12008 September 01

I was talking to the young oriental man as i walked out of the doorway to the small building, heading west. The doorway was on the southern end of the building, and had a thin cement roof stretching over the walkway coming out of the door. There seemed to be a wall at the end of the walkway, where the walkway met the driveway. I turned to the north and started up the sidewalk on the eastern side of the driveway. The man and i were discussing the play that we were thinking about doing. It was a play that was based on my story ideas. I felt good talking about them. I stopped just outside the roof and sat down on the sidewalk, facing west. The man turned back to the south and asked the woman if she would be interested in the play. She seemed interested, but then the man admitted that the play was not yet written. I thought about the trilogy i had written. The man mentioned that the woman was a writer and said that she should work on it. I turned around to look at her, asking her if she was really a writer. At first, i was interested in this, but then i realized that i might not want another writer working on my stuff. I spoke to her for a moment.

I spoke to the young oriental man, who was standing to the south of me in the long cement corridor. This place was familiar, and we were discussing something that was very interesting to me. I spoke to him about it for a few moments, and then backed down the corridor to the north to look in on the others. I turned suddenly to the west, looking into the break room on the western side of the hall. The other employees were standing against the southern cement-block wall of the room. Some of them were curling dumbbells. I felt as though i had interrupted them while they were on their break. I noticed the large muscular man who was grimacing while he did the exercise. He had his shirt off, and his muscles seemed cartoonish and out of proportion. I turned back to the south and walked back toward the man i had been talking to. I was working in this store with the others, and i did not want to disturb them while they were on their break, so i continued to talk to the young oriental man about the interesting subject.

12008 September 02

I looked through the many pages of the long document that the man had handed me. I noticed that there were pieces of relevant information here and there in the document, but they were followed by long sections of repetitive information. The information seemed generic, as though it were really added information and not necessary to the document. I remembered that i had added a line into the program that generated the document that would print out additional information related to a record. I thought that it was simply printing the same information over and over again because it was all that it found. I would have to edit the program so that it only printed the information once. I could put a variable in the script that would check for the use of the information. I then considered that the information was being pulled in several times. I should simply clear the variable before the beginning of each loop. I thought for a moment about what that would mean. It did not seem to solve the problem because the information would still be pulled in for each and every record, even though it only needed to be printed once. The others moved to the east of me as i looked at the code of the program. I was trying to figure out a way for the large chunk of text to be printed only once. I handed the man back the papers. He was standing to the west of me, and he seemed to be a lawyer. He talked about the paper. I looked to the others who were to the east. They seemed to be from $G3. I had been with them in the car. The lawyer handed me the long document, telling me about the lawsuit. I looked at the paper, noticing that it was much shorter than before. The lawyer said that he had removed all of the unnecessary text. I thought that each record of the document represented a charge, and the added text only needed to be printed with one of the charges. The lawyer confirmed this, telling us about the person suing us. I felt uncomfortable about the lawsuit. The lawyer then asked us where the other person was. The man’s name was David, but he seemed like $A432. I realized that the other two people were sitting on the eastern side of the table, to the north of me, but the third man was missing. We said that we did not know where he was. I wondered if he was using the same lawyer as we were. It was odd that he was not here, since he seemed important to the case. I sat in the driver’s seat of the car as someone described the lawsuit, saying that the person was suing us for something that we did in the car. The car was parked in a narrow alley, facing west. There was a tall dirty brick wall to the north, very close to the car. The end of the alley seemed to be just ahead of us, to the west. The lawsuit had to do with smoking in the car. The bright-yellow car behind us had pulled up to us and something happened because someone with me was smoking. I felt confused as i watched the others wander around the room. The younger men, who seemed to be from $G3, wandered around to the east. They said something to the lawyer about smoking, and the lawyer had them line up so that he could smell their breath. The lawyer did not believe what they had said. The men moved in a circle in front of the lawyer, letting him smell their breath. I thought that it was to see if they had been smoking lately. I knew that i never smoked, so my breath would not smell. I then realized that the person who did smoke was not here at the moment. The lawyer never came over to me, though, and i started to feel confused as to what was going on. I asked the people what they were doing. Something felt very wrong about the lawsuit. I thought about it, wondering why i was being sued for something that happened. It seemed that the person suing was doing so unjustly. I then realized that we were supposed to be in my car at the time. I asked someone else if we were supposed to be driving my car during the incident. I looked at my black Passat, which was sitting in the alley, to the northeast of me. The lawyer said that we were supposed to be in my car. I moved around the front of the car, telling the others that something was wrong with the lawsuit. I sayed that i would never let anyone smoke in my car. The lawyer questioned me about it. I told them that i do not let people smoke in my car or my house. I said that i had dust allergies and did not like smoke around. This pointed out a major flaw in the case. The others from $G3 then agreed with me, remembering how i resisted smoke. I was confused about the case, wondering why someone would be suing us for something we did in the car. The case seemed fraudulent now, and i thought that we could more easily discredit it. The other man still seemed to be missing. I thought of him, thinking that he was probably out smoking somewhere. He seemed like $A432, but he also seemed larger, dressed in baggy pants and an unbuttoned long-sleeve shirt over a baggy T-shirt.

12008 September 03

I was driving down the road toward my parents’ house, heading west. I started slowly at the top of the large hill and started to accelerate down. As i started going, a car passed me on the right and pulled close in front of me. The small blue car seemed beat up, and there seemed to be several people packed into the car. As they drove ahead of be, i noticed that the people on the passenger’s side had their feet sticking out the side of the car, as if the door was open or missing. Their legs were dressed in blue denim and they were wearing black army boots. I realized that they might have their feet out of the car so that they could put them down on the ground to brake the car on the hill. This seemed strange. The second car pulled in front of me. It too was old and rusted, and there were people with their feet out of the car. This seemed strange, and i felt a little weary of the two cars. As i followed them closely, i saw the car in front, the small beat-up reddish-brown car, swerve suddenly to the north and roll off the side of the road. The land sloped down suddenly from the shoulder of the road. I watched the car drive off of the road and disappear below the level of the green grass, rolling as it passed over the top of the hill. I slowed down and looked to the north. I saw the red car hit the ground and start to roll, throwing the people out of the car and onto the lawn. The beat-up blue car ahead of me slowed to a stop as well. I felt that i should call someone, but i was unsure if i should do it. The car ahead of me would know what to do, and i was a little hesitant of being near these people. They seemed as though they might be dangerous.

I walked across the room of the apartment, heading to the east. I noticed the plant on the table to the east. Several of the limbs of the aloe plant had been torn off and were sitting on the table. I felt annoyed, knowing that the cats had been chewing on the plants. I walked over to the tall brown wood table and picked up several of the limbs. I placed them back on the soil in the small black plastic pot that was in the southeastern corner of the table. I then realized that this was not the regular planter that the plant should be in. The plant should have been in a large dull-yellow bowl. $F45 must have picked up the pieces of the plant and put them in the small black pot. I thought that the cats must have torn the plant apart enough that they knocked over the yellow bowl. I felt annoyed and backed away from the table. I then realized that there were several other plants around the room that had been destroyed. I was in a small room on the second floor of an apartment. The eastern wall was short, and the ceiling sloped up steeply from the top of it. There were no windows in the wall, and the room seemed dim. All around there were plants on tables and hanging from the ceiling by yarn nets, but all of them seemed to have been torn apart by the cats. I was angry as i looked around the room, noticing how everything had been destroyed. I turned to the south, looking down the length of the room. There seemed to be a railing to my west, separating the room from the stairwell that descended to the lower floor. The stairs descended from the northern end of the room. To the east of me was a tall green plant on a table. $X12 had been chewing on the top of it, but ran away when i yelled at him. I was very angry. I looked at the cactus that he had been chewing on, wondering how he was able to chew it around the long black needles that stuck out from the main stem. I wondered if i could punish the cat for chewing on the plants. I felt that i should find the cat and drag him back to the plant, sticking his nose in it as i slapped him. I knew that it would not do any good, but i felt mad and wanted to do something. I walked to the west, back into the other room of the house, which was very similar to the one i had been in. I looked around for $X12, thinking that he was the one who had torn up all of the plants. There was a bathroom to the south, and $F45 was there. The bathroom was on the eastern side of the short corridor, which ran from the southern end of the room. He stepped out of the bathroom after his shower, and i complained to him about what the cats had done. I was very upset because there were no longer any plants in the house. We would have to start over with all of our plants. I stomped down the stairs and walked out the front door of the house. The eastern part of the house was actually in a separate building. I turned to the east as soon as i had left the door. The two buildings were right next to each other, with only a meter between them, and the doors were on the north wall at the closest points to each other. I lifted the black metal bar, which acted as the latch on the heavy wooden door of the eastern building. The door seemed to be a sliding door. It was very thick and made of thin vertical wooden strips. It looked like a chopping block that had been placed over the front of the building. There was a small window in the top of it that had an iron grating over it. I lifted the latch, but stopped, realizing that the door to the western building had not been fully closed. I looked at the door, which opened inward, and noticed that it was still ajar. I pulled it closed, hoping that the cats had not gotten out. There was also an aluminium screen door on the front. I was back in the bedroom now, pacing north to south, unable to think of what to do about the plants. $F45 had come out of the bathroom to the south of me, and i looked to the east. I was in the western room of the house, and i thought that there really should be a way to go from one side of the house to the other without having to go outside. I wondered if we could make a small doorway between the buildings so that the cats could walk back and forth. I told $F45 this idea, thinking that we could put the passageway in the northern end of the eastern wall. Since the wall had a slanted ceiling above it and there was something blocking the way to it, i thought it would be a good place for the passage. I then thought that it really should be big enough that people could walk through, since it was inconvenient for us to get from building to building as well.

I looked at the screen on the laptop computer, which as in my lap as i sat in the southeastern section of the room, facing north. I was actually driving somewhere in the car, but i had turned on the computer program so that i could look at something. The program was designed so that it did not distract too much form the road. I knew that i should not pay too much attention to it as i moved because i had to watch where i was going. I looked at the blue screen that came up. It had an icon near the top left of it and two buttons side by side in the center. I was supposed to select the button to start the program while driving. The screen was then to the north of me, facing east. I glanced at it quickly so that i could watch the road to the west. I felt that i was driving through heavy traffic near $P184. I then realized that i could not actually see the traffic ahead of me. When i looked to the west, all i could see was a blank screen. I looked back down at the laptop, trying to change the view so that the computer display did not block my entire vision of the road. I felt nervous, realizing that i was still moving down the road but could not see where i was going. I pressed the button on the right side of the screen and the display changed. I then tried to select the view from the menu at the top of the screen, which said “view”. There were several options, and one of them seemed to be a combined view of the program and the road. I tried to select it, but missed. There was a large screen on the eastern wall of the room, and i was sitting in the seat against the eastern side of the southern wall. A lose-up picture of a plant showed on the wall. It seemed to be a small green leafy plant on the ground between two roots of a large tree. The plant had a red bulb on top, and i thought that it was really a mushroom. As the family entered from the southeast, looking at the screen, i pointed out the plants to them, thinking that the mushroom was probably the edible one that the woman had been talking about earlier. These plants were probably the local plants that we would be passing on our drive. I thought that the computer was accessing the internet to get this information. Two children were with the family, and they moved into the room. I was feeling frustrated that i was not able to see the road. I pulled down the menu again, trying to get to the correct view. I had to get the program to continue to show the plants on the large screen but also show the road ahead on the small screen that i had. I tried to select the second menu from the right, but accidentally selected the one on the right. The computer paused for a moment because it was rather slow. This annoyed me, and i started to feel tense. I moved to the north, trying to let the family get a good view of the plants while i tried to see where we were going. I was afraid that we were sitting in the middle of traffic with cars backing up behind us. I could not figure out why i simply could not see the road ahead of me. As i sat down on the northern side of the room, the menu i had selected finally showed up, displaying a long list of items. They were the various plants that we could see on the trip. The farther we went, the more items were added to the list, making it very cumbersome. I was agitated and tried to select the other menu. I then picked up the small egg-shaped thing from the ground. It had a plastic cover and a bumpy surface underneath. It would help me change the program. I lifted the plastic cover to see the plastic face of a round creature under it. The face was green, with large white plastic eyes. It was not the creature that would help me with the computer. I was very tense as i turned the creature around and opened another panel. I was looking for something in the doll that would help with the computer program. It seemed to be something small and white that would detach from the doll. I opened up another side of the three-faced doll to see the purple face. It seemed to have glasses, but still did not have what i was looking for. I could not understand why i could not do this, and i was getting very frustrated and angry. I should be able to simply look out the front window of the car to see the road, but the doll did not have the pieces that i was looking for. I felt confused.

