how to do the math. It seemed as though it had been a very long time since i had done mathematics this complicated. I knew that the scalar value had to be multiplied by the length of the vector. I looked at the equation on the paper. It said that two times vector X was equal to two times X. I knew that the vector was simply added into the scalar. I then wondered whether this was correct. I looked at the equation again. It said five times vector X plus X plus one. I wondered whether i would be able to separate. I could not remember whether i would have to treat the vector X and the X the same. If i could, then i would be able to factor the equation, but i was not sure that this was correct. I wondered whether i could solve the problem.

12001 September 13

I followed the man to the south, across the dry ground. I felt very cautious of him. He was a religious leader, but i knew that he was also a terrorist. I felt that i should not let him think that i was following him. I would have to protest his beliefs. I knelt down on the ground and started to pray. I knew that this would anger the man because he believed that only his religion was the true religion. I hoped that many of the people around me would join in the prayer. I knew that they also objected to the religious tyranny of the man. I started to speak in a strange language. I realized that it was the language of the city. I was speaking an old prayer from Eurivvonerga. I knew that there were others who also visited the city, and i wondered how many of the people around me would know the same words to the prayers that i did. I then stood up and walked into the apartment. The man followed me. I knew that he was angered by my protest. I was not sure whether i trusted him, but i started to feel that he might not be as dangerous as i thought he was. $A95 was in the apartment as we entered. The room was very plain, with tall white walls and little furnishings. The man started to tell $A95 about a wrestling move. It sounded like an interesting take-down. $A95 was skeptical of the man. The man motioned to $A95, indicating that he wanted to try to take-down. $A95 did not trust him and backed away. I thought that we might be able to trust the man. I told $A95 that i thought the take-down was safe. I said that it was a good way to stretch. The man then grabbed $A95 and pulled him to the ground. He wrapped his legs around $A95’s legs then slid his arm around $A95’s neck. I realized that he was trying to choke $A95. I felt suddenly concerned. The man had deceived us. I grabbed the man by the back of the neck and pulled him off of $A95. The man turned suddenly on me. He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall of the room. He was good at hand attacks, and i started to feel that i might not be able to defend myself against him. I tried to break out of his hold, but i could not seem to struggle free. I decided that i had t do something more drastic. I remembered that i had not cut the nail on my thumb in some time. I jabbed my nail into the skin on the back of his hand. He retracted hiss hand and let me go. He smiled and told me that my tactic was a nice move. I felt very threatened by him, but knew that i could not simply run away. He moved to grad me again. I did not let him get close this time. I kicked him in the side and pushed myself away. He kept trying to come close to me. He knew that it would be threatening for him to stand so close. I was angered with him and pushed him away again. I pushed him out the door of the apartment. I had to lock him out of the room so that i could be safe, but he kept pushing his way back in. I felt worried that i would not be able to get rid of him. I turned and walked up the stairs which ran along the south wall of the room. The man followed me. I was trying to get to a safer place. I stopped in the middle off the stars and kicked the man, thinking that i might be able to knock him down the stairs and get an advantage. He stumbled backward but did not fall. I felt that i would have to take more drastic action if i wanted to get rid of him. I thought that i might have to attack in such a way to seriously injure him.

I was carrying the small white bag in my hand. It was a strange bag. I was surprised to see that it had come from a McDonald’s restaurant. The bag was made of canvas. I was surprised that McDonald’s would use canvas bags. They were more environmentally friendly. This bag could be used many times. I thought that i could bring it back to the restaurant, or to any other place that i ate.

