12004 September 01

I stood in the living room of the apartment building. The white walls of the room seemed worn. There were outside windows along the west wall, and a door to the hall in the southern end of the eastern wall. An old low couch ran along the eastern wall, to the north of the door. I could hear the children to the north of me. There were also some children out in the hall. They were all talking about something, and i was annoyed with them. They moved to the west of me and continued chatting about something which seemed to excite them. I did not want to deal with them, and i turned to the north to walk away. I noticed that there were toys on the floor. The children had been playing with my old toys and had left them out. I looked down at the Battlestar Galactica toy. It was a white Viper, but it was broken. I felt upset, thinking that my father must have stepped on it. I knelt down and started putting the toys into a black shoebox which had been lying on the floor to the east of me. I placed the broken Viper into the bottom of the box and then started to pick up all of the other toys which were on the floor. Several of the toys seemed very old, made of a stiff plastic which was starting to deteriorate. I thought that they were special toys because they were so old. They were probably valuable as collector items. I gathered them all off the floor and put them into the box. There were more here than i had expected. I reached to the north to pick some of the other toys up from the lawn. I was standing in front of a house, gathering the toys from the side of the street. It seemed as though i was taking these toys out of a pile which had been placed by the curb as trash. I was also aware of the police to the south of me, by the other house. I hoped that they did not get suspicious of my collecting the toys from the yard. I just wanted to get them all cleaned up without question. I ignored them as i collected the toys. I knew that the police were here because the people in the house had been too loud during the party. I felt that it was their own fault for making too much noise. After i had gathered all of the toys, i headed back to the west and found myself back in the house. The kids were now cleaning up the dining room, which seemed like the dining room of my grandmother’s house. They were trying to fix the house up after the party. I then noticed that the dishes in the glass cabinet were broken. The china cabinet was against the west wall of the room. The blue dishes were my mother’s good china, but they were broken. I felt upset, thinking that the dishes were irreplaceable. The china was very old and in a style which could not be purchased any more. I remembered that the gravy boat was made as one piece, with the plate under it attached to the boat. This was a rare thing, but it made the china that much nicer. I then realized that there were some things in the cabinet missing. I looked around the house, realizing that there were several things which had bees stolen. The house seemed clean, but there were really just things missing. I suddenly realized that i was not as upset as i thought that i would be. I turned to the north and looked into the back room of my parents’ house. I could see that the television and stereo were missing from the cabinet on the east end of the northern wall. I looked around the room as i walked toward the center, noticing that there were many other things missing. I then turned to the south and headed up the stairs to my old room. I came into the small bedroom of the house and noticed that there was a lot of junk on the floor. The new shirts, which i had just bought, were on the floor, and they had been covered with spray paint. They sat at the base of the bed. I thought that the high-school students had vandalized some of the things in the house just to be mean. I felt slightly upset about the shirts because i had liked them, and now they were useless. I headed back down stairs, thinking that all of the antiques in the house had been taken. I wondered what i should do. As i reached the first floor, i realized that my mother was now home and was standing in the back room. I told her to make a list of all the things that were missing. We would have to give the list to the police. She said that she did not want to bother, so i asked her what she was going to do about the stolen things. She seemed upset, but simply said that she would buy them all again. I said “Bull Shit.”, thinking that she would not be able to buy replacements for all of the things that she had lost. I pushed the whiteboard to her, implying that she had to write down what was missing. I felt angry with her and walked out of the dining room, where we had been standing. I stepped up the two stairs, heading to the north, into the back room. I felt very angry with my mother. Then i remembered that there was a new room on the upper floor of the house. I had forgotten that it was there and i wondered whether the thieves knew about it. I wondered whether they had vandalized it or whether they had simply not noticed it.

12004 September 06

The young man talked about his snake with the others in the room. I looked at the brown snake which was curled up in the basket right in front of me. It was a small snake, and its head was facing away from me. I could see that the skin on its tail was still in the process of shedding. It was milky and starting to peal off. The snake must have started molting not too long ago but did not finish. I looked closely at the tail of the snake, looking at the points where the dead skin was pealing from the live skin. I then realized that the tail of the snake was bulbous. The end was actually supposed to be dry where the rattle was. The snake was a rattlesnake. I felt suddenly cautious of the snake and backed away from the basket. I felt that it was very dangerous to have the snake here, and i did not think that the others knew how dangerous the snake was. I moved to the southwest, where the others were gathered. I told them that the snake was a rattlesnake.

