12005 September 06

I looked to the east, down the corridor of the house. I felt as though i was in a fraternity, and there was something wrong. There were several people around, but i could not let them see me. The walls of the hall were white, and it seemed to be late at night. There was some construction work to the east of me, and several people were talking in the hall to the northwest. I realized that something was wrong in the construction area. There was a white gas spraying out of the south wall. I thought that it might be gas. I had to do something, but i did not want anyone in the house to get into trouble. I backed out of the corridor, thinking that the gas could explode if it hit something to ignite it. I saw the red alarm switch on the wall just to the south of me, so i pulled it. I thought that it would get everyone out of the building, and i would not have to let everyone know that i was there. I ran down the stairwell and out of the house. It was dark outside as i crossed the large parking lot to the southeast of the tall white house. The house seemed modern and plain, with no trimming and a flat roof. There were other tall houses crowding around the parking lot. Others from the house wandered around the parking lot, not knowing what was going on. An explosion then erupted from the southern end of the building. I felt bad that the fire could not be prevented, but i was glad that everyone could get out.

12005 September 07

I walked to the east, leaving the guest bedroom of my grandfather’s house on $P12 and heading into the master bedroom. I was here to get something, but, as i crossed the wood floor of the main bedroom, i realized that there was something wrong with this situation. My grandfather no longer lived in this house. I should not be here anymore. Something here did not make sense; i should not have been in the house, and the bedrooms should not have been set up as they were when my grandparents were alive. Others owned the house now, and i realized that i must have been dreaming all of this. I walked to the east, through the large glass doors on the side of the house and out onto the cement patio. There were others outside the house, standing around the street, talking. They were getting out of the large black car that was parked to the south, up the small grassy slope, on the edge of the main road. I moved toward them. One of them said something in Russian. I listened to the words for a moment, trying to remember how to say “I did that.” in Russian. The woman there was trying to teach us the language, but i could not remember the words. Someone then said something in a language that i did not recognize. It sounded familiar, but i could not identify the tones used. I then focused on the people to the southeast, who were getting out of the large black car. They were the family who now owned the house that my grandfather used to own. They had just returned from somewhere. A young man, who seemed to be the son of the family, stepped out of the car, staring at me curiously. I felt suddenly strange. This was still my dream, and he should not have been able to see me. I turned and headed back to the house with the others. The young man watches me as i move ahead of him and walk into the house. I watched him as he stepped through the front door. He had medium-length brown hair and was wearing a dark jacket over a white shirt. He started to look around as he came inside, and i realized that he could no longer see me. I thought that i must be a ghost when i am within the house, but i was normal when i was outside. The young man walked past me, heading deeper into the house, still searching. I turned to the door to see another man come into the house. He must have been the father of the family. He headed right toward me, and i let him pass through me. As he passed, i tried to grab for his coat to see if i could still affect him. My hands passed through him. I said something to the other ghost, who seemed to be $Z. There were now several people coming into the house. I moved to the east to get out of the way of the crowd. I was in a waiting room now, and there were several people around me. This place seemed like a doctor’s office. I moved to the eastern wall and watched the people in the room. There was a door in the eastern wall just to the south of me which led into the doctor’s office. Several people walked past as i stood there. There now seemed to be a street to the west of me, and i was standing by the door of the large house, on the porch, opposite the stairs. People walked past on the street as i sat to the north of the door. I then noticed the old wooden sign which was hanging above the door to the doctor’s office. The wooden sign seemed old, and i could see where the white paint was starting to chip and fleck at the bottom edge of the sign. The letters on the sign were raised, and the sign seemed antique. I then noticed that there was a lower section to the sign which was hanging up side down. It was hanging by a thin flat metal chain from the bottom of the main part of the sign, but one of the chains seemed to have been tangled. I tipped up the white sign with a picture on it to look at it. I wondered why no one had ever noticed that the icon in the center was inverted. I thought that it must have looked right to others the way it was. I let the bottom of the sign swing back down as my mother came out of the office. Others walked into the office once from the waiting room, which was the porch, as once they saw that she was finished. I stood up and started to the west with my mother. I then noticed that there was an old man on the stairs to the porch. He was staring at me suspiciously. I walked past him, heading to the west, after my mother. We walked out into the large plaza, turning to the south and heading between the large white buildings. The buildings seemed modern and did not seem to have too many windows. I then thought about something. I thought that we had to go somewhere. I looked to the south and realized that i was on an airplane. I was heading somewhere for a special reason, but i felt nervous about going. I walked to the east now, heading to the tail of the plain. $F4 was with me. The outside of the white jet airliner looked dirty, and i thought that the airplane might not be safe to travel in. A woman in one of the seats near me then said something in Russian. This was a foreign plane, and it was not well maintained. I thought that the airplane might fail while it was up in the air. I walked all the way to the back of the airplane and took a seat on the north side of the aisle. I looked up to the south of me and saw the tail of the airplane. The small lower wings were coloured blue, and the tall tail fin had a blue leading edge. There was a small jet engine at the bottom of the fin, embedded in the center of the fin. I remembered that some of these jets broke off of the wings and caused the plains to crash. I remembered people talking about cracks in the tail fin and the force of the engine tearing the tail off. I hoped that this event did not happen to this airplane while we were on it. The female steward then said something about the trip. She mentioned that it was only an eight-day trip to our destination. I thought that she was joking. It should not take that long to fly around the world. We were actually flying to Moscow from the United States. This was an important trip, and i thought about it as i prepared for the flight. I thought about the Earth lines in Moscow, wondering if they were as strong as the magnetic-field lines here. We had to find the places where these lines were strong, and i tried to picture the globe and determine where the field strength would be the strongest. It was important.