12008 September 04

I stopped the car at the eastern side of the road, waiting for traffic to clear so that i could turn left. I was impatient and felt that i had been waiting a long time. The traffic kept coming form both directions. To the south of me, the road curved to the west, and traffic continued to come around the corner. To the north, the road was fairly straight. We seemed to be near an airport. I wondered if i could drive across the first lane while waiting for the second lane to have an opening. I then realized that a car from the north had stopped to let me in. It was a tan car and seemed to be hauling a boat on a trailer. I pulled across the road and started to the south. Rounding the corner, i came into a neighborhood. There was a large plastic sheet hanging in front of a house to the north of me. It was pink with white letters and designs. The large lowercase letters in the center of the sign said “cake”, and there were rectangular shapes in each corner and thin wiggly designs all around. This was where the birthday party was. The sheet seemed to be hanging over a large gray house with white columns and a peaked roof. I walked to the north, where there was a table in the center of the room. Several people were gathered there, including $A103. I knew several of the other people, but i felt disinterested in being here. I wandered to the east, through the corridors and rooms of the house. The other rooms seemed open, and i noticed another plastic sheet hanging to the north of me, in the northeast corner of a room. It “and drink”. I guessed that it was announcing where the drinks were for the party. I then remembered the sign about cake and decided that the two signs were related, forming the phrase “cake and drink”. The new sign was light purple. I turned to the west and walked into another room, where several people were gathered around a table. These people seemed more festive, and i knew several of them. I then realized that the southern end of the room was open, and i could see down a few steps to the room where i had been standing around the table of cake. I could have just headed north to get to the drinks, but instead, i wandered through the rooms to the east, which seemed to be a much longer walk. I pointed this out to the other person.

I rode my bicycle to the east, down $P33. As i approached the intersection, i signaled to turn left and pulled into the middle of the lane. It seemed late now, and the sun seemed to be setting. I had come from someplace to the north, which did not seem to be my home. My house seemed to be to the northwest now. I turned left, aware that there was a car following me closely. I moved as far as i could to the right, but the car still did not pass me. As i started down the hill, it seemed very dark, but i could see the road with the headlamp i was using. The car’s lights also shined from behind me. I then realized that i was riding on the grass on the outside of the curb. The curb was stone, and it was vertical. I rode along the grass, trying not to swerve back toward the road because i knew that riding over the curb would be difficult. The car still did not pass me. I thought that it might be following be because it was so dark out. The road bowed to the west as it went down the gradual hill. I cut across the center of the bow, moving farther from the road, but the car still did not pass by. At the bottom of the hill, i swerved back onto the road and turned to the east again. I was now moving across a parking lot, and i seemed to be quite a way from home. I seemed to be near an airport. The land to the north of me was flat and open, and there seemed to be a building to the southeast. I had forgotten my cell phone at home, and i was annoyed. I remembered it traveling down the hill, and now i was back at the office were i had come that morning. I told $F45 that i had forgotten my phone. I told him that i would head home to get it. That was the reason that i had come here, to the office. I had traveled from my home to the office this morning, and now i was traveling from work back to the office, even though the office was not on my way home. I thought about where i was in relation to my work and to the office. There seemed to be a long east-to-west road to the south of me, and i seemed to live on this road, somewhere to the west. I was to the north of the road, and my work was a ways to the south of the road, to the south-southeast of where i was now. Coming here was out of the way to get home, but i felt that i had to do it, even though i did not want to.

I woke up in the bed in the off-white bedroom. The large double bed had its head against the western wall of the room. $F45 was sleeping to the south of me. I looked to the east, noticing the shadow on the wall of the plant in the next room. The fronds of the plant were shaking, and i thought that the cat was chewing on the plant again. I sat up suddenly, ready to yell at the cat if it started chewing on the plant. I told $F45 that the cat was eating the plant again and got out of bed. I then woke up, realizing that i had been asleep. $F45 was sleeping to the south of me, and it was light in the room. I thought of how real it seemed to have been dreaming about waking up in the bed. $F45 then started snoring to the south of me, making a strange humming noise. I wondered whether i should wake him up. I felt that i should get out of bed and do something, but i could not figure out what. I felt uneasy and looked around the room. I then closed my eyes and layed back down. I tried to go back to sleep, but i kept waking up. I did not feel sleepy and i could not get back to sleep. I looked at the green wool blanket that was on the bed. The bed was in the center of the room, and $F4 was sleeping in the bed to the north of me. On the other side of him, there was another man sleeping on the adjoining bed. I did not want to wake $F4 up, so i slipped out from the covers and walked to the northeast. There was something that i had to do. The other man stirred. He had to get up to go to work. I was in the northern side of the room when i heard the music playing. I realized that the man’s alarm had gone off. I hoped that he did not wake up $F4, and i turned back to the bed.

12008 September 05

I drove my car onto the dirt road and pulled to a stop. I had been heading east, but i turned my car around to face the west before i parked it. It was dark out, and i had parked here the last time this scene was run. I knew that there was another car following me. The dark truck would park near me and follow me as i walked to the north. I started walking down the dark dirt road, looking for the truck that was supposed to be there. I noticed the taillights of the truck on the southern side of the road, to the southwest of me. I was weary of it and tried to ignore it as i walked to the north, down the street. I crossed the road and came into the parking lot of the small shopping center. There were stores on the eastern side of the lot. The lot seemed to be separated into sections, with a grassy median running east to west down the center. There seemed to be a road running to the south of the median. I was aware that the truck was still following me as i walked along the eastern side of the parking lot. I had to lose the man in the truck. It was day now, and i could see across the lot easily. There were many people moving around. I heard the truck behind me, but i did not look back. I carried the large stack of books to the northeast. There was a corridor running between the shops in the plaza, and i wanted to take it to the next street. I knew that the truck would not be able to follow me. I started jogging across the lot, pushing the shopping cart in front of me. I suddenly realized that i was barefoot. I looked down at my legs. I was wearing blue jeans but i did not have shoes on. I was surprised that i had walked over the dirt road with no shoes and had not noticed. There was a short hill on the northern end of the lot, just to the west of the end of the row of shops. I started over it, thinking that the car would have to go around. I then looked to the west, at the truck that had been following me. The large old tan truck turned to the west and drove down the aisle of the parking lot. There was an older man sitting in the driver’s seat. He had a round face and thin white hair. He did not seem to be the person that was following me. I wondered if there really was a truck following me. I turned back to the south and crossed the northern section of the lot. There was a median between the lot and the thinner lot to the south. The median had a small house on the eastern side and a small patch of trees on the western side. I walked just to the west of the house, still cautious of the truck that might be following me. The driveway next to the house was dirt. I stopped in the middle of it when i realized that there was a black SUV coming from the west, down the center of the thin parking lot to the south of me. The truck stopped in front of me, and i noticed that there were three men in the truck. They were dressed in light-blue EMT uniforms. I felt interested in them and wondered who they were. I felt a little better now, thinking that the truck was no longer following me. The black truck pulled forward, out of sight, and i continued to the south.

I walked to the closet on the northern side of the room. $X14 was trying to pull the door open. We did not usually let the cats in the closet, but i could not get to him before he pulled the door open and walked in. I opened the closet door. The closet seemed to be empty, but there was a furry gray cat lying on the ground. I realized that we had been gone a while, so the cat must have been locked in the closet for quite a while. I felt worried, thinking that the cat was $X12. I called to $F45, who was standing in the doorway to the other closet, to the east of me. I looked back into the closet, feeling very upset as i saw the gray furry cat trying to stand but fumbling from weakness. I noticed that $X12 was near my feet, so the other cat was not one of ours. I felt bad and wondered what we should do. We would have to feed the cat so that it could regain its energy. I watched the small slender furry cat stand up and walk toward the door of the door of the closet. It was not as badly starved. We should keep $X14 out of the closet so that he did not attack the sick cats. The gray cat tried to stand again against the northern wall of the empty closet, but it wobbled and collapsed back to the wood floor. I was very upset and thought that there was nothing we could do.

I walked into the room from the west and sat on the floor. Two other people were in the room doing something. I then realized that $A348 was sitting to the northeast of me. I remembered that i owed him money for something. As i sat down and started to help them with the stuff on the floor, i asked him if he wanted his fourteen dollars and thirty-five cents back now. He smiled as he continued working on the project on the floor and said no. $A522 seemed to be to the east of me.

12008 September 06

The black-and-white films were being played on the eastern wall of the room. I was standing in one of the queues in the center of the room, waiting to pass through the gates, which seemed like checkout lines, to get to the eastern side of the room. The high featureless walls of the room were black, as were the counters and gates in the center. The film seemed like a classic film, and the crowd was moving to the east to get into the event. The film suddenly reminded me of the video that i had lent to these people. I left the queue and headed to the counter on the southern side of the room. I leaned on the black counter and asked the woman behind it if i could pick up the video that i had let these people borrow. It did not seem to be ready, and i felt worried that i might not see the video again. I started walking back up the city street, heading to the west. Most of the people were walking down the center of the street, heading slowly to the east. I met up with the others as i reached the eastern end of the long street. It seemed several blocks from where i had started on the east. The others were walking back to the east, so i turned to head back with them. I started talking to someone, distracted by the conversation. There was something that i had to do, and i was talking to the person about it. There were tall row apartments on either side of the road. They seemed to be made of brick or stone. I realized that i had been walking fast with $Z as we talked about the thing. We had left the others behind. I looked back to the west, noticing that they were not that far behind us, so i turned back to the east and kept walking. All of the people in the street walked to the east, and it seemed like some kind of parade, even though i knew that there were no spectators. We were all heading to the same place, and it felt like something special.

I walked into the large public lavatory through the door in the center of the eastern door. The walls of the room seemed to be covered with darkly stained vertical wooden boards, and the floor and splashboards were covered with small square white tiles. There seemed to be a toilet just to the north of the door, but i walked around it to the small metal drain in the floor, which was against the northern wall. I had to urinate, so i started to unzip my pants over the hole in the floor. I then realized that there was another hole to the east, so i moved over and started to urinate. It seemed strange that i was simply urinating on the floor and letting the urine flow down the drain. As i started urinating, someone came in the door behind me. He was noisy and jokingly greeted me. I said hello, but tried not to engage him, thinking that he was too rowdy. I then realized that the yellow urine was pooling around the drain, running over the floor to the east of the drain. I quickly moved my right foot so that it did not flow under my shoe. I wondered how the urine gets washed down the drain.

12008 September 07

I was in the back yard of my parents’ house, packing several things into the car. I was leaving and had to get ready. I picked up several things, now in the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. A man was to the south of me, and i said something to him. He was $A432, and i felt close to him. He was lying down on the mattress that was in the middle of the floor. He was facing away from me, to the south, and was covered with an old yellow wool blanket. I was lying on the bed next to him, and i felt that i missed him. I hugged him, wanting to comfort him. I then thought that it was strange being here. I felt somewhat uncomfortable being so close to him, but i wanted to comfort him in some way. He stirred, but did not acknowledge me, so i continued to hug him.

I walked to the west, down the dirt road on the northern side of the trailer park. It was gray and damp out. There were trees between the trailers to the north of me, and they seemed green and damp with rain. Two children then ran from the west, down the dirt road, passing me on the north. I knew that they were hiding, and i knew that i should tell people that i had not seen them because they were trying to escape. I sat down on the bench that was on the southern side of the road. A woman came from the west, asking where the children had gone. I did not respond, as though i had not heard her. She had ragged red hair and was wearing a white sweatshirt. She seemed angry with me for not telling her where the children where. I played dump, saying that i did not know what she was talking about. I was seated facing west, and i realized that i was in some kind of enclosure. It seemed like a carriage, with black cloth walls and roof. I closed my eyes slightly, pretending not to be aware of what was going on around me. The enclosure seemed to be a small carriage that was sitting on the ground. The woman stood in front of me, angry that the children had gotten away. I ignored her anger and kept pretending that i had no idea what she was talking about.