12004 September 12

I was traveling in the bus with the others, heading north along the tall mountain range. We seemed to be on a long road in the middle of a forested area. A tall thin ridge of mountains ran to the west of us, and it felt as though we were following it to the north. I described the tall ridge to the others as we traveled. The land around us was very narrow, and it seemed as though there was ocean on either side of the mountain ridge. I knew that there was a rise in the mountains on the northern end of the ridge. The mountains would rise into a small circular crest. This is where Santiago is. I thought that there was something very special about this mountain ridge. The rise at the end was especially important. I then thought that Santiago should be at the southern end of the long range of mountains, but i was sure that we were heading north. Something seemed strange about this, because i was sure that we were on South America. I tried to focus on the mountains, wondering what was so special about them.

12004 September 15

I walked down the cement path to the west, along the southern wall of the building. There was a door on the western end of the southern wall which was open as i walked past. I looked in and saw a lecture room with a large video screen on the north wall. The class was teaching history, and i was interested in what was being said. I had been thinking of something else as i was walking, but now i was interested in the history. I turned into the classroom and looked around. There were still several students getting settled in their chairs. It was dark in the classroom, but i could see around the room fairly well. The room was long east to west, and there were ten to fifteen rows of cushioned seats which all faced the northern wall of the room. There was an aisle running along the back side of the lecture room, which separated the main section of chairs from the single row of chairs which ran along the southern wall. There was a protrusion in the southern wall at the center of the room, to the east of me, which seemed to cover an audio-visual booth. There was also a wide square column in the center of the room, just in front of the protrusion, in the center of the main section of chairs. The old professor stood in front of the column in a tan sweater and brown slacks. His white hair was frizzy, and he was balding. He stood with a slight hunch as his left hand worked the small projector which was on the square wooden table in front of him. He spoke about the war to the students. This was a history class. I was interested in the class, and walked along the south wall, looking for an open seat. I hoped that the professor did not mind me sitting in on the class. I knew that i would seem out of place here. There were some open seats to the east of a female student, who was sitting a few chairs in from the outside door. She was wearing a short purplish low-cut dress. She had long brown hair, and she sat slightly slouched, resting her right elbow on the arm of the tan seat. I looked at the board again and saw a black image with thin coloured lines across it. It was a computer-generated image of a nuclear bomb exploding over a city, showing the range of the explosion. The professor must have been talking about Nagasaki or Hiroshima. I watched a crude image of a mushroom cloud expand in the center of the screen. Then the image changed to a wide yellow circle on a plane, which indicated the range of the blast. I turned to look for a seat again, thinking about the burning effects of the blast radius. The professor then said something about the special effects, and the students seemed to moan in exasperation. I thought that the professor might have some special effect to make the room seem bright and warm to simulate the atomic explosion. I closed my eyes as a light seemed to go on. I thought i saw a light fixture in the center of the ceiling over the professor. I turned around to face the chairs again but still did not sit down. I then looked back at the screen. The professor had two laser pointers and was waving them around the center of the screen, creating a blur of blue and red light. The professor was smiling at the tackiness of his effects. He was now wearing a dull yellow sweater over a white button-up shirt. I turned to the west and found myself outside of the class room. Looking to the south, i could see that i was in the backyard of my parents’ house. There was a beach to the west of me, and there were some children playing in the sand to the north. I looked to the north to watch some of the children. There seemed to be a paved path just to the north of me which ran across the sandy ground. I was trying to think about something, but i could not remember what. I turned to watch the children to the north play. One of them was pushing around the upper part of a statue through the sand. The statue was of the folded arms and partial back of a man. There was no head on the statue. I thought that the child had made the crude statue, and i was amused that the child had been detailed enough to paint hair on the arms and upper chest of the casting. The young boy pushed the statue to the east and then turned it around to push it toward me. I thought that the detail on the arms was quite artistic for such a young child.