I turned the car not the north and headed up the hill in the old European town. The white stone houses around me seemed formal and old, with many decorations carved into the moldings. All of the houses in this small city were very close together, and there seemed to be few streets running north to south. I was trying to get to somewhere to the north of me. I was following the instructions which were printed on the sheet of white paper that i had on the passenger’s seat, next to me. I felt a little perplexed, not understanding how i was to get to my destination. The city sloped up hill to the north, so many of the streets ran east to west, along the slope of the hill. There were only a few archways in the line of houses which allowed streets to pass to the north. I then saw the street sign as i drove to the west, wondering whether i should actually have gone to the east instead. I thought about where i was, remembering that i had come from the west, following the southern shore of the river toward the city. There seemed to have been white houses along the river as well as i approached the city, which seemed to be nestled in the river valley at a bend in the river. The river to the east of the city seemed to flow to the northeast. I then remembered crossing the river on the south side of the town and headed toward the center of the city, which was still to the north of me. I turned west after crossing the river, looking for the main street to the north. I then came to a street which ran to the north, so i turned, hoping that i would pass some cross street which had a name that i recognized. I looked at the directions to see the name of the street that the theatre was on. We were trying to get there, and i remembered being there once before. I was hoping that part of this town would look familiar to me. I was with the others as i traveled across the bridge on the south side of the town. I was still trying to remember how to get to the theatre when i saw the street sign on the right side of the street. It was a green sign with white letters, and it showed the same name as the name of the street that the theatre was on. We came into the town and continued to travel to the north. I did not recognize this place from the last time that i was in the town, and i thought that we were actually to the west of where i was the last time. I was following $F4 through the town. He was in a separate car, and he seemed to know where he was going. I was unsure whether he really knew. We passed the crossroads, which traveled east and west. I thought that we should take one of the roads to the east to get back to where we were supposed to be. I thought that we were too far to the west. As we passed between several large old white stone buildings, we then saw signs on one of the cross roads. I recognized the road names on the signs. There was a sign for Piedmont and another for Devot. I looked down at the paper that was still in my hand and read the address of the theatre. The theatre was on Cambridge. I wondered where we were going. $F45 lead us through the western side of the town, heading first west and then back to the north. I looked at the passing buildings and noticed that they were part of an old college campus. They were beautiful old stone buildings with fine trimmings. I then noticed the large shell-shaped building to the west as we drove past. It was an old theatre, and i knew that it was part of the college. The stone of the building was tan, and it was intricately carved with wavy patterns. I was amazed at how beautiful the building looked. I walked to the west, down the street of the city. We were then walking north, along the western side of the narrow street. I realized that $F45 had stopped ahead of me, on the white stone steps of a building on the western side of the street. The building seemed very plain, with few windows in the smooth stone edifice. The stones of the front of the building were set so that there were horizontal strips of thin inset stones between the larger white stones. I wondered why $F45 had stopped. I thought that he might be lost and was trying to get is bearings. I told him that the theatre was to the east of where we were, and he told me that he knew. He said that he knew where he was going. At least he brought us to the college area of the town, where the theatre was. I thought that he was just going a different way because that was how he had come earlier. I looked back to the south, where we had come from. I could see the hill on the south side of the river. The hill was dark now, and i realized that the sun was setting. We walked through the archway of an old building. We came out the north end of the building and stated down a narrow set of stairs between two buildings. The stairs came out on a lower street, running to the north along the eastern face of a building. The street was to the east of us. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, realizing that there was a large cardboard roll blocking the bottom of the stairs. I moved the large cylinder to the side so that we could pass. I then picked up some pieces of trash that were spilled on the lower steps. I thought that it would be nice to help the people here clean. I then turned to the west, noticing the old woman who was standing in a doorway. She was trying to get down the stairs herself, but seemed to me having trouble. I felt that i should be curious and offered to help her down the steps. She took my hand and carefully walked down the steps. She paused after a few steps because her red sequined skirt got caught on something on the side of the building. After she reached the street, i turned to the south and hurriedly followed $F45, who had continued on to the theatre. I wondered why he was heading south. We should have been heading east, and i felt frustrated that we were not heading in the correct direction.

12005 September 09

I stood up from what i was doing and walked to the west, out of the building. I had to stoop down to get under the partially opened garage door on the western side of the building. It was dark out, and i felt that i had been doing something for a long time. I wanted to do something, and wondered what i should do. I felt somewhat horny, but thought that i should not do anything sexual just yet. I thought that i should wait until later. There was something else i wanted to get done. I stopped in the small fenced-in pen to the east of the building. I bent over to pick up something from the ground, thinking that i was hungry. There was a large light-green leaf on the ground, and i thought that it was some type of lettuce. I bent over to pick up the long dark string, which i thought was also some type of food. I decided that it would be better than the large leaf. I picked up the string and walked to the west. I felt good and thought that i should be doing something. I looked at the string again and noticed that it was really the wire for a headphone set. I could not eat it. I then noticed someone to the east. I was standing to the southwest of the garage where i had been doing something. I looked at the young man to the southeast of me. He had just come out of the back door of the house which seemed like my parents’ house. He looked angry with me, and said something to the young boy with him. He seemed to be my older brother, and i thought that the boy was my younger brother. The older man was angry with me, and told the younger brother to go into the house. He then walked sternly toward me. When he came near, he stopped to the northwest of me. “What did you do with the goats?”, he demanded. I realized that he was accusing me of doing something horrible to the animals. I thought that he thought that i had slaughtered them in sacrifice. “What?”, i said. “What did you do with the goats and sheep?”, he asked angrily. I told him that i had done nothing with them, and i realized that something nefarious was going on. I felt confused and did not now what to do.