12001 September 14

I walked into the large school building. This was a new place. Everything here had just been constructed. It seemed like a small college. I wondered why i had come here. I was then on the city street again, standing to the east of the tall red brick building. The building seemed like an old apartment building. It was very tall, with many windows on it. We were standing on a balcony a few stories from the ground. The sly was mostly blue, with only a few scattered clouds, but it seemed very chilly and windy out. I looked to the north, at the next building. I could see a crowd of people gathered on the roof and balcony. We had all come out to watch something. The people on the other building were looking to the west, though. I was standing near the north corner of the red brick building, so i looked around the edge of the building to see what the people were watching. Just as i looked around, i saw a woman flying through the air. She had her arms spread and her legs bent and crossed at the ankles. She moved down the street between the buildings, heading to the east. I wondered how she was able to fly. As she passed, though, i noticed that there were wires attached to her. I looked up into the sky, but could not see anything above her. The wires seemed to disappear into the blue haze of the sky. I wondered whether there was really a helicopter above her. I thought that it would have to have some technology which would scatter light around it, making it seem invisible. I did not know whether such a thing was possible, but it sounded like a good idea. The woman in red sailed around the east side of the building and landed on the roof above us. We now seemed to be very far above the street, overlooking most of the other buildings near us. I realized that there was a younger girl who had been holding the woman to the wires. The girl let the woman go and flew up into the sky. I could hear the crowd around me ooh in amazement. I thought hat this must be some kind of promotion. I looked back to the north to se that the crowd was now looking to the west again. Something else was coming. I thought that we were standing on the wrong side of the building. I told my parents that we should be on the west side of the building so that we could see what was coming. I tried to see around the northeast corner of the building. The balcony no longer extended around the north side of the building. As i looked, a feather floated around the corner of the building and hovered in front of us. I thought that we were in a pretty good location to see the feather in detail. The people on the other building could not get as close a look. As it passed in front of us, i noticed the thin wires which held it up. There were many wires attached to different parts of the feather. I thought that the many wires would help stabilize and control the feather. With so many wires, it would be much easier to manipulate the motion of the feather in the air. I looked closer at the feather and noticed that it was really a white pen. The pen was covered with gold and silver sparkles. I then heard a voice from someone to my right, telling me to take the pen. I wondered whether i should, but hesitated. The pen passed to the south, along the balcony. The voice then sounded again, this time, sounding as though it came from a speaker. It was an announcement from the directors of the parade. The voice said that the pen should be returned. I looked down the balcony, spotting a boy farther down. I thought that he might have taken the pen. I walked along the balcony. I did not want to get blamed for taking the pen. I then noticed the white pen on the ground near my feet. I walked on, heading to the south. I walked back into the building, which was the main building of the college campus. I was new to this place. I had just arrived on the campus and was looking for the introduction sessions. The room inside was very large and open. It had arching ceilings, and everything was made of stone. The bluish-green carpet covered the center of the floor, running to the south down the large corridor. The room was separated from the corridor by a set of pillars on the east and west walls. The floors on the side of the carpet were wood. As i walked across the room, i started to wonder why i was here. I could not understand why i had come to this place. I should have finished with college a while ago. My parents stood in front of the large leaded-glass window, looking out over the campus. I felt confused. I looked at the white plaster walls of the room. I then noticed that there was an opening in the ceiling. I could see up into the attic above the room. I could see the wooden rafters which supported the roof above. I paced to the west, passing several other people. They seemed to be new to the college as well. They were dressed in tan pants and sports jackets. I felt out of place here. I walked onto the hallway just outside the room. There was a wooden table across the hall from the room, with a white table cloth on it. There seemed to be several welcoming things, as well as a pile of tuning pipes and picks. They were left by the welcoming committee as trinkets to welcome us to the college. I wondered whether i could take one of the tuning pipes and some string picks. I felt bad for being here. I did not really belong with these people. I continued on to the west without taking anything from the table. I came into the small house. This place was newly constructed. I pressed the button on the side wall and the garage door started to close. I ducked under the door and walked inside. There was a second door just behind the garage door. It was wooden, V-shaped, and painted dull green. The door was slightly ajar, so i squeezed between the door and the door frame. The white gate on the other side was closed as well, so i decided to open it. I started to walk up the hill in the suburban area. I was driving in my car. I thought that i had to park my car and pick up the van. I had parked the van here earlier. I then thought that it was not really that far to the van, so i could park my car in this area and then walk to the van. I parked the large brown car on the slope of the hill. I thought that i had to head up the hill and to the left to get back to the apartment. As i got out of the car i realized that there were signs on the side of the road which said that there was no parking in this area. I felt disappointed. I did not like this part of the city. It was too difficult to do anything here. I wondered why i had moved into this new apartment as i walked down the sidewalk. I thought that i should not have moved to this area. I thought that i still owned my house. I could not understand why i had rented this apartment. I was now back, in the apartment. I knew that this place was owned by $A220. I thought again that i should not have moved. I walked across the room and noticed that there were several boxes off packed things still on the floor. I did not feel like unpacking them. I did not want to stay here. I looked at the boxes and wondered if they contained the toys which had been on the shelf in the small bedroom of my house. Something was confusing here. I could not think about what i was doing.

