12009 September 03

I walked into the large old hotel building with the others. The building seemed somewhat fancy, but it was run down. It seemed like an old hotel from the center of a large city. $F4 was one of the people with me. We headed to the south, down the yellow corridor until we came to one of the rooms. We had to change our clothes so that we could join the others. I needed to put on a new pair of pants. We seemed to be traveling with a group of people, and we were getting ready to go somewhere special. It almost felt like a bachelor party, but i knew that it was really just a group of men getting together for something special. I started to change my clothes in the center of the small hotel room. There was a bed against the western wall. I put on a white T-shirt, thinking that it fit rather well. $F4 was changing his clothes to the northeast of me, in the doorway in the eastern wall that led out into the hall. I had to get some pants that were more formal than the casual ones i had worn here. I looked to the north, where there was a large trunk on the ground, near the northern wall. I pulled a pair of black pants out of the large trunk and put them on. I thought about the casino that we would be going to. It seemed to be fancy, and we would be going there for a men’s night out. I pulled some of the clothes out of the trunk, trying to hurry to the north to catch up with the others, who had already started to leave. I was outside the hotel now, near the car that we had been traveling in. The others were gathering their things together and heading to the building to the south of us. The building seemed white, with large glass doors across the lobby. I followed the group to the doors, but a man, who was not with us, walked between the others and myself. He was heading into the building as well, but i felt weary of him. Something seemed strange. He was carrying a basket of clothes, which looked like a laundry basket. I was uneasy about him, thinking that he was suspicious coming into this place. I was agitated that i could not walk in with the others who were with me, and i felt very uncomfortable about this man. He then started to talk to me as we pushed slowly through the doors to get into the building. I decided suddenly that i did not want to follow the man in, so i turned around and headed back to the north as he continued to the south, through the doors. A few moments later, i came back to the door. There was a curved metal wall to the east of the door, and i knocked on it to get in. The doors were not open as they had been before. The metal wall seemed to separate the main lobby of the casino from a small room. I thought that there was an oriental man in the small room, but i was not sure how to get through the door to get in. The building was under construction, so i could not simply walk through the doors as i normally would. I felt frustrated, feeling left behind by my friends. I looked at the old doorway to the east, which would have led into the center of the casino. It was now blocked off with a large piece of dirty plywood. I could not get into the casino this way. I was disappointed and head back out of the building, to the north. I wanted to find another way in. I was in the small room, just outside the main building. The room was fairly small and secluded, and seemed to be crudely pieced together from old pieces of plywood. I then noticed the names that were printed on the eastern wall. They were the names of rape victims. I looked closely at them, noticing that the names of the suspects were also listed if they had come to this resort. This was a way for the bouncers to identify criminals. I then wondered if the suspects would remove their names from the wall if they saw them. The wall did not seem to be protected in any way, so i thought that the criminals could easily scrape their names from the lists so that no one would know that they had raped others. This place felt strange, and i wondered if this was a secluded enough place to masturbate. I felt horny and wondered if i could masturbate here. There was a narrow doorway to the north, however, and i worried about people coming in from there.

12009 September 04

I came back to the house, where my parents were staying. The house was to the north of me, and it seemed to be a small yellow wooden house. I was aware that someone was watching me approach from the window on the first floor. The window seemed to be to the east of the entrance door. My grandfather seemed to be in the window. I looked down to the ground as i headed for the house. I still had to cross the grassy lawn at the front of the house, but i was now walking across a line of trees to get to the lawn. I looked down at the rounded roots that were sticking up from the ground. They belonged to the large tree to the east of me, which seemed to be a willow tree. I stepped from one root to another, trying to stay on the roots to get to the lawn. The ground was wet around the roots, but i thought that it would simply look special if i was walking on the elevated roots. I hopped from one root to another, heading toward the window, as i had done before. The roots now seemed to run all the way across the bare ground to the edge of the house. I came to the window, but i could not see in. There was no one standing in the window anymore, and it was too bright outside to see through the glass. I felt a little disappointed and turned around to head back to the south. I started to hop back across the roots and stones, but i missed one of the correct stones. Something was wrong; i was not doing this correctly anymore. I felt upset about this and walked to the south, into the pub. I would have to wait here for my family. The building was run down and seemed rather dirty. I then realized that this was not simply a pub; it was a strip club. I felt uncomfortable here, but this is where i would have to wait for my family to arrive. It seemed like a strange place to meet. I decided that i did not want to wait out in the main room of the strip club, so i headed to the back of the room, where i would be out of the main crowd. The walls were black, and there were tables against the eastern wall. I sat down to wait, wondering if my family was actually going to show up. I did not think that they would actually come into a place like this. I started to feel bored, thinking that i should be doing something else. I did not want to wait for them any longer. I headed back out of the club and headed toward the house. I came to the back of the house, which was to the south of me. It seemed to be dark now, and $K2 stepped out onto the small wooden deck at the back of the house. The deck was natural wood and fairly small. He started down the steps on the eastern side of the deck. He was leaving, and i was disappointed that i did not get to chat with him. I then heard my mother calling me from somewhere else in the house. I jumped up into the air and flew over the top of the house. I circled a little to the east, coming to the front of the house. My mother was on the porch near the front of the house. I wondered if she would be impressed that i could fly. She saw me and turned to head back into the house. I was disappointed. She had simply wanted me to come inside and did not care that i could fly.

12009 September 05

We were on the tour of the assembly line in the large factory building. The factory seemed rather clean, with light-green or light-blue cement walls. The center of the room was filled with polished metal machinery that moved under automation. We crossed over some of the conveyor belts, and it seemed as though we were in a small rail car. I looked to the west as we crossed over a large metal machine. There was a chute to the west that descended to another part of the factory. Small pieces of plywood were lined up on the conveyor belt at the top of the chute, but the belt was not moving. As we passed, i pushed some of the plywood boards off of the chute. The yellow metal of the chute was round and seemed to have some red markings on it. The car that we were riding in then continued to the north. The conveyor belt that we were on turned to the east and ran along the northern wall of the factory. My father was sitting in front of me in the car, looking out into the machine bay below us and to the south. He then pulled his right hand from the car suddenly, wincing and shaking his fingers. He had been holding the edge of the car, and his fingers got pinched between the car and the metal railing on the sides of the conveyor belt. I felt concern for him, but i told him that he should leave his hands inside the cars. It was dangerous to have them outside. We rounded another corner on the conveyor belt on the eastern side of the area and started heading south. I looked down at the painted gray cement floor in front of the cart and noticed that there were small gears on the floor. They must have fallen out of one of the machines. This seemed wrong, and i said something to the woman about it. I watched the metal gears as the car bumped into them, sending some of them over the sides of the platform that we were standing on. I worried that the ones that fell over the edges might end up in the machines on the floor below and cause havoc. I looked over the side of the car again, noticing that there was a glossy red transparent liquid on the floor. Oil was leaking from one of the machines. It ran over the platform. I looked up at one of the machines to the east of me. There was a thick metal shaft in the center of the machine that had a gear on top of it. The round gear was turning the shaft. I stood up from my seat in the car, trying to figure out what was wrong. There was something broken in this place, and i felt concerned that something bad would happen. I looked over the railing to the west of me to see that the floor of the bay below was covered with a red oil spill. The oil was not that thick, but it was covering most of the floor in a wide seeping puddle. There were small bubbles forming around some of the cracks in the floor under the oil. Something was leaking up from the gas pump, which was the large machine at the bottom of the machine bay. I pointed this out to the woman in the red suit, who seemed to be the tour guide for this factory. She did not seem that concerned about the problem, saying that the bubbles were actually from natural gasoline. I wondered if that was the same thing as natural gas, which would be explosive. I looked over the oil spill, noticing several pieces of debris floating on the glossy surface. There was something wrong here, and i told the woman that there was a leak in one of the gas lines. This was dangerous. She did not seem concerned and tried to dismiss the problem. I did not understand why she was not concerned. This seemed like a very dangerous situation.

I was standing on the bright grass of the small lawn, looking at the bright orange croquette mallet that my mother had handed me. I was annoyed that my mother had bought the mallet when we had enough mallets already. She justified buying this one by saying that it was lighter that the older ones. I was annoyed, thinking that i would have to paint the mallet again so that it matched the other ones.