I rode my bicycle down the road to the south. I was on a street in the suburban area, which seemed to be just to the northwest of $P6. The road was very wide, with four lanes of traffic. Houses and small commercial buildings sat in the middle of green lawns on either side of the road. There also seemed to be tall leafless trees in the medians between the sidewalk and the road to the west of me. It was grey out, but it felt warm. I moved quickly past a house with a short metal chain-link fence. I was speeding down the slope of a hill, though the land around me did not seem to slope that much. The buildings changed around me, getting closer to the road and becoming taller. I was trying to head to the southwest side of the city to get home, and i remembered that i would have to turn right down one of the crossing streets. I tried to read the green street signs as i rode, but i was having trouble focusing on them. I passed some of the intersections so fast that i did not have time to read the road signs. I was looking for a road which turned onto the highway. I remembered that the highway would lead me directly down the west side of the city, where i could get home. As i looked at the passing road signs, i suddenly wondered whether i should ride my bicycle on the highway. It was a dangerous thing to do, but i knew that it would take a while to get to where i was going. I tried to remember how to travel between the two cities. The city to the northwest seemed to be $P85, and the one i was heading for seemed to be $P6. I knew that there was an easy way to travel between the two. I tried to remember how the highway ran, and i pictured a map of the area. I knew that the highway was to the west of the road i was on. I could see the red lines running from the northwest city, down along the coast to the southwest, where it ran into the other city. I then saw a wide view of the city to the north with a collection of tall towers in the center and a wide flat expanse of highway in front of it. The highway seemed complicated, twisting and wrapping over itself several times, with many bridges and overpasses. I remembered being on the highway before. I used to travel from the center of the city, heading over the dingy metal bridges and cement overpasses of the highway. I remembered that it was tricky to find the right exit of the highway. I was always taking the wrong exit from the road which ran under the cement overpass. One exit went straight, coming out from the overpass, and the other turned right, curving with the overpass. I knew that one ran along the river. I speeded down the road, trying to read the road signs to the right. I could not think of what the name of the road was that i was looking for, but i knew that i would recognize it once i saw it. I then thought that it might be Devon, but was not sure. I could not remember the road name. I hoped that i would recognize it when i saw it. A woman ahead of me then drew my attention. She was riding her bicycle on the right side of the road, more slowly than i was moving. She was wearing dark clothing and riding an old three-speed bicycle. I passed her, careful that no cars were coming from behind me. There was a low metal chain-link fence along the sidewalk to the southwest of the road, separating the cement walk form the green lawn of the small red brick house. I looked up again, trying to find the crossroad which would lead me to the highway. I knew that it would be a major intersection, so i did not have to look down every side street. The area around me was becoming more urban, with taller buildings which were closer to the road. Trees grew up from the sidewalk, hanging over the road. I suddenly could not remember where i was going. This did not look familiar to me, and i thought that i had gone the wrong way. I felt frustrated, and i pulled off to the right side of the road, into the parking lot of a gas station. I had been heading west on the road, but the main road seemed to be to the north of the station. I had turned onto a one-lane drive which ran to the southwest of the station. I pulled the small map from by back pocket and unfolded it to look at the city. I could see the shore which curved from the northwest to the east, along the lower left-hand side of the map. I was looking for the highways which ran along the shore, knowing that they would lead me from the upper city to the lower city. Route 3 was the main road between the cities, but i though that i would have a long way to go to reach $P6 on this road. I focused on the city. There was something important about the city. I looked around the map, trying to remember the details. There were bridges crossing the water channel on the left side of the map. Several of the marks crossed into the city, and i thought that they related to the bridges of the highway. There was something fascinating about the city, and i felt that it was important that i get there. It seemed that it might be Eurivvonerga. I had to figure this out.

12005 September 11

I walked to the southwest, down the corridor of the movie theatre. I had just purchased a ticket and was looking for the theatre. The walls of the corridor were light orange, and there were movie posters on both walls. The corridor had slight turns to the west. I turned to the south, into one of the doors. I found myself at the front of a cinema. I looked at the number on my ticket as i walked toward the red fold-up chairs which where set up in the theatre. The screen was on the western wall, and i found my seat in the middle of the front row on the southern side of the audience. The theatre seemed run down and plain, with bare dull grey plaster walls. I felt privileged for being able to sit in the front row of the theatre, and was aware of the young woman sitting to the south of me. She had neatly trimmed blonde hail and a nice white suit. I turned my attention back to the movie playing on the western wall. I then noticed the open door in the southern wall of the cinema. There was a man guarding the door, and i realized that the door led to the backstage area where the celebrities could relax apart form the crowd. I then looked back to the north of me, where the two dark skinned women were sitting. They looked very elegant as they sat watching the movie. The one closest to me looked familiar, and i realized that she was the jazz singer that $F45 had told me about. He had said that he really liked her music. I thought that i should say something to her, but i really did not know much about here, and i really did not like soft jazz that much. I watched her for a moment as she sat, small children playing in the seats on either side of her. I then realized that there was a woman in tight blue jeans and a white blouse standing to the south of me, near the door. She said something to the others in the front row, and i realized that they were celebrities. The blonde woman in the white blouse was trying to get the others to come to the hospitality area during the intermission of the film. The others had already started to wander around the cinema and the house lights were now up. I stood up as the celebrities walked past me and into the back hall. I felt anxious and wanted to wander in the back hall as well. I felt that i was someone special too. I looked around the cinema, wondering what to do. I turned and walked to the south, out into the hall which ran along the side of the cinema room. I looked around. The hall was plain cement and seemed dusty. This was not an area for the general public. I realized that i would have to get back to the cinema for the start of the movie, so i turned around and headed down the corridor to the west, but i soon realized that i did not know exactly where i was. I looked through a door on the north side of the hall and realized that it led outside. I was in the wrong part of the building. I turned around to head back to the cinema where i was watching the movie, but i could not remember where i was in the hall. The corridor seemed confusing. I turned to the east and walked to the end of the corridor. I came out at the front of the cinema and decided that i should just walk back down the long corridor to the theatre again. I headed to the east, reading the numbers on the wall. I was in theatre eighteen, as it said on the large pale-orange ticket that i held in my hand. I moved quickly down the hall, passing the ticket collector on the southern side of the hall. He was talking with someone else as i ran past. Just past him, i noticed a doorway which led into another corridor of the theatre. Just as i passed, i slowed because i realized that the sign on the door said “18-24”. The cinema i was looking for was down the corridor. I turned down the corridor and opened the first door, trying to remember how i had gotten to the theatre before. As i opened the door, i realized that i had entered at the front of the audience. The film was already showing on the eastern wall of the room, and all of the people in the red seats were facing east to watch it. I stepped back out of the room and closed the door, deciding that i should enter from the back of the theatre. I then started to feel confused, remembering that i was in a theatre where the movie screens were on the western wall. I should have entered through the back of the theatre from this door. I moved to the west and entered through the next door. My confusion was settled when i realized that the audience on this side of the room was facing west, watching the screens. I walked to one of the empty folding chairs in the front row. The seats were red with thick cushions on the metal frames. I looked at the screen on the western wall, realizing that it seemed smaller than i remembered. It seemed to be projected by a flat-screen television. I then realized that there were two televisions on the western wall. I had been watching the one to the south before. I stood up and walked over to the front rows of chairs of the southern half of the audience, crouching as i went. I was aware of the young man in the second row of seats watching me. He seemed like $F16. I sat down and looked at the blue image on the screen. It seemed to be of a city street, but i could not tell for sure.

