12007 September 01

I followed the other person along the paved path as it twisted through the area. We were heading roughly to the south, toward the beach, hoping to find $G4. As we passed through the southern glass doors of the one-story hotel, i looked down at the sandy ground to the west of me, noticing that there was a small carving in the sand. The carving was of the letters “SC” inside an awkwardly shaped box. I asked $Z if the letters stood for South Carolina, and he said that they did. I commented that i did not think that the people from $G4 were from South Carolina here. He said that they were, and i then realized that we were actually in South Carolina. I had thought that we were closer to District of Columbia, but realized that we had actually come down to this college area, so we must be in South Carolina. We crossed over a small mound, which seemed to be man made, and ended near the water. I looked down at my feet, realizing that my legs were getting cold in the wind. It was getting dark out, and i knew that it would be getting cooler. I was wearing a knee-length pair of shorts and running shoes, with a large T-shirt on my upper body. I told $Z that i had to get my jacket, wondering if i had dropped it along the way. I felt that i should have had it wrapped around my waist. I turned around and started jogging back down the path, leaving $Z on the beach. I followed the path around a few turns, but realized that it was not as obvious as it had seemed when i was following $Z out. The path curved around the area, and i followed it to the northeast, up a small hill. Near the top of the hill, i looked around for a clear area, thinking that the path ran straight to the north. As i reached what i thought was a clear area to the north, i realized that there was a drop off in front of me. I was on top of one of the retaining walls. It would be too dangerous to try to head straight down, so i looked around for some other way to head. The path did not seem that obvious now that it was getting dark, and i thought that i might have traveled in the wrong direction somewhere previously. I looked to the east to see shrubs. I then started to the west, realizing that there was a narrow clear path leading down the steps of the cement retaining wall. I started down them, thinking that this might not be the right way. I remembered coming up a wide asphalt path, and thought that i should be there. As i descended, i looked to the north, noticing that the paved walkway ran to the north of where i was. Just beyond it, to the northeast, was a tall modern hotel. It had just been constructed in this area. I said this to the other person, who was trying to get back to the path with me. As we reached an open area, i realized that there were several people jogging toward us from the north. They were members of the local $G4 group. I said hello to them as they passed, feeling that i should be heading back to the start to be with them. I would be late if i went to get my jacket. I recognized several of the people as they passed me, and i started to feel awkward for returning to the hotel for more clothing.

Everyone was gathered in the wooded area. They seemed to be celebrating something, and i felt amused by the festivities. There was a line of tall trees to the north of where i was, and i moved to the west, toward a group of several people who seemed to be gathered around a campfire. I noticed the car to the north of me as some of the people talked about it. There was something familiar about the small sports car. Someone pointed out the details of the dull-yellow car. It looked like a rounded sports car from the 11960s. I looked down at the rounded hood, which had cylindrical fenders with lights in them. The fenders reached forward from the rounded sides of the hood. I turned to the north, falling over the hood of the car suddenly. As i rolled over the lights, i started to slip very easily over the rounded hump in the center of the hood and down into the curve between the northern fender and the hood. Something felt strange about the way i slid, and i felt a light feeling in my stomach as the metal of the car slid over the back side of my thigh. I landed on the ground suddenly. The people to the southeast of me turned in my direction, concerned about what i had done to the car. I felt as though i had jumped on the car intentionally, but i lay on the ground as though i was surprised by the fall. I thought that i had been paying attention to someone else and turned into the fender of the car, causing me to fall over the hood. After the initial anger at my actions, people started to realized that i had indeed tripped over the hood, and someone asked me if i was okay. I stood up slowly, wondering how i had slipped on the vehicle. I looked at the curve of the hood now, noticing how much it looked like a Porsche Speedster. I looked at the car as the others spoke about it. They mentioned that they had just gotten it from someone, saying that it was a great deal. I looked at the small Porches coup, which was now facing west. I looked at the hard top of the small dull-red Speedster and realized that it looked very much like the car my father had in his garage. I wondered if my father had actually sold the hard-top Porches. Looking over the vehicle, i noticed that it was in very good condition. I remembered that my father’s had been wrecked and sitting on a trailer for a long time. I moved to the back of the car, on the eastern side, seeing the rounded back of the vehicle. My father’s car had been dented, and i wondered if these people had really fixed up my father’s car that well. I could not believe that my father would have sold his car, but there was something about this situation that made it seem that these people had bought my father’s old car. I realized that no one had actually stated that this was my father’s car, but i felt that the coincidence of the situation implied that there was some connection. Someone opened the hood of the vehicle, and i looked at the shiny black surface of the car. I then noticed that the edge of the hood revealed layers of lamination. The rear hood of the car seemed to be made of lacquered wood. I looked closely at the curving trunk of the car, noticing that there was a wood grain quality to the entire body of the car. I asked the people to the north of me, who were standing at the back side of the car, whether the shell of this car was really made of wood. The woman moved around to the east of the car, getting something from the trunk. She did not answer my question, but seemed to say something dismissive as she continued about her business. I backed away from the car, which was now parked in the small parking lot. The lot seemed to be to the east of a long short building, like a small shopping plaza, and the dull pavement sloped down slightly to the east. There also seemed to be part of the building to the north, running along the side of the lot. The part to the north did not seem to be a building, but more of a wall with a roof hanging over the front of it. The people moved to the east, leaving the area as i packed away from the cars, to the southeast. The man moved to the south, along the buildings. I was still looking at one of the cars there, trying to think of something. The man then called to me from the southeast, trying to get my attention. I turned around suddenly and looked at the small shrub in the white planter that was just to the southeast of me. A large ugly bird hopped out from the leaves of the thin tree in the planter. I thought that it was a parrot at first, because it had a large build and a thick rounded tan beak, but, as i looked closer at it, i noticed that it seemed more like a crow. It was mostly white, with mottled gray spots on its wings. There were also ugly patches of bumpy areas on its beak and around its body. It seemed sickly, but i felt that this was the natural state of the bird. I was very close to it, and surprised at the situation. The bird suddenly flew off to the west, and i turned my attention to the round white plastic basin that it had been sitting on. I moved toward the planter, looking at the thin tree that was growing in it. The man to the southeast of me also moved to the planter. We both looked in, and i asked if the bird had left anything there. As i approached, i could hear the sound of newly hatched birds in the basin. I looked into the basin to see two small dark-grey ugly chicks moving around. The bottom of the bucket was filled with white shells. The other man reached into the northwestern side of the planter and rolled a white brown-spotted egg along the bottom. The bird had left some unhatched eggs here as well. There was something special about this, and i thought that we should cover the eggs with some dirt, because there was no dirt around the bottom of the plant in the pot. The man ran to the northwest to get something, and i looked around on the ground. Noticing some clumps of fresh sod, i picked them up and tossed them gently on top of the eggs, thinking that the dirt would protect them and nourish the roots. I then looked to the west, watching the man put transplant the tree into a large cardboard box. I felt that the box was too tall, and the bird might not want to go back into it. I thought that the white bucket was wider, so we should make the cardboard more open. I moved the tree in the box to the south of me so that it was under the shade of the thin roof, which was held up by thin metal poles. The roof seemed to run along the southern side of the area, running along the northern side of a wall. I thought that the eggs should be in the shade, since that was how the mother bird had left them. I tore the top part of the cardboard box to allow the bird easier access to the eggs below. The cardboard tore easily, though unevenly, across the top of the box. The man stood to the east of the box, watching me, and i explained what i was doing so that he did not get upset that i was tearing the box he put the tree into. We adjusted the box several more times, and i kept thinking that the top might be too narrow for the bird. The man then mentioned that he thought of the bird as a pretzel crow. I told him that “pretzel” was the first thing that had come to my mind when i had seen the bird’s broken complexion. We adjusted the box again, and something about this area reminded me of something old at my grandfather’s house. I did something with the cardboard box, and then looked around the area, wondering where the mother bird was. I expected to see the large bird flying around in the sky. I looked up to the southwest, noticing the large object hovering in the sky just to the east of the tall tan skyscraper. The building seemed to be an apartment building. There was a matching, though shorter, building to the southeast of the first. I looked at the large object, surprised by it at first. It looked like a green furry monster from Sesame Street. I thought that it was the float of Grover. It hovered in the air, looking down at us. I knew that it was not threatening, but there was something uneasy about it. I backed to the north, thinking about the float. I thought that i should point it out to the children, who were running around the area at the party. I moved to the eastern end of the small wooden table as the children ran to the west of me. The girl was playing a game. As i sat down in the chair at the end of the table, i realized that there were several toys near my plate. One of them seemed to be a stuffed doll of Grover. The girl was moving near the table, but i told her that she could not have my toys. I was joking with her. She tried to grab them, but i tipped the table to the south so that she could no reach them. The toys fell off of the table, and i realized that the girl would be able to grab them from the ground. I thought about turning the table back over, dropping it on the ground between the girl and the toys. Instead, i lifted it back into place, noticing that the girl had been distracted by some of the other children. As she ran around, i thought about the toys here and wondered if i should take any to put in my toy collection. I though that they were not old enough to be interesting. I then noticed the matchbox car on the ground. It was a small white truck. I remembered having a bunch of old matchbox cars and wondered if this one was interesting enough to take and put in my collection. I then realized that taking the truck would still be stealing, and i was reminded of the time that i had taken matchbox cars from a store when i was younger. I thought about this as i turned to the north. I noticed Mary Tyler More standing against the northern wall of the room. She was the one who was organizing this show, and someone was asking her questions about the production. The room seemed filled with people of the audience, and i felt that i was somehow part of this show. I turned to the east, noticing that several people were coming into the adjoining room, which was separated from us by a large pane of plexiglas. In the crowd that was coming in, i noticed Betty White, with bushy white hair. I moved around the theatre, thinking about the show that was to go on.

12007 September 02

I looked over the edge of the roadway at the forested camp on the south side of the road. The roadway seemed to be higher than the surrounding area. I knew that they were doing construction on the campground. There was something i should remember about this place. I remembered the camp from before, thinking that it was a familiar place with me. I tried to remember the name, but i could see the large white sign next to the road. The sign was plain, painted onto a large piece of wood with large blue san-serif letters in the center. There was some blue text at the bottom of the sign as well. The word in the center of the sign said “NATURAL”. I knew that this was Camp Natural. I had some memories of this place, as though it was very familiar to me. I realized that $F40 was doing work at the camp, and i wondered why they were doing construction there. Something seemed wrong about the changes. I looked to the west, down the long straight length of the road. I knew that $F40’s house was just to the west of us, on the northern side of the road. We were then closer to the house, and i looked to the north. We seemed to be much higher than the land around us, and we seemed to be on a railroad track. I looked over the edge of the track to the north to see the creek that crossed under the railway. The creek ran from north to south, and there was a smaller creek coming into the large creek from the east. I knew that the creek from the east crossed under the tracks just a little way down, and then ran along the southern side of the camp. This fact had some significance to the construction going on at the camp. I was also aware of the house just to the west of the junction of the creeks. The soil of the yard seemed darker, and the house was made of a dark-brown wood. This was $F40’s house. I thought again about him doing work at Camp Natural. There was something strange going on here. The woman then started telling me about the situation as we moved to the east along the train tracks. We were traveling with the others on top of a flat train car that was moving down the tracks. I looked to the south as we approached the camp, noticing the large sign in front of the camp. I noticed the name again, and remembered that it was called Camp Natural. The woman seemed like $A460 as she spoke, and she told me that $F40 had married $K3. I was surprised by this. In a way, it felt like something that should have happened, but i knew that it would upset several people. I knew that $K3 was from a strict christian family, so changing husbands would be something scandalous. I wondered how this would happen and what people would think. I then felt as though this change could only be a good thing. I turned to the east to pick up some of my things. I felt that i really should be heading out of this place before it got too dark. I picked up something and turned to the north. Before i could open the door, however, i realized that everyone else in the house had already gone to bed. This seemed to be $F40’s house. I started to open the door on the western side of my parents’ house, but realized that the alarm would be set if everyone was in bed. I pushed the inside door closed, but then thought that the inside door was the one connected to the alarm. I thought that i could simply remember the code from my parents. It had something to do with the number 1014. I decided i could remember the code and entered the house. I came in through the door on the southern side of the house and came into the long entrance room. This was $F40’s house. I turned to the east to grab something. I then heard someone to the west. I turned to see $F40 coming down the stairs, which entered the room from the north, just to the west of the entrance door. I said hello to $F40 and told him that i was just gathering my stuff to leave. I felt awkward here, thinking that something was not quite right. I headed back to the front door of the house and $F40 turned around and headed back up the stairs.