12001 September 15

I walked to the southeast, down the street of the campus. The large stone buildings of the university rose on both sides of me. There was a group of people to the west of me. I noticed $F6 in the group. This was a tour group. I looked over the people as they walked to the north. I seemed to know several of them. One of the women in the group seemed familiar. They walked through one of the doors on the west side of $P98. I wanted to say hello to the people in the group that i knew, so i walked after the. I saw them all pass into the building. I thought that the door on the north side of the entrance was for entering the building and the one on the south side was for people leaving. As i approached the building, the people started to come back out. I waited by the door to say hello to the people. As i waited by the door, a short woman walked out of the building in front of me. I suddenly recognized her and called her name. She was $A275. I spotted several other people from $G3. I then said hello to $F6 as he exited the building. I felt odd saying hello to the people. It seemed that i could not carry on a further conversation with them. I felt disappointed, and i started walking to the north. I remembered that i had left my bicycle locked to a post on one of the streets north of the college. It had been there over night. I thought that i had taken my other bicycle to work earlier. As i came to the corner of the suburban streets, wondered how i was going to get both of my bicycles home. The street on which i was traveling headed to the north. At the intersection, it curved to the northwest. The second road left to the north-northeast. Between the two roads was a wide lawn of someone’s house. The lawn was covered with a think layer of snow. There was an short old chain-link fence around the edge of the yard. My bicycle was chained to a street sign just a little way to the north on the second road. As i approached the bicycle, i noticed that there was a body on the ground near corner. I realized that the woman had been killed. I suddenly felt tense. I thought that i should look over the body and notice the details. I would have to notify the authorities. I inspected the body. It lay east to west on the ground. There was blood over the face, so that i could not identify the body. The inspector was with me as i looked over the body. I pointed out some of the things that i was looking at. The inspector then pointed out the foot prints in the mud to the right of the body. The prints were from a sneaker. I recognized the print. They were from a running shoe. I told the inspector that the print came from a pair of Pegasus sneakers. I mentioned that i knew this because i wore the same kind of sneakers. The prints were very large. The shoe must have been of a very large size. I looked at several of the other foot prints in the mud trail which ran to the northeast. There were several other large prints in the ground. The inspector bent over to one of the prints and started to shape it with his fingers. He was adjusting the size and shape of the foot print. I wondered why he was doing this. It would destroy the evidence. I felt suddenly uneasy with the inspector. He should have left the print alone so that the police could have made a mold. I walked to the north-northeast, along the sidewalk of the second street. The other person was walking with me. I spotted my blue bicycle standing next to a parking meter. It had been chained to the meter. I remembered that i had left it here last night. I spoke to the other person about the Pegasus sneakers as i attended to my bicycle. I thought that the officers should keep a clean site in the future. I thought that i could so a full scan of the area with my special scanner. It was a futuristic device. I could tell what the individual molecules in the soil were. I wanted to figure out what happened to the woman.

12001 September 16

I walked to the construction site. I was going to work for $A84. I felt depressed. I did not want to do this type of job anymore. There was another person with me as we crossed through the construction site. There were pallets of wood and building materials to the south of us. $A84 walked up to us. He was wearing a white tee shirt and blue jeans. He pointed to the east with his arm. He swung his arm to the south, telling us that he wanted the wood in the area cleaned up. I felt that this job was not enjoyable, and i did not want to do it, but i felt that i had to do it. There was a large vehicle to the northeast of us. The man on it was complaining to $A84 about something. I knew that he did not like me or the other man with me. We did not belong here, but had to complete the work. The man called out to $A84 in a derogatory tone: “I’d like to get to the other side of the site today.” I knew that the man was directing his aggression toward us. He did not think that we were suitable to clean up the sight, and wanted to insult us. $A84 ignored the man on the tractor, and told us to clean up all of the wood from the area. I walked into the large store. This place had been abandoned, and the shelves were empty of food. The shelves ran north to south. The ground between the shelves was uneven and covered with debris. I started to pick up several loose pieces of wood from the floor. There did not seem to be a roof to the store. I felt bad about having to do this job. I picked up several pieces of wood from the ground. They seemed to be small twigs. I walked to the south, collecting the shattered pieces of lumber and small branches. I then realized that it had walked beyond the aisles of the store. I was not in the middle of the yard. There seemed to be a short chain-link fence curving around the southern end of the lawn. There were several larger branches and sticks scattered over the lawn. I thought that they must have fallen in the storm. I wondered whether we were supposed to pick up these branches as well. I did not know exactly what $A84 had intended. I looked over the lawn. The other worker was still picking up wood between the aisles. I thought that i could start on the south end of the lawn and work my way back and forth from the east to the west. As i picked up the sticks, i could move to the north until the south end of the lawn was clear. Then the scene changed. I was in the room of a house, cleaning up things from the floor. There had been a party in this place. The situation seemed somewhat strange to me. I remembered that i had been picking up wood. I wondered how i had gotten into the party. I decided that it was all part of the job. I was simply a person designated to clean up areas. The area around me was part of a fancy resort. The buildings were stone and very clean. I felt depressed here. I did not want to do this work. I walked to the north and into the large meeting room. $A204 was there. He was one of the guests of the hotel. I felt annoyed that i had to work for someone whom i knew. I picked up a few things from the floor, but decided that i did not want to stay in this room. I walked to the west, down the corridor. The hall turned a few times back and forth, heading in a generally southwest direction. The halls of the hotel were wide and decorated with red cloth in certain areas. There was a dresser on the left side of the hall. It was a table in the hall, but the bottom drawer of the dresser had been pulled out and was spilled onto the floor. I knew that the dresser was not part off any of the rooms. I thought that the stuff from the dresser must have been in the dresser when the hotel placed it in the hall. I looked over the things on the floor. I knew that they did not belong to any off the guests. I wondered whether i could keep any of the items. Some of them seemed interesting.