12004 September 16

I was listening to the play from back stage, but things were not going well. The stage was to the south of me, and i was standing behind the northeast corner of the stage. I listened to some of the actors saying their lines, but it seemed that they were trying very hard to remember them. They were taking too much time between the lines to get the words out. I felt frustrated and upset with the play. Everything was going wrong. This play was a musical, and i could tell that none of the songs were right either. I did not know any of my lines, and i did not want to perform in the play at all. I could not stay here, so i turned to leave. It seemed that the other actors were not engaged in the play either, and i thought that the audience would simply leave before the show was over. As i turned around, i noticed that i was in a corridor which wrapped around the northern and eastern sides of the stage and auditorium. I looked to the north and saw that there were several large snakes in the corridor to the north. I felt suddenly panicked, realizing that the snakes were poisonous. I yelled to the others that there were snakes in the theatre and that we would have to get out. I told the people back stage with me that they should run to the north, into the bathroom. They would be able to climb out the bathroom window. I was stuck in the short corridor which ran to the east from the stage area, though. I kicked the wall to the south of me, breaking through the plaster, but exposing the horizontal slats which supported the wall. I tried to break through the slats by kicking them, but could only break a few of them. I did not have time to break any more slats before the snakes came, and i wondered if i could squeeze through the hole that i had made. I had to get out of there.

12004 September 20

I was getting into the small can which was sitting in the middle of the parking lot. It was dark out, and we had just finished doing something. $F43 and $F44 were to the north of my car. They were walked toward me so that they could get into their own car. I said something, and $F44 replied. As a joke, i said “Fuck you.” It was a jest of some sort. $F44 laughed at the comment as he stopped by the door of his car, which was to the north of mine. $F43 was upset by the comment, however. She did not think that it was appropriate to swear in the present setting. Just then, the scene changed. We were all standing in some other place, and it was now daytime. I knew that the joke had not been said in this context, but $F43 was still upset about it. I felt upset that we had angered her, but i could not understand why she was so mad.

12004 September 22

I walked to the west, across the yellow sand of the beach. The ocean was to the north of me, and the land all around me seemed flat. There seemed to be rich green vegetation to the east of me. I thought that this place was in California. As i reached the western end of the beach, however, where the thick green trees were growing, i wondered where in California the ocean would be to the north of the land. I turned around and drove back to the east, over the thin strip of land. The light-blue water of the ocean to the north of me now seemed to be tropical, as though i was in the Caribbean Sea. There now seemed to be water just to the south of me as well. As i reached the eastern end of the thin strip of sandy land, i thought that this place might not be safe in a storm. There was so little land here, and i thought that it would be washed away very easily. The land now seemed to curve to the north, where the road on the thin peninsula met the mainland to the east. There seemed to be a bay or lagoon to the north where the water was calm. Before i reached the eastern end of the thin strip of land, i started to drift to the north, heading out over the water. I thought about the danger of living here. All of the small houses which seemed to be nestled among the tall palm trees of the cove to the north would be easily destroyed in a hurricane. The land to the north was actually an island. I thought that there were several small islands to the north of me, and the water in this bay flowed from the swampy ground to the north and east. This place is dangerous in a storm. As i started along the curve of the eastern shore of the bay, i was aware of the others to the east of me, on the shore. They were talking about something, and i felt that there was something wrong. I was then aware that there was someone floating in the air to the east of me. This was strange. I was usually the one who was flying. It was rare to see others flying around me. I looked at the old house on the shore to the east. It looked like a run-down old shack, with worn wooden vertical siding and a crude tin roof. The people who were talking were talking from within the large house just up the hill from the little shack. I seemed to live in the shack, and i knew about the old woman who lived in the large house. The old house had a wide porch along the front which was supported by thick square columns which blended into the half wall along the front edge of the porch. The men seemed to be police officers, and they were telling the old woman that she had to move out of the house. She was being kicked out. I felt that she was being kicked out because she could not afford the house, but i knew that other people would think that the police were there because the woman was so mean to everyone. I felt happy that she was getting thrown out because it seemed due punishment for the way she had acted. Then i started to feel sad for her as i listened to her plead with the police. I knew that there was nothing that i could do for her, but i felt sad that she was defenseless against them. “Where am i supposed to go?”, she asked as they forced her to gather what she could. “I have a headache. I get headaches.” I floated to the shore at the bottom of the hill from the house and started to climb up the wooden planks which were in the water. It seemed like an old boat ramp. I tried not to pay any attention to the older woman and the police, but i now felt very bad for her.