I was in my parents’ house, on the first floor. There was something wrong with the room, and i felt that the house was starting to fall apart. The man walked to the west, across the room. I knew that something was wrong with the building and that he would tip it over, but i was not sure how he was going to do it. I wondered if he was bionic. The room seemed more like an open space, with cement columns at regular intervals along the northern and southern sides. The western side of the space seemed open. The man ran into the center of the room and grabbed the ceiling in the center of the northern wall, just below the cement columns. He pushed up and the ceiling tipped away. This building seemed like the Eiffel Tower, but it was made out of cement. It fell to the south. I moved to the south, into the room, thinking that i should get some things. I knew that the rest of the building was going to be destroyed, so i told my mother that i would go into the upper room to grab here things. I moved to the north again, into the small bedroom. There were brightly coloured silk tapestries hanging from the northern wall. It seemed to be dark-pink and black. I started moving around the room, thinking that i had to gather my mother’s things. I moved around, but could not find what i was looking for. It was hard to find the things. I was then aware that there were other people in the building with me. I felt endangered by them as they moved through the cement building. I had to get things out of the building before it was too late.

12007 September 04

I followed the others into the large building. There seemed to be something wrong or out of place around here, but i was not sure what it was. I was following the other people to the southeast, into the large church. I felt as though i did not know why i was coming here, but i felt that there was something significant to the area. My parents seemed to be with me as i stopped along the northwestern side of the small white room. The southern wall of the room was made of white wood, and seemed to be very decorative. I wondered if we were going to be able to see the mass that was held here, but i decided that it was probably over by now. We must have missed it. The woman walked from the southwest of the room, out of a white door. She was wearing a red button-up shirt as she walked to the northeast, talking to some of the people who had just entered the room, which seemed to be an antechamber to the main chapel. She had her dark-brown hair pulled back to the sides of her head. I thought that the woman looked like $A517, but i realized that it could not be here. I wanted to see the mass, but i felt as though we would not be able to, so i thought that i would just wander around the cathedral to see the beauty of it. I headed to the south and found myself on the second floor of the museum. I remembered that there were many beautiful paintings and sculptures in this cathedral. I looked down the corridor to the east, noticing that i was on a balcony that ran along the northern wall of the wide corridor. There seemed to be a wall at the edge of the balcony, making the lower corridor the southern half of the width of the full corridor. There was a line of people walking to the east on the balcony, and there seemed to several large paintings in elegant gold frames hung on the white northern wall. The wall had several shallow alcoves carved into it where the paintings hung. I then noticed $F10 and the other person in the line of people to the east of me. They had come into the museum ahead of me, and did not know that i wanted to come as well. I thought that i would follow them through the line, even though they might wander ahead without me. I headed to the east, coming into a large open area. The lower part of the corridor seemed to end, but the upper part that we were on descended down a flight of stairs into a large open room. The off-white room was modern, and illuminated by warm lights. As i reached the top of the stairs, i noticed several people sitting on bleachers to the south of the stairs, in the lower section of the room. They were facing east, watching something. I looked up to see the large video screen mounted in the eastern wall. The eastern wall was slightly off angle from the rest of the walls, starting at the bottom of the stairs, on the northern end of the room, and slanting slightly east as it ran to the southern wall. The images on the video screen seemed to be sepia toned, and i knew that it was some form of artwork. I looked at the crowd of people moving through the open hall. A line of people moved down the stairs and across the eastern end of the room to a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall, which seemed to be the doorway to the museum. I could see $F45 and the other person on the main floor below me. There also seemed to be a statue in the center of the room that was brown and tan.

12007 September 05

I sat up in the bed and looked to the south. The beds of the small cabin were against the northern wall of the room. My grandmother seemed to be staying in the next bed over to the west. It was dark in the room, and it seemed as though we had been here a while. I noticed the large object in the window to the south. It looked like a planet passing by the window. I could see a shaded section to the east, and a round striped section on the western side. I then noticed the large round red spot on the bottom of the sphere. It looked very much like Jupiter. I sat up more and moved toward the window, telling my grandmother that we were near Jupiter. I looked out the window in the small room to the east, watching the large red spot pass over the eye-shaped window. The red spot moved across the center of the glass, looking like an iris moving across an eye. After it passed, a large dark band moved across the view, pausing in the center of the window. It also looked like an iris, making the entire window appear to be an eye that was watching. I was impressed by the way it looked, watching several bands pass into the window, all shaping themselves to make the window look like a large eye. It was quite beautiful, and i said something about it. I then looked again at the window to notice that clouds were visible. I could see slightly to the west, and noticed that there was also some whitish-blue sky visible beyond the clouds. I told my grandmother that the ship was passing through the atmosphere. I then realized that the hissing noise that i was hearing must be from the atmosphere passing around the ship. I was amazed at the view that we had. I looked out the window again and noticed the smooth round surface of the planet taking up most of the view, but there was a fine black cloud layer just below us. The clouds rose and covered the view momentarily, and i realized that we must have been passing through the rings of Jupiter. I looked at the clouds and noticed that they were really made of small granular objects that looked black as coal. A round object in the middle of my view then caught my attention. It was round, and seemed to be plowing through the rocks of the ring layer. I thought that it must be one of Jupiter’s moons. For a moment, i thought i could see a ring around the moon as well, at on odd angle to the layer of clouds, but i realized that it was simply fine dust flowing over the large round object. I then thought that this round object could not be a moon of Jupiter because it would not be traveling through the rings if it were. The clouds flowed over the object, making it look beautiful in the black dust. I then noticed the thickness of the clouds change suddenly. The small material making them up became finer, less like chunks of rock and more like particles of sand or smoke. The dust still looked like coal powder as it swept past the window. I could see large stones in the cloud layer, and wondered how the ship that we were on was able to pass through such a thick layer of dust without hitting anything. I decided that it must be the advanced technology that allows the hull to withstand the beating by the stones. I then noticed a large object rising out of the clouds in front of me. It rose like the other round object, lifting a small tuft of black clouds above it before breaking entirely through the cloud layer. Once i could see the top, i realized that it looked like a burned meteorite, with pockmarks and rounded edges. It must have been a large piece of ring material. I hoped that the ship was able to navigate around such large objects as it passed through the cloud. I then backed away from the window as an announcement was heard in the room. Someone said that we had to get ready for landing and that we should seal the rooms. I stepped through the doorway and into the next cabin, to the west, closing the small wooden door behind me. I had come from what appeared to be a bathroom, with a bathtub and shower along the southern end of the eastern wall and a sink on the northern wall. The window was in the southern wall, to the west of the bathtub. I looked at the thin wooden door as i pulled it shut over the room. I did not think that the door would withstand decompression in the next room if the window broke. I then looked at the cabin door just to the south, thinking that it was thin as well. It was the main door to our cabin. I hoped that the bathroom door was sturdy enough to hold if the window broke open.

12007 September 06

I walked to the west, across the southern side of the picnic area. This place seemed to be a park, and i thought that there was a festival going on. My grandmother was here with me, but i was returning to the area, and i felt that everyone i knew was now gathered across the field to the north. It seemed that my grandmother’s house was just to the east of here. I looked around the park. There was a section of woods to the southwest that seemed to extend along the southern end of the western side of the park. The eastern end of the southern side had a grassy area separating the park from the main road. The western part of the park seemed narrow, as though it was no more than a single soccer field in size, covered with dense dark-green grass. The eastern end of the park opened up to the north, where there seemed to be a shore of a small pond or lake. There seemed to be a golf course to the north of me, and i thought that my relatives would be there now at the reunion. I should go meet them.

I was in the large room where my relatives were sitting around the long wooden tables. We had been gathered for a family function. Some of my mother’s cousins seemed to be there, and i was moving around the tables. There was a woman to the east of me, and she started talking to me. She was wearing a tan suit and skirt over a white blouse. Her blond hair was flared to the sides, and she looked like a socialite from the 11980s. She smiled at me as she spoke, seeming to be very interested in something that i had. I spoke to her for a moment, but had to head out somewhere. The others in the room were moving around and starting to head to the north, out of the room. I headed to the west, thinking that i had to find the bathroom. I moved down the long corridor, noticing that the northern wall of the corridor ran at an angle to the west-northwest, opening into a display area on the north. There was a salesman standing in front of what appeared to be a mantle with no fireplace. He was wearing a tan business jacket and dark pants, and was talking to a couple, who were standing just to the southwest of him. I noticed that the decorations on the mantle seemed rather intricate, and also seemed to resemble the Cinderella Castle from Disney World. I wondered if Disney was somehow sponsoring the renovation of this wing of the building. I looked to the south, into a small room. The walls of the room were unfinished, looking as though they had just been taped and plastered, but not painted. A man in a dark shirt was standing in the center of the room, talking to someone to the east. He seemed to be discussing the design of the room. I continued to the west, thinking that this entire wing must have been donated by a corporation. I followed the corridor as it cornered to the southwest and then west again. It was wide in several areas, forming small oddly shaped rooms on one side or another. There seemed to be a larger room to the north near the end of the corridor. I looked into it, noticing that there was a large round figure that resembled the Disney mouse ears. This confirmed that Disney was indeed doing the redesign of this place. As i reached the bathrooms at the western end of the corridor, i turned back to the east and looked at the unfinished dusty walls of the corridor. I then walked back into the classroom, where the people had been gathered. Most of them had left the short tables on the northern side of the room and walked out the door, which was in the eastern side of the northern wall. As i approached the tables, a poster on the eastern wall caught my attention. It looked like an album cover resting on the chalk tray of the eastern wall. The photograph on the front was from the view of a table, looking down the length of the dark-brown tabletop, past a clear glass vase of thin stems with red berries on them, to the head of a man at the other end of the table. The man was bending over so that his eyes were just above the surface of the table, and he seemed to be wearing round gold glasses. The light from the windows was hazy behind the man and on the left side of the photograph. I recognized the album as an old John Denver album. It was one of his first albums, and it had been out of print for a very long time. I then suddenly realized that there was a woman sitting in a low chair directly in front of me, to the east. She was the teacher of this classroom, and she was sitting in one of the small wooden chairs, facing the front of her large wooden desk. I said hello to her, but focused my attention on the picture on the wall. I asked the teacher if she would mind if i looked at it, mentioning to her that i was unaware that the album had been put out again on CD. I then thought that i was looking at a phonograph rather than a CD, but i knew that it was new, so i thought that it was still a new release. I walked around the southern side of the desk and lifted the phonograph sleeve from the chalk tray. It appeared to be attached to the wall at the top with plastic pushpins. I tipped it slightly so that i could see the back of the sleeve. I was trying to see what songs were on the album. I did not remember having the album, and i was wondering if i had all of the songs on it. The song names were printed on the back in a dark-red script along the lower right-hand side of the sleeve. I could not read the song names, no matter how hard i focused on them. I mentioned that this might be a compilation of his earlier songs, in which case, i thought that i might have all of them on other albums. The woman mentioned a man who was driving a car, and said that he had told her that he was driving down the road when the albums just flew out of the car. She said that the man did not know what happened to them, but thought that they simply had blown out of the back of the car. She seemed amused by the story. I repeated the last part of it, wondering how someone could lose things like that.