12005 September 15

The road was dark as we traveled to the north. I looked out at the black landscape around me. I knew that we were in the country, and i could make out the gentle curve of a hill to the west. There seemed to be a bright crescent moon in the southwest sky. I seemed to be in the passenger’s seat of the car, but i also seemed to be driving. $Z was with me as we traveled. I was driving when i looked out the front window at the thin country road ahead. The crude pavement had turned to dirt, and there was a small intersection ahead of us. Small buildings surrounded the intersection, and i thought that this was a small town. The building to the southeast was well lighted. It seemed to be a diner or bar. I read the name on the place and thought that it was named after a woman. I then thought that it was really the name of the town. It started with a C and had an m and a descending letter in the middle. The name seemed to end with a y or an s. I felt confused, as though i did not know where to go. I asked $Z, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat, where we go. Looking ahead, it seemed that the dirt road that we had been following trailed off into a field. There was something wrong with the directions. We had been traveling north along the road for a long time, and now we were out in the country and the road did not lead where we wanted. I knew that we could not take a direct route back home, but i had hoped that we would be in a better place than this. I was afraid that we were following a road on the map which turned into a jeep trail as it headed over a mountain. I felt frustrated and looked down at the map to see if i could figure out where we were heading. The black paper of the map had thin yellow lines across it which represented the roads. I could the town that we were in, but i was unsure whether the name on the map actually matched the name of the cafe that i had seen. This did not make sense. I tried to focus on the map, but i felt more and more frustrated. We had started at the water near the bottom of the map, and we had to travel to the northeast to get back home, but i could not tell exactly where we were on the may. $Z had been following the directions, and i had not been paying close attention to where we had been on the map. $Z was now driving. He turned to the west at the small town and headed down the back road until we came to a major road. I felt better now that we were on the paved road. We traveled to the west, and i looked out into the darkness to see if i could spot any landmarks around us. There was a small factory yard to the north of us which was well lighted with orange sodium lights. There were two long metal storage sheds on either side of the paved yard, both running north to south. There was a large yellow vehicle in the center of the yard. The light from the lamps seemed hazy, as though it was muggy out. As we continued down the road, i thought that the lake must be to the north of us. It seemed like a vast lake, but i could not see far enough in the dark. I could only see the trees and buildings near the side of the road. I then realized that there was a small body of water just to the north. I thought that it was a small bay off of the lake. I could see rocky outcrops on the ground which i thought might be cliffs along the water. I strained to see, making out only rough shapes in the darkness. The image then fixed in my eyes and i could see a large ship sitting in the middle of the bay. I told $Z that it was a cruise ship. As we started to pass the bay, though, i saw the silhouette of the upper deck of the ship against the light reflecting from the water. The boat had a high upper deck and seemed to have battlements along the side. I told $Z that it was really a battleship. I then noticed the tall tan stone cliffs along the east side of the bay. As my eyes adjusted to the image, i realized that the shape was not a cliff but a stone building. It looked like a castle along the shore with a groomed lawn in front of it. The view seemed picturesque, and i excitedly told $Z about the buildings. I looked down at the map, trying to figure out where we were on it. I looked for a road which passed by a bay from the large lake. I did not see anything which obviously looked like where we were. I then looked at the bottom of the map, thinking that i might be able to find the place where we started and trace our route back up. We had followed the same road all the way to the north, and only recently turned off. I looked for the forest where we had stayed, but i noticed that many of the parks were empty on the map. The map only showed the outlines of the park, but did not show any of the roads within the park. There were several oddly shaped pools of water on the map. Most of the m had sharp bays which ran northeast to southwest, as though they had been formed by glacierral scraping. I then decided to simply look for a main road which ran north to south, just west of the center of the may. I found a yellow line in the middle of the dark background which ran directly north. It had a road sign which said that it was Route 8. It then seemed to be a three-digit interstate, but i knew that we were traveling on Route 3. I followed the line north, but kept getting confused in the center of the map. I could not see where it ended, thinking that we might get lost. I then looked back at the town where i thought we had made the turn. I noticed that all of the roads leading from it to the north were winding. I told $Z that the roads probably went through the hills, and i felt disappointed again, thinking that we were going to get stuck in the back roads and have a hard time getting out. I then turned back to the west to see where we were heading and noticed that we had just driven into a small city. The road ahead split in a Y intersection, with a tall grey building in the center. The building seemed to be an old theatre, with a flat art-deco facade. I was surprised to see the city and did not remember seeing it on the map. I looked down at the black piece of paper again to see where we were. I was still unsure of where we were. I assumed that the small town with the cafe was the town that started with C on the map. I looked at the map, noticing that there was a larger name on the map just to the west of the small town. It was not large enough to be a city, but i felt that it must be the city that we were now in. I felt interested, thinking that this city had been hidden from the map. I wondered how such a large town could exist and still not be on the maps. I looked over the entire map now, thinking that we still did not know where we were. The hidden city had been exciting, but i felt that we were simply reading the map wrong. I told $Z that we might get stuck in the back hills. The trip home should have been simpler, but we had come the wrong way. I felt lost and disappointed. I could not figure out what we should do.