12001 September 19

I was sneaking across the large field of freshly plowed sod. It was early in the morning, well before sunrise. The air was warm and there was a mist over the ground. I felt very good about what i was doing. I was having fun sneaking over the ground. I rounded the southern side of the field and started to circle back to the east. I thought that the sun might be coming up soon, and i had to be off of the field before anyone saw me. I turned to the north and started running back along the edge of the field. I crouched down as i ran. There was a line of trees between the field and me. I was then watching myself run down the old dirt road to the east of the field. The road had deep ruts in it, as though it had not been used in a while and years of rain had carved out a stream. I watched myself hop over some of the stones in the middle of the east side of the road as i made my way back to the main road. I strained to see through the darkness of the early morning. The mist in the air seemed to be thicker here, and i had to slow down to see where i was going. Suddenly, i realized that there was something in front of me, on the west side of the road. I looked at the figure more carefully as i approached and realized that it was a man standing next to an old red tractor. I crouched down, trying to remain out of sight. I could not let the people catch me here. I tried to run along the ditch on the east side of the rod, staying low so that the man would not see me. I was watching myself run again. I was watching the scene from the west. I then stopped suddenly again, startled to find that i had run right up to the tractor. I hoped that the man did not see me next to him. I stayed very still for a moment, hoping he would move away a little so that i could run away without drawing attention. I waited where i was, hoping that he would move. I then realized that it was starting to get light. The sky to the west was just starting to turn red. I realized that i could see much better now. I thought that it would soon be light enough to see clearly. I wondered what i should do. Once the light comes up, the man will be able to see me clearly. I then realized that the man was looking at me. I quickly started talking to him as though i was supposed to be here. I thought that i could act like i had come out here specifically to see him. I acted like an admirer of his, telling him how good it was to meet him. He seemed flattered, and i hoped that i could keep him placated until it seemed appropriate for me to leave. He seemed to blush at the compliments that i paid him. I then showed him the old record that i had in my hand. The cover of the phonograph was white, with the picture of the farmer in the center of it. The farmer in the picture could be seen from the waste up, sitting with his legs turned to the right. He was wearing blue denim pants and a heavy red button-up shirt. He had a cowboy hat on his head, and he was playing a harmonica. I knew that this was an old record, so the man on the tractor would probably be impressed that i had it. It would help make my story seem more real. The man smiled as he saw the photograph on the album. I spoke to him as though i trusted and admired him, but i really felt very uneasy with him. I knew that he could be dangerous. I faked the pleasantries so that he would not try to capture me and hurt me.

I ran to the east, along the dirt road through the forest. The road seemed rough, as though it was rarely used. I was a soldier, and i had to hide from enemy troops. I did not know which way to run. This place was Vietnam, and i had been left here by my troops. I decided that i had to get off of the road. I ran to the north, into the thick vegetation of the forest where they could not see me as easily. I felt scared as i looked around. I knew that the enemy troops would be here any minute. They knew that the rest of my group had just left, and they would be looking for anyone who did not escape. There was a shallow creek only a few metres from the road. The creek bed was covered with tan mud-coated rocks. I spoke to $Z as i slowly crossed the water. I felt very nervous, as though we were in danger. I quickly looked to the east to see a large dark green troop carrier crossing the stream. It was on the road that we had just come from. The road curved to the north, crossing the stream. I realized that we would have walked right into the enemy trucks had we stayed on the road. I felt anxious. We had to get out of sight. I had not yet reached the middle of the stream, so i ran back onto the south shore. I knew that they could spot me in the middle of the water. I stopped in the middle of the dense vegetation, wondering what i should do. I could not run to the south or i would end up back on the road, right in front of the soldiers. I felt afraid. I had to find a place to hide. I ran quickly to the large tree which was just to the southwest of me. The tree was actually a secret fort. A section on the west side of the tree opened like a door and i walked in. I hurried into the shelter and quickly pushed the door back into place. Just before the door closed all the way, i saw an enemy soldier in a tan uniform run past the entrance to the tree. The door of the hiding place was made of vertical boards, and i could see movement through it. The soldier did not notice the door on the tree. I pushed it fully closed, careful not to make any noise. I hoped that the soldier did not hear the sound of the door clicking shut. I turned to the east followed the curving stairs around the south side of the tree and into the small wooden room. The hut was crudely made, with vertical slats forming all of the walls. This was the planning room. It filled the center of the tree, with a small table on the east wall. There seemed to be a map on the table. I looked at the light coming through the slats in the north wall of the hut. I could not see much of the jungle outside. I still felt nervous and hoped that the soldiers did not find out about this place. I was worried that they knew i was in this area and that they might figure out that i had a place to hide.