12007 September 07

As i left the mall area and started to the southeast, walking down the driveway, along the southern side of the large white building, $F45 started telling me that i would have to hurry north as soon as i got home so that i could get to the concert. I told him that i would hurry as soon as i could, and he commented that it would take four hours for me to drive up to where the concert was. It was dark out, and i felt rushed and anxious. I told $F45 that i would be there and that i would have what he wanted. I tried to leave before he could rush me any more. It seemed that my car was parked down the spiral ramp of the parking garage, which was to the northeast of me, in the side of the mall. The walls of the mall were covered with tan stucco. I tried to make sense of what i was supposed to do, but i felt that $F45 was just being overly concerned with the details and did not trust me to do things right. I turned to the east and walked into the kitchen of my parents’ house. My mother was standing on the northern side of the kitchen as i entered the western door. She did not understand why i would have to rush to get up to the concert. I would have to travel north to get to the show, but it did not seem to be that far away. My mother then told me that it was nine o’clock. I realized that it was still early in the day, and i wondered why i would have to rush to get to the show when it was only a few hours away. I knew that the show was in the evening. Something seemed out of place in this plan. My mother was then to the west of me, and i noticed the small white cat out the window on the northern wall of the dining room. I pointed out the cat to my mother, and she said that it had been around the house. I looked at the single pane of glass that covered the inside of the window, and i thought that it was probably very cold outside. The white kitten just wanted to come in. I then noticed the gray tiger cat and the black tom cat near the window as well. They were all trying to get into the house. Something felt strange about this. I knew that we could not let them in or they would not leave, but i felt that the cats were, in some way, threatening. I said something to my mother, who was again in the kitchen as i stood in the western doorway. I then noticed the cats on the ground. $X12 and $X11 were fighting, standing on their hind legs batting at each other. I felt uncomfortable about this, but let it happen, since they were always fighting. I then looked at the small tan dog that stood in the center of the kitchen. It had a dark black tail in its mouth, and i realized that it was $X11’s tail. I felt suddenly upset, noticing the fur at the base of the tail seemed to be a large chunk of $X11’s back. I looked around and noticed $X11 moving across the kitchen. She seemed to be bare, with a thin tail. The animal must have ripped her skin off. She was then to the west of me as i tried to go to her. In a sudden lunge, she jumped at me and bit my right hand, on the webbing between my thumb and index finger. I felt angry with her, but suddenly realized that she was frightened and angry that she had been attacked. She calmed suddenly, and i held her in my arms. My hand still hurt from the bite, but i pet $X11, scared and worried about her. I could see the patches of raw skin on her rear. I had to put something on it to help disinfect the wounds. I felt distressed that she had been attacked in such a way. I decided that i should call the veterinarian, even though i had not seen him in a very long time. I held the yellow receiver from the wall phone. A curled yellow cord stretched from the received to the southern wall of the room, connecting just to the east of a window. Someone answered. My mother was to the west of me, and she told me the doctor’s name. I asked for the name over the telephone, realizing that i did not pronounce it quite right, and i ended up saying “bankrupt”. My mother commented on what i had said, and i realized that it sounded rather awkward.

12007 September 10

I wondered how i was going to be able to get onto the airplane with the swords. I looked at the ceremonial sword that i had since high school. I knew that i had to bring that with me on my trip. The other swords were for exhibit. I followed the other person to the east, carrying the swords under my left arm and trying to balance the tray of food with my left. This restaurant seemed to be part of the train car, and was long and narrow east to west. It was nicely designed, with polished wood paneling on the walls and brass and drape details around the room. There was a row of tables down the center of the room, and a row on both the northern and southern walls. $Z was standing on the opposite side of one of the tables in the center of the room from me, and we were about to sit down. I started to place my tray on the table when one of the people at the table to the east turned around and moved their things onto the table that i was going to sit at. I had to rebalance by tray to keep it from falling out of my hand. $Z and i moved t the east a little, where there were two older women sitting on the western side of a table. $Z, who was standing in front of me, asked the oriental women if we could sit at their table. They said we could, so i placed my tray down. I then started to hang up my jacket on the back of the chair. I realized that i would not be able to hang the swords over the back of the chair, so i took them to the west, where i though i could put them at the front of the cabin. I set the swords against the small chest that was against the eastern wall of the cabin. As i put down the heavy black sword on the top of the chest, i felt that the sword was special. It was the only sword that i had not brought for the exhibit. It was a samurai-style word in a black scabbard. I looked at the bottom of the scabbard as it sat on the cabinet, with its hilt pointing to the southwest. The bottom of the scabbard was braded with white and black ribbons, and i felt that there was some significance to the colour pattern. I knew that the handle of the sword would be braided as well, but it was the braids at the bottom that had importance in defining the history of the sword. I placed my ceremonial sword down, leaning it up against the front of the cabinet next to its brass scabbard. I then thought that i should put the thin sword into the scabbard so that it was more compact. I looked at the samurai sword again, feeling the importance of it for a moment and trying to think of what it meant.

I moved the large mattress to the center of the lawn, to the north of the large brick apartment building. It was a thin mattress and seemed old and worn as i tossed it on the short dry grass. It lay unevenly on the uneven roots of the old tree to the southeast of me as they wove their way across the ground under me. I had been in the apartment building to the south, which seemed to be where $F18 lived. She had given me the mattress so that i could sleep for the night. It seemed nice to be able to sleep outdoors, but this was a city, so i felt uneasy about staying outside all night. I felt very tired now, and wanted a place to rest, but i turned back to the east and walked along the front of the apartment building. I looked again at the mattress, thinking that the vagrants would be sleeping on it before long if i left it unattended. I greeted $F18 on the lawn in front of the brick building, which seemed a little like a school building. We spoke for a moment, and i felt that we had just returned to the house from somewhere. We were standing on the sidewalk of the northern side of the street, in front of several modern gray apartment buildings. The buildings seemed tightly packed together, and the sky was grayer and dimmer than it had been when we were standing in front of the school. I felt that it was getting dark out, and i was here for something. $F7 started to walk down the road to the east, and $F18 mentioned that he was going back for something. I felt that he did not need to do that, so i followed after him, starting down the block. There seemed to be an overhand on the building a few buildings to the east of where i was, providing a dark tunnel or corridor through which $F7 walked. I moved down the street a little ways to the east until i came to where the man was standing with someone else. $F7 had walked on to the east, but i felt that something was out of place. I turned to look back to the west. The road was more rural now, with bushes on the northern side and a field of tall dry grass on the south. I turned to the west as the police officer said something to me from the city street. He wanted to know about me, but i did not think that i should tell him. I was hovering over the ground by a deci or so, thinking that i was elevating myself by producing force bubbles under my feet. There was someone else moving to the west around me who was on roller blades. I started skating to the west, aware that the police officer would want to talk to me. I glided over the gravel road and started to accelerate over the dirt. There was something uncomfortable, and i felt that the police office would be after me, trying to get me to stop. I thought about the force that i was producing under my feet, generating an air bubble that allowed me to glide over the ground. I then decided that i needed to go faster, and wondered why i did not just fly. I leaned forward and lifted off the ground. I was surprised that i could fly, thinking that it was only something i had dreamed about. I was suddenly very high over the road, and i was still aware of the other vehicle that had been riding parallel to me. I tipped to the side and swooped down toward the man in the vehicle, but suddenly realized that it would be very dangerous for us to collide at such fast velocities. I swooped again, hoping that i did not run into the man.

12007 September 11

I moved around the small space. The man with the dark hair moved around to the north of me. There was something interesting about him, and i tried to adjust my position with respect to him, to get in the correct spot, but he kept pushing me downward. Something was intriguing about the situation. I moved to the south of him, and found that he was pushing me down with his foot, as though i was much shorter than he was. I was not annoyed by this, but tried to figure it out, as though it was a puzzle.

I headed to the west, across the rounded cul-de-sac that was in front of the resort or golf clubhouse. I had come from this place and was heading back to get my car. The road from the cul-de-sac ran to the west, down a steep hill, between the small houses of the suburban community. I drove the small red car down the top of the hill, but stopped shortly, thinking that i had to arrange things before i left. There was something about the way the cars were running. I tried to think of how i could get both of my cars home. I thought about turning the car to the south, into the driveway, just to the west of the black car that was parked on the side of the road. I could not figure out how i was going to get both of my cars home. I wondered if i could drive the one home and then walk back to get the other. It seemed like a long way home, however, and i did not think that i would want to walk all the way back. I drove the red car down the hill, slowing to a stop at he bottom, where the road ended on the main street. I turned to the east, driving my larger black car. The red car seemed to be a Rabbit, but this car was fancier, and i thought that it was more modern. I decided that i could ask my parents to drive my other car back. There were two of them, and they had only taken one car to where we were, so i thought that one of them would be able to drive my red car back. I looked at the intricate fake-wood dashboard of the black car, noticing that there was a smell of something burning in the air. I then remembered that this car had engine trouble and needed to be repaired. I wondered if i should be driving it. I pulled over to the side of eth road.

12007 September 12

I moved around the area, mentioning to the others that i actually was able to fly an aircraft. I just had to tell them that i could not fly a regular airplane. I saw the small jet fighter hovering in the air to the east of me as i spoke to the others in the small group. I would have to tell them about the special aircraft that i had. It was like a flying saucer in that it ran with a special engine. I walked to the west, leading someone to the craft. I was then looking down at a large triangular-shaped airplane to the northwest of me. It had a doughnut-shaped mound in the center of the aircraft, with a pale metal grill in the center. The center seemed to be an intake section for the air. There were two linear mounds on either side that ran parallel to each other, intersecting the circle as tangents on opposing sides. These were the main thrusting engines. The triangular wings were short and rounded, and there was one on each side of the rear of the thrusters. The nose of the grayish-blue plane was also triangular, making the entire thing look like a regular jet plane. I remembered that this was a special aircraft, though, so it would have to fly differently than a regular plane. I watched the craft lift off of the ground and hover for a moment. The engines in it would work differently that a regular plane. The craft then started to move to the south. It seemed rather small now as it floated out over the water. I followed it, watching it part the waves as it floated over the surface of the murky water. I grabbed on to the sides of the craft, which seemed to be a small boat at the moment, allowing it to pull me through the water. It seemed to be floating low in the water, and i felt that some of the windows of the main cabin could be submerged. I lifted it up from the water, hoping that it would be all right. I then started turning it in the water, maneuvering around the larger hovercraft, which was the triangular plane. I wanted to stay near the larger craft, but it seemed that i was making too many turns in the water. I was aware that there were other things in the water around me. I looked into the milky-sepia water to see dark shadows moving around me. At first, i thought they might be whales, but then thought that they were some other type of aquatic animal. The boat was pulling me to the south, just past the larger motorboat. I looked ahead, but everything around me seemed to be foggy. The thick white mist rested on the strangely coloured water, making everything seem eerie. I felt uncomfortable, and turned around to look for the plane, but i could no longer see it. I turned the smaller boat around to the east, heading back to the north to look for the larger boat. I could not get too far from it. I then realized that my left finger had pushed in the small glass window on the cabin of the small boat that i was holding on to. Since the cabin was partly under water, i worried that water would be flowing into the boat and it would sink. I reached my finger into the opening and quickly pulled the window shut. I boat continued on to the north, but i was worried that water might get into the engine compartment. I had to get back to safety, but i could not find the larger boat in the fog. I was then aware of the shadows moving around me again. They were oval and swarmed past me, making a moaning noise. I realized that they were giant sea turtles. They appeared as darker sepia against the pale water. I felt scared of them, and slapped the water with my left hand to scare them away. Suddenly, a shark appeared to my left, where i had been hitting the water. It was attracted by the sound. It bit into the small boat ahead of me and dragged it down into the water, heading northeast. The small metal boat was attached to the boat i had been holding on to, and both slipped out of my hands and disappeared into the water and mist. I felt suddenly frightened, realizing that i did not have any boats around me and that i was out in the middle of the water. I could not start swimming, because that would attract the attention of the sharks. I tried to float, but i could feel my legs start to sink. I was frightened and did not know what to do.