12008 September 08

I had been with my parents in the restaurant, but now we were parting company. We stood on the sidewalk to the east of the restaurant in the middle of the small city. It was dark out, and the streets seemed to be wet from rain. My grandmother was with my parents. They said goodbye and headed to the north, but i turned to the south. We would be leaving town in separate directions. They would be heading home, and i had to go someplace else. I turned to the south and drove my car across the bridge at the entrance to the city. There seemed to be a highway to the north of me, but i had to go somewhere else before i went home. It seemed that home was to the west, but i had traveled east from the town where i had had dinner. I stopped at the light on the southern side of the bridge. $F40 was with me. He was to the east of me, but i was sitting in the driver’s seat of the car. I had handed him a phonograph and we spoke for a moment. I was then aware that the car behind us would be watching us. $F40 was now sitting on my lap as i tried to drive. He was being friendly, but i was worried that the car behind me would think that we were making out. I moved to the west, into the passenger’s seat as we started driving south, into the intersection. The traffic had started moving. I turned the car to the west, but knew that i would have to head back to the north to get onto the highway. Now that i had delivered the phonograph, i should be heading home. I had to turn around, but i continued to the west, through a small intersection. I then realized that the roads circled around me. I had intended to take the road just to the north and follow it in a circle back to the east, but i now realized that the road i was on was better because it led to an intersection where i could simply turn north. I was then on the highway, heading west. I felt suddenly uncertain about leaving my phonographs behind. I was letting people borrow them, but it seemed as though it would be a very long time until i returned, and i wondered if i would ever get my albums back. I walked to the west, across the front of the house. It was still dark out, and i was coming to this town to visit someone. There was a man here whom i had talked to about having a wrestling match. I had not met him before, and i walked up the path to the front of his house. I had met him at the front door, and he seemed rather nice, but i was now sitting in the living room with him. The couch was against the southern wall of the room, and he was sitting on the western end, watching the television against the western wall. I had been sitting on the eastern end of the couch, hanging out with the man. We were supposed to have a wrestling match, but this did not seem like a good time to do it. There were two younger boys in the room. They were sitting on the floor to the north of the coffee table, both watching the television. They had light-brown skin and black hair, and seemed to be partly hispanic. I then realized that the man i was visiting also seemed young. He looked as though he was about twenty. I felt a little uncomfortable here. We could not wrestle because it would be inappropriate with the others here, and i started to feel that the man was too young to have a match with anyway. I felt that i should leave this place. I stood up to leave, but realized that the young man and the boys had left the room. This place simply did not feel appropriate. It was not what i had expected. I wanted to say goodbye to the man, who now seemed to be in his late teens. I was now in the kitchen of the house, and the boy was to the south of me, near the black cupboards on the wall. He was talking to one of the younger boys, who was on the western side of the room. The western end of the northern wall was open to the small dining room. The boy now seemed to have fuzzy black hair, which seemed to be trimmed into a short afro. His face was rounder and i realized that he seemed to be in his mid teens. He was way too young to be hanging out with, and i was not comfortable with the situation. As he lifted his arms in a gesture to his brother, the front of his yellow T-shirt lifted from his rounded belly. He was out of shape, and i did not think that he would have been a good wrestling match anyway. I tried to tell him that i was leaving. I then realized that he now had his shirt off. He seemed suddenly thinner. He had some muscle build, but was still very slight. He had fur growing across the bottom of his chest muscles in strange crescent shapes. I now thought that he was somewhat attractive, but he was still too young. I told him that i was leaving and said goodbye. He seemed sad, and expressed regret that we did not get the chance to wrestle. I told him that it would have to be another time, and started to head to the doorway that was on the eastern end of the northern wall of the kitchen. An older man suddenly came up from the doorway. He was the father, and he had his shirt off and was all sweaty. He must have been working out downstairs. He had very pale wrinkled skin and seemed to be balding. He did not notice me as he walked into the room and bent over to grab something from the refrigerator, which was in the center of the northern wall. I felt that i should simply leave before i cause any trouble. I did not want the father to notice me because i thought that he would simply ask more question. The boys crowded around the father, talking to him. I tried to get past the father to head to the doorway in the eastern end of the wall, but i could not squeeze past him. There was a cupboard extending from the eastern wall, which made the passage to the doorway narrow, and the father standing in front of the refrigerator, blocking part of the passage. I decided to squeeze through anyway. The mother was then there, in a tan sweater. She seemed thin and short. As the father moved to the west, i tried to get through the opening, but the mother was now in the way. She had not noticed me either because she was facing the father as he looked for something in the refrigerator. I felt very nervous here and had to get out. I said excuse me and tried to push past the mother, but she turned around and backed into my way. I felt uncomfortable and introduced myself to her and her husband. They seemed confused for a moment. I told the father my name as i shook his hand. He then seemed to understand as he moved to the southwest of me. The mother said something and the father took a ten-dollar bill out of his wallet and handed it to me. He must have thought that i was the pizza-delivery man. I took the money in confusion, but then told the man that he was mistaken. I dropped the bill and bent over to pick it up. The boy i was here to see tried to explain something to his father as i grabbed the bill and handed it back to the man. He seemed shocked and upset. I turned and left the room, heading down the stairs on the other side of the doorway. The stairs led into the television room where i had been hanging out with the children. There seemed to be another set of stairs leading down to the west, between the kitchen and the television room, and i thought that they leaded to the basement. The stairs i was on seemed to have red shag carpeting on them. As i opened the door to the outside of the house, i heard the boy in the kitchen defensively yelling back to his parents. They were upset at him for having a stranger in the house, and he was trying to get them to calm down and listen to him. I felt bad for causing such a situation. I started down the stone steps that ran from the eastern side of the house. As i was half way down, i heard the father talking from behind me. I realized that he was on the telephone, and that he was probably calling the police. I felt suddenly concerned, but continued to walk away as though nothing had happened, hopping down the last of the steps, which seemed like decorative cinderblocks. I then realized that this situation was more serious than i had thought. Since the boy was underage, i could be charged with a crime. I felt upset and continued to down the driveway to the north, which led down a sight hill toward the road. My car was parked just down the road, to the east. I hoped that the father did not follow me so that he would not see my car. I did not want him seeing my license plate. I would have to get in my car quickly and drive away before he came after me. I was very worried about what had happened.

12008 September 09

I was at $P19, and someone was talking about the new development that was happening in the back yard. I was aware that they were thinking of building a new building in the back yard of the house, and wondered if it was a ceremonial building, like the kind i had thought about a long time ago. I imagined a barn, hidden in the woods that would be used only for fraternal ceremonies. I thought about the plot of land around $P19. There seemed to be a wooded area to the north of the house. I seemed to be standing to the east of $P19 now, and i looked to the north. There was a dirt road leading up a slight hill. The hill was a grassy wedge cut into the surrounding trees of the hill. The grass was grey and tan, as though it were early spring. The secret house must be in the woods, just to the east of where the path entered the forest. I wandered across the kitchen of $P19 as i spoke to the others about the new building, heading generally to the west. I then looked to the north again. It was chilly out, and i could see houses through the trees along the top of the hill. There seemed to be a steep hill going down to the west of the trail, as though there was a deep small valley just to the north of the house, which was still to the west of me. I knew that the houses i could see through the woods were the neighboring houses, and i wondered if there was really enough room in the lot to build a hidden barn. I tried to picture the property and wondered where the barn would be. I then wondered where they had purchased land adjoining the property of the house. I tried to remember where there was secluded land around the house, thinking that there should be dense woods to hide the barn. I looked back to the north again, up the dirt road, wondering where the barn really was and what it looked like. The road was new, and had just been put in when the barn was built.

It was dark and rainy out as i walked to the north, up the street, heading toward the campus. There were cars lining the sidewalk, and the buildings around me seemed to be apartments and shops. I felt that i was late getting to my classes on campus. There was an enclosed bus stop just ahead of me, so i stopped to see if there were any busses coming from campus. I was walking on the outside of the cars, now, in the street. A line of busses came down the street toward me as i moved to the bus stop. They were creamy blue on the front with mostly white sides. I checked the numbers of the busses, noticing that the first one seemed to be route 15 and the second one seemed to be route 17. Neither of them was heading toward campus. I rounded the bus stop so that it was obvious that i was waiting for a bus. I watched a few more pass, noting the numbers on them. I then saw one approaching that had three digits in the number. It looked like 374. The bus stopped and i leaned in the door, asking the driver if this was the campus bus. I said that i was trying to get to the other side of campus. The drive seemed to say that this was the correct bus. I was then on the bus, traveling don the hill to the south of campus. The bus rounded the curve on the street, turning to the east. The people on the bus made comments that it was too early for the bus to be at campus. The bus seemed to be moving through the town, but i thought that it would reenter the college campus somewhere to the east, where i was heading. I looked out at the buildings as the bus entered a large city square. I did not remember this part of town, and i thought that it looked very European. The square was open, and seemed to have a round fountain in the center. We drove on the south of the fountain and continued to the east, out of the square and into the narrow streets of the city. I looked to the south, at the tall brick buildings, which seemed to be shops. I knew that we were still in $P14, but i was not as familiar with this part of town. Someone then mentioned the Canadian stop. The bus slowed down in front of an old brick building. I looked out at the dirty cement foundation of the building. The area seemed to be a docking bay on the side of the building. There was a red metal roof extending over it, and a few people were standing on the sidewalk by the building. I did not understand why this was called the Canadian stop, and i wondered if people from Canada were actually supposed to get off of the bus here. The bus drove to the east again, and i noticed that there was another bus stop just to the east, where the sidewalk was at a lower level. I was starting to get worried about where the bus was heading, and i thought that i should get off here, but the bus drove past this stop. I looked out the door of the bus, wondering where i was in town. This bus was moving too far from campus. I thought that it might eventually go back to the part of campus i was trying to get to, but it was going too far out of the way, and i decided that i should walk. The bus then pulled up to the curb and stopped just a little way down the street. There was a bell shaped cement cone on the sidewalk just outside the door. It was about a meter tall and painted red. Someone said that this was the Russian stop. I felt annoyed that there were specific stops for specific types of people. I stepped off of the bus and crossed the sidewalk. Entering the building where the bus had stopped. The building seemed to be a shop, with black metal frames on the glass door. Several other people walked into the market with me. I was disappointed that i was here. The bus was not a campus bus, and it would not bring me to campus. The bus driver then passed me and walked into the building. He would be waiting with us in the building until the bus started on its route again. I did not want to wait for the bus to continue its route. I was frustrated, so i left the building and started down the sidewalk to the east. The street turned to the northeast here, and i looked across the street at a black shop front. Silver letters over the shop said “MORTIF”. I had never been to this part of town before, and i found it interesting here. It seemed like an artistic culture. A man then came out of the shop to the east of me and stopped near me. He asked me what i knew about Mortif. I looked at him. He had black hair like a goth. He seemed very interesting, and he seemed very interested in talking to me. I felt interested in him as well and chatted with him for a moment. Someone then came out of the shop behind the man and interrupted the man, moving to the north of him. The goth man turned to talk to his friend, and then walked away with his friend, down the sidewalk, to the northeast. I felt disappointed. I crossed the street and walked into the fruit market, which was in the building that was labeled Mortif. A man there told me about the quality of food here. He then offered me two cookies and asked me to taste the difference. I picked up both of the cookies from the tray that the man was holding and tasted them. The one on the right was crumbly, but both of them tasted good. I put the remainder of the cookies back on the white papers and told the man that the cookie on the right had more of a citrus flavor. He nodded, as though i had correctly identified a significant difference.

12008 September 10

I sat in the room with the others. The room was roughly rectangular, with a wide opening in the western wall, which seemed to lead outside. There were a set of french doors on the western end of the northern wall. They were open to the next room, which seemed very bright. The bright light seemed to be sunlight, and it came both from the room to the north and from the opening to the west. This place seemed like an office, and we were joking about something. I sayed something about going to get food later, and several other people agreed. Then one of the men sayed that he was unsure whether he would be ready by then. He seemed like $A218, and i thought that he was complaining unnecessarily. One of the women in the office then reminded him that he would have enough time to sober up before we went out for pizza. He said that he was unsure. I laughed and told him that there was always room for pizza. The man asked me a question about choosing which to eat, and i shook my head. I jokingly told everyone that it was a hard decision between beer and pizza. I then sayed that they were a good combination. I was aware that $F45 was listening to the conversation from the porch to the north. I felt that he would be amused by my familiar comments about beer and pizza. $F12 then sayed something from the other side of the picnic table, which was against the southern wall. He was sitting on the bench on the south side of the table, and i was sitting on the bench on the north. I was facing into the room. It had been a while since i had seen $F12, and it was good to hang out with him again. I knew that he would agree to have beer and pizza with me. He then leaned over to me and asked if we should get champagne. I told him no, we did not need to do that. I thought that he was getting champagne to celebrate us hanging out together, and i started to feel awkward in the conversation with the others watching. It was good to see him, though.

12008 September 11

I was with my mother in the station. We were supposed to get on a bus or airplane to head to $P3, but something had happened to the bus. We were scheduled to be on a second bus that was leaving at a slightly later time, but it seemed that we had missed that bus as well. I was disappointed, thinking that we were already redirected from the airplane to the bus. I knew that he next bus was not going to leave until nine at night, but it seemed as though we would have to wait until the next flight, which was the next day. I did not want to wait in the airport that long. The woman behind the counter to the east of us just shrugged as though she did not care what was happening to us. I turned back to the west, upset and disappointed. I walked down the cement corridor and came to the front of the large stone building. It seemed like a school, and i remembered being here a long time ago. This place seemed like $P185. I stopped in front of the large stone archway at the entrance. There was a domed stone entryway set into the building right in front of the door. There seemed to be wooden scaffolding or a wooden enclosure just to the east of the building. I looked up at the thin stones of the front of the arch, looking over both the four-sided dome inside the entryway and the narrow pointed arches around the leaded-glass windows over the top of the archway. I hesitated before entering the building, thinking that i really did not belong here. I had been to this school a long time ago, but everything seemed different now. I walked to the west, into the building anyway. I walked to the north, through the double glass doors of the entryway and into the east-to-west corridor that ran the length of the building. The corridor did not seem to go too far to the west. To the north of me was an open room, and i realized that it was a gymnasium. I turned to the east and started down the corridor, but a young man stepped out of the room to the south, right in front of me. I stopped suddenly, and he looked down in embarrassment. I then noticed that he was watching me with a strange smile on his face. He was wearing a dark blue singlet with white strips down the sides. He excused himself and walked back into the room to the south. He was a wrestler, and i realized that i had come in to the sports part of the building. I felt uneasy about wandering through this area. I glanced into the room to the south, noticing several students practicing wrestling. I did not want to seem as though i was staring, so i quickly looked back down the corridor. I remembered being in this place before, and then i suddenly realized that the young man who was looking at me had somehow recognized me. He seemed interested in me, as though i were someone famous that he had recognized. I looked back into the room where the wrestlers were practicing, watching some of the people move around on their feet. They were all standing around the room in pairs, facing each other, practicing take down drills. I wanted to watch, but i knew it would be awkward. I missed the sport. I turned back to the west. I knew that the main part of the school must be to the west of me. There was a turn in the corridor to the west, and the main corridor that ran the length of the school was just to the south. It ran to the west, down the length of the building. I remembered wandering down it a long time ago.