12009 September 06

I was at the large party in the large house. Many of the people here seemed to be from $G4, and there seemed to be a large crowd. I moved through the people, not really engaging anyone. There was a commotion to the east of me, and i realized that some of the people at the party were starting to fight. I was annoyed, thinking that too many people were drunk and starting to get rowdy. I moved to the northeast, into the corner of the room. There were several things here that seemed out of place. I did not understand what they were. I then realized that i was still carrying the severed hand with me. I had found it, and i thought that someone should do something about it. Someone then said that there were body parts on the beach. That was where i had found the hand. We had to report this to the police, but the party was becoming a distraction. I headed out of the building to the east. The ocean was to the north of us, across a wide sandy beach. The police and i were nervous about the situation. The body parts had been found in the area, but the people at the party were too oblivious to the situation to know that something was wrong here. There could be more people in trouble. $F4 walked to the northeast ahead of me, across the sand. I looked to the east to see the tall mountains in the distance. The range ran to the south of us, but i could only see the ridge that extended to the east-northeast, creating a wall to the east of the beach. I spoke to the man as i looked at the mountains. I realized that i was still carrying the body part with me, and i felt annoyed. I had to get rid of it so that i could do something else, but i was not sure where to put it. The police would have to take care of it. I mentioned it to the man as i motioned to the body part. I really wanted to take pictures of the mountain range to the east. It seemed like a beautiful shot. The sun was at just the right angle to make the mountains look interesting. I started to back up, but realized that the ice under us was soft. He had been standing on part of the water, but the ice over the surface was slushy. I stuck my hand into the ice to see how stiff it was. It was very soft, and i started to worry. There was something wrong with this, so i told the others that the ice was not frozen under us. I backed up as one of the investigators moved toward the soft spot in the ice. He jabbed a long stick into the soft section of the ice and started to stir the ice up. The soft spot in the ice seemed important to the investigation, and i knew that they would find more body parts under the water. As the man stirred, several body parts floated to the surface. This was bad. I turned to the east and headed back into the large house. $G4 were already leaving the party, and the room was rather empty. It felt strange to be here. It was nice to be in this crowd because i liked the people, but i still felt sad. I was also sad that they were now leaving and everything was ending. I was now outside on the wide plaza, which was surfaced with smooth gray stone. The people were leaving the area, leaving round metal tables empty on the plaza. The party was ending. I started to clean something on one of the surfaces when i suddenly realized that the room was completely empty. Something was wrong. The people must have left for a reason, and i had missed what was going on. I then heard a beeping noise from somewhere in the room. I still seemed to be in an outdoor plaza, but there now seemed to be glass walls to the east, separating the dining area from the outdoors. The beeping noise was getting faster, and i turned to the south to see a small device in the center of the room. It looked mechanical, and i thought that it was a bomb. It was oval and had a red section on the top that made it look like a large bug. I realized that it was a canister of bug spray that was about to go off in the room. It was supposed to fumigate the area. I felt worried about it and tried to get away. I had to get out of the room before it went off. As i started to leave, though, the bomb started to fumigate. It started spraying with a large popping sound, and i knew that it would be dispersing its chemicals in a cloud of gas. The man to the northeast might have heard the explosion and come into the room to investigate. I felt tense and worried. I had to get out of the room before the bug spray reached me, and i hoped that the man did not barge into the room while the toxin was spreading. I hurried to get out, but i was panicked.

12009 September 08

I tried to think of a name for the place. There was a corner in the road here, even though i could not see any. I was standing in an unkempt empty field, surrounded by forest. This place seemed old and long ago abandoned. I thought about the name, thinking that it had something to do with a car horn. I thought that i could call it “horn corner”. I then realized that it could rhyme if i called it “horner corner”. It did not sound quite right. People would have to know that cars beeped their horns as they rounded the sharp corner in the dirt road. I pictured the place from above, as if looking at a map. The corner of the road formed a fourty-five-degree angle with a rounded corner. The name did not sound right. I then pointed out to the other person there that it was actually named after Horner, who was a family that had been living here long ago. The name was historic by now. I pointed over the grassy fields to the west, telling the other person that there used to be houses here. I knew that there was one old wooden house to the east, but i said that there used to be several. I named the families that lived in the houses. There were two just to the west of the corner, and i third running north to south to the southwest of them. The house right on the corner was owned by the Horners. That was why this place was called Horner Corner. The other person was surprised to learn about the other houses in the area. I knew that i was inventing this as i went along, but the story made it true. I then thought that this would be a good part of a book. I already had characters that had lived for a very long time. I was not old enough to remember this place when all of the houses were here, and i did not think it appropriate that an older man would be telling the story, since he would actually be too old to be realistically in the book. I could use one of the characters that i had already invented, who had learned not to age. He could tell the story of the people that used to live here and explain why this place is actually called “Horner Croner”.

I was in the small room with several other people. There seemed to be a party going on here, and several people were dancing in the center of the room. The room was dark, but there were many flashing lights from the dance floor. There were black leather couches against southern and western walls, and i seemed to be dancing in the corner of the room near the couches. Several people were sitting on the couch. A man came up to me on the dance floor and started dancing with me. He was nicely built, with a muscular upper body. I felt attracted to him as i danced. He was wearing black pants and a tight black shirt, but i could see the large biceps of his arms as he moved. I then realized that the man was Tom Cruise. I felt turned on, but i thought that Tom was joking. I thought that he might be homosexual, but i knew that he would not show it in public. As we danced, thought, he started to dance more erotically, lifting his arms up and rotating his hips. I started to feel uncomfortable with this situation, and i lied down on the floor. I was aware of some people at the table to the north of me, and i felt that i did not trust them. I felt suspicious of them and was not sure what to do in this situation. The people on the couch were also watching us on the dance floor, and i felt that they were plotting something. This situation did not seem natural. Tom then asked me “Pull it.” I realized that he did not have his pants on and that he had an erect penis. I felt very uncomfortable with the situation, feeling that i was being set up. He wanted me to jerk him off, but i would not sure that i wanted to. I did not object to doing such a thing, but there was something wrong with this situation that made me hesitant to consider doing it now. I tried not to acknowledge Tom as we continued to dance. A tall thin man from the couch then leaded over and grabbed Tom’s penis. He started pulling on it erotically. This seemed strange. I looked at the man from the couch, realizing that he seemed like $A543. This situation seemed strange.

12009 September 09

I crossed the darkened room of the pub, heading to the north. There were very few people here. I had to use the bathrooms, which were on the upstairs floor of the building. As i came upstairs, i was in a house where the party had been. The upstairs was messy, with furniture tipped over and trash on the floor. A drunken man was sleeping on the floor of the hallway. I stepped around him as i passed. The party had just left this place for the evening. I walked into the bathrooms on the eastern side of the hall, but the toilet, which was against the eastern wall on the northern side of the room, was shattered. The bowl had been broken in two. I would have to use the other bathrooms in the house. I headed back down the hall to the north, where the stairs were, but the walls of the hallway were strange. There was a wooden structure that seemed to be attached to one of the walls. It seemed like a work of art. The stairs were supposed to descend down the southern wall of a small round atrium at the north of the house, but i could not get down the stairs because the large wooded object was now covering the stairs. I tried to make my way through the vertical bars of stained and polished wood, but i was having difficulty. I thought that it would be easier to make my way across it.

I thought about boating around the american coast in a small boat. I did not think that it would be that hard to paddle the shoreline of the United States. I was running on the sand parallel to the shoreline now, trying to get back to where i had come from. It seemed that i was now a long way away from where i had started, and i thought about the long trip by boat. My home seemed to be to the north of me, but i was not on the east coast anymore. This place was California. As i walked on the sand, i remembered that all of the beaches here were free and open to the public. The ocean seemed to be mostly to the west of me, though i was heading south. The broad-leafed plants that were growing on the shore looked tropical, and the sand was bright yellow. The beach curved out to the west, but i knew that i could simply walk across the grassy area to the south to get back to the water on the other side of the peninsula. It would be easier than walking around the tip of the peninsula. I crossed the grassy lawn on the point, which seemed to be part of a golf course. I felt a little nervous about crossing the lawn, so i hurried, hopping over a short white fence on the southern side. I could see the beach to the south, so i headed directly for it. After i reached it, i started running along it, continuing south. There were people lounging on the sand, and i ran past them. I realized that i had a cape on my back, which seemed strange. I was pretending to be a superhero. I thought that it was actually a very warm fur blanket, and i eased my worry that it looked strange by thinking that it was actually very stylish for the times. I held on to the edges of the cape as i jumped over some rocks and dunes. I thought that i might look like a vigilante in a crudely put together costume. I then thought that i could explain that i simply had the cape with me as part of a fashion. I was not pretending to be a hero; it simply looked that way.

12009 September 10

I was putting things away in my dormitory room. I had moved in here with $F9. It seemed that i had lived here a long time ago, and now i was bock. I wondered why i had come back here. The room was small, with two desks against the eastern wall. There seemed to be a bookcase of file cabinet between the two desks. I had a large blue laundry bag with me, and i wondered where to put it. I was still arranging the room so that all of my things were away. The entrance door to the room seemed to be to the west of me, and my bed seemed to be against the western wall, to the north of the door. I moved toward the bed with my laundry bag, but tripped over something that was on the floor. $F9 had left some of his things here. I caught myself and continued to look around for a place to toss my laundry bag. There was an open space in the southwestern corner of the room, but i knew that i could not put by bag there because that was on $F9’s side of the room. I had a lot of space in this room, but i did not want to take up more than half of the room. I noticed some of the magazines that were spread out on the bed to the west of me. They were mine, and i had not yet found a place for them to go. The magazines were mine, and i had them from when i was a child. They seemed to be children’s magazines, so i did not really have any use for them at the moment. I was hesitant about throwing them away, though. I thought that i could simply put them under the bed. I bent over and tried to look under the bed, but there was a cardboard border around the baseboard of the bed, blocking the underside off. I moved the cardboard, which had a fake wood design on the outside, so that i could slide the magazines under. The science magazines were now in a box, and i slid the full box under the bed. I then stood up and headed to the west, thinking that i would go downstairs. I walked down the steep grassy slope to the lower floor of the house, coming into the large kitchen. My mother was in the kitchen, cooking something. This place seemed like my parents’ cottage, and it felt as though i had been here many times when i was young. My mother would cook breakfast for us. I then noticed that the door to the oven was open. The oven was set into the counters that ran across the northern side of the room. There seemed to be an island counter in the center of the room as well, and i moved between the island and the counters to get the cat off of the oven door, which had been left open. As i approached, however, $X14 walked to the north, into the oven. He was exploring it, sniffing the ground as he went. I felt suddenly worried about him, thinking that i had to get him out. The oven was still very hot and i worried that he would get burned. I opened the oven door, but could not see him. I then realized that he had slipped between the openings in the bottom of the oven and had gone into the section below, where the burners were. The burners still seemed to be turned on, and i was afraid that he would get cooked. I was very worried about him, and did not know what to do to get him out.