12007 September 13

I was lying on the bed, which had its head against the southern wall of the small room. It was dark, and it felt as though it was very early in the morning. I had the covers over my shoulder, and there was someone sleeping to the east of me. His knees were bent so that they were near my side, and i reached out my right hand to put it on his upper thigh. I could feel the inner thigh of his left leg as he flexed the muscle on the back of his legs. The inner end of the muscle seemed to bulge into a small knot. I smiled at the feeling as $F10 relaxed his muscle and tightened it again. I realized that he had his right leg across my abdomen, and i realized that he was very close to me. I remembered being with him like this before, and it felt comforting to be with him like this again. I missed the sensation. He then rolled over so that he was on top of me. I hugged him, glad to have him here again. I wanted to have erotic relations with him again, but i felt a little awkward doing it here. I then looked to the west, into the dark empty room. There was light coming in from the doorway in the southern wall, which was propped open slightly. I walked to the door to close it, but there were others in the hall, and they were opening the door to come into the room to do things. I felt annoyed with them since it was so early in the morning. I wanted to be close to $F10, but i felt that people would be awake enough to hear us. I turned to the east and walked back across the northern section of the balcony. We seemed to be fairly high on the building, looking out over a city. It was a warm night with a light breeze, and everyone was sitting around the edges of the balcony. These people seemed to be from $G3. It had been a long time since i had seen many of them, and it felt nostalgic to see them all here again. Many of them looked young. I noticed $A518 sitting on the northern side of the balcony with a young woman. She was leaning against this left side and he was leaning against the black smooth stone wall that wrapped around the outside of the balcony. His long dark-blond hair hung in long strands over the right side of his face, and he seemed very young again. I moved around through some of the others here, thinking that everyone seemed very young. I wanted to get back to $F10, but i could not leave this area. Something felt unfinished to me, and i wanted this place to be different.

$F45 and i leaned over the southern edge of the pool, trying to feed the small animals that were in the water. The animal seemed to be a platypus, with a long brown tongue that extended from the creature like a tentacle. It reached for the food that we were tossing in the water. The animal then seemed to be distracted, and i backed away from it suddenly, realizing that the tongue could be dangerous. I was not sure that it was dangerous, but i told $F45 that the venom of the tongue could be toxic to us. The small animal then swam to the west, toward the other people that were trying to feed them. There was a man in the water who was wearing a purple T-shirt. I warned him that the tongue, could sting him, but he did not seem to hear. $F45 and i started to walk to the west along the edge of the pool, and i watched the platypus swim near the man, flailing at him with its long round tongue. I told the man to be careful because the tongue could sting him. Realizing that the man was not paying attention to either the platypus or me, i told him again, stressing that the animal might sting him if he was not careful. The animal flipped its tongue at he man, tapping him on the shoulder of his green T-shirt. The man seemed very fat, and i thought that he might simply not feel the toxin because of the fat on his body. I tried to get the man’s attention, warning him more insistently of the stinging animal, but the man simply seemed annoyed with me. He turned around and said something to me before floating to the center of the pool and starting to swim to the west. The other man that he had been talking to stayed in the center of the pool. I walked to the west, talking to the other about the danger of the animal. I was sure that the sting of the platypus was toxic. I then thought about what a strange animal it actually was. Laurie Anderson was then standing to the south of us. We were to the east of the pool now. I knew that she had been studying the animal for one of her skits, and she told us some things about the platypus. I brought up the fact that the animal was toxic, and she said that few people know that people actually found traces of uranium in the platypus’s body. I wondered if that is what made the animal’s sting so toxic. She continued to mention that the animal was found to have radioactive urine. These facts were interesting to me, and i realized that the platypus must have been created separately from the other animals. It was made special with these toxic properties because it was out of place in creation. There was a special design to this animal, and i wanted to bring that idea up with Laurie.

12007 September 15

We were walking down the path to the west. The area around us seemed to be suburban, but we were in a natural channel where we could not see that much development. There was a steep hill to the north of us with a grassy top. The houses on the top of the hill seemed to be farmhouses, thought they were not that spread out. As we continued down the railroad tracks, i noticed that the wall to the north was leaning in. It was now gray rock, and appeared to be leaning over the set of tracks that ran to the north of us. I pointed this out to $Z, and i wondered what could have caused the wall to lean. As we walked past the leaning part, i thought that there must have been some kind of erosion. A train would not be able to ride on the track without running into the wall. I looked to the north of us now at the leaning wall and noticed that the tracks on top of the wall were lifted into the air. I could see a square object connected to one of the tracks. The rains from yesterday must have caused some erosion on the hill to force the gray rock to split from the rest of the last. I was interested in the destruction as we started to pass under the cement overpass. I turned back to the west and came to an abrupt stop when i noticed the large wheel of an overturned train car directly in front of me. The car was tipped to the north, and i was standing next to its front axel. Startled, i stepped back to the east to get away from the train’s engine, thinking that it might be dangerous. There were other train cars behind it that had been tipped over. The ground must have eroded under them. I looked down to notice that the stream that had been running to the north of us had eroded the tracks under the train. I looked down at the blue water of the stream as it wound its way through the fine gravel and sand beneath our feet. The metal rails disappeared under the murky water near the train, and the tracks seemed to be separated from each other. I looked to the west, noticing that three was a large amount of debris along the creekbed. We needed to head to the northern shore of the stream, but i realized that the water was now flowing to the north of us, preventing us from crossing over. I remembered that the railroad tracks had crossed the water near where we would have climbed up the slope to get to the road, but the tracks were now submerged, and i could not see a way to cross the water. I did not want to get wet, but i considered walking through the water anyway. I then decided that the water would be moving too fast because of the heavy rains. I could not see away for us to cross to the northern shore. The path that we were on only led to the southern shore. The train cars to the west seemed to be covered by some sediment, providing a ramp of dirt leading up to the lower southern shore. I turned to $F43 and told her that we would not be able to cross the stream. I mentioned the overpass near us and wondered how we could get up to it. $F43 said that we should just climb up to the overpass, but i did not know whether we would be able to do that. I jumped up and grabbed on to the lower railing of the bridge. I started to pull myself up, but could only lift my body to the lower part of the cement roadway. I had trouble reaching up to grab the next set of railings to pull myself higher. $F43 moved under me and lifted my legs so that i could pull myself up easier. I climbed up the railings until i was high enough to put my feet on the cement platform at the bottom of the railing. I climbed over the railing and turned around to help $F43 up. I reached down with my right hand and pulled her up as she climbed.

I walked along the eastern side of my parents’ house, heading toward the side door. It seemed to be late at night, and something felt strange here. I then noticed the man to the southeast, walking the black dog along the road in front of the house. I started to turn into the back door of the house, but i was interested in what was happening with the man. I stepped off of the porch again and looked at the man, noticing that he was now heading toward me. I felt awkward, and did not really want to talk to him because i did not feel that i should trust him. He stood to the south of me as he told me that he only had potatoes. He stumbled through his words, mentioning the potatoes again and saying that they were in a soup. He was old, with a short gray beard, and his clothes seemed worn and ragged. He was trying to tell me that he was poor and that he wanted help. I felt sad for him, but did not want to help him by giving him anything. I simply listened to him as he stood by the back of my parents’ house. I glanced around as he talked, noticing the low roof just to the southwest of us. I thought it was the roof on top of the kitchen, but it seemed to slant almost all the way to the ground. I worried that the man might try to get into our house. I then got distracted by something to the south. I passed the man, trying to divert his attention to something. I looked to the west, across the front of the house, noticing the large brown boxes appearing on the lawn. There seemed to be people near the boxes, but i could not tell whether this was a diversion or not. I knew that it was not real, but i told the man that i had to go tell my parents what was happening. I walked into the house and started telling my father about them. I described the boxes that were appearing, saying that they were “like the size of tanks”, trying to make it sound dramatic. He stood to the south of me, wearing a navy-blue V-neck sweater over a white shirt. He did not seem convinced that i had seen anything, and i started to feel silly telling him this. I realized that it was not real myself, and i started to feel uncomfortable telling the story. I turned to the north and walked into the main room of my grandmother’s house. People were gathering, and my grandmother mentioned something about Christmas. For a moment, i thought that she was saying that today was Christmas, but i knew that it could not be. I told her that it was still several weeks before the holiday, but i worried that it really was Christmas. I knew that i had not gotten any presents for anyone because it should not have been this close to Christmas. I then started to worry that my grandmother was right with the date, because that would mean that i had somehow skipped over several weeks. I wondered if i had been missing for those days and why no one had noticed. The date could not be Christmas.

I jogged from the southeast, where my apartment was in this old city. I crossed the street and hopped onto the sidewalk that ran along the western side of the road. As i turned to the north, to head down the sidewalk, i could hear voices just to the side of me. Someone had shouted out something, and i was not sure whether they were talking to me or not. I had been jogging to the start of a run by $G4, and i wondered if the people in the passing truck were from $G4. I looked at the dark-blue truck as it continued down the street, heading to the north-northwest. The road seemed to curve from the west behind me and continue into the center of the city. I was jogging down a short street that separated from the main road and headed directly north, along the edge of the park that i knew was to the northwest of me. There seemed to be a small grassy triangle separating the street that the truck was on from the one i was starting to jog down. I decided that the woman and the man in the truck might not be part of $G4 and turned back to the north to continue on. Just then, i noticed $A433 to the southeast of me. She was jogging slowly in the same direction i was. I slowed down to say hello to her. I wondered if she was going to the run as well, which seemed like a large run in a city that i was not from. $A433 jogged with me for a little while as we moved through the park, rounding the corner to the west on the wide asphalt walking path. I noticed an arch of lines on the ground, curving from the southeast to the northwest, crossing the southern side of the curve that we were on and crossing the path to the west of us. I pointed out the pink chalk marks to $A433, telling her that they were the marks from last week’s run. I then thought that i heard someone else calling from the east. I turned to see a woman in a dark-blue running shell yellow shorts jogging toward us. Several people were following her. I asked $A433 if she had heard them call out trail marks as they ran, but $A433 did not seem to have heard it. As i started to turn back to the west, though, $A433 told me that these people were from $G4. She said that one of them was $A343. For a moment, i thought that people had already been out running on the trail that we were supposed to be following today. I asked $A433 if we were late for the trail, but she did not seem to think that we were. I turned around to see several of the people following us, but then i noticed that one of the men started to follow the pink lines from the previous day’s trail, heading off the path to the northwest. I tried to tell them that it was an old trail, but thought that it would simply lead to the area to the north of the western side of the park, which is where we were heading anyway. I hoped that the pink lines were really leading back to that section of trail and not to the end of yesterday’s run, which seemed to be much farther to the north. I continued to the west, following the sidewalk through the park to the northwestern gate. I passed close to some swings, which were on the northern side of the path. I stepped to the south slightly as a boy swung toward me.