12005 September 16

I stood in the middle of the living room of the house, noticing that there were no furnishings. It felt odd that the people had moved out already. I turned to the north and walked toward the closed door to the television room. I realized that this was my grandfather’s house on $P12. It seemed strange that it was so empty. I opened the door to the television room and looked in, noticing that there was nothing in the room except a television on a shelf in the center of the northern wall. I wondered why the house was empty. The people living here could not have moved out already. I headed back to the south, suddenly realizing that someone else owned this house. This was no longer my grandfather’s house, and i wondered why i was here. I thought that i was probably intruding. I then heard movement from upstairs. The stairwell rose from the center of the living room, ascending to the west. There were people in the master bedroom, to the south of the top of the stairs. I thought that i should not be here. Then i thought that i was really a ghost. A man started to come down the stairs, but i knew that i could simply pass through the walls before he saw me. I thought that i should fly to the west, out the front of the house. I could then follow the main road away. Instead, i moved suddenly to the east, passing through the back wall of the house. I was then in the upstairs bedroom of the house, heading south across the master bedroom. The owners of the house were somewhere, aware that i had been here. I could hide on them. As i crossed the room, i suddenly wondered why i was here. My grandfather had died a while ago, and had not lived in this place for a very long time, and yet i was always coming back here in my dreams. I wondered why i was here this time. I then thought that this must be a dream. Someone i did not know owned this place, so the furnishings should not have been familiar to me. I thought that the place should have been changed over the years. I floated over the bedroom and out through the double glass doors in the south wall. I thought that i should fly around to the front of the house. As i passed through the glass doors, i spotted a large crooked branch extending over the top of the house. It was part of the old tree which had shaded the house. I thought that the owners had cut the tree down, but i could see that it was still standing with its branches stretched out over the roof. I was glad that it was still there. I then noticed that there was a new roof extending from the house, out across the patio, to the south. The roof was covered with dark-red asphalt shingles and seemed very new. I swooped to the west and flew into the roof of the main house, coming out in the master bedroom. The room was empty. No one seemed to be living here at the moment. This place felt strange, and i wondered why i kept coming back here.

12005 September 18

I started out of the wide open room, heading to the south. The room had light-orange walls and was nicely decorated. I had been staying here with $F4 and $A42. We had spent quite a bit of time here playing music, and i was wandering off to see the other parts of the house. I opened the wide door and walked into the smaller room, which had reflective yellow walls. $A42 and $F4 had walked in the room at about the same time from the door on the opposite side of the room. They had just taken a shower. I said hello to $A42 as he passed and headed into the room i had just left. I walked past them, thinking that i wanted to wander around the building. I tried not to look at them as they passed, thinking that they were in towels from showering and i should not be staring. As i reached the door on the other side of the room, $A42 walked out the north side of the room, and $F4 was standing along the eastern wall, taking a shower. There did not seem to be any shower enclosure. The water fell from somewhere above as $F4 rubbed his shoulders, facing the wall. I realized that i should not be staring and turned to head out of the room. I found myself in the entrance hall of $P7. $A187 was standing to the south of me, in the doorway which led to the southern wing of the building. The hall seemed larger than i remembered. I looked to the west, at the entrance to the auditorium. Everything here seemed new and shiny, as though it had just been refinished. I walked a little to the north so that i could get a look down the hallway which ran along the northern side of the auditorium, to the western section of the building. The hall was wider than i had remembered it, and i thought about telling $A187 that i thought so. I thought that i had grown up since i had been here, so the hall really should seem narrower. Clothing hung on racks all along the southern wall of the hall, and everything looked new. I thought that the clothing was on display for the store. It seemed strange to see it, and i mentioned it to $A187. So much of the building seemed different in ways that it should not. I turned to the east and headed to the center of the front hall. This place had an energy to it, and i thought about humming. I imagined that i could find the right pitch to hum at so that the entire building would hum. I pictured myself standing in the center of the first floor, listening to the building humming around me. I wondered what others would think when they saw me there. It could make an interesting story. I pictured myself floating up between the floors through the center stairwell as the building hummed. I then realized that i could not stand in the center of the building because the stairwells were open from the sides of the front hall. I seemed to be walking up the stairs on the northern side of the hall as i thought of this, wondering if i could be on the second floor making the sound. I could hear the chorus of tones and voices that were being sung back to me. Most of the voices sounded female, and i thought that it was because the building must be female. I imagined people coming up the stairwell to see me hovering in the center of he hall. It would make a good story.