12004 September 24

I was at $P19, talking to some people. Something seemed familiar about the place, but i was not aware of the surroundings. I then seemed to be standing outside a building. It seemed that i was in the driveway of my parents’ house, with the house to the southwest of me. I turned to the northeast and thought about the members of $G3 whom i had just spoken to. They were heading toward the house, but i was thinking about the short brother with the red hair. I then thought about $A372. He was homosexual, and i thought that he was an interesting person. The other brother with the red hair was also homosexual. I remembered that there were several homosexual brothers in the house. I had known several of them from a while ago, and i was interested in keeping in touch with them. I looked around as i thought about this. I was supposed to head home, but something felt comfortable here. I seemed to be standing at the entrance to $P121, facing to the northeast. I thought about $A372 and how i had been friends with him before. I then noticed that there was something wrong with the sky to the east and northeast of me. I looked up and saw that the clouds were pale green. I then noticed that there was a dark-green section of clouds almost overhead. There was something wrong. I wondered whether the government had spread a toxic material through the air. I thought that it might be some kind of biological weapon. I thought that i should run into the house, and i turned to the southwest to head toward my parents’ house. I did not seem to move, though. I was thinking about something, but could not focus on what. I was then standing in the driveway again at the entrance to $P121, facing northeast. I had to get out of the green clouds before the chemicals settled to the ground. I looked around, however, and i realized that i could not see any of the green gas in the sky. The people in front of me were all looking up at the western sky, though, so i turned to see what they were looking at. I saw the green cloud drifting over us from the west. I had to get out of the area. I could now see the plaza to the northeast of me, just across the street. It seemed very close, and i could see the rounded woman with the long black hair sitting on the edge of the sidewalk in front of it. She seemed occidental. Two children sat, one on each side of her. They were all staring out at the western sky. I felt that i had to get away from here quickly, and i knew that i could fly home quicker than i could run. I focused hard on motion as the woman motioned to the southwestern sky, saying something to the child on her left. I concentrated on moving, but i did not seem to be going anywhere. Instead, the ground under me seemed to be shifting and contracting so that the distance between my house, which was on the other side of the shallow hill, to the northeast, and me seemed to be getting shorter. I seemed to be flying, but i was not really moving. I then noticed that the green mist was closing in around me. I tried to swim through the air fast enough so that i stayed ahead of it, but i knew that if i strained myself too much, i would have to breath more of it in. I had to move as fast as i could without getting too out of breath. I concentrated on pulling ahead of the green mist, which was moving in on either side of my vision. I was then traveling to the southwest, oven the garage of my parents’ house, heading back to the house. The ground was covered with white snow, and the place seemed deserted, but i knew that i would be safe here. I glided in close to the house and landed by the back porch. There was a wooden overhand off the eastern side of the house which was made from bare wood. I thought that i would be safe once i got into the house. I could hide out here. It now seemed dark and cold, and i felt as though there was some great threat from the northeast. Someone or something had made this place dangerous, and they would be trying to endanger me if they knew that i was here. I had to hide.