12007 September 17

I was aware that the snakes were creeping into the room around us, and i felt worried that the large constrictors would attack. I tried to think that it was not really there, but i stood up on my seat suddenly, thinking that the snake was creeping in the chair under me. The people sitting with me at the wooden booth of the restaurant turned to look at me. I seemed to be in the center of the wooden bench, which was attached to the center of the northern wall of the room. I told the others that there was a dangerous snake in the room. My view then panned down, watching myself as i stood on the wooden bench. As my view dropped below the level of the table, i could see a large orange snake moving slowly under my bench. I quickly jumped to the west, over the top of the benches and into the center of the small room. The room seemed to be a chapel, with pews arranged in a semicircle, facing north-northeast. I hopped down an aisle on the western side of the room, stepping on the backs of the benches before turning to the east. I noticed a long orange snake stretched down the center of the aisle as i turned away from it. The snake reared up and grabbed me around the torso, pulling me down to the bench. I could feel it tightening around my upper body, but it had my arms trapped, so it was not able to squeeze that hard. I fell to the bench below me, but nothing further seemed to happen. I waited for a moment, but no one in the room moved. I then yelled out “Some assistance please!”, trying to get the people in the room to do something. I looked to the west, noticing that the large orange snake was moving in the aisle. It actually looked like a thick orange extension chord or orange garden hose. I stood up, now free from the snake. I noticed the dog standing on the ground between the pews, just to the west of me. It had caught its paw in the orange coils and was sniffing the ground to figure out what was happening. I started to yell to the people, trying to warn them of the snakes, but they just stood up and started to move in confusion, unaware of any danger. I had to warn them, and i felt tense and anxious. One of the guards then grabbed me from behind, trapping my arms to my side. I felt something pop in the left side of my chest as he pulled me off of the pew and down to the ground. The officials did not want anyone knowing about the snakes.

I walked across the large back yard to the south of the building. This building was the nursery school, and i had returned here to clean the yard. The grass was getting brown from the autumn, and there was a dead branch from one of the trees lying on the ground. I picked up the branch and carried it to the west, where there seemed to be a pile of brush. I had been cleaning out the yard. The other man walked to the south of me. I had been working for this place to clean the yard, and the man was working with me. He seemed to be hostile toward me, though, but i ignored him as i continued to clean. I looked around the trimmed grass of the yard, noticing the large plastic slides and swings to the north of me, the raised section of yard to the west, and the lower section of yard down the short step to the south. I was looking for more things to clean up in the yard as i headed toward the short flight of wooden stairs to the west that led up to the elevated play area. I was looking to the south as i moved, noticing that there was an area on the other side of the short wall just to the south of me that seemed to have a few downed branches in it. As i stepped up the stairs to get rid of the branch that i was carrying, i looked down into the lower part of the yard, thinking that i had not been there in a long time. It seemed to have been hidden in the corner formed by the higher area and the wall around the main section of the yard. I moved to the south, looking at the grounds, thinking that they were familiar and welcoming. I then found myself to the south of the yard, outside the short chain-link fence, on the paved street. I moved to the west, looking at the buildings to the north of me. The nursery was the eastern most building in a line of city buildings. I wanted to head to the end of the yard and then turn back to the north to head along the side, where i could enter again into the area where the children normally played. I turned to the north, walking down the paved driveway, but i now seemed to be quite a bit to the west of the nursery. I followed the driveway along the eastern side of the large modern business building. The drive seemed to end in a docking bay at the back of the building, and there were two people in rather plain business uniforms standing to the west of the driveway. I passed them without paying much attention to them, and i stepped to the top of the tall flight of darkly stained wooden stairs that descended the steep slope to the east, heading back down to the yard of the building next door. As i reached the steps, the people from the delivery business called out to me, trying to get my attention. At first i did not listen to them, but, as i started down the stairs, i turned around to look at them, acting as though i was not sure whether i had heard something from them or not. They stood, staring at me, so i decided that i should continue on. I walked down the stairs, but as i reached the bottom, the people called to me, saying that i would not be able to get out this way. I noticed the tall black chain-link fence in front of me, blocking me from the yard to the east. I glanced to the north, but noticed that there was a brick wall and a white metal door that led into the building. This was not the nursery school. I turned around as the people in uniform explained that this was not right and headed to the south, thinking that i would have to walk around the yard. I was heading east when i came to the fence again, but, this time, there was a corridor heading through the building to the north of me. I started down the long narrow corridor, which was painted white and had doors on either side. As i passed a short hallway to the west, which led to an open door, i noticed a young man standing in the open doorway. He was wearing dark-blue sports shorts, and did not have a shirt on. He was stretching his arms over his head, and i realized that he was one of the wrestlers from UIW. I thought that he was waiting for a match in the room to the west. I felt interested in what they were doing, but i continued down the hall to the south anyway. I then realized that that the rooms off of the corridor were all wrestling rooms. This was where they filmed the UIW matches. I felt excited to be here, and wondered if i could watch a match. I passed a few doors that were opening, where i could see a few shirtless wrestlers getting ready for matches. I came to the northern end of the corridor, where there seemed to be offices to the east. I turned back to the south and took a few steps, noticing a short hall to the west with another open door. A few wrestlers walked from the north, turning down the hall to the west and heading through the door, into what looked like a courtyard. I thought that this must be the outdoor wrestling area. I thought i might remember it from some of their videos. I watched the wrestlers pass for a moment, thinking that they were all young and very attractive. I then headed to the end of the corridor again, noticing a woman with several things under her arms as she opened a large metal door in the western wall of the wide room. The wall actually seemed to be metal, and seemed to separate the front entryway of the building from the courtyard where i had just seen the wrestlers enter. A few other people where carrying equipment behind her, and i realized that she was going to watch the match in the courtyard, by the pool. I wanted to get access to this area so that i could see the match as well, but i did not follow the people through the door. I headed back down the corridor to the south, wondering if i could meet any of these people. I was still wearing my running clothes, so it appeared as though i was ready for athletic activity. I paused for a little while near the last corridor to the west, noticing that the young wrestler was still waiting for his opponent to come in. He seemed relaxed as he moved around near the door. I wanted to join in on some of the matches. I looked back down the hall to the north, wondering what i should do. I was surprised to find UIW here in Boston. I had thought that they were in some distant city. Another wrestler then came up the hall from the north and turned into one of the rooms on the eastern side of the hall. I could see the mats inside as they passed through the door. As the metal door closed, i realized that there was an eye lens is the door that was pointing in so that someone in the hall could look in on the match. I walked up to the door, which had metal seams running down either side of the spy hole and was painted light brown. I looked into the eyepiece, but could not see any of the wrestlers. I could only see part of the mats within, not enough to make out the match. I was disappointed and walked to the south, coming out the southern side of the corridor. I then noticed that there was another short corridor to the north, just to the east. I looked down it to notice that there were several more metal doors. I walked into the small alcove, but realized that these doors were different than the others. The eyepieces were facing out, and the rooms were not labeled as well as the wrestling rooms. I thought that they must have led to closets. This building must have been an apartment building before it was converted into a wrestling studio. I looked at the doors for a moment before walking out of the alcove and starting to the east. Just as i turned to the east, along the southern side of the building, i passed a young woman in a sports bra. She was pacing around under the structure, which seemed to be a walkway above us, going from the building to a standing brick column that seemed to be a set of stairs. She said something to me, and i greeted her. I realized that she must be a wrestler as well. I paused near her, wondering what to say, but then i continued on to the nursery.

12007 September 18

I felt tense as i spoke to the other person in the small dark room of the cabin. We had been hiding out here. Things were going bad in the world, and something had happened to the area around us. I felt that there was no power here, but we had to stay because it was the safest place. The other person agreed. I felt cold here, and i thought that i should probably get something warmer to wear. I only had a long-sleeve T-shirt on. I turned to the north, remembering that there was a store on the northern side of the stable. I walked across the rustic hallway with the dirt floor. The hallway divided the house from the stable. I continued into the small gift shop on the northern side of the corridor, where there were clothes hanging on racks. I looked around at the clothing, trying to find a flannel shirt. There did not seem to be any on the racks near me. The racks and shelves to the northwest had riding blankets and other white plaid materials. I thought that i could always use a blanket if i found nothing else, but i turned to the east and continued looking. There were several other people in the store, hanging around the racks just to the east of me, where i could see several small black women’s shirts hanging. The shirts seemed formal, like rodeo vests, with white tassels around the double rows of silver buttons. I continued to the east, feeling concerned. I then realized that there was a wide doorway to the northeast that led into the mall. I wandered if i could find the shirts i was looking for there. I stepped through the doorway and found myself in a small jewelry store. The store seemed U-shaped, with a rounded southern end and a long counter that bent around the thin central wall of the store. Everything was pale gold in colour, and the walls were covered with draped faded sparkling fabric. The woman behind the glass counter in the center of the store asked me what i was looking for. I told her that i was looking for someone, even though that was not true. I felt confused, wondering where i was going to find the heavy shirts. The woman then told me that the store would be closing in ten minutes. I felt pressured, not wanting to be caught in the mall when the store closed, because i knew that i would not be able to get back to the rustic store in the stable. I hurried back to the south, leaving the jewelry store.

I sat at the table, facing west, toward front of the classroom. This was a small class, and there seemed to be only two rows of students listening to the man in the white lab coat talk about the drawings on the board. I looked at the red lines that the man had drawn on the whiteboard, trying to remember what they meant. I felt as though i was falling asleep in the class. I could not concentrate on this subject, but i knew that it was a class in physics, so i did not understand why i was losing interest in it. I looked at the cartoon figure on the board for a moment, noticing the ascending graph to the left of it and the scientific formulas across the top of the board. I could not focus on this like i thought i should be doing. I then was standing. The class had left a while ago, and i returned to the classroom. The western wall was covered with books that i recognized as mine. The man had been demonstrating information from the books that had been on my bookshelf, but still i felt as though i could not understand the science here. I then noticed the small white hardcover book on top of the tall gray metal filing cabinet to the south of the wall. It was the book that the man had been drawing physics problems from. I picked up the storybook and looked at the illustrated cover. It seemed to be a children’s book, but i knew that the simplistic drawings of folktale characters actually represented complicated scientific principles that had to do with quantum and particle theory. I remembered reading the book when i was younger, but i had never known what the drawings meant. I was disappointed that i could not concentrate enough to make sense of the lecture and learn more. I stood on the eastern side of the room, looking across the empty classroom. There were large windows in the southern and western walls, and the land outside seemed covered with dark damp clouds. There was something oppressive about this forested area as i moved to the west, over the steep rolling hills. I seemed to be in the car with my parents, but the plaster walls of the room around me were covered with old white paint.