12005 September 19

I imagined that i could shoot several shots in a row from the bow as i stood in the small room. I lifted the bow and looked at it. I could pull the arrows very quickly from the quiver on my back and shot them into the target. I pictured a target to the east of me. I was good enough to get all of the arrows in the same hole on the paper. Held the bow out to the south of me in the small room. It was the single string bow that had been my fathers. I thought that i could be good enough to compete with the bow. I could casually shoot the arrows at the target and get them all in the same hole. I thought that i could compete in tournaments as i saw the pictures on the south wall of the archers with composite bows. The black-and-white photograph showed a man facing to the right with a bow drawn. Behind him was a large house with wood siding and small windows. I realized that the bow i had was only a simple bow. I could shoot just as well with it. I then realized that i had just restrung the bow. I thought that i should not have done that. I looked at the green shaft of the bow and thought that i should unstring it so that the wood does not break. Running my hand over the lower end of the bow, i noticed that the wood had a strange turn in the end of it and thought that the bow might be breaking. I stood the bow on the ground and tried to pull the string from the end. I realized that the ends of the strong had loops on them where i could pull them free from the bow. I wondered whether i should step on the loop at the bottom of pull the loop from the top. It seemed easier to step on the loop on the bottom, so i did. The string came off easier than i had anticipated. I took the unstrung bow and walked to the south, where there was a closed in the eastern wall. I looked into the closet and realized that i could see right through it. The closet was set into a narrow wall which protruded from the southern wall. There was a door on either side of the closet so that things could be put in from either side. I walked around to the eastern side of the closed and put the bow in the back corner. As i stood the bow against the southern wall, i realized that i was just putting it in the corner outside the western side of the closet. I put some other things into the closet. I felt as though i was packing the closet back up. I stepped through the closet to the western side as i pushed some boxes to the northern side of the closet. I had placed the vacuum tubs against the southern wall just to the west of the closet, but i moved them now in to the closet. I laid them down on the floor across the western door to the closet, thinking that they would be out of the way there.

I changed the channel again and watched the scene in front of me. There was an older woman in an orange dress standing to the east of me, in the middle of the restaurant. She seemed like Shirly McClain. She had been arguing with the younger woman who had short black hair. This was a dramatic movie. I remembered seeing it before. They were near the end of the movie, and the two women were arguing. The scene then changed again as i turned to the west and headed into the next room. The woman was riding a horse. She was dressed in crude leather clothing, and this seemed like a fantasy film. I remembered that this scene was more symbolic, though. My view panned to the west to focus on a man sitting in the middle of a crowded bleacher. He was part of the audience of a game show, and he had been chosen to win something. He paused from clapping for a moment, watching the scene with anticipation. I turned to the east to see the large wooden horse with an image of a heavy Viking woman on top. The horse was facing north as it rolled across the stage. The woman represented a great warrior, and was symbolic of the gift. There were crowds of people around the base of the great brown horse as the mannequin of the woman moved out of sight. I knew that the man in the audience was going to be surprised by his wife, who would be placed on the great horse. I remembered this movie from before. This was the ending sequence where the woman was shown as symbolically strong. She was a wise woman. My view focused on the rear of the horse, where i could see the blonde head of a woman looking down at something. She was one of the studio hands for game show and was helping the woman mount the horse. She was wearing dark clothing and her long blonde hair was tied back tight against her head. I rose so that i was hovering over the horse. I could see the woman in the red tweed jacket and dark slacks mounting the small white horse. The view focused suddenly on her face. It did not look attractive, but it showed that she was the same woman that we had seen before. Her face was lined with deep creases and she was wearing a bright-green jacket. Her short black hair fell in choppy streaks around her face. The view panned out as the horse walked slowly to the south as the audience cheered the woman. She was a strong symbol in this movie. Her reddish hair was fluffed and she looked formal for someone from the mid 11980s. She was wearing a solid red jacket over a white shirt. She rode out so that her husband could see her for the finale of the film. I imagined that there would be dramatic music as she rode to the southeast, along the eastern side of the audience. I tried to remember what the rest of the film was like. The woman was then walking up the stairs to the south of the audience, but the audience was no longer there. This was a different movie. The woman was wearing a black evening dress as she spoke on the phone in her left hand. She followed the stairs as they ascended along the southern wall and then turned to the north along the western wall. I remembered this movie from long ago. This was the ending of the movie where the mother is speaking to a friend of her daughter. She was learning that her daughter had been deceiving her. I remembered that she would confront her daughter at the end of the movie. I thought that it was a good ending. As the mother ascended the stairs, she walked past a large window in the western wall. There were white metal blinds drawn down over the window. This was the window to the daughter’s room. I expected to see the daughter through the window and wondered why we did not. I had thought that the scene would contrast the mother with her knew knowledge against her daughter, who was still trying to manipulate the circumstances. I had thought that we could see the daughter in the window in this scene, but the scene followed the mother into the large bedroom. I knew that the mother had learned about her daughter’s deception would treat her coldly at the end of the movie. The daughter would realize that she had been caught and feel defeated. It was a good ending to the movie. The mother continued talking on the telephone as she stopped in front of a mirror, which was hanging on the northern wall of the room. She fixed her long dark hair as her daughter sauntered into the room. The daughter was wearing crude clothing as she threw herself into the middle of the large bed to the east of the mother. There was a nightstand to the west of the bed with a large lamp on it. The daughter’s clothing was colourful, and she said something off-handedly to her mother. Her mother did not seem to pay her much attention. This was a change in their relationship. The mother turned from the mirror and directed her daughter to do something. I knew that her simple command showed a change in the relationship. The mother was being terse, not doting over her daughter. This would shock the daughter and make her realized things had changed. The mother turned back to the mirror and continued to speak on the telephone. The view then panned back to the bed, where the daughter reacted with unexpected shock. I liked the ending of this movie, remembering that it was a strong dramatic ending. I was aware of the father putting on his dress suit to the south of the bed, in the small bathroom. I was then standing in front of the mirror of the bathroom. There was something stuck behind one of my left front teeth. I pulled at it, imagining that it was a small back piece of plastic. It seemed to be stuck between my teeth, and i thought that it might be part of the tooth itself. I finally got enough of a grip on it and pulled it free. To my surprise, the rest of my tooth started to crumble and fall out. I grabbed the pieces as they fell and walked over to the counter which ran along the east wall, below the large bathroom mirror. I put the large conical piece on the black surface as i tried to pull the rest of the tooth out. I looked down, noticing that there was blood all over my fingers. I then looked at the dark-green conical piece. It resembled dry detergent which had been solidified by dampness. I picked it up with my right hand and looked it over. It looked like part of a cone with a flat top, and it had numbers sunk into one side of it. I realized that it was some kind of cement which had been poured into a small cup. The numbers were from the measurement gradations on the side of the cup. The dentist must have used it as a filling, even though it seemed rather large to fit into the space of my tooth. I did not know what to do, and stepped back from the mirror, which seemed to be the mirror on the western wall, the one that the mother had been looking into when she was talking on the telephone. I looked to the northwest, through a doorway into the other room. I called my mother, seeing her sitting on the couch against the northern wall of the other room. She looked at me and stood up to come. I wanted her to help me with the broken tooth.