12009 September 11

I was in the small record shop, which seemed to be an old-fashioned store. It had a faded wooden floor and old dusty walls. There were bins of phonographs to the south and east of me. I started looking through the albums, which all seemed to be in tan or off-white paper sleeves. Everything in the shop seemed sepia toned. I knew that this was actually in the fifties, and i was in my past. I flipped through the albums, but did not really recognize any of the songs. I thought that they were all popular before i was born. A man moved to the north of me, asking if he could help me find anything. I shook my head and told him that i would wait for the Beatles to come out. I told him that they would be a great band, and i thought that i could get their albums when they became popular. I thought that they would be popular in only a short time, so i did not have long to wait. All of this music would change once the British Invasion started. I turned around and headed to the west, across the store. I started to feel a little uncomfortable here, knowing that i should not let people know that i am not part of this timeline. I had to leave this area soon. I could not stay in this time. I had been staying here in a trailer home, but i knew that it was not a simple trailer home. The house seemed to be on the southern side of a city street. The trailer was actually the ship that i had come in, and i would have to take it home before the people got suspicious of me. I moved around the outside of the dull red trailer, wondering how it could actually be a ship. The ship was underneath the trailer, but i wondered how this was possible. The people started to gather around the northern side of the trailer. They were weary of me and had come to investigate. I had to get out of here before they captured me. I focused on the trailer, and the airplane under it started to rise out of the ground. It was actually a ship designed to look like an airplane. The wings and tail of the plane broke off and fell to the ground. This seemed disastrous at first, but i pulled up on the controls and the nose of the silver plain lifted into the air. The ship was able to fly without the wings, but the people from the fifties did not know that. They watched in amazement as the ship started to fly into the air.

12009 September 12

I moved to the southeast, across the large basement room in $P2. I had lived here a long time ago, and i was here again for some reason. This place was very familiar, but it still seemed strange to me. I looked around on the walls, thinking that i should be able to see the crayon writing that i had done on the walls. I remembered drawing pictures and writing words on the walls here, but i could not see any of it. There was other writing on the walls in black crayon, but it was not mine. I felt somewhat out of place here and nervous. I turned to the west and started to search the kitchen. I felt that there was something here that i had forgotten about and i wanted to find it. I moved around the apartment, trying to find the thing. I felt nervous and hurried. I pushed past a man who was standing in the doorway on the eastern side of the room. As i passed through the doorway, i came into the shop that was on the lower floor. This place was an old grocery store in the front room of a building. The old metal shelves were cluttered with boxes of merchandise, and the wood floor seemed heavily worn. There was a doorway in the centre of the southern wall that seemed to lead into a darkened room. I moved into the center of the store. The cash register was on the counter to the northeast, but no one seemed to be in the store. I then noticed the man in the room to the south. He was wearing a dirty tank top and was being held from behind by someone else. The man behind him had him in an arm lock. This was a scene from a movie. I watched the scene as the view became larger. A woman in blue stepped into view from the east, and she told the man who was holding the shopkeeper to “take him out”. She intended to kill the shopkeeper. The woman was Merryl Streep. The man she had talked to was uneasy about killing the shopkeeper, but i knew that this was all part of a citrus act. No one would really be killed here. The people wearing blue were the hostages of the gang. They wanted to sell makeup in this place, but Merryl had said now. She was running a sale in the store and did not want the competition. It seemed like a strange plot, but i knew that $F45 would like this movie.

12009 September 13

I left the area and started driving to the east, down the canal. It seemed to be rainy out, and the land around me was green with tall grass, but the sky was gray from the drizzle that was falling. Everything seemed wet and damp. I looked back to the west to see the white boat that i was riding in traveling down the center of the long narrow water channel. I had left my parents to come to pick up the boat. I seemed to have left them someplace quite a way to the north of here. They were traveling to the other place that was now to the east of me. I had driven my car to the river where i had picked up the boat and i was now driving the boat to the west to meet my parents. I realized that i would have to go back to pick up my car. I did not want to take the time to do this and wondered why i could not simply drive to the place where i was going to meet my parents. I knew that we would not have the boat with us if i did so. I felt very weary and did not want to do anything too complicated. I felt as though i should complain about having to go all the way back for my car. I wanted it with me so that i could simply drive directly home afterward without having to go all the way back to the east. I then noticed the flashing lights appearing in my rearview mirror. I was now in the car, pulling the white boat behind me. I looked to the east, down the highway. We passed through an intersection, heading to the left on a Y, traveling east-northeast. My father was driving the car in the seat in front of me, and i was sitting in the back seat. I looked back again to see the trailer with the yellow boat on it had turned right at the intersection, heading to the southwest. The white police car with its flashing red lights turned in pursuit of the boat. I turned back and told my father that the boat was no longer following. I felt good about this because it meant that i would not have to go all the way back to get my car. He slowed down the car and we were out of it. I still had to get my car, and i thought about this as i paced to the north in the small dimly lighted room. The car we had come in was parked in the northwestern corner of the room with its nose to the west. The trunk was open and my mother was taking things out of it. I walked to the trunk to get some of my things. There was still something bothering me, and i felt agitated. I picked up the red toothbrush from the dark-blue blanket that was folded in the center of the trunk. I did not want to stay here and wanted to go back for my car, but my mother was too tired to continue driving. I felt whiney, but i did not know what to do.

I moved several things around on the construction site. There was a long short building to the east of us that seemed to be a convenience store. I felt as though i had been working here for a while, and it seemed as though it was close to noon now. The lot to the west of the store was bare dry dirt, and it was the place where we were working. $F4 was with me, and he carried some things from the west and dropped them on the wooden pallet near the store. I spoke to him for a moment about the job. I had finished what i was doing and it seemed like it was time to go to lunch. There did not seem to be anything else to do here, and i wanted to leave. I asked $F4 if he was finished with everything, and he told me that he had something else to do. He pointed to the north, here there was a small wooden bin standing against the tall wooden fence at the back end of the lot, along the northern side of the lot. The bin was crudely made with plywood walls and a pallet on the bottom. It seemed to have only three walls, with the front open. $F4 said that he had to move the sandbags into the stack. I could see that two were already on the pallet. I was disappointed that we could not leave together because i wanted to be done with the work and go to lunch. I started pacing to the west, toward my car. I decided that i should help $F4 carry the sandbags onto the pile so that we would be done quicker. As $F4 left, i heard someone call my name. I was not sure where the voice was coming from and i looked around the area. I then continued to the trunk of my car to put something away. I was about to return to help $F4 but i again heard someone calling my full name. I realized that it was coming from the north, over the wooden fence at the edge of the property. I could see people sitting at picnic tables a few lots over, but i could not make out who they were. One of them called my name again. I decided that they were from $G3, but i still did not know which ones they were. I headed toward them, across the grass. I kept staring at the people, trying to figure out who they were, but i still did not recognize them. They were young men, and i knew now that they were from $G3, but i did not recognize their faces. I said hello to them and spoke with them for a moment. It was nice to talk with them, but i still felt awkward because i was not exactly sure who they were. They started to wander to the west, down the gravel road and away from the picnic tables. I followed them, talking to them as they went. This area was familiar. We walked along the southern edge of a road, heading west. The land around us seemed very flat and open, with low rolling hills. We were just to the north of the crest of a hill, and the main part of the sprawling city seemed to be on the other side of the hill to the south of us. A mall seemed to be to the northeast of us, down the road a way, and there was a small plaza just to the northeast. The men stopped near a car, which was pulled into a short gravel driveway on the southern side of the street. The land sloped up on the southern side of the street, but the driveway created an opening in the hill so that it would not be so steep. The car had been hidden behind the hill from the picnic area. I asked the men if they had been eating in their car here. It seemed like a fashionable thing to do in this place. As we stood near the old brown car, i looked to the south, noticing the large house just to the south of the driveway. There seemed to be many houses in this development, and they all seemed to be well designed and beautiful, but they all seemed abandoned. This part of town had been abandoned a while ago, and it seemed strange that such nice houses were now empty. The land to the south of the road now sloped down steeply for a meter or so to the yard of the house. I looked at the house near us, noticing the writing in spray paint on the door. The paint seemed to be blue or green with a metallic hue. I tried to read the words, but i could not seem to make out what it said. There was something very strange about the writing, but i did not know what. I noticed that there was more on the garage door, on the western side of the house. The men then started walking to the north, crossing the street and heading toward the gray cement building to the northwest, which was part of the plaza. It was surrounded by an asphalt parking lot, which sloped down a little to the west. I follow the others up the lot, toward the restaurant, where i knew that they were going to get the rest of their lunch. It seemed like an old fast-food counter that served pizzas or subs. As we approached the building, the road and the parking lot in front of the restaurant seemed to narrow into a driveway. There was now a tall building to the south of the restaurant, which was now set into the hill on the northern side of the driveway. We walked past the restaurant and came to the top of the hill, where the drive ended at a short street. This place seemed like $P30, and i thought that the men must have an apartment here. Several of them walked down the slope of the cobblestone drive from the top of the hill and into the restaurant. I was still following them, heading back to the west. I jumped into the air and started flying over the top of the man at the back of the group. The hill was steep enough that i could easily glide over the people with no trouble. As i passed over them, though, i realized that the hill might be steep enough that i would end up very high in the air over the ground fairly soon. I swooped to the north and tried to lower my altitude a little, landing on the ground just to the west of the man i had passed over. The entrance to the small restaurant was now to the northeast of me. The man i had flown close over was still standing on the slope of the hill, a little to the north of the entrance to the restaurant. The entrance door seemed to be in a diagonal wall at the southwestern corner of the building. The man was holding one hand to his chest, and i realized that he had been surprised and scared by me as i passed over. He smiled at me and laughed the nervousness off. I apologized for scaring him and we both followed the others to the north, through the door of the restaurant, which turned out to be an apartment building. I found myself following the others down a narrow run-down corridor through the center of an apartment building. He dark-green carpet of the hallway was worn and dirty, and the dark walls seemed dingy. The lower halfs of the walls were covered with darkly stained wood paneling. As we turned at slight jogs in the hall, i noticed that there were doorways on the western side of the hall and windows on the eastern side. The windows seemed to look out into an alley between this apartment building and the next one. This place was a worn college apartment building and seemed in disrepair. We were then walking to the south through the corridor after rounding several corners. The windows were still to the east of us as we approached a door at the southern end of the hall. The men were headed back to their apartment, but i did not want to go there. I had to get back to the construction site to pick up $F4. I told one of the men that i would be leaving and started to walk to the north, out of the small restaurant. I looked out across the small parking lot on the northern side of the building. There were power lines running down the near side of the street to the north of us. The landscape around us was very flat, and i looked to the northwest, thinking that the construction site was on the northern side of the road, where it met the next major intersection to the west of us. I thought that i could see the small plaza at the front of the site that formed the convenience store. It was not that far to walk, but i suddenly realized that i had somehow ended up on the opposite side of the area from where i thought i was. It seemed strange that the directions had changed so suddenly. I told the one man who continued to talk to me that i should be heading back. He asked if i knew where i was, and i pointed out the plaza to the northwest, saying that was where i had to go. I said that i would just head down the street. I then mentioned that the street was called Greene Street. The man said the name of the street at the same time that i had. I started to fly across the parking lot, heading toward the heavy black utility lines that ran across the bottom of the wooden poles on the southern side of the street. The man called to me before i got too far. He wanted to say something. I turned around and walked back across the lot, noticing now that the northern side of the building was covered with posters for punk concerts and brightly colored graffiti. A young woman was walking back toward the building to the east of me. She was wearing a bright-green dress that came down to her mid thigh. I let her cross in front of me as she headed to the punk club next door. The man wanted to get some contact information from me, but he only had a pen with no paper. There was a shelf on the wall of the restaurant, and the man walked over to it. I realized that there were some newspapers and event booklets on the counter, so i opened a newspaper and tore the bottom off of one of the pages where there was a blank space. The woman moved close to us and asked for a blank piece of paper as well, so i handed her the first piece that i had torn off. I then handed another piece to the man. He tried to say something to me but was not quite sure how to say it. I thought that he wanted to write some contact information, but, instead, he smiled and asked me how he would draw himself sucking on his face. I thought it was a crude joke, but i suggested that his lips would have to turn inside out over his face. As i made this comment, i realized that something about it seemed like it was describing a demeaning racial stereotype. For a moment, the man i was talking to seemed dark skinned, and i worried that he might think that i was making a racist joke based on the stereotype that dark-skinned people have large lips. I hoped that he did not misinterpret my remark. He looked down at the paper, trying to figure out how to draw it. I pictured a symbol in my mind and tried to describe it to the man. I said that it was the symbol for Taurus, a V tipped on its side with the ends curled over. He was not familiar with the Zodiac symbols so i tried to describe it as a V shape. I then realized that i was using the wrong symbol and told him that it was not the symbol for Taurus, but the symbol for Aries. I remembered that the curled tops of the V were horns, like the horns on a ram. The man seemed confused by the descriptions, and i started to feel impatient with him. I sighed and told him to hurry up or i would have to simply leave. He turned back to the paper, but did not know how to write. I realized that he really had nothing important to say and started to leave again, but he kept attracting my attention.