12007 September 19

I walked to the west, across the second floor of my parents’ house. It was dark out, and i was trying to make my way across the room to the door on the western wall. As i reached the door, i noticed something moving on the floor just to the northwest of me. I focused on it, realizing that it was too small to be a cat. It was a large mouse, and it scurried under the bed to the north as it realized that i was near it. I jumped back suddenly, not wanting the large mouse to crawl up my leg. I thought that the cats were probably chasing animals into the house. I opened the door and told my mother about the animal, but she did not seem too concerned. I headed back to the east, trying to find the bed that i had been sleeping in. I felt tired now, as though i had been sleeping. I was lying on the bottom bunk of the bed that was against the eastern end of the southern wall of the small white room. Someone was lying just to the north of me, and i had my left arm around him. I felt comfortable here, thinking that this place seemed like $P19. He was a member of $G3, and i did not know him that well, but i felt comforted to have him with me. He then sat up and shifted position, moving his head to the west. I was now resting near his legs, so i started petting his calf with my right hand. The lights in the room were then on, and i could see many of the others from $G3 in the room. They were gathering around the four bunk beds that were against the northern and southern walls of the narrow room. The room seemed disheveled, as though there were blankets and clothing scattered around. Someone was standing on the western side of the room, hanging his arms on the upper bunks of the beds to either side of the room, as he looked down at the person in the lower bunk of the southwestern bed. I looked to the southeast, at the man who had been sleeping with me. To my surprise, he was $A189. His skin seemed darker than normal, and his thick black hair was straight and long on the sides of his face. He got up, asking whether i was all right with him sleeping so close to me. I told him that it was fine. Someone then asked me if i had enjoyed being so close to someone, intoning the question as if it would be a surprise if i was comfortable there. I told the person that i liked the closeness as i stood up and started to get my things. I started looking through my things, trying to find the right clothes to wear. I looked through the duffel bag no the floor, but i realized that i had not packed any underwear. I rooted through the bag, trying to find some clothes, but i did not seem to have what i needed. I did not want to have to wear the same underwear again because it would feel dirty. I wondered if i could simply wash the clothes everyday. I then thought that i would feel wet. I started to feel stressed as i kept pawing through my packed clothes, trying to figure out what i should do.

$Z and i moved to the west, down the road. The rain was heavy, and i watched the rocky cliffs to the north of the road wash away with the erosion from the rain water. I saw the large boulder roll toward us down the slope of the creekbed. It seemed that large amounts of mud and soil were being washed out by the rain. There was a piece of red fabric wrapped around the boulder, making it very noticeable as it rolled toward us. I warned $Z about it as i stepped to the east, trying to get out of the way of the falling rock. I then looked up the steep rocky cliff just to the north of us, thinking that the cliff would not make as interesting a flood. The rain water would simply wash the rocks over the road, but we needed the road to be in tact. It would be more dramatic if the land was simply high to the north and started to wash away in chunks. The boulder would have been in the middle of a field, though. The soil of the field would have been washed away in the torrential downpour and the boulder would have been carried by the heavy current. I told $Z that the walls of the creek gorge would have to be made of stone, but the nearby field would be simply soil. Once the eastern wall of the creekbed failed and collapsed under the rush of water, the soil would start to erode easily. The boulder would be in the middle of the filed somewhere. I looked at the gray stone cliffs and then down to the heavy rain water that was falling all around me, onto the surface of the newly paved road. There was a square-railed guardrail just to the north of me, at the edge of the road, and there seemed to be a deep ditch just beyond it. $Z turned to the southwest and crossed to the other side of the road. I turned to the east, watching the car approach and seeing the person inside watch us with concern, wondering what we were looking at. I then thought that the falling boulder would have to fall into the gorge on the other side of the road. If there was a dam in the gorge, the boulder could strike the dam and make the situation more dramatic by threatening what is below the damn. I then wondered how that would work. I considered that the roadway to the west would have to run over the top of the dam, but then the boulder would have to break the roadway in order to do damage to the dam. It would actually be better if the boulder hit the front of the dam so that the water did not break through instantly. I considered different orientations of the dam so that the boulder could fall off of the cliff to the north of the road and strike the front smooth surface of the damn before falling into the gorge. I looked at the gorge to the northwest of me. It was narrow close to where i was, and there was a modern cement building on top of the northern wall. I then noticed the bridge that crossed the ravine not too far to the west. The bridge was cluttered with buildings, all of which looked somewhat futuristic. There was a lot of development around the edges of the gorge, and i knew that the dam was in the center of the gorge. It would have to be along the northeastern side of the deep pit so that, when the boulder fell, it would hit the slope of the dam and cause a crack that could slowly leak. I started to move to the west, looking at the architecture of the buildings on the bridge as i approached. I realized that the building on the southern shore of the gorge was quite amazing. I was flying toward the southern end of the bridge now, looking at the building just to the south of the first span, on the southern shore. It seemed like a large dome of intricate layers, and there was a strange structure hovering between it and the similar square building, which was built on a small island in the middle of the gorge. There were cables between the two buildings that suspended many long square tubes. I had seen this before, and i thought that the building was from Japan or some other modern oriental city. I was amazed by the design as i passed through the long tubes, which seemed like hovering rooms. I tried to remember where i had seen the building before as i landed in the large swimming pool that was to the west of the building. The pool had structures in the center of it, and there were many people standing in the water. I moved to the west, weaving through the crowd in the water. It seemed that i would be here to do something. I then realized that i was carrying my small red chip drive in my right hand. I was holding it above the water, but i knew that it had already gotten wet. I moved through the center of the crowd to the west, thinking that i probably should not be getting the drive wet, but realizing that it was already too late. I turned around and started back to the east, placing the strap of the chip drive over my neck and around my right arm. The drive hung into the water as i moved. I passed a woman with blond hair as i pushed my way to the east, and i realized that the chlorine in the water would probably damage the drive, so i pulled it from the water. I did not want it to get ruined like my other controller. I lifted it out of the water, but realized that the top had fallen off of the drive. I focused on the silver plug that had been exposed on the drive. I looked at the surface of the water and noticed the gray cap floating in the water. As i picked it up, i noticed the small green chipboard floating in the center of the cap. A woman to the east of me noticed the drive in my hand and told me that they should not be in the water. I agreed with her and continued to the east, lifting out of the water and flying back through the suspended pieces of the modern building. I hovered for a moment in the center of the suspended rooms of the building before landing lightly on one of the balconies to the north. I then imagined that someone would not want me to be standing on the building and might attack me. I thought that only a ninja would actually try to attack on this wall. I thought that i could simply jump off of the wall and float into the air. That would probably confuse the attacker. They would not be able to fly. I imagined standing on the edge of one of the balconies as someone snuck up to the west of me. I realized that i would have to be aware of them somehow, and i thought that i might as well have special sensing abilities as long as i was imagining that i was able to fly. I stepped off of the floating balcony and drifted down to the lower level of the building, where there was an open room. Just to the south of the room was one of the suspended sections of the building. I thought that it was a bookshelf as i stepped into the open room. There were tables crowding the center of the room, and there seemed to be colourful note papers stuck to many of the surfaces. $A519 was standing in the room, next to the long white table. The western side of the room seemed small, and appeared to be an office. The room was open on the southern and eastern sides. The south was open to the air, although three was a floating bookcase, about the size the southern wall would have been, suspended a few metres from the southern end of the room. The area to the east seemed to open up in to a large room where there were many gray metal bookcases of library books. This place seemed to have something to do with a library. I spoke to the man in the room, and to $Z, who moved from the south of me into the section of the room. I turned to the south and looked more closely at the thin shelf that was suspended from the ceiling, just to the south of the room. It had many thin metal horizontal bars across it, all of which seemed to be covered with pink and yellow posting notes. I looked closely at the notes as i moved along the northern side of the shelf, heading west. I then turned my attention back to the center of the room as $A519 moved one of the shelves in the room to the east, rolling it along the one of the numerous set of tracks on the ceiling. I pulled one of the shelves from the small room, realizing that the design of the tracks allowed the shelves to be moved in a large number of ways through the room and into the eastern room. I mentioned this to the others in the room. The man looked up at the black metal poles that twisted their way across the high ceiling of the room. I pushed the shelf to the east and looked up to see that $Z was moving it to the north. The eastern section of the room now seemed to be clear. All of the shelves had been moved to the north. This meant that everything had been processed here. I spoke to the others as i looked around the spacious white room, noticing the emptiness here now. I then started talking to some of the other people here.

12007 September 20

I walked to the north, across the small lounge area where the blue cushioned seats were set up in small clusters. This place was actually the cabin of an airplane. I had just gotten on, and i put my things in one of the seats along the eastern wall. The small section of blue seats curved from the eastern to the northern wall. There was a round cluster of seats in the center of it where several other people were sitting. They had been on the flight on its way here, and they were talking about what had happened. The mentioned the man who had threatened the plane, and talked about the people who got rid of him. I looked to the east, where there was a large black column that was hollow in the center. It did not extend all the way to the ceiling, and i could see the top point of the circular staircase inside. One of the men mentioned that the other passengers had thrown the man down the staircase and out of the airplane, but some of them had fallen out. I realized that the man they were talking about was dead. They then mentioned that Bjork was dead as well. I looked up to the north, realizing that Bjork had been a passenger on this small plane as it came here from across the Atlantic. She had attacked the man who threatened the airplane and accidental fell out of the plane with him in the process. I noticed Beck as he stood up from one of the seats on the northern side of the room. I realized that this plane had several celebrities in it, so it was real that Bjork had died. I picked up by bag from the chair i had put it on and moved it to one on the western side of the cluster of chairs. The business man, who was sitting in the center of the cluster, wearing a dark suit, looked up from his computer and turned to look at me. He was to the north of me, and i felt that he was suspicious of the fact that i had changed my seat so soon. I felt that i should not intrude on these people, since they had been on the airplane for the first part of the flight. I then realized that Bjork was really dead. I thought that i would have to tell $F45 about this. He liked her as a performer, and he would be shocked that she had died. I imagined him asking me how i know, and i would have to tell him about the people on the airplane.

12007 September 22

I pictured the square stone tower as wide and squat, even though i knew that it was rather tall. It was made of tan stone blocks and seemed to be to the north of me, even though i knew that i was in a room near the top of the tower. There were others with me. I stood on the eastern side of the room, facing north as the man to the northwest of me spoke. The situation felt tense. He was wearing blue jeans and a light-blue long-sleeve shirt. He mentioned the people on the roof, which seemed to be only one floor above us. I looked out the doorway in the center of the northern wall of the tower, which seemed to be right on the western edge of the room we were in. There was a stone wall that ran from the south, stopping a few metres from the opening in the northern wall. I could not see much outside, but i knew that we were quite high over the land, and there seemed to be green rounded hills and bright blue sky in my view. I thought about the people on the roof. They had wrestling mats up there, but i felt that it would be a very dangerous place to wrestle. The mats were wide, but i knew that people sometimes ran off the edge of the mats, and i knew that there were no walls around the sides of the roof. When i looked to the west, across the roof, i could only see a thin chain suspended by short metal poles. I felt uncertain in the room near the top of the tower. The man spoke, and i looked out the doorway to the north, which was now in the eastern end of the northern wall.