12005 September 23

I looked down again at the large lizard that was standing on the other side of the sliding glass door from me, to the west. The dull-red lizard was as large as a dog, and was standing on the cement tiles of the sun porch, just on the other side of the glass door. The small porch was full of plants, many of which seemed to be untended and dry. There was a tall thin-leafed palm tree on the south side of the door. I felt uneasy of the lizard, but though that i would be safe as long as it was on the other side of the glass door. I looked down at the lizard, which seemed to be a kimono dragon, and realized that the glass in the sliding door did not go all the way to the southern side of the doorway. At first, i thought that the glass was broken, but then i realized that the door was not closed all the way. The door now seemed rundown and broken, with the screen door on the right handing off its track, and the screen torn. I realized that the lizard was pushing its way through the door, and i was unable to close the door fully and prevent it from getting through. I became scared and was afraid that the lizard would attack me. I ran across the room to the exit in the southern end of the eastern wall. I was in room 4 of $P19. I ran out into the hall, pulling the brown room door closed behind me so that the lizard could not get out. I ran to the east, stopping just past the door to the stairwell, which was to the east of me. The corridor opened up into a large room to the south of me. The walls and floor were covered with plywood, and there seemed to be a large rectangular hole in the floor to the southwest of me. This was the bathroom of the house, and it was under construction. A construction worker was doing something to the southeast. He was wearing denims as he bent over to fix something on the floor. I then remembered about the lizard. I worried that it might have gotten out of the room. I looked down at the floor of the bathroom, imagining a long green lizard running across the floor. It was the baby of the adult lizard. I thought that the mother lizard would be more aggressive if her young were in danger. I ran back to the bedroom, afraid that the mother lizard was out in the hall. I closed the door behind be, but noticed that the darkly painted wooden door had a large rectangular hole in the lower right-hand side, right below the knob. Someone had cut the door. I thought that someone must have broken the door a while ago and not bothered to fix it properly. There would be no real way to prevent the lizard from coming into the bedroom. I looked around the room nervously, knowing that the animal might still be in the room. I hopped up on the grey metal desk, which as to the north of the door, against the eastern wall. I climbed to the north until i was on the top bunk of the bed. The lizard should not be able to climb this high. $F10 then came into the room from the hall. I tried to warn him about the lizard. He climbed up onto the bed with me. It seemed that we had just woken up in the bed. I looked around the room, thinking that something was wrong. It felt comfortable to be sleeping with $F10, and i wanted to get back into the warm bed and hug him. I was still worried about the animal, though.