12001 September 21

I looked at the three large men as they marched in a line in front of me. They were unnaturally round, as though they were cartoon characters. They were all wearing brown suits with small matching brown derbies. Their heads seemed to be equally as round as their bodies. They leaned back as they waddled to my right. The one at the back of the line seemed to have a wide handlebar mustache. I knew that they were important. There was a great significance to these men. I looked at the large white symbols which had been painted on their chests. One of the sign seemed like a simple cross with a circle over it. I knew that these men signified the death of my grandfather. I felt suddenly sad and knew that my grandfather had just died.

I walked out the door on the north side of the house, into the back yard. It was autumn, and all of the leaves were falling from the trees. I felt very strange in this place. The others had already left the house. I looked back at the single-level cinder-block house. It seemed to have been designed in the nineteen-sixties. The trees around the house were filled with dry brown and rust-coloured leaves which drifted to the ground on the cold breeze. I seemed that this was a warm day in the middle of a cold autumn. I walked across the dry ground to the west, shuffling through the leaves. The two women, who lived in the house with me, were just walking from the west end of the house. They were leaving to do something. I felt alone and disappointed. I did not feel comfortable in this place and did not want to stay here alone. This place felt depressing. I wandered over to the cement patio behind the house. The neighbours were just about to have a barbecue. I wanted to join them so that i would not have to feel so alone. The forest to the north was filled with dried leaves. I felt disturbed by the silence here.

12001 September 24

I looked out the small window in the bathroom of the house. The house seemed like my parents’, but it also seemed like my grandfather’s cottage. I looked out the window, to the north and saw the long wooden pole hanging in the air. The back yard of the house seemed to be torn up, as though the ground had just been landscaped. I looked up at the pole, which seemed to be a new telephone pole. It was suspended by a thin metal wire, which was wrapped around the top part of the pole. There seemed to be some red colouring to the pole, as though it had once been stained but had since faded. There was a yellow crane holding the pole over the hole in the ground. I thought that the crane was unsafe. The pole wobbled in the air, and i thought that it might crash through the window. I watched nervously as the crane balanced the pole, trying to slide it into the hole.

12001 September 25

I walked to the west over the grassy driveway. We seemed to be in the middle of a large field. There seemed to be mountains to the south of us, and a small brick house to the north. $F4 was following behind me as i looked down at the ground. We were here to fix the water pipes. We had to hook them up. I inserted one of the pipes into the small hole in the ground. It slid all the way into the hole. I told $F4 that we would have to go underground to hook up the pipe. I was then aware of a man working to the west of us. I could hear him making noise as he hooked up pipes in the large open pit. I thought that there must be an underground tunnel under us. I wondered how we could get to the tunnel, thinking that we might have to ask the man to let us walk through his house. I walked over to the pit to see if i could see the man, but he wandered back down the tunnel to the east as i reached the edge of the pit. I could see many copper and iron pipes in the hole. I then walked back to where $F4 was standing. There was a crude hole eroded into the dirt of the ground near him. Through it, i could see the old steam and water pipes. The floor below was cement and had several holes in it for the pipes to go through. I put one of our thin aluminum pipes into the mouth of the hole, wondering where the small copper pipe i had inserter before had gone. The tunnel was just below us, but the hole looked into a small cavity behind the south wall of the tunnel. I thought that the pipes we were dropping in might fall into some place where we would not easily be able to get them. I noticed the white insulation on two of the pipes near me and mentioned to $F4 that it was asbestos. I then let go of the thin pipe. It fell through the hole, but then turned to the south and slipped through a small hole in the eroding cement floor. I cursed and told $F4 that we would have to go down to get all of the pipes. We walked to the east toward the house. I thought that we would have to ask the man whether we could hook up our pipes to his plumbing. We came into the house and i told the man that we would like out pipes hooked up to the pipes of his house. He asked why we did not hook up the pipes to the main water from the city. I explained to him that we would need both hot and cold water for the taps. I pictured the small spigots which would come out of the ground. The man shook his head, unhappy about the idea. I explained to him that they would not be using too much hot water. I said that it might only be one or two times a week. I turned to $F4 for confirmation. He also said a few times a week. The man started to pace around the room. I knew that he was upset with the idea of them using the water. I kept trying to explain, but i felt as though the people to whom i was referring were extraterrestrial. I knew that the man had been in contact with them. He paced to the northwest, into the living room of the house. It seemed that he was going into a trance. I realized that there was a pink glow outside the large window to the west. I thought that we should get out of the building. The man was actually contacting the extraterrestrials. I started to move to the south, but then realized that $Z was transfixed by the pink light. I realized that the space craft were hypnotizing everyone so that they could come into the house to investigate things. I grabbed $Z and pulled him to the door. I remembered that i was not affected by their presence. As we left the house, i noticed light coloured patches of light on the blue sky. They were oval shaped and seemed like projections onto a screen. I thought that they were not real, but there were so many of them that they could not all be generated. The ships must be swarming around the house. I walked $Z to the small car that was in the gravel drive to the southeast of the house and tried to get him in.