12008 September 12

My mother and i left the small clothing store, heading north out the glass doors and into the small parking lot. We seemed to be very far north, and we seemed to be in $P24. The land around us seemed to be flat and covered with pine trees. I turned to the east, into the small room just outside the store. There was a counter along the southeastern wall of the room, and several boxes of things were resting on it. I looked through the boxes with my mother. They contained several trinkets, and i knew that people had donated them to the store. The store was like a Salvation Army Store. I was interested in what was in the boxes, even though i did not see anything specific that i liked. My mother and i searched through the contents of the boxes as the man to the west of us watched. I wanted to find something interesting, but then realized that the items were not yet checked in to the store. They would still have to be priced. My mother left the room to the west, but i still sorted through some of the boxes. I then looked down at he floor, noticing a tall red metal boat. It looked like a catamaran with very deep keels, and the mast was painted creamy white. It seemed to be hollow metal in structure, and the entire thing was decorated with gold swirls and lines. It seemed very familiar, and i tried to recognize it as i crouched down to get a closer look. I then noticed the large blue object to the west of me, against the wall. It was a tall triangular fin that reminded me of a sailboat. I immediately felt that i knew the object and looked at the crayon writing on the outside. It was painted smooth medium blue, but someone had written on it with dark-colored crayon. I realized that it was mine from when i was a child. I was not sure of this, so i looked closely at the writing. I knew it had to be mine, but it did not make sense that it would show up in a store so very far from were i lived. I wondered if my grandfather had donated these toys to the store here before he died. He did have a cottage in this area. I tipped the blue thing to read the writing on the bottom. Suddenly, i noticed my name written in crayon on the side of it. It was the same one i had as a child. There was a round knob protruding from the lower part on each side. The knob i looked at had old flowery decoration on it, which seemed like wallpaper for a child’s room. The decoration continued across the bottom of the object, and my crayon writing was written over the top of it. I stood up and walked to the west, looking for my mother. I wanted to point this out to here. I felt as though i should buy it. I looked quickly at the other boats that were stacked on the floor. They were all familiar, but none of them seemed as familiar as the blue thing. I then realized that the red boat was just part of a color-coordinated set of objects. All of the primary colors were here, but i realized that i had not seen yellow. I looked to the west, realizing that there was a yellow cube on the floor. I headed out the door to find my mother, but i did not see her. She had gone back to the car, which seemed to be in a parking lot to the northwest. I looked back to the south, down the long corridor of the store. I could see my mother there. We had gone out to the parking lot before, when i turned to the east to go into the room. She must have come back into the store to look for me. I knew that she was angry with me for taking so long, and i started to feel defensive. I became suddenly tense and defensive.

I looked at the stuff on the floor of the store, against the southern wall. The tall yellow cone-shaped object was also one of my things from childhood. I looked at it. From the top, it was shaped like a six-sided star. The sides sloped upward, smoothing out into a rounded cone. It was on wheels and i tipped it toward me to get a better look. It went with the tall blue fin i had seen earlier. There were all my toys from when i was young. I realized that they were very primitive in shape and design, but i thought that it was the seventies when i grew up, so things were more abstract back then. I wanted to buy these things, and i headed to the west to tell my mother about them. I wanted her to see them to see if she remembered them from when i was young. I wondered if she was still waiting in the car to the north. I knew that she would probably be angry that i was taking so long. I walked to the northwest, across the dirt parking lot that was to the north of the short pale-green building. The building seemed very long north-to-south, with a large glass entrance on the north face. I could not see my mother in the parking lot. The car was gone, but i thought that she must have gone back into the store. I turned to look down the long corridor of the store. I could see he in the store with a young girl, who seemed to be one of my cousins. My mother was searching the store, and i could tell that she was angry with me. I felt tense and defensive again. I wanted to show her what i had found, but i would probably ignore her anger again. She turned around and saw me. Her face tightened in anger and she started back down the aisle of the store, toward me. I turned to the north and started pacing in the parking lot. I would have to argue with here and tell her that i did not care how upset she was because i had found something interesting. I felt very anxious and tense.

12008 September 13

I followed the others to the east, through the crowd of the theme park. We had just entered through the western gate and were making our way down the southern aisle of the park, through the tents and kiosks. We passed through a large white tent on the southern side of the aisle. It was hard to push through the crowd here, and i found myself stepping over chairs and tent ropes to move. $Z walked ahead of me and ducked under the raised coated-canvas flap of the eastern side of the tent. I followed him, stepping over a rope at the edge of the tent as i bent forward to pass under the edge of the tent. I realized that i was wearing a beach wrap around my legs, and it did not pass easily over the rope. I felt a little uneasy wearing it in public as i stood up and continued to the east. I seemed to have a long jacket on that hung over the sides of the wrap. It was a strange thing to wear. I stepped into the small enclosure, which i realized was a bus. I did not want to take the small bus anywhere, but i started to pull on a pair of pants under the wrap. I felt that i should change my clothes. The bus driver, who was at the eastern end of the bus, had asked me something. One of the passengers on the southern side of the aisle, to the east of me, told me that i had to hand in my ticket for the bus. I smiled and told them that i did not have a ticket. I said that i had just stepped onto the bus for a moment. Now that i had my pants on, i wondered where i would put my extra clothes. I seemed to have a backpack with me, but it was rather cumbersome to carry. I started back to the east, up the aisle of the bus, carrying my extra clothes with me. I then realized that the bus was moving. I wondered why they did not let me off, since i had told them that i did not have a ticket. I stood in the center aisle, watching the scenery change out the windows. I suddenly realized that he bus was driving on a street outside of the theme park. I commented aloud that bus was leaving the theme park. I remembered coming into the eastern entrance of the park not too long ago, where the people at the gates had taken our tickets. I worried that i would not be able to reenter the park without new tickets. I then remembered that the person at the gate might have marked us in some way, so i pulled up the right sleeve of my denim jacket. There were black marks on the back of my hand from a stamp, and there was a bright green festival bracelet around my wrist. This would get me back into the festival. I would have to ride the bus until it returned to the festival. I looked to the northeast, out the front of the bus. We were heading down a main street into a small town. The road curved slightly to the north as it reached an intersection. There were stone or brick buildings around us. I stopped the car at the intersection and looked around. I would have to drive back the way we came, and i knew that i had to make a loop around the central square of the small town. To the northwest of the intersection was a small stadium. The road seemed to cut through the center of it. There was a crescent-shaped section of seats rising to the north from the stage, which seemed to be directly to the west of me. I could not see who was playing on the stage, but i could hear music. The seats were full of people watching the show. There was a road running between the stage and the front row of seats, and another road curving through the center of the audience, near the northern part of the stadium. The section of seats seemed more like a small theater, and there was a cement overhang to the north, which seemed to be part of the government building across the other street to the north of the stadium. I thought that the roads going through the theater might me one-way streets, so i thought that i could not come around the block and pass back through the theater. As i drove past the crowd, thought, i noticed that the curved road in the center of the audience had a yellow line going down the center of it. It was a two-way street, so i would be able to drive back on it. I turned west, driving to the north of the theater. The road was wide here, and i pulled the car off to the north side of the road. I started walking to the north, down the central aisle of the bus. A young child to the west of me started talking to me, asking me questions. He then ran to the west again and then to the north, ending up on the other side of the picnic table from me. As he raised his arms in front of him, i realized that he was playing with two small oval-shaped patches. They seemed to be attached to his forearms, and they looked like oval bumper stickers. They were white with brown type on them, and i noticed that the one on right arm was a symbol from $G4. One of the adults in the room must be associated with $G4. I looked around for someone i recognized in the room. I saw several men, but they did not look familiar. I asked who was the father of the child, but no one answered. I started to feel uncomfortable asking, as though people would think that i was angry with the child for something. I asked several people anyway, trying to figure out who was a member of $G4 here. I continued pacing to the northern side of the room, but i wondering who was from $G4 here. I was in the room of a house, and the decor seemed to be dull orange and dull green, as if it was faded furnishing from the seventies. The party was ending, and most of the people had left already. We were all here for the weekend, and there was a lot of celebrating last night. Most of the people left were just hanging around. I still wanted to find out who knew about $G4 here. $F11 was with me, and he reminded me that it was time to go. He headed to the west, through the pale-green kitchen and out of the house. I told him that i would be with him momentarily and turned to head to the north, into the small living room. There were two people sitting on the orange couch, which was against the eastern wall of the room. The room was long north-to-south and had very few furnishings. I asked the people about $G4, and the man seemed to recognize what i was talking about. Some other people were then in the room, and i started talking to them as well. They knew about $G4, and i felt pleased to find out about the local group of $G4. $F11 was then back in the room with me. He had come back to get me and realized that i had actually found what i was looking for. I pointed him to the woman who was standing to the south of me. I then looked at her and realized that she was extravagantly dressed. She had a fuzzy orange wig and was wearing a long plastic orange coat. I was suddenly surprised at how tall she seemed, and i looked down to see that she was wearing very high platform shoes with tall thin heels. The plastic boots were bright green and seemed to match her pants. The woman’s costume was very strange, and i wondered why she was wearing it. I started to feel uncomfortable near her.

12008 September 14

I followed my parents to the east, down the city street. There were tall apartments on both sides of the narrow street. I then noticed the tan brick building to the south, where several people seemed to be working. One of the men working on the house looked at us as we passed. He was wearing a long tan jacket and had brown hair that was trimmed to his ears. He looked like a young college professor, but i knew that he was one of the students who lived in the house. Someone mentioned that the tan building, which was set back from the street farther that some of the other houses, was actually a fraternity. They referred to the construction project as a fraternity work project. I asked if the building was really a fraternity. The man, who had started walking parallel to us, smiled and said that the building was really a fraternity. He seemed friendly. I turned back to the east, asking my mother which college was in this area. She mentioned the name of the college, and i said that i was unaware that there were any colleges in this part of the city. The city seemed to be $P6, but we seemed to be in a section near the northeastern part of the city. I looked around at the brick corridor that we had walked into. The corridor was open to the west, running out to the street where we had come from. The brick walls were old and had been painted white, but the white paint was thinning out and wearing off. We walked deep into the building before we reached the door that led into the small college. Just before we reached the door, i noticed a square gray sign on the northern wall. It had rounded corners and dark-gray sans-serif letters that spelled out, in three lines, the name of the hall that we were in. I was surprised that the small college was here, but i felt very interested in it. I wanted to hang around the college. We turned to the south, heading into a large open room of the building. The building seemed like an old factory, with bare brick walls and unfinished wood floors. The thick wood beams ran up the inside of the wall, and the windows in the eastern wall were tall and arched on top. There was a thick wooden table running parallel to the eastern wall of the room. The young girl who had come in with us walked up to the table and started talking to the woman who was sitting on the eastern side. The girl showed her designs for a costume, which i knew was a gray bunny costume. This college was a design institute, and i was interested to be here. The girl was getting help creating her costume. I started to look around the building as they talked. I noticed the young boys playing guitar on the balcony to the east. I could see them through the large glass window. My father was standing next to me as i listened to them for a moment. My father said something about the guitar, and i noticed that one of the boys was actually playing a bass. The bass had a V-shaped body and a matching V-shaped brown head, with four large flat tuning knobs protruding from the sides. I felt envious of the boys and wanted to be playing music too. I looked at their instruments, noticing that i could only hear the music at a very low volume, even though the room seemed very loud with sound. The boy on the left, who was playing the guitar, was now facing us, and he started jamming as the bass player kept playing the same riff over and over. The boy on the left had long frizzy blond hair and was rather young. He had a denim jacket and stood with his legs apart as he played the black Strat-like guitar. I thought that the rhythm sound very nice. I then turned to the north, where a young girl was playing the black stand-up piano that was against the northern wall. She had wandered across the room from the south, passing to the east of me. All around me, people were practicing different forms of art. The room was very noisy, but i enjoyed this place. It felt very nice to visit, and i wanted to be here more.