12005 September 26

I was in the back of the car as my mother traveled through the city streets, heading to the north. This city felt like $P6. I lifted my bicycle from the floor of the bus or large van. The interior of the van was tan, and i could see the ribs of the carriage across the floor. It seemed as though we had just passed $P7, and i felt as though i wanted to head back there. I told my mother that i would be getting out of the back of the van as we stopped an one of the lights. She looked back, concerned. She asked if i was really leaving, and i told her that i was. The van had pulled into a parking lot on the eastern side of the street, and i climbed out. My mother was to the north of me as she asked what i was doing. I said something, noticing that several other people were walking around the parking lot. There was a blue large dumpster to the south of me, just to the north of a large modern building. A thin strip of grass separated the building from the parking lot. There seemed to be a driveway to the west, or maybe the parking lot narrowed into a single lane along the building and stopped just to the west. There was another modern brick building to the northwest, across the narrow part of the parking lot from the first building. The van was parked in the southern-most spot to the east of the building, shaded by a large tree. The parking lot opened up to the northeast. I walked to the north, saying something to my father, who was now with my mother near the van. They were dropping me off here. I turned to the south to pick up my bicycle from the ground. As i looked back to the north, i realized that the others were being called one by one to do something. There was a partitioning wall just to the north of me now, and i walked to the western end of it. There were some other people with me on the south side of the wall. They seemed to be people from $P7. I peeked around the western end of the wall to see the crowd of people gathered to the west. They were waiting to be called by the person who was standing about ten metres away, directly north of the western end of the wall. He seemed to be calling people into the area to the north of the wall, which i knew was partitioned in to sections. I had been called before, and i was now waiting for the rest of the ceremony to be over. I felt excited to see all of the other people being chosen. I was then aware of a man standing to the west of me, next to the short western wall. I felt that he was guarding the ceremony and that he might not want me peeking around the corners to see what was going on. I looked back to the northeast, to the collecting crowd of people to the north of the wall, which was now a simple line of posts with a red rope running between them. We were in a large field, and there seemed to be a large shady tree just to the north of me. I looked at the people collecting in the field to the northeast. They were standing in roped off boxes, all facing the group of people to the west who had not chosen a place to be. I realized that most of the people to the northeast were in costume, as though playing some game. The ones in the area closest to me were dressed in orange travel cloaks and seemed to be warriors. Some of the people in the crowd seemed to be from different historical time periods, but most seemed to be from the realm of fantasy gaming. Everyone was choosing a place for themselves, and i realized that i would have to choose a section for myself. I looked over the groupings, noticing the different costumes that everyone was wearing. I noticed that one section in the middle was wearing dark-grey cloaks and carrying twisted dry branches. I thought that they must be the mystics. I felt that it would be interesting to join their group, but i felt that i could not limit myself to any one group. I felt indecisive as i tried to decide which group to place myself in. The groups then started to separate, each heading in a different direction. I watched as they fanned out across the rolling grassy hills around us. Turning to the west, i followed some of the groups as they headed into their designated areas to practice their roles. I watched the mystics walk in a group to the southwest, down the dirt path which led down the slope to the south. To the west of the path, there was a grassy area surrounded by corral fencing. The area was on a hill, and in it, several people in black gowns were practicing what looked like a martial art. They had green face paint and were wielding brooms. I thought that they were witches from Wizard of Oz. I realized that the groups here were from all sorts of fantasy literature. I turned to the south and followed the monks down the path. The dirt road curved to the east, becoming a paved drive as it curved along the south of a small man-made pond. The pond ran in a narrow strip along the southern side of an old white stone building. It then seemed to expand around the eastern side of the building, forming a crude crescent shape around the building. I started to float to the east, humming as i moved along the shore of the water. I knew that the others were heading into the store to buy their studying supplies, but i felt as though i could do something special in this place. I knew that if i hummed, i could control the energy of the area. I hummed and realized how resonant the sound was. I had easily found the right frequency for the area. I hummed again and felt the resonance move through me. I swung around the eastern end of the pond, listening to the powerful sound. The bank on the eastern side of the lake rose up hill, and i floated over the edge of the bowl, wondering if anyone would notice that i was able to find the power in the area. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound. I felt like i could fall asleep in the sound as i continued listening to the resonance. I though that the land would start producing a sympathetic tone to the noise that i was making. I then heard a second tone rise in the humming. I hummed again, but realized that i was slightly sharp from the main pitch. I adjusted my voice and hummed again, trying to match the tone of the area. I drifted to the north, around the curve of the western side of the lake. My eyes were closed and i was starting to become entranced by the sound. I then opened my eyes and realized that i was on the lower floor of the store, standing in the eastern-most corridor, to the north of the aisles of books. I turned around, looking at the finely polished wood shelves and the many new books that were on them. I wondered how i had gotten here, thinking that i must have walked into the store in a trance. I then remembered some of the layout of the store. There was a blank area in my mind because i had been focusing on the tone and gotten lost in its power. I then heard the sound of a man walking on the floor above me. I realized that there were square openings in the ceiling which looked up to the next level. The storekeepers must have seen me floating in the back of the store on one of the security cameras. I did not want the man to question me here, and felt that i had to get out of the store. I could not make it up the stairs without passing the man. As the man approached above me, i turned quickly and headed to the southeast, remembering that there was a vertical shaft in the southeastern corner of the store. I thought that i could fly up the shaft as the man was coming down the stairs. He would not suspect that i could fly. I then started to wonder if i really could fly. I knew that i could do it while humming, but i did not know if i could do it otherwise. I hurried toward the square hole in the ceiling and focused on floating. I rose up the center of the hole, but had some difficulty flying. I awkwardly pulled myself over the northern side of the white picket fence which was around the hole. This action was half flying and half climbing. Once at the top, i landed on the floor and walked to the northwest, toward the exit door. I then remembered that i was going to buy something in the store, but had decided that it was too much of a hassle. I had put a white rubber eraser into my right coat pocket but had put the rest of the stationary supplies back onto the shelf. I walked through the aisles and came to the back door of the store. The man at the door had let the woman in front of me pass, but he asked me whether i had any CDs. He seemed suspicious, and i knew that he suspected me of stealing something from the store, but i realized that he did not know what i had taken. I told him that i did not have any CDs and walked out of the store. I then realized that i had just stolen a rubber eraser from the store. I wondered why i had just done that. It did not seem to make sense.

12005 September 30

I headed quickly to the east-southeast, down the narrow city street. The old apartment buildings were made of dark-grey stone and seemed dull and worn. I had just left $F4 and was heading somewhere. We had been talking about something interesting. I felt happy about our conversation as i bounced off the stone walls of the buildings, partly happing on the edifices, partly flying. It felt great to fly. I then remembered that the others would not be able to fly like i could. I hopped onto the side of a building on the north side of the street, and then jumped off again, swooping to the next perch on the north side of the street. Cars moved on the street below me, and everything here seemed grey. I looked down at the end of the street to the east. The street made a right-hand turn to the north, just ahead of me, and i could see the large glass window on the lower level of the building at the eastern side of the turn. The room was below the level of the pavement, with only the top part of the window viewable from the street. I could see the entire window from my high perch, and i spotted the table of people sitting just inside the window, on the northern side of the restaurant. I was supposed to join them, and i was on my way to do so. I could see the man sitting with his back to the northern wall. He was wearing a red sweater with dark pants, and his right hand lifted a mug of beer as he spoke to the others. I wanted to join the group and felt somewhat disappointed that i was not with them. I knew that $F4 was with the group. I moved toward the restaurant, aware that people on the street could see me flying. I worried that they might report me and tell people that i went into the restaurant, but i really wanted to join my friends.