12007 September 23

I looked to the north, across the wide grassy lawn of the area. The land sloped up slightly to the northwest, and i could see a thick tree line in the distance. It was a bright sunny day, and i felt confused and uneasy about this place. I had been standing with the others, to the west of the crude buildings. I did not know how i had gotten here, and i felt that i should not have been put here. This place was a prison. Even though there were no distinct walls, i knew that this place was surrounded by security measures, and that the inhabitants here were supposed to live together. I was not comfortable here, and i felt that we should escape to the north, across the field. I knew that the boundary of the prison was not far to the north, where a white rail fence ran across the crest of the hill, at the far edge of the green grass. The man to the east of me then stated that we would not be able to escape to the north. I knew that he was the prisoner in charge. I started to feel stressed, thinking that this place was not safe for us, but i knew that there was no cause for alarm here. The man who had come with me headed to the north-northwest, past the large barn and out into the field. He was heading for the boundary fence anyway, and i followed him. I felt that we could not live here under the rule of the person in charge of the prisoners. Several other people came with me as we crossed the grass and came to the open lots, which seemed to be part of an orchard. We had to get to the safety of the field on the other side before the men who had taken charge noticed that we were leaving. I wondered what kind of traps would be set in the field. As we approached the orchard on the northern side of the grassy lawn, i started to wonder if escape would really be this easy. We had reached the white fence too easily. The woman who was running ahead of me and a little to the east of me, stopped and turned around to talk to us. I was focused on the other man who was continuing into the orchard to the northwest of us. The woman suddenly seemed concerned, and she shouted at us to run for cover. I looked back down the hill, thinking that the prisoners would be shooting at us. Instead, i saw the growing black swarm growing in the southeastern sky, over the top of the prison area. There were birds coming after us. I turned back to the north. There were many metal box-trailers in rows and columns across the orchard, interspersed among the threes. They seemed to be the back parts of tractor-trailers, but they had no wheels. We would have to run into these trailers to hid from the birds. I knew that the birds would not be able to peck through the metal walls. I yelled to the man ahead of us to run for cover in the orchards as i started to run to the north-northeast. There was a large building to the east of the orchard, and several trailers closer to me than the ones in the orchard. I followed the woman toward the large brown cement-block building, but turned to the west into the open mouth of a trailer just as the birds started swooping down at us. The black birds swooped around me, slamming against the door of the trailer in front of me as i ran into the mouth of the trailer. The woman pulled the overhead door down, sealing the trailer. I thought that the rest of the birds would simply slam into the door of the trailer and kill themselves. We then went to the west, where the other man had run. We felt upset when we saw him lying on the ground in the middle of the orchard. The woman and i scared off the remaining birds as we approached him. He was wearing a black leather-like suit and was spread out on his stomach on the ground. His left arm and leg were slightly bent to the side and his head was facing his left, to the south. He was Dylan, from the starship Andromeda, and he was bloody around his face and back. I was shocked, thinking that he could not be dead because no one really dies here. This place was like a movie. I then realized that he was not wearing any pants, just a bluish-white pair of underwear. I woke him and helped him up from the ground. He seemed confused at the situation, and i told him that there are no deaths here. He did not seem to understand. I told him about the prison and how, no matter what happened to the prisoners, no one would actually die here. I then realized that this was the punishment of this area. The people here could be hurt in many different ways, but they would never die. I felt suddenly hopeless in our attempts to escape this area, realized that, no matter what we do, we would still be stuck here with no way out. I then looked to the north, realized that the land around the house that we were in was moving. I could see the trees passing by the windows in the ashen-peach northern wall. The trees moved to the west, meaning that the house was shifting to the east. I thought that the trailer house must be moved by the storm. We were all inside of it, and we were being moved to a new place. I stepped outside, noticing the country yard. The man walked to the east, out the front door of the trailer, which faced east, along the short northern wall of the eastern section of the trailer. I followed him out, cautiously looking around at the new area. The area to the north of us seemed to be forested with thin young trees. There was a short yard of cut grass between the edge of the woods and the house. To the west was a wide back yard that seemed to connect to a larger field of hay. I continued to the east, looking suspiciously around, trying to figure out what was happening. I then looked to the north again. I had walked past the eastern end of the forest and there was a thin strip of taller grass separating the yard of the trailer from the cut grass yard of the next house over. The house to the north seemed small and plain, with white siding and black trim. There was a small plastic play set to the east of it. As i looked closer, i realized that the play set was actually a playground. The swings and slides were made of brightly coloured plastic in red, yellow, and blue. There was something suspicious about this place, and i tried to focus on it. I started noticed all of the detail in the area, realizing that it was much too detailed to be a dream. There was something wrong. The plastic playground was very large, and i thought that it was probably a community playground for the entire area. I looked over the tall slide in the center of the play area. It was red and blue, with a rounded tower near it for children to climb in. I had to collect the details of what i was seeing in the playground. I felt that i must remember this scene. I knew that it was more special than a dream because of the great amount of detail that i was seeing in it. I turned to the west, looking at the open field that had been behind the trailer. I could see the rows and columns of trees in the orchard on the top of the shallow rise to the southwest. The trailer was no longer there, and i could see the entire area around it now. This was wrong. I told the man to the east of me that things were changing. This was not a dream, but it could not be reality either, because the details kept changing. I told the man that this was a dream and thought that we will wake up. I told the man this and thought that we would wake up once i said it. I remembered that, when the mind realizes that it is in a dream, it usually wakes up. I thought that this scene might end once i realized that i was not in reality, but nothing changed. I walked to the south, down the dirt road, focusing on the dream. I decided that, if i could not end the dream by realizing that it was a dream, then i might be able to manipulate the images in the dream. I held out my hands in front of me as i followed the road across a field of dry cut corn stalks. I was trying to create things in my hands. It should work if it is a dream. I was then moving down a hall when i realized that i could float in my dreams. I turned to the northwest and started to float as i moved along the northern face of the large red building. I was again in the main encampment of the prison, and the prisoners were moving around me. I passed between the crude buildings of the camp as i thought about this. This prison was not a real place. It was simply a mental illusion. I wondered how i could get out of it, but i was also aware that the other prisoners might try to stop me. I was then in a room with the other people. The scene had changed, and i could see Beka and Seamas running through the control room to the east of me. They were heading toward me. They hurriedly told me that they had found Dylan. I thought that we must have been transported into the controlled area of this planet by accident. We were trapped in the illusion, but then i realized that the prison was really a form of mind control. It was not an actual place, but a mental construct. Dylan and i must have been transported into the imaginary construct by accident. Beka and Seamas had been looking for us and had finally figured out where we were. I moved around the room, thinking that we should be leaving. Everyone was gathering their things to leave. We would have to get to a designated area by a certain time in order to be extracted from the illusion. I had a tan walled and a shoulder bag that i layed on the bed to the west of me. The bed was covered with a coarse-knit red spread. I looked at my things and realized that i did not have my suitcase with me. I felt that i had to get everything, but i felt pressured to hurry. I grabbed what i had and followed the others to the east. As they continued down the corridor of the house, i turned to the southwest, into a small room to check for my things. There was a bed against the southern wall of the room. On it was a stack of things. I lifted up the large blue sheet of paper, remembering it from before. I had brought it with us and though that i might as well take it with us now. Under it was my suitcase. I hurriedly slung the suitcase over my shoulder and tried to gather as many other things as i could. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to hurry to make it to the rendezvous area. I then realized that i did not have my wallet with me. I just had it, but could not find it with me now. I must have left it in the other room. I quickly ran back to the other small room and spotted the brown leather wallet on the small round end table, just to the west of the door. I grabbed it quickly and started to leave the room, but noticed all of the other things scattered across the surface of the bed. I felt conflicted and did not know what to do. I looked over the objects on the bed, realizing that many of them were not mine. They were just junk that had been left here from someone before. I wondered if i should take any of the objects with me. I spotted several compasses on the bed. Most of them had white plastic needles, all pointing to the north. I picked up one of the compasses. It had a black background with white labels on the surface. The white plastic needle seemed thick and fussy, and wobbled as i held the compass. It was too flexible, and bent to the north rather than turned to the north. It seemed strange. I then decided that i did not have time to look through all of this stuff. I had to hurry back to the others. I quickly picked some of the items in the room and rushed out the door and back down the hall to the east.

12007 September 24

I felt tense and nervous. Something was wrong, and i did not know what to do. I moved to the west when i answered the telephone. My grandmother called and told me that $K7 had died. I was surprised to hear this. Another friend of mine had just died, and i said that this was the third person that i knew of who had died within a short period of time. I felt upset and thought that i should tell my mother about $K7. I would have to do something. I was at work, or maybe at school. I felt that i should leave this place. I continued to the west, passing through the door that led into the hallway. The hallway ran north to south. $A313 seemed to be there. I told her that i had some problems, but did not get too specific. I thought that i should tell her about the deaths, but i could not seem to remember them. It seemed that several people had died, but was not sure. I felt sad, and needed to leave this place.

12007 September 26

I started mixing the red liquid in the sink against the eastern wall of the kitchen. I seemed to be in the house of $K3. I was making something special for them. My mother passed me a mold, placing it on the counter to the north of where i was. It seemed to be shaped like the torso of a bull, with lines and decorations carved into the side. I thought that it resembled some type of biblical artwork, and i felt that my relatives would probably relate to the symbolism. I mixed the thick batter in the bowl in front of me, thinking that i would make the shake of the bull out of the batter and bake it in the oven. The batter seemed tough, like liquid plastic, and i tried to think of how i would lay it out on a cookie sheet and form it into a shape that would be nice. The kitchen around me was small, and seemed to be crowded with implements. It was quite quaint, with red walls and yellow details around the counters. I turned to the south, where there were two white ovens against the wall. I turned on the western-most over on and looked into the door. The orange glow inside illuminated something near the back of the oven, which was quivering. I looked closer to notice that it was actually something moving rapidly up and down across another tube-shaped object. I bent over to get a better look and noticed that it was the hind legs of a squirrel scratching itself. Through the large glass door of the stove, i could see that the back of the oven was open, and there was a large metal room in the wall behind the stove. I thought that the squirrel must have fallen down the chimney into the room and was now trapped behind the stove. I thought that it would either run away when the heat started to increase or it would simply get cooked. I then realized that, if it started to cook, it would probably smell really bad. I thought about $K3 smelling the burning animal as i turned back to the sink. I started to mix the batter again, but i noticed that it was now a dark colour, and my hands were now covered with a silvery substance that looked like mercury. I was worried that it might be a toxic metal, but then i thought that it was actually silver. It had something to do with the curing process of the dough. I backed away from the sink and pulled at the thick slab of red plastic that was on the cookie tray. I had to do something else with this dough to get it into the shape that i desired, but i felt confused and could not focus on what i was trying to do. I lifted the slab, which was smooth and glossy, and placed it on the cookie tray, which was not on the counter to the south. I then picked up the silvery piece of aluminum foil and layed it over the top of the slab. I would use the foil to create the shape and add the silver decorations to the top of the mold. I then turned to the west. There was a counter extending from the northern wall that separated the kitchen from the next room. It had a set of cupboards over the top of it and two wooden beams running between the cupboards and the counter on the southern end, making it seem like a wall. A white plastic telephone hung on the end of the wall, and my mother was standing in the kitchen near the counter. I moved to the counter and placed something on top of it, thinking of what i was supposed to be doing with the batter. I felt confused. I said something about the batter, trying to talk myself through the steps to making the artistic shape. I then turned back to the oven in the southern wall, noticing that the squirrel was still hanging out in the small space behind the oven. It must be very hot in there by now, and i wondered why the animal did not run away. I asked where it had come from, and my mother said that it came in through the basement. I pondered this for a moment. Then i backed up from the stove and looked at the two white stoves that stood side by side against the southern wall. I wondered why there were two. Looking at the one on the east, i noticed that it had rounded features with fewer buttons. It looked more modern. I wondered what the reason for two ovens was.