12008 September 15

I moved around the large bedroom, which seemed to be in the upstairs of my grandmother’s house. I knew that this house was $K3’s, though. My mother was talking to $K3 to the northwest of me, in the center of the room. I was aware of the large master bed to the south of me, against the southern wall. I had been sleeping in the smaller bed, which was against the eastern wall. The small bed seemed to be part of a large wood cabinet and was covered with a dark-brown spread. I said something to my mother about sleeping in the bed and turned back to the east to walk over to it. There was something unusual about me sleeping in this bed. I headed to the east, down the corridor of the large house. The walls were tan stone and smoothly featured. It seemed as though we were staying in this mansion for a special reason. My mother was ahead of me, somewhere in the corridor to the east. She was looking for me, but she had passed by me at some point. I came to the stairs. The hallway opened up to the north, and there was a wide set of stone stairs leading down to a landing. Black wrought-iron banisters with thin metal spinnels ran down both sides of the stairs. My mother was halfway down the flight of stairs when i ran down the hall, past the stairs. She saw me and called my name, but i did not stop. She was at the top of the stairs when i reached the second set of stairs, which ran down parallel to the first. The stairways were separated by a thick stone column, which was part of the wall of the upper corridor. Both sets of stairs came out on the same landing. I started down the second set of steps, and i could hear my mother starting down the first set after me. I quickly turned around and headed back up the stairs. I ran back down the corridor to the west, passing the top of the first flight of stairs. I could no see my mother and knew that she had run across the landing to the second set of stairs. She was angry with me and was chasing me. I came to another opening in the northern wall of the corridor. This opening had an arched top and looked down into an oval chamber below. The chamber was made of the same yellowish-tan stone walls as the rest of the large mansion. A set of stairs curved down the western wall of the chamber from the corridor. There seemed to be a passageway leading to the north. I ran down the stairs and started to the northern end of the room. Before i reached it, i noticed that there was a wrought-iron gate across the corridor leading out. The gate was rounded and decorated with curving iron shapes that resembled plants. I would not be able to leave through the northern end of the room. I turned around quickly, looking up to the corridor that i had come from. The ceiling was lower near me, and i wondered if it would block me from my mother’s view. I thought that she would be coming back down the corridor soon and would see me. I moved to the north as much as i could, backing into the gate, hoping to get out of sight from the balcony that overlooked this chamber. I then noticed that the southern end of the chamber seemed to lead into a second corridor below the first. There was a set of black metal stairs running down from somewhere on the southern side of the building. They ran under the upper corridor and ended just below it. The metal banisters ended in a rounded metal gate. To the east of the stairs, the room was open, and i large window in the southern wall let bright diffuse sunlight into the room. The corridor seemed to continue to the east, under the upper corridor. A woman was descending the black metal stairs. She noticed me as she opened the gate at the bottom and stepped out, but she did not seem to care that i was there. She walked along the western wall until she came to the bottom of the stone steps, and then she turned and started up the steps to the upper corridor. I looked up at the upper corridor on the eastern side of the room. My mother still had not come into view from the corridor. I quickly ran across the room, heading to the south, and hurried up the black metal stairs. This building was special, and it was a sanctuary for special people. I was not part of the group that had been brought here long ago. We were simply visiting, but i felt that i should not be sneaking around this castle too much. I ran through the door and found myself in an office. The office had been used when the special people were kept here, but it seemed to be empty of people now. The desks and office furnishings were still in the room, and they looked like they were from the fourties or fifties. The room in general was off white, with tan wood furnishings and green cloth chairs and desk items. I moved through this part of the mansion, thinking that i really should not be wandering around, but i really wanted to explore this place. There was a doorway in the northern wall of the office that seemed to lead outside, into a narrow alley. I thought that i could easily escape this place from here, but instead, i moved through the office and came into another large empty room of the institute. All of these places used to be living quarters when this facility was in use, but now, they were simply left empty. I jogged to the west, through the empty rooms, which seemed to be some kind of kitchen or library. I then came into the large room near the western end of the mansion and found many people sitting around tables there. All of them seemed to be older people, and i thought that they were the original residents of this facility. They were put here because of their special powers. An old woman with short white hair and a wrinkled round face looked up at me from a round table on the northern side of the room as i passed by. I turned to the south, moving through the crowd. A younger woman looked at me with surprise. She was walking across the room to the north as i passed her. She had long dark frizzy hair and a rectangular face with a long nose. She was not as old as the special people here, and i realized that there would be children here. As i thought that, i noticed several young children in the room. The special people were not using the entire facility, but they were breeding to produce more special children. The people seemed upset by my presence, so i ran back to the east. I stopped in a corridor, just to the south of a woman. She had long curly brown hair and was wearing a tan jacket. She looked at me in surprise as i thought something to her. She seemed shocked, scolding me for my lack of telepathic skill. She commented that i was incompetent enough to open my thoughts to her as i tried to scan her. I was confused by here remarks because i had not tried to scan her. I was simply trying to send her a thought about my name and why i was here. She seemed angry with me, so i moved to the south, into one of the side halls off the main corridor. I moved through the building, aware that the crowd of people was following me. I did not want them to catch me, but i realized that i did not know why. I seemed to be on the southern side of a long wing of the building as i ran to the east, coming into a long pub-like area. The room was dark and lighted only by the diffuse light that came in through the frosted glass on the northern wall. The light seemed to be from the corridor beyond. There were pool tables in the room, and there seemed to be a bar along the eastern end of the northern wall. Pool lamps hung over the tables in the center of the room. This place was the old cafeteria. I ran to the western end of the room, wondering where i should go from here. The people seemed to be to the north of me, in the main corridor. They were still searching the building for me. I knew that if i kept heading to the west, i would eventually come back into the large library where i had run past all of the people before. I felt that i wanted to be back there. I did not know why the people would chase me, but i thought that it was because i did not belong here. I ran to the wooden door in the western wall of the room. The faded metallic-green writing on the door warned that no alcohol was to be brought beyond that point. I pushed open the door, which was hinged on the left, and then noticed that the sign mentioned the Boy Scouts. The first line said that no alcohol should be brought by Boy Scouts. It then continued for two more shorter lines. I thought that the Boy Scouts probably used this camp before the special people came here. They must have been here a very long time ago. I stepped out into the hallway to the west. The hall i was in was very short and ran to the north, into a chamber that was a few stories tall. The walls were yellowish-tan stone, and there was a stairwell descending along the western wall. The corridor i was in was flush with the eastern wall. There were two doors on the northern side of the room: one in the east wall and one in the west. The crowd of people that had been chasing me hurried through the eastern door and came into the center of the chamber. I called to them, asking them to stop this chase. Something seemed wrong with it, and i thought that i really should be able to relate to these people in a better way. I was not so different from them. They paused for a moment, looking down the length of the empty chamber at me, and i stood still in the southern doorway to the hall.

12008 September 16

I walked out of the bedroom through the door in the southern wall and headed down he hall of $P19, to the west. I had been sleeping in this building for a while, and i seemed to be here for a party. I walked to the north, into a small bedroom. There did not seem to be any furnishings in the room. I was on the northern side of the room, and the other two people were sitting on a twin mattress, which was on the floor in the southeastern corner of the room, just to the east of the doorway. The room had pale-blue walls and a dull wood floor. One of the men on the mattress seemed to be $Z. I had been talking to him as he sat on the long side of the bed, facing west. $A499 was then in the room, talking to me. He seemed different, and i realized that he was probably rather drunk. He sat down on the northern end of the mattress, steadily talking to me. He then leaned back and fell onto $Z’s lap, still talking about something. He seemed very happy, but i realized that he seemed to be intoxicated on something more than alcohol. I wondered what he had taken. It did not seem like marijuana since he seemed to be sedated and was still aware of his surroundings. I wondered if he had taken something more serious. I felt concerned about this. I said something to the others, who were sitting in the seat to the left of me. We were on a bus, i realized, and the bus was heading to the south-southeast. $A499 had been driving, but he had walked to the back of the bus to talk to us. I was suddenly worried, aware that he was too intoxicated to realize that he had left the wheel of the bus and we were still moving. We also seemed to be heading down hill. I quickly moved to the front of the bus and started driving, but i was unaware how the controls worked. The pedals did not seem to be in the expected places, and there were several leavers behind the steering wheel on a dull metal console. We were driving down the hill, which seemed to be $P43 heading down through $P17. I stepped on the brakes to stop the bus, but i realized that there was a queue of cars stopped ahead of us, on the curve near the stop sign. The bus would not be able to stop in time. I watched as we rapidly approached the rear of the blue american car ahead of us. There was no way to prevent us from hitting it. I said something to the others, and i was standing in the aisle of the bus, near the back of the bus. We were driving down hill, and the out-of-shape oriental woman with long black hair and a round face stood up from the driver’s seat. She started walking back to us. I was suddenly worried that no one was driving the bus again. It was bad enough that $A499 had taken some drug that we did not know about, but this woman was simply not thinking. I hurried to the wheel and took over the driving of the bus. We were heading down hill into town. The long road descended to the east, along the side of a steep hill. The land dropped off very steeply to the south of the road to a wide open valley below, where there could have been a lake. The hill also rose sharply to the north, and there seemed to be house on the uphill slope. I pressed my feet on the round metal buttons on the floor. They were not the normal pedals that i expected, and i wondered if i was doing something wrong. Maybe i was not aware of the controls of a large bus like this. I pressed on the buttons and the bus slowed down. I tried to get it under control, but it did not seem to be working that well. I was not sure what i was doing. The bus suddenly came to a stop in the small town at the bottom of the hill. We were on a city street, and, to my surprise, there was an overpass right in front of us. The bus was too tall to fit under the overpass. I had stopped it with less than a deci between the front of the bus and the cement bridge. I was nervous and looked around for the controls to back up the bus. Without thinking, i lifted my foot from the brake. The bus started forward again, because it was still in gear, and the top of the bus over my head dented inward. I quickly slammed on the brakes. The creamy-blue metal ceiling of the bus was indented in the square shape of the edge of the bridge just above my head. I pushed the black leaver on the dash down to shift the bus into reverse. As i started backing up the bus, i realized that we were in traffic, and i could not see what was behind me. The bus pulled away from the bridge, and the indent in the bus remained. I was now concerned about what cars i might run into behind me. I could not see where i was going, and i worried that i would cause more damage if i continued. I wondered what to do.

12008 September 17

I had walked to the west to get out of the structure and was now walking back to the east, down the dirt road in front of the barn behind my parents’ house. I looked up to the north, at the high suspension bridge that passed over the back yard, just to the north of the barn. There was a patch of thick green bushes just to the north of me, and the bridge passed over it. I remembered being on the bridge only moments before. It seemed that i had crossed over the creek gorge to the west on the bridge. The bridge then continued over the yard. As i looked up to it, i noticed a pack of four or five bicyclists passing to the east. This bridge was part of the new bicycle path that cut across the back of the property. I asked my father, who was standing just to the east of me, how long the bridge had been up. I did not remember it from when i lived here. I told my father that i knew the bridge was not here when $A74 owned the barn. I remembered the land being flat. I asked when the bridge was built. My father told me that it was built a while ago, but not that long ago. We started to walk to the east a little, toward the western side of the large dark-brown barn. I looked up as a man on a bicycle came back down the dirt road from the east. He was wearing red stretch shorts and a tight red shirt. His helmet was white, and he seemed older. He slowed down near us and asked for directions. He had gotten confused by his location. I asked him where he was trying to go, thinking that he really wanted to continue east. He must have come off of the eastern end of the bridge with the other bikers and did not recognize the new entrance to the bridge. I directed him to the east and he turned around and started riding east. I walked down the street to the east as he rode. I seemed to be heading into a town on a paved highway. As the young boy in the red windbreaker passed me on the north, riding his bicycle down the road, to the east, i noticed that there was something wrong with the bridge ahead of me. It seemed to be incomplete. I approached the edge of the pavement, where it stopped on the bridge. There was a small creek valley under the bridge, but the bridge was incomplete. The boy was now riding on the other side of the bridge. He must have waded through the water of the creek to get to the other side. I did not want to get my feet wet, and i wondered how i would cross. I felt annoyed and disappointed that the bridge was out. Looking down into the brown water, however, i realized that the bridge had washed out from the heavy rains. I stood at the edge of the pavement, aware that the water at the bottom of the narrow valley was quite deep, and seemed to be moving quite fast to the south. I felt uneasy near the edge and started to back up. The river was also to the south of me, and i noticed that the southern side of the road had sunk a few decis below the level of the rest of the road. The river was flowing around a corner just under the bridge, and it had flowed to the west, along the side of the road. It had washed out the bank under the road along the southern side of the bridge. The bridge had collapsed, but the southern lane of the remaining road was also in danger of collapsing. I backed away to the west quickly, afraid that the road under me might crumble into the deep water. I could see cars on the other side of the bridge. They seemed to be on the main road of the town, just in front of $P16. The bridge must have just collapsed, and i felt that i had to tell someone about it. I turned to the east and thought that i should call someone. My car was parked on the southern side of the small street, which seemed to be a sidewalk that ran across the small grassy park in the center of a town square. There was a small building to the east of me, and the park spread out to the west of me. The northern and western sides of the park were bordered by short streets that had buildings on the opposite sides. I turned to the south, heading back toward the main street. I had my cell phone in my right hand as i thought about talking to emergency about the collapsed bridge. As i headed toward the street, i noticed a thin woman walking to the west, along the sidewalk on the northern side of the road. She was still to the southeast of me as i headed due south. She watched me, and i knew that she was worried that i might attack her. I passed to the west of a small wooden structure that blocked my view of the woman. I knew that she would be concerned when i come around the other side of the building near her. I walked to the south of the building, and the woman was on the sidewalk just to the east of me. She lifted her right arm to her chest in defense as she gasped and paused slightly in her step. I ignored her, talking on the telephone about the bridge. She continued on, wearing a sheer red kerchief over her head. She had a black coat on with wide lapels. I walked to the east, behind the woman, trying to explain to the person on the telephone where the bridge was. I told her that it was on Main Street, to the west of $P3, but i realized that i did not know how far to the west of $P3 i was. I seemed to be just across the bridge from it, but i thought that i might actually be in the next town over. I looked at the signs on the front of the building to the south of me, across the main street from where i was. The brick shops had a wide yellow sign over the top of the stores. Cursive letters said something like “Leues Arch”, and i repeated the name to the person on the telephone. I seemed to read the name from right to left across the sign, even though it was in latin letters. I looked to the north, down the street that ran along the eastern edge of the park. There was a large brick building on the block to the north of the park. It had tan lettering on the top-right corner of the eastern side, which seemed to be side of the building. The writing said something like “Loues”. I told the woman on the telephone that that was the name of the town, but then realized that the building i was looking at was a store. The front was on the northern side of the block, and the name i was looking at was the name of the store, not the town. I said that i did not know what the name of the town was. I just knew that it was just to the west of $P3. I looked across the park. My black Passat seemed to be parked in the center of the eastern side of the park. I noticed a large yellowish-tan brick building on the western side of the square. It had large serif letters over the door that said “Beck”. It was the name of the bank, and i was amused that it was the same name as a singer. I could not figure out exactly what town i was in, and i felt that it was important to get safety crews here quickly to block off the bridge so that cars do not drive into it accidentally. I then imagined that i had reached the bridge just as it collapsed. I would have to block traffic on this side until someone came, but i knew that cars could still fall in from the other side.