12004 September 28

We were driving to the northwest on the city street. The houses on both sides of the road seemed to be apartment buildings which were set back form the road across wide sidewalks. There seemed to be utility lines on either side of the street. To the north, the road ended after only fifty metres. I pulled the can over to the east side of the road, stopping at the end of the row of apartments. To the north of the apartments, on the eastern side of the street stood grassy sand dunes. The ocean seemed to be just beyond the end of the road, and it seemed to extend to the north and east. To the west and northwest, there seemed to be land on the other side of a small body of water. The main section of the city seemed to be on this land. The other person in the car with me seemed to be $A373, and i thought that we were heading to the beach, which seemed to be just ahead of us, at the end of the road. I talked to someone as i walked to the north-northwest, along the eastern side of the street. I paused for a moment, not to far from the car. $Z was with me as we waited for the other to come from the car. My attention was then drawn to the western sky, where there was a man sailing over the brick structures of the city’s apartment buildings. The sky was mostly blue, with tattered streaks of thin clouds, and the man was dressed in a blue and white jump suit. I thought that he had wings on his back, as though he was in a hang glider. I started to wonder how he was able to fly, but then i noticed that there was a tow cable running from his waist to the ground. I thought that there must be a boat in the bay to the west towing the man over the water. As i looked at him, i realized that the light-blue rounded wings were actually attached to the sides of his suit and ran from the arms to the legs. He then turned around and started heading back to the west. I looked at the cable under him, watching it go slack. The boat must be turning too tightly. I worried that the man would fall into the city. The people towing him were not paying enough attention to him. The man started to fall toward the ground. I then noticed that his tow cable fell across the utility wires which ran down the southern side of the street, which was heading to the west from where i stood. I worried that the man would be electrocuted. The man fell out of sight behind a building, and, a moment later, there was a bright shower of sparks. I ran to the west until i could see him. He was stuck to the eastern side of the wooden utility pole, his arms and legs out to his sides. The white jump suit that he was wearing saw torn and charred. I called “Chris”, as though i knew him. He lifted his head and looked at us. He seemed mad at us for not doing anything. I did not know what to do. I looked over the tattered burned jumpsuit that he was wearing and wondered how he was able to stay stuck to the side of the pole.

I was driving to the south on the long road which stretched through the country side. There were fields on either side with many patches of trees. We seemed to be in a large valley, with hills rising to the east and west. I was then walking on the road, which now seemed like a dirt path. The man was walking to the west, and i said something to stop him. He turned and said something back to me, and we started talking about haircuts. I thought that i needed to get my hair cut. I recognized the man as we spoke, and i was interested in talking to him. I realized that he was a famous rock musician, and i thought that he was John Mayer. He was about my height, and he had short black hair. He said that he needed a haircut and asked me to cut his hair. I felt uneasy about it, but considered it. I ran my hands through his short dark hair, trying to see what i could do to cut it. I thought that the hair was already too short to cut. I liked long hair and did not think that he should have it trimmed any farther. He said something about getting his hair cut, and i realized that he was very interested in me. I felt interested in him as well and decided that i should try to cut his hair just so that i could talk to him. I headed to the west and rounded the western end of the room that we were in, heading eventually to the south. I then turned east and walked into the smaller room. I needed a place where i could cut John’s hair. I looked around the small room of the apartment. The others were not in the apartment at the time, so i felt that i could cut John’s hair uninterrupted. I felt eager to help John, but then i started to feel bad that i was so interested in him when i was already dating $F45. I stopped in the center of the small room, which was a living room, and decided that i could cut John’s hair here. The rug in the center of the room would help collect the hair that fell. There were low medium-coloured couches against the eastern wall of the room, and a chair in the center where John would sit. There seemed to be doorways in all walls of the room which led off into other rooms of the apartment, and John started to wander around into the other rooms. I wondered whether i should really be doing his hair. I felt bad for neglecting $F45. I wondered what i should do. I was indecisive and could not do anything until John came back. I then realized that the room i was in was really part of a restaurant. There were several small round tables in the room to the west which were covered with clean white table cloths and fine crystal and silverware. I realized that the waiters were setting up the tables in the room where i was as well, getting ready for the dinner crowd. The restaurant was getting ready to open, and the waiters had to set up the tables. I started to feel in the way in the center of the room. I did not know what i should do. John had wandered off, and i did not feel as though i should be running after him. I felt confused, and i realized that he was off doing something else with some other people. I felt left out and disappointed.