12001 September 28

I was swimming in the pool with the other people. I moved to the north side of the pool and grabbed onto the aqua tiles of the pool wall. I felt out of shape, and i did not think that i could continue to swim. I then thought that there was something strange with the water. I carefully pressed my right hand into the water of the pool, watching as it approached the surface. As i reached the surface of the water, however, my hand started to press on the water. I pushed my hand into the water, but i could feel the water parting around my hand, as though it was a viscous substance. My hand was not wet. The surface of the water simply parted around my fingers. I tried again to press my hand into the liquid, but i again produced the same effect. I felt confused and thought for a moment that the water was not letting me into it. I spoke to the woman who was treading water near me, telling her about the water. She wondered why the water would act like that. I placed my hand into the water near her, but, this time, my hand got wet as it sunk below the surface. I wondered whether it was simply the water close to my body that would not let me penetrate its surface. I reached out and placed my hand in the water away from me. Suddenly, i was able to penetrate the surface of the liquid. I thought that the experience was strange. I did not know how the water had bent around my hand.

We drove to the west, down the long narrow road which stretched across the reservoir. The water around us seemed very high. I thought that the reservoir must be flooding. As we got out into the middle of the water, i noticed that the water had already flooded part of the road ahead of us. I was afraid to travel any farther. I could not see the road below the water. I knew that it curved to the north a little, but i did not think that i could stay on it. As we turned around, i noticed that the water was now over the hood of our red car. I did not think that it had been that deep before. I wondered whether it was getting deeper. I wondered why the car did not stall from water in the engine. I said this to my mother, who was in the car with me. My father was then sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car. I looked out the window, thinking that the water must be shallower in the middle of the lake. I looked over the edge of the road. Noticing that the land at the edge of the road dropped off rather suddenly into the depths of the water. My father mentioned something about the ledge as i looked at it. I was now standing on a section of the road which was still above the water. I had stopped to look at the drop off. I noticed that there was an old stone wall just off of the road, to the north. The stones were large and cut with square corners. I pointed it out, and my father told me that it was the stone foundation to the old road. I followed the line of stones with my eyes as they led off to the west-northwest. There seemed to be a building to the east of me as i looked down at the old foundation in the water. I noticed that there were round sections of the foundation to the north of the main wall. At first, i thought that the outside wall of the foundation had a rolling surface, but then i decided that the rolls were really old cement pipes. I looked at the one right under me and thought that it was an old sewer pipe. I walked along the edge of the foundation until i was over the pipe. I wondered if i could get caught in a sudden intake from the pipe. As i steeped on the blocks of the foundation, i noticed that some of them shifted. The ground below seemed to be sinking in a few places. My mother then walked to the north of me. She was walking along the part of the foundation which was above the water. I told her that she had to be careful. I knew that the foundation was not stable. I told her to watch for holes, thinking that she might accidentally fall into one of the large pipes. I told her only to step on the supporting stones. I then looked down into the water again to see that there was a blue plastic tarp covering part of the foundation. I thought that the workers must be fixing the old foundation so that it did not deteriorate any further.

I was looking out the north window of my bedroom, watching the people on the street outside. It was very late at night. My grey car was parked on the side of the street, and there was another car sitting near it. The sound of the people in the large brown car had woken me. The others seemed to be teenagers. They were talking loudly and fooling around in the brown car. They spun the wheels of their car, throwing gravel behind them. I could hear the gravel hitting the side of my car, and i felt annoyed with them. I then noticed that the door of my new car had been opened. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that they must have moved my car. I felt upset and started to stick my head out of the window to say something to them, but the gravel from their tires was still falling through the air, and i did not want to get hit by it. I then heard them say something about me. They were making a joke, taking light what they had done to my car. I wanted to do something to stop them, but i did not know what. I knew that, if i yelled at them from the window, they might ignore me and then do something worse to my car. I then thought that i would like to simply go down and talk to them, but i did not feel comfortable doing so.