12008 September 18

I was in the center of the large theater, which did not seem to have any walls. The area around me was dark, as though the walls were black or it was night out. I was standing in the middle of the seats of the audience with the other person. The seats were facing west on the floor, which sloped to the west. The person was one row behind me, to the east. He was able to teleport from one place to another, and i knew that this was a special trick. I thought about how i could do it as well, but i did not want others to know that i could slip from one place to another. I thought about how it worked, thinking it was similar to the movie Jumper. The only problem was that you had to see a place or be familiar with it before you could teleport to it. The person moved around by teleporting a few times. I then knew that i was better skilled at it than the new people. I was able to partly fold space around me. This would allow me to jump to a place, but not appear there fully. I would be able to see who was around and what the area was like before i stepped fully into the area. I knew that the new people had not learned that trick yet. I wondered if i should teach them.

12008 September 20

I was in the house at $P12 with several other people. Many of them seemed to be my family. I stood in the living room, on the eastern side of the house. I heard something that sounded like the meowing of a cat. I looked around, but could not see where it was coming from. I then noticed $X8 standing on the floor to the south of me, in the doorway to the sunroom. I wondered where $X12 was. I walked into the sun room, and then turned to the west, following the corridor to the front hall of he house. $X8 must have escaped. I felt that something was wrong with the cats, and i started to worry about them. I looked out the front door of the house, hearing the strange meowing again. I worried that the cats had gotten out of the house and were now in trouble. I then noticed the strange animal in the driveway to the northwest of me. The family was standing in the driveway, and the animal seemed to be with them. It was a small furry animal, shaped somewhat like a raccoon or bear, but it had a long face, like a dog. Something about the animal made me feel uneasy. I wondered where $X8 was, feeling worried about him.

I was in the small room with the others, packing up several things. It seemed that someone was moving out of this place. I gathered some things together on the floor and then headed to the north. There was a tall wall on the northern side of the area, which now seemed to be a parking lot. The wall was the outside wall of a tall orangish-tan building. I layed down at the bottom of the wall with the other people. We seemed to have our legs under the bottom of the wall, as though it was actually a bed. I looked up the height of the wall, noticing that the top of the building curved out slightly so that it was actually over us now. I worried about things falling from the top of the building onto us. It seemed like quite a way up, but i realized that, if something started to fall, we would be able to slide our bodies under the building, as though it were a bed. The face of the building was orangish-tan and seemed to be stucco. There were tall plain windows in the face of the building. There were also windows on the bottom of the slanted part of the building, near the top. The windows allowed people to look down the side of the building. I wondered if there would be people cleaning things out of the building from those windows. I then spotted the men standing at the top of the building. They were carrying a large orange mattress. They were construction workers, and they were cleaning out the upper floors of the building. They tossed the mattress out the windows, and i saw it falling toward us. We would have to quickly pull ourselves under the building before it hit us.

I carried the water jugs out of the kitchen and into the dining room of the small restaurant. I entered the dining room from the small door in the western end of the northern wall. I seemed to be in the middle of the dining room watching myself come out of the door. The walls of the room where white and the small square tables around the room were covered with white tablecloths. I walked through the room, to the southeast, passing the people who were sitting at the tables. There were only a few tables that had people at them, and they seemed to be in the center of the room. The southern side of the room seemed to open up into a corridor that ran east to west. The room seemed simple and crude, as though it was part of a utility corridor at the back of a building. I walked to the east down the corridor into the next room. The room opened up to the north of the corridor, just as the main dining room had, but this room was much smaller, with only a few tables. They were rectangular and extended from the northern wall. There were people that i knew sitting at the second table in the room, but they did not seem to be here at the moment. I had thought that people from $G6 were here in the restaurant, but i did not see them. I felt confused and walked back to the west to check the other dining room for them. I thought that i might have missed them as i walked through. I wanted to say hello. I looked through the main dining room again but could not seem them, so i turned back to the east and walked to the smaller room, where i had thought that they were. There was a boy sitting on the eastern side of the second table that looked like $A407. This must be the table where the people from $G6 were sitting. The boy must be $A407’s, and i thought that $A407 must simply have been away for a moment. I brought the pitcher of water to the table. Two women sat on the northern end of the table, one on the eastern side and the other on the western side. I introduced myself to them, but they seemed uncomfortable. The one near the boy seemed to be Indian, so i thought that she must be $A407’s wife. I stood at the southern end of the table for a moment, wondering if the men i knew would return. The women just glanced at me nervously. Then $A414 and $A407 came from the corridor to the east, where the lavatories were. Another man was with them. I sayed hello to them as they sat down at the table, but they only gave me a cursory nod. They then turned to the women and started talking, as though i was not there. I felt bad that they were ignoring me, and i started to feel awkward that i was their waiter in this place. I turned and walked back into the other side of the dining room. I started to feel very angry, and wanted to throw the water jugs that i was carrying. I did not know what to do.

12008 September 21

I moved to the north, heading up the short flight of stairs in $P19. I had been in the basement of the house when the others walked through the house, but now i was climbing the old wooden stairs to the second floor. To the north of me, i could hear $A120 talking to another member of $G3. He was on the lower floor of the house, which i could see over the side of the floor that i was on. There was an opening in the floor to the west of me that allowed me to look down. He spoke about his relation ship to the woman with the other man. He then mentioned that he wanted to have his cards read to see what he should do about the woman. I had found a set of cards on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, and i had layed them out on the bus seats to the east of me. As i moved to the north, i placed two more cards down on the seats on the driver’s side of the bus, which seemed to be moving south. I knew that i had already placed the main set of cards in the first few seats to the south, and i was now placing the final cards in the seats in front of me. I put down two cards, which told me about the outcome of $A120’s relationship. I then put down the final card on the next seat to the north. The card was smaller than a normal playing card and had a red figure on a darker background. This card represented $A120’s determining factor in the relationship. There were words on the tops and bottoms of the last three cards i had layed down. The word on the last card said “talented” in serif white letters with a black outline. I could hear $A120 still talking to the west of me as i thought about the word. It meant that he would use his talent to help him solve any problem that would come up in a relationship. This sounded correct. He was a talented person and would be able to cope with any adversity. I then started picking up the small cards. I could only get four or five because the rest were still in the first few rows of the bus. I had found the cards, so they were really not mine. $F22 was sitting in the bus seat to the west of me. She pointed out the designs on the cards as though she recognized them. I asked her if she knew who owned them, saying that i had found them at the front of the bus. She sayed that they looked like cards of someone she knew. The girl sitting in the seat in front of her agreed. I told her that she could take the cards and give them to the man, but i felt a little bad because i had never seen cards like this and i liked them. I also told $F22 that the cards seemed to be from more than one deck, since most were small and some were the size of regular playing cards. I fooled around with the cards for a moment, slowly making my way back to the south, to the front of the bus. There were people on the bus now, and i felt a little uncertain about grabbing the cards from the seats. There was an older boy in the font seat of the bus, behind the driver. He seemed like one of the school bullies, and i was hesitant to ask him for the cards that had been on the seat. I sayed something to him, and he responded without any aggression. I then stepped up to the white line at the front of the bus and crouched down. There was an uneven stack of different sized cards on the floor right behind the bus driver. I bent over to pick them up. The bus driver was startled by me and turned around suddenly. I told him that i was just picking up the cards. He looked back at the road in front of the bus as i sorted the cards in my hands. He seemed rattled by my appearance. I walked to the back of the bus. I had given the cards to $F22 so that she could give them to the person who had left them. It seemed to be a boy in her class. I then realized that the bus driver hand stopped the bus. She was standing up now, at the front of the bus. Something had happened. I then heard sounds of yelling from the stairs at the back of the bus. Something was going on one floor below us. I looked back to see the descending yellow metal stairs of the bus. They leaded to the classroom below, where i could hear a student and female teacher yelling at each other. The bus driver had stopped the bus so that she could go down to help in the other room.

12008 September 22

I was lying in the bunk bed. There had been a party in this house, and i was now going to bed. $F10 was with me in the bottom bunk of the bed. This situation seemed strange, and i wondered if the other members of $G3 would be bothered by it. I looked around the room at the other bunks. All of them seemed to be against the walls of the room. The room seemed a little messy, with piles of clothes here and there. $A138 was lying in the lower bunk of the bed against the western wall. He had is eyes open and was looking my direction, and i hoped that he was not disturbed by the fact that $F10 was sleeping with me. $F10 was drunk, and rolled toward me in the bed and hugged me tightly. I felt suddenly strange here and sat up, wondering what to do. There was something not quite right here.

$F42 asked me about the play as i stood in the eastern side of the small area. I seemed to be talking on the telephone to him, but he seemed to be to the west of me somewhere. I felt a little confused, telling $F42 that i had not read the play yet. He seemed upset, but i did not understand why. I then looked at the small calendar to the north of me. I had checked this date as the date that i was supposed to read the play by. I had confused the weeks in the calendar and thought that i had more time than i did. I was upset that i had forgotten about the play, and i started to feel mad that i had not been paying attention to the dates. I should have read the play by now. $F42 was angry with me, and that made me feel worse. He had been counting on me.

12008 September 23

The telephone rang and i answered it. I was still in bed in the small house. I then heard $A523 talking to me from outside. I sat up in bed and told her that that i worked at home. I felt very awkward about still being in bed, and i thought that she might think that i was lazy. I got up quickly, talking to her as though i was awake. I hoped my voice did not sound too groggy. I looked to the east-southeast to see her at the back of her house, where she was moving plants along the western side of her driveway. She picked up one of the potted plants in the round orangish-tan plastic planters and moved it toward the house. She seemed angry, and i did not want her to see me. I would not be able to run to the side door of my house because she could see me. I thought about running around to the front, but then she might spot me from the driveway. I then realized that i was still wearing my nightclothes. I had on a housecoat and a wrap. I would not let her see me like this because i wanted her to think that i had actually been doing some work. I moved to the western side of the house so that she could not see me. I then realized that the wrap i was wearing had started to come loose and was falling down. I tried to secure it as i moved close to my house, trying to think of a way that i could sneak back inside. I decided that i should climb up the back porch and try to make it to the door before she noticed me.