12009 September 15

I was working for $G6 again, and this building was part of our office. It seemed strange to be here again. I headed to the north, down the white corridor toward the sleep room. This was a room where people could take naps in the middle of the day. I had to change my clothing. I turned to the east, into the small room on the side of the hall. I thought about changing my clothes, but then i noticed that there was a large puddle of water on the floor. I would get my clothes all wet if i tried to change here. I was annoyed and wondered what i should do. I looked up to the ceiling and noticed that there was a small hatch in the cement roof. We seemed to be in the garage at my parents’ house. There were large windows in the north wall, and the ceiling was rather high here. I thought that there must be a leak in the hatch that was allowing the water to drip down the northeastern corner of the room and into the room. I could see mineral stains on the wall where the water had been flowing. I then noticed that there was a small bed against the eastern wall. It was covered with a black wool blanket, and $A110 was sleeping on it. I did not want to disturb him, but i thought that there was something i could do about the leak. I walked to the door in the southern end of the eastern wall and opened it. I was on the second floor of the two-story brick building, which seemed like a city building. The land around us was green with trees, and there seemed to be a large field to the north. I could see a white metal fire escape on the outside of the building, and i climbed up the access ladder than ran up the eastern face of the building, just to the south of the northeastern corner. Once on the roof, i could see the round black plastic cap, which was part of the hatch i had seen before. It was easy to see where the leak was up here, and i said something to the others about it.

I was trying to leave $P7 by heading to the north, toward the back entrance. This hallway seemed newly remodeled, and there was a shop on the eastern side of the corridor. The shop was wider to the east than to the west. To the west, there seemed to be only enough room to have a few displays. There was a round pyramid display in the center of a table with books displayed on top of it. The table was covered with a red cloth, and the books were standing around the metal disks of the display shelves. I stopped to look at the books for a moment, remembering how interested i used to be about reading academic books. I remembered that i had wanted to buy something here. To the south of the rack of books was a similar round table rack with clothing displayed on it. A gray sweatshirt with the logo of this school stood up in the center of the rack. I walked back to the south, thinking that i should look through the book shelfs on the eastern side of the store to see if i could remember what book i had wanted to look for. I had not seen the book the first time i had come through here, but i thought i might find it this time. People then started to come into the building from the north. They were dressed in blue sports jackets and suit pants. They seemed like they had come from some formal event. I felt suddenly out of place here and thought that i should leave. I headed again to the north, out of this place, which seemed like a large mall. I did not want to be noticed here. Some of the people had glanced at me as i walked past, though. I felt that i should not be seen here because i did not really fit in. Most of the people that passed me did not notice who i was, but some of them had recognized me. I tried not to look at anyone as i pushed through the crowd, heading down the stairs on the western side of the hall and heading toward the northern door. I had to sneak out. As i was heading down the stairs, though, a man was taking a picture of the newly redesigned wing of the building. I was in the shot, so i worried that there would be some evidence that i was here. I hurried to the bottom of the steps and out the double doors to the north. I came outside onto the large lawn of the school. The grass was bright green, and the sky was very blue. I looked up into the sky, thinking that there was something strange about it. I then noticed the small white object. The sky was actually part of a picture that i was looking at, and the oddly shaped white object reminded me of an extraterrestrial craft. It was floating in the upper right part of the picture. There was something significant about this scene.

12009 September 18

My mother was sitting to the west of me, and there were many purple and red pill-shaped objects on the floor in front of her. They were about a deci long and seemed to have sharp corners, like a quartz crystal. There was something special about the objects, but i knew that it was a problem that they were multiplying. My mother said something about them duplicating, and i was afraid that there would be too many of them. It was like a virus growing in number.

I thought about the small things that seemed to be collecting in the large room. They seemed to be small purple and red pills, but i knew that there was some other significance to them. I headed to the east, through the modern building with the shiny stone-like walls. This place seemed to be part of a university building, and i had just come from some classes. As i rounded a corner and started heading to the north, toward the exit to the building, i noticed $F14 walking into the main hall to the north of me. She was talking on her cell phone and did not notice that i was there. I walked toward her, but she turned away, still trying to talk on her phone. She was wearing a puffy dark-blue parka and had her hair shoulder length. She turned toward the white western wall for a moment, doing something with the phone. I walked up to her, passing another person, who was to the west of me, and i tapped $F14 on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled. I hugged her hello, and she hugged me back. I said that it was good to see her, and it felt as though we had not seen each other in quite some time. She was a little distressed about something, so i tried to talk to her about it. The scene then changed and i started walking to the west again. I felt good about having talked to $F14, and i remembered talking with the others as well. I looked to the north, down the grassy courtyard between the old stone college dormitories. The gray stone buildings seemed to be part of $P104. I had been living here again. I then realized that i felt very good about being here. It had been a long time since i had lived here. I looked at the wide old willow tree growing in the center of the yard. The grass was green around it and the sun shined warmly down on it, but there were large blocks of ice under the tree from the snowfall. There was something special about the way the sun hit the ice, which i knew was left over from winter. I then realized that i should have lived at $P104 while i was in college, rather than moving to $P19. It was the move that had changed things for me and made college seem so strange. I started walking to the northeast, but stopped for a moment to admire the ice under the tree. There was still a coating of ice hanging from the branches, and there were large chunks of clear melting ice at the base of the tree. Some of the blocks of white ice seemed as tall as i was, but others had melted into thin towers and were disappearing into the grass. It was near the end of the semester, so i knew that the ice would be melted soon. There was some relation between the end of the beautiful ice and the end of the semester. I noticed one particular block of ice that was hanging off of the stone buttress on the western side of the old stone dorm, which was to the north of me. The block of ice seemed nicely shaped, and i stared at its clear surface for a moment. I wished i had my camera with me. There was something about the way the sun shined through the block. The sun seemed to be to the northwest of us now. I started to continue to the northeast again, but stopped myself to look at the block some more. There was something special about the way it looked. It seemed to have slided down the steep tile roof of the building and got held up by a branch from the tree. It had now melted enough that the lower part of the block was well below the branch, but it still hung, suspended from the side of the building. I turned suddenly to the east and walked up to the back door of $P19. I wondered if it was locked. I knew that i still had a key. I tried the knob and the door opened. I walked into the empty hallway. There did not seem to be anyone around, and i wondered whether it was near the end of the semester or near the beginning. I wandered to the east, into the hallway that led to the front of the building. I heard someone moving upstairs, so i turned to the north and walked into the small living room. A set of stairs seemed to descend along the western wall of the room, ending near the doorway in the northern end of the western wall. I walked through the doorway, into the kitchen. There was still no one here, but i could hear the person coming down the stairs. I continued walking to the south, feeling that i might not want to let anyone see me here. If felt strange to be back, and i did not want people thinking that i was here just to try to fit in. The person came into the kitchen before i left, and i said hello to him. He seemed like $A544. I chatted with him as i continued to the south, through the small rooms of the house. I walked down the hallway to the south and then turned to the east, into a small sitting room. The room was open to the east into two other rooms, and there was a short dividing wall extending from the center of the eastern wall, separating the two doorways. The room was full of furnishings, and i spotted $A545 sitting on a tan fake-leather couch just on the southern side of the dividing wall. He looked up at me as i entered the room and waved his hand. I said hello. I then noticed the tan acoustic guitar sitting at the end of the couch, in front of the end of the dividing wall. It must have belonged to $A545. I was interested in it and wanted to play, but i knew that i was very out of practice. I felt a little uncomfortable here and continued to wander to the southeast a little. I spoke to the person who had been walking with me. He seemed to be the person i met in the kitchen. I then heard someone else in the main hall of the building, to the northwest of us. I turned to look as the man came down the stairs, which descended to the west of the hallway. The stairs were open to the hallway, with a thin wooden railing running down the outside of them. $A546 walked down the stairs and turned into the hallway. He was talking about something that he was looking for. I felt a little nervous and did not want him to see me here. I moved a little so that i was out of his line of sight. He stopped to talk to someone at the bottom of the stairs. I continued to the east, heading down the hallway. I passed through a doorway and came into a small square room. There was a doorway to the north, and two screen doors: one to the south and one to the east. I realized that the screen doors led outside and that the cold air was coming into the house. It was very wasteful to have the screen doors in the wall because it let all of the heat out of the house. As i looked back at the freshly painted small square room, i realized that this used to be an outdoor porch. When they refinished the house, they had screened it in. I realized that someone had propped open the wooden doors with glass windows that led to the hallways. I walked back to the west and pulled the white door closed. I then headed toward the living room, which was to the north of me, and started to pull the door closed behind me as well. I wanted to close off the house so that the heat would not be wasted.

12009 September 20

I walked to the north, into the next room of the crowed shop. I had just entered this place, which i had been to many times before. It was an antique store, with dusty shelves crowded with trinkets and old items. There were other people in the store around me. A woman looked at something in the center of the western wall, where there were shelves of small items over the top of a dull-light-red wooden chest. The chest had a sloped top, like a desk, and had rounded drawers on either side. I walked past her as she started to talk to someone who worked at the shop. I headed to the north, looking at the things on the shelfs. There did not seem to be as many things in the room as there used to be. The center of the room was empty, and i thought that the shop was selling out of most of their things. Something seemed unusual about the shop, like they were not doing so well. I walked around a line of dressers or desks that extended from the western wall. The entire shop seemed to be divided up into smaller rooms, each crowded with items for sale. The line of desks seemed to form one of the walls that divided the room. I had not intended to spend a lot of time here, and i felt as though i was really not interested in the antiques this time. I glanced at the things on the dark western wall in the small room at the northwestern side of the building. There were some sparkling things on the western wall, but most of the wall seemed bare. I did not want the people talking to the south of me to know that i was just passing through here for no particular reason. I had to seem that i had come in here to look at something. I then noticed some old comic books on the desk to the south of me. There had been a rack of magazines here a while ago, but most of them were gone. The shop had stopped collecting things to sell, and i mentioned this to no one as i lifted up some of the white books and looked them over. They did not seem interesting to me. Much of this shop was no longer interesting. The woman to the south continued to talk to the female shop manager, and i wandered to the east, across the back of the shop. As i turned around, i noticed the small white pad of paper with some writing on it, which was sitting on the wooden table against the northern wall of the room. I immediately recognized some of the names on the list of paper that i had glanced at as i turned around. I quickly turned back to the list to read the names again to be sure. They were names of people from $G4. I realized that the book was a ledger from a checkbook. It listed payments to members of $G4. I realized that it was part of a checkbook, and i realized that i could look at the check stubs to see who exactly was payed and what they were payed for. I flipped through the tan checks, looking at the writing on each stub. The signature on the checks was from someone with three parts to their name. All three parts seemed to start with the letter M, which was drawn larger than the others letters of the signature. I decided that the signatures were from $A294, who ran the $G4 accounts before i did. These books had been lost, but i could recreate much of the information now. I would have to figure out some way to get these books. Since they were in an antique shop, i was afraid that the people here would not give them to me for free. They would want to charge me money for the books. I felt upset about this, thinking that the people here should not have had the books in the first place. I wondered if there were any other checkbooks that had been with this group. I picket up the plastic casing that was the checkbook, and looked through it. I had taken it from a box of small polished stones. There were several boxes of stones on the table, and i realized that the people here had been using the plastic checkbook cases to store rocks. The case i held contained small pink and white rocks, which seemed to be rose quartz. I did not want any of the rocks and did not even need the checkbook casing. I only wanted the check stubs and the ledger to figure out where $G4 had been and whom they had payed. I picked up these two things and turned back to the west, where a woman from the store was standing. She seemed to be an older woman, with curly graying hair. She told me that i would have to pay for the books. When i asked how much she wanted for them, she thought about it a moment. I could tell that she was simply making up a price to get more money out of me. I felt very annoyed and helpless, and i did not know what to do. I wanted to just take the books, but i knew that i would not be able to. I told her that the books were not worth that much money to anyone, but she did not seem interested in listening to me. I paced around for a moment, wondering what to do. It then seemed as though the woman had let me take the books with me. I was holding on to them as i wandered around the rest of the large wooden building, which seemed to be an open farmers’ market. The wooden rafters overhead were made of fresh untreated wood that had a rough surface to it. I stopped in the middle of the large corridor that ran east to west, down the center of the market. There was a set of three or four steps than ascended to the south, up to a slightly higher level of the market. Three people were sitting on the western side of the stairs, chatting with each other. I looked at them as i passed. I then started thinking about the books again, wondering how i could use them to figure out the missing information from $G4.

12009 September 21

I was working in the laboratory of the science building, and $A14 was somewhere in the room. He was overseeing the experiments that we were doing. I seemed to be on the western end of the building. I had to put a green liquid between two plates of glass and then seal the glass. I was to the west of myself as i watched myself hold the two small plates of glass over the white counter to the north of me. I carefully pushed the plates together, watching the liquid spread between them. I would have to seal the glass so that bacteria did not seep into the liquid and pollute the samples. We would be using strong ultraviolet light to purify the samples after the plates had been sealed. This light was dangerous, though, because it could cause skin burns and harm the eyes. I was concerned about this at first, but then i realized that i could simply put a piece of paper over the glass to protect our eyes while the samples were being radiated. I covered a piece of glass on the table to the north of me, but then i could not remember whether i had already put the green liquid between the plates or not. The sample should be growing bacteria by now if i had. I lifted the sheet to see that the liquid was there. I could also see a red tinge across the top of the plate where the sample was already being sanitized. I should cover the plate again so that the light from the sterilizer would not hurt our eyes. I started to pace around the area while the sample was being disinfected. I was thinking about the experiment and how it was going. I considered the ultraviolet light and the damage it could do. I then realized that i was somewhere else in the building. The doorway to the pools and the gymnasium were to the south of me as i headed west down the long yellow hall. I had walked a ways from my laboratory, and i thought that i really should get back to finish the work. I was worried about the effects that the radiation equipment might have on me, and i thought that i should look up statistics on the unit to find out how many people have gotten sick using it. $A547 was standing to the south of me as i came back into the lab and looked at the papers on the desk. I was aware that my family was to the west of me, doing something at the back of the lab. I asked $A547 about the staff statistics, but he did not answer. He seemed angry with me. I thought that he was angry because my family had come into the laboratory. We were not supposed to have people visiting the lab because it was a safety risk. They had driven me here, and they were now driving us down the long road to the west. I did not know what to tell them. I could not let them bring me to the laboratory anymore, and i thought that i could simply get out on the side of the road and walk to the north, across the campus to my laboratory. The van we were driving in was having trouble on the roads, though. I looked out the side window to the north to see that there was a heavy layer of snow on the ground. My parents drove the van slowly down the icy road, turning to the south as they tried to get off of the highway. The van turned onto the curving off ramp, but it skidded to the side, driving off of the eastern side of the road. I felt tense and nervous, and i felt annoyed with the weather. I then wondered when it had gotten so snowy. It had not seemed to be snowing earlier. I turned around and walked back across the living room of the apartment. I was sharing this place with $F10. I had just come back from walking in the heavy snow. $F10 had been asleep in the back room of the apartment when my parents dropped me off here a few minutes ago, but he was now awake. I looked out the large window of the apartment on the northern side of the room. I could see some of the other buildings of the modern looking apartment complex. They were made of gray cement, with dark and light trimming and balconies at patterned intervals across the face of the multistory building. I felt very familiar with this place, and it felt very good to be back here. I felt very close to $F10 now, and wanted to be with him for a while.

12009 September 22

The central room of the house was cubical, and seemed to take up most of the western part of the house. There was some kind of structure in the center of the northern half of the room, and i was standing on the eastern side of it. It seemed to be part of a stairway that was descending to the east. The stairs seemed bright red. There was another man to the east of me on the floor of the room, but he was backing up toward the stairs because lava had started to melt through the floor of the room from the northeast. Another person was on the stairs with me as i watched the man to the east do something important on the floor. The lava was advancing, and we had to do something to try to stop it. The man joked about something and accidentally stepped backward, to the east. He was standing on the hard top of the lava, and i pointed this out to him. He looked down and quickly jumped to the west. The tan soles of his work boots had started to melt onto the lava. I started ascending the wooden stairs in the center of the room to get away from the lava. We had to finish what we were doing before the lava flooded the room below us, but i felt nervous about the hot liquid. I climbed over the wooden railing of the stairs on the northern side of the platform. I had to get some of the things from the floor below before they were burned in the lava. This seemed like a very dangerous thing to do, but i had to try to save something. There was a wooden cupboard standing just to the north of the platform that i was climbing from. I tried to break the wooden boards at the edge of the platform. If i could get them away from the stairs, they would not catch fire from the lava and allow the fire to travel to the platform that we were on. I reached over the floor and started to take some of the items out of the cupboards. We would need the supplies there. I was throwing them onto the lava to try to cool the lava off. The other person was helping me grab food from the cupboard. I suggested that he throw the candies off of the shelves, since they were a food item that we really did not need, but then i realized that the candies would just burn in the lava and add fuel to the fire. I wondered what we should do. I looked down now and noticed that the entire floor of the room was covered with lava.

I was at my parents’ house, and i was walking to the west into the large central bedroom. I had been drinking beer downstairs, and i felt a little drunk. It seemed strange that i would feel so drunk after have only a little beer. I then noticed the bottle that i was carrying in my hand. It was a bottle of a sweet alcohol. I took a sip. I looked at the label, noticing that it was Aztec Gold. $F10 had given the bottle to me, and i had drank quite a bit of it. I felt very drunk, and i was very surprised to feel this way. I was not used to drinking a lot of alcohol, and i wondered why i had done so now. It was suddenly morning, and i had just woken up. I had been drinking the night before, and i still felt a little drunk. I looked at the glass tequila bottle in my hand. It had been partially filled with water. I was no longer in the house. Instead, i had been sleeping in my car, which was parked to the west of my parents’ house. This did not quite make sense to me. I did not understand why i had been drinking so much. I felt concerned and confused, and i got up, thinking that i had to get my things together to put them in my car. I would have to pack my things into the car. I was now standing in the driveway as my father walked down the hill from the north, toward me. He had moved my car into the garage while i was drunk. This all seemed confusing. I headed to the north, toward the garage. I knew that i would have to get gas for my car before i could drive home. I was sitting in the car now, and i asked the man if i could pay cash for the gas. The man said that i would have to, and i realized that this gas station did not take credit cards. I got out of the car, confused as to why i was like this. I could not seem to concentrate and i felt that i was still drunk. My father was standing to the west of me, and there was a mexican man with him. They were going to help me get my things together. Something seemed out of place with this situation, and i was not quite sure what to do.

12009 September 23

I moved to the west, down the northern sidewalk of the street in the small town, which seemed like $P57. It was dark out, and the street lights were on. I suddenly noticed a woman on the street to the west of me. She had just come out of one of the pubs or restaurants on the northern side of the road. She was $A548, and she had her husband with her. She was holding on to his arm, supporting him as they walked. He was quite drunk. I said hello to her and tried to help her with her husband. I helped them walk to the west, into the small room of the house. There were a few furnishings around the sides of the room. I moved around the room as the other two did something to the northeast. The children that had come in with us walked to their rooms, which were to the south. I knew that i would be taking them for the evening because of what was happening. Their father was in the room, and i realized that he was Jason, the killer. This was a bad family situation. The mother of the children was crazy, and the father was not watching them, so i would be taking them for the evening. I turned to the table to the west and started packing some of the papers into the small cardboard box. These were books and papers from the mother. She had taken many notes about her life, and i wanted to keep them safe, because i knew that something bad would happen to these people. I shuffled the papers and found that i was having trouble putting them into the box. I tried arranging them differently, but i key getting some of the papers crunched. I was starting to get frustrated, so i took out the books and folders and started packing the boxes again. I was then aware that there was music playing from somewhere. I remembered that the mother had recorded her folk songs onto cassette tapes. One of them was playing now, and it sounded awkward and unbalanced. I listened to the lyrics, realizing that she was singing about her crazy husband. I reached over to the black tape player that was sitting on a shelf against the eastern wall and turned off the tape. I did not want Jason to hear too much of the song. I worried that he would become upset with the lyrics and become enraged at the woman. He was not yet a psychopathic killer, but i knew that he would be one soon. I knew that Jason had heard part of the song, and i hoped that he did not mind. I had to get the girls out of the house before the parents became dangerous. I started to pack the papers together again, thinking that i had to take the girls’ school work with me. I was putting the papers into a large shoulder bag and had stuffed the last one in when Jason came into the room. I tried not to stare at him as i continued to pack some things. I tossed one of the toys into the box on the round table in front of me. I then turned and headed to the south, into the back room to get the girls. I had to get them out of here quickly before the parents became angry and started killing people. I told the girls that we should leave. $K26 was sitting on the twin bed to the east, and $K27 was sitting on the western side of the western bed, facing away from me. Both beds had their headboards against the southern wall. $K26 seemed excited and told me that she was ready to leave, but $K27 was upset and did not want to go. I would have to convince $K27 to come without creating too much of a scene. I did not want their parents to know that i was taking them because i was worried about them. They simply had to come with me, and i wondered how i could get $K27 to come.

12009 September 24

I headed down the city street to the north. I had to catch a bus to get back home, but i was not quite sure where i should be picking up a bus. I stood on the western side of the street, with the tall cement buildings to the west of me. I was standing near the southeastern corner of the block. A bus pulled up to the curb to the north of me, near the top of the shallow hill, about a half block away. It was a blue city bus, but it did not have a route number displayed on the front. I was annoyed and wanted to know which bus it was. I waited for the yellow LED sign on the top of the bus to change. I moved toward the bus, trying to figure out which one it was. I felt anxious and wanted to get back home, but i was not sure which bus would take me there. I had forgotten the schedule. As i approached the bus, i noticed the yellow number in the LED screen. This bus was route 19. I was unfamiliar with this route and did not know where the bus went. I walked up to the open door of the bus. I told the bus driver that i wanted to go to campus, thinking that any bus to campus would get me close enough to my house. The drive told me that he was going in the other direction. This bus had already passed through campus. The bus driver then told me that he would not be passing back through campus on this run. I was upset and wondered what i should do. I felt bad that i had been stuck here and did not know what do to. The driver then asked me if i knew where Main Street was. I thought about the location, but realized that there was no Main Street in this town. I asked him if he meant State Street, clarifying that it was the one than ran through the plaza downtown. He seemed unsure where State Street was, but started describing Main Street to me. He gave me a description of where it ran and what was on it in hopes that i would recognize which street he was talking about.

I was trying to park my car on the northern side of the street in the old suburban area. The houses around me seemed small, as if they were built around the Second World War. I was then sitting on the front porch of the house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house. I was watching the car that i had parked in front of the house. I turned to the north and headed into the house. Some people were leaving as i came in. Something was happening here. There were people gathered in the house for a special event. I moved into the kitchen, which seemed like the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. Some others came into the house as i entered. I crossed the room and sat on the window sill that was in the northern wall of the room. Something was happening here, and it seemed strange and interesting. I then turned to the south and looked out the window at the front of the house. I was sitting on the window sill of the second floor, looking down at the parade that was happening in the street below. The procession was moving to the east, down the crowded city street. I then noticed the large men in the center of the parade. They seemed to be a ways from me. They were muscular, like body builders, and i thought that they were doing some kind of circus show. As i looked at them, though, they seemed more like professional wrestlers from television. I was now standing in the crowd on the northeastern sidewalk as the parade moved to the northwest. I looked up the street to the northwest to see what the muscular men were doing. I was still interested to know what was happening. $Z was with me, and i told him that they were not that muscular. They just seemed sweaty and large. As they came closer, though, i realized that they were wet. I wanted to know what they were doing here. I walked to the northwest, between the crowd and the parade. I then realized that one of the shirtless men was walking just to the south of me. I turned to him and asked him what they were doing. He said hello and pointed to the large glass tank to the south of us. He said that it was a game, and that the large men were playing the game. He said that there were envelopes under water in the tank that they had to swim down and stuff with something. I looked at the large gray tank, which seemed to have plastic sides now. The game seemed interesting, and i wanted to know more about it, but i felt hesitant to get too curious. I then saw $F42 near me in the crowd. He knew i was there, but did only nodded in my direction. I wanted to talk to him, but i felt cautious and uncertain. Something strange was going on, and i did not know how to talk to him. I felt unsure.

12009 September 25

I looked out the window on the front of my parents’ house, looking out over the road to the south of me. There were trees blocking the view on either side of the front yard, but i could see most of the road in front of the house. Looking to the southeast, near the edge of the trees, i noticed a sign. It was large and green and seemed somehow important. I tried to focus on it, but i could not quite make it out. Something seemed strange about it. I knew that the sign was not normally here, and felt that it was out of place. I wondered if this was just a dream. Maybe the sign was not really there, and i was just dreaming that it was. I tried again to look out the front of the house, trying to see the sign clearly. Instead of seeing the sign, i noticed that there were two cars sitting on the southern side of the road, right at the edge of the yard. The first car on the east seemed to be a dull-orange US car, and it was just at the edge of where i could see, the front part out of sight behind the leafs of the trees at the edge of the yard. The cars had gotten into an accident on the road, and were now sitting on the shoulder, partially parked on the slope of the hill to the south of the road. I tried to look more closely at the cars, to see what was wrong, but i was having trouble focusing on them. They seemed to be obscured by something, but i could not quite tell what was blocking my view. I moved around a little to try to get a better view, but i still could not see the accident clearly. I then heard the truck coming from the west. It was moving down the road rather quickly, and i suddenly worried that it would not see the accident ahead of it. I turned to the southwest to see the large tan truck approach. It tried to slow down just to the south of me, but could not stop in time and crashed into the back of the cars. I was upset by this and wondered what i should do. I moved outside the house, thinking that i should go see what i could do to help the people. As i reached the southeastern corner of the house, i noticed a small group of people standing in the driveway. They were facing south, watching the accident. I was still in the house when i noticed that a few people were walking up the driveway to the east of me. I could see them through the kitchen window as i stood in the dining room. They must be coming to the house to use the telephone. I turned the north and headed into the back room of the house. As i came into the room, though, i saw that the back door of the house was open, and there was a man standing in the back room. I was annoyed that he had simply walked into the house without knocking. I must have left the door unlocked. I was very angry with the man, and rushed up to him. I slapped him very hard on the face with my right hand and yelled at him to get out of the house. I was angry that he had simply come in, and i no longer wanted to help him. I pushed him out of the house and closed the door behind him, locking it. I then turned to the west and locked the door on the other side of the house. I was mad that he had left the door open as well, thinking that the heat was still on.

12009 September 26

I crossed the camp ground and headed toward the large barn-like structure. I was to the north of the barn, watching myself move across the field to the west of the barn, toward the barn. The barn did not seem to have any walls, and i could see the thin wood beams that held up the two-floor structure. I was then crossing the field, heading to the west-northwest, toward the large opening in the top part of the barn. I flew toward the opening, noticing the wooden ladder-like structure over the top of the square opening. It was for people to climb into the window. I stepped through the square window and started walking around the barn. I then looked back to the southwest. There were other people moving across the cut grass of the lawn. The barn seemed to be on the eastern end of the northern edge of the lawn. The lawn sloped down slightly to the south. The people were from the camp, and they were playing some kind of a game in costumes. The tall thin dark-skinned man in the dark-purple suit looked at me suddenly as he strode up the hill to the north. He was to the west of the barn when he called to me. Another person was walking in front of him. The other person seemed shorter and was wearing a light-colored jacket. The dark-skinned man called to me, and it seemed that he was threatening me as part of the game that they were playing. He smiled, and i could see the white fangs in him mouth. He was dressed as a vampire. I turned to the east and ran into the center of the barn. The man followed me. I turned several corners in the barn, which seemed to be crowded with internal wooden structures. A wooden square seemed to fill the center of the barn, making the barn appear as a building inside a building. A corridor ran around the sides of the structure, separating it from the outer walls of the barn. The structure had two levels, and there seemed to be an east-to-west corridor running down the center of the structure. Part of this corridor extended to the second level of the structure, and it seemed that there might be a ramp running up to the west, from the eastern end of the lower part of the structure to the middle of the upper part. The structure was mostly made of wooden beams, about a deci thick. None of the wood seemed to be painted or finished. I stopped at the southeast corner of the structure, joking with the man who had been chasing me. A third man yelled to us from the east. He was coming after us, and he seemed rather serious. I joked with the tall thin man about this, and i asked him if he could fly. I knew that he could, because he was a vampire. We started running into the center of the structure, to get away from the third man. I was going to meet the thin man at the top of the structure, because both of us could fly. I started to move to the north, but the thin man told me to wait as he pulled a ladder down from the center of the structure. It was an aluminium ladder, and i realized that the thin man was not really going to fly. He was actually going to use the ladder to make it seem that he was flying up to the upper level. I was not interested in using it. I ran around to the north side of the structure and started flying up into the room. I realized that the thin man actually could not fly. He was just playing a character that could fly. I wondered if he would be surprised that i could fly. The third man came into the barn. He was very close to me, and i was afraid that he would capture me. I hovered in the air to the northwest of the structure, and the third man ran beneath me, heading around the structure looking for us. I realized that he could not see me in the darkness. I called to him, teasing him. He froze for a moment, spinning around and looking up to the west. He was looking at me, but he could not see me. He seemed to be $A549. I wondered if the tall thin man, who seemed to be on the second level of the structure, to the east of me, was watching what was happening. He would be very amused. I started joking with the man on the ground, playing with him because he was afraid of the fact that i was flying. “Hand, hand, finger, foot”, i said, teasing him. As i said foot, i swatted the man in the chest with my right foot. He stood in shock. Neither of them realized that i could actually fly.

I came to the western edge of the area. I had been traveling to the west, but i was supposed to get on the bus to take me to my grandmother’s. I stood in the large field, where the train tracks ran east to west. The large old train stood to the north of me. It was loading, but i was not supposed to get on the train here. The bus driver could see me as i wandered around near the front of the bus, which was the train’s engine. I had something to do, and i thought about it as i wandered. The train then started moving. I knew that i would have to be on the train to get to where i was going, but this did not seem to be the place where i would get on the train. I walked along the side of the train, wondering how i would get to the next station before the train did. I knew that this is what i would have to do, but i started to wonder if this was really the train that i was supposed to be on. I walked to the east, across the open field. This place seemed old and worn, as though it was part of an abandoned city. There was ragged grass growing all round, and there seemed to be small stone or cement buildings spotting the country landscape. I walked to the east, over the gravel road. I realized that the train was no longer following me, and i looked back to see where it had gone. The tracks were to the north of me now, running on the northern side of a small field. There were bushes growing around the tracks, and the train was following the tracks around a corner, turning to the north. I felt a little confused, wondering if the train would actually be coming to the station that i was heading toward. I looked ahead, down the ashen stone path that led to the east. I could see tracks ahead of me. I was following them, but these were not the tracks that the train had taken. I felt confused, and i looked back to the northwest, wondering if the train would be able to come back. I then noticed that there was a set of tracks curving toward me from the northwest. The train must have diverted to the north, behind the dull-green bushy patch of trees that masked most of the town to the north. The train would be coming back in this direction. I might even have enough time to walk ahead of it down the tracks to get to the next station. I turned back to the east and hurried forward, looking at the gray stones that ran in a narrow path down the center of the tracks. I could hear the train coming around the corner behind me. I would have to hurry to the next station so that i could get onto the train. I wondered if there was enough room to walk along side of the tracks ahead, to the southeast. I worried that the corridor would be too narrow, and i would end up walking down the right-hand set of tracks. There seemed to be a short fence on the southwest of the tracks, and there was a tall cliff or structure on the northeast. There were two sets of tracks, and i knew that the train would be driving on the darker set to the north. As i came into the corridor, i realized that the gravel area to the south was actually a walking area, so i felt better about following it. I hurried toward the platform, which i could now see ahead of me. The tall structure to the north of me was an old brick building that seemed to be part of an abandoned factory. The station was a long open structure on the southern side of the tracks. It looked fairly old and seemed to be made of heavily painted metal girders that seemed to be rusting around the edges. I followed the tracks around the curve of the brick building, turning to the east. I then realized that there was something picturesque about the dingy structures around me. I came to the end of the tracks, where they ended at the docking bays of the brick building. The cement of the dock seemed pale in comparison to the grays of the rest of this area. I turned around quickly, looking back to the southwest, along the side of the tall building. The building was curved, but it was very nice to look at. I realized that it would make a wonderful picture. I had to get my camera out of my backpack before the train came. I quickly turned to the east and put my blue backpack down on the counter to the east of me, pulling my camera out of the bag. I turned it on and focused it on the corner of the building, but the train was already coming around. The grays of the building were very beautiful, and the dark haze of the train looked very nice. The train seemed to be a heavy black coal engine from the early 11900s. I tried to take the picture, but the camera was too close. I still had the zoom lens on, and it focused too much on the center of the picture, loosing the outside detail. It also blurred, unable to focus in time to take the picture. I was disappointed as the train pulled along the building and stopped at the docking bays to the west of me. I turned back to the east, where i had left my backpack on the trunk of a dark-blue car. I realized that there was a man standing near the south side of the car, and i became suspicious that he had taken something from my backpack. I walked over to the bag and pulled out my notebook. My ticket had been hidden in the spiral notebook. I leafed through the notebook, but i could not find my ticket, which was as mall white rectangle. I turned to the west and called to the man, asking him what he had in his pockets. He came back. He seemed rather familiar. He was oriental, with a nice face and short black hair. He seemed like John Cho. He came back to the rear of my car and told me that he had his ticket in his pocket. He showed me the ticket. It was crumpled, and it seemed as though it had been in his pocket for a long time. There was also a red piece of something stuck to the side of it. It seemed like dried gum. It did not seem to be my ticket, so i handed it back to the man. I was disappointed. He put the white ticket back into something he was carrying and headed back to the west. I turned to the east, starting to look through the backpack, which was now sitting in the trunk of my car. The car was parked on the southern side of the road, in front of an old factory building. This part of the city seemed run down. The station was still to the west of me, and the train was starting to load. I could not find my ticket in my bag. I knew that i had left it in the notebook, and i started leafing through the notebook. I started to feel desperate. I did not want to miss the train. I pulled my backpack from the trunk and took out the notebook. I grabbed it by the spiral binding and started shaking it out on the sidewalk to the south of the car, trying to dump the ticket out of it. Nothing fell out. I must have lost the ticket before. I felt bad. I stood up and paced on the southern side of my car. The bus, which looked like an old black steam engine, was still packed in the lot. I wondered how long it would be loading. I then realized that it would not matter since i no longer had a ticket. I knew that my relatives would be disappointed in me, and i felt frustrated. I would not pay for another ticket, so i would simply have to figure out another way to go, or simply not go. I did not know what to do. I moved along the southern side of the truck. The truck was parked to the east of my car, and i seemed to have some relation to it. I walked to the back of it and adjusted some of the furniture that was in the back. Some people walked along the northern side of the truck, heading to the station to the west. I became aware of one of them in particular, who seemed to be a young man. He seemed to be around twenty, and i felt suspicious of him. I checked the stuff in the back of the truck. The man was then climbing the back of the truck, playing with something to near the tail of the truck. I adjusted the tall wooden chair with the fluffy yellow padding, pushing it closer to the cab. The younger brother of the man started saying something to me. He was challenging me, thinking that i had no authority over the stuff here. I was not really sure that any of this stuff was mine, but i did not think that the men should be taking things from the truck either. I looked to the west, seeing that the man was pulling something from the neck of the large water bottles. It seemed to be a leather grip that was wrapped around the neck of the jugs. The man pulled one off, and i asked him about it. He said that it was leather, and he said that he was taking it. He was not threatened by me. I tried to pull some of the other things together on the truck. I could not leave them in the back of the truck once i left. I was going to leave the cars here when i traveled to the west, but i would have to secure this stuff. I walked to the cab of the truck, still to the south of the truck. I had keys to the cab, and i pulled them from my left pocket. I looked at the set of keys, not sure which exactly opened the truck. I tried to long one, but it was not quite right. I then looked closely at the keys, aware of the men moving around on the back of the truck. I tried another key, lifting it over the top of the cab and using it to unscrew the phillips-head screw on the metal case over the top of the cab. The screw seemed to be in the side of a cardboard box. I unscrewed it, allowing the four lids of the box to open. The man was then standing just to the west of me, then. I turned to confront him, but he did not seem intimidated. I looked into the box as it opened up, noticing that it was filled with toys. Some of them seemed old, and i found them interesting. I wondered if any would be good to collect. I then recognized some action figures in the upper left side of the box. There was a large plastic figure of Luke Skywalker in gray snow gear from Hoth, with smaller plastic figures around it. I closed the lid of the box again so that the man could not see in. I did not want him taking any of the other things from the truck. I turned to him, but he would not leave. There was something interesting about him, but i was annoyed that he was here.

12009 September 27

I was staying with $F4 in the house in the suburban area. I left the house and headed to the south, across the lawn. Something was happening here. The area around us seemed commercial, with shops and plazas surrounding the apartment complex that i was now standing in. I had walked from the red brick building to the northwest of me. The building was at a slight angle to the east-northeast. To the south of me was a similar building that was aligned east to west. All of the buildings were two or three stories and seemed to be surfaced with brick. To the west of the apartment complex was a large low building that seemed to be a mall. I could see the roof of the back of the mall between two of the apartment buildings. Something was happening there. The mall appeared to be on fire, and the glow of the flames light up the sky. I then could see the mall as if it was much closer to me, and i noticed a person walking across the gray roof. He was walking to the southeast, crossing in front of the flames, which were to the west. This did not seem quite real, and i wondered what was really happening here. The events seemed strange and out of place. I talked to $F4 about this, mentioning how strange these events seemed. It then seemed to be later, as though some time had passed. I was still standing in the apartment complex, but i could not see the fire at the mall anymore. I wondered what had happened to the fire, whether it had been put out or not. There seemed to be no concern about the incident, and i felt confused as to what really happened. $F4 walked toward me from the north with $A358. I commented about the brother of Jesus having to take over the situation. Something still felt strange. I then realized that the church to the west had caught fire and not the mall. The church seemed to be on the southern side of the street that was to the south of the mall. $F4 and his brother turned and headed back to the southeast, back toward $F4’s apartment. We were approaching from the northwestern side of the building. This was the back side of the apartment.

12009 September 29

We had to leave soon to catch the bus. My grandfather said something, and i started to the south, across the back room of my parents’ house, to get my things for school. I felt rushed and did not think that i had time to collect everything that i needed for school. My grandfather thought that i was ready, but i did not have my things together yet. I rushed up the stairs to get my things from the small bedroom at the front of the house. The bed was against the northern wall on the eastern side of the room. I walked over to the center of it and started stuffing things into my backpack near it. As i did so, i heard the diesel engine of the bus start to leave from the front of the house. The school bus had already come and was now leaving. I was upset that i had missed it, and i could hear my grandfather cursing from downstairs. I would have to wait for the next bus to come to take me to school. I was upset about this and angry that i had missed the first bus. I would be late for school. I moved to the western side of the room and started digging through the closet for something. I had to get everything into my bag to get ready for school, but i could not find what i was looking for. I felt rushed and tense. My grandfather was waiting outside the house for me. I ran back down the stairs, coming out on the driveway to the east of the house. My grandfather was impatiently driving an old rust-colored car up and down the driveway, waiting for me. I was upset that he had to wait for me and told him that he should just go to work. I did not want him waiting on me. He seemed angry and told me that i could not miss school. I told him that i would take the next bus, but he urged me to go now. I felt stressed and distraught, telling him that i was not prepared. In exasperation, i started listing the things that i had to do before i could leave for school; i said that i had no lunch, i had nothing to make lunch with, i had no money, and i did not have my books. I felt upset and walked back into the house. My grandfather was still angry with me and headed back toward the house after me. My mother was outside as well, and she headed toward the kitchen door. My grandfather followed her into the kitchen. I entered the kitchen from the western door, inside the house. My mother was on the northern side of the kitchen, and my grandfather was still standing to the south of the peninsula counter, just inside the door from the outside. “This is bullshit!”, he shouted to my mother. I was very upset about everything, and started to feel bad about what i had said. I hoped that i did not exaggerate too much about not being ready and not having money.

I was moving the things out from the garage, which seemed to be on the northern side of the property. I wanted to get my things out of here and take them home with me. I grabbed several boxes of things and started moving them. My mother had kept stuff in this garage as well, and i wondered whether any of the boxes contained her stuff. I picked up some things and headed to the south, across the paved parking lot. I carried a guitar in my left hand and a large white bell-shaped object in my right. The white object was hanging from a chain. It seemed to be porcelain, but i knew that it was made of a much lighter material. It seemed very old, and i thought that it would be better if i took it out of storage and put it in the building, which was to the southwest of me. I felt interested in the object and wanted to display it in the house, which i was going to decorate with the things that i brought from the garage. I hoped that the bell was not actually one of my mother’s things. I looked at it as i carried it. It was about a meter tall and seemed to be made of paper. I thought about the way the paper was shaped in the from of a bell, thinking that it could be stapled around the edges. I then realized that they did not have staples back when the bell was made, so there could be no staples in the paper. I explained to the other person that it was held together by a piece of bent metal, similar to a paperclip. As it tipped the bell in my hands, i noticed the thick rope that was threaded through the top of the bell. I tipped the tulip-shaped bell over and looked down the center of it. Its walls were now very thin and seemed fragile. There was a four-pointed mace-like clapper hanging in the center of the tube. I thought about how i could put the bell in the house, and then thought that i could tell people that it was the Liberty Bell. I knew that it was not, thought. It was just an original bell from a tower in colonial America. The bell did have some patriotic significance, thought. I brought the bell and the other things into the building, which had been to the southwest of me. This place seemed like a small conference center, and i was standing in the small entry hall, looking down the corridor. The corridor branched to the north and south, but only ran a meter or so to the south, stopping in front of a doorway to a conference room. I looked to the west, into the small classroom. I could not put the things there because the room was full of children. The conference room to the southwest seemed to be occupied with businessmen who were discussing something. I did not want to disturb them. I turned to the south and walked into the empty conference room at the end of the corridor. There was a large wooden table in the center with bright-red chairs around it. Everything seemed modern in design, and the room seemed very bright and clean. I tried to put the bell down on the northern end of the table, but thought that i really should not. There was not enough room on the table to hold it, and i did not want it to fall off and break. I looked around the room, wondering where i should put it. I then looked at the bell as i decided to take it into one of the other rooms and find a better place for it. The bell was now a red glass lamp. The glass was transparent, and i could see bubble details down the sides of the lamp. The lamp must have belonged to my mother. It was not as significant as i had thought that it was, and i wondered what i should do with it.

I was in the old movie with the men in suit coats. This seemed like a movie from the fourties. James Cagney was to the southwest of me. He turned to me suddenly and moved toward me, pushing his neck into the left side of mine. This seemed like a strange thing to do, but i knew that it was a threat in the movie. He then smiled at me, because he was showing me how to threaten people so that i could intimidate them. I turned around among the others and started to talk like Cagney, using the strange wide accent that he used in the movies. It was a joke to talk like him, and i thought that it would intimidate some of the other people there. I moved close to a man to the southeast of me. I stood with my neck to the side of his, trying to threaten him. I did not look at him, but kept my face turned over his shoulder, but i had my eyes to the side so that i could stare at him. I spoke with the accent. Something about this pose was intimidating, and i felt that i was doing it properly.