12001 September 29

I walked through the old structure of the abandoned house. I had just been talking to some people, but was interested in finding something. I walked into the doorway of the old building and down the old steps. There was someone else with me who was looking through the old house. I knew that i probably should not be here, but i felt as though i had to check the area for something. The other person walked to the west, into the larger section of the house. I turned to face north, looking back up the narrow set of rickety stairs that i had just descended. The walls were deteriorated, and i could see the horizontal wooden slats which had held the plaster. The building was dark, but i had enough light to make out many of the details. The floors seemed covered with dust and debris. The stairs, which led up, seemed dangerous. I wondered how i had come down them. I then noticed that there were many holes in the floor around me which looked down several flights into the ground. I wondered how i would get back to the door to get out of the building. Something felt confusing about the situation. I thought that the other person might have warned me about the condition of the building. I carefully tried to ascend the stairs again, heading toward the door, but i realized that there were several structures in the way. There was a metal cross beam blocking the stairs. I thought that i must have slipped under it to get down the stairs. I knew that i could crawl back under the beam, but i felt that it was too complicated and searched for another way up. There was a set of stairs which led down to the west of the flight which led up. I could see that a wall was missing around the stair well. I thought that i could simply fly around the scaffolding on the stairs going up and reach the door. I then started to doubt whether i could really fly. I knew that it was not possible under normal circumstances. I then remembered that i was always able to do it. I just had to have no doubt about my abilities. I stepped off the edge of the stairs going up and started to float out over the hole in the stairs which led down. I had the sense that the hole led quite far into the ground, but i did not want to look for fear that i would suddenly have doubt and not be able to fly. I glided to the top of the stairs near the exit door. I remembered how, in my dreams, i was always able to glide so easily. I was surprised that i was able to do it in real life. I leaned forward and headed down the hall and put the door of the house, flying to the east. I crossed a grassy lawn which led down a short steep hill to the dark street outside. There were many old buildings around the area. They looked like old brownstones with green grass growing down to the street in front of them. The road outside ran to the south-southwest, where it intersected another road which ran east to west. As i flew out over the intersection, i noticed a woman in a car sitting on the northeast corner of the crossing. She looked up as me as i started to fly toward her. I knew that she had doubted me before, and felt that i could show her that i really was better than i seemed. I spread out my arms and flew over her red convertible car. She started the car and drove to the east, in the same direction that i was flying. She was wearing dark sun glasses and a scarf over her head. I soared over the small cobblestone courtyard which was to the north of the road. There were several tables and chairs arranged over the stones. I knew that this was part of the water-side cafe.

I spoke to $F20 as i walked through the marketplace. There seemed to be kiosks on both the north and south side of the dirt road. This place seemed almost like a fair. I felt as though i had been doing something with $F20. We were talking about something, and it felt good to talk to him, but i felt awkward. There seemed to be something wrong with the conversation. $F15 was with me. I felt as though i wanted to talk to him some more, but i did not feel close enough to him. He walked off to the southwest as i started to the east. I felt confused and wanted someone to be with. I then noticed $A290 walking toward me from the southeast. He was smiling as he approached me. I felt interested in him, but did not get a chance to speak. We had been joking with each other before. He pushed me back against the wall and wrapped his left arm around me right. He seemed to have a head lock on me with his right arm. I was amused by the challenge and tried to struggle free. He was stronger than i was, but i enjoyed the competition. I tried to push away from the wall, but he was strong enough to keep my back against it. I felt as though i knew him very well and that this was a friendly struggle. I looked at him as i tried to push his head back with my right arm. I could see the biceps of his right arm tense to keep me in position. I felt challenged by him and tried to struggle free. We joked around for a moment, but then it seemed that time had passed. He fainted. Something felt wrong. I felt concerned for him and picked him up. I had to get him out of this place. I was surprised at how light he seemed. I carried him to the east, walking over the dry desert ground. This was a foreign land. I felt nervous as we moved. I had to sneak him out of the country. He was dressed in a dull yellow robe which masked his face. It was the robe of a woman. I knew that the people in this country would be looking for him because he was a soldier. The people around us seemed arabic. I had to sneak him to safety. I followed the crowd of people in white robes as they moved up the dry reddish-brown dirt of the hill to the east. I suddenly felt that we were trapped in the crowd. They were all heading someplace special. I had to follow them so that i did not look out of place. I hoped that it would not be a mistake to follow the masses. These people were mourners. There was something at the top of the hill where they were mourning. I climbed to the top and tried to fit into the crowd. I had to figure out a way to slip away from the people.