12004 September 29

We drove to the south, into the dirt parking lot. There was a police car behind us which seemed to have its flashing lights on. I could not see the lights, but it seemed that we should pull over. $Z was driving the car, and he turned to the west just inside the lot and started traveling along the line of cars. I felt that we were looking for a parking spot. There were many cars in the lot, and it felt as though we were having trouble finding a spot. I felt that we had to pull over into a spot soon so that the police officer would stop following us. There was a spot to the west, at the end of the row of parked cars. $Z pulled his car into the spot and we got out. I noticed that the police car was parked right behind us. I started to the south, along the passenger’s side of the rounded black car, noticing that there was a yellow construction backhoe on the driver’s side of the car. The police had brought the backhoe and was using it to dig a small ditch near the rear tire of the car. I looked at the orange metal drill at the end of the backhoe’s arm, thinking that it was really a shovel. As i walked around the back of the car, i tried to see the ditch where the shovel had been digging. I asked whether they were putting a stake into the ground near the tire and wondered why they did not just put a tire lock on the car. The man operating the backhoe said that tire locks were not as popular. He said that people liked using tire poles instead. $F10 had walked around the back of the car and started talking to me. He was upset about what was happening in his life. I empathized with him, and spoke to him as we walked across the small garage. The black car was to the north of us, and the white plaster walls of the automobile shop were bare and dirty. This place was old and looked as though it had not been used in a while. There were two other people who walked along the eastern wall, heading toward the small wooden platform which was against the southern wall of the shop. They were trying to move something onto the platform. The object had something to do with the rounded black car, which now seemed to be a car from the fourties or earl fifties. I moved to the south, looking at the men as they tried to get the object moved onto the platform. There was a square opening in the south was which led outside. Just outside, i could see the large van which the men were trying to empty. They did not have any machines in the old shop to help them, so they had to move the items manually. I felt suspicious of the people, thinking that they were trying to sneak the stuff into the old abandoned shop. I was now standing near the south wall, looking at the back door of the shop. The wooden shelf was to the west of me. I looked back to the shelf to see $Z standing on top of it, trying to move the large wooden crate. He seemed very much like $F10, and i felt very close to him. I then noticed that the old wood of the shelf under the box was starting to sag with the weight of the crate. I did not think that the shelf would support the weight of the boxes, and i started to tell $F10 to be cautious. Before i could say anything, however, the shelf broke and the box fell to the dirt floor of the shop. $F10 seemed frustrated and started to talk to the others, who were in the room to the south, beyond the large square opening in the wall. I said something to them as we tried to decide how to move the stuff. I was then standing back by the rounded black car in the center of the room. I said something to $F10, who was standing just to the southwest of me. I did not think that we should be here, and i said something about the situation as i looked at the dirt ground. I noticed that there were several small white flowers scattered across the bare damp dirt of the ground. They had fallen from the tree which seemed to be overhead. It seemed that we were standing to the north of the old automobile shop as we spoke, but then i turned to the east and found myself sitting in front of the computer screen. I was in the small dirty office of the building, which seemed to be where i worked. I should be working at the moment, but i had been talking to $F10. $F10 was still upset with something, and i felt concerned for him. I sat at the computer, which was in the center of the large room, and typed a reply to $F10. I then realized that it was strange to be typing a reply because i had been talking to him on the telephone. Something seemed confusing about the situation. I continued typing anyway, writing “hi” to $F10. There was no immediate response, so i started to pace around the room. I looked out the window in the south wall, on the back of the building. I could see the driveway outside. The dirt driveway looked very familiar, and i thought that i had just seen it somewhere else. It was nothing more than muddy tracks crossing the lawn of ragged yellow grass. The driveway curved into a circle with a low dirt mound in the center. I thought that i might have seen this in a dream before. I then looked back to the computer just as $A156 walked into the room from the west. $A156 seemed to be by boss, and i thought that i should seem like i was working on the computer rather than chatting with $F10. I typed a message to $F10 on the black keyboard which sat on the counter which ran along the eastern wall. As i finished, i looked up into the black monitor and realized that the computer had been turned off. I then looked down at the keyboard to see that the keys had all been replaced with rough black crystals. This was not the correct computer for me to be using. I then remembered that the real computer was in the center of the room. I stood up and walked to the cubicle in the center of the large room. I was aware of others in the office watching me, but i had to find out what was wrong with $F10. I started typing on the white keyboard which was in front of the computer. I thought that i could seem like i was looking stuff up on the system. The screen to the north of me would show data from the system, but the real screen was to the west. People would think that i was using the one to the north and not realized that i was really using the one to the west.