12008 September 24

I was in the large classroom of the small university. There were large wooden tables in the center of the room with many students around them. The professor was standing on the northern side of the classroom. The walls of the classroom seemed white, with wood trimming. The place seemed old and worn. This was a philosophy class. I felt awkward here. I had not read the assignment, and suddenly started to feel bad. I wondered why i had not read the books. I remembered reading the list of things that i was supposed to read a long time ago, but i could not remember why i had not read the books that we were supposed to read. I felt that it as already at the end of the semester, and i had not done any of the work for the class. I was upset. I wondered why i always wasted these opportunities. It seemed that i always expected to start semesters and keep up with the work, but i always seem to fall behind. I started to feel depressed as i walked to the north. I was walking through the forested residential neighborhood, which seemed like $P17. I had been to this place before. It seemed to be on the southwestern side of the area, at the edge of the cliffs. The cliffs to the top section of the neighborhood seemed to be to the north of me, and the highway bridge across the gorge was to the west. I walked to the south now, on the path to the east of the creek. The area around me was covered with tall green grass and weeds. There was dense vegetation to the east, and i seemed to be heading toward the lake. There was a man walking near me, and i felt cautious of him. The road i was walking on had two tire tracks worn into the muddy ground. I stepped over a few puddles, but the dirt was wet and muddy between the grassy areas. There seemed to be a bridge near me, to the west. I started to feel uncomfortable here, and started to feel wary of the man. I turned around, letting the man pass me. I started heading back down the narrow dirt road, to the north. I felt that i should not really be in this area, and i wondered if people would question me on how i got here. I was heading back toward the road, but i would have to tell people that i came from the road and not from the campus of the small college. The college seemed to be to the east of me, on the other side of the line of trees. I came to an area where the road forked. There was a wide turnaround on the eastern side of the road. It was actually another road, but it had been blocked off. I would have to specify that i did not come from the college campus. I knew that the man i had seen on the trail came from the campus, though. I felt that something might have happened, and that i would be confused with him since we were both on the dirt trail. I looked to the east, noticing the yellow metal bar across the dirt driveway to the community college. I felt that the police would be here for some reason, and i thought it would be a good idea not to walk back to the road. I turned down the road for the community college, even though it was blocked with the crude wooden fence. As i approached a highway overpass, i saw a man sitting on the ground under it. This place seemed more urban, and the ground was dirty, but still covered with tall green weeds. The man sat against the dirt embankment to the southeast. He was crouched in front of a small puddle. As i passed him, i noticed several bodies piled against the embankment. I was suddenly surprised to see them, and knew that something was wrong. The bodies seemed to be of men, and they were all covered with dry mud. The men were wearing white underwear and nothing else. Most of them were well built. They did not seem to be dead, and i started to feel that there was something strange going on here. The man on top started to move slowly, as though not fully conscious. I moved close to the two men. The men on the bottom seemed to be buried in the mud. I touched their skin, feeling fascinated by them. There was something interesting here, thought i did feel that something bad had happened to these men. I grabbed the legs of one of the men. His legs were nicely built, and i dragged him out of the pile. I wanted to help, and i thought that i should try to revive him. I lifted his torso and hugged him around the chest, thinking that i could transfer warmth into him. There was something sexual to the contact, and i thought that it was actually not sexual, but might be perceived that way. I pretended to wrestle with the unconscious man. He was not responding that well. I then pushed him down and put my hands around his neck, as though i was choking him. It was fake, but it seemed like part of the show.

12008 September 25

The wave hit me from the side, and i realized that it was much stronger than i had thought. It tingled a little as the foam passed over me. I was standing on the beach, and the ocean was to the south or southeast of me. I looked to the south. I was standing on the dry yellow sand, but i knew that there was another wave coming in. Just as i looked to the south, i saw the tall wave in front of me. It was about my height, with deep blue water and a white foamy crest over the top. It appeared to be perfectly flat on the forward face. I quickly turned away again, feeling the wave break over my back. It was not as strong as the last wave, which was surprising to me. I knew that these waves were dangerous, but i was interested in them. I looked to the west to see the side of the large beach shed. It seemed to be a public building. I knew that there was another one just to the east of me. The wave seemed to wash around my legs. I looked at the building to the north, noticing that the upper level, which seemed to be the main floor of the building, had a wooden deck running around it. There was a set of stairs running up the southern side of the building, ascending to the south. I knew that people should go to the second floor of the building to be safe from the tall waves. Another wave was coming, and i thought about how abnormal they were. I suddenly decided that i did not want to stand in the surf anymore, so i moved to the north, leaving the beach and coming into the country area. I looked back to the south as i moved to the east, noticing the curve of the shore. The land seemed very small and just in front of me, to the south. It was rounded, like a peninsula, and the curve of the land reminded me of the shape of the southern United States. I walked back to the south, heading to the eastern side of the rounded bay, which seemed to be part of a swampy bayou. The area around me was sepia in color, and there were people wandering about the lawn party. They seemed to be well dressed. I walked to the east to the man who seemed to be dressed in a dinner jacket. I wanted to go back into the water of the bay, which i knew was a pool. I turned to the southwest and wandered across the room. $A501 was sitting in a chair in the center of the room, talking to someone. I passed to the south of her, glancing her way as i passed. She acknowledged me, but continued to talk to the other person. The dirt shore of the small pool seemed swampy, but i stepped into the warm water. It felt suddenly different on my body, and i realized that this was fresh water, whereas the waves that had been crashing over me were salt water. The water was shallow, and i leaned forward to submerge my body up to my neck. I floated slowly to the west, using my arms to propel me. I thought that the pool was weedy from lack of use. The new people who owned this house had not done a good job of cleaning out the pool, which was surfaced with pale-yellow tiles. I remembered it when it was still in good condition. I felt the weeds grazing my left arm. The northern side of the pool had the most weeds in it, and the water there seemed to be darker. I hoped that there were no alligators or snakes in the water, since it seemed to have something to do with the swamps of the Gulf Coast states. There was a woman in the pool to the west of me, and i was aware of an older woman sitting on the step just under the water along the eastern edge of the pool. I moved around in the water, but realized that it simply was not clean. My right hand felt something solid, and i grabbed it. I realized that it was a piece of potato. The water had discarded food in it. I felt repulsed and stood up, walking out of the pool to the east. I was annoyed that the new owners had not cleaned the pool. I started cleaning myself off. There were several pieces of spaghetti stuck to my left leg. I picked them off and threw them against the kitchen stove to the north of me in annoyance. I felt that i should make a mess in the kitchen in protest over the filth in the water. I then realized that it was really the people on the western side of the pool that were responsible, but i did not care. I could not throw the stuff into their kitchen, so i made the mess here. I knew that the pool was shared by two apartments, and it was the one to the west that had not cleaned it as much. I turned to the west, to leave the kitchen, but there was a half door in the way. I remembered it from before, but now it had a drawer in the top of it. The drawer was not supported from below. It simply passed through the top of the door and used the door to keep it upright. I remembered seeing the drawer before, but i knew that it was from the new owners. The drawer seemed to be filled with cooking knives and long silver utensils. I wanted to step over the drawers, but i realized that i could not do so without putting weight on them, which would probably break them off. Part of me did not care if they broke, but i decided that i should not break them. I had to go to the west, but, upset and annoyed, i walked out of the kitchen, down the two steps into the room to the north. The steps stretched across the entire width of the two rooms, which seemed to be separated only by the stairs. The older woman was standing in the yellow kitchen, wearing a yellow and white patchwork dress. She seemed to be mad that i was in their kitchen. The old man was sitting in a chair on the western side of the living room, which was to the south of the kitchen. I walked past him as i cut across the room diagonally to get to the exit door in the center of the eastern wall. This seemed to be the apartment on the western side of the pool. The woman was angry with me and complained to her husband that i had been in their house. I did not care what she felt. I felt justified to be an inconvenience to them because of the filth in the pool.

12008 September 26

I moved across the large room of the old building, heading to the south. I was with another person, and we were in a place that was not safe for us. There were people moving around the area, and they were bad guys. I knew that all of them were robots, but they were still unaware that we were human. We had to be cautious. I watched myself from the southwestern corner of the large room, which seemed to be a large hallway. We came from a room to the north, and walked across the hall, which was a balcony overlooking the lower part of the hallway. The walls were covered with dull-yellow wallpaper that seemed to have small tan or brown flowers on it. There was a thin wooden railing running along the southern side of the landing, and there seemed to be several wooden doors in the northern wall that led to rooms. We had to leave this building, so i started down the flight of stairs in the middle of the balcony. They led to a doorway in the southern wall. The others followed me. We had to act naturally so that the robots, which seemed to be Nazis, did not suspect who we were. We palled through the door, and i knew that there was a large set of stairs on the southern side of the building that would lead out. As we came through the door, however, we found ourselves in a large open room. The doorway came out to another landing that ran the length of the northern wall. There was a large set of stairs descending to the south, against the eastern wall of the room, but a small group of soldiers in drab-green uniforms were ascending toward us. We turned to the west and walked along the landing, but the guards asked us where we were going. I ignored them and walked into the next room, hoping that they would pass. They followed me into the room. I had to distract them, so i said that there was something suspicious here. I stepped into the old room, which had worn plaster walls. Most of the plaster on the northern wall had been worn away, and i could see the wooden beams of the wall. I told them that i was going to show them something they should take note of, but there was nothing there for me to show them. I acted confused, pretending that the thing i had seen was now not here. One of the soldiers walked to the western side of the room, were he found a small plastic doll in a pink dress. It showed that humans had been in this dwelling. They had discovered where people were hiding, and i started to feel trapped here. I had to do something to escape. $Z was with me, in the center of the room. I needed to find something in the room i could use as a weapon while the three soldiers were distracted. I moved to the west a little, where there was a round table near the southern wall. I now seemed to be looking through the southern wall at the scene as i approached the table. There were several tools that seemed to be used for chopping on the table. I could use one of them to attack the men and escape. I looked at them, realizing that none of them would really do. They were all too small, like knives. I then noticed that one of them was an aluminium baseball bat. I picked it up, thinking that i could knock one of the men unconscious and then go after the others in the confusion. As i looked over the bat in my hand, i realized that it really was not a baseball bat at all. It just looked like one on the table. It would not make a good weapon. I could not decide what to do, but then the guard to the east of me noticed that i had the rod in my hand. He knew that i was not one of them and warned the others in the room. The others that had been with me started running. I looked to the north to see one of the men that had been with me running into the northern wall. There was a closet in the wall, and i could see into it because the outside walls of the closet were worn through and the wood slats broken. Two of the robot guards ran into the closet after the man, and the door swinged closed after them. The man had run through a gray metal outside door on the back of the closet. That door also slammed shut, trapping the guards in the closet. I could now see him running away on the dirt ground outside, which seemed to be about two meters above the level of the floor. The door must have led into a small area surrounded by a cement retaining wall. I had seen the man climb up over the wall to escape. Troops then burst into the room through the door in the southern wall.

12008 September 27

I walked into the large lecture room and put my book bag down in the chair next to $F4. At first, the room seemed long north to south, but then in seemed squarer. All of the chairs in the room were facing east. People gathered here and i moved to the east a little to do something. It seemed as though i had come back to this place after quite a while, as though this was my high school and i was back for this lecture. I turned to go back to my seat and noticed that $F5 had sat in my seat. He was sitting next to $F4. $F6 also seemed to be sitting in the row of chairs. I walked back over to the chairs, realizing that $F5 was actually not sitting in the seat of the chair, but was sitting on top of my blue backpack on the southern side of the chair as he spoke to the person next to him. I told him that he was sitting on my things. He stood up and moved one seat to the south, pushing everyone down one seat. As i started to sit down, i noticed $F4 to the south of me. He was sitting at the end of the row rather than near me, where i thought he was. He looked different, and something seemed wrong with him. His face was very thin, and his eyes seemed narrow. I stood up and walked over to him, wondering if $F5 would be offended that i did not sit next to $F5. I sat down next to $F4. He seemed to be wearing a green and yellow knit shirt, but i could tell that there was some kind of bandage around his torso. His face seemed injured, and i asked what had happened. He did not want to tell me, and i got the feeling that he was being forced to come to this meeting because of what he had done. I wondered if he had gotten stabbed. I tried to talk to him for a moment, but i was interrupted by the lecturer. I was worried about him and wanted to find out what had happened. I started walking to the southwest, down the hall outside the lecture hall. Others were moving to different places of the building, and i thought that this was a support group. I did not know what to do here. I was trying to find $F4, but i felt that i should not be interrupting his meeting. $A175 walked up to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. He was trying to get me to head toward one of the groups, but i did not feel comfortable here. I then noticed $F4 to the east of me. He was standing on a higher elevation than i was. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could tell that he was rather thin. He had a bandage around his midsection, but i could see a reddish line on his abdomen, just under his right rib cage. I thought that it might be a scar and wondered if it was from a knife wound. I worried about him, but i was being sent to one of the other rooms in the building. I continued to the west, along the southern face of the building. I rounded the cement patio on the southern side and turned back to the north. I was upset and wanted to do something else, but the people here were telling me what i should be doing. In the center of the square patio was a round black metal table. $A105 and $A175 were sitting around the table, and i felt that they were the authority figures from the school. They noticed me, but did not turn their attention away from their paperwork. I felt negatively toward them, as though they were the ones forcing me to be at these sessions. I continued to the north, noticing the tall mountains no the east. They seemed to be snowcapped, and reminded me of something from central Europe.