12001 September 30

I walked down the corridor of the office to the east. The air seemed hazy, and i wondered whether there was something wrong. I turned into my cubicle, which was along the south wall, and looked at my computer screen. I then stepped back out into the aisle and looked back to the west. I could see a thick white haze in the air of the office. I mentioned it to one of the women who was standing in the aisle to the west of me. I thought that the maintenance people must have turned off the ventilation system. I coughed a bit and decided that i should open a window. I walked across my cubicle and looked at the window, which was shared between my cubicle and the one to the east of me. I lifted the metal-framed pane to let some air in. Some of the papers on the counter near the window began to flutter. I looked at the yellow posting pad to see that it was moving. I lowered the window a little so that there was no so much of a draft. I looked around at the papers on the counter by the window. They did not seem to be moving toward the window. I did not want them to be lost in a gust of wind. There was a purple sheet of paper with multicoloured swirls on it just under the window which did not seem to be moving. I held up my left hand near the opening of the window. I was holding a piece of yellow paper. As it got near the widow, it flapped outward, telling me that the air was moving out of the room. I thought that this was good because it might clear the air of smoke. I then decided that i had to get going. I was supposed to leave the office to get somewhere. I walked out of the cubicle and headed east, thinking that i should probably open more windows around the office to let in a cross draft. I reached the east wall of the office and opened a window in one of the cubicles. As i backed out of the cubicle, though, i noticed that the name on the wall to the right of the door was mine. This was my new cubicle. I should have moved from the old one. I walked back into the cubicle, feeling somewhat confused. I noticed that many of the things in the cubicle were mine. Someone must have moved everything from my old cubicle, and i simply did not notice when i was working on the computer in my old cubicle. I looked at the computer on the counter against the east wall. There was a large monitor which looked like mine, but i felt that the computer itself might not be mine. I looked at the keyboard and noticed that it did not belong with my computer. I then realized that there was an old pentium computer on the counter to the right which had not been removed from the cubicle yet. I knelt down to look at the main computer under the counter, below the monitor. It looked like my G4 tower, but there was a large white ZIP-drive bay on the front with words in large helvetica letters labeling what it did. I inserted the pinky off my left hand into the flap of the bay and noticed that the door was broken. This was not my computer. As i stood back up, i realized that i had been working on the computer in the other cubicle all morning. It had all of the files that i was used to. It had to be mine. The moving crew must have forgotten to move my computer. I then looked to the left, at the items on the shelf to the north. The shelf was covered with books. I wondered whether they were mine, or whether the moving men had confused everyone’s items and gotten everything shuffled. I started out of the cubicle when i noticed the papers on the south wall near the window. I walked back in and lifted the pink roller door to see what was underneath. There were several posted letters with my handwriting on them. I looked at the notes. They seemed to be on physics problems. One of them was a drawing of an arc of a circle with some equations above it. I looked over the top of the cube to see that the pink roller door slid back into the next cubicle. It slid over the top of a shelf which was in the cubicle to the south of me. I thought that it would be very inconvenient if i opened and closed the door when the other person had items on the shelf on the other side. I walked out of the cubicle and looked around. I started to feel confused. The items in this cubicle were not all mine. I walked back to my old cubicle and entered. Something was different. I did not recognize any of the items in the room. As i backed out of the cubicle, i realized that i had walked into a cubicle on the east wall. I turned to the north and thought that i would go into my new cubicle to make sure everything was there. I entered and looked again to the shelf on the north side. There were several white objects on the shelf which seemed to be part of a tea set. I knew that they belonged to one of the women in the office. The movers had confused everything. I decided that i should complain jokingly to $A313. I walked back into my cubicle and opened the window on the east wall. I wanted to get some circulation. As i turned around, however, i realized that the items in the room were not mine at all. The layout of the office now seemed cleaner, and there was a counter with a tan typewriter on it. A man in dark blue slacks and light blue shirt walked part of the way into the cubicle and looked over something in a file cabinet on the north wall. I realized that i was in the wrong cubicle. My cubicle must have been to the south. I walked out and looked around, trying to orient myself. I felt very confused. I then turned to the north, thinking that i should tell $A313 about the computer. I looked to the west and north. There was a pathway which curved at fourty-five-degree angles around the center of the office. I was on the southeast corner of the office, outside of the pathway. To the north, i noticed $F16 walking toward me. I did not want to be distracted by talking to him, so i pretended that i did not notice him coming. I started to walk to the north, looking for $A313. As i started, i saw her coming out of a door on the east wall and start walking to the north. She was wearing a tan sleeveless dress with a blue shirt underneath. I called her name to stop her as i walked toward her. She asked what i wanted and i told her that the moving crew had not put my computer into my new office yet. She smiled in frustration and continued on. I then looked to the east to see that one of the women in the office had opened a door to the outside. I thought that it was strange that there was a door on this floor. The door had a metal frame and a glass surface. It seemed like a plain glass door which might have appeared as an entrance to a store. The woman carefully propped it open along the north wall. She seemed afraid of falling over the narrow cement ledge outside. I walked toward the door, looking at the ledge. It seemed weather worn, but there was someone outside. The woman in front of the door then started talking about the animal outside. I realized that the person on the ledge was walking a kitten on a leash. I asked the women why they simply did not let the cat wander on the ledge by itself. I knew that we were very high from the ground and thought that the cat would not dare jump over the sides.

$K18 was complaining about something. We were standing outside, and i was trying not to listen to her. I then notice $F24 running to the north of us. He had a roll of twine in his hand. He was letting the twine fall behind him, as though he was trying to mark a trail. He was not watching where he was going, though, and he ran into a tall chain-link fence at the edge of the yard.

I was in the store with $K1. She was shopping for something to the east of me. We were on the north side of the store. I looked over some of the items in a small bin near me. There was a circular object in the center of the bin which had a large green fish on it. It seemed like a stuffed fish on a plaque, but i noticed that there was an image of a raven over the fish. I found the object interesting and thought that it had some symbolic value. There was something special about the image. I thought that i should ask $K1 what she thought of it, but then i remembered that she would not approve of symbolic meanings.