12007 September 27

I was looking at the blank screen, which seemed to be showing a picture of space. This was an old television show, and i thought that it might be Battlestar Galactica from the late 11970s. I then noticed a shining tunnel made up of concentric shapes. They seemed like diamonds with rounded corners, but changed from time to time into something that looked more like a club from a card deck. The concentric rings moved toward my view, changing colours as they came, making it appear that the viewer was traveling down a tunnel of light. I remembered this from when i had watched the show as a child. This was the last real episode of the series. This was the episode where a higher form of life visited for a second time. I then noticed Starbuck in the foreground of the scene. He was moving through the tunnel. There was some significance in the moving lights, and i watched as though i was in the position of Starbuck. I then turned to the right, which seemed to be to the north. I was in a room, and there was a blond woman standing on the other side of a desk from me. This place seemed to be a classroom, and there were other people starting to gather here. I realized that i was an outsider here, but the people here did not know that. This place was occupied by Cylons, but i realized that the people here were actually human. The Cylons must have created human creatures to live here. I hoped that they did not realize that i was a human and not a Cylon. The woman said something to me, and i answered, worried that they would figure out that i did not belong here.

12007 September 28

I walked to the east, down the corridor of the mall, passing through the many people who were walking around. I felt as though i was going somewhere, but i did not want to go to the large box store that was at the eastern end of the mall. I seemed to head up a step in the polished black floor before i turned around and started back to the west. I glanced to the east as i started down the escalator. I could not see the box store because the eastern wall of the mall was obscured by several people and the thick white cement floor that i was descending through. I glanced back several times as i went down the escalator, trying to see the large store. I felt a little confused, thinking that the store was not really there. As i passed below the floor, i could see the light from outside to the east, shining through the glass door at the end of the mall. There was no large store there. I wondered where the store i was thinking of really was as i walked to the west, into the long room. The room was to the northwest of the corridor of the building, which seemed to run to the northeast from the main corridor. It was empty of furnishings, and appeared to be a school gymnasium, with a polished wood floor and soft white walls. There seemed to be windows along the ceiling of the room, which was two stories above us. I paced slowly to the northeast, along the southeastern wall of the room. There seemed to be two doors in the southeastern wall, one at the northern side of the room and one on the southern side. There also seemed to be a door in both of the short walls of the room, to the southwest and northeast. The door in the southwestern wall seemed to be in the center of the wall, and it seemed to lead into an office. The one in the northwestern wall was on the western end of the wall and led into another room. As i reached the northern side of the room, a man walked out of the door and crossed the room, leaving through the southern door in the southeastern wall. I knew him, and i felt that he had been meeting with someone i the northern room. As he passed me, he was wearing a tight white polo shirt, and i thought that he was the gym coach here. I was waiting to go into the room. Another person then walked out of the room and exited through the northern door of the southeastern wall. I paced around the northern side of the room. There now seemed to be something in the center of the northwestern wall. It was white, like the walls of the room, and i thought that it was some kind of rolling divider. As i started pacing slowly toward it, my attention was drawn by a man walking toward me from the southern side of the room. I realized that he was the man who had just left. It then occurred to me that something was wrong here. He had not gone into the northern room, yet he had already left. I felt that there was some kind of time distortion here. I spoke to the man, demanding to know if he remembered being in the northern room before. He paused, looking confused, telling me that he had not been there. I told him that he had already left the room. I had come here early and was probably not supposed to see the other people leave. I wondered if i was actually still in the room to the north in another time line. The man headed for the door, and i accused him of moving the people back in time. I felt angry about this, and demanded to know what was happening here.

12007 September 29

I moved to the north with the other person. We were in a very narrow room that seemed to be filled with small metal containers. The containers were lined up several deep on the floor against the western wall. There were more along the eastern wall, as well as some on a low shelf that ran along the eastern wall. I passed $F47 as he stopped to look at something on the eastern wall. I stopped just a few steps beyond him, looking at one of the spray cans on the shelf. The eastern wall of the small building was made of whitewashed glass that was held up by thin white wooden frames. I thought that the contents of the spray bottles would be dangerous if we were around them too much, and i felt that we should get out of here. I heard one of the bottles under me start to spray, and i told $F47 that we had to get out of here. I had been facing the windows, which were now on the long northern wall of the room. The room was now stretched from east to west, and we had come from the east. I rushed to the south, knocking over many of the bottles that were stacked against the southern wall behind $F47. The bottles clanked to the floor and started spraying. For a moment, i felt as though i had made this action intentionally. I told $F47 that we had to get out of the room quickly, before we were overcome by the fumes. I quickly opened the small wooden door in the northern wall and ran out of the building. $F47 came out after me, and i heard the woman to the west asking about the spray cans. She seemed upset that they had been knocked over. I thought about what i had done, and would have to explain to the people that it had been an accident. I had simply tripped into the tanks and they all fell over like dominos. I heard the woman talking as i looked down at the silver can on the ground to the south of me. It had a black nozzle across the top of it that made it look like a pressure sprayer. On the open end of the nozzle, a white flame sprayed from the bottle. It flickered gently as the wind moved around the bottle. I knew that the substance was dangerous, but i was no longer in danger here. The large woman moved near us, upset that the cans had been opened, and i felt responsible for the mistake. I wanted to tell them that i had simply tripped over the cans and accidentally knocked them over, but it did not seem to be the truth. I felt bad about what had happened. I said something to $Z, who was sitting to the north of me, at the edge of the room. I looked to the west, across the kitchen. The door to the greenhouse was just to the south of the large industrial stove, which seemed like a deep metal sink. There was a fume hood over the sink, and i thought that it was turned on. I could see the oily texture to the air as vapors rose from the stove to the fume hood. This was the fume hood and stove at $P19. I looked closer at the distorted air under the hood, thinking that it was too hard to see through to be a vapour. I thought that it was actually water pouring from the hood into the sink. I walked over to it, trying to figure out what it was. As i came close, i decided that it was a sheet of plastic wrap, stretched from the hood to the sink. I touched the northern edge of the wrap. I turned to the north, still feeling bad about spilling the cans. I was then aware of the other people in the room, which seemed to be a room in $P19. Two of the people in the room were arguing, and i felt annoyed by this. They seemed to be acting like children. I looked at the thin ceremonial sword in my right hand as i approached. I had taken it from one of the men arguing. I felt that he was drunk enough and foolish enough to use it in his argument. The man moved toward me, mad that i had taken his sword. He was wearing a black T-shirt and reached his left had for my head and his right hand for the sword, which i was holding near my waist level. I pushed him back suddenly and slapped him across the side of his face with the sword. I knew that the flat of the blade would not cut him, but would make a sharp sting. I then grabbed the end of the sword and bent it over so that the sword would not be of any use. I knew that these ceremonial blades were poorly made, with a plastic core. They would bend easily and would be of no use once deformed. The other man then moved toward me. He had a wider sword. As he swung it back, moved forward and pushed him off balance, taking the thick sword from his right hand. The blade on the heavier sword was black, and the weapon seemed to be Japanese in style. I slid the black blade back into its scabbard, but realized that the drunken people had poured beer into the open scabbard. Both the sword and scabbard would be ruined. I slid the sword in anyway and tossed it to the northeast, down the short flight of stairs that led into the darkened next room. I felt angry and frustrated with these people, so i took the swords and walked away. I was going to return them to someplace where they would not be abused. It was dark outside as i moved to the east, down the southern side of the road. I was in the truck with the other person. We had left the party early and were heading home. The man was driving me to my place. I felt angry about what had happened in the house. I looked out the front window of the truck, noticing that a red pickup truck was backing out of a driveway ahead of us. The man who was driving the car i was in stopped suddenly, coming close to the blue truck. I felt nervous as we stopped, thinking that the man driving our car was not paying attention to where he was going. The truck backed into the lane opposite us and started to drive to the west. The man driving me started moving forward, but i noticed that there was a blue station wagon sitting in the middle of the street just on the other side of the road, and that he was heading right for it. The driver stopped suddenly as he noticed the blue vehicle, which did not have its lights on. I felt annoyed at the driver, thinking that he was really in no shape to drive. Before we could start to move again, i noticed the young woman on the sidewalk on the southern side of the road, just in front of us. She had long blond hair and smiled attractively at us. I suddenly realized that the driver was attracted to the woman and would not be able to stop himself from chatting with her. She was just trying to lure him, and he stepped out of the truck to talk with her. I felt very angry at the situation. I decided that i could not trust the man driving anymore because he was too drunk to pay attention to what he was doing. I grabbed the swords and stepped out of the passenger’s side of the red truck. I thought that i would simply walk home from here. As i started to close the passenger’s door, i noticed a police officer standing to the west of me. He was wondering why we had stopped and was checking to see if we needed any assistance. As i turned toward him, however, he seemed to be hesitant and cautious. I realized that he had noticed the swords in my hand and was trying to be defensive in case i attacked him. I told him that the swords were not for fighting and tried to explain why i was carrying them. I thought that i could get in trouble for carrying around blades, but i did not want to deal with the police officer right now. I simply wanted to head home. The officer asked about the swords, and i told him that i had a license to carry them around. I walked around the western end of the red truck, which was now the front of the truck. I could not find the dagger in the car, so i was walking around to the other side to see if i could find it. As i reached the door on the other side, i noticed that there were several things standing on the metallic running board under the door. I could not open the door easily without knocking over the thick blue candle and the tall glass bottle. I was irritated by the situation and tried to open the door without making too much of a mess. I then checked the swords that i was carrying in my hand, noticing that i had two long swords and a small brown leather scabbard. The dagger i was looking for was in the scabbard, so i walked back around the car and started walking to the east, along the sidewalk on the southern side of the road. I walked quickly, hoping to get away from the truck before someone tried to stop me. I was tired of waiting and wanted to get home. As i walked to the east in the dark, i noticed that there was a woman following me. I knew that she was a groupie, and i tried not to acknowledge her, knowing that she would only try to take advantage of me. I was tired, and did not want to actually walk all the way home. It seemed like a long distance, and i felt that i might be too tired to make it all the way to the house. It felt like a hard walk. I thought that i would have to head to the east-southeast to get to my house, but i thought that i could turn down the street to the southeast to get to $P19. I wondered if i should stop there instead. I was then walking into the house on the southern side of the street. The woman was still following me, and i was angry about her obsession. I walked back out of the white house and down the street to the next house. It looked very much like the one i had just left, with a wide wooden porch on the front. I hoped that i could make it inside before the woman figured out where i had gone. I knew that she would be angry once she figured out that i had tricked her, but i still did not want to be followed around by her. I walked into the house through the front door and headed straight to the south, across the front room and into the kitchen area. I had a bucket in my right hand, and i felt that i had to get water from the well in this old farm house. As i entered the kitchen, i heard the woman that was following me yell from the house next door. She had realized that i had tricked her and come to the next house over. I felt anxious and had to hurry to get out of site before she spotted me. I turned around to face the north. There was a small wooden door in the northern wall, to the west of the doorway through which i had entered the kitchen. The wall and the door were both painted dull yellow, and the wooden boards of the door were narrow and ran vertically. I hurriedly tried to open the large metal knob that was in the center of the basement door. I had to get down into the basement and close the door before the woman found me.