I rode my bicycle down the northern sidewalk, heading to the east, down the main road in $P186. The sidewalk seemed a little wider, and i had to ride slowly because there were people walking on the sidewalk. I moved slowly around them when it was crowded. The buildings to the north of me were storefronts. As i passed most of the crowd, i started to speed up. I was driving the yellow car down the street. The way ahead of me then seemed clear, so i speeded up to the normal speed until i reached the corner at $P2. I turned to the south, suddenly, crossing the street at the crosswalk. I decided that i should get back into traffic. I followed the crosswalk across the street until i was in the proper lane. I stopped in the median, which was a painted area in the center of the street. I had to turn to the east to get back into my lane as i crossed the intersection, but i then wondered why i had been driving on the sidewalk before. It seemed a strange thing to do. There was a short line of traffic waiting on the north side of the street to head west. It was stopped at the light, and i noticed some of the people in the cars that i was passing. I worried that i had been driving illegally on the sidewalk, and then a police car pulled me over. I stopped on the southern side of the road, with the line of traffic still to the north of me. The police man asked me what i was doing. I told him that i had to drive on the sidewalk to avoid the construction zone in the road. I remembered that the roadway in the center of the street was fenced off with red plastic ribbon that was held up by wooden stakes. I had to drive to the north, into the narrow lane to avoid it. I looked to the north, at a metallic orange car that was stopped on the north side of the street. It looked like a dune buggy with an open top. They had been pulled over as well. There was a young woman driving the car, and the officer mentioned that she was not wearing any pants. She commented on that, making fun of the situation. She seemed to be a party-girl stereotype, with a dark tank top and long straight brown hair. I waited for a moment, wondering what i should do, but then decided that i should continue to the east. I started walking again, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I thought that i had to go to city hall to do something with the ticket that i had just received. There were two women walking behind me. They had to go to city hall as well, so we were traveling together. They were both young and lightly dressed. The woman with the brown hair who had been naked in the car was now wearing a panda suit. I asked her why she had been given a ticket, and she sayed that she was not wearing any panties. I looked down at her legs and saw that she was wearing a denim miniskirt that was very short. I told her that her skirt was short enough that it rode up to show that she was not wearing any panties. This was probably why the police officer had stopped her and ticketed her. The two girls chatted eagerly about random things as we continued down the sidewalk. As we approached the center of town, i noticed that there was a large fenced in area in the center of the street. A tall chain-link fence blocked the area, and we were forced to walk to the south to get around. I realized that the fence was leading us to the school, and i wondered if we had to go all the way around the school to get back to the main street. I had to head to the north to get to city hall. I thought that the city hall was just up the main avenue on the other side of the school. We headed along the large dark-red brick building that was the school, and i realized that this would be a long way around the enormous building. I wondered if we could pass through the building, and i moved to the east to try a set of double metal doors that was in the side of the building. The doors were locked. We started walking down the western side of the building, and i started to feel frustrated. I told the others that this was a very long way to go to get around the building. I turned back to the north and started looking for another way through. There was a fence to the west of us now, keeping us in a corridor between the fence and the school. I then noticed that there was a section of the school that was set back, into the building. There was a large bay door facing northwest, and it was open. It seemed to lead into the gymnasium. I walked toward it, but ended up heading along the side of the building, heading to the east. There was a smaller metal door in the side of the building that seemed to be open. I walked up the two cement steps to the door and pulled it open. There was an opening in the brick wall just above the door, and a man was hanging out. He watched me approached as he held a sign below the opening. The sign seemed to be painted on a sheet and spread out over the door. It said “BEE SPOT” in heavy yellow letters with black outlining. There were times below the writing in black letters. I knew that this was a support group that was meeting in this building. The building had been open for them, which is why the door was unlocked. I now seemed to be standing in a hallway just inside the building. The walls inside were greenish- or bluish-white. I watched several people walk through the arched wooden door to the east, under the cloth banner. They were all part of the support group. This was why the women had come here, and i thought that they should have turned into this door rather than continuing down the side of the building to the south. I then wondered why i had come here. I did not belong in this support group. I looked at the sign again, and wondered suddenly if $F4 was here. I then decided that i really should leave. I had to get to city hall.

12008 September 28

I wandered around the south side of the house, heading to the east. This seemed to be $F1’s house. We were having a birthday party for him, but i did not see any people here. I headed around the eastern side of the house and into the back yard. I then turned to the west and walked back to my grandmother’s house. The people were waiting to the east for me, at the top of the hill. I came to the end of the driveway on the southern side of the house and looked back up the street. The street ascended a steep hill, and i could see a small crowd of people gathered at the corner near the top. They were waiting for me to join them, but i did not feel like being with them right now. I was not in a good mood. I got on my bicycle and started down the hill, to the west. The road curved sharply to the north, and i knew that it would eventually take me back to the east, near where the others were. They would be able to see me from one of the terraces. This seemed like a rich neighborhood, with many large mansions. I looked at the old buildings as i passed. They seemed to be colonial or gothic in style, and i was impressed with the style of the houses. The road seemed to head steeply down hill as it wound around the corners. I came around a curve, heading to the east, and i was aware that the crowd would be able to see me from the top of a cliff to the southeast. The cliff seemed to be built into a stone wall with a thick stone railing on top. All of the houses were built on artificial shelves like this, and there were grand staircases running between the different levels. This entire place seemed to be enormous and unbelievable. The houses were built on shelves that stuck out from the cliffs, with nothing to support them from below. It seemed impossible, like something out of a dream reality. I admired the beauty of the neighborhood as i coasted around the sharp corners of the winding street. I then noticed a large pale-orange stone building to the east of me, in the middle of a well-trimmed grass lawn. It had interesting hatched patterns cut into the stone, and i admired them for a moment. This entire place seemed unbelievable, but it was very nice to look at. I then turned to the east and walked across the large open room of the museum. I had come here with my parents, but they were upstairs now. I did not feel like walking with them, so i was heading down the white hall to the modern-art section instead. Other people were gathered in small groups down the length of the corridor, looking at the paintings and sculptures. The sections of artwork were separated from each other by short thin dividing walls that protruded from the northern and southern walls. These dividing walls seemed to be dark-gray and made of a fuzzy material. I noticed the section to the southeast of me and realized that it was artwork by Ringo Star. I stopped to look at it for a moment. There was a large picture of an apple from the Apple Records logo. It was painted in a round shape and hung on the southern wall, on the eastern side of the exhibit area. Looking around at the other paintings in the room, i noticed how colorful the photos and paintings were. Everything was painted with bright reds, yellows, and blues. It was interesting, but i was not interested in staying here, so i headed down he hall to the east, looking at some of the other sections. My grandmother was then with me. She was ready to go, and i was annoyed at her insistence. We came near the eastern end of the hall. There were large glass doors ahead of us on the northern end of the eastern wall. They led outside. The doors were dark, though, because it was already dark outside. I then looked to the southeast, where there was another room. The room seemed like a small cafe, and there were people sitting around small round gray tables listening to a woman sing. $F14 was sitting in the southeastern corner of the room, to the southwest of the black baby-grand piano that she was playing as she sang. A large fire burned in the fireplace just to the west of her in the southern wall. I listened to her as she sang. “I think i should tell you that last night was the best night in a long while, but last night was a distraction from what is really going on. So happy birthday. . .” She sang the words with a slight bit of anger and passion, so i knew that the words were critical of the relationship she was describing. I thought that it was a song from Tori Amos, something that $F45 would like. There was a girl near me, sitting at a table to the east, who was speaking the lyrics softly as $F14 sang. $F14 was humming the verse now. I wanted to know more about this song as i turned to the northeast to leave. I thought that the song was called “Perfect Circle”.

I was developing the film in the large plastic sheets. I looked at the sheets that were on the table to the north of me. They were exposed to the light, and i felt that they should be put back into the canister quickly before they were exposed. I started to roll them up to get them out of the light. I felt stressed, thinking that these black plastic sheets were left out on the bed too long. I moved them over the white blankets to the north of me, moving them slightly to the east. I could not find the film canister that i had before. It was a black plastic canister, about the size of a soup can. There was a window in the eastern wall that was partially blocked my heavy drapes, but there was a small crack where sunlight was coming in and shining on the bed. It was too light in here to have the film out of the canister for so long. I was upset that the film would be ruined, and i hurried to find the canister. I rolled up the film again, checking the last frame on the roll to see if the photo was still clear. I could still see an image in the film, but i knew that it would get washed out if it continued to get exposed to the light for so long. I looked around in the covers, but i could not find the canister. I started to feel tense, and i slid the sheets of film under the blanket to keep them out of the light while i looked around. I frantically headed to the east and opened the folding door of the shallow closet. The closet was packed with items, and i started digging through the clothing on the floor to find the canister. I felt very upset and stressed.

12008 September 29

I had just gotten home and i was at the back of the house, on the southern side. There was a door to the north of me, in the western end of the southern wall of the building. $X14 was wandering on the ground just to the east of me. He had come around the house and walked up to me. Something seemed wrong. He should not have been outside, and i thought that my father must have left the door open while he was moving things in and out of the house. I was upset, thinking that $X14 had been outside all night.

I was with $G4 in the forested area near the old dirt road. We were gathered to the west of the road. The forest around us seemed to be thick with pine trees, but it opened up to the east. The dirt road was currently to the east of us, and it ran north to south. $G4 was gathering around in the small clearing on the side of the road, getting ready to head to the beginning of our run. I hopped in the back of the trailer, which was attached to the back of the car. I sat near the black metal bar at the end back of the trailer as the car backed out of the parking spot and onto the dirt road. I knew that we would be driving up the steep hill to the north to get to the beginning of the run. The trailer backed out onto the road and turned to the north. I watched the eastern edge of the road, which was nothing more than a gravel bank. Beyond the bank was a steep cliff that ran down the side of the mountain. I hoped that the driver was careful enough to back the trailer onto the road and not over the edge. I watched as the tires of the trailer got very close to the edge. I knew that $A384 was driving, so i thought that he would be careful. I then realized that the car did not stop once it was in the road. It kept backing to the north, pushing the trailer up the steep gravel road. This was strange, and i worried that it would not be as safe to ride on the trailer when it was being pushed up the hill. I looked up the narrow dirt road as the trailer moved quickly up it. I felt unsafe as i watched the pale-gray flat stones of the road moving under me. There was a gravel mound on the eastern side of the road, but it was not tall enough to stop the trailer from rolling over the side. To the north, trees started growing on the eastern side of the road, and the trailer was soon moving down the tight road through the trees. The road seemed very narrow now, and there thick gray trees on all sides. The trunks were a few decis wide on either side of me, and the branches seemed to be overhead. We were moving quickly, and i remembered that the trail would be starting fourteen thousand feet above where we had been. This seemed good because at least the run would all be downhill. It would be much harder to do the entire trail going uphill. I then realized that i was moving up the thick trunk of a tree, which was leaning to the north. We seemed to have come to the end of the road, and i realize that this was not the flat area that i remembered being before. The road had widened into a tan dirt area in the middle of green woods. I looked to the north, through the twisting branches of the gray trees, noticing mountains to the north. I was at the top of a cliff, looking over a very steep and narrow valley to the north. To the northwest, i noticed a flat plateau with tan rock on the top. It seemed like the flat area i had remembered from before. We were not where i thought we were going to be. I looked down, realizing that i was straddling a branch of one of the trees, hanging over a very steep cliff. I backed up so that i was not over the precipice. There was no way for us to get to the flat area from here. We must simply be starting from another area at the top of the hill. I said something to the other person, who was standing to the east of me as i looked down the vertical slope of the cliff under the leaning trees. I wondered when we would be starting the trail. I turned to the south and walked across the narrow white room, realizing that i was actually in a safe place with the rest of $G4. There were couches along the eastern and western walls. Several people were sitting on them, drinking what seemed to be coffee or tea. We were relaxing a little before we had to start on the trail.

12008 September 30

I turned the car around and started traveling back to the north, down the road in the middle of the rural area. I had come from the resort that seemed to be on the top of the snowy mountain. I was with the other person, but i was now traveling alone. I had come down these roads, but i was now heading back toward the resort for some reason. I looked at the road signs overhead. A large rounded green sign said that the exit to Route 11 was just to the left. I traveled up the slope of the shallow hill to the north, passing under the overpass. This did not seem like the correct way. The road would take me to the west, but i seemed to have come from the northeast. I passed the intersection, unsure whether i as supposed to have turned there or not. I looked up at the signs again as i started to pass through the main street of the small town. I could still see signs for Route 11, but i wondered if it was heading in the opposite direction. I should have gotten onto Route 11 heading north. I pictured the tall white mountain where the ski resort was. It seemed to be on the western side of a long narrow valley that stretched north to south, ending on the northern side in the crotch of a mountain. I noticed another turn to the west that seemed like the correct way to go, and i thought that i should take it. Instead, i found myself driving past it. I seemed to approach it too fast, and i did not want to make a sudden turn. I had to turn around and head back to the intersection, but i watched myself drive straight to the north on the road. It seemed strange that i was not slowing down to turn around. I still had my blinker on to turn left, but i was driving slowly to the north. I swerved back into the right lane of the road. I wondered if i was getting in the way of other traffic on the road. Looking in my rearview mirror, i noticed that there was a police car behind me. I worried that it had seen me make indecisive swerves on the road, and i thought that it might pull me over. I did not know what to do. I saw a tunnel up ahead, which really seemed to be a place where the road passed under a large building. I did not want to go through the tunnel and had to turn off before ten. There was a median to the right side of the road now, separating it from an access road that ran through the parking lots of the small shops to the east. I then noticed a ramp to the east just ahead. I should take it so that i could turn around. Instead, i did not slow down and i watched it pass by. I wondered why i did not take it. It seemed strange that i was continuing to drive to the north. A small square blue sign with white letters said “ENTER HERE”. It stood near the exit ramp i passed, and i realized that the small turn to the east was actually the entrance to the yellow and blue auto shop on the side of the road, near the entrance to the tunnel. I ended up heading into the darkness of the tunnel. Other cars were moving with me now. I noticed a second blue sign on the left side of the road as i started into the darkness. It said that the next turn would allow me to “reenter the line”. This was a way to loop around and enter the tunnel again, in case someone wanted to return to the back of the line of cars. I felt confused, and wondered if the police were still following me. I did not know where to go